✓ Lodge Plans Lawn Party A lawn and card party and gar-1 den tour will be sponsored by Mont gomery County No. 12, Order of the Amaranth, Inc., at 1:30 p.m.. May 22, on the estate of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Keiser, 1100 Rockville pike, Rockville, Md. Brooke Johns, chair man of the County Board of Com missioners, will act as master of ceremonies. THE MARK OF DISTINCTION IN UNFINISHED FURNITURE - UNFINISHED RECORD CABINET FOR YOUR TABLE MODEL RADIO-PHONOGRAPH COMBINATION The Week End’s Best Buy. This roomy two-shelf record cabinet of sanded and puttied white pine has a top 26" by 18" and is 30" hi{h. The shelves will easily hold 13" record albums. Regular $AtQO HURRY! Only 46 Ltft! $12.85 (BOOKCASES, SO Sixes; CHEST OF DRAWERS, 7 Sixes; RECORD CAB INETS, 12 Sixes; BUFFETS, COFFEE TABLES, CORNER CABINETS, KIDNEY SHAPED VANITIES, DESKS, TABLES AND CHAIRS. Many Other Items Available Any Items Not in Stock, Made to Order LJ. N. Helping Mexico ro Block Smuggling Of Opium Info U. S. LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., May 14 (CDN).—Isolated valleys in North srn Mexico, far from civilization, are the target for a joint United Nations-Mexican campaign to re duce opium smuggling into the United States. In these remote val leys, opium traffickers grow poppy plants and process clandestine drugs In hidden laboratories. The pre pared opium is often smuggled across the Rio Grande by airplane. The U. N. Commission on Narcotic Drugs, now in session here, long has seen woried about this well-organ ized smuggling ring. It is satisfied, hofever, that the Mexican government is doing its pest to co-operate with the U. N. City Fights Traffic. Saturnino Guzman, chief of the Health ahd Welfare Department of Mexico City, tells the commission that the opium traffickers are being fought with new legislation and with intensive explorations T>y federal troops and army airplanes. Already, 2,284 cases against opium growers, technicians and smugglers have resulted in jail sentences or in pending trials, he reports. Mr. Guzman’s statement follows a report of the commission on nar cotic drugs which said: "The situation in regard to smug gling of Mexican-prepared opium appears to be deteriorating year by year. "Whereas, seizures of Mexican opium were not heavier than in preceding years, information re ceived by the commission reflects that the growing of opium poppy and preparation of prepared opium for but one market—the United States—has expanded from but two Mexican states, Sonora and Sinaloa, to numerous other Mexican states. Smuggling Well Organized. "Illicit opium traffic now seems to be well organized. "Small airstrips are constructed in the hilly country in which the poppies are grown, thus enabling the traffickers to fly the opium from these often Inaccessible regions to points near the border, where it may be smuggled into the United States in some other manner. "Several airplanes and landing BI6 52 SQ. IN. SCREEN /,Ui.CIW. MIRACLE PICTURE LACK ' flTE DEUve*T FM STATIC CLEAR CIRCUIT j Here, at a NEW LOW PRICE, are all the I engineering and performance features I which deliver super-clear, non-flickering, I non-drifting reception in LIGHTED or I DARKENED rooms, day and night! I Honduras Mahogany veneer cabinet. DO I NOT CONFUSE THIS NEW EMERSON / intallatioit M WITH LOW-PRICE RECEIVERS HAVING / M SMALL. 7-so.-in. screen*) I K IIG TUOMN ALLOWANCE ON / „ f YOU*. OLO RADIO . . .AND . ^ "TU. I VUB£- KRF0RM4NCE ■ m j i .1 l Jm i m I Ifll J 1 IM 7 8527 GEORGIA AVE, Z J I . ] SILVER SPRING, MD. jLJUJLL«ZJB . SL1903400 • Fr»t Parking J| ^ OPEN EVENINGS TIL 9 P.M. - strips have been discovered by Mexican authorities and destroyed.” Mexico became an important, and dangerous, source of contra band drugs early in the war when the Far East supply was closed. Drug racketeers planted large scale poppy farms in hilly areas accessible only to men on burros or to airplanes. Wartime inability to guard the border adequately al lowed the opium traffic to get a flourishing start. Burglar Alarm Useless JANSEN, Nebr. Cota»towhl Datroit, Mick. W. W. LaarancalCa, rllXfOOfgn, a •• Tka Loart Brothara Co, Dayton, 0. Jafcn Lacaa t Ca., lac* PhiMalpkia. Pa. Tka Matiln SaaanfCa.. ) Ckicaga, Id. —■■aajar** Tka Shanain-WMiama Ca.. Oavataag,0. I Hurt is only ono gonoino KEM-TONE OK and Rosin Finish! Accept No Substitute! •* «r