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RESORTS. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. NORTH CAROLINA AVI. NIAR REACH Here's everything ior a rest ful vacation—reasonably priced — In a friendly atmosphere of quiet J dignity and charm. Featuring Modified American Plan ^B John R. Kersey. Mar. Phooo A. C. S-32SI ^ 124 S. TENNESSEE AVE. $0 £ 0-50 pr p*r,on A Ot mm Dolly ^ BO room Write Now. E. B. Von Voorhees, Atlantic City. Running water alt rooms. Free bathing. 112 S. KENTUCKY AVE. , Witt Running Water and Private Bathe BICKAR, Owaer-Mgr. Phone 4-3453 New York Ave.—Ocean End ATLANTIC CITY Special J(*NE Rate O fl A wkly. per person up per 0 ■ U (2 in room) person daily Clean, cool rooms. Running water in all rooms. Baths, showers, innerspring mat tresses. restaurant. Ownership management—Phone I-BI48 THE Ocean End of Park Place ATLANTIC CITY \ Overlooking Park and Boardwalk I AMERICAN & EUROPEAN PLANS M F A. Chidsey. Jr., Own. Mgt. M CONGRESS 170-178 St. Charles Place, Atlantic City. Largest side avenue hotel at beach; lo cated on 2 main streets; 200 cool outside rooms; private baths; stall showers. Beau tiful dance floor, game room. Bathing from hotel. All rooms redecorated and refurnished. Reasonable rates. European plan_ Overlooking the Ocean at Kentucky Ave. ATLANTIC CITY Ideal location. Spacious Decks. Gav Roof Deck overlooking ocean. Newly redecorated. European Plan •American beg. June 15th). MODERATE RATES. MRS. THOMAS B O’BRIEN. Owner-Mrt. Hotel MORTON VI MIN IA AVE, Nmt M ATLANTIC 6 IT T Modified American Plan, sea water pool, garage. j Moderate rates, ceutral location. Send for rate schedule & brochure D — rr.-a:-, -- =# St. James Place at Beach. Atlantic City POPULAR RATES Shuffle Boards • Ping Pong • Pool Tables Bathing Direct Elevator TOM A STELLE MAHONEY. Own. Met. ST CLARE HOTEL On Beautiful Pa. Ave. Near Boardwalk A Distinctive Seashore Hotel. Mod Rates. Open Surroundings. Gardens. M. Gitomer. Manager. Phone 4-1797. Washington Office: Phone NA. 6067. jllOTELrFRflNKLnr j VIRGINIA AVENUE \ i Near Beach and Boardwalk ( REASONABLE PRE - SUMMER ( RATES. ALL ROOMS WITH ) BATH. TELEPHONE AND ELE- \ i VATOR SERVICE. BATHING ( FACILITIES. { Write or call for Reservations ) i A. C. 4-5111 \ ffOLMHURST ££ ATLANTIC CITY Second Hotel From Boordwolk On Pieture»quo Ponntylvanio Avon*# NEW SUN DECK WITH OCEAN VIEW Fre# Parking and Bathing From Hotol ModiPod American and European Plan* Cap. 300 CHARLES W. STITZER, Manogof I'>0 Nice Rooms. Running Water, Baths, EXCELLENT RESTAURANT Delirious Meals from 8 A.M. to 10 P.M. OCEAN END OF SO. CAROLINA AVE. Elevator. 130 S. Kentucky. Nr. Beach. Atlantic City $9.00 up ^ Mm per person—2 in room Newly renovated. Innerspring mattresses and running water in every room. Private baths, tile showers. Restaurant. Mr. A Mrs Z. < . I’ASVM. Own., Mgr. Phone A. C. .>-031 | _ F L EETWO0D Ocean End Tennessee Avenue “Hotel of Solid Comfort"—One ot Atlantic Ci v s cleanest Third hotel from Board walk Bathinc privileges. Garage. Elevator. Parking Lot. Pleasure to serve you J. W BINDER—Ownership Management. _Phone 4-3955_ Madison Overlooking Ocean at Illinois Ave. Atlantic City Enjor an Extended Spring \isit at Winter Rates AMERICAN & EUROPEAN PLANS Doilv Concerts Open b Closed Sun Decks JOHN R. HOLLINGER. Gen. Mgr. CniCnil Michigan and Pacific Aves., bUlgUn Atlantic City. Nr. Boardwalk. 3 blocks to Station. S'*.OO dav up. Run ning water. Priv. baths, free parking. Free bathing from hotel. Ph. 4-9900. RESORTS. WILDWOOD, K. J. 1 TOTE BUREAU OF PUBLIC RE LATIONS FOR 40- PAGE ILLUS TRATED BOOKLET AND HOTEL AND APARTMENT DIRECTORY. '— I -■ V oannaji. RE.VJOV TOra HO.VEVMQON AT select Home Cnrironment" OSEMONT srs^as; So"’naFr“” 236 E. CEDAR AVE WIIDwoob, R j DAVIS AtU-tK Beachwood Hotel 8,0 E. Montgomery Are WIM_ a ~ ^t_hJj^/rom_hotel^Kee*park g*Rtfa son able. Mo'der’nE- th?j2ihd„1^’,e -'Y,,d»«»<EV L showers. Few feet tn k ^k* ^ hath* or hotel. Free Dark/nr6 d®*!1*'"* fr®» ReasonsbJe rates. *' Cenl«’»l location. HOTEL IVY rrntral to all attrarlIno.P*r'‘ln* Located «'-ure_d early. OCEANIC Bunk Av* ot °,,an ONE EOOD_MODeJat?C*raTES*W ON »ACH EdOM-AMEafcAN PIA. ♦ the TIDES 0 305-;t0r E Pivr 'l1.1,11' *—■■■■Hr Half block tf,bNeachVAn.? -LDHOOD- N J Balhln, * Parking rM*an PUn- Free ROV^ARRO^T Owner-Manager *** — CAPE MAY. nTj. ~ A Complete Vacation at % Admiral Cop* May, N. J. Fireproof. Cool, Capacity ttOO. Most Lux ur.ous. Directly on Ocean. Own Swimming Fool. Tennis. Bowling. Ballroom. Surf Bar. Cocktail Rooms. Music. Bridge- Golf, Fish- I mg. Bicycling. Riding. Theater. Finest Foods. Low' Rates. American and Euro pean plans. Opens June l.V Reduced Rates June and after Labor Day. Write for literature. SEA CHEST IHM "^X.Tj. American Plan. Good Food. Reas. Rates. ; Same Mang’t for .'iO years—Aida O. Smith CARROLL VILLA Ocean View. All rooms with running water. Private baths. Central location. American plan. Renowned for its fine cuisine. Ownership management. Edith H. Harned. OCEAN GROVE, N. J. HOTEL ALBATROSS OCEAN GROVE. N. J. A Modern Hotel of the Better Ciau Located on Ocean7 Pathway RATES from S;i5 Weekly with Meali AMERICAN PLAN—NOW OPEN Facing a large pawk and only *00 feet to Ocean: same to Auditorium Phone Asbury^ Parak ‘i-'IOHo, M. F. BEARE. Majestic Hotel F*Pr?v»t?°Ba<lhs lk OCEAN FRONT AsbS'k'T-'lfMM OCEAN GROVE, N. J. Mrs. Gro R. Hainra POCONO MOUNTAINS. PA. MT. POCONO, PA. A WHERE YOU CAN REST dt Every room with private*^jF bath. Visit us and our fjfl nearbr quaint mountain IV village Protestant and Vf Catholic Churche*. Home 1 style cookine. * \ C. D. HALLOCK. Manarer \ Phone 3811 n The Young Idea in Summer Fun Enjov slrepinr thru breakfast on your vacation? Serve yourself at the Coffee Bar at new complete 700-acre Vaca tion Valley in the POCONOS where all activities are on the around*—tolf, tennis ridinr. swimminr. beach, own orchestra. Rates *15 to *51. with metis. Procure full color booklet thru your Travel Arent or William P. Wolfe. Rep.. .'•00 5th Ave.» LO 5-1111 or write direct to Box 21. Vacation Valiev On Echo Lake, Penno. HAWTHORNE INN and COTTAGES Open to October 18. Ideal in Jl'NE. Com plete Family Resort. Center of Pocono*. Fronomiral American Plan. L. C. Denrlcr. Mt. Pocono. Pa. Recommended by A. A. A. BUSHKILJL FALLS HOUSE I In the Pocono Mountains I Aec. 150. Pool. Orchestra. All sport*. Soc. dir. Cocktail bar. Saddle horses. Churches near. Special June. Sept. rate*. Ask for Bklt. W. Bushkill. Pa. Tel. 178___I SCHWENKSVILLE, PA. l.MI mi. from Wash. Modern, Homelike. Moderate rates. Near Churches. Open May l.Mh-Nov. R. T. Bolti, Owner-Mar, BEDFORD. PA. BEDFORD, PA. Planned for Pleasure The golfing is grand! Challenging 18-hole bent grass course. The suimming superb! Red Oaks Lake and indoor pool are fed by famous springs. Surreys u ith costumed livery. Cocktail Lounge. Picnics, riding, dancing, fishing. Lovely new interiors and imaginative menus add to your pleasure. High in the Alleghenies yet so easy to reach! Call Executive 6481 for summer reservations. BEDFORD SPRINGS HOTEL Mountain Read BEDFORD, PENNSYLVANIA G. Blond Hoko, Manager RESORTS. _ OCEAN CITT, N. J. IN OCEAN CITY, N. J.—ITS TB —jfleettoooo— HTeRIC A*Mh?U ROPE AS "pL* **S Early Reserratieas Adeieahle. Ownarahla Manaicaecnt. REHOBOTH BEACH, PEL. CREWS GUEST HOUSE. wlUMyrtrato SjJJif! ar withaat. near the Ocean. MRS. HATTIE! CREW. 16 Balttmere Are. Rehahath Beach. I Del. Phene SIS1. __ __—i i 59 Lake Arenae DeUeleai reed Telephone 6766 SUDBURY. VT. SUDBURY INN SUDBURY. VERMONT. A Vermont country Inn and 160 acre (arm on sparkling lake. Private beach and dock. Untune bar. Managenaent of l Robert W. Horton, former Washington newspaper correspondent and Lola C. Horton, author, cookbook and cooking column. Write for folder. MARBLEHEAD. MASS. ~ %UARB0R inn MARBLEHEAD.-MASS. Waterfront rooms, $6.00 up per I parson, me. breokfast. Selected Yj Clientele. Excellent cuisine. Din ing room managed by Alfred Haas. \ European trained chefs. Outdoor dining deck. Cocktail lounge. Open Moy 28. Special June rates. Tel. 0038. i£Z Jaamza r--~ »—e. CRAWF7)RD XOTCHrN. H_ OPENING JUNE 2»*h «^A NEW ENGLAND’S COMPLETE RESORT Two private lakes, excellent golf and other popular activities. Every modem comfort. 2000 ft. elevation. Christian Churches nearby. Write for Booklet and information• Richard Edgerton, Managing Director _MAPLEWOOD. N. H. _ GOLF • • PRIVATE 18-HOLE CHAMPIONSHIP COURSE • FISHING • • RIDING • HIKING SAND BEACH SWIMMING POOL and OTHER SPORTS A a a a Ideal Tennis { on our beau- I tifully kent f Hard Clay \ Courts V DANCING and ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY Kl Y nfTr* Hotel Riverside Plaza 257 73rd Str.«t DREIER MANAGEMENT Direction: J. S. Suits KENNEBUNKPOBT, MAINE. i OPINS^ MUNI 25 Om at Mm'i MM DMhfatM laaM IMah Old Fort Inn IKennebunkport, Maine BOOT TOIW VAUTK* a) Im Immm hat* Imm arilti balk a> aataila Inallaal (•nim. Garog« — Elevator — Cocktail lounge — GaH — Team* — FiAmg — Saif lathing — lancing — Manned Social Program Writ far toaktof dirad H km. ^ Hashinrton Representative, > C. DeWltt Coffman /i Tel. Executive «J8! ^7 JOHN C. HALLER, Manaier Q LOVELL, ME. _ TREAT YOURSELF TO A ROD Maine woods on one of the most beautiful lakes in the world! Surrender to the spell of the Switzer land of America. Enjoy all sports, or rest and relax. Choice accommoda tions arranged for your pleasure. SOLID COMFORT IN COZY AND ATTRACTIVE CABINS Comfortoble log cabins in the pine grove overlook Lake Kezar. Interiors are paneled in knotty pine and newly decorated and furnished with Simmons Beautyrest equipment. Good food in Abundance with the famous Rod ond Reel "Smorgasbord." Rates with meals from $17.00 daily <includes use of boats and canoesi BILL HINES, Manager. Tel.: N. Y. CO. 5-6300 Tor Booklet, write 117ft The Pkwy. Chestnut Hill. ft*. Mass, or call Boston. As-1-8.1.17. Traveler's Notebook Scribblings on Tourist Places and Events By Jacques Futrelle, Jr. Tho Star's Trovol Editor SCRIBBLNGS— The long-planned outdoor swim ming pool on the grounds of the inn at Colonial Williamsburg has been completed and opened for guests of the inn, the lodge and members of the Williamsburg Inn Swimming Club. The pool will be available daily from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. through the season ending September 15. Lo cated in a dell not far from the golf course caddy house, the pool is surrounded by wide terraces and lounge chairs for spectators. A bath house adjoins the pool, which has underwater lights for night swim ming. The Missouri Pacific lines are ex pecting some dome cars soon for splicing into* the Colorado Eagle, operating between St. Louis, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. These cars are known as astra dome or visig dome, according to their two separate manufacturers. But on the Mo. Pac. they will be called plane tarium cars. No changeover in driving prac tices will be required when the Pan American highway is completed. The Western Hemisphere now drives on the right-hand side of the road. Exceptions are the British West In dies and Bermuda, which hold to the left. Latin America went com pletely into the right-hand column when Uruguay dropped its left-driv ing rules recently. When Argentina shifted about three years ago, traf fic was halted for an hour. Then drivers completed their journey on the right side. About 50.000 Dutch men ana women cling . to the colorful cos tumes of their ancestors. The tend ency to retain the quaint dress is especially noticed in Volendam and at nearby Marken, on the tourists’ beaten path. Wooden shoes are staging a general comeback. Rea son: Scarcity of leather. * * * * Looking for a ghost town? If in Idaho, try Moose City, Newsome or Golden. The Fred Harvey Co. is complet ing a $150,000 improvement program of its park concession facilities at Grand Canyon. Buses to the hotel on the North Rim are scheduled to begin operating June 15. Travelers from all over Europe go to the famous all-year resort of Estoril, half an hour by train from Lisbon. Its attractions include miles of white sand beaches, one of the finest golf courses in Europe and gambling in the elaborate rooms of the Casino. Comdr. Jose Cabral, district manager of Trans World Airline in Portugal, was in Wash ington recently and quoted some prices for hotel accommodations there: $8 to $10 a day for room and bath and meals at the luxurious Palacio, $3.60 to $4.40 for rooms and the French cuisine at the Atlan tico, where every room has a bal cony for overlooking the sea. Other good hotels range from $3.40 to about $7. France has adopted an easier system to assure tourists of bread ration cards. According to the strict rule, passengers arriving by train or ship from outside the country get their cards when crossing the border or on debarking. This was found to work a hardship on those making close transportation con nections. Now, those arriving for a stay of three months or less may go to any city hall, show their pass port or travel papers and receive a card. Tourist traffic to Scotland is ex pected to reach its height in the late summer, when the Edinburgh Music Festival Is to be held. * * * * A plane service at Mexico City has inaugurated special Sunday sight-seeing flights over the historic Valley of Mexico. Points of interest to see from the air include snow capped Mount Popocatepetl, the Floating Gardens of Xochimilco, the pleasure resort of Cuernavaca and the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon. Western Air Lines consulted sta tistics showing that youngsters make up one-third of the air pas sengers and decided to operate "the Nation's first airline-sponsored free air terminal nursery” at Los Angeles Airpwrt. Called the baby lounge, it is outfitted with cribs, bathinets, bassinets, play p>ens, bot tle warmers, toys and other equip ment for the convenience of young travelers and their mothers. Various troubles stalled the Na tion's automobiles at least 37,260.000 times last year. The figure comes from the American Automobile As sociation, which polled about 14,000 AAA garages and based the figure on a projection of the experience RESORTS. VIRGINIA. VACATION Fishing shacks on Shenan fAMiivn. d0>h Rtver ,even mlle, from Woodstock. Va Wonderful fishing, beautiful scenery. S15.00 wk. Box 887. Strashnrx. Va.___ SAYBROOK. CONN. *W9iversea MM* Inn In Exclusive Fenwick, Saybrook, Connecticut Ocean Bathing. 9-hole Golf Course. Tennis adjacent to the Inn. Tastefully furnished rooms. Attractive Family Cottages. Charming Dining Room— Cocktail Lounge. Opens May 28 Tor reservations, write, wire, or Tel. Savbrook 8du David W. Treadway, Res. Mgr. SAT SMART MURRAY BAY, OUSBIC In the beautiful Laurentians, over looking the magnificent St. Lawrence.. . Relax or play... golf, tennis, riding, A large salt water pool, fishing in well V stocked lakes. Dancing in the Casino. Daily service by famous A river steamers or by rail from Montreal y or Quebec City. Sum tan to SqtMkir The Mtmtir it 4 dhimn «/ a Cam 444 Steemikip Urn. I if cel m pemetptl citki tf V- 5. end Cam 444 Cenmlt yetr Trteel Agent er Apply Tbe MentreRjchelieM.P.O. " 1100, Metlrttl, Ctt4d4 1 of 2,300,000 motor club members. As usual, flat tires led the trouble list, but this breakdown cause; showed a decline of 18 per cent to 8,864,000 from 1946. Battery fail ures increased heavily, running tire difficulties a close second. Muskellunge and black bass fish ing seasons open in certain parts of Canada’s Province of Ontario, within three weeks. July 1 is the opening date for all areas within the province. The Delta Line's three postwar passenger ships—Del Norte, Del Sud and Del Mar—will make seven 47 day trips from New Orleans to the east coast of South America during June, July, August and September, according to the company's present sailing schedule. The little luxury liners have accommodations for 120 passengers. Places visited on the route include St. Thomas, Rio de Janeiro, Santos, Montevideo, Buenos Aires and Trinidad. A group Of Flagstaff, Ariz., busi nessmen has organized the Cavaliers to show off their country to summer visitors. The Sunday trips began two weeks ago. The itinerary in cludes the Citadel, a prehistoric fort; Wupatki National Monument, site of an ancient Indian trade cen ter; Grand Falls, where water cas cades over a volcanic dike into a canyon 186 feet below; the Navajo Indian Reservation, Meteor Crater and the old townsite of Canyon Diablo, Hopi Indian villages, a pet rified forest area and the dinosaur tracks, historic cliff dwellings and other points of interest. Many times the Cavaliers will be asked this question: How did Flagstaff get its name? And with embellish ments they will tell how in 1876 a band of emigrants on their way to California stopped to rest at a spring. In celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Declaration • of Independence, they stripped a pine tree, nailed an American flag to its top and staged an enthusiastic Fourth of July party. * * * * The official seal of the Confed-i eracy is still in Bermuda, where it was taken for safekeeping during! the War Between the States. The Mountaineer, through coach and Pullman train from Chicago to the Pacific Coast via Banff and Lake Louise, begins operating June 29. The popular summer train is scheduled to leave Chicago shortly after noon each day, arriving at the two Canadian Rockies resorts on the morning of the second day.1 Vancouver, British Columbia, isj reached on the morning of the third day. Paiomar Observatory, 65 scenic miles from San Diego, is open to visitors every day of the year. Tourists arriving in Anchorage this summer may ride in modern buses over the recently built Glenn highway to Alaska’s Matanuska Valley colony project. Lake Pend Oreille is the largest body of water in Idaho. It has a short line of about 150 miles. Back again as a luxury liner on the "Atlantic ferry” route, the .re conditioned Britannic is being op erated as a two-class ship—first and tourist. Sailing from Liverpool May 22 on its first postwar voyage, the Cunard White Star liner dis closed a new note In tourist class luxury. Most staterooms in this classification have private toilets and many have private showers as well. Before the war the Britannic had accommodations for 1,553 pas sengers. Spaciousness and luxury have been added by reducing the passenger capacity about one-third. First-class staterooms now rival the size of those of the Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth. It has been estimated that the West will be visited in 1948 by 496. 356 residents of the area comprising the District, Delaware, Maryland. New Jersey, New York, Pennsyl vania and West Virginia. •'The Lost Colony,” North Caro lina's historic drama presented each summer on Roanoke Island, is scheduled to open July 1. Leo Kavannagh Elected Head of Legion Post Leo I. Kavanagh has been elected commander of Connecticut Avenue Post No. 163, American Legion, the post has announced. Other new officers are Melvin W. Buster, senior vice commander; James O. Varela, junior vice com mander; David K. Robinson, adju tant; Frank E. Troth, finance offi cer: Lloyd B. Harrison, chaplain; Max M. Ward, sergeant-at-arms; j Elmer L. Hall, historian; Herber H. Rice and David J. Leonard, execu tive committee, and Louis Newman, judge advocate.__j lurayTva. RESORTS. VIRGINIA BEACH, VA. fepotstooob ’ Srmsi Virgina Beach, Va. D'rectly on the Atlantic Restricted Clientele American Plan Write Mrs. Myrtle Welborne Owner-Manager—23rd Year VIRGINIA BEACH, VA. Directly on the Ocean Front Between 26th and 27th Streets 10 rooms with private or connecting baths. Cool, modern. American plan Excellent meals. Phone 1407 « Mrs. C. i. Smith, Manager. TRAFTON - CHALFONTE Ocean Front at 28th Street VIRGINIA BEACH. VA. Season Mar 28-Sept. 18 American Plan. A modern resort Hotel, catering to a restricted clientele. Golf and beach club privileges. For boolket write LUCY F. TRAFTON FITZHUGH °zz:r Rooms With or Without Private Bath Hot and Cold Water in Even Room Senthern Cooking Mrs. Harr S. Payne. Mrs. W. P. Glover _Phone Va. Beach 772 __ The ATWATER Ocean Front at 19th St. American Plan. Restricted Clientele. "Always Room for One More" E. G. FATTON, Mgr. Phone V. B. 764 ROANOKE COTTAGE ^ Modern—American Plan Mrs. R. A. Gray—Mrs. R. B. Hyatt _Phone Va. Beach 732_ ™e SEA SPRAY hot*i On the Ocean at toth St. Special Rate - to June 10 ege AA * Pcr Person 8M1W • Double Occupancy . w_ • With Bath wkly. up * Includes Meals Enioii Golf. Tennis. Horseback Hiding, Dancing. Bathing from Room. Reservations—Write or Phone 1288_ A Honeymoon Heaven Cosy, modern hotel directly on the Ocean Promenade. Summer sports calore. Beach clubs with "name” bands. European Plan hotel with restaurant service available. Hotel Waverlj Ocean at 22nd. Virginia Beach, Va. FT. MONROE. VA. kamberlih/U/ OH KAUTIHJl MISTOOK HAMPTON QOADS ^ JXD POINT COM*OAT,TOOT MONAOI.VA. ^ar d perfect vacation I WDooftAno outdoor, sujimminc //JSjf* # 1 CtOln - Ttnms-moinc /^mn# | NtAA WIIUAMS6URG AYOttKTOWN / ^g It fOO Fftit BOOXllT-' fJ COLONIAL BEACHTVA. LINWOOD HOUSE COLONIAL BEACH, VA. FEATURING BEAL SOUTHERN COOKING AND HOSPITALITY Special Attention to Family GrouP» E. MAUDE CUMBERLAND, Mgr. Phone Colonial Beach No. 8 LEMONS' HOTEL > Fireproof, cool, comfortable rooms. Restau rant attached. MRS. HELEN LEMONS, Owner-Manager. __ _ HARPERS FERRY, W. VA. HILL TOP HOUSE One Hour via B&O In tk* Little Alps of America. Two Rivers and Three States Meet Berkley Springe Water Ueed HARPER’S FERRY, W. VA. BERKELEY SPRINGS, W. VA. CASTLE LODGE Berkeley Springs, W. Va. Only 100 miles from D. C. Spend a night or a week at the old romantic CASTLE— it's a unioue and restful atmosphere. Good food, famous Mineral water, and recreation incl. — swimming. boating. • private lake) mt. climbing, hiking, riding, evenings by the campfire, etc. Special luncheons or dinners arranged. For further information, write or phone Berkeley Springs -01.___* WILLIAMSBURG, VA. VISIT HISTORIC IN VIMGINIA For reservations write Williamsburg Inn and Lodge, Williamsburg, Va. LURAY, VA. VALLEY FARM Luray, Virginia Mrs. Frances MulhoDand Phone: Luray 24-F-65 Fishing-Swimming on Shenandoah River Modern conveniences Excellent meals IN THE BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS...ONLY 90 MILES from WASHINGTON! At the Mimslyn, you will find the true spirit of traditional Southern hospitality as well as deliciously prepared meals. A visit to Luray Caverns will be a long and pleasantly remembered experience. Luray Caverns . . . * the largest cave in Virginia . the most beautiful in the world. Hear the famous Luray Singing Tower. Favorite recreations . . . horseback riding, swimming, fishing, tennis, and hiking in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. Sand for llluttratod lookloti It's maty to got to Luray by VIRGINIA TRAILWAYS BUS From 12th and New York' Ave.—Phone DI-4224 Luray •.. The Beautiful Vacation Resort RESORTS. VIRGINIA REACH. VA. i NEWCASTLE HOTEL *u con so PE* EXPENSE WEEK DURING MAT Includes room. 2 meals daily. Swimming. AU hotel facilities. Ocean front. De lightful rooms. Southern cooking. Write. »r Phone 447 tar Reservations. SPECIAL RATES TO JUNE 19 Bunbee 3nn Ocean Front at 30th Street Virginia Beach, Virginia Finest Traditions at Inn Keep in* VIRGINIA KACH. VW6IMIA •a Em 9cm Fmrt M. 27* 4 2tA Sit A modem hotel in the center of activities. Largs airy rooms, attrac tively furnished: with or without private bath. Tree park for guest*. "We melee folks happy” Mrs. M. C. kstsWts, Mgr.—Phseo Mt I oillKTVr ONTHI OCIAN AT IX-lir" 1 ► All Sports -golf, riding, tennis, fishing BeothClubond Country Club fVivileges All outside rooms |-Attroctive rates Amernan plan. “3 meals. Write, wire or phone 485 1 ~1 THE AVALON On the Ocean Front at. 30th St. 52 Rooms with Private or Connecting Baths American Plan Mix Lucile Lessett. Msr. Phone V. B. S7A •STAUNTON. VA. . For Your • Spring or i Summer 1 Vacation Excellent 18-hole golf course—where the fairways meet the mountains. Fine accommodations. American or European Plan 2,000 feet M. Illl Elevation INGLESIDE HOTEL AND COUNTRY CLUB STAUNTON. VIRGINIA Contact your local Trarel Agent or phone NAtional 1880 JAMES C. MAHER, Owner-Mp. BASYE, VA. GREYSTONELODGE 250 acres in the Shenandoah Valley. 2,500 ft. elevation. 50-mile view; unexcelled Southern meals. Always cool. Riding and other sports. Caverns and Skyline Drive nearby. 120 mflaa from P.C. American Plan. FRANKLIN MANOR, MD._ Franklin Manor Beach Hotel Roome. Meals, Reasonable Rates. Phone West River TB-F-a tor reservation. _SHADY SIDE, MD._ IDLEWILDE HOTEL Shadyside. Md. Open for Memorial Day holiday. Come, spend the holiday and meet the new managers. Beverly and Forrest, at the New Idlewilde Hotel, on Chesapeake Bay, Idlewilde Beach, Shadyside, Md. 60 min utes from Washington. Rooms overlooking Bay: good food, beer, swimming, fishing, boating. Phone West River 44-F-15. RESORTS OCEAN CITY, MD._ APARTMENTS'^^ COTTACES^pr Phone 116 ^#£*BOARDWALK €f)e Colonial An outstanding boardwalk hotel. Ocean Front Dining Room—American Plan. Ac centing Reservations until October 1st. Phone Ocean City 660—Capacity 150. N. Y. fir W. J. Hastings Owner-Management STEPHElTDECATl Open for the season Special rates to June 15th; reservations I extremely limited otter July 1st. EARL E. CONLEY, Manogerj nr Mill 0 opens Jane 15th DtNNIb-^r"j—."r Write or Phone 77—Mrs. E. E. Dennis.. - Tierce cottage oceamndc,ty' Large A small rooms, also aparts. Write or nhone 219-J, Mrs. M^ Pierce._ TARRY-A-WHILE Small apts. and rooms. 4 doors from board* walk. Write Mrs. V. C. Davie of Phene 1.341 THE DUNLEER tSW Bates. $3 t. (5 per person per night. Apt*, te sleep 6. >75 wk. Phone 365. roomy .and apart*.__ HAMILTON HOTEL Special June Rates—European Plan Boardwalk at 3rd St. Phone 231 RIDEAU »OARDWALKCHOm PRIVATE BATHS; TELEPHONE IN ROOMS, HOMELIKE MEALS, ELEVATOR, BATHERS, DINING ROOM. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE. PHONE OCEAN CITY >99 J. D. JARMAN BREAKERS HOTEL Boardwalk Modern, homelike. Spec. June rates. Bathing from hotel; mod. rates. For reservations Phone T-H. Mrs, C. H, Timmons. Owner. MABIDEL CABINS NOW OPEN Housekeeping, ocean front. Week end, week, month, season. Less than $1.50 per person in group of 4. Tel. Ocean City, Md„ 665-J. For Sale in Ocean City, Md. ^htp Cafe—Completely equipped restaurant and bar, including 8 beautifully furnished bedrooms, modern baths, yacht basin; 10 acres of ideally located building lots. Reputation excellent, cltentele best; return handsome: priced right Lovely summer hame, recently re decorated throughput; completely furnished and equipped for year around occupancy. Just off ocean in fine residential section. Very good buy . . Beautiful ocean front apt.. 4 bed rooms. " baths, etc for rent for first helf season, ending July 31st. If interested call at once. Ayres Realty Co. Phone Ocean City, Md., 116 BRADDOCK HEIGHTS, MD. SCHLEY INN FAMOUS FOR FOOD Golf—Tennis—Bowling—Swimming Weed-end Rates. Sun. Dinners Served. H. Fischer, Fh. Braddock Heishts 2711 announcement THF. OPENING OF VINDOBONA HOTEL BRAIMinCK HEIGHTS. MD. NOW OPEN 30 years catering; Chicken. Steak and Country Cured Ham Dinners. M. J. CBOGHAN. Management Phone Braddock 5241 ' MARYLAND. BEAUTIFUL PASADENA INN The Idea! vacation spot. All land and water sports Excellent flshlnt. Nearbv and reasonable. Restricted clientele. Booklet. FRED HARPER. R.yal Oak. Md. NORTH CAROLINA. NORTH CAROLINA._ Come where every day gives you a bigger bonus in beauty ... as the lavish bloom of rose and purple rhododendron climbs farther up the cloud cooled slopes of the East’s highest mountains. Write now for Free copy of “Variety Vacation land’’ and plan a vacation among scenery so ma jestic you can only believe by seeing . . . where those who come once return again and again. Scenic camp sites, cottages, inns and resort hotels, give you a choice of accommodations and rates. .. There's a bonus, too, in reduced rotes if you come in Moy or June. Moil Coupon NOW. 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