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D. C. Bank Fiduciaries Expected to Elect Frantz Chairman By Edward C. Stone B. Bruce Frantz, vice chairman of the Fiduciaries Section of the District Bankers’ Association, is slated for election as chairman for next year to succeed Willard G. M c G r a w, Union Trust Co., it was learned today. At next week’s annual meeting at the Washing ton Golf and Country Club the Executive Council will be chosen, which in turn names the officers. Mr. Frantz is assist ant trust invest Bruce Franti. ment officer of the American Se curity & Trust Co. and past presi dent of Washington Chapter, Amer ican Institute of Banking. In addition to Mr. Frantz nom inees for the council include Edward A Dent, jr., Metropolitan; Herman G. Lauten, National Savings; Henry H Lefferts, Washington Loan; Frederick H. Church, jr., Riggs; Thomas Grant, jr., Union Trust. Bond Club Chairmen Listed. Harvey B. Gram, jr., president pf the Washington Bond Club, to day announced the chairmen for ;he big annual outing to be held it the Manor Club on Friday, May 28. Millard W^st will be general :h airman. Tom Anglin will be in charge of tickets; Bernie Ness, prizes; Eddie Rouse, stock exchange: Willis Hurd, dinner; George Galleher, refresh ments; Dick Johnson, golf; Jerry Howell, putting; Bob Norman, horse ihoes. The program and prizes will be more elaborate than ever. The other ;lub officers are Fenton Cramer, rice president; William Coe, secre iary-treasurer; Austin Rohrbaugh ind Eddie Rouse, governors. Stan ley Carr. Jimmy Nolan and Sam Bryson make up the Nominating Committee. Store Stocks Up Slightly. Stocks on hand in Washington de partment stores at the end of March sere 2 per cent higher than a year igo, while orders for goods were 15 per cent lower, the Richmond Re lerve Bank reported. Receivables *rere 23 per cent higher than a year »go. Of current bills due on March t, 48 per cent were collected; of in Uallments. 22 per cent. More than 1.000 invitations have peen issued to the 50th aniversary party of the Fred S. Gichner Iron Works, to be held at 1214 Twenty lourth street N.W., tomorrow' night. Mr. Gichner, the founder, will be present. Officers and directors of the Mu rual Fire Insurance Co. of Mont »omery County, Md., at Sandy spring, will hold a dinner at the Manor Club on June 1, commem »rating the 100th anniversary of the jompany. Robert V. Fleming, president of Ihe Riggs National Bank, will ad iress the annual convention of the Sforth Carolina Bankers’ Associa ,ion, at Pinehurst, next Tuesday. | Business Briefs \ Money in Circulation totaled $27. '62.000.000 on May 12, unchanged :rom a week earlier and $372,000,000 »elow a year earlier—Federal Re ;erve Board. Retail Trade increased moderately n the week ended May 12 under the itimulus of Mother's Day gift buy ng. seasonal promotions and favor able weather, and averaged 6% to i0% above a year ago—Dun & 3radstreet. Bituminous Coal Output in the veek ended May 8 approximated 12, 180,000 tons vs. 13.800.000 in the pre cious wreek and 13.060,000 in the like 947 week—National Coal Associ itlon. Cash Dividend rayments in April xrtaJed $456,000,000. a gain of 14% from a year earlier — Commerce Department. Payments in three nontbs ended April 30 totaled il.250,900.000, a rise of 13%. Stock Exchange Membership sold ior $63,000, highest since October ,7, and an increase of $1,000 from he last previous sale. Exchange jovernors rejected a seat retirement ilan. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad rtockholders voted almost unani mously to take over the Florida East Coast Railway at a cost of ’.40,500,000, and accepted a plan for riorida East Coast reorganization tpproved by the ICC. Paramount Pictures, lnc„ earned i 17,760,000 or $1.11 a share in three nonths ended April 3 vs. $9,522,000 ir $1.30 a year earlier. Lone Star Gas Co. net income for hree months ended March 31 was i7.511.601 or $1.36 vs. $5,989.411 or il .08 in the same 1947 period. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. earned '.24,535,138 or $2.40 in 12 months ■nded March 31 vs. $24,502,439 or >2.57 in the previous year. Weyerhaeuser Timber Co., net income for 1947 was $17,913,768 or (5.97 vs. $12,995,478 or $4.33 in 1946. Johnson & Johnson profit for the March quarter was $3,433,000 or tl.82 vs. $2,406,000 or $1.28 in the same 1947 period. General American Transportation Dorp, earned $4,411,494 or $1.20 in ;he March quarter vs. $1,549,686 or II 49 Central & South West Corp. net lor the March quarter was $1,963.-; *08 or 30 cents vs. $1,965,681 or 30{ tents. Great W'estern Sugar Co. earned >5.888,348 or $2.69 in 12 months end-, td February 29 vs.-$4,456,136 or $1.89 j n the previous year. American Meter Co. net for 1947 gas $1,489,079 or $611 vs. $698,397 >r $2.87 in 1946. Columbian Carbon Co. earned $1. 168.644 or $1.22 in the March luarter, Including $564,457 of nonre turring income, vs. $1622,083 or $1.01 i year earlier. Mack Trucks, Inc., profit for the March quarter was $1,436,090 or 96 tents vs. $1,380,759 or 92 cents in ihe same 1947 period. Alleghany Corp. net income for ihe March quarter was $1,502,587 rt. $231,939. Tennessee Gas Transmission Dorp, earned $1,349,226 or 54 cents n the March quarter, and $5,418.911 >r $2.28 in 12 months ended March II. No comparisons were available. Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. let for 12 months ended March 31 gas $7,662,156 or $2.80 vs. $7,168,035 *r $2.59 in the preceding fiscal leriod. General Telephone Corp. earned 1767,125 or 67 cents in the March luarter vs. $731,430 or 74 cents a Mar earlier. A ' N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE I (Furnished hr the Associated Press.) Saits— Stock Add Net Dividend Rate. 00 High. Low. 2:30. chge ABBOTT LAB-:a 15 74% 73% 74%+1% *Abr&Slr2Vae 10 95 95 95 +5 A C F-Brili Mot 17 6 5% 6 + % Acme Steel 4a 3 54% 53% 54% + % Adams Bid 85* 20 20% 20% 20%+ % Addresao-Mult 2 8 35% 34% 35% y 1 Air Reduction 1 49 26% 25% 26% + % tAla & Vicks 6 . 20 106 106 106 + % Alaska Juneau. 5 3% 3% 3% Aldena Inc ) % 13 20% 19% 20 + % Alleghany Corn 192 4% 4 4% + % Alleghany Co Pf 1* 50 49 50 + %' AlletLudStl 40e 13 31% 30% 31%+ % Allen Ind .15e . 8 10 10 10 Allied C&Dye fia 12 194% 192% 194 +2 Allied Mills l>.ae 11 33% 33 33%+% Allied Sirs 3 46 35% 34% 35%+ % Allis Chaim 1 60 47 39% 38 39 + % Alpha Port %e 1 28% 28% 28%+% Amerada Pet 2a 8 120 119% 120 +1 Am Agrlcul 3a 8 48 47% 47% — % Am Airlines .. 82 9% 8% 9% + % Am Alrl Df 3% 9 62 61% 6i - % AmBankN 1.60a 9 26% 25% 26*+ +1% Am Bosch Vig IB 14% 14% 14% + % Am Brk Sh 40e 6 43 42% 43 + % Am Cable * Rad 49 5% 5% 5% + % Am Can 3 21 92% 91% 92%+1% •Am Can of 7 40 174% 174 174 -1% Am Car&Fdr 3g 24 46 45% 46 +1 Am Ch&Cbl 1 40 11 25% 24% 25%+ % Am Chicle 2a ." 2 48% 48 48 + % Am Crvs S 1 20a 2 17% 17 17%+ % AmCyapamid 1 a 77 39% 38% 39% + % AmCvamldSViDf 6 1041% 104 104 - % Am Distillers 2 _ 68 32% 31 32%+1 Am Export L 2 27 18% 18 18% + % Am & Frgn Pwr 113 3% 3% 3%+% Am&FPSTpf.Vik 9 75 75 75 +2% Am&FPSd Df 3k 8 65 64% 65 + % Am A F P 2d Df 104 13 12% 12% +1% AmHomePr 1.20 6 24% 24% 24% + % Am Loco 1.40 84 24% 23% 24% +1% Am Mch&Fd 80 40 18% 18% 18%+ % *AmM&Fpf3«0 1 89 89 89 + % Am Mach & Met 2 8% 8% 8% + % Am Metal Vie 7 33% 33% 33% + % Am Molass 30e 3 7% 7 7% + % Am Power & Lt 140 10% 9% 10% + % Am P&LS6Df 3k 6 95% 94% 95% +1% AP&L $5pf 2Vik 9 86% 85 85%+1 Am Radiat 40e 132 15% 15% 15% + % Am Saf Razor 1 10 10% 10% 10% — % tAmShlpBldg 1 a 40 42% 42 42% + % Am Smelting le 33 60% 60 60% + % 'Am Sm&R of 7 60 156% 155% 156% Am Steel Fdry 2 14 32% 32% 32%+% Am Stores 1,40g 13 27 26% 27 + % Am Sugar R 4e 4 38% 38% 38% Am Sugar pf 7 . 1 123 123 123 +% Am Sum Tob 2. 5 19% 19% 19% + % Am Tel & Tel 9 23 155% 154% 155% + % Am Tobacco 3a 34 58% 57% 58% + % Am Viscose 2a 8 67% 66% 66% —1% AmWatWks 30e 34 8 7% 7% Am Woolen 6 . 27 51% 50% 51% + % AmZlnc.lOe 9 7% 7% 7% + % Anaconda C Vie 43 37% ■ 36% 37% + % tAnac Wire Vie 130 37 36% 37 +1 Anchor Hock 2 3 34% 34% 34% — % Ander-Prich O 1 20 29% 28% 29%+ % AndesCopperVig 1 12% 12% 12 % +1 A P W Prod Vie. 3 5% 5% 5% - % Armco Steel 2b 62 30% 29% 30%+ % tArmco Stl Pf4'i 10 97 97 97 +1 Armour&Col.20 81 13% 13% 13% + % Armour pr pf 6 1 102% 102% 102% + % Armst Cork 80e 2 53% 53% 53% + % tArm CorkJ4pf4 4 112 112 112 Artloom Corp 1 7 15% 15% 15% + % Assd Dry G 1.60 29 18% 17% 18%+% tAsso D G 1st 6. 10 109 109 109 +1% Atch T & S F 6 17 114 111% 114 +2% ATP Inc Vie_27 18% 17% 18% + % Atl Coast Line 4 « 5%» =>8‘'« :>»% +1 Atl GAW Ind 8g 3 40% 40 40%+2% Atl Refining 1 % 26 44% 44% 44% + % ♦Atl Refin DfA 4 2 111 110% 110% tAtl Ref pfB3% 10 #6% 96% 96% + % Atlas Corn 160 34 23% 23% 23%+ % tAtlas Pow of 4 40 109 109 109 Austin Nichols.. 8 7% 7% 7% + % Autocar Co He 10 14% 14 14% + % Auto Canteen le * 18*4 17% 18% +1% Avco Mfg .35e 45 6% 6% 6% Avco Mfg Df 2V, 4 42% 42 42% + % BALD LOCO lg 72 15% 15% 15%+ % Balt A Ohio 227 15% 15% 15% + % Balto * Ohio Df 51 26% 25% 26% + % BangorA-Arostk. 16 28% 28 28% - % Barber Oil le 32 59 57% 58%+ *4 BarkerBros 1 Ha 14 25% 24% 25% +1% Barnsdall Oil 2- 24 44% 43% 44% +1% Bath Iron Wks. 13 13% 12% 13%+% Bayuk CiglHa. 6 19% 19% 19%,+ % Beatrice Pds 2a. 5 42% 41 42%* + l% Beaunlt Mills 2. 3 22% 22 22%+ % Belding-H 1.20 9 17*4 17% 17*4+% Bell Aircraft lg. 4 17 17 17 — % Bendlx Aviat 2 17 35% 34*4 35% + % BndxHomeA 1H 22 17% 17% 17%+ % Benef Ind 1.20a 4 25% 25% 25% Best Ac Co 2_ 4 28 27 28 +1% Best Foods 2 17 35% 35% 35'%- % Beth Steel 1.20hl74 36% 35% 36%+% Bigelow-San %h 7 35% 34% 35 + *4 BrmnghmE 1.20 7 12 11% 12 + % BlackA-Deck 2a. 5 34% 33% 34%+2% Blaw-Knox He. 19 17% 17% 17*4 + % Bliss E W 2 . .. 14 31% 31 31%+ % Boeing Alrpl le. 30 25% 25% 25%+ % Bohn Alum He, 6 34 32% 34 -fl% tBon Ami 60 82 * 81 8f 1% Bond Stores 2 6 26% 25% 26% Borg-Warner 3a 39 57% 56 57% +1% Boston Ac Me _. 39 4% 4% 4% + % Brldgept Brass 18 11% 10*4 11%+ % Briggs Manufg 2 24 31% 30% 31%+1% BriggsAStra la 2 30 29% 30 + % Bristol-My 80e_ 2 33% 33% 33%+.,% Bklyn On Gas . 10 19% 19% 19% + % Bruns-Balke He 9 21 20% 21 + >4 Bucyrus-Er ,35e 25 23% 227+ 22% Budd Co ,20e 89 11% 1079 11% + % Bullard Co He 6 20% 19% 20% +1 Bulova Wtch 3a 5 37*4 37% 37% + % BurlitigMills 1% 20 21% 20% 21%+ *4 Burr Add M 60 46 17 16% 17 + *4 Bush Term'/if.. 4 8% 8% 8% + % Butler Bros . 8 13% 13% 13% + % Brers A M He . 30 25 24% 24% + % Byron Jn 140a 6 31% 31% 3179 + % CALIF PKG 2H 8 38*4 38% 38*4+ % Callahan Zinc 76 2% 2 2% + % CalumetAH .10e 11 7% 7 7% Can Dry GA .60 60 14% 14 14% + % CanadPacHe 852 19% 17% 18%+1 Cap AdmsA 80g 10 15 14% 15 + *4 CapitalAirliries 7 7% 6% 7% + % Caro Pwr Ac LI 2 8 30% 30 30% + % Carrier Corp . 27 18% 17% 18% +1% CarrAcGen 20a 20 7% 7% 779 + % case JI CO 1.20e 23 46% 45% 46*4+1% CaterpilTract 3 22 65% 64% 65%+1% Celanese ,40e.. 89 32 30*9 32 + % Celotex 1H - 17 29% 29 29% + % Cen Aguir 1.60a 5 17% 17 17 Cent Fndry %g 12 8% 8% 8% CentHudGas 52 4 8' 7% 779 — % Cent R R N J • 15 30% 29% 29% -1 Cerro dePas He 10 27 26% 26%-% Certn-tdPd 60a 137 18% 17% 18%+% Champ Paper la 10 23% 23 23%+ % Checker Cab . _ 10 13% 13% 13% — % Ches Ac Ohio 3.. 56 39% 39 39*4+ *9 Chi Corp .40 . 200 12*9 12 12% + % Chi Ac East 111 20 6% 6% 6% + % Chi Ac East 111 A 31 13*4 13% 13%+% Chi Great West 18 9% 8% 9 + % Chi Grt West Df 2 16*4 16% 16% Chi Ind Ac LA.. 26 13% 13 13%+% Chi Ind A L B . 11 774 7% 7*4 Chi Mil St PAcP 100 10% 9*4 10% + % ChiMSP&P Pf4e 31 33 32% 33 + % Chi Ac N W Hi 82 19% 18% 19%+1 Chi Ac N W pf 5 . 16 43% 42 43% +2 ChlPneuTHe. 17 37% 36% 37%+1 Chi R I Ac Pac 44 37*4 37 37*4 +1 ChiRIAcP pf2He 13 66 65 65 -1 Childs CO_ 26 4 3% 3% Chrysler 4_120 61% 58% 60% +2% Cln G & E 1.40. 14 26% 25% 26%+% Cln Mill M 1 40. 12 26% 25% 26% + % C IT Finance 2 35 44 42% 44 +1% City Ice &F 2% 4 30 29% 30 +% City Invest .60 5 9% 9% 9% + % Ctty Stores 1 20 7 20 19% 19% Clark EouiD 2 - 7 35% 35% 35% + % ClevEl 111 l.lOe 13 39% 39% 39*%+% CleveGranh .40e 5 30% 30% 30% +1% ClimaxMol l 20 17 16% 16 16% + % Clopay Corp 70 24 9 8% 9 + % Cluett Pbdr He- 20 35% 35 35%+ % Coca-Cola 4_ 3 166 165% 166 +% Coleate-P-P 2a. 12 42 41% 42 + % Collins & Aik 1. 10 22% 21% 22%+% Colonial Mills 1. 8 25 24% 25 + % Col Fuel A It 1 54 16% 16% 16% + % Col Fuelitlr pf 1 12 18% 18 18% + % Col BrdcastA le 6 31% 31 31 -% Col BrdcastB le 2 31 31 31 Colum G&E1 60 248 13% 13% 13%+ % Colum Piet HI 4 11*4 11% 11% ColumCarboff 2a 2 34% 34% 34%+ % Col&SoOh 1.40e 3 42% 42 42 - % ComlCredit2.60 12 46% 46% 46%+ % Coml 8olv He 40 25% 24% 25% + % Comwl Edis 1.40 20 29% 28% 29 Comwl & South 278 3% 3% 3% Conde Nast 1 . 10 11% 10% 11%+ % Cons Cop .15e._ 32 5% 5% 5% + % Cons Edis 1 60 36 24 23% 23% + % Cons Grocer* 1 4 15% 15% 15% — % , Cons RRCuba of 3 23% 22% 23% + % ! Cons R Strs 70e 3 15 14% 15 + % ConsTextlle.80e 10 14% 14% 14%+ % , Cons Vuitee 22 13% 13% 13% + >4 Consum Power 2 4 34% 34% 34% + % Contain Corp 2a 20 38% 37% 38% + % Cont Bakina 1 24 14 13% 14 + % : Cont Can > ie 33 39% 38% 39% + % contDiaFiber 1 11 11% 11% 0.1%+ % 1 Cont Insurance2 6 58 57% 58 +1 Cont Motors 148 8% 8% 8% + % ' ContOllDel 1 He 18 61% 61% 61%+ % ’ Cont Steel He 12 17% 17% 17%+ % ■ Cooper-Bess 1 26 29% 29 29% +1 Coprwld Stl ,30e 33 16% 16% 16%+ % Corn Prod 1 80e 18 62% 60 61%+1% Cornell-D E 80 II 14 lj% 13% + % CornlnkGlass H 4 20 19% 20 + % Coty Inc .20*... 6 4% 4% 4% - % : Coty Int .20* .. 18 3 2% 3 + % Crane Co 1 60a 34 37% 36% 37% +1% Creameries Am 1 16 10% 9% 10 + % Crown Cork Hh 30 24% 24% 24% + % Crown Zel l.eoe 20 33 32% 33 +1% Crucible Steel 34 26% 25% 26% +1% Crucible Stl of 6 7 71% 71 71%+ % Cub-AmSu* 1 He 20 13% 13% 13% - % CudahrPack 60s 20 12% 12% 12% Curtis Publish 82 10% 10% 10% + % Curtlsa-Wr H* 80 7% 7% 7% Curtiss-W A He 8 23% 23 23% + % Cutlr-Hm 1.20a 5 27% 27% 27%+ % DANA CORP He 14 26% 26% 26% +1% DavegaStrsla 3 16 15% 16 + % Davison Chem 1 12 25% 25% 25% + % Davtn PAL 1 80x12 29% 29% 29% + M» Dayton Rub 1 21 33 14% 13% 14% + % DecCa Records 1 28 11% 10% 11 - % Deep Rock Oil le 3 39% 39 39 % Deere & Co 1 26 43% 42 43 +1 Del A Hudson 4 16 46% 45% 46% + % Del L & W He 142 11% 10% 11%+% Den A RGW le 35 28 26% 28 +1% DeniRGWoflOe 24 44 43% 44 + % Detroit Ed 1.20 23 21% 21% 11% DetMiehSto.80a 8 12% 12 12 De Vilbiss He .. 5 14% 14% 14% + %l Devos A R A 2a 7 25% 25% 25% + % Dial Co-Sea 60 120 17% 16% 17% + % Divco Corp 1.20. 7 15% 15% 15%+ % Sales— Stock end Add Net Dividend Rate. 00 High. Low. 2:30. edge. Dixie Cup 1. .. 4 38 37 37 — % Doehler-Jar 1 % 7 35% 34% 33% +1% Dome Mines He 15 17% 16% 17% + % Douglas A 2Hg 13 63% 62% 63%+1 DowChemHe 3# 42% 42 42%+ % DowCb 2d pfSH 4 102% 101% 102% + % Dresser Ind He 43 27% 27% 27% + % Dresser In p!3H 1 93% 93% 93% + % Dunhill Inti I 3 18 17 18 +1 Dunlan Corn lib 12 16% 16 16% + % DuPont de N 2e 26 181 177 181 +4 DuPont3%pf3% 3 95% 95% 95% - % DWG Cigar He. 3 13% 13% 13% EAGLE-PI 1.80 17 24% 23% 24%+ % Eastern Air Line 35 18% 18% 18% + % East 8tate Steel 24 20% 20% 20%+ % Eastm Kod 90e 69 45 43% 45 +1% Eaton Mfg 3 11 60 59% 60 + % Edis Br Str 1 %a 4 18% 18% 18% + % Ckco Prod 1.20 12 14% 14% 14% + % das Stop N He. 3 7% 7 7% + % El Auto-Ute 3 20 51% 49% 51% +1% Elec Boat 1.. . 11 15% 15 15 - % E! A Music .15g 146 2% 2% 2% + % E! Power & Lt 155 21% 20% 21% + % El P&Lt *6oI 3k 1 140% 140% 140% -1% £1 Storage Bat 3 2 54% 54% 54%+1% ElglnNatW 60s 3 15% 15% 15%+ % ElPasoNGs 2 40 4 66% 66% 66% +1% Emer Elec M 1 12 17% 17% 17% + % Emer Radio .80. 13 13 12% 12% - % Emp Dis El 1 12 4 15% 14% 15% + % Endicott-J 1.60s 3 31% 31% 31%+% Eault 08 Bldg 86 5% 4% 5% + % Erie R R 1 .102 14% 14% 14%+ % Erie R R of A 5 2 61% 60% 61%+ % Eureka Will %. 15 7% 7% 7% + % Evans Prod 8 19% 18% 19% +1% Eversbsrp HI. - 33 10% 10% 10%+ % Ex-Cell-O 2 83. 5 47% 46% 47% FAIRBANKS le. 4 50% 49% 50% +1% FajardoSug 2 lie 1 27% 27% 27% - % Farnsworth. 31 8% 8% 8% + % Fedders Qul .80. 7 13% 13% 13% + % Fed Min A S le. 4 39 38% 39 + % Fed-Mogul 1.60 3 18% 17% 18% + % FedMoTruck 40S 5 10% 10% 10% + % Federat D 8tra 2 60 30% 29% 30% +1% Pelt &T 1.40s 5 23 22 23 + % FerroEnam 1.40 5 22»% 22% 22% + % Firestone T&R 4 7 49% 48% 49 + % First Nat Str 2e 10 54% 54% 54% +1% FlrihCarnetl .60 6 19% 18% 19 Pllntkote 2a 35 38% 38 38 + % Flor Stove He.. 3 32% 32% 32%+ % Florida Pow I 28 14 13% 14 + % FlorsShoeA .65e 3 15% 15% 15% + % Follansb Stl He 22 28% 28% 28% + % PoodFair8t 40b 32 12% 11% 17%+ % Food Mach 1% 7 44% 43 43 —1% tFoodMch pI3H 1 99% 99% 99% - % Foster Wheel l 20 35*4 34 35% +1% Francis Sug 2g 3 13% 13% 13% + % PreeportSul 2% 2 46% 45% 45% + % Pruehauf Tra 1 *19 21% 21% 21%+ % GABRIEL 10e. 11 8% 8 8% + % Gair Robt .40 . 113 9% 8% 9% + % Gardnr-D 1.40. 8 20 19% 20 + % Gar Wood Ind.. 56 9% 8% 9% + % Gaylord ColH. 12 25% 24% 25 +% Gen Am Inv .40 25 16% 16% 16% + % Gen AmTrns 3a 22 61% 59% 61% +1% Gen Baking 60 3 9% 9% 9% + % Gen Bronie .20e 5 13% 13% 13% — % Gen Cable He.. 51 11% 11 11%+% Gen Cigar la.. 1 22 22 22 +% Gen Elec 1.60.. HI 39% 38% 39%+% Gen Foods 2 .. 8 38% 38% 38%+% Gen Instrumt 1. 6 10% 10% 10% Gen Mills 1H-. 16 49 48% 49 + % Gen Motors 3.. 165 58% 57% 58%+1% Gen Mot Rl 3%. 31 97% 96% 97%+% GenOutAdvtl. 7 16% 16 16%+ % Gen PortC He . 5 19% 19% 19%+ % Gen Precis lol » is'/t -mvi GenPubSvc ,20g 31 3% 3% 3% + % Gen Pub Util 80 92 14% 14 14% + % Gen Ry Signal 1 2 27% 27 27% +1 Gen Realty&Ut. 57 6% 6 6% + % Gen Refract Vie. 2 2B 47% 26 + % Gen Telenh 2 . 1 29% 29% 29%+ % Gen Time 1.80a 2 28% 28% 28%+% Gen Tlre&R la x36 27% 26% 27% +1% Gillette Saf 2V4a 16 36% 36 36% + % Glmbel Broa 2 37 23% 23% 23% + % Glmbel Brpf4Vi 1 82 82 82 - % GilddenCo 1 40a 28 25% 25% 25% - % GoebelBrew ,10e 5 5% 5% 5% Goodall-Sn 1 Via 4 23% 23% 23%+ % Goodrich B F le 32 61% 59% 61% +2% Good yea rT&R 4 33 45% 44% 45% +1% Goth Hos 1.60a 7 19% 19% 19% Graham-Paiae 109 '4% 4% 4% + % Granby Con Vie. 3 7% 7% 7% Grand Union 2 2 34% 34% 34% + % GranCityStl Vie 6 26 25% 26 + % Grant IWTI la. 3 27% 26% 27% + % Grayson-R Vae. 12 12% 12% 12% + % GtNI Or ct 1 Via 2 14% 14% 14%+ % Gt Nor Ry pf 3 24 49 47% 49 +1% GtWstSua 1.60a 20 21% 21% 21%+ % Green HL 2a.. 3 37% 37% 37%+% Greyhound 1__ 131 12% 12% 12%+% Grum Aire E 3g. 16 39% 38% 38% - % GuantanSug Vig 18 6 5% 5% - % Gulf MobAtO Vie 92 18% 17% 18% +1% GulfMo&Oh pf5 2 55% 55% 55% Gulf Oil 3_ 44 74% 74 74%+ % Gulf Sta Util 1. 13 17% 17% 17% HARB-WALK le 2 24% 24% 24% Hayeslnduat Vie 3 8% 8% 8% + % Hayes Mfg .30e . 75 8% 8 8%+ % saMAu3 Helme G W 4_ 1 57 57 57 +1 Hercules Mot 1, 5 20% 20 20%+ % Hercul Pdr .35e_ 77 52% 50% 52%+2% Hershey Ch lVi. 1 29% 29% 29%-% Hewttt-Rbns la. 2 26 26 26 Heyden Chem 1- 2 26% 26 -26%+1 Hilton Hotels l- 2 11% 11% 11%+% Holland Furn 2- 2 28 28 28 + % HollanderAtSla. 5 15 14% 15 + % Holly Sugar 1.... 12 24% 24 24 -% Homestk Min 2 . 4 38% 38% 38% + % Houd-Hersh Vie 34 17 16 17 +1% Household Fin 2 2 32% 32% 32% - % tHousehld pf3V4 20 92 92 92 - % Houston L&P 2 8 44 42% 43% + % Houston Oil lg. 33 33% 33% 33% Hudson At Man 9 5% 5% 5% Hudson Bay 2e. 51 43% 42% 43%+1% HudsonMot ,40a 289 21 19% 20%+1 Hupp Corn_ 59 4% 4% 4% + % IDAHO PW 1.80 13 32% 32% 32%+% til Central 77 38% 36% 38% +2 111 Cent nf 3e .. 4 80 79 80 +2% ill Term RR .72. 43 11% 10% 11%+ % IndPr AtLtlVi. 10 24% 23% 24%+ % Indust Rayon 3. 5 52% 52 52 -1 Inaer-Rand fla. 1 144 144 144 +1 inland Steel le. 46 44s% 43% 44%+1% Inspire Cop Vie . 36 20% 19% 20%+% Interchem Corp. 13 23 22% 23 + % Intercon Rub _ 8 3% 3 3% + % Inter Iron 1.20g 107 15% 15 15% + % Int Bus Mach 4- 5 142 141% 142 + % int Harvest 4a_ 12 97% 97 97%+ % tint Harvs of 7. 150 168% 168 168% + % Int Hydro El A. 40 8% 8% 8% + % Int M*Ch 1 60 15 34% 33% 34% +1 Int Mining __ 38 4 4 4 int Nickel 1.60-109 31% 29% 31 +2 Int Paper 3a . 45 60 59 59% +1% Int Ry Cen Am 10 11 10% 11 + % tIntRyCApfCVik320 93% 93 93%+1% Int Silver 4e._. 3 57% 57% 57%+ % Int Tel* Tel 132 14% 14% 14% Int TAtT'fora ct 7 14% 14% 14% Inter Dep Strs 3 2 25% 25 25% + % JACOBS PL 10 9% 9 9% + % JaegerMch 1 60 4 21 20% 20% - % ; Johns-Man 3fie 25 39% 39% 39% + % ; Johnson Si J .40 3 30 30 30 Jones At LStl 2- 62 36 34% 35%+ % Joy Manfg 2.40a 11 38% 37% 38%+ % KAL STOVE.46a 1 19 19 19 + % Kan City South. 47 40 39 40 +1% I Kan City So PI4 2 58 58 58 - % : Kayser J la 15 16 15% 16 + % ! Kel-Hay W B Vie 16 19% 19% 19%+ % l Kennecott Vie 115 57% 56 57% +1% i Kern Land 1 Vie 65 49% 48% 48%+1 Kimbrly Cl 1.40 9 22% 21% 22%+ % : KoppersCo 1.60 5 35 34% 35 + % i Kresge S S le__ * 8 37% 36% 37 + % i Kress S H 2a . 1 49% 49% 49% - % I Kroger Co 2.40. 11 45% 43% 45% +2% ! LACLEDE G .20 87 6% 6Vi 6% Lambert Co 1%. 3 21% 21% 21%+ % Lane Bryant 1 3 13% 13% 13% — % ! tLane Bry pf2Vi 30 53% 52 53%+2 LeeRub&Tire 2a 2 44 43% 44+1 Lee At Sons 1.40. 5 25% 25% 25% + % ! Lehigh C Si N 1 8 11% 11% 11% LehPortCem 1% 5 33% 33% 33% + % ! Leh Val Coal 47 3% 3% 3% ! Leh V Coal lpf3 17 24 23% 24 + % 1 Leh V Coal2of Vi 6 10% 10 10 - % ! Leh Valley R R 31 7% 7 7% + % i LehmanCnt 60e 12 52 50% 52 +1% 1 Lehn At Pink - 5 10% 10 10 ! Lerner Strs 1 Vi 14 23% 23% 23%+ % ! Llb-O-F Glass 2 15 50% 49% 50*%+ % > Lib McNAtL Vie- 35 9% 9% 9% + % ! Lily Tulip 1 Vi . 3 46 45 46 +2 I Lima Hamll 60 104 12% 12% 12% + % 1 Link-Belt 3a-„ 3 68 67% 68 + % ! Lion Oil 2_ 8 46% 46 46% - % ! Ltauld Carbn 1- 7 19% 19% 19% + % ! Lockheed Alro-. 25 22% 21% 21% + % ! LoeWs Inc 1 Vi 47 19 18% 19 + % ! LoneStarCeSVia 5 65% 65 65% Long-Bell A .80k 4 27% 27% 27% + % I Lorlllard P 1 7 19% 19% 19% + % 1 LouisviliN 3.52 10 48% 47% 48%+ % ! Lowensteln 2a _. 59 35% 34 35%+1% ! Lukensstl 4<ia 34 24 22% 23% +?% S M'AND&Fl’ie 4 37 37 37 + 14 Mack Trucks _ 29 25*4 25*4 25*4 + *4 Macs R H 15 363* 35*4 363* + *4 Macy RH ol 4V« 1 101*4 101*4 101*4 +1*4 Magma Cool-- 3 22*4 22*4 22*4+ 34 Magnavox 1 5 14 14 14 Manatl Bug 1*4* 20 8*4 8*4 8*4- *4 Mandel Bros Vie 6 11*4 1034 11 + >4 MaracOll.lOg 16 7*4 7 7 Marathon Cm 1 6 223* 22 223* + a* MarlneMidl .20* 61 7*4 7 7*4 + *4 Marsb Field 2 13 28*4 273* 283* + *4 •MarsbFl Of 4 V* 20 9934 9934 9934 + 34 Martin OL_10 19*4 18*4 19*4 + 34 MartinParrr .60 4 18*4 1734 18*4+1 Masonite CD la 7 64*4 6334. 64*4+ V* 1 Master Elec 2.40 6 243* 24 243*+ 3* , MathCbem 1 ‘4a 32 37 36 37 +1*4 1 Mar Dent Str 3. 6 45 45 45 + >4 ' •MayStrs pfn334 10 91 91 91 +3 Marta* Col 7 11*4 11*4 113* - *4 ' McOraw Hill la. 4 29 28*4 29 + *4 ' McIntyre 2 Ola 2 50*4 50*4 50*4 - *4 McKess&R 2.40 17 34*4 34 34 + *4 ' McLellan Str la 5 24*4 23*4 24*4+ >4 ' Mead Com 1*-- 3 20*4 193* 20*4+ 34' Melville Sh 1 80 5 223* 223* 223* + 3* Mengel Co l a . 6 19*4 19*4 19*4 + 3* ' '•errant strs 1 3 18 173* 173* — *4 MeriMinTr 40e 4 10*4 10*4 10*4 - *4 MerckdtCo" 40a 2 57*4 57 57*4 MerrlttC&S1.60 4 243* 243* 243* + *4 ■ •Met Ed of 8.90 110 103 102 103 +1 Miami Coo 33e 17 17*4 17 17+34 Mid-ConPet 134* 91 68*4 663* 6634+ 3k Minn-Hon R* 2a 15 50 4834 50 +2 ■ Minn Moline 204 16*4 15*4 1634+1 ♦ Min-Mo pf.V.k 60 11834 118*4 11834+ 34 ' Min*StL Ry ¥4# 22 15*4 153* 15*4 M SP&8SMA la 12 123* 1134 12 + 3* - MisslonCD 13*g. 27 67 65 6634+1 Mo-Kan-Tezas. 30 6*4 6 634 + *4 ' Mo-Kan-Tez of 78 2334 22*4 2334+13* i Mohawk Crot 2a 2 403* 40*4 40*4 - 3* - Mojud Hos .80.. 5 1234 123* 1234 + 34 1 \ Bales— Stock and Add Net Dividend Rate 00. Hlah. Low. 3:30. chae. Monarch Mch 3x4 27% 27 27 - % Monsanto Ch 2 21 60% 59% 60 + % Monsanto pf 3V* 3120 120 120 +1 Monts Ward 2a 4« 63% 60% 63% +2% M-MCC Llnl%a 31 17% 16% 17%+ % Morrell&Co me 1 *4% 24% 24%+% Motor Prod le . 12 27% 27 27%+ % Motor Whl .80e. 1 21% 21% 21% - % Motorola V.e 11 14% 14% 14%+% Muel Brass .30e 13 22 21% 22 + % Mullins MU la. 22 25% 25% 25%+% Munswr Inc la. l 12% 12% 12% durphyGCma 4 40% 40 40% + % tMurphy pf 4%. 110 111 110% 111 + % Murray Coro 1 36 15% 15% 15% + % NASH-KEL 36e 120 18 17% 17% + % tNash C&StL la 80 26 25% 25%+ % Nat Acme 2a. „ 9 28% 2* 28% +1% Nat Airlines.. 9 8% 7% 8 Nat Auto Fib 60 13 10% 10% 10% + % Nat Aviation y«f 3 14% l-% 14% — % NatBlscult 1.60a 29 28% 27% 28%+ % Nat Can ... 31 9% 9% 9%-% Nat Cash Rea le 16 42% 42 42% + % Nat City Line % 13 8% 8% 8% + % NatContam 1 20 32 12% 12% 12% Nat Cvl Gaa .80 14 12 11% 12 Nat Dairy 1.80 20 28 27% 28 - % Nat Dept Stria 13 20% 19% 20% Nat Distillers 2 98 20% 19% 20%+% Nat Gypsum %a 209 18% 17% 18%+1 Nat Gyp rts wi. 300 1% 1%» 1% + % Nat Lead la 8 36% 36 36 — % Nat Linen 8 60 1 6% 6% 6% + J* NatM&8tlC 16e 14 23% 22% «%+1% Natl Steel 4 24 98 97 98 + % Nat Sua Ref la. 2 23% 23 23% + % Nat 8upply 1... 46 22% 22% 22%+ % Nat Team ... 2 27 26% 27 + % Nat Vul Fibre 1. 3 13% 12% 13%+% NehlCornl — 2 17 17 17 NeisnerBro 80a 1 18% 18% 18% — % Newberry JJ 2- 2 34% 34 34 — % N Ena El Syst 1. 28 11% 11% 11% - Vb Newmont M Vie 5 59% 59 59 +1 Newnt Indust 3 14 25% 24% 25% + % Newpt NewiS 2a 7 29% 29 29 + % NY Air Brake le 11 42 40% 42 +1% NY Cent R R.. 280 17% 16% 17% +1% N Y Chi & St L 20 68% 67 68 +1 N Y CicStL Pf8k 13 134 132% 134 +2 N Y C Omnibus. 6 19% 18% 19% +1% New York Dock. 1 22 22 22 +1% N Y N H <fc Hart 26 11% 10% 11% + % N Y N H A H Pf 11 29% 29% 29% + % NY Shipblda %e 3 18% 18% 18%+ % Noblitt-Spk l.BO 4 23% 23% 23% + % Nort&Wesiern 3 11 59 58% 58% + % No Am Aviation 60 12% 12% 12% North Am Co fab 37 16% 16% 16% No Nat Gas .40e 6 34 J3 34 +1 North Pacific le 152 26% 24% 25%+1 Northwest Airl 20 15% 14% 15% + % NrthwAir Dfl.lB 8 25V« 25% 25%+%] Norwalk Tire .. 2 5% 5% 5% + % Morw ruar -- /■» OHIO OIL la 63 38% 37% 38%+ % Oliver Corp 34e 16 31% 30% 31%+1 'Oliver pi 4 Vi 160 107% 107 107 +1 Omnibus Corp 1 6 11 10% 11 + % Otis Elevator le 40 33% 32% 33%+ % Owens 111 G1 3 15 62% 62 62%+ % PAC AM FSHle 4 15 14% 15 + % 'PacCoast 2pl 4 40 39% 39 39 —1% Pac Fin Cal 1.60 2 20 19% 19% + % PAC GASAEL 2 26 34% 34% 34% + % Pac Lighting 3.. 15 52 51% 52 + % Pac Mills 3b ... 8 39 38% 39 +1% Pac Tin Cons_11 5% 5% 5% + % parwest Oil %g 1* 59% 58% 59% + % Packard M .15e 427 5 4% 5 + % Pan AmAIrw >/4g 60 9% 9% 9% + % Pan Am Pet le.. 3 20 20 20 - % Panb IPLo 13 57 56 57 +1 Panh PAR IBs 33 9% 9% 9% + % Paraffine C .30b 1 25 25 25 + % Param Piet 2 _ 150 24 23% 24 + % Park Utah .lOe. 8 2% 2% 2% + % Parke Dav ,70e. 12 30% 29% 30% + % Parker Rust 2% 2 28% 28% 28%+1 Perm Trans .80. 6 9% 9% 9% Patino Min tie. 1 11% 11% 11% + % Penlck A F ,40e 1 31 31 31 + % Pennev <JC> 2a 1 45% 45% 45% + % Penn-DxCem Vie 2 18 18 18 + % Penn PAL 1.20*. 1 19% 19% 19%+% Penn R R Vie .. 19 19% 19% 19%+ % Penn Salt .30e.. 2 46 46 46 + % Peoria A Eastrn 3 19% 19% 19% Pepsi-Cola 70a 65 16% 16% 16%-% Pet Milk 1_ 2 27% 27% 27%+ % 'Pet Milk pi 1 130 102 102 102 +% Petrol Coro HO ft 6 14% 14% 14% PleifferBrw 70e 1 19% 19% 19% Pfizer CACo 2a 7 63% 62% 63%+2 Phelps Dodge 2e 7 55% 55% 55% + % Phila Elec 1.20 11 23 23 23 + % PhilARdg CAI 2 12 18% 18% 18% + % Philco Core 2 . 5 34% 34% 34%+ % Philip Mor lVia 5 27% 27% 27%+% Phil Morris pi 4 1 95 95 95 +2% Phillips Petrol 3 5 70% 70% 70% Pillsbury Mills 2 1 33% 33% 33% + % PittCokACh 60g 1 12% 12% 12% - % Pitt Con Coal 2. 1 31% 31% 31% Pitt Forg %e __ 2 20% 20% 20% PittPlateGls Vie. 2 36% 36% 36% + % Pitt Screw .1 Be- 2 9 9 9 + % Pitta 8teel_ 9 18 17% 18 + % tPittSt Bpll Vik. 10 94 94 94 Plttston Co 2_ 20 43 42 42 Plym Oil 1.60— 14 67 66% 66% - % Poor A Co B la- 37 15 14% 15 + % Pot Elec Pwr 90 19 13% 13% 13%+ % Pressed Stl Car. 35 1C% 10% 10%+ % PressSOC pi 2y« 1 32% 32% 32%+ % Proc terAGam 3. 11 67% 6t%. .87% + % PubSvcCol 2.20 4 38% 3<W?l8%+ % Pub S N J 1.40 13 23% 23% 23% tPub SveNJ pi 8 50 138% 138% 138% tPub SveNJ pf 7 10 122 122 122 + % tP S N J $5 p! 5 330 96% 95% 95% Publicker Vil . 36 27% 26% 27%+ % tPubllcker pI4% 20 91 91 *1 PulUnsto Vie_ 15 49% 49% w*9%+ % Puri oil la_ 56 35% 34% *5% +1 PurityBak 2.40a 4 29% 28% 29% + % RADIO CRP.30e291 12% 12% 12%+ % Radio Cp pi 3% 1 71 71 71 - % Radio-K Or .30e 40 9% 9% 9% + % tRR Sec IC 8tk 450 33 31% 33 +1% Raybestos l%e. 3 33% 33% 33%+% Rayonier Inc Vie 13 31% 31% 31%+% Reading Co 1 18 22% 21% 22% + % Real Silk H ,60a 4 14 13% 14 + % Reeves Bros 1-- 20 16% 15% 16%+ % Rem Rand lb . 45 14% 13% 14% + % Reo Motors 2 Via 11 25% 24% 25%+ % Rep Aviation.. 34 12% 12 12%+% Republic Picture 28 3% 3% 3'++ % Rrpub Steel la. 228 29% 28% 29%+1 Revere CAB1. 24 20 19 20 +1% Rexall Drug .101 7 6% 7 + % Reyn Metals Vie 15 28% 27 28% + % Reynolds Spring 18 10% 10% 10%+ % Reyn Tob B 90s 26 38% 37% 38 + % Hheen MIgl 60. 23 24 23% 24 + % Richfleld Oil 2 . 52 24% 24 24% +1% Roan A Cop 33e 25 6% 6% 6Vi - % Rob-Fulton 60 16 9% 9% 9% + % Royal Type 1.60 6 21 20% 20% Ruberoid Vie... 4 64% 64 64%+% 'Saleway Pi 6 20 110 110 110 +% St Jos Lead 1 Vie 6 59 58 59 +1 tSt L Southw Be 30 130 125 125 -7 St L San Fran . 62 13% 12% 12% - % St L 8an F pi 8 12 48 47% 47%+% St Regis Pap .60 28 11% 11 11%+ % 'StRegls PI4.40 110 91 91 91 +1 Savage Arms %e 37 12% 11 12% +1 SchenleyDistil 2 113 31% 30% 31 + % Scranton Elec 1 5 15% 15 15% + % Seab Air Line 40 21% 21 21%+1 Seab Finan .70e 4 18% 18 18 + % Seabrd Oil 1.60 4 56 54% 54%-1% Sears Roebck la 121 40% 39% 40%+ % SeegerRelr 40e. 10 11% 11% 11% + % Seiberling Rub.. 6 7% 7% 7% + % Servel Inc .30g_ 20 12% 12% 12% + % tServel pi 4Vi . 20 97 97 97 +1 ShamrockO 1.80 19 34% 33% 33% Sharon Steel 2. 14 39% 38 39 +1% sharp A Doh 1 _ 4 26 25% 25% - % Shattuck FG la 10 14 13% 14 + % ShellUnOil 2%g 17 40% 39% 40 - % Sheraton Co 40 27 6% 6% 6% + % Simmons Cole. 15 32% 31% 32%+1% Sinclair Oil la. 132 24% 24 24%+% Skelly Oil 2 Vig 4 149 146% 149 +3% Sloss-Sh Stl ,80e 23 23% 23 23% +1 Smith A O 'ih . 11 30% 30% 30%+ % SmithACoron 2. 3 23% 23% 23%+ >4 Socony-Vac 1 60 20 19% 20 So Caro EAG % 35 7 6% 7 + % S Car El A G wi 22 7 6% 7 + % S C El A G pi rt 108 %i %a % Sou Cal Edls 1% 16 29 28% 28%+1 Sou Nat Gael Vi 3 24% 24 24%+ % Southern Pac * 101 57% 56 57% +1% Southern Rwy 3 34 47% 46 47% +1% Southern Ry PIB 6 69 68 69 +1 Spalding la — 3 19% 19% 19%+% Sparks-W ,20e .. 31 5% 5% 5% + % Spear A Co — 1 8% 8% 8% + % Spencer Kell 2 16 28% 27 28%+1% Sperry Crp 1 Via 17 28% 27% 28%+ % Spiegel Inc . 43 12% 12% 12%+ % 'Spiegel pi 4 Vi. 70 73% 73 73%+ % SouareD V«e— 21 *2% 21% 22%+1% Squibb A Sons 1 13 23% 22 23%+ % Stand Brands 2 21 27% 27 27 + % Std GsAEl S4pf it' zo% Z5% Z6% +1% Std G*ES7pr of 3 106% 105 106% +1% Std Oil Calif 2a. *8 70% 69% 70% + % Std Oil Ind 2a . 32 47 46% 46'+- % StdOllNJerlb 59 80% 78% 80 +1% S^d OilOhio 1% 31 31% 31% 31%+% Std Stl Spra tie 31 14% 13% 14% + % Starrett L S 3 11 37% 38% 39% - % SterchlBr St la 2 13% 13% 13'% + % Sterline Drux 2 xl' 35% 35% 35% + % SterlingD pf 3ti 1 94% 94% 94% Stewart-Wartie 12 15% 14% 15%+ % Stok-V Camp 1 25 17 16% 17 + % Stokley-V C pf 1 1 18% 18% 18%+ % Stone* Web It 21 14'% 14% 14%+% Studebaker tie 246 27% 26% 27%+% Sun Cbem .60.. 32 9% 9% 9'%+% Sun Oil lb . 3 61% 61 61 - % Sunray Oil .80 169 14% 14% 14% + % Sunshine Blsc 8 10 38 37 38 + % Sunshine M .00 24 10% 10% 10%+ % Superheater la. 9 24% 24% 24% — % Superior Stl la. 23 18% 18 18% + % Sutherld Pan 2a * 41 40'+ 41 SwlftACo ] 00a. 12 337* 33% 33%-% Swift Inti .40e . 64 15% 14'+ 15%+ % Sylvan Elec 1.40 35 23% 22% 23%+% tSylvn Elec pf 4 10 85 85 85 +2% Symlnx-Gould-- 31 6% 6% 6% + % TENN CORP.55e 4 18% 18% 18% Texas Cob 11 63 62% 62% - % TexGulfPro .85* 5 24% 24 24%+ % Tex Gulf Sul 2a. 1 59% 59% 59% + % Tex Pac CAO la 6 54% 54% 54% - % Tex Pac LT 70e 7 48% 48 48 + % Tex * Pac Ry 4. 2 62% 62 62%+ % Textron la_ 2 17% 17% 17% + % tThtcher pf2 40 110 40 40 - 40 -1% Thermoid tif... 1 8% 8% 8% Third Ave Trans 1 10% 10% 10% Thomas Stl 1 80 2 21% 21% 21%+ % Thom Prod l'.e 6 55% 54% 55% + % Thom-Starr pf 1 25% 25% 25%+1 Tide WOU 1.20a 31 28% 28% 28% - t+ fTfde Wat pfS% 218 102 102 102 Timken Axle tie 31 21% 21% 21%+ % Timk Bear 1 tie. 10 53 52 52%+1% Trnsamerlca t+a 31 12% 12% 12% + % Trans AW Air. 12 18% 17% 18%+ % Trt-Con CD tic 268 9% 8% 9% +1% 'Trl-Contl of 8. 70 101% 100** 100** - % Truax-Tra 1.20. 22 let* 16% 16% - *A TwentC-Eox 8. 29 23% 22% 23%+% 20tbC-Fxpf ltt 2 35 35 35 + % Twin City RTr. 28 7% 7 7 + % tTwln cty prati 80 29 28 28 - % Bullish Forces Keep Control of Stocks, Despite Selling By Victor Eubank Atsocinted Prtts Financial Writar NEW YORK. May 14.—Bullish contingents maintained control of the stock market today despite fur ther selling opposition. Dealings quieted after a fairly active start. The ticker tape, for a brief interval, was a minute late. Plus signs running to 2 points pre dominated near the fourth hour, with new highs for the past year or so numerous. Bidding still was based partly on business optimism stemming from rearmament spending and large scale European outlays. The urge to employ idle funds was a specu lative and investment factor. Labor disputes, including the Chrysler strike, provided a caution* ary inflrence but failed to bring much liquidation. Scant cheer was seen in the Washington-Moscow diplomatic tangle. Sdme accounts were trimmed on expectations of a technical correction. Canadian Pacific again was a star performer, reflecting petroleum pros pects for this company’s properties. The stock opened up ?* of a point on a 10,000-share bloc and developed further strength later. Washington Exchange SALES. Garflnckel common—65 at 18%. Potomac Electric Power 3.80 pi “A"—25 . at 44%. Vvashington Gas 4.50 pf—4 at 103%. Woodward & Lothrop common—20 at 36%. Potomac Electric Power common—40 at 13% Columbia Title Insurance Co—100 at 13. 100 at 13. Potomac Electric Power common—75 at 13*4, 50 at 13%. PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS. Bid Asked. Am T&T cv dem 2%s 1957- 113 114 Am T&T cv db 2%s 1961 107 107% Cap Trans 1st ref 4s 1964 90 92 City & Suburban 6s 1948 . 100 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s 1961 111 115 Pot Elec Pow 3%s 1968 104% _ Pot Elec Pow 3%s 1977 108 _ Pot Elec Pow 3s 1983 .... 101% _ Washington Gas 5s 1960 120% _ PUBLIC UTILITY STOCK& Am T&T (9)_ 154% _ Capital Transit . .. . _ 16% 18 N & w Steamboat (t4)_150 Pepco common (.90)_ 13% 13% Pepco 3.60% pf "A" (1.80) 44 45 Pepco 3.60% pf "B" (1 80) 44 45 Wash Gas Lt com (1.50) _ 25% 26% Wash Gas It cu pf (4.25'). 100 101 Wash Gas Lt cu cv pf (4.50) 103 _ BANK AND TRUST COMPANIES. Amer Sec & Tr new (tl.OO) 30 31 Bank of Bethesda (tl.60).. 40 _ Capital (.90) _ 82 88 Com & Savings (tlO)_ 350 _ Liberty (8)_SIB _ Lincoln (*5) . _330 Natl Sav Tr (8.00) _ 420 460 Pr George* B & Tr (+1.00) 80 . .. Union Trust Co (tl.OO)_ 38% 40 Riggs (12) . 318 335 Washington (6) _ 195 _ Wash Loan & Tr (12). 330 _ FIRE AND TITLE INSURANCE. American (16) _160 Columbia (t.30) _ 12% 13% Firemen’* (1.40) _ 31 - .. National Union (.75)_ 15 19 Real Estate (+6) _ 195 206 MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corp (2.00) _ 30 36 Garflnckel com (1.50) 18% 19 Garfl 5%% cu cv pf (1.375) 24% Garfl 4%% cu cv pf (1.125) 20% 21 Vi Hecht Co (1.60) _ _. 24% 25% Hecht 3%% cu Pf (3.75).. 87 90 Lanston Mono (2.00) _ 22% 23% Mergenthaler Lino (a.75) . 50 63 Nat’l Mtg & Inv pf (p.45) 7‘i Peoples Drug com ( + 1.60)-- 35% 37 Security Storage (+5) 113 125 Ter Ref & Wh Corn (3) 50 Wdwd & Loth com (t2.00) 36 37 Wdwd & Loth pfd new (6) 104% * Ez dividend, b Books closed. + Plug extra or extra*, a Paid 10 far thla year p Paid 1947. Odd-Lot Dealings The Securities and Exchanre Commis sion reported today these transactions by customers with odd-lot dealers or special ists on the New York Stock Exchange for May 12: 6.082 purchases involving 165,820 shares. 6.265 sales involving 189. 267 shares. Including 36 short sales in volving 1.382 shares. American Water Works, Co. *nd subsidiaries earned $272,528 or 10 cents in the March quarter vs. $331, 215 or 12 cents a year earlier.. Sale*— Stock and Add Net Dividend Rate. 00. High. Low 2:30. chge Twin Coaen_ 18 12H lift 12ft + ft UDYLITE 1 . 15 10 9ft 10 + ft Underwood 1 fte 13 52 56 57 +lft UnAsb St R 70a 3 14ft 14ft 14ft - ft Union Bag 2a . 20 36ft 35ft 36ft -t-lft Union Carb 2* 41122ft 120 122ft +2ft tun El Mo 01414140 108ft 107ft 107ft - ft Un Oil Cal .70e. 52 31ft 31 3lft + ft Union Pac 8* .. 9 186 182ft 186 4-4 Un Pacific pf 4_ 1 101ft 101ft 101ft 4- ft Unit Air Line* .. 33 17ft 16ft 17ft4-lft UtdAlrcraft 1 ft* 34 28ft 28 28ft 4- ft Unit Biscuit la 3 21 20ft 20ft - ft UtBoard&Cfte 41 14ft 13ft 14ft 4- ft Unit Carbon 2. x 4 34 34 34 4- ft Unit Cigar Wha) 186 4ft 4ft 4ft 4- ft tUtdClg-Wpf3ftl60 SOft 49ft 49ft 4- ft United Corn.-- 195 3ft 3ft 3ft 4- ft Unit Coro of 3 14 45ft 45 45ft 4- ft United Dyewood 6 7ft 7ft 7ft 4- ft tUtd Dye pflftk 20 77ft 77ft 77ft+1 Uid Elec Coal 1 5 23ft 23 23ft 4- ft UtEng&Fdvlfte 6 41ft 41ft 41ft- ft United Fruit 2a 25 56ft 55ft 56ft 4- % UtdGasImp 1.30 4 21ft 21ft 21ft 4- ft Unit MAM la 33 19ft 19ft 19ft 4- ft US&F Sec 1.35g. 37 28ft 27ft 28ft 4-lft U S Freight la.. 9 22ft 20ft 22 4-lft U S Gypsum 3 . 11 102ft 100ft 102 4- ft US Hoff Men ft* 10 17ft 16ft 17ft 4-1 tUSHoffM Pf4ft 30 74 73ft 73ft 4-lft USIndChmlfte 3 38 37ft 37ft U S Leather fte 14 6ft 6ft 6ft 4- ft US Leath A lft* 1 31 31 31 4- ft US Lines 2ft 28 19ft 19ft 19ft - ft US PipedtF 2.80. 8 49 48ft 49 US Plywood la. 11 32ft 32ft 32ft 4- ft U S Rubber 3e . 44 47ft 46ft 47ft 4-lft US Rubber Inf 8 1 130 130 130 4- ft US Sm RAM 1* 3 56ft 56 56ft 4- ft US Steel 2fte_.127 79ft 77ft 79 4-lft US Steel of 7... 3 138ft 137ft 138ft 4- ft U S Tobac 1.20. 3 18ft 18ft 18ft Un Strs 2dpf lg 13 12ft lift 12 - ft Utd Wallpap ft* 9 4ft- 4ft 4ft - ft Ut Wallpap Pf 2 1 30ft 30ft 30ft 4- ft Univ-Cyclops 1. 3 18 18 18 + ft Univ Lab 16 6ft 6 6ft + ft Univ Leaf Tob 1 < 20ft 20H 20ft 4- ft Univ Pictures 1. 12 14ft 14 14ft 4- ft VAN NORM fte. 2 14ft 14ft 14ft Vert-C Sugar 2 3 13>/« 13ft 13ft Vick Chem 1.2(1 5 24ft 24ft 24ft 4- ft VictorChem .40* 7 43ft 42ft . 43ft 4-lft Va CarollnChem 9 12ft 12ft 12ft 4- ft Va El&Pwr 1.20 18 18ft 18ft 18ft Vlsking Corn 2 3 37 37 37 ♦VulcanDet 30e 90 30 30 30 WLGREKN 1.60 1 31ft 31ft 31ft - ft Walker Hlrlfta 24 25ft 24ft 25ft 4-1 Walworth Co ft* 50 lift 11 lift 4- ft Ward Bak .30e 26 14ft 14ft 14ft 4- ft Warner Bro 1 ft 22 12ft ■ 12ft, 12ft 4- ft Warren Pet 80 23 33ft 32ft 33ft 4- ft Waukesha Mot 1 4 18ft 18ft 18ft 4- ft WayneKnltl.20* 2 18 18 18 - ft Wayne Pump 2. 1 26ft 26ft 26ft 4- ft Webster Tobac— 6 5ft 5ft 5ft 4- ft Wesson 0&8 le- 6 SOft 49ft 50ft 4-lft WstlndBuglfta l« 24ft 23ft 24ft west pen El Vs* 57 18ft 18ft 16ft + ft •Ws Penn El pn 90117 116ft 117 W Va CdcC .70*. 2 17 16ft 17 4- ft WVa PulpAP la 12 48ft 47ft 48ft +2 Western Air Lin# 6 7ft 7ft 7ft 4- ft WestAuto8up 8. 1 41 41 41 4- ft Western Md- 9 1* 13ft 14 4- ft West Pacific 3.. 4 35ft 33ft 35ft 4-1 West Pac pf 5 — 2 70ft 70ft 70ft 4- ft West Un Tel le. * 23ft 23ft 23ft 4- ft West Air Brk 2 25 38ft 37ft 38 4- ft Westing Elec 1 120 31 29ft 30ft 4- ft 'WstElPf A 3ft 20 94ft ,94ft 94ft- ft t Wstvaco pf3ft. 30 93ft 93ft 93ft Wheel Steel 2 16 47ft 46ft 47ft 4-lft tWheelStl prnf6 50 89ft 89ft 89ft 4- ft White Motor la 29 23ft 21ft 23 4-lft White Sewing M 6 17ft 17ft 17ft + ft Wilcox Oil -40a 21 17ft 16ft 17 4- ft WlUrs-Overland 136 10ft 10ft 10ft 4- ft willy* Or of 4 ft 7 64ft 64 64ft 4- ft Wilson&Co 1 fte 24 16ft 15ft 16 Wlao Elec Pwr l 11 10ft 10 16ft ♦ ft Woodward Ir 2. 10 33ft 32ft 33ft +lft Woolworth 2a 14 46ft 45ft 46ft 4- ft Worth Pump V«h 35 24ft 23ft 24ft 4-lft »WPMcvprpf4ft240 93ft 88ft 93ft 4-5 WyandWor .40a 8 10 9ft 10 4- ft YALE St TN ft*. 20 30ft 29ft 30ft 4- ft York Corn ft— l« 13ft 13ft 13ft 4- ft York Cnof 8V«- 1 4lft 41ft 41ft 4-1 Youn*8pr&W 1. 7 21 20ft 21 + ft Young Sb&T 4a 71 81ft 79ft 81ft 4-lft YngstStlDoor 1* 18 16ft 18 18ft 4- ft ZENITH Rift*- 20 26ft 25ft 26ft 4- ft Zontte Prod .10# 10 6 5ft 6 4- ft Beerir Bale* « the Eaehaaee Today: 11:00 a.m. 570 000 12:UU noon 1090000 l:on p.m. 1900 000 T-oOp.m. 2 490 000 ♦ Unit of trading. 10 shares. *In bank ruptcy or receivership, or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act. or securities! assumed by such companies. Rates of dividends in the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the last quarterly or semi-annual declaration. Unless other wise noted, special or extra dividends are not included, x Ex dividend, xr Ex rights, a Also extra or extras, b Plus stock divi dend. d Cash or stock, e Declared or paid so far this year, f Payable In stock, esti mated tash value on ex dividend date, g Paid last year, b Declared or paid after stock dividend or stock split-up. k Accum ulated dividends Paid or declared this year, s Payable in stock, exact cash value unde termined on declaration date. # Favorable Conditions For Stock Financing Attract Attention By William D. Horgan Associated Press Financial Writer NEW YORK, May 14.—The belief is rapidly gaining ground in Wall Street that market conditions are right for a large-scale program to raise money for business by selling common and preferred stocks. In the last few days more than $40,000,000 worth of such stocks have been snapped up by investors. Many of the financial district's smartest operators have been surprised by the fast public response to the stock offerings. A few months ago the average investment banker would shake his head in sorrow at the suggestion that he could profitably sell to the public a common stock issue of any size. He’d tell you why, in great detail: People are afraid of a recession, or inflation, or Russia; taxes are too high; security regulations are too strict; margin requirements are too high, and so on. Now Wall Street appears to be learning that there are plenty of people, all over the country, who have money to invest—if the price Is right. Recent Issues Cited. Here’s what happened to two spe cific issues: On Wednesday 680,000 shares of common stock of Halliburton Oil Well Cementing Co. were offered to the public at $25 a share. The sell ing syndicate, headed by Lehman Brothers, reported that by night fall the issue was completely sold out. Investors, presumably, liked the price. 0 “Very encouraging," commented the manager of the syndicate which marketed the stock. He indicated that his firm had an eye on addi tional stock financing In the near future. On the same day, the First Bos ton Corp. headed a syndicate which sold 800,000 shares of $25-par con vertible preference stock of South ern California Edison Co. at a price to yield to the purchaser about 4.34 per cent. The yield (which Is based on the price) was generous and a conversion feature attractive—the issue was a quick sellout. Billions for Expansion. The Nation’s business needs bil lions of dollars to build, expand and repair Its plants and facilities. Since early last year, when the mar ket for new common and preferred stocks went sour, business has re sorted to many other methods of raising money. Funds were obtained from banks, insurance companies, corporate sav ings and current earnings, and from the sale of bonds. This type of bor rowing, though, has a serious draw back—the borrower is charged by the lender for the use of the money. A business, on the other hand, pays its common stock holders only when earnings justify a dividend. Dividends Announced NEW YORK, May 14 MV—Dividend* declared: Pe-Stock of Pax Rate. rlod. record, able. Accumulated. IowaElL&P Toe pf A *1.75 _ . 8-15 7-1 IaElL&Pfl'jpe pfB *1.624 __ 6-15 7-1 IowaElL&P 6pc pfC *1.60 .. 6-15 7-1 Irregular. - United Stri 2nd pf__60c.. 6-4 6-30 United Stove.__ _10e.. 8-19 6-30 Extra. Felt & Tarrant Mfg. _20c__ 6-12 8-22 Wamautta Mills SI .. 5-20 8-15 - ■ - w. -- Bernier . ■* Anheuser- Busch 25c_5-7 6-10 Apex Smelt ...37'Ac_6-1 6-15 Beau Bru'ell Ties__124c 8-1 6-15 Compo Shoe Mch_124c ._ 5-28 6-16 Diamond Alkali_50c 6-8 6-10 Doernbecher Mfg _15c Q 5-29 6-10 Felt & Tarrant Mfg. ,36c Q 6-12 6-22 Great Nor Rwy pf . J1.50 S 6-24 0-21 Katz Drug _124 Q 5-30 8-15 Hathaway Bak _25c Q 5-20 6-1 Missouri Pub Sve_30c. 5-25 6-15 Nor Am Car _60c Q 5-27 6-10 Paramount Pic __50c Q 6-4 6-25 Patterson - Sargent- 50c .. 5-17 6-1 Parker Rustproof_62 4 5-24 6-1 Pfizer C & Co_50c Q 5-27 6-8 Pitts Plate G1 _25c Q 6-16 7-1 Rath Pack _35c . 5-21 6-10 Hellmar Prod _25c Q 6-15 7-1 Storkline Furn_25c Q 5-21 5-28 Wamsutta Mills ._50c O 5-20 6-15 Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. May 14 Ml (USDAV— Sala ble hogs. 15.000: total.. 15.700: early trade slow but later and main market active; weights under 240 pounds. 25-50 cents lower: weights over 240 pounds un evenly steady to 25 cents lower: mostly steady; sows unchanged; top. 21.50. spar ingly: bulk good and choice. 170-230 pounds. 20.50-31.25: 240-200 pounds, 19.50-20.50; 240-270 pounds. 18.00-19.50; 300-350 pounds. 16.75-17.75: 376-425 pounds. 16.00-18.50: good. 350-600 pounds, sows, 14.00-15.50; good clearance. Salable cattle. 2,000: total, 2.000: sala ble calves. 300; total, 300; verv active. Arm market on all classes: Instances 25 cents or more higher on steers and year lings scaling under 1.050 pounds; clear ance broad: price range between medium to average-choice stegrs and yearlings ex ceptionally narrow, mostly 2.50; very little under 30.60: top. 33.00 on low to average thoicr yearlings and 1.300-pound steers; good to choice, 875-pound heifers topped at 34.75; moat beef cows 20.00-24.50; cutters. 17.50-19.50; weighty sausage bulls to 25.00; vealers strong to 1.00 higher at 31.00 down Balable sheep. 500; total. 500: receipts too small for market teat: part-deck good and choice with No. l pelts around 90 pound slaughter lambs. 27.50; quotations all slaughter classes nominally steady with Thursday's advance. New York Cotton NEW YORK. May 14 MV—Cotton fu tures were steady In quiet dealings today, supported by short covering, trade and local demand. The advance was influ enced to some extent by considerable 'evening-up operations in the nearby May delivery which expired at noon today with a final traded price of 38.20 cens a pound, or 35 cents a bale under the previous close Traders awaited more information on the export program under EC A. A private crop survey said that acreage ideas in the eastern cotton belt looked for an Ircrease of. 124 to 15 per cent over last season An increase of 104 per cent was anticipated in the central belt. Higher acreage Ideas appeared to be off set by the more favorable export outlook and expectation of a higher Government loan on the next cotton crop. There were 117 additional May trans ferable notices issued todsy. according to the posting of the New York Cotton Ex change. but trade quarters reported actual tenders Issued were somewhat larger than that figure Bate afternoon prices were 10 to 85 a bale higher than the previous close: July. 37.45; October. 33.77, and December. .33.23. _ Chicago Grain CHICAGO. May 14 MV—Feed grains moved up briskly on the Board of Trade today, but wheat showed a tendency to las. Buying In corn and oats centered on the May contracts and was a renewal of the short-covering movement which sub sided yesterday. I At noon wheat was unchanged to ’a lower: May. 2.474: corn was 14-34 higher. May. 2.314: oats were 4 to 2 cents higher; May. 1.164: soybeans were 1 to 2 cents higher: May. 4 06. The Commodity Credit Corp. appeared to be more active In the cash wheat mar ket than recently, particularly lu the Southwest. The Kansas City agency was buying hard wheat in store at that ter minal for the first time in about a week. Purchases had been stopped because of the railroad strike threat. H. P. Gramlich. agriculture agent of the North Western Railway. Just returned from a trip through Iowa, said he hadn't seen corn Helds in such line shape for many years. He said that by the end of the week 50 per cent of the Iowa corn crop should be planted. New York Produce NEW YORK. May 14 MV—Butter. 257. 062: easy. Wholesale prices on bulk car tons: Creamery, higher than 92 score and premium marks (AA). 80: 92 score <Ai. 784-79: 90 score <B>, 78: 89 score (C). 74. (New tubs usually command one half cent a pound over the bulk carton price.) Cheese, 166.305; steady, prices un steadiness predominated today In the wholesale eg* market. Receipts totaled 19.525 cases. Spot quotations follow: Midwestern, mixed colors—Fancy heavy weights, 49-504: extra 1 large. 48-484; extra 2 large. 47: extra 1 medium. 454 484: current receipts. 42-44: dimes. 42 424: checks. 394-40. White*—Fancy heavyweights. 50-51, extra 1 larje. 4*4-497 extra 2 large, 474: extra 1 medium. 47 .„ ... Browns—Fancy heavyweights. 50-61. extra 1 large. 4*4-49; extra 2 large. 47; extra 1 medium. 464. Bums Adherents Map Re-election Drive After AFGE Head Resigns Union supporters of James B. Bums, who resigned yesterday as president of the AFL American Fed eration of Government Employes, today ma'pped plans to gain rank and-file support for Mr. Bums in his expected bid for re-election at the AFGE*s convention in August. Mr. Bums resigned yesterday for strategic reasons, his backers re vealed. They said his resignation was tendered in order to prevent the AFGE's Executive Council, which sought to oust him from office, from naming its own interim president. His resignation, however, gives the presidency to Mrs. Bemiece Heffner, the union’s secretary-treasurer, who will serve until September. Issues Statement. Another reason for his resigna tion, Mr. Bums said, was his desire to spare the union, between now and convention time, any unpleasant publicity that might have resulted from his battle with the council. In a statement, Mr. Bums de clared: “Differences arise in the affairs of men and organizations, and I sup pose they always will. They have now in the federation. If my ambi tion has always moved me only to achieve ultimately the best interests of/the membership, personal con siderations of every kind should be put aside for the common good. Already enough publicity has oc curred to have a disadvantageous effect felt within the federation. Regardless of the merits of any or ganization differences, I cannot per mit it to continue. Council Cancels Meeting. "Therefore, to prevent such fur ther unfavorable publicity, and for the best interests of those for whom I’ve worked so long and whose af fection* and confidence I hold so dear, I have tendered my resigna tion as president which has now been accepted effective tomorrow.” The council, which had been scheduled to meet here tomorrow in an attempt to force Mr. Bums from office, subsequently canceled its meeting. It had been reported that the council would have named James Yaden, Civil Service Commission official, as the union’s interim presi dent, with the view of officially electing him in September. Mr. Yaden, however, said today that “I am not now a candidate or applicant for the job.” Mi-. Yaden said that he would accept the presidency in September only if it could be obtained “unani mously and without bitter fac tional battle.” N. Y. Bond Market SELECTED LIST OF ISSUES. (VaraUhed »j the iimlMU Prui.) TKEABUKX 2:30 2'As 72*67 DaclOO 16 WORLD BANK IntBRAD 3872 99 22 NEW YORK CITY 3s 80_105»A FOREIGN 2:5*0 Australia 6s 58 - 98'A KreusATol 6859 18* Norway 4s 63_70V* POMESTIC 9:30 AmAirllnes8s66 76 AmAF P 6S2030 9114 Am TAT 2%s57 113?* Am TAT 2»*s61 1071* Am TAT 2?is80 958* Am TAT 2*.s86 92H AT 8 F As 85 . 1211* AtlCoas tL4 'As84102 B A O 6s 95 J 74'/* BaltAOh 6s75B 97 BaltAOh 5sG95 6* BAOCT4V42010 53 BaltAOhio4s75A 92 Boat Me 41A* 70 55'A BufRochAP57st 6*?* Can Nat4'As51 107% Can Pac 4s pern 94?* Cent Ga 6s 59C 8?* Cent Ga cn5s46 56?* Cent Galst5s45 78 Cn RR NJ 5s 87 62 Cn RR NJ 4s 87 54'A CAO 3'As 96 E. 104'/* ChlAE I lne 97 . 44?* ChlIAL4'A2003. 48'A ChlfiL Inc4s83 61?* CMStP4'As2044 56?* ChlANW 4'As99 64% CRIPin4?is2018 85?* C R I A P 4s 94 10614 CCCStL 4 lAs 77 77 Col A So 4'As80 54?* Comwl Ed :ts 77 104 ConsPe’is?? 101'A Del A Hud 4s 63 95 Del LAW4S2II42 63?* DAR In 4'A2018 61 DetEdison23/x82 97?* Erie 4Vas 2016 69?* G MAO 2044 B 65 HackWatS44s?6 96 Hud Coal 5s 82a 95 Hud&M rf 6s 67 6444 HuddcM In 6s 67 2644 I C rf 4s 55_103'/* IC 444*68_87V* ICC 8tL 5s 83 A 9744 IntGtNor 6s 62. 27 IatONlSt8s53 61 Int Ot No5s56C 5744 Kan C Sou 4*75 1014* Laded eQs4 4*63 109 Leh VI 6s2003st 43 Lab Val 4s 2003 344* LehVI Trm 6s6I 73 Mich CO 34*860 105>/4 M-K-T 5s 62 A 7944 M-K-TadJ5s67 664* M-K-T 4* M S 65}* Mo Pae 54*8 49 20 Mo Pac 6s 80 H 814* Mo Pae 5s 81 I 814* MO Pac *n 4s 75 38 Morris&Ex 5s55 80 MtStaTel3'/«s78102J* N O T M 54*854 97 NOTM6S54 92*4 N O T M 5s 66 . 924* NOTM444S56 89*/* NYC rf 6s 2013 83 NYC 444S2013A 754* N Y C COB 4S 98 704* NYNHlnc44a*’22 42V* NYNHH 4S2007 694* Nias F P 34is66 10944 NorflkSo 5s2(ll4 69 Nor Pae 4s 97 1064* PacT&T 34«s87 1024* Peo&E Inc 4s90 25 Pblla El 24*8 67 V>14* StLSP 44**2022 59 StLSanPrn4*97 88H StLSWrf 6s 80 1014* Seab In44*s2016 704* Sou Pae 444s 69 94*4 So Ry *n 4s 56 944* TexftNOrl3V470 974* Third Ave 5s 60 6044 VaEl&Pw3V.*631104* West Un 5s 60 944* Wise Cent 4* 49 72'/* Wls Cn 4s 363D *04* N. Y. Curb Market AlrWay XI A .00 6% Alaska Airlines. 4% Alum Ltd 3 -- 49% Alum Co Am 2 . *9% Am C P L B .15a «% Am Qas A H lb 39% AmUaht&T.S0e 18*4 Am Maracaibo 4% Am Republe */ak 20% Am Superpower 1 ArkNatOas .20e 8% ArkNGas A .20a 8% Asbland 011 1. _ 18% Atlas Corp w».\0% Barium Steel 0% Blue Rldse 40a 3% Bras Tr L&P 2_ 17% BreeseCorp- 10% BrwnF Dlst 80a 29% Bnk Hill & S Via 21% Burma Ltd . 1 Calif El Pwr .00 7% CalliteTuna_ 4 Can Marconi — 2% Carr Cons Blsc - 4% Catalln Am . . 7% Cen&S W CP .70 10% Chi & So Airl. . 0% Cities Service 2 57% Claude Neon _ 2% ColSand&St .40 7 Col Puel&Ir ww 4% Colts Mfa l%g 34% CompoSM vte % 7% Cons Gas 0tll % 10% Cont Fdy&M 1. 14% CopperRanae%a 12% Corron & Reyn_ 4% Cosden Petro .. 7% Creole Pet 1.80e 47% Crosley Motor. _ 10% Crown Cent Pet 7% CrownDrus 05e 3% Cub Atl Sua 2a 18% Dennison A 40e 10% DetGraylr .20s- 2% i East Gas&Fuel 7 I EasyWash B ’/4e 13% I El Bond&Sh V4a 14% I Equity Corp 2% ' PauchldCmCOk 17% Fairchild E & A 3% 1 FanateelMet'/4a 14% FordMFran 02a 1%' GenPlywood 40 8% Goldfield Cons %|! Gray Manufaet. 12%’ Harvard Brew 2 " Hazeltine v«e xn>/4 Humble 011 1 'be 788* Huvlers _ 6 Imp Oil Ltd 84.. 16 Int Petrol 84_1*84 Kalser-Prazer.. 11 Kirby Pet 20* 18 Leonard Oil Dev 8* Le Tourneau . 21 Lone Star Gael 22 Lon* Island Lt* 8* Louis L ft E la 208* Menasco MI* 28* MtdStPB vte tia 78* Mid West Crp 8f 88* Minin* Cp Can. 68* Nat Bellas 20*. 38* Nat Union Rad . 28* New Mex ft Art* * New Pic Min .10 18* Niaxara Hud Pr 8 Noma Elect ,20a 168* No Am Lt ft Pwr 78* NorthropAlr V«* 128* Pantepee 1.28.. 178* Pennroad 40* 68* PharlsT&R IBe 4*4 Pioneer Gold 21/* Pitney-Bow 80a 128* PittBess&LE 1 >4 40*4 Pitt Metallu .80 16*4 Producers Corn. 18* Ft-K-O opt war- 2*4 Raytheon MI* 78* Rice Stlx DO 2a 30>4 Richmond Rad 4 RloGrValG .05* 28* SaltDomeO 1V.I 118* Schulte (DA).. 3 Sexal Lock_ 28* Select Indus 38* Sele Ind cv 184* 258* Simplle Pat 40a 6*4 Solar Alrc .15e- 138* 3oss MI* 1 8 3oCEd cvpl 1.12 26 Sterlln* En* . 184 Sterlln* Inc >4 784 SunRavDru OB* 6*4 Sup ToolftD 20 3*4 rechnlcolor 8«e 1584 rri-Contl w w 3*4 lotted Corn ww M* It LtftRys 32e 218* I S Poll B .90* 17*4 18 Int Sec 3*4 It-IdahoSu.l Be 3*4 Wilson Bro 30* 68* Wright Har* .16 28* Market Averages STOCKS. 30 1# 1*. Indst. Ralls. Util Stks Net change- + .8 -*-.2 +.2 -3 Today noon- 94 * 43.7 41.5 89 4 Pr*y Hay _ 93.8 43.5 41.3 89.1 W«k ag5:- 92.4 42.8 40.9 88 0 Te0.nrth.“0:::::-- Si.! Vkl *i § 59.3 1948 high_'93.8 43 5 41 3 89 1 1948 low.::_ 8.-13 34 2 38.0 80.3 BONDS. 20 10 10 1010 Low Ralls. Indst. UtiL Tin. Yield. Net change - 2 . unc. rat. +.1 unc Today noon Pi 1 101-4 109.9 6...1 119.1 S r 91 9 101.4 100.9 82.0 110.1 Week a*o . 91.4 101.8 100.8 81.4 109.7 Month ago. 90 4 101 8 100.4 82.8 109.9 Year mo 90.3 103.4 105.4 <4.1 115.9 1948 high 91 9 101.8 100.9 88.9 110.2 948 low 87.7 99.8 98 0 80 2 107.2 (Compiled by the Assocated Press.> Foreign Exchange NEW YORK, May 14 (*>>.—K>reign ex change rates follow (Great Britain In dollars, others In cents!: Canadian dollar in New York open market 7^4 Per cent discount or 92 25 United States cents, unchanged Europe—Great Britain. *4.0314. un changed: Trance (franc). .321# of a cent, unchanged: Italy (lira). May fixed rate 001739. April . 601742: Sweden (krona), 27.86. unchanged; Swltxerland (franc) (commercial). 23.40. unchanged. PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received it the Procurement Section. National Bureau of Standards. Washington. D. C . until • . p.m.. May 28. 1948. and then publicly opened for installing air conditloninc and ventilating gystem in the Industrlgl Build ing at the National Bureau of Standards, as described in the specifications which may ba obtained from the Procurement Section. National Bureau of Standards. ■ • —15 First Trust LOANS On Real Estate P. J. WALSHE, INC. A A I - RADIO COPYING Sanbran Company 1126 Vermont Are. N.W. — DISTRICT 7307 .-I LOANS ON REAL ESTATE i Various plana, tnatading long-tern monthly payments, at favorable rata. FIRST DEED OF TBCST ONLI KENTALS—SALES—IN8L RAN Cl GEORGE I. BORGER 643 Indiana An. N.W. NA. 0360 Builders . Construction Loans Good Location! in tha District of Colombia and Maryland Loans Made for 20 Tears and 6 Months r Immediate Servleo > • * | Phillips, Canby & Fuller, Inc. 1012 15th St. N.W. NA. 4600 mi with \i [/SAFETY'! If When you save here, your I savings are protected by 1 our conservative investment 1 policy . . ; and you have . 1 the added safeguard of Fed I eral Insurance up to $5,000. I Our savers receive depend I able dividends twice every I year. 1 Large or Small Savings I Welcome | COLUMBIA I FEDERAL II SAVINGS I I\ AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ft ft 716 11th St. N.W. I H\ Open Until 5:S0 Fndat JM HA A Safe Place /M to Save IP , _Q NOTICE OF REDEMPTION TO THE HOLDERS OF VICTOR PRODUCTS CORP. Series ‘C’ 5% Debenture Notes Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Indenture of Trust of Victor Products Corporation of Hagers town, Maryland, to the Hamilton National Bank of Washington, D, C., as Trustee, dated December 17, 1940, that the undersigned as Trus tee aforesaid has drawn by lot for redemption on June 1, 1948, out of monies in the sinking fund, the fol lowing numbered Series "C” 5% 8 F. Debenture Notes due December 1, 1948: Coupon Notes of $1,000 Denom ination M1-M14-M18-M19-M25 M47-M53-M59-M74-M79 a The Notes herein designated by number will be paid at the current redemption price, namely, 100% of the principal amount thereof, to gether with accrued interest there on to said redemption date. Said Notes must have attached thereto coupons maturing on December 1, 1948. Said Notes wiU be redeemed at the Hamilton National Bank, 14th and O Streets N.W., Wash ington 5, D. C. Interest on the Notes herein described shall cease to accrue on June 1, 1948. HAMILTON NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON, Trustee. By W. R. Forster, Vice President. Dated April 22, 1948. • s