OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, May 26, 1948, Image 27

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1948-05-26/ed-1/seq-27/

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Thumbnail for B-6

Woodward 8c Lothrop
10™ 11™ F and G Streets Zone 13 Phone district 5300
BRANCH STORES—Be thesdo, Maryland; The Pentagon, Virginia
Silverplated flatware
sets a beautiful table
at modest cost
Come to the Silver Room . . . choose from cherished
designs by 1847 Rogers Bros., Holmes and Edwards
Community, each in its own convenient protective
chest. Patterns of distinctive elegance to make en
tertaining and family dining rich and gracious.
Illustrated, beginning at the top:
"Community," 52-piece set in mahogany $£Q 75
chest, by Community
"Youth," 52-piece set in walnut chest, by 50
Holmes and Edwards
"Eternally Yours," 5'2-piece set in walnut $£4.75
chest, by 1847 Rogers Bros.
W&L—The Sliver Room, First Floor
How summer inspired, gay and attractive your bedrooms
with handsome draperies, foamy, fresh curtains and beautiful
bedspreads. Find them all on our Seventh Floor, sensibly
priced and ready now to transform your bedroom into a re
freshing, cool, eye-appealing haven.
Sketched—Beginning ot top right:
A beautiful bed wears a glazed,
chintz quilted top over a ruffled
flounced throw in crisp glazed
chintz. Both quilted top and throw
come in evergreen, red, blue and
white for pretty matching or con
The quilted top for single or double
Single. .$16.95 Double._$18.95
The ruffled chintz-$14.95
White cotton organdy curtains with
lavish six-inch ruffle. Permanized
for crisp life through many wash
54-inches long_poir $5.95
63-inches long_pair $6.75
72-inches long-poir $7.25
90-inches long_poir $7.95
Rayon and cotton print draperies.
Floral on blue, gold, gray, green and
wine. Pinch-pleated. 2Vi yards
long _$14.95
Heavy texture cotton draperies with
a striking column leaf pattern on
gold, wine, evergreen, beige, gray.
2b/a yards long_pair $16.50
WJSL—Curtalna sad Draperies, Seventh Floor
Beautifully designed clocks
electric or hand-wound,
as you prefer
Built with heirloom craftsmanship and an
excellent standard of perfection to give you
beauty of appearance and sterling perform
ance. Verify this by seeing our much 4
varied collection of fine clocks . . . ranging
from $38.40 to $117.
"Legacy" by Seth Thomas, hand-wound
clock of finely finished straight and crotch
mahogany. 8-day Quarter Hour Westmin
ster Chime Clock -$117
General Electric, Westminster Chime elec
tric clock, mantel style. _ -$57.60
W&L—Fine Jewelry, Aisle 7. First Floor
Save 25% on
your vacation luggage
This handsome lightweight 2-ply canvas luggage sold,
s this season, for 25% above these new prices. Now,
you may choose a matched set for years of enjoyment,
years of satisfactory service. Bound in top grain
cowhide, a choice of brown and white stripe or solid
tone beige is yours in all pieces. All of strong plywood
construction, with brass locks.
18" case was $18_Now $13.50
21" case was $18_Now $13.50
i 24" case was $21_ Now $15.72
Wardrobe case was $32.40-Now $24
26" Pullman case was $27-Now $20.22
29" case was $28.50 -Now $21.30
Prices include 20% tax
W4tL—Luggage, Seventh Floor
Electric portable reversew
eld ridge streamlines your^
sewing, s9950
• Distinctive new streamline styling.
• Concealed direct-to-needle sewing lamp.
• Controlled forward and backward stitch.
• Stitch regulator—6 to 20 to the inch.
• New easy-to-thread device.
• Foot control, regulates speed.
• Walnut veneer base.
• Simulated leather case holds all parts.
• Number 1 1 26.
Convenient Deferred Pay
ments may be arranged.
W&L—Electric Appliances, Down Stairs Store
"Electric fans make an inexpensive
home-cooling system s840 to SI4655
Efficiency at moderate price is the first virtue of any quality electric fan . . .
add mobility . . . and it becomes clear how easy it is for you to enjoy relief
from summer heat at home, at beach cottage or mountain retreat. You
may choose from table or floor pedestal types, many models.
W&L—Electric Appliances, Down Stairs Store
General Electric Model FM10S41
10 inch, can be placed on table or mount
ed on wall—tilting adjustment—wide,
quiet blades—finger-tip switch, $15.74
Also, not shown, 10-inch 2-speed fon,
12-inch steel bose fon, 2 speeds, $33.64
Westinghouse Liveloire
1 2-inch polished aluminum blades—fully
enclosed oscillating mechanism, arc of
oscillation to 75 degrees—2-speed snap
type switch—adjustable for wall mount
ing—blue-gray enamel finish—$26.93
Also, not sketched, 10-inch Westinghouse
16-inch Westinghouse 3-speed Fan,

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