Newspaper Page Text
Class Day Is Celebrated By Congressional Wives By Margaret Certnnnd School’s out until next January at the Congressional Club, which gave its final tea of the season and held class day exercises yesterday with Mrs. Clifford Davis, president of the club, as head mistress. Since the first of the year the club has been avertable bee-hive of activity and entertainment, and at yesterday's finale there was a compliment from teacher for those in the cum laude category and the Venezuelan Chief To Visit Capital The President of Venezuela and Senora de Gallego are expected to pay a visit in Washington the end of June. They will be guests of the President and Mrs. Truman at the White House over night and the customary plan for entertaining Chief Executives of other nations will be followed. The President and Mrs. Truman will entertain at dinner in honor of the visiters the evening after their arrival and the following day they will move across to Blgir House. President Gallegos Ambassador in Washington and Senora de Carne vali will be hosts at a reception dur ing their stay and probably will Join other members of his party when he goes to Bolivar, Mo. The South American Executive Is coming at this time to attend the unveiling of a statute to the great liberator, Simon Bolivar, a native of Venezuela. Wed Yesterday Miss Elizabeth Teresa Dalton of Washington, daughter of Mrs. Mau rice F. Dalton and the late Mr. Dal ton of Brockton, Mass., became the bride yesterday of Mr. John Rich ard Mountcastle III, son of Mrs. Margie Dixon of this city and Mr. John Richard Mountcastle, jr., of Wilmington, N. C. The ceremony took place at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart with the Rev. F'ather Paul Repetti officiating. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was attended by Miss Geraldine Galvin of Boston. Mr. Nelson Frank Terrell was the best man. The couple will reside in this city. award of prizes by Head Mistress Davis. Faculty members assisting in re ceiving were Mrs. Maurice Thatcher, Mrs. Leon A. Tashof, Mrs. Mary Stuart Johnson, Mrs. Herbert A. Greger and Mrs. W. C. Resides, who came down from New York just for the occasion. rvuiuiifc im»c lcwcivmg gins anu scholarships were Mrs. Clarence Lea for collecting historical documents; Mrs. Charles R. Clason for organiz ing the bridge marathon; Miss Mar garet Clements for the sale of guest tickets to the Friday teas; Mrs. Albert Carter for producing the handsome pictorial directory; Mrs. Carroll D. Kearns for her produc tion of the excellent historical an niversary pageant; Mrs. Lawrence H. Smith for compiling two cook books; Mrs. Ward Whittington and Mrs. Homer Angell for hours of Red Cross work, and many others. There were class songs composed by Mrs. David H. Kincheloe and led bv her daughter, Mrs. James Davis, and, of course, the Congressional Club Song, written by Capt. Robert F. Keim of the Air Force. The various classes really strutted their stuff, starting with beginners' Spanish. Fun progressed along with the program, conversational Spanish students Increasing the hilarity by their answers to trick questions. The club's bowling champions played off a tie score on a miniature alley in the center of the floor, and there was a demonstration in color schemes from the interior decorating class and a one-minute performance from the class on flower arrange ments. DonnKliflonc onH vipH for honors on hat designs, the Re publican Glide featuring balloons and elephants and the Democratic Slide displaying a procession of don keys entering a miniature White House centering the crown. Daughters Court To Install June 14 Our Lady of Lourdes, Court 1120, Catholic Daughters of America, will install its new officers on June 14 at the Chevy Chase Woman’s Club. Mrs. Madeline W. Leon has been elected grand regent and other new officers are Mrs. Mathilda E. War ner, vice grand regent; Mrs. Evelyn Stolpe, prophetess; Mrs. Kathryn M. Smith, lecturer; Mrs. Katherine D. Carrico, historian; Mrs. Kath leen Probey. financial secretary: Mrs. Louise M. Altenbaugh, treas urer; Mrs. Mary M. Burns, mon itor; Mrs. Marie E. Eberlin, senti nel; Mrs. Luella M. Shepard, or ganist, and Miss Elizabeth V. Brown, Miss Elizabeth P. Stuart and Mrs. Catherine Burgdorf, trustees. Mrs. Helen Mackall has been elected grand regent of Prince Georges Court 1340 and Mrs. Mar garet Goodwin has been re-elected vice regent. Other officers are Mrs. Luella Smith, historian; Mrs. Jane Moore, prophetess; Mrs. Marie Dunn, lecturer; Mrs. Claire Bol becker, sentinel; Mrs. Thelma Rab bitt, financial secretary; Mrs. Ella Chambers, treasurer; Mrs. Edna Lawton, organist, and Mrs. Ellen Coxen, monitor. Mrs. Anne Gra nados and Mrs. Rose Kane were elected trustees to serve for three year terms. _ _ < _' * I nrr I Miss Westbrook w ea The Ball Memorial Church was the scene yesterday of the wedding of Miss Carol Virginia Westbrook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowker Westbrook, to Mr. Clarence tester Beaver, II, of this city, formerly of Uhrichsville, Ohio. Dr. Frederick Brown Harris officiated at the home of the bride. In the absence of her father, who is a civilian employe with General Headquarters, United States Army, in Tokyo, the bride was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Richard Bowker Westbrook. Miss Barbara Stone was maid of honor, wearing blue faille and carry ing pink rosebuds. Mr. John Wesley Beaver was his brother's best man. After a honeymoon the couple will resume their studies at George Washington University and will reside with the bride's mother at 4826 Eskridge Terrace. The groom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Beaver. MRS. WAKEFIELD. —Hessler Photo. Miss Aria Elizabeth Iverson and Mr. John Wakefield were married yesterday at a double ring cere mony in the Lutheran Church ot the Reformation by Dr. Oscar F. Blackwelder. The bride Is the daughter of Mrs. Alvin Bernhardt Iverson and was given in marriage by her brother in-law, Mr. Thomas Parker. Mrs. Parker was her sister's ma tron of honor. The other attend ants were Mrs. Frank F. Willson. Mrs. Bartley A. Fiegler, Mrs. Edward P. Blanchard, jr„ and the Misses Ethel Haakenson and Dora Winters. Mr. Billy Joe Griffin was best man and the ushers were the Messrs. Fred E. Fling, Bartley A. Fiegler, Frank F. Willson, Richard I. Mather, Ralph R. Benson, Robert S. Wakefield and John C. Marceron. The couple will live in Washing ton, where the bridegroom attends American University. The bride groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wakefield of Taunton, Mass. Smith Club Elects Mrs. Miles Colean was elected to succeed Mrs. Robert W. Wilson as president of the Smith College Club of Washington at a meeting held Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Frederick Billings Lee. Other new officers are Mrs. Philip Owen, first vice president; Mrs. Robert Young, second vice president; Mrs. James Wakelin. Jr., recording secretary, and Mrs. Francis McGarraghy, treasurer. Vfum Point £each yOU’R* INVITCD TO S€€ Special Offer for memorial holiday WEEKEND! 20 CHOICE HOME SITES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES TO THE FIRST 20 LUCKY PURCHASERS! Nature certainly performed a thrilling feat of magic when she formed DRUM POINT BEACH. Man, too, had his hand in the rich lore of this enchanting playground—as evidenced by the historic DRUM POINT BEACH Lighthouse. Here, fishermen from all over gathered to recount hair-raising experiences and to swap amazing tales of luck. Situated where the Chesapeake Bay and Patuxent River meet, it has for over 150 years been symbolic of these treasured and abundant waters. And it is only a stone's throw from your Homesite! *■ This is but one of the many fascinating features you’ll find at DRl’M POINT BEACH. Add to it miles and miles of white, sandy beaches, glorious forestry, gorgeous scenery, FOUR fresh water lakes, the sparkling waters of the Chesapeake Bay, and the picturesque Patuxent River—and you have without question a land of unsurpassed beauty and enchantment. MEMORIAL WEEKEND OFFER ONLY! 20 . . . yes, 20 selected Homesites valued at not A less than 5750.00 each will be made available ^ to the first 20 lucky purchasers of DRUM POINT BEACH Homesites during the Memorial Holiday ... at the price of only $495. Terms can be arranged. Representatives on the property at all times. No salesman will sell you—you will sell yourself! MISS WHITE HOUSE, Gwtn SmiUy, tnjoyint Hit ftmoiH whit* ttndt of DRUM POINT BEACH. 3 A WONDERFUL DRIVE! Out Pennsylvania Avenue to Alabama 5.E., left ©n Route 4 through Upper Marlboro, continue on Route 4 to Well* Corner, turn right on Route 416 to Prince Pred erick, through Prince Frederick on Route 2 for 15 miies, left to DRUM POINT BEACH. ' Diplomatic Fetes The Greek Ambassador, Mr. Vas seli C. Dendramis, entertained at luncheon yesterday in honor of Mr. Dwight Griswold, director of United States Relief in Greece. Mr. Griswold is in this country for a short stay, accompanied by Mr. Eu gene Clay, who also was a guest at the luncheon. Senora de Jaen Guardia, wife of the retiring Panamanian Ambas sador, was honor guest at luncheon yesterday of'Mrs. Edward Conger, who entertained at the Army Navy j Club. Miss Beland Married The wedding of Miss Dorothy Louise Beland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Beland of this city and Ayden, N. C., to Mr. Hugh Turner, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Lee Turner and the late Mr. Enoch Brice Tur ner of Milner, Ga., took place yes terday. The double-ring ceremony was performed in the Columbia Heights Christian Church, with Dr. Harry L. Bell officiating. Given in marriage by her father, the bride had Miss Nancy Ferney hough as her maid of honor. The other attendants were Mrs. Samuel Bert Carradine, cousin of the bride, | and Miss Mary Botko. j Acting as honorary bridesmaids were the Misses Nancy .Saunders and Mary Ryder. Mr. Charles Brice Turner, U. S. N., was the best man for his brother, and the ushers were the Messrs. Billy Fritts and George Marlowe, jr. After a reception at the home of the bride the couple left for Raleigh, N. C. They will make their home in Atlanta, where the groom will study electrical engineering at Georgia School of Technology. The bride attended Meredith College and was graduated from George Washington University Wednesday with a B. S. degree in zoology. HELP MEN. ACCOUNTING CLERK for Ford dealer— Person who understands double-entry bookkeeping or automobile accounting sys tem; prefer one who is typist and/or stenographer. See Mr. Erwin. HILL & TIBBITTS. 1114 Vermont ave. n.w. —:f ADVERTISING SPACE SALESMAN to ; rover schools, colleges, other advertisers I for national weekly covering Washington. I Baltimore, other cities. Leads furnished. Give previous experience, Box 500-C, Star. —30 ' AIRCRAFT DESIGN ENGINEERS—A large aircraft company, located in the South west, has several very interesting openings in design for qualified, experienced air craft design engineers. Extensive board background Is necessary and some super visory experience desirable. The salary and advancement opportunities are excel lent. Address a complete resume of your experience and training, stating salary re quirements to Box 444-A. Star. —29 ARMATURE WINDER, familiar with a c. and d.c. motors. Some machine work on bearings and commutators. Give full information and experience. Good pay for right man. Box 126-C. Star. ‘ ASSISTANT JANITOR; fi-day week, top salary. Call OR. moo, manager. —29 ASSISTANT SALES MANAGER for Singer Sewing Mach. Co.; here's the job with a future for an industrious man; liberal sick benefits and retirement plan. Apply in person, 4913 Ga. ave. n.w. —29 ASSISTANT TO OFFICE MANAGER, by one of Washington's largest Ford dealers; thoroughly experienced in accounting methods; fast and accurate with figures: must be able to type; splendid opportunity for young energetic and aggressive mar Reply in full detail as to background, salary expected, etc., to Box 112-C. Star. —29 AUTO BODY AND FENDER MAN, first class, exper. preferred; a good position for the proper man, ts legal holidays and vacation with pay; excel, working cond See Mr. Loveless, or Mr. Richards. BILL HIMER & PALMER, 3110 Hamilton st.. Hyattsville. Md. —4 AUTO CARBURETOR and tune up me chanic: high guarantee with commission or straight salary; free hospitalization, vacation with pay; insurance. CAITHNESS BUICK, INC., 4718 Hampden lane. Bethes da. Md. OL. 3000. -30 AUTOMOBILE LUBRICATION MAN. A-l. exper. all cars. Apply aerv. mgr . 9 a m. to 4 p m.. HILL ii TIBBITTS, Ford dealer, i 114 Vprmnnt. *v* n m- .—.MU AUTO MECHANIC with knowledge of body and fender work: will furn. 5-rm. house, modern conv. Call HENTZE GARAGE. Phone Waldorf 2162. —30 AUTO MECHANICS (2), Chrysler exper.: new clean shop; straight salary or com mission: insurance benefits, paid vaca tions; free transp. from downtown. See Mr. Jones. MERSON & THOMPSON, 4721 Hampden lane. Bethesda, Md. WI. 2616, or call TW. 0939 eves. —31 AUTO MECHANICS, experienced, excellent working conditions, vacation with pay. See Mr. Mahoney, ADDISON CHEVROLET. 1522 14th st. n.w., HO. 7600. —6 AUTO MECHANICS. trucks. lst-class; steady work, salary, paid holidays and va cations; International truck dealer. See Mr. Maloney or Mr. Gunter. MALONEY'S. INC.. 8126 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring. —29 AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC, must be ex pert. all-around man; 60 *r commission. WOODLAWN SERVICE, 4626 No. Wash ington blvd.. CH. 2141. . —1 AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS to work 50-50 with guar., Chrysler line exper. desired, best opport. and working cond. for right men with good refs.; come out during day or call for night appts. Mr. Martens. CALVERT MOTORS. INC. 1141 East West bwy.. Sil. Spr.. SH. 1434. —30 AUTO PAINTER. 1st class onlv: $85 per wk. and bonus; vacation; plenty help: good shop. Mr. Misler. RE. 2727, EAGLE AUTO SERVICE. 33 N Y. ave. n.e. 30* AUTOMOBILE SETTLEMENT clerk—Per son who understands tag and title trans actions. for large local Ford dealers; op portunity for advancement: prefer stenog rapher. Replies confidential. Box 357-D, Star. —3 AUTO SHOP FOREMAN—Large General Motors dealer In D. C. Complete charge of shop: must be thoroughly experienced 4n a volume operation; do not apply unless you are a go-getter and can handle men; excellent wages; state qualifica tion* In own handwriting. Box 318-B, Star. —6 AUTO-TITLE CLERK, exper., must be good typist: perm, employment. Silver Spring auto dealer. Box 278-D. Star. —2 BAR HELPER, experienced preferred: good wages with meals. Apply steward. OCCI DENTAL HOTEL, 1411 Pa. ave. n.w. —30 BOOKKEEPER, full time, experienced, salary open; prefer man with exper. in wholesale meat business. Apply in own handwriting. Box 31 3-D, Star. —30 BOOKKEEPER; young man with some experience; excellent opportunity. See Mr. Wheatley. TRIANGLE MOTORS. 3010 R. BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST for full charge on small set of books; payroll and cost ac counting essential: manufacturing concern In n.e. section. 8tate age and qualifica tions Box 370-B. Star. —30 BOOKKEEPER, experienced: part time, afternoon; 6 days week. Box 354-B. Star. —30 BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST, exper. real op portunity for settled man approx. 30 yrs old. to develop his ability for executive position. Must be capable of handlina large volume of detail; $45 per wk. tc start. Permanent employment. Prefer Silver Spring area resident. Box 287-D Star. —2 BOYS WANTED for work at golf range Telenhone OL. 7662. -—4 BRICKLAYERS, exper-flreproofers. »t Du pont Plaza Apts., at T>upont Circle. AN CHOR INVESTMENT CO., 900 F at. n.w. —3 BRICKLAYERS, long job. top wage*. Re port to 6024 38th st.. Hyattsville. Md. Take Hyattsville bus from Mt. Rainier terminal to job: or if preferred report tc 4th and Valley ave. a e. MASTER BUILD ERS.. INC. BRICKLAYERS for a number of jobs in Wash, area: all large srork: top wages and travel time where required. ANCHOR FIREPROOFING CO.. 900 F st. n.w. Phone RE 1056 BUS OPERATORS—For 10 men who car meet the physical and mental require ments we have available 10 bus operatoi positions that carry with them the guar antee of secure futures for themselves anc their families; goad pay, paid vacations free hospital and life insurance. fre< transportation: all men paid while ir training; must be 5 feet 8 inches, weigl 150 and be between 23 and 38 years. Set employment manager. A.. B. k W TRAN8IT CO., 127 North Pitt st.. Alex andria. —30 Dl'ltOKUt must oe experience!!. urpenu xb> good wages. Apply OPEN AIR MARKET. 1.305 Wilson blvd . Arlington Va. —.11 BUTCHER, exper.. for week ends: in fini DG8 store; steady work. Box 423-D Star —30 BUTLER, whit*, experienced, good refer ences: to live In: permanent position Telephone MR. COOK between 9 and 4 DI. 9080. —30 CANVASSERS, experienced, to sell Jewelry: salary and commission. See Mr Kane NEW YORK JEWELRY CO. 719 7tb st. n.w _ CARPENTER—To bnild log house, mus know how to cut saddle Joints on logs Call BT. 8220 before 5 p.m. or WO. 080( after 0 p.m. —29 CARPENTER, white, for office bldg, main tenance. Apply 227 Woodward Bldg. —3f CARPENTERS for large apt. house project must be first class only; no trim men: tot wages. Report to 5024 38th st.. Hyatts vllie. Md. Take Hyattsville bus from Mt Rainier Terminal to Job. or If prefer report to 4th and Valley sts. 8. E. MAS TER BUILDERS. INC —2 CARPENTER WANTED to build on farm near Fairfax: cabin accommodations foi man and wife on site: years work for right party. Box 183-C. Star. 30* CARPENTERS, experienced, steady work. Apply MR. SAUNDERS. 2nd and North Galveston st . Arlington. Va. —3 CARPENTERS, thoroughly experienced on residential work: must be able to do framing, alto trim: good working condi tions. steady work for right men. Apply on Job. 9200 block Bradford rd.. Stiver 8prlng. —3' CEMENT FINISHER. 1st class; good pay. CEMENT rnfisHM. White, to act a< labor foreman. Only one experienced in laylne of an type* forma to ierel need apply. OL. 7853: ere«.. OL. 9111, M. POMPO KIO * SONS. INC —29 CLERK, eeneral ofBee work, typlne red TERMINAL STORAGE CO., lit and K It*, a. a. 9—29 HELP MEN (Cant.). I neighborhood. Must be thoroughly exper. Give good wages: steady work Give full information by mail. Box 352-0, 8tar. , CLERK, for paint store, experienced, good I starting salary: we will train you for sales work and higher earnings: all re plys confidential. THE BROOKLAND CO-. TA. 7000. Mr. Clark. CLERK, to handle time records, make out delivery tickets, answer phone inquiries;.: for manufacturing concern near Hyatts- j ville. Ask for MR. BARTO, at UN. 2000.! —30 | CLERK and general all-around man for steady employment in modern up-to-date t hardware store; attractive proposition for livewire with experience in this business. Box 105-C. Star. —31 j CLERK wanted for hardware store, exper not necessary, references required. SH 5580. HAAS BROTHERS. 8545 Georgia ave. n.w —3 CLERK-DRIVER! white or colored, for grocery. Prefer a thoroughly experienced man. No drinkers considered. Apply in person. Salary open. THE PANTRY MARKET, 3020 Hamilton st.. Hyattsville. —30 COIN MACHINE MECHANICS (2). Largest and most progressive coin machine or ganization in East has openings for 2: exper. service men. Perm, positions. Ex ceptional earnings and rapid adv. to hon-1 est. sober, intelligent men who are willing to work. Route exper. on pin game de sirable. but not essential. Call MR HAR OLD KLEIN. DI. 0500, before 11 am for appt. , —30 COOK, must be exper. all around. No phone calls. Apply in person. GOLDIE'S RESTAURANT-DELICATESSEN, 1338 Pow hatan st . Alexandria. Va. —30 COOK, white; must be thoroughly exper., sober and reliable: be able to furn. local refs . capable of taking over kitchen in small beach hotel. 30 miles from Wash. Apply 722 10th st. n.w., MR. RAWLINSON. —;U) ; COST CLERK, for construction project: preferably young man with engineering training. Perm, position for right man. ! with established contracting firm. Box 420-D. Star. —30 , COUNTER MEN—Liberal starting wage: i chance for advancement. Apply in person ! at 5100 Georgia ave n.w bet. 11 a m. i and 12 noon daily except Sun or call SL. 0600 bet 8:30 a m and 4 30 p.m for ' information LITTLE TAVERN SHOPS. INC., famous lor hamburgers. COUNTER MEN. only experienced men! i need apply. SHIRLEY FCOD STORES. [Sherlington Center. Arl . Va. —31 i CREDIT CLERK, to interview applicants land assist manager in various other credit duties: very good working conditions. 0 day week excellent opportunity for con-1 setentious and intelligent young man. I Apply MR. POMERANTZ, 800 E st. n.w. —31 ! CREDIT MAN to take charge of local •redit dept, of naticnally-know n oil com pany. Excel, opportunity for qualified man. Call MR. LARSON. TA. 8500 for appt. —29 DAIRYMAN wanted at Old Fields Dairy. Fore.stville. Md House and excellent pay to right man; no farm work. 30* DETAIL DRAFTSMAN. mechanical or radio background. Apply at NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MACHINE SHOPS. INC., 919 Jesup-Blair dr., Silver Spring. Md. —30 : I DISHWASHER. Apply in person, 2310 4th i st. n.e. —29 i DRIVER, for paper route; reliable, sober: and have D. C. and Md. chauffeur's permits. 1 Call SH. 2750 for interview. 29* DRIVERS wanted for Diamond cabs. New and used cabjs avail. Reas, rental rates. ! Must have identification card. Apply Dia mond lot, 101 M st. n.e. See MELVIN j HERRIMAN. DRIVER-SALESMAN, experienced, for well- ; known frozen food company; guaranteed salary plus commission. Box 69-D, Star. —31 DRIVERS WANTED for wholesale dism-; bution; salary. 5-day wk.; white, must have high school education or equivalent. Apply in person 1121 5th st. n.w. —31 DRIVER-SALESMAN, for retail ice cream truck; must be young and aggressive. GE. 7277. —30 DRIVER, with D. C. permit, for light truck delivery of auto parts; starting wage $32 per wk.. plus monthly bonus: 5‘a-day week, paid vacation: profit sharing, paid legal holidays. Box 72-D. Star. —31 DRIVER FOR ICE CREAM route truck See Mr. Barham, at FUSSELL YOUNG ICE CREAM CO., 1300 Wis. ave. n.w. — 1 DRIVER-PORTER for drugstbre. part time, 0 to 10 p.m. and every other Sunday. SHEPHERD PARK PHARMACY. 7723 Ga. ave. n.w. —29 DRIVER - SALESMAN, white, for estab lished dry cleaning plant; salary and com mission: steady work, must have refer ences. SANITARY CLEANERS, 2920 J4th st. n.w. —3 DRUG CLERK, part time: alternate nights I and Sundays. COLONIAL VILLAGE PHAR MACY. 1737 Wilson blvd.. CH. 4222. —30 DRUG CLERK, young and experienced. Good opportunity; good salary. NEW HAMPSHIRE PHARMACY, 5000 1st st n.w —30 ELECTRICIAN and helper. Call after 5. GL. 0050. —29 ENGINEER. 1st class, to handle large modern laundry, dry cleaning, cold stor age and rug plant; only persons fully qualified and well recommended need ap ! ply: must be sober and industrious: steady position. For appt . call MELVIN VINER. 735 Lamont st. n.w., RA. 8000. —4 FIREMAN, 3rd-class engineer’s license, for ■ | night shift. NATIONAL BRICK & SUPPLY CO., Terra Cotta. D C. GE. 2721. —30 . FOOD CHECKER AND CLERK for super market: exper. preferred: 1 from high; I school area. Apply at AKMAN SUPER' MARKET. 5405 Annapolis rd.. Bladens- [ burg. Md. —30 'FLOOR LAYERS HO), strip or block floor-; j ing; top wages. $2.25 hr. Apply at 717 Kennedy st. n.w. —1 rlAMm sAnutKS, jii a aay: noor lay ers. 5c per foot. Columbia 4209 or SH. 2277 after 6 p m. —4 FLORIST, experienced, to manage store: partnership considered to right party. GL. 9040. <30* FOUNTAIN HELP, experienced man for soda fountain and luncheonette; top sal ary for right party; must have reference Apply in person. JUDD'S PHARMACY. 2750 14 th st n.w. CO. 2371. —31 ! FOUNTAIN MANAGER; must be capable. Bring refs.; daywork. Tod salary. Apply SOUTHERN DRUG CO. 15th and H sts. n.w. —1 FURNITURE SALESMAN, experienced pref.; inside selling; good proposition to the right man. Apply ALPERSTEIN'S FURNITURE, 1023 7'h st. n.w., ask for Mr Marks. —30 Gas STATION ATTENDANT, white, ex- i perienred all-around man; Silver 3prmg; 'area. Call SH 9653. —30 iGAS STATION ATTENDANTS (2), colored:1 i car washer, lubrication man. Must oe I experienced. FEATHERSTONE SERVICE STATION. 1305 N. J. ave. n.w. —29 j GROCERY CLERK, with some knowledge! ! of meat cutting; sober. Call today. WO. 1.3149. —31 r HOUSEMAN, colored, exper. g.h w ; sober.! j reliable, references; live in. WO. 8153 after 4 p m. —3 GRILL AND SANDWICH MAN. experi enced. CHASTLETCN PHARMACY. 1 Gth and R sts. n.w DU. 3351. —30 i GROCERY MEN. only experienced need apply. SHIRLEY FOOD STORES. Shir-, lington Center. Arl.. Va. —31- | HALLMAN for apt. house: $86 50 per mo . 48-hr. week. See MISS NALLEY'. ‘ 1727 Mass. ave. n.w. —31 HOD CARRIERS WANTED, top wages to good men; long Job at Baileys Cross Roads, on Leesburg pike. Report to Mr. Morlock.! of JOHN N. CAMPBELL. INC. —4 INSURANCE SALESMAN, full and part time. Call ME. 2488 for appointment. —30 i JANITOR, must be experienced, for large i apt. house. Apt., utilities and salary. I Good job for the right man. Apply in ! person. 2730 Wis ave. —29 JANITORS AND FIREMEN, colored, real opportunity for energetic young men; good I pay. room and* board; must have rcfer ! ences. Phone MR. JOSEPH. SH. 3070. —30 ■ JUNIOR ENGINEER, mechanical or radio background, experience helpful. Apply at NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MACHINE ! SHOPS. INC., 919 Jesup-Blair dr.. Silver Spring. Md. „ —30 LABORATORY TECHNICIAN for doctor's office. DR. BENJAMIN MANCHESTER. DE. 640<>. —30 LABORERS, long job. top wages. Rp port to 5024 38th st.. Hyattsville. Md.: take Hyattsville bus from Mt. Rainier ter minal to job or if prferred. report to 4th and Valley ave. s.e. MASTER BUILD ERS INC LABORERS, clearing ground: long job. Conn . near Chevy Chase Lake. See MR RILEY. , —30 LABORERS WANTED. Report for work i 42(H) block 10th st. south. Barcroft. Va. I See MR RHODENISER. —4 LAWYER—Established law firm has open ing for young man. preferably one recently admitted to bar or not actively engaged in practice, wno desires to acquire experience; I state age. family obligations, qualifications and minimum salary requirement to start. I Box 369-A. Star • | LINOLEUM MECHANIC—I will get to the ; point quick, you must not be a good ! mechanic but a better than good one; i good basic pay and incentive earnings; excellent opportunity. You must be able .to do sink, floor and tile work perfectly: please do not bother us unless you are an excellent man. mechanically and de 1 pendable because if you are not. with our particular clientele we will learn imme diately and both your and our time will i be wasted. W’ally Ligon, c o JOHN LIGON at OL. 2204. —29 LINOLEUM MECHANIC, very good oppor ! tunity for experienced man. steady work, cood pay. union scale or better. See MR. CAIN at 608 Pa. ave. s.e. —29 LINOLEUM MECHANICS, experienced only Must have tools. Steady work, high rate of pay. Apply DISTRICT TILE & LINOLE UM CO., 730 9th st. n.w —30 LOBBY ATTENDANT, colored, for light -duties in exclusive apt. bldg.; must be re fined and sober: can provide quarters for isingle man. Cal in person. 9 to 10 am. : LEGUM to GERBER REAL! Y CO . 2637 ! » TTf. ~ n -.'III LUBRICATION MAN. must be experienced Apply Mr. Harding. PARKWAY MOTOR CO. 30411 M st. n.w. —30 MACHINIST, 1st class and machine opcra tor. Apply at NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MACHINE SHOPS, INC.. 919 Jesup-Blair dr.. Silver Spring. Md. .—-2 MACHINISTS, skilled operators, lathes, millers, grinders, etc. Apply N. O. L. employment office. Building 1, NAVAL ORD LAB . New Hampshire ave. extended at Colesville rd Md. —3° MAINTENANCE MAN to take care of minor repairs In small bids : must have D. C. operator's permit; permanent year-round employment with one of Washmaton s old est and largest auto dealers for a man capable of making minor carpentry, plumb ing and misc. repairs. Write giving full : employment records and references. Box I 284-D, Star. , —31 MAN. aggressive, between 2o and 32 yrs of age. Washingtonian preferred. Inter ested In mechanics, to demonstrate spe cial equipment in transportation field: ' permanent position, salary; demonstrator furnished. Box 288-B. Star MAN, single, to care for vegetable garden, ! lawn and couple riding horses on plaae In nearbv Md : experience and references. necessary; room and board and top a'aees j jjj 533(3 — MAN. some knowledge of bookkeeping and typing, for general office work. Reply Box 354-D. Star, stating exper. Starting salary about *35 week. . ,, —30 ■ MAN. exp., with sufficient family to mi s and care for dairy herd of 41 cows only or In addition, the complete operation of 200-acre farm located in nearby Va on hard rd. near school and store*: good salary and commission: new. modern: house, with bath, elec: fuel furn ; avail June 1. Phone Herndon 13*. —30 ! MAN. white. «0 yrs of age. to work hi dry-eleanine »nd laujldry blent. WASH INGTON LAUNDRY. 2827 M, »t. n.w. —30 HELP MEN.! iiAsii exper. in aeucaieucn ai iiulcjj. oi or kosher-style delicatessen store. 1388 ec 'owhRtan st.. Alexandria. OV. 5868 •—30 8 HAN to work on farm, near Washington: 4. pliable, white, married: to care for vege- SI able garden, lawn and to drive. Reply fc 3ox 497-Z. Star. —30 C: if AN. flrtt-ciass. produce and vegetables, ai 3ood pay and short hours. Apply Si MEADOWBROOK MARKET. 7460 Wis. tl ive. n w . WI 1200 —3 tl; HEAT CTTTERS. only experienced men 1. teed apply. SHIRLEY FOOD .STORES. S ShirlingTon Center. Arl.. Va. ^ —31 1 c* WEATCUTTERS. first class; no other need 1 tl tpply: week ends only. Apply in person to xi 3 F. CASEY. 1419 Park rd. n w —29 , £ MECHANIC, white, for fleet of 30 cars:! S established laundry co.: good terms, with; S )r without tools. RE. 2611. —31 n MECHANIC — New Chrysler - Plymouth lealer needs lst-class mechanic, thor- w Highly experienced on Chrysler products: i new plant. Weaver lifts, excellent equip- oi ment; good working rond.. top wages plus S jonus: paid vacation for good man n ANACOSTIA MOTOR CO.. 1708 Oood a Hope rd. s.e. ' *—0 it1 MECHANICS <4). for daywork: excel, e •voricing conditions: paid vacation and 1< holidays. Apply cither night or day. n CENTRAL MOTOR CO.. 1201 Oronoco st.. S Aioandria. Va . OV. lftOO. —31 o MECHANIC on washing machines, exper S pref.; ref. RIDGELY & RIDGELY. 3504 " 14th st n.w —30 J MEN (2), experienced: young: work on [» sales lot and in service dept. Apply Mr. ,c Kessler. CENTRAL MOTOR CO.. 3200 Lee T hwy . Arl.. Va . CH. 7000. —30 I MEN to work in rug-cleaning plant. DIE- e NFR RUG CO . 1221 22nd st. n.w. —28 a MEN—Falls Church dealer needs one parts f, man. and .2 mechanics. New bide.. all!T modern equipment. Must be ambitious, t’ Clean, pleasant surroundings, agreeable people to work witn. Perm employment t for the right person. Limited exper. re>* !; u m ired. See Mr C.ark. FRAZER CLARK t MOTOR CO.. Fails Church. Va.. phone FA. p 4<»1I for appt. v —3 r MEN WANTED to work in arcade, must be j neat, clean, sober, honest, agile and Wash- j ington resident, between ages of 28 and p 35 See MR. SMITH after 10 am. Monday, $ 412 9th st. n.w.. no phone calls. —31 v MEN WANTED WITH AUTOMOBILES for ^ newspaper: must be neat in appearance. 1 Call MR. SIMMS. HI. 4972. —29 s MEN’S FURNISHINGS SALESMAN—Ag- v jressive voung man for immediate perma-. 3 nent position, excellent earning possibili- 1 Lies and ideal working conditions. See Mr. c Ehrman, D. J. KAUFMAN, INC., 833 14th c n w. —30 1 s NIGHT COOK, white, experienced; refer- 1 ences required. Apply OYSTER BAY RES- i r TAURANT. 904 9th st. n.w. i I NIGHT MAN. colored, for office bldg.; / must be sober and reliable. Call in per- ! i son.. 810 18th st. n.w. —29 li NIGHT MANAGER (white), with some ; cafeteria experience preferred; good salary \ and. a splendid opportunity for an ambi- -j tious. energetic young man; permanent j position. Box 270-B, Star. —1 ; NIGHT WATCHMAN for construction job i nearby Md.; refs, required. See MR. \ CLARK. 2nd fl.. 1327 Conn ave. t OUTSIDE REPRESENTATIVE. 2i to 27. ' I high school graduate, single preferred, i } trained for executive position with nation | 3 al organization, salary and expenses; GI j ? approved training program. Apply be- j t tv pen 9 and 4 w-eekdays only. HOUSEHOLD j FINANCE CORP.. 79J4 Ga. ave., Silver ^ Spring. ■—29 c PAINTERS, paper hangers, white; prefer j combination men: sober. 1st class only; 1 men able to produce honest day's w'ork, f top wages. WO. 8614. —29 1 PAINTERS WANTED—Apply at job Me- f Kinlev and Old Georgetown rd.. Bethesda, 1 See RENSHAW. —3 i PAINTERS AND PArER HANGERS, exper k only. addIv .TAFFE. 911 13th sr. n.w. ] PAPER HANGER. Call RA. 6055. 1 PARTS MANAGER—New Ford dealership. \ located at Waldorf, Md.. 20 miles from 1 D C . needs experienced Ford parts man; s good salary plus Ford recommended bonus i plan. Victor 7700. Ext. 1707. 30* t PATENT ATTORNEY as assistant in Cali- i forma corporation patent department: .« work chiefly mechanical, but some cheml- ] cal. Give age, education, experience, and i salary expected. Box 452-A. Star. —30 i PATTERN MAKER, for cabinetmaker: ex cel. working cond. Call Olympic 0929 or ' 9429. 5 PHARMACIST—Good pay. pleasant work- [ ing conditions. CAVALIER PHARMACY, » 3500 14th st. n.w —30 • PHARMACIST. experienced: pleasant J working conditions. CATHEDRAL PHAR- « MACY. 3000 Conn. ave. —30 J PHARMACIST, wanted for full or part < time job. Apply in person to SMITH ' PHARMACY. 14th and Clifton ats. n.w. \ —30 J PHARMACISTS, registered. 21-50 yrs. of ' age: excel, salary: 48-hr. wk. of six 8-hour 1 days: time and half for overtime; 6 holi- ) days a year with pay; large prescription * business; ideal working conditions: excel. , chance for advancement, with higher pay: _ cne wk. vacation with pay after 1 yr.. 2 J wks. after 2 years; sick leave after 1 yr.; !, insurance and hospitalization available ■ after 3 mos employment, including S3.000 life and accidental death insurance; S40 \ wkly. disability pay for 13 wks.: $4 daily ■ hospital pay for 70 days, plus payment for certain operation and miscellaneous 1 costs. Retirement plan available for those ] over 30 with 2 yrs ’ service. Apply to Mr. 1 C. B. Aldrich. PEOPLES DRUG STORES. ' INC., 77 P st. n e.. Washington. D. C. PARTS MAN to manage department In : leading Packard automobile dealership. The j one applying for this position should now i [ be engaged as assistant parts man I)ut f seeking to better himself. Write ail par-; f ticulars, confidential. Box 177-Z, Star. —1 - r nu ' . ni'.n " oiin-u a immediately: modern air-cond. plant.:; muzak. other benefits. Apply DISTRICT f PHOTO SERVICE. 2220 6th st. n.w. —2 1 1 PIANO TEACHER to teach a specialized > popular piano course, must know harmonv t excellent opport. for right man. MR. s NEWMAN. ME. 4700. RA 6300. —1 i PLASTERERS, white, first class, long job: j open shop; good pay. Call NO. 2561. i —30 c PLASTERERS WANTED for work in Arl y and Falls Church: top wages; white me- s chanics. Aok Long Distance for Vienna s .371-W. • —29 j PLUMBER, only Ist-class mechanic, exper ^ in jobbing and remodeling, need apply; no , helpers. C. E. ELLIS. RA. 4116 —30 J PLUMBER, first-class mechanic, for better a class of new work. Silver Spring area. b 52 25 per hour. PAUL RUFF. 6627 Coles ville rd. Call SH 2200 day and Silver jv Spring 0310 evenings. —30 j. PLUMBER-STEAM FITTER combination. r lst-class journeyman with D. C. driver , permit only; no helpers. Apply '9 V at f n.w.. 7 to 9:30 a m., or call Ml. 3696, !j B KRICK. —29 t PORTER, colored: must be good worker s Apply Mr. Harding. PARKWAY MOTOR CO . 3040 M st. n.w —30 PORTER, full time, no Sundays or nights '« COLONIAL VILLAGE PHARMACY. 1737 i Wilson blvd.. Arlington. CH. 4222. —30 * POULTRY AND EGC. SALESMEN, exper . J good salary and commission. Box 350-D. a Star. \ —30 , PRF.SSFR, thoroughly exper . must be de pendable: top salary. Apply at once * MACOMB CLEANERS. 3711 Macomb st ' n.w. —29 < PRODUCE MEN, only experienced need i apply SHIRLEY FOOD STORES. Shir- * lington Center. Arl.. Va. —31 • RADIO OR ELECT. APPRENTICES (2). J with some exper. or training, to learn highly profitable and pleas, specialized ' trade in our service dept., working with J experienced technicians. Good pay while • learning. Perm, position, with rapid adv to those who are willing to work hard to make themselves worthy of this oppor. Phone MR. CLIME, DI. 1543. bet. 9 and 10:30 am. —30 1 RADIO INSPECTORS for electronics manu facturer, knowledge of radio, either through ' training or expo.-, in radio assembly or : inspection required. Applv WASHINGTON i INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. INC.. Col- i lege Park. Md. - — 3 i RADIO REPAIR MAN. experienced, to do i inside and outside service: must have driver's license, rets. Apply LUBAR. INC 1332 G st. n.w —29 RADIO SALESMEN—Excellent oppoituni- < ties for 2 live-wire salesmen; good pay. pleasant working conditions. Apply MR. HALLE. R<*0 E st. n.w. —31 h RADIO SERVICEMAN, good pay and work- , ing conditions; experience nec. KENNEDY RADIO. 3407 14th st. n.w —30 REAL ESTATE LISTER—Man capable of canvassing and listing property in Vir ginia for one of the leading offices. Draw - •; ing accounts may be arranged Call 10 to 2. Mr Robinson. REAL ESTATE SERVICE. INC. GL. 0561. —29 I REAL ESTATE SALESMEN, need 2 at Arlington office. Call GL. 2244. —31 h REAL ESTATE SALESMEN—We have open ings for real estate salesmen: experienced or inexperienced, must have car Phone; Jack Sewell. SEWELL REALTY OO.. 14 S Glebe rd at Lee blvd. Phone OX. 0217 or GL. 1 87X. —29 REPAIRMAN for training In general mechanical work on family sewing ma chines: best working cond . liberal sick benefits and retirement plan. Apply in person. 4913 Ga. ave. n w. —29 ROUTE MAN for established diaper route; salary plus comm. 5-day wk. Apply JACK & JILL DIAPER SERVICE. 1659 Fort Myer dr.. Arlington. Va., after 3 pm.; —.•< i i SALESMAN, sheet music dept : knowledge of music necessary. Apply KITT MUSIC CO , 1.130 O st. n w. —30 , i SALESMAN, experienced, selling food prod ucts to the grocery trade off truck; must; be neat and have ability to deal writh : trade for a reputable frozen food coro nary; salary. $00, guaranteed per wk Pius commission. Box 20,'1-Z. 3tar —-3! , SALESMAN—Excellent opportunity for alert, energetic and aggressive young man with experience in retail electrical appliance field; permanent position and good possibilities for advancement. Box, 451-A. Star. ;—™ ] SALESMAN, to work In large retail store, some experience preferred though not necessary; good opportunity lor advance-1 ment; One salary, good hours. Apply 935; SALESMAN to call on established accounts in local territory; nationally advertised tine; preferably experienced selling to 'department and men's stores; must have I car: be prepared to travel, can earn iasnoo to SI0.000 per year, commission | basis. Write, giving full details S 'bUCHSBAUM a CO . 1737 So. Michigan are.. Chicago 10. Ill , —* SALESMEN—Home Improvements. We offer you the best proposition in town. 1A chance to make real money, so If you need money, have a car and are willing ■ to work, stop in and see Mr. L«gg at;i 353." Bladensburg rd. n e.. bet. 10 am I • n/j ** X) JJJ -3'I ( SERVICE MANAGER, with long-established ! Ford dealer. In sub. area, good salary and | participation in profit: must have execu- t tlve ability and exp wonderful opportunity i for the right man Box 3 8 fLP.,J?1 ar “T--*1 J SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT, must be 1 'horoughiy rxper.; good salary. WOOD-. ! LA'WN SERVICE, 4«2« No. Wash. Jilvdj SERVICE STATION ATTENIfANTS wanted for la re* trucking termina : good hours . and good pay LEHMANS TRUCKING / TERMINAL. 1525 New York ave. n.e. —10 t SHIPPING CLERK—Progressive manufac- c turins firm; paid variation and sick r leave: oaper on electric typewriter re oulred' good opportunity for person with j initiative. Call OL. 7722, personnel^ mgr j i SHOE SALESMAN to take complete charge i of shoe store. upper 7th st.n.w, location, t excellent salary and bonus, must have / knowledge window trimming. Replies i strictly confidential Box 180-C. Star. —30 1 SHOP MANAGER to take full charge of t supplies and equipment for painting and • paper hanging shop. Apply JAPF*. 911 1 STORM "window SALESMEN—Hlghe- ' commusions in Metropolitan ares Ca.n TO. 8177 lor appointment^ —31 HELP MEN. _ • I'm cm nrorn *vn»r in Mprtronia uipment: 40-hr. . Apply In persons to 4:45; Mon. thru Fri.: MELPAR. INC.. >2 Swann ave . Alex. Va NGERS. tenor and bass: Rood reader* r Hebrew orthodox choir: Rood pay. ill GE. 0755. MR. KRUMIN. Monday id Tuesday. 2-6 p m —30 >DA MEN. experienced, white, for part ne, 5-11 p m : $25 to start and meals, >s. Apply THE WREN LUNCHEONETTE. 107 17th st. n.w _ _ —-29 re.AMFITTF.R SUPERVISOR, expert me anic. capable of directing the installa >n of hot-water heating systemsin larg® rden-type apt. development. This is a rmanent connection for the right party, ate qualifications. Box 139-B. Star —3 roCKBOOM CLERK, young man <white> ■eded in our parts dept, as checker ana unterman; exper. not necesaary. Sew r. Law. EDGAR MORRIS SALES CO, i Patterson st. n.e., between M and N, r No Capitol st •—* roCKROOM MANAGER —Ford dealer •eds experienced man with proven ability ; a Darts merchandiser. Excellent oppor mtty with a good salary and snare of itire profits of business. See Mr. Wheat* y. TRIANGLE MOTORS. 3010 R-J^av®. CPT. for downtown office bldg . must ba ipable of minor maintenance repairs. :ate age. family and exper. Start 5200 o. Box 41-Z. Star. A A.—- A UPERINTENDENT for construction of >uses or apts.. give exper. and names of cal firms worked for during the past 5 »ars. Address Box 361-Z, Star. —1 ELEPHONE SALESMAN—Telephone work res; good opportunity; top salary. Call ; BRENTLEYS. 425 7th st. n.w^ask ILEM8ETTER8. union wages. Call be* feen 6 and 7 pm. TA. i.600 or nRA, >3 8 —80 ILE SETTERS, at once; 524 a day. Fo* formation, call SP 0427. ““30 IRE CHANGER, must be experienced, ccellent pay and steady work, reference •quired. The ALLEN TIRE SALES. 1 '38 4 h st. n.w. ,—*•» IRE MAN for indoor counter sales, ex >rlence required. salary range So 3 to 57.60 weekly; excellent oppor. for aa »ncement. See MR. LEE or MR. STID* AM. 2011 M st. n.w. —50 IRF. REGROOVER, experienced, excellent ilary and working conditions. 40-hour eek: all inside work. BEN IfUNDLEY* 446 14th st. n.w. IRE SALESMAN, experienced, to call on jr dealers; excellent salary and working editions. BEN HUNDLEY. 3446 14tn RUCK TIRE CHANGER—Must be ex erienced and dcp^dnable. Apply Mr. Gill. EHMAN S TIRE CO., 1525 N. Y. ave. n.e., T 2*05. —29 YPIST — Young man, opportunity t® arn bldg materials, permanent pos ; ‘a-day wk.; Bethesda office, air-cond. fl. 6622. YPIST; must have experience. See lar. oseph. NEW YORK JEWELRY CO.. 71§ th st. n.w. ETERAN. white, married, interested in •arnir.g the Venetian blind business, must ave references. REINHARDT, Venetian Hinds. 4606 14th st. n.w —30 WAREHOUSEMAN between 80 and 45 rs. of age; exp. in wholesale hdw. or mill nd indust, materials for permanent posi ton: must be capable of filling orders, utting away stock and maintaining in enfory: give complete qualifications and xperience. with names of last three em loyers. also present salary; replies strict* fr confidential. Write Box 463-B. Star, dt personal interview. —30 CASHING MACHINE REPAIR MAN. exper. nlv. CaU after 4 pm.. VI. 0085. —30 VOOL SPOTTER, experienced, good wo'k* ng conditions and salary; permanent job. ,pply JOHNSON’S CLEANERS. 3231 Rhod® sand ave.. Mt. Rainier. Md —3 OUNG MAN bet. 26 and 35-years of as® rith car. to work in rent department of arge real estate office, must have had •veral years property management expe ience; salary. 53.000 to start, plus car llowance and other considerations In eply state age. education, if married or ingle and any other helpful information, iox 71-A. Star. ti A —30 rOUNG MAN. television installation work; ,o exper. necessary, will train. AX 6889. —30 'OUNG MAX, now employed. 10 assiss ales manager evenings; xeep your present osition and increase your salary by $40 d $50 a week, car and sales experience ssential; work 3 hrs. 4 nights a week, fall in person Tues. evening. June 1, :30 pm. 1833 M st n.w. —30 'OUNG MAN to assist in handling of redits. with knowledge of general office rork; typing essential; excellent oppor unity for youth with required qualiflca ions. Box 205-C. Star. —30 'OUNG MAN, with car. who wishes to »arn general contracting, painting and rail papering business; sober, conscientious nd dependable. Phone for appt . OR. 7000 —29 rOUNG MAN wanted for outside salesman; lust be hard worker, willing to learn in vesting business. Box 354-D. Star. —30 'OUNG MAN for meat market. exper. ipc.. colored preferred. Stand 48. O St. Market. 7th and O sts. n w —29 OUNG MAN to learn Ford parts ana tockroom business: good opportunity Sea fr. Wheatley. TRIANGLE MOTORS. 3010 t. I. ave. n e. —29 IRST-CLASS PAINTERS only. 3612 14th t n.w —31 lRE YOU making 5200 per week0 If not. pply SOUTHERN INSULATING CO. 41* th st. n.w.. Room 202. We will teach ou how to sell insulation Good salesmen an make up to $500 per w*eek. If you re an honest, sincere hard worker, reply to his ad See Mr. Palm, after 12 noon ’uesday. 1* NSURANCE—An excellent opportunity la n established insurance broker’s office or ambitious young man between age» 8 and 22. with high school or college duration: attractive salary with oppor unity. for advancement in a permanent* rowing organisation; we want an alert, itelligent man to fill position of re ponsibility: our employes know of this dvertisement. Reply in writing stating ualiflcations. Box 145-B. Star. —31 WANTED SOBER, exper. grocery man. for »if-service suppr market Apply in per in to the BUCKINGHAM SUPER MAR KET. 2929 Nichols ave. s.e. —1 ATIONAI. MANUFACTURER desires thi irvices of an energetic experienced sales man. under 35 years of age. straight salary nd expenses with ear furnished, car may e used for personal use. all promotion* iade from the ranks In reply state age, eight weight, education, detailed account f experience for the last 5 years and tele hone number. Box 247-D. star. —30 ’RGENT NEED for men with clock-repair xperience; full or part, time Write, giv ntr qualifications, name, address and rlephone Box 1 S5-C. Star.30* SALESMEN._. ALESMEN, exper. to call on hotels, hos* itals and grocery stores Selling groceries, lust know the business well. Good in r>me for live wires Apply DISTRICT WHOLESALE GROCERY CO . 1332 nth t. n.e., TR 154ft; WA 1764. —31 iRE YOU A TOP SALESMAN?—Keepsak#* interim's largest selling diamond ring, has penlng for territory manager to cover laltimore. Philadelphia. Richmond. Vir inia. Washington. D. C., area; must ha*'t uccessful record of selling in lewelry field. Commission*. $l.*».ooo to $30,000 annually. Vrite or wire immediately to A. H. POND CO . INC. 120 East Washington st , Syra use. N. Y. —31 ?RUCK SALESMAN opening with factory ranch in Washington. D. C . with oppor unity for advancement, must be ex lerienced in selling heavy duty truck* and landling fleet, accounts; salary plus com nission. In reply state age. education and xperlence All replies treated conftden ially. Reply to Box 234-C. Star —l SALESMEN WANTED for home improve nent co ; car an asset, high commission! md ideal working conditions; every co iperafion given; unlimited earnings for ag ressive men. Call for apot. TR. 8080 weekdays —30 ktnro ACCESSORIES <wholesale)—A busl less future for the right man with ono if Washington's older Arms. Apply Box 55-C. Star —30 SALESMEN AND SALES MANAGER to sell lew business service Washington. Ealtt nore and other cities; salary or commis sion: leads furnished state previous ex >erience. Box 183-C. Staj. —30 WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO. handling na ionally known brands has opening for ex >erienced salesman for leading hotel* and estaurants. Address Box 160-C. Star 30* HAN WHO KNOWS meats and following vith grocery trade in Washington ana iparbv territory: one who is sold oh hi! ibilitv. not afraid of work; car furnished. 3ox 433-D. Star —30 WANTED. SALESMEN, or route man. call ng on automotive or industrial trade for luick-selling item. Box 415-B. 8tar,—2D SALESMAN for Kaiser and Frazer used •ar lot; good proposition for a thor nighly experienced man. MR HERrTJRTH. 1510 Arkansas ave. n w. GE 7454.—2D REAL ESTATE SALESMEN—If you ar« nterested and capable of earning $10,000 ?er year with the opportunity* extended through this office, see me U a m. to 10 i m . if not. don't aonly. ALVIN EPLING. 5808 Baltimore ave., Hyattsville, Md. —30 WE HAVE SEVERAL OPENINGS for expe rienced salesmen, calling on restaurants, groceries and hotels; this advertiser is % prominent paper and restaurant supply :oncern in this city, and is in a position o offer liberal commission* to men expe rienced in our line Phone AT 0989.—30 SEVERAL MEN WANTED to sell worlds inest reference Bible, our m*n earn from £75 and up Write to WILLIAM LATHAN, p. O. Box 260 Gastonia. N C 9* HEATING. SIDING and *torm window nen. unusual deal offered especially to uding men; earnings of $156 to $200 wk. jeirg made by our men now; season now >penin? up. come in and talk it over 3ECURITY ENGINEERING CO.. 904 H it. n.e. —29 NSl'RANCE SALESMAN for established iebit; $75 week guaranteed salary to star',; nusi be experienced. Box 495-B. Star. HELP MEN ana WOMEN. "Ol’PEE. whit.; woman cook, t h.w . o drive and handy man will mak. auto rip to California; character references squired Box 372-B. Star — JO . HAN AND WIFE, white or colored Must mow how to drive school bus. o°n;an o do plain cookin*. Live in. *200 per nonth 9401 Ga. ave . 8H 1074 —31.. fOCNG MAN. or young woman, experi. need only; for soda fountain luncheonette, ood pay, pleasant worklnr conditions o lay wk . closed Thur* Ap^y in lo 1 E. Walnut at.. SMITTY S CORNER •HARM . Alexandria. Va. VANTED—Husoana and wife for part ime assistance in better-class rooming lOuae evemnis and week ends, one must ave knowledr* of stenography- compen ation in form of room rent. Box ~3--z. tar_ ~"30 HELP WOMEN._ ITERATION WOMAN, young. neat. one ho Is thoroughly exrer on wing fine lothes; none otner need Apply. Wash. els. prel. 1327 F St. n w.t Rm. 20-^ ISSISTANT BOOKKEEPER And eferk: oust be handy with typewriter; 5-dap reek: good salary to qualified person, lee LEO 7AL8HE. 1115 Eye st. n.w . NA. Af\a —i SSISTANT TO CREDIT MANAGER, youn* oman. about 35, capable of meeting PUb c and assuming some responsibility Ra il credit exper. recess. Excel, future with stab fur shop. Box 59-B. Star. —29 lEAITTCIAN. all-around. experienced; 3 s.y and commission HELENES •• it o.w.. ME. *5; "_ —3 (Continued on Ne^ Paso)