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Bankers Announce Program of Session Af White Sulphur By Edward C. Stone „ George B. Roberts, vice president, National City Bank of New York; Kenton R. Cravens, vice president, Mercantile Commerce Bank & Trust Co., St. Louis; J. Burke Knapp, di rector of the office of financial and development policy, State Depart ment, and Ray Henle, National Broadcasting Co., will be the chief speakers at the meeting of the Dis trict Bankers' Association at White Sulphur Springs next week. Rich ard A. Norris, president, announced the program today. Mr. Norris will present his annual report at the opening session, Thurs day, June 3. Theodore P. Cowgill, president of Washington Chapter, American Institute of Banking, will make a report, several guests will be heard, and officers elected, Robert C. Lacey being in line for the presidency. Afternoon golf tournaments and the “family dinner” will be other special features. Attendance will exceed 300. Barbee Heads Controllers. H. Randolph Barbee, treasurer and director of the Federal Stor age Co., was elected president of District of Columbia Control, Con tr oners institute of Amreican at the Carlton Ho tel, last night, succeeding Henry W. Her zog. Mr. Barbee is a director of the Y. M. C. A. and chairman of the Educational Committee; chairman of the trustees of Southeas tern University of which he is a H. R. Barbee. graduate: a Mason ana memoer ui the Washington Board of Trade. Charles L. Carr, assistant con troller, Potomac Electric Power Co., was elected vice president; Peter Guy Evans, tax expert. Bureau of Internal Revenue, treasurer; Rob ert J. Garner, assistant controller, Engineering Research Corp., River dale, secretary. Directors: Walter L. Brauer, controller, and Howard G. Oberlander. assistant controller. United States News Publishing Co.; Milton A. Barlow, secretary and treasurer, Capital Airliner. Inc. New Concern Elects Officers. Harold A. Hanning was elected president of the Avin Corp. at the first meeting of the directors yes terday. The company, which deals in avia tion and industrial equipment, an nounced election of Dr. Norman Leon Gold. Chevy Chase, former director of industrial rehabilitation for UNRRA, to be executive vice president. Alfred T. Cox will be second vice piesident; James R. O'Connor, sales manager; Herbert C. Wright, chief of engineering, and Paul X. Bab bington, chief of purchasing. Robert H. Menzel of Hemphill. Noyes & Co., is financial advisor. Columbia Opens New Home. The Columbia Federal Savings & Loan Association opened for busi ness today in its new building at 730 Eleventh street N.W. Several hundred people were invited to in spect the new offices from 3 this afternoon to 9 o'clock. Many offi cers from other building and loan associations had a preview of the quarters last night. | Business Briefs | Electric Power Consumption de clined to 5.085,412.000 kilowatt-hours in the week ended May 22, from 5,108,673.000 the week before. The latest figure was 9.1 per cent over the comparable week last year. Edison Electric Institute. Chicago Board of Trade will re duce initial minimum margin re quirements on grain futures trans actions other than spreading and -edging to 55 cents a bushel on v heat, 50 cents on corn. 18 cents on < ats and 80 cents on soybeans, effec tive tomorrow Agriculture Department withdrew s request that bakers stop consign -,ent selling, under which they take ack stale bread from dealers. Act ig Secretary Norris E. Dodd re orted that less than 20 per cent of more than 3.600 polled pledged to upport the program which he said ould have saved millions of bushels of wheat. Otis & Co. announced me resigua ! ions of Frank Wood as vice presi dent and general manager of its New York office and Charles Corn ish. a member of the buying de partment in New York. William R. Daley, president, said the resigna tions had nothing to do with the securities and Exchange Commis sion’s current investigation of the company’s withdrawal front a con tract to sell 900.000 shares of Kaiser Frazer stock. Artloom Corp. stockholders will t ote June 16 on a change of name to Artloom Carpet Co. Commonwealth Edison Co. has de cided to raise $175,000,000 through new financing for construction pur poses, Charles Y. Freeman, chair man, told stockholders in Chicago. Union Electric Co. of Missouri Issue of $25,000,000 debentures, due 1968, was awarded to an underwrit ing group headed by White, Weld & Co. and Shields & Co Wesson Oil & Snowdrift Co. de clared an extra dividend of SI.25 along with the common quarterly of 50 cents, both payable July 1 to stockholders of record June 15. Austin Motor Car Co., Ltd., will Introduce a new sports convertible toward the end of this year. Leon ard P. Lord, chairman and manag ing director of the English company, told dealers in New York. The new model will be somewhat larger than present Austins but not quite as large as the average American car. Seeman Brothers declared a 50 eent extra dividend along with the 25-cent quarterly, payable June 15 to stock of record June 4. Zonite Products Corp. directors took no action on a dividend due at this time. Last payment was 10 cents a share in March. American Machine * Metals. Inc., declared a dividend of 25 cents on common stock, payable June 30 to holders of record June 10. Best Foods, Inc., declared a spe cial dividend of $1.25. payable June 25 to holders of record June 4 along with the regular quarterly of B0 cents, payable July 23 to holders of record July 2. American Laundry Machinery Co, declared a 25-cent extra dividend on the common, payable June 10 to holders of record May 28. Trans World Airline reported a first quarter net loss of $3,914,235 vs a deficit of $5,853,651 in the same quarter last year. I N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE (FarnUhcd ky the Associated Press.) Skies— Stock end Aod Net Dividend Rate. 00 High Low 2:30. cbte. ABBOTT LAB'Ja 3 /6% 76*4 76*4 + % A C P-Brill Mot 4 6*4 6*4 6*4 Acme Steel 4a . 2 54 54 54 Adams Bid So* 9 22*4 22*4 22*4 + *4 Addresso-Mult 2 11 37*4 37*4 37*4 +1*4 Admiral Cp Joe 22 11% 11 11%+ *4 Air Reduction 1 25 26 25% 26 - ‘4 Aldena Inc 1 % 5 20% 20% 20% - % Alleghany Corn 22 4 3% 4 | Allegheny Co pf 6 4» 48% 49 A1 Lud Stl 80e 6 33% 33*4 33*4+% Allen Ind ,16e _ 2 10% 10% 10%-% I Allied C&Dye Aa 4 198 197. 197 -1 j ! Allied Mills l*ie 4 32% 31% 32%'+% Allied Stra 3 18 36*4 35*4 36*4 + % AlliedStore pf 4 1 90% 90% 90% f % Allis Chaim I 60 20 41 40% 41 + % Amal Lther .22e 7 6% 6*4 6*4+ %| Amerada Pet 2a 5 119*4 119 119*4+ %| Am Agrlcul 3a. 4 49*4 49 49*4+1 ! Am Airline*. 49 9% 9% 9*4 AmBankN 1.00a 4 26% 26*4 26*4+% Am Bosch 84* 3 13% 13*4 13%+ %j Am Brk 6h 40e 7 43 42% 42% + % I AmBrkShoe pf 4 2 109*4 109% 109*4 + % Am Cable 6c Rad 9 5% 5% 5% Am Can 3 .. 7 87*4 86% 87 - % tAm Can Df 7 80 174*4 173% 174 -1 Am CarAcFdy 3g 4 46% 46 46%+ >4i AmCranamidla 6 40% 40*4 40%+ % AmCyamld3Viof 4 106*4 106 106 .+ %! Am Distillers 2. 2 45 44% 44%-1 Am Encaus */«e 2 6% 6% 6% — *4 Am Etftop 1.95* 5 17% 17 17% Am Export L 2 3 18*4 17% 18% + *4 Am 6c Frxn Pwr 43 3% 3% 3% — *4 Am A F P 2d pf 9 12 11% 11%-% AmHlde 6c L %( 3 6% 6% 6% AmHomePr 1.20 7 25*4 25% 25*4- % Am Ice .60e_ 2 8 8 8 - *4 Am Loco 1.40 21 25 24% 25 + *4 Am McbdcFd 80x16 21 20 20 - % Am Mach & Met 38 10% 9% 10 + % Am Metal *4e... 6 32% 32*4 32%+% Am Power A Lt 24 10*4 10 10*4 + *4 AP&L JSpf 2%k 4 82 81% 81% - % Am Radlat 40e. 53 16% 16% 16% Am 8af Razor 1 19 11% 10% 10% — % tAm Smelting 1 e 34 66% 64% 66 tAm SmAR of 7 150 159 158*4 158% - % Am Steel Pdrr 2 xlO 33% 32% 33 - % Am Stores 1.40a 1 26% 26% 26% - ‘4 Am Sum Tob 2 3 20% 20% 20% Am Tel 6c Tel 9 17 157*4 157*4 157*4 - % Am Tobacco 3a 17 59% 59% 59% + % Am Viscose 2a 25 69 67 69 +2 AmWatWks 30e 10 8 7% 8 + *4 Am Woolen 6 .. 21 54% 54 54%+% Am Wool pf 7 3 103*4 103% 103% + % Am Wool pr pf 4 3 108 108 108 Anaconda C a4e 72 40% 39% 40*4 + *4 tAnac Wire *ie 980 42% 41 42 -r % Anchor Hock 2 9 34% 33*4 34% + % Ander-Prich O 1 31 29*. 29% 29*4 + ‘4 AndesCopper'ig 1 13*4 13% 13*4+ •» A P W Prod *.e 9 6% 6% 6*4 + % Armco Steel 2b 24 30% 30*4 30% + *4 tArmco Stl pf4*i 30 99 98% 99 +% Armour&Col 20 31 14% 14*4 14% — % Armst Cork ROe 8 54% 53% 54% +1*4 tArm Cork*4pf4150 112% 112 112% +1*4 Assd Dry 0 1.60 15 18% 18% 18% AtchTdcSFB 7 113*4 112*4 113 +% Atch T6rSF pf 6 * 106% 105% 106*4 + % A T F Inc %e . 35 18% 17% 18% +1% All coast, cine * * ^ ; All Refining IV, 32 44% 43% 44%+% tAtl Refln nfA 4 170 112% 111% 112% tAtl Ref ofB.'I’i 3 96 95% 96 - % j Atlas Corp 1 60 * 3 24% 24 24% + % tAtias Powd le 360 57% 57 57% + % tAtiaa Pow pf 4 no 109 107 107 -3% Atlas Tack 2 . 1 22 22 22 +1% j Austin Nichols.. 3 8% 8 8 % Autocar Co tie 18 14% 14% 14% — 4 AvcoMfg.35e 8 6% 6% 6% ; Avco Mfg Pf 2 V* 4 45% 44% 45%+1%, BALD LOCO If. 10 16% 16% 16% Balt* Ohio 74 15% 14% 15%+ % Balto A Ohio pf. 31 25 24% 24%- % BangorAArostk. 6 31 30% 31+ 4 Barber Oil 1 ‘ je . 4 56 55% 55%-%. Barnsdall 011 2. 19 41% 41% 41%+% BayukCig 1-ia. 5 20% 20% 20% Beech Aircraft 7 13 12% 13 + % Beech-N P1.60 x 1 36% 36% 36%+ % Bell Aircraft If 3 16% 16% Wi + }* Bendlx ATiat 2 33 37% 36 37% +1% BndxHomeAl'4 9 17% 17% 17% Benef Ind 1.20a 4 25% 25% 25%- % Benef In L pf3Vi * 85 85 85 +1 Best A Co 2 6 30% 30*4 30% + % Best Poods 2 29 37% 36% 37% +1% Beth Steel 1.20b 71 36% 36 36*4+ % Beth Steel pf 7 1 134% 134% 134% - % Blgelow-San %h 3 35% 35% 35% - % BrmnghmE 1.20 5 11% 11% 11%+% BlackADeck 2a.. 1 35% 35% 35% Blaw-Knox‘je 12 19% 18% 19 BlissALaugh tie 3 16% 16% 16% - % Bliss E W 2_ 7 33 33 33 Boeing Alrpl 1 e. 33 26 24% 25% + % Bohn Alum %e 8 35% 35% 35% - % Bond Stores 2 6 27V* 27 27% + >4 BordenCo 1.20e 7 43% 42% 42% - % Borg-Warner 2a 19 62% 62 62 — % Branlff Air ... 5 9% 9% 9% Brldgept Brass 10 11% 11% 11% + % Briggs Manufg 2 23 34% 33% 34 +1 j BrlggsAStra 1 a 4 33% 33% 33%+ % Bristol-My .KOe. 2 35% 35% 35% + % Bklyn Cn Gas 7 20% 20 20% - % ; Bruns-Balke tie 5 22 21% 22 + % t Bucyrus-Er .35e 9 23% 23% 23% Budd Co .20e .. 14 11% 11% H% tBudd Co of 6 50 72% 72 72 Buff Forge 80a. 4 37% 37% 37%+ % Bullard Co %e 3 20% 20% 20%+ % ] Bulora Wtcb 3a 10 39% 38% 39%+1 BurllhgMllIi Its 24 23 22% 22%+ % ; Burr Add M 6(1 13 17% 16% 17% + % : tBushTB pf2tik380 93 90 93 +4 Butte C A Z .. J *% 3% 3% - % ; Byers A M %e . 6 25 24 25 + % Byron Jn 1.40a. 2 33 37% 32 4— 4 CALIF PKG2ti 2 36% 36 36 Callahan Zinc 1* 2% 2% 2% CaiumetAH lOe 54 7% 7% 7% — % ; Campbell Wy le 2 30 30 30 - % Can Dry GA 60 19 14% 14% 14% - V* Canad Brew 2x1 19% 19% 19% + % Canad Pac *ie 201 18% 17% 18 + % CaroPwrALtS 2 29% 29% 29%+ % Carrier Corp . - 15 18% 17% 18% C^rrAGen .20a 8 8% 8% 8% + % Case JI Co 1.20a 13 50% 49% 50%+ % CaterpllTract 3. 7 66% 66% 66%+ % Celanese 40e... 33 33% 33 33%+ % Cclotex 1% . U 32% 32 32%+ % Cen Axuir 1.60a 5 17% 17% 17% Cent Fndry V«g 19 9% 8% 9% + % CentHudGas 52 12 7% 7% 7% - % CentRRNJ*. 1 30 30 JO + % CenVISulVih 3 13% 13% 13%+ % Cerro dePas %e 11 27% 26% 27% — % Certn-td Pd 80a 51 19% 19% 19% + % Champ Paper la 6 24 23% 24 + % Checker Cab .. 3 13 12% 12% ChesAObloS- 50 39% 39% 39%+ % Chi Corp .40 ._ 58 14 15% 14 + % Chi A East HI.. 6 6 6 6 Chi A East 111 A. 4 12% 12 12%+% Chi Great West 8 10% 9% 9% - % 1 Chi Grt West pi 3 17 16% 16% - % ; Chi Ind ALA.. 9 12% 12% 12% + % Chi Ind A L B . 2 7% 7% 7% Chi Mil St PAP. 17 9% 9% 9% + % ChlMSPAP Pl4e 11 33% 32% 33% + % I Chi A N W Vaf 18 19% 19% 19% Chi A N W pf 6 - 8 43% 43 43% + % i Chi Pneu T tie. 6 38% 38 38% +1 Chi R I A Pac >1 38% 37% 38%+% ChlRIAP pfl'ie 17 68% 67% 68%+1 Tcnilas pi 0 2 - - ^*02 ZTW'/W T Chrviler 4 . 130 63'* 62 63'* +1'* Cln O * E 1.40 10 263* 26'* 263* + '* Cln Mill M 1 40 2 26'* 26'* 26'* + '* CITFlnenceZ. 13 46 453* 433*+ V* Cleric Equip 2 _ 2 35'* 35'* 35'* + V* 1 ClevEl 111 l.lOe. 21 40‘* 40 40‘* + ',* 1 Clev Gr Br .80#. 3 32 31'* 32 +1 ClimaxMol 1 20 * 17 163* 17 + 3* Cluett Pbda Vie. 10 36'* 36'* 36‘* - 3* 1 Cluett 2nd el 4. 3 92 91'* 91'*- '* Colemte-P-P 2a 12 43'* 423* 42?*- 3+ Collins At Aik 1. 3 24i* 24 24'*+ 3* Colonial Mill* 1 14 253* 243* 243*-1 Col Fuel Ac Irl 114 19'* 19'* 193*+ '* 1 Col PuelAcIr Of 1 7 20‘* 20 20V* + '* Col BrdcastA la * 29V* 29 29V* + 3* ColumbGas .60. 51 13‘* 13‘* 13‘* Colutn Plot 3.1 - 3 12 12 12V* - V* ColumCarbon 2a • 33 343* 33 +1 1 Col&SoOh 1 40e 3 42'* 42'* 42>* - '* ComlCredlt2 60 21 48 47'* 48 + *e Coml 8o)v 3*e 23 293* 283* 29 Comwl Edls 1 40 23 28'* 273* 28 - 3*1 Comwl A South 96 3'i 3‘* 3‘* Com&So pf7Vik 4 102 101'* 102 + '*, CondeNsstl 6 U>* 113* 113*+'*! Coni-Nalrn 18 34'* 34V* 34'* Curu. Cop .15e . 9 6V* 6 6'* — V*, Cons Edls 1 60 25 237* 23'* 233* Cons Edison pfB 3 105'* 105V* 105'* — '* Cons Grocer' 1 3 17'* 163* 163* — 3* Cons Nat Gas 2 13 463* 46 463* + V* Cons RRCuba of 10 26'* 253* 26 + 3* ConsTextlle 80e 6 14'+ 14 14v$ + '* Cons Vuttet xrl71 103* 10V* 10**+ '* Cons Vultee rtwl324 13* IV* 134+ V* Contain Corp 2a 7 37'* 37V* 37'* Cont Bakina 1. 4 1*3* 14'* 143* + V* ; Cont Cap "4* . 10 38'* 38 38 Cont Dl* Fiber 1 x 4 123* 12'* 12H+ '* Cont lnsuranee2 6 60‘* 60'* 60V* Cont Motors 93 9'* 83* 9V* + V* ContOllDel l Vie 15 63 623* 63 Cont Steel le . 7 18 17'* 18 +3* Cooper-Bess 1 5 30'* 293* 30'* + 3* Coprwld 8tl 3.20 8 17 16'* 17 + '* Corn Prod 1 .80e 8 65'* 63'* 65'* + '* Cornell-D E 80 14 14'* 133* 14'*'+ v* CornlncGless Vi 2 22‘* 22'* 22'*+ •* Cota Inc 20*... 7 43* 43* 43* Cota Int 20a . 8 3'* 3 3 Crane Co l 60a 14 38V4 38 38‘* + V* CreamerlesAm 1 9 111* 11‘* 11V4+ v* Crown Cork Vih 18 26 253* 253* + V* j Crown Zel 1.60e 6 34 333a 34 + V* ‘ Crucible 8teel 13 27 26'* 263*+ V*! Crucible Stl pf 6 2 74'* 74 74 Cub-AmSui 1 Vie 6 153* 15‘* 153* Curtis Publish 25 103* 10>* 103a + '* Curtlsa-Wr V«* 345 8>* 73* 8 + '*' Curtlss-W A Vie 44 2 3 3* 2 23* 2334+1 ; Cutlr-Hm 1.20a x 5 313* 31V* 31'*+1 DANA CORP V*t 1* 29 28V* 29 + V* Davison Cbeml 22 263* 263* 26'*+ V* Decca Records 1 * 123* 12'* 123* Deere* Col... 19 433* 42»* 43 - '* Del LAW Vie . 23 103* 10V* 103* + '* Den & RGW le 10 29’* 29'* 293*-'* DenAtRGWpflOe 8 49'* 48'* 49 +1 Detroit Ed l.SO 16 21'* 213* 213* □1st Cp-Sea 60 16 19 1834 19 + V* Dlvco Corp 1.28 2 17 163* 17 Ooehler-Jar 1 V* 15 37'* 353* 37 +1'* Dome Mines Vi# 19 17‘* 17V* 17'* + v* Doutlts A 2Via. 4 61'* 60‘* 61‘* +1 Dow Chem Vie.. 7 443* 44 443* - V* Dow Cbem of * 1101'* 101'* 101'* + 3* DowCh 2d pf8V* 2 1013* 101'* 101'* - '* Dresser Ind '.e 23 30‘* 29'* 30 + >* Duplan Corp Vib 1 17'* 17V* 17'*+ 3* Du Pont 4e 17 184 1813* 184 +3 DuPont3lxPf3'j 1 96'* 96‘* 96'*+ '* DWG Clear Vie. 2 14 14 14 + V* EAGLE-PI 1.80 10 253* 25 25V* + V* Eastern Air Lin# 22 20V* 193* 193* East Kodak 1V»* 16 44V* 44V* 44V* + t* Eaton Ml* 8... • 81 60V* 61+3* EdlaBrBtr lV*ax 1 193* 1*3* 19H + V* *-c Prod 1.20. 6 16 16 16 - V* oaiei— Stock and Add Ke* Dividend Rata. 00. High. Low. 2:30. chge tEkeo Pr pf 4*. 10 102* 102* 102* -1* Bias Stop N Vie 5 7* 7* 7* - * E' Auto-Lite 3 20 54* 53* 5* + * Elec Boat l.. 15 14* 14* 14* El A Mtitle .15g 145 2* 2* 2* E) Power ALt 23 21* 21* 21*+* El PALS7pf3Vik 1 154 154 154 - * Cl StoraeeBat 3 3 54% 54* 54* + * ElginNatW 00a 2 16* 16'-» 16* + * Emer Elec M 1 2 17* 17* 17* - * Emer Radio .RO. 1 12* 12* 12* + * Eouit OB Bldg 23 5 4* 5 Erie R R 1 23 15 14* 15 Brie R R pf A 5 3 60 59* 59*- * Eureka Will *_ 13 8 6* 6*-1* Evans Prod V4 .. 4 18* 18 18*+ * Eversharp *f . 14 10* 10* 10*+ * FAIRBANKS le 8 52* 51* 52* +1>* Falstaff Brew 1. 1 21 21 21 Farnsworth _ 14 8* 8* 8* + * PeddersQuI 80 2 13* 13* 13*+ * Fed MiASmlt le 1 42* 42* 42* + * Fed-Mogul 1.00 6 20* 20 20* + * FedMoTruck 40a 7 12 11* 11% + * Pederat D Stra 2 6 30* 30* 30*+ * ’Fed D S pf 4 V«. 30 97 97 97 - * Fid Phoenx P 2a 1 65* 65* 65* + * Firestone TAR 4 3 49H 49 49* First N Str 2?<e 2 56* 56* 56*+1 FirthCarpetl .60 1 19* 19* 19*+ * Plintko'e 2a 24 40*/* 39V* 40*+ * Florence Stv le. 1 36* 36* 36*+ * Florida Pow i 12 14* 14* 14* — * Follansb Stl »ie 8 28* 28* 28* + * FoodPalrSt 40b 4 11* 11* 11* - * Food Mach 1 * 8 44* 44 44* + * ’PoodMch pf3Vi 170 99 99 99 Poster Wheel I 6 37 36* 37 ’FostrWnflVa 30 24* 24* 24* Frank Stra .60a. 3 9* 9* 9* + * PreeoortSul 2*. 4 45* 45* 45*- * Pruehauf Tra 1. 5 22* 22* 22* GABRIEL 10e- 11 10 10 10 + * Galr Robt .40 19 10 9** 9* Gamewell Co la 1 16* 16* 16* + * Gar Wood Ind.. 22 9 8* , 9 + * Gar Wood of 3 42 41* 42 + * Gaylord Col*. 4 24* 24* 24*-* Gen Am Inv .40. 6 17* 17* 17* Gen AmTrna 3a. 3 59* 59 59* + * Gen Cable *e 7 12* 12* 12*+* tGenCable Inf 4 20 76 76 76 +1* Gen Cigar la.. 2 22* 22 22 - V* Gen Elec 1.60.. 171 42* 41* 42*+1 Gen Poods 2 15 40* 39* 40* Gen Instrumt 1 11 10* 10* 10*+- * Gen Mills 1*.. 1 49* 49* 49*+1 Gen Motors 3 . 217 63* 61* 63* +1* Gen Mot of 3* 1 97 97 97 - * Gen Port C Vie . 9 21* 21?* 21* Gen Precis Eo 1 7 18* 18 18 + * GenPuoSvc 20g 3 4* 4* 4* + * Gen Pub Dtll 80 24 14 13* 13* + V* Gen Rr Signal 1 3 27 26* 26* — * Gen RealtyAOt 35 6* 6 6* — * Gen Refract Vie 3 28* 28* 28* - * tOenStlC nf4Vik 20 120 119* 120 +1 Gen Teieoh 2 1 28* 28* 28* + * Gen TlreAR la 6 28* 28* 28?* tGn TAR pf4Vi 50 89 89 89 - * Gillette Saf 2Via 9 38* 38* 38*+ * Glmbel Bro* 2 6 24 23?* 23* GllddenCo 1 40a 13 27* 26* 27* + * 3oebelBrew ,10e 3 5* 5* 5?*— V* 'Gold Stk Tel 0 20 115 115 115 -1 jOOnail-sn > 'a» a a a*a-« a- -r ■ joodrich BF 2e 8 61% 60 61%+ % 3oodyearT&R 4 11 46 45% 46 3r«ham-Palre 83 5% 4% 5% + % 3ranCityStl Vie 4 28 27% 28 3rant (WT( la. 20 31 30 31 +1% 3tNl Or ct 1 Via 2 15% 15% 15% 3t Nor Ry pf 3 10 47% 47 47% + % StWstSug 1.60a 2 22% 22% 22%-% 3reen H L 2a 7 39% 39 39% - % HreenfT&D 1.20 2 16% 16 16 + % 3:evhound 1 69 12% 12 12% + % 3rum Alrc E 3f 15 39% 38% 39% + % 3uantanSuc %* 8 6% 6% 6% 3ulf Mob&O Ha 21 18% 18 18 - % 3ulfMo&Oh Pf5 3 56% 55% 55%+% 3u!f 011 3 . 16 75% 75 75%+ % 3ulf Sta Util 1 10 17 16% 16% - % HARB-WALK 1 e 2 26% 26% 26% Hart S & M 2.40 3 33% 33 33 - % Hayeslnduat Via 5 9% 9% 9% + % Hayes Mfg .30*. 73 10% 10% 10%+ % Hazel-Atl 1.20a. 4 22% 22% 22%-% Heinz 1.80_ 3 38% 38 38%+ % Helme G W 4 .. 1 59% 59% 59% + % Hercules Mot 1. 1 20% 20% 20%+ % Hercul Pdr 35e. 15 54% 54 54% + % Hercules P pfo 20 125% 125% 125% Hilton Hotels l - 15 12% 12% 15% + % Hinde&Dau 1*je 3 34 33% 34 +1 Holland Furn 3. 6 28 27% 27% — % Holly Sugar 1 _. 6 28% 28% 28% — % Homestk Min 2 2 39% 39% 39% Hooker Elec .60e 1 35 35 35 + % Houd-Hersh He. 30 18 17% 17% + % Household Fin 2 3 32% 32% 32% - % Househld pf3Vi 40 92% 92% 92% -1 Houston L&P 2 6 43% 43% 43% + % Houston Oil le.. 26 36% 36 36%+ % Howe Sound 2 . 2 43% 43 43% + % Hudson & Man 2 5% 5% 5% Hudson Bay 2e. 9 44% 44% 44% HudsonMot 40a264 22% 20% 22 +1% Hunt Foods 1_ 3 18% 18% 18% — % Hupp Coro _. 16 5 4% 4% + % LL CENTRAL.. 12 38% 37% 38%+ % 111 Cent Isd li 4. 50 96% 96% 96% -1% lllnois Power 2. 8 29% 29% 29%+ % 11 Term RR .72 1 10% 10% 10%+ % ndPr&LtlH- « 23% 23% 23%+% ndust Rayon 3- 11 54 53% 54 + % nger-RandBa. 1 147 147 147 +1% Ing-Rand of 6. 40 158 158 158 +3% nland Steel le. 18 44 43% 44 nspiraCopHe. 22 21*% 21% 21%+ % nterchem Corp. 4 22% 22% 22% ntercon Rub .. 3 3% 3% 3% nter Iron 1.20a 7 16 15% 15% — % nt Bus Mach 4- 3 143 142% 143 +1 nt Harvest 4a. 18 96% 95% 96 + % Int Harvs of 7_ 60 168 167% 168 — % nt Hydra El A.. 9 7% 7% 7% nt MACb 1 60 5 34% 34 34% + % at MinACh of4. 1 81% 81% 81%-1% nt Minina .. 5 4% 4% 4% nt Nickel 1.60. 70 30Vi 30% 30%+ % nt Paper 4a 44 62% 61% 62% + Via nt Ry Cen Am 6 11% 11% 11% - % IntRyCApf2Vak 30 9C% 90% 90% - % nt Shoe lHe_ 3 41% 41% 41% — % nt Silver 4e_ 4 59% 59 59%+1% nt Tel& Tel_ 85 15% 14% 15% + Va ntT&Tfornct 4 15 15 15 — H nterDepStrsE 4 26 26 26 ntertype .80e . 4 30% 30 30% + % si Ck Coal 60h. 2 37 37 37 IACOBS S’ L 8 9% 9% 9% + % JerCntP&L pf4 60 84 84 84 - % rohns-Man .70e 18 41% 40% 41% + % lohnson & J .40. 3 30% 30% 30% — % Johnson* J pf4 30 104% 104% 104% + % (ones & L St] 2. 45 37% 36% 37%+1 loy Manfg 2 40a 22 42 41% 42 CAL STOVE.45e 1 20% 20% 20% — % Can City South. 8 40 40 40 CavaerJla_ 5 18 17% 17%+ % Celsev-H A 1H - 3 23% 23% 23%+ % Cel-HayW B Vie 6 20% 20 20% + % Cennecott 1 Vie. 32 58% 58 58 — % Cern Land lVie. 5 47% 46% 47%+ % Cimbrly Cl 1.40 2 23% 23% 23%-% Klmb-Clrk pf 4100 101% 101% 101% + % Coppers Co 1.60 2 35% 35% 35%+ % Cresge 8 S le... 4 37% 37% 37% + % Cress 8 H 2a . 4 54 53% 54 + % Croger Co 2.40 . 2 46% 46 46% + % jACLEDE G .20 11 #% 6*4 6% .ambertColH. 4 23% 23% 23%+ % ane Bryant 1.. 2 13% 13% 13% .ane Wells 1.60 2 27% 27% 27%-% .eeRub&Tire 2a 2 45 45 45 - % .email c « n i .ehPortCem 1% 3 35% 34% 35% - % .eh Vil Coal 148 4% 3% 4% + % .eh V Coal lpf3 44 25% 24% 25 + % *h V Coal2of'i 17 10% 9% 10% + % .eh Valle» R R 4 7% 7% 7% .ehmanCro 60a 3 54% 54% 54% + % .lb-O-F Glass 2 10 53% 52% 53%+ % Jb McN&L tie. 16 10 9% 9% - % .lit A My 4a 2 85% 85% 85% - % .lrnwHaroll 60. 13 12% 12% 12%+ % .Ink-Belt 3a_ 2 70% 70% 70%+ % .ion Oil 2_ 3 47% 46% 47%+ % .lquid Carbn 1- 8 20% 20% 20% xickheed Aire.. <2 22% 21% 22% + % .oew's Inc 1 % 37 19% 19% 19%+ % .oneStarCaSVja 6 66 65% 66 + % .ons-Bell A ,SOk 7 27% 27 27 -% .orillard P 1 7 19% 19% 19% - % .oulsvilAN 3 52 16 48% 48 48 — % .owensteln 2a_. 18 34% 33% 33%+1 .ukens St! 40a- 2 23 22% 23 + % dack Trucks_ 14 26% 25% 26 + % dacy R H 2 —. 10 39% 39 39% + >/« dadSqGarl-- 2 14 14 14 — % dagma Con 1--a 3 23% 23% 23%+ % dagnavox 1 4 13*% 13% 13% danati Sug 1>%* 7 9% 9% 9% dandel Bros tit 1 11% 11% 11% — % daracOil.lOg 5 7% 7 7 darathon Crp 1 4 24% 24% 24% MarlneMldl 20f 18 8 7% 7% - % 'Mark St Ry pr- 30 16% 16% 16% Harsh Field 2., 4 28% 28% 28%+% Martin OL.. 20 18% 17% 18%+% MartlnParrv .60 7 19 18% 19 + % Masonite CP la 3 66 65% 66 + % Master Elec 2 40 2 26% 26% 26%+ % MathChem Ilia 3 36% 36% 36%+ % May Deot Str 3 10 46% 45% 45% - % 'May Deot pI3% 70 90% 90% 90% Maytag Co 1 7 12 11% 11% + % McCroryS 1.40a 2 36% 36% 36% — % McGraw Elec 2a 2 41 40% 40% -1 McKess&R 2.40 14 33% 33% 33% - % McQuay-N 1.40 2 22% 22% 22%-% Mead Coro le. _ 13 23% 23% 23%+ % Melville Sb 1 80 13 22% 22% 22% Mengel Co la .. 5 1# 18% 19 Mercant Stn 1 8 17% 17 17 — % Merck&Co2.40a 1 61 61 61 + % Mesta Mach 2% 3 43% 43% 43%+ % Miami Cop lie 94 19% 18% 19 +1 Mld-ConPet 1 %( 14 64 62% 63 - % Minn-Hon Ra 2a 3 52% 52% 52% — % Minn Molina 15 15% 15% 15%+ % Min&StL Ry Via 13 14% 13% 14 MlaslonCD 1 %1. 10 67% 66% 67% Mo-Kan-Texas. 11 6% 6 6% + % Mo-Kan-Tex pf 14 23 22% 22%+ % Mohawk Crpt 2a 1 40% 40% 40% - % Mojud Hos .80 . 2 12% 12% 12% - % Monarch Mch 2. 1 28% 28% 28% - % Monsanto Ch 2. 2 59% 58% 59%+ % Monte Ward 2a 20 64% 63% 64 + % M-MeC Lin Ilia 14 16% 16% 16% Motor Prod 1%* 13 29 28 29 +1% Motor Whl .80*. 2 21% 21% 21% - % Motorola lie . _ 25 16% 13% 16% + % Muel Brass .30a. 1 23% 23% 23%+ % Mullins Miff la 21 28 27% 28 + % Munsingwear It 4 1»% 44% 14%+ % Murphy GC 1 %a * 42 42 42 Murray Core I 27 15% 15 13% + % NASH-KIL 70e 163 19% 18% 19% + % Nat Acme 2a... 1 27% 27% 27%+% Nat Airlines - 4 9 8% 9 Nat An to Fib 60 36 11% 10% 11% + % Nat Aviation V«g 4 14% 14% 14% + % Nat Battery le - 2 40 39% 40 + % NatBiscult 1.60a 24 29% 29 29%+ % Nat Can__ 1 • • * Nat Cash Ra* le 15 43% 44% 43% +1% Nat City Lint % 6 8% 8% “ M NatContatn 1.20 23 13 12% 12% - % Na t Cyl Gas .80. 2 12% 12% 12%+ M Nat SArr 1.80 40 30% 30 30%+ M Nat Deot str la. 9 20% 20% 20% - * A * • Salat— Stock and Add . _ „ Fa* Dividend Rata. 00. 81th. Low. 8:30. chga. Nat outwent- 90 11 1198 1198- 98 NatRnAStpg le. 1 4194 41 41 - Vi Net Gypsum V«e 97 1998 1998 1994 + ‘4 Nat Lead la 25 37V4 3694 37V8 + Vi tNat Lead nfA 7 10174 174 174 +1V4 Nat Linen S .80. 6 7 7 7 Natl Steel 4 5 97>4 9694 97 Nat But Ref la. 1 2494 2494 2494 Nat Supply 1 . 52 2394 2294 2394 + 94 tNat 8UP of 494 30 9094 9094 9094 Nat Vul Fibre 1. 16 1594 1494 1594 + 94 Nehl Core 1 1 1794 17Vi 1794 Newberry JJ 2. 1 34 34 34 NEnaBiSystl- *0 11 >4 11 H94 Newpt Indust 2 4 2 594 2 594 2594 — 94 Newpt NewsS 2a 2 3094 3094 30*4 NY Air Brake le 4 4194 41>/a 4194- ‘4 N Y Cent R R 76 1694 1694 1694 N Y Chi A St L 1 65i/4 6594 6594 + Vi N Y CAStL pf9k 2 13394 133V4 13394 NY Dock pfl Vie 3 58 55*4 58 +194 N Y M H A Hart 104 13 12 13 +1 NYNHAHpf 33 35 33>4 3494 +294 tNYPAL Pf 8 90 10 93 93 93 + <4 Nopco Chm 40e 2 32 32 32 + '4 NorfAWestern 3 * 6194 6094 6194 + 94 No Am Aviation 54 12V4 12*4 1294 North Am Co 9ib 33 1694 16 1694 — 94 No Nat Gas 40t 18 34 33 34 +1 North Pacific le 41 2694 25>4 2594+ >4 tNoStPw pf3 60 10 0894 88*4 8894 + Vi Northwest Alrl 20 1694 1594 1694 + 9i NrthwAlr pfl .16 12 2 6 2594 2594 + 94 tNorthwn Tel 3 50 3094 3894 3894 - >4 Norwalk Tire... 3 694 6*4 6*4 - >4 OHIO OIL la 31 39*4 3694 39 + 94 Okla G&E pf 80 1 17*4 17*4 17*4 Oliver Corp Vie. 58 33*4 32*4 33*4+ 94 fOliver pf 494 .. 30 107*4 106*4 107*4 + 94 Omnibus Core 1 20 1094 10 10 — ‘4 'Omnibus of 8 30 9794 96*4 96*4 — *4 Otis Elevator le 16 33*4 3294 3394 + 94 Outbrd Mot .70e 1 1994 1994 19^4 — 94 | Owens 111 G1 3 7 66*4 6594 6694 + 94 tPACCSTlpfS 80 67 67 67 +1 Pac Gat A Elc 2 7 3594 35*4 3594 - *4 Pac Lithting 3.. 5 53*4 5294 5394+ *4 Psc Tin Cong... 19 6 594 598- 94 Pac West Oil Via 2 58 58 58 - ‘4 Packard M.16e 72 5*4 5 594+ 94 Pan AmAlrw V«g 40 1094 10V4 1094 Panb B P L S-. a 8 62 61 62 + 94 Panb PAR ,15a 22 994 994 994+ ‘4 Paraffine C .30h / 2794 27 2794 + *4 Param Plct 2 64 26 25*4 2594 + 94 Park&TUford 3. 2 50 50 50 Park Utah .10*. 3 3 3 3 - 94 Parke Dav .70e. 10 31 3094 3094- *4 Parm Trans .80. 2 994 994 994 Patino Min lie 4 12*4 12*4 1294 - <4 Pen A Ford ,80e x 1 32 32 32 + *4 Penney *JC* 7a 17 48*4 48 48*4+ *4 tPenn GAS pf 5 10 111*4 111*4 11194 Penn PAL 1.70. 10 19 1894 1894 — ‘4 Penn R R 9ie _ 80 21*4 21*4 2194+ ‘4 Penn Salt ,HI)e 7 47 46*4 46*4- ‘4 tPenn Salt Pf39il60 117 116*4 117 + 94 Peop Drug 1.60. 1 35 35 35 + *4 Pepsi-Cola .7Ua 54 1694 1894 1894 Pet Milk l._ . 1 299* 29*4 29*4+ 94 Petrol Core 60a 4 14V* 14*4 1494 + *4 PfeifTerBrw ,70e 10 1894 16*4 18*4 Pfizer CACo 2a 7 62 61*4 62 + *4 Phelps Dodge 2e 20 5694 5594 56 + *4 tPhllC87*pf3 20 54*4 5494 5494— *4 Phila Elec 1.20 8 2394 23*4 2394 PhilARdg CAI 2 17 1994 1994 1994 + 94 Phllco Core 2. . 13 38*4 3794 38*4+ V4 Philip Mor 19ia 4 2994 2994 2994+ 94 Phil Morris PI * a »o‘/a »«>'/* v vs Phillips Petrol 3 14 70% 70% 70%+ % Pillsbury Mills 2 3 34% j4V* 34% tPills Mills Pl 4 50 102 102 102 PittCOkACh 60g 2 14% 14% 14% - % tPitts C&C pf 6- 10 92% 92% 92%+1% Pitt Con Coal 2_ 18 35 34% 34% - % Pitts Fors Vat . 1 19% 19% 19% — % PittPlateGls Vie 16 38% 38 38% + % Pitt Screw ,15e. 4 9% 9% 9% Pitts Steel - 14 18% 17% 18%+ % Pitts* West Va 2 22% 22 22 - % Plttston Co 2... 10 42% 41% 42% +1% Plym Oil .POe _.. 14 61% 59% 60%+% Pond Cr P le .. 6 39 . 39 39 + % Poor A Co B la. 2 15% I 15% 15% + % Pot Elec Pwr 90 25 13% 13 13 — % Pressed Stl Car. 26 10% 10% 10% - % Proct * Gam 3a 8 67% 67% 67% + % Pub Svc Col 2.20 12 38% 38% 38% Pub 6 N J 1.40 16 23% 73% 23% + % (Pub SvcNJ pf 8 90 109 109 109 - % ♦ P 8 N J *5 Pf 6 20 95% 95% 95% +1 PubSvE&G pfwt 2 29% 29% 29% Publicker Vif . 16 27% 27% 27% - % 'Publicker pf4%x 1 91% 91% 91%+1 Pullman le_all 49% 48% 49% Pure Oil la 65 39 38 38%+ % PuritvBak 2.40a 2 30% 30% 30%+ % RADIO CRP.SOe 70 12% 12% 12% Radio CP pf 3% 2 75% 75 75% + % Radio-K Or .304 22 10% 10% 10% •Rais Pur pf3 Vi 50 96% 96% 96% - % Rayb-Man lV»e x 1 33 33 33 + % Rayonler Inc Vie 9 32% 32% 32% + % Rayonler of 2_ 1 34% 34% 34%+ % Reading Col— 2 21% 21% 21%+% Reading 1 pf 2.. 1 42% 40% 42% + % Rem Rand lb.. 19 15% 14% 14%-% Reo Motors 2Via 10 27 ‘26% 26%+ % Rep Aviation.. 38 12% 111% 11%+ % Republic Plctura l 4% 4% 4% — % ReDUb Steel la 47 29% 28% 29%+% Rep Steel pf A 8. 3 107% 107 107% Revere C&B1- 3 20% 20% 20*%+ % RexallDrug. — 9 7% 7% 7% + % Reyn Metals Vat * 28 28 28 + % Reynolds Spring 13 11% 10% 11%+ % Reyn Tob B ,90e 25' 37% 36% 36% — % Richfield Oil 2 .. 35 27% 27% 27% + % Roan A Coo .33e 6 6% 6%* 6% Rob-Fulton .60 11 10 9% 10 RbtshFlpfl.18% 2 25% 25% 25%+ % RonsonArtl.20a 3 21% 21% 21% — % Royal Type 1 60 27 26% 25% 26%+1% SAFEWAY ST 1 8 20% 20% 20% + % •Safeway pf 6.. 70 109% 109% 109% + % St L San Fran . 17 12% 12% 12% St L San F pf 5. xlO 46 45% 45%+ % ♦ St L Southw 6el50 129% 124% 129% +6% ♦ StL Sthw pf Se 20 92 92 92 - % St Regis Pap 60163 13% 12% 13% Savage Arms Vie 8 12% 12% 12% SchenleyDistil 2 25 33% 33% 33% — % Scott Paper 2.20 x 1 50% 50% 50%+ % Scranton Elec 1. 5 15% 15% 15% Seab Air Line... 6 22% 21% 22%+ % Seagrave _ 4 7% 7% 7% — % Sears Roebck la 36 41 40% 40% + % Scrvel Inc .30g 7 13% 13 13% ShamrockO 1 60 2 34% 34% 34% - % Sharon Steel 2 3 38% 37% 38% +1 Shattuck FG la 2 14% 14% 14V4 + % ShellUnOil 2Vig 25 41% 40% 41% Sliver King Col. 8 6% 6% 6% + % Simmons Co le. 10 34% 34% 34% Sinclair Oil la. 247 26”+ 25% 26%+% Skelly Oil 2Vig. 1 149 149 149 -% Smith A O V*h . 11 32% 31% 32%+ % Smith&Coron 2 2 24% 24% 24% + % SmithASonl.40a 21 38 37% 38 + % Socony-Vac 1 _ _ 86 20% 20% 20% — % Solvay Am pf ... 2 100% 100% 100% So Am Gold Vat. 2 4% 4% 4% So Caro E&G % 12 7 7 7 + % S Car El & G wl 22 6% 6% 6% SeastGreyL 1.60 8 14% 14% 14% + % Sou Cal Edls 1% 7 29% 29% 29% + % sou Nat Gas 1 Vi 5 25% 25 25% - % Southern Par 4. 32 59% 59 59%+ % Southern Rwy 3 15 46% 46% 46% + % Southern Ry pf5 4 69% 69% 69% — % Spalding Brol'i 1 20% 20% 20%+% Sparks-W .20e_. 3 6% 6 6% — % Spear * Co_ 3 8% 8 8% — % Spencer Kell 2 .. 7 26% 28% 28% + % Sperry Crp lVig 14 29% 29 29%+% Spiegel Inc . 13 12% 12% 12%+ % •Spiegel pf 4 Vi.. 40 73 73 73 — % Square D Vie .. 8 22% 21% 22%-% Squibb & 8ons 1 3 25% 25% 25% ' oyuiuuac yi * ****-,« « — v» Stand Brands 2 24 27*4 27% 27% Std Os&El S4of. 15 25% 24% 25% + % Std Oil Calif 2e. 19 70% 70% 70%+ % Std Oil Ind 2a - 41 4*1% 48 48% + % Std Oil N Jer lb. 78 81 80% 81 + % S d OilOblo 1 % 36 31% 30% 31%+% Std Stl Sprg tie. 16 14% 14% 14% + % Starrett L S3 3 41% 40% 40% - % Sterling Drug 2. 23 37% 37 37 — % Stevens J P 2a.. 11 34% 34% 34%+ % Stewart-War*4e 62 16% 15% 16% + % Stok-V Camp 1. lo 17 16% 17 + % Stone&Web *>e. 74 16% 15% 16%+ % Studebaker *ie. 162 28% 27% 28% +1% SunChem-60.- 11 10% 10*4 10% 3unray Oil .80 . 58 15% 14% 15% + % Sunshine Blsc 8 10 39 38% 39 + % Superheater la- 7 25% 25% 25% + % SllPO'l C*i 1* -- 1 224 224 224 -3 Superior Stl la. 4 19 18% 19 SweetsCoAro le. 4 14 14 14 SwiftACo 1 80a. 4 35 34% 34% Swift Inti ,40e . 15 16% 16% 16% + % Sylvan Elec 1.40 26 25% 24% 25% + % Syming-Gould 7 6% 6% 6% — % TELAUTOGRFH 2 4% 4% 4% - % Texas Cob . 41 64 63% 63%+ % TexGulfPro .35* 12 24 23% 24 + % Tex Gulf Sul 2a xll 63% 63 63 + % TexPacCAOla 76 54% 32 54*4+1% Tex Pac LT 70* 7 44 43% 43% - % TexAPacRyd 4 65 64*% 65 +% Textron la . xr35 19 17% 18%+% Thatcher G1 60 5 11 10% 11 + % Thermold %f . 2 10 10 10 + % : Third Ave Trane 12 11% 11% 11%+ % I Thomas Stl 1*0 1 21% 21% 21%+ % Tholh Prod 13ie * 59 57% 59 +1% Thompson-Star. 3 3% 3% 3% + % Tide W Oil 1.20a 81 30% 29% 30%+ % 'Tide Wet of3% 20 102% 102% 102% - % Timk-D Axle 1 e 42 23% 23 23% + % Timk Bear 1%*- 5 53% 53% 53*4— % Transamer ‘4a. 4 12% 12% 12% Trans AW Air. 12 17% 17% 17%+ % Tri-Con Co *4* 30 10 9% 10 + % Truax-Tra 1.20. 5 17% 17% 17% TwentC-Foxa. 17 25 24% 25 + % Twin City R IT. 2 8 8 8 - % Twin Coach - 10 13% 13% 13%+ % UNDER WD 1 '/at 15 58 57% 57% + % UnAsb A R .70* 3 14% 14% 14%+ % Union Bax 2a . 32 39% 39 39*% + % Un Carbide *4h 95 41% 41% 41% + % 'Un El Mo pf 4% 40 108% 108% 108% + % Un Oil Cal .70* 56 32% 31% 32% + % Un Pacific 10*4* 6 187% 185% 187% +1% Un Pacific of 4 4 105 105 103 UuTankCar 2.60 9 41% 40% 41%+ % Unit Air Line* 28 17% 17% 17% - % Unit Aircraft le 63 30% 30 30 — % Unit Biscuit la. 2 21% 21 21% Ut Board AC %e 26 14% 13% 14%+1 Unit Carbon 2 3 34% 34% 34% - % t Utd-Car Fast 2ax 1 33% 33% 33% - % I Unit Clear WhaJ 11 4% 4% 4% United Corp .... 57 3% 3% 3% Unit Coro Pf 8 6 47% 47 47%+ % | United Dyewood 3 8% 8% 8% ! Utd Elec Coal 1 7 26 25% 26 + % , UtEnr&PdVlVi* 8 44% 44 44 i United Fruit 2a 13 36 53% 35*%- % UtdGasImp 1.80x13 22% 22% 22%+ % Unit M 8 M 1 a 259 21% 19% 22% +1% USAPSecl.35* 17 31 29% 31%+1% U S Gypsum 3 . 9 109% 108% 109*% +1 US Hoff Mch %g 2 16% 16 16*4+ % US IndChm 1 *4* 2 40% 40 40% + % U 8 Leather %* 11 7% 6% 6% - M US Linas 2% .. 21 19% 19% 19%+ U US Lines pf .45 1 9% 9% 9% - % US PlneAF 2.80 x 2 51 51 51 - W U S Plywood la- 14 36% 36 36% + % US Rubber 3e - 16 48 47% 48 + % US Rubber lpfS. 1 129 129 129 +1 US 8m RAMI*. 15 56% 56*4 98% US Smelt pf 8%. 1 69% 69%. <9% + « * m % Stocks Push Upward On Reviving Demand After Quiet Morning By th* Associated Pross NEW YORK, May 26.—Demand for stocks revived in today’s market and prices pushed up fractions to more than a point. Leading industrial shares were prominent in the upswing. While some of them showed signs of re covery at the opening today, gen eral support was lacking until near midday. ■ After one of the quietest first hours in the past two weeks, activity picked up sharply as new buying orders arrived. Steels, motors and aircrafts were among buoyant groups. A flood of dividend news, mostly favorable, aided Individual manufacturing issues. New 1948 highs were attained by General Motors, General Electric, Miami Copper, Best Foods and American Machine & Metals (the last two on dividend actions). Ac tive gainers elsewhere included Chrysler, U. S. Steel, Lockheed, Douglas Aircraft, Boeing, American Woolen, Du Pont. Westinghouse Electric, International Harvester, J. I. Case, Northern Pacific and Penn sylvania Railroad. Lagging were Commonwealth Edison, Dow Chemi cal and Atlantic Coast Line. Bonds were narrow. Washington Exchange SALES. Potomac Eire Pwr common—loo at 13*. Woodwd * Lothrop common—10 at 38*. Potomoc Elec Pwr. common—100 at 13*. 100 at 13*. 100 at 13*. PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS. Bid Asked. Am T&T cv db 2*s 1057 115* 116 Am T&T cv db 2*s 108! 107* 108* Cap Transit 1st ret 4s 1064 01 93 City & Suburban 6s 1948 100 Georgetown Gas 1st 5i 1961 111 116 Pot E'ec Pow 3*s 1986 104* _ Pot Elec Pow 3y«a 1977 108 Pot Elec Pow 3s 1983 ... 101* _ Washington Gas 6s 1960 120* _ PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS. nurri in « in _ JO, Capital Transit _ 15% 10% N & w Steamboat (t4> 150 Pot Elec Pwr common ( BO) 13 13'/a PotE P 3.00% pd A’ (1.80) 43% PotE P 3.80% pd B’ (1.80) 44 45 Wash Gas Lt com (1.5(1) 24% 20 Wash Gas Lt cu pi (4.25). 99 _ Wash Gas Lt cu cv pi (4.50) 103 _ BANK AND TRUST COMPANIES. Amer Sec & Tr new (tl.OO) 29 31 Bank of Bethesda ttl.50)-. 40 Capital (.90) _ 32 80 Com tr Savings (tlO)_ 350 _ Liberty (8)_81k _ Lincoln (tfi) 330 Natl Say Tr (8.00). 420 450 Pr Georges B * Tr (tl.OO) 30 . .. Union Trust Co (tl.OO)_ 38% 40 Riggs (12) 318 336 Washington (6) __ _195 _ Wash Loan & Tr (12). 330 _ FIRE AND TITLE INSURANCE. American (t0) _160 Columbia (t.30) _ 12% 13% Firemen’* (1.40) _ 81 National Union (.75) _ 10 19 Real Estate (tdt _ 195 205 MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corp (2.00) _ . 30 36 Garlinckei Com. (1.50) 18% 18% Garfl 5%% cu cv pf (1.376) 24% 20% Garfl 4%% cu cv pf (1.126) 20% 21% Hecht Co (1.60) . 26% 27% Hecht 3%% cm Pi (3.75).- 88 91 Lanstom Mono. (t2.0(l> __ *26% 27% Mergenthaler Lino (a.75) __ 50 53 Nat l Mtge&Inv. Pf tp.45) 8 Peoples Drug St. Com (tl.80) 34% 36% Security Storage (to) _ 110 125 Ter Ref tr Wh Corp (3) _ 60 Wdwd tr Loth com (t2.00) - 30% 36% WMwd tr Loth pfd new (6) 104% * Ex dividend, b Books closed, t Plus extra or extras, a Paid so far thla yaar. p Paid 1947._ Dividends Announced NEW YORK, May 26 OP).—Dividends declared today; Pe- Stock of Pay Rate. rlod. Record, able. Resumed. Am Mach * Met 26c 6-16 6-30 Extra. Seeman Bros _ 50c 6-4- 6-15 Wesson Oil & S $1.25 __ 0-15 7-1 Unit Merch * Mfrs 30c .. 6-7 6-14 Initial. Tucson G EI.AP new 25c Q 6-4 6-16 Increased. Southland Roy S1.00-. 0-5 6-15 Stock. Unit Merch it Mfg 10% 7-8 7-30 Regular. Allied Stores_ .. T5e Q 6-21 7-20 Am Casualty _20c 6-23 7-1 Am Optical _ 50c Q 6-15 7-1 Am Ship Bldg - *1.00. 6-11 6-25 Arnold Constable 12%c Q 6-10 6-24 Bausch tr Lomb Opt.-25e-_ 6-16 7-1 Bucy Erie _ 35c 6-11 7-1 Haloid Co .-- 20c _ 6-15 7-1 Lone Star Cement 87% Q H-I 1 6-30 Ludwig B'm'nn & Co.25c Q 6-18 6-30 Nor Nat Gas 4nc__ 6-4 6-25 Phils * Rdg Co tr Ir 50c 6-16 7-1 Republic Petrol - 2Se Q P-IO 9-20 Ritter Co ’ 50c 6-18 7-1 Seeger Refrig _20r 6-10 6-29 Seeman Bros .._25c Q 6-4 6-15 Wesson Oil tr S ...50c 6-15 7-1 Weyerh'ser Timber 5oc . 6-1 8-8 Wiebqldt Stores _30c Q 6-18 7-1 Bendix Avia .. .50c Q 6-10 6-30 Bond Stores . . 50e O 8-4 6-11 Carey Baxter A K 25c Q 6-7 6-25 C'mercial Solvents 37%c _ _ 6-9 6-30 Corn United Indust.CSc 8-10 0-30 Fed Mot Truck . .10c O 6-17 6-30 Gen Instrument 25c Q 6-16 7-2 Inti Salt . .. 75c_ 6-15 7-1 Lanett Bl&Dye Wk *1.00 Q 6-1 6-15 Mac.v R H -50c Q 6-7 7-1 Me Kess tr Rombbtns 60c Q fi-4 6-15 Mueller Brass _30c 6-15 6-29 Murray Corp -25c Q 6-10 6-21 Unit Merch tr Mfrs. 25c Q 6-7 8-14 Wheeling St L 50c - - 6-4 7-1 Wichita River Oil 25c 6-30 7-15 Foreign Exchange NEW YORK, May 26 dPL—Foreign Ex change rates follow »Great Britain in dollars, others in cents): Canadian dollar in New York open market. 7*i per cent discount or 92.75 U. S. cents, down of a cent. Europe—Great Britain, $4.03Vi, up *-» of a cent: France (franc), .3211 of a cent, up .00; Italy (lira) May fixed rate. .001739: April. .001742; Sweden (krona). 27.85. unchanged; Switzerland (franc) (commercial), 23.40, unchanged. Sales— Stock and Add Net Dividend Rate. 0<>. High. Low. 2:20. ehge US Steel 2'4#-_ 78 BOW, 781* 80>4+114 US Steed nf 7. — « 1381* 13B>4 138>4 - >4 U S Tobac 1,20_ 39 19 18”+ 19 tUSTob pfIVe. 1 42 42 42 Utd Stkyds 40g 3 614 61* 6>4 Ut StrsCd Pf 14* 7 121* 12 12** + ^* Utd WallPtD V«g 8 St* Si* 5>+ Unlv-Cyclops 1. 1 1814 1814 18*4- 1* Dnlv Lab . 14 71* 7H 7% - >* Unlv Leaf Tob 1 3 22 2114 22 +1 Unlv Pictures 1. 11 15'4 1414 19'4 + 1* tUniv Pic nf 4V» 10 69 69 69 - 1* VANAD CP lie. 4 2Jti 231/4 2314 + 14 Vert-C Sugar 2 . 10 1414 1414 1414 - 14 Vick Chem 1.20. 1 241* 241* 241* + 1* VictorChem .40* 1 45 45 43 +1 Va CarolinChem 26 121* 1114 1214 + 1* Va B&Pwr 1.20 17 1714 17>4 1714+ 14 Va Rail pf 114 3 3314 331* 3314 tVulcanDet 30e 10 3114 31>4 31>4- 14 WABASH pf 414 1 62>4 6214 62>4 + >4 Walgreen 1.00 . 9 35 3414 3414- »+ Walker Hlr 114a 1 2814 2614 2614+ 14 Walworth Co tti 14 121* 121* 121*+ >4 Ward Bak .30e 6 141* 14>4 141* + 14 tWard Bk .pfS'4 30 94 93'4 93*4- 1* Warner Broil* 37 131* 1314 1314+14 Warren Pndry _ 1 3014 3014 30>4 +1 I Warren Pet 80 . 15 33 32 32*4 + 14 ! Wash GasLt 1*4 3 23 25 25 Waukesha Mot 1 4 20*4 28*4 20*4 + *4 WayneKnitl.20* 1 19 19 19+1* Webster Tobac. 2 6*4 6*4 8*4 Wesson O&S le. 19 541* 33*4 54V* +1*4 Watlnd8ugl14a 4 25 2414 25 West Pen El V«t. 12 1814 18*4 18*4 + *4 WVaC&C.IOt. 7 16 1714 171* WVa Pul dAP 1 a 6 5014 50 5014 + >4 WesternAlr Lin* 7 9 9 9 WestAutoSup 8. 8 441* 4314 44 - 14 Western Md ... 7 131* 131* 131*+ >/« West Pacific 3. _ 1 341* 341* 341*- 1* West Dn Tel le. 24 25 241* 25+1* West Air Brk 2. 8 371* 37 371* + *4 Westing Beel- 70 311* 30*4 311*+ 1* WstngElPfBH 80 1 1001* 1001* 1001* + 1* Weetvaeo 1.40-. 5 431* 431* 431*— 1* tWheel A LkEr3 50 106 106 106 +6 Wheel Steel 2. _ 7 481* 4S «81* + 1* White Motor 1* 17 231* 221* 231*+1*4 White Sewing M 9 IS IS It + >4 Wilcox Oil 40a 5 161* 161* 16*4+ 1* Wiilya-Overland245 111* 111* 111*+ 1* Willy* Or pf 414 S 65 64 65 + >4 Wllson&Co 114* 17 1714 161* 17 Wise Bee Pwrl 15 1614 181* 1814 Woodward IT 2_ 5 3d1* 36 361* + 1* Woolworth 2a 26 4714 47 47*4 + 14 Worth Pump y«b 13 2414 24 2414 + 14 *WPMcvprpf414 50 9114 9114 9114 - V4 WrandWor .40* 3 101* 101* 101* YALEdtTNlir 17 341* 3314 341* +11* York com 14 -- 10 151* 151* 151* YounkSprdtW 1 4 2014 191* 20»* + >4 Yount Sb&T 4a 25 811* 794* 8114 +144 YnastStlDoor la 5 19*4 19‘4 1914 ZENITH R114*. 2 *7 261* 261* - 14 Zontt* Prod .10* 30 6 514 51* - 14 Hourly Bale* •• the Eaebau* Mar: tl 00 a.m.- 260000 12:00 noon 660000 1:00 p.m. 990 000 2:00 pm. 1 190 000 1 tUnlt of trading. 10 ihtrea. *In bank ruptcy or receivership, or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such companies. Rates of dividends in the foreioint table are annual disbursements based on the last quarterly or semi-annual declaration. Unless other wise noted, special or extra dividends are not included, x Ex dividend xr Ex rights, a Also extra or extras. bPlus stock divi dend. d Cash or stock. * Declared or paid so far this year, f Payable in stock, esti mated taah value on ex dividend date, g Paid last year, h Declared or paid after stock dividend or stock split-up. k Accum ulated dividends paid or declared this year, g Payable in stock, exact cash vain# unde termined on declaration data. N. Y. Bond Market WORLD BANK IntBR AD2 y«S7 *8 22 FOREIGN 2:»0 Canada 4s 60 . 104% ChllMB6Vis67 a 24% Cuba 4Via 77 113% Oenmk 4’is 62 6a% Fanam S*'«a94st 84% Peru 1st 6s 60 15% Uratuaycv4Vi79 78% DOMESTIC 2 :mp AmAFP 5s2030 93% Am TAT 2Vis57 116 Am TAT 2Vis61 108*4 AmTobaeco3s62102*4 A T 8 F 4s 96 122% Atl Cl 1st 4s 52 104% BaltAOh 5s95G 70 BaltA06sK2000 69% BAO ctr 4Vi2010 53% B A OPLE 4s 80 90% Beth Stl 2Vis 70 99% Boat Me 4Vis 70 56% BufRoehAPSlst 67% Bush Term 5s55 92% Can South 6s 62103% Can Pac 4s pern 96 Celanese 3s 65 102*4 Cent Ga 6s 69C 13% Cent Ga cn5s46 71 CenPae 1 st4s49102% C#nPaeRy3*»08104% Cn RR NJ 5s 87 61 Cn RR NJ 4s 87 54 CBAQ3V4S 85100 ChiAE I lne 97 43% ChiAL Inc4s83 64 CMStP4Vis2019 71% CMStP4Vis2044 56% ChtANW 4Vis99 64% CRIPln4Vis2019 86% CCCStL 4 V?S 77 75 Comwl Ed 3s 77 104 CnsEdcv3s’63wl 106% Del A Hud 4s 63 96 DAS In 4Vi2018 64% DenAS L Inc 93 80 DwChem2.35s61 98 Dul SSAA 5s 37 46% Erie 4 Vis 2015 71% Fla E Cst 6s 74 62% Goodrich2Vis85 100% G MAO 2044 D 65 Houshld 2Vis70 97*4 HudAM rf 5s 57 64% I C 4Vis 66 88% ICC StL 5s 63 A 98% IntGtNor Si 62. 29% Int G N Ilt6l62 <2% JllMC 4s 69. 81 Kin C Sou 4s75102% Koppers 3s 64 102 LieledeGs47463109% Leb Vll 4s 2003 37% L&N 374s 2003 101 M-K-T 6s 63 A 81 1C-K-T Idj 5s67 66% M-K-T 1st 4s90 77% Mo PlC«>4s 49 25% Mo Pic 5s 77 P 83% Mo Pic in 4s 75 40% , Mor&E37is2000 59% 1 Nit Dairy 27470 99% NYC 474S2013A 73 NYNHdtH 6s 40 80% NYNHine4‘/iS'25 46% NYNH&H 4s 57 23% NYNHH 4S2007 71% I NYOW rf 4s 92 13 1 N Y O W k 4s 55 6% NY 8W gn 5s40 28% NYWB 4 Vis 46 23% Nlw P P 3 74$66 108% NorllkSo 612014 76% Norl West 4S 96 128% Nor P clt 474875104% Pic G&K 3s 70 103 PennCtAir3Vis6t 46%; Penn Co 4s 52 E104% i PennRR*4 74881103 ! PennRR 3%s52 99% Peo&E Inc 4s90 20% Phili El 27is 71 100 Pittston 574864 99% StLSP 4V4S2023 59 StLSinPrn4s97 89 StL 8W r 1 6s 90 101% Seib In47is2016 71 Sei A L 4s96 101 SkelleyO 2Vises 101 SoPiclflc4'4s81 95 SOU Pie 4V4l 69 94% S0P»c4745Or77 102% So Pie 274s 88 68% SoPicS 2 Vis 61 93% Third Ave 5s 60 61 On Pic 274s 91_ 93% VlEl&Pv37is63110% West Sh 4s 2361 68 West Md 4s 52 100% West On 47is 50100 Wilson Co 3s 58 103 Wise Cent 4s 49 72% Wls Cn 4s 363D 38% N. Y. Curb Market UST INCLUDES ONLY SELECTED ISSUES CHANGED FROM PREVIOUS CLOSE. a .oil Alreon MI* Co-. I1/. Alum Co Am 2.. 6734 Am Bantam Car 23i Am Gas A El lb. 38 Am Maracaibo . 9 Am Republc Vat. 26V« Am Superpower 134 Anch Poit Pr 34 734 ArkNGas A ,20e 8 Ark N Gas pf 60 1034 Ashland Oil 1 - _ 1934 Atlas Corp w w. 674 BabcockAWil 2* 99 Barium Steel . 6 Blue Ridse .40* 4 Braz Tt LAP 2 _. 18 Breeze Corp- . 1034 BrwnP Dist .80a 2634 Bnk Hill A S 34a 2134 Burma Ltd _ 134 Burrv Biscuit. 334 Cab El Prod 10e 934 Calif El Pwr .00 734 Can Marconi . _ 2 Carr Cons Blsc.. 934 CatallnAm.. 734 CenAS W Cp .70 10 Cities Service 2. 9434 Clarostat Mf*__ 334 Claude Neon ... 234 Clinch Coal la 46 ColSandASt .40 7 Col FuelAIr ww. 634 Colts Mf« 134* 3634 Coml A Sou war 34a Cons Gas Util 34 1074 Copr Range Tie. 1674 Corron A Reyn. 974 Cosden Petro _. 83i Crosley Motor.. 934 CrownDruc .05* 334 Dennison A ,40e 1134 El BondASh V*t 14 Equity Corp 234 FalrchldCm.30* 24 Fairchild E A A 934 FansteelMetTb*. 1434 PordMPran .02* 134 GarrettCorp .80 14 GenPlywood .40 734 Glen Alden C 2. 24 Goldfleld Cons . 34 Gray Manufact. 14 Hazeltlne ‘be .. 1634 Holl C Gold .74 834 Humble 011 13ae 8034 Huss Refer ,40e 1374 Imp OU Ltd 3b 1634 ini reiroi ‘a_J.g% Kalser-Fraser . 11% Kingston Pr .20 4% Kirk Lake .02e 1% Lamson Corp lg 10% LanstonMch 2a 27 Leonard Oil Dei % Lionel Corp 1 a 26% Lone Star Gas 1 23% Long Island Ltg. % LouisL&E la. 20% MarionPwrShov 12% Me Will Drdg .60 12 Menasco Mfg... 2% Mesabl Iron_ 6% MdSPAvtcl.20e 29% MldStPB vte tie 6% Mid Western 61 10% Mining Cp Can. 8% Molybdenum '4. 6 MountProd .70a 16% Nat Bellas ,20s _ 4 Nat Union Rad 3% New Pk Min .10 2 Niagara Bud Pr. 9% Nlp'slng Mines. 1% No Am Lt & Pwr 7% Nor Sta Pwr A . 39 NorthropAir tig 13% Pantepee 1.28.. J.8 Pennroad 40g_. 6% Pepperell 8a 63% PharisT&R .lSe 3% Pitney-Bow ,60a 12% Pitt Metallu .80 17% Prentis-Ball .60 8% Producers Corp. 1% R-K-O opt war. 2% Raytheon Mfg.. 8 Robt Reis & Co 2% RloGrValG 05e 2% Ryan Cons Pet.. 10% SaltDomeO i’if 11% Segal Lock_ 2% Select Indus „. 4% Semler R B .05e 5 Shat-Denn .10g. 3% Solar Aire .16e. 13% Soss Mfg 1_ 10 Sterling Eng .. 1% Tlshman Real 1. 16% Trl-Contl w w.. 3% United Corp ww ; Ut Lt&Rys ,32e 21% UtShoeMac2’4a 59% U S Int Sec 4% Ut-IdahoSu.l5e 3% Veneg Syn lSe 4% Wilson Bros !4e. 6 Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. May 26 «Pi (USDA1.—Sal able hogs. 10.00(1; total. 12.000; very un even on all weights butchers; early trade. 50-75. higher on weights around 230 pounds down, but these closed with most advance lost and market slow on all weights; weights 240 pounds up and sows steady to 50 higher, mostly around 25 up;, bulk, good and choice. 170-230 pounds. 24.76-25.75; around one load topped at 26 00 early with 25.50 best price later;! 240-260 pounds. 23.75-24.75; 270-290 pounds. 22.25-2.3.75; 300-350 pounds.; 21.25-22.25: around 375-425 pounds, butchers. 20.25-21.00: most good 350-600 pound sows. 17.25-19.25. . j Salable cattle. 6.000: tofal. 6.000: sal-' able calves. 600: total. 600; yearlings and light steers weighing under 1.100 pounds ! including yearling hellers, strong to 60 higher; active, medium weight and weighty; steers, averaging 1.200 pounds upward steady to strong: slow on kinds weighing over 1.400 pounds: top. 35 50 on 1.177-’ pound avereges; choice. 1,330 pounds.; 35.25; high choice. 1.450 pounds. 35.00; most good and choice steers and yearlings. 32.50- 35.00: comparable heifers. 31.50 34.00, with choice 1.050-pound heifers. 34.25, new recent higher: cows scarce. 25-50 higher: bulk beef cows. 20.50-25.00: good cows to 27.00; canners and cutters. 15.50- 20.00: bulls, steady to strong; weighty sausage offerings to 25.50: vealers steady at 31.C0 down: stock cattle active and scarce. Salable sheep. 1.000: total. 2.000; slaughter lambs slow: medium and good old-crop fed wooled and shorn lambs, 5u or more lower than Monday: no good and choice fed iambs offered: slaughter ewes eoodscarce. aoout steady; load, medium and good, around 102-pound wooled lambs. 25.00; deck lighter weights to shearer ibuyer same price: few. medium and Rood I shorn lambs, around 24.60. with deck or so held higher: part-deck, good and choice native spring lambs, held above 30.00: few small lots, good and choice shorn slaughter ewes, 12.50. New York Cotton NEW YORK. May 26 iflh.—Cotton fu tures advanced sharply today on an an nouncement by the ECA authorizing the shipment of W27.871.000 worth of cot ton to four European countries. Expec tations that early foreign cotton buying will follow, induced considerable short covering in the nearby July delivery, with the balance of the market moving up in sympathy. Traders believed part'of the ECA au thorization would be used to make pay ments aRalnst cotton previously purchased. Some exporters believed that France would use part of her credit for that purpose and would seek additional credits from private banks to buy about 75.000 bales of cotton Italy was expected to buy about 80.000 bales of old crop cotton with part of her credit. In early dealings new crop deliveries were under light liquidating pressure, fol lowing additional good rains yesterday in Texas and Oklahoma. Late afternoon prices were 81.25 to 82.20 a bale higher than the previous close July. 37.24; October. 33.82. »nd December. 33.14. Chicago Grain CHICAGO. May 26 (/D.—A brisk rally which started in wheat spread to other groins on the Board of Trade today Prices were up a few cent* at times after a slightly lower trend gt the opening Buying of wheat was based on news that the Government was re-entering the export flour market. Some short-cover ing appeared in feed trains, notably new croc corn deliveries. Cash dealers reported they booked in noo bushels of 1948 crop oats, the first new crop thus far purchased on. a to arriv# basis. Shipping sales of oats were fairly large at 50.000 bushels and prices In the spot market were Arm Wheat closed higher. July 2.34*; 2.35: corn was 2 to 3'k higher. July 2.15*4-2.15: oats were ’« to 2 higher. July 92'<i. and soybeans were 5>4 to 6'j higher. July 4.01'a. Chicago Cash Market. Wheat. No 1 hard. 2.45Vi; corn- No 1 yellow, 2.331/4: No. 5. 2.21-22: sample grade. 2.13; oats. No 1 heavy white. 1.20: No. 1 extra heavy white. 1.23'^: barley nominal: malting, 2.20-42; feed 1.65-83; soybeans, none. Market Averages STOCKS. 30 15 IS SO J Indst. Rails. tJtlL Stka., Net change.unc unc —.1 unc / Noon todgy_06.8 44.4 41.9 <0.78 Prev. day_96.8 44.4 42.0 70.7 Week ago- 96.0 44.6 42.1 22 5 Month ago_ 91.8 41.9 40.5 67.3 Year ago _ 86.1 30.0 41.8 60.9 1948 high_ 97.3 46.2 42.3 71.3 1948 low_ 83.3 34.2 38.0 80.3 BONDS. 20 10 10 10 10 Low Ralls, Indst. Util. Fan. Yield. Net change unc. unc. unc. unc. unc Noon today 92.7 101.8 101.3 61 7 110.2 Prev day 92.7 101.8 101.3 61.7 110.2 Week ago , 82.3 101.6 101.3 62.1 110.2 Month ago. 91.4 101.6 100.6 62.3 <09 4 Year ago - 90.4 103.3 106.6 73.2 115 9 1948 high- 92 8 101 8 1*1.4 66 9 100.4 1948 low 87.7 99.8 98.0 60.2 107.2 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific Railroad Co. earned $3,353,028 in the1 first quarter vs. $2,849,931 in the 1947 quarter. Baltimore A Ohio Railroad Co. net income for the first four months of 1948 was $2,916,718 vs. $2,801,144 in the like 1947 period. Western Maryland Railway re ported a net income of $152,133 for April vs. $337,018 for the same month last year. 4 AND COMAANV INSURANCE 1700 EYE ST. N.W. WASHINGTON ME. 3996 ;.. »", i .‘•'jSk’i'rf LOANS REAL ESTATE Van alam, incladlna leng-term manthlr HMuiti, at favorable rat*. FIRST DEED OR TRUST ONLY RENTALS—8 ALES—INSURANCE GEORGE I. BORGER 643 Indiana Are, N.W. NA. 0390 Do You Want . . . Information on AVIATION STOCKS We will be glad to send you our letter on the outlook for the Aviation Industry and our sugges tions for investment in this field. Write for letter SI H. M. Byllesby and Company (Incorporated) 744 Jackson Place N.W. Washington 6, D. C. NA. 6252 Chicago New York Philadelphia Minneapolis Pittsburgh ! INSURED SAFETY plus liberal earnings are.. (Utuaa to you ai tfauA aoWnan We will gladly handle you' savings account by mail... no need for you to make trips in person to our office. , • PNEVY PHASE BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION 6940 Wisconsin A no. Chtvy Chois. Mi. Wl. 24U I < ! ^1— 9 Save for the gool of independ ence. Monthly payments on shares in the Equitable plus our substantial inter est grow quickly and easily into important savings. Come in and learn about our share-holding plan. EQUITABLE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDINC ASSOCIATION 915'F STREET ORGANIZED 1879 FOR HOME FINANCING THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY | OF THE UNITED STATES S&S Seventh Aythttf., New York. 1, N.Y. - Notice of Nomination of Directors Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of tbe Insurance Law of the State of New York th* Board of Directors of The Eouitable Life Assurance Society of the United States has nominated the following named persons as candidates for election at Directors of said Society: ROBERT E. BLUM, Brooklyn, N. Y. Vice-President and Secretary, Abraham At Straus, Inc. RALPH BUDD, Chicago, Illinois: President, Chicago, Burlington k Quincy Railroad. '; H. BEACH CARPENTER, New York, N. Ys Vice-President and General Counsel, The American Sugar Refining Company. j J. REUBEN CLARK, Jr, Salt Lake City, Utaha Counsellor-at-Law, Chairman, Executive Committee, Foreign Bondholders Protective Council, Inc. [ J. C B. EHRINGHAUS, Raleigh, North Carolina. Counsellor-at-Law. K. STEWART K1LBORNE, Jr, New York, N. Y. President, William Skinner At Sons. JOHN C. KNOX, New York, N. Y; United States District Jndge for tbe Southern District of New York. ( , SAM A. LEWISOHN, New York, N. Ys President, Miami Copper Company. GEORGE V. McLAUGHLIN, Brooklyn, N. Y. President, Brooklyn Trust Company. WILLIAM ROBERTS, New York, N. Y. Counsellor-at-Law. PORDYCE B. ST. JOHN, New York, N. Ys Surgeon. SAMUEL A. WELLDON, New York, M. Ys Director, The First National Bank of rhe City of New York. A certificate of nomination of the said candidates has been duly Ged with the Insurance Department of the State of New York. \ The annual election of Directors of The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States will be held at its Home Office, 593 Seventh Avenue, j I New York 1, N. Y, on December 1, 1948, from 10 o’clock a m. so 4 o'clock p.m, and at said election twelve Directors, constituting one > i Class of the Board of Directors, are to be elected for a term of three year* from January 1, 1949 Policyholders whose policies or contracts are in force on the date of the election and have been in force at least one year prior thereto are entitled to vote in person or by proxy or by mail. ALEXANDER McNEILL, Smmmy. May 26, >948.