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4918 V Street S.E. BRADBURY HEIGHTS, MD. Open Sunday and Monday From 1 fo 6 P.M. This !s a new home in a new neigh borhood. Owner purchased less ) than a year ago and is now being ] Transferred and must sell at once. ! Corner detached brick. *l bedrooms. Tile bath, hung room and dining room, fully equipped kitchen, full 1 basement, gas a.-c h. Steel fence I around yard storm windows and i screens, shade trees, flowers and i shrubs. Price. $r.'.950. First trust, payable $">6.h6 a month. Reasonable down payment will be | considered. Directions: Out Penn. Are. S E , to \ Alabama, left on Alabama about f> blocks to Beet St . right on Beck | into V St. and open sign. LEATH & ASHLEY, INC. 927 15th St. N.W. NA. 3096 | OPEN SUNDAY | | 2 TO 6 1 Near Brentwood | Village i | 2240 13th St. N.E. | = 6 Rooms.- Both, Basement, = S Front Porch, Gas Air-Condi- = E tioned Heat, Good Condition jj= f/otr fo reocft property: Out ==E = Rhode Island ave. to Brentwood. == rrf. N.E., rioht on Brentwood rd. == ^ //irff blocks to nth st„ leit on = C= J$f/t if. fo property. == I P. J. Walshe, Inc. J 111 5 Eye St. N.W || II NA 6468 m OPEN DAILY 3924 17th SI. N.E. <*« Well constructed Woodridge home, 14 yrs. old. 1st floor: Lie. rm., din. rm., powder rm., mod. kitchen and br. room, electric range, lge. elec, refgr. 2nd floor: 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. 3rd floor: Nicely finished rm., heated. Recreation rm., as phalt tile fl., laundry rm.; air-con ditioned heating system, nicely landscaped lot, garage; priced (or immediate sale. ROGER MOSS REALTOR 2125 R. I. Avc. N.E. HO. 6020 CLEVELAND PARK 2938 Macomb St. N.W. (\ i block west of Conn. Ave.) 4 Bedroom, 2-Bath home. Open Sunday, 1 to 6 P.M. This fine Dutch Colonial with side foyer has nice living room with fire place and lovely dining room opening onto large screened porch. Excep tionally cool house in summer. Maid's room off butler’s pantry by kitchen. 2 of the 4 nice bedrooms open onto large sleeping porch. Fine storage attic with stairway. Copper ruttering. slate roof. Gas h.-w. heat, detached garage. Inspect this home to appreci ate its charm. Price reduced for im mediate sale. CHEVY CHASE 6158 31st Place N.W. Open Sunday, 1 to 6 P.M. This 3-bedroom brick home alto has s finished 3rd floor bedroom and base ment recreation room and lavatory. Living room (with fireplace) and din ing room are considerably larger than average and the modern kitrhen has an adjacent breakfast nook. Nice front porch and rear terrace. New house condition. Detached garage, copper guttering, alate roof. Newly decorated. Inspection will bring ap preciation of this lovely home. Frice reduced for ready sale. To reach: Conn. Avenue to Nebraska Avenue, east on Nebraska to Utah Avenue, left on Utah to tlst Place, right to “open" sign. A. LANE CRICHER (Exclusive) Dl. 6579 (Sot. and Sun.) OR. 2909 Garner Defense Plans To Renew Attack on Confessions Tuesday Trial of the Garner brothers for first-degree murder will be resumed Tuesday, when the defense plans to offer more evidence intended to show a District Court jury that police obtained confessions by force and that the accused are of unsound mind. Thelma Harris, colored, of 28% Hanover street N.W., who described herself on the witness stand as the wife of the defendant George A. Garner, 25, colored, of the first block of Hanover street N.W., said George tried to commit suicide three times. Tells of Dog Stabbing. In November. 1946, she said, “we had a misunderstanding'' and George stabbed a dog to which she was attached. She took it to the Animal Rescue League, and it recovered. "I reklly kno.w he's not of sound | mind,” she declared. Police had said earlier it W'as the stabbing of the dog, listed on George’s police record, which helped lead officers to the brothers. The woman said at Police Head quarters on March 3 she saw the results of police beatings on George and his brother Lawrence J. Garner, 23, of the 2100 block of L street N.W. The brothers are on trial for the first-degree murder of a taxi driver. Howard Jones, 37, colored, of the 400 block of Irving street N.W*. on February 27 near Second and I streets S.E. Cross-examined bv Assistant United States Attorney Arthur J. McLaughlin, Miss Harris said she knows George is still married to another woman from whom he has not been divorced. She said at one time he had a Job with Govern GAS RANGES Mattie Glt&l When buying from us, there is the single responsibility of deliver ing and installing. THOS. J. CROWELL Phone and tea will tend a car joj you REpublic 4411 Established 1816 ment Services, Inc., and “got along all right.” Prom time to time, she said, she gave George money. Heard l/Uiucaniuus ivcau, She testified George was crying when she saw him at Police Head quarters, but the prosecutor con fronted her with testimony she gave before the Coroner, when she said George was not crying. She | conceded she heard confessions of both defendants read by police but did not pay attention to them, be cause she was too upset. Edward Garner, sr., father of the defendants, testified that at Police Headquarters the right side of Law rence’s face was swollen and bleed ing and his arms had welts on them and were swollen and red. The defense contends police brutality was used on the defendants, but police deny this. Mr. McLaughlin, just before the close of the Government's case yes terday afternoon, read confessions of both defendants to the jury. Demand Woman Candidate "We want Dr. Hulbert” was the tenor of a petition signed by 77 Conservatives in Colchester, Eng land, urging the candidacy for a seat in Parliament of Dr. Pearl Hulbert, who had withdrawn be cause “an anti-woman campaign had been fostered against htt1.” Hguling in his net, a Bangor (England) fisherman found a 8 gallon cask of beer. Guaranteed Waterproofing PRODUCTS Admixtures and Paints The DAVENPARK Co. 849 Woehington Bldg. NA. 7892 REAL ESTATE LOANS FIRST TRUSTS to finance or refinance homes in the District or nearby Maryland and Virginia. Currant Ratal Straight Loom or Monthly Paymantn LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK 7th fr D St*. N.W. 17th * H St*. N.W. OPEN TODAY and SUNDAY, 1 TO DARK 328 EMERSON STREET N.W. PETWORTH This lovely home consisting of step-down living room, dining room, large den, exceptionally nice kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, recreation room, built-in garage, oil heat. Possession with title. SEE THIS TODAY! Call MR. BRAMHAM—Dl. 4704 with 1515 K St. N.W. Exclusive_PI- 3100 COMPARE BEFORE YOU BUY SEE THESE HOMES BEFORE MAKING ANY SELECTION $12,150 » $12,450 (On* corner at $12,750) Monthly payments $71.50 including taxes, ins., interest and principal (FHA plan) All brick, 3 bedrooms, living room, separate dining room, modem kitchen with dinette space, beautiful white oak floors, full basement with lavatory and outside entrance, 7-ft. Kelvinator refrigerator, gas heat, Venetian blinds, attractively decorated with colored painted walls. Located in City on a wide 90-ft. street Bus at corner; close to schools and shopping $3,350 - $3,650 «•» Open Today 3 to 7, Sunday and Monday, 12 to 7 Direction«: South on 11th St. Scontinue on Nichole Ave one block vflit Congress Theater, turn left along left tide of school, left on Alabama Ave. to It St., right one block to house at corner. 12th and Savannah Street S.E. COMMERCIAL REALTY COMPANY 1006 K St. N.W. NAhanal 1408 “Whitehall” 135-Acre Estate 5 Miles From Fairfax, Va. YOt;. your club, a rest home or an institu tion will And the rolling, Quiet Virginia countryside a delightful setting for this Mt. Vernon type house that was designed for gracious living. The entire estate is sur rounded by a white wood fence and has In addition to the main house, a bath and ooefetaU house, an open outdoor grill, large awtmmlnf pant with d trine hmrd, ate., 4-room Mrront baaaa ofnipped with eleetrie raMfaiwter, eleetiie ■twee, bath. Two-ear fwrofo with •Hdb' dear*, oement Seer. DewMe-olw ban with >ti 1UI1; hoe two taekrawma and ample atermye men fee farm atrip meat, left far feed, ate. The main hougg hat oirenlar drive, gpagioug Uvlnc room thirty by twenty feet, with French door* leading to Patio, open fireplace; dining room twelve by twenty-five with eryeUl ehendeller*. kitchen with electric itove, eleetrie refrigerator. (Ulnleee eteel elnk and tide tables, built-in cabinet and electric garbage dlapotal: library with built-in •helvaa; stairs leading down to unfinished pi ay room. Upstairs are four spacious bedrooms with three adjoining baths. Third floor arranged for housekeeper s or maid’s quarters. Storage apace linad with cedar. Two stair ways from first to third floor Each room is carpeted from wall to wall and has tailored draperies. Hot-air heat throughout house with air-cooling controls for summer. The cocktail houae. sixty feet from the main house furnished with new lounge furniture, bamboo bar. red stools, ladies’ and genUemen’s dreaaing rooms with toilet, glass modern brick Interior open fireplace of hand-carved rock. OPEN SUNDAY AND MONDAY TO RIACH Drive to Centerville (i mit*« Wett of Fairfax', tarn left on Route All for approximately 1 toilet, thtn leit again on AH, follow our EXHIBIT arrowi to property. -! Academy of Broadcasting Graduates 11 from Area Eleven students from Washington and four from Arlington, Va., were among the 37 students of1 the Na tional Academy of Broadcasting, 3338 Sixteenth street N.W, who were graduated yesterday. Joseph R. McCann, 28, of 1307 South Thomas street, Arlington, was the valedictorian at the exercises in the Ashbury M. E. Church, Sixteenth and Lamont streets N.W. Norman Reed, program director for Station WWDC, gave the commencement address. The" Washington students are: James R. Dalrymple, Stanley B. Frank, William T. Kernan, Edward P. Lincoln, Joseph G. Nevins, jr„ Anthony V. Petrucelli, George H. Pell, John F. Sherman, Samuel Wil liams, Melvin H. Wohl, and Charles L. Duke. Those from Arlington are Mr. Mc Cann, Kenneth J. Siebert, Victor P. Sparks and Paul K. Stenger. 8606 Irvington Ave., Bethesdo, Md. Open 1-6 p.m., Sat., Sun. A Mon. This lovely brick home in exclusive Bradmoor has center hall plan, liv rm. with marble fireplace, din. rm., modern kitchen, bedrm. A bath on 1st fl. Two bedrras. each containinr two closets, tile bath on 2nd fl. Full basement with lav. and sas A.C. heat. Dir.; Out Wisconsin Ave. to Bank of Bethesda. Lejt on Old Georgetown Rd. to McKinley St.. Left to Irvington Ave. Rt. to house. John Zirwes, Ine., 2005 K St. N.W. EX. 5656, RE. 6345 C. U. fo Open Graduation With Baccalaureate Mass Catholic University will open its graduation exercises at 10:30 am. on June 6 with a baccalaureate mass to be celebrated in the National Shrine of the Immaculate Concep tion. The Rev. Father John Walsh, dean of men, will be the celebrant, and Dr. M. J. McKeough, editor of the Catholic Educational Review, will preach the sermon. More than 700 members of the graduating class will participate two days later in class day exercises in McMahon Hall. Speaker at this event, scheduled for 4 p.m., will be Frank Kuntz, research engineer for the Bell Telephone laboratories. Mr. Kuntz will be recipient on June 9 of one of two honorary degrees to be conferred by the university. The other will go to Sister Mary Agatha f i 1 I i? a e a e a e a I I i 1 e a La! a I | “Cleveland Park” 1 Tour opportunity to buy a brick semidetached home with four rood bed* rooms and two baths, raragt, lovely front porch, excellent lot with beautiful rose rarden. In perfect condition. Near bus, thoppinr and all four schools (trade, junior, sen ior high and paro chial schools). * Possession With Deed 3612 35th St. N.W. Opan Saturday and Sunday, 1 to 7 P.M. Out Jteno Ri. N.W. to Quebec St., left to Sfth St., left one door to home. J. Wesley Buchanan 1732 K St. N.W. MEt. 1143 -- ' --11 " 1 - --■ 1 - 7104 CHATHAM ROAD, CHEVY CHASE, MD. * Bedrooms and t earns A charming, modern detached brick residence, just one square west of Connecticut Ave., convenient to transportation, public and parochial schools and the Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School. Four rooms including den on the first floor; four bedrooms and two baths on the second floor and a finished room in the attic. All ' modern equipment; automatic hot-water heat, electric refrigerator, slate roof, attached garage. Beautiful lot 65 feet wide. Owner moving to California and will give immediate possession. Priced Under $30,000 OPEN SUNDAY FROM 1 TO 7 P.M. or Phone Mr. Evans* WO. 0290 Drive out Conn. Ave. to Aspen St., left one square to intersecetion of Meadow Lane and Chatham Road, then riQht to the home, rvnr.rrsrvr J 1505 H ST. N.W. REALTORS NAtional 2S45 A New Ranch-Type Home Available in PARK VIEW ESTATES An Idyllic Setting Entirely Surrounded By Beautiful Rock Creek Pork Locoted on a large, beautiful lot of almost half an acre, this charming ranch-type home, modestly priced at $32,500, will meet the most exacting demands. A lovely living room with lorge picture window overlooking the rolling countryside, has a modern fireplace flonked by bookshelves. Bright, cheery dining room, also equipped with a picture window, has occess to side porch for outdoor dining. All-electric kitchen, fearturing Hartpoint ap pliances. Equipped with electric garbage disposal and dishwasher, electric stove, plenty of cupboard space and fluorescent fixture in ceiling. Three attractive bedrooms with omple closet space forte bedroom hos a picture window), a full bath and powder room complete the living quarters—all on one floor. Many other features are incorporated in this delightful home such as oil-aluminum window sashes, air-conditioned oil heat, lorge cellar with laundry room, and landscaped grounds. You must see it to appreciate it! Open Saturday and Sunday. A Few Choice BUILDING SITES Still Available For a Select Clientele—Will Contract To Build Homes if Desired ownr H. S. LE VELLE wvnows To Beach Property: re gad af IIth Strut, left approx. 1 mtJe to Mock Creek Park; at tnterieetien. tarn right 1 mOt. eroei M.K. track. 1 mile on Jenee Kill Road to property tig*. MppretenteHe* on property at all timet. Oliver toll. ■e i .1 fl . i—I Ryan, president of Xavier Univer sity, New Orleans, La. Climax of the four-day cere monies will be the graduation exer rises scheduled for 10:30 a m. June 9. Degrees will be conferred by the I Most Rev. Patrick A. O’Boyle, Arch i bishop of Washington, who is chan cellor of the university. The com mencement address will be delivered by Pulton Oursler, an editor of The Readers Digest. INDIAN SPRING VILLAGE 219 Williamsburg Drive, Silver Spring, Maryland This attractive all-brick Colonial is custom built and features a BEDROOM OR DEV AND BATH OV FIRST FLOOR, large living room with fireplace, good-sire dining room, equipped kitchen with an 8' GE refrigerator ana i range; 3 bedrooms (3 are twin size) and tiled bath upstairs. Full basement with maid’s room and lavatory; gas a.-c. heat. Spacious screened porch off rear. Slate roof; lot 8(»'xl71'. Rear yard enclosed with Anchor fence. Near public and Catholic schools, shopping and bus. Priced to sell. Early possession. f Open Sunday, 11 to 6 P.M. To Reach: Out Colesville Rd. to Four Corners, right on Old | Bladensburg Rd. 3 blks. to Williamsburg Dr., left to house. LAWRENCE V. LUTES Exclusive Realtor - Sligo 4222 Evenings, Sligo 4906 p 4709 Blagden Terrace N.W. Open Saturday and Sunday from 1 PjW- to Dark 1 Priced for Immediate Sale Located just west of 16th street in this fashionable close-in section ot pretentious residences. Center-hall, tile powder room, living room (14x24) with fireplace, dining room (13x15)-, beautiful model kitchen with large breakfast set and de luxe equipment. Four bedrooms and two full tile baths on second floor. Large room and storage on third floor. The basement is finished into paneled recreation room with complete bar and bath. Two-car built-in garage, oil h.-w.h., slate roof. A fine home for the large family. To Reach: Out 16th St. to Blagden Ave.. turn left to 17th St., then right M block to Blagden Terrace and left to open sign. Exclusive with Wm. H. Saunders Co., Inc. 1519 K St. N.W. Realtors Sinte 1887 Dl. 1015 A HOME TO FIT YOUR NEEDS SILVER SPRING, MD. YOUR CHOICE OF 5 DESIGNS 2 and 3 BEDROOM HOMES PRICED FROM *14,950 I TO *17,250 Jr 4-Bedroom Homes I only $16,950 DOWN PAYMENT £ AS LOW AS > *2.500 2-BEDROOM BUNGALOW, $14,950 -|j i -.s. '• • • >1 't r / . ' •’ - ' ID INSPECT—COMPARE FOR CONSTRUCTION LOCATION—PRICE A planned community of quality homes — OFFERING SIX DISTINCT TYPE HOMES. PAVED ROADS Quality and character ex emplified. 'Two, three and four bedrooms. 1 and 1 Vi Baths. Garages. Porches. Individual attention given to interior decorating. Com pletely equipped. ROADS NOW PAVED 3 BEDROOMS—BATH—GARAGE—$16,450 Directions: Travel Sorth on Georgia Are. 1/t miles from ColesviHe Road traffic light. Open Dally and Sunday, II 9til Dark Built By ^ ^atfaM/nah tfti/uteHb Owners and Builders 10101 Georgia Aw., Silver Spring^Md._