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Pravda Accuses U. S. Of Retreat on Move For 2-Nalion Parley ty »h« A»eciat*d Pr»i MOSCOW, May 14—Pravda today accused the makers of .American foreign policy of beating a retreat after seeking to soothe American public opin ion by suggesting American Russian conciliation talks. The Communist Party organ de clared that after Russia agreed to such talks, President Truman and Secretary of State Marshall an nounced that American policy re mained unchanged and that the United States had no intention of conducting bilateral parleys. This was the first Russian edito rial comment regarding the talks. Pravda and other newspapers also published a Tass News Agency dis patch from New York charging that the State Department had distorted "the wording of the Soviet reply to American Ambassador Walter Be dell Smith. War Psychosis Charged. Pravda asserted that “the Ameri can press does not make a secret of the fact that a war psychosis ex ists in the United States as a result "Of a long, persistent campaign launched by reactionaries. “It has reached such a pitch late ly,” the paper said, "that it lately has put the ruling circles in the United States in an awkward posi tion. In these circumstances urgent measures were required by them for soothing public opinion.” Pravda declared that the Ameri can attitude regarding the talks evoked criticism even in the con servative American press. Hie Tass dispatch said “the char acter of these distortions speaks for itself.” Misquotation Charged. It charged American newspapers omitted a claim that "the entire British, French and American press openly say” the five-nation West era European alliance “is directed against the U. S. S. R.” The agency declared the State Department distributed a text which misquoted the Russian government. Delegates of Britain, France and the three Benelux countries ap proved in March a treaty which set up a Western European union as a block to communism. Russia has taken a stand against a Western Europe defensive alliance. Gromyko to Leave Job AtU.N.JakeVacation By th* A»ociat*d Fr«t LAKE SUCCESS, May 14.—An drei A. Gromyko says he is going to leave his job as Russia's United Nations representative and go home for a vacation in July. “I expect to be away for a few months,” he told reporters. “I am in need of a vacation.” He said "Jacob Malik, former Soviet ambassador to Japan, who like Mr. Gromyko is a Russian deputy foreign minister, would re place him during his absence. Mr. Malik arrived in London last night en route to take up his new duties. Informants here said Mr. Gro myko would spend the remainder of his time here before going home in July showing Mr. Malik the ropes. Mr. Gromyko now Cepre sents the Soviet Union as head of his country’s delegation in the spe cial Assembly session on Palestine, on the Security Council, on the Atomic Energy Commission, the Commission for Conventional Arm aments and various other U. N. units. It was reported here that Mr. Gromyko has two months leave stored up.__ Joint Maneuvers Planned PORTSMOUTH, England (ff).— The British destroyers Battleax and Crossbow have been invited to join the United States Navy in maneu vers off the American Coast this summer and the invitation has been accepted. LIGHT AS’A FEATHER—More than a ton of old air-condition ing machinery dangles at the end of a 110-foot crane as work men install new equipment today on the roof of the Harrington Hotel. Officials of the Washington Refrigeration Co., who are doing the Job, estimate it will take two weeks to install the new pl&nt. ♦ ——Star Staff Photo. Sub Aids Channel Survey LONDON (JP). — On a 1,000 - mile trip to survey the bed of the English Channel, 54 men have sailed from Portland In the British submarine Talent. The party includes three Cambridge University scientists who hope to get at the geological com position of the Channel’s bottom. f up 3n\n on Beautiful South River 21 MILES FROM D. C. An unusual opportunity to acquire at a low price a large cottage site, beautifully wooded and with direct shore frontage on salt water where you can have your own private pier in an ex cellent section of nearby Maryland which has been selected for estates by owners familiar with the beauty spots throughout the Nation. GAPE ST. JOHN has the lush soil of land bordering the water; a magnificent curving shoreline; the majesty of tall beautiful, hardwood trees, including the attributes of the princely sportsmen’s retreat. At GAPE ST. JOHN the clean salt water with its fine sandy bottom furnishes excellent bathing and swim ming. You will find one of the finest fishing grounds and all-year round harbors for boats. • • • • GAPE ST. JOHN has a special attraction for conservative people who seek rest from noisy vacation throngs and SPACE for each to engage in his own particular sport or relaxation without encroachment upon his privacy, peace and comfort. Drive down and see GAPE ST. JOHN and admire its large shaded areas, the cool green depth of the water; enjoy the pungent woods scent; take deep draughts of the invigorating salt air and see for yourself how CAPE ST. JOHN meets your needs. It is hard to realize that there is such a restful haven so near to Washington —where one feels miles away from cares and business—and which yet may be reached by a short, delightful drive over scenic and well-paved highways. • • • • CAPE ST. JOHN insures your kiddies strong, healthy bodies and clear, active minds by providing the right place to obtain summer sunshine; where the salt breezes temper the air and make it cool and delightful and where you and the kiddies can spend carefree days in fun and frolic. -NOW OFFERING Large cottage site, beautifully wooded with direct shore frontage on salt water_ Other Desirable Sites Proportionately Priced—Convenient Terms We have built several charmipg shore-front cottages, each equipped with all-electric kitchen, large living room with fire place, two bedrooms, complete bath and a large, bronze-screened porch, designed for comfortable living. Telephone and electric service have been installed for your convenience. These cot tages set the pattern for the type desired in accordance with existing restrictions at GAPE ST. JOHN. Come Early and Select a Choice * Site at Pre - development Price* .——— ■■ TO REACH CAPE ST. JOHN —■ Drive out from 15th A H Sts. N.E. along Benning Rd., turn left on Central Ave. (Route 214), continue on Central Ave. 17V* miles, turn left on Rive Rd. 3'/] miles to CAPE ST. JOHN. Representative on property every day. Ackerman Really Corporation, Selling Agent Suite 100, Barr Bldg. 910 17th St. N.W. Phone ST. 76S4 ft « m ft Chicago Dailies' $9 Offer Inadequate, Local Says >y th* Associotcd Pr«« CHICAGO, May 14 —A $9 weekly wage increase offer by publishers of Chicago's strikebound newspapers was termed “inadequate” by a local union official yesterday. John J. Pilch, president of the striking Local 16 of the AFL In ternational Typographical Union, added, however, that any official acceptance or rejection of the of i fer would await a report on it from the union’s international officers at Indianapolis. The proposal was aimed at set tling the 24-week-old strike of un ion printers on Chicago’s five major dailies—the Tribune, Sun-Times, Herald-'American, Daily News and Journal of Commerce. The publishers said the $9 offer is their final one. Previously, they had offered a $6 weekly raise. The union has demanded raises of from $22,50 to $27.80 depending on the Call REpublic 6212 If you buy later, money paid as rental and deliv ery charge will be deduct ed from purchase price. Console and spinet pianos of excellent makes are here for rental. And rental and de livery costs will be deducted from purchose price if you later want to buy. (6 months limit) I KITTS I 1330 G Street || shift worked. The workers present wage schedule is $85 AO to $91. Mr. Pilch said the local's negoti ating committee would not recom mend acceptance of a $9.29 weekly wage increase proposal by the Franklin Association, collective bar gaining representative of 400 print shops employing 3,500 printers. District Controllers Elect Paul Southard Chairman Paul J. Southard, assistant con troller of the' Hecht Co., has been! elected chairman of the National Group of Controllers, it was an nounced today. Others elected include D. K. How ard, Julius Garfincktel & Co., vice chairman; R. J. Packard, The Young Men's Shop, secretary-treasurer; 6-Inch Blade Electric FANS 3.95 5.95 Value Get yours now. Operates on AC current Open o Charge Account Eric A. Fredrikson, The Young Men's Shop; Jennings Snyder, Julius Gar finckel A Co.; Fred H. Heenan, Woodward A Lothrop, and Joseph L. Adeski, Lansburgh A Bro., Board of Governors. J. C. Godwin was named repre tentative to the Controllers' Con gress, National Retail Dry Goods Association. Introduction of television into the country is being discussed in Brazil. Helmed 4 Wheels Complete FINEST QUALITY LINING BUICK SPECIAL m m PONTIAC .45 OLDSMOB1LE " “T, PACKARD-110 fSir£ QUICK EFFICIENT FREE BRAKE Service by Experts ADJUSTMENTS Duplicate Police Testing Machine K! ^ f EMeI Pack your summer in ice cubes! Get into a BOND TROPICAL WORSTED * No wrinkles! No puckers! NO fancy price! Come on in — the weather’s fine! That’s your invitation to beat-the-heat in the cool comfort of a Bond TROPICAL WORSTED! The suit that gives you 5-star performance when the sun is sizzling hot — the suit so many men wear SIX MONTHS out of die year. Here are the colors and patterns you used to see in expensive importations — diagonal weaves, \ houndstooth checks, two-tone stripes, waffle weaves, and clear, crisp solids. All Bond-tailored to make sure i you enjoy the band-box neatness of your regular-weight ^ worsteds — you just FEEL the difference. And remember — every one of these handsome suits is wrinkle* resistant PURE WORSTED (there’s not a thread of rayon in the lot). And no starch in the price, either! Style Manor 33*75 , Park Lane 38.75 \ Executive Group 43*75 1335 F STREET N.W. Listen to HoUy Wright and the Latest News, WRC—7 A M. Mon., Wed. and Frl.