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4609 Windsor Lane Bethesda, Maryland $12,500 Desiroble six-room bungalow with living room with fireplace, well equipped kitchen, two bedrooms and tile bath on first floor; two bedrooms on second floor. Auto matic gas heat, nice yard; close to transportation and Naval Hospital. Open Saturday 2-6, Sunday 1-6 Drive nut Witenntin Avenue to Olenbrook Parkway and turn, right on Glenbrook Parkway to Windtnr Lane and open tign. WALLACE B. AGNEW Dl 8580 Itclutive QL 4918 SHEPHERD PARK I44U ins street IDEAL LOCATION BEAUTIFUL HOME PRICED TO SELL AT ONCE ir Cecter hall 9 feet wide ir Lirinr room 13x23, fireplace it Dining room 12x19. scr. porch ir 4 bedroms. 2 baths, 2nd floor ir Insulated storage attic v, ir Full basement, oil h -w.h. ir Two-car brick garage ' - in Open Sun. and Mon , II to 7 (u Directions Out l«th St to Iris St., noht to home. ROCK CREEK FOREST jj 2804 East-West Highway Overlooking Pork Near j Meadowbrook 'I Halt Both on First Floor j ^ Entrance hall with coat closet ( ir Living room with flrepl. and ( mirror n( ir Dining room with screened porch / ♦ Do luxe kitchen with breakfast ( ) nook ) tk 3 twin-size bedrooms. 2nd floor ) ir Storage attic, built-in garage ) ir Full basement with tile floor ' ( Beautiful walled garden ( ★ Storm sash, awnings, screens t Open Sun. and Mon , 77 to 7 (( Directions Ovt Connecticut Are. (( to East-West Highway. Jeft to first ( ( group of homes on oriffht, beyond ( Rock Creek Park. \ j NEAR NAVAL HOSPITAL 4519 HIGHLAND AVE. | Best $17,800 Value # Close to public and parochial \\ schools ))) ir Six fine rooms and tile bath y\ it I,arse fenced corner lot ((( ★ Built-in *ara(e»_a.-c. (as heat r Oped Sun. and Mon., 11 to 7 j Directions: Out Wisconsin Ave. be- , ) yond bank of Brthesda to Highland ; Are., right to home. ) BETHESDA, MD. V 4819 RUGBY AVE. j $2,000 Coih—$60 Month Delightful Bungalow Home )< it A lovelr room* and bath ((( it Full baaement. playroom / it Oil hot-water heat ) ) ★ Stalra to atorace attic ) ; it Front and rear porchea )}) ♦ Fenced lot with tall ahada Open Sun., 1 to 6 PM. j|} Directions' Out Wisconsin Are., ((( beyond Bank of Pcthesda to Cor- u( dell Arc . left 1 block to Arlington (( Arc noht l block to Ruoby, left /(j to /ionic. W GREENWICH FOREST |j 7813 CUSTER ROAD BETHESDA, MD. LOVELT PREWAR BRICK HOME COMPLETELY REDECORATED IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ( FEATURES: 22-foot living room with fireplace. ) Bright dining room. Complete | kitchen ) FIRST FLOOR, POWDER ROOM > C larae bedroom?, bath. *Jnd floor ((( i Basement playroom apace Hot- W i water heat—new oil burner. Lovely, w ( le'el lot with trees Open Sun. and Mon , 11 to 7 l(! Direction*: Out Wisconsin Are. to )\\ Bank of Bcthcsda left on Old )v Georgetown Road X blocks, bear left on Wilson Lane b*oclci to (i Custer Road, right to home. { — , Exclusive Realtor i 7932 Witcontin Av«„ Oi. 1 066 Steel-Porcelain House Placed on Exhibit Here The much discussed steel-and porcelain - enamel, t wo - bedroom house, to be produced soon on a mass basis, went on exhibition to day at Rock Creek Parkway and | New Hampshire avenue N.W. Known as the Lustron House, it | will be on display for six months. Before that time, the company hopes' to have the prefabricated ! units rolling off assembly lines. Present estimates call for the house to sell at $8,000, exclusive of lot, de livered in Washington. The entire house is formed of panels fused of sheet steel and por celain enamel, which the company says makes it rustproof, fireproof and termiteproof. Various colors are used in each room and for the exterior, which is made of the same material. There are six different color combinations. Volunteers of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and ladies’ auxiliary will staff the house during visiting hours, which are noon until 10 p.m. daily. Gadgets (Continued From Page B-l.) j and Is always ready for use. The two extinguishers can be used simul taneously by two persons, or one can be kept on hand while the other is being refilled. To operate, the unit is pointed downward at the base of the fire and the valve handle is easily turned to the right. A dense, dry snow-fog smothers the flames. The 31-inch length permits the user to extinguish a fire while remaining at a safe distance. The extinguisher lasts indefinitely and refilling is easy and inexpensive. nanaiea Laiin odu. A new, tamper-proof door and window lock recently has been marketed. Designed with a two-way clamp, it permits installation on any door or window. It is rustproof and ideal for garden gates, long bolt bridges, wide gaps. Finished attrac tively in high luster brass plating for indoor or outdoor use, it fits snug, preventing rattling, and be cause it does not mar woodwork it may be used for all cabinets and cupboards. The latch serves as a ( NEW COLLEGE POOL—An architect’s drawing, of the Stires swimming pool to be built, along 1 with two other buildings, at Chevy Chase Junior College starting next month. handle for opening or closing a door, and since it lies flat against the wall it is jimmy proof. This latch bolt operates freely and is simple to in stall. (Released by Consolidated News Features. IncJ For information on where products mentioned above mav be obtained, please address Room 724. The 8tar Building, in closing a stamped, self-addressed enve lope for reply. First Aid * (Continued From Page B-l.) or two coats ot clear, quick-drying ! varnish. Cleaning a Fireplace. Question: la there any way I can clean out my fireplace? As a result of my burning wood all winter, It is black from smoke. Answer: With the throat damper open, the ashes can be shoveled out without raising too much dust. Brush off as much of the thick soot as you can, using a stiff brush. Then scrub the masonry with a strong solution of trisodium phos phate (large paint store) using a cupful in a gallon of hot water, also a scouring powder if there are stubborn stains. A gritty hand soap used by mechanics would serve well. Follow by thorough rinsing. (When properly applied, wood ashes can be used in a garden with good results.) (Released by the Consolidated Newi Features, Inc.) Condensation Control Booklet to Be Issued A booklet on vap»r condensation control In housing will be pub lished in several months by the Housing and Home Finance Agency. Groundwork for the book was laid here recently when 50 technicians and research engineers held a con ference with housing officials. 1441 EAST CAPITOL STREET Open Sunday, 2 to 6 Brick row home near corner. Contains 6 nice rooms and bath. Full basement. Front and back yards. Gas hot-water heat. Good condition. Con venient to everything. Reasonable price. Terms. Early possession. Call Mr. Hunter, Natl. 9300; Evee. and Sun., Glebe S28S BOSS AND PHELPS, INC. 1417 K Street N.W. . 111.11111! 1111111111111111111111 it 1111111111111111 ii 11111 ii 1111 n! 1111111111 ft III1111II1111111111! 11! I [ t [| DETACHED-NEARBY ARLINGTON || 1.1UU Ulebe Koaa norm OPEN Today and Sunday, 1 to 7—or by Appointment Two bedroom* and bath on 1st floor. * bedrooms and bath an 2nd floor, all twin-bed *i*e, bright and cheery. Spacious living room with fireplace, largo dining room, breakfast nook and modern kitchen. lajfs screened porch. Paneled recreation room with tiled floor and bar. tiled-floor maids room, store room and laundry room in dry basement. New h.-w. oil heat. Home is in splendid condition throughout. Nice yard. Detached garage. Near shop ping renter, and transportation at door. Prieed far below today s cost of construction. Possession with title. To Inspect: Drive out Lee Highway to Glebe Road, left to property or out Washington Blvd. to Glebe Road | and right to property Look for the Mettler open sign. BUILDER METZliR REALTOR | Virginia Office: 3811 Lee Highway OXfgrd 0878—GLebe 7533 D. C. Office: 1106 Vermonf Avenue N.W. Dlsfrjct 8600 f trkuitrk VILLAGE <11,950 „ Excellent Financing-Trades Quickly Arranged Jim OPEN TODAY, SUN. and MON., 1 P.M. to DARK Directions: Out Pinev Branch Road, over D C. Line to Old Bladensburg Road, left one block to Glenville Road and our sign. This practical planned subdivision, conveniently located, offers you quality constructed 5 room bricli bungalows with all the features you are seeking, including: * Lorge Airy Rooms * Living Room with Fireploce * Convenient Kitchens * Modern Both ond Shower * Plenty Closet Space * Full Basement—Outside Entrance * Planned Recreation Room * Gas A.-C. Heot * Finished Stairway to Attic * Attic Designed for Additional Roams * Some Offering Attached Garages RoXScoHeld Sligo 5300 Eros., SL 5816 - -EXCLUSIVE - ■ s * * ! Bidding Open to Veterans On Perry Wright Homes WUliu w ai ix »c«:toua*wm uuvc !a chance to bid on one or more demountable homes located at the Perry Wright Homes Project, In dian Head, Md. The Public Housing Administra tion announced this week that 52 dwelling units contained in 20 du plex buildings and 12 single build ings would be available for inspec tion from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily until June 10. They are being offered at prices ■ ranging from $500 to $900. PHA said all sales ■ are cash and that purchasers must remove the struc tures within 45 days after sales con tracts have been executed. Applications should be forwarded to Leo Schwartz, 200 Cedar lane, Potomac Heights, Indian Head. India Trains Overcrowded Passenger trains in India are ir regular and overcrowded these days, largely because of the partition of some railways in the split up of the country into India and Pakistan. Permits (Continued Prom Page B-l.) to erect two 8-story brick and cinder I block apartments, 12 units, 4000-11 Third street 8.E.; to cost *60.000. Wacrraman-Erawner Realty Corp.. own er and builder, 1700 Bye street N.W.: Corning & Moore, architects, 1726 M street N.W.: to erect two 2-story ma sonry and frame dwellings. 3044-48 Oliver street N.W.; to cost $25,000. Vito V. Innamorato, owner, builder and architect, 1814 Twenty-eighth place 8.E.; to erect one 2-story brick and cinder block dwelling. 3325 Highwood drive S.E.; to cost $11,500. Norman A. Stant. owner. 6532 Seventh street N.W.: Milton E. Scarborough, build er. 903 Allison street N.W.: Harry W. Dorst, architect. 5031 First street N.W.; to errtt one 2-story brick and cinder-block dwelling. 6912 Greenvale street N.W.; to cost $14,000. _ 1331 Half Street Corp., owner, 1331 Half street SE: builder not selected: George R. Taylor, architect, 13.31 Half street S.E : to erect one 1-story brick addition for office and garage, 1331 Half street S.E.: to cost $20,000. Electrical Workers Union, owner. 1745 K street N.W : Lee T. Turner, builder. 3616 Fourteenth street N.W.: Edmund W Dreyfuss. architect. 1019 Fifteenth street N.W.: to erect one 1-story brick and c,»u«-brork addition, 174b K %tre*t N.W • to cost $12.000. A REAL ESTATE\ T ADVERTISERS 1 Your advertising in g this paper will bring jj better results with s _ professional!/ prepared m ! = copy, layout and art. m % KRONSTADT M ■=■ Adv*rti«inq J^F *A.«a72 IVY HILLS ONE OF THE HIGHEST LOCATIONS AND INCOMPARABLE VIEWS OF ALEXANDRIA, VA. PRICED FROM $16,950 UP Substantial Cash Required _ ... . m m • r . I I I ^ I nree aisnncrive Tioor plans. Jume or rnese nom« MUTC tiled baths on 2nd floor and Vi bath on 1st floor. Finished recreation room, tiled both and maid's room in basement. All have at least 3 bedrooms, living room with fireplace, screened porch, modern fully equipped kitchen, full basement, Venetian blinds, copper plumbing and all the outstanding features you would expect to find in a quality home. Open Sunday, Noon Until Dark Drive across Jith Street Bridge and down Mt. Vernon Memorial Highway to Alexandria and King St., right on King St. and continue past Masonic Temple to property and our ,‘open', sign. Crestwood Construction Corp,9 Builders ARLINGTON REALTY CO. 2204 Wilson Blvd. GL. 1900 OX. 4123 1 * * *-.I 1 -T ,4 .£• 2 S 4 /4 31, /V. "7ll I ’ ■■. * i ^ i You Can Now Own the Home You Want For As Little As .... INCLUDES TAXES AND INTEREST $65 MONTHLY 'TRADES GLADLY ACCEPTED" "IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY" SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN DAILY 1 TILL DARK THE NEWEST COMMUNITY IN SILVER SPRING • 3 BEDROOMS • TILE BATH • FIREPLACE • HARD WOOD FLOORS • FULL BASEMENT • LANDSCAPED Modern, expertly plonned new homes thot will please the most discriminating buyer, in an established community thot is ideal for children and pleosont living. Convenient to shopping center ond schools. Extremely low prices and down payments. Everything possible hos been done to give you a home of distinctive design with quality material. Now is the time to buy that new home, any one can afford this extremely low monthly payment. BUILT BY MELWOOD PROPERTIES, INC. OPEN SATURDAY, SUNDAY AND MONDAY Kinr^*TIAklC• Out Georgia Avenue to the tl'ho block, turn right one UIKEL I IvitJ. block, turn lett one block to sample house. "l/ieton TOicfottfaues OK 2WO L OFFICE OPEN DAILY, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. A LORCOMGROVE gl THE HOME OF THE YEAR I |vp*n dui ur uay, tiunuu/ ana inwn«u/, iivo ancit aarn / ★ 2 ond V4 Baths, De Luxe Fixtures ★ Large Kitchen, Plenty of Cabinets, ★ Steel Cosement Windows, Full ★ 3 Bedrooms, 2 Master Size De Luxe Range, 8' De Luxe Re- Screens •k Center-Holt Entrance frigerotor, Exhaust Fon ■ + Copper Plumbing if Huge Living Room with Picture ★ Large Porch With Concrete Deck ....... - j e. Window Flanked by Book Shelves, ★ Full Bosemenf, Double Steel * Comb.notion Screens and Storm Wood-Burning Fireplace ond Beams Doors Colonial Mantel. ★ Large Built-in Garage ★ M«to1 Venetian Blinds Throughout if Formal Size Dining Room if Slate Roof if No. 1 Selected Oak Floors Seven Minute* to Pentagon and Navy Department Price Only $22,500 i Drive out Lee Highway to traffic light in Cherrydale. turn right on Military Road to Lorcom Lane, i ( right to Vacation Lane, right to oven house. REAL ESTATE SERVICE, Inc. LEE HIGHWAY AT GLEBE ROAD OX. 2585 Exclusive Agent GL.0561 | VETERANS i Here's the Home You Can Afford! Complete in Every Detail — Nothing More to Buy miiiiii iiinmMiitr~ifinrirnnnmrinr"iifOfi^fiitiTr’WilMBi "G.l."4% Financing *11,900 *900 Payment $66.66 PER MONTH plus taxes and insur ance to qualified vet erans. DE LUXE BRICK BIXGALOWS KENSINGTON MANOR LOCATED JUST OFF FOREST GLEN ROAD QUALITY CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN. Living room with ample wall space, dining room, fully equipped kitchen; 2 full-size bedrooms, large tiled bath; stairway to second floor. Space for 2 addi tional bedrooms. Venetian blinds, copper plumbing, gas heat, full basement with outside entrance. OPEN SAT.-SUN.-MON., NOON TO DARK INSPECTION AND COMPARISON INVITED DI'II t nv____ QUALITY HOME BUILDERS, INC. ... ■ ■ ■ ■- 111 ' TO REACH: From Conn. Ave. Out Conn. Ave. to firehouse in Kensington, right on Forest Glen Road to Edpeuood. left to exhibit home. From Silver Spring. Out Georgia Ave. to Forest Glen Road, left on Forest Glen Road to Edgewood, right to exhibit home. A Best Buy Offered Exclusively By 1429 L St. N.W. REpublic 1988 Real Estate in All Its Branches ** \ B»a* CiWCoU““? ►Aon^om*0' ttfo***' .rt.coun'^ Co,eS,'"e. “deal ^'°n *r ^ do*"' k.m ■ • ;“ ««a'•»*'" H t»«w S’ ... a VoWe aa'' ewa1 *,afl' you co" *"W * Aut«* *'**' w ra» COLESVILLE-FARM ESTATES 1 — Drive Out This Week-end! Direction,: Out l«th 8t.. M W. mtw »• «■ “»«• *«»r onto Cole,Wile Pike <C. 8 2P>. eentlnoe V. » *» from Sliver Sprln* to property entronce on rifht. 18 Lois Remain, $1,850 to $3,000 Hometites of one oere or more . . . Conveniently financed R. P. RIPLEY, Realtor 8403 Georgio Avenue Silver Spring, Md. SL 6111 For informotion phone ony otic of our Soles Repreientothrei H. A. logordut, DU. 4200, I*t. 404 Roy K. Dovit, Greenbelt 877J H. Anton Hughes, SLigo 4290 Allen K. Romer, SH. 6916 Agents on Premises 1 P.M. Till Dark