WE MAINTAIN A MODERN MILL FOR ANY SPECIAL MILLWORN i If your building or remodeling plans rail for a special millwork job. bring it to us. Our modern mill shop, under supervision of experts with years of experience, can make to your speci fications any special millwork—doors, shash. cabinets. counters, shelves, mouldings ... in fact anything you may require in wood. We sell the best possible products at the lowest possible prices. We Cut Lumber to Sixe LUMBER—MILLWORK BH I ■ Send, Gravel, Cement, I I Y All Building Materials | INC. ' Sold in Small Quantities 2121 GEORGIA AVE. NO. 1341 NEXT TO BALL PARK 1 * 1 > . . \^*vttvyVc»•» ✓ £ VIMRfllVMSfMlimSS 5 «r Men's Wrinkle-Resistant MOHARA Tropical Suits D. J. Kaufman has the summer suit for you! Yes, Mohara blended worsted and mohair to create a cool, crisp fabric ideal for Washington humid weather. Tailored to resist wrinkles and retain its shape . . . styled to fit comfortably, your Mohara tropical suit keeps you feeling fresh all thru the day. Sizes 35 to 48, regulars, longs, shorts, $AO50 stouts and short stouts. Cool, Mesh Uppers in Roblee Shoes Handsome wing-t^ oxford with mesh uppers keeps your feet comfortable all summer long-$13.95 Handsome Straws by Stetson fir Lee Smartly styled of the finest straws. Styles for every wardrobe . . . every fashion demand, $5 to $7.50 USE OUR CONVENIENT 3-MONTH BUDGET PLAN i (005 Pennsylvania Avaaaa N.W. Branch Store, 14th and Eye Street* N.W.