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“Kaap Rollin' with Nolan’’ NOLAN AUTOMOBILE LOANS Fqyorable Rates No Indorsers 1102 Niw York Avo N.W. Greyhound Bas Terminal BE. 1200 Open TiU 6 F.M. . Panel Trucks at Bargain Prices! 1041 Chevrolet 1 Ton Panel, with new motor-$390 1940 Ford Vs Ton Panel, with brand-newv motor-$395 1941 Chevrolet 1 Ton Panel $349 All passed D. C. .Inspection and ready to roll. Sold as is and where is. STEUART MOTOR CO. 3rd and H Streets N.E. See Mr. Church or Mr. Thompson AT. 5800. 'Sr WjSj^f' Jm m A 1C ^HfSJin SPECIAL I DAY SERVICE ON WATCH REPAIRS j I i | WATCHMAKERS • JEWELERS The TIMEKEEPER HOWARD LEELAND 8 SON * 913 Pa. Are. N.W. | NOW IS THE TIME Oil Burners, Fuel Oil Did you rereive prompt automatic fuel oil deliveries during the last heatinr season? When your oil burner stopped or failed to operate properly, did you rat prompt, courteous skilled aerviee, hrs. a day, 7 days a week? IF NOT! WHY NOT TRY US? We assure you of prompt, 21-hr. serv ice, automatic fuel oil delivery, e yearly service plan. SPECIAL SALE Nationally famous tun-type oil burners completely Installed. 27S-tal. tank, one-day aerviee, *265.00 Full Price | We specialize In complete heatinr in stallations. oil—coal—gas—radiators— air conditioning. 3 YEARS TO PAY For "Best” Value and Service Coll Lincoln 4099 BEST OIL BURNER CO. this ONE WONT BOUNCE—Here Is the check for $25,000 which The Star relayed to Howard University as a gift from the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation. The university will use it as a starter for a study in cancer detection and early treatment. —Star Staff Photo. Morning Mail Brings $25,000 For Howard Cancer Research Let it slip up on you unsuspect ingly, and $25,000 can produce quite a jolt .... Like the 25 grand that found its way into a newspaper office, of all places. It came disguised in a plain white envelope, like dozens of others dumped on an editor’s desk each day. Except this one was labeled “special delivery.” The most special thing about it was a green rectangular paper with red numbers. The editor allowed himself two looks, took a firmer hold on the swivel chair, and called his secretary. "This looks to me just like $25,000,” he said. (Remember, this was the early morning mail.) “You look.” She did—three times—and the editor felt better. It read $25,000 to her, too. There was an accompanying letter, of course, explaining that the $25,000 was for Howard University from the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation and signed Walter Winchell. Would the re cipient please forward it? Yesterday the check was dropped unceremoniously on the desk of Dr. Mordecai Johnson, Howard presi dent, by a reporter wanting to see how others reacted to a $25,000 bundle. Dr. Johnson reacted, all right “Not bad at all, not bad at all,” he said through a broad smile. Then he confessed he knew the money was on its way. But the five red digits raised the eyebrows and pursed the lips of his assistant, Frederick G. Stanton, who walked in a bit later. “Wow,'’ he exclaimed. “I don’t handle this much money every day. In fact, that's a gross understate ment.” Two other interested people re acted with smiles, too. They were Dr. Joseph L. Johnson, dean of medicine, and Prof. Robert J. Ja son, head of the department of pathology. They saw in the $25,000 fulfillment of their dream of cancer research at Howard. The dream began to materialize Ball Game (Continued From First Page.) Guard of Honor, followed by the standards of Washington American Legion Posts. Following will be marching pla toons of Wacs, Waves and Women Marines, carrying flags of the 48 States and three territories, with the National Guard of Honor of the Veterans of Foreign Wars bringing up the rear. After all units are assembled, the massed bands will play the Star Spangled Banner and then pay tribute to all the States. This is only the beginning of an evening that will be jam-packed with fun and entertainment. The program committee is dishing it up slowly to guard against discourag ing the teams. "You know how Congressmen like to be the whole show,” observed one member. Both teams have practice sessions scheduled this week. The Republi cans will drill at Eastern High School stadium but the site of the Democratic workout was a secret. Use of the stadium for the game has been donated by Clark Griffith, president of the Washington Base ball Club, and expenses will be held to a minimum to help swell the [camp fund. THE SENSATIONAL ALUMINUM COMBINATION STORM WINDOW That Gives You All-Year All-Weather Protection f ft Aluminum Combination STORM SASH "It'i Difierent* It's the only TRUE self storing combination storm window. Just tilt and the units slide out—mak ing cleaning a matter ti minutes. V S Section* in One! V No More Ladder Climbing r' No Storage Necessary 1 Permanent Track* For Glass And Screen The Year leand Screen stered behind glam daring the winter • At Lew at $S Par Moafli • 36 Monlkt (a Pay • laiaiadiata Bailvtry FOR STEEL CASEMENTS ROLAGLASS They Glide on Ration —So afcrapl* to operate —So way to mm and clam —So conduct** to com tort —Ventilation when you want it | Exclusive Washington Distributor 7420 Wisconsin Avenue ]' last January when the college ap plied for and received $25,000 from the United States Public Health Service for teaching purposes. Now the new $25,000 check will pave the way for research in early detection and treatment of cancer. It will provide for a full-time clini cal assistant to faculty members now conducting the clinic two hours a day, five days a week. The research will be carried on in connection with diagnosis and treat ment of the disease at Freedmen’s Hospital. Through the new grant, the university now will be able to document its work with the view to eventually concentrating on some as yet undiscovered phase which the researchers might develop. Father Given 90 Days In Slashing of Son, 4 A father yesterday got 90 days In jail for cutting his 4-year-old son on the cheek with a butcher knife. In his trial before Judge Ellen K. Raedy- in Municipal Court, Jesse Owens, 36, colored, of the 1000 block of First street N.W., denied the cutting was intentional. He said he and his wife were arguing in their kitchen yesterday and that, when he picked up a knife lying on the table, he inadvertently backed into his son ,. The wife, Virginia, told the judge" however, that the child, Eugene, was cut when Owens slashed at her and missed. Eugene, who appeared in court with his right cheek heavily bandaged, was released late yester day from Sibley Hospital after re ceiving first-aid treatment. May (Continued From First Page.) contain the .38 caliber pistol used to shoot Mr. and Mrs. May through their heads. This search is being pressed in the mountainous country of Jefferson County, Colo., near the town of Golden. The prosecutor expressed belief SOLD 7211 16th STREET N.W. This ultra-modern $50,000 new home, built by MAX GORIN & SONS, well-known Washington builders, has been purchased by MR. MAURICE ROBBIN, a prominent Washington businessman. This sale was handled by HARRY I. FRIEDMAN, Real Estate Broker, with offices in the Woodward Building. that the second suspect and the material witness will be located within a few days. “We should be able to break the case in its entirety within a week,” he said. Returns to Omaha. Mr. Richllng has Just returned to Qmaha from a five-day visit to several Colorado towns. He was accompanied*by Deputy Sheriff Lou Adler of Douglas County and Corpl. Jack Knudtsen of the Nebraska State Patrol’s Criminal Investiga tion Bureau, whom he described as an expert in lie detector examina tions. The bodies of Mr. and Mrs. May were found August 28 in a clump of bushes about 12 miles from Omaha and 2tt miles west of Boys Town. The couple was last reported seen alive the evening before. They were returning to Alexandria after visiting Mrs. May’s relatives in En glewood, Colo., a Denver suburb. Mr. May’s father, Beverly C. May, is general manager of the Alexan dria, Barcroft & Washington Tran sit Co. His grandfather, Robert L. May, owns the busline. At the time of his death Mr. May, who was 22, was attached to the company’s pub lic relations office. PENS REPAIRED while you wait Authorised Sheaf or—Porker Ever sharp—Waterman D. J. HUGHES PEN CO. 503 14th St. N.W. OmMlto WlBar* Hatal _ _ \ YOUR KITCHEN... ™ By Expail Kitchan Plannars , Capitol tirea hat the largest selection of steel or wood cabinets and sinks in and around Washington. Their experts are qualified to consult with you, advise you and render original ideas planned to fit YOUR requirements. Let Capitol Tires plan the kitchen you want as a complete package—cabinets, sink, refrigerator, range and laundry equipment—or a unit at a time. Installation it quidk, costs are at a minimum. Your satisfaction is guaran teed when Capitol Tires plans and installs your new kitchen. FREE ESTIMATES • CONVENIENT TERMS Choice of 6 Nationally Famous Lines of SINKS and CABINETS Phone For APPOINTMENT Our Expert Will Call at Your Convenience SLigo 3400 BF I&I5S 8527 GEORGIA AVE. JTTiH!hH^« SILVER SPRING, MD. I |JUAJ_JLI SLigo 3400 • Free Parking _OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P.M__ Here is the story of o new principle of design that has rocked the industry and given Hudson unique beauty not pos sible in any other type of car. The recessed floor in the new Hudson— now widely known as the “step-down” feature—is the talk of the automobile world. And rightly so! This interesting development is the key to a new kind of motor-car beauty—to riding and perform ance advantages—never before obtainable. Everyone agrees that Hudson’s new, low, streamlined silhouette bespeaks road hugging stability. People everywhere are attracted by Hudson’s clean, free-flowing lines and generous width; for here, plainly, is a new measure of grace and security. But what’s causing the most talk is the fact that only Hudson, because of its exclusive recessed floor that you step down onto, is able to offer streamlined low-built beauty without asking you to give up interior head room. Let's take a frank look at the motor-car designer’s problem. Since streamlining an automobile reduces available head room for rear-seat passengers, to achieve a low silhouette and maintain adequate head room, both floor and seats must be low ered to compensate for the lowered roof. The recessed floor is a necessity. But it is difficult to lower floors and seats, because in all cars, except Hudson, they are built on top of a frame. Only Hudson has a new, all steel Monobilt body-and frame*, part of which is a rugged base structure that permits lowering floors and seats down within the frame. These sketches illustrate how Hudson’s re cessed floor provides a low streamlined silhouette, yet preserves head room. OTHIR CARS The car above cannot be streamlined becassse the need for bead room above the reM seat (which is built on top of a frame) makes it impossible to lower the roof. OTHER CARS Of course, it is possible to adopt free-flowing lines without recessing the floor, as sketched in the car above, but over-all height must be raised, and this destroys the possibility of a low silhouette, which is the mark of the modern motor car. NEW HUDSON Here it the long, low, gracefully streamlined Hssdson ouly five feet from ground to top. You can set bow the streamlined roof comes down sharply over the rear-seat portion of the car, at compared to the other types of roof lines shown in sketches above. But Hudson floors are recessed down within the frame, stats art lowered, to you get more than ample head room. - \ • • • The “step-down” principle requires years of engineering work, the development of new production techniques and equip ment, and millions of dollars of highly specialized new plant investment. Perhaps this explains why Hudson alone offers this vital new design principle today. You'll probably expect the motor cair that is the talk of the nation to offer you even more than beauty and comfort. And it does! Your nearby Hudson dealer will show you The Importance of “Stepping Down”—its results not only in beauty and comfort, but also in riding and driving ease, performance and safety. Hudson Motor Car Company, Detroit 14. •Trade-mark and patents pending ft 7%/s rime /fs ribe/soa ! Come in and get the full story of The Importance of "Stepping Down" BURROWS MOTOR CO. DISTRICT MOTOR CO. NEW YORK AVE. MOTOR CO. POTOMAC MOTOR SALES, INC. *RMS™0RLM?J0Rw’ ,MC' 900 H Street S.E. 1500 14th Street N.W. 000 New Terk Area.. N.W. 1*00 New^H»e.».hire Arena. N.W. ***^25*22 11, D.C.' A-1 AUTO WORKS* PRICE MOTOrVo” INC. QUEENS CHAPEL MOTORS, INC. CALL CARL MOTORS, INC. COLLEGE PAFIK AUTO PLACE HAWKINS MOTOR CO., INC. OLD DOMINION MOTORS. INC. GREENWOOD SALES A SERVICE M. T. BOONE •SOI CetaaMa Pike Artlnstea, Va. 833 N. Pitt Street AlaxanOria. Va. 4505 Lee Hlrkw.r Arllattea, Va.330 Lee Hlshw.r _