Newspaper Page Text
Organized Bible Classes By Dr. Page McK. Etchison The George H. Winslow Men's Bible Class of Eastern Presbyterian Church will have Representative ■William Lewis of Kentucky as guest teacher. William S. Jones will teach the Yaden Bible Class of Petworth Bap tist Church. The Rustin Couples' Class of Mount Vernon Place Methodist Dr. Etchiion. Churcn win have as guest speaker Dr. Chesteen Smith, acting director, F e d e r a tion of Churches. The Rev. Nelson Pierce will teach the Graham Couples' Class. The Susannah Wesley Class will be taught by Mrs. B r o a d u s Wright. The Rainbow Class will hold a busi ness meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. S T. Jenssen will show a movie in color on his trip to Norway. The Vaughan Class of Calvary Baptist Church will hold memorial services tomorrow at 8 a m. at the graves of Comdr. Francis Vaughn, Dr. Samuel H. Greene and Dr. Ho mer J. Councilor, in Rock Creek Cemetery. Mrs. Brooks Hays will teach the Burrall Class. The Men’s Bible Class of Eld brooke Methodist Church elected R. S. Walleigh, president; Archie Win free, George Rowe, vice presidents; --- I altrflH0jrt|iral &0ri*ty in liaaliinylnn THE THEOSO PH ICAL SOCIETY IN WASHINGTON, D. C. * 726 11th St. N.W. Sundoy, Moy 30, ot 8:00 P.M. "You and Your Archetype," r Mrs. Helen Loenholdt, Washington, 8, D. C. LIBRARV ACTIVITIES: Rental Library is open every Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday and Sunday, 6:30 In S pm__ Hnitrft Cnbgr of Wed., June 2, at 8:15 P.M. "Memory of Past Lives." LIBRARY, Sat.. 1.30 to 4 P.M. United Lodge of Theosophisis Hill Bldg., 17th ond Eye Sts. N.W. trinity Spiritual UnitedWe Stand With God' 713 Van Buren St. N.W. REV. DB. CLARA M. PHILLIPS Sunday. 7:30 P.M. GE. 6641. _SPIRITUAL GREETINGS_ &yirttualiBt ‘ REV. VIRGINIA KING, 1314 11th St. N.W. Readings by Appointment, Ml. 7862 “ rev. ETHEL JANET HTGHSMITH Sun?, 6th st. n.e. DU. 8430. Readings by appointment. 0:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Cljristian &piritualiBt 1220 Mass. Ave. N.W. REV. OTTO PENTER, Pastor. Church Services, Sunday, 8:00 P.M. "In Memory of the Dead." By Rev Ottn renter. Message Service Wed., 8 P.M. Private Advice and Heallne by Appoint ment. HI. 7230. The Church of Spiritual Guidance. ffalimial spiritual Ann’ii Message Service At 210 9th St. S.E. Thursday 8 00 O'clock P.M. REV. IDA STRACK, Phone HI. 4556. CHURCH OF TWO WORLDS 2600 Sixteenth St. N.W. (Corner of Euclid St.) Rev. H. Gordon Burroughs Miniiter Sunday, 8:00 P.M. "YOUR LIFE IS ABUNDANT." Wed., 8 p.m.—Message Service. P. M. Riley, treasurer; W. U. Wilson, secretaiy; Robert Pew. assistant, and V. E. Heaton, teacher. The Butler Bible Class of Trinity Methodist Church will hold a busi ness meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. Arthur L. Hayford will be the guest speaker at the Trinity Men’s Class. Norman Sandridge will teach the Templemen’s Bible Class of Temple Baptist Church. me calvary Mens c;iass oi cal vary Methodist Church elected John W. Fisher, teacher; Hugh L. Dryden, associate teacher; Henry Rhodes, president; James E. Parrish, Robert M. Williams, vice presidents; Harold G. Moore, secretary; Roy L. James, treasurer; John L. Soden, historian, and Richard T. Evans, chorister. Alden A. Potter‘‘will address the Clyde Kelly Class of Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church. The Mizpah Class of Hamline Methodist Church elected Miss Nelle Hawke, president; Mrs. W. O. Car ruthers, secretary-treasurer, and Mrs. Edward Stevens, teacher. Theodore C. Hudson of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Arlington, will speak to the Harrison Bible Class ■>f St. Luke's Methodist Church. The J. O. Y. Class of Epworth Methodist Church will hold its monthly meeting Tuesday evening at the home of Essie Eggling. Offi cers will be installed. Mrs. Bernice Carlton will teach the L. F. O. Class of Brookland Methodist Church. The Fidelis and Egbert Classes of National Baptist Memorial Church will hold monthly meetings Tues day evening. The Wesley Class of Brightwood Park Methodist, Church will hold its monthly meeting Friday evening. , High Prices Halt Bidding On Cleveland Used Cars By the Associated Press CLEVELAND, May 29 —A Cleve land automobile auctioneer reported today that used car dealers here suddenly have adopted a "not buv-| ing” policy because of current high prices on nearly new autos. R. K. Patton, who conducted the weekly sale yesterday for the Cleve land Auto Auction Co., declared af terward : "Where we sold a 1947 model last; week for $1,775, we couldn't get $1,400 yesterday. In fact, we could n't get $1,400 for a 1948 model. It | all happened in the last two days. Mr. Patton reported failure to sell some 75 late-model autos, al though asking prices were reduced $200 or more within two days. Only two cars were sold, he added. Relief Supplies Mount NEW WINDSOR. Md„ May 29 The Church World Service Center reported yesterday that since the first of the year it has received 2,001,684 pounds of relief supplies for shipment overseas. IJrngrwtfiuf (Efiurrfj of £>ptrttualijam PROGRESSIVE CHURCH OF SPIRITUALISM Pythian Temple. 1012 nth St. N W. Sun day Services. 8:00_ p.m. Followed by messages—Rev. Hafferman. Pastor Asso ciates, Rev. Hickerson. Rev. M. McFar land Rev. Trundle. Public welcome. Spiritual &rtntrr REV. PEARL" JARCEr 31:1 Holmead PI. N.W DE. 1903. Seance Tuesday, 7:30 P.M. Appointments., Spiritual &rigttrg nf N.|f, First Branch Spiritual Science Mother Chnrch, Inc., of New York J900 F St. N.W.. Washington. D. C. REV. ALICE W. TINDALL. Pastor. Private Appointments. Spiritual and Healing Meetings with Message. Sundav. Tuesday. Thursday. 8 p.m. Tuesdav 2:30 p m. „ Developing Classes. Wed 3:30 Sc 8 p.m. Tel ME 0540. The closing hour for the acceptance of church an nouncements is 5 p.m. Thursday. CUfrHBtian &ri?nr? CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES AND READING ROOMS TN GREATER WASHINGTON Branches of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Except as noted. Sunday Services 11 AM. and 8 P.M■ Sunday School 11 AM. Wednesday Evening Meetings at 8 P.M. include testimonies of Christian Science healing. All are invited to attend our services and use our Reading Roomt Sub|ect of Lesson-Sermon, May 30 ANCIENT AND MODERN NECRO MANCY, ALIAS MESMERISM AND HYPNOTISM, DENOUNCED . , Go l dm Text: Revelation 21:7. He that overcometh shall inherit all j things: and I will be his (Jod, and he shall he my son.__ DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA FIRST CHURCH: Columbia Road and Euclid St. NW Reading Room. 914 17th St. N.W. Week days. 9 to 9 (Wed. to 7), Sun day and Holidays, 2 to 6. SECOND CHURCH: 111 C St. N.E. Reading Room, 111 C St. N.E. Weekdays. 10 to 9 (Wed. to 7); Sun. and Hoi., 2:30 to 5:30. THIRD CHURCH: 13th and L Sts. N.W. (Sun.. 11 AM. and 8 P.M ) Reading Room, Col orado Bldg., 141 h and G Sts. Weekdays, 9 to 9. (Wed. to 7:30.) Sunday and Holidays, 2 to 6. FOURTH CHURCH: 16th and Oak Sts. N.W. Reading Room. Riggs Bank Bldg.. 14th and Park Rd. N.W. Weekdays, 9 to 9 (Wed. to 7): Sunday and Holidays, 2.30 to 5:30. FIFTH CHURCH: 1238 31st St. N.W. (No Sun. Eve. Service). Reading Room. 1626 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. Weekdays. 12:30 to 5 (Wed. to 7:30). Closed Sun days and Holidays. SOCIETY: 1517 R St. N.W. (No Sup. Eve. Service). Reading Room 1517 R St., Wed. 6:30 to 7:50. SOCIETY: 3563 Mas*. Ave. N W. SuH. 11A M. No Sun. School. Wed 8 P.M. MARYLAND CHEVY CHASE FIRST CHURCH: 5908 Conn. Ave. Sunday School, Chevy Chase Elementary School, Rosemary St. Reading Room. 7 Wilson Lane, Bethesda. Weekdays, 1 to 5. Closed Sundays and Holi days. HYATTSVILLE FIRST CHURCH: 6221 43d Ave. (No Sunday Eve. Service). Wednesday meeting, 8:15 P.M. Reading Room 6221 43d Ave. Weekdays. 1 to 4: Mon. and Fri. Eve., 1 to 9. Closed Sundays and Holidays. _ SILVER SPRING SOCIETY: Sil ver Spring Intermediate Sch., Chicago and Philadelphia Aves. (No Sun. Eve. Service.) VIRGINIA ALEXANDRIA FIRST CHURUBI 109 Russell Rd. (No Sun. Eve. Service.) Reading Room, 108 N. Patrick. Alex. Weekdays, 9 to 5:30. Closed Sun. and Holidays. ARLINGTON FIRST CHURCH: 6843 Little Falls Road, East Falls Church. (No Sun. Eve. Serv.i Wed. meeting. 8:15 P.M. Reading Room, 3248 Wilson Blvd. Weekdays. 12 to 5. Closed Sundays and Holidays. ARLINGTON SECOND CHURCH: 1913 Wilson Blvd. (Colonial Vill. Ballroom.) (No Sun. Eve. Serv.). R. Rm„ 2020 N. 16th St. Weekdays 11 to 4 except Wed. to 7:30 and Eri. Eve., 7 to 9. Closed Sunday and Holidays. I A. T. Ogden, 70, Leaves GAO After 43-Year Federal Career Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Ogden look over the gifts employes of the Government Accounting Office presented Mr. Ogden yesterday on his retirement after 43 years of Government serv ice. Two pipes and box of candy were augmented by a present of $60 in cash. —Star Staff Photo. Arthur T. Ogden will have you know he isn't easily rushed into things. Five years ago. when he reached the voluntarily civil service retire ment age of 65, he began thinking about leaving his Government Ac counting Office job. And he kept right on "just think ing it over" until a few weeks ago, when he at last decided to turn in his resignation. lVli. wgucn ic 11 i/iic agciu-.v uolvj - day, after 43 years of Government service. He had been with the GAO since its start in 1921 and held the position of senior auditor of the contract section since 1946. At an informal surprise party in his office before he left, scores of employes gathered by his flower decked desk to say farewell. They had some gifts for him—two deep bowled pipes, a giant box of candy and $60 in cash. Mr. Ogden came to America from England when he was 16 and, while working in a Birmingham (Ala.i steel mill, he learned auditing and accounting from a friend, who had taken a correspondence course in those subjects. ( He was married in June, 1905. and several months later was notified he had passed a civil service test entitling him to a job here. A letter of certification came in the morning mail one day and by late that afternoon he and Mrs. Ogden were on a train for Wash ington. -We moved last men, ne chuckled, Mr. Ogden's first job here was with the Bureau of Engraving, un der Theodore Roosevelt's admin istration. In 1913 he moved over to the Office of Military and Navy Pav, where he remained until 1921. The Ogdens live in Savannah Gardens, Silver Spring, Md. Alexandria Church Plans Anniversary Services The First Christian Fellowship Church. 218 East Monroe avenue, Alexandria, will celebrate its fourth anniversary tomorrow with special morning and evening services. First services will be at 10:20 a.m., and the evening service, wnicn win feature the Fairfax Mixed Quartet, at 7:15 o'clock, the Rev. Marvin H. Cave, pastor, announced. Since its inception the church has acquired a church home, dedicated in 1946, and a “fellowship annex,” for Bible school programs and con gregation social meetings, which was dedicated last April. Montgomery Outlines Streamlined Army for Britain in Atom Age By Astociatcd Prw* CAMBERLEY. Eng.. May 29.— Field Marshal Lord Montgomery, chief of the Imperial General Staff, today laid down blueprints for a streamlined British army In the atomic age. In a prepared statement for a] news conference Lord Montgomery! said the pace and scientific sur prises of modern war made the na tion’s old-style military machine useless. "Now as ever before,” he said, “real preparedness is essential. We can no longer have a breathing space at the beginning of another war, in which to build up and train our land forces.” Training Conference Held. His statement climaxed a special week at this famed War Office Staff College, the annual training confer ence and exercise for senior army officers, all under Lord Montgom ery’s eye. In the past, Britain relied on two armies—a small regular one backed by the territorial army which was mobilized when war broke out, then hastily trained and expanded. “The old conception of two armies has not stood up to the test of mod ern war,” Lord Montgomery said. “It became clear that a new concep tion was necessary. "It was obvious that we could not produce the answer by tinkering with the old machine. A funda mental redesign was necessary with the object of producing one good national army which must be ready : to take the field as early as pos ■ sible. * * *” New Plan Outlined. Vital in development of the new ; plan, Lord Montgomery said, is a | “regular flow of trained and dis ciplined men.’’ I He said this could be achieved I "only by imposing upon the system !of national service with the active army an additional reserve liability with the volunteer territorial army, j We have done this by requiring our national service men to serve six years in the territorial army after the conclusion of their 12 months active training.” Memorial Candelabra Will Be Dedicated Two pairs of memorial candelabra will be dedicated tomorrow at 11 a.m. at Hamline Methodist Church. A pair is given by Mrs. Richard W. Neeley in memory of her husband, Richard Walker Nee ] ley, and her sister, Margaret Eliza beth Buckingham. The other pair i is given by Mrs. Maud Huntley in memory of her son. Alan C. Hunt ley, who was killed in action in World War II. Dr. H. W. Burgan will preach on "Not perfect Without Us.” HgtljflMgt <Elyurrt|==— - —-———————^ HEADQUARTERS—METHODIST .BUILDING, IOO Maryland Ava. N.E. Resident Bishop, Charles W. Flint, D. D., LL. D. District Snpcrintcndcnts. Fred C. Reynolds. D. D- end Relph P. Smite. Pe. D. prtgkttooob $3ark THOMAS B. EHLERS, Minister. 9:45 a.m.—Church School for All Ages. Memorial Day Service. 11:00 a.m.—"Our Christian Heritage." Nursery During Servic* 6:45 p.m.—Youth Fellowship Groups. _ M A 411 IMC 16th AND ALLISON 5T5. N.W. n AAA LI INC REV. H. W. BURGAN, D. D., Minister. 9:45 a.m.—Church School, Sparkman Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.—"Not Perfect Without Us." 7:30 p.m.—Methodist Youth Fellowship.____ CHEW CHASE CLIFFORD HOMER RICHMOND, S. T. D., Minister. 9:30ond I 1 .00 a.m—"Contagious Christianity."__ V 16th Street Near P Street. jfOUnOrP EREDERICK^BROWH HARRIS. "The Church of the States" 9:45 a.m.—Church School. 1 1 :00a.m._"WHAT MEAN THESE STONES." Dr. Harris preaching. 8 00 p m —"A VOICE OUT OF THE YESTERDAYS." fi M W » ■ » V7 1459-63 Columbia Road N.W. M DR ORRIS GRAVENOR ROBINSON, Min. 9:45 a.m.—Church School Classes, all ages. 6:45 p.m.—Youth Groups. 1 I :00 a.m.—"Let Freedom Ring," Dr. Robinson, 7 :00 p.m.—Evening Worship. (Please note the hour) _ Metropolitan Memorial THE NATIONAL CHURCH Nebraska and New Mexico Axes. N.W. EDWARD GARDINER LATCH, D. D., Minister 9:45 a.m.—Church School 6:30 p.m.—Youth Fellowship. 11:00 a.m.—"How to Get Along With People." (Nursery Held During Church Service) Ml. Vernon Placed, Ministers: John W. Rustin, A. N. Warner 9 and 11:15 A M—"It Is Easy to Forget." 8 P M —"Has Life Let You Down?" Dr. John W. Rustin WJB/’Wjt W Wjvm7' Connecticut Avenue and Jocelyn St. fl X c STANLEY LOWELL, Ministe.. 9:45 a.m.—Church School. 11:00am—"Last Chance Before Chaos." 5:30 and 7 p.m.—Youth Groups. 8:00pm— Music by The Wesley Choir, Jomes L. McLain, Director ST. PAUL 4 700 13th St. X.W. WM. E. FIRTH. Minister. P 30 a m.—Church School. 11 on a m—“Livinr Memorials.** i ANALUbl IA 11th and You Sts. S.E. W. KENNETH LYONS. Minister. P:30 a.m.—Sundav School. 11:00 a.m.—“The Chosen Few.” ; Nursery During Service 7:30 p.m.—“The Apocrypha.*' 1 A CORPIAL WELCOME TO ALL. BROOKLAND 11th and Lawrence Sts. N.E. HARRY C. MARSH. Minister. 0 4.% a.m.—Church School. Bible Classes 11:00 a m.—“Christ of Cliaos.*' 7:00 p.m.—Ynjfh Fellowship 8:00 n m.—“Taking a Risk for God. _ HYATTSVILLE MEMORIAL 4312 Farraaut St. DR. HARRY EVAt'L. Miniater. 9:43 a m.—Church School 11:00 a m—Chaplain Leichton E. Harrell McKENDREE Booth Dakota Ato. and Stth 8t. at Rhode Island Are. N.E. HORACE E. CROMER. D.D.. Minister. 9 45 a m.—Church School. 11:00 a m.—“New Hoiisons. ’ s ot) p.m—“Soundins Brass." letois jffilemorial tth and Hamilton Sts. N.W. CLARENCE E. WISE. Minister. 9:45 a m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—“Forward March." Nursery During Service. 7:00 p.m.—Youth Fellowship WAUGHMETHODIST Third and A Streets N.E. REV. HIRL A. KESTER. Minister. 9:45 a m—Church School _ 11:00 am.—The Police and Fireman Protestant Society. 8:45 n.m.—Youth Fellowship. 8:oo p.m —“Hare You Met Jeaui-_ FIRST METHODIST Bradbury Hats.. Buwen Rd. at Ala. Ale. REV. DORSEY K. STCRG1S. Minister. 9:45 a.m.—Church School. . .. 11:00 a m.—“Foundations of Liberty. 11:00 a m—Nursery and Be*inners. 7:00 om—Youth Fellowship. 8:00 p m—Rev, Carroll Daeeett. LINCOLN ROAD At Lincoln Road and You St. N E. REV. ROBERT K. NEV1TT. Minister. 11:0*i am—"A Controlled Ufe.“ 8:00 pm.—“Know Your Church.*• A Quiz Service. ROSEDALE Tennessee Ate. Near D St. N.E. ALLAN F. POORE. 0:30 a.m.—Church School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. 7:30 p m.—Evening 8ervice. FRANCIS ASBURY 3146 16th St. N.W. O. BRYAN LANGRALL. Miniiter. 11:00 a.m.—Dedication of Memorial Plaaue and Chimes Address by D. Stewart Patterson. Nursery Dunna Service 6.45 p.m.—Youth Groups S:00 p.m.—“On Doing Good.” Wednesday. 8:00 p.m.—Midweek Service. DOUGLAS MEMORIAL 11th and H Sts. N.E. FRANK Y. JAGGERS. Minister. Worship at ll a.m and 8 p.m. CLARENDON North Irving and Sixth Streets. Arlington. Va. REV.'C. FRED WILLIAMS, D. D. Sand 11:15a.m.—"Weep Not for Me.’ HYLAND Branch Ave. and S St. S.E. (At Penna. Ave.> C. LEWIS ROBSON. Minister. D. B THOMAS. Director of Music. 0:45 a m.—Church School. 8:00 and 11:00 a m—Memorial Com munion Services. 6:30 p.m—M. Y T. Knuuc IdLAHU AYCliUE Rhode Island Are. and First St. N.W. REV. W. ARNEM ROBERTS. Minister. 9:.'tn a m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—“The Prayer of Conviction, Rev. La r man Sherwood. Guest Minister. ; 7:00 p m—Youth Meetings. 8:00 p.m.—“Simon, the Zealot.” Thursday 8 p.m.—Midweek Fellowship. HYATTSVILLE FIRST MM Baltimore Boulevard. ; REV EDGAR W. BECKETT. Minister. 9:00 and 11:00 a m.—"Beyond the Dead line.” I Aoo p m—"Behnildint a Eoat Faith. BETHESDA, MD. Norfolk and St. Elmo Are*. HARTWELL F. CHANDLER, Faitor. 9:45a.m.—Church School., 11:00 a.m.—Mornini Worship.__ WILSON MEMORIAL llth Belov G St. S.E. H. H. HOYT. Minister. 9:45 am —Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Mornlna Worship. WOODSIDE 8814 Ga. Ave.. Silver Sprinr.Md. PHILIP C. EDWARDS, M. A.. Minister. II:IK1 and 10:45 a m.—Church School fi 00 and 11:00 a m.—"Memories That Chatlenre.” 7:15 p.m.—Youth Fellowship. &t. lube’si (GEORGETOWN.) Wisconsin Ave. and 35th St. N.W. C. HOWARD LAMBDIN, Minister. 0.45 a.m.—Church School I 1 00 a m—“Sharint One s Life. S 00 p m.—“Builder of Progress. Mupah Chapter O E. S. will attend. Union of Aldersgate, Conorcu St.- and Mt. Tabor Churches ■ E PW ORTH 13th St. ond North Carolina Ave. N.E. JAMES ALLEN DUDLEY, Minister 9:30 a m.—Church School. Classes for all ages. II :00 a.m.—"They Died for Me." 8 :00 p m.—"Loyalty." UNION 50th St. Near Penna. Ave. N.W. 102 Years at This Location SELWYN K. COCKRELL. D. D. 11:00 a.m.—“God. Our Refuse and Sup port."_ PETWORTH 9:30 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Memorial Service. A Faith to Live By. 8:0(1 p.m.—Yount Adult Fellowship. 7:00 p.m—Youth Fellowship . 8:00 p m —Panel Discussion. "Is Chrls tianily Enouth to Live By? ®rinttj> 5th and Seward gauarr S.E. Rev. Daniel W. Justice. D. D.. Minialer. 9:30 a.m.—Church School for all ages. I 1 .00 a.m.—"When Freedom Is Imperiled." 6:45 p m.—M. Y. Fellowship. 8:00 p.m.—"To Hovo Endurinj Happiness." You Are Most Welcomo. (EmtijrrflH .sth and Alabama Are. S.E. GEORGE L. CONNER. M. A.. Minister. Rev. James M. McCauley. Assistant. 0:30 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.— Morning Worship. Nursery During Servict. 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service. DUMBARTON AVE. Mother ot Methodism in Washington 3133 Dumbarton Are.. Georgetown off Wisconsin, Bet. N and p. DR. CHAUNCEY C. DAY. Minister. II :00 a m —“Treasures of Memory, fiifldp.m.—"Aeting the Man._ GORSUCH SOUTHWEST. Fourth and L Streets. (Only Methodist Church in the S.W.) W. D. KEENE Minister. 11 0(1 a m—“Finally Be Strong In the g OO p m.—Rev. George Coppige. the incoming castor._ ELDBROOKE w- wSoSaW???1’ REV. F. PAUL HARRIS. Minister. 0:30 a m.—Church School. AU Agea. 11:00 a.m —“Sacred Memories. Nursery During Senice 7 00 p m—Methodist Youth Fellowship. WELCOME TO VISITORS. EMORY moo Georgia Ave. S.W. EDGAR C. BEERY. D. D., Miniater S:3o a.m.—Church School ., 1:00 am—“Rest for the Weary. Dr. 7 00 pm.—Methodist Youth Fellowship Seniors. GAITHERSBURG_ EPWORTH Brooks Are- Galthsrsborg. ARTHUR W. EWELL. Minister 9 30 a.m.—Church School and Youth Ssllowahlp. orning Worihio. GRACE (GAITHIRSSUKG j RARL G. NEWELL. Pastor. 0:45 a.m.—Church School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 0:45 o.m.—Youth Fellowship. Show Bettors Like Plunge by 'Mr. X' 97 i"* mmiuioa run CHARLES TOWN, W. Va., May 29 —A mysterious “Mr. X," who likes to invest thousands of dol lars at a time on favorites to run third, gave show bettors at Charles Town race track yester day something to write home about. “Mr. X" put $6,000 on E. P. Price's Stanley to show in the feature. Stanley finished next to last in the field of six. This freak across - the - board mutuel was the result: Local Band, $9.60. $4.80. $9.60; Cassett, $6.40. $10f20; Ringside Table, $21.20. Mangrum, Locke Push Heafner in Golf Event By th« Associated Pr«ss PORT WORTH, Tex., May 29 - Better than a third of the field was within a range of six strokes today when the $15,000 Colonial National Invitation golf tournament rolled Into its third round with bulky Clay ton Heafner, the Charlotte, N. C., strong man, lumbering along at the head. Heafner s 135 for 36 holes 168 yes terday* gave him an edge of 3 over Lloyd Mangrum of Chicago, the guy with the biggest money pouch, and Bobby Locke of Johannesburg, South Africa, another prosperous fellow along the links tour. From Locke and Mangrum down through eight other players, you couldn't see daylight. Three others matched his second 18 and two of them were Mangrum and Locke. Stewart (Skipi Alex ander of Lexington, N. C., was the other pasting 68 and it shoved him into a tie for fourth place with Byron Nelson of Roanoke, Tex., w'ho had a 69. Alexander and Nelson have accumulated 139 strokes on the 36 holes. Among five players tied for sev enth place with 141 was Bob Hamil ton of Prince Georges Country Club, Lanham, Md. Shirley Fry Loses Net Title to Mrs. Landry By the Associated Press PARIS, May 29.—Mrs. Nelly Lan dry of France, who gained the final round when Mrs. Pat Canning Todd was disqualified, won the women's singles crown of the French Inter national tennis tourney today by defeating Shirley Fry of Akron. Ohio. The scores were 6—2, 0—6, 6—0. Miss Fry, a student at Rollins College in Florida, lost all her serv ices in the first and last sets. Potter's Pinch-Hurling Keeps A's on Top By Ben Phlegor Associated Pross Sports Writer Connie Mack, whose luck seems to be all good for a change this year, apparently has found the relief man he wants in the veteran Nelson Potter. The A's figure to have just about the best pitching staff in the Amer ican League. But Connie wanted an experienced man to play fireman when one was needed. The script called for Russ Chris topher, once the A’s starting ace. : to play this role. Christopher balked 1 and was sold to the Cleveland ; Indians. A couple weeks ago the Athletics Fights Last Night ■y the Associated Press NEW YORK—Kid Gevilen. 1444*. knocked out Rocco Rossano, 133V Brooklyn (1>. _ ... _ _ . HOLLYWOOD. Call!—Georae Duke, 161. San Francisco, outpointed Bobby Volk. 161V Portland, Ores. (10). WORCESTER. Mass. — Johnny Po •enti. 150, Worcester, outpointed Ike Stevenson. 151 V . Farminaham (lot. OMAHA.—Don Lee. 152V Edison, Nebr . outpointed Vince Foster, 148, Omaha (10). bought Potter from the St Loute Browns in a straight cash deal. Last night in Shibe Park against the New York Yankees Potter clinched the job He entered the game in the fifth with two on and none out. He escaped without a run anti from then on the Yanks couldn't move past first. In all Potter gave up only two hits and received credit for the 6-3 vic tory. Tt was the sixth in a row for the A's, who maintained their or.e game first-place margin over the Cleveland Indians. SHOULD ALL THE CHURCHESbeUNITED INTO ONE LARGE CHURCH? Does Bible prophecy indicate such a union will take place? Will Catholics and Protestants find a basis for unity of action? A lecture filled with vital facts. I Robert L Boothby, SUNDAY, MAY 30; i 7:30 P.M. 30 Minute Hymn Sing conducted by Donald F. Haynes Thursday Night, 8:00 P.M.— I A health lecture by Dr. Edna Patterson. Subject, "27 Kind* of Indigestion." The Capital Memorial Auditorium 5TH AND F STREETS N.W. 1,200 FREE SEATS A WELCOME TO ALL Listen to WPIK Sunday morning, 9:45 A.M. ^rwbglmatt JJrrabglrriatt_ The National Presbyterian Church (Covenant First), Conn. Ave. ot N St. N.W. I, Minister* \ Edward R. Elson, Thomas A. Stone, John D. Hoyes, £0 Theodora Schaaffer. | 9:45a.m.—Church School. L 7:00 p.m.—Youth Groups. U 1 1 :00a.m.—Memorial Day Service, IR "Their Faith—And Ours." !■ Dr. Elson preaching. • s-, i/i > is r, . » IT.....a _ t *L„ r L...r l. /v•£, ana ijm& dusws ana tv it K**vy • " * -- - NEW YORK” AVENUE CHURCH 13th, H and New York Avenue N.W. ii' ■. i__ REV. PETER MARSHALL, D.D., ond REV. ROBERT T BRIDGE REV. JAMES D. BRYDEN, Director of Religious Education CHARLES D. BEASCHLER, Director of Music WILLIAM WATKINS, Organist 9:30a.m.—Church Bible School. Men's Class. Judge ^ Norris C. Bakke, teacher. 10:30a.m.—Organ Meditations. jv 1 1 :00 a.m.—"The Pawn of th« Notions." ■y 6:00 p.m.—Youth Groups. 7:30 p.m.—Organ Meditations. ^s 8:00 p.m.—"Into the Deep." ^■Marjorie Webster Junior College Baccalaureot Service Wm Wednesday, 8:00 p m.—Midweek Bible Study. Dr. Peter Marshall preaching. CHURCH OF THE PILGRIMS On the Parkway at 22nd and P N.W. Gift of the Presbyterians of the »o»th to the Nation’s Capital ANDREW R. BIRD, D. D., P«tor 10:00 a.m.—The Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Dr. Wm. S. Abernethy, Guest Preacher. 6:15 p.m.—Youth Groups. 7:45 p.m.—Dr. Wm. S. Abernethy. The Public It Cordially Invited. SIXTH Sixteenth and . Kennedv Sts. N.W. Earl Franklin Flowler, D.D. Clarence G. Shaw. Orianist 9:45 AM., Church School. I I A.M. Morning Worship. "The Stepping Stone of Freedom. Nursery end Junior School During Service 7:30 p.m.—Westminster Fellowship. CLARENDON 1300 Block of North Irving and Jackson Sts., Arlington, Va. REV. ISAAC STEENSON, Minister. 1 1 :00 a.m.—Worship and Sermon. _(Nursery During Service.)_ CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Intersection 15th. 16th b Irving N.W. GRAHAM GORDON LACY. Minister. h ui Church 8chool. 11:00 a m "The C h u r e h’s Road Ahead.” 6 30 and 7 p m. Youth Groups. 8:00 p.m. The Power of Prav er: 11. "Four An swers to Prayer.” Congress Heights Sooth Capitol and Chesapeake Sts. S.W. REV. RICHARD B. PURSEL, Minister 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a m—“Memory — Our Christian Starting Point.'* CHEVY CHASE Cheep Chese Cireli Minister: J. HILLMAN HOLLISTER Franklin B. Gillespie, Minister to Tonth Harold W. Dickensheets, Minister of Mnsie 0:30 a m.—Church 8chool. 0:45 a.m.—Men's Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.—"In the Name of Lord Onr God.” Mr. Gillespie. 7:30 p.m.—Youth Groups. EASTERN Maryland Ava. at 6H1 St. N.E. REV. WILLIAM N. VINCENT, Miaiater. 9:30 a m.—8unday School. 11:00 I m.—Divine Worship. Sermon "ABOVE ALL ELSE." Nursery Durino Service 7:00 p.m.—Westminster C. E. Fellow _ship. _ WESTERN 1906 H St. N.W. C. Stewart Mclearie, Miaister. ^ Me morial.” Nuraery Durlhf Serrlce. 7:00 p.m.—Youna People. __ (Wed.. S pm.—Prayer Meetinf. Prepara tory Serrlce. a AitJLinuivn Columbia Pika and So. Lincoln St. WALTER F. WOLF, Poitor ! 8:30 and 11:0f) a m—"A New Earth.” Nursery During 11:00 A M. Service. 0:15 a.m.—Church School, 3:30 o.m.—Sr. High Fellowship. 5:30 p.m.—Jr. High Fellowship. Thursday. 0:30 p.m.—Pot-Luck Supper and Membership Training Class_ ECKINGTON • North Capitol and Fla. Avo. REV. HENRY B. WOODING. Minister 9:45 o.m.—Sunday School. I 1 :00 am.—"The Treasure! of Darkness." 7:00 p.m.—Young People's Meet ing. &l)trtooot> Rhode Island Ave. at 22nd St N E. RICHARD M. MUSSEN, Minister 8:50 and 11:00 AM •SACRED MEMORIES.” 9:45 a.m.—Church School lor Youni People and Adults. 11:00 a.m.—Children s Church School, i 7:00 p.m.—Young Peonie s Groups._ METROPOLITAN "On Capitol Hill" 4th and B Sts. S.E. JAMES CURTIS FAHL. Minliter. MARION ST. JOHN ALDRIDGE, Minister •( Maaie. j 9:30 a.m.—Church School. : 1 I :00 a.m.—Holy Conemumon, Nursery During Service 6:30p.m.—Jr. and Sr. High Fel lowships. j 7:30 p.m.—Young People's Fellow shin Washington Heights Kalorama Hear Columbia ltd. REV. ROBERT E. SHERRILL, Miniiter MB. CLIFTON OLMSTEAD. Assistant to the Minister. 9:45 a.m.—Church Scnool ll:OOa.m.—Morning Worship. "HOLDING YOUR GROUND." George A. »*yera Soloi.t Gertrude Mockbec. Organist. faElschiirch E Broad and Fairfag Sts. j ALTON B. ALTFATHEB. D. D.. Minister 8 45 AM and 11:00 AM. •■A Challenge to America." Nursery During 11 O'clock Berrleo. 0:45 a m—Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.—Westminster Fellowship. GARDEN MEMORIAL 171 ■ Minnesota Are 5.1 Faster. BEV LESTER V. BALGLESS 8:30 a m.—Bible SehMl 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. Nursery During Service 7:00 p.m.—Westminster Fellowship 8:00 p.m.—Beeping Warship ___ GEORot IUWIN 3115 F St. N.W. Bct. JOHN BAILEY KELLY. D. D.. F»«t«r. Church School at 9:45 am. Morning Worship at 11:00 a.m.—Sermon Topic. “Memorial*. j a Youth Groups at 4. 5 and n:15 n m. k NORTHMINSTER ALASKA and GEORGIA AYES. WILLIAM H. KEPLER, Minister. 9:30 a m.—Church School. \ 9:30 and 11 AM , “The Peace ef God." Trio: Anne Evans, Bernice Bittner And Alexander Masson. Nursery During Service ! 7:00 P in.—Westminster Fellowship. RIVERDALE 4609 RittMhouM St. W. KEITH CUSTIS, Minirtw 8:30 A M. and 11:00 A M. “Stone of Help or Empty Monuments." Nursery During Jl A M. Service 9:30 a m.—Sunday School. § J7 •(*0 P m.—Youth Groups THE FOURTH CHURCH 13th and Fairmont Sts. N.W’. JAMES H. M1ERS. Minister "Holding Forth the World of Life.” ll:l»o a m—“The Poverty of the VillAf#.*’ Broadcast Over WOL, 11:30 A.M. i fi:»0 D.m.—Broadcast over WOOK by Dr. Miers. 6:45 p.m.—Young People’s Society. f 8:00 p.m.—“The Ram and the lle Goat" the monthly oroph _etic sermon. GUNTON-TC^LE 16th and Newt.n 8t». DR. BERNARD BRASKAMP, Miniittr Mr. Faal D. Gabla. Minister .( Mnata. 9.45 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—"A Doy of Memory and Duty.” hermon Dy Ur. broskomp. Music by Choir and Quartet. Nursery During Service 7 :00 p.m.—Young People's Fellow ship. Everybody Welcome. First Church Arlington Glebe Road at Wilson Blvd. George Hileman Yount, Minister Worship—At 9:00 and 11:00 am. "It There Any Help in God?" Rev. Leonard S. Edmons, Preoching BETHESDA The Church That Named the Community Wilson Lone and Clarendon Road BETHESDA. MD. JAMES ALBERTSON, Minister. n tSu m.—Church 8chool 1 l:oo a m—Mornlne Worship 6:no and 7:00 p m.—Youth Groups. TAKOMA PARK Maple and Tulip A*ea. R PAUL SCHEARRER, Minister 9:30 a.m.—Church School. I 1 :00 a m.—"M e m o r i • I s in the Making." 7 :00 p.m.—Youth Groups. THE BIBLE BIBLE PRESBYTERIAN 303* QEE STREET N.W. 9:45 a m—Rible School | 1 1 00 AM and 7:45 PM Rev John W Sanderson of Faith Theological 8emlnary. Preachtn* fi 45 p.m.—Young People’s 8ociety. The Only Bible Preebyterian Church in Waehington ORTHObdXPRESBYTtSIAN KNOX Granville Drive and Sutherland Read, SILVER SPRING. MD. REV. GLENN R COIE. Mialater. 0:43 a.m.—Sunday School. 1 I oo a m —"Why Observe Memorial!.*• 8:30 p.m—Machen Leaaue* 7 30 p m — Pe(er'« Good ConfeMion.' UNITED PRESBYTERIAN RIVER ROAD 45th fr Fessenden Sts. N.W. Rev. Harry W. Rankin, Pastor. P 45 AM. Church Bibla School. XI :00 AM. MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE. 'Tha Strength of Our Faith." 6:30 P.M Young Groups. WALLACE MEMORIAL N. H. Ave. (r Randolph St. N.W. C. E. HAWTHORNE, D. D. Minister. The Word of God from Pulpit and Classroom. 1 9:30 a.m.—Bible School, Classes for all oges. 1 1 :00 a.m.—"The Reliever’s Stand ing and State." Surstry During Morning Strvict 6:45pm.—Christian Endeavor Societies. 8:00 pm.—"Come and See." .-4