Newspaper Page Text
Lanston Monotype Co. Announces Special Dividend of $1.50 By Edward C. Stone Lanston Monotype Co. directors have declared a special dividend of *1.50 per share on the common stock, payable June 30 to stock of record June 18, it was announced | here today. Tire company also will pay the previously declared regular quarterly dividend of 50 cents per share on May 31. The special is the first since August 30 last when 50 cents was disbursed. At that time the quarterly dividend rate was 25 cents per share. Earnings for the fiscal year ending February 29. 1948, were reported as *3.27 per share and the special - dividend was declared out of these earnings. This compares with *1.59 s share earned in the previous year. Lanston stock sold on the Wash ington Stock Exchange today at 25, & new high for the year. Peoples Drag Stores directors to day declared the usual quarterly dividend of 40 cents per share on common stock, payable July 1 to holders of record June 8. Cummins Heads Accountants. Joe V. Cummins, manager of the Cummins Chemical Co. of Washing ton and Indianapolis, was elected president of Washington Chapter, jvauonai Asso ciation of Cost Accountants, at the annual meeting at the Lafayette Hotel, succeeding W. H Danne. Other officers chosen were Max W. Shoup and Doren D. Vest, vice presi dents; James J. Molinelli. secre tary; William L. Shields treasur er. Dir e c t o r s J. V. Cummin*. elected include jonn a. rsaro. r.. Chenowith, Francis B. Collins, George C. Moreland. Howard 'G. Oberlander. M. E. Parkinson, Wil liam R. Pole, Ben C. White and Walter N. Wilson. Mrrgenllialer Orders Mount. Standard & Poor's investment service states that unfilled orders of the Mergenthaler Linotype Co. are said to be around $30,000,000. or about two years' output at the pres ent rate of production. The com pany is making many plant im provements with new machinery and other equipment. Expected earnings at the year end on Sep tember 30 will be around $3 a share, the review says. Mergpnlhaler earned $5.54 a share in 1946-7. AIB Delegation Listed. Washington Chapter, American Institute of Banking, will send a record delegation to the Buffalo con vention, June 7-12. including: Lloyd S. Carey, Theodore P. Cow gill. Helen R. Dwyer, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Lawson. Patricia Mc Shane. Ralph H. Mhtendorff, Elea nor E. Omohundro, Stephen O. Porter. F. Ethel Read. Samuel C. Redman. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Roberts. Florinda F. Sanego, Ross L. Totten and Emil C. Nobs. Hecht common stock sold at 27 on the Washington Exchange today, a new 1948 top price. | Business Briefs Money in Circulation declined to $27,690,000,000 on May 19. a drop of $72,000,000 from a week earlier and $426,000,000 below a year earlier.— Federal Reserve Board. Automobile Production in the United States this week will total 57.930 cars and 26.020 trucks vs. 52.684 and 27,561 last week—Auto motive News. Declines due to the Chrysler strike were more than off set by increased output of other makers. Electric Power Supplies will be tight until the end of 1951. de clared Chairman Arthur M. Hill of the National Security Resources Board. Before the war, capacity was 20r; above the peak load, but the margin now is only 5*7. he said. Bituminous Coal Output in the week ended Mav 15 approximated 13.230P00 tons vs. 12.684.000 in the previous week and 12.856.000 in the like 1947 week—National Coal Asso ciation. l,chn A Fink Products Corp. de clared a dividend of 1212 cents, pavable June 14. first payment so far in 1948. Last year the company paid 25 cents each in March and June. Kennccott Copper Co. declared a special dividend of 50 cents and a regular quarterly of 25 cents, both payable June 30 A similar special was paid in March. Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp. de clared a dividend of 75 cents on $4 50 cumulative preferred stock, pavable June 15, covering the period ft-rm April 15. when the stock was Issued, to June 15. ... • .. ■ ■.j Chesapeake A mno nanruau mu ask the TCC to approve a merge I of C & O, New York Central and | the Virginia Railroad, said Robert R. Young at San Francisco. Montgomery Ward & Co. profit for three months ended April 30 was $14 307,818 or $2.15 vs. $11,475,140 or $1 72 in the same 1947 period 1 nion Pacific Railroad System earned $15,729,321 or $6 48 a share in four months ended April 30 vs. $13,500,293 or $5.47 a year earlier. Pan American Petroleum & Trans portation Co. net income for the March quarter was $3,463,933 or 73 cents vs. $3,303,934 or 70 cents in the same 1947 period. Archer-Daniels-Midland Co. earn ed $7,535,712 or $4.61 in nine months ended March 31 vs. $10,378,808 or $6 35 a year earlier. Greyhound Corp System net for the March quarter was $853,173 or 8 cents vs. $1,198,152 or 12 cents in the same 1947 period. Erie Railroad earned $842,967 in April vs. $581,892 a year earlier. Carrier Corp. profit for 12 months ended April 30 was $2,349,697 or $3.57 vs. $1,570,336 or $2.25 in the pre ceding fiscal period. Cuneo Press. Inc., earned $502,196 or 51 cents in the March quarter vs. $734,581 or 80 cents a year earlier. Divco Corp. net for six months ended April 30 was $809,099 or $1.79 vs. $518,337 or $1.15 in the same 1947 period. Evans Products Co, reported a loss of $56,351 in the March quarter vs. profit of $629,956 or $2.58 a year earlier. Tilo Roofing Co. earned $119,933 or 26 cents in 16 weeks ended April 24 vs. $43,792 or 9 cents. C hilds Co. sales in April totaled $1,727,653, a drop of 4.6ri from a year earlier: in four months. $6,802. 205. a decline of 4.1';. Ililton Hotels Corp. announced formation of a subsidiary. Hilton Hotels International, to develop and operate hotels outside continental CjWed States. N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE (Furnished hr the Associated Press.) Sales— Stock and Add Net Dividend Rate On High Low 2:30 edge ABBOIT LAB Ja 14 76% 75% 76%+l‘/e A C F-Brill Mot 16 6% 6% 6% + % Adams Exn 85g 44 22% 21% 22%+ % Addresso-Mult 2 )9 37% 36% 37% Admiral Cc l&e 22 107+ 10% 10%+ % Air Reduction 1 27 26% 26% 26% Alaska Juneau 22 4% 4% 4% — % Aldens Inc 1 Vs 13 2174 20% 2174+1% Alleghant Corp 22 4% 4 4 A1 Lud Sll .HOe 74 34 33% 33% + % Allied CADye fia 7 197% 196% 197% +1% Allied Mills 1 tie x 3 33% 33% 33% + V* Allied Strs 3 12 37 36% 36% + % Allis Chaim 1 AO 56 41% 40% 41% +1 Allis Chal pf 3V« 9 94% 93% 94% +1 Alpha Port’.e 7 3 1 2974 3074+1 Amal Leath 20e 8 6% 6% 6% + % Amerada Pet 2a 8 121 119% 119%-% Am Alrllnea 223 10 974 10 + % Am Alrl Df 3% 6 63% 63% 63% - % AmBsnkN 1.60a 11 26 26 26 + % 'Am Bnk Nt Df3 40 69 69 69 -1 Am Bosch V4g 6 13% 13% 13% Am Brk Sh 40e 9 42% 42% 42% + % Am Cable A Rad 38 6% 5% 6% + % Am Can 3 8 8-8% 87% 88 'Am Can Df 7 50 175% 17474 1757k + % 4m CarA-Fdy 3g 61 477k 46% 47% + % Am Car&F pf 7 2 98% 98% 98V. + % Am Cb&Cbl 1 40 9 27 26% 26% + % •Am ChAC Df 5 50 107% 107 107% +1% Am Coltyp 1.20a 2 19 18% 19 +% Am CreaS 120a 20 21% 21 21%+ % AmCyanamid 1 a 49 40% 40% 40% + % AmCeamld.TiDf 4 104% 103% 104% + 7k Am Distillers 2 92 4974 44 47 + % Am Encaus’4e x 3 7% 6% 6% — % 4m Export L 2 29 1774 17% 17% + % Am A Fren Pwr 29 4 3% 37k + % AmAFPSfi pf 3k 5 61% 60% 6174-% 4m 4 F P 2d Df 8 13% 12% 12% + % AroHlde & L tig 3 7% 7 7 AmHomePr 1 20 34 26% 26 26 - % Amice BOe 9 8% 8% 8% + % Am Interna 53g 8 14% 147* 14% — % Am Inv 111 1.20 2 16% 16% 16%+ % Am Loco 1 40 26 2574 25% 25»* + % Am Locom pf 7 1 105 105 105 +1% Am MchAFd SO 18 20% 20% 20% Am Metal tie 6 34% 3374 34%-% Am Molass ,30e * 8% 8% 87*+ 7* AmNewsCo I tia 1 33% 33% 33% +1% Am Power A Lt 21 1074 10% 107 a APAL S5pf 27ik 3 85 85 85 - % Am Radiat 40e 105 16% 1674 16% + % Am Sal Razor 1 21 11% 11% 11% + % 'AmShlpBldg le 1 43% 43% 43%+1 Am smelting le 29 e«% 63 e« +1% Am Steel Fdry 2 10 34% 33% 34% + % Am Sugar R 4e 11 41 40 40%+ % Am Sum Tob 2 . 6 19% 19% 19% - % Am Tel & Tel 0 23 157% 157 157% + % Am Tobacco 8a 29 60% 59% 60 + % *Am Tob of 6 150 141 140% 141 + % Am Viscose 2» 17 67% 66% 66% + % AmWatWks DOe 4 0 e 8 + % Am Woolen 8 39 55 54% 54% + »% Am Wool nr of 4 2 109% 108% 109% +1% Am Zinc 1 Oe 16 8% 8% 8% + % Anaconda C %e 180 40% 39% 40% +1% tAnac Wire %el910 39% 37% 39% - 2% Ander-Prich O 1 58 30% 30% 30V. + % Arch-D-M la 3 32V, 32% 32% - % Armco Steel 2b 84 32% 3t% 32% + % ArmourA-Col 26105 15 14% 14% - % Armst Cork SOe 8 53% 52% 53% + % tArmstng of 3% 150 90% 97% 98% +1% Asad Dry G 1 60 12 18% 18% 18% Associating 2 . 9 31% 31% 31%+ % AtchT&SFe 15 114 112% 114 +1% A T F Inc %e _ 15 18 17% 17% + % Atl Coast Line 4 11 61% 60 61%+2 Atl Refining 1 % 32 46% 45% 45% - % 'Atlas Powd le 770 57 56 57 Austin Nichols 9 9*4 874 874 + *4 Autocar Co 1 «e 35 1574 1474 15»/4 +1 Avco Mfg .35e 55 7 674 7 AVCO Mff Df 2*4 1 44*0 44*8 4470 + *0 BALD LOCO If 11 16*4 16*4 16*4 + *4 Balt A Ohio 114 16*4 1574 16*4+ Vs Balto * Ohio of 24 26*4 25*4 26 + Vs Bangor&Arosfk 71 31 28 3074 +3*4 ^Bang & Ar pf 6 270 78 77 78 +1 Ba rber Oil 1 e 10 57*4 56*4 5770 + *4 BarkerBro* 1 *4a 2 25*8 2570 25*0+74 Barnsdall Oil 2 24 42*0 4174 42*4 + *4 Bath Iron Wks 11 14*0 13*b 14 + *4 Bayuk Cigl*2a 15 20*0 20*4 20*« - *4 Beech Aircraft 14 1374 13*4 1374 + *4 Beech-N P 1 GO 4 36*4 36*4 3674+ •/• Belding-H 1.20 6 20*0 20*0 20*0 Bell Aircraft lg 5 17*4 17*4 17*0+ *4 Bell & Howell *4 1 23*4 2374 2374 + *4 Bendtx Aviat 2 20 36*4 35*0 36*4 + *4 BndxHomeA 1*4 12 18 17*4 18 + 74 Best A CO 2_ 8 29*4 29*4 29' 4 Best roods 2 15 36*4 35*4 35*4 - *4 Beth Steel 1.20h 76 37V4 36*0 36*4- 70 Beth Steel pf 7 4 137 135*4 137 +174 BrmnehmE1.20 14 11*4 11*4 11*4— *4 Blaw-Knox **e 35 1970 19*4 1970 + *4 Bliss&Laugh 7«e 5 17*4 17 17*4 + *4 : Bliss E W 2 .24 344 334 334 - Boeing Airpl le 24 26*% 26 264+4 ; Bohn Altim 3«e 20 343% 33 344 — 4 ; Bond Stores 2 14 274 264 274 +1 - BordenCo 1.20e 11 43 42 4 4 23% + 4 ! Borg-Warner ;ta 27 63 614 63 +13* BorgV arn pf3'% 1 #5 95 95 +2 Bower Roll B 2 3 363-4 384 384 + 4 BaniffAir 4 10 93* 10 + 34 Bridaept Brass 12 1134 114 1134 +4 Briggs Mtnufg 2 25 334 324 334+14 PrlggsAStra 1 a 5 34 334 34 — 4 Bristol-My .ROe 9 3 4 3 334 3 4 Bklyn [Tn Gas 25 204 19 4 204 + 7% Bruns- Balke 4e 2 2134 214 214+4 Bucyrus-Er 35e 18 234 234 234+ 4 Budd Co 70e 42 1134 114 114 Buff Forge OClt- 2 353* 3534.354+ 4 Bullard Co'ie 5 214 204 21 +4 BuIots Wteh 3a 11 3834 374 384+1 BurllngMills I'% 86 244 234 233% Pu-r Add M 60 57 174 174 174+ 4 Bush Term bit-. 2 934 94 94 + 4 Butler Bros . 14 147% 144 144+4 | Butte C At Z . 23 44 4 44+ ‘4 Byers A M 'ie . 23 253* 254 253%+ 4 Byron Jn 140a 11 344 34 344+ 3-% CALIF PKG 24 8 37 364 363%- i/» Callahan Zinc 22 23% 23* 27% + 3% CalumetArH 10el32 8 4 74 84 + 4 Can Dry GA .60 21 15»% 154 154+4 Canid Pac *i« 254 183* 184 184-4 CapitalAirllnes 7 73* 73* 73* Carrier Corp 27 194 193% 19’% + 4 Carr&Gen 20a 5 9 84 84 - 4 [Case JI Co 1.20e 50 504 494 494 + 4 CaterptlTraet 3 3 674 664 664 + 4 Celanese 40e - 48 34 334 33*%— 3* Celotex 13* 54 333* 324 33'.-% +14 Cen Agulr 1.60a 30 184 174 174- 4 Cent Fndry 3*g 10 94 8'% 9 - 4 CentHudGas 62 3 74 74 74 Cent R R N J • 23 35 4 314 314 +4 CenVISulVah 15 15 144 143* Cerro dePas’,e 14 274 264 274 + 4 Certn-tdPd 80a 54 193% 194 194+ 4 Champ Paper la 5 24 234 234 Checker Cab 7 134 134 13'%- 4 Ches At Ohio 3 51 40 394 39*% Chi Coro 40 106 14*% 141* 144+ 4 Chi At East 111 A 7 12'% 124 124+4 Chi Great West 3 104 103% 104 + 4 Chi Grt West pi 13 173* 17 174 + 4 Chi Ind At L A 8 124 12 124 + 4 Chi Ind 4 L B . 7 74 74 74 Chi Mil St P&P 53 104 104 104 + 4 ChiMSP&P Pf4e 30 344 34 341% + 4 Chi At h W 4f 82 204 20 20*% +14 Chi At NWpf 6 2 7 453* 444 444 +4 Chi Pneu T 34% 28 40 394 394 + 4 Chi R I At Pac 15 384 384 383* + 4 ChiRIAtP pf?'je 10 6 7 663% 67 + 4 Chlckasha Oil 1 5 194 184 194 + 4 Chrysler* .90 614 61 614+ *% Cm O At El 40 10 264 254 26 -4 cm Mill M 1 40 5 27 27 27 + 4 C I T Finance 2 17 447% 444 444 + 4 City Invest .60 2 9 4 9 4 94 City Stores 1 20 20 204 197% 20+4 Clark Equip 2 . 4 354 354 354 + 4 ClevEl 111 l .lOe 11 39', 394 397% + 4 Clev C.r Br Rtle 1 314 314 314 CIimaxMol 1 20 *6 174 164 174 Clopay Corp 70 17 97% 94 94 + 4 Cluett PbdT 3ie 6 367% 36 4 367% + 4 Coca-Cola 4 2 1704 170 1704 +14 Coieate-P-P 24 12 44 43*% 44 +4 Collins At Aik 1 1 25 25 25 + 4 Colonial Mills 1 18 264 26 264 + 4 Col Fuel At Ir 1 196 184 18 18 - 4 Col FuelAtlr Pi 1 15 204 194 194 - 4 tColo A South 590 164 154 164 +1 ♦ColoASo 1st of 460 17 16 17 +14 Co! BrdcastA le 20 30 29 4 294 - 4 Columb Gas 60 100 134 134 134 + 4 Colum Piet 3»f 13 134 124 1334 + 4 ColumCarbon 2a 10 354 344 33 — 4 ComlCredtt2 60 14 48 474 48 + 7% Coml Solv »%e 27 274 274 274 + 4 Comwl Edis 1 40 13 283* 28 28 -4 Comwl A South 111 34 34 34 — 4 ComAtSo pfT'jk 5 102 1014 102 +1 Ccnde Nast 1 5 117% 114 114 - 4 Cong-Nalrn 1 >* 4 34*% 344 34*%+ 4 Con* Con .15e 166 64 54 64+ 4 Cons Edis 1 60 41 244 234 24 - 4 Cons Grocer' 1 6 154 154 154 + H Cons Laundry 1 7 10 10 10 Cons Nat Gas 2 17 484 484 484- 4 Cons RRCuba of 23 274 26 26*%- 4 Cons R Strs 70s 4 15 15 15+4 ConsTextile 80e 14 144 144 144 Cons Vultee 40 134 134 134+ 4 Contain Corp 2a 18 374 37 374 font Baking 1 17 143* 14 144 Cent Can'ie x 8 394 394 394+ 4 ContDla Fiber 1 66 134 124 13 +4 Cont Insuranee2 20 614 60 61 +4 Cont Motors 88 94 9 94 + 4 ContOilDel 1'ae 21 634 624 624 -4 Cont Steel 3*e 8 184 184 184 + 4 Cooner-Bess 1 32 307% 30 307%+l Coprwld Stl 1.70 28 177% 174 174 + 4 Corn Proa 1 hue 10 o«* 04 04* +* Cornell-D E *!> 6 14 13* 13'+ ComlniGlass Vi SO 22* 22 22*+ * Coty Inc 20g - 17 5 4* 5 Coty Int .20k 6 J* 3 3 - * Crane Co 1 BOa 15 38 37* 37* - * CreamerlesAm 1 10 11 10'+ 10* — * Crown Cork 1 hh 15 25*+ 25* 25*+ * Crown Zel 1.60e 22 33'+ 33* 33'+ + *‘ Crucible Steel 11 27* 27* 27*+ * Cub-AmSug 1 *e 53 16* 16 16 CudahyPack 60s 52 13* 13* 13*+ * Cuneo Press la 3 17* 17* 17*— * Curtis Publish 89 11* 11* 11* + * Curtis P prof 3a 3 60 99* 60 —1 Curtlss-Wr V«g 91 7* 7* 7* Curtlss-W A Vie 7 23 23 23 + * Cutlr-Hm 1 20a 4 30* 29* 30 + * DANA CORP ‘ie 7 28* 28* 28* + * Darrga Strs la 2 18* 18 18 — * ! Davison Chem 1 17 26 25* 25* I Davtn PAL 1 SO 10 30* 30 30*- * Dayton Rub I 2C 8 15* 14* 15* + * ■ Decca Records 1 20 12* 12* 12*— * i DeepRockOi! Ie 7 40 39* 40 + * ; Deere A Co I 15 44* 44 44* + * I Del A Hudson 4 7 47* 47 47* +1* Del LAW’ ie 46 11* 10* 11 + * DenARGWle 15 27* 27* 27*+*! DenARGWpflOe 10 46* 45* 46 +1 Detroit Ed I 20 20 21* 21* 21* DetMlchSlo BOa 20 12* 12* 12* + * HeioeARASa 6 28* 27* 28 + * nist Ce-Sea BO a 103 19* 19* 19*+ * Dr Pepper .30e 15 19 18* 19 +1 1 Doebler-Jar 1 Vi 11 36* 36 36*+ * Dome Mines *ie 22 18* 17* 17'+ □jjutlas A 2*1. 2 62 61* 62 + * Sale*— _ Stock and Add Net Dividend Rate. On High Low 2:30. chge. Dow Cbem V4e 28 44% 44% 44% + % Dresser Ind *,e 80 29% 29% 29% + % Duolan Coro Vab 4 18 17% 18 + % Du Pont 4e 26 183% 182 182% +1% DWG Cigar %e 4 13% 13% 13% + % EAGLE-PI 1.80 6 24% 24% 24%+% Eastern Air Line 28 19% 19% 19% + % East State 8teel 15 21% 20% 21%+% East Kodak 1 %e 25 44% 44 44%+ % tEastmn K of 6 10 168% 168% 168% + % Eaton Mfg 3 4 59% 58Vi 58% - % Edla Br 8tr 1 %a 3 19% 19% 19% Ckco Prod 1 20 7 16% 16 16% + % Elas Stop N Vie 32 8 7% 8 + % Ei Auto-Llte 3 iv 54% 54 54% + % Elec Boat 1 10 1£% 15 15 r A Music . 15a 15 2% 2% 2%+ % E! Power A Lt 24 21% 21 21 El PALS7pf3%k 3 154 154 154 - % I El P&Lt S6p! 3k 3 140 138% 140 +2 £1 StorageBal 3 2 54% 54% 54%+ % ElainNatW 60a 2 16% 16% 16%+ % ElPasoNGs 2 40 6 70% 69% 70%+% Emer Radio .80 8 12% 12% 12% Endlcott-J 1 60s 3 32% 32 32 -% EOUlt Oil Bldg 8 5 4% 4% - % Erie R R 1 86 15 14% 15 + % Erie R R pf A 6 4 60% 60 60 - % Eureka Will % 7 8 7% 7% Evans Prod % 34 18% 17% 18% - % Eversharp %f . 12 10% 10% 10% Ea-Cell-O 2 60 3 47% 47% 47%+ % FAIRBANKS le 6 51*4 51% 51%+% FaJardoSug 2‘.ae 4 28% 28% 28%-% Farnsworth 23 9 9 9 Fed Mi&Smlt 2e 2 41% 41 41% +1% Fed-Mogul 1.60 3 20 19% 20 + % PedMoTrurk 40a 2 12 11% 11% Federat D Stri * 6 31 31 31 Felt ATI 40a 3 23% 23% 23% Fid Phoen* F 2a 5 66 65% 66 +1 Firestone TAR 4 8 50 49% 49% FirthCarpetl 60 6 20 20 20 Flintkote 2a 29 41% 40% 40% - % Florida Pow 1 5 14% 14% 14% Pollansb Sti Vie 26 29% 29 29 + % FoodFalrSt 40b 21 12% 11% 12%+ % Food Mach 1 % 6 43% 43 43% + % ♦FoodMch pf3V« 60 100 99% 99% - % Poster Wheet 1 10 38% 37% 37% Francis Sug 2g 8 16% 16 16% + % Prank Strs 60a. 5 9% 9% 9% FreeportSul 2 Vi 3 45 45 45 + % Pruehauf Tra 1 9 23 22% 22% - % GABRIEL lOe. 34 10% 10 10%+% Gair Robt 40 53 9% 9*4 9% + % Gair Rpf 1.20. 2 19',» 19% 19% Gar Wood Ind 29 9»« 9% 9% + % nayiora co i % » Z5% za zs% + % Gen Am Inv 40 23 18% 18% 18% + % Gen AmTrns 3a 4 60 59% 59% + % Gen Bakins fl(l 5 10 9% 9% - % Gen Bronse ,20e 2 13% 13% 13%+% Gen Cable lie 24 12% 121 a 12%+% Gen CableS2pf 2 3 39% 39% 39% + % Gen Cigar la._ 11 22% 21% 22 Gen Elec 1.BO . 244 40% 39% 40*4+ % Gen Foods 2 6 40% 40 40% - % Gen Instrumt 1. 2 10% 10% 10%+ % Gen Mills 1 li 2 48% 48% 48% - % IGen Mills pf 5 10 126% 126% 126% + % Gen Motors 3 185 60% 59% 60% +1 Gen Motor pf 6. 1 123 123 123 -% Gen Mot of 3% 2 97 97 97 Gen Out Advt 1 2 16% 16% 16% Gen Port C lie 28 21% 20% 21% + % Gen Precis Ea 1 * 4 17% 17 17 + % GenPuoSvc ,20g 40 47+ 4% 4% + % Gen Pub Util 80 34 14% 1J% 14 + % Gen Ry Signal 1 4 27% 27% 27% + % Gen RealtyAUt 23 6% 5% 6% + % Gen Refract lie 5 30% 30 30 tQenStlC pf4lik 80 122 121 121%+1% Gen TireAR la 21 29% 28% 29 + % Gillette Saf 2 Via 19 39% 38% 38%+ % Gimbel Bros 2 23 25 24% 24% GliddenCo 1 40a 24 27% 27% 27% + % GoebelBrew .lOe 2 5% 5% 5% + % Goodall-Sn Ilia * 23% 23% 23% - 14 Goodrich BF 2e 23 64 63% 6314 + % Goodrh BF of 6 3 100% 99% 99% -1 GoodyearTAR 4 15 47% 46% 46% - % Goth Hos 1 60a 10 20% 20% 20% + % Graham-Patse 125 5% 5 5 Granby Con’ie 7 8 7% 8 + % Grand Union 2 1 37 37 37 +1 GranCityStl *ie 20 29*4 28% 29 + % Grant (WT) la 2 29% 29*4 29%-% GtNI or ct 1 l'«g 7 15% 15% 15% Gt Not Ry pf 3 16 48* 4 47% 48*4 + % GtWstSus 1 60a 5 22% 22% 22% Green HL 2a.. 8 38% 38*4 38%+% G.evhound 1 225 12% 12% 12% - % Grum Aire E3g 5 39*4 39 39 GuantanSug *4g 32 7% 7 7 — % tGuantanS pf 5 20 94 94 94 +2 Gulf MobAO lie 24 18% 17% 18% + % GulfMoAOh Df5 ' 4 57 56 56%+1% Gulf 011 3 . 34 75% 74% 74% + % Gulf Sta Util 1 6 16% 16% 16%+% HALL PRINT la 3 16 15% 16 + % Hamltn Watch Is 4 14% 14% 14%+ *4 Harb-Walker le 5 27% 27 27 + 14 Haveslnduat Vie 11 94 94 94 4 4 Hayes Mia 30e 245 104 104 104 + 4 Hazel-Atl 1 70a 4 24 24 24 Hecht Co 1 60 . 2 27 27 27 + 4 Hercules Mot 1. 14 224 214 214 + 4 Hercul Pdr 35*. 17 344 54 54 HersheyChl’i 2 294 294 29*4 4 4 Hewltt-Rbns la. 4 274 264 27 4 4 Heyden Chem 1. 3 284 284 284-4 Heinz I SO 2 38 38 38 - 4 Hilton Hotels t 40 124 114 12 4 4 Hinde&Dau 1 Vie 1 324 3*4 324 4 4 Hires C E 1.20 . 5 224 22 224 4 4 Holland Furn 2 . 4 294 294 294 Holly Sugar 1 . 7 28*4 28 284 - 4 Homestk Min 2 20 414 404 404 4 4 Hooker Hec BOe 3 35 j 35 35 4 4 Houd-Hersh Vie 14 174 174 174 Household Fin 2 2 314 314 314 4 4 Houston L*P 2 3 43 43 43 Houston Oil le . 37 354 344 334 414 Kowr Sound 2 4 464 434 454 — 4 Hudson * Man 3 54 54 54 - 4 Hudson & M Df- 1 144 144 144 4 4 Hudsor Bay 2e 12 444 444 444 4 4 HudsonMot 40a 175 214 204 21 4 Vi Hunt Foods 1__ 2 184 184 184 4 4 Hudd Corn 21 5 44 5 IDAHO PW 1 80 9 334 334 334 4 4 11' Central 60 394 39 394 4 4 111 Cent Df 3e 3 804 794 80*4 4 4 Illinois Power 2 10 294 284 294 111 Term RR 72 9 104 104 10** 4 4 tnd Pr & Lt 1 4 7 234 234 234 [ndust Rayon 3- 10 534 524 534 414 Inger-Rand 6a 5 146 1454 146 42 Inland Steel le 21 444 444 44*4 4 4 Inspire Cod 4e 65 214 214 214 4 4 Interchem Corp ,16 23 224 224 fntercon Rub 11 34 34 34 4 4 Inter Iron 1.20a 49 16 154 154 4 4 Int Bus Mich 4 3 143 142 143 41 int Harvest 4a 16 97** 964 964 'Int Harvs of 7. 60 168 167** 167** -14 Int Hydro El A 7 74 74 74 Int M*Cb I 60 18 364 354 364 4 4 Int Minina 39 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 Int Nickel 1 60 *72 32 31V* 31*4 4 4 tint Nickel of 7 140 137V* 137 137 Int Peper 3a . 13 61 604 604 Int Rv Cen Am 9 13 13 13 Int Shoe lVie... 3 43 43 43 41 Int Silver 4e.._ 1 594 594 594 4 4 Int Tel* Tel 350 154 154 154 4 4 Int T&T lorn ct 23 154 154 154 4 4 Inter Den Strs 2 2 26 26 26 tsl Ck Coal 60h 6 394 384 384 -14 JACOBS F L 5 94 94 94 JaegerMch 1 60 x 2 21 21 21 4 4 Jewel Tea 2 4tfa 2 464 464 46V* 4 4 Johns-Man 70e 22 414 414 414 4 4 Johns-M Df 3*i 2 113 112 113 42 Johnson & J .40 11 324 32 324 4 4 tJohnson&J of4 30 106 1054 106 424 Jonea & L Stl 2 44 374 37 374 4 4 Joy Mania 2 40a 16 424 42 424 4 4 Kan City South. 14 42 414 414 4 4 Kayser J la 6 174 174 174 4 4 Kelsev-H A 1*4 5 23 224 23 Kel-HayW B *ie 3 204 204 204 4 4 Kennecott Vie 58 58 574 574 - 4 Kern Land lVie 17 484 474 474-1 Klmbrly CM 40 1 23 23 23 - 4 Kinney GR Vie- 1 13 13 13 4 4 tKinney pf 5 .10 704 704 704 4 4 Koppers Co 1 00 4 354 35*4 35** KresaeSSle.. 6 374 374 374 Kress S H 2a 2 514 514 514 4 4 LACLEDE G .20 29 6 4 6 4 64 1 ane Bryant 1 5 14 134 14 4 4 tLane Bry p!2'/« 80 524 52 52 4 V* Lane Weill 1.60 8 284 284 284 4 4 Lee* Sons 1.40 3 264 264 264 Lehigh C & N 1 74 124 124 124 4 4 LehPortCem 14 12 36 354 354 4 4 Leh Val Coal 63 4 34 4 4 4 Leh V Coal lpfS 12 244 244 244 4 4 Leh V Co«12of4 10 104 94 104 4 4 Leh Valle* RR 21 74 74 74 4 4 LehmanCrp 60e 7 55 55 55 414 Lehn * Fink 7 12 114 12 4 4 Lerner Strs 14 7 24 234 24 4 4 Llb-O-F Olaas 2 12 52 514 52 4 4 Lib McN&L Vie- 42 10 9** 10 Llaa * My 4a 3 874 87 87 - 4 tLlaa * My of 7 50 1704 1704 1704 4 4 Lily Tulip 1 Vi 1 4*4 4*4 4*4 -14 Lima Hamll 60 44 134 1*4 13 4 4 Link-Belt Sa... 13 70 <94 70 4 4 Lion Oil 2 _ 9 474 47 47-4 LtQUldCarbnl 16 204 204 204 4 4 LlauldCar ol34 2 eo 794 794 - 4 Lockheed Alrc 29 224 224 224 Loew'a Inc 14 79 20** 194 204 4 4 LoneStarCeSVia 10 67* i 664 67 Lorlllard PI .11 194 194 194 4 4 tLorillard nf 7 30 1514 1514 1514 - 4 LoulsvIl&N 8 52 8 494 494 494 Lowenateln 2a 11 334 35 354 LukensSti 4ua 13 24*« 234 24 4 4 Mack Trucks . 17 264 264 264 4 4 Mac* R H Z 18 394 384 39 4 4 Magma Cod Ixu z«’e z«% z«% + % Magnavox 1 * 13% 13% 13% - % Manatl Sug l%g 27 10% 10% 10%+% Marae Oil lOg 10 7% 7% 7% Marathon CrD 1 8 24% 24% 24% MarlnaMldl 20* 45 8 7% 8 Marsh Weld*.. 8 28% 28% 28%-% Martin O L_11 19% 18% 19 + % Masonite CD la 7 66% 66 66 + % Master »ec 2.40x10 26% 26% 26% - % MathChem 1 %a 13 37% 36% 37 + % MavDeDtStrS 5 46% 46 46%+ % tMayStrs Dfn3% 2 90% 90% 90%+ % Mavtag Co 1 . 5 12 11% 12 + % McCroryS 1 40a 3 36% 35% 36% + % McIntyre 2.01a 4 51 50% 50% — % McKess&R 2.40 4 35 35 35 + % McLellan 8tr la 3 23% 23% 23% + % Mead Coro le - 9 21% 21 21%-% Mead CD 2 of 2 3 43 43 43 + % Melville Sb 1 80 7 23 22% 23 + % Mercant Strs 1 4 18 16 18 MercbdrCot! 40a 5 61 60% 61 +1 Miami Cod %e 57 18% 17% 18% + %l Mid-ConPet 1 %t 51 67 66% 66%+ % MiclStlProd %e 10 46% 44% 46% +2% Minn-HonRe 8ax 7 51% 51% 51%+ % Minn Moline 20 16% 15% 16 + % Min&StL Ry %• 8 15% 147+ 15% + % M SP&SSMA 1 • 10 12 11% 12 + % Minn Min * M 2 6 75 72% 72% -2% MisslonCo 1 %g 45 72*4 70 72*4 +2% Mo-Kan-Texas 24 6% 6% 6% + % Mo-Kan-Tex ot 24 24% 23% 24% + % Molud Hos 40e 8 12% 12% 12%+% Monarch Mcb * 5 28% 28 28% - % Monsanto Cb t 10 597+ 59% 59% — % Monte Ward Sa 36 65 64 64% + % M-McC Lin l%a *5 17 16% 17 + % Sale*— Stock and Add Rat Dividend Rata 00. Hlch. Low. «:30. cbge. Motor Prod l>ie 3 28% 28 28 Motor Whl .80e 7 22% 22 22 - % Motorola Vie 5 15% IS IS — Vi Muel Brass .30a 7 23V* 23 23V4 + Vi Mullins Mlg la 23 28% 27% 28%+ % Murray Corn I 16 15V* 15% 15Vi + Vi NASH-KEL 70e 129 18% 18 18% + % tNasb C&StL 1 f 50 26>.i 26 26% + Vi Nat Acme 2a 8 28% 27% 28 - % Nat Airlines 7 9% 9% 9% - % Nat Auto Fib tin 8 11% 11% 11% + % NatBlscult 1 60s 18 29% 28% 29%+ Vi NatBondSS 60a 1 24V. 24% 24% - % Nat Can ... 22 9V4 9% 9% + % Nat Cash Reg 1* 17 43% 42% 43% + % Nat City Line Vi 10 9 9 9 NatContaln 1 20 35 13% 13 13 Nat Crl Gaa .80 6 12% 12% 12%+ % Nat Dairy I SO 50 28% 27% 27% + % Nat Dent Stria 9 21 20% 20% Nat Distillers 2 234 22% 21% 22%+ % NatEndcStpg le 3 42% 42% 42%+1% Nat Gypsum %g 120 20 19Vi 19% + % Nat Gvpsum rt 314 l*/i» 1% 1% Nat Lead la 17 36% 36 36% + % tNat Lead pfA 7 160 174% 174 174 - % Nat) Steel 4 8 97% 96% 96% - % Nat Sug Ret la 5 25 24% 25 + % Nat Supply 1 163 24% 23% 24 + % tNat Sup of 4Vi 80 91% 90% 90V4 + % Nat Tea lVi - 2 29% 29% 29% + % Nat Vu! Fibre 1. 4 15 14% 15 + % Natomaa Co 1_ 5 11% 11% 11% + % Nehl Corp 1 4 17% 17% 17% + % NelsnerBro 80a 1 18Ve 18% 16% - % tNeisner pf 4V._ 30 101 101 101 N Eng Ei 8751 I 15 11% 11% 11%+% NexmontM l'<( 6 60 59% 60 + % Newpt Indust 2 7 26*4 26% 26% + % Newot NewsS 2a 5 30% 30% 30% NY Air Brake le 3 42% 42% 42%+% N Y Cent R R 109 17% 17% 17% + % N Y Chi & St L 4 66% 66 66%+1% N Y C&StL Pl9k 5 134% 133% 134% +1% NYC Omnibus 7 19% 19 19 - % NYNU deHart 7 10% 10% 10%+ % N Y N H A H of 10 30% 30 30% + % NY Shlpbldg Vie 3 10% 16% 18%+ % tNYSEdcG pf3t« 50 85% 85% 85%+ % Noblitt-Spk 1 60 3 25% 25 25%+% NOPCO Cbm 40e 1 32% 32% 32% + % Norf&Western 3 19 59% 59% 59%+ >4 No Am Aviation 77 12% 12% 12% + % North Am Co %b 58 16% 16 16 - % No Nat Gaa .40e 15 33% 33% 33% + % North Pacific 1* 52 26% 26 26% + % Northwest Alrl 18 16% 16% 16% + % NrthwAlr Dfl 15 20 27 26 26% tNorthwn Tel 3 50 38% 38 38 -1 Norwalk Tire _. 12 7% 7 7 Norw Phar bO. 1 13 13 13 — % OHIO OIL 1 a 46 39% 30% 38% - % Okla G.ftE Df 80 1 17% 17% 17% + % Oliver Coro %e 45 33 32 33 +1% omnibus Coro 1 5 11% 10% 11 Otis Elevator 1 e 30 33% 32% 33%+ % Outbrd Mot .70e 6 20% 20 20 - % Owens ill G! 3 14 66% 65*4 66% +1 tPAC COAST 1 80 12% 12% 12% Pac Pin Cal 1.60 4 20% 20% 20%-% PAC GAS&EL 2 21 35% 35% 35% + % Pac Lighting 3 11 54 53% 53% - % Pac Mills 3b 7 40 39% 39% - % PacTinCona . 9 5% 5% 5% + % Pac West Oil Vig 43 62% 61% 62%+1% Packard M .1 Be 181 5% 5% 5% + % Pan AmAlrw tig 134 11% 11 11%+% Panh E P L S 27 62 61% 61% - % tpanh EPL Pf 4 240 99% 99 99 -1 Panh Pdt R lBe 140 10% 10% 10%+% Paraffine C .30h 12 26% 25% 26%+ % Param Piet 2 117 25% 25% 25% + % ParkATUford 3. 1 51 51 51 + % Park Utah .10e. 33 3 3% 3 +% Parke Dav .70e 21 32 30% 31%+% Parm Trans .80 12 9% 9% 9% + % Patino Min tie 10 13% 13% 13% + % Pen dr Ford ,80e 7 31% 30*4 31% + % Pennev iJC> 2a 26 48 46% 48 +1% Penn-DxCem tie 3 19% 19% 19%+ % Penn PdrL 1 20 20 19% 19 19%+% Penn R R %e 213 21% 20% 21%+1% tPenn Salt pf3% 70 116% 116 116 - % Peop Drug 1,00. 2 34% 34% 34%+% PeDsi-Cola 7da 140 19% 19% 19% + % tPet Milk pf 4'g 20 103% 103% 103% + % Petrol Coro KOg 23 14% 14*4 14% + % PfeifferBrw 70e 13 18% 18% 18*4 + % Pfizer CftCn "a 11 63 62% 62% - % Phelps Dodge 2e 50 56% 55% 55% - % Phila Elec 1.20 15 23% 23% 23%-% Phii&Rdg C&I 2 36 19% 19% 19%+ % Philco Corn 2 26 39% 38 38% +1% Philip Mor 1 !ia 27 30% 29% 30% Phil Morris Df 4 2 96 95% 96 +1 Phillips Petrol 3 36 73% 72% 73 +1% PilJsbury Mills 2 1 33% J3% 33% + % PlttCokACh 60g 30 14% 14 14% + % tPitts CAC pf 6 60 91% 90% 91%+1% Pitt Con Coal 2 25 32% 31% 32*4+1% Pitts Forg‘ie 1 20% 20% 20%+ % PittPlateGls >je 25 38% 37% 38*4 + V. Pitt Screw .lBe. 7 10 10 10 + % Pitts Steel 6 18% 18% 18% - % tPittSt Spfltik 20 93% 93% 93%+% Pitts dr West V* 3 23 22% 22% - % Pittston Co 2 ... 24 41*4 40 41%+2% rum on .tuie 5 05*4 65 65*4 + 14 Poor 4 Co B la 19 16*4 16 16 - *4 Pot Elec Pwr 90 26 13>4 13*4 13*4 Pressed St! Car 37 11*4 11*4 11»4+ *4 Proct & Gam Sax 9 6774 67*4 6774 + *4 Pub S N J 1.40 24 23*4 23*4 23*4 + *4 *Pub SvcNJ of 7 90 123 122*4 122*4- *4 Publicker *4f... 44 27*4 26*4 27*4 +1 Pullman le_ 21 49*4 49 49*4 Pure Oil la 65 40*4 39*4 39*4 - >4 RADIO CRP 30a 158 13*4 13 13*4 + *4 Radio CD Df 3*4 6 75*4 73*4 75*4 +2*4 Radio-K Or .30el27 11*4 11 11*4+ *4 Rayonier Inc >4t 14 32*4 32 32*4 + *4 Rayonier of 2.. 2 34*4 34*4 34*4 Reading Co 1 12 22*4 21*4 22 + *4 Real Silk H 60a 6 15 14’4 15 +1 Reeve* Broa la_ 19 18 17*4 17*4+ *4 Rela nr rf l‘/»__ * 12*4 12*4 12*4+ *4 Rem Rand lb 33 15*4 15 15>» + *4 Reo Motors 2’4a 8 26*4 26*4 26*4 + *4 Rep Aviation _ 20 12*4 12*4 12 - *4 Republic Picture 35 5*4 5*4 5*4 + *4 Repub Steel la 107 30*4 30 30 + *4 Revere C&B1. 31 21*4 20*4 21 + *4 Rexall Drug 67 714 7*4 7*4 Reyn Metals tie 7 2814 28*4 28*4 - *4 Remolds Spring 46 11*4 10*4 10*4 Reyn Tob B 00e 19 39*4 39*4 39*4 - *4 RheeO'Mfgl 60 6 24 23*4 24 + *4 Richfield 011 2 .206 29*4 27*4 28*4+2 Ritter Co 2a 2 24*4 24*4 24** + 14 Roan A Cop ,33el25 7*4 6*4 7*4 + *4 Rob-Pulton 60 74 10*4 10*4 10*4+ *4 RbtShFlpfl.l8*i 9 26 25*4 26 + *4 RonsonArtl 20a 9 22 21*4 2I74+ *4 Royal Type 1.60 16 26 25 25*4 + *4 Ruberold tie 9 7074 69 7074 +2»4 SAFEWAY ST 1 28 21 20*4 20*4 + *» St Jos Lead ltie 11 58*4 58 58 - *4 St L San Fran 46 12*4 12*4 12*4+ 14 St L San F pi 5 19 48*4 48*4 48*4 + *4 St Regis Pap 60 75 12*4 1174 17*4 + *4 'StRegis pM 40 1 SO 90 90 -1 Savage Arms tie 7 12*4 12*4 12*4 + *4 SchenleyDlstll 2 138 35*4 35 35*4 +1 Scott Paper 2.20 2 50*4 50*4 50*4+ *4 Scranton Elec 1 3 15*4 15*4 15*4 - *4 Scab Air Line 33 23*4 22*4 22*4+ 14 Seabrd 011 1 60 3 57*4 56*4 57*4+ *4 Sears Roebck la 71 41*4 41*4 41*4+ *4 SeegerRefr 40e 9 11*« 11*4 11*4+14 Servel Inc .30g 14 12*4 12*4 12*4 ShamrockO 1.60 11 33*4 33*4 33*4+ *4 Sharon Steel 2 10 39*4 38*4 39 Shattuck FG la 3 14*4 14*4 14*4 - *4 ShellOnOlI 2V<g 29 43*4 42*4 43*4 + *4 Sheraton Cp 40 21 6*4 6*4 6*4 + >4 Silver King Cel 26 7*4 6*4 6*4- *4 Simmons Co It 6 35 35 35 Sinclair Oil la 355 28>4 28*4 28*4+ *4 Skelly Oil 2*/af 4 155*4 154*4 135*4 +1 Bloas-ShStI 80* 4 23*4 23*4 23*4+ *4 Smith A O *ih _. 11 33*4 32*4 33 SmlthASonl 40a 22 36*4 35*4 36*4+1 Socony-Vac 1.. 330 21*4 20*4 21 + *4 Solvay Am pf . 5 101 100*4 100*4 - *4 So Am Gold tie. 11 4*4 4*4 4*4 So Caro E&O *4 15 7*4 6*4 7 S Car El & G vi 61 0*4 6*4 6*4 S Car El & G rt 126 t4 *4i *4i So P Rico S 5e 11 43*4 43 43*4 + *4 SeastGreyL 1.60 16 15*4 14*4 15 - *4 Sou Cal Edis 1 *4 21 30*4 29*4 30 + *4 Sou Nat Gas 1 ti 14 25*4 25*4 23*4 - *4 Southern Pac 4 41 60 39*4 59*4 + >4 Southern Rary 3 17 47*4 46*4 46*4+ *4 Southern Ry of5 5 69*4 69 69 - *4 *So Ry M * O « 20 72*4 72 72*4 +1 Spalding Brol 'i 6 20*4 20*4 20*«— *4 Sparks-W ,20e 36 6*4 6*4 6*4 + *4 Spencer Kell 2 4 28*4 28*4 28*4 + *4 Soerry Crp ltig 19 29*4 29*4 29*4+ *4 Spiegel Inc . 12 13*4 13*4 13*4 - *4 Sauare D tie 29 23 22*4 23 + 14 Squibb St Sons 1x 5 25*4 25*4 25*4 + *4 Stand Brands 2 29 27 26*4 26*4+ *4 Std GS&EI S4nf 17 26*4 26*4 26*4 + >4 8td Gs&El $6 pr 1 97 97 97 +1 Std G&E$7pr Df 4 108 107*4 108 +1 Std Oil Calif 2e. 56 71 70t4 71 +1 sta on ina -a . a/ •«% 4b 4b% + % Std Oil N Jer lb 02 BOH 80% 80*++ % SdOilOblom 58 32% 31% 32%+% Std Stl Sprg Vie 54 13% 15 15% + % StdStlSpmg Pf2 3 42% 41% 42%+ % Starrett L 8 3 2 40 40 40 SterchlBr St la 7 15 14% is Sterling Drug 2 14 37 36% 37 Stevens J P 2a 32 36% 35% 36 + % Stewart-War %* 12 16% 15% 16 + % Stok-V Camp 1 18 17% 17% 17%+ % StokleT-V C pf 1 4 1* 19 19 + % Stone&Web %e 31 16 15% 15% + % Studebaker tie 327 28% 27% 28% - % Sun Cbem .60 20 11 10% 11 Sun Oil lb . X 1 64% 64% 64% +1% Sunrar Oil .80 186 15% 14% 15% + % Sunshine Bise 8 5 38 38 38 Sunshine M 60 19 11% 11 li% Superheater la. 12 25% 24% 25 + % Sup O') Ca. le 2 215 225 225 +1 Superior Stl la 13 19% 19% 19% SweetsCoAm le 4 13% 14% 13 - % SwlftACo I 60a 23 34% 34% 34% + % Swift Inti .40* 20 17% 17 17 - % Sylvan Elec 1 40 9 24 23% 24 +% tSylvn Elec of 4 10 87 87 87 -1 Syming-Qould 11 7% 7 7 TALCOTTJ 60a 2 11% 11% 11%+% Tenn Corp .85*. 7 19% 19 19%+% Texas Cob 91 64% 64% 64%+ % TexOnlfPro .88* 34 24% 24% 24% Tex oulf Sul 2a 8 62% 61 62 +1% TexPaeCAOla 38 53% 52% 53%+ % TexPacLT 70* 15 46% 46 46 Tex A PlC Ry 4 2 62% 62% 62%+ % Textron la _. 45 19% 18% 19%+ % Textron pflVe 8 22% 22 22%+% Thatcher G1 60 13 11% 10% 11%+ % Thermold %f . 5 10% 10 10%+% Third Ave Tran* 7 11'+ 11% 11% Thomas Stl 1 «0 7 22% 22% 22%+% Thom Prod l',e 1 56% 56% 56% + % Thompson-Star. 9 3% 3% 3% + % Thom-starrnf l 27% 27% 27% + % Tide W 011 1.20a 88 31% 31 31%+ % Timken Axle %* 30 26% 23% 23% + % Tlmk Bear 1 He 5 55 54% 54% - % . fnsamenca %* 14 13% 13% 13% + % Trans* W Sir 106 18% 16 18 +1 Transue&W %e 5 21% 21 21% + % L ri-Con Cp %g 82 10% 10 10%+ % Truax-Tra 1.20 34 16% 16% 16%+ % Twent C-POX 2 106 25% 24% 25% + % 20thC-Px nf 1 % 1 36% 36% 36%+ % Twin City BTr. 4 7% 7% 7% Twin Coach ... 1* 13% 13 13%+ % tFDYLITE 1 2 10'+ 10% 10%+ % Underwood 1%* 2 58 56 98 ♦ % Stock Rally Carries Average Close to 21-Month Peak By T. E. Applegate Associated Press Financial Writer NEW YORK. May 2.—Stocks re covered more lost ground in an ac tive market today and approached their best average level in 21 months. Demand for shares hit such a fast clip early that the ticker tape fell behind as much as two minutes for a brief period. Sales of 660.000! shares were recorded in the fastest first hour since Monday. Some of the oils, rails and liquors were singled out for special atten tion. Although not all of the initial gains were retained, bullish senti ment remained widespread. Such discouraging situations as the continued deadlocks in negoti ations on automotive, coal and rail disputes were virtually ignored. Washington Exchange SALES. Potomac Eire Pwr com—lilt) »t 13V 1(1(1 at 13V 3(1 at 1.3V Capital Transit Co—1(1 at 16%. Lanston Monotype—70 at 25. Hecht comon—100 at 27. Potomac Elec Pwr common—28 at 13V o at 13V Capital Transit 1st ref 4s—$1000 at 01. Washington Gbs com—32 at 25. Potomac Elec Pwr com—t at 13V Potomac Elec Pwr 3.60 pfd "B —1 at 44. Washington Gas 4.50 pfd—5 at 103%. Capital Transit Co—20 at 16V Washington Gas 4.25 Pfd—3 at 09%. Natl Mtg A Inv pfd—(-loo at 7%. PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS. Bid Asked. Am TAT cv deb 23«s 1058 115% 116 Am T&T cv db 2%s 1061 108 109 Cap Transit 1st ref 4s 1064 01 03 City & Suburban 6s 1948 100 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s 1061 111 115 Pot Elec Pow 3%s 1966 104% _ Pot Elec Pow 3%s 1977 108 _ Pot Elec Pow 3s 1983 __ 101% _ Washington Gas 6s 1960 120% _ PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS. Am T&T (9) __ 15634 Capital Transit ... 16% 17% N At W Steamboat (t4> 150 Pepco common ( OOi 13% 13% Pepco 3.6077 Pfd •'A" (1.80) 43% 44% Pepco 3.6077 Pf B" (1 Mil) 44 45 Wash Gas Lt com (1.501 25 25% Wash Gas Lt cu pf (4.25) 100 101 % Wash Gas Lt cu cv pf (4.50) 103 BANK AND TRUST COMPANIES Amer Sec k Tr new (tl.OO) 30 31 Bank of Betheada (tl.50).. 40 Capital (.90) ... _ 82 36 Com k Saving* (tlO)_ 350 _ Liberty (8) _315 _ Lincoln (t6) 330 Natl Sav Tr (8.00) 420 450 Pr Georges B At Tr (tl.OO) 30 Union Trust Co (tl.OO).— 38% 40 Riggs (12) 318 335 Washington (6) _195 _ Wash Loan A: Tr (12) 330 .. . FIRE AND TITLE INSURANCE American (t6> _ 160 Columbia (t.30> _ 12% 13% Firemen's (1.40) 31 National Union (.75)_ 15 19 Real Estate G6i . 195 206 MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corp (2.00) 30 35 Garflnckel com (1.50) 18% 18% Garf) 6%'. cu cv of (1.375) 74% 26 Garfl 4%77 cu cv pf ) 1 1*25) 2(1% 21% Hecht Co (1.60) 26% 27 Hecht 3%'' cu Pf (3.15) 89 92 Lanstor. Mono (2.00) *24% 25% Mergenthflrr Lino (a.75) 50% 63 Nat’l Mtg & Inv pf <p 45) 7% Peoples Di ug com HI 60) 34% 36 Security Storage (t5) ... 115 125 Ter Pel At Wh Corp (3) 60 Wdwd At Loth com (t2.00) 36% 37 Wriwd A- Loth pfd new (5) 104% * Ex dividend, b Books closed, t Plug extra or extra*, a Paid so far this year, p Paid 19477__ New York Cotton NEW YORK. May ‘21 r./pv—Cotton fu tures turned steady following an irregular Dattern in early dealings today. Mill buy ing along with short covering aupported the market Som* .selling was influenced by indica tions that export buying will get under way slowly and talk that domestic carry over stocks on August 1 may be well above present expectations. There was further switching between nearby July and Octo ber. A private crop survey estimated cotton acreage in the eastern belt lCM* per cent above last season, with increases of 8 to IT Der cent forecast in the central belt La e afternoon prices were 10 to .V" k bale higher than the previous close: July. J 37.op; October. 34.18, and December. 33.38. __ Odd-Lot Dealings The Securities and Exchange Commis sion reported today these transactions by customers with odd lot dealers or special ists on the New York Stock Exchange lor May 20: 6.774 purchases involving 7 75 shares: 8.544 sales involving 254.86) shares including 38 short sales Involving 1.248 shares. Sales— Stock and Add Net Dividend Rate 00 High. Low. 2:30. chge UnAsb & R 70a 3 15 1474 15 Union Rag 2a 66 39% 38% 39% +1% Un Carbide nVihlSl 41% 41% 41% 4- % 'Un El Mo pf 4%330 109% 108% 109% 41% Un Oil Cal ."Of 124 32% 31% 32% 41 Un Pacific 10%4 3 187 186% 186% - % Un Pacific Pf 4. 1 104% 104% 104% 41 Unit Air Llnea 33 19 18% 18% 4 % Unit AirLDf 4% 1 89 89 89 - % Unit Aircraft le 53 30*4 29% 30% 4 % Unit Biscuit la 2 21 20% 20%-% Ut Board AC %e 7 14 1374 1J7» 4 % Unit Carbon 2 1 35% 35% 35% 4 % Unit Cigar WbaJ 14 4% 4% 4% 4- Vj United Corp . 95 3% 3% 3% 4 % Unit Corp pf 8 7 47% 47% 47% - % United Dyewood 13 8% 8 8% 4 % Utd Elec Coal 1 26 2474 24% 24% UtEng&Pdv 1 %a 3 43% 43% 43% 41% United Fruit 2a 29 56 55% 56 4 % UtdGasImp 1 30 9 22% 22% 22% 4 % UnttMAMta 119 20% 20% 20% 4 % US&F Sec 1.35f 21 31% 31% 31% 4 % U 8 Freight la.. 3 24% 24 24%+ % U 8 Gypsum 3 . 10 108 107 108 42 US Hoff Mch %r 1 16% 16% 16% 4 % US IndChm 1 tie 2 39% 39% 397% - % U S Leather %e 22 7% 6% 7% 4 % U S Lines S% 22 20% 20 20% 4 % US Plne&F 2.80. 11 53 51% 53 41 U S Play Cd 2a. 2 56 56 56 4 % U 8 Plywood la. 11 37% 36% 37 4 % U S Rubber 3e . 20 48% 47% 48% 41 US Sm RAM la. * 57 56% 57 41 US Smelt pf 8% 1 68 68 68 - % US Steel 2'/at—118 81 79% 80 US Steal pf 7... 7 139% 139 139 U S Tobac 1.20 12 19% 187a 19 - % Utd Stkyda .40c 8 6% 6% 6% 4 % Utd Stores pf 6 4 98 97 97 - % Ut Strs2d pf '/ae 8 11% 11% 11% 4% Utd Walipap V4g 34 5% 5% 5% 4 % Unlv-Cyclopa 1. 1 18% 18% 18% 4 % Unit Lab 42 7% 7% 7% 4 % Unlv Leaf Tob 1 4 20% 20% 20% Univ Pictures 1. 29 15% 15 15% 4 % VAN RAALT lh. 2 26% 26% 2674 4 % Vanad Corp Vae. 12 24% 23% 23% 4 % Vert-C Sugar 2 64 15% 14% 15 Vick Chem 1.20 1 26% 26% 26% 4 % tVicksSh&Pac 5 30 93% 93% 93% 4 % VictorCbem 40a 3 45 44 44 Va CaroltnChem 14 12% 11% 12 Va El&Pwr 1.20 31 18 17*+ 17% - % Va Rail pf 1% 6 33% 33% 33% WALK H G 1 Yaa 16 27% 26% 26%-% Walworth Co %g 13 11% 11% 11% 4 % Ward Bak 30e 20 14% 14% 14% Warner Bro 1 % 188 13% 13% 13% 4 % Warren Fndry . 7 31% 30% 31% 41% Warren Pet 80 . 25 33% 33 33% - % Wash GasLt 1 % 1 25% 25% 25% Waukesha Mot 1 2 20% 28% 20% 4 % wayneiinni.^ue o *»•/« w «“/• + vt Wayne Pump 2_ 6 27% 27% 27% + % Webster 7 obac 12 6% 6% 6% Wesson OSS 1#- 5 52% 52 52 WstlndSuglVia 49 26% 25% 25% West Pen El V.e 42 18% 18% 18% W Va CSC .70*. ,6 17% 17 17%-% WVa PulpSP la 2 48 47% 47% - % WesternAlr Lina 6 10 10 10 WestAuto8up 8 6 46 45% 45% + % Western Md .. 33 14% 14% 14% - % west Md 2nd pf. 3 34 33% 34 + % West Pacific 3 .. 17 36% 34% 36%+1% West Un Telle. 22 23% 25% 25%+ % West Air Brk 2 - 17 37% 37% 37% Weitlna Elec 1. 106 32 31% 31%+% Westvaco 1.40 - 3 44% 44 44% +1% twitvaco Dt:n« 70 94% 94% 94% + % Wheel Steel 2 26 50% 49% 50% +1% 'Wheelstl prpf5 10 87% 87% 87% - % White Motor la 8 23% 23% 23% + % White Sewing M 13 17%, 17% 17% + % Wilcox Oil ,40a 6 17% 16% 17%+ % Wlllys-OverianC 108 10% 10% 10% + % Willys Ov pf 4V4 4 64% 63% 64% - % WllsonSCo lVie 51 17% 17% 17%+ % Wilson-Jones Vie 3 16% 16% 16% — % Wise Elec Pwr l 15 17 16% 16% - % VV'oodward Ir 2. 3 34 33% 34 + % Woolworth 2a *0 47% 47% 47% Worth Pump V«h 4 25 2»% 24% + % tWtbns prpf4% 20 78% 78% 78%+1 Wrltlay W Jr Sa 3 85% 65 65%+% WyandWor 40a 7 11% 10% 11% + % YALE STN Vie. 2? 32% 31% 32%+1% York Coro Vi - 53 16% 15% 16%+1% York Cp Pf 2%. 4 47% 45% 47%+1% Younx ShST 4a 21 81% 80% 81 + % YnestStlDoor la 8 19% 19% 19% + % ZENITH RIVie 13 27% 27 27%+ % Zonite Prod .10a 5 6% 6% 6% + % Bsurty Bales en the Eaebaata Tatar: 1100 am. 660 000 12 Oo ooon 1 180000 1:00 p m 1500 000 » .mom 2000 000 tUnlt of trading. 10 aharea. *In bank ruptcy or receivership, or being reorganised under the Jankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such companies. Rates of dividends in the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the last quarterly or semi-annual declaration. Unless other wise noted, special or extra dividends art not included x Ex dividend, xr Ex rights a Also extrs cr extras, b Plus stock divi dend. d Cash or stock, e Declared or paid so far this year f Payable in stock, esti mated <ash value on ex dividend data, g Paid last year, b Declared or paid after atock dividend or atoek split-up. k Accum ulated dividends paid or declared this year, i Parable in stock, exact cash value unde termined on declaration data. N. Y. Bond Market ■ ELECTED LIST OP ISKCZS. (Foraiibed l> tu TREASURY 2:30 2'.45 72-67 Jun 100 27 WORLD BANK IntBR&D 3»72 99 26 NEW YORK CITY 3180 105% FOREIGN 2:5«> Australia os 55 98%: ItalCCns l-3s77 17% Netherln 344 57 92 Norway 4s 63 70% Urag a] 4V»s 79 75 DOMESTIC 2 30 Am&F P 5s2U30 93 Am T&T 244S57 115% Am T&T 2>4s61 106% Am T&T 24bs86 92 A T 8 F 4s 95 122 AtlCoastL4'is64102 B & O 6a 95 J 76% Balt&Oh 5s9oG 69% Ba!t&05sK2000 69% B&0c»4%2010 54% Balt&Oh 4s75A 92% B & O T C 4s 85 85 Beth Stl 2»4s 70 99% Best Me 4%s 70 56% Bost Me 4 s 60 85% BufRoch&PoTst 67% Bush Term 5s55 92% Can Pac 4s perp 97 Cent Ga o'4s 59 14% Cent Ga 6s 59C 14 Cent Ga cno;45 64 Cent Galst5s45 78% Cn RR NJ 5s 87 61% Cn RR NJ 4s 87 55 Ch'&E 1 inc 97 44 CMStP414s2044 56% Chi&NW 4*4s99 65% CRIFIn4t4s20I9 86% C R I & P 4s 94 107% Chl&W I 4s 62 104% Citylnvest 4s61 81% CCCStL 4*4s 77 75% CleveUT4*2S77 102% CnsEdcv3s’63wl 106% Deere 2%s 65 102 Del Lk&W lr.B3 60% D&R in 4’42013 63% Den&S L inc 93 79% Dul SS&A 5s 37 46% Erie 3VaS 2000G 86 Gt Nor 3 VfSBON 97% GrnB&W deb B 9 O M&O 2044 D 65 Hud&M rf 5s 57 65% AiMciatM rrm.) Hud&M In 5i 57 26% I C 4s 62_102% Int G N Ist6s52 61% IntHydroE16s44 62% LacIedeGs4‘i63 109% LehVal4Vas2003 39% Leb Val 4s 2003 36 Lnalsl rf4s49st 101 Mich CG 3Vis«9 105% MSPSSM 4s 91 51% M-K-T 5s 62 A 80 M-K-T 1st 4S90 77% Mo Pac 5 Vis 49 25% Mo Pac 5s 77 F 83%' Mo Pac an 4s 75 39% Mdr*E3‘is2000 59% NOTMo'iSo4 97% NYC 4Vis2U13A 74% N Y C con 4s 98 6874 VYCHR 874s 97 88 NTNH&H 6s 40 78 1 NYNHine4Vis’2S 42% NYNH&H 4s 67 19 NYNHH 4s2007 69% NYOW rf 4s 92 11 N Y O W ( 4s 55 5% NY 8W an 5640 26% NY 8W rf 5s 37 48% NYWB 4V.s 48 18% Nor P elt 4%s75104 Nor Pac 4s 97 107 Nor Psc 3s 2047 67% NoStaPwr2%75 98% PacT&T 3V,s87 102% PennRR an5s68 111% PennRRs4l4s85107% Peo&E Inc 4s90 24% PtWVa 4 *4 S59B 88 SILSP 4 Vi82022 59 StLSanFrn4s97 87% StL SW rf 6s 90 101 Scab In41is2016 70% SoPaclflc4V,s81 94 Sou Pac 4 Vis 69 94% SoPsc4VisOr77 102% Sou Pac 2%s96 83% So Ry cn 5s 94 116 So Ry an 4s 56 94% Third Ave 5s 60 61 On Oil Cal 3s67 103 Un Pac 27»s 76 102% VaEI*Pw3 V»s63110% Va Railwy 3s 95 99% WalkerH 2*'.s68 99 West Un 5s 51 . 98 West Un 5s 60 92% wise Cent 4s 49 75 Wls Cn 4s 36SD 39 N. Y. Curb Market LIST INCLUDES ONLY SELECTED ISSUE* CHANGED FROM PREVIOUS CLOSE. Atreon Mfg Co .. 1% Alaska Airlines. 4% Alum Ltd 2_ 52 Am Bantam Car 1% Am Gas* El lb 38% AmLtght*T.50e 18% Am Maracaibo 4% Am RepublC '/jg 26% Am Superpower 1% Anch Post Pr % 6% Apex Elec 40e 11% ArkNGas A 20e 8% Aro Epuip .00.. 13 Ashland Oil 1-- 19% Atlas Corp w w 7% BabcockiWll 2e 57% Barium Steel 6% Blue Ridge 40g 4 Bourjois Mg. .. 9 Breeze Corp_10% BrwnF Dtst .80a 26 Brown Rub .45e 11% Bnk Hill & 8 Vaa 21% Burma Ltd ... 1 Burrv Biscuit... 3% Can Marconi_ 2% Carr Cons Blsc. 5% Catalln Am . 7% Cen&SWCn 70 10% Chief Cons Mng 1% Cities Service 2 57% Claude Neon 2% Colonial Airline 8% Col Fuelilr ww 6% Colts Mfg l%g 35 Coml & Sou w ar Ms Cons Gas Util % 10% Cont FdyirM 1 15'4 Copr Range'2e. 13% CornucupGMin. ‘Mt Cosden Petro 8% Creole Pet l.SOe 49% Crown Cent Pet 7% CrownDrug 05e 3% Cub Atl Bug 2a 20 Dennison A 40e 11% Domln Steel’2a 16% El Bond&Sh V«g 14% Equity Corp ... 2% Eureka C Ltd 1% FairchldCm .'lOg 22%, Fairchild E& A 5%, FansteelMetVsg 14% FordMFran 02g 1% GenPlywood 40 8 Olen Alden C 2 . 23% Goldfield Cons % Gray Manufact 12% Hazeltine Vie 16% HearnStores Vie 11% Hecla Min 1 . 13% Imp Oil Ltd Vi_. 16% Int Petrol % . 12% Invest Roy 04a 2 Kaiser-Frazer.. 11% Kirby Pet 20* _ 17% Lanston Mon 2 25 Leonard Oil Dev % Lone Star Gas 1 23% Long Island Ltg % Louis L & E la 20% Michigan Sugar 2% MdSPAvtcl.20e 28% MldStPB vtc Vie 8% Mid West Crp Of 10% Midi Stl n-cum2 26% Mid-West Refln 3% Mining Cp Can. 7% Monogram Piet 4% Nat Bellas 20g. 3% Nat Union Rad_ 3 N Haven Clock 5% Niagara Hud Pr 9% Noma Elecl 20a 16 NorthropAir Ug 13% Ogden Corp 1% OldPoindex 20g 7% Pantepec 1.2s . 18% Pennroad 40g_. 7 Pioneer Gold 2% Pltney-Bow 00a 12% Pitt Metallu .80 17% Pwdrell&Alexla 14% Producers Corp. 1% R-K-Oootwar. 3%| Raytheon Mfg 8 Richmond Rad. 4%j Ryan Cons Pet 10% : SaltDomeO l%f 11% Schulte (D A)-. 3% Segal Lock_ 23* Select Indus ._ 4% Selc Ind cv l'ig 26% Solar Aire 15e. 13** Sonotone .40_ 4 Soss Mfg 1 _ 10% Std Cap* Seal. 11% Sterling Inc'*.. 7% Technicolor '«e. 15 ! Tishman Real 1. 16% Tri-Conti w w _ 3% Ut Lt&Rys 32e 21% iU Sint Sec . . 4% :Ut-IdahoSu.l5e 3% ; Venezuela Petr 8% WentwthMfg'ie 9%j Wright Harz .16 2%j Dividends Announced NEW YORK. May 21 OP'.—Dividends declared: Pe- Stock of Pay Rate. riod. Record, able. Initial. Int Harvester new _ 35c Q 6-15-7-15 Increase. k Spalding Ac Bros 37‘aC Q 6-8 6-15 Extra. Asbestos Corp Ltd . _ 5c __ 6-8 6-30 Chi Mill Ac Lum 15c . _ 6-15 6-30 Nat Grocer* Ltd _ 20c __ 6-9 7-1 Regular. Bohn Alum Ac Br . 25c . 6,15 7-1 Book-of-the-Mo Club 25c Q 0-16 7-1 Bon Ami A _ 51.00 Q 7-15 7-30 Bon Ami B . 62Vic Q 7-15 7-30 Chamberlain Co Am 10c Q 5-29 6-11 City Ice Ac Fuel __ 62,Jic Q 6-10 6-30 Clark Controll . . . 20c Q 6-1 6-14 Davison Chem 25c Q 6-10 6-30 El Dorado Oil Wks 35c 5-29 6-15 Federal Mining 51 00 6-1 6-22 Grand Rapids Var 10c 6-1 6-15 Joslyn Mfg Ac Sup 75c Q 6-1 6-15 Meraenthaler Lino 7 5c 6-3 6-25 Mesta Mach 62,ac Q 6-16 7-1 Muskogee _ 25c Q 6-1 6-121 Nash Kelv . .. 35c 6-1 6-251 Superheater _- 25c Q 7-6 7-15] Swift A: Co 40c O 6-1 7-1 Asbestos Corp Ltd 25c Q 6-8 6-30] Chi Mill Ac 30C Q 6-15 6-30 First Natl Strs 7 5c 6-17 7-1 j Florence Stove 50c 6-1 6-9 Florida Pow Corp . 25c J 6-4 6-201 Nat Grocers Ltd _ 15c Q 6-9 7-1 Chicago Livestock CHICAGO, Mhv 21 OP*.—(USDA>.—Sal able Hogs. 8.000: total. 11.000; very active, unevenly 1.00-1.50 higher: most advance on weight# over 240 pounds with instances up more on these weights: top. 24.75: bulk, good and choice 170 240 pounds. 23.75-24.50; 250-270 pounds. 22.75-24.00: 280-300 nounds. 21.25-22.50;! 330-pound weights. 21.00. with 375-400 pounds. 10.75-20.25: sows around 1 on; higher: most 350-000 pounds. 17.00-18.75; few lighter weights. JO.00: complete clear ance early. Salable cattle—2.500: total. 2.500: sal able calves, 300; total, 300: all grades fed steers and yearlings weak to 50 lower: good to average-choice medium weight and weighty steers, mostly 50 down; clearance incomplete: low-choice 1.350-pound steers topped at 34.35; some held higher; most average-good to choice steers and yearlings. 33.00-34 25; me dium and low-good kinds.* 28.50-32.00: heifers steady: choice 1.020-pound aver ages to 33.50; cows steady to weak: cut ters. 19.50 down: most beef cows. 20.nn 24.50: bulls Arm: weighty sausage offer-' ings to 25.50; vealers unchanged at 31.00. Salable sheep—500: total. 1,500: one1 load common and medium 75-pound. Southwestern shorn lambs with mostly No. 2 pelts 5o lower than Thursday to local packer at 21.00: not enough other classes here to test market, but under tone weak for all slaughter classes. New York Produce NEW YORK- May 21 f/P-—Butter I 532.221: Arm: wholesale prices on bulk cartons: creamery, higher than 02 score and premium marks (AA>. 81*2 cents.! 02 score <A>. 70-79*2; 00 score <B>. 76*6-77; 80 score <C>. 74* 2. (New tubs usually command V2 cent a pound over the bulk carton price. Cheese—444,073; steady: prices un- i changed. Steadiness predominated today in the wholesale egg market with receipts lower than on Thursday Receipt# totaled 24.508 cases. Spot quotations follow: Midwestern: mixed colors—Fancy heavy weights. 49-50*6; extra 1 large. 48-48*6; extra 2 large, 47: extra 1 medium. 45*6 46; current receipts. 41*6-44; dirties. 41-42: checks. 38-39. Whites—Fancy heavyweights, 50*6-51*6; extra 1 large. 40-49*6: extra 2 large, 48*6: extra 1 medium. 47. Browns—Fancv heavyweights. 50*6 51 Vi- extra 1 large. 49-49*6; extra 2 large. 47*6; extra 1 medium. 46*6. Market Averages STOCKS * 30 IB 16 60 Indst Ralls Otll 8tkf Net change_ +.5 +.3 J-.l +.4 Today noon. - 97.0 44.9 4? " 71.1 Prev. day _96.5 44.6 42.1 70.7 [ Week ago . 96.0 45.2 41.8 70.8 Month ago_ 93 1 42.3 40.6 88.1 I Year ago _ 8:. 4 29 4 418 60.3 j 1948 high_ 97.3 45.2 42.3 71.3 1948 low _ 83 3 34.2 38 0 60.3; BONDS. 20 10 10 10 10 Low Rail*. Indst. Util. Pgn. Yield.! Net change unc. —.1 unc. +.1 - .1 Today noon 92.5 101 6 101.4 62.1 110.2: Prev. day . #2.5 101.7 101.4 62.0 110.1 ! Week ago . 92.3 101.4 100.9 62.0 110.2 Month ago 91.2 101.6 100.6 62 4 109.6 Year ago . 90 4 103.3 105.3 73.3 115.9; 1948 high- 92 5 101.7 101.4 66 9 1102' 1948 low 87.7 99.8 98 0 60.2 107.2 (Complied by the Assoeated Press.) Chicago Grain CHICAGO. May 21 0P>.—Another day of ?pl**ndtd corn planting weather caused distant deliveries of this grain to drop today. The December contract fell more than 3 cents as reports were received that farmer* were rapidly getting a large acreage planted. In contrast to other contracts. May, corn acted firm on short covering Oat*1 mere unsettled and fractionally lower Wheat‘prices were mixed, supported by a pick-up in domestic our business and, growing worry over lack of moisture in the Western plains. At noon, wheat mas 1 lower to Vj higher. May. 2.45*£: corn was 3H lower to 34 higher. May. 2.34*4; oats were 3«-:« lower. May. 1.13*2. and soybeans werfi 5 to 7 lower. May 4.10. {. Short interest in May contracts at the start of trading today totaled 3.25*000 j] bushels in corn, 2. 654.000 bushels in wheat and 2.625 000 bushels oat*. 1 Four Major Networks Indicate Race for Top Position in Television fty the Associated Press LOS ANGELES, May 21.—Radio's four major networks served notice today that they are racing for tele vision supremacy. A scramble for preferred positions can be expected from now on. with coast-to-coast television nearing a reality, experts told 350 delegates to the engineering conference of the National Association of Broad casters. "By the end of this year, television will be wearing long pants,” Prank Marx of New York, network advisory member of the NAB Engineering Executive Committee, said yester day. Five ABC Stations Planned. Mr. Marx, who also is vice presi dent in charge of engineering for the American Broadcasting Co., re ported his network's plan for five video stations this year. He did not locate them. William B. Lodge, New York, di rector of general engineering for Columbia Broadcasting System, de« scribed the vast Grand Central stu dio CBS is building in New York but conceded that the new Mutual Broadcasting System television stu dios in Hollywood are the world's largest. Robert Clark, New York, tele vision operators supervisor for Na tional Broadcasting Co., reviewed! a recent telecast from a submarine.1 The telecast, running an hour andi 10 minutes, showed the sub above j water and submerged, and recorded; crew actions during a simulated j battle. Cable Facilities Projected. Ernest H. Schreiber, Los Angeles, Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. engineer, reported the immi nence of multi-million dollar cable facilities suitable for transcontinen tal television transmission. He said that a New York-Chicago television channel will be in opera tion late in 1949. Early that year completion of the St. Louis-Jackson, Miss., section will close the gap be tween the Southern transconti nental coaxial cable and the East ern coaxial network. “Transcontinental television can be provided about one year after completion of the cable if the de mand warrants,” he said. The engineers are scheduled to close their conference today. Rail Lines Into Manchuria Reported Crippled by Reds By th« Atlociofad Pr**$ PEIPING, May 21.—Pro-govern ment reports today said Chinese Communists had crippled govern ment rail lines into Manchuria and Jehol Province. The Reds also held up a Peiping bound passenger train. Several coaches were fired and an unde termined number of passengers were taken prisoner. The railway between Tientsin and Shanaikuan at the southern end of the Great Wall was reported c6» In five places. Rail tralfic between the two cities was halted. Two raids on small stations on the Peiping-Suiyuan railroad be tween here and Kalgan interrupted service. The station masters were Kidnaped. As fighting subsided in Peiping suburbs, national forces were re Dorted moving through the Great Wall to attack Reds menacing Chengteh. provincial capital of Je hol. Reds around Chengteh were said to have been hit by ground and Rir attacks. Getty Is Reinstated As Head of Big Trust By the Associated Press LOS ANGELES, May 21.—J. Paul; Getty, millionaire oilman, yesterday was reinstated as sole trustee of a $47,000,000 trust fund which in cludes stock in the Pacific Western Oil Corp. The petition for his reinstate ment. approved by Superior Court, indicated that such action will clear the way for sale of the Pacific Western stock holdings should the opportunity arise. Last October 4 a deal was ar ranged for purchase of all the Pa cific Western stock at $68 a share, conditioned on the ability of Sun ray Oil Corp. to merge Sunray, Pa cific Western and Mission Corp. However, attorneys said, this deal fell through when it wa'S indicated that the Getty trusteeship needed clarification. J. Paul Getty had resigned as | trustee September 15, 1941, because of press of other business. Pilot Is Blamed for Crash Killing Oregon Governor! By th* Associated Press The Civil Aeronautics Board said, yesterday an air crash in which; Gov. Snell of Oregon was killed | last October 28 probably resulted: from the pilot's inability to fly "blind.” The CAB said its inquiry showed the small plane, en route from Klamath Falls to Adel, Oreg., flew into a heavy rain which limited visibility. The pilot. Clifford W. Hogue, lacked "training and ex perience required to safely control the airplane without reference to the ground,” the board said. All four persons aboard the plane were killed, Including Robert S. Far rell, Oregon Secretary of State, and Marshall E. Cornett, president of the State Senate. Foreign Exchange NEW YORK. May 21 —Foreign ex change rates follow 'Great Britain in dol lars. omers in cents): Canadian dollar in New York open mar ket. 7% per cent discount or 92.75 United Star 'S cents, up i« of a cent. Europe—Great Britain. 94.03Ye. un- , changed France (french .32% of a cent, I unchanged; Italy (lira*. May fixed rate; 00173?. April .001742; Sweden, kronaij 27.85. unchanged: Switzerland (franc) (commeicialh 23.40. unchanged. Latin America—Argentina free. 25.04,; unchanged; Brasil free. 5.50. unchanged: Mexico 20.62. unchanged._ A. G. Spalding A Bros, declared a quarterly dividend of 37N cents a share, payable June 15. Previous! payments were 25 cents. Chicago. Milwaukee, St. Paul A Pacific Railroad asked ICC permis sion to issue $7,120 000 of equipment trust certificates to help finance purchase of 61 passenger cars. 1.800 freight cars and two Diesel electric motor cars. Hoving Corp. has acquired the en tire capital stock of John David,' Inc., which operates six men's cloth ing stores in New York City. The price was $2,000,000 cash and 75.000 j common shares of Hoving. I Ultra-Swank River House in New York Sold By th« Associated Press NEW YORK. May 21.—The smart set will go hunting again this year but for some of them the quarry will not be a little red fox but a place to live. The ultra-swank River House. 26 story’ apartment building along the East River, has been sold to a realty company which announced today that the 79 apartments, rang ing in size from 9 to 17 rooms, would be remodeled into smaller suites. Among the tenants who will find apartment hunting the smart thing this season are Cornelius Vander bilt Whitney, Huntington Hartford, Walter Hoving, Niles Trammel, Arthur A. Ballantine, Ferdinand Eberstadt, Quentin Reynolds and MaJ. Gen. William J. Donovan. Maryland Tobacco UPPFR MARLBORO. Mci . Mar 21 _ Prices on Southern Maryland tobacco mar ket' swung upward slightly yesterday, mostly on low to good qualities. A light sale volume and lcwer quality than Wednesday also was reported by thw United Stwes Department of Agriculture and the Maryland Department of Markets? Better grades continued to sell at previous levels. Some representative prices: Heavy good cherry red $50; heavy low green. $10.75: fair red tips. $24; thin good cherry ied. $02; thin good red. $01. and good cherry red seconds. $54. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE VarHui plant, Includlnr lonr-term monthly payments, at favorable rate. rntsT deed or trust only RENTALS—SALES—INSURANCE GEORGE I. BORGER 643 Indiana Ave. N.W. NA. 0350 MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS We Rave for Immediate delivery, a limited amount ef prime 1st Mortiaye Notes, in amounts of *500 or multiples. Since 1900 “WITHOUT A LOSS TO AN INVESTOR.” Consult Mr. Hill. MOORE & HILL CO. 804 17th St. N.W. NeeJm SHARP Knife? i firm-grip fcandlaatjlaa, Singlt Kniaaa •ndKnifaSata, Use xcloo Supar-Sharp Craft Kaifa with ramor kbUW,d#" I $].oo to $12-50 fTsk5bEco’ PRODUCING STATION*** 919 C ST- V/ WASHINOTONOC NOTICE OF REDEMPTION TO THE HOLDERS OF VICTOR PRODUCTS CORP. Series ‘C’ 5^ Debenture Notes Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Indenture of Trust of Victor Products Corporation of Hagers town, Maryland, to the Hamilton National Bank of Washington, D. C., as Trustee, dated December 17, 1940, that the undersigned as Trus tee aforesaid has drawn by lot for redemption on June 1, 1948, out of monies in the sinking fund, the fol lowing numbered Series "C” 5% S. F. Debenture Notes due December 1, 1948: Coupon Notes of $1,000 Denom ination M1-M14-M18-M19-M25 M47-M53-M59-M74-M79 The Notes herein designated by number will be paid at the current redemption price, namely, 100% of the principal amount thereof, to gether with accrued Interest there on to said redemption date. Said Notes must have attached thereto coupons maturing on December 1, 1948. Said Notes will be redeemed at the Hamilton National Bank, 14th and G Streets N.W.. Wash ington 5, D. t. Interest on the Notes herein described shall cease to accrue on June 1, 1948. HAMILTON NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON, Trustee. By W. R. Forster, Vice President. Dated April 22, 1948. EXTRA INCOME I twice a year Save With Insured Safety Invest Idle funds in safety for profit. Open your account now and add to it as you wish. Pay ments made by the tenth of each month earn dividends from the first of the month. Dividends Declared Semi-Annually FEDERAL SAVINGS b LOAN ASSOCIATION 1631 K Si. N.W. Executive 0747 FRED A. SMITH President