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VMrOH Ot anaUKB GRIMES. THORNTON ALEXANDER. We wish to thank our many friends of the churches and organizations for their kindness and their expressions of sym pathy during the illness and death of our husband and brother, THORNTON ALEXANDER GRIMES. WIFE, MRS RUTH B GRIMES: SISTER. ESTHER BAKER: BROTHER. CHARLES GRIMES AND SISTER-IN-LAW, MAG GIE GRIMES. THORP. MARTIN ROBERT. The fam ily of the late MARTIN ROBERT THORP wishes to thank their relatives, friends and members of the Masonic Fraternity lor their many kindnesses and expres sions of sympathy during their recent bereavement. WIFE AND FAMILY. • SratfjB ADAMS, ALBERT. Suddenly, on Mon day. May 17. 1948. at his residence, 277 68th st. n.e., ALBERT ADAMS, beloved husband of the late Clara Adams and devoted son of Mrs Martha Dcrsey. Also surviving are six children, one brother three grandchildren, a daughter-in-law. a son-in-law, other relatives and many friends. After 10 am. Thursday. May 20. friends are invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home, 1820 Sth st. n.w. Requiem mass will be celebrated at the Holy Redeemer Catholic Church. New York and New Jersey aves. n.w.. on Fri day. May 21. at 0 a m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 20 BALL. ALVINA CECELIA. On Monday. May 17, 1948, at Providence Hosnitai. ALVINA CECELIA BALL of 1402 E st. s.e.. beloved wife of Thomas P. Ball, mother of Henry T.. Frederick G.. sr„ and William E. Ball: grandmother of Fred erick G. Ball. tr.. and Elizabeth Ann Ball. Funeral from the James T. Ryan Funeral Home, 317 Pa. ave. s.e., on Thursday, May 20, at 8:30 a m : thence to the Church of the Holy Comforter, where mass will be offered at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 19 BAUMEL, T/S RUBEN. On June 28. 1945, in France, T/5 RUBEN BAUMEL. beloved son of Anna Baumel and beloved brother of Mrs. Rebecca Finkelstein. Fu neral services at the Bernard Danzansky & Son Funeral Home, 3501 14th st, n.w.. on Friday. May 21. at 12:30 p.m. In terment Beth Sholom Cemetery. 20 BAUMEL, T/S RUBEN. The District of Columbia Department. Jewish War Veterans of the U. S. A., request members of its post to attend funeral services for T/5 RUBEN BAUMEL to be held on Friday, May 21. 1948. at 12:30 p.m.. at the Ber nard Danzansky & Son Fu neral Home. 3501 J4th st n.w. 8IOMUND DANZANSKY. Dept. Comdr. MELVIN E. LEWIS, Adit. BEALL. WALTER. On Monday. May 17. 1948. WALTER BEALL, husband of Catherine Fallon Beall, father of W. Roycc Beall, Donald S. Beall and Betty Beall; brother of Frank H. Beall of Baltimore. Md„ and Fannie W. Euren. „Pvneral serv ices at his late residence, 3945 Garrison st n.w., on Thursday. May 20, at - p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. , , J-* . BEALL, WALTER. A special communl m cation of Hope Lodge, No 20. m. F. A. A. M . is hereby called for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother. WALTER BEALL, on Thursday. May 20, 1948, at 1 p.m. ^ JAMES M BERNARD. Master. Attest: PAUL B ELCAN. Secretary. 20 BOUCHARD, ETHEL LOUISE. On Tues day May 18. 1948, at the home of her brother. E. M. Thompson of Pender, Va., ETHEL LOUISE BOUCHARD, beloved wife of Gilbert R. and mother of Betty J ■ Jimmy L. and Carole Ann Nolan, sister of Mrs. Elsie Smith. Willis. Louis and Elbert Thompson. Funeral services at the Fair fax Methodist Church cn Thursday. May 20. at 3:30 p m. Interment Flint Hill Cemetery. Oakton, Va. BRADECAMP. ANDREW J. on lues day. May 18. X«48. at his re^d^e. 3415 Hamilton st., Hyattsville, Md., ANDREW J BRADECAMP, beloved brother of Mrs. Nora Johnson, Mrs. Annie J. Mrs. Dave Seek and Mrs. Clarence Rogers. Friends may call at Gasch s Funeral Home Hyattsville, Md. Services at the above funeral home on Thursday. May 20, at f» ;tO a.m.; thence to St. Jerome s Cath olic Church, Hyattsville, Md.. where mass will be offered at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment George Wash ington Cemetery. 1 ' CAMPBELL, HATTIE. Departed this life Sunday. May 10. 1948. ^re'eAMp' dence. 2544 9th st. n.w., HATTIE CAMP BELL. She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted daughter, Edith Crowder; a grand aon, Herbert Crowder: a sister Mrs. Emma Dixon; two nieces, Mrs. Willena Parke, and Junlta Bailey: two nephews, Robert and George Gray, and other relatives and friends. After 3 nm Wednesday. May 19. friends may call at Frazier s Funeral Home, Inc., 389 R. I. ave. n.w. Funeral on Thursday, Mas 20. at 9 a m. Irom the Holy Redeemer Catholic Church. In terment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 19 CAMPBELL, MARGARET W. On Tues day. May 18, 1048. at Prince Georges Hospital. Cheverly, Md.. MARGARET W. CAMPBELL, beloved wife ol Benjamin R. Campbell, mother of John W.. James w . and Carol C. Campbell and sister of Mrs J. Lynch. Mrs. Charles Lambert and Mrs. J. B. Morris. Funeral fesm the T F Costello Funeral Home. 1,2'. North Capitol st.. on Thursday, May 20. at 2 p m Relatives and friends invited. In terment F’ort Lincoln Cemetery. CARTER, KATE M. On Tuesday. May 18, 1948. at her residence. 2049 15th st. £ W-. KATE M. CARTER, wife of the late Thofnas Carter and beloved mother of Mrs Marlon V. Jackson and Lloyd Nalle Monroe. She also leaves other relatives and friends. Friends may call at the W Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 143. You at. n.w., after 10 a.m. Thursday, May JO. Funeral services on Friday. May 21. at i:30 p.m., at the above funeral church, elatives and friends Invited. Interment armony Cemetery. -o ~~ FUNERAL DIRECTORS. FRANK GEIER'S SOTf CO. FUNERAL HOME_ 3805 14th St. N.W. HObart 2326 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Formerly at 111.3 7th 8t N W In Case of Death Can I One of the L»rte»t Under taken in the World Complete Funerals | | $95 to $2,000 ! fgmr Lore. Funeral Homo* j Phone CO. 0432 j VTLTSPEARE CO. ^tM.rw0rRt08P^r.C«?aS^hmWeh? 1009 H St. N.W. watlonein*2S92 J. William Lee’s Sons Co. 4th and MasB. Ave N.E. LI- 6200 «th ana J^NFRAL DIRECTORS Crematorium_ "funeral designs._ FLOWERS CHAMBERS has complete Flower Shop. Funeral Designs Special! $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $10. »P to $200 -CALL ; .i JO. 0432 CHACO NAS FLOWERS Beautiful "OR AL^EC |8. *5.00 and .. *500 14th St. N.W. _ Phona Pt. 7121 GUDE BROS. CO. Individually destined Wreaths and Sprayt ffiTV >yiUU,N*tV°—NAtlonal °427a GEO. C. SHAFFER, Inc. S^^PrS^PHO^nT 01*0*6 Cor. 14th & Eye ^aml Sunday ambulances. AMBULANCES DOCTORS CALL • CHAMBERS • For Ambulance, CO. 0432. One of the finest fleets in the world. Rates: $U up to 10 mile radius. Expert attendants. CALL CO. 0432 ~ CEMETERY LOTS. FT. LINCOLN CEMETEKY LOTS; 36 sites; splendid location, near entrance sate; owner ha* left city, will sacrifice for cash. Call KM, 31154.—24 A CHOICE LOTS—National Memorial Park Cemetery; will sell all 5 for $800 cash er^ ^separaUly.^, $n200 each. Call R. O. urauiH CARTER, LOUISE. On Monday. Mav 17, 1948, at Casualty Hospital. LOUISE CARTER of 913 Eye st. n.e.. wife of Elijah Carter and sister of Mr?. Mary Stewart. She also leaves one aunt, one uncle, five nieces, four nephews, other relatives and friends. The late Mrs. Carter may be viewed at the above resi dence after 5 D.m. Thursday. May 20. Funeral on Friday, May 21, from the Nash M. E. Church. 16th and Levis sts. n.e.. at 1 p.m. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. Services by Stewart. 20 COMPTON, SALLIE ANN. On Monday. May 17. 1948, at her residence. Clifton. Va.. SALLIE ANN COMPTON, beloved wife of Perry F. Comnton. mother of Mrs. Lake E. Violet, Mrs. Aleen Leith and Perry Lee Compton; sister of Mrs. E. Violet, Mrs. Elizabeth Monroe and William Steel. Serv ices at the Everly Funeral Home. Fair fax. Va., on Thursday. May 20. at 2 p.m. Interment Fairfax Cemetery. Remains resting at the above funeral home. CONNELLY, WILLIE AGNES. On Tues day, May 18, 1948. a Montgomery County General Hospital, WILLIE AGNi^ CONNELLY, beloved wife of Michael Wal lace Connelly and mother of Ethel V..| Lloyd W. Douglas W.. Dorothy M., Don-! aid E. Franklin P.. Anna L.. Raymond! E and Paul R. Connelly. Remains rest ing at the Colonial Funeral Home cl Wm. Reuben Humphrey. Rockville. Mo. Funeral services on Thursday. May -0. at 2 p.m., at the Hunting Hill Meth odist Church. Interment Dames.own Presbyterian Church Cemetery. COX. EMMA LECKIE. On Tuesday. Mav IS. 11*48. at Washington Sanuarium. EMMA LECKIE COX oi 3133 Conn ave. n.w., wife of the late Justice Joseph W. Cox, mother of Melville B. and A Leckie Cox, Mrs. John MacKinnon and the late Col. Joseph W. Cox. jr.: sister of Mrs. Catherine Gibson and Mrs. Leroy Free mire, both of Washington, D. C., and Roo ert Leckie of Huntington, W. Va Re mains resting at the 8 H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 3901 14th st. n.w.. until 9 p.m. Wednesday. May 19. Serv- i ices and interment Independence, Va,. on Thursday. May 30. Please omit flowers. EDWARDS. ANNA LOUISE. On Tues day. May 18, 1048. ANNA LOUISE ED WARDS. beloved wife of Arthur Edwards and mother of John T. and Joseph P. Gilmore, Edna M. Bioxton and Catherine A Rupp Remains resting at Chambers Funeral Home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. until I Thursday, May 30. at 9:30 a m. Grave side services and interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery, at 10 a.m. EDWARDS. EMMA JANE. On Tuesday, < May 18, 1948, at the home of her niece, Mrs. O. L. Nevitt. 104 West,Monroe ave., ] Alexandria. Va.. EMMA JANr. EDWARDS. Funeral services on Frida:/. May -i. ai 11 am. at the Cunmngnam Funeral ; Home. Interment Remington, Va. FORSTER, REV. ARTHUR C. On Sun- ! day, May 16. 1948- at his residence. 404 . 1st st. n.w., Rev. ARTHUR C. FORSTER. ; husband of Martha Forster, father of Andrew Forster and brother of Lome Coward, Jennie Hunter and Nettie Webb. , Many other relatives and fiends also . survive. Friends may call at the Maivan . & Schey Funeral Home, N. J. ave. and , R st. n.w., after 3 p.m. Wednesday. May 19 Funeral from the Mount Carmel Bap- 1 tis't Church on Thursday. May 20. at 1 1 p.m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Ceme tery. GOODRICH, LYDIA DEVERS. On Wed nesday, May 19, 1948, at the Masonic and Eastern Star Home, 60oo New HarnD shire ave. n.e., LYDIA DEVERS GOOD RICH, aunt of Mrs. Rosilla Carver of Wash ington. D. C. and Mrs. Linwood Lloyd of i Groverton, Va. Services at the S H Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w., on Saturday, May 22, at 10 a.m. Interment Bethel Cemetery. Alexandria. GRAPE, EI-LEN K. Departed this lift ; on Monday, May 17. 1U4S, Mrs. ELLEN, K GRAPE (nee Kennedy), beloved wife,1 of John W. Grape and mother of Theodore S. Grape of Washington and Nellie W. I Grape of Chicago, f uneral services will 11 be held on Thursday. May 20. with a i requiem high mass at St. Thecla s Church.,; Plateni and Oak Park ave. Buriaj at ] Mount Olivet Cemetery, in Norwood Park. • ill. ! ] GRAVES, NATHANIEL, JR. Suddenly, I; on Wednesday. May 10, DHS. at his resi- , dence, 745 Park rd. n.w., NATHANIEL GRAVES. Jr„ father of Mrs. B. G. Harris, brother of Mrs. Augusta Douclass. Mrs. Margaret Morton and Richard Grayest devoted friend of Mrs. Agnes Blair. Also 1 surviving are other relatives and many friends. Notice of funeral later. Ar rangements by McGuire. 2U GREEN, HUGH. On Tuesday, May 18. 1948. HUGH GREEN of 1312 Corcoran st n.w., husband of Lxmella Green and j brother of Mary Berry, Came Brown, j Elijah, Allen and Arthur Green. He also , leaves six nieces, five nephew’s, other < relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Services by Stewart. HAYES, MARGARET A. On Sunday. , May 10. 1948, at Atlanta. Ga.. MAR- ] GARET A. HAYES, wife of the late Oliver ] Hayes and mother of Helen and Haliie ■ Hayes, both of Atlanta. Ga. She also is , survived by a grandson, Richard, and two great-grandchilcren. Friends may call at Gawler’s Chape.. 1750 Pa. ave. n v . wheie services will be held on Thurs- 1 day. May 2u, at 11 a m. Intermeni pri- ■ vate. 1J i HAWKINS, LILLIAN (DEE). Departed * this me on S-iioay, May id. 1948. at ; *>:.«) p.m.. after a bnel 'ilne»s. LILLIAN ■ (DEE > HAWKINS of 1518 B st. s.e.. sister * of Beatrice Young ana Edward Hawkins. She also leaves one aunt, two uncles, three < nephews, five nieces and a host of other relatives and lriends. The late Miss Hawkins may be viewed at the above residence after 5 p.m Wednesday, May i 19. Funeral on Thursday. May 20. from the Friendship Baptist Church. 1st and J H sts. s.w., at 1 p.m. Interment Payne ® < Cemetery. Services by Stewart. 19 j LANGLEY. WILLIAM M. On Monday. May 17, 1948, at Camp Ritchie Hospital, Cascade! Md., WILLIAM M. LANGLEY, beloved husband of Myrtle Langley of J Annapolis. Md, Remains resting at the Taylor Funeral Home. 14/ Giouster st., i Annapolis, Md. Services will be heid on Friday. May 21. at 10 a.m., at c St. Mary s Church, Annapolis. Md. t Friends and relatives invited to attend, t Interment St. Mary s Cemetery. 20 ] MACKEL, JAMBS UAKNLLU. vju day. May 18,‘ 11*48, at his residence. 1354 Canal st. s.w., JAMES GARFIELD: MACKEL. He leaves nis wife. Mary ( B.anche Mackel. one daughter. Mary Vir iie Mackel; one son. James Raymond! Mackel; one brother. Sales Harper: two, stepchildren. Elpanor Thompson and Jo-, sepn Savoy otner relatives and frienos r Notice ol funeral later. Arrangements by l Eugene Ford. MARSH, CHARLES E. On Tuesday,! Mav 18, 1048, alter a long Llncss, at Mount Vernon Sanitarium. CHARLES t.; MARSH of 4.640 Cathedral ave. n.w.. be-j lured brother of Bertha A. Marsh, berv- , Ices at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Horne. , "901 14th st. n.w., on Thursday. May Jo, at 3 p.m. Interment Glenwood Ceme tery. , MARTIN, EDWIN A. On Tuesday. May . IS, 1948, at his residence, 1620 Fuher st. n.w.. EDWIN A MARTIN, beloved husband of the late Margaret Nolan Martin, father of Mildred M. Paddock, grandfather of Mildred P. Richards and brother of Mrs. Lawrence A. Curtis. Fu neral from the Collins Funeral Home. 3811 i 14th st. n.w.. on Thursday, May 20, at I 2 pm. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. MARTIN, EDWARD A. A special com munication of Benjamin B. French Lodge, No. 15. F. A A. M , Is called for Thursday. May t 20, 1948. at 1:15 p.m., for the purpose of conducting Masonic ' burial services for our late broth er, EDWIN A. MARTIN. EDWARD A. HYDE. Master. j HARRY L. STRANG III. Secretary. McCULLY. HAMILTON M. On Sunday. I May If). 1948. HAMILTON M. McCULLY, ol 3871 Alabama ave. s.e.. beloved hus-| hand of Elizabeth G. MeCully. father of Mrs. Dorothy J. Wilcher and Janies M.! McCullv and brother of Mrs. J. R. Roberts! and Mrs. Hale Showalter. Also surviving: are six grandcliLdren. Funeral- services > at the Simmons Bros. Funeral Home. "007 Nichols ave. s.e.. on Thurscay. May j 20. at 1 p.m. Relatives and friends in- 1 vited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 19 1 McCULLY, HAMILTON M. The New Jerusalem Lodge, No. 9. F. A. A. M. will hold a special commu- 1 nication on Thursday. May 20, i 1948. at 11:45 a m., at the Ma- 1 S sonic Temple. 13th st. and New i * York ave., for the purpose of j - conducting the Masonic burial services for our late brother, HAMILTON : M. McCULLY. ! WILLIAM MARKEY, Worshipful Master. MILLS. PFC. CHARLES ROBERT. On . June 16. 1944. at Normandyv j France. Pfc. CHARLES ROBERT < sHS MILLS, beloved son of Charles L. and Irene G. Mills of 1702 Soutn Oakland st.. Arlington. Va. Fu neral services will be held at Arlington National Cemetery on Thursday. May 20. | at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited ■ to attend. 19* ■ MURPHY. JOHN J. Members of Bunker , Hill Post. No. 31. the Amer- ; i B ican Legion, will assemble at JS the late residence of Comrade , (£ .JOHN J. MURPHY. 4304 10th , st. n.e., on Wednesday. May j, 9 19. at 8:30 p.m.. when thej. waatate- post wi'l conduct services. Fu- j neral will be on Thursday. May 20. at : 10 a.m.. from St. Anthony's Church. ; Burial in Arlington National Cemetery. ! THCS P ROYSTER. Commander. : W. R BRENNAN. Adjutant. 19 j MURPHY. CAPT. JOHN J.. U. S. A. (RETIRED). On Tuesday. May L» - - 18, 1948. at Walter Reed Gen- ; [WRyS eral Hospital. Capt. JOHN J ; E-S? MURPHY. U. S. A. (retired), be- ! loved husband ol Helen H. Mur- ; phy of 4304 10th st n.e . father - of John J. Murphy. Jr., and ■ brother of Mrs Maude C. McDonald. Fu- i neral from the above residence on Thurs day. May 20. at 9 a.m. High requiem mass at St. Anthony's Church at 9:30 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. MURPHY. CAPT. JOHN J.. U. S. A. — (RETIRED). Members of St. Anthony's Post. No. 230. Cath olic War Veterans, are request [»w ed to attend the services for our ■I late comrade. Cant. JOHN J. B\ MURPHY. U S. A (retired), at his late home. 4.104 10th st. on Wednesday. May 19. 1948. at p.m.. for recital of prayers. WILLIAM A. OTLEY. Adjt. FRANCIS J. CLAVELOUX. Comdr. NEWLON. ELIZABETH L. On Monday. Mav IT. 1948. at .he residence of her daughter. Miss Katherine K Newlon of 1303 South Lee hwv., ELIZABETH L NEWLON. wife of the late Wa ter R . Newlon rr.cther of Mrs W. L. Hosan and Richard L Newlon; sister of Mrs. Estelle Kerfoot. Friends may call at the De maine Memorial Chape!. 529 South Wash ington s'... Alexandria, where services will be he’d on Thursday. May 20. at 2 p.m. Interment Ivy Hills Cemetery. NEWMAN, JOYCE E. On Tuesday. May IS. 1948. at City Hospital. Welfare Island. N Y . JOYCE E. NEWMAN, beloved daugh ter of George A. and Violet Newman and sister of George, jr.; Donald and Roger Newman. Remains resting at the Elkins Funeral Home. Fredericksburg. Va. Serv ices on Friday. May 21. at 2 pm. at the Goldvien Baptist Church. Goldvlen. Va. Funeral for Waller Beall ro Be Held Tomorrow Funeral services for Walter Beall, 56, vice president of the Kirby Litho graph Co., will be held at 2 p.m. to morrow at his home, 3945 Garrison street N.W. Burial will be in Rock Creek Cemetery. He died Monday at his home after a long illness. In 1927, Mr. Beall helped form the Kirbv firm which now is located at 1320 F street N.W. He retired from active work five years ago, but re mained as vice president of the company. He was born in Washington, the son of the late William H. and Fannie Williams Beall. He attended Central High School and about 1900 aecame an apprentice with the Norris-Peters Lithographing Co. Later he worked for the Sackett Wilheim Lithographing Co. and the Columbia Planograph Co. He was a member of Hope Masonic Lodge, No. 20. Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Catherine Fallon Beall; a daughter, Miss Betty Beall; two sons, Donald 5. and W. Royce Beall; a sister, Mrs. Fannie Euren, all of Washington, ind a brother, Frank H. Beall, Baltimore. Charles C. Pettijohn Dies; Former Movie Counsel By th« Associated Press INDIANAPOLIS. May 19.—Charles 3. Pettijohn. 67. of Rye, N. Y., for ner general counsel for the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors >f America, died today in a hos >ital here. Mr. Pettijohn, ill for several years, ■eturned here recently to put him ielf under the care of his brother, Dr. B. B. Pettijohn, an Indianapo is physician. Mr. Pettijohn, a native of Indian ipolis, formerly practiced law here. ie retired in 1942 as general coun lel of the producers and distribu ors’ organization and began prac ,icing law in New York. Sfalhi* PILSON. MRS. BENJAMIN F. On Wei lesday. May 10, 1948. at her residence. 825 Phelps pi. n.w . Mrs. BENJAMIN F ’ILSON (nee Margaret Hustoni. mother of Jrs. Charles Adams Wood. Mrs. Robert » Guiler. Mrs. Marguerite Dove. Mrs crank C. Lee. Maurice C. Pilson. Samuel A. Pilson. Edwin H. Pilson and the late taymond H. Pilson. Notice of services ater. PRATHER. HESTER. On Tuesday. May 8. 1948. at her residence. 122 You st. i w., HESTER PRATHER, devoted aunt if Allen Prather and Hester Rowe. Also urviving are other relatives and many riends. After 1 n.m Friday. May 21, riends are invited to cal! at the McGuire Cuneral Home. 1820 9th st. n.w.. where ervices will be held on Saturday. May !2, at 11 a m. Interment Lincoln Me norial Cemetery. 21 PROCTOR, MAUDE. On Sunday. May 6. 1948, at Freedmen's Hospital. MAUDE ’ROCTOR of 923 Eastern ave. n.e. She s survived by three neDhews and many ither relatives and friends. Remains esting at the Henry S. Washington & Ions Funeral Home, 4925 Deane ave. n.e., Iter 6 p.m. Wednesday, May 19. Fu leral on Thursday, May 20. at 2 P.m.. rom the Conte A. M. E. Zion Church, Jivislon ave. at Karl pi. n.e., Rev. Charles 1. Bourne officiating. Relatives and riends Invited. Interment Woodlawn lemetery. 19 ROUTT, E. ROT. On Wednesday, May 9. 1948, at his home, 11702 Ga. ave., lilver Spring. Md., E. ROY ROUTT, be oved husband of Esther Raye Routt. Mr. toutt rests at the Warner E. Pumphrey cuneral Home. 8434 Ga. ave.. Silver Ipring, Md. Notice of services later. ROWELL, WILLIAM H. On Monday. Jay 17. 1948, at Staunton. Va.. WILLIAM 1 ROWELL, formerly of Washington. 1 C.. grandson of the late William and ■latiida Horstman and nephew of the late Selma Horstman. Services at the S. H. lines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th 6". i.w„ on Thursday, May 20, at 2 P.m. nterment Ivy Hill Cemetery. SMALLWOOD, WILLARD R. On Tues lav. May 18, 1948. at his home. 104 tale dr.. Silver Spring. Md.. WILLARD 1. SMALLWOOD, beloved husband of loralee A. Smallwood. Mr. Smallwood ests at the Warner E. Pumphrey Fu teral Home. 8434 Ga. ave , Silver Spring, Id., where services will be held on Thurs ;ay, May 20. at 2:30 P.m. Interment It. Mark'* Church Cemetery, Highland, Id. 20 SMI I n, znsesi J. un xuesuaj. mnj 8. 1948, ERNEST J. SMITH of 3219 2th st. n.e., beloved father of Bernard . Smith and Jane S. Pratt: brother of .nnle E. Smith. Funeral from the Frank ieier Funeral Home. 3005 14th st. n.w., n Friday, May 21. at 8:30 a m. Re uiem high mass at St. Anthony's Church t 9 a m. Relatives and friends invited, nterment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 20 SMITH. ERNEST J. Members of Wash — ington General Assembly, Fourth Jfift Degree. Knights of Columbus, are notified of the deaih of Sir Knight ERNEST J. SMITH, and are requested to assemble at the tff funeral home of Frank Geier, 3603 14th st. n.w.. at 8 p.m. rhursday, May 20, 1948. for the recita ion of prayers. HARRY R. STATHAM. F. N. CHARLES M. CONNOR, F. C. 20 SMITH, ERNEST J. Members of Po tomac Council, No. 433. Knights of Columbus, are noti fied of the death of ERNEST J. SMITH and are requested to assemble at the Frank Geier Funeral Home, 3005 14th st. n.w., on Thursday. May 20, 948. at 8 p.m.. for the recitation of irayers for the repose of his soul. S B. WOOLLS. Grand Knight. ROBERT M. WOOLLS, Fin. Sec. 20 SMITH, SIR NOBLE ERNEST J. Sir Nobles of Alcantara Caravan, No. JKT 12. Order of Alhambra, are re rH\ quested to meet at the Frank [MB Geier Funeral Parlor, 3605 14th EJW St. n.w.. on Thursday, May 20, 1948. at 8 p.m. ,EO N. McGUIRE, Grand Comdr. 20 TEGELER. HENRY G. On Tuesday. fay 18, 1848, at his residence, 17724 'amum st. n.w., HENRY G. TEGELER, eloved husband of the late Anne Lee 'egeler, father of Mrs. Cleve Van Drlesen nd Mrs. Hubert F. Tettman: grandfather f Dr. Richard Henry Fischer. Friends lay call at the Lee Funeral Home, 4th t. and Mass. ave. n.e., where services •ill be held on Thursday. May 20. at p.m. Interment Congressional Ceme ery. Kindly omit flowers. 19 TEGELER, HENRY G. A special com munication of Harmony Lodge. No 17. F. A. A. M . has been called for 1 n.m. Thursday, May 20, at the Masonic Temple. 13th st. and N. Y. ave. n.w_. to attend the funeral oi our late brother, 1ENRY G. TEGELER. The members of iarmony Lodge are urged to attend. HARVEY G. ST ALLEY, Master. 19 THOMAS, MINNIE J. Suddenly, on Monday. May 17. 1948. at Casually Hos lital. MINNIE J. THOMAS of 1117 C t. s.e . beloved wife of John W. Thomas nd sister of Mrs. Frances Simrjl. She Iso leaves other relatives and friends, 'he late Mrs Thomas may be viewed t the above residence after 4 pmi. Wed esday. May 19. Funeral on Thursday, lay 20, from the Ebenezer Methodist ihurch. 4th and D sts. s.e.. at 2:30 p.m., lev. J. H. Peters officiating. Interment ,incoln Memorial Cemetery. Services by Itewart. 19 WALKER, MABEL. Departed this life in Tuesday, May 18. 1948. at 6:30 a m., t Garfield Hospital. MABEL WALKER, wloved wife of Allen Walker of 2333 iherman ave. n.w. She also leaves sev ral cousins. Blanche Moore. Agnes King, fiola Robinson and several others, besides nany devoted friends to mourn their loss, lotlce of funeral hereafter. • WALKER. WILLIAM FREDERICK. On Tuesday. May 18. 1948, at his home. 7 lonn. ave.. Kensington. Md.. WILLIAM 'REDERICK WALKER, beloved husband if Jeannette Palmer Walker and father if Mrs. Inez Walker Curtis. Rcma.ts esting at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase . u leral Home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey. Setheeda. Md.. where funeral services will le held on Friday. May 21. at 11 a m. nterment Rockville Union Cemetery. 20 WATERS, MINNIE W. On Monday. May SC. 1948. at Freedmen’s Hospital. MIN IIE W. WATERS, beloved mother of Katl; ,f DAVIS, Percie V. Brown. George, Harry .ee and Anderson Waters: sister of Orpha ledmond. Grace Smith and Ray and Carl tnderson. Also surviving are eleven :randchildren and a host of other rela lves and friends. Remains resting at he Snowden & Davis Funeral Home, lockville. Md., alter 3 D.m. Thursday, ilay 20. Funeral ’on Friday. May 21, it 2 p.m.. from the Jerusalem Church, lockville. Md.. Rev. W. E. Williams of lciatln*. Interment Lincoln Park Ceme ;ery. 20 WILSON. JOSEPHUS. suoaemy, on Saturday, May IS, 1948. at Leor.ardtown, Md . JOSEPHUS WILSON of 63 Que st. n.w., tieloved husband of Evelyn Wilson; brothel nf Elia Mae Little. He also leaves a fostei lather, three nieces, one nephew, other relatives and friends. The late Mr. Wilson tnav be viewed at Stewart's Funeral Home, 10 H st. n.e.. after 5 D m. Wednesday. May 1!». where services will be held Thursday, Way 20, at *j:3t) a m. Interment Arling ton National Cemetery. 19 WILSON. JOSEPHUS. Members of the James Rees? Europe Post. No 5. American Lesion, will hoic funeral services for our late comrade. JOSEPHUS WILSON at the Stewart Funera1 Home .10 H st. n.e . on Wednesday __ May 19. 15*48. a: 8 p.m. LUCIUS L. KENERSON. Commander. H. J. BULLOCK, Sr.. Adjt. UNDEKWOOD, JOSEPH THOMAS. Or Tuesday, May 18. 1948. at his home near Damascus. Md. JOSEPH THOMAf UNDERWOOD, beloved husband of Olr Waddell Underwood. Mr. Underwood resti at the Beall Funera! Home, Damascus Md. Setvices on Thursday. May 20 at 2 p.m.. at the Lisbon Baptist Church Lisbon. Mdisinterment church cemetery Funeral Is Set Today For J. F. Richardson, Information Specialist Private funeral services for J. Frederick Richardson, 66, co-ordi nator of information for the House of Representatives since the post was created last year, were to be held today at the Ives funeral home, Arlington. Burial was to be private. Mr. Richardson died Sunday at Arlington Hospital after a brief ill ness. His home was at 418 North Jackson street, Arlington. As co-ordinator of information, Mr. Richardson prepared special studies, questions and answers and information on various subjects for House members. For about five years prior to his appointment he was Washington representative and legislative con tact official for the American En terprise Association, a nonpartisan educational organization which he helped organize. The association rendered free research service to mpmhprs nf Concress. Mr. Richardson was bom in Luray Springs W. Va., and later lived in Fairmont, W. Va., where his father, the late George Richardson, was mayor for eight terms. He was a reporter and editor on the New Orleans Item and afterward was on the staff of the New York Eve ning World. He also was special writer and assignment editor for the Scripps Howard newspaper syn dicate in his earlier years. For more than 25 years Mr. Rich ardson was a familiar figure on Capitol Hill. He worked with the Republican National Congressional Committee and the Republican Com mittee. During the Sixty-sixth Con gress he conducted investigations for a congressional committee on the Merchant Marine and the oper ations of the Shipping Board. During the Sixty-eighth Congress he was chief consulting investigator for a committee investigating mili tary and civilian aviation and the American Merchant Marines. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Evalyn Richardson. Retired Missionary Dies PHILADELPHIA, May 19 OF).— The Rev. Dr. Walter C. Erdman, 70, retired missionary, died Monday night at his home. He was sec retary of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions before becoming a missionary to Korea for the board in 1906. Dr. Erdman remained in Korea until 1929. He was a native of Chicago.__ In jftmnriant DORSEY. JULIA: COLLINS, LUCY: DORSEY. JOHN. Sacred to the memory of our dear mother. JULIA DORSEY, who left us twenty-eight years agoto day, May 19. 1920; our father. JOHN DORSEY, who passed away twelve year* ago. April 24. 1936. and our aunt, LUCY COLLIN8. who also departed this earth twelve years ago today. May 19. 1936. May their souls rest In peace. An niversary mass at St. Cyprian's Church THEIRdCHILDREN1AND NIECES. MAGGIE AND MAMIE. * HOLMES, LUCINDA. In memory of my dear mother. LUCINDA HOLMES, who passed away two years ago today. May 19, 1946. Dear mother, my memory of you Is a beautiful thing I will treasure through the years. Your dear face Is ever before me as I remember you In my prayers. HER DAUGHTER, DORA WALSTON. JONES, CORPL. EARL E. In sad but , loving remembrance of our beloved flAos son and brother. Corpl. EARL E. BBS JONES, who departed this life IS^Ss five years ago today. May 19, r 1943. You've crossed the raging sea of time And left us In the storm; „ The angry billows around us roll. By faith we are sailing on. With only one last hope in view, And this we know Is true. You never can return to us, But we can come to you,__ LOVING MOTHER. MRS. RUTH JONHS; BROTHERS AND SISTERS. * KING, BENJAMIN F, A tribute of love to the memory of our dear friend, BEN JAMIN P. KING, who passed away seven years ago today. May 19, 1941. You had a smile for every one, A heart as pure as gold; To those who knew and loved you. Your memory will never grow old. THE CARTER FAMILY. * KOONCE. MORRISSEY S. In deeply cherished memory to my devoted hus band. MORRISSEY S. KOONCE. who i passed away ten years ago toaay. May ! 10. 19.18. MARGARET KOONCE. * MARTIN. ENSIGN ALVIN RAY, U. ». w. - _ In loving memory of our dear M son and brother. Ensign ALVIN ISSS RAY MARTIN. U. S. N. who ItHM was killed in action in the South W Pacific three years ago today, May 19. 1945. Beyond the fair horizon . The ship has dipped its sails; A brighter harbor beckoned. Where peace and love prevail. But it is lonely here without you. dear. And sad along life's way: It has never seemed the same to us Since you went away. The covers of life’s book are closed For the one we loved so well; The loving deeds of bygone dayg Are what its pages tell. - Each chapter In It leaves a thought As lovely as can be: For us to keep within our hearts. Enshrined in memory. __ _ MOM. DAD AND EDDIE. • MONTUORI. ALLEN J. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of our son and brother. ALLAN J. MONTUORI. who died one year ago today. May 19, 1947, and who sleeps In Arlington Na tional Cemetery. Dearest Allan: . A year ago today our hearts lined with Joy as you were seen in the morn ing sun walking across the lawn. You , were so handsome, gallant and lithe, as are all true athletes. The evening sun closed and brought a btgll. The prayers for the ebbing life in your body were un heeded. With grieving hearts._ YOUR DAD. MOTHER AND BROTHERS. * PFEIFFER. ALBERT. In loving memory of our father and father-in-law. ALBERT PFEIFFER, who passed away seven years ago today, May 19. 1941. Gone, but not forgotten J. E. McKENNA. • SACCHINO. BETTY JEAN. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear daughter and sister. BETTY JEAN SACCHINO, who passed away one year ago today, May 19. 1947. The fair skin blond that was loved by all, With eyes of blue and always true; Her cheecks and lips of rosy oink. Would never tell what she would think. When all alone and out of sight. .... And through the darkness of the night, If we only knew what secrets she hid. We could’ve helped and prayed she would live. But with a pain and aching heart. She passed away one year today. Although we know she rests in peace. Why did they take the one so young, i so fair, so kind and sweet. THE FAMILY OF BETTY JEAN SAC ! CHINO. MOTHER. FATHER; SISTERS. BRENDA, LORRAINE AND MARY ; LOUISE: BROTHER. RICHARD. ! SACCHINO. BETTY JEAN. In sad but loving remembrance of our devoted grand daughter and niece. BETTY JEAN SAC i CHINO, who passed away one year ago | today. May 19. 1947. We stood beside her bedside. And watched her soul depart; And when we saw that she had left u* It almost broke our hearts. Although her soul Is now at rest. And free from care and pain. This world would seem like Heaven If we had her back again. We often sit and think of her When we are all alone. For memory is the only friend That grief can call Its own. We can never forget you, dear Betty. While In this world we stay; God only knows onr feelings Since you have passed away. Sleep on. our darling Betty, Oh. how sweet to breathe thy name; In life we loved you dearly. In death we do the same. NANNIE. FLIP. DOTTY AND VIRGINIA. SMITH. MARGARET S. In sad but loving remembrance of out devoted mother. MARGARET S. SMITH, who departed this life eight years ago today. May 19. 1940 Today recalls a memory Of a dear one laid to rest. And those who think of her today Are the ones who loved her best. HER DEVOTED CHILDREN. SARAH. CHARLES, WILLIAM AND ROSA. WALKER. ELLA. In loving memory oi my mother. ELLA WALKER, who left ms twelve years ago today. May 19. 1930. You’ve crossed the raging sea of time And left me In the storm; The angry billows around me roll. By faith I am sailing on. With only one last hope in view, i And this I know 1* true. Tou never can return to mg, But I can come to you. D*TURNER DAUaHTKR> FLORINC1 t Private Mills' Reburial Set In Arlington Tomorrow Reburial services for Pfc. Charles Robert Mills, 19, who was killed in action June 16, 1944, while fighting with the 47th Infantry, 9th Division in worm anay, will be held at 2 pm. tomorrow at Arlington Cemetery. A native of Washington, Pvt. Mills had lived in Arlington since he was 3. He was gradu ated in 1943 from Washington Lee High School where he was a first lieutenant in the Cadet Corps. He en Pfr. Mills. tered tne service a weea alter ms graduation. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Mills, 1702 South Oakland street, Arlington. Mrs. Pilson, 90, Dies; Lived Here 50 Years Mrs. Benjamin F. Pilson, head of a five generation family, died at her home here this morning at the age of 90. Mrs. Pilson was a great-great grandmother and had lived in the District for more than 50 years. Her residence was at 1825 Phelps place N.W. Mrs. Pilson was born in Louis ville, Ky., in 1857 and was married there to Mr. Pilson, a native of Laurel, Md. After making their home both in Kentucky and in Richmond, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Pil son came to Washington, where Mr. Pilson was a railroad supply business executive. He died in 1912. Mrs. Pilson is survived by 7 chil dren, 20 grandchildren, 19 great grandchildren and '1 great-great grandchild. Her seven sons and daughters are: Mrs. Marguerite Dove, 2220 Twentieth street N.W.; Mrs. Frank C. Lee of the Phelps place address, Mrs. Charles A. Wood, York, Me.; Mrs. Robert Guiler, Philadelphia; Maurice C. Pilson, 2426 Nineteenth street N.W.; Sam uel M. Pilson of Phelps place and Edwin H. Pilson, 2003 Belmont road N.W., who is president of the Du Pont Iron Works here. Mrs. Pilson also is survived by a sister, Mrs. H. C. Corkhill of St. Petersburg, Fla. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Saturday at Mrs. Pilson’s home. Burial will be in Rock Creek Cemetery. Edwin A. Martin, Retired Capital Transit Agent, Dies Edwin A. Martin, 78, retired spe cial agent In the claim department of the Capital Transit Co., died yes terday at his home, 1620 Fuller street N.W. He had been in ill health for three years. A native of Washington, Mr. Martin attended Central High School. For 18 years he was in the claim department of the transit company with offices at Thirty sixth and M streets N.W. He was the company representative in court suits before he retired two years ago. Mr. Martin was a member of the Benjamin B. French Masonic Lodge No. 15 and Hamline Meth odist Church. Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. H. E. Paddock, with whom he lived; a sister, Mrs. Laurence A. Curtis, Washington; a granddaughter, Mrs. H. T. Richards, Madison, Wis., and two great-grandsons. Puneral services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Collins funeral home, 3821 Fourteenth street N.W., with burial in Rock Creek Cemetery. Mrs. Lulie Kedd uarKe, 51, Long Resident Here, Dies Mrs. Lulie Redd Clarke, 81, who was a Washington resident for nfore than 70 years, died yesterday in a hospital in New York after a three month illness. Mrs. Clarke, the widow of Wil liam Penn Clarke, Newport, R. I., had lived in New York for about the last three years. She was bom in Leavenworth, Kans., the daughter of Col. Thomas Porter Redd and Mrs. Mary Jane Hayden Redd. She came to Wash ington with her parents in 1869. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Edgar R. Kiess, widow of Rep resentative Kiess of Pennsylvania, and two granddaughters, Mrs. Sid ney Wood and Miss Mary Jane Kiess, all of New York. Private funeral and burial serv ices will be held tomorrow morning in New York City. _ Petworth Citizen Group Votes to Incorporate The Petworth Citizens Associa tion last night voted to apply for incorporation papers. The motion, introduced by John S. Hamill, treasurer, was passed unanimously. William F. Boardman of the Dis trict Highway Department gave the group an idea of what they may ex pect if they motor out of the city in the coming months. In a high way survey planned for the District, motorists entering and leaving Washington may be stopped by po lice on the main “feeder” highways into town. The survey officials then will take over and ask each motorist his starting point and destination. Officials also will visit District homes to ask motorists where they went the day before. Part of the survey consists of a cross-section census to investigate traffic inside the city. The association condemned the action of the Zoning Commission in refusing to allow property owners in the 3700 block of New Hampshire avene N.W. a hearing on their pe tition to rezone the balance of that block as first commercial. The meeting was conducted by Harry O. Craver, president, in the Petworth Library. Senate Confirms Newcomer The Senate yesterday confirmed the nomination of Brig. Gen. Fran cis K. Newcomer to be governor of the Panama Canal. Action was by voice vote. Hyattsville Science Fair Set A science fair sponsored by the Hi-Sci Club of Hyattsville High School will be open to the public at 8 pm. tomorrow in connection with a parent-teacher meeting at the school. 1 Rites Set Tomorrow For W. R. Smallwood Funeral services for Willard R. Smallwood, 60, Montgomery County ■ contractor who died of a heart at- ] tack yesterday at his home, 104 Dale drive. Silver Spring, will be held at 2:30 pm. tomorrow from the Warner E. Pumphrey funeral home, 8434 Georgia avenue. The Rev. Robert Trenbath, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Ta koma Park, will have charge of the service and burial will be in St. Mark’s Cemetery at Highland, Md. Mr. Smallwood had been a resi dent of Silver Spring for 22 years and was head of the firm of Small wood & Co., highway contractors. For six years he was partner in the firm of Eyre & Smallwood before |s buying out the business and oper-: ating it under his own name a ; year ago. He was a member of the * Optimist Club. A native and long a resident of . Fulton, Md., he married Miss Dora- 1 lee Aitcheson of Montgomery Coun ty, who survives him. i - i Henry G. Tegeler, 84, Dies;; Retired Postal Official Henry G. Tegeler, 84, retired chief of the inquiry section of the City Post Office, died yesterday at his home, 1724 Varnum street N.W. Mr. Tegeler was a lifelong Wash ington resident and attended public schools here. In 1883 he began his 49-year career with the Post Office as a carrier. He later was made superintendent of special delivery and was head of the inquiry section i when he retired in 1932. He was a member of Harmony Masonic Lodge, No. 17, for 35 years, and was a member of the Manor Club. Mr. Tegeler and his wife, the late Mrs. Anna Lee Tegeler, who died in 1944, celebrated their golden < wedding anniversary in 1938. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Cleve Van Driesen, with whom he lived; Mrs. Hubert P. Teitman, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; two sisters, Mrs. J. Philip Herrmann, Tilden Gardens; Mrs. John French, Al bany, N. Y.; a grandson, Dr. Rich- I ard Henry Fischer, and two great granddaughters, all of Washington. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Lee funeral home. Fourth and Massachusetts | avenue N.E. Burial will be in Con- j gressional Cemetery. 36th Division Plans Dance The District Branch of the 36th (Texas) Infantry Division Associa tion will give a supper dance for all foAier officers and enlisted men of the division at 7 p.m. Friday in the Fort McNair Officers’ Club, Fourth and P streets S.W. ONUMENTS ?40UP MARKERS M5«t FALVEV .GRANITE CO. INC Established 50 Years 209 UPSHUR STNW Near Here Crete Cemetery •ilMORMOO . > We nova received many letters from bereaved fam ilies thanking us for the kindly, sympathetic and dignified manner in which we served—glowing trib utes to our organization. Veterans' Families Call this firm without forfeiting any veterans’ funeral allowance to which you are entitled. James T. Ryan Funeral Director 317 Pa. Aye. S.E. AT. 1700 Family Direction for 31 Yean . ^ ^ v y el tiles Held in Martinsburg For Mrs. Annul. Butts, 8i Special Dispatch to Tho Star MARTINSBURG. W. Va., May 19. -Funeral services for Mrs. Anna L. 3utts, 86, mother fo triplets and wo sets of twnis, were to be held lere today. She died Monday at a Martinsburg hospital after a nine lay illness. Mrs. Butts was bom In East Mon oe, Ohio, and came to West Vir dnla In a covered wagon when she vas 15 with her parents. They ettled at Cherry Run. Her hus tand, the late William ,E. Butts, lied several years ago. One set of twins and the triplets ire among the seven surviving chil Iren. Sixteen grandchildren, 17 reat-grandchildren, two brothers ,nd three sisters also survive. 'lew Post Office Numbers Effective Saturday, the telephone lumber of the Post Office Depart ment will be changed to Sterling 100, and that of the City Post Office o Sterling 5100. Army Tank Landing Ship Aground on Guadalcanal ly «tw Associated Pros* HONOLULU, May 19.—A United States Amy tank landing ship has run aground on Guadalcanal, but Amy authorities yesterday refused for “security” reasons to say what the craft was doing In the Solomon T«ianH« One Xrmy source said ths landing vessel, the LST 648, was carrying supplies. Hie famous battleground Island long since has returned to British control. An Amy crew was in charge of the landing ship. There were no casualties. CLAGETT^ MEMORIAL CSji 502NEWHAMR/HIREAVEJ '4 VlJIT-OUREtoPUY c/- . MEMORIAU-rOR- 4 Immediate- Erection? In-all cemeteries _Opeh-Jmnpay/ - Funeral Spray* and Flower* May Be Ordered Until It PM. We specialize on "Funeral Sprays" and have inaugurated a night phone eervice up to V 11 P.M. for your convenience— W '"Memo Charge" will be opened y if listed in telephone directory. Funeral Sprays, $5.00 •nd up I Until 8 p.m. phono Dlst. 1300 1407 H St. N.W. Will the selection of YOUR Family Burial Site tea BURDEN or 0 There ore only two situations undar which Family Burial Property is acquired: Either 1: ... of the time of deoth when grief ond sorrow preclude o wise or considered decision . . . a decision thot two times out of throe the WIDOW must moke . . . ond ot o time when finances of the family estate are sorely strained. OR 2: BEFORE NEED . . . when husband ond wife con moke the selection together . . . colmly ond intelligently . . . when costs ore less . . . when purchase can be made out of income in convenient monthly pcyments ond when the owners con enjoy the peoce of mind that comes with knowing that this vital ond inevitable family obligation—like insurance ond a will—Has been fully ond satis factorily met. FORT LINCOLN'S NEW MAUSOLEUM, which will ba WASHINGTON'S FINEST, is now on its way to completion ... and offered NOW at PRE-CONSTRUCTION prices ... on long easy terms to BEFORE NEED purchasers. NEW LOT SECTIONS are being developed and offered NOW at PRE-COMPLETION prices on the same easy terms. Send Today For Important Free Booklet Fort Lincoln Cemetery 3201 Bladensburg Rd. N.E. Washington 18, D. C. GENTLEMEN: I am interested in knowing more about your PRE-NEED Purchase Plon. f jm| Signed Address-Phone Fort [iacolrt Washington's largest and finest Cemetery 3201 BLADENSBURG ROAD N.E.. WASHINGTON 18, P. C. W. W. CHAMBERS, SB. For your FUNERAL NEEDS W. W. CHAMBERS. SR. . , . call Chambers, one of the largest under takers in the world. Because we are the largtH our prices are the lowmtt, so naturally you realise greater savings. When the inevitable has occurred call Chambers for your complete funeral needs! FLOWERS Expert florists design your fu neral flowers in our large Flower Shop. Special, $3, $4. $6. W. W $10 to $200. FLOWERS DELIV ERED FREE! ✓'ij-ai'a * ~\TO ALWAYS FRESH! hrKAlS $4 TO $7 CP. ,-ninety-five dollars This beautiful casket, complete funer al. sixty services at this low price! Other complete funerals: $259, $336, $495 to $2,000. A BEAUTIFUL COMPLETE GRAVE a In one of Washington’s loveliest cemeteries. A P»« f1) /[ , amidst heavenly surroundings with angelic Music From the ** | 1 J Trees. This includes opening, closing; also decorative eqpmnt. ^