Newspaper Page Text
Shares of American Broadcasting Find Good Market Here By Edward C. Stone Brokers in the financial district reported today that the offering of 500.000 shares of American Broad casting Co. common stock at $9 per share had been heavily over subscribed and the books closed. The stock, offered nationally, was very widely sold in Washington, proving one of the most popular issues brought out in a long time. The stock was selling at a premium today. Part of the proceeds of the sale will be used for the expansion of television, payment of bank notes and other purposes. Five Wash ington investment firms partici pated in the issue, the underwriters’ group being headed by Dillon, Read & Co. The District firms included John ston, Lemon & Co.; Folger. Nolan & Co.; Auchlncloss. Parker & Red path; Robert C. Jones & Co., and Robinson, Rohrbaugh & Lukens. Bank Officials on Program. The fifth annual convention of the National Savings and Loan League will be held at Atlantic City next week. Chairman William K. Divers and members J. Alston Adams and O. K. La Roque of the Home Loan Bank Board in Washington will ad dress the convention Tuesday. Charles F. Scott will preside. The league’s executive manager, Oscar R. Kreutz of Washington, will give his report. Other speakers will include John L. Haynes of the De partment of Commerce. Raymond M. Foley, Housing Administrator, and Thomas Sweeney, Veterans' Admin istration. “A New Chapter of Erie.” written by Henry S. Sturgis, vice president, First National of New York, pictur ing the exceptional rapidity with which the road went through its fourth reorganization and the great resulting benefits in reduced fixed charges. The book has been widely distributed here. Hecht Common at New High. Hecht common sold at 253* on the Washington Stock Exchange, a new 1948 high. Lanston Monotype reached another new peak at 23 Mergenthaler Linotype again sold at 50, Washington Gas was strong around 26, closing at 256s- Gar finckel common came out at 18'2, around recent levels. Potomac Power preferred "B” moved at 44'8 while Pepco common again led the market in volume, nearly 800 shares changing hands \ at 13'2 and Allen H. Ottman. controller, I American Hard Rubber Co., New J York City, will address Washington j Chapter, National Association of I Cost Accountants on "What Man agement Expects From the Ac countant,” tomorrow night at the Lafayette Hotel. The 33d annual convention of the | National Association of purchasing agents will be held in New York, May 31-June 2. The Edison Electric Institute will meet in Atlantic City, June 1-3, to consider the industry's $6,000,000,000 expansion program. The bid for Washington baseball stock sold over the counter has recently advanced from 45 to 50. | Business Briefs | Commercial and Industrial Fail ures declined to 100 in the week ended May 13, vs. 108 in the pre ceding week and 88 in the like 1947 week—Dun A Bradstreet. One third of the total was in Middle Atlantic States. Two New York Stock Exchange. Seats sold today, one at $67,000 and the other at $68,000, highest price since last August 1. The last previ ous sale was at $64,000. Consolidated Ediso* Co. accepted a bid of $1,000 which Halsey, Stuart & Co. submitted for the privilege of underwriting an offering to stock holders of $57,382,000 of new 3^ convertible debentures at the rate of $5 of debentures for each share j held. Halsey, Stuart will get its j profit by selling unsubscribed de- j bentures at a price above par. New England Telephone & Tele graph Co. declared a dividend of $1.25 a share, payable June 30 j Previous payments were $1. Julius JKayser & Co. declared an i extra dividend of 25 cents, payable | June 15, raising payments for the j year ended June 30 to $1-75 vs. $1.50 i in the previous year. South Porto Rico Sugar Co. de clared a dividend of $2 a share, payable July 1. Newmont Mining Corp. declared a dividend of 75 cents a share, pay able June 15. Previous payments were 50 cents quarterly plus a year end dividend of $1 in December. United Gas Corp. net income for the March quarter was $7,441,190 or 70 cehts a share vs. $5,717,667 or 54 cents in the same 1947 period. American Gas A Electric Co. and j subsidiaries earned $19,789,642 or $4 25 a share in 12 months ended! March 31 vs. $17,743,748 or $3.73 in the previous year. Plymouth Oil Co. reported profi* for the March quarter was $1,669,-! 961 or $1.60 vs. $681,071 or 56 cents' a year earlier. Parker Ten Co net income for 12 months ended February 29 was $3, 637,683 vs. $4,173,974 in the preced ing fiscal period. Magnavox Co. earned $2 016,796 or $3.36 in 12 months ended February 39 vs. $2,150 998 or $4.30 in the pre vious year. Hammond Instrument Co. net for 12 months ended March 31 was $1, 381,909 or $3.67 vs. $872,042 or $2.30 in the preceding fiscal period. I.ionrl Corp. earned $1,173,929 or $6.52 in 12 months ended February 29 vs $1,166,076 or $6.47 in the previ ous year. Herla Mining Co. profit for the March quarter was $244,311 or 24 cents vs. $226,536 or 23 cents in the same 1947 period. United Board A Carton Corp. earned $208,309 or 83 cents in 12 weeks ended May 1 vs. $435,526 or $1.77 a year earlier. Suburban Propane Gas Corp. net lor the March quarter was $149,571 or 21 cents vs, $109,374 or 18 cents In the same 1947 period. Copper Range Co. earned $124,073 or 22 cents in the March quarter vs. $265,240 or 47 cents a year earlier. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad han dled 66,825 cars of freight in the week ended May 15 vs. 66.639 in the previous week and 69.322 in the like 1947 week. Tonopah Mining Co. elected Charles H. Nonamaker president and treasurer; George W. McDougal. ex ecutive vice president, and J. G. Hacker, secretary and assistant treasurer. Bell Aircraft Corp. appointed Roy J Sandstrom executive chief engin eer following the resignation of Robert M. Stanley as vice president In charge of engineering. N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE I (Furnished hr the Associated Frees.) Sale*— Stock and Add Net Dividend Rate 00 Blkh. Lott. 2:30. chce ABBOTT LAB2* « 76 76 76 A C F-BrilJ Mot 13 6*4 6*4 6*4 Acme Steel 4a 7 55 54*4 5474 — 74 Adams Bxo 86( 30 32*4 21*4 21*4 - 74 Adama-Mlllle le 2 45*4 44*4 45*4 +2 Addresso-Mult 2 7 37*4 37 37 Admiral Co ,15e 7 10*4 10*4 10*4 Air Reduction 1 20 27*4 26** 26*4 - *4 ♦Ala A Vicks 6 20 108 108 108 +2 Alaska Juneau. 40 4*4 4*4 4*4 Aldens Inc 1 v2 8 20*4 20*4 20*4 + >4 Allesbanr Com 51 4*4 4*4 4*4 — ‘4 Alleghanv Co Of 7 50*4 49** 497* - *4 AIlecLudStl 40e 21 33** 33*4 33*a + *41 Allen Ind.TSe . 6 10*4 10 10*4+ *4 AlllMCADrefla 7 198 197 197 -1 Allied Mills Use 7 34*4 33*4 34 +‘4 Allied Strs 3 30 36*4 35*4 36*4 - *4 AlliedStore of 4 1 89 89 89 +1*4 Allis Chaim I fiO 38 41*4 40** 41 + *4 Aloha Port lie 2 29*. 29*4 29**+** Amerada Pet 2a 3 118** 118 118** + *4 Am Akrlcul 3a 7 50 49*4 49*4 - >4 Am Airlines 210 10 9*« 974 Am Alrl of 3*4 5 64 63*4 63*4 - >4 AmBankN l.fiOa 16 25*4 25*« 26 - *4 Am Brk 6h 40e 7 43*4 427e 43 Am Cable A Rad 40 6*4 6*4 6*4 + ‘4 Am Can 3 8 91 90** 91 + ‘4 Am CarAFdr 3c 10 48*4 47** 47*4 - *4 Am CarAF of 7 4 98 97*4 97*4 + *4 Am CbACbl 1 40 9 26 25*4 26 + *4 Am Chicle 2a 2 49** 49*4 49** +1 Am CrvsS 1.20a 8 19 18*4 19 +1 AmCvanamid 1 a 26 4074 40*4 4074+1*4 Am Distillers 2 15 37*4 36*4 36*4 + 74 Am Encaus lie 8 7*4 7 7 — *4 Am Export L 2 12 18*4 18*4 18*4 — ‘4 dm as rrgn rwr 30 wvi •> - Am A F P 2d pf 25 13% 13% 13% AmHide As L %t 22 7% 6% 7% AmHomePr 1.20 29 25% 24% 25 + % Amice 6oe ... 12 8% 7% 8 + % Am Ice d! 6g ._ 1 89 89 98 +1 Am Loco 1 40 25 25% 25% 25% - % Am MchdtFd 80 6 19% 19% 19% Am Metal '*e . 10 34% 34 34 - % AmNewsCo I 84a 6 33 32% 33 + % Am Power <Ss Lt 46 11 10% 10% — % Am PdtL*6pf 3k 7 95% 95% 95% + % AP&L $5pf 2'*k 14 86% 86 86% + % Am Radiat 40e 97 16% 16 16 — % Am Sal Razor 1 25 10% 10% 10% Am Seating la 6 24% 23% 23%—1% Am Smelting le 27 63 62 62% — % •Am Sm&R pf 7 170 156 154 154 -3% Am Snull 2 ... 3 35 347* 35 Am Steel Pdry 2 12 34% 34 34% Am Stove 80e _ 3 207+ 20% 207* + % Am Sugar R4e 3 39% 39 39%+ % Am Tel As Tel 8 58 1567+ 156% 1567+ + 7a Am Tobacco 3a 43 60% 59% 60 + % Am Vlacose 2a 6 68 67% 67% — % AmWatWks 30« 30 8% 8% 8% Am Woolen 6 . 43 55% 54% 54% — % Am Wool pr pi 4 10 109% 109 109 — % Am Zinc lOe 38 8% 8 8% + % Anaconda C 8*e 90 397+ 39% 39% — % tAnac Wire %e 510 38% 38 38% + % Anchor Hock 2 3 37 36% 36% + % Ander-Prlch O 1 12 29% 29% 29% - % Armco Steel 2b 47 31% 31% 31% — % • Armco Stl nI4>* 50 96 96 96 -1 Armour&Col .20 68 147+ 14% 14% — % Armour pr pi 6 . 2 104 104 104 +2 Artloom Corp 1 10 16 15% 15% — % Aud Dry G 1.60 14 18*+ 18% 18% - % •Asso D G 1st 6 20 1097+ 109 1097+ +1% Associat Inv 2.. 8 30% 30% 30%+% Atch T As 6 F 6 14 114 113 1138+ —18+ AT Pine %e . 19 18% 178+ 178+- % Atl Coast Line 4 3 61% 61% 61% + % Atl G&W Ind 8k 7 40 40 40 Atl Refining 1 ■* 48 44% 438* 43% - % j • Atl Ref pfB38* 100 96% 95% 96% - % Atlas Corp 1 60 1 24% 24% 24% - % • Atlas Powd le. 130 58% 58 58 — % Atlas Tack 2 .. 1 22 22 22 +1% Austin Nichols.. 16 8% 8 8% + % Autocar Co Tie. 5 147+ 14% 14% — % Avco Mfg .35e _ 81 7% 7 7% — % AVCO Mfg Of 2% 2 44% 44%* 44% +1% BALD LOCO lg 60 167* 16% 168*— % Bait A Ohio 90 16% 15** 157* — % Balto dr Ohio pf. 17 26% 25V* 25% - % Bangor&Arostk. 6 28'* 27% 27% — % Barber Oil le .. 7 57 56% 57 + V* • Barker pf 2% . 70 41% 41% 41%+ % Barnsdill Oil 2. 24 43% 428* 42»+- 8* Bath Iron Wks 22 14% 13% 14% + % Bayuk Clg 1 'ia 12 20% 20 20 Beatrice Fds 2a 2 43 42% 43 + % Beaunlt Mills 2. 3 22% 22% 22% BePch Aircraft . 13 13% 13% 13% + % Beldlna-H 1 20 10 20% 20 20 + % Bell Aircraft lg. * 17 16% 17 - V*1 Bendlk Avat 2 20 36% 35% 36 BndzHomeAl1* 11 18% 18 18 — % Benef Ind 1,20a 8 25% 24% 25 Best ds Co 2_ 7 29V* 29% 29% + % Best. Poods 2 14 36 35% 36 + % Beth Steel 1.201) 71 36% 36% 36% - % BrmmthmE 1.20 10 12'* 11% 11%-% Blaw-Knox’ae 36 197* 19% 19% Bliss * W 2 . 20 318* 30 30% — % Boeing Alrpl le. 40 27% 26'+ 26% — % Bohn Alum %e 10 37% 36% 37% +18* • Bon Ami B 2'*sl20 48% 47 47 -2% Bond Stores 2 5 27% 27% 278* - % Borg-Warner 3a 18 6O'* 59'* 60 — % Boston dr Me_ 16 58* 5% 58* + % BranllT Air_ 20 10% 10 10 Brldgept Brass 20 117* 11% 118*- V* Briggs Manufg 2 10 338+ 33 33 - % Brtggs&stra la 16 34** 34 34%+2% Brlstol-My .80e. 6 34% 34 34% Bklyn On Gas 7 19% 198* 198+ - 8+ Bruns-Balke Tie 2 21 21 21 — '/* Buityrus-Er 36e 38 24% 23'* 23% — % Budd Co ,20e .. 52 11% 11'* 11% - % Bullard Co'*e 4 21% 20% 20% — % BurllligMllls 1 % 115 23% 23 23%+ % Burl Mis cTPfS'.i 4 95 94 95 +3% Burr Add M 60 55 17% 17 178* + 8* Bush Term.'+f-. 15 9% 98* 9% Butler Bros_ 5 14% 148+ 148+ — % Butte c A Zi .. ' » * B^ers A M *4e... 3 24*4 24*4 24*4 — *4 Byron Jn 140». 7 343* 3334 3334-*/. CALIF PKG 2*4 7 38*4 38*4 38*4- *4 Callahan Zinc 45 3 274 274 — *4 CalumetAH ,10e 13 734 734 734+ *4 Can Dry GA 60 20 15*4 1474 15 - *4 Canid Pac 34e 187 1834 18*.4 18*4 34 Cap Adm-sA 80* 10 173e 17*4 17*4 - 7* CapitalAirlines 35 8*4 8 8 + *4 Caro Par A Lt 2 4 3034 30*4 3034+ >4 Carrier Corp . 12 1874 18*4 18*4 — *4 CarrAGen ,20a 4 8‘4 834 834 — ‘4 Case JI Co 120# 31 49*4 48*4 49*4+1*4 CaterptlTract 3 4 68*4 67*4 6774 — 34 Ceianese .40e 55 3374 33*4 3374 Celotex 1 *4 13 30*4 30*4 3034 - *4 Cen Aaulr 1 60a 17 17*4 17 17*4 - >4 Cent Fndry 34f 9 9*4 9 9*4 + *4 CentHudGas 52 14 8 774 774 CenViSul’ih 8 1274 12*4 1234 + >4 Cerro dePas 7*e II 27*4 2674 2674— *4 Certn-td Pd 60a 28 1874 1814 18*4 - ‘4 Chain Belt 8(le 3 3 134 3 134 3 134 - 34 Champ Paper 1 a 5 24 24 24 Checker Cab _ 5 1334 13*4 13*4— 34 Ches A Ohio 3 . 62 41 4034 40*4- ‘4 Chi Corp 40 18 1274 12*4 1234 - *4 Chi A East 111 15 674 6*4 6*4- '* Chi A East 111 A. 5 13*4 13 13 - *4 Chi Great West 7 10*4 974 974- 34 Chi Grt West pi 12 1774 17*4 17*4 - *4 Chi Ind A L A . 10 12*4 12*4 1234- >4 Chi Ind ft L B . 10 734 7*4 7*4 - 34 Chi Mil St PAP 17 103e 10*/4 1034 - >4 ChlMSPAP Pf4e 15 34 33 33 - 34 ChlANWVif 21 1974 19*4 19*4-34 Chi A N W pf 5. 5 44 43*4 43*4 - *4 Chi R I A Pac 63 3874 38*4 3834 + *4 ChiRIAP pf2’be 10 66*4 66 66 Chlckasha 011 1 8 1834 183* 1834+ *4 Childs Co_ 42 4*4 4*4 4*4 - *4 Chrysler 4 , 56 6174 6034 61*4— *4 ClnQAEl.40 20 26*4 26*4 26*4—34 Clh Mill M 1 40 5 27 27 27 C IT Finance 2 2 1 45*4 44*4 4434— .3* City Ice A F 23* 2 32*4 32*4 32*4 + >4 City Stores 1 20 4 19*4 19*4 19*4 Clark Equip 2 . 3 36*4 3574 36*4 + 34 ClevEl 111 1.1 Oe H 39*4 3934 39*4 CleveGraph .40e 6 31*4 31*4 3134— 34 CUmaxMol 1 20 8 1734 17*4 1734 - *4 Clopay Corp 70 10 934 9*4 9*4 - *4 duett Pbdy tie 8 3674 3634 36*4 Colaate-P-P 2a 8 43*4 43 43 - 14 Collins A Atk 1 13 2574 25*4 2574 + *4 Colonial Mills 1 10 25*4 25 25*4+ >4 Col Fuel A Ir 1 21 16*4 1634 1634— ‘.4 Co1 BrdcastA le 11 31 31 31 Co'B'dcastB I e 3 30*4 30 30*4— >4 Co'.umb Gas f.O 65 13*4 13*4 133a- *4 Coium Piet M 7 1234 12*4 12*4 + >4 ColumCarbon 2a 4 36*4 35*4 35*4— >4 ColASoOh 1.40e 6 43*4 42*4 43*4+ *4 Coml Credit 2 60 13 48 47*4 4774+ ‘4 Coml Solv *4# 83 27*4 253e 2634+1*4 Comwl Edia 1 40 19 29*4 28*4 28*4 - *4 Cemw! A South 90 3*4 3*4 334 Conde Naat 1 5 11*4 11*4 11*4 Con* Cop .16e 21 6 574 6 cons EdlS 1 60 42 2434 24 24*4 - *4 Cons Nat Oi! 2 23 49*4 4874 49*4 + *4 Con; RRCuba of 94 25*4 23 24*4 +1 Cons R Strs 70e 4 15*4 15 15*4 + ‘4 ConsTextlle 80e 12 14*4 14*4 1434+ *4 Cons Vultee 25 14*4 1374 14*4 Contain Corp 2a 18 38*4 3834 38*4 Cnnt Paklna 1 4 14*4 14*4 14*4 + *4 Cont Can *5e 12 39*4 39*4 39*4- *4 Cont Dia Fiber 1 4 12 1174 12 + ‘4 Cont Tnsuranee2 4 58*4 59 59 + *4 Cont Motors 53 9*4 9 9 — *4 ContOilDel l',e 35 62 61*4 61*4 - >4 Cooper-Bers 1 11 30*4 30 30*4+ 34 Coprwld Stl .30e 7 16*4 16* 4 16*4 — *4 Corn Prod 1 80e 12 623* 61*4 617* —1*4 Cornell-D E 80 6 14V. 137* 1374 CnrnincGlass *4 17 2134 20*4 21*4+ 74 tcorn Gts pf 3*4300 93*4 93*4 93*4 - *4 Coty Inc 20x 10 5*4 5*4 5*4 + 34 Cotylnt 20a 11 334 334 3*4 + 34 Crane Co 1 60a 20 383. 38 38*4 + *4 CreameriesAm 1 18 1074 10*4 103* + 34 Crown Cork *ih 28 25*4 243* 25*4 + 34 Crown Zel 1.60# 8 34 33*4 33*4- 34 crucioie oien ® *u'* /ov* /o'* t Crucible Stl of 6 » 72 71% 71%+ % Cub-AmSu* 1 lie 32 14% 14 14%+ % CudahyFack 80s 20 }S% 13% 13% — % Cuneo Press la 8 17% 17% 17% + % Curtis Publish 23 11 10% 10% - % Curtlss-Wr V«i 77 7% 7% 7% - % Curtlss-W A lit 8 23% 23 23% - % Cutlr-Hm 1,20a 10 29% 29% 29% DANA CORP lit 8 27% 27% 27% + % Davison Chem 1 6 25% 25% 25% + % Dtvtn PAL 1 f>0 10 30% vo% 30% + % Dayton Rub l 20 14 15% 15 15 - % Deers Records 1 27 12% 12% 12% - % Deep Rock Oil le 6 39% 39% 39%+ % Deere A Co 1 18 45% 45 45% Del A Hudson 4 8 47% 47 47 Del L A W %e 17 11 10% 10%-% Den A RGW le 7 28% 27% 28 DenAROWnllOe 11 45 «4% 45 + % Detroit Ed 1.20 13 21% 21% 21% DetMtchSto »0a 10 12% 12% 12% - % r»evoeARA2a 7 28% 27% 28%+% DitmTMotla 12 18% 18% 18*4 + % Dlst Co-Sea 80 100 18% 18% 18% Divco Coro 1 20 3 16% 16% 16% + % Dr Pepper 30e x 6 17?% 17*4 17H «f *4 Doehler-Jtr 1 Hi 12 J6H 36V* J6H Dome Mines Hie 21 17?* 17v* 17% + V* Doutlas A 2l*f 10 64 63 63?*— 4* Dow Cbem **e . 14 44 43% 43?* — H Sale*— Stock and Add __ IM* Dividend Rate. 00. Hlfh Low 2:S0. eh*a. Dow Chem of * 1101% 101% 101% + % Dresser Ind *«e 31 28% 28% 28% Dunnin Inti 1 8 20 20 20 Dunlin Corn %b 17 17% 17% 17% + % Du Pont 4e 12 182% 181% 181 + % DuPont3%pf3Va 2 95% 95% 95%+ % fDuo Ufht of 5 70 114% 114 114% + % EAGLE-PI 1.80 8 23 24% 24% - % Eastern Air Line 130 20% 20 20 — % East State Steel 1 21% 21 21 - % Easttn Kod 90e 18 43% 45% 45% - % 'Eastmn K of 6 110 167% 167 167 -1% Eaton Ufa 8 . 3 60% 60% 60%+ % Ekco Prod 1 20 9 16% 16 16 + % Bias Stop N V«*_ 2 7% 7% 7% - % E< Auto-Ute 3 . 9 54% 33% 54%+% Elec Boat 1 .15 15% 15% 15% + % Elec Boat nf 2.. 3 36 35% 36 - % El A Music .16f 99 2% 2% 2% El Power & Lt 51 21% 20% 20% - % El P6rLS7pf3Vak 2 155 135 153 -1 El P&Lt S6pf 3k 1 140 140 140 -1% ElelnNatW 60* 1 15% 15% 15%+ % ElPasoNGs 2 40 1 68 68 68 + % Emer Elec M 1 4 17% 17% 17% - % Etner Radio .80 4 12% 12% 12% Emn Dls EM 12 3 15% 15% 15%+% Endicott-J 1.60* 4 32% 31% 32%+1% Gault off Bid* 9 5 4% 4% - % Erie R R 1 .30 14% 14% 14% - % eureka Will % 11 8% 8% 8% Evans Prod 6 20% 20% 20% — % Eversharn %f . 31 10% 10 10%+ % Ex-Cell-O 2 63 3 47% 47% 47% - % FAIRBANKS le 2 52% 52% 52% - % FaJardoSu* 2',at 4 27% 27% 27% Farnsworth 26 9% 9 9 — % readers uui »o ** J■>*» Fed Min A SI e. 2 40 40 40 - % Ped-Mosu] 1*60 3 19% 19% 19% - % FeaMoTruck 401 0 12% 12 12 Federat D Strs 2 13 30% 30% 30%+ % Pelt AT 1 40* 1 23% 23% 23%-% PerroEnsm 1.40 5 23% 23% 23%+% Pld Pboenx P 2a 1 63% 63% 63% + % Firestone TAR 4 0 50 49% 50 - % First Nat Str 2e 5 55 54% 55 + % FirthCarpetl.60 5 20 20 20 Plintkote 2a 42 40% 39% 40 + % Florida Post 1 15 14% 14 14*+ + % Pollansb Stl Vie 7 20% 28% 28% - % PoodFalrSt 40b 6 12% 12% 12% Food Mach 1%. 2 42% 42% 42%-% Poster Wheel 1. 5 35% 34% 34% - % Francis Sus 2s 9 14% 14% 14% + % Prank Strs 60a. 3 9% 9% 9% - % F: eeportsul 2% 3 45% 44% 44% - % Froedt GAM Via 2 12% 12% 12% + % PruehaufTra! 17 23 22% 22%-% GABRIEL 10e.. 3 8% 8% 0% + % GalrRobt 40 26 9% 9% 9% - % Qamewell Co la 3 16*+ 16 16% + % Gar Wood Ind . 34 9% 9% 9% - % Gar Wood of 2 43% 43*+ 43*+ - % Gaylord Co 1 %. 12 24% 24% 24% - % Gen Am Inv .40 7 18 17*+ 17% - % Gen AmTrni 3a 11 61% 61 61% + >+ Gen Bakina 60 4 10% 10*+ 10% + >+ Gen Bronie .20* 4 13% 13% 13% - % Gen Cable Vie.. 33 12% 12% 12% Gen Clsar la . _ 2 23% 23 23%-% Gen Elec 1.60 . 120 40 39% 39*+-% Gen Foods 2 23 40 39% 39% Gen Instnimt 1 3 10% 10% 10% Gen Mills 1 Vi.. 8 50% 50 50% Gen Motors 3 . 71 59% 59% 59*+ — % Gen Motor pf 6. 1 122*+ 122% 122% Gen Mot pf 3Vi 3 97% 97% 97% Gen Out Advt 1 6 16% 16% 16% + % Gen Port C Vie.. 7 20% 20*+ 20% Gen Precis Eo 1 8 17 16% 16% - % GenPubSvc .20» 10 4% 4% 4% - % Gen Pub Util 80 29 14% 14 14% - % Gen Ry Slsnal 1 4 29 28 28 — % Gen RealtyAUt 17 6% 5% 5% - % Gen Refract Vie 5 29 28% 29 + % tOenStlC pf4Vik 80 119% 118% 118% -1% Gen Telepb 2 3 29% 29% 29% + % Gen Time 1.60a. 4 29% 29 29% - % Gen TlreAR la 2 27% 27% 27% - % Gillette Saf^Via 14 38 37% 30 + % Glmbel Broa 2 29 25 24% 24% - % GllddenCo I 40a 49 28 27 27 - % Glldn CT pf 2Vi 1 51% 51% 51% + % GoebelBrew .10e 2 5% 5% 5% Goodall-Sn 1 Via 5 23% 23% 23%-% Goodrich B Fie 28 83% 63% 63% GoodyearTAR 4 27 46% 46*+ 46% Goth Hoa 1.60a. 9 20 19% 19%-1 Graham-Palae 74 5 4% 4% - % Granby Con Vie. 5 7% 7% 7% - % Grand Union 2 13 36 35% 36 GranCityStl Vie 10 26% 26% 26% - % Grant (WT) la 11 29 28 29 +1 Grayson-R Vie 2 13 13 13 — % GtNI Or ct 1 Vis 19 15% 14V4 14*+ Gt Nor Ry pf 3 19 50% 50 50% - % GtWstSus 1 60a 20 22% 22% 22% Green HL 2a.. 2 39 39 39 + % Greyhound l 119 13% 13 13% Grum Aire E 3s 23 40% 39% 39*+ + >+ GuantanSus Vis 17 6% 6% 6% Gulf MobAO Vie 29 18*+ 18% 18% - % GuIfMoAOh pfS 2 56 55 55 -1 Gulf Oil 3 ... 47 75% 75 75 - % Gulf Sta Util 1. x 9 17% 17 17% + *+ Hall Print la 5 16 15% 16 Hamltn Watch 1 2 14% 14% 14% + % Harb-Walker le 12 26% 26*+ 26%+% Hart SAM 2.40 3 34 33% 33% - *+ Hayeslndust Vie 3 9 9 9 Hayes Mfs .30e. 46 8% 8% 8% Hazel-Atl 1 20a- 4 24% 24% 24% - >+ Hecht Co 1.60 . 1 26% 26% 26%+ % Hercul Pdr .3%. 11 54% 53% 54 HersbeyCh lVa. 4 29% 29% 29%+% Heyden Chem 1 5 28% 27% 28 tHeyden C pf3V4 40 81% 81% 81% - % Hilton Hotels l x 9 11% 11% 11%-% Hires CE 1.20 . 3 21% 21% 21%+ % Holland Furn 2. « 28% 28% 28%+ % Holly Susar 1 . 26 28 25% 27% +2% Homestk Min 2 11 39% 38% 39% + % Hooker Elec .60s 4 34*+ 34% 34%+ % Houd-Hereh tie 17 17% 17% 17*4 Household Fin 2 2 32% 32 32% 'Househld pf3Vi 50 92 92 92 - % Houston LA’PZ *1/ 44% •• ««% + % Houston OU1 e . 68 33% 32% 33 + %! Hwrd Store l>/,a 3 22% 22% 22%-% Howe Sound 2 11 46% 45% 46 + % Hudson A Man 8 5% 5% 5% + % Hudson Bay 2e 16 44% 44% 44% - % HudsonMot .406 31 20% 19% 19% - % Hunt Foods 1__. 6 18% 18% 18*4+ % Hudd Coro _.. . 30 5 4% 4% — % IDAHO PW 1 80 8 33% 32% 32%+% ri'Central 32 39% 38% 38% - *4 Illinois Power 2. 9 29 28% 28% + % 111 Term RR 72. 9 10% 10*4 10% - % Ind Pr A Lt 1 %. 3 24% 24% 24% + % Inland Steel le . 21 45% 44% 44% - % [nspira Cod Vie 8 20% 20% 20% InsuranshC 20a 4 8 8 8 Interchem Corp 5 23% 23 23 — % Intercon Rub 16 3% 3% 3% + % Inter Iron 1 20* 27 15% 15% 15% — % [nt Bus Mach 4 4 143% 143 143 -1 int Harvest 4a 18 99% 98 98 -1 Int Harvs nf 7 110 169% 168% 169% +1% [nt Hydro El A 9 8% 7% 7% - % [nt M*Ch I 00 12 35% 34% 34% - % [nt Minin* _ 22 4% 4% 4% — % [nt Nickel 1 00 55 31% 31% 31% + % [nt Paner 3a 34 61% 60% 60% [nt Paper nf 4 . 3 97 96% 97 + % [nt Ry Cen Am 24 12% 11% 12% + % tIntRyCApf2Vak 140 93% 92% 93 -1 int Shoe l%e._ 4 43% 42% 42%-% [nt TelA Tel 110 15% 14% 14% - % [nt TAT forn et 9 15% 14% 14% - % JACOBS PL 10 9% 9% 9% [JerCntPAL pf4 60 83% 82% 83% +1% Jewel Tee 2.40a 3 45 45 45 -1 Johna-Man 35a. 30 41% 41% 41% - % Jones A L St) 2 24 36% 36% 36% - % Joy Manf* 2 40a 37 40% 39% 39% - % ■CAL STOVE.45e 1 20% 20% 20%+ % Kan City South. 12 42% 41% 41% — % Kayser J la _. 12 16% 16% 16%+ % Kennecott Vie . 61 58% 57% 57% - % Kern Land lVia. 5 49% 48% 48% - % Klmbrly Cl 1.40 2 23% 23% 23%+% ►Klmb-Clrk of 4 90 101 100% 101 HClnney pf 5 40 72% 71% 71%+ % Koppers Co 1.00 7 35% 35 35% + % Kress SH 2a . 6 51 50% 51 + % Kroger Co 2.40. 4 47% 47 47%+ % LACLEDE G .20 37 6% 6% 6% - % Lambert Co 1 Vi. 7 23% 23 23% + % [ ane Bryant 1 3 13% 13% 13% + % Lane Wells 1 00 6 28% 28 28 +% LeeRub&Tlre 2a *■ 47 45% 46 +2 Lee A Sons 1.40 8 26% 26 26% + % Lehigh C A N 1 8 12 11% 11% LehPortCcm l Vi 3 34% 34% 34% + 1/4 Leh Val Coal 41 3% 3% 3*i - % Leh V Coal 1 Pf3 9 23% 23% 23% Leh Valle* R R 10 7% 7% 7% - % LehmanCro 60* 16 54% 53% 53%—1 Lehn A Pink 5 11% 11% 11% + % Lerner Strs 1 Vi 6 24% 23% 23% - % Llb-O-F Glass a 12 52% 51% 52% Lib McNAL >ie- 31 10 9% 10 + % Llgg A My 4a 7 88 87% 87% tLigg A My pf 7 1 170 169% 170 - % Lima Hamll 80. 59 13% 12% 13 - % Link-Belt Sa.— 2 69 69 69 + % Lion Oil 2_ 10 46*i 46% 46»i+ % Llautd CarbD 1. 16 21% 20% 20% Lockheed Aire . 61 23% 22% 22% - % Loew's Inc I % 37 19% 19% 19% LomStsrCeS'ia 3 66% 66% 66% Long-Bell A 80k 2 28% 28 28% + +4 Lorillard PI 34 19% 19% 19% ’Lorillard nf 7 10 151% 151% 151% +1 LouisvlIAN 8 52 5 49% 49% 49%—% Lowenstein 2a . 15 35% 35% 35% — % Lukens Stl 40a 5 24% 23% 23% - % MACK TRUCKS 21 26% 26% 26% - % Macy R H 2 15 37% 37% 37% + % Magma Cop 1 4 23 22% 23 Manatl Sug 1%* 32 9% 9% 9% + % Mandel Bros 'ye 3 12% 12% 12% + % ManhSh-.rtl 40a 4 23% 22% 23%++, MaracOU 10* 6 7 6% 7 + % Marathon Crp 1 12 24% 24% 24% MarlneMidl 20* 61 7*i 7% 7% + % Marsh Pleld 2.. 9 29% 29% 29%-% Martin G L_13 19% 19% 19% MartlnParrr 00 5 19% 18% 18% - % Masonite Cs la 2 67% 67 67 Master Elec 2.40 3 26 294* 26 Math Chem 144a 51 37 36 36 Mav Dept Str 3 . 3 4644 4644 4644 •May Dept pf3*i 20 904* 904* 904* + 4* ♦ MarStrs pfn84* 60 9044 90 90 + 44 Marta* Co 1 .. 6 1244 124* 124* McCall Corp 8- 5 364* 334* 364*+ 4* McCrorrS 1 40a 7 36 33 36 + 4* •McCrory pf 344 10 98 98 98 +2 McOraa Elec 2a 2 42 414* 414* - 4* McIntyre 2 Ola 4 504* 50** 504*+ 4* McKessAR 2 40 7 33 344* 344* - 44 McQuay-N 1 40 3 224* 214* 224* + 4* Mead Corp le._ 5 2144 21 21 — 4* Mental Co la 17 194* 194* 1944 - 4* 'Terrant 8tra I X 1 174* 174* 174* + 4* Mer&MinTr 40e 5 104* 9*4 94* - 4* Mcrck*Co‘l 40* 2 58 58 58 - 4* MerrlttC&Sl 60 7 254* 25 254*- 4* Miami COD 4*e 10 17«* 174* 1744- 4* Mld-ConPet 14*e 76 6744 654* 66>4 + 4* Mldl8tlProd 44e 2 44*4 444* 444* + 4* ♦Mid Steel Ipf 8 80 1374* 136*+ 1364* -1 Minn-Hod Re 2* 11 51>* 504* 504* - 4* Minn Moline 26 .164* 16 164* MinAStL Ry V«* 9 15»* 134* 154* - 4* M SP&SSMA 1* 7 12 114* 114* Minn Mm * M2 2 75 74 74 -14* MlaslonCp 14*1 11 65'* 644* 634* - 4* Mo-Kan-Tezaa 18 64* 64* 64* - 4* Mo-Kan-Tex pf 20 244* 244* 244a - 4* Sale*— Btoek and Add _ _Hat Dividend Rata 00. Hlfh. Low. 1:30. ehte. Mohawk Crnt 2a J 41% 41 41 — % Molud Hot .80 3 12% 12% 12% - % Monarch Mch * 2 28% 28% 28%+ % Monsanto Cb 8 24 60% 60% 60% Monts Ward 2a 28 84% 63% 63% -1 M-MeC Lin 1 Via 27 17% 17% 17% Morrell&Co lVat 2 24*/i 24% 24% Motor Prod le 8 28% 28% 28*%+% Motor Wfcl ,80e. 4 22% 22% 22% Motorola Vie 18 19% 14% 15% Moel Brass 30e 11 23% 23% 23% + % Mullins Mfg la 30 26% 26% 26%+% Murphy GC Hat 7 43 43 43 -% Murray Com 1 5 15% 15% 15% — % MurrayCorp pf2 1 40% 40% 40% + % NASH-K.EL.35e 50 18% 18 18 Nat Acme 2a... 2 27% 27% 27%-% Nat Airlines . 24 9% 9% 9%+ % Nat Auto Pib 80 7 11% 11% 11% Nat Battery le 2 38 38 38 + % NatBlscuit 1.60a 22 29% 28% 29% NatBond&S 80a 6 25 24% 25 Nat Can _ 7 9% 9% 9% Nat Cash Regie 5 43% 43% 43%+.% Nat City Line % 16 9 8% 8% NatContalb 1 20 43 13% 13% 13% — % Nat Cvl Gas .80 10 13 12% 13 + % Nat Dairy 1.80 *17 28% 27% 28% -% Na» Dlstl'Iers 2 112 21% 21 21 -% NstEn&Stpg le 1 41 41 41 +2 Nat Gypsum Sit 64 19% 18% 18% — % Nat Gvptum rt 85 1% 1%# l%s—VU ♦Nat Gyp p! 6% 70 94% 94% 94% + % Nat Lead la 20 36% 36 36% - % ♦Nat Lead pfB 8 10 142% 142% 142% - % Nat Linen 8 80 5 7 7 7 + % NatM&StlC .16# 2 23% 23% 23% - % Natl Steel 4 4 98 97% 97% Nat Sug Ref le. 5 24% 24*/* 24% - % Nat Supply 1 . 81 22% 21% 22% - % ♦ Nat Sup of 4% 50 90% 90 90% + % Nat Tea l %_ 20 29% 28 29%+1% Nat Vul Plbre 1. 3 14% 14*% 14% + % Natomas Co 1_ 7 10% 10% 10%+ % Neb! Corel ... 3 17% 17% 17% N Eng El Syst 1. 23 11% 11% 11%-% Newmont M Vie 21 60% 59% 60 + % Newel In dust 2 7 25% 25% 25% — % Newot NewsS 2a 31 31% 30% 30%-% NY Air Brake le 7 43% 43 43 + % N Y Cent an 79 17% 17 17 - % N Y Chi & St L 2 65% 65*4 65% -1 N Y C&StL pff*k 10 133% 132% 133 NYC Omnibus 1 19% 19*/* 19% - % N Y N H & Hart 16 11% 10% 11 + % N Y N H A H of z 30 zy*e zsiew - NY Shipbldg »/«e 4 18% 18% 18% + % Nopco Cbm 40e 1 32% 32% 32% — % Norf<IW(stern 3 10 59 58% 58% - % •NorfAWest nil 2 26% 26% 26% - % No Am Aviation 69 12% 12% 12% + % North Am Co >ab 55 16% 16 16% No Nat Gas AO* 6 33% 33% 33% — % North Pacific la 40 26% 25% 25% - % Northwest Airl 74 17 16% 16% — % NrthwAlr pf1.16 30 27% 26% 26% - % Norwalk Tire 6 6% 6% 6% - % Norw Phar 60.. 2 13% 13% 13% OHIO OIL la 36 38 37% 37% - % OklaG&Bpf 80 2 17 17 17 + % Oliver Corn tie. 13 31% 31% 31%+% Omnibus Corp 1 6 11% 11% 11% — % • Omnibus Pf 8 50 96% 96 96 —1% Oti- Elevator la 19 33% 33% 33% - % Outbrd Mot ,70e 1 20% 20% 20% - % Owens IlJ G1 3 20 65% 64 65% +1% PAC AM FSHle 3 15% 15% 15%-% tPac Coast lpf5 10 67 67 67 +1% PAC GAS&EL 8 25 36% 35% 35% - % Pac Lighting 3- 16 53 52% 53 + % Pac Mills 3b 8 40 39% 40 •Pac Tel&T pf 8 60 143 141 141 -3 Pac Tin Cong... 9 5% 5% 5% Pac West Oil %* 19 59% 58 58*%+ % Packard M ,15e 280 5% 2% 5% + % Pan AmAlrw y«g280 11% 10% 11 + % PanhBPLS 5 58% 57*/. 57%-1 Panh P & R 15a 65 9% 9% 9% + % Paraffine C .30b 2 26 26 26 ParamPiCtS 94 25*+ 24% 25 ParkATilford 3. 6 46% 46% 46%+1% Parm Trana .80. 2 9% 9% 9% — % Patino Min tie. 2 12 11% 12 -% Park Utah .10e. 20 3% 3% 3% - % Parke Dav .70e. 20 31% 30% 30% Parker Rust 2% 2 30 29% 29%+% Penney <JC) 2a 4 46% 46% 46% + % Penn-DxCem y«* 4 19 18% 18% + % Penn P&L 1.20. 6 19% 19% 19% PennRRVae . 51 21% 20% 20% - % Peo G L&C 2tie. 1 97% 97% 97% - % Peoria & Eastrn 2 19 19 19 — % Peosi-Cola 70a 233 18% 17% 18%+% Pet Milk 1 .. 5 28*% 28 28 - % • Pet Milk pf 1 . 10 103% 103% 103% +1% Petrol Co.p 80« 11 14% 14% 14% PfeifTerBrw .70ex20 19% 18% 18% - % Pfizer Cc'rCo 2a 14 62% 62 62% + % Phelps Dodge 2e 26 57% 56% 56% — % • Phil C tlli pf 3 2 54% 54% 54% + Vs Phila Elec 1.20 8 23% 23% 23% - % Phil&Rdg C&I 2 60 18% 18*% 18% + % Philco Corp 2 .. 10 37% 36% 36% — % Philip Mor 1 %a 32 29% 29% 29%-% Phillips Petrol 3 47 71% *71% 71%-1 Pillsbury Mills 2 3 34% .4% 34% • Pills Mills pf 4 40 101 100% 101 + % PlttCok&Ch 60g 2 13% 13% 13% + % Pitt Con Coal 2 25 31% 31% 31% + % PittPIateGls *2e 36 37% 36% 37%+ % Pitt Screw ,15e. 26 9'+ 9% 9% Pitts Steel . 8 17% 17% 17% + % Pitts & West Va. 2 23% 23 23 - % Pittston Co 2_ 5 41% 41 41 — % Plym Oil 1.60... 22 66 64 64 e- % Pond Cr Pie... 20 38% 38 38% Poor A Co B la 30 16% 13% 16% + % Pot Elec Pwr 90 30 13% 13% 13% Pressed Stl Car 65 11% 11% 11% — % Proct & Gam 3a 13 67% 67% 67% Pub Sve Col 2.20 6 38% 38% 38%- % Pub S N J 1.40 22 23% 23% 23%+% tP S N J $5 Pf 6 60 97 96% 97 + % Publicker %f_ 7 26 25% 25%-% Pullman %•—. 32 49% 48% 49% - % Pure Oil la . 377 42 40*% 40%+ % PurttvBak 2.40a 6 30% 30% 30% + % QUAK STA .roe 4 24% 24*% 24*% - % RADIO CRP.OOe 173 13% 13 13%+ % Radto-K Or ,30el71 11 10% 11 + % Raybestosl%e 2 34 34 34 — % Rayonier Inc ‘/at 6 31% 31% 31% - % Ravonier of 2 . 3 35 34% 34% — % Readme Col 6 22% 22 22%+ % Real Silk H 60a 4 14% 14 14% Reeves Bros la. 18 17% 16% 16% — % Rem Rand lb 40 15% 15 15 Reo Motors 2%a 2 25% 25% 25% Ren Aviation . 5# 12% 11% 12% - % Republic Picture 15 4% 4% 4% Reoub Steel la. 57 30 29% 29%-% Revere C&B1. 18 20% 20% 20% - % Rexall Dru* 87 7% 7% 7% — % Reyn Metals’ie 2 28% 28% 29% — % »Rey Met Df S% 40 102% 102% 102% +1% Reynolds Sprint 9 10% 10% 10% — % Reyn Tob B WOe 25 39% 39% 39% - % Rhbe-l nrtl 60 9 24% 23% 23% + % Richfield Oil 2 - 63 25% 24% 25% +1 Ritter C'o 2a 3 24 23% 24 - % Roan A Cop SSe 10 6% 6% 6% Rob-Fulton .60 30 9% 9»4 9% + % Ronson Artl 20a 3 21% 21% 21% Royal Type 1.60 25 24% 21 24% +2 Ruberoid fie 8 70 68% 68% — % SAFEWAY ST 1 24 21% 20% 20%+ % St Jos lead l'2e 16 59% 59 39% - % St L San Fran 37 13 12% 12%-% St L San P of 6 7 47% 47% 47% - % St Reels Pap 60 02 12% 11% 11% - <4 Savaee Arms %e 17 12% 12% 12%+ % SchenleyDistll 2 77 33% 33% 33% - % ScottPaper 2.20 8 50 50 50 + % Scranton Elec 1 9 15% 15% 15% + % Seab Air Line _. 33 23 22% 22%-% SeahdALpf 7'ie 2 57% 57% 57% - % Seabrd Oil 1.60. 3 54% 54% 54%+% Seatrave_ 4 6% 6% 6% + % Sears Roebck la 72 42% 41% 41% Selberlint Hub.. 3 8 8 8 — % Servel Inc .30* 10 12% 12% 12% - % ShamrockO 1 60 3 33% 33% 33% Sharon Steel 2 10 39% 38% 38% - % Shattuck FO la 5 14% 14% 14% + % ShellUnOU 2V«f 63 42% 42% 42%+ % Sheraton Cp 40 7 6% 6% 6% - % Silver Klnt Col. 89 7% 7 7% + % Simmons Co le. 16 35% 35 35% Sinclair Ol! la. 783 26 24% 25%+1% Skelly Oil 2%f 8 147 146 147 +2 Sloss-SbSti SOe 3 23% 23% 23% - % Smith A O V4h . 16 33% 32% 32% - % SmithA8onl.40» 9 35% 35% 35%+ % Socony-Vac 1.. 216 20 19% 19%+ % Solvay Am pf _. 6100% 100% 100% — % So Am Gold v«e_ 14 4% 4% 4% - % So Car" E*G % 24 7% 7 7% S Car FI * G wl 25 6% 6% 6% S Car El & G rt 119 %a W» M* — %a S C El At G pf rt 92 M* %* Via - %a So P Rico Su*4e 25 42% 40% 42% +1% SeastGreyL 1.60 8 15% 15% 15% Sou Cel Edls 1 % 10 29% 29% 29% Sou Net Gael % 5 25% 25% 24%+% Southern Pa'- 4 33 59% 58% 58% -1% Southern Rwy 3 19 47 46% 46% — % Sparks-W ,20e.. 9 6 5% 5% Spencer Kell 2. 1 28 28 28 - % Sperry Crp 1%« 16 79% 29% 29%-% Splecel Inc .. 33 13% 13% 13%+ % rSplesal pf 4%- 70 73% 73 73 — % Square D V*e — 5 23% 22% 23% - % Squibb* Sons l 9 24% 24% 24% Stand Brands 2 16 27% 27% 27%-% Std GsSEl J4pf 23 27 26% 26% - % Std G*E$7pr of 4 108 107 107 + % Std Oil Calif 2a. 55 70% 70% 70% + % Std Oil Ind 2a . 39 47% 47% 47% - % Std Oil N Jer lb 40 80% 80% 80% - % i d Ol Ohio 1 % 74 31% 30% 30%-% Std St: Spre tie 19 14% 14% 14% — % StercblBr St la 6 14% 14% 14% Sterile* Drug 2 11 36% 36% 36%+% Stevens J P 2* 61 35% 34% 35*%+1% Stew»!t-War%e 23 16% 15% 15% - % Stok-V Camp 1 9 17% 17 17 - % Stone* Web It 12 14% 14% 14% Studebaker tie. 116 27% 26% 26% - % Sun Chem .60 19 11 10% 10% - % 3unray 011 .80 124 14*% 14% 14% Sunshine Bite 3 7 38% 37% 37% - % SunshneM 80 45 11% 10% 11% Superheater la. 9 25% 25 25% + % SupOlCa. le . 5 124 223 224 +2 Superior 8tl la. 4 19% 18% 18% - % Swlft&Co 1 60a 11 34% 34% 34% Swift Inti 40e 28 16% 16% 16% + % Sylvan Elec 1 40 11 23% 23% 23% - % Symlnt-Gould.. 15 7% 7% 7% - % TALCOTT J .60a 2 11 10% 11 + % reiautocrapn o -»v* 3 Tens Coro 65«_ 1* 183* 18*4 1834 - 34 Texas CoS 54 6434 6334 6334- 34 TexOulfPro .35* 14 *33* 2334 2334 Tex Quit Sul 2a 10 6134 6034 6034 + 3* TexPaeCAO la 48 4954 483* 4834 -13* Tex Pae LT 70e 9 45*4 4434 45 - '4 Tex A Psc Ry 4 3 623* 6234 623* + *4 Textron la 31 1834 18*4 1834 + 34 Thatcher Ol 80 14 1134 103* 1134+ *4 Thermold 34f 16 10*4 103* 10*4 tTbermod 0f234 20 46 45*4 46 + 34 Third Ave Trans 4 10*4 10*4 103* — 34 Thomas stl 1 ao 2 22 22 22-34 Thom Prod 1 *4e 2 58*4 573* 5834 - ‘4 Thompson-Star 2 334 334 3*4 Tide'V 011 1.20*205 30*4 2934 293* + ‘4 tTlde Wat of3*4 8 1023* 1023* 10234 - *4 Timken Axle 3*e 26 2234 2234 2234- >4 Timk Bear 134e x 8 543* 533* 543*+13* Trnsamerlca 34a 18 1334 1334 13*4 — 34 Trans A W Air 68 203* 18*4 1834 -13* Tri-Con Ct) 34* 84 10*4 10 10-34 Truax-Tra 1.20 7 16*4 16H 16*4 Twent C-Pox 2. 34 2434 24 24 - *4 Twin City RTrl 4 734 73* 734+ *4 Twin Coach_ 11 1234 123* 1234 - 34 Stock Market Quiet; Prices Off Slightly In Profit-Cashing ly th« Associated Pros* NEW YORK, May 18—The stock market leaned a bit lower today under the impact of repeated gusts of profit taking sales. Prices stiffened from time to time as the public sent in buying orders in a steady stream, and fqw losses exceeded more than a point. Ad vances. which made up a sizable minority, were equally small. Volume slackened after blocks of 1,000 and 2,000 shares appeared on the tape during the first hour. Firmer issues included American Telephone, Goodyear, J. I. Case, United Aircraft, International Nic kel, Owens-Illinois, Union Pacific, Sinclair Oil, Pacific Western Oil, and Paramount. Among the loses at times were United States Steel, General Mot ors, Chrysler, Firestone, Interna tional Harvester, Commonwealth Edison. American Smelting, West inghouse Electric, Eastman Kodak, Santa Fe, and Southern Railway. Higher in the Curb were Ameri can Maracaibo, Blue Ridge, Cities Service, and Arkansas Natural Gas. Barium Steel, Kaiser-Frazer, and Electric Bond & Share declined. Some rail and utility bonds im proved. Washington Exchange SALES. Capital Transit 1st ref 4s—$1,000 at 91. Garflnckel com—66 at 18%. Potomac Elec Pow $3.60 pfd “B"—1 at 45. Wash Gas com—10 at 26. Mergenthaler Linotype—25 at 60. Wash Gas com—30 at 25%. Pot Elec Pow $3.60 Pfd "B"—80 at 44Vs. Hecht com—25 at 25%. Potomar Elec Pow com—600 at 13%, 6 at 13%. Wash Gas 4.50 pfd—9 at 104. Woodward & Lothrop com—30 at 36%. Potomac Elec Pow com—200 at 13%, 100 at 13%. Lanston Monotype—25 at 23%. PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS Bid Asked. Am T&T cv db 2%s, 1957. 114% 116 Am T&T cv db 2%s. 1961 . 107% 108% Cap Trans 1st ref 4s 1964 90 92 City & Suburban 5s 1948 100 . _ Georgetown Gas 1st 5s 1961 111 _ Pot Elec Pow 3%s 1966 104% _ Pot Elec Pow 3%i 1977 108 _ Pot Elec Pow 3s 1983 — 101% _ Washington Gai 6s 1960 120% _ PUBLIC UTILITY sTnreg Amer Tel & Tel (OK?_168% _ Capital Transit . _ 1«% 18 N & W Steamboat <t4> ... 150 Pot Elec Pow com (.90) 13% 13% Pepco 3.60% Pfd "A” (1.80) 43% 44% Pepco 3.60% pf -B” (1.80) 44 46 Wash Gas Lt com (1.50) - 25% 26% Wash Gas Lt cu pf (4.25). 100 101 Wash Gas Lt cu cv pf (4.60) 103 _ BANK AND TRUST COMPANIES. Amer Sec & Tr new (tl.OO) 30 81 Bank of Bethesda (tl.60).. 40 Capital (.80) _ 82 86 Com & Savings (tlO)_ 360 _ Liberty (8) _316 _ Lincoln (t6) .. 330 Natl Sav Tr (8.00). 420 460 Pr Georges B & Tr (tl.OO) 30 . — Union Trust Co (tl.OO)_ 38% 40 Riggs (12) 318 336 Washington (6) __195 _ Wash Loan & Ti (12) ;;:)(> _ FIRE AND TITLE INSURANCE. American (tB) _160 Columbia <t.30) _ 12% 13% Firemen'! (1.40) _ 31 . . National Union (.75) _ 15 19 Real Estate (’6) . 195 205 MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corp (2.00) 30 35 Garflnckel com (1.50) 18% 19 Garfl 5%% cu cv pf (1.375) 24% Garfi 4%% cu cv pf (1.125) 20% 21V* Hecht Co (1.60) _. 25 27 Hecht 3%% cu nf (3.75).. 88 91 Lanston Mono (2.001 *23% 25 Mergenthaler Lino (a.75) 60 53 Nat'l Mtg & Inv pf (p.45) 7% Peoples Drug com (tl.60).. 35% 37 Security Storage <t5) _113 125 Ter Ref & Wh Corp (3) 60 Wdwd & Loth com (t2.00) 36 87 Wdwd & Loth pfd new (6) 104% * Ex dividend, b Books closed, t Plua extra or extraa. a Paid ao far this year, p Paid 1947._ Foreign Exchange NEW YORK. May 18 (Jl>).—Foreign ex change rates follow (Great Britain ip dol lars. others In cents): Canadian dollar in New York open mar ket. 7% per cent discount or 92.62% United States cents, down 6/16 of a cent. Europe—Great Britain, $4.03%, un changed: France (franc). 32% of a cent, unchanged; Italy (lira), fixed rate .((01739, April .001742; Sweden (krona), 27.85. unchanged; Switzerland (franc) (commercial). 23.40. unchanged. Latin America—Argentina free. 25.07, unchanged; Brazil free. 5.50, unchanged; Mexico, 20.62, unchanged. Sale*— Stock and Add Nat Dividend Rate. 00. Rich. Low. Z:30. chge. UDYLITE 1 3 11 10% 10% - % Underwood 1 Via 7 58% 58% 58% - % UnAsbAR 70a 32 15 14% 15 + % Union Rag 2a 25 37% 38% 36% + % Un Carbide nVihl33 41% 41 41% - % Un Oil Cal .70e. 53 31% 30% 3074+% Union Pac 8e . 8 189% 186 188%+ % Unit Air Llnea 49 19 18% 18% - % Unit Aircraft le 132 30% 29% 30%+% Unit Biscuit la 1 21 21 21 -% Ut BoardAC %e 6 13% 13 13% Unit Carbon 2 xl9 35 34 35 +1% Unit Clear Whal 30 4% 4% 4% - >4 »UtdCig-Wpf3V4 20 51% 51% 51%+1% United Corn 145 3% 3% 3% + % Unit Corn of 8 22 47% 47 47%+ % United Dvewood 4 a 7% 7% - % Utd Elec Coal I 11 23% 23% 2374 + % UtEngAFdvl'ie 1 43% 43% 43% - % United Fruit 2a 30 57% 57 57 - % UtdOasImp 1.30 4 22% 22% 22%+% Unit MAM la 27 19% 19% 19%-% USAFSecl.Sog 29 31% 30 30 -1% US Freight la.. 3 24 23 23 -1 U S Gypsum 3 . 18 106% 106 !06 US Hoff Mch %g 2 16% 16% 16% - % US IndChm IVia a 40 39% 40 + % 0 S Leather Vie 4 7% 7 7 - % US Lines 2% 28 20% 2C% 20%-% US PlneAF 2.80 8 50% 50% 50%+ % U 8 Play Cd 2a. 1 55% 55% 55%+2 U S Plywood la- 23 34% 33% 34% +1 US Rubber 3e._ 14 49 48% 48% US Sm RAM la. 74* 56% 56 56 US Smelt pf 3%. 1 68% 68% 68% - % US Steel 2Vie— 78 80% 79% 79% - % US Steel nf 7_ 4 139 139 139 US Tobac 1.20 19 19 18% 19 + % Utd Stkyda 40* 10 5% 5% 5% + % Ut Strs2d pf Via. 12 12% 11% 12 utd Wallcan V«g 20 5% 5% 5% UnlvLab 10 6% 6% 8% - % >Univ Leaf pf 8. 10 169 169 169 +2 Unlv Pictures 1. 1 14% 14% 14% - % VAN NORM Vie. 1 15% 15% 15% + % Van Raalte lh . 2 26% 26% 26% Vert-C Sugar 2 18 13% 13% 13% Vick Chem 1.20. 1 25% 25% 25%+% Va CarollnChem *4 12 11% 11% Va-Caro C pf 3k 3 116% 116 116%+% Va ElAPwr 1.20 17 18 17% 17% - % Visklna Corn 2 7 39 38 39 + % WALK H G 1 Via 13 27 26% 26% Walworth Co %* 23 12 11% 11% - % Ward Bak .30e 15 14% 14% 14% - % tWard Bk pf5Vi 30 92 91 92 +2 Warner Bro 1 Vi 76 13% 13% 13% - Vi Warren Pet 80 18 34% 34 34 - % WayneKnitl.20a 1 18% 18% 18%+ % Wayne Pump 2. 6 28 27% 28 Webster Tobac 50 6% 6 6% + % Wesson OAS1*. 11 52 51% 51% - % 'Wesson Oil pf* 60 83 82% 82% + % Wstlnd Sugl Via 32 24% 24% 24% - % West Pen El V.e 47 18% 18% 18% + % *Ws Penn El pffl 30 107% 106% 106% - % 'W PenPw Df*% 20 111 111 111 + % W Va CAC ,70a. 7 18% 18% 10%+% WVa PulnAP la 4 49 48% 49 + % WesternAlr Lina 26 10% 9% 99% - % WestAutoSup S. 9 44 43% 44 + % Western Md .. 16 14% 13% 13% - % West Pacific 3.. 2 341% 34% 34% - % West Un Tel la. II 25% 24% 24%-% West Air Brk 2. 36 37% 37% 37% Westing Elec 1. 44 31% 30% 30%-% Weston El In 2 . 2 37% 37 37% +1 Westvaco 1.40 . 2 43 43 43 + % tWstvaco pf3V« 60 94% 93% 94%+ % Wheel Steel 2 3 48% 48 48 - % 'Wheeistl orpfS 40 88% 87% 88% White Motor la 12 24% 23% 23%-% White Sewing M 5 17 16% 16% - % WUcox Oil .40a 10 17% 16% 16% - % Wlllys-Overland 65 10% 10% 10% - % Willys Ov p( 4% 3 64 64 64 - % WllsonACo lVi* 66 17% IT 17 - % Wise Elec Pwr l 13 16% 16% 16% Woodward Ir 2_ 2 93% 33% 33%+ % Wool worth 2a 21 48% 48 48 Worth Pump Vib 23 25% 24% 24% - % tWPMevprpf4 % 30 93 93 93 -1 ♦ Wthng prof4% 1 78% 78 78%+1% tWrlgbtAero 6c 10 82 82 82 +2 Wrltley W Jr 8ax 2 66% 66% 66% + % njuanor • **7I ym YALE & TN Vie. 7 32 52 32 York Cora Vi._ 14 14V* 14V* 14V* + H York CD Of 2V4- 1 45 49 49 -1 YonncSprftW 1 4 21V* 21V* 21V* + V* Yount 8h&T4a 26 81V* 80V* 80V* — V* YnestStlDoor 1* 2 19V* 19V* 19V* - V* ZENITH R1V4* 8 27V* 27 27 - V* Zonlte Prod lQe 23 *** AH AH Hourly Buloo on the (isfesaiu Tudor: M:00».m. 950 000 12:00 noon 1090 000 1:00 p.m. 1390 000 2:00 om 1710 000 ♦ Unit of trading. 10 shares. *In bank ruptcy or receivership, or beint reonanired under the Bankruptcy Act, or securities assumed by such companies. Rates of dividends in the foretoint table are annual disbursements based on the last Quarterly or semi-annual declaration. Unless other wise noted, special or extra dividends are not Included, x Ex dividend, xr Ex rithts. a Also extra or extras, b Plus stock divi dend. d Cash or stock, e Declared or paid so far this year, f Payable In stock, esti mated i ash value on ex dividend date, k Paid Ust year, b Declared or paid after stock dividend or stock split-up. k Accum ulated diw, iends nald or declared this year, s Payable V. stock, exact cash value unde termined oh declaration date. N. Y. Bond Market mucks urr or nun. . (fnMM W Ut twdlM rnttl lAMOUn X <6.flV 2s 68-61 101 20 2 Vis 72-87 Dm 100 10 WORLD BANK tntBRAD 3(72 00 24 lntBRAD2 V467 00 30 NKWTORKcrrr 8(80 100V* FOREIGN 2:30 Australia 6s 66. 0086 Brisbane 6s 68. 00 Canada 4s 60 .104*6 Chile 6s 63 asd. 29 Oenmk 4’is 61 67 ItalCCns l-3s77 17V* Met Wat 6V>s50-100 Netherln 3*i 67 02 Norway 4Vis 58. 70V* Peru 1st 6s 60 10 Oras al 4V*s 70 73V* DOMESTIC 8:80 AmAFP 6:2030 01V* Am TAT 2V4S57 115V* Am TAT 2*is61 100V* AmTobaeco3s62102 AmTobacco3s69102V* A T 8 P 4s 96 122 ATSF al 4s 95st 11086 AtlCoss tL4 Vis64102 BaltAOh 6s75B 07 BaltAOb 6sG95 07V* BaltA06sK2000 08 BAO cv 4Vi2010 53 Bans A cn 4s 61 04V* Bost Me 4V*s 70 90V* Bost Me 4s 60 8186 Buf Roch&Po 7st 00V* Can Nat 4Vis61 107V* Cent Ga 5 Vis 59 10 Cent Ga 6s 59C 10V* Cn RR NJ 6s 87 59 CAO 3 Vis 90 D 103V* ChlAE I lne 97 44V* Chi Ot Ws 4s 88 89 CMStP4V*s2019 73V* Chl&NW 4Vis99 04V* CRIPln* Vis2019 80 ChlUn St 2T.S63101V* CCCStL 4 Vis 77 77V* Comwl Ed 3s 77 104V* ConsEdNY 3s72 102V* Deere 2Vis 66 101V* D&R In 4Vi2018 01V* Erie 4 Vis 2016 71 Fla tCst 5s 74 63 O KAO 2044 B *54* HudAM rf 6* 57 *5 RudAU to 6s 67 2544 IC 444s 86_ *74* IC 6s 55_16* ICC StL 6s 63 A M* ICCStL 4 44 ■ 63 W44 IntOtNor 6s 62 *• Int O N Ist6s62 6144 Jam FAC 4s 60 62 Kan C Bon 4s7» 1014* LaeledeGs* 446310*44 LehVal* 44s2003 3044 Lsh Val 4s 2003 3444 Ids A MrerSsM 10044 U-K-T 6s 02 A 7944 U-K-T adJ5*67 *04* U-K-T 1st 4*90 704* Uo Pae 544* 49 2544 Uo Pae 6s 77 F 0244 Uo Pae an 4s 78 30 MorlsAE 444*58 73 NOTU6S66 . 9244 NOTM 444S56 09*4 NTC4V412013A 7S>* NYC eon 4s 93 0*4* NYNHlne444s’2J 4144 NYNHH 4*2007 *044 N Y O W a 4s 65 5 NY 8W rf 8s 37 45 NorflkSo 5*2014 73 Nor P elt 444*751034* Ohio Id 244s 76 974* Pae OAK 3s 74 102 PennCtAlr344s6( 4444 PannRRs444s6610*44 PeoriaAEst4s60 60 PeoAE Inc 4s90 22H StLSF 444*2022 59 StL8anFrn4s97 0744 8tL 8W rf 6s 90 10144 Scab In44is2016 7044 Shell Un 244*71 *644 SoPaelflc444s81 9344 Sou Pte 444s 69 94 3oPac444sOr77 10144 So Ry 644s 56 110 So Ry an 4s 66 944* Third At* 5s 60 00 Third Ats 4s 60 80 V*EAPw344s6310944 WstchLt 3 44(671074* West Dn 6s 51. 9044 West Un 5s 60 . 924* Wise Cent 4s 49 734* N. Y. Curb Market UST INCLUDES ONLY SELECTED ISSUES CHANGED FBOM PREVIOUS CLOSE. 1:3d Alaska Airlines- 4% Alum Ltd 2 -.50 Alum Co Am 2-. 66% Am Bantam Car. 1% Am Oas Ac El lb 39% Am Gen OBe .. 3% AmLigh t&T.56e 18% Am Maracaibo 4% Am Republe Va*. 25% Am Superpower 1% Anch Post Pr % 7% ArkNQas A .20* 7% Ashland 011 1 -. 18% Atlas Corp w w_ 6% Barium Steel ... 6% Basic Refrct .40 7% Blue Ridge 4Of 4 Brea Tr LAP 2_. 19% Breeze Corp-11 BrwnF Dlst 80a 24% Bnk Hill A 8 Via 22% Burma Ltd .. 1 Burn Biscuit .. 3% Cab El Prod 10e 5% Calif El Pwr .60. 8 CalllteTun*._ 4% Can Marconi._2% Carr Cons Blsc. 5 Catalln Am . _ 7% Cen&S W Cp .70 10% Chl&SoAlrl ,. 7% Chief Cons Mng 1% Cities Service 2. 56% Claude Neon __ 2% Colon Develop . 5% Colonial Airline. 8% ColSand&St .40 7% Col Fuel&Ir ww 5% Colts Mfg Hi* 35 Com! & Sou war % Cons Royal .14 . 3% Cont Fdy&M 1 15 Copr Range 'ie_ 13% Corron & Reyn. 5% Creole Pet 1.80e 47% Crosley Motor . 9% Crown Cent Pet 7% CrownDrug 05* 3% Cub Atl Sug 2a 18% Dennison A .40* 11% Domestic Credit 3 East Oas&Fuel 6 El Bond&8h Vic 14% Equity Corp ... 2% Eureka C Ltd 1*% FairchldCm.30* 19% Fairchild E & A 5% FansteelMetVi*. 14% FordMFran .02* 1% QenPlywood .40 8% Goldfield Cons.. % Gray Manufact. 12% Heels Min 1 .. 13% Imp OU Ltd 16% Int Petrol % .. 12% Inveit Roy ,04a. 1% Kalser-Frazer . 10% Koback Stra .80 9% Leonard OU Dev % Le Tourneau 24% Lone Star Gas 1 22% Long Island Ltg Louis L & E la. 21 Menasco Mfg 2% MdSPATtcl.20e 26% Mid West CrpBf 10% Mid-West Refin. 3% Mining CD Can. 7% Monogram Plct. 3% Nat Bellas .20g. 3% Nat Fuel G .80 12% Niagara Hud Pr 9% NlagHudBww 1 Noma Elect .20a 16% Northeast Alrl 3% NorthropAlr V«g 13% Novadel-Ag S__ 19% Ogden Corp ... 1% Pantepee 1.28— 18% Pennroad 40g_. 6% Pepperell 3a 64% Pltney-Bow .80a 12% R-K-O opt war. 3% Raytheon Mfg. _ 8% Richmond Rad 4% SaltDomeO lV,t 11% Schulte (DA)-- 3% Segal Lock_ 2% Select Indus 4% Solar Aire .I5e_ 14 Sonotone .40 4% Std OilKy 1.40a 28% Std Thom Corn. 3 Sterling Eng 1% SunRavDru ,06e 6% Sup Tool&D .20 3% Technicolor Vie. 15% Texon O&L .40. 16% Trans Lux .16e. 6 Trl-Contl w w . 3% UlenRealization 2 Unit Aire Prod 4% United Corn ww % Ut Lt&Rvs 32e. 21% U 8 Foil B 80e . 19 U 8 Int Sec . 4% Ut-IdahoSu.lBe 3 WentwthMfg'/«e 9% Wlckes Crp ,80a 11 Wilson Bros Vie 7% Wright Harg .16 2% New York Cotton NEW YORK. May 18 m.—Cotton fu tures lower In moderately active dealings today. Scattered liquidation was influ enced by the slow development in export business under ECA and a lower than expected Bureau of Census report on April cotton consumption. - ' There was a fair amount of liquida tion in nearby July and switching Into later months. This was influenced partly by an announcement by the Japanese Board of Trade that cotton purchases under the private cotton credit program will be based on October futures rather than July. The board called for offers of cotton apparently anticipating the signing of the credit agreement by SCAT later this week. , . „ The Census Bureau reported April cot ton consumption at 829.730 bales against 878.714 in March and 882,390 in April a year ago. The trade had looked for an April consumption around 860.000 bales Late afternoon prices were 20 to 8(1 cents a bale lower than the previous close. July. 37.42; October, S4. :4. and December. 33.72. Chicago Grain ! CHICAGO. Mav 18 UR.—Mar contract* | of corn and wheat advanced durin* the morning session at the Board of Trade today. Soybean*, responding to limited offerings spurted the 8-cent daily limit. The advance in wheat was attributed to trade reports that the Commodity Credit Corp. at Kansas City was following the upturn In the futures market. The CCC was reported willing to pay 7 cents over Chicago May wheat at 2.404. an advance of 24 cents over yesterday's price. Short covering in Mav com strength ened that contract, cash traders placed corn purchases on a to-arrive basis at 9,000 bushels. Car receipts of eorn were placed at 67. Trade In deferred contracts In all grains was somewhat dull. Private reports said that seeding of grains In North and South Dakota Is progressing rapidly. . , . At noon wheat waa 4 to 1V* higher than yesterday * close. May. 2.404. Corn was 4 to 24* higher, May. 2.32V Oats were higher to 1 cent lower. May, 1.14 V Soybeans wera 0 to 8 higher, May, 4.21. Dividends Announced NEW YORK. May 18- (JR.—Dividends declared; _ ._ Pe- Stock of Pay Rate. riod. Record, able. Extra. Reeves Bros . 26c $-3 <-} Tenn Prod & Chem 20c -- 6-15 0-1 Increased. Houston Oil - *1.00 0-16 0-30 Accumulated. Cosden Pet pf S2.60 -- 8-81 6-14 Irregular. Unit Aircraft . *1.00 — 0-15 Regular. Boss Mfg 51.00 __ 5-25 Christiana Secur. *37.00 __ 0-16 Cons Rendering - *I.25_ Du Pout 0e Nem - *2.00 Hart-Carter -15c Q Mitchell J S Ltd -- 76c Q Niles-Bem-Pond _ .. 15c . Panhandle East PL. 75c _ Pern El 8witch A--- 30c Q Pitt Metalur _ 2Qc Q Reeves Bros. -26c Q Scfcwitzer-Cummina. 26c Selected Amer Shrt - 10c South Nat Gas 874c Q Sutherland Paper_60c Q Wellington Pd ----- 20e New York Produce NEW YORK, May 18 OR.—Butter, 1.. 284,212, firm. Wholesale price* on bulk cartons; Creamery, higher than 92 score and premium marks (AA>. 79 cents; 91 score (A), 77V 90 score (B). 76; 89 score (C). 7244. (New tubs usually com mand >i cent a pound over the bulk car ton price.) Cheese, 961.418; steady, prices un changed. Wholesale egg prices held ateady today. Receipts totaled 38,038 eases. 8pot Quo tations follow: Midwestern, mixed colors — Fancy heavyweights. 49-50V extra 1 large. 48 48*2: extra 2 large. 47: extra 1 medium. .74 4-45 V current receipts, 414-44: dirties. 41-42; checks, 384-39. Whites—Fancy heavyweights. 50-51. extra 1 large. 484-49; extra 2 large, 4<4: extra 1 medium. 47. . Browns—Pancy heavyweight*. 80-51. extra 1 large. 484-49; extra 2 large. 47; extra 1 medium. 404. Nearby (these Quotation* are “ the bulk of the reported wboleawla to tobbers and larg* retaliate and Include premiums'; white*, fancy .heavy weights. 52-50: medium*. 48-49; brown*, fancy heavyweights, 62-64; medium#, 47. Consolidated Edison Co. will need further bank loans to finance con struction, President Tapscott told stockholders. After paying oft pres ent loans upon sale of $57,382,600 of new debenture* soon to take effect, the company will have to start bor rowing from banks again, probably in July, be said. American Power A Light Co. was authorized by the SEC to make a cash contribution of $9,237,520 to the capital of Texas Utilities Co., a subsidiary. Mississippi Power A Lt. Co. re ceived SEC permission to sell 400, 000 additional common shares to Electric Power St Light Corp., par ent company, for $4,000,000 cash. Crude Oil Production Off Slightly in Week By the Auecioted Pre»» TULSA. Okla., May 18 — America’s crude oil production dropped an average of 4,830 barrels daily during the week ended April 15, the Oil and Gas Journal reported today. The Journal said total daily aver age output for the week was 5,434, 365 barrels. The following areas accounted for most of the decline: The Eastern area, down 1.480 bar rels to 68,500 barrels; Indiana, off 2,700 barrels to 19,900; Illinois, 2,200 to 170,800; Michigan, 2,000 to 45,400; Kansas, 1.400 to 293,000; Mississippi, 1,550 to 114,865. Texas and New Mexico produc tion was unchanged. Market Averages STOCKS. SO 16 16 * M indst. Rails. CtU. Stka Net change-—.2 —1 + 1 —J Today noon-»«.-! 1? i J ?1'3 Prev. day_97.3 45.2 42.3 71.3 Week ago-93 1 42.8 41.2 08-5 &°anrth.«T:::::: lit tit tit iltl iowh:::::: Ui SS I Ui *bi BONDS. 20 10 10 1010 Low Ralls. Indst. CtlL Fgn. Yield. Net chsnge —.1 unc. +1 unc. unc. Today noon 92.2 101.5 101.2 61.0 1J0 Prey. day.. 92.3 101.5 101.1 01 § -Week ago.. 91.4 101.5 100 9 61.8 110.0 Month ago. 90.5 101.0 100.4 03.8 109.. Year ago . 89.9 103.2 104.9 73.5 115.9 1948 high. 82.3 101.0 101.1 06 9 110.2 1948 low 87.7 99.8 98.0 00.2 10< (Complled by the Asaocated Press.) Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. May 18 (4b (USDA)—Sal-, able hogs. 12,00; total. 14,500; unevenly 35-75 higher on all weights and sows; , opened active but closed slow with part or advance lost: top. 23.25; little above 23.00; good and choice 170-240 pounds. 22.25-23.00; 250-270 pounds, 21.00-22.00; 280-300 pounds. 19.50-20.75: few 325 275 pounds, 18.00-19.50; most good 350 600 pound sows, 15.50-17.00; good clesr *nSalable cattle. 6.000: total. 0.000; sal able calves. 700; total. 700; led steers BANKRUPTCY NOTICE. 55 THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Co lumbia, Bankruptcy Division.—In the mat ter of Homer Earl WUllner. Bankrupt.—-In Bankruptcy, No. 4450.—NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS —To the cred itors of Homer Earl WilUner of Washing ton. D. C.. a bankrupt; NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN that said Homer Earl Wllliner has been duly adjudged a bankrupt on a petition filed by (or against) him. on April 30. 1948, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of the Referee in Bankruptcy. 321 Tower Build ing. 14th and K Sts. N.W.. Washington. D. C.. on May 26. 1948. at 2:00 o'clock p.m.. at which place and time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, appoint a committee or creditors, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may prop erly come before said meeting. Dated at Washington, D. C.. May 12. 1948. JOHN A. BRESNAHAN. Referee in_BsnkrU{>tcy. PROPOSALS. COMMISSIONERS. D. C.. Washington. D. C.. May 17, 1948. Sealed proposals will be received In Room 609. District Build ing, until 2 p m., Daylight Saving Time. May 27. 1948. and then publicly opened and read for the construction of service sewer, O St. and branch ave. s.e.. be tween 30th st. and Pennsylvania ave.. and watermain extension vicinity Branch ave.. O and Que sts. This project consists of 35 lin. ft. of 5'9" dia. brick and concrete sewer: 3,725 lin. ft. of 10". 12", 15" and 18" dia. terra cotta pipe sewer and 990 lin. ft. of 8" dia. cast iron watermain. Plans, proposals and specifications may be obtained in Room 427, District Build ing. _ — WAR HOUSING SALE—Investment oppor tunity. 1,582 rentsl units located In In dustrially rich Orange, Tex., will be sold as a whole on a competitive bid basis. Present occupancy 97rs: condition of prop erty. good: future outlook for Orange, bright. Prospects for continued demand for rental housing are excellent. 8ealed proposals will be received until 3, CST, June 17, 1948, and then publicly opened In Room 821, T. & P. Passenger Building. Ft. Worth. Tex. The right Is reserved as the interest of the Government may require to reject any and all bids. For complete Information, including de scription of the property, construction cost, Income, operating expense_ data, write, are or caU Frank Wood. Regional Bales Beer. Public Housing Administration, |^pP&n«»' £8jgjfc and yearling* , Including.yearling hellers, fteftdy to 25 hither; medium and low-good grades steady: seven loads choice steers and yearlings topped at .14.26; less active market on medium and low-good steers at 28.50-11 50; very active, however, an av erage-good and choice kinds at lino upward: choice 900-pound heifers, li on. most heifers. 11.00-12.50: cows steady to ■trong: most been cows 21.00-25.00; high good oflerlngs to 28.00; bulls 26 higher at 26 25 down- vealera firm at 3100 down Salable sheep. 500: total, 500: about 100 head mixed truck-ins sold around steady; deck mostly^ medium grade No 3 pelted 83-pound lambs. 25.50 with yearling end out at 23.50; few good wooled ewes. 13.85; small lota good and choice shorn ewes. 13.60-14.00. Reeves Brothers, Inc., declared an extra dividend of 25 cents and a regular quarterly of 25 cents, both payable July 1. Quarterly payments of 25 cents have been made since October, 1946. r-1 First Trust LOANS On Real Estate P. J. WALSHE, INC. U1B Ere St. N.W. NA. MBS k A Builders Construction Loans Grad Locations In the District of Colombia and Maryland Loans Made ler 20 Years and 6 Months Immediate Berries Phillips, Canby & Fuller, Inc. 1012 15th St. N.W. NA. 4600 R.C.Allen ADDING MACHINE A fast, accurate figuring machine which. offers you greatest dependability at lowest cost , • f columns electric listing ond adding • Direct subtraction ,wr«v • Subtracted items printed in red DELIVER! • Automatic clear signal, totol ond sab-total mochonisai • Full, flexible, high-speed keyboard • 5Vj" carriage — larger corriage available Cat R. C. ALLEN BUSINESS MACHINES, INC.!sn,s 1311 G STREET N.w, MACHINES whcug»t*!« NAtionol 8582 TV# retired! A systematic plan af saving E made it possible E ... now I can enjoy myself." I Start saving today • . . drop In at Interstate's conveniently located office BUILDING ASSOCIATION WetMeften BIS*., l*t*i S*. A N«w Y«rk *v«. Dl»trlct *300