Newspaper Page Text
_i-v / WAKEFIELD—Chery Chase, D. C. \ ■ mm.ini • w •• iiii'vnr'n mu nmmtssmamm a I | 3711 Cumberland Street N.W. At The Highest Point In The City Just a Stone’s Throw From Woodrow Wilson High A home of many delightful surprises—featuring 4’4 baths^ Truly a tiful home—one that literally sparkles from cellar to root and including those ‘ extras you seldom find, however, they 10 i long way to help ona enjoy "living with ease and comfort.” 1st floor: Living room with artistic fireplace and mantle and adjoining is huge screened porch; lovely room wsth bay window, southern exposure: breakfast or den. powder room. ULTRA MODERN KITCHEN 2nd floor: 1 *®if®did bedroom* and 2 beautiful tile baths. 3rd floor; Ideal for a couple of youngsters, finished \ off as DORMITORY with private bath. Lovely panned recreation room with fireplace and bar, maid's room and bath. GAS HEAT, --car garage* ! Open Sunday—1 to 6 V. THOS. J. FISHER fir CO., INC. J 738 15th St. N.W.Realton PI. 6830/ !—..\ OPEN SUNDAY, 1 TO 6 P.M. 3908 Saul Road Corner Connecticut Ave. This home will oppeol to the discriminoting purchaser. Contains seven very spacious rooms and 2Vi baths. Stairs to attic, recreation room with fireplace, '/s-aere corner lot. Convenient to schools and bus. Terms. To Reach: Out Connecticut Arenue extended to 9100 Woe*. Denny & Price—Realtors -SH. 1313 VETERANS TWOTAMILT HOUSES *16,500 and *16,750 Southeast Washington Open Sat. and Sun. 1:00 p.m. to 6 p.m. • A standard six room house with a two room, kifchen and bath apartment in addition. Brick, semi-de tached and completely equipped with stoves, refrig erators, screens and insulation. Gas hot.water heat. Apartment may be rented to offset carrying charges. $4,000 cash—$12,500 FHA loan, payable $78 a month incl. int., prin., insurance and taxes. To raech: Go eat Ridce Road from Kinneeota Ave. to Teiat Aie.. left two fcioclc to ho«»». EDWARD R. CARR 1332 H St. N.W. NAtional 1805 LANHAM, MD. This lovely home well located on approx. 2 acres with lov#ly shade trees makes excellent place for a retired couple or family with children. First floor with Jiving room, dining room,' reception hall, kitchen, 2 lovely bedrooms and tiled bath. Stairs to 2nd floor with 4 rooms and 2 storage rooms. Full basement with new oil hot-water heating plant, large porch across front and side of house, tfacant and new house condition. Owner has priced for quick sale. j Open Sunday, 2 to 7 DIRECTIONS: Out Defense Highway towards Annapolis, approx. 4 A/Iff miles beyond Peace Cross to Lanham sign and white Colonial frame home on right. Turn right across railroad tracks and turn sharp left 1 block, turn left to house and open sign. CHEVY CHASE REALTY 4420 Conn. Ave. N.W. KM. 1*00 44Chevy Chase. D. C.” 1 I! nm iniff'iiiirnii ■■ at g 3973 Harrison St. N.W. 1 Owner Leaving Lity A lovely Dutch Colonial home with seven rooms, four bedrooms, two tijpd baths, 2-car detached garage, oil heat, large living porch. Spacious well-landscaped lot i of about a quarter acre of land. n Saturday, Sunday and Monday, 1 to 7 P.M. Con*. Ave. to Harrison St. N.W., left three blocks to house. J. Wesley Buchanan 1732 K St. N.W, E»n«tTeiy MEt 114fr • * BARGE TRIP. Horse-drawn baree V*n °,n_c\. Canal, sponsored by National Park 8er»j i ice; meet at Poundry Branch, junction of Canal road. Poxhall road and M street N.W., 2 p.m. tomorrow. # BICYCLE TRIP. , , _ Potomac Youth Hostel, Memorial Day i trip to Ctvlh War battle around; meet at Bicycle CenTIr. East Potomac Park, 2 P.m. tomorrow. DANCES. _ YMCA. Saturday Niter dance, 1736 G street N.W., 9 o'clock toniaht. Jewish Community Center, senior dance. Sixteenth and Q streets N.W., 9 o clock t0Waish Club. 1523 Twenty-second street N.W. (rear), dance and bridae. open o o'clock toniaht. ^ g Wanderbirds Hikina' Club. Hawksblll Mountain and Dark Hollow Trail. Va.. meet ! at 1315 New York avenue N.W., 8 a.m. t0Caphal' Hikina Club. Burke to Annan dale, Va.: meet at Onion Station Informa ! tlon Booth. 8:15 a m. tomorrow. grEtlAL EABIBUB. .. Cereoran Gallery of Art. %renteenth street and New York avenue open 12 to 4:30 p.m. Mondays. 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays. 0 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturdays »ndf2 to 5 p.m. Sunday#: paintings by Margaret Gates. Kth# Gsth. Samuel Bookau and William H/Xalfre. through September 1 and water colors by artists of Washington. ^Phillips1 MomorfaVGailery. 1600 Twenty first street N.W.. open 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. | Sundays; 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Mondays, and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. other weekdays; paint-! inrs by artists of Washington. Baltimore and vicinity, through May 30; and Paint ings by Marjorie Phillips, for an lndefl nl 8Uierl0Sprlnr Ar0 Gallery, #216 Flower aveoPe, open 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day. ; pastels by Helen Fowler, sculptured glass by Wills Lowry and pottery by Dorothy Looker. thr#igh tomorrow. Whyte Bookshop and Gallery. 1518 Con necticut avenue NW.. open 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays; Impressions of the, local acene, paintings by Margaret Appich. Paul Arlt. Jacob Kanen.^Plerto Lasrart. i j James McLaughlin. Helffl Rennie and Andrea Zerega. end* today. National Archive*, exhibition hall. Con (tltutlon avenue between Seventh and Ninth Streets N.W.. open 8:45 a.m. to 6:16 pjn. weekday* and 1:30 pm. to 6 pm. Sundays and holiday*: exhibit com memoiwting the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Navy Department, including naval documents from the Revo lution throuih World War n surrender papers, through July: exhibit made up of copies of Japanese Times and Advertiser, daily newspapers published in Tokyo in English. Including copies published In English during World War H. Japanese editorials, propaganda on war, Battle of the Coral Sea and others, for an in denmte period. _ NW.. open 3 a m. to 3 p.m. weekdays; paintings by school children of the Wash ington area, ends today. National Library, Tenth street and Constitution avenue N.W., open 3 a m. to 4:30 p.m. every day: etchings and mono types in color by Theresa F. Demstein, th Barnet*1 Adifii' Gallery, 127 Randolph place N.W.. open 6 to 10 p.m. weekdays arm ° to 5 p.m. Sundays; paintings by Benjamin Abramowltz. through Monday. Library of ConBreso, First and East Capitol streets S.E.. open 0 a m. to 10 p m. Mondays through Fridays. 0 a m. to H p.m. Saturdays and 2 to 10 p.m. 8un tys; orlclnal Lacock Abbey copy of the agna Carta, on loan from the British government until December lb; original manuscript of Lincoln’s three-page ’auto biography.” for an indefinite period: ex hibit commemorating German immigrants of 1848 and their achievements in the United States, through June 14; books, manuscripts and drawings of Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, 19th century American au WE NEED HOUSES in N.W. Washington Ranging in priSe from $50,000 to $100,000 J, A. McKeever Co., Inc. IBM K St. N.W. ST. 8800 % University Park Maryland Near University of Maryland 430t Woodberry Street—$32,500 This house (teas custom built about 7 years ago with as much ears and aelectlA of materials as obtainable. It is located on a large, well-landscaped corn# lot, In a very attractive neighborhood. On the first floor there is a wide center hall, living room with fireplace, dining room, de luxe kitchen, half bath, and screened rear porch. The second floor has S bedrooms, 2 baths and screened rear porch. • The attic is floored and insulated. Automatic heat. Two-car garage. Owner occupied and well priced for prompt sale. OPEN SUNDAY, 2 TO 7 P.M. To Reach: Out Michigan Avenue, and Chapel Road to Woodoerrv and left to house. Wm. M. Throckmorton Investment Bldg. Fvclmlve Remltor Dl- 8092 MORTGAGE LOANS FHA-Construetion Monthly Payment Loans INSURANCE Fire—Casualty—Bonds RENTALS Property Management Business Leases H. L. RUST COMPANY ttta&Uhei US9 ; 1001 15th St. N.W. NAtionol 8100 PRICE SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED TO $22,500 FOR IMMEDIATE SALE ■BvWv-vv'v v :*>*&*: '' I 8516 IRVINGTON AVE., BRADMOOR, MD. j Detached, white pointed brick; living room with fireplace, dining room, fully equipped kitchen, 3 bedrooms and 2 baths on 2nd floor. Paneled recreotion room with fireplace and tiled flooj, maid's room and bath, gas heat, air condition^; built-in gorage, nice rear yard, fenced in; living porch. Near schools and transportation; also convenient to Naval Medical Center, Motional Institute of Health ond Suburban Hospital. Liberol allowance will be made for interior and exterior decorating. Possession with t,fl,0pE^T0DAY AND SUNDay, 1 TO 6 P.M. Directions: Out Wisconsin Are. to Bradley Bird., left on Bradley Bird. f..t miles to Bradmoor, right on Bradmoor Drive 1 block to Roosevelt St., right 1 block to Irvington Avenue, left to our open sign and property. WALKER & DUNLOP, INC. Exclusive 1200 15th St. N.W. DI. 0222, Eves. Mr. Deyereux EM. 8654 SILVER SPRING One of the beautiful new hornet built by McClotkey-Haigler Attociatet This Cape Cod, 1313 Forest Glea Road—$23,950 A Bungalow, 1315 Forest Glen Road—$18,750 A Two-story Brick, 1311 Forest Glen Road—$22,950 OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, 1 TILL DARK The heme pictured above hi suitable for the large family or doctor’s residence. Living room with fire pi see, dining room, modern kitchen, bedroom, 4 bath and den on first Boor. Two bedrooms, bath and study sr nursery on second floor, full basement, gas heat, roughed-in for bath. Buflt-tn garage, lot SS'zlSS’. But at door. To rassh.- Dries oaf Georgia gstsss to TOre«t Ole* Road, tur* right three block, to eig*. Cuff » FRANK L. HEWITT .Realtor 8485 Fenton StreetSL. 8888; Eves., EM. 9138 thor. explorer and ethnologist, through Monday. National Gallery of Art. Sixth street and Constitution avenue N.W., open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m; weekdays and 2 to 10 p.m. Sundays; paintings and sculpture com prising the Mellon. Kress. Widener and Dale collections and rifts from other do nors for an indefinite period. DAR Museum, 1720 D street N W„ open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m weekdays; “Album of Americans” in North Wing; "China' in South Wing, ends today. Fish and Wildlife Service, under main lobby In Commerce Department Building, Fourteenth and E streets N.W., open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily; display of animals and fresh-water fish, for an indefinite period. Dumbarton Oaks Museum. Thirty-first and R streets N.W., open Tuesdays tnrough Saturdays 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Sun days 2 to II p.m.; closed Mondays and holidays; collection of Byzantine and re lated arts, .for an indefinite period. „ , • FOR SERVICEMEN. Penthouse Service Center, Seventeenth and K streets S W„ dancing to two orchestras, 9 o'clock tonight. Soldiers'. Sailors’ and Marines’ Club. 1015 L street N.W.: lounges, library, writ ing desk, billiard tables, radio. Servicemen’s Victory Center. 1113 Penn sylvania avenue N.W." free canteen; open dally, noon to midnight. __ _ ' Pre-Showing BARMBY WOODS 6630 31st Place 6 large rooms, 2 baths, first-floor powder room, large screened porch, finished attic, full basement, fire place in basement; large lot; garage. OPEN SUNDAY, 2 TO 6 P.M. D. S. BIROM Owner and Builder, RA. 7201 Homes Built On Contract Do you own a lot? Have you been planning to build at some time in the future? Are you waiting for lower prices? If your answer to these questions is YES, then this announce ment should be of great interest to you! Prices are definitely not going down in the immediate future .—in fact, there may be a rise in building costs which would make you sorry you delayed. We are in a position NOW to custom-build your home at today's costs—with tomorrow's improvements—and with all the skill and conscientious workmanship you would expect. Call us NOW .... JAS. I. HUMPHREY—BUILDER DE. 4639 COUNTRY HOME—SILVER SPRING AREA Melrose Gardens -irrri—i . II Open Sat. & Sun., 1-6 P.M. The finest' built homes in the Silver Spring area for only $16,750 Feattirea: f «... X RlinHt ir Bonne 324x27' ★ Living Room with Fireplace ir Dining Room it All-Electric Kitchen it 2 Bedrooms ★ Tile Bath and Shower it Copper Plnmbing Space en 2nd floor for 2 bed ★ Oil A.-C. Heat ★ Full Basement ★ Furred Walla ★ Beautiful Oak Floora j ★ Screens ★ Copper Gutters and Downspouts on ms*, bath roufhed In, To Reach: From traffic light in Silver Spring j { out Colesville Pike 10 miles to open sign. • AIXMTT & MAUST SH. 4646 If no answer, PL. 0883 4802 Chevy Chase Blvd., Chevy Chase, Md. Quietness and Charm ... Will Immediately impresa you in thia lovely Colonial red brick home in this excellent, ireighborhood. providing a center-hall plan with living porch on the rear overlooking formal grounds, powder room at end or hall, equipped kitchen; upstairs has 3 pleasant bedrooms. 2 tiled baths, stairs to storage attic. A quality home throughout, of prewar construction, In fcha top condition expected of adult occupancy. $27,500 OPEN SUNDAY AND MONDAY, NOON TO 6 To Reach: Out Wisconsin Ave. to about fi.SOO block: left on | Chevy Chase Bird, two blocks to property and our OPEN stan. R. P. RIPLEY-Realtor SL. 6111 8403 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, Md. BR ADMOOR - *17,950 S MW - 8605 HEMPSTEAD AVE., Bethesda, Md. A delightful modern detoched briclt residence in this popular community of new homes, close to school ond transportation. Lot 55x115 feet. Six rooms, both and 1st floor lovetory. Well equipped with gas oir-conditioned heat, insulation, ottic, slote roof, electric refrigerotor. Fireplace in living room. Owner will give possession with title. Open Sunday from 1 to 7 p.m. or Phone Mr. Brill, Wl. 7105 Drivi out Wile. Ave. to Bradley Lancj to Bradmoor Drive, Then on* Sonar* to Kootetelt St. ana right to Hemvitead At*. I Exclusive _ [SHANNON-&-LUCHS] 1505 H St. N.W. Realtor, NA- 2345 Massachusetts Ave. Park Near the Cathedral and Naval Observatory Custom Built, Detached Brick Home 2608 36th Street N.W. Center-entrance planned* spacious brick home being sold to settle an estate. Beautifully situated in the “Embassy Section.” It contains large living room with open fireplace, library, dining room and kitchen on 1st floor; 4 bedrooms and 2 baths and large sundeck porch on 2nd floor: maid’s room and storage room on 3rd floor; slate roof, oil burner, hot-water heat, garage. Lot 50x122. Vaeant-Netcly Decorated OPEN SAT.-SUN.-MON., 2 TO 5 P.M. Drne nut Mass. Are. K.W. to Edmunds st. (!nd intersection bevond Jft/i St. traffic liaht). bear left to SSth St. and left to house. L. T. Gravatte 729 15th St. N.W. Realtor NAljpnal 0753 Exclusive Agent_ Open Sat., Snn. and Mon., 1 to 7 The House You Have Always Wanted | 4541 South Dakota Ave., N.E. Michigan Park Area | Six-room brick; 1 Vi both; o.h.-w. heat; recreation room; 1- K cor brick garage; inclosed sleeping porch. g& Directions: Out Michigan Ave. to ltth St . right on Zt 12th to So. Dakota Are., right on So. Dakota to house. « See Mr. Martin on premises. jg NEWCOMB REALTY SERVICE ^ (Exclusive) 3125 Nichols Ave., S.E. Phone LI. 2081 L "EVERYONE SAYS IT'S WONDERFUL" TO LIVE IN. rBRADM00R A FINE COMMUNITY OF FINE HOMES SECTIONS 2 & 3 Open Sot., Sun. & Mon. CUSTOM BUILT HOMES OUTSTANDING VALUES FOR YOUR MONEY • TWO BLOCKS FROM TRANSPORTATION • ONE BLOCK FROM GRADE SCHOOL 2!A tile baths, three bedrooms, screened patio, full basement, kiln dried hardwood floors, copper plumbing, weather-stripped, tile drains, filtered gas heat, attached garage, Bangor slate roof. Compare these homes with any other home in this area regardless of price. See these outstanding all-electric kitchens with built-in breakfast tables. Nothing has been overlooked to give you the utmost in quantity and *,Ual'tY TRADES GLADLY ACCEPTED Out Wisconsin Are to Bank ot Bethesda. left on Old niDCrTIrtklC. Georgetown Road to McKinley St., left on McKinley to •e IRtv I I WPS 3« homes. Or out Bradley Bird, to Irvington St., right on Irvington, left on McKinley to 5*05. \ BUILT BY PERRY BROS. 'Vietost on 2wo OFFICE OPEN DAILY, 9 A M. TO 9 P.M. -- "A RESTRICTED COMMUNITY OF FINE HOMES" Invites You Out on MEMORIAL DAY WEEK-END ... to See and Inspect the Best in Gracious Country Living For When You Own A LOT Here You’ll Enjoy: if A membership in on established and outstanding country club proffered you * if A fine clubhouse offering you ond your family many days ond evenings of pleasure if A 27-hole golf course covering 200 ocres of excellent foirwoys ond greens if A lorge, sanitary swimming pool for the enjoyment of your entire family if Tennis courts for the roquet enthusiasts if A highly restricted community for your protection if Easy commuting distonce of 15 miles from downtown Washington—8 miles from Silver Spring, Maryland Prices of lots start from $1.950 end ere *«,,*J»* homes ere available ranging in price from $20,000 to $35,000 DIRECTIONS: Drive out Georgia .Are ezirna-a lout to Olnep> * mil** from Stiver Spring, to Manor Club entrance, follow club road to our office. Out Fiald Offica Opan Daily and Sunday—Naan fa 6 WILLIAM M. CANBY MILLS BUILDING Reoltor REPUBLIC 1732 _ _