Newspaper Page Text
HnttfUinga GLASS, SADIE, There will be »n un ▼eiling of ft monument to the memory cl the late SADIE GLASS, beloved wife of Harry Glass and mo.her of.Murray’ D* vid. Sherwtn Louis and Glo-ia Bios:soi.t Glass, on Sunday. May **0. 1948. at 1~ noon, at the George Washington Me morial Cemetery. Jewish Section, New HamDShire ave extended and Riggs ro Those who wish to accompany the fam ily will gather at S504 ^thst !}j730UD to 11:18 a m. 22.23.28,-R.HJ I.I7TSKY, CARTS' RITA Unveiling on Sunday May 30, 1048 at 1 .10 p.m.. at the f!fere. h Israel Synagogue Ceme-er, to the memory of CARVN RITA LUTSKY SCHNEIDER. CHARLES. Unveiling of the monument to the memory °LI?i1ptps loved husband and father. CHARLES srHNFTDFP will b* held on Sunday. May*.;«). 194*. et 1 W P.m., at the Beth Srolom Cemetery. Anacostia. Friend* and relatives ln'^VED WIFE AND SON. uranjB iiixAVDFR WALTER M. On Wed P»^iv*Ma"2®. lnlstWALTER M ALEX ANDER- beloved husband of Essie I. Alex ander Funeral from the w. w. Deal Funerel Home. 4812 Georgia ave. n.w. on -Saturday. May 2P. at '- P-^- Rej®: fives and friends invited. Intermen. Glenwood Cemetery. RENE. ALEXANDER H On Thursday. M„ l»4S ALEXANDER H BENZ Of 28h4 McKinley pi. n v.. husband of Burble B B*m and father of Theodore L. Benr and Mrs Dorothy Virginia Johns. Serv ices at the S H Hines Co Funeral Home. oqai 14th &■ nw. on Tuesday. June 1. 2 p m interment National Memorltl Park Cemetery. 61 BINSTED. FANNIE SMITH. On Wed nesday May 26 1948, at the North Hampton Memorial Hospital. Aeromac. Va FANNIE SMITH BINSTED. beloved wife of the Rev. John H Bunted and mother of Mrs Gwendolyn M Crumpacker of Honolulu. Hawaii, and the .ate stall Bergt Hobar' E Binsted. She also if survived by three sisters. Mrs George W Thompson. Mrs. wes.ev Souder and Mrs William Hammond of Washington; D c a brother. William F Smith oi San Pedro. Calif : three grandchildren, several nieces and nephews. Services at the Birch Funeral Home. .><>34 M fit nw on Tuesday. June 1. a* . #6 p.m Interment National Memorial Park Ceme tery. Falls Church. Va. 31 BROOKS EDITH K Suddenly, on Sunday. Mav 1« lb 1*. a* San Francisco Calif . EDITH K. BROOKS, the beloved daughter of Cyrus Dunaway and the late Verlena Dunaway; sister of Me.vln. Rufus, Roland, Everett and Georce Dunaway. Mrs Graves Coates. Mrs. Catherine Bnnsfleld and Mrs Flora Wood. Services at Cham bers' Rlverdale Funeral Home. o«01 Cleveland ave. Rlverdale. Md.. on Satur day. Mav 29, at 2:36 pm. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. -9 BROWN, CHARLES EDWARD En tered into eternal rest on Thuisday. May 1948. at Gaillnger Hospital. CHARLES EDWARD BROWN of 625 Virginia ave. a.e.. loving husband of Mrs. Margaret Brown and devoted brother of Mr. James Brown. Other relatives and a host or friends also mourn his departure. Re mains resting at the John T. Rhlnes Co. Funeral Home 3rd and Eve sis. s.w . until Sunday. May 30. 11 am: thence to his late residence Funeral on Monday. Mav 31, at 1 pm . Rev. John Childs of ficiating. Interment Pavne s Cemetery. 30 BROWN. SARAH J. Suddenly, on Wed nesday. May 26. 19 at her residence. 716 12th st n*. SARAH J. BROWN, beloved wife of the iafe William Brown and devoted niece of Mrs Sarah S’ewart. and Mrs Jeannette Cole She also is survived by other relatives and friends Affe- 2 pm Saturday. May 29. friends may rail a? the residence of her aunt. Mrs Sarah Stewart. 352 Eve st. sw Funeral on Sunday. May 30. at 1 pm. from the Zion Baptist Church. F st. between 3rd and 4th sts. sw. Re'’. A J. Edwards oficiatins. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery Arrangements by Morris A Carter A: Co. 29 BROWN. SARAH J. Members of Electa Household oi Ruth- No. 4909 G. U. O. of O F, are hereby notified dpath of Inmate SARAH J RR°WN. Hosuehold services on Saturday. May -9. 1948. at 7:30 pm. at 352 Eve st. sw Funeral on Sunday. May 30. a: 1 p m . from the Zion Baptist Church. F st. between 3rd and 4th sts. sw GRETCHEN MINOR, M. N. G. MARIE CHASE, W. R. 30 dE MOLL. MARY LOUISE On Friday, Mav 28, 1948. MARY LOUISE dE MOLL, beloved mother of Frederick Joseph d* Moll, grandmother of Theodore Otto de Moll and great-grandmother of Harry and James de Moll. Mrs. de Moll was the widow of the la*e Theodor* G de Moll (P M and P G. H P '. Friends mav call at Gawler's Chapel. 1756 Pa. ave. n w . where services will bp held on Tues day June 1, at 11 a m. Interment ^pri vate. 36 FUNERAL DIRECTORS._ In Case of Death Call One ot the Largeet Undertaken In the World Complete Funerals $95 to $2,000 Tour tarn Funeral Homee Phone CO. 0432 V. L. SPEAKE ( 0. neither guccessor to nor connected with the original W R. Speai;# eetabllshment. 1009 H St. N.W. k.JW j. William Lee’s Sons Co. dtb and Mare Are. N.E- LL 620<1 FT NTRAL DIRECTORS Crematorium_ FRANK GEIER'S SON CO. FUNERAL HOME 3605 14th St. N.W. HObart 2326 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Formerly »t 1113 7th St N W. Eetabl.rhed IS51 FUNERAL DESIGNS. ohaconas flowers Be.otllo, FI.ORALuP«EC|S. *» 00 a.d *600 14th St. N.W._Ph»n* DP. 7121 GUDE BROS. CO. iBdlTldo.lly deaUned Wreatha and Safari Charre arronnta opened hr phone 1212 F St N.W.—NAtional 42*8 GEO. CrSHAFFER, Inc. £^aS^Epr^sRAL phLTO8 01*6 Cor. 14th & Eye °ynnd B"yw Blackistone, Inc. ‘mV7™’ BEAUTIFUL FLORAL TRIBUTES, $5 up Phone and Charge It C~&~C FLOWER STORES FLORAL SPRAY. W.W TP DILIVIEID Charge Account* Invited Two Convenient Locations 80S 14th St. N.W. Ml 74SS _023 F St N.W _ MI14I4 | FLOWERS CHAMBERS bos complete Flower $hc*> Funeral Designs Special! $3, $4, $5, $6, $7. $10, up to $200 -CALL Chamber JO. 0432 AMBULANCES. AMBULANCES DOCTORS CALL • CHAMBERS • For Ambulance, CO. 0432, One of the finest fleets In the world. Bates: 311 op to 11 mile radios. Expert attendants. CALL CO. 0432 CEMETERY LOTS. FORT LINCOLN, choice location. 6 sites, well below the market price at SHOO. Eves . HO 1550._—29 TRICE REDL’CED—5 choice lots in Ns Jional Memorial Park Cemetery. All .=• (or $795. or separately $200 each. Call V. G SMITH. NA. 6850 —3 CEDAR HILL CEMETERY—10 adjoining »ites on hillside near walk. Catholic sec tion 27; $80 per site. LU. 2855. —31 S gratyfi lA-mn. tiii ,a v. un rriaay. iway 4^ 1948-. ANNA C. ECKER. wife of the latjf Charles A. Ecker. sister of Katherine C Rahn and grandmother of Katherine D Rapp and Charles V. Dove Funeral from :her late residence. 143 Uhland Ter. n.e.. 1 on Monday, May 31, at 1:30 p.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment [Cedar Hill Cemetery. (Philadelphia pa pers piease copy.) 30 ECKER, ANNA C. The officers and members of Lebanon Chapter No. 25. O. E. S., are requested to assemble on Surday. Maj 30. 1948, at 7:30 p.m.. at thl residence of our late sister. ANNA C. ECKER of 14.1 Uhland ter. n efor the pur pose of conducting services. By order ol MARY E WEIMER. Worthy Matron. CONSTANCE L. TORREY. Sec. EIKER. MATTIE ETHERIDGE. On Tuesday, May 25. 1948. at Garfield Me morial Hospital. MATTIE ETHERIDGE EIKER. widow of John Tripner Eiker and beloved mother of Mathllde. John T- if.: Taylor E and Karl V. Eiker. Private funeral services were held at her late residence. 3914 49th st. n.w . on Friday. May 28. at 2 30 p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 29 GARNER, LEONARD JAMES. On Thursday. May 27. 1948. at the United States Naval Hospital, Bethesda, Md . LEONARD JAMES GARNER, the beloved husband of May T. Garner and brother of Horace. Frank and Edith Gamer of England. Remain* resting at Chambers' Puneral Home. 1400 Chapin it. n.w. Services at Fort Myer Chapel on Tuesday. June j. at 10 am. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. , 30 GREY. WILSON R On Wednesday. May 2(5. 1948. WILSON R. GREY of j 1621 S st. n.w.. Apt. 1, beloved hus band of Ann E. Grey and devoted father of Clarence M. Grey and Corlista V. Grey. Also surviving are a sister. Mrs. Mary B. Ford: one grandchild, other rela tives and many friends. After noon. Sunday. May 30. friends are invited to ceil at the McGuire Funeral Home, 1820 9th st. n.w. Services on Monday. May 31. at the Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church. 15th and R sts. n.w., at 1 p.m., Rev H B Taylor officiating. Interment on Tuesday. June 1. at Richmond. Va. 30 HAGE, ELIZABETH WILHELMENA. On Thursday. May 27. 1948. at her residence. 4510 BaTimore ave.. Bladensburg. Md . ELIZABETH WILHELMENA HAGE (nee Dwyer*, beloved wife of Nels Hage and mother of Philip Wallace. She also is survived by a sister. Mrs. Florence Dwyer. Friends may call at Oasch’s Funeral Home, i Hvattsville. Md . where services will be held on Tuesday. June 1. at 9:30 a.m., ; thence to St. Jerome s Catholic Church. Hyattsville. Md . where mass will be said at 10 am. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 31 HARRIS, MAGGIE. On Tuesday. May 25. 1948. MAGGIE HARRIS of 1843 S st. n.w. sister of Mary Dams. Other relatives and friends also survive. Friends may call at the Malvan Ai Schey Funeral Home, N. J. ave. and R st. n.w. Funeral from the Israel Methodist Church on Monday. May 31, at 1 p.m. Interment Annapolis, Md. 30* HENDERSON, WILLIAM. On Saturday. May 29, 1948. at his residence. 1410 E st. s.e.. WILLIAM HENDERSON, beloved husband of Eva Mae Henderson (nee Crump) and brother of Mrs. Benjamin White. Friends may call at the Lee Fu neral Home. 4th st. and Massachusetts ave. n.e.. where services will be held on Tuesday, June 1. at 11 a m. Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 31 HOLT. ELIZABETH HILL. On Friday. May 28. 1948. at New York City. ELIZA BETH HILL HOLT, wife of the late Rob ert O. Holt. Friends may call at the Demaine Memorial Chapel. 520 South Washington st., Alexandria, where services will be held on Tuesday. June 1. at 11 a m. Interment private. HOWE. MARION C. On Thursday. May 27. 194 8. MARION C HOWE mee Gawler). sister of Alfred B. Gawler and the iate Mrs. Annie G Monroe. Services and interment Mount Royal Cemetery, Bellevue, Pa. 29 KRAFT. HENSON (HENCE) CHRISTO PHER. On Friday. May 28. 1948. at ’he home of his daughter. Mrs. Mary Ellen Tress. 4605 Highland ave.. Bethesda. Md.. HENSON (.HENCE* CHRISTOPHER KRAFT, beloved husband of the late Annie Kraft and father of George Oliver Kraft. Mary Ellen Tress and Frederick B. Kraft. Remains resting at the Bethes da-Chevy Chase Funeral Home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey. Bethesda. Md . where funeral services will be held on Tuesday, June 1. at 2 p.m. Interment Congres sional Cemetery, Washington. D. C. 31 LUCAS, IDA B. On Friday. May 28. 1948. at St. Elizabeths Hospital. Mrs. IDA B. LUCAS of 1622 D st. s.e Re mains resting at the Dovie G. Brooks Funeral Home. 12th st. and Fla. ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 30 MAHLER, GERARD ARTHUR. Sud denly. on Wednesday. May 26, 194 8, GERARD ARTHUR MAHLER, beloved hus band of Paula Elizabeth Mahler and father of Arthur P. Mahler. Remains resting at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Funeral Home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey. Bethesda. Md.. where funeral services will be held on Saturday. May 2.9. at I p.m. Inter num Rock Creek Cemetery, Washington. D C MAI pn UAPr.l RFT r After q lnn» illness, in her noth year. MARGARET F. MAURO. daughter of Philip Mauro of Culpeper. Va.. and the late Emily J. Mauro. Interment private, today, at Culp<oer. Va. Arrangements by the Clore Stradiey Funeral Home. Culpeper, Va. McNEAL. ELIZABETH M. On Friday. May 28, 1048, at her residence. 1401 Fairmont st. n.w.. ELIZABETH M. Mr NEAL, wife of Le Roy C. McNeal and mother of Agnes M. Fadeley and Allen McNeal of Silver Spring, Md. at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2001 14th st. n.w., on Tuesday. June 1. at 11 a.m. Interment Cedar Hill Ceme tery. 31 MILLS, MILTON A., SR. On Friday, May 28. 1048, at Walter Reed Hospital. MILTON A. MILLS. Sr., the beloved hus band of Ruth E. Mills and father of Mil ton A. Mills, jr.: grandfather of Fred B. and Milton A Mill* III. Funeral from the W. W. Deal Funeral Home. 4812 Georgia ave. n.w.. on Wednesday. June 2. at 10 a m. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery 1 NEWLY. SARAH M On Friday. May 28, lots, af her residence. 5302 8th st. n.w SARAH M NEWBY, beloved mother o! Mrs. Grace Collins. P. N. Newby. Mrs Ira F Shoemaker. Mrs. Mabel Brown and Mrs Margaret Catlett Friends may call at the Takoma Funeral Home. 254 Carroll st. n.w . Takoma Park. D. C.. until Monday. May 31. at 0 a.m. Grave side services and interment at Remington Cemetery. Remington. Va.. at JJ am. 30 PROCTOR. JOSIAII. On Friday. Mav 28. jots at his home. Old Alexandria rri . Clinton. Md., JOSIAH PROCTOR, husband of the late Mary Ida Proctor and father oi Rosa Walls, Agnes Newman Elizabeth Frederick. Washington. Thomas. Roy, Walter. Andrew and P’rancis Proc tor. He also leaves twenty-eight grand children. six great-grandchildren, one sis ter. two brothers and a host of other relatives and friends. Friends may call at his late residence alter 1 pm. Sun-; day, May 30. Requiem mass on Mon-1 day. May 31. at ip a.m.. at 8t. Mary's Catholic Church. Pfscataway. Md. Rela tive* and friends invited. Interment St.; John's Church Cemetery. Clinton. Md Arrangements by W. Ernest Jarvis Co. 30: ni-IVV UIDV U» v'ni V r»n Calnr. 1 dav, May 29. 1948. at George Washing- j ton Hospital. MARY HAYDEN QUINN nf J 018 South Carolina ave. s.e. be-’ loved wife oi George W. Quinn, mother of Geortre. Charles. Gary. Edward. John and William Quinn. Mrs. Edna Barber: and Mrs. Eleanor Connell. Funeral from! the James T. Ryan Funeral Home. 311 Fa ave -e. on Monday. May 31. at 9 30 a m ; thence to S*. Peter's Church.1 where mas« will be oflered at in am. Relatives and fripnds invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 30 j RICHARDSON. El LA. On Fridav May 28. ! 918. at Gallinger Hospital. EULA RICHARDSON of 1142 Sumner rd. se Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by the Robert G Mason Co. ROBRECHT. MARV. On Saturday Mav 2P. 1948 at her residence. .‘>(>9 1th sf. s w . MARY ROBRECHT. beloved wife of Charles Roberecht and sister of Agnes F. Parsons Friends may call at the Mat tir.sly Funeral Home. 131 llfh st. s.e., until Tuesday. June 1. at 1 p.m Services at the Fifth Baptist Church at 1:30 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. *31 SABOIA DE MEDEIROS. FERNANDO. It is the sad duty of the Brazilian Em bassy to inform of the death of Mr FERNANDO SABOIA DE MEDEIROS, for mer First Secretary in Washington, who lost his life in an automobile accident in Spain on Sunday. May 23, 1948. The Brazilian Embassy invites all friends of the deceased to a mass, which will be said for the repos* of his soul on Monday. May 31. at 9:30 am. at 6t. Matthew’s Cathedral. 172ft R. I. ave. n.w. 30 SCHWARTZ. KATHERINE HERRMANN. Or, Friday May 28. 1948. at St. Peters burg. Fla.. KATHERINE HERRMANN, SCHWARTZ of st. Petersburg. Fla., be loved wife of the late Claus J. Schwartz, j mother of Mrs. George R. Heine of St. Petersburg. Fla . and sister of Miss Mar garet Herrmann. Mrs. John Schlotter beck and F. A Herrmann, all of Wash- j ineton. D C. Services a: the S. H Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n>w . or. Tuesday. June 1. at 3 D m. Inter-j mem Cedar Hill Cemetery. 31 SCHWIGERT. AUGUST. On Friday. May 28. 1P4S. at hi? residence, 2603 j North Capitol st.. AUGUST SCHWIGERT. beloved husband of Ida C. Schwigert and father of John A. Schwigert. Funerai from the T. F. Costello Funeral Home. 1122 North Capitol st.. on Tuesday June 1, at 8:30 a m. Requiem mass at '■> a m at St. Martin's Church. Rela tives and friends Invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 31 .'nun 1 LA.>U| A.YrtA n- VU WJUiouay. May 27. ifl48. ANNA M. SHORTLANDl 'nee Anna McBirney Beach) of 1801; Wyoming ave. n.w.. beloved wife of James Waller Shetland and mother of James Peter Shortland. Funeral services will; be held at Hysong's Funeral Home, 1300; N st. n w.. on Sunday. May 30, at 3 p.m . Rev. John C Palmer officiating at services. Interment private. (Candor, N. Y . papers please copy.) 30 SNIDER. WILLIAM KEARNEY. Sud denly on Friday. May 28, 1848. a! his residence. 703 Van Buren st. n.w.. WIL LIAM KEARNEY SNIDER, beloved hus band of Elsie Leckert Snider and father of Mary Ann Nelson. Funeral from his iate residence on Tuesday. June 1. aT Ono am. thence to the Nativity church, where requiem mass will be said at 10 a m for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arling ton National Cemetery. Services by Perry & Walsh. JO SNIDER. WILLIAM K Members of the Policemen's Association will attend the services of our iate brother- WIL LIAM K SNIDER Body will be in state at his late residence. 703 Van Buren st n.w after 10 a m. Sunday. May 30. 1948 Funeral services 10 a m. Tuesday, ■tune 1. at the Church of the Nativity. 13th and Peabody sts. n w. Burial Ar-1 ilng'on National Cemetery HARRY c. BLACfcMAN. Pras 1 CHARLES L. WRIGHT, Rec. Sec. 31 Hanson Kraft, 93, Dies; D.C. Native Often Told Of Lincoln Handshake Hanson Christopher Kraft. 93, a native of Washington, whose most cherished memory was that of shak ing hands with President Lincoln at his second inauguration, died yes terday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mary Ellen Tress, 4605 High land avenue. Bethesda, Md. Although Mr. Kraft was only S at the time, his recollection ol President Lincoln's handshake re mained clear, his family said. It was one of manjj incidents of his life in Washington over which he i =_== Seatfyfl SNOWDEN. GEORGE RUSSELL. Or Thursday. May 27. 1048. at FrMdman'l Hospital. GEORGE RUSSELL 8NOWDEN beloved husband of Ellen Nora Snowden son of the late Evan and Alice Snowder and father of Grace Estep. Alice Awkarci and Robert L. Snowden. Also surviving are thirteen grandchildren, four great grandchildren. two sisters. Mamie Fishei and Beatrice Baynard: two brothers. John W. and Thomas E. Snowden, and a host of other relatives and Intends, Remain; resting at the Snowden A Davis Funeral Home. Rockville. Md.. after 6 p.m. Satur day. May 29. Funeral on Sunday. May 30. at 1:30 pm., at the Jerusalem Church. Rockville, Md.. Rev. W. E Williams of ficiating. Interment Lincoln Park Ceme tery. STEDMAN, ROYAL B. On Friday May 28, 1948. a: his residence, 206 Dougla; st. n.e., ROYAL B STEDMAN. beloved husband of Gertrude E. Stedman and i father of Royal B. Stedman. jr.: Richara i Guy Stedman and Miss Joyce Conway Stedman. Services at the S H Hines | Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. nw, ! on Tuesday, June 1. at 9 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 31 STONE, JOHN B. On Friday. May 28, 1948. at his residence. 11 Adams st I n.w.. JOHN B. STONE, son of the late 1 J. Samuel and Emma J. Stone and brother of Marie A and Emily J. Stone. Fu ; neral from the above residence on Tues ! day. June 1. at 10:30 a.m.; thence to St. Martin's Church, where mass will be 'offered at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. 31 TITUS, T. B., JR. On Saturday. May 22. 1948. at Venice. Calif.. T. B. TITUS. Jr., beloved husband of Grace Titus Services at the Gasch Funeral Home, Hyattsville, Md. Notice of funeral later. 29 TYNG. WILLIAM A. Suddenly, on Thursday. May 27. 1948. WILLIAM A. TYNG, beloved husband of Margaret B Tyng. brother-in-law of Maude A. Cook and uncle of Mrs. H. S. Cole. Kemp, Nor man and William Cook. Funeral from the W. W. Deal Funeral Home. 810 H st. n.e,, on Monday. May 31, at 10 a.m. Relatiws and friend* Invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 30 TYNG, WILLIAM A. Officers and mem bers of Harmony Lodge. No. 9. I. O. (I W O. F . are hereby advised of the death of our late brother. WILLIAM 53\ A. TYNG. Fraternal services on I II Sunday. May 30, 1948. at 8:45 itetf p.m . at the W. W. Deal Funeral fTI Home. 816 H st. n.e. [Ill HARRY E. LYNN. Noble Grand. M. J. HURLEY, Rec. Sec. 30 TYNG, WILLIAM A. Officers and mem bers of Martha Washington Rebecca (l A Lodge, No. 3. I. O. O. F. are re quested to attend the funeral of our later brother. WILLIAM A. I I TYNG. at the W. W. Deal Funeral )Sgl Home. 81R H st. n.e., on Sunday. //^I May .30. 1948. at 8:45 p m If 11 BILLY STAIR. Noble Grand. Ife/ EVELYN GODWIN. Sec. 30 WHITE, MARGARET E. On Thursday. Mav 27, 1948, MARGARET E. WHITE. . wife of the late Clarance A. White, mother of Clarence A,. Jr.; Dorothy E . Evelyn M. and Margaret E. White; sister of Mrs. Agnes C. Howard and Mrs. Anna M. Kerns. Prayers at Chambers' Fu neral Home, 517 11th st. st.. on Tues day. June 1, at 10 a.m. Interment Wash ington National Cemetery: 30 WILSON. LOUIS GEORGE. On Mon day. May 24. 1948. ar Letterman General Hospital. San Francisco. Calif., LOUIS GEORGE WILSON. After 10 a.m. Sun day. May 30. friends are invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home. 1820 9th st. nw. where services will be held on I Tuesday. June 1. at 12 noon. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 31 WOOD. JAMES WALTON. On Friday. May 28. 1918. at, his home, after a short illness. JAMES WALTON WOOD of Sperry ville. Va,. well-known farmer. He was j 70 years old Survivors are two daugh ters, Mrs. B. F. Miller of Spetryvllle and Mrs. L. W. Richardson of Richmond, Va. Services on Sunday. May 30. at 2 p.m.. at the Reynolds Memorial Baptist Church. Interment Sperryville. Va. Ar rangements by the Clore-Stradley Funeral Home, Culpeper, Va. in Mmnrtam BRICE. LUELLA. Today recIWIs the memory of our dear mother. LUELLA BRICE, who departed this life tight years ago today. May 29. 1940. In our hearts your memory lingers. Sweetly, tenderly, fond and true; There's not a day, dear mother. That we do not think of you. DEVOTED HUSBAND, BENJAMIN BRICE. AND CHILDREN. CURTIS. GEORGINE C. In loving memory of our dear daughter and sister. GEORGINE C. CURTIS, who passed away two years ago today, May 29. 1840. Two years have passed away, , Another sun has set. And still we love and long lor you How can we forget? Life is so empty without you. And we surely loved you so: Bu: God wanted you in Heaven. That's why you had to go. _ HER LONELY MOTHER AND STEP FATHER. MR. RUFUS AND NETTIE GIBSON. AND SISTFR. BEATRICE SYDNOR. * DORSEY. MAMIE. In loving remem brance of my dear mother. MAMIE DOR SEY, who passed away one year ago today, Mry 29. 1947. One year ago you left us For a better place to rest, But you are not forgotten, mother dear. By the one who loved you best. HER DEVOTED DAUGHTER, HATTIE HALIBURTON. * GIBSON. WILLIAM L. In loving mem orv of WILLIAM L. GIBSON, who de parted this life three years ago today. May 29, 1945. Life Is like a river And death Is not the end. But there is a lovelier and clear view Beyond the river's bend. DEVOTED WIFE. LIZZIE; CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN. GREEN, ROBERT G. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of our de voted husband and son, ROBERT O. GREEN, who passed away seven years ago today, May 29, 1941. Memory Is the golden chain that links our hearts together. _ LOVING AND DEVOTED WIFE AND MOTHER. HARDY. ROSE MAY. A tribute of love to the memory of my wife and our mother. ROSE MAY HARDY, who depart ed this life one year ago. May 29. 194.. Today recalls the memory Of a loved one gone to rest. And those who think of you today Are those who loved you best. LOVING HUSBAND. STEWART A HARDY. AND SONS. CHARLES AND STEWART. 30* KLOTZ. ARTHUR E. In sad and lov ing remembrance of our dear husband and father. ARTHUR E. KLOTZ. who passed away one year ago today. May 29. 1947. HIS DEVOTED WIFE. NELLIE- AND CHILDREN. ARTHUR C. ROGER. HARRY W KLOTZ. AND DAUGHTER. MRS. TOBY MORRISON. MILLS. JULIA. In devoted memory to my dear sister. Mrs. JULIA MILLS, who departsd this life one year ago today. May 29, 1947. I only ask to live each day. So when my life's work is done. I may greet my dear sister In that land beyond the sun. MRS. KATHERINE BROWN. RASKIN. LEE. A tribute to the mem ory of our beloved aunt. LEE RASKIN. Love remembered always. ARNOLD RUTH, SANDY AND BOBBY PERPER SAMPSON, MARY. In loving memory of our desr mother. MARY 6AMP80N. who passed sway three years ago today. May 29. 1945. Three years have passed alnce that ltd day. When the one we loved was called away; God took her home. It was his will, But in our hearts she Hveth still. * HER LOVING DAUGTERS. MRS ANNIE PRICE AND MRS. MINNIE SMITH. * SHERWOOD, JOSEPH A. A tribute of love and affection to the memory of our dear husband, father and brother. JOSEPH A SHERWOOD, who passed away four years ago today. May 29, 1944. HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. * STEELE, JOHN K. In loving memory of my husband, father and grandfather. JOHN K. STEELE, who departed this life seven years ago today. May 28. 1941. You are not forgotten, loved one. Nor will you ever be: As long as memory lasts We will remember thee. DEVOTED WIFE, LOREAN; DAUGHTER. BELLE STEELE SHELTON. GRAND DAUGHTER. LOREAN SHELTON. • TWINE. MRS. CARRIE. A tribute of love to our devoted mother- Mrs. CARRIE TWINE, who departed this life thirty three years ago today. May 29. 1916. Loved In life, remembered in death. HER CHILDREN. * CUGETT^j MEMORIAL C°d 502NEW HAMR/HIREAVEJ &W- -M Vdit-Our-Dupiay of- j MEMORIAL/-fOR- m Immediate-Erection? In-All- cemeteries _Optw-JUKPAY/ ^ < t reminisced frequently, they added E* often talked c< Uie assassins tion of President Lincoln and likei also to recall the days when Penn sylvanta avenue “was only a mu< swamp." Attended School Here. Mr. Kraft was bom in the blocl where Casualty Hospital now stands I After graduation from elemental-; school, he went into his father’; plastering business, which he an< ; three brothers later operated afte: his father’s death. He retired fron the business about 20 years ago, am ! it is now carried on by a youngei | brother, Robert Kraft, of Sea 1 Pleasant, Md. Mr. Kraft lived with a son, Fred' erick B. Kraft, at 4601 Highlam avenue. Bethesda, after his wife’i death 33 years ago, and moved ii : with Mrs. Tress last January. He Liked the Radio. Until a week ago, he listened ti the radio—an invention whicl pleased him from the start—“fron the time he got up until bedtime, Mrs. Tress said, and used to real j the newspapers “column by column’ to keep informed. * In addition to his daughter brother and Frederick Kraft, Mr Kraft is survived by another son George Kraft, of 2632 Monroe stree N.E., and seven grandchildren. Funeral services will be held a 2 p.m. Tuesday in the W. Reuber Pumphrey funeral home, Bethesda Burial will be in Congressiona Cemetery. Sergl. W. K. Snider Of Park Police Dies Sergt. William K. Snider, 52 member of the Park police forc< for 18 years and widely known ir Washington Ashing and huntinf ; circles, died un expectedly yes \ terday in his ! home, 703 Van Buren street J N.W. ■ xac wao ouu.iv en with a cere bral hemorrhage and died two hours later. The day before he had put in a full day's work on the force and appeared in good I ilCdilii. I Sergt. Snider »««•*»■ snider, was born at Ardwick, Md., in Princt Georges County, March 29, 1896 but had lived in Washington since early childhood. He did not join the' Park Police, however, until | August 18, 1930. i "The only marks upon his record Were marks of commendation," it I was announced. He formed a threesome with the j late Will Becker and with James Baines in big game hunting and fishing. Among his prized trophies were several moose heads and beat skins. Canada and North Carolina were favorite hunting grounds. During World War 1, he served as a sergeant in the Army was in i overseas combat. He belonged tc ' the American Legion. His wife, a patent attorney, anc one daughter, Mrs. Mary N. Nelson survive him. Also surviving him are three brothers, George Snider ol Washington; Louis Snider, of Nor folk, Va., and M/Sergt. Richard ; Snider, who is stationad at Fort Eustice, Va. Requiem mass will be sung in the Church of the Nativity at 10 ia.m. Tuesday. Burial will be in ; Arlington Cemetery. Luncheon Given Recipients Of Norwegian Awards A luncheon for five Washington area residents who have been hon ored by the Norwegian government for their war relief work was given at the University club yesterday bj Dr. Paul Douglass, president ol American University. Dr. Douglass, with Mrs. Waynf Chatfleld Taylor, of 1743 Twenty second street N.W., was given the King Haakon VII Liberation Cross in ceremonies held Thursday. The presentation was by Ambassador Morgenstierne. Three others‘who received the King Haakon Liberation Medal were Mrs. Donald A. Pippengei, 128 East Thomapple street, Chevy Chase, Md.; Mrs. Peter O. Moe, 825 North Abingdon street, Arlington, Va., and Carl L. Tellefsen, 1525 Twenty eighth street S.E. Dr. Lewis Allen Dies; Noted Radiologist By th« Associated Press . KANSAS CITY, May 29 —Dr. Lewis G. Allen, 57, nationally known radiologist, died last night in a hos pital where he was taken May 9. He had been in ill health for sev eral weeks. A former president of the Radio logical Society of North America, he was a professor of clinical roentgen ology at the University of Kansas Medical School. Slight Stroke Suffered By Gertrude Atherton |y the Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO. May 29.— Novelist Gertrude Atherton, 90. is ill in Stanford University Hospital after suffering a slight stroke. Miss Atherton, who is the author of 50 books, is suffering from im pairment of a cerebral blood vessel. The hospital reported some im provement in her condition yester day; Watch Your Savings Grow It's a fact! Betides the Federally insured safe ty to $5,000, savings here earn liberal divi dends. Watch those figures add up on your pass book when you form the habit of reg ular saving here! Open an account with $5 or $5,000—now! nOwESTERH -redekaA SAVINGS & LOANASSN. 1337 G St. N.W. ... RE. 5262 Branch—Takomo fork ST. JOHN’S CADET WINNERS—George Everett, 5512 Small wood drive N.W., captain of winning Company C in the annual cadet competitive drill at St. John’s College High School yes terday, receives the company’s trophy from Maj. Paul C. Miller of the Military District of Washington, one of the judges. Capt. Everett also won the officers’ saber drill. In center is Pvt. Thomas Hardy. 243 Seventeenth street S.E., also of Com pany C, who won the rifle competition. —Star Staff Photo. Michael to Wed Anne June 5 In Athens, Danish Source Says a.. iL. a j b . Ki-nt T>T*in^n Tumiioc or\Prinm oy rne a*socicit«ci rresi COPENHAGEN, Denmark, May 29.—A source close to the royal family said today that Princess Anne of Bourbon Parma will marry King Michael, deposed monarch of Romania, in Athens, June 5. The princess will leave Copen hagen by air for Greece tomorrow, the informant added. The wedding ceremony will fol low the Greek Orthodox ritual and will be performed by the aged Archbishop Damaskinos, the in formant said. Michael, 26, is a member of the Greek Orthodox Church. Princess Anne, 24, is a Roman Catholic. Last March Pope Pius XII re fused to grant a special dispensa tion permitting the marriage. Queen Helen, mother of Michael, and Princess Margrethe, mother of | Anne, had visited the Pope in the : hope of obtaining the dispensation. | Anne's mother and her two I—'— Detention of Wives By Reds Taken to U.N. ly the Associated Press ' LAKE SUCCESS, May 29 —Chile has taken her argument with Rus sia over wives to the United Nations.1 The Latin American republic asked that the Kremlin's refusal to allow wives of foreigners out. of Russia be aired before the General Assembly in Paris in September. The Chilean complaint contained two counts: 1. Russia violated human rights] by preventing Russian wives of for eigners from leaving the country.! with their husbands. 2. Russia' violated traditional dip lomatic practices by refusing to al low a member of the family of the former Chilean Ambassador to Rus sia to leave the country accom panied by the Ambassador. Russia is expected lo object even to hearing the charges. Hernan Santa Cruz, Chilean dele gate, said the Chilean concerned is Alvaro, the son of Luis C. Cruz Ocampo, who was Ambassador in Moscow. The Soviet government has barred the departure of the son's wife, Lidia Lesina. Kiies ioaay in DrooKmom For B. Frank Watkins Funeral services for B. Frank i Watkins, 76, retired building con tractor, were to be held at 1 pm. today at his residence, 6012 Ridge drive, Brookmont, Md. Mr. Watkins had been in poor health for the past two years. He died Thursday of a heart attack in his home. Burial will be in National Memorial Park Cemetery, Falls Church, Va. A native of Kemper County. Miss., Mr, Watkins was a buiding contrac ■tpr in Meridian. Miss., for many years before coming to Washington in 1923. | After coming here he started a j contracting business. In 1925 he; | bought one of the first lots in the budding community of Brookmont ! and built many of the homes in that section. He retired in 1941. Mr. Watkins was a member of the Dumbarton Avenue Methodist > Church. Surviving are his widow. Mrs. Ida Moore Watkins; six daughters. uroiiiers, rxuiuc uacquco auu jrimcc Michel, will accompany Anne to Athens. The marriage will take place on Denmark’s Constitution Day. This is regarded as a courtesy gesture toward the royal Danish house to which Anne belongs. Anne and members of her family refused to comment on the marriage report. It was learned, however, that she will leave Copenhagen for the Greek capital at 8:30 a.m. to morrow. The Danish royal family was told formally of the manage during a lunch last Wednesday at Fredens borg Castle, summer residence of King Frederick, the source close to the family said. All members of the Bourbon Parma family were present. Anne will make the trip to Athens via Geneva and Rome in a Scan dinavian Airlines plane. She will stay in Rome overnight and leave for Athens Monday. Mrs. Ernest R. Sigler and Mrs. Lamar Stephens of Meridian; Mrs. Ida Keiley, Mrs- Bertha Williams and Mrs. Elmon Brown, all of Washington, and Mrs. Roy Ben ningfield of Baltimore; a son Rafe of Washington; a half-brother, James D. of Meridian, and three brothers, G. P. Watkins and P. F. Watkins, both of Meridian, and R. J. Watkins of Lauderdale, Miss.; nine grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. House OK's Membership Byli. S. In Health Unit By th* Aisociated Pr«> The House voted yesterday for United States membership in the World Health Organization. A unanimous voice vote approved legislation permitting the President to accept membership in the organi zation set up to promote health standards and comjjat disease. It limits the annual cost to tjie United States to $1,920,000. The measure has passed the Sen ate, but goes back there for action on house changes. Joseph N. Allsop Dies; Mississippi Editor By th* Associated Press GRENWOOD, Miss., May 29.—I James N. AVlsop, 31, editor and pub lisher of the Greenwood Morning Star, died last night en route to a hospital after he collapsed while playing softball. Mr. Allsop founded the Morning Star in July, 1946. During World War II he served in the Pacific theater and was wounded twice. Mexican Farm College To Get 15 Iowa Cattle By tho Associated Press DES MOINES—Students in the Agricultural College at Saltillo, Coahulia, Mexico, will soon have 15 head of Iowa dairy cattle to help them in their .studies. The cattle were shipped by rail. Guil lermo L. Narvaez, dean of dairy and animal husbandry at the col lege, made the selections on the basis of production records which could be traced back several gerv erations. , ' Jn addition to their regular service this Sunday and Monday, the Washington. Marlboro & Annapolis Motor Lines will operate Cedar Hill Special buses directly into the cemetery. HuitS Will oCeave Harney Circle (Seventeenth and Pennsylvania Avenue, S. £•) Cvery 30 h^]'mules (On the hour and half-hour) ^■om 9 a. nt. to 3 p. m. (May 30th and 31st) (3dar Hill VJashinyton'i Wost Heauliful Cemetery IDavid Davidson Dies; Agriculture Agency Production Executive David J. Davidson, 49, assistant administrator of the Production and Marketing Administration of the Agriculture Department, died yes terday at his home, 6680 Thirty second place N.W. He had been on sick leave from the department since February. As assistant administrator for production of the Marketing Admin istration since 1946, Mr. Davidson each year set up production goals for farmers based on crop poten tialities and consumer needs. He also had direct supervision of State Production and Marketing Admin istration offices and of county agri culture conservation offices. He was a native of Pinos Altos. N. Mex., but had lived most of his life in California where he owned a farm. Before coming to Washington in 1946. he was a member and later chairman of the California State Committee of the Agricultural Ad-: Justment Agency for 15 years. This agency was merged with the mar keting administration the year he^ came here. Mr. Davidson was a veteran of World War I. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Betty Davidson; two brothers, Rob ert Davidson, Bakersfield, Calif., and Larry Davidson, Hayward, Calif.; and two sisters, Dr. Jean Craven, Lexington, N. C.. and Mrs. Allen B. Gray, Mesilla Park, N. Mex. Funeral services and burial will be in Delano, Calif. Money was first milled (stamped with raised borders and fluted or grooved edges) to prevent the fraud ulent removal of metal and to pro tect coins from wear. Garden Party The Jewish Consumptive Relief Society will give a garden card party at the home of Mrs. Gus Blechman, 1845 Redwood terrace N.W., at 1:30 pun. Wednesday. Mrs. Morris Ben son is chairman of the event. Women’s Board * ' Of Hospital Named Mr*. Carden F. Warner has been elected president of the Women* Homeopathic Hospital. Other new officers include Mrs. Clarence Dodge, first vice president; Mrs. Edgar E. Quayle, second vice vice president: Mrs. Tomas Cajigas, third vice president: Mrs. Samuel T. Conkllng, treasurer: Mrs. A. Fife Heath, assistant treasurer: Mrs. Frederick J. Cullen, assistant re cording isecretary; Mrs. Leo C. Var den, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Donald E. Doyle, assistant corres ponding secretary, ajid Mrs. Augusta H. Brown, legal advisor. Picnic Supper Delta Gamma seniors at George Washington, Maryland and Ameri can Universities will be the guests of honor at a picnic supper and garden party, to be given by the Washington Alumnae Chapter at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, at the home of Mrs. William Sanders, 30 Edgewood terrace. Alexandria. Mrs. Everett Lommasson and Mrs. Fred Folsom are in charge of ar rangements for the evening. Mrs. Harris Ellsworth, president of the alumnae group, will discusss the na tional convention of the sorority to Oe held June 22-28 at Swampscott, Mass. Mrs. Ellsworth has been elected as delegate to the convention. Scotland will ration 5,000 pounds of coal per person to April 30, 1949. ✓-V SALES—INSURANCE—LOANS H.J. Korzondorfor Co., Inc. Building—Realtors—Appraisers Northwest—Suburban Residential Specialists since 1933 7924 Av«., Md. FRANKLIN MANOR !!rTHE The Ideal "Family Community’’^-Only 27 Milee from D. C. CHOICE HOMESITES FOR SALE PRICES START AT $450 ON EASY TERMS * Restricted, conservative, clean. * Large wooded or cleared alter ||| * Equal waterfront privileges. • Electricity, telephone, trash pick-tip. Hfl * Excellent swimming. Ashing, etc. * Many year-round residents. “The Choice of the Diacriminating Buyer” || OPEN SAT., SUN. AND MON. AGENTS ON PROPERTY I To reach• Out Pennsylvania Avenue to Alabama, turn left end follow ME Route k through Upper Marlboro to Waysons Corner. Turn right on Mfl Route ilA for two miles, then left on Route tSA and follow Franklin Iffl Manor signs through Deale to Churchton and Franklin Manor on the Soy, jjji •SEE OUR DISPLAY COTTAGE FOR SALE 1 bond bldg. ROBERT MAGEE REAL ESTATE « 1 Thu Panorama LAKE JACKSON Near Manana*, Va. Washington's only fresh-water lake—situated in virgin forest In the foothills of the Blue Ridge—31 miles from the Capitol. It cost over one million dollars to create this 12-mile shoreline lake! It it a sensibly restricted log lodge colony —its residents are your good neighbors. It is free from mosquitos and nettle* —and so cool at night you need a blanket! The healthful, bracing air and th* quiet restfulness of its 500 wooded acres make Lake Jackson the perfect place to Set away from th* hot, crowded city. The excellent swimming, fishing and oating make it a paradise for children as well as grown-ups. It is uncom parably enchanting and desirable—the very place to hide away from city noise and traffic and other possible hazzards. Established 21 years. Lodge sites ore from SJCO up. Lodges built to your specifications. See Lake Jackson this week end for the answer to your summer vacation question. Office open weekdays and Sunday. LAKE JACKSON HILLS, INC. T*l.« 97F-4 SILVER SPRING AREA COUNTRY HOME, 2)4 ACRES A prewar home in excellent conaiuon, large living room wun ure place, dining room, kitchen and den first floor. 3 bedrooms with walk-in closets and tile bath second floor. Full basement with outlet, oil h.-w.h. To Rraeh: From TratRe livht in Silver Sprint, opt Colesville Rd . right on Columbia Pike 'Ri, to Laurell and right on first, road abot'e Fntrlavd to oven sign, ALLNUTT & MAUST _ ... SH. 4646 If no answer PL. MU In Beautiful LEWISDALE Washington's Superb Suburban Subdivision Drive out TODAY sad see thi» newest home st *017 Amhertt Street, available for Immediate Occupancy: Living room with fireplace and adjoining porch; sunny dining room, ron A venient breakfast room; modern kitchen; bedroom and pow der room on first floor. Three bedrooms end bath on w®’”' floor. Gas air-conditioned heat Large landscaped lot Trie low at *19,750. To Reach - Out Michigan Ate. and Queent Chapel Rd. *o left to Riggi Rd., right to office; or over Eaet-Wcet Hit! “* ' Rigge Rd , left to ogle*. Open Sunday, 10 A.M. to Dark J. C. LEWIS 6114 40rtt Aw., Hyettivivllt, Md. WArfi*jdZglg__