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HtmfUituj* GLA88, SADIE. There will be an un veiling of a monument to the memory of the late SADIE GLASS, beloved wife of Harry Glass and mother of Murray Da vid. Sherwin Louie and Gloria Blossoi.i Glass, on Sunday. May 30. 1948. at 12 noon, at the George Washington Me morial Cemetery. Jewish Section. New Hampshire ave extended and Riggs rd Those who wish to accompany the fam ily will gather at 6504 7th st. n.w up to 11:15 a m. LUT8KY. CARYN RITA. Unveiling on Sunday. May 30. 1948. at 1:30 p.m . at the Tifereth Israel Synagogue Cemetery to the memory of CARYN RITA LUTSKY 30 (Harfo flf SbattkH BIRCH. T/S ROBERT K. We wish to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our rela tives. friends and neighbors: also . the Veterans of Poreign Wars, Washington Post. No. 21S4. and 'the auxiliary and the Police and Fire Past. No. 2». of the Amer ican Legion for the flowers, gifts and earns sent to us at the reburial of our aon and brother, T 5 ROBERT R. BIRCH. MARGARET AND WAYNE BIRCH. • FISHER. CHARLES E. The family of CHARLES E FISHER, who oassed away at his residence. Saturday. May ... 1.14*. would like to thank the church, nurses. Cement Finishers' Union and neighbors for their flowers and help during his ill neas and at his rAMILy . NAYLOR. ALMA AND ANN. The fam ily of the late ALMA AND ANN NAYLOR expresses Its deepest appreciation td the Rev R Brooks, the Officers Clubs and members of Lincoln Congregational Tem ple. and to its neighbors and many friends for the beautiful floral tributes, numerous cards and other messages of condolence received during its recen|H^erpAMILY1^‘ SIMMS, w. I Wish to express mj tin eaer thanks and gtaiiltude to my friends and co-workers, trie Brotherhood of Bleeping Car Porters. Pullman employes, members of the Brentwood A. M. E. Zion and First Baptist Churches for their many kindnesses at the passing of my husband. W MRSM JOSEPHINE GRANT SIMMS. Sealfa BON. the daughter of the late George and Matilda Anderson. loving mother ol Bonny Canton, sister of Fred. George, Alice. Mar'um and Stella Anderson ana of the late Lizzie. Lottie and Bertha Anderson, nieces Eva Dyer. Elizabeth Madison and Gladys Johnson, two sisters in-law, Mrs Marie Anderson. Mrs. Ethle Anderson, daughter-in-law Mrs Mary Cannon: friend. Mrs. Larry Magruder, and other relatives and friends. Friends may rail at Boyd's Funeral Home. 1238 -nth at. n.w.. after 1 pm. Sunday. Funeral from the above funeral home. Tuesday. June 1, at 1 P m., Rev. Edgar Newton officiating. BELL, JAMES. On Wednesday. May J948. JAMES BELL, husband of Clara ell and father of Harold and James G Bell, ir Friends jaay call at the Malvan A Bchey Funeral Wme. N. J. *ve_ and H at n w. Funeral Monday, May 31. 8^30 a m.. lincoln. Va. _____ ‘ FUNERAL DIRECTORS._ VTOPEARECO. Seither tucctssor to nor connected with mmSJSy. «•, «b;.r. MHiMt 1009 H St. H.W, National 2892 i J. William Lee’s Sons Co. 4th and Maas At*. NX 8208 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium _ franiTgeier's SON CO. funeral home 3605 14th St. N.W. HObart 2336 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Formerly at _ 1113 7th St N.W. _ Batabllahtd IBM_ - In Cass of Death Call ; One of the Largest Undertaken In the World Complete Funerals $95 to $2,000 Boar Lorre Funeral Homes Phone CO. 0432 funeral designs. gude brosTccl ta4ad."n",.?:«^rtf .rarvA"”’* 1712V *at N W.—NAtlaaal 4«7S GEO. C. SHAFFER, Inc. S^^PR«ALrH'S?ra8 0106 Cor. 14th & Eye ^ an*d Sunday I Blackistone, Inc. BEAUTIFUL FLORAL TRIBUTES, $5 up Phone and Charge It_ c & C FLOWER STORES FLORAL SPRAY, *3.#8 UP ptUTBSBD Charge Aceeunte India* _ Two Convenient Locations 14th «l. N.W. ME. T4»* *23 r at N.W __V '8*4 FLOWERS CHAMBERS ho* complete Floww j Shop. Funeral Designs Special! | 53, 54, 55, 5«, 57, 510, «p to 5200 -CALL GhmteO JO. 0432 Chacon as flowers Beautiful FLORAL PIECES, *8.00 and ua DELIVERED a anti ieth »■■ N.w.phuna do. im AMBULANCES. _ AMBULANCES DOCTORS CALL • CHAMBERS • I For Ambulance, CO. >412. One of the finest fleet* in the world. Rates: $1# up to 11 mile radius. Expert attendants. CALL CO. 0432 CEMETERY LOTS! PRICE REDUCED—5 choice lots in Na tional Memorial Park Cemetery All 5 lor $795. or separately $200 each. Ca’l W. G. SMITH. NA. 0850_—3 CEDAR HILL CEMETERY—10 adjoining sites in lots 883 and 902: on hillside near walk. Catholic section 27: $80 per site. LU 2855._—31 CEDAR HILL CEMETERY—5 lots; private owner; sacrifice. RA 1180. FT. LINCOLN — 5 sites facing the lake; beautiful section. VOSS. Tower 5240. * FOUR SITES in Trinity section of Ft. Lin coln. $45o or best cash offer. OWNER. Call TA. 9300._—1 SITE FOR 4, National Memorial Park, Falls Church. Va. TE. .3571, FORT LINCOLN—Block 10. lot 731: 5 sites in front of Garden of the Cross: reasonable cash price. Ask cemetery attendant to show If interested write T R. WEBB. 378 Union ave.. Rutherford, N. J. * 7 MONUMENTS. A tirattffl BENZ, ALEXANDER H. On Thursday. May 27, 1948. ALEXANDER H. BENZ of 2804 McKinley pi. n.w.. husband of Burble S Benz and father of Theodore L. Benz and Mrs. Dorothy Virginia Johns. Serv ices at the 8 H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w., on Tuesday. June 1. at 2 p.m. Interment National Memorial Park Cemetery. 31 BENZ. ALEXANDER. A special commu ^ mcation of Annacostia Lodge, No. A 21. F A A. M . is called for Lfi* Tuesday. June 1. 1948. at 1 0/i clock p.m., for the purpose of XX-Bjfattending the funeral services of our late brother. ALEXANDER ^ BENZ. By order of the worship ful master. W. B. HANDY. Secretary. 31 BINSTED. FANNIE SMITH. On Wed nesday. May 28. 1948, at the North Hampton Memorial Hospital. Accomac. Va FANNIE SMITH BINSTED. beloved wife of the Rev. John H. Binsted and mother of Mrs. Gwendolyn M Crumpacker of Honolulu. Hawaii, and the late Staff 8ergt. Hobart E. Binsted. 8he also is survived by three sisters. Mrs. George W. Thompson, Mrs. Wesley Souder and Mrs. William Hammond of Washington. D. C ; a brother. William E. Smith of San Pedro. Calif.; three grandchildren, several nieces and nephews. Services at the Birch Funeral Home. 3034 M st. n.w., on Tuesday. June 1. at 2:30 p.m. Interment National Memorial Park Ceme tery. Falls Church. Va. 31 BROWN, CHARLES EDWARD. En tered into eternal rest on Thursday. May 27. 1948. at Gallinger Hospital. CHARLES EDWARD BROWN of 825 Virginia ave. s.e., lovine husband of Mrs. Margaret Brown and devoted brother of Mr. James Brown. Other relatives and a host of friends also mourn his departure. Re mains resting at the John T. Rhines Co. Funeral Home. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w.. until Sunday. May 30. li a m.: thence to his late residence. Funerffl on Monday, May .31. at 1 p m.. Rev. John Childs of ficiating. Interment Payne s Cemetery. 30 BROWN, SARAH J. Members of Electa Household of Ruth. No. 4909. G. U. O. of O. F., are hereby notified of the death of Inmate SARAH J. BROWN. Hosuehold services on Saturday. May 29. 1948, at 7:,30 pm., at 352 Eye st. s.w. Funeral on Sunday. May 30. at 1 p.m.. from the Zion BapTist Church, F at. between 3rd and 4th sts. s.w. GRETCHEN MINOR, M. N. G. m Artie. tnAOf,, w n. CLARK. GEORGE H. On Saturday. May 29. 1948. GEORGE H. CLARK of 240 10th st. s.e. beloved husband of Regina N. Clark and father of George H. Clark. Jr., and Anne M. Clark. Friends may call at the Mattingly Funeral Home. 131 11th st. s.e . until 4 p.m 8unday. May 30. Funeral services and interment at Scott dale. Pa. DAVIS. JAMES IRVING. JR. Suddenly, on Thursday, May 27. 1048, JAMES IRV ING DAVIS. JR., husband of Doris Davis lather of Glenn Davis, beloved son of James Irving, sr. and Celana Davis and brother of Marion, Clifton. Roland. Doris and Kenneth Davis. He also leaves other relatives and friends. Friends may call at his late residence, 2414 G st. n.w., after 3 p.m., Tuesday. June I. Funeral services Wednesday, June 2, at 1 p.m., from the above residence. Rev. E. A. Christian officiating Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 1 DEDDAKER. EDITH RICHARDSON. On Saturday, May 29. 1948. EDITH RICH ARDSON DEDDAKER, formerly the wife of the late Frank A Richardson and wife of the late Samuel H. Deddaker. for merly of Roanoke. Va. Survivors of the first marriage are two daughters. Inez and Ruth; two granddaughters. Josephine and Carolyn, and a great-granddaughter. Antoinette, of Washington. D. C Mrs. Deddaker rests at the Hunterman Funeral Home. 5732 Georgia ave . until 2 P.m. Monday. May 31. Services at the Little Church in Fort Lincoln Cemetery at 3 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. dE MOLL. MARY LOUISE. On Friday May 28. 1048. MARY LOUISE dE MOLL, beloved mother of Frederick Joseph 1 de Moll, grandmother of Theodore Otto de Moll and great-grandmother of Harry and James de Moll. Mrs. de Moll was the widow of the late Theodore G. de Moll! (P M. and P. G. H. P >. Friends may. call at Gawler’s Chapel. 1756 Pa. ave n.w , where services will be held on Tues day. June 1, at 11 a.m. Interment pri vate. 30 ECKER. ANNA C. On Friday. May ■«. 1948. ANNA C. ECKEB. wife of the *t€ Charles A. Ecker, sister of Katherine C. Rahn and grandmother of Katherine D Rapp and Charles V. Dove. Funeral from her late residence. 143 Uhland ter. n.e., on Monday, May 31, at 1:30 P.m Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. (Philadelphia pa pers please copy.) 30 ECKER, ANNA. Ellen 8pencer Mussey Tent No. 1. Daughters of the Union Veterans of the Civil War. will hold services for Sis ter ANNA ECKER. on Monday. M*v 31. 3 2:30 p.m. at her late home, 143 Uhland ter. n.e. FLETCHER. THOMAS A. On Monday. May 24, 3948, at Portland. Oreg . THOMAS A FLETCHER, husband of Vir ginia T. Fletcher, father of Margraret Ann and Robert, Edward Fletcher: son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert J Fletcher. Services at Chambers Georgetown Funeral Home, 3072 M st. n.w.. on Tuesday. June I. at 2:30 p.m Interment Mount Com fort. Cemetery. Alexandria, Va. 31 GARNER. LEONARD JAMES. On r Thursday. May 27. 1948. at the United States Naval Hospital. Bethesda. Md.. LEONARD JAMES GARNER, the beloved husband of May T. Garner and brother I of Horace, Frank and Edith Garner of England. Remains resting at Chambers’ Funeral Home, 1400 Chapin st. n.w. Services at Fort Myer Chapel on Tuesday. June 1. at 10 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 30 GAUNTLETT. FRANCES M. On Satur day. May 29. 1948. at her residence. 10 Primrose st., Chevy Chase, Md.. FRANCES M. GAUNTLETT. beloved wife of Fred erick John Gauntlett and mother of Mrs. Dorothy Gauntlett Daniels. Remains rest ing at Hysong’s Funeral Home. 1300 N st-. n.w. Notice of funeral later. Omit flowers. GREEN. JOHN. On Thursday. May 27, 1948. JOHN GREEN, husband of Mary E Green and brother of Annie V. and Floyd Green. Friends may call at the Malvan & Schey Funeral Home. N J. Ave. and Rj st. n.w . where services will be held Tues day. June 1. 10 a.m. Interment Wood lawn Cemetery. * GREY. WILSON R On Wednesday, j Mav 26. 1948. WILSON R. GREY of 1621 S st. n.w.. Apt. 1. beloved hus band of Ann E. Grey and devoted father of Clarence M. Grey and Corlista V. Grey. Also surviving are a sister. Mrs. Mary B Ford: one grandchild, other rela tives and many friends. After noon. Sunday. May 30. friends are invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home. 1820 9th st. n.w. Services on Monday. May 31. at the Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church. 15th and R sts. n.w., at 1 p.m.. Rev H B Taylor officiating. Interment on Tuesday, June 1. at Richmond. Va. 30 HAGE. ELIZABETH WILHELMENA. On Thursday. May 27. 1948. at her residence. 4510 Baltimore ave. Bladensburg. Md . ELIZABETH WILHELMENA HAGE (nee Dwyer>, beloved wife of Nels Hage and mother of Philip Wallace She also Is survived by a sister. Mrs Florence Dwyer. Friends may call at Gasch’a Funeral Home. Hyattsville. Md . where services will be held on Tuesday. June 1. at 9:30 a.m.; thence to St. Jeromes Catholic Church. Hyattsville. Md . where mass will be said at 10 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 31 HARRIS, MAGGIE. On Tuesday, May 26. 194*. MAGGIE HARRIS of 1843 F? st. n.w . si>ter of Mary Ijams and aunt nf Charlotte Gregory. Other relatives k nd friends also survive. Friends may rail at the Malvan & Schey Funeral Home. N. J. ave. and R st. n.w. Funeral nom the Israel Methodist Church, located Ht N J. ave. and Morgan st. n.w . Mon day. May 31, at 1 pm. Interment An napolis, Md., Rev. H. L. Burton officiat ing 30* H4TCHELL. r R ED H. G. At 1 am. Saturday. May 29. L948, at Colonial! Beach. Va . FRED H. G.'HATCHELL. resi dent of Washington, D. C. Funeral serv ices at Thompson's Funeral Home. Fred ericksburg. Va . at 2 p m , D6T. Monday, May 31. interment at Fredericksburg, Va. HENDERSON, WILLIAM. On Saturday. May 29, 1948. at his residence, 1410 E st. WILLIAM HENDERSON, beloved husband of Eva Mae Henderson (nee Crump) and brother of Mrs Benjamin White. Friends may call at the Lee Fu neral Home. 4th st. and Massachusetts ave. n.«.. where services will be held on Tuesday. June 1. at 11 a.m. Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 31 HENNANT, SAMUEL. Departed this life on Friday, May 28. 1948. at Georgetown Hospital, Washington, D. C., SAMUEL HENNANT. He leaves to mourn their loss a wife, Grace Hennant; one aon.. mother, brother, four aunts, three uncles, one niece, two nephews, nine cousins and other relatives and friends. Funeral services Monday, May 31. at 3 p.m. from Alfred Street Baptist Church, the Rev. A. W Adkins officiating Interment Snowden Cemetery. HICKS, SYLVIA. On Saturday. May! '-9. 1948. at her residence. 767 10th st.! s.e . SYLVIA HICKS, beloved wife of Walter R Hicks; also survived by six sisters and two brothers. Remains rest ms at Chambers Southeast Funeral Home, nl7 ilth sf. s.e. until Tuesday, June 1. at 9 p.m. Services and Interment in Hunt ington. W. Va. 31 HICKS. MRS. SYLVIA of 767 loth st. - s.e.. at 3:3o am.. Saturday. , May. 29. 1948. MRS. SYLVIA ( k HICKS, beloved wife of Wal ' ’ ter Hicks. All officers and - i— members of Su-Zu Court No. 21. L O. S N. A., will hold special memorial services on Monday, May 31. at 8:30 p.m., in Chambers Southeast Funeral Home, 517 11th st. s.e. 31 HICKS, SYLVIA K. Naomi Chanter. No. 3. Order of the Eastern Star, will conduct the Easter Star service for the late sister, SYLVIA K. HICKS, on Tues day. June 1. 1948. at 7:30 pm. at Chambers Southeast Funeral Home. 517 11th st. s.e. By order of FAITH F NOV1NGER. Worthy Matron. Attest: ELLEN A FERGUSON, Secy. 31 HOTTLE. BERTRAM MARVIN. On Thursdav. Mav 21. 1948 at Casualty Hos pital. BERTRAM MARVIN HOTTLE be loved son ot Rest H Hottle. brother of Leslie B Hottle of Sterling. Va.. Mrs. Elsie Davis and Mrs. Rosetta Peyton. Services at Chambers Southeast Funeral Home. 51', 11th st. s.e . on Tuesday. June 1. at 2:30 pm Interment Washington National Cemetery. 31 HYDE. LOC18 METCALF. On Satur day. May 29, 1948. at the residence of his daughter Mrs. Lucille Sollars of La Plata. Md . LOUIS METCALF HYDE be loved husband of Elisabeth Geraldine Hyde 'nee Burch). Funeral on Monday. May 31. from hts late residence. Port Tobacco. Md.. at 9:3(1 a m Mass will be offered for the repose of his soul at Sacred Heart church. La Plata. Md . at 10 a m Interment St. Ignatioua Cemetery, Chapel Point, Md. i Bfatfja JENKINS. JOHN ROBERT. Suddenly, on Monday. May 24. 1948. JOHN ROBERT JENKINS of 632 Delaware ave. s.w.. be loved husband of Thelma Jenkins, father of Robert Jenkins, jr.. son of Mrs Ellsa beth Jenkins, brother of Mrs. Isabella Reed and Clarence jenkins. He also Is survived by other relatives and friends. Remains may be viewed Monday after noon. May 30, ,at Barnes & Matthews Funeral Home. 614 4th st. s.w. where funeral services will! be held Tuesday. June 1. at 1 p m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 31 KARR. FULTON B. On Saturday. May 29. 1948. FULTON B. KARR, the beloved son Of the late Watson and Mary Karr. Funeral from Simmons' Bros. Funeral Home. 2007 Nichols ave. s.e.. on Monday. May 31. at 2 p.m Services at Esther Memorial Episcopal Church, Congress Heights, at 2:30 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. KRAFT. HENSON (HENCE) CHRISTO PHER. On Friday. May 28, 1948. at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Mary Ellen Tress. 4605 Highland ave.. Bethcsda, Md, HENSON (HENCE) CHRISTOPHER KRAFT, beloved husband of the late Annie Kraft and father of George Oliver Kraft. Mary Ellen Tress and Frederick B Kraft. Remains resting at the Bethes da-Chevy Chase Funeral Home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey. Bethesda. Md.. where funeral services will be held on Tuesday, June 1. at 2 p.m. Interment Congres sional Cemetery, Washington, D. C. 31 LUCAS. IDA B. On Friday. May 28. 1948. at St Elizabeths Hospital. Mrs. IDA B. LUCAS of 1622 D st. s.e. Re mains resting at the Dovle G. Brook3 Funeral Home. 12 th st. and Fla. ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 30 * McNEAL. ELIZABETH M. Suddenly, on Friday. May 26. 1948. at her residence. 1401 Fairmont st. n.w,. ELIZABETH M. McNEAL. wife of Le Roy C. McNeal and mother of Agnes M. Fadeley and Allen McNeal of Silver Soring, Md. Services at the S H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Tuesday. June 1. at 11' a.m. Interment Cedar Hill Ceme tery. 31 MILLS, MILTON A.. SB. On Friday, May 28. 1948. at Walter Reed Hospital, MILTON A. HIUE. Sr., the beloved hus band of Ruth E. Mills and father of Mil ton A. Mills. Jr.: grandfather of Fred B. and Milton A. Mills III. Funeral from the W. W. Deal Funeral Home, 4812 Georgia ave. n.w.. on Wednesday. June 2. at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends in vited Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 1 NEWBY. SARAH M. On Friday. May 28, 1948, at her residence. 5302 8th st. n.w., SARAH M. NEWBY, beloved mother of Mrs. Grace Collins, P. N. Newby. Mrs. Ira F. Shoemaker. Mrs. Mabel Brown and Mrs. Margaret Catlett. Friends may call at the Takoma Funeral Home, 254 Carroll st. n.w.. Takoma Park, D. C., until Monday, May 31. at 9 a.m. Grave side services and Interment at Remington cemetery, rtemingion, va., mv xx a m. ov PROCTOR. JOSIAH. On Friday, May 28, 1948, at his home. Old Alexandria rd., Clinton. Md., J08IAH PROCTOR, husband of the late Mary Ida Proctor and father of Rosa Walls, Agnes Newman, Elizabeth. Frederick, Washington. Thomas, Roy, Walter, Andrew and Francis Proc tor. He also leaves twenty-eight grand children. six great-grandchildren, one sis ter, two brothers and a host of other relatives and friends. Friends may call at his late residence after 1 p.m. Sun day, May 30. Requiem mass on Mon day, May 31. at 10 a m., at 8t. Mary’s Catholic Church. Plscataway. Md. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment 8t. John's Church Cemetery, Clinton, Md. Arrangements by W. Ernest Jarvis Co. 30 PUCKETT, ANNE. On Friday, May 28, 1948, at Allentown. Pa., ANNE PUCKETT, beloved wife of Ernest Puckett, daughter of Mrs. Sarah Briscoe and sister of Mrs. Vivian Russell, Mrs. May Bennett and Clarence Briscoe. Funeral services will be held at H>song's Funeral Home, 1300 N st. n.w., on Tuesday, June 1, at 11 a m. Relatives and friends invited to attend Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 31 QUINN, MARY HAYDEN. On Satur day, May 29, 1948. at George Washing ton Hospital. MARY HAYDEN QUINN of 1018 South Carolina ave. s.e., be loved wife of George W. Quinn, mother of George. Charles. Gary. Edward. John and William Quinn. Mrs. Edna Barber and Mrs. Eleanor Connell. Funeral from the James T. Ryan Funeral Home. 317 Pa. ave. s.e., on Monday. May 31, at 9:30 a m ; thence to St. Peter's Church, where mass will be offered at 10 am. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 30 RICHARDSON. EULA. On Friday. May 28. 1948. at Gallinger Hospital. EULA RICHARDSON or 1142 Sumner rd. s.e. devoted daughter of John Montoque. She also is survived by one sister, Mrs. Ju leette Forman; one brother, Eugene Montoque, and many other friends and relatives. After ft p.m., Monday, May 31, friends may call at the Robert G Mason Co. Funeral Home. 250o Nichols ave. s.e.. where funeral services will be held Tuesday, June 1, at 1 p m.. Rev. C W. Ward officiating. Interment Harmony Cemetery. 31 ROACH. HARRIET E. On Saturday, May 29. 1948. HARRIET E ROACH of 89 P st. n.w.. sister of Mrs. Amanda Rector, Mrs. Mary Berry and Thornton Duvall. Notice of funeral later. Ar rangements by Malvan <fc Schey. • ROBRECHT, MARY On Saturday. May 2S». 1948. at her residence. 509 7th st. s.w . MARY ROBRECHT. beloved wife of Charles Roberecht and sister of Aenes F. Parsons. Friends may call at the Mat tingly Funeral Home, 131 11th st. s.e.. until Tuesday. June 1. at. 1' p m. Services at the Fifth Baptist Church at 1:30 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 31 SABOIA DE MEDEIROS. FERNANDO. It is the sad duty of the Brazilian Em bassy to inform of the death of Mr. FERNANDO SABOIA DE MEDEIROS, for mer First Secretary in Washington, who lost his life in an automobile accident in Spain on Sunday. May 23. 1948. The Brazilian Embassy invite* all friends of the deceased to a mass, which 311 be said for the repose of his soul on Dnday, May 31. at 9:30 am., at St. Matthew’* Cathedral* 1725 R. I. ave. n.w. 30 SCARBOROUGH. CAROL RAE. Sud denly, cn Friday, May 28, 1948. near her residence. Upper Marlboro. Md.. CAROL RAE SCARBOROUGH, the beloved daugh ter of Arthur M. and Janie R. Scar borough. Funeral services at the Sim mons' Bros. Funeral Home, 2007 Nichols ave se.. on Tuesday. June 1, at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 31 SCHWARTZ, KATHERINE HERRMANN. On Friday, May 28, 1948. at St. Peters burg. Fla. KATHERINE HERRMANN SCHWARTZ of St. Petersburg, Fla., be loved wife of the late Claus J. Schwartz, mother of Mrs. George R. Heine of St. Petersburg. Fla., and sister of Miss Mar garet Herrmann. Mrs. John Schlotter beck and F. A. Herrmann, ail of Wash ington. D C. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w . on Tuesday, June 1. at 3 o m. Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 31 SCHWIGERT. AUGUST. On Friday. May .28, 1948. at his residence, 2003 North Capitol st.. AUGUST SCHWIGERT. beloved husband of Iua C. Schwigert and father of John A. Schwigert. Funeral from the T. F Costello Funeral Home. 1722 North Capitol st., on Tuesday. June 1, at 8:30 a m. Requiem mass at 9 am. at St. Martin’s Church. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 31 SHORTLAND. ANNA M. On Thursday. May 27. #948. ANNA M. SHORTLAND • nee Ann* McBirney Beach* of 1801 Wyoming ave. n.w.. beloved wife of James Walter Shortland and mother of James Peter Shortland. Funeral services will oe held at Hysong's Funeral Home, 1300 N st. n.w., on Sunday. May 30. at 3 p.m . Rev. John C. Palmer officiating at services. Interment private. (Candor, N. Y.. papers please copy.) 30 SNIDER. WILLIAM KEARNEY. Sud denly. on Friday. May 28. 1948. at his residence, 703 Van Buren st. n.w.. WIL LIAM KEARNEY SNIDER, beloved hus band of Elsie Leckert Snider and father Df Mary Ann Nelson. Funeral from his late residence on Tuesday. June 1. at 9:30 a m ; thence to the Nativity Church, where requiem mass will be said at 10! a.m. for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arling-. ton National Cemetery. Services by Perry 1 & Walsh. 30 snidlk, WILLIAM k. Members oi Washington Police and Fire Post No. 29. American Legion, are requested to attend the Legion services in honor of our ate comrade. WILLIAM K. 8NIDER. at his late residence, 703 Van Buren st. n.w., Mon day evening, May 31. 1948, at 8 p.m. The National Guard of Honor will officiate. Signed EDWARD G. COMINGORE. Sr.. Comdr. HORACE W. UNEBURG. Acting Adjt. SNIDER, WILLIAM K. Members of the Policemen's Association will attend the services of our late brother. WIL LIAM K. SNIDER. Body will be In state at his late residence, 703 Van Buren st. n.w., after 10 a.m. Sunday, May 30, 1948. Funeral services 10 a m. Tuesday. June 1, at the Church of the Nativity, 13th and Peabody sts. n.w. Burial Ar lington National Cemetery. HARRY C- BLACKMAN. Pres. CHARLES L. WRIGHT. Rec. Sec. 31 STALEY, CORA. On Wednesday. May 26. 1948. at her residence. 257 57th st. n.e., CORA STALEY, wife of John Staley. She also is survived by four daughters, Esther Tresvant. Ardella Gibson. Suzanne Freeman and Louise Staley; three sons. Ulysses. Mack and Albert Staley: two brothers, three sons-in-law. three daugh ters-in-law. 17 grandchildren. 6 great grandchildren and many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Henry S Washington & Sons Funeral Home, 4925 Dean ave. n.e., after 6 p.m. Sunday. May 30. Funeral Tuesday, June 1. at 1 p.m, from the First Baptist Church. Sheriff rd. and Whittingham pi. n.e., the Rev. A. J. Allen officiating. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 31 STEDMAN, ROYAL B. On Friday. May 28, 1948. at his residence. 206 Douglas st. n.e., ROYAL B. STEDMAN. beloved husband of Gertrude E. Stedman and father of Royal B. Stedman. jr.: Richard Guy Stedman and Miss Joyce Conway Stedman. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Tuesday. June 1. at 9 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 31 STONE, JOHN B. On Friday. May 28 1948, at his residence, 11 Adams st n.w.. JOHN B. STONE, son of the lftte J. Samuel and Emma J. Stone and brother of Marie A. and Emily J. Stone. Fu-; nerai trom the above residence on Tues day. June 1. at 10:39 a.m : thence to Si. Martin’s Church, where mass will be offered ai 11 am. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. 31 SWEET. MILTON C. On Tuesday. May te2.). 1948. at St. Petersburg. Fla.. MILTON C SWEET, be loved husband of Helen O. Sweet, son of Ella M. Sweet and brother j of Mrs. Belle Russell. Mrs. Beu lah Parkhurst, Berle Mee. Mrs Mildred Johnson and Harold Sweet. Remains resting it Chambers Southeast Funeral Home. 517 11th st s.e., until Tuesday. June 1. at 8:45 a.m. Mass in St. Mary's Catholic Church. Alex andria Vs. at 9:30 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 31 A Dtatlp THOMAS. MART MADELINE. On Fri day, May 28, 1848, at her residence, 1407 East Capitol at.. MARY MADELINE THOMAS, mother of Ida Butlar, Arnetta Kyler, Rosie Duckett. Mary Roots. Thomas Fleet William and John Thomas and sister of James Owen Stevenson. She also leaves nineteen grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren, other relatives and friends. The late Mrs. Thomas may be viewed at the above residence after 4 p m.. Monday. Funeral Tuesday, June 1, at East Calvary Methodist Church. 14th and B sts. s.e, at 2 p.m. Interment Payne's Cemetery. Services by Stewart. 31 TITUS, T. B„ JR. On Saturday. May 22, 1948. at Venice. Calif., T. B. TITUS, JR., of 7704 Frederick rd., West Lanham Hills, Md., beloved husband of Orace B. Titus and father of Patricia Ann Titus. Friends may call at Oasch’s Funeral Home, Hyattsville. Md., where services will be held on Tuesday. June 1, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Port Lincoln Cemetery. 31 TYNG, WILLIAM A. Suddenly, on Thursday, May 27. 1948. WILLIAM A. TYNG, beloved husband of Maraaret B. Tyng. brother-in-law of Maude A. Cook and uncle of Mrs. H. 8. Cole. Kemp, Nor man and William Cook. Funeral from the W. W. Deal Funeral Home. 81S H st. n.e., on Monday. May 31. at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 30 TYNG. WILLIAM A. Officers and mem ^R bers of Harmony Lodge, No. 9. 1. O. ■ RO. F„ are hereby advised of the ■mn death of our late brother. WILLIAM A. TYNG. Fraternal services on Sunday. May 30, 1948. at 8:46 M p.m., at the W. W. Deal Funeral #Tl Home. 818 H at. n.e. f# HARRY E. LYNN. Noble Grand. M. J. HURLEY, Ree. See. 30 TYNG, WILLIAM A. Officers and mem A, bers of Martha Washington Rebecca H W Lodge. No. 3. I. O. O. F.. are re quested to attend the funeral of our later brother. WILLIAM A. J ) TYNG, at the W. W. Deal Funeral Home. 816 H it. n.e., on Sunday. May 30. 1948. at 8:46 p.m. IJJ BILLY STAIR. Noble Grand. V' EVELYN GODWIN. Sec. 30 WADE. FRED. On Saturday, May 29, 1948, at the Naval Hospital. Bethesda. Md., FRED WADE, beloved husband of Marjorie Wade, father of Anita. Fred, Jr., and Constance Wade, ion of Wiley and Hattie Rotan. brother of Rose Wade and cousin of Billy Winston. He also leaves other relatives and friends. After 10 a.m., Tuesday, June 1. friends may call at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church, 1432 U st. n.w. Funeral services Wednesday, June 2, at 1 p.m.. at the above funeral church. Rev. R. D. Grymes officiating. Relatives and friends Invited. Inter ment Arlington Nstional Cemetery. 1 WHITE, MARGARET E. On Thursday, May 27, 1948, MARGARET E. WHITE, wife of the late Clarance A. White, mother of Clarence A.. Jr.: Dorothy E.. Evelyn M. and Margaret E. White; alster of Mrs. Agnes C. Howard and Mrs. Anna M. Kerns. Prayers at Chambers' Fu neral Home, 617 11th it. s.e., on Tues day, June l. st 10 a.m. Interment Wash ington National Cemetery. 30 WILSON, HATTIE. On Friday, May 28, 1948, at Gallinger Hospital. HATTIE WILSON. She leaves to mourn their loss, a nephew. Leon N. Brogdon, and a half-brother, French Johnson. Friends may call at Boyd’s Funeral Home, 1238 20th it. n.w., Sunday, May 30, at 1 p.m. Funeral from the Little 8isters of the Poor, 230 H at, n.e., at 9 a.m., Tuesday, June 1. 31* WILSON. LOUIS GEORGE. Qn Mon day, May 24, 1948. at Letterman General Hospital, San Francisco. Calif., LOUIS GEORGE WILSON. After 10 a.m. Sun day, May 30, frienda are invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home. 1820 8th at. n.w., where aervlcea will be held on Tuesday. June 1. at 12 noon. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 31 WI8TRAND. MARIE. Suddenly, on Wednesday. May 19, 1948, in China, MARIA WISTRAND, beloved lister of Augusta Wistrand. * In Ufomorfam ALLEN. MAGGIE. A tribute of love to the memory of our dear mother, MAGGIE ALLEN, who died May 30. 1934. Nothing can ever take away The love our hearts hold dear: Sweet memories linger every day. Remembrance keeps mother near. The memory of mother can never died. Memory is something no one can steal: Parting leaves sorrow no one can heal; Beautiful memories of one so dear We cherish with love so sincere. CHILDREN, GERTRUDE, MATTIE AND LLOYD. • BASILIKO. BASILS. In loving memory of our dear husband and fathar. BASILS BASILIKO, who departed this life seven years ago today. May 30. 1941. You had a smile lor every one, A heart as pure as cold: To those who knew and loved you Your memory will never trow old. It is lonely here without you. And sad along life’s way: It has never seemed the same to us 81nce you passed away. HIS DEVOTED WIFE, SONS AND DAUGHTERS. • CIFALA. SALVATORE AND LOUIS. In loving memory of our dear husband, father and grandfather. SALVATORE CIFALA. who departed this life seven years ago, and his brother. LOUIS CIFALA, who departed this life one year ago. Memories are treasures no one can steal; Death leaves a wound no one can heal. They live with us in memory still. Not Just today, but always will. THE FAMILY. • EVANS. SAMUEL' PHILIP. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear husband, father and grandfather. SAMUEL PHILIP EVANS, who departed this life one year ago today. May 30, 1947. You will never be forgotten. . Anniversary mass said at St. Gabriel's. DEVOTED WIFE, DAUGHTER AND GRANDCHILDREN. • FOSTEB. JAMES E. A Memorial Day'a sacred, sincere tribute of love to the mem ory of my dear brother, JAMES E. FOS TER. who entered Into eternal rest two years ago on May 21. 1946. In my heart your memory lingerg. Sweetly, tenderly, lond and true. There is not a day. dear brother, That I do not think of you. DEVOTED SISTER. ALICE PLUNKETT. FRASER. RALPH E. (MONK). In de voted and loving memory of our dear hus band. daddy and son. RALPH E. (MONK) FRASER, on his 53d birthday anniversary. A precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is stilled: A place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled. Sad and sudden was the call. Of one so dearly loved by all; A bitter grief, a shock severe. It was to part with one so dear. For all of us you did your best. Oh. God grant you eternal rest. HIS WIPE. MAE; CHILDREN. RALPH. JR. "PIP”: BETTY. WAYNE AND MOTHER. MRS. ANNIE P. FRASER. • FRYE. EFFIE H. A tribute of love to the tender memory and devotion of our beloved mother. EFFIE H. FRYE, who passed to her eternal rest six years ago today. May 30, 1942. _ DEVOTED SON AND DAUGHTER. • GRAY, KENNETH AND BESSIE. In ever-aHectionate memory of KENNETH GRAY, also of BESSIE GRAY, his wife, who died in Edinburgh. 1947. • GREENE. CAPT. JOHN M. W. Dear Waldron, in Heaven. God bless you today and always. We who loved ll^a vmi so much, and always will, mlas Igga vnu sadly, for you were a devoted e son and Christian No one knows how much mother and all of us miss you. Somewhere in Italy, three years ago. you left us: too far away for us to put flowers Dn your hallowed grave. Your Broken-Heaterd Mother and Father and Son. Sister and Brothers, LAURA AND GEORGE GREENE. FRAN CHOT GREEN*. THERESA DYSON REGINALD, GEORGE AND PERCY GREENE. HARDY, ROSE MAY. A tribute of love to the memory of my wife and our mother. ROSE MAY HARDY, who deparl sd this life one year ago. May 29, 1947. Today recalls the memory Of a loved one aone to rest. And those who think of you today Are those who loved you best. LOVING HUSBAND. STEWART A. HARDY. AND 80NS. CHARLES AND STBWART. 30* Hl'HN, BERTHA L. In sad But loving remembrance of our dear wife and mother, BERTHA L. HUHN. who passed away one year ago today. May 30. 1047. From this world of pain and sorrow, To the land of peace and rest, Qod has taken you. dear wife. To where you found eternal rest. God aaw the road was getting rough. The hilla were hard to climb: He gently eolsed your loving eyei And whispered. "Peace be thine. HER HUSBAND AND CHILDREN. * JONES. EUGENE F., SR. In sad but loving remembrance of my dear father. EUGENE P. JONES., SR who passed away seven years ago, March 7, 1941. No one knows how much I miss you. father, but I, who loved you. ___ DAUGHTER, VIRGINIA JONES ROEBUCK. LEE, CARRIE B. In loving memory of our dear mother. CARRIE B. LEE. who departed this life six years ago today, May 30, 1942. A precious one from us Is gone, A voice we loved Is stilled: A place Is vacant in our hearts Which never can be filled. Keep her. Jesus, in Thy keeping. Until we reach the heavenly shore. And then. O Master, let us see her, Love and have her as before. HER LOVING CHILDREN. * LEWIS, JOHN HENRY. Sacred to the memory of my dear husband, JOHN HENRY LEWIS, who passed away five Kiri ago today, May 30. 1943. e love you gave me many years Shall never from ma depart. Though you hava gone beyond my reach. You are always In my heart . LOVING WIFE. • LOVEJOY, CLARA COLLI8. In sacred memory of my beloved mother. CLARA coiiis LOVEJOY, born In Cincinnati. Ohio. July 3. 1869. and who departed this life May 3, 1948. at Washington. D. C. It was her reauest that the following se lection be read: "CROSSING THE BAR." ' Sunset and evening star. And one clear call for me! And may there be no moaning of the bar When I put out to sea But such a tide as moving seems asleep. Too full for sound and foam. When that which drew from out the boundless deep Turns again home Twilight and evening bell. And after that the dark And may there be no sadnass of farewell When I embark For though from out our bourne of time and place The flood may bear ma far. I hope to meet my Pilot face to fact. When I have croaaed th* bar." —Tennyaon Her remains lie peacefully In the sylvan churchyard el Washington Memorial Chapel, Valley Fdrge. Pa., where the D A R. camion bells chime out the beautiful hymns she loved. _ HER FAITHFUL SON, EDWIN W. LOVjCJOY. * Planners Support 2, Oppose 3 Montgomery Apartment Zone Pleas Hie Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission yes terday recommended that the Montgomery County Commissioners deny three petitions for apartment house and commercial zoning and approve two others which also seek apartment house use of land. A special recommendation was made in the case of a sixth petition for the rezoning of three lots on the east side of River road near the Baltimore Ar Ohio Railroad from residential A and commercial D to industrial E. In acting on this requests filed by Abe and Irving Miller, the commis sion proposed that one lot remain in commercial D classification, that the second be rezoned from residen tial A to commercial D and that the third be changed from residen tial A to industrial E. A hearing will be held at 2:30 pm. June 15 in the Bethesda County Building. Among the three petitions op posed was one for commercial use of about four acres on Wisconsin avenue between the Naval Medical Center and Glenbrook Village, Be thesda, to permit erection of an apartment hotel. Held Undesirable. Hie commission contended there is sufficient commercial zoning along Wisconsin avenue as far as Chest nut street and that its extension would be “undesirable.” A hearing on the petition, filed by Samuel Kushner, is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. June 15 in the Be thesda County Building. Also recommended for disapproval is a request by the Bannockburn Heights Improvement Co., through its attorney, Walter W. Dawson, for apartment house use of approxi mately 57 acres between Massachu setts avenue extended, Goldsboro road and MacArthur boulevard. Declaring that the tract is sur rounded by single-family neighbor hoods, the commission added: “Hie large amount of already zoned apartment sites opposite the Army Map Service Plant on Sanga more road • * • which are as yet undeveloped emphasizes the lack of current local public need to increase the amount of apartment zoned property.” Old Georgetown Road Plea Opposed. The third petition which the county commissioners were asked to deny is for commercial use of property at Old Georgetown road and Del Ray avenue, Bethesda. The request was filed by Leo I. and Dorothy M. Donovan. Hearings on the latter two peti tions will be held at 2:40 and 3:40 p.m., respectively, June 15, in the Bethesda County Building. Approval was recommended for the following petitions: Vernon M. Dorsey, residential A to C for land on the south side of Chevy Chase drive between Offutt lane and Bradley boulevard, Beth esda. Thomas E. Hampton, residential A to C for property in the same area. Hearings on the two requests are scheduled for 2:50 and 3:20 p.m., respectively, June 15, in the Beth esda County Building. Arnaud, 71, Restaurateur In New Orleans,* Dies ty th» Auodatcd Frm» NEW ORLEANS, May 20.—Leon Bertrand Arnaud Casenave-Conte, the “Count” Arnaud of Amaud’s famed New Orleans restaurant, died tonight. He was 71. Nationally known as the restaura teur whose intriguing continental dishes and succulent French sauces attracted epicures from around the world, Arnaud had lived in this country since the 1890s. He was born in Bosdarros, France, June 27, 1876. He went to New York to sell champagne but soon came to New Orleans. Arnaud’s restaurant, noted for shrimp Arnaud and many other dishes, opened in the French quar ter on Bienville street in 1920. Arnaud's philosophy lay in the motto on his menu: “Petimus Bene. Vivere, Quod Petis Hie Est,” which freely translated, means. “We seek to live well, what you seek is here.” | Mrs. Janney, Mother Of Author, Dies in Ohio By th« Associated Press CHILLICOTHE, Ohio, May 29 — Mrs. Ellti Dixon Janney, 86, died last night, eight days after seeing the niovie made from the best selling novel written by her son. Russell Janney. Mrs. Janney, crippled for 10 months by a hip fracture, saw the movie. "The Miracle of the Bells,” May 20. Mr. Janney was expected to come here from New York for the funeral Monday. She was the widow of Reynold Janney, Chillicothe High School principal and Inventor who died in 1938. _ Itt JHetmiriam MANNING, ELIZABETH. In memory ol our sister and aunt, ELIZABETH MAN NING. who left us eight years ago today. May 30. 1940. _ _ „ Thy will be done, O Lord; We dare not complain. For in our hearts we know Our loss la heaven's gain. THE FAMILY. • POSEY. BERNARD F. In loving memory of our brother and uncle. BERNARD F POSEY, who passed away seven years ago today. May 30, 1941. He didn't fall to do his best: Hta heart was true and tender; He worked hard for those he left behind, And forever he will be remembered. BROTHER. SISTER AND NEPHEW ROBERT. Loved, remembered always. COUSIN NELLIE. • STAVES. OLIVER WENDELL. In mem ory of our loving son and brother. OLIVER WENDELL STAVES, who passed away two years ago. May 29. 1946. In our memory you will remain aa long as life ahall last. _ DEVOTED MOTHER, BISTERS AND BROTHERS. * STECK, JOHN K. (JACK). In loving memory of our dear husband and eon-ln law, JOHN R. (JACK) STECK. who passed away two years ago today, May 30, 1946. Thy will be done. O Lord; We do not dart complain. In our hearts we know That our loss Is His gain. WIFE AND MOM. • THOMAS. AMANDA. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of our dear mother, AMANDA THOMAS, who entered into eternal rest five years ago. May 29. 1943 You don't know the sorrow to be left alone Uni 11 God sends a message to your home: It is sad when he calls for one or the other. But the saddest of all Is when he calls for mother. HER LOVING CHILDREN. EUGENI AND BEATRICE JEFFERSON. * 1 WILLIAMS. CARRIE. In loving mem ory of our dear wife and mother, CARRIE WILLIAMS, who department this life one year ago today. May 30. 1947 A token of love and remembrance Of a mother we ahall never forget. Her memory to us la a treasure. Her loss a lifetime of regret. DEVOTED HUSBAND AND DAUGHTERS. • WOMEN OF THE MOOSE. A tribute of esteem for departed eo-workers who filled their mission here and responded to the call of the great beyond. Columbia Chap ter 36k. Women of the Moose. ANN RODGERS. Senior Regent. JANE HAGAN, Recorder. First Jap-Americans Will Be Buried in Arlington Cemetery Two returned dead of the famed Japanese-American 442d Regimental Combat team will be buried at Arl ington National Cemetery at 3 pm. Friday. It will be the first burial of persons of Japanese ancestry in the cemetery. High Government and military of ficials will attend the services for Pfc. Fumitake Nagato, son of Bunso Nagato of 2037 South Twelfth street, Arlington, and Pfc. Saburo Tana machi, son of Kamanzo Tanamachi of San Benito, Tex. They were killed in October, 1944, while en gaged in the rescue of a “lost bat talion” of the 36th Infantry Divi sion from a trap in the Vosges Mountains in Eastern France. The nonsectarian services will be conducted by Maj. Gen. Luther D. Miller, Army chief of chaplains. Following this a Protestant civilian ceremony will be conducted in the Japanese language by the Rev. An drew Kureda, an alien Japanese who worked with .the Office of Strategic Services overseas during the war. Brief eulogies will be given by Gen. Jacob L. Devers, chief of Army Field Forces,, who commanded the Sixth Army Group under which the 442d fought in France; Representa tive Gossett, Democrat, of Texas; Representative McDonough, Repub lican, of California; Mike Masaoka, natonal legislative director of the Japanese-American Citizens League Anti-Discrimination Committee, and J. S. Shlma, president of the Japa nese-American Society. Honorary pallbearers will include; Maj. Gen. John E. Dahlquist, deputy director of Army personnel; Maj. Gen. Hobart R. Gay, commanding the Military District of Washington; Maj. Gen. George A. Horkan, chief of the Quartermaster General’s Me morial Division; Col. Virgil Miller, Penn State College; Col. Charles W. Pence, Fort Benning, Ga.; Col. Charles H. Owens, commanding Fort Lesley J. McNair here; Col. James Notestein, Army public Information division; Lt. Col. James M. Hanley, former executive officer of the 442d. Also Representative Judd, Repub lican, of Minnesota; Delegate Far rington of Hawaii; John J. McCloy, president of the World Bank; Dil lon S. Myer, president of the Insti tute of Inter-American Affairs and wartime head of the War Relocation Authority, and Ira Shimasakl, pres ident of the Washington Chapter, Japanese-American Citizens League. J. Simms Jones Dies; Land Company Head J. 6imms Jones. 76, president of the Beltsville Land Improvement Co., died yesterday at his home on Montgomery avenue, Beltsville, Md., after a brief illness. Mr. Jones, who had been an insurance broker for more than 35 years, was secretary of the land company before becoming its presi dent 10 years ago. He was bom in Beltsville. the son of the late Henry C. and Elizabeth Simms Jones. He was the grand son of John Simms who came to this country from Ireland in the early 1830's and purchased a large tract of land which was a part of the original Beltsville subdivision. Mr. Jones was graduated from Baltimore City College and later was an auditor for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. At one time he served In the Maryland House of Delegates and was Prince Georges County assesor. He was a member of the Beltsville Masonic lodge and a former member of the vestry of St. John’s Episcopal Church at Beltsville. Mr. Jones, who was unmarried, Is survived by two sisters with whom he lived, the Misses Sarah E. and Carrie E. Jones. A brother Harry Rumford Jones, who died five years ago, was postmaster at Muirkirk, Md. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at St. John’s, Belts ville. Burial will be in the church cemetery. CIAGETT^ MEMORIAL Cfc 302NEWHA*®HIK£AVEj 4 Vuit-Our DupuyV M emoriau-For- 4 Immediate- Erection^ In-All cemeteriejv _Opcn _5uxpay/ - fXPEPIENCEP \ % Extensive eduea tion plus a back ground of prac tical experience. Serving the Colored Public Throughout Washington and Its Vicinity FRAZIER’S FUNERAL HOME INC. NO DESERVIN6 CASE REFUSED Any veteron's family may call ue without forfeiting any allow ance to which they are entitled 389 RHODE ISLAND AYE. N W 723 TEA ST. N.W. Ml. 779S—ML 7796 nmsi l. tow, mom. Loftin Rites to Be Held At Arlington Tuesday Graveside services for Edward H, Loftin, 62, whose widow, Mrs. Hazel Wilcox Loftin, lives at the Kennedy Warren Apartments, will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday in Arlington Ceme tery. Mr. Loftin died early this week in Boonton, N. J. Mr. Loftin was born in Pensacola, Fla., the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Marion Loftin. He was graduated from the Naval Academy at Annapolis in 1908 and went around the world with the United States Fleet aboard the U. S. S. Missouri. During World War I he served with various units in Europe and was commended by the Navy for service in radio communication. Mr. Loftin was stationed at the Navy Department here from 1919 to 1924 when he resigned with the rank of lieutenant commander to become a consulting engineer in New York. In addition to his widow, he is survived by two sons, Lt. (j. g.) Ed ward H. Loftin, USN, and Cadet Gordon K. Loftin, who is attending the Coast Guard Academy; a daugh ter, Mrs. Carold G. Whitbeck of Hudson, N. Y.; a brother, former Senator Scott M. Loftin of Jack sonville, Fla.; three sisters, Miss Josephine Loftin of Jacksonville, Fla., Mrs. Carleton Cushman of At lanta, Ga.; and Mrs. Leslie Brooks of Tulsa., Okla. and two grand children. David B. Tierkel Dies; Scholar and Zionist By the Associated Press PHILADELPHIA, May 29.—David B. Tierkel, journalist, Zionist lead er and author, died last night after a brief illness. He was one of the early propo nents of the Zionist movement here, and as a Hebrew scholar wrote sev I eral books, including “Songs eg David,” and many contributions t« journals and magazines. His widow and three children survive. Funeral services will be held tomorrow. West Virginia Girl, 6, Fatally Injured by Car Special Dispatch to Tho Star CHARLES TOWN, W. Va., May 29.—Fay Marie Carroll, 6, was fa tally injured yesterday when she was struck by an automobile near Kabletown. The child, daughter of Mrs. Rufus Turner of Ranson, had been staying with her grandparents at Kabletown. Police said she was one of three children who started to cross the highway just after a truck had passed. The other two got across safely. Police said no charges had been placed against the driver of the car, John Gray of Charles Town, but that they were continuing their inquiry. The child was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital here. MORTICIANS 4601 5th St. N.W. _M. 5441 I COLLINS FUNERAL HOME Francis J. Collins 3821 14th St. N.W. Tolophono RAn4«lph 7117 ANY FAMILY CAN AFFORD RYAN SERVICE James T. Ryan Funeral Director 317 Pa. Ave. S£. ATlantic 1700-1701 - VETERANS' FAMILIES -- Call this firm without forfeiting any ’ veterans' funeral allowance to which you are entitled. 31 YEARS' FAMILY OWNERSHIP AND DIRECTION W. R. Frank Hines, President Was hint ton's Fart most Funeral Home Si net ltJS IBs S.M.lHinc$ Compann 2901-03-05-07 Fourteenth Street N.W. COlumUa 7023-24 ffa Branch Establishments One of the Finest Funeral Homes in Washington Since 1884 HUNTEMANN FUNERAL HOME FUNERAL PRICES TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET. For Ambulances Call Huntemann 5732 Georgia Ava. Phones: RA. 0190-5700 Terms arranged Willion K. Huntamann Anna C. Huntamann Chevy Chase Funeral Home One of Washington's Finest RESIDENTIARY LOCATED AWAY FROM MIDCITY CONFUSION PARKING ON PREMISES Funeral Services Moderately Priced from $100 up 24-Hour Private Ambulance Service, Oxygen Equipped 5101-03 WISCONSIN AVE. N.W. WO. 5100-5103 JAMES E. BEITS ERNEST A. ADAMS Private Ambulance Service Cremation* Arranged Jolm %. ftfjtneo Sc Co. LEADING MORTICIANS 901 THIRD STREET S.W. WASHINGTON, D. C. PHONE: MET. 4220 jFineat JFu iterate at Leas Coat BRANCH FUNERAL HOMES 221 N. Patrick Street? 303 Shreve Street Alexandria, Va. Falls Church, Va. Phone: Alex. 0020 Phone: Falls Church 1364 R. LAWRENCE PLUMMER, Manager