OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, May 21, 1948, Image 36

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1948-05-21/ed-1/seq-36/

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Thumbnail for B-7

Two Smart Suit Dresses
Xan Kaalte “Mwage
51 Gauge Sheer Nylons
with the famous "FLEXTOE" feature
As sheer as their name indicates, they lie in a flat
tering mist upon your legs . .. with just their hair
line seams to prove you’re wearing hose! The
famous Van Raalte “Flextoe”feature provides “foot- ',
easy” fit. 51-gauge, reinforced at points of greatest
wear. In three exciting new shades; DAWN,
K&nn'»—Hosiery—Street Floor.
Durable, Serviceable
“Klumesh” BAGS
White that stays beautiful all summer
long ... in smart handbags of “Alu
mesh”! Of a flexible, aluminum mesh,
they’re white enameled... can be wiped
clean with a damp cloth. Lined with
fine rayon faille zipper tops, envelope
or white plastic frame styles.
Kami's—Leather Goods—Street Floor
S. KANN SONS CO., Washington 4, D. C.
Pleas* send me_"Alumesh" Handbags
@ $10.50, plus tox.
------* -- j
□ Charge □ C.O.D. □ Remittance
Add I% sales tat, 11 delivery it to be made in Maryland.
City-wise rayons that are
“just right” for countless
occasions . . . perfect foils \
for favored accessories! In
classic dark shades... navy,
green and black ... they’re
simply styled to take you
from desk to date with com
plete assurance. Added in
ducement, their minimized
price... keyed to career-go
ing budgets! Sizes 12 to 20.
Kann'i—Better Dress Shop—Second Floor.
Betty Brief Two-piecer,
scaled to the proportions of
those five feet five or under.
Black or navy rayon faille
with diagonally button
jacket . . . full-gored skirt.
Sizes 12-20. $16.95
L 4
Summer Favorites
Nice to be seen in and nicer to wear ... are these, our new
est Naturalizers! Their famous “Plus-Fit” lasts cradle
your feet, add spring to your step ... Choose them in spot
less, ever-correct white ... or with smart color-accents ...
in ’round-the-clock styles!
Kann's—Shoes—Fourth Floor
m-. i
Rayon shantung two-piecer
in navy with red polka dot
ted scarf knotted at neck
line (or black with green).
Sparkling rhinestone button
accents. Sizes 12 to 18.
Juniors’ Gold-Buttoned
White Wool Suede
Companion for every outfit in
your summer wardrobe is this
jaunty wool suede topper!
Wear it with suits and dresses,
with full-skirted formals . . .
even with slacks, if ocean
breezes turn too chilly! With
cardigan neckline, flaring
yoked back... In creamy white
with gold-colored button trim.
Sizes 9 to 15.
part Coat* and Bolts Second llocf.

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