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RATE AN A AND SAVE MONEY NOW! Remodel or repair your home now during our Special Low Price Event. We have an assortment of odd lots of lumber and odd Items of mill work that we are selling almost at cost. You'll find the materials you need for many repair jobs or remodeling work that you're planning. Come in and select what you want this week. SAVE $ THIS WEEK AT BALLIHERiHlI&llELY l«. SHERtAMi&n&WSTS. N.W. 2600) WASHINGTON ~D.C. J __ AUCTION _I At WILLIAMS AUCTION HOUSE 9 IS New Y ork Ave. TUESDAY (TOMORROW)—2 P.M. NEW SILVERWARE Special sale of sample, show room and salesman a sample silver ware. Also other pieces, together with furniture, lamps and household effects. Sterling, Silverplate, Sheffield, Sheltingham, etc., direct from nationally known manufacturer. Ele gant Tea and Coffee Sets. Large and Small Service Trays. Hollow are. Trays, Plates and Bow^s. Bread and Butter Plates. Gravy Boats. Magnifi cent Candelabras. Candle Sticks. Sterling Flat ware in Beautiful and Popular Patterns. Plated Flatware Sets and Chests. Water Pitchers. Veg etable Dishes. Meat Platters. Silent Butlers. Mine Coolers. Entree Dishes. Compotes and numerous other pieces. In addition to the silver, there are bedroom suites of the better grades, breakfast sets, maple living room set, attractive table lamps, fine bedroom and bath room hampers, numerous other desirable household effects. Zed U. Williams & Zed L. Williams, Jr. Auctioneers, Phone NA. 2620..—— Five African Nerve Diseases Like Polio Reported at Meeting By Thomas R. Henry Scienc* Editor of Tho Stor. Five hitherto unknown nerve mal adies from African jungles were re ported to the Fourth International Congresses on Tropical Medicine and Malaria meeting here today . They are ciosety related to the dreaded poliomyelitis and encephali tis of temperate climates. All five are due to filterable viruses, smallest of all living things, and their chief point of attack is the central nerv ous system. Thus far they have not been found outside Africa. Humans are suscep tible to all five viruses and severe illnesses have been reported but ks yet there have been no fatal cases. One attack by any of them appar ently results in the formation of protective substances in the blood which make the victim relatively immune thereafter. Maladies Are Described. The new diseases were reported by Dr. K. C. Smithburn, director of the Yellow Fever Institute at Entebbe, Uganda. All were discovered acci dentally in the course of yellow fever investigations. They were de scribed by Dr. Smithburn as follows: 1. Bwamba fever. This is an acute high fever which comes suddenly with severe headache, backache and general prostration. It lasts about five days after which recovery is rapid and complete. Throughout tne disease mere is a moderate slowing of the heart rate. It is probably fairly common in the Bwamba country of western Uganda. A virus obtained from the blood of victims is different from any other known to medicine. West Nile Fever. 2. West Nile fever. There is one known case, a woman who com plained of mild fever and head aches. From her blood was obtained a virus organism which caused brain inflamation in monkeys. Although not hitherto reported, the malady in a sub-clinical form apparently has been quite common in the West Nile district of Uganda since protective substances were found in the blood of many natives. The virus seems quite closely re lated to two strains of encephalitis— the St. Louis strain which was re sponsible for a severe epidemic in the Mid-West a few years ago and the Japanese type, which was a major problem for the American Army in the Far East. 3. Semlike forest fever. This virus was isolated from mosquitoes. It has never been reported in human be ings but immunological tests showed protective substances in the blood of both men and monkeys. This seems that the malady has been fairly common, but ordinarily it may not be severe enough for a victim to call a physician. Bunvamwera Fever. 4. Bunyamwera fever. This virus was found in mosquitoes from an extremely isolated section of the great Semlike forest which is known only to Pigmy hunters. Protective antibodies have been found in the blood of both men and monkeys in the region. This means they must have had the disease at some time, ft is believed to cause a mild fever Iwith nervous symptoms. This virus j does not have even a family re i semblance to any other known to science. 5. Mengo encephalomyelitis. Five! strains cf this virus have been found in monkeys, mosquitoes and a mon goose. In the course of the lab oratory experiments one of the workers became infected. He suf fered severe headaches, fever, de lirium. stupor and deafness. The illness lasted about 10 days but com plete recovery was slow. All five diseases, it is believed, have existed in men and monkeys for a long time but they are found in a region where there has been little medical service in the past and probably the natives paid no attention to them. With the greater accessibility of the region due to air travel, however, there is a strong possibility that they may break out of their isolated habitat and un dergo changes which will make them serious epidemic diseases. 600 of D. C. Bar Group Plans Outing June 3 Some 600 members of the District Bar Association will hold their an nual outing on June 3 at the Be tADIO thesda Country Club. 9500 Bradley boulevard. Dallas Carnes, chairman of the club committee for the all-day out ing said plans have been made to entertain the jurists with swim ming, golfing, softball, and bad minton, rounded out with five ex hibition boxing bouts by Golden Gloves contestants. Gene Ford Will Get Plaque For Service to Walter Reed Maj. Gen. George C. Beach, com manding general of the Army Medi cal Center and Walter Reed Hospi tal, will present a plaque to Gene Ford, manager-director of Loew's Capitol Theater, on June 1 for his service to personnel at the hospital. The presentation, previously TROUSERS up To Match Odd Coatg 1 EISEMAN’S—F at 7th vilSBlBlBleilBlBlBlBg.'BiaiBigic *4*i-,4*hIMF ARMSTRONG'S INLAID LINOLEUM 10 SQ. YDS. s14 .9.1 / nstallation Extra ASPHALT TILE 200 SQUARE FEET Installation Extra among today’s 125 different tire brands gives you this broad written warranty that’s good on the road for one full year at over 38,000 author ized dealers in the U. S. and Canada. As yocf evy r/Ra° W* &MrArA agggwp— TIRES you 0®*: With ATIAS TW«^ i.<nuin and 8°. . r- t:»oc sold to / more «““* r 2 38,000authonze fey t,.i„ed, «« _«•■__ installed and _-vnertsl th A» LA3 p ,ised quality ^ T'tes * HS\ - - — Written w0**. j jealersmu 38,000authorize ^ ^ fey ined, .*■ Tires i"s!a''erti« sUtion experts. perienced £-^^ays improved enced sendee ,mpr?ved lor gre^l^'™'ea8es”^rdOd'or duahW reputationo!E«0^ 18 years^ « rience^hi Batteries and a comp __■ tgmmmrmm • • M«I ID* tail IHI *1*1 ■<□ 90S* , . /At 3h*itAu±t\ TINS WARRANTY mmd ARJISTMEVT AGREEMENT PONT START YOUR VACATION ON SMOOTH, WORN, UNSAFE TIRES' Ask your Esso Doalor about the new Atlas Butyl Tube—that holds air ten times better than natural rubber I TRAVEL ON ATLAS “The tire that makes good on the road!” ESSO STANDARD OIL COMPANY a- r\ scheduled for next Tuesday, will take place at 7:30 p.m. two weeks later in the Red Cross Auditorium of the hospital. The plaque is from the Armed Forces Radio Service of the hospi tal “in appreciation for many hours of excellent entertainment afTorded the patients of the hospital.” Library Group to Dine Miss Virginia Kirkus, New York book critic, will discuss "New and WATER HEATER LEAKS? "SPECIALISTS FOR OVER 30 YEARS" John G WitSTft 3tUvBiNG HE Ai ING APPLIANCES 627 F St. N.W. EX. 4615 WO. 2220 Try Dutch Boy Blended Paint! merits. Comes in white and eight smart colors. It will put a smile of beauty on your house and keep it there for a long time. Chevy Chase Paint St Hardware Co. Silver Spring Paint St Hardware Co. Bethesda Paint St Hardware Co. Takoma Paint St Hardware Co. Becker Paint St Glass Co., Georgetown Local Paint Sc Hardware Co., Hyattsvilfe 922 New York Ave. (1) NA. 8610 Open Mon. thru Sat. 7 A.M. to A:30 P.M. Free parking next door while trading here. Dutch Boy is a name to consider when you choose house paint. And their latest Dutch Boy Blended Paint made c*f finest oils and pigments is formulated to meet the highest stand ards for house paints. Experts say it sur passes those require HOUSE Mint "Botf Forthcoming Books" at the annual dinner meeting of the District Li brary Association at 7 p.m. next Thursday In Pierce Hall, Sixteenth and Harvard streets N.W. Officer* will be elected. 4% LOANS ON LIFE INSURANCE POLICY CASH VALUES Utilize this service—to refinance an existing indebtedness or to provide additional funds The plan is simply this: An assignment of the policy is made to the Bank, a note for the desired amount is executed (limited to the cash value of the policy), and you pay interest of $10 every three months for each one thousand dollars borrowed. Inquiries invited. Bank of Commerce & Savings 7th at E N.W. Brightwood Branch Georgia at Piney Branch H Street Branch H at North Capitol “Specialists in Lift Insurance Leans" IT’S GEORGE’S FOR BETTER VALUES! CINDERELLA AC-DC Vacuum Action Portable Clothes Washer Here is the small size washer that does a man-size job! Washes your sheer est, tenderest fab rics ... Safely! Per fectly! New sealed-in motor never needs attention. Will not tear your clothes! Every machine brand new in origi nal sealed cartons. Fully guaranteed by George's. NO MONEY DOWN (iffMKk RADIO & TlLEVISION CO, 816 F Street N.W. 7217 Are., Bethesdo, 1111H Street N.E. 801 King Street, Alexandria, Vo. 3923 Minnesota Are. N.E. 1 Go^d Road S E’ 5614 Balto. Are., Hyattsrille, Md. 629 Pa. Are. S.E. Corner Wilson Bird, and Irring Street, "ot the Circle," Clarendon, Vo.