M.- ' ■ COUPON A —-j.
Men’s Shirts
With Tkla Cnim Onlj
Perfect quality. Solid colors.
Blue and tan. Fused collars
Perfectly tailored. Sizes 14 to
17.—Street Floor.
—_ _
■ COUPON I — i'i ■;
Boys' Blue Denim
With This Cmmb Only
Famous brand Sanforized blue
denims. Western style Copper
riveted 4 pockets. Size 8-16.
Limit 3—Street Fleer.
Print Rayon Dresses
With Thi« Cum Oulr
Washable prints and plain
colors. For the hot days
ahead, for business or home.
8ize6 12-52—Street Fleer.
■■■ i * ■ ... ■ --- ■ -
Reversible Summer
With This Cm« Oaly
9x12’ and 8x10* site, heavy
quality, natural fiber russ,
with Interrupted stripe effect.
Wine. blue, ireen. tan or rose.
—Third Fleer.
5-Pc. Dinette Set
With This Chni Only
C5x40~ stainless porcelain top.
SKI* extension leaves. S-type
chrome chairs. Leatherette
covered.—Downstair*. *
"T" ' I COUPON P 3=SB5
Modem Bedroom Suita
With This Chhi Only
Beautiful walnut veneer. Solid
hardwod construction. Pull
slae bed. larce chest, choice of
dresser or vanity. Fearth Fleer.
Girls' Cotton Dresses
With Thl» Coupon Only
White stripes on brown gM iW|
or green; self-ruffled. ■ ,UU
Peter-Psn collar and ■
two bis pockets. Sizes 1
7-12.—Second Floor. ■
..COUPON 2 —==
Tots' Spring Coats
With Thlo Coapen Only
Fully lined. "Prlncesi tM QO
Style 1 tot coets: pert- ■ a«J&
wool: rose, blue end E
two-tone. 4-5-6..— Sec- S
end Floer. ■__
i - COUPON 3 ^^=32=
Girls' White Dresses
With Thle Coupon Only
Bellerlne etyle reyon M 44
tefletes. ruffle bottom. MM
tie-beck eesh. eome bo
leros. 7-14 — Seeond
Fleer._ _■_
Girls' 2-Pc. Crepe Pojamos
With Thlo Conpoe Only
Butcher-boy etyle. ehort ^ 00
sleeve, full cut. Pink. | ,Otf
blue end peech. Site* 1
8.18.—Seeond Floor. I
COUPON 3 === .
Baby's Welsh Carriage
With Thlo Covpob Only
10" wheels. 1" tire. tM Mk AA
very well constructed ■ Mm ■ W
In navy, grey or tur- ■
quolse Collapsible ■
—Second Floor. ■ ■ I
Giris' Seersucker Pojamos
With Thlo Coupon Only
1- pc. style with button
on seat, short sleeves. # w6
full cut, pastels. Sizes M
2- 6 —Seeond Floor1 W
~ ■ ■ 1 =■ COUPON 7 i - j
Tots' & Toddlers' Dresses
With Thla Cosayn Only
Adorable-atyls "Sunday" S Q
dresses, in luana and | ■*|5
rayon; alze 1-3; 3-9. B
geeend Tiff. g
Girls' Fully-Lined Coats
With This Csasaa Only
Doublr-breasted, f I l b ^g QA
shirred aides. In kelly
and aoua fully-lined tor m
better wear. .-14—
Second Finer.__
Tots' & Toddlers' Sunsuits
With This Ceases Only
Fine cotton knit. In M Ap
royal, red. sreen. mala# II lib
—also ideal awlmsult. (IW
Size* 5. 4, 9, 8—See
ond Floor. —
Boys' Broodcloth Pojomos
With This Cesses Only
C-pc. full cut. rost atyls ^ fiO
In neat stripes with elaa- J ivO
»le panta. Vat-dyed. II
9-19—Street Floor. U_
=== COUPON 11 1 ■'==
Boys' Shirts and Shorts
With This Cesson Onlr
Knit shirts and shorts. m .
plain. Perfects and lr- ■■ Jg C
rocs. 6-19 yra— Street #ftA
^==== COUPON 12 1
Boys' Sptyt Shirts
With Thia Ceases Only
Short sleere. sport col- #g^gft
lars In spun rayon. If If L
broadcloths and nopltna.
Pull cut, 9-18 yrr— BUI
gtreat Fleer.
. COUPON 13 =rf=irin7==
Boys' Polo and Tee Shirts
With Thle C«ip»b Only
Famous Utica and other M M **
fine makes Combed JB JB ^
yarns Full cut. Colors, *B £B
atripee. Perfs. * lrregs.
8 . M., L.—Street Floor. I 1
Boys' Swim Trunks
With Thle Connon ObN
Famous - make box** OQ
style. Elastic top. Fine ■
quality gabardine and R
poplins. Sizes 6-18 yrs. II
—Street Floor. ■
Boys' Sanforized Overalls
With Thle Ceaaen Only
Sanforized, washable
with bib and Ruspenders.
Full cut. blue. tan.
green. .3-10 yrs.—Street
■' ■ - COUPON 14 .=
Boys' Prep Graduation Suits |
With This Coupon Only
Double breasted. In
navy. blue, grey or
fancy patterns Wool
con lab. 10-18 yrs.
—Street Floor.
" ■■= COUPON 17 1
Boys' White Gabardine Suits
With This Coupon Only
Long or short pants.
Single or double breast
ed For dress or special
occcasions. 6-12 yrs —
Street Floor.
~ COUPON 18 ■ =5
Boys' Sanforized Slacks
With This CoBDon Only
Washable gabardines. gM OO
twills, poplin, or white ■ aJa
ducks. r'ull cut. woven ■
cotton. Perf. and Jrreg*. ■
6-18 yrs.—Street Floor. ■
—1 = COUPON 19 ~
Boys' Gabardine Slacks
With This Coupon Onl.
Wool and rayon, zipper
i fly. pleated front. Per
| fects. samples and irregs.
I 8-18 yrs.—Street Floor.
. , - -■ e=
■s COUPON 20 =j~. ■ =
Boys' Wash Shorts
With Thi* Coupon Only
Sanforized, with belted
waistband Full cut. L IfC
Washable*, twills, and
checks. 6-12 years — H ■■ ■
—Street Floor. WWW
10-Rib Umbrellas
With This Coupon Only
10-rib. rayon fabric, as
sorted print* and plain
eotton with rayon bor
der*.—Street Floor.
1 ; COUPON 77 ■ ■ ■
Men's Broadcloth Pajamas
With This Coupes Only
Fine broadcloth pajamas ftQ
with notch collars, middy ”1 tUv
atyle, striped patterns. m
Sizes A. B, C, D.—Street M
Floor. Hi
Men's Broadcloth Shirts
With This Coupon Only
Whites, stripes, figured TA
patterns Sanforized fl a f ■§
shrunk. Fused collars Ir- m
regs.. 14-17. — Street I
Floor. ■
= =~ COUPON 24 =
Men's Athletic Shirts & Shorts
With Thia Coupon Only
Perfect aborts, stripes. ^
figured patterns. Sizes 28- C
44. Shirts, ribbed. Sizes ■ ■■■i
34-4ft.—Street Floor. W ■
Men's Sport Shirts
With Thia Coupon Only
Perfect uuality. solid eol- OQ
ora in washable cotton. I iVU
Short sleeroo. S. M. L.— R
Street Floor. ■
Men's Sport Shirts
With This Coupon Only
i Perfects A Irregs . long
! sleeve, fine rayon, sanfor- I f
ized cottons White and M
colors. 8. M, L.—Street m
| Floor. M
Men's Tee Shirts
With This Coupon Only
Perfects A irregulars.
Fine combed cotton In
whites and color*. Crew
neck, short sleeve Sizes BIBB
S, M. L—Street Floor. W W
— = COUPON 2* - ■ -HW -
Men's Robes
With Thi, Cobpbb
Perfect, A irres, . ray
on, 8«nforl,ed eerr
•ucker, chembrxv, In
stripe, tnd solids, 8. M.
L—Street Fleor.
..- COUPON 29 -r~=
Men's Hose
With Thie Coupen Only
Perfect quality, fine cot
ton hoae. Longa, and elaa- *
tic ton anklets. Sizea 10
3 2.—Street fleer.
Men's Knit Union Suits
With This Coupon Only
Irrega. of famous make. ^ fifi
Short-sleeve, and ankle | «VV
length. Combed yarn. jff
8ize* .30-44. — Street H
Fleer. ■
Men's Hose
With Thle Ceapea ObIt
Irrega. regular length and
elastic-top anklets. Rayons
and cottons. Stripes and
figures.—Street Fleer.
"Sweet Orr" Overalls
With Thle Cobpbb
Famous carpenters white
overalls, bar-tacked for
extra strength. Pre
shrunk. Sizes .34-44—
Street Fleor.
■ ■■■= COUPON 33 =
Men's Gabardine Slacks
With Thle Cobbob Only
J*r,-»hrunk cotton teber
dlne. full cut. well tai
lored. blue A brown. 81,ee
28-43—Street Fleer.
Lady Hamilton Arch Shoes
With Thle Coupen Only
Beverol etylei In pump,
I or tlee. An exceptional
I value SI,el 4-10, AA
to ZEE —Street Fleer.
■ ■ — COUPON 3d ====== i
Women's Nurses Oxfords
With This Coepon Only
Medlco-Pedlc nurse ox
fords in fine kid leathers.
Well wearing and com
fortable 4-10. AA to
EEE—Street Fleor.
| Women's Casual & Playshoes
With Thia Coupon Only
Several styles In newest
summer colors. All sizes.
1 An outstanding value.—
| Street Floor.
Women’s & Girls’ Sport Oxfords
With This Coupon Only
Black or brown in many
new styles. Goodyear welt.
Sizes for all.'Get several
| pairs—Street Floor.
Boys' & Girls' Sandals
With This Coupen Only
Barefoot sandals to keen
their feet cool during the
hot summer months.
Small 5 to large 3.—
Street Fleer.
Brown & White Saddle Oxfords
With This Coupon Only
Sturdy wearing sole Si OQ
fine leather uppers. For
boys and girls; all sizes g
i to 3—Street Floor. Ml
Women's House Slippers
With This Coupon Only
A large array of style and H/i
colors in sires for all. An | ■*§*¥
excellent gift for Mother's li
Day.—Street Floor. 1
= COUPON 41 1 -
Men's & Big Boys' Loafers
With This Coupon Only
Brown only. Sturdy com* M QQ
position soles. All sizes a0Q
for men and big boys.— £M|
Street Floor. SJ
Boys' Tennis Shoes
With Thi. Cess.a Only
Sturdy, reinforced toes. ^ TA
with erch support. Dur- lllW
able construction. All X
sires to 6.—Street Fleer. I
' COUPON 43 - . * :
Cotton Dresses
With Thia Cnpta Only
Prlnta and check* In 0^ el
washable fast colors. a
Many atylea. Slsea 12- M
62—Street Floar. ■
■■■• ■' ■ ' ' COUPON 44
Cotton Dresses
With Thia Coupon Only
Washable prints. Zip- ^
per, coat and tailored ^
styles. Past colors. ■
Misses’ and Women's jl
sizes.—Second Floor. ffj
- ' COUPON 45 v-t; =
Woshoble Rayon Dresses
With This Coupon Only
Rayon crepe, light and
dark backgrounds, also
white sharkskin All
washable. Sizes *38-52.
—Second Floor.
■ = COUPON 46 ■■■ -; a=
Bemberg Rayon Sheers
With This Coupon Only
Rayon sheers and rayon
crepes in navy, black,
pastels and prints In
many styles. 12-44. —
Street Floor.
Fleecy White Toppers
With This Coupon Only
White toppers, unlined QQV
for cool comfort: in
time for graduation.
Sizese 10 to 18.—-Coats, VI
Second Floor. w
Unlined 3A Toppers
With This Canon Only
Extra - size toppers in
all wool fabrics. Grey,
black, navy. Sizes 38
44 46-62. -— Second
Junior White Dresses
With This Coupon Only
Ideal for graduation. P* QQ
Dressy styles trimmed
with eyelet embroidery.
Washable piques. 9-16. ■ ■
—Second Floor._W_
Jr. Cotton b Royon Dresses
With Thli Cnm Only
Styled especially 1 or th| M QQ
Junior - miss. Washable M a9tf
cottona, dressy rayons. gA
fl-1 8. —total Fleer. Q_
Misses' Cotton Shorts
With Thle Coupe* Only
Cotton twill summer J| 71
shorts In nary, whits | ■ | I
and color*. Sites 11-20. I
—Second Fleer. I
Extra-Size Toppers
With This Coupon Only
Unlined, ell-wool, flare M g M
back toppers: navy. MM nlK
pink, kelly, aqua, beige #■ 1
From 12-44. Sportswear !■
—Second Floor. I
Royon b Cotton Blouses
With Thla Coupon Only
Rayon crepe aollda and
dashing print*; atnped
cotton with long and
short aletves. 32-44.—
Second Floor.
Cotton Polo Shirts
With Thle Coapon Only
Cap sleeve*, combed yarn
polo shirts in jacquard
weaves. Sixes S, M. L.—
Second Floor.
Fine Compacts
With Thle Coapon Only
High lustre, gilt and all
ver finish compact! In
attractive patterns. Just
for Mother. — Street
Poper Towels—5 Rolls
With Thle Ceapen Only
Each roll contains 180
sheets of soft, absorbent
11x7'a handy towels.
—Street Fleer.
Hordwoter Soop—12 Cakes
With This Coupon Only
Lathers in hard water.
Various colors, pure
brand soap. So easy on
the hands.—Street Floor.
. - COUPON 58 g BBSS
Pepsodent Tooth Paste-3 Tabes
With Thle Conpen Only
Large size Pepsodent
tooth paste. Be smart
like Miriam—use Irium.
Limit .3—Street Floor.
> COUPON 59 ■" =
Rubbing Alcohol—2 For
With Thla Coupon Only
Rubbing alcohol 70%
proof. Isopropyl for
strains, aches or after
bath.—Street Floor.
- COUPON 60 ' - ' -
Super Suds—3 For
With Thie reason Only
Super Suds. Super Suds,
lots more suds with Su
per Suds. Pine for
baby's things or dishes.
—Street Floor.
Toilet Tissue—8 Rolls
With This Coapon Only
Petal soft. 500 double J|| ft
sheets, facial quality.— Ufl ^
Street Floor.
=—s. COUPON 62 =:
Palmolive Soap—10 For
With This Canaan Only
Regular size Palmolive
soap that la good to
your skin. 14-day beauty
treatment. — Street
Summer Straws for Women
With Thii Canaan Only
New summer hats in
lightweight a t r a w a .
black, whit# and natu
ral. — Main Finer Bat
COUPON 44 . . ■ =
51 Gauge Nylon Hose
With This Coupon Only
Irregs. All nylon top to
toe. Full fashioned Clear
and sheer. Smart new
shades. Sizes 8Va-10Va.—
Street Floor.
Silk Hose
With This Coupon Only
Full quality, perfect qual
ity, dainty picot tops.
Newest shades. 45 gauge.
—Street Floor.
51 Gauge Nylon Hose
With This r«u»on Only
Mill mends, ot highly
priced 61-gauge >11 ny
lons. Extra sheer. Sires
8tt.ll.—Street Flaor.
45 Gauge Nylons'
With This Coupon Only
Slight mill mends of full
fashioned nylons. Wanted
shades. Sizes 8Va-10Vi.—
Street floor.
= COUPON 68 ■==
45 Gauge Rayon Hose
With This Coupon Only
Full fashioned, perfect
quality, all rayon and
cotton tops for extra
wear Sizes S'/a-lO'/a —
Street Floor.
* = COUPON 69 ■■ =
No-Seam Nylons
With This Coupon Only
Slight mill mends of no
seam nylons in wanted
shades. Sizes 8,a-lOVa.
—Street Floor.
Children's Anklets
With Thin Coupon Only
Perfect quality fine cot- A
ton anklets with elastic lllv
tops in white only. Size* ■ II
—Street Floor. IV
Women's Rayon Crepe Gowns
With Thic Coupon Only
Laco and tailored atyle QA
gowns. Full cut. Perfects ”lo9v
and irregs. Extra sizes. M
42-50.— Street Floor. £b
Women's Cotton Gowns
With This Coupon Only
Women's cotton crepe Jk AA
gowns, bias cut. full p .oSf
length, sizes Iff & 17. ■ lww
I Extra sizes. — Street K
I Floor. ■
; COUPON 73 =ns - - =
Women's Jersey Petticoots
With Thia Coupon Only
Pretty half slips, two-bar A fl A
tricot in blue, maize. ■ • | A
white, tea rose; lace and ■
cocktail bottoms. 9. M, L. ■
—Street Floor. I
= COUPON 74 —
Women's Royon Gowns
With This Coupon Only
Rayon floral prints with ^ AA
V-neck, full length, reg- B JflJl
lar and extra sizes. B
Some colors. — Street B
Floor. ■
5 -- ■-■■■-= COUPON 75 ■■=■■=7-^=
Women’s ft Misses’ Rayon Slips
With Thia Coupon Only
Ravon crepe slips in new A
lengths with adjustable B a*§ f
straps. Lace trim. Pastel V
shades. 32-44. — Street B
Floor. 1
Cotton Built-Up Slip
With This Coupon Only
Cotton built-up ahoulder J| SQ
slip Pull cut. fine quality. 1 ibri
Flesh color only. 46-50. S
—Street Fluor. U
Women's Panties & Stepins
With Thia Coupon Only
Womens rayon panties ^gJtL
and step-ins with elastic
waist pastel shades Slses
X. XX. XXX—Street
Rayon Panties & Briefs
With This Coupon Only
Women s and misses' ray- A A >
on panties and briefs JA JH R
with elastic waist, tea- MM Mm
rose ti white. Irregs. HH
S. M. L.—Street Floor. | A
; — COUPON 79 . -
Mesh Corselettes
With This Coupon Onb
Summer mesh corselettes A TT
in 3 styles. 2 lengths. mm a ( |
Separate innerbelt or #■
front clasp. 34-54.— BV
Second Floor. ■
i-- ■ ■ — COUPON 80 ■ ■ ■ —
Boned Corselettes
With Thl, Coupon Only
Side-hook rayon jersey JA
tops. (Irmly boned. Light- ll.l I
weight; wide elastic gar- M
ters 34-46. — Second M
Floor. M
Boned Girdles
With This Coupon Only
10 in. side hook tirdles. ,M
Elastic side Inserts. 14 in. | gQ f
back. 28-40. — Second I
Floor. ■
Back Lace Corsets
With Thit Conpon Only
Heavily boned back lace,
front clasp, with Arm
webbini top inserts.
8iurdy cotton fabric*.
24-40.—Second Floor.
Garter Belts
With Thii Coppon Only
8 in. boned front tarter
belts: dron apron back:
side hook; adj. elastic
tarters. 28-40. — Street
and Seeond Floor.
-- COUPON 14 =====
Sugar, Creamer and Tray
With ThU Conpon Only
Silver-plated on copper:
practical dr beautiful act
for heme use or tilt tor
Mother.—Street Fleur.
■ ■ " • COUPON 15 . ii. =
Chest of Drawers
With This Cnsis Only
Unfinished 4 drawer tA QQ
style smoothly
sanded, seasoned ■ A
•wood. 34"X24"X.1&". ■ A
—Downstairs. ■ AA
==■ - COUPON -'—==
Metal Ironing Board
With This Coapon Only
Large 54" metal iron- A^ QQ
ing board. All steeL IhlVV
folding type, extremely
sturdy.—Downstairs. WW
=■■■■ ■ ■ COUPON V7~ m -sr,-=isS
10 Gal. Garbage Can
With Thii Coupon Only
Sturdy leak-nrool. hot- ^ QQ
dipped, galvanized can | .Oil
with tight fitting cover ■
and strong handle. — ■
Downstairs. ■
- COUPON M i^=
10" Oscillating Fan
With This Coupon Only
Trouble free oscillating Ail
mechanism. convenient |I.9II
on and off switch. In Wfl
chrome and black. — m A
Downstairs. w
COUPON 89 T.r; r ■ ==
Steel Wardrobe
With Thli Coupon Only
, All sturdy steel, spot ^ M QQ
welded. 64<ir’Ox2(r. 1 ■ ,QQ
— Hat shell and B #B
clothes bar. Walnut B
finish.—Downstairs. ■ ■
Steel Kitchen Base
With This Coupon Only
‘24" x *20" stainless aA A^ QQ
porcelain top kitch- * ■
i en base cabinet. 2 ■ AA
i compartments and ■ 11
| drawer.—Downstair*. ■
Kitchen Choirs
With This Coupon Only
Unfinished hardwood, fa QQ
sturdv construction, in ■■ aW
choice of .1 styles A M
real bargain. — Down
„ ■= coupon n =zrr
3-Pc. Lawn Set
With This Coupon Only
Unpainted. 2 match- fa QQ
ing chairs dr large ■ |w,WU
settee Sturdy con- ■ |1
struction Smooth ■ ■ ■
finish.—DownsUln. _
Large Framed Mirror
With This Coupon Only
24* circles »nd ov»l A
shapes. buffet types. ■■. I I
clear glass with wide M
aoltl finish frames. — M
Fourth Floor. M
Plastic Bed l^amps
With Thi« Coupon Only
New and different, all 04
Wanted ' colors. Rolled I
pleated shade with self n
bow.—Fourth Floor■_
Crystal Boudoir Lamps
With This Coupon Only
A base of clear spar- ^ AQ
kltng cryatal. 2 itylea, |
tall, alender and a 3- II
tier—Fourth Floor. I
Full Length Mirrors
With Thlg Coupon Only
lfl x SI* door mirror C4
with wide walnut finish
frame, well fitted cor
ners —Fourth Floor,_—y_
Genuine Leather Wallets
With Thia Couoon Only
New. ripper round styles APn
In aenulne leather, some 0000*
plastic. Completely fit
ted -Street Floor.
■————= COUPON 98 —_——
White Handbags
With Thia Coupon Only
New, fresh white sum- 4 IQ
mrr baas In lovely ■ • » W
framea and beautiful h
styles —Street Floor. Tox
White Plastic Handbags
With Thia Coupon Only
While plastic patent and W Qg
plastic calf baas In ■ nwur
large, roomy atyles to ■
choose from. — Street ||
Floor. ___Plus Tox
~~.—= COUPON 100 1 .=
White Summer Gloves
With Thia Coupon Only
New summer sieves In
whites & pastels Ray- IIIIQ
ons. nylons and cottons. llQl
Sizes 6-8 Va. — Street mWmB
Floor. W W
White Cotton Gloves
With Thia Coupon Only
White cotton classic
slip-ons, all new spring ArnmOG
gloves. Sizes fl-8. ’ UUgB
Street Floor._Ww
——- COUPON 102 ■.fii.TM..:
Utility Bags
With This Coupon Only
18" zipper bass. Has 4| CQ
many uses for various ■ iVv
sports. Metal frames ■
make it non-collapsible. ■
Tan -Street Floor. flut Tolc
White Dickies
With This Coupon Only
White fussy dickiea. new A
and perfect with lovely
trims. Plain and novelty. ZB JB
—Street Floor._W
. COUPON 104 :
Pastel and White Blouses
With Thia Coupon Only
New. beautiful blousea
in summer fabrics.
Paatel & white. Crepes
& sheers. Sizes 32-42.—
Street Floor,
. ... COUPON 105~...a. ■=
Men’s & Ladies’ Handkerchiefs
With This Coapoa Only
Mena In whites and
prints. Ladies’ in cot
ton and linen. I*rte
size white and prints.—
Street Fleer.
-8i-. COUPON 1M —■- 6
5-Pc. Bedroom Scorf Sets
With.This Coupon Only
Complete decorative acta M «
with lace edte or dot- G
ted Swiss. 2 scarves, a
doilies.—Street Fleer. WWR
2-Pc. Chenille Mot Sets
With Thi* Cenpon Only
Heavy quality chenille
mat and matching lid mB^ly
cover. Choice of colon. BB^V
—Street Floor. VW
■ ■ ■ -■
•-= COUPON T08 - a
Kitchen Towels
With This Coupon Only
Colored stripe dish tow
els, absorbent quality, ®B~»U
hemmed and ready for g M
use.—Street Floor. _ Hi HI
• = COUPON 109 - i
Toble Damask—Yd.
With This ronpon Only
SR* mercerised cotton
damask for long wear. M ay
Cloths and napkins. M M
Sew and save.—Street ■ I
Floor._ I ■
Quilted Mattress Pods
With Thio Conpon Only
Thick. white cotton 0*1
filled pads Single and "BgVf
full size Washable, pro- m
tects your mattress.— 11
Street Floor. W
- ■ ' -J
... 1.1..—— COUPON 111 ■■■ E '■■■ =
Turkish Towels
With Thia Conpon Only
20 * 40" bath towels.
solid colors or checked mg M y
patterns Very soft and ^ M
absorbent. — Street BI ■
Floor._ W I
==■—.coupon m ==;
Damask Dinner Cloths
With Thia Coupon Only
S4 x 82" size, white ll
damask with colored mgi f f
stripe border. Hemmed ^
and ready for use.— II
Street Floor. W
-. coupon m ==;
Muslin Sheets
With. This Coupon Only
Second* of snow white
muslin Closely woven
for Ion* wear. Sizes
72xPO": 81x90"; 81x»9".
—Street Floor. _
Bed Pillows
With Thl* Coupon Only
Blue and white striped
bed pillows filled with Ulfli
crushed chicken feath- ISIS
ers—Street Floor._VV
Chenille Spreads
With This Coupee Obit
Solid colon, some with 11
multi-color d e • 1 * n a. *J| f I
Closely stitched. Full • ■
size.—Street Fleer._W
72x90" Sheet Blankets
With This Coupon Only
8oft rotton blankets for A A
use as sheets or extra
covers. Larae 72x90" M
size. Hemmed.—Street M
Floor. —_|
81" Unbleached Sheeting—Yd,
With This Coupon Only
Wide width sheetin* for AH.
sheets, esses and fancy m C
work. Closely woven ■■ M
ouality.—Street Floor. Ww I
;— aw8 COUPON 118 . .i...' ^
Mattress Covers
With This Coupon Only
Unbleached muslin. Qfi
Washable with rubber
buttons. Boxed sides. M
full or twin size.—
treat Floor. HI_
Cannon Blankets
With This Coupon Only
Solid colors with white Qfi
striped borders Rayon ■J,DQ
blndtn*. 5ri> wool. 957- M
cotton. Seconds.—Street M
Floor. Hi_
-,r-=-=- COUPON 12Q , 7TT^==
Black Rayons—Yd.
With This Coupon Only
39" rayons, many deslr- A AA
able weaves and gusli- | PAW
ties. All at this low ■
price.—Street Floor. I
I COUPON 121 —- ■ . ■ ■
Polka Dot Rayons—Yd.
With Thlo Coupon Only
30" rayon crene In pert A | 4
dot pattern: light and ■ a | £
dark backgrounds: In ■
lovely summery shades. ■
—Street Floer. ■
Gab’dine, Sbariu’a, Rayont-Yd.
With This Conpon Only
30" crease resistant
rayon gabardine in Ins- MB J v
cloua colors or all MB M
white. White, sharkskin m M a
rayons.—Street Fleer. uF ■
r ' ■ •..!<= COUPON 123 —
®'ith This Coupon Only
36" printed cottons In A M eg
wide array of colors and JB JB |g
patterns. Washable. For flfB
, children'* clothe*, etc. ^B^B
| —Street FleerM B
; 5|§jg COUPON 124-r~~T=~
Fine Cottons—Yd.
With This Csnnon Only
Printed broadcloths. SO Afl
souare percales, cham- MB Mb w
brays, 36" wide. Pat- "BBB
terns. stripes, checks. bBBB
■—Street Floer._
• JH COUPON 123 ~ ' ■
Spun Royons—Yd.
With This Coouon Only
30" washable rayons. gadget
For smart drooses. MF,BB
blouses. etc. M a ny m
colors and patterns.— IlL
Street Fleer._
, ■ - COUPON 126 =A==o
Boys' or Girls' Bicycles
With This Cmhb Only
Full size, double bu
construction. Rims
In chrome. New De
parture brake, head
aa»- COUPON 127
6-Drawer Chests
With This Coipor Only
Solid constructed QQ
hardwood. spacious ■■■■.QQ
drawers, walnut or Mm
maple finish. — 4th M M
■ COUPON 128 i 1 ■ ^
Simmons Bed Outfits
With Thle Coupon Only
Complete with Sim- AA
mans coll springs and ■■■■.UKI
roll-edge mattresses. M
Pull or twin size. M »■
—Fourth Floor. ■V
~~~ ■ ; coupon 129 . i
Innerspring Mattresses
With This Coupon Only
Pull or twin size In- AA
nersprlng mattresses |La83
of soft, resilient. ■ ^,,rw
durable ticking. — X i. >1/
Fourth Floor. ■ W
Duplex Beds
With Thla Coupon Only
Complete with two QQ
innerspring mat* B^ m •||0
resses; opens into 2 a
twin beds. Alumi- ■ B B
num finish.—4h FI. WF ■
- ■ g - - ■ ■ c -
Hollywood Beds
With This Conpon Only
Innerspring mat- P® AA
tress atop coll box
spring for extra com
fort. Six sturdy legs. ■ ■■ ■
—Fourth Fluor. W W_
~ rnupQN 132-=;
Shower Curtain Sets
With This Coupon Only
Complete set of flxfi' QQ
shower curtain and win- "aiwv
dow curtain. Lovely pat- M
terns. Slight misprints.
—Third Floor.
— . ..i - COUPON 133 T -=1
Maple Furniture Covers
With Thio Coupon Only
Knit covers for maple M QQ
furniture cushions. Want- ^ -QQ
ed colors. Set of 1 seat. ■
and 1 back. — Third 1
Floor. ■ Set
— — —o-*-- -- ■■ ... ■ *J
■ i — COUPON 134 ==S
Window Shades
With This Coupon Only
.Tx6' ieconds of oil A ■! a
opaque window shades. m (p
Guaranteed rollers. In M
choice of colors.—Third IB M
Tobie Oilcloth—Yd.
With Thio Coupon Only
Many patterns ol slight A A,
Irregular oilcloth. Flor- n
als and checks. 48" and ggi^
54" wide.—Third Floor. B W
Plastic Tablecloths
With Thle Coupon Only
64 'x54" clear plastic ta- A BA .
ble corer protectors. ■■ f G
Save on your 'laundry ■«
bills.—Third Floor._Mi ■
-irrsTCOUPON 137 -
Knit Curtain;—Pair
With This Coupon Only
Handsome, perfect, A Aft
spider w'eato curtains. W a99
2-tone blue. 72" wide. 1
81" long.—Third Floor. I
I, —= COUPON 138 -r,
Knit Curtains—Pair
With Thl* Coupon Only
Slight lrregulara of col
ored knit curtains in lfllli
wine, blue and green. AM
Various styles. — Tljlrd
Knit Chair Slip Covers
With This Coupon Only
For all types chairs. In R7
attractive conventional *Jl*l
all-over design: blue. ^
wine, green. Sofa to Am
match. 6.97.—Third FI. W _
... .... I,-; COUPON 140 ==i
Woven Curtains
With This Coupon Onlv
Rayon and cotton tal- A CC
lored curtains. 78" long J iVO
Eggshell color. Wash- jl
Sewing Machine Covers
With This Coupon Only
Roytex sewing machme A A^
covers. Candy stripe.
blue, rose, greet/—
Third Floor. _W W
- COUPON 142 -
Ruffled Sash Curtains
With This Csnwon Only
Ruffled sash curtains In Mk _
sll qualities, styles snd
colors. For bath and
kitchen.—Third Floor. ■
1 ..COUPON 143 ' ■" "=-tro
Paper Drapes
With Thlo Coupon Only
Beautiful floral deslsn.
ruffled a t y 1 e s. white |w|w||
background, blue prim. ■ III
—Third Floor. W w
-■ • ■ ■ COUPON 144 ag
Cretonne Dropes
With Thlo Coo non Only
Floral design on natural QA
background. Pleated, *1IWH
tle-backa. 72” wide, 214
yds. long.—Third Flosr. Mi
——Mg-J COUPON 143 ~
Knit Panels
With This Coupon Only
60” for wide windows. ^ AA
colored stripes open J s49
weave, deeorntire snd jfi
practical.—Third Floor. m_
T. COUPON 146 .__l^s
Dining Room Choir Covers
With Thlo Coupon Only
Striped and floral dining IKIKft
room chair covsra. |k |m C
Boxed oleated. Colorful. |1|1
—Third Flaor._W W
Rayon Marquisette Curtails
With This Cnnpon Only
64' tailored egshel!
rayon marquisette. Side
hemmed and headed.
Summer else. — Third
Reversible Mourzouk Ruf>
With This Canto Only
8x12 and 8x10 clear- i
ly atencllad revers
ible rugs for sum
mer. Colorful floral
patterns.—Third FI.
Felt Base Rugs
With This Coupon Only
8x12' sturdy rugs In V1 Ofl
colorful tile and floral IfeiOQ
patterns. Easy to clean. ■■
□lossy smooth.—Third » B
Floor. Bw
Felt Base Rugs, 9x15
With This Coupon Only
Sturdy felt base rugs. QA
□lossy smooth surface. UPgQO
Colorful floral designs. BB
—Third Floer. W
6x9 Summer Rugs
With This Coupon Only
Mourzourk or inter- QQ
rupted stripe effects. U.OO
Reversible for all sum
mer wear. -— Third BB
Floor. w
Oriental Design Rugs
With This Coupon Only
2x4* intricate designed IMS
scatter rugs. Ideal for HfflOO
every room in the house. f
—Third Floor. _Hi
Felt Bate Floor Cov’ing-Sq. yd.
With This Coupon Only
2 and 3 yd widths In
popular colorful pat
terns. Please bring your
own measurements. — ■■■■
Third Floor.' W
Reversible Scatter Rugs
With Thli Conyon Only
27 X 54" imported coir
yarn and stenciled B BB Bis
mourzouk Lovely colors BMUU
and patterns. — Third aj mj
Axminster Rugs
With Thla Coupon On|T.
P X 12’ aize colonial Cfi
effects: all wool Ia i ^ V
famous make. Llm- afl
Ited quantity. — Bill
Third Floor. W “
24" Felt Bose Runner—Yd.
With This Coupon Only.
Sturdy, felt base that is
so easy to clean. Dur- m |p
able. Lovely patterns M M
and colors. — Third ■
Floor. ■ ■
Plastic Garment Bags
With This Coupon Only.
Clear, polyetheme pits- AQ
tic jumbo-size. Holds 10 I ■*§¥
garments. Zipper clos- 9
ure.—Street Flour.■_
Plastic Aprons—3 for
With This Coupon Only.
Dainty looking with tM AA
pattern designs trimmed ■ aW
in contrasting colors. ,1
Bib or half styles. — j|
—Street Floor. _■_
Clark’s O.N.T. Thread-# Spools
With Thla Caapon Oaly. -
Clark's O. N. T beat, 8 M
cord sewing thread. In IH.
white and black. Size
8-80. Limit 16.—Street ^A»B
Flaar. _■ W
Clark’s Crochet Cotton—4 For
With Thla Csia.a Oaly.
Clark's and Coats cro- tM AA
chet cotton White and ■ aBAJ
ecru. Size 10-30. Limit I
X Big ball. — Street ■
Boll Point Pens
With This Coupon Oaly.
Ball pens that write for A An
months. Roll the Ink on
dry.—Street Floor. WW
Puerto Rican Gowns
With This Conpon Only.
Women* Puerto Rican A TfQ
gowns Vee neck, built la 19
up back. embroidered »
front tie-back. Tearoae. B
18-17.—Street J'loor._B_
Stationery—3 For
With This Ceapea Only.
Pins quality In sttrac- M >
live deslsns and colors. BBJIW
Some borders snd fancy ^WbA
edges.—Street Hoar__^ljr^^^
Aviator Ploying Cards—2 For
With This CiisM Only.
Aviator or service play
Ins cards with a book ||||b
of rules by Hoyle. Limit BB^w
two sets.—Street _PTeer^WrBr^
With This Ctspea Only.
An exciting, fascinating *7Q
same that can be played IliV
by four or mors people. 2
= COUPON 164 ■■!.—---;
Mastercroft Paints—gal.
With This Csbpow Only.
Washable, slots enamel JB 4Q
in white A Ivory. Semi- BJa&9
»10M wa»nable in white. ^
May be tinted—Down- MM
Bundle Lot Wallpaper
With Thla Cenpen Only.
5 double rolls side wall.
18 yards border, choice
of . patterne. — Dawn
Dry Cleaning
With This Ceapem Only.
Men's suits, ladles' 1- ^B*e -
pe. plain dresses, fancy M V
dresses slightly hither. || m
limit 8.—Dewnatalrs. WW B