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(Earb of (Eljattkfif BROOKS. ROBERT (BOBBIE). The family of the late ROBERT (BOBBIE) BROOKS wishes to express Its sincere thanks and appreciation to its friends for their expressions of sympathy and floral tributes at the passing of their brother and son. We are specially grate ful to Rev. Lightfoot of Galbraith A. M. E. Zion Church and the Motorcycle Riders* Club. THE FAMILY. 0?atija AOAM8, ALBERT. Suddenly, on Mon day. May IT, 1948. at his residence. 377 88th st. n.e., ALBERT ADAMS, beloved husband of the late Clara Adams ani devoted son ol Mrs Martha Dorsey. Also surviving are six children, one brother, three grandchildren, a daughter-in-law. a son-in-law. other relatives and many friends. After 10 a.m. Thursday, May 20. friends are invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home. 1820 9th st. n w Requiem mass will be celebrated at the Holy Redeemer Catholic Church. New York and New Jersey aves. n.w., on Fri day. May 21. at 9 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 20 BALL, ALVINA CECELIA. On Monday, May 17, 1948. at Providence Hospital, ALVINA CECELIA BALL of 1402 E st. a.e beloved wife of Thomas P. Ball, mother of Henry T.. Frederick G.. sr.. and William E. Ball: grandmother of Fred erick G. Bail, lr., and Elizabeth Ann Ball. Funeral from the James T. Ryan Funeral Home, 317 Pa. ave s.e., on Thursday, May 20, at 8:30 am.; thence to the Church of the Holy Comforter, where mass will be offered at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 19 BATCH. CHARLES E. On Saturday. May 15. 1948. at Benedict. Md.. CHARLES E. BATCH, beloved son of Joseph J. and Edna L. Batch: Brother ol Joseph E.. Lawrence R„ Thomas L.. Ralph F. C. and Elizabeth Batch. Prayers at Chambers Funeral Home. 51< 11th st. s.e.. on Wednesday. May 19. at 9 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 28 BEALL. WALTER. On Monday. May 17. 1948. WALTER BEALL, husband of Catherine Fallon Beall, father of W. Royce Beall. Donald S. Beall and Betty Beall; brother of Frank H. Beall oi Baltimore, Md.. and Fannie W. Euren. Funeral serv ices at his late residence. 3945 Garrison at. n.w.. on Thursday. May 20, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 19 BEALL, WALTER. A special communi a cation of Hope Lodge. No 20. F. A. A M . is hereby called for A the purpose of attending the JU r funeral of our late brother. S[ * WALTER BEALL, or. Thursday. # _ May 20, 1948. at 1 p m. JAMES M BERNARD. Master. Attest PAUL B ELCAN. Secretary. 20 BIRCH. T'5 ROBERT R Killed to - France. July 20. 1044, T o Kua Wnm ERT R- BIRCH, beloved son of Margaret S. Birch and brother |;ggS of Wayne L. Birch. Funeral services will be held in Arlington, Va.. Wednesday. May I*J4° Friends and relatives invited to attend; BLAKE. CECILIA. On Monday. May 17, 1948, at her residence, near Fairfax. Va.. Miss CECILIA BLAKE, daughter of the late John R. and Jane Robsori Blake and sister of Harry and Ronald Blake. Re mains resting at Money *,,K1If®o|?uno ™ Home Vienna, Va., until 1 .oh p.m. Wednesday. May i9. Funeral «2vlces at Vienna Presbyterian Church at 2 p.m. in tennent Flint Hill Cemetery. Oakton, Va. (Please omit flowers.) BRADECAMP. ANDREW J. On Tues . 8s3k if-. maejsp%i» Davenseek an5SMr«rencel^: f)U"f,raa‘ m “Thence Jerome’s 2iir°rhurch Hyattsville. Md.. where mass ln BRADFIELD^ DR. ROBERT LEE. On Bunday. May atArcherho?ei*271 his niece. Mrs. John R. Aixher ch cil I ft8* D^'^-BERT LdEE BRAD^D^rVh !,rr °fW^liamE H8 &nde&d°yV$fcb!& £a: Clarene H Bradfleld of Upper Mont aisr-oT wisher where funeral services will be neia on mcntneR^k Creek Cemetery. Washington, j ufSffiV* ; BELL 'lb4, leaves* tS‘mouWei demoted daughter. Edith Crowder; a grand^! son. Herbert Crowder: a slste*\’. M£s. Emma r>ivnn two nieces. Mrs. Willcna rgirKe. ; arc* Junita Bailey, two nephews. Robert 2nd SSorie Gray and other relatives and, fJlinrtV After 3 am. Wednesday. May 19. friends may call af Fra^?J s p!J”'fa Home. Inc., 389 R. I.ave. n.w Funeral the 'Holy5 Redeemer "cASB. In terment Lincoln Me mo ns i Cemetery. 19 FUNERAL DIRECTORS._ FRANK GEIER'S SON CO. FUNERAL HOME 3605 14tB Si. NW. HObart 2326 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Formerly »t 1113 7th Bt N W Established ,851_ t In Case of Death Call OBf of *. Complete Funerals $95 to $2,000 Fo«r La'li funeral Homu Phone CO. 0432 V. L. SPEARE CO. B&ST|ftrs8&ai 1009 H St. N.W. National 2892 J. William Lee's Sons Co. 4th and Mau At*. NE. U. 5200 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium_ FUNERAL DESIGNS. _ FLOWERS CHAMBERS has complete Flower Shop Funeral Designs Special' $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $10, up to $200 -CALL :0. 0432 CHACONAS FLOWERS Raaatifa) FLORAL PIECES, SS.00 and a* DELIVERED „ .. •AOO 14th St. N.W. Phan* DP. Ilgl GUDE BROS. CO. IndtTldnallr draiined Wreath* and Spray* GEO. C. SHAFFER, Inc. pr%?3RAL PHONE UNA8 0108 Cor 14th fir Eye ^arfd 8undaT* j Blackistone, IbcT BEAUTIFUL FLORAL TRIBUTES, $5 up Phone and Charge It C & C FLOWER STORES FLORAL SPRAT. S3 UP DELIVERED Charre Account* Invited Two Convenient Locations 80S 14th St. N.W. ME. I4S3 033 F St N.WME. 14*4 AMBULANCES. AMBULANCES DOCTORS CALL • CHAMBERS • For Ambulance, CO. 0432. One of the finest fleets in the world. Kates: Sit up t« 11 mile radius. Expert attendants. jCALL CO. 0432 CEMETERY LOTS. ft. LINCOLN CEMETEKY LOTS: .16 Fites: aplendtd location, near entrance gate: owner has left city, will sacrifice lor cash Call EM. 3y^. —24 1 Sratljfi CAMPBELL. HATTIE. The officers and members of the Senior Sodality of Holy Redeemer Church are requested to meet at Frazier’s Funeral Home. 389 R. I. ave. n.w., at 8 p.m. Wednesday. May 19, 1948, to recite the rosary for the repose of her soul. Funeral from the Holy Re deemer Church at 9 am. Thursday, May 20. MARY A. QUANDER. Prefect. REGINA MASON. S. C. ANNIE N. DAVIS. Consultor, Band No. 3. CAMPBELL, LONNIE B. On Sunday. May 16, 1948. at his residence. 2810 Evarts st. n.e.. LONNIE B. CAMPBELL, husband of Marv E. Campbell tnee Kidwell); father of Bruce. Jack. Jimmie and Cecelia Campbell. Services at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 517 11th st. s.e.. on Wednesday. May 19. at 10:30 a m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 18 CAMPBELL, SUEWILLIE W. On Sun day. May 16. 1948. at her residence. 776 Harvard st. n.w., SUEWILLIE W. CAMP BELL. mother of Dr Everette W. and Ver non M. Campbell. Mrs. Alcyone C. Facey. Mrs Zenobia C. Lewis. She also is sur vived by three sisters, one brother, other relatives and friends. Friends may call at the Malvan & Schey Funeral Home. N. J. ave. and R st. n.w., after 4 p.m. Tuesday. May 18. Services at the above funeral home on Wednesday. May 19. at 1 p.m. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. CAMPBELL. SUEWILLIE W. The of ficers and members of Datcher Chapter. No. 7. O. E. S.. are hereby notified of the death of SUEWILLIE W. CAMPBELL and are requested to be present at the funeral services to be held at the Malvan <fc Schey Funeral Home. New Jersey ave and R st. n.w . on Wednesday, May 19. 1948, at 1 p.m LELIA J. WILDY. W. M JOSEPH N. YEARWOOD. Jr., W. P. M E. C. LYLE, Secretary. CARTER. KATE M. On Tuesday. May 18, 1948. at her residence. 2649 loth st. n.w.. KATE M. CARTER, wile of the late Thomas Carter and beloved mother of Mrs. Marion V Jackson and Lloyd Nalle Monroe. She also leaves other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Ar rangments by Ernest W. Jarvis Co. CARTER. LOUISE. On Monday. May 17. 1948. at Casualty Hospital. LOUISE CARTER of 42 Pierce st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. Services by Stewart. COATES, COHANJO. Departed this life on Saturday May 15. 1948. COHANJO COATES, devoted son of Duboya and Flor ence Coates; loving brother of Carlette Coates. He also Is survived by his grandmother, his grandfather, other rela tives and many friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines & Co. Funeral Home. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w., until Tues day. May 18. at 4 p.m., then at his late residence. 909 6th st. s.e.. where funeral services will be held on Wednesday, May 19, at 1 p.m., Rev. R. C. Scott officiating. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 18 CONNELLY, COMDR. JAMES HOBAN, U. S. N. (RETIRED!. On Thurs ' dav. May 13, 1948, at the United States Naval Hospital. Comdr. JAMES HOE AN CON NELLY iretired). beloved hus S band of Esther Hudnall Connelly, father of Patricia and Susan Connelly, brother of Helen Marie Connelly. Re mains resting at Chambers Funeral Home, 1400 Chapin st. n.w., until Tues day. May 18, at 10 a m Mass will be offered at Fort Myer Chapel at 10.30 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. COWAN, SYLVIA. On Monday. May 17, 1948. SYLVIA COWAN beloved wife of Bernard Cowan: devoted mother of Miss Mildred Cowan and Monroe Cowan. Serv ices at the Goldberg Funeral Home. 4217 9th st. n.w.. on Tuesday. May 18. at 3.30 p.m. Interment Agudaf Achim Cemetery. In mourning at 2015 Tuckerman st.. Green Meadows. Md. 18 COX. EMMA LECKIE. On Tuesday, Mav IS. 1948. at Washington Saniiarium. EMMA LECKIE COX ol 3133 Conn ave. n.w., wife of the late Justice Joseph W. Cox, mother of Melville B. and A. Leckie Cox, Mrs. John MacKinnon and the late Col. Joseph W, Cox. jr.: sister of Mrs. Catherine Gibson and Mrs. Leroy Free mire, both of Washington. D. C., ana Roo ert Leckie of Huntington, W. Va. Re mains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w Serv ices and interment Independence. Va.. on Thursday, May 20. Please omit( flowers. DOZIER. LYDIA BURLEY. On Friday, Mav 14, 1948. in Georgetown Hospital. LYDIA BURLEY DOZIER, loving mother of Elsworth B Dozier and sister of Katie Dove, Lewis and Sinclair Burley. Other relatives and friends also survive. After 2:30 p.m., Tuesday. May 18. friends may call at Frazier's Funeral Home. Inc., 389 R I. ave. n.w. Funeral Wednesday, May 10. at 1 p.m.. from Gibson Grove Amez Church, No. 10. Cabin John. Md.. Rev. Ernest Gibbs officiating. Interment Moses Cemetery. EDWARDS, ANNA LOUISE. On Tues day. May 18, 1948. ANNA LOUISE ED WARDS. beloved wife of Arthur Edw-ards and mother of John T. and Joseph P. Gilmore, Edna M. Bloxton and Catherine A Rupp Remains resting at Chambers Funeral Home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. until Thursday, May 20. at 9:30 a.m. Grave side services and Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery, at 10 a.m. 19 FAHERTY. JOHN F. On Sunday, May 16. 1948. at St. Agnes Hospital. Baltimore. Md . JOHN P. FAHERTY. beloved son of the late Michael Faherty and Margaret J. Mlnahan and brother of Mrs. Teresa May hugh. James Minahan. Mrs. Annie Car.ey and Mrs. Margaret Ruppert. Funeral from the T. F. Costello Funeral Home. 1722 North Capitol st.. on Wednesday, May 19, at 9:30 a m. Requiem mass in SI. Aloyslus Church at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. GIFFORD, PFC. ROBERT E. Killed at Raon L'Etape. France, November IP. 1944. Pfc. ROBERT E. GIFFORD, aged 19. beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Gifford of 551:! fiOth st. n.w.. and brother of Walter H. Gifford, jr. Graveside serv ices at Arlington National Cemetery on Wednesday. May 19. 1948. at 2 p.m. GRAHAM, SHERMAN B. On Sunday. Mav Hi. 1948, SHERMAN B. GRAHAM of 2805 10th st. n.w.. beloved husband of Margaret E. Graham, uncle of Mrs. Jo sephine Little and coBSin of Jeanette McWilliam. Funeral from W. W. Deal Funeral Home. 4812 Georgia ave. n.w,. on Wednesday. May 19, at 2 p.m. Relatives! and friends invited. Interment Prospect ] Hill Cemetery. 18 HAWKINS, LILLIAN (DEE). Departed; this life on Sunday. May 16. 1948. at j 8:30 p.m.. after a brief 'llness. LILLIAN; (DEE* HAWKINS of 1518 B st. s.e.. sister of Beatrice Young and Edward Hawkins. She also leaves one aunt, two uncles, three nephews, five nieces and a host of other relatives and friends. The late Miss Hawkins mar be viewed at the above residence after 5 p.m Wednesday. May, 19 Funeral on Thursday. May 20. from the Friendship Baptist Church. 1st and H sts. s.w.. at 1 p.m. Interment Payne's* Cemetery. Services by Stewart. 19 HAYES, MARGARET A. On Sunday. Mav 16. 1948. at Atlanta. Ga.. MAR GARET A. HAYES, wife of the late Oliver Hayes and mother of Helen and Hallie Hayes, both of Atlanta. Ga. She also is survived by a grandson, Richard, and two great-grandchildren. Friends may call at Gawler's Chapel. 1756 Pa. ave. n w.. where services will be held on Thurs day. May 20, at 11 a m. Interment pri vate. 19 HUME, 1 ST LT. WILLIAM. On June 6. 1944. at Normandy. France. 1ST LT. WILLIAM HUME, son of Mrs. Ethei W. Hume and the late Graham W Hume of 2520 14th st. n.w., and half-brother of G. Willett, Helen W. and George G. Hume. Funeral at Arlington Na tional Cemetery. Va.. at 2 p.m., Wednes day. May 19. 18* JONES, OSCAR. Departed this life on Sunday. May 16. 1948. at Chesapeake! Beach. Md.. OSCAR JONES, beloved son of the late Benjamin and Cora Jonev , husband of Mrs. Lillian Jones of 18171 Swann st. n.w., devoted stepfather of Mr.' James Spears and Mrs. Cauhss Moore, j Also survivinz are four brothers, Lawrence, j Howard. Elzie ana Jack Jones; one sister, j an uncle. Henry Jones, and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains rest ing at the Cornish <fc Cornish Funeral Home. 2121 loth st. n.w. Notice of fu neral later. • KREIS. ANNIE WEBER. On Sunday. May 16, 1948, at the residence of her daughter. 170? Columbia rd. n.w.. ANNIE WEBER KREIS. beloved mother of Mrs. Owen H Gauthrop (Mrs. Elizabeth K. Gauthrop). Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Massachusetts ave. n.e.. where services will be held on Wednesday, May 19. at 3 p.m. Interment private. 18 LACKEY. ELLA D. On Saturday. May 15. 1948. ELLA D. LACKEY, beloved sister of Charles H. Meyer and aunt of Dor othea Masek of Germany and Margaret Meyer. Frederick Price. Ida and Mamie Adams, sister-in-law of Mau^e Meyer. Services at the W. W. Deal Funeral Home, si6 H st. n.e., on Tuesday, May 18. at 2:30 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Prospect Hill Cemetery. 18 LANGLEY. WILLIAM M. On Monday. May 17. 1948. at Camp Ritchie Hospital, Cascade. Md.. WILLIAM M. LANGLEY, beloved husband of Myrtle Langley of Annapolis. Md. Remains restine at the Taylor Funeral Home. 147 Giouster st.. Annapolis. Md. Services will be heid on Friday. May 21. a: 10 a.m., at St. Mary’s Church. Annapolis. Md. In terment St. Mary’s Cemetery. 20 MARTIN. PAULINE. On Sunday. Mav 16. 1948. at Casualty Hospital. PAULINE MARTIN, beloved wife of Meisus Martin. Also surviving are one aunt, Mrs. Hen rietta Hill of Baileys Crossroads, Va.: o her relatives and friends. After 3 p.m. Tuesday. May 18. friends ma* call at the Rollins Funeral Home. 4339 Hunt pi. n.e.. where funeral services will be held on Wednesday, May 19. at 1:30 p.m. Inter ment Payne's Cemetery. McCULLY, HAMILTON M. On Sunday. May 16. 1948. HAMILTON M. McCULLY ot 3871 Alabama ave. s.e.. beloved hus band of Elizabeth G. McCully. father of Mrs. Dorothy J. Wilcher and James M. McCully and brother of Mrs. J. R. Roberts and Mrs. Hale Showalter. Also surviving are six grandchildren. Funeral services at the Simmons Bros. Funeral Home 2007 Nichols ave. s.e., on Thursday. May 20. at 1 p.m. Relatives and friends vited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 19 McDaniels. SOPHIA TUCKER. Sud denly. on Saturday. May 15. 1948, at her residence. 1169 6th st. n.e.. Washington. D. C . SOPHIA TUCKER McDANIELS. de voted sister of Mrs. Mary Gassaway. Mrs. Lula Stewart. Samuel. Bennie. Enoch and George M. Hawkins. She also is survived by a host of other relatives and friends. Friends may call after 5 p.m Monday, Mav 17. at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral Tues day May 18. at 1 p.m . at the Ebenezer A M E Church. Rev. Walter L. Hille brand officiating. Interment Lincoln Me morial Cemetery. 18 MILLS. PFC. CHARLES ROBERT. On June 16, 1944. at Normandy. France, Pfc CHARLES ROBERT pBg MILLS, beloved sen of Charles L. and Irene G. Mills of 1702 South • Oakland st.. Arlington. Va. Fu neral services will be held at Arlington National Cemetery on Thursday. May 20, at 2 p.m. Relatives and frienda invited to attend. 19* Beathfl MURPHY. JOHN J. Member* of Bunker Hill Pest. No. 31. the Amer ican Legion, wil assemble at the late residence of Comrade JOHN J. MORPHY, 4304 10th st. n.e.. on Wednesday. May 10, at 8:30 p.m.. when the irnaar Post will conduct services. Fu neral will be on Thursday. May 20. at 10 am, from St. Anthony s Church. Burial hi Arlington National Cemetery. THOS P ROYSTER. Commander. W. R. BRENNAN, Adjutant. 19 MURPHY. CAPT. JOHN J.. U. S. A. (RETIRED). On Tuesday, May 18. 1948. at Walter Reed Gen eral Hospital, Capt. JOHN J. MURPHY. U. 8. A. (retired), be loved husband of Helen H. Mur phy of 4304 10th st. n.e., father of John J. Murphy. Jr. and brother of Mrs. Maude C. McDonald. Fu neral from the above residence on Thurs day. May 20. at 9 a.m. High requiem mass at 8t. Anthony’s Church at 9:30 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. MYERS. WILLIAM H. On Sunday, May 10, 1948. at Mount Alto Hospital. WILLIAM H. MYERS, beloved father of William H. Myers. Jr.. and Miss Marjorie L. Myers: brother of Edward A., Pierce M.. John V., William M.. James S. and Ralph M Myers, Mrs. Ines M. Tinsley and Mrs. Ruth Poe. Prayers at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 517 11th st. s.e.. on Wednesday, May 19. at 9.15 a.m. Mass at Holy name Church at 0.40 a.m. Interment Arlington National Ceme tery. PARKS. BLANCHE U. UD May 15, 1948. BLANCHE G. PARKS of 2442 Nichols ave. s.e.. wife of James T. Parks: mother of Mrs. Alma P. Mrs. Norman P. Davenport and Miss Valerie E. Parks. Also surviving are: a sister. Mrs. Ethel K. Greene: a _ grand daughter, Carol H. Johnson, and other relatives and friends. After ; Fm Tue,1i day. May 18. friends are invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home, 182'' 9th jt. n.w. Services Wednesday, May 19. at 1 p.m. at Campbell A. M. E. Church, «582 Nichols ave. s.e. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 18 PARKS, blanche G. Officers and mem bers of Thrift Chapter No. 13. O E. S., are hereby notified of the death of Past Matron BLANCHE O. PARKS and are requested to attend funeral services to be held at * bell M. E. Church. Nichols ave. and Sumner rd. s.e., on Wednesday, May 19MAR4y' G. JONES. Worthy Matron. WALLACE P. GRANT, Worthy Patrom PRATHER. HESTER. On Tuesday. May 18. 1948. at her residence, 122 You st. n w . HESTER PRATHER, devoted aunt of Allen Prather and Hester Rowe. Also surviving are other relat ves and many friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrange ments by McGuire. 19 PROCTOR, MAUDE. On Sunday. May 18 1948. at Freedmens Hospital. MAUDE PROCTOR of 92.3 Eastern ave. n.e. She is survived by three nenhews and many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Henry S. Washington A Sons Funeral Home, 4925 Deane ave. me aner 5 pm. Wednesday. May 19. Fu neral on Thursday. May 20. at 2 pm, from the Conte A M. E. Zion Church. Division ave. at Karl pi. n.e.. Rev. Charles H. Bourne officiating. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Woodiawn Cemetery. REID, QUEEN ESTER. On Sunday. May 16. 1948. at Gallinger Hospital. QUEEN ESTER REID, beloved daughter of Cora and the late Isaac Reid and sister of Peggie Lee, William, Charlie. Jake Robert, Bernice and Isaac Reid, ir. She also is survived by eight aunts, six bncJ*s and a host ol other relatives and friends. Friends may call after d mm Tuesday. May 18. at the Johnson & Jenkins Fu neral Home. 205.3 Ga. ave. n.w. Funeral on Wednesday. May 19. at 1 p.m., from the Church of God. 2030 Ga. ave. n.w.. Elder 8 L. Michaux officiating. Inter ment Harmony Cemetery. ROBERTS, CHARLES F. On Sunday. Mav 10. 1948, at Emergency Hospital, CHARLES F. ROBERTS, beloved husband of Helen E. Roberts; father of Francis P. Roberts: brother of Mrs. Elsie G. Rozzelle. Miss Sadie E., Miss Gladys M.. Arthur E.. Harold S. and Donald Rober'm Kuneral from his late residence. 22o.t Mount V ew pi. s.e., on Wednesday. May 19. at 1.1a p m. Services at the Church of the EDiohany. 1317 G st. n.w., at Z p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 18 SELF, WILLIE DELL. On 8unday. May 10. 1948. at George Washington Hospital, Mrs. WILLIE DELL SELF. 45(15 Rttten house st. n.w.. Rlverdale. Md.. wife of Vic tor H. Self; sister of John Kfdwell and Mrs. Hattie King of Cross Anchor, Tenn.. and Allen Kldwell. Kingston. Tenn. Re mains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. Fu neral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w. until 9 p.m. Tuesday. May 18. Funeral :sendees on Thursday. May 20. at - PS?:.’ Doughty-Stevens Funeral Home. Green ville, Tenn. Interment Pilot Knob Ceme tery. 18 SHARPE. WORTH J. on ounoaJ. 16, 1948. WORTH J. SHARPE1 of R. P. D. 1, Falls Church. Va.. of Rocky Mountain spotted fever. He leaves his wife Beatrice, three sons. Christopher Neal,v„ste?5rf Chandler. Eber. Rockwell: mother. Mrs. Gertrude R Swapp. .Funeral 1 D.m. on Tuesday. April 18. at Arling ton National Cemetery Chapel. 18 STANSBURY, JOSEPH M. On Sunday, May 16. 1948, at his residence, 8116 61st ave.. Capitol Heights, Md., JOSEPH M. STANSBURY, beloved husband of Alice Grace Stansbury; brother of R'^ben N. Stansbury. Mrs. Kate Wesley and Mrs. Sophia Clements. Services at Chambers Funeral Home. 517 11th st. Wednesday. May 19, at 1 p.m. Interment in Cedar Hill Cemetery. 18 STANSBURY. JOSEPH M. A special communication of Lebanon Lodge No. 7. F. A. A. M . hereby called for Wednesday. May_ 19, f 1948. at 12 noon, at the Masonic Tempie. 13th and New York ave. n.w.. to conduct Masonic services at the funeral of our late broth er, JOSEPH M. STANSBURY. HOWARD H JACKLEY. Master. ARTHUR M. ROBINSON, Secretary. 18 TEGELER. HENRY G. On Tuesday. May 18. 1948. at his residence. 1-4 Varnum st. n.w., HENRY G. TEGELER. beloved husband of the late Anne Lee Teeeler. father of Mrs. Cleve Van Drlesen and Mrs. Hubert F. Teitman: grandfather of Dr. Richard Henry Fischer. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e.. where services will be held on Thursday. May 20, at 2 p.m. Interment Congressional Ceme tery. Kindly omit flowers. 19 TEGELER, HENRY G. A special com munication of Harmony Lodge. No 17. F A. A. M . has been called for 1 p.m. Thursday, May C 20, at the Masonic Temple, 13th i st. and N. Y. ave. n.w., to attend ■w the funeral of our late brother. HENRY G. TEGELER. The members of Harmony Lodge are urged to attend HARVEY G. STAILEY, Master. 19 THOMAS. MINNIE J. Suddenly, on Monday. May 17. 1948. Casualty Hos pital. MINNIE J. THOMAS of 111« C st. s.e.. beloved wife of John W. Thomas and sister of Mrs. Frances Simrel. She also leaves other relatives and friends. The late Mrs. Thomas may be viewed at the above residence after 4 iym. Wed nesday. May 19. Funeral on Thursday, May 20. from the Eber.ezer Methodist Church, 4th and D sts. s.e., at 2:30 P.m . Rev J H. Peters officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Services by Stewart. 19 TIBBS. MELL M. Entered Into eteraal rest at Glenn Dale Sanitarium Saturday, May 15, 1948, at 6:30 p.m.. MELL M. TIBBS, daughter of the late Rev. Thomas H. and Mary Brooks wife of Wilson R. Tibbs, devoted sister of Mrs. Alice B. Tibbs. Ernest. Thomas. J. Benjamin and the Rev. Elihue Brooks. She also leaves other rela tives and many friends. Remains may be viewed at her late residence. 2401 Shan non pi. s.e.. after 4 p.m. Tuesday. May 18. Funeral services at Ebenezer Methodist Church, 4th and D sts. s.e., Wednesday, May 19. at 2:30 P.m.. the Rev J. H. Peters officiating Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Harmony Cemetery. Arrangements by Henry S. Washington ac Sons. 18 WATERS, MINNIE W. On Monday. May 17. 1948. at Freedmen's Hospital. MIN NIE W. WATERS, beloved mother of Katie M DAVIS. Percie V. Brown. George. Harry Lee and Anderson Waters; sister of Orpha Redmond. Grace Smith and Ray and Carl Anderson. Also surviving are eleven rrwndchiidren and a host of other rela tives and friends. Remains resting at the Snowden & Davis Funeral Home, Rockville, Md., after 3 D.m. Thursday, May 20. Funeral on Friday. May 21. at 2 p.m., from the Jerusalem Church, Rockville, Md.. Rev. W. E. Williams of ficiating. Interment Lincoln Park Ceme tery. 20 WHITEHOUSE, HELEN R. On Monday. May 17, 1948, at her residence, 4507 Amherst rd.. College Park. Md.. Mrs. HELEN R. WHITEHOUSE, beloved wife of William E Whitehouse and mother of Barbara Anne Whitehouse and Donna Marie Whitehouse; sister of Lloyd A. Rosenbusch. Funeral services will be held at Hysong's Funeral Home, 1300 N st., n.w.. on Wednesday. May 19. at 11 am. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. 18 WHITESELL, LEON E. On Sunday. Mav 16. 1948 at his residence. 1210 N Kensington st.. Arlington, Va.. LEON E. ■ WHITESELL. beloved husband of Margaret I T White sell: son of Rachael and Alva | Crowell; prother of Mrs. Arrahwanna j Wake and Mrs Evelyne Hynes. Services at Chambers’ Funeral Home, 517 13th st. , s.e.. on Wednesday. May 39. at 2:30 p.m. i Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 18 WILSON, JUStrHts. ouaaeniy, on Saturday, M?v 15. 1948. at Leonardtown, Md . J08EPHUS WILSON of 65 Que st. n.w., beloved husband of Evelyn Wilson; brother of Ella Mae Little. He also leaves a foster father, three nieces, one nephew, other relatives and friends. The late Mr. Wilson may be viewed at Stewart's Funeral Home. 50 H st. n.e.. after 5 p.m. Wednesday. May 19. where services will be held Thursday, May 20, at 9;3o a m. Interment Arling ton National Cemetery. 19 WOOD, ROSIE. On Sunday. May 16. 1948. at Prince Georges General Hospital. Cbeverly. Md . ROSIE WOOD of Mitchell ville. Md.. beloved wife of the late Frank Wood. She also is survived by a. brother. William N. Daisey. Friends may call at the Gasch Funeral Home. Hyattsville. Md. Services at St. Barnabas Church Cemetery. Leeland. Md .-on Wednesday, May 19. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. 18 In UUmnriam ABRAHAM. ISMAEL R. (SAM). A trib ute to the memory of my devoted hus band. ISMAEL R. (SAM) ABRAHAM, who departed this life one year ago today. May 18. 1947. The stars are brightly abinlng Upon his silent grave; In it lies my precious one. My heart still aches with sadness. My eyes shed many tears; Qod alone knows how I miss you. and always will. Love makes memory eternal. HIS DEVOTED WIFE. RUBY. Rifes for C.F. Roberts, Insurance Broker, 78, To Be Held Tomorrow Funeral services for Charles F. Roberts, 78, Washington insurance broker for 54 years, will be held at; 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G street N.W. Burial will be in Rock Creek Cemetery. Mr. Roberts died Sunday at Emergency Hos pital after a two-week illness. His home was at 2253 Mount View place S.E. Mr. Roberts was senior part ner of Roberts & Vaile, 917 Fifteenth street Mr. Robert!. N W., the insurance nrm nc buu wu 10 years ago. For the previous 20 years he had been in charge of the Washington office of the Home In surance Co. of New York. Episcopal Vestryman. A lifelong Washington resident, he had been active for many years in the Episcopal Church. He was a member of the vestry and assistant treasurer of the church and was lay delegate to the diocese convention several times. He also was one of the incorporators of the Episcopal Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital. For many years Mr. Roberts was associated with Masonic affairs and was past grand* master of the Dis trict of Columbia Masons, past mas ter of Anacostia Lodge, No. 21; past grand commander of the Knights Templar of the District, life member of Almas Temple and a member of the Royal Order of Scotland. Past President of Kiwanis. Mr. Roberts, a retired major in the District National Guard, was a member of the Board of Trade, the Insurance Club of the District and past president of the Kiwanis Club. He also was past president of the Washington Chapter of National Sojourners and had planned to at tend the convention today in Den ver, his family said. Mr. Roberts attended District public schools and was graduated from Columbia Law School—now a part of George Washington Univer sity—in 1894. Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Helen E. Roberts; a son, Francis P. Roberts, Philadelphia; three sisters, Mrs. Elsie G. Rozzelle, the Misses Sadie E. and Glady M. Roberts, all of Washington, and three brothers, Arthur E. Roberts, Chicago, and Harold S. and Donald Roberts, both of Alexandria. Robert L. Bradfield's Rites Set Tomorrow , Funeral services for Robert L. Bradfield, 76, retired pharmacist, will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at Pear son's funeral home, Falls Church, Va„ with burial In Rock Creek Cemetery. He died unexpectedly Sunday at the home of his niece, Mrs. John Archer, 127 Westmoreland road, Falls Church, where he had lived the last three years. He would have been 77 Thursday. Mr. Bradfield was born in Fau quier County, Va., and lived in Alexandria as a boy. He was a pharmacist in Washington for more than 15 years and later owned Brad field’s Drug Store in Vienna, Va, for 25 years. - Besides his niece, he Is survived by a sister, Mrs. Effle Menefee, Norfolk: two brothers, W. H. Brad field, Middleburg pharmacist, and Clarence H. Bradfield, Upper Mont clair, N. J. Another brother, the late Dr. J. Davis Bradfield, physician with the District Health Depart ment, died in 1942. In ilUmflruutt DODSON. WILLIAM S. In sacred mem-' ory to my devoted husband. WILLIAM [ S. DODSON, who passed away eight year3! ago today. May 18. 1940. We shall meet beyond the river Bye and bye, bye and bye; Where parting will be never, Bye and bye. bye and bye. YOUR WIFE. MARY DODSON. • FORBES. JANNIE GREEN. A sacred tribute of ever-lastin'; remembrance to a dear mother and grandmother, JANNIE GREEN FORBES, who left us for eternal peace ona year ago today. May 18. 1947. God gave us a wonderful mother. One of the world s very best. And when her work on earth wa» done He called her home to rest. Her life was unselfish. For others she always lived; No, not for what she could aet. But what she could always give. 3he had a smile for every one. And a heart as good as gold; And those who knew her. loved her. So her memory will never grow old. We think of her in silence. So few have seen us weep, But many silent tears are shed When others are asleep. We only ask to live today, And when our life work is done. We will see our darling mother In God s home beyond the aun. For all of us she did her best. Lord, please give her eternal rest. DAUGHTER. IRENE FORBES WHITE. AND GRANDSON. RAYMOND WHITE.* GARDNER, FREDRICK J. In loving remembrance of our husband and father. FREDRICK J. GARDNER, who departed this life one year ago today, May 18, 1947. Loving thoughts, true and tender. Just to show we still remember. LOVING WIFE AND CHILDREN. HAWKINS. RAYMOND A. In loving re membrance of my sen, RAYMOND A. HAWKINS, who passed away two years ago today. May 18, 1918. MOTHER. FORBES, JANNIE GREEN. In mem ary of our mother and grandmother, JAN NIE GREEN FORBES, who fell asleep Dne year ago today. May 18. 1947. ft is so lOBely here without you, mother. And so sad along life's way; Life does not seem the same to me Since God called you home. HER DAUGHTER. ELEANOR SEWELL. • LUCAS. GEORGE W. AND MARY C. tn loving memory of our dear parents, GEORGE W. LUCAS, who passed away ilfty-two years ago. and MARY C. LUCA8, who passed away seventeen years ago to fay. May 18. 1941. No fortune or fame can ever compare To our parents' love or our parents' prayer. And of all God's gifts, there isn't another 3o precious and wonderful as father and mother. DEVOTED DAUGHTERS. ALICE, ELIZA BETH AND CARRIE PARKER-WARF. In loving remem brance of our beloved mother. ADELAIDE PARKER, who passed away ten years ago. April 22, 1938. and our devoted sister. MARGARET WARF. who departed this life nine years ago today. May 18. 1939. Ten years ago you left us For a better place to rest. But you are not forgotten, dear mother. By the ones who loved you best. Years of sacrifice, little of play. Loving and giving and smoothing the way; Strong in adversity, ready to do; Gentle, unselfish, a sister ever true. ALICE AND ELLA. • SEDGEWICK. MARY E. A tribute of love to the memory of my devoted friend. MARY E. SEDGEWICK. who left us one year ago today. May 18, 1947. Rest, sweet spirit, rest. JEN. WALKER. EDWARD XT' AND PHINEAS L. In sad and loving memory of our de roted sons and brothers, EDWARD M. WALKER. who departed this life nine years ago today. May 18. 1919, and PHINEAS L WALKER, who- passed away Bve years ago. February IT. 194.1. THE FAMILY. • WALKER. REV. JAMES T. In loving r.emory of my dear husband. Rev. JAMES r. WALKER, who departed this life four rears ago today. May 18. 1944. [ grieve not with the moaning wind As If a loss befell: Before me. even as behind. God is, and all Is well. His light shines on me from above. His low voice speaks within; The patience of immortal love. Outwearing mortal sin. Not mindless of the growing years Of care and loss and pain; My eyes are wet with thankful tears For blessings which remain._ LOVING WIFE. MARY L. WALKER. * Death of Man, 83, Found Near Tracks, Ruled Natural Coroner A. Magruder MacDonald today said the death of William S. Riley, 83, of 131 Thirty-sixth street NJS., whose body was found yester day along the Pennsylvania Rail road tracks near Kenilworth and Deane avenues NJS., was due to natural causes. The body was identified by a niece, Mrs. Hattie M. Stansfield, who lived with Mr. Riley, Dr. MacDonald said. He ascribed death to overexertion. Mr. Riley had been reported missing from his home Sunday night, police said. He came here from Bloom ington, Md., a number of years ago. He was a retired interior decorator. Survivors, besides Mrs. Stansfield, include another niece, Mrs. Wilma Q. McDonald, 804 North Carolina avenue SJS., and a nephew, J. W. Riley, 2803 Sixth street Nil. Funeral services were to be held this afternoon at Lee funeral home, Fourth street and Massachusetts avenue N.E. Burial will be in Bloomington. Rites in West Virginia For Everett C. Smith Funeral services for Everett Clerc Smith, 62, Veterans’ Administration civil engineer who died Sunday at the Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, will be held tomorrow in Ravens wood, W. Va. Mr. Smith was special assistant to F. H. Dryden in charge of the ad ministration’s construction, supply and real estate. He also was chair man of the VA Hospital Design Re view Board. A native of Ravenswood, he re ceived a civil engineering degree from West Virginia University. He worked in the Panama Canal Zone from 1910 to 1916 and during World War I with the Engineer Corps. Mr. Smith at one time was deputy State administrator and chief en gineer in the regional office of the Works Progress Administration in Philadelphia. He had been with VA since August, 1946 and dining that time lived at 5830 Chevy Chase parkway, N.W. His family lived in Charleston, W.Va., Mr. Smith’s home for the last 20 years. Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Janet Smith; a son, Robert; two daughters, Miss Harriet Smith, all of Charleston, end Mrs. C. B. Coch ran, of Pittsburgh. Burial Service Will Be Held For Mrs. Bishop Today Burial services for Mrs. Adeline Coulbourn Bishop, 50, Washington resident for 18 years, were to be held today in Fairview Cemetery, Roanoke, Va. Funeral services were held last night at the Birch funeral home in Georgetown. The Rev. John R. Anschutz of Christ Epis copal Church officiated. Mrs. Bishop died Sunday at her home, 3801 T street N.W. She was the wife of Russell G. Bishop, owner of the Bishop Equipment Co., air conditioning firm. Mrs. Bisnop was Dorn ana eau cated in Roanoke and lived in Johnson City, Tenn., before coming to Washington. Besides her husband she is sur vived by two sons, Alan Grayson Bishop, former sergeant in the 106th Infantry, now a student at George Washington University and Weldon Randolph Bishop, a Navy veteran, who attends American Uni versity. Both live at the T street address. A third son, Russell G. Bishop, Jr., an Army Air Force pilot, was killed in World War II. Also surviving are three sisters, Mrs. Ernest Baldwin, Mrs. Herbert Davies and Mrs, Hiram Dance, all of Roanoke. John P. Faherty, 56, Dies; Motor Carrier Group Head John P. Faherty, 56, president and one of the organizers of the Middle Atlantic States Motor Car-i rier Conference with headquarters in Washington, died Sunday morn ing in St. Agnes’ Hospital, Balti more. Mr. Faherty was a native of Washington, but had lived in Bal timore for about 18 years. He was general manager of the Baltimore Transfer Co., which owns the Eagle Transfer Co. of Washington. He started with the Baltimore con cern as a general agent and is credited with having built up its service to other cities, establishing terminals in New York, Philadel phia, Washington and Richmond. He was a graduate in civil engi neering of Lehigh University, Bethlehem. Pa„ and was employed in New England before Joining the Baltimore company. He is survived by a half-brother, James J. Minahan of 730 Hamilton street N.W., and three sisters, Mrs. Tresa Mayhew, with whom he made his home in Baltimore, and Mrs. James Carley and Mrs. Margaret Ruppert, both of Washington. Funeral services will be held at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow in the Costello funeral home, 1722 North Cap itol street, and requiem mass at 10 a.m. at St. Aloysius Catholic Church, North Capitol and I streets. Burial will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery. Mrs. Emma Hudson's Funeral in Georgetown Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Eury Hudson, 87, will be held this afternoon from her home, 1318 Thirtieth street N.W. Burial will be In Rock Creek Cemetery. Mrs. Hud so, who had been a Georgetown resident for 70 years, died in her; home Sunday. Mrs. Hudson was bom in Union ville. Frederick County, Md., of a family which had settled there in the days of the proprietorship of the Calverts. She came to Wash ington as a girl and married Altheus Wilson Hudson, who for many years worked at the Georgetown po6t office. Mrs. Hudson is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Samuel M. Thrift; two sons. Robert G. Hudson and William Eury Hudson: four grand children and five great grand children. PTA to Install Officers The Parent-Teacher Association of Charles A. Stewart School, Ar lington will install officers and hear the Madrigal Singers under the di rection of Miss Florence Booker at 7:45 o'clock tonight. Postmistress Named President Truman yesterday nom inated Ruby C. Williams, for post mistress at Prince Frederick, Md., to succeed L. M. King, retired. t % Joseph M. Nye Dies; Guarded Many Noted Visitors to America Joseph M. Nye, 79, former Secret Service man and State Department agent who had guarded many per sons of international note, died Sunday in his home at White Plains, N. Y., it was learned to day. Known as “Bill” at the White House and on the golf links of the Chevy Chase Club, Mr. ] Nye finished his j career as an i executive of the : Guaranty Trust \ Co. of New York, from which he retired four years ago. • A man of en Mr. Nre. gaging wit and humor, Mr. wye was good company to men of all walks of life. In World War I days he was one of a constant golf foursome including Joseph C. Grew, Frank Polk and John W. Davis. Guarded Three Presidents. He was bom in Boston and his first Federal service was as an iden tification expert in the Federal prison system. Later he joined the Secret Service and specialized in the detection of counterfeiting. He helped guard Presidents Theodore Roosevelt,. Taft and Wilson. American entry into World War I Drought a parade of distinguished foreign guests to America, starting with Marshal Joflre, the victor of the first battle of the Marne. The Wilson administration was greatly concerned over their safety in this country, which in the period of neutrality had been overrun with German agents, many of them still at large. Mr. Nye was transferred, to the State Department and placed in charge of the security of distinguished guests. Headed Fraud Bureau. He guarded Clemenceau, Lord Balfour, King Albert of the Bel gians and the Prince of Wales, now the Duke of Windsor, on their American trips. In 1920 Mr. Nye retired from Federal service to head a fraud bureau at the Guaranty Trust Co. In 1924 he took leave of absence to travel on the campaign train of his friend, Mr. Davis, the Demo cratic presidential nominee. In 1936 he was an aide to Alf M. Lan don, the Republican Presidential nominee. Mr. Nye is survived by his widow, Mrs. Pearl Nye._ Mrs. Emma Cox Dies; Widow of Justice Mrs. Emma Leckie Cox, 66, widow af Justice Joseph W. Cox of District Court, died today at Washington Sanitarium. She had been ill since December. Mrs. Cox uvea at tne K.enneay iVarren Apartments. She was born in Shenandoah, Pa., and attended Randolph Macon College. She came to Washington before the turn of the century and in 1905 was married to Justice Cox. who served on the District Court bench for nine years Before his death in 1939. Mrs. Cox was a member of the !0th Century Club and the Colum Bian Women of George Washington University. She is survived by two sons, Mel ville B. Cox, 3932 W street N.W., chief of the real estate branch of the Air Forces, and A. Leckie Cox, 3463 Macomb street N.W., attorney; a daughter, Mrs. John MacKinnin, Jamaica, N. Y.; a brother, Robert Leckie, Huntington, W. Va.; two sisters, Mrs. LeRoy Freemire, Ta koma Park, Md., and Mrs. Catherine Gibson of Washington, and six grandchildren. A third son, Col. Joseph W. Cox, jr., Army Engineers, was killed in the Pacific in World War II. Funeral services and burial will be in Independence. Va., where Justice Cox is buried. The funeral has been set tentatively for Thurs day. Rifes fo Be Held Thursday For Hamiifon M. McCully Funeral services for Hamilton M. McCully, 52, general construction superintendent, who died Sunday while driving across the Patuxent Mr. MeCully. River Bridge near Davidson ville, Md., tvill be held at 1 p.m. Thursday in the Simmons Broth ers funeral home, 2007 Nichols avenue S.E. Burial will be held in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Mr. McCullv. died of a heart attack just be fore his car stopped against a bridge guard rail, according 10 ur. j. m. uiariy of Anne Arundel County, Md., who pronounced him dead at the scene. Mr. McCully, who lived at 3871 Ala bama avenue S.E., was working on construction of the Franklin Simon department store in the 4200 block of Connecticut avenue N.W. He was bom in Idaville. Ind„ and was an aerial gunner during World War I. He came to Washington about 25 years ago. During World War II he was a Navy lieutenant, attached to the Seabees and served 27 months overseas. He was a member of the New Jerusalem No. 9. Masonic Lodge and the Knights Templar. Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Eliz abeth G. McCully; a son, James Morgan McCully of Mount Rainier, Md.; a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Jo sephine Wilcher, Beltsville, Md., and two sisters, Mrs. J. R. Roberts, Clarendon, Ark., and Mrs. Hale Showalter, Cleveland. Chillum Group Opposes Rezoning for Industry The Chillum Heights Citizens* Association last night opposed a proposal before the Zoning Com mission to make the territory in Chillum Heights east of the Balti more & Ohio Railroad an industrial area. The disputed area lies between the railroad tracks, Chillum place N.E., Riggs road and New Hampshire ave nue. The association contends this area is badly needed as a residential district and therefore should be given nothing less than a first com mercial classificatioh. The meeting was held in the Luther Rice Memorial Church, 5313 North Capitol street. i Harry Smith, 57, Dies; Retired Army Sergeant Harry Smith, 57, retired Army staff sergeant, died unexpectedly yesterday at the Soldiers’ Home, where he had lived since last Octo ber. He was found unconscious In the hallway at Scott Hall, where he lived, and was pronounced dead by Maj. Armen Bogcsian of the Sol diers’ Home Hospital staff. Mr. Smith was born in Pittsburgh and began his 30-year Army career in September, 1917. During World War I, he was a private with the 24th Engineers. He was a staff ser geant with a service command unit during World War II. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Cora Brett of Robinson, Pa. Funeral services will be held at 10:40 am. Thursday at the Soldiers’ Home Chapel, with burial in Na tional Cemetery there. Dr. Dellinger Honored At Testimonial Dinner Dr. J. Howard Dellinger, 65, re tired chief of the Central Radio Propagation Laboratory of the Na tional Bureau of Standards here, was honored at a testimonial din ner given by friends and co-workers in the Kennedy-Warren Apartments last night. Dr. Dellinger retired April 30, after 41 years with the Bureau of Standards. Internationally known for his work in radio development and his contributions to world conferences on radio problems, Dr. Dellinger plans to continue as a radio con sultant in his retirement. He will attend sessions of the In ternational Radio Consultive Com mittee in Stockholm, Sweden, and of the Provisional Frequency Board in Geneva, Switzerland. He is chair man of the Radio Technical Com mittee for Aeronautics. 4 Winners in Science Fair To Go on Television Tonight Four of the grand prize winners in the recent Science Fair sponsored by The Star will be presented to night at 7 o’clock over Station WMAL-TV. During the telecast the winners will exhibit and explain their prize winning entries. The program, called "Science In a Teen-age World,” will include Walter Gilbert, Sidwell Friends School, who will show pictures of sunspots and other solar phenomena taken with a home-made camera and telescope; James P. Conkle, Western High School, who built a model oil refining plant; Marian Pratt, Armstrong High School, whose research on vitamins in relation to the body won her a prize, and Paul Bain, Powell Junior High School, j who will display models of insect orders. Keith Johnson, head of the science department, division 1-9, in the Dis-: trict public schools and organizer of1 the Science Fair, will speak briefly, j The telecast will be presented as a public service by the American University and The Evening Star. Rev. R. C. Pile, 70, Dies; Sergt. York's Pastor By the Associated Press JAMESTOWN, Tenn„ May 18 UP).—'The Rev. R. C. Pile. 70, spiritual adviser to Sergt. Alvin C. York of World War I fame, died at his home at Wolf River, May 7. When Sergt.' York, debating whether to enter the Army or be come a conscientious objector, asked Mr. Pile’s advice, he was told to “go up on the hill and pray it out.” Sergt. York came down, en tered the Army and later won the Congressional Medal of Honor for single-handedly wiping out a Ger man machine-gun nest. Wolf River is an isolated com munity in the Cumberland Moun tains near here. $trr2>& ^alsfj MORTICIANS 4601 5th St. N.W. RA. 5468 CLAGETT^ MEMORIAL Ci 502 New Hamr; h ireave VItit-OurDiipiay cf Memoriau-For- i Immediate-Erection^ In-All Cemeteries OpenJunday/ - A ■ Inatltatien where the theory •f iti eerelee I* tempered to meet eoeh Individual eaae. Hacker Gets 90 Days, $500 Fine in Death Joseph P. Touma, cab driver, con victed of negligent homicide in the traffic death of a pedestrian, yester day was sentenced to 90 days in Jail, with another 60 days to serve if he fails to pay a $500 fine. Judge Aubrey B. Pennell said it was "one of the hardest” cases he had ever had to pass sentence on, because of the defendant’s five chil dren. one of whom, he noted, is crippled. It was also one of the stifTest penalties to be imposed on the charge in Municipal Court, accord ing to Assistant United States At torney Richard M. Roberts, who prosecuted the case before a Jury on April 26. Defense Counsel Jacx roiuz an nounced he would appeal, and braid was set at $1,000. Touma, who Is 41, and lives in the 4300 block of Kansas avenue N.W., was convicted on evidence that he was driving under the in fluence of intoxicants and that he lacked sleep, when his cab struck and fatally injured Joe Bssile, 57, of the 800 block of Mount Vemon 'place N.W., in April, 1947. Father Flanagan Riles Arranged lor Friday By th« Associated Pros* BOYS TOWN, Nebr., May 18.— The body of Msgr. Edward J. Flan agan will be buried Friday within the grounds of the “Little Town for Men’’ which he founded. In fulfillment of the famous priest’s request, the Rev. Edmond C. Walsh, acting director of Boys Town, said Father Flanagan would be buried in the northeast corner of the Dowd Memorial Chapel. “He wanted to be near his boys and where they could visit him at any time,’’ Father Walsh said. Funeral services for Father Flan agan, who died in Berlin Saturday, will be held Friday at 7:30 a.m. and at 10 a.m. in Dowd Chapel, Father Walsh said. The first mass, he said, will be for residents of Boys Town, members of the Boys Town staff and their families. The 10 a.m. mass will be open to the public. *£3i I American \ I Express / f Travelers \ I Cheques / imef -in yourffeoM* -fr yourhoutef -wherever you yof Most widely known ★ Accepted everywhere ★ Good until used ★ Prompt refund if lost ★ Your sig nature identifies you ★ 75# per $100. , *010 AT BANK*, principal Railway V Express and Western Union Offices. SAVE Yo«r flax Roductij? It’s Like A Raise In Salary Those "Extra Dollars' saved regularly at the First Federal Savings Association can add up and be the means to: • A New Automobile • Higher Education • A Down Payment on a home of your own. Why not start an account with the extra money in your next pay check and save for a special goal DUtrlct 2370 FIRST SMELL javinos add loan assocumon Conveniently Located: (No Branch Offices) 610 13th St. N.W. (Bet. FAG) W. R. Frank Hines, President Washington's Foremost Funeral Home Sine* 1273 3bs S.H»Hines Company 2901-03-05-07 Fourteenth Street N.W. Columbia 7023-24 Branch Establishments