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that stretches when you do. All leather. fl
511 nth St. N.W. NA. 4242 |
Luggage, Saddlery Riding Clothes, Gifts M
Knutson Bill on Cotton
Held Oleo Retaliation
The threat of Chairman Knutson
of the House Ways and Means Com
mittee to lift the limitations on cot
ton imports was seen today as an
other move in the long battle over
repeal of the Federal oleomargarine
Margarine backers said the dairy
State Republicans’ move late yes
terday obviously was to (1) influence
the Senate which has yet to pass
the House-approved repeal bill, and
(2) get back at Southern Represent
atives for voting for repeal.
Senator Fulbright, Democrat, of
Arkansas said the Minnesotan was
“acting like a spiteful child.” He
noted that the Senate Finance Com
mittee will begin on Monday a two
day hearing on the House bill.
Representative Rivers, Democrat,
of South Carolina, author of the
bill, called Mr. Knutson’s bill “spite
work.” He said Mr. Knutson “will
find that retribution never pays,
especially when it is not righteous.”
Mr. Knutson introduced his bill
late yesterday, saying it would mean
“cheaper shirt# and cheaper bed
linens.” He said his committee will
act next week on his bill.
The move is the second such re
taliation move. Representative
Andresen, Republican, of Minne
sota, who led the butter bloc in the
House fight, already has opened
hearings before a House Agriculture
Subcommittee on a bill to eliminate
restrictions on export of tobacco
seeds, a move also opposed by
Southerners. ■
Fifth Daughter Born
To Mrs. David Hopkins
By the Associated Press
HOLLYWOOD, May 14.—David
Hopkins was in Eddie Cantor's class
Mr. Hopkins, 33, eldest son of the
late Harry Hopkins, presidential
adviser, welcomed his fifth daughter
last night, to pull up even with the
comedian. t
Mrs. Hopkins, 30, the former
dancer, Cherry Preisser, gave birth
to Barbara, 9 pounds 2 ounces, at.
Hollywood Memorial Hospital. At
home were Cherry, jr., 9; June, 7;
Jo Ann. 4, and Stephanie, 3.
Mr. Hopkins, assistant to the
president of Enterprise Studios, and
his wife were married in 1937.
C RIGI NAL^m^0Sr^?B0UM40ri|
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• 100% All Wool Oxford Gray Serge
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Here's what you’ve waited for! You’ve
heard about these wonderful suits, now come
in and see this exciting value for yourself.
Every suit boasts the fine tailoring of their
5th Ave. designers . . . they’re beautifully
lined, with hand-sewn button holes, generous
hem and hand set-in sleeves. You’ll agree
... these suits are well worth more than
TWICE the tiny price you pay!
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B 1 f C\ i m I » b i 1 I I I l Ini
X' ■■ I mm I | ] J I ft 1 M 1 r
4 r
'Truth Serum'
Found Helpful
To Alcoholics
By the Associated Press
SEATTLE, May 14.—A group of
doctors has reported that the “truth
serum’’ — sodium pentothal — has
been used with considerable success
tn treating the more difficult cases
of alcoholism.
They said the treatment is partic
ularly useful with persons whose
alcoholism results from nervous ten
Dr. Paul O’Hollaren, assistant
chief of staff of the Shadel Sani
tarium here, made the report.
He said the sodium pentothal had
these effects in helping bring about
a cure:
1. While the patient is under the
influence of the drug he gives the
doctors much information. This is
used to help the person understand
his problems and solve them.
2. At the same time, the drug
makes the person talk freely. He
feels better when he has the prob
lems “off his chest.”
3. The drug calms the person and
this calm lasts for some time after
its use. This helps the person to
“get a grip on himself.”
4. While under the lfifluence bf
the drug, the person Is often given
suggestions to follow out in his wak
ing hours. He does not remember
these but they help him to act in
a way to avoid tensions.
Christian Scientists Protest
License at ABC Hearing
The neighborhood of Eighteenth
street and Columbia road N.W.
already has too many establish
ments serving beer and liquor, the
Alcoholic Beverage Control Board
was informed yesterday by mem
bers of the First Church of Christ,
Scientist, at a hearing to protest
the granting of a liquor license to
Myles Steak House, 1759 Columbia
road N.W.
The protest group was headed by
Attorney H. E. Manghum, who
heads a commfttee of the church
to see that no liquor places are
licensed in the vicinity of the
church. The church is located at
Columbia road and Euclid street
Mrs. Mabel Updegraff. elerk of
the church, said she had observed
drunks on the street In the vicinity
of the church. Miss Augusta B.
Wilsone, Douglas Harrman and Mil
ford Blum, members of the church,
also testified against granting of
the license.
F. Joseph Ddnohue, attorney for
Edward N. Myles, proprietor of the
restaurant, who is seeking the
license, presented a petition signed
by 600 residents and customers of
the restaurant, asking that the
license be granted. Mr. Myles now
has a license to sell beer and light
wines and is seeking a license to
dispense all kinds of alcoholic
The board took the case under
Radio disturbances occur when
the ionosphere or radio reflecting
region 50 to 250 miles above the
earth is disrupted by the incoming
streams of particles from the sun.
Gernt Heads Luray Chamber
LURAY, Va„ May 1# (Special).—
The board of director* of the Luray
Chamber of Commerce has elected
E. J. Gernt as president to succeed
Ashby Herndon. Clifton Kibler was
elected vice president and Robert
Morrison reappointed secretary.
Chile has raised its postal rates
and likewise the pay of postmen.
>40>0 J MONOGUM t
7920 Georgia Ave.r SH. 4463
Open Evenings Until 9 P.M.
Are you forced to pas. «P *1*®°",
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rSori-* >«•>»«' s
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Lusts and scales of P*0"8***^
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Certainly it’s worth a trial, par
ticularly since it’, offered to you
on a two-weeks’-satisfaction-or
money-refunded basis.
Lawn Mowing 'Made Easy' |
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (JP).—W. C.
Wingo has whipped the problem of
mowing the lawn at night. He put
a headlight on his electric mower.
But If he cut the grass at night,
he’d miss his favorite radio pro
grams. So—that's right. Mr. Wingo
attached a radio to mower. "Pain
less pushing,’’ he calls it.
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