Private roads and parking
areas. Roads also surfaced in
gravel or stone. For a free
estimate call
GLEBE 5949
Asbestos and Brie
Built Up Slag Roofs for
Commercial Buildings,
Apartments and Row
Slag Roofs Coated
Tin Roofs Painted
Chain Link Fences
Our trucks and workmen will go
anywhere in Virginia or Maryland
on twenty-four hours notice.
Recreation Rooms—
Other Home Improve
Phone or Write for
Free Estimate
WA. 1410 WA. 1116
Don’t let coughing, sneezing, choking, re
curring attacks of Bronchial Asthma ruin
sleep and energy another day without try
ing Mendoco. This great interna, medicine
is tasteless and taken exactly is directec
works thru the blooc thus reaching the
bronchial tubes and lungs. Usually starts
helping nature immediately to remove
thick, sticky mix us, thus alleviating
coughing and promoting freer breathing
and more refreshing sleep. Get Mendoco
from your druggist today. Money back
guaranteed unless completely aatisfled.
The best place to sell!
2220 Go. Ave. N.W, AD. 5457
to install your
Combination Storm Windows
Nothing to store . . . com
plete year 'round rain
proof, draft-free, filtered
screen ventilation.
Without Obligation
■ ROBFRTROVS, INC., 7*1* Wl«. Aw.
B Please send me complete Information
on your aummer acreena and atorm
■ windows.
9 NAME..
7218 Wisconsin Ave.
Wl. 9333
WHOA NELLIE—Equally at home on swivel chair or “sway
back,” Police Chief Robert Barrett took time off yesterday
for a tour of the Police Boys’ Club Camp Ernest W. Brown in
Scotland, Md., aboard “Old Nellie,” one of the farm horses.
Maj. Barrett pronounced the camp “in tip-top shape” to re
ceive the thousands of District youngsters who will vacation
there this summer.
Marriage License
Under D. C. laws, couples must
apply for a marriage license on
one day, wait three full days and
receive the license on the fifth
day. Sundays and holidays are
counted the same as other days.
Percival Ridsdale. 75. Chevy Chase, and
Vivian Bailey. 02, Johnstown. Pa.
George Parker. 20, and Kata Heywood, 25,
both of Dunbar Hotel.
Herbert Fairfax. 19. and Wonder West, 19.
both of Stafford. Va.
Andrew Stanley, 24, 232 11th at. n.e., and
Sarah Dillon, 21, Roanoke. Va.
Robert Johnson. 31. Hyattsvllle, and Doris
Almy. 29, Arlington.
Pierre Beauregard. 24. 2020 Hlllver pi.
n.w.. and Lisette Littlehales, 22, 2132
Le Roy pi. n.w.
Ike Guess, Jr.. 23. Tulsa. Okla., and Emma
Hudson. 23, Midway Hall.
John Barnes. 45. Baltimore, and Aldena
Chamberlain, 31, 2919 Sherman ave
Robert Fitch. 59. 2820 0th st. n.e.. and
Margaret Crosen, 00. 920 Massachusetts
ave. n.w.
Robert Cheek. 24. 1833 California st. n.w .
and Sarah Johnson, 24, 1840 California
st. n.w.
Anthony Dietz. 29. 1034 Argonne pi. n.w..
and Harriet 8tor.e. 27. Silver Spring.
Albert Green. 43. and Marjorie Hakendorf,
32. both of 735 22nd st. n.w.
Guy Brewer. Jr., 32. 1741 Lanier pi. n.w..
and Gladys Brown, 32, 3 301 Massachu
setts ave. n.w.
Paul Hines. 20. 221 15th st. n.e.. and Pa
tricia Saperstein, 20, 1323 Trinidad ave.
Paul Beavers. 23. 1020 ]7th pi. n.e., and
Mabel Watson. 18. 1821 L st. n.e.
Williams Shanks. 21. 1239 G st n.e., and
Edna Redmon, 22, 1217 Division ave.
Thomas Huff. 31. 1805 3rd st n.e., and
Elizabeth Butts. 19. Alexandria.
H^nry Porr. 1r.. 20 Highspire. Pa., and
Evrlyne Robison, 30, 35 Franklin st.
Nathaniel Randolph. 23, 3549 15th st
n.w.. and Ruth Walker. 22. 41 O st. n.e.
Elmer Ellsworth. 21. Bethesda. and Sylvia
Adams. 28. 135 Ivanhoe st. s.w.
James Taylor. IP Farmprsville. Tex., and
Mary Dietz. 1 o. J l l T Park pi. n.w.
George Brooks. 20. 4700 Bass pi. s e.. and
Dorothv Andrews. 21. Bovdton. Va.
Nelson Jump. 27. 3247 Patterson st. n.w..
and Hiltrud Happel. Arlington.
Thomas McKeever, 33, Arlington, and
Hazel McConvey. 24. 1723 G st. n.w.
Charles Johnson. 20. 1824 19th st. n.w .
and Emina Jackson, 20, 2701 14th ft.
AHen Masters. 28. 3 138 P st. n w., and
Catherine Makar. 29. Arlington.
Richard Hellwcge. 20. Erie. Pa , and Helen
Kochevar. I!*. Arlington
Harold Freeman. 29, Brooklyn. N Y . and
Vera Winterfeldt, 22, 1743 Lanier pi.
Harold Gray. 31. 1831 Verson st. n.w..
ai.d Pauline Gallmon, 29, 731 Kenyon
st. n.w.
John Hill. 21. and Margaret Horton, 20,
both of Arlington. %r
Robert Matthias. 23. South Royalton. Vt .
and Elizabeth Powell, 25, 5235 Connectl
cuit ave. n.w. _
Vivian Paaraon, Jr., 34. and Elian Smith.
20. both of Arlington.
Clifford Schaffar, 1r., 26, 1818 P at a.a.,
and Etta Plarra, 25. 1648 Michigan
av«. n.t.
G. W. U. Registration
For Summer Terms
To Begin Tuesday
George Washington University will
conduct registration Tuesday from
9 am. to 7 pm. for the first eight
week term and for the 15-week term
of the summer school.
For all except law registrants, the
Office of the Registrar, 2029 G
street N.W., will be open. The law
school registration will be conducted
at Stockton Hall, 720 Twentieth
street N.W.
A broad program of summer
studies is being offered, especially
adapted for students continuing the
accelerated college schedule. The
short term will be held from June
2 to July 26; the longer term from
June 2 to September 10. A second
eight-week session will be held,
starting July 28.
Three special sessions will be held
in pre-educational courses from
June 14 to July 2; July 6 to August
113, and possession, August 16 to!
September 3.
On the basis of pre-registration
figures, it was announced, new sec
tions have been added to the regu
lar courses, notably in business ad
ministration, engineering, Romance
languages and speech. A number of
visiting professors will teach in the
special sessions of the School of
Dr. Robert W. Eaves, head of the
National Education Association
Safety Committee, will offer a new
course in the use of community
facilities by schools.
Nine visiting professors will assist
in the law school schedule during
both eight week-sessions. Fivej
serving in the first term Include
Charles W. Taintor II of the Univer
sity of Pittsburgh, Howard E. Wah
renbrock of the Federal Power Com
mission, Jay Wesley Murphy of the
University of Alabama, Col. A. A.
Lipscomb of the Federal Trade
Commission, and Frederick W. In
vemizz of the University of Mary
land Law School.
One of Benjamin Franklin's ex
periments with electricity involved
standing on wax blocks for insula
tion and generating current by rub
bing a glass tube.
• ■ ■' ' i-———— —_i
Do you know?
, about the recent changes in the
Federal Civil Service Retirement System
. . . providing lorger retirement benefits ond income to families
( of deceased Civil Service employees. To help you get o cleor
picture of whot these provisions meon to you, the Field Under
writers of the Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York have
just completed an extensive study of the Civil Service Act. They
are well-qualified to show you how you should team up your
present life insurance with your benefits under the Act, to
assure you the greatest value from both. If you would like
this information and help, it is yours without obligation.
Sifnply let us know your name ond telephone number, and we
will arrange to give you this valuoble service.
421-432 Southern Building District 0762
Washington 5, D. C.
DAV Offers Return
Of Fees to 200,000
In Puzzle Contest
The Disabled American Veterans
Service Foundation this week will
send letters to more than 200,000
entrans in a $51,000 word-puzzle
contest in an effort to clear up a
threatened fraud order by the Post
office Department, officials said last
The Federal Department, it was
at it this way:
Your eyes are your fortune.
They help you see the way to
^security and happiness.
They lead you to the good
things in life. They deserve
the very best care you can
give them. Permit us to
t examine your eyes regularly.
Eyes Examined Prescriptions Filled
Classes Fitted Lenses Duplicated
Dr. Francis P.
"ES?- Griffith
' 'Optometrijt
929 G Street N.W. ’Phone EX. 4562
Open ga.m. to 6p.m. Including Saturdays
learned, has complained that the
organization misled the public on
several points in publicizing the
Willard W. Rice, executive secre
tary of the DAV foundation, said
the letters would offer to return en
trance fees of any contestants who
entered on "the basis of any mis
understanding.” Among points the
letter will explain, he said, are:
That no part of the entry fees will
be paid directly to veterans, but that
profits would go to the Disabled
American Veterans, for its activities
in behalf of disabled veterans.
That letterheads carrying photo
| graphs and comments by President
Truman, Gen. Bradley, Gen. Eisen
hower and Gen. MacArthur should
not be constructed as indorsement
of the constest.
That “while it is passible, it is
unlikely that prizes will be won
simply by solving one puzzle."
Postal officials objected Mr. Rice
said, to a line in the publicity, read
ing, “You can win $33,000 by solv
ing this one puzzle alone.” Rules
of the contest, he said, pointed out
that tie-breaker contests would be
held in case of tie high scores.
G.E. AW-6 Typo
All Automatic Washer
Look at Thtw
• Portable
• No Bolting Down
• Thoro Washing
• Top-loading Cover
• No Oiling... No Greasing
• Drier Clothes
• Filtered Water
• Automatic Soap Dispenser
• WaterTemperature Control
• Rinse Water Saved
you prefer a
General Electric AW>332, A Wringer Type Washer, the
priee is only $149.75. Both types are Now Available for
Immediate Delivery. Both Prices include delivery and
PLUMBING 'iftfjrfv*
1246 Taylor St. N.W.
Phone TA. 8100
connecting to water and
electrical outlets provided
they are available at time
of delivery. FREE DEMONS
TRATION upon notification.
See them on display at our
modern showroom.
Can’t fool Snooks—she knows a good
thing when she sees one and an RCA
Victor Eye Witness receiver is tops in
television value!
It's a modem magic carpet that brings the
world to you right in your own home . . .
brings it in clear, sharp, action pictures so
bright there’s no need to dim the lights or
draw the shades ... so steady you feel you're
right there where the action's happening!
They’re actually locked in tune with sending
stations by the Eye Witness Picture Syn
chronizer, a special, stabilizing, electronic
circuit developed exclusively by RCA Victor.
Whichever RCA Victor "Eye Witness”
you choose, bom the compact table sets to
the luxurious consoles with pictures almost
as large as this whole page, you’re making the
best investment for your entertainment dol
lars. It's enjoyment not for one person but
for a roomful, not for one evening but for
years to come!
Tho RCA Victor 721TS, smart new table set;
has 52 square inches of locked-in-tune Eye
Witness pictures. Automatic Station Selector
covers all television channels, tunes instantly to
any station within range. FM television sound,
heard through the famous "Golden Throat" tone
svstem. Cabinet is just 19 inches wide, in w alnut
or mahogany finish. AC operation.
< ^ JF plus #7.60 Fed. Tax and Owner Con*
0^0 tract fee oj $55.
You’re SURE of fine performance
Your Television Owner Contract fee covers all thlst
1. Speedy installation by factory-trained expert* of the
RCA Service Company.
2. Complete antenna, and all the materials required for
normal home installation.
3. Service in your home at no cost, if required during a
year's period.
4. Replacement, if necessary under normal use, of all
parts (including picture tube), without charge during
your first full year of ownership.