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Open House Planned By Columbia Federal In New Building By Edward C. Stone Wednesday, May 26, has been set as the opening date for the new home of the Columbia Federal Savings & Loan Association, at 730 Eleventh .. street N.W., | Clarence R I Kefauver, presi- f dent, announc- if; ed today. Hundreds o t § 1 n v i tations to i “open house” on that date were if received in the ^ morning mall by i patrons and I many others. I The offices will I be open to the I public from 5:30 p.m. tO 9 p.m. C. E. Kef»»«r. The association's new building is practically completed and will be used almost entirely by the com pany. It has a handsome main office with ample teller space, adjoining desks for the officers with a private office for the president. It is up to the minute in every way. The boardroom is located on a mezzanine over the front main lobby and the bookkeeping depart ment is over the rear main lobby. The appraisal section of the loan department will be in a room on the first floor. The vault is off the main lobby. Luncheons will be provided for officers and employes in the base ment. The mailing department will be located here and there is ample space for staff meetings. The build ing will be air-conditioned and five more stories can be added later if needed. Present officers include: C. Gay Harrell, chairman of the board: Mr. Kefauver, president: William E Poulton. vice president and treas urer: Howard E. Thompson, secre tary: T. William Blumenauer. jr., auditor; Roland M. Brown, jr.. as sistant secretary, and Gordon Davis, assistant treasurer. Agency Repays Capital. Repayment of capital originally subscribed by the Treasury and the Federal Reserve Banks to Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. is virtually completed. Chairman Maple T. Harl of FDIC stated yesterday in the semiannual report of the corpora tion to Insured banks. As of December 31. 1947. all but $83,000,000 of the original $289,000, 000 had been repaid. Remittances to the Treasury since that date have reduced the balance to $43,000,000, all of which he expects the corpora tion to return before the end of 1948. Mr. Harl pointed out that repay ment of Government capital, sug gested by the corporation in 1946 and approved by Congress in 1947, would not alter the corporation’s status as an agency of the United States Government, but would make it an agency financed entirely by insured banks in the interest of their depositors. Heard in Financial District. Bernard J. Nees, president of the Washington Stock Exchange, said today that minimum commissions on the Washington exchange are the same as the prevailing rates on the New York Stock Exchange. There have been no changes in rates since November 15, 1947, and none are contemplated. Business Briefs | Steel Mill Operations for the cur rent week were scheduled at 95.4% of capacity, indicating production of 1.719.000 net tons—American Iron & Steel Institute. Figures last week were 94.3% and 1,699,700 tons; a month ago. 80% and 1.442.000; a, year ago, 96.1% and 1.681.700. The latest rate was the highest in nearly two months. Tire Production In March showed some irregularity, with passenger car casings 10.38% above the pre ceding month, while truck casings were 1.12%—Rubber Manufacturers Association. Curb Exchange Membership sold for $20,000. an increase of $5,000 from the last previous transfer. American Broadcasting Co. offer ing of 500,000 common shares- was marketed today at $9 a share by a group headed by Dillon. Read ft Co. This was the first public offering of company shares. Standard Oil Co. of California announced its subsidiary, Richmond Exploration Co., had signed a con tract with Venezuela for building a refinery near Maracaibo. Powdrell ft Alexander, Inc., de clared a quarterly dividend of 25 cents and an extra of 10 cents, both payable June 15. No extra was paid in March. Copper Range Co. declared a divi dend of 50 cents a share, payable June 21. Last year the company paid 50 cents in July and 25 cents in December. Reed Roller Bit Co. declared a quarterly dividend of 30 cents a common share, payable June 30. Previous payments were 25 cents. Consolidated Natural Gas Co. earned $7,626,296 or $2.33 a share In the March quarter vs $7,410,963 or $2.72 a year earlier. American Tobacco Co. net income for the March quarter was $7,437,000 i of $1.24 vs. $7,640,000 or $1.53 in the1 game 1947 period. Burlington Mills Corp. earned $13,105,443 or $3.58 in six months' ended March 27, after an inventory reserve of $1,000,000. vs. $12,613,476 or $3,50 a year earlier. Parke Davis A Co. profit for the March quarter was $2,602,300 or 53 cent* vs. $3,340,946 or 68 cents in the same 1947 period. West Penn Power Co. earned $2. 548,547 or 75 cents In the March) quarter vs. $2,191,451 or 63 cents a year earlier. Cincinnati Gas A Electric Co. net for the March quarter was $2,337 - 421 or 92 cents vs. $1,998,610 or 85 cents in the same 1947 period Pullman, Inc., profit for the March quarter was $1,129,020 or 43 cents vs. $2,370,306 or 73 cents. Eastern Air Line*. Inc., earned $1,121,144 or 47 cents in the March quarter vs. $564,595 or 24 cents. Goodail-Sanford, Inc., net for 39 weeks ended March 31 was $1,274,987 or $2.05 vs. $2,290,281 or $4 12 in the like period a year earlier. American Encaustic Tiling Co. earned $71,853 or 21 cents in the March quarter vs. $42,158 or 12 cents. Birdsboro Steel Foundry A Ma chine Co. reported a net loss of $108,811 for the March quarter vs. profit of $126,797 in the same 1947 period. Studebakrr Corp. is in full produc tion on its 1949 line of trucks. Aver age prices of the new models are un changed, officials said. N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE (Finished he the Associated Fn Sues— Stock and And Dividend Rate. 00 Hlab. Low 2:30. ACF-BRILL MO 14 67* 6i* 67* 10 55 547* 55 + 24 227* 21V* 22V* 5 37V* 361* 37 - 6 10V* 10i* loi* 28 27V. 26** 27V* - 109 4V* 37* 4V* + Net cflse. Acme Steel 4a Adams Bid Vos Addresso-Mult 2 Admiral Co .lfie Air Reduction 1 Alaska Juneau Aldens Inc 1 v> 12 Allechanr Coro 101 Alleahanv Co nt 5 AllerLudStl 40* > Allied CA-Dve 6a Allied Mills l‘.e Allied Strs 3 Allis Chaim 1 60 51 Amal Leath .20e 12 Amerada Pet 2a Am Aarleul 3a Am Airlines AmBankN 1.60* Am Bosch Via _ Am Brk Sb 40e Am Cable A Rad Am Can 3 Am CardtPdr 3c Am Ch&Cbl 1 40 Am Chicle 2a Am Crrs S 1 20a tAmCrvstl pf47s AmC vans mid la Am Distillers 2 Am Encaus '«e Am Kurop 1.86* Am Export L 2 Am A Fran Fwr 173 Am A F P 2d pi 41 Am-HawallSS 3 AmRlde & L Via AmHomePr 1.20 Am Ice 60e Am Interna 66* Am Loco 1 40 Am Mch&Fd 60 Am Metal Vie tAm Metals pi 6 Am Power & Lt Am Radiat 40e 141 , Am 8*1 Razor 1 32 Am Seatm* 1* Am Smeltln* le > tAm SmAR ot 7 1 Am Steel Pdrr 2 Am Stove 80e . Am Tel & Tel 9 Am Tobacco 3a Am Viscose 2a AmWstWks 30e Am Woolen 6 : Am Wool pr pf 4 Am Zinc 10e Anaconda C Vie tAnac Wire Vi* V* Vi V* V* V* 20V* 20 20 - Vi 4Vi 4Vi 4V* 4*i/. 48V* 4*i* - V* 43 33V* 32V* 33V* 4- V* 4 198 197 198 +1V4 7 341* J37* 62 36V* 35V* 40i* 39V* 6i* 6** 7 iie>* ii7 6 50V. 49>* 68 9>* 9>A 4 26>* 26 6 14V* 13V* 6 43 42** 79 6V* 5V* 6 911* 91 15 47V* 46V* 5 25V* 25 19 48V* 481* 5 18 18 70 91 90 63 40V* 39Vi 12 341* }2l* 4 6V* 6V* 5 171* 17 7 18V* 18 4Vi 4 13>* 13 4 43*/. 421* 24 7i* 6V» 29 24V* 24i* 9 7VA 7»* a 141* i4i* 83 25V* 24V* 29 19V. 18V* 6 341* 341/. 10 130 130 84 11 10 V* 16 15V* 10i* 10V. 3 24V* 24V* 40 621* 61V* 90 159V* 158 23 34 33V* 7 20 20 60 155V* 155V* 1557* + 36 59V* 59V* 59V* + 34 + 36i/. _ 40V* + 61* + 118 - 50 - 9V* + 26 - 14 - 42V* 6 * + 9H* +1 47**+ V* 25V*- l* 48V*- ■* 18 90 -1 39V*- V* 341/. + i* 6V* 171* + 18V* 4 - 13V* + 43V* +2V* 7V*+ >* 24V* — 1* 7V4+ Vi 141*- l/. 25V* + V* 19V*- Vs 34V*- 1* 130 +3 10V*- V* 16 + i* 10V.+ •* 24V*- Vi 64V* + V* 158 +H* V* i* >* V* 34 20 Vi >/« >* ■/. 15 681* 68 42 8>* a 65 55 53 3 109V. 108 32 77* 77* 66 39 400 37V* Anchor Hock 2 Anderson Clay 2 Ander-Prich O 1 Arch-D-M la _. Armco Steel 2b tArmco Stl pf4Vil30 ArmourACol .20 Armst Cork .80* Artloom Corn 1 Assd Drj O 1.60 Associat Inv 2 _ Atch T A 8 F 6 Atcb T&SF Pi 6 A T F Inc 7*e Atl Coast Line 4x6 Atl OAW Ind Sc 6 68 81* 55 +U* 109*. +11/. 77* + >* 39 + i* 37V* 351* 57V. + i* 29V*- >* 337* + V* 31V* + i* 97 - 14V* + 537* + 15V* + 18Vi+ i+ 301/4+ »/. 51 115 112>* H5 + V* 8 105 1041* 105 + V* 16 iev* lav* lev* 60V* 601+ 607*+ Vi 40>* 40 40 - i* 6 5 40 7 82 36 571.4 29V* 33V* 31V* 97 14V* 54 15V* 181* 30V* 38 37 35 571* 29V* 33 30i* 951* 14 537* 15>* 18 30 Vi V* i* i* Atl Reflnlnc IV. 47 447* 43Vi 437* - V* tAtl Refln pfA 4 10 111’* lllVi 111'* +1 tAtl Ref DfB3Vi 210 96V. 96 96V4 - 74 26 220 6 2 352 2 Atlas Corp 1 60 tAtlas Powd le Autocar Co Vat Auto Canteen 1 Avco Mfg 35e BABBITT 1.20 Baldwin Loco lgH8 Balt * Ohio 187 Balto ft Ohio pf 48 BanaorftAroatk. BarberOille BarkerBros 174a BamadaU Oil 2. Bath Iron Wka. Bayuk Cii 1'4« Beatrlce Pda 2a. Beech Aircraft . Beldine-H 1.20. Bell Aircraft lg Bell ft Howell 74 Bendlx Arlat 2 BndxHomeA 1 74 BenefInd 1 20a Best ft Co 2 — Beat Pooda 2 Beth Steel 1.20hll9 Bigelow-San '.2h 8 BrnuighmE 1.20 13 Black&Deck 2a. Blaw-Knox '.it BlisaftLaugh '/at Bliaa IW2 .. Boeing Alrp! le. Bohn Alum '/it. tBon Ami B 2'.it Bond Stores 2 BordenCo 1.20e Borg-Warntr 8a Boaton ft lit_ BranlS Air Brldgtpt Brasa Brlgga Manufg 2 BrlggaAStra la. Brlatol-Ur .*0e. Bruna-Balkt Vat Bucyrus-Br ,3St Budd Co ,20e .. 3 88 2 5 35 14 30 4 5 25 5 20 15 30 14 8 3 58 100 tBudd Co Df A 60 Buf Mag Pf 3 60 2 Bullard Co lie 10 Bulora Wtch 3a 5 BurllhgMllU 1 V, 136 Burl Mia crpI.T-i 7 Burr Add M 60 Buah Term Vat. Butler Bros Butte C ft Z ... Bren A M Vat . Brron Jn 1.40a CALIF PKO 214 Callahan Zinc 41 20 10 6 10 32 6 104 CalumetftH 10a 31 Campbell Wx le. * Can Drx QA .80 40 Canad Pac Vat 313 CannonMle 1X4* 4 Cap AdmaA 80g CapltalAirllnes. Carrier Corp . CarrftGen 20a Case JI Co 1.20e CaterpllTract 3 Celanese 40e... Celotex I '4_ Celotex Df 1 Cen Aguir 1 60a Cent Pndry 1»« CentHudGas 62 Cent R R N J • Cen VI 8u 1 V,b Cerro de Pas ’«e Certn-td Pd Bda Champ Paper 1 a Checker Cab Ches ft Ohio 3.. Chi Corp 40 . Chi ft last 111 . Chi ft East III A Chi Great West Chi Grt West pf Chi Ind ft L A.. Chi Ind A L B . Chi Mil St P&P ChlMSP&P Pf4e Chi ft N W Tig Chi ft N W pf 8 Chi Pneu T V4e. Chl R I ft Pac ChiRI&P pf2'.2t Childs Co_ Chrysler *__ Cln G ft E 1.40 Cln Mill M 1 40 C I T Finance 2 City Ice ft P 2ti City Inyest .60 City 8torea 1 20 Clark Eculp 2 . ClevEl M l.lOe CleveGraph .40e CltmaxMoI 1 20 Clinton Ind 2 40 15 10 16 6 26 10 77 40 5 2 17 10 8 3 11 56 5 22 65 42 10 6 30 46 22 5 SO 18 62 6 12 41 11 69 100 20 2 33 2 24% 597* 14V, 18 774 1614 17 16' a 26X4 27»/a 56*4 26 43'/i 137* 20*4 421/4 137* 19'/4 17',4 23X4 35>* 1874 2514 29 36>4 3614 367* 1274 36 1974 177* 31Vi 2714 36 49*4 271/4 42'4 6014 5Vi 974 1174 3374 32 3414 21>4 241/4 1144 7474 8714 21‘4 3B>4 22'4 90 1774 9i4 14X4 414 2444 3374 38'4 3 7«4 30X4 15‘4 1874 4674 18 774 19 8X4 48' 4 68>4 3314 30 18X4 17'/4 9 6 29 12'4 2714 I8X4 24 14 41V, 125, 6‘4 13 10' 4 1714 13‘4 7X4 1074 3374 20 4374 3774 38>4 66‘4 414 6174 26*4 2674 4574 3074 974 1974 35'4 391,4 32 1774 2774 24*4 58'4 1414 18 6X4 16 1574 1574 26 2714 55 2514 42>4 13‘4 20 42>4 127* 187* 1774 2374 3574 1774 247* 2874 357a 3674 3574 1214 3574 187* 17 3174 26 357* 4814 27 42*4 597* 57i 74 74 74 74 1174 3274 31 34 21 237* 117* 72*4 97 2074 38 217* 89 1714 9H 147a 4 2414 3274 38 27* 7*4 307* 1474 1774 45>i 17>4 77* 1874 8». 471/a 68 32*, 297* 197* 17i/a 8X4 774 28 1274 277* 1674 24 137* 40>* 1214 674 12‘4 9>a 167* 12x4 7»* 1074 33 19 43*4 3714 3714 65‘4 4'4 6074 2574 267* 44 30'4 974 1974 3 5 '4 39‘ a 32 171* 77 4 *4 5874 1474- 74 18 - '/a 774+ 74 1674 17 + 16' a + 2674 + '4 27'4 5674 — '/a 26 + '/a 427*- 74 137* 20 4274 -1 137*+ 7* 19'4 +1 17'4 - 7* 237* 357*+ ‘/a 1874 25-74 28X* 357*- *4 36»a - 3674 ■ 12'4 36 197* +1 171/a - i* 3174- 74 2774 + '4 36 +174 49'4 27'4 - >4 42*4+ V* 60*4 57* 9*4+ 7* 1174+ 74 3374 + 74 32 +1 34-74 2174- 74 24 + 74 11*4- 7* 74i/a + *4 87 +1 217* 38 - *4 2274 + '4 90 +1*4 17'4 - 74 9'4 147*+ 74 **; ■4 2474 — *4 3314 +1*4 3874 — 7* 3+7* 7'4 307* 15+74 18*4+ *4 467* +1*4 18 + '4 7*4+ 14 19 + ‘4 8*4 481. + ** 68‘4 33'4 + 74 30 187 4 - ‘4 17>a 9 + 9 + 29 +1 1274 - ‘4 2774 - 74 187* 24 13X* 41+74 12>4 + 7* 674 - 74 13 Ida + 14 1774 + 7* 12x4- 14 7X4+ '4 10*4+ 74 33*4- '4 20 + *4 43*4- '4 3714 3874 +1 66 - 74 474+ 74 61X4 2674 267*- ‘4 45*4+17* 3014 9i4 19*4- 74 35X*+ 74 39'4 — >4 32 17*e 27 - 74 Clopay corp 70 Cluett Pbdy He. Cluett 2nd pf 4. Colsate-P-P 2». Collins & Aik 1 Colonlal Mills 1 Col Fuel A Ir 1 Col BrdcastA 11 30 11 6 7 7 46 10 Columb Gas 80 134 Colum Piet 3.f ColumCarbon Ca ColASoOh 1 40c ComlCredit 2.60 Coml Solv He Comwl Ed is 1 40 Comwl A South Conde Nest 1 Cong-Nalrn 1 ’» Con* Cop .15* . Cons Edis 1 60 Cons Grocer* 1 Cons Nat Gas 2 Con* R Strs .70* ConsTextile .80a Cons Vultee Contain Corp 2a Cont Bakin* 1 Cont Can He - - Cont Dla Fiber 1 Cont Insurance? Cont Motors ContOilDel l%e Cont Steel *4*-. Cooper-Bess 1 Coprwld Stl .30* Corn Prod 1 80e Cornell-D E 80 CornincOlass H Cota Inc 20g.. CotyInt 20* . Crane Co i 60a CreamerlesAm 1 Crown Cork Hh Crown Zel 1.60a Crucible Steel Crucible Stl pf 6 Cub-AmSu* 1 He CudahyPack.OOs Cuneo Press la Curtis Publish Curtlss-Wr V4I Curtiss-W A He Cutlr-Hro 1 20a DANA CORP He Davison Chem 1 Daytn PAL 1 80 Dayton Rub 1 2C Decca Records 1 Deep Rock Oil le Deere A Co 1 Del L& W He Den & ROW le Den&RGWpflOe Detroit Ed 1.20 DetMichSto 80a Detoe A R A 2a Diam T Mot la DUt Co-Sea 60 14S Divco Corp 120 4 Doehlex-Jar IH. 7 7 10 3 22 14 22 215 4 3 37 50 2 11 6 5 50 21 10 26 17 8 SO 14 3 7 16 9 11 11 43 12 30 24 34 16 18 3 15 26 6 60 80 6 36% 92 43V* 24 24% 16% 311* 13% 12% 36 42* 48 25% 29% 3% 111* 34i* 5% 241* 13U 48*4 15 14% 14i* 38i* 141/4 39% 12 5814 9i* 62 lSi* 29V* 16% 63V* 14% 20% 5 3% 38% 104a 24% 341 4 26% 71% 13% 13% 17% 11% 7% 23% 29% 27 25% 30% i!5 12»* 39 45 1:% 28 45 21% 12% 27% 18% 18% 16»* 36V* *‘/4 35% 90% 43 23% 24% 16 31 13% 11% 35% 41% 47% 25% 28% 3% 11 34% 5% 24 15% 47% 15 14% 13% 37% 14 39% 11% 58 9 61% 18 29% 16% 61% 13% 20i* 4% 3% 37 10% 24 33% 26% 71% 13% 13 17% 10% 7% 23 29% 26% 23% 30 14% 12% 38 44% 10% 26% 44 21% 12% 27 18 17% 16 35% ** * - % 36%+ % 91% +1% 43%+ % 24 +1 24%+ % 16% - % 31% - % 13% - % 11% - % 36 42%+ % 47%+ % 25% - 1*1 29 - % 3% 11%+ % 34% 5% 24%+ % 15% + % j 48%+ % 15 + % 14% - % 14%+ % 37% — % 14%+ % 39% - % 11% 58 9H+ V* 62 - % 18 - % 29% - V* 16% 63% - % 14 - % 201*- % 5 3%+ V* 38%+ % 10%+ % 24% - % 34% - % 26% — % 71% 13% - % 13%+ % 17%+ % 10% - % 7% 23% -f % 29% 26% - % 25% — % 30%+ % 14%+ % 12%+ % 39 +1 44% - % 11% 28 44% -1 21%+ % 12% 27%+ % j 18%+ % 18 + %< 16 + % 36 - % 8 alee— Stock and Add Dividend Rato. 00. Hlfh Dome Mine* lie 30 17% Donclaa A Z%«. 13 64'+ Dow Chem A«e - *3 44% Dresser Ind J«e- 11 28% Dunnlll Inti 1 13 20 Duplan Corp lib 3 16% DuPont de N 2e 12 181% DuPont3'jPf3',i 3 95% EAGLE-PI 1.80 7 14-» Eastern Air Lina 64 19% East State Steel 22 21% Eastm Kod 90a 25 45% Eaton Ull 3 5 60% Edis Br Str 1 %a 2 18% Ekco Prod 1 30 17 15% Elas Stop N lit. 3 7% r Auto-Ute 3 18 53% Elee Boat l 8 15% El A Music .16* 85 2% El Power & Lt 57 21% ElfinNatW 80a 11 15% ElPasoNGs 2.40 * 67% Emer Elec M 1 10 17% Emer Radio .80 7 13 Bndicott-J 1.80s 4 31% Eoult Off Bid* 28 5% Erie R R 1 3* 14% Erie R R pf A 6 2 61% Eureka Will % 16 8% ■vans Prod %.. 3 18% Eversharp HI 44 11 Excb Buffet 15b 2 6% FAIRBANKS le 13 52% FajardoSu* 2 tie 12 27% Farnsworth 35 8% Fedders Qul .80 4 13% Ped-Mocul 1.80 6 18% PbdMoTruck 40a 18 12 Federat D Strs 2 25 30% Fid Phoenx F 2a 4 62% Firestone TdtR * 16 50% First Nat Btr 2e 2 54% FlrthCarpetl .80 8 18% Pllntkote 2a 40 38% Florida Pow 1 26 14% FlorsShoeA .65e 6 16 Follansb Stl Ait 16 28% FoodFairSt .40b 27 12% Poster Wheel 1 8 35% Frank Btrs .80a. 5 10 FreeportSul 2% 4 45 Froedt OAM tia 3 11% FruehaufTral 16 23% GABRIEL .10*.. 22 8% □air Robt .40 36 8% Gamewell Co la 2 16% Gar wood Ind.. *8 8% Gar Wood pf 2 44 Oaylord Co 1 %. 8 24% Oen Am Inv .40 28 18 Gen A Inv pf4>+ 1 103% Gen AmTTns 3a 4 61 Gen Bakin* 80 20 10% Gen Bronte .20* 2 13% Oen Cable lie 50 12% Gen CableS2pf 2 4 38 Gen Clear la.. 4 23% Gen Elee 1.80.. 130 40 Oen Foods 2 Gen in strum 11. Gen Motors 3 - Gen Mot of 3%. Gen Out Advt 1 Gen Port C lie . Oen Precis Ea 1 OenPubSvc .20* 62 Gen Pub Util 80 48 Gen Ry Slinal 1 Gen Realty&Ut Gen Refract lie. Gen Shoe 2%-.. Gen Telepb 2__. Gen TireAR la 20 38% 11 11 86 60 4 82% 3 16% 5 20% 6 17% 4% 14% 11 27% 18 6% 6 28% 4 28% 2 28% 28 27% Low. S:30. cb«*. 17% 17%+ % 62% 64%+1% 43% 44%+ % 27% 28% - % 18% 20 16% 16%+ % 181 181% - % 85 85 - % 241+ 24%+ % 19% 19% 20% 21%+ % 45% 45% - % 60 60% - % 19% 19% 14% 15%+ % 7% 7% + % 52% 53%+ % 15% 15% - % 2% 2% - % 20% 21%+ % 15% 15%+ % 67% 67% 171+ 17% - % 12% 12% - % 31 31 -1% 4% 5 - % 14% 1478+ % 61% 61% - % 8 8% 18% 19% 10% 10% - % 6% 6% + % 52 52%+ % 27% 27%+ % 9% 9% 13% 13%+ % 19 19% + % 11% 11% + % 28% 30% - % 62% 62%+1% 49% 48% — % 54% 547++ 1+ 19'+ 19'++ % 38% 39%+ % 14*+ 14% - % 15% 15'++ »+ 281+ 28% - % 12% 17% - % 34% 34*+- % 9% 9'+- % 44% 45 - % 11% 11% - % 24% 23 >8% 8% — % 9 9% — % 16 16 9% 9% — % 43% 44 + % 24% 241+- % 17% 17% - % 103% 103% +1 61 61 -2% 10 10*+ + % 13% 13% - % 12 12%+ % 38% 39 + % 23% 23%+ % 39% 40 + % 39% 39%+ % 10'+ 11 59% 60 96% 96% - % 16% 16% - % 20 20i+ 16'+ 17 - % 4% 4% + % 14% - % 27% 6% 281+ 28% 28% 28%- % 29 29% - % 27% 27'+ 14 27 6 Gillette 0*1 ->/ Gimbel Broi 2 29 GliddcnCo 1 40* 59 GoebelBrew 10e 8 Goodall-Sn l‘/aa 17 Goodrich B Fie 13 Goodrh BF cl 6 3 OoodyearTAR 4 42 Goodyear cl 5 2 Graham-Paige 126 Granby Con '.'it 6 OranCityStl 3ie 3 Grant (WTt la. 7 Grayson-R V«e 2 GtNl Or et 1 */«c 9 Gt Nor Ry pf 3 16 GtWstSuc 1.00a 25 Green R L 2a. 12 GreenlT&D 1.20 3 Greyhound 1 276 Grum Aire E 3c 22 GuantanSuc Vic 6 Gull Mob&O Vie 21 GullMoAOh CIS 1 Gull Oil 3_ 31 Gull Sta Util 1 4 HACK WAT1.70 3 Hall Print la . 5 Hamltn Watch 1 17 tHamiltonW p!4 110 Harb-Walker 1# 10 Hart SAM 2.40 3 Hayeslnduat Vie 3 Hayes kilt .30*. 75 Hazel-Atl 1.20a. 7 Hecht Co 1.80.. 1 Heinz 1.80 _ 2 Hercules Mot 1. 8 Hercul Pdr .36*. * Rershey Ch lVa. 1 Heyden Chem 1. 6 Hilton Hotel* 3- 10 Hind* * D F 1*. 3 Holland Furn 3. 9 Holly Bucar 1... • Homestk Min 2 16 Hooker Elec .60e 3 Houd-Hersh V4e 18 Household Fid 3 6 Houston LAP 2 13 Houston Oil 1* 56 Howe 8ouDd 2 . 2 Hudson ft Men 3 Hudson Bay 2e . 24 HudsonMot .40a 40 Hunt Food* 1... 7 Hupp Corn_ 24 IDAHO PW 1.80 11 ill central 67 Illinois Power 2. 6 m Term RR .72. 6 Ind Pr ft Lt 1 34. 9 Indust Rayon 3. 8 Incer-Rand 0a. 2 Inland Steel le. 14 Inspira Cop tie. 16 Interchem Corp 5 Intercon Rub . 14 inter Iron 1.20* J2 Int Bus Mach 4- 4 int Harvest 4a. 9 tint Harrs pi 7. 60 int Hydro El A.. 18 Int MACh 1 00 10 Int Mining . *3 Int Nickel 1*80 89 Int Paper 3a 51 tIntRyCAp!2'jk 20 Int Shoe Hie . 3 Int Silver 4e_ 5 int Telft Tel 134 Int TAT lorn et 7 Intertyp* 80e . 3 JACOBS PL 4 JtecerMch 1 00 1 Jewel Tee 2 40a 2 f Jewel T pi 3% . 20 Johns-Map 3oe 28 Johnson A: J .40 4 Jones ft L Stl 2 43 Joy Manic 2.40s 18 KAL STOVE.46e 2 Kan City South 29 Kan City So ell 1 ffayser J la 7 Kelser-H A lVj. 4 Kel-HayW B %e 2 Kenneeott Vie . 84 Kern Land Hie 2 Kimbrlr Cl 1.40 10 ►Klmb-Clrk pi 4 90 Kopners Co 1 00 6 KresgeSSl*.. 6 Kress S H 2a 10 Kroger Co 2.40 5 LACLEDE G .20 43 Lambert Co 1 Vi 9 tLane Bry pI2 V« 30 Lane Wells 1.00 3 LeeRubftTlrs 2a 4 Lehlgb C ft N 1 13 LehPortCem 134 10 Leh Val Coal 30 Leh V Coal lb!3 2 Leh V Coal2pl3i 2 Leh Vallaa R R 12 25 24*4 25 + 14 27*4 26*4 27*4 +1'/* 6 534 6 + >4 2434 23‘/i 23V4+ Vi 62V4 61V4 62*4 + >/« 100 100 100 + 1% 4634 45V4 4534- 34 99*4 99 99 -1V4 5*4 5 5*4 8 7*4 734 - 34 2634 263* 2634- *4 2734 27*4 2734+ *4 13*4 13*4 13*4- ‘4 15 15 15 50 49*4 50 - 34 22 2134 22 + *4 38*4 37*4 38 - 34 17*/* 17 17*/*+ *4 13*4 1234 13 3934 38*4 3934+ 34 634 6*4 634 + >4 1834 1834 1834+ 34 55 55 55 -1 7534 7434 7534- 34 17 1634 17 - *4 34*4 34 34 +134 16 1534 16 + Vi 1**4 14 14*4+ *4 83 82 83 +1 26*4 25*4 26*4+ 34! 34 34 34 - */. J 9*4 9*4 9*4+ *4 83* 8*4 83* + V* 243* 24 24 26*4 26*4 26*4+ 3* 39 39 39 2134 21*4 21*4 - >4 54*4 54 34 - >4 2934 2934 2934+ % 28 27*4 27*4 — 3* 1134 113* 1134 3138 31*4 3134 28V4 28*4 28*4- >4 2434 24*4 24*4+ ‘4 3934 38% 39*4+ 34 34% 34% 34*4- % 17*4 17 17*4 - 34 33 323* 3234 44*4 433* 44*4 + 3* 3234 31% 3234 - *4 4534 453* 4534 - >4 5*4 5*4 5*4 + % 4434 44 4434 20*4 20 2034 - *4 18% 18*4 18*4- *4 434 43* 4*4+ V4 33*4 323* 323* - % 39 38% 39 + *4 28*4 28*4 28*4 11 1034 11 - *4 24*4 24 24 - % 52V4 52*4 52*4 143 143 143 -2V4 443* 44*4 453*- % 2034 20*4 20*4- V4 23 2234 2234- V4 3*4 334 334 + Vi 15*4 15*4 15% - 34 144 143*4 144 + 34 99% 98*4 99 - *4 167 167 167 -1*4 8*4 8*4 8% — *4 35*4 35 35 - % 4% 4*4 4% + *4; 31*4 31 31*e + >4 | 6034 59*4 6034 + *4 94 93*4 93%+ *4l 43*4 42% 42% - *4; 59 58% 59 + Vi I 15*4 1434 15*4 15% 15 15*4 30*4 30*4 30*4 - *4 9*» 9*4 9*4- >4 21% 21*4 21*4+ ‘4! 46% 46 46 - 34 98 98 98 -1 4134 40% 41*4- >4 31*4 303* 30% - *4 3634 36 36*4+ % 40% 39>* 3934- >4 20 19*4 20 + >4 42** 41*4 42*4 - *4 58*4 58*4 58*4+ *4 16% 16*4 16*4- V4 23*4 23% 23* * 20*4 20*4 20*4 - »4 58 56*4 58 + *4 483* 48% 483*- *4 23*4 23% 23% + % 1003* 100*4 1003* +1*4 35 34*4 35 - *4 37*4 37*4 37*4 - V* 503* 50% 503*+ Vi 47 46*4 47 6*4 6% 6*4 23% 223* 22*4- % 533* 533* 533*+ *4 27*4 27*4 27*4- V4 45 443* 45 - Vi 12 113* 12 34*4 333* 34*4+ % 33* 3*4 3% 23*4 23% 23% - % 10 10 10 - 14 7*4 7*4 7*4- V4 LehmanCrp eoe zz Lehn A Pink 7 Lerner 8trs 1 44 16 Lib-O-F Glass 2 17 LibMcN&L’ie- 41 LIze A- My 4* 11 >Ligg&Mynf7 20 Lima Hamil 00 *3 Link-Belt 8k_ 6 Lion Oil 2 13 LiQind Carbn 1_ 16 Lockheed Aire 67 Loew's Inc 1 44 35 LeneStarCeS'ia 6 Long-Bell A ,80k 3 Lorillard P1 - • ’Lorillard pf 7 70 LoulsvilAN 3.58 0 Lowensteln 8a_. 39 Lukens atl 40k 9 MACK TRUCKS 43 Mac? KBS-16 Masnaroz 1- 4 Manatl Sac 144* 11 Marie 011 .10* 13 Marathon Crp 1 1* MarlneMIdl .30* >5 Mark St R7 or *30 Marsh Field 8- 1* Martin G L_33 MartinParry .00 3 Masonite Cp la 17 Master Elec 8.40 S MathChemllia 9 May Dept 8tr 3 - • ’MayStrs pfn344 30 Maytag Co 1 .10 McCrorrS 1 40a 5 McGraw Hill la. 4 McIntyre 3.01a 3 McKess&R 8.40 15 'Mead Cp pt 4 V« 50 Melyllla Sh 1.80 10 Mania! Co la -. * Mercant 8tn 1. 3 Merck*Co2.40a 4 MerrittC&Sl .00 31 Mesta Mach 344 8 Miami Cop 14* 13 Mid-ConPetl44* 37 'Mid Steel Ipt a 1 Minn-Ron Re 2a 16 'Minn H of 3 20 70 Minn Moline 30 Mln&StL Ry V.e 17 M SP4SSMA le 3 Mir n Min * M 8 • 'Minn M&M efl 40 MisslonCn 144*. 33 Mo-Kan-Tezae 36 Mo-Kan-Tez pf 85 Mohawk Crpt 2a 4 Mojud Hoe JO 13 Monarch Mch 2. 3 Monsanto Ch 8. 80 34*4 5344 11»» 111. 2344 2344 53 S2‘4 10 33k 0714 0644 1701/4 17044 13‘4 13 68‘/4 601/4 47 46>/4 3014 804 3234 2114 1514 l»>/4 66>/4 66>4 2014 2844 1*34 1»V4 1501/4 14* 4*14 4* 54V4 ~ V4 11H+ i/4 2314 44 5244+ 44 44 35*4 341,4 2314 83 2614 26 3744 37>4 1414 1414 014 014 744 7 2544 23>/4 744 714 1644 1614 2*14 39 1*14 l»>/4 1*14 1* 67 6644 20 2514 3644 35H *0 4644 •0 1244 1244 3614 3514 30 30 5044 5044 3444 35 •4 231/4 33 1*14 l»>/4 1744 1744 50 5744 1544 2314 43 43 1714 1744 6314 13814 13714 51 5014 *7 *7 1644 1644 1514 1544 11*4 11*4 70 7544 102 102 66 6*1.4 61,4 614 2444 2314 4144 4144 1244 1114 20 271/4 6114 6044 10 + 871/4+ 14 17044 -11/4 13‘4 + 44 601/4 46>4- 14 2014+ H 2214+1 1*14 6614 2044- ‘4 1*14- 44 1501/4+ 44 4*1/4- 44 3544 - 44 2314 2644+ 14 3744+ i/4 1414- i/4 014+44 7 2444 +M/4 7H+ 44 16'/4 + 44 2»>/4 1*14 + 14 1* - 14 67+44 2514 + H 3314 — H 4614 + 14 *0 -1 121/4 36 - H 30 -1 501/4- 44 3444-1 *4+14 2344- 14 1*14 — 44 1744 - 44 50 25>/4 43 1744 + 44 66 + 44 13744 + 44 31 *7-44 l*>/4 1514 — 44 11*4 - 14 7314+ 44 102 -1 65*4 — 44 6>/4+ 44 3444+ 1/4 4144- 44 1214 28 + i/4 1 - 14 I Sail Stock and Add Dividend Rata. 00. Blah. Monte Ward 2a 39 64% If-MecLlama 26 17% MorrellACo l*+a 2 *4% Motor Prod la.. 11 ***+ Motor Whl ,80e. « 22% Motorola V«a - 23 1* Muel Brass ,30e. 19 23% Mullins Mf* la. 23 26% ♦Mullins pi 7 10 105% Munslngwear la * 13% Murphy GC l'ia 19 *4 Murray Corn 1 • 15% MurrayCorp pf2 1 40% NASH-KSL 36* 73 10% ♦Nash CAStL le 160 27 Nat Acme 2a_ 3 28*/* Nat Airlines - • *% Nat Auto rib CIO 29 11% NatBlscuit 1.60a 24 29% NatBondAS 60a 5 27 Nat Can _ 30 9% Nat cash Rea la 23 43% Nat City Una % 33 9 NatContaln 1.20 75 13% Nat CV) Gas .80 8 12% Nat Dairy 1.80 24 28 Nat Dept Stria * 20% Nat Distillers 2 87 21% Nat Gypsum %a 81 1*% Nat Gvpsum rt 382 1M* ♦Nat Oyp pi 4% 20 94% Nat Lead la 24 37% ♦Nat Lead pfB 6 10 142% Nat Linen 8 60 8 7 NatMAStlC 16e 18 23% NatPowAL... 28 *% Natl Steel 4 5 98% Nat Bus Rel la. 8 24% Nat Supply 1... 85 22% Nat Teal%_ 3 27% Nat Vul Fibre 1. 3 13% Natomas Co 1.. 9 H Nehl Corn 1 8 17% NelsnerBro .80a 8 19 Newberry J J 2 1 34% ♦Newberry pI3% 10 92% N Eng Ei Syst 1 14 11% Newmont M tie 14 59% Newpt Indust 2 10 25% Newot NewsS 2a 89 30V* NT Air Brake le 7 42% N Y Cent R R 150 17% N T Chi A St L. 7 88% N T C Omnibus- 4 19% N T N H A Hart 10 11 N Y N H A H Bt 2 30% NY Shlpbldg Vie 14 18% Noblltt-Spk 1 60 3 24% Nopco Cbm 40e 1 33 NorfAWestern 3 10 59 No Am Aviation 4 12% North Am Co tab 72 18% NO Nat Oas .40* 13 33% North Pacific la 71 28% Northwest Alxl ' 30 18% NrthwAlr ofl.lB 19 26 Norwalk Tire... 6 6% Norw Phar 60— 6 13% OHIO OIL la— 45 38 Oliver Corp Vie. 25 31% Omnibus Corp 1 6 11% Oppenhelm Col- 1 22% Otis Elevator le 22 33% tOutlet Co 4'/*e- 10 84% Owens 111 G1 3 18 66 tPac Coast lpf5 10 67% PAC GA8AEL 2 *• 35% Pae Lighting S-. 7 52% Pac Mills 3b 10 39% ♦Pac Tel&Tel le 130 99% Bet tow. 8:30. ehge. 63% 84% + % 17% 17% 24% 24%+ % 27% 28% - % 22% 22% 14% 15 23 23% 25% 25% - % 105% 105% +1 13 13%+ % 43% 43% - % 15% 15% 40% 40% - % 17% 18%+ % 26% 26% - % 28 28 + % 8% 8% + % i0% 11%+ % 28% 29 24% 25 +1% 9% 9% 43*+ 43% 8% a%+ % 12% 13%+ % 12% 12%+ % 28 28% - % 19% 20 - % 20% 21 18% 19% I % 1%* 1% - Vi* 84 94 +1 36% 37%+ % 142% 142% +2% 6% 6% 23% 23% - % *% *% + %» 97% 97% —1% 24 24%+ % 22 22% -3 27% 27%+ % 13% 13% 10% 10%+ % 17% 17% - % 18% 16% - % 34% 34% - % 92% 92%-1% 11% 11% - % 59 59% - % 24% 25%+ % 29% 30% +1% 41% 42% - % 16% 17%+ % 65 66% - % 19% 19% - % 10% 10% - % 30% 30% 18% 18% + % 24% 24%+ % 33 33 +1% 58% 59 + % 12 12%+ % 16 16% 33 33% 25% 26*++ % 15% 16%+ % 25% 26 + % 6% 6% + % 13 13*++ % 37% 37% - % 31 31% - % 11% 11% - % 22% 22%+ % 33 33% + % 84% 84% 63% 64%+1% 67% 67%-3 34% 35% + % 51% 52%+ % 39 39%+ % 99 99 + % rac unions *■' Pic West Oil He 6 Packard M .15e 550 Pin AmAlrw V»f 1S9 Pint) 1PL3 — 6 tPinh EPL pf 4 00 PinhP*R.15i 24 Paraffine C ,80b 4 Pirim Plct 2 . 120 Pirk Utah .10*. 36 Park! Dav .70e . 20 Pinn Tram .80 29 Patino Mln^e. 14 Penlek At F .40e 8 Penney IJC) 2a 17 Penn-DxCem Vat 6 Penn PAtL 1.20- 17 Penn R R Vie ... 25 Pepsi-Cola 70a 50 Petrol Corn 80s 9 PfelfferBrw ,70e 4 Pfizer CAtCo 2a 9 Phelps Dodge 2e IS tphll C 67* pi 3 120 Phlla Elec 1.20 3 PhllAtRdg CAtl 2 6 PhilcoCorp 2... 3 Philip Mor lHa 10 Phillips Petrol 8 12 PIttCokACh 60c 5 tPltts CAC pf 5- 10 Pitt Con Coal 2_ 3 Pitt Fora He _ 5 PittPlateGls He 12 Pitt Screw ,15e_ 9 Pitts Steel - 4 tPittS pr pf 5>,i 10 Pitts At West Va 4 Pittston Co 2 ... 14 Plym Oil 1.60 ... 27 Poor A Co B la 10 Pot Elec Pwr 90 28 Pressed Stl Car 211 Proct At Gam .'la 14 PubSvcCol 2.20 8 Pub SNJ 1.40 16 PubSvEAtG pfwl 9 Publicker Hf_30 Pullman He_ 20 Pure Oil la - 133 PurityBak 2.40a 9 RADIO CRP.30S 229 Radio-El Or .30e 65 Rayonler Inc Vie 12 Rayonler pf 2.- 6 Reading Co 1... 6 Reeves Bros 1.. 58 Rem Rand lb.. 38 Reo Motors 2Ha 8 Ren Aviation 43 Republic Picture 41 Repub Steel la . 80 RevereC At Bl. 48 Rexall Drug . 205 Reyn Metals He 23 Reynolds Spring 11 Reyn Tob B .90s 28 Sbeen Mfgl 80. 7 Richfield Oil 2 . 47 Roan A Cop .33e 31 Rob-Fulton .60 41 Royal Type 1.60 7 SAFEWAY ST 1 10 St Jos Lead lHe 1® St L San Fran . 68 St L San F pf 5 29 St Regis Pap 60143 Savage Arms He 13 SchenleyDlstil 2 145 Scott Paper 2.20 7 Seab Air Line 54 Sears Rorbck 1 a 97 SergerRefr 40e 10 Scrvei Inr 30g 1 ShamrockO 1 60 9 3haron Steel 2 8 Sharp At Doh 1 6 ShellUnOtl 2Hg 56 Silver King Col. 36 Simmons Co la. 32 Sinclair Oil la. 214 Skelly Oil 2Hi. 3 Smith AO Uh_. 43 Socony-Vac 1 . 194 So Am Gold He. 134 So Caro FAtG H 19 S Car El At G wt «0 S Car El At G rt 92 S C El At G pf rt 122 SeastGreyL 1.80 31 J't T v* 5874 57?* 58 5H 274 544 + *4 10'* 9H 1074 + Va 58V4 571/4 5744- 44 100 100 100 +17* 9‘/4 974 91/4+ 74 2674 26 26 + >4 25 2444 2444 + % 3 H 3i/4 31/4+ H 3 1 3044 3044+ ‘/4 10 9'/4 944+ 'A 1244 12 1244- 44 31>/4 31 3H/4- >/4 4644 46H 46H 1844 1844 1844 - 44 19H 191/4 191/4 - Va 21 2044 204a — 44 18 1744 1744- 44 1444 141/4 141/4 1944 1944 19?*- V4 637* 62 62 -44 571/4 5644 5744+ 44 541/4 541/4 541/4+ 44 2344 231.4 2444+ 1,4 1844 181/4 1844- V, 3644 36 3644+ >/S 2874 2844 2874+ 7* 73 7174 72 -Wt 1374 13V4 1H/4- ‘/a 88>/4 881/4 881/4 +2 31H 31 3174- H 201/4 20 20V4- 1/4 3674 3674 3674+ >/4 974 9*4 944 - V4 1774 1 7H 171/4 - 74 80 80 80 -1 24*4 2374 241/a + 14 411/a 41 411/4- H 65'4 631,4 641/4+11/4 1574 15‘/4 1574 + 7* 131/4 1374 131/4 ll'/4 107* 1H/4+ 74 6774 671/4 6774- ‘/4 387* 38»/4 387*+ 74 24H 2374 2374- ‘/4 3C 2974 2974- 1/4 26 251.4 26 + 74 491/4 461/4 49 -l 3674 3574 36>/4 + 7* 3074 297* 307*+ >/4 13 12H 13+74 1074 10>4 107* + 74 3174 317* 317*- 74 35 341/4 3474 2274 221/4 2 274 - 74 171/4 16‘/4 17 + »/, 15 1 474 1474+ Vi 251/4 25 251/4- 7i 127* 1174 1274+ M 474 4i/4 47* + 71 2974 29‘* 297* 2074 2074 201/4- M 774 71/4 774 - 7i 2974 28>/4 2974+ 71 107* lOH 107*- M 3974 3974 3974 - 7i 24 231/4 2374 — 7i 24% 23 24% - M 67* 6% 6%+ M 97* 9% 974 22>4 2174 22>* + M 207* 201* 201/4+ 7* 5974 587* 5974+1 13 1274 1 274 48 47i/4 477*+ >/4 12% 1174 12 - % 13 12 12 - % 33 3274 33 + 74 50 491* 491/4 + % 22*4 217* 22'. + 74 4174 41>* 417, 1174 11*4 ll'a- 7* 13 12? a 13+74 34',* 33>/4 33‘/4 - % 39 381* 387* - 7* 26 257* 26 - 7* 421* 411* 421*+1% 7 67* 6H+ % 357* 347* 3574 - 74 241/4 237* 24?*- 74 145 145 145 -274 33V* 31 32‘*+1V* 1974 19% 1974+ 74 5 474 474+ V* 7*/4 7 7 - i* 674 67* 67*- % 7*i 7*» 7*1 — 74* 74* 7*j 7*4 —,74a 1574 15 15% - % Sou Cal EdlS 1 74 13 Z9'4 2974 Z9V*- V* Southern Pae 4 126 597* 507* 597*+1 Southern Rwy • 36 47 45V* 467* — V* 6 20 1974 20 +74 16 6 574 5?*- V* 11 29 20V* 2074- V* Sperry Cm 17*0 29 2974 29 2974+ W Spiegel Ine .. 02 1374 13V* 137* + 74 21 2374 23 3paldina la Sparka-W .20e. Spencer KtU 2 - Square D Tie 2374+ V* Squibb ft Bona 1 12 247* 2374 2474 + 7* 2774 + V* 34 277* 27 43 2 7 2674 27 2 96 96 96 4 10774 10674 10674 - 74 Std Oil Calif 2e. 44 7174 7074 7074 - 74 Std Oil Ind 2a . 93 40 477* 4774+ 74 Stagd Brandi 2 Std CJa&El S4pf Std GliEl SS pr Std OftES7pr nl Std Oil N Jer lb 59 01 00 0074- 74 Sd OllOhlo 174 Std 8tl Spra >4* SterchlBr St la. Sterllne Dru* 2. SteTena J P 2a 3674 - 74 + 74 26 3174 3074 JOS* - 74 15 14H 137* 147* 1 1474 14*4 14*4+ >4 20 367* 36 17 34 337* 34 Stewart-WarH* 17 1574 157* 1574 Stoic-V Camn 1 19 17*4 177* 177* - 7* 16 157* 147* 1474- V* 72 277* 26** 277* - 74 20 1074 107* 1074 0 617* 61 617* + >4 93 147* 147* 14>4- *4 0 3074 30*4 3074+ ‘4 20 1174 11 11*4 + >4 4 25 <2474 2474 - >4 2 220 216 210 14 1974 19*4 19'4 1 417* 41*4 41*4 + 7* 15 347* 337* 34 25 167* 16'* 167* + '4 24 2J»* 24 67* 674 5'4 ■ 5*4 Stone ft Web It Studebaker '**_ Sun Cbem .00 Sun Oil lb Sunray Oil .80 Sunshine Blac 8 Sunshine M .60 Superheater la. Sup O') Ca: la - Superior Stl la. Sutherld Pap 2a IwlftftCe 1 00a Iwlft Inti .40* . lylran Klee 1 40 lymlna-Oonld — 16 relautotraph TENR CORP.85* Texal Co 0 674 5»4 + 7* 7 4 107* 1074 107* 63 63*4 6274 63*4 + 74 exOnlfPro .38* 39 237* 227* 23*4+ 74 >1 Oulf Sul 2a 4 61*4 60*4 607* - *4 exPaeCAOla 77 5074 497* 5074+ >4 'exPaeLT 70* 20 4574 447* 4574 + 7* >x ft Pae Rr 4 2 62 62 62 >xtron la_27 17»4 177* 1774 - 74 'extron pf 1V« 5 217* 217* 217*+ 74 Thatcher Ol 60 0 11*4 11 11 - W Thtcher pf2 40 20 41*4 4174 4174+174 Thermoid 7*f 76 10*4 10 10*4 •homaa Stl 1 00 O 22 217* 217*- 7* 'hom Prod l*,e 6 SOW 57 SOW - 7* Thomp Pr of 4 20 95 95 95 +37* Thompaon-Star. 13 4 374 4 + 74 Thom-Starr pi 1 27 27 27 -l Tide W Oil 1.20* 64 29 20*4 29 + 74 Tide Wat 01374 270 103 103 103 +1 Timken Axle 7** 65 227* 22*4 2274 + W Tlmk Bear 1 Tie 11 54 5374 5374- 74 'maamertca Wa 19 13*4 13 1374 - 74 TranaftWAtx 11 19*4 1974 197* Tri-Con Cp 7*f 227 low 10 1074- 74 Trl-ConU pf 0 30 102 10174 102 +1 Truax-Tra 1.20 22 167* 16*4 1674+ 74 30 24 2314 24 2 7W 774 774- 74 16 1274 12W 12*4- 74 4 1074 104* 1074 4 507* 5774 5074+ *4 0 14*!* 1474 1474- *4 16 367* 36W 367*+ 74 Jn Carbide n*,h223 4174 40*4 4174 On El Uo of 47* 40 10074 100*4 10074 +1 In Oil Cal .70* 44 3074 30 307* - 74 Inlon Pae 8* 4 100 107 100 —1 ■went C-Pox t. ■win City R Tr. ■wln Coach_ IDTLITE 1 Inderwood l*4e InAsb ft R 70a Inlon Baa !a InTankCar 2 80 2 rnlt Air Line* 66 rnit AlrLpf 47* 2 30*4 30 30 - >4 10*4 177* 10*4+ W 00 00 + 1*4 ItdAtrcraftlWalls 2*a* 20*4 29W+ 7* rnit Biaeult la 9 217* 2074 2074 - 7* 137* 13*4 13*4- 7* 47* 47* 37* 37* 46 46 0 0 It BoardftC Tie 6 Inlt Clear Whal 60 Inlted Caro 400 Inlt Corn of 3 3 Inlted Dye wood 3 474 - 7* 37*+ 74 Most Stocks Lower; Pace Slows After Early Liquidation By th« Associated Pross NEW YORK. May 17.—Last week’s bull stock market took a breathing spell today and many trading issues sold lower. The retreat was far from de cisive. A good handful of stocks managed to inch ahead or move back and forth from the minus to the plus column. The price trend was foggy, to say the least. A burst of activity followed im mediately after the opening of the market and for a short time the ticker dropped one minute behind floor transactions. Turnover for the first hour totaled 690.000 shares, compared with 1,200,000 In Satur day’s dizzy first hour. Business slacked further later. Losers in early afternoon dealings included United States Steel, Chrys ler, Studebaker. Sear Roebuck, Oliver Corp., Douglas Aircraft, West inghouse Electric, Consolidated Nat ural Gas, Santa Pe, Union Pacific, Sinclair Oil. Standard Oil of New Jersey, Eastman Kodak and Eastern Airlines. Marker up a trifle were United States Rubber, J. I. Case, Interna tional Harvester, Lockheed, Ameri can Telephone, American Can, Allied Chemical, Owens-Illinois. American Woolen, Chesapeake & Ohio, Para mount and United Airlines. * Higher in the curb were Colonial Airlines, International Petroleum, and Kaiser-Frazer. Lower were Aluminum Ltd., Pantepec Oil, and Electric Bond and Share. Washington Exchange SALES. Ots com—100 at 38. SO Washington at 38. Potomac Elec Pow com—38 at 13%, 80 at 13V 330 at 13*.. Oarfinckel com—100 at 18%, 30 at 18%. 40 at 18%. Meraenthaler Linotype—5o at 61. Potomac Elec Pow com—inn at 13V 30 at 13*., 500 at 13%, 100 at 13%, 15 at 13%. Lanston Monotype—50 at 33 %, 70 at 33%. 5 at 33%. 136 at 33%. Potomac Elec Pow *3.60 pfd "B”—10 at 45. Washington Gas com—50 at 35%, 40 at 35%, 10 at 35%. PUBLIC UTILITY BONOS. Bid 113% 107 90 100 Am TftT cv deb 3%s 1957 Am T&T cv db 2%s 1961 Cap Trans 1st ref 4a 1964 City At Suburban 6s 1948 Georgetown Gas 1st 8s 1961 111 Pot Elec Pow 3%s 1908 104% Pot Elec Pow 3%s 1977 108 Pot Elec Pow 3s 1983 _ 101% Washington Gas 8s 1960_120% PUBLIC UTILITY Amer Tel ft Tel _158% Capital Transit Asked 114% 107% 92 118 16% N & W Steamboat <t4) 150 18 Pot Elec Pow com (.90) Pepco 3.60*3. pfd ••A” (1.80) Pepco 3.60% pf "B” (1.80) Wash Gas Lt com (1.80) Wash Gas Lt cu pf (4.35). _ _ Wash Gas Lt cu cv pf (4.50) 103 BANK AND TRUST COMPANIES. 13% 43% 44 35% 100 13% 44% 45 26% 101 Amer Sec ft Tr new ( 30 Bank of Bethesda (tl.60).. 4(7 Capital (.90) _ 32 Com ft Savings (tlO)_880 31 88 430 30 38% 318 195 330 Liberty (8)_ Lincoln (tj) Natl Sav Tr (8.00) . Pr Georges B ft Tr (+1.00) Union Trust Co ( + 1.00)_ Riggs (12) _ Washington (6) _ _ Wash Loan ft Tr (12). FIRE AND TITLE INSURANCE American (t6) _160 Columbia (t.30) _ 12% Firemen s (1.40) _ 31 National Union (.75)_ 15 Real Estate ( + 6) _ 196 MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corp (2.00) 30 Garflnckel com (1.50) 18% Garfl 5%rr cu cv pf (1.375) 24' Garfi 4%<‘/7 cu cv pf (1.125) 450 40 836 13% 19 205 35 19 Hecht Co (1.60) Hitch t 3%% c 20% X cu of (3.75) — Lanston Mono (2.00) _ Mergenthaler Lino (a.75) Nat’l Mtg ft Inv pf (p.45) Peoples Drug com (+1.60)_ 88 •33 60 7% 36% 2) % 26 91 24 83 Security Storage (+5) _113 Ter Ref ft Wh Corp (3) 37 125 Wdwd ft Loth com <t2.00; Wdwd ft Loth pfd new • Ex dividend. (5) 87 extra, or _«rtra p Paid 194 60 36 . _ ... 104% b Books closed, t Plug a Paid ao far this war. New York Cotton NEW YORK. May 17 (48.—Cotton futures declined todav on profit taking, with some switching from July to later months because of slowness in the de velopment of export business. Some trade buying in the December position took place, associated pertly with export sales of new crop cotton. Selling was influenced by reports of rains In Texas and Oklahoma over the week-end where lt was needed. Noon prices were 35 cents to *1.45 a bale lower than the previous cloae. July 37.45, Oct. 33.98 and Dec. 33.38. 6 8 32 4 56 51 7 297k 43*4 58 Vi 22V* 197k 31V* 24* * Sales— Stock and Add Dividend Rate. 00. High, tut Dye pf 3*/,k 30 80 Utd Elec Coal 1 UtEng&Fdv 1' *e United Fruit 2a UtdQasImp 1.30 { Unit M A M la ! US&FSec 1 35a ■ U S Freight la j U 8 Gypsum 3 . 1 US Hoff Mch *ig : US IndClim 1 Vie U 8 Leather 7k* U S Lines 2V» . US Lines pf .45 US Ploe&F 2.80. U 8 Flay Cd 2a. U 8 Plywood la U S Rubber 3e US Sm RAM 1* U 8 Steel 2 Tie—124 US Steel pf 7_ 0 8 Tobac 1.20. Utd Stkyds 40c Ut Strs2d pf Tie Utd Wallpap 7kg Unlv-Cyclops 1. Untv Lab Unlv Leaf Tob 1. Univ Pictures 1 VAN NORM Tie Van Raalte lh . Vanad Corp Tie. Vert-C Sugar 2. Vick Chem 1.20. tVicksSh&Pac 5 VictorChem .40* Va CarolinChem Net 2:30. chge. 80 4-2 2374 + *4 43*4 + 74 57>/i- 5k 2274 197k + 7k 3174 — *4 237* - Low. 79 2374 43 57*4 22*4 19*4 307* 237* 17 105*4 1037* 105*4 +1*4 8 1774 167* 167*- >4 397* 397* 7*4 7 20*4 2C 9*4 9*4 50*4 49*4 53*4 53*4 337k 33*4 4974 48*4 56*4 56 8074 79*74 2 139*4 139 16 , 19 187k 2 574 57* 11 12 117k 15 574 574 2 187k 18*4 7*4 67* 2074 2074 14*4 14 15*4 15 26 26 22 21*4 1374 1374 2574 23 93 93 44 437fc 12*4 1174 1 11 34 1 4 1 13 39 10 23 2 8 6 1 8 17 13 10 2 16 3974+ *4 7*4 - ‘4 2074 + 74 8*4+7* 50*4 + 74 53*4 +1*4 33*4- ‘/a 49*4 + 74 56 - 74 80*4- Vk 139 -1 1874 57* 12+7* 5*4 1874- >4 7 2074 + 7* 14*4 1574 26 +1 2174- 7* 13*4 25*4+ 74 93 +1 tVa ElAPw 1 -10 20718 18*4 1774 Vlaklng Corp 2 12 38*4 38*4 70 1 2 3 16 23 4 tVulcinDet 30e WABASH pf 4Va Waldorf la Walgreen 1.60 . Walker Hir 174a Walworth Co >** Ward Bak ,30e tWard Bk pf5*/» 240 Warner Bro 174 71 Warren Fndry . Warren Pet 80 Wash GasLt 1*4 Waukesha Mot 1 WayneKnitl.'lOe Wayne Pump 2. Webster Tobac Wesson OAS le 'Wesson Oil Pf4 210 WstlndSugl Tia 8 West Pen El V'«e *Ws Penn El A 7 W Va CAC .70* . WVa PuloAP la WesternAlr Line 39 32 63 15*4 3274 26*4 1174 1474 90 1374 31 3414 26 1974 18*4 2774 6 51*4 83*4 24*4 38 1874 10 110 a is 7 48*4 3 42 2 2 4 4 8 5 74 ‘4 7 8 11 34 56 79 9*4 43*4 14 33*4 2574 3874 317k 1174- >4 18 - >4 38*4 + >4 32+74 63+74 15*4+ 7k 3274 26*4+ >4 1174 - 7k 1474 90 +4 1374 + ‘4 31 - 34*4 26 1974 18*4 2774 + 74 574 - *4 51 -1 82*4 - *4 24*4- *4 18*4- ‘4 110 110 +1 1774 18 + *4 48 48 - 74 874 9*4+ 74 4274 4274- 74 137* 14 + *4 33 3374 + 74 24*4 257*+ >4 37*4 3774- 74 31 3174 — 7k 3174 63 15*4 327* 2574 11*4 147* 8674 137* 31 33*4 26 1974 18*4 27*4 5*4 5074 82*4 24*4 18*4 48*4+ *4 2374 - 74 17*4- >4 1674 - 7* 10*4 6474- *4 1674 16*4+ *4 1674- *4 33 -1 WestAutoSup 8 Western Ud . . West Md 2nd pf. West Un Tel le. West Air Brk2. Westinc Elec 1 W stngElpfBS 80 Westvaco 1.40— Wheel Steel 2— white Motor la White Sewing M Wilcox Oil .40a. Wlllys-Overland Wlllys Ov pf 47* WllsonACo 17k* Wllson-JoneiTk* Wise Elec Pwr 1 Woodward Ir 2. Wooiwortb 2a Worth Pump 7«b 31 2374 Wrigley W Jr 3a 1 6574 WrandWor 40a VALE ii TN Tie. york Corn 7* - Tort Cp pf *74 YoungBpr&W 1 Young 8bAT da meatstlDoor la ZENITH R 174*. Zonlta Prod .10* ■early Sales aa tha Eaehaac* Today: 11:00 an. 890 000 12:00 noon 1270 000 1:00a.m. 1750 000 2:u0 o.m. 2 090 000 ♦ Unit of trading. 10 shares. *In bank ruptcy or receivership, or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such companies. Rates of dividends In the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the last Quarterly or semi-annual declaration. Unless other wise noted, special or extra dividends are not Included, x Ex dividend xr Ex rights, a Also extra or extras, b Plus stock divi dend. d Cash or stock, e Declared or paid so far this year, f Payable In stock, esti mated 1 ash value on ex dividend date, g Paid last year, b Declared or paid after stock dividend or stock spUt-up k Accum ulated dividends paid or declared this year, s Payable in stock, exaet eash value unde termined on declaration date. 2 100*4 100*4 100*4 2 42*4 42*4 42*4 + 74 4 48*4 48 9 2374 23*4 5 1774 17*4 10 1674 16*4 92 1074 10*4 2 647* 64 *5 1*7* 16*4 7 16*4 16*4 5 17 167* 5 33 33 21 4774 47 2474 6574 * 1074 10*4 12 31*4 31*4 2* 147* 13*4 2 44*4 447* 1 20*4 207* 28 81*4 807* 8 19 1874 13 2774 2674 *3 6*4 * 4774 + 25 - 6574 + 10*4 317* + 14 + 4474+1 2074- 7* 81*4- 74 1874 - 7* 2 774 + 74 6*4+7* N. Y. Bond Market iiuctid un or inoh. rra.) 2%a 80-66-.. 108 2> WORLD BANE WtBRAD 3*72 88 30 lntBR&D2¥«67 88 30 new tore crrr 3s 80 105% FOREIGN 2:10 Akershus 4* 68 85% Australia Si 65 88% Be Ilium 6%s49 100 Briz 9%i 14 ler 80% Brlibine 6s 68 88 ChUe 7s 42 asd 29 Denmark 8s 42 82% ItalCCnt l-3s77 17 Norway 4V«a 68 71% Peru lit 6i CO 19% Rio de J 0%s53 32 Rome 6> ia 52 . _ 29% DOMESTIC 2 NO Allis Chalm2s56 88% Am&P P 6s2030 80% Am T&T 24<so7 114% Am TdtT 2**581 107% Am T&T 2*is88 82% AmTobacco3s82 102% AtlCoastL4%s64102 BaltAOh 6s75B 87 BaltAOb 6sG95 87% BdtO ey 4H2010 93% BAOPLE4S80 88% BAeOSouDlv 5s80 77% Boat Me 4%a 70 98% BufRoeh&P67it 89% Can Nat 4%s61 107% Celanese 3s SS 102% Cent Oa 5%s 69 8% Cent Oa 6a 58C 8% Cn RR NJ 68 87 80% CdtO 3VaS 06 E 104% CB&Q21.S70 87% ChitE I Inc 97 43% Chi at WS 4s 88 89 Child: L41:2003 48 ChidiL Inc4s83 81% CMStP4t*s2044 97 CRIPln4%s2019 85% C R I & P 4s 94 108% Chl&W I 4a 62 109 Cons Ed 2*<s 82 87% Del LdSW4s2042 83% DdsRGW 3-4s93 88% DARin 4’/:2018 81% Dul SSdtA 6S 87 47% Erie 41is 2015 71%' O MAO 2044 a <3 H»ckWit£*is76 96 Hud Coal 6s 62a 93V* Hud&M rf 5s 57 64Vi HudAMln6*67 JW t C 4V*a 66 — 67V* ICC StL 6s 63 A 97 IntOtNor 6a 62 27V* IntHydroE16«44 61 LacledeGs4’/j63 109V* Leh Val 4s 2003 35*4 Lons Is! it 4*49 101V* MSPSSM 45 91 32V* U-K-T 6s 62 A 79V* M-K-T 4 Vis 78 66 M-K-T 1st 4s90 77V* Mo Pae 6' aS 41) 25V* Mo Pac 5s 77 P 62V* Mo Pac 6s 81 I 62Vi Mo Pac an 4s 76 36V* MorAE3Vis2000 60V* N O T M 5a 64 92V* NYC rf 6s 2013 63 NYC 4Vis2013A 7:>V* N Y C eon 4s 98 69V* NYCA8L3 *4*80 96V* NYNHlne4Vi*-2S 41V* NYNHH 4*2007 69>/< N Y O W a 4s 55 9 NYWB 4 Vis 46 19 NorflkSo 6*2014 71 Nor Pae 3s 2047 67V* Pae TAT 3Vis78104V* PacTAT 3V,s87 102V* Pen*CtAir3VaSflO 42 PennRRa4V4»81102V* PennRR 3V!ia52 100V* PhUa El 2Vis 67 101V* StLSP 4V*s2022 96V* StLSanPrn4s97 87V* sa SW it 6s 90 101V* Seab In4'/3S2018 70V* 8oPaeiflc4V*s81 93V* Sou Pae 4V*s 69 94U So Pac 2%s 86 88V* So R» *D 4s 56 94V* StdOilNJ23is71 95V* Texas Corp 3S65109V* Third Are 6s 60 61V* VaElAPw3Vas63llO West Md 4a 52 100>/i West On 5s 51 97V* West Un 5s 60 93*/* West On 4-Vis 50 995* Wise Cent 4s 49 74V* Wls Cn 4s 3680 40 N. Y. Curb Market LIST INCLUDES ONLY SELECTED ISSUES CHANGED FBOM PREVIOUS CLOSE. Z MU Aero Supply_ 3 Aireon Mfg Co . 1V4 Alaska Airlines, 4V4 Alum Ltd 2 -- 30 Alum Co Am 2 . 07 Am Bantam Car 14i Am Gas & El lb 38V Am Gen 06e 3 AmLight&T.56e 18V4 Am Maracaibo 444 Am Superpower. 1V4 Anch Post Pr V4. 7V4 ArkNGas A .20t 8Vt Ashland Oil l._ 184t Atl Coast Fish., 344 Atlas Corp w w_ 7 Barium Steel . 6VS Basic Refrct .40 7V4 Blue Rldae 40g 4 Bras Tr LAcP 2,. IBM Breeae Corp. 1044 BrwnF Dlst .80a 2444 Brown Rub 45e 1144 Bnk Hill & S Via 22V4 Burma Ltd_ 1 Burry Biscuit - -. 344 Cab El Prod ,10e * Calif El Pwr .60 8 Calllte Tung_ 4 Can Marconi _ 2M Carr Cons Blsc. 444 Catalln Am . 7W CenAcS W Cp 70 10V4 Cessna Aire 20g 5V4 Chief Cons Mm. 1V4 Cities Service 2. 58*4 ClarostatMfg_ 2V4 Claude Neon __ 2h Colonial Airline. 8 ColSand&St .40 7 Col FuelAcIr ww 3V4 Colts Mfx 13<( 3S>/« Com’dore Hotel. 3V4 Coml Ac Sou war Vi Cont FdyAcM 1 13 CopperRange'Ui 13Vi Croft Brew _ 144 Crown Cent Pet 7V4 CrownDrug .05e 344 Dennison A .40e 11V4 East OasAcFuel Wi El Bond&Sh Vtt 1444 Eauity Corp . . 244 Eureka C Ltd 144 Fairchild E Ac A S44 FansteelMetVig. 1444 FordMFran 02g 144 GenPlywood .40 8V4 aoianeid con«. Hazeltine 74*... 15 Hecla Min 1 127* Holl C Gold .?4 8 Imp Oil Ltd Vi.. 167* Int Petrol V* - . . 12V* IntSafet.v Ret B 17* Kalser-Frazer . 11V* Kingston Pr .20 474 LakeShoreM .72 1074 Lamson Corn 1( 97* Lanston Mon 2 24 Leonard Oil Dee 7* Long Island Lt*. 7* Mesabl Iron-57* MdSPAvtcl.20e 2674 Mid West Crp 61 974 Mining Cp Can. TV* Nat Bellas .20*. 37* Nat Fuel 0.80. 12 Nat Union Rad . 27* New Mex £ Arig 9 Niagara Hud Pr 97* No Am Lt £ Pwr 77* NortbropAlr l«* UV* Pantepec 1.28.. 17 Pennroad .40*.. 87* Pep Bovs _ 474 Pepperell 3a 84 PharlsT£R .15e 474 Pioneer Gold 274 Pltney-Bow .60* 1274 Pitt Metallu .80 157* R-K-O opt war. 3 Ravtbeon MI* . 874 Richmond Rad. 4>4 RotaryElStl 74*. 3574 Ryan Aero .10* 57* SaltDomeO 17*f 107* Schulte (D A)_ 3V4 Segal Lock_ 2>4 Select Indus ... 474 Solar Alrc .16*. 1374 Sosa Mf* 1 _ 97* Std OllKy 1.40a 2874 Std Power &Lt. 274 Stand Products 8»A Technicolor Vie. 157* Trl-Contl w w . 4 United Corn ww Ut Lt£Rys 32e 22 U S Foil B .90e. 1674 U S Int Sec 47* Ut-IdahoSu.l5e 374 Waltham Watch 5 Wickes Crp .IS* 107* Wilson Bro 30* TV* WolwthUd.369* 8>/« Wright Harg .16 277* Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. May 17 MY—(U8DA)—Sal able hogs IS, 00(1: total. 15,600: active and unevenly: 1,00-1.60 higher than Fri day; most advance on weights over 240 Dounds: top 2" .50; bulk good and choice. 170-200 pounds. 21.50-22.25; 240-260 pounds. 20.50-21.75; 270-290 pounds. 19.50-20.75; 300-350 pounds, 19.00-19.50: around 400 pound weights 17.25-17.So: most good .350-000 pound SOWS, 16.50; complete early clearance. Salable cattle—10.000, total. 10,000: salable calves. 800: total. 800: all grades fed steers and yearlings 60 to 1.00 higher; middle and lower grades showed most advance: too 50 higher than last week at 34.00 paid for five loads with weight; most steers and yearlings, 31.50-33.60; little under 31.00: Heifers shared steer upturn: choice 1,050 pound Colorado-fed heifers reached 33.25: most good and choice heifers. 31.60-32.50: cows, 25 higher; cutters, 20.00 down: beef cows. 20.60 24.50: bulls, strong; sausage offerings to 25.25; vealers firm at 31.00 down. Salable sheep—1.600; total, 3.000; active: slaughter classes strong: spots around SO higher; three decks good and choice 85 pound fed wooled lambs carrying medium end. 28.50; load medium and good wooled lambs. 27.26. sorted moderately: load good 81 pound shorn lambs with mostly No. 2 pelts. 26.000: few small lots good and choice shorn lambs with No. 2 pelts. 27.50-28.00; package good and choice 126 pound wooled ewes. 14.00; short deck good and choice 134 pound shorn ewes also 14 00. Chicago Grain CH1CAOO. May 17 MY—8mal! losses were recorded by most grains on the board of trade today. May contracts gava up the most ground. Trading was fairly heavy at times, but price changes were mainly confined to fractions. At noon wheat was l*a lower to ’4 higher May 3.4:1’.,: corn was ',-lta lower. May. 2.27’,; oafs were 1 ■ -114 lower. May 1.15'4 and soybeans were 4 to 5 higher. May 4.11. Some of the weakness in com. particu larly the May contract, was .based on further easing of premiums paid for the cash grain in relation to the May future. In wheat, there appeared to be a good deal of selling of May against purchases of July, which was higher. The commodity credit corp. was re ported not bidding for wheat in store at Kansas City today. However, the agency was bidding 7 a bushel over the Chicago May future priced at 2.4344 for wheat delivered in May at Gulf of Mexico ports. Buying of wheat by the CCC In the southwest last week-end was large. The Kansas City office took 1,819,333 bushels on Friday when It offered to buy wheat in store for the first time In about a week. New York Produce NEW YORK. May 17 MY—Egg Brices were Irregular in the-wholesale market to day Receipts for two days totaled 31.4ol cases. Spot Quotations follow: Midwestern, mixed colors—Fancy heavy weights, 49-501: extra 1 large, extra 2 large. 47: extrta 1 medium. 45', 4612; current receipts. 41’a-43Va; dirties, 41-42: checks. 38',a-39. .. Whites—Fancy heavyweights. 50-51. extra 1 large. 48I,i-49; extra 2 large, 47'*: extra 1 medium, 47. . Browns—Fancy heavyweights. 60-51. extra 1 large/ 48*/*-49; extra 2 large. 4,; extra 1 medium. 46V,. Nearby—(These Quotations are based on the bulk of the reported wholesale sales to jobbers and large retailers and include premiums.) Whites, fancy heavyweights. 62-54: mediums. 48-49: browns, fancy heavyweights. 53-54: mediums 47. Butter <2 day's receipts), 428,136; easy. Wholesale prices on bulk cartons: Cream ery. higher than 92 score and premium marks <AA>. 78; 92 score (A'. <7: 90 score (Bt. 75; 89 score (Cl. la't. (New tubs usually command cent a pound Dver the bulk carton price. Market Averages STOCKS. Net change.,, roday noon-96.6 Prey, day_96.9 Week ago_92.8 Month ago-91.8 rear ago_8.1.4 1948 high_96.9 L948 low_83.3 30 15 Indat Balia. —.3 —.5 44.7 45.2 42.7 40.7 27.9 45.2 34.2 16 Otil. unc. 42.0 42.0 41.1 40.0 40 6 42.0 38 0 •0 Btka 70. 71. 68. 66. 58. 71. 60. BONDS. 20 Rails. Net change unc. rod*y noon 92.3 10 Indat 10 Util. Prev. day Week ago. Month ago rear ago 1948 high L948 low 92.3 91.4 90.4 89.8 92.3 8*~ “ (Compiled by 1 101.0 100.9 100.8 100.5 104.9 101.6 100.9 99.8 98.0 the Assocated unc. 101.4 101.4 101.5 101.6 103.4 10 10 Low Pgn. Yield unc. unc. 61.9 110.2 61.9 110.2 61.4 109. H 103.7 1 115.9! 110.2 107.2 62.7 73.6 66.9 60.2 Preu.) t Foreign Exchange www YORK. Mar 17 ijPi—Foreign ex hange r»te« follow <Ore»t Britain In ollars. others In cente): ( Canadian dollar in New Tor* open, iarket, 7*4 per cent Account or #-./5 rnited State* cents, up */• °L%c,enl Europe: Oreat Britain. $4-03 4. un hanged; Prance (franc), .32 a of a nchanged; Italy (lira). May Axed >oi739- April. .001742; Sweden (krona). 7.85. unchanged; Switzerland (frenci| commercial). 13.40. unchenaed Latin America: Argentina free, -o nchanged: Braill free. 5.o0, unchanged, [exlco. 10,82. unchanged_ . Revere Copper X- Brats, Inf lected Forrest E. Richmond vice resident and executive head of ie Rome division. Rockwell Mfg. Ce. acquired Red tar Products, Inc., of Norwalk thio, maker of radial arm saws used j 1 woodworking. ABC Network Offers Public 500,000 Shares Of Common Stock ly tht Auociotad Pihi NEW YORK, May 17.—Public par ticipation in ownership of the American Broadcasting Co. was opened up today for the first time with the offering of 500.000 shares of common stock at $9 a share. The stock was offered by a group of investment bankers headed by Dillon, Read & Co. Money from sale of the stock and *5.000,000 in 4 per cent promissory notes maturing in 1960 will be used to refinance the radio network and to help pay for its television con struction program. The new stock issue will bring the total number of common shares to I, 689,017. The existing shares are privately held. Bought By Noble in ’43. The network originated in 1927 as part of the National Broadcasting Co. and was called the Blue Network of NBC, which at the same time operated what it called its Red Net work. However, the Federal Communica tions Commission later adopted a rule against single ownership of more than one network, and the Radio Corp. of America had to sell the Blue Network in 1943. Edward J. Noble, now board chairman of ABC, bought the network and changed its name. Part of the funds raised by the sale of stock and notes will be used to pay off a *4,000,000 loan used in buying the network from RCA. The loan notes, bearing 2% per cent in terest, are not due until October 14, 1949, but will be paid off in advance. Funds realized in the refinancing operation will include $807,500 from the sale of Station .WOOD, Grand Rapids, Mich. uwns riw omiuuhb. ABC owns and operates both standard and frequency modulation stations in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit and San Fran cisco. It also furnishes programs to 252 affiliated stations. The company has construction permits for television stations in each of these cities where it owns radio stations, and also plans to ex tend its limited East Coast televi sion network operations on a Nation wide basis. The network has budgeted $5, 325,000 for television and has an nounced that all five of its television stations will be on the air by the end of the year._ Roanoke Junior Chamber Wins Convention Trophy By th« Associated Pr»*i OLD POINT, Va.. May 17.—Roa noke's Junior Chamber of Commerce was awarded the Giessenbier Trophy for the outstanding Jaycee organi zation in the State at the closing session of the Virginia Jaycee con vention here yesterday. The Roanoke chapter won nine of the 19 citations. Danville took top honors in four of the classifica tions, while the other awards were split among the Peninsula and South Boston, with two each, and Peters burg and Williamsburg with one each. New officers, elected Saturday are J. W. Pearsall, Richmond attorney, president; five vice presidents, Wil liam Battaile, Winchester, R. Gran ger West, Newport News, C. Hall Snellings, Portsmouth, Paul Jeffer son, Roanoke, and Horace Hender son, Williamsburg, with Talbot Sin clair of Alexandria as treasurer. Joseph H. Saunders, Alexandria architect, retiring president, was named Virginia director of the United States Jaycees. Howard Mitchell to Present: Cello Recitals at 3 Schools Howard Mitchell, first cellist and associate conductor of the National Symphony Orchestra, will give re citals in three public schools this week, the National Svmphony Or chestra Association announced to day. At 11 a.m. tomorrow he will be heard at Garnet-Pattcrson Junior High School, Tenth and U streets N.W. Wednesday he will play at Young Elementary School, Benning road and Twenty-fourth street N.E., and Thursday at Oiddings Elementary School, Third and O streets S.E., also at 11 a.m. Mr. Mitchell will be accompanied by Sol Sax, symphony pianist. Merger Is Announced Of Minneapolis Papers By the Associated Press MINNEAPOLIS, May 17.—The Minneapolis Star and Tribune Co. today merged the Minneapolis Times, a tabloid afternoon news paper, with the afternoon Star and the morning Tribune. All have been published by the Minneapolis Star and Tribune Co. of which John Cowles is president. The Times occupies a separate plant. There are no other daily newspapers in Minneapolis. Rising costs were given as the i reason for the merger. The announcement said a ma-; jority of the Times employes wdll be offered jobs with the Star and Tribune. The others will receive liberal severance pay the manage- I ment said. Soft Coal Owners Map Plans to Resist Lewis' Pay, Pension Demands ly th« AuoctaUd Fr«« Soft coal operators, huddling over strategy for new contract negotiations with John L. Lewis, indicated today they will resist any demands for higher pay or bigger royalty payments to the miners’ welfare fund. The contract negotiations open tomorrow. Mr. Lewis and the United Mine Workers’ 200-man Policy Committee also gathered here in a planning session. They were silent on their plans. The present contract expires June 30. However, the soft coal diggers have a short vacation coming up from June 26 to July 5, so the nego tiators really have until July 5 to get together on a new contract. Producers Prepare Statement. The producers worked over a statement of their position at pre liminary talks yesterday and con ferences of all major groups today. One thing considered is a proposal to offer Mr. Lewis a one or two year extension of his present con tract—in effect, side-stepping a showdown on the coal industry over a “third-round" postwar pay in crease. Mr. Lewis' coal miners received a wage increase of 18>- cents an hour in 1946 and 15 cents last year. He also bargained out additional pay and welfare benefits. One benefit was a payment of 10 cents "royaKy" to a miners benefit fund for every ton of coal mined. Union district groups already have suggested that Mr. Lewis seek a 40 cent tonnage royalty to finance pen sions. Some also suggested a return to the 35-hour work week without loss of pay. The current agreement calls for a 40-nour weeK. me Dase dally pay is $13.05 the Bureau of Labor Statistics says coal miners lead all industrial workers with average, weekly earnings of $75.78. As a vacation payment, miners now receive $100. They can work and pocket the extra money, or lay off and still get it. Some district scale committees proposed an in crease in the payment to $250. * A fight over the bargaining cre dentials of Joseph E. Moody, head of the Southern Coal Producers As sociation, is in prospect when the negotiations begin. Mr. Lewis chal lenged Mr. Moody’s right to nego tiate for the Southern operators a month ago, contending Mr. Moody did not sign the last contract. Mr. Lewis also may insist on a new chairman for the negotiations. Ezra Van Horn, Cleveland oper ator, has held that post in the ne gotiations for years. But as trustee of the pension fund he has brought legal action against Mr. Lewis and they are not on the best of terms, to put it one way. Nine Teachers Are Chosen By Charloifesviiie Board Special Dispatch to The Star CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va.. May 17—The City School Board has ap poihted nine new teachers for the 1948-49 session, filling all but two or three vacancies in the staff. New teachers are Miss Mary Gretchen Manning, of Lynn, Mass.; Miss Betty W. Myers, Vienna, Va.; Miss Jennie M. Roach, Martins ville. Va.; Miss Dorothy K. Trout, Richmond; and John H. Barnes, Mrs. Evelyn Heltzel, Mrs. Margaret P. Creasy, Miss Martha Rohr, and Hamlet P. Bowler, all of Charlottes ville. The board appropriated $812.70 for treating the art room in Lane High School with accoustlcal tile. The room will be made available as a small auditorium. Move Seen to Provide Charlottesville Manager Special Dispatch to The Star CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va.. May 17— A recommendation to fill the post of city manager of Charlottes ville can be expected before June 1, when Seth Burnley will resign to be come manager of Staunton, Coun cilman Fred L. Watson, chairman of i committee seeking a successor to Mr. Burnley, said. Mr. Watson said his committee has received about eight applica tions, none from residents here. Re liable reports are that Director of Finance James E. Bowen U being considered for the pcet. Lynnbrook PTA to Meet A discussion of the proposal to elect Montgomery County School Board members will be held at a meeting of the Lynnbrook School PTA at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the school. K. of C. Elects Lonegan NORFOLK, Va., May 17 l^).—Ed ward E. Lonegan of Lynchburg waa ■lected State deputy of the Vir ginia Council, Knights of Colum jus, yesterday. _ LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Variant plant. Intladint lanc-tem manthlr parmentt, at favarabla rata. riRST DEED OF TRUST ONLY RENTALS—SALES—OfSURANCB GEORGE I. BORGER •43 Indiana Aro. N.W. Two Important Factors To Consider When Buying First Mortgage Investments Fir*t—Security . . . Second—Return . . . In the Fir»t Mortgage offered by the B. F. Saul Co., you are enured utmoat aecurity with fair return. Theae aafe inveatmenta are aeeured on owner-occupied s or income-producing propertiea in D. C., Maryland or Virginia. B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th ST. N.W.NATIONAL 2100 Property Management—Loans—Insurance