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(Cards of uhattka GREY. WILSON R We. the bereaved family of the late Mr. WILSON R. GREY extend to the Rev. Dr. Halley B. Tayior and the choir of the Fifteenth Street Pres byterian Church, and all relatives and friends who assisted in anv wav during the illness and at the death of our loved one. our sincere thanks. THE FAMILY. • WILSON, HATTIE. We wish to express our sincere thanks to the relatives, friends and neighbors for the many acts of kind ness during her illness and for the many floral tributes, cards, telegrams and other evidences of kindness sent at the death of our loved one. HATTIE WILSON. LEON N BROGDON. • Deaths ADRIAN*. PETER Suddenly, on Mon day. June. 1*1-18. at Emergency H. . s;ai. FLIER ADRIANI of BSli Georgia ave n.w . beloved husband of Margaret Adnant. Hr also is survived by two sisters and one brother of Amsterdam Holland Services at the S H Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w . on Wednesday. June 9. at 3 p.m. Intermrnt Cedar Hill Cemetery. (Detroit papers please copy.t ALLEN. STANLEY FRANK. On Mon day. June * 1948. Emergency Hospital. STANLEY FRANK ALLEN of 1818 M st. n.w . beloved husband of Sarah Gould Allen, father of Miss Muriel Alien nf New York City. Services at the Madison Ave nue Presbyterian Church. New York City, or Thursday. June 10. at 2 pm. Inter ment Kensico Cemetery, N. Y. BEALL. CAPT. JOHN PAUL. On April •’4. 1943. in the Rcdjananc, Tunisia. North Africa. Capt. JOHN PAUL BEALL, 3.9th In fantry. 9th Division, U. S. A., beloved son of John C. W. and Mathilda VoRt Beall. Graveside services in Arlington National Cemetery on Friday. June 11, at 2 p.m. Friends and relatives invited. 10* BECKER. PFC. GEORGF. H.. JR Sud , denly. on July 9. 1944, at Saipan. Pfc GEORGE H. BECKERr Jr., of 2930 Upton st. n.w . beloved son of Dr George H. and Hen rietta S. Becker; brother of Mrs. I Valerie E Rohland. Services at the S H Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n w . on Thursday. June 10. at 2 p.m. Interment Fort Lin coln Cemetery. 9 BRICK. BENJAMIN. Departed this life at his sister’s residence. 1225 25th st. n w . BENJAMIN BRICE, husband of the late Luello Brice. He leaves to mourn five devoted children. George. James. Wol bert. Rernice and Lawrence: one sister. Mrs Ethel Turner: two brothers. Charles; Brice and William Harris: three aunts. Mrs j Hat'ie Honesty, Mrs. Mamie Phonex and Mrs. Alberta Mason, and other relatives and friends Remains at Janifer’s Funeral Home. 1141 22nd st. n.w. until 5 pm. Tuesday thereafter remains may be seen at his late residence. 3001 1 *th st., Ar lington Va.. after 0 p.m the same day. Funeral Wednesday. June 9. at 1 P ni , from the Jerusalem Baptist Church. 20th and P sts. n.w . Rev. August Lewis officiat- j Ing Interment Lincoln Memorial Ceme-i tery. BROACKER. AUGUST F. On Saturday. June 5. 1948. at Walter Reed Hospital. AUGUST F BROACKER of 4825 Reservoir rd n w., beloved father of Mrs. Emily R. Wech Services at the Chew Chase Fu neral Home, 5101 Wisconsin ave. n.w . on Wednesday. June 9, at 10:30 a m. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. 8 BUTLER. MATILDA A. On Sunday June 0. 1948. at Gallinger Hospital. MA TILDA A. BUTLER, daughter of the late Joseph and Mary Crowder, mother of Mrs. Mav E Ford of New York City. Mrs. Kate M Tyler and Frank and Cornelius Moody; devoted sister of Mrs. Lulu E Swann, grandmother of Edwin Hood. Mrs. Vir ginia Grady. Henry, jr ; Richard and Hay wood Tyler. After 12 noon Wednesday! friends are invited to call at thp McGuire Funeral Home. 1820 9th st. n.w. Notice, cf funeral later. 9 CARMICHAEL. FANNIE M. On Sunday. June 6. 1948. Mrs. FANNIE M. CAR MICHAEL of 4908 Meade at. n.e.. wife of; the late William P. Carmichael. She is survived by one daughter. Mary F. Foun tain, four sisters, Martha Owens. Hattie Adams, Agnes Jones and Rosa Dorsey: two brothers. William and Frank Dorsey, and many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Henry S. Washington & Sons' , Funeral Home, 4915 Deane ave. n.e.. after! 4pm Wednesday. June 9. Funeral on Thursday. June 10. at l p m . from the Jerusalem Baptist Church. 10th and P sts n w . Rev. Augustus Lewis, pastor. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Har-, mony Cemetery. 9 CARPENTER. JAMES S. On Tuesday, June 8 1948. at McLean. Va.. JAMES S CARPENTER of McLean. Va . husband of Marion G. Carpenter, father of Charles W. Carpenter of New York, brother of Miss Mary F. Carpenter of Washington, D. C. | Services and Interment private. DUNCAN, KATIE ISABELL. Suddenly, on Sunday. June 0. 19 18. at the residence of her daughter. 5408 1st pi. n.w.. KATIE ISABELL DUNCAN, widow of Edward Duncan and mother of Morton C., Chas. 1 W. Westmoreland D. Duncan. Mrs. Kath erine D. Magruder. Mrs. Virginia Berlin j and Mrs. Elizabeth Bayliss. Sister of Wm. M. Greenwood. Mrs Alice Acton. Mrs , Grace Leuris and Miss Irene Greenwood. Funeral services on Wednesday. -June 9, j from St. Mary’s Church, Alexandria. Va.. at 9:.10 am. Interment Ivy Hill Ceme tery Remains resting at her late resi dence. 101 E. Alexandria ave., Alexandria. Va. 8 -! FUNERAL DIRECTORS._ £ William Lee’s Sons Co. ith and Mats. Are. N.E LL 6200 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium FRANK GEIER'S SON CO. FUNRRAL HOME 3805 14th St. N.W. HObart 2326 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Formerly «t 1113 Tth St N W Established t AM__ In Case of Death Call ft' -imteM One of the Lerteet Undertaker* In the World Complete Funerals $95 to $2,000 Tour Larn funtrtl Ho mu Phone CO. 0432 V. L. SPEARE CO. ■either successor to nor connected with the original w. R. Solars establishment. 1009 h St. N.W. National 2PP2 t1 - —11 ' -- FUNERAL DESIGNS._ " GEO. C. SHAFFER. Inc. Eggffif-f?PR^ o.o?; Cor. 14th & Eye °ga : FLOWERS CHAMBERS has complete Flower Shop Funeral Designs Special! $3, $4, $5. $6, $7. $10. up to $200 -CALL Char‘L°Ji} JO. 0432 CHACONAS FLOWERS Beautiful FLORAL PIECES. and ■» OELIVEREP tAOO Uth St. N.W._Phnne PD. 1121 GUDE BROS. CO. iBdleldnille destined Breaths and Sprara Charpe arrounts opened hr phone t 212 F_ St W.W.—NAttonal 4316 Black i stone, Inc. BEAUTIFUL FLORAL TRIBUTES, $5 up Phone and Charge It £ & c FLOWER STORES rI ORAL SPRAT. S.3.RA t’P DK1JVBSKD Charte Account* Invited Two Convenient Locations Aft* 14th St. N.W. Ml. 143.3 •2.3 r St. N.W. MB. 7434 AMBULANCES. AMBULANCES DOCTORS CALL • CHAMBERS • For Ambulance, CO. MSI. One of the finest fleets in the world. Rates: Sit op to 11 mile radius. Expert attendants. CALL CO. 0432 EVANS. ILLBYD CON NOG IDRYS. On Monday, June 7. 1948. ILLBYD CONNOG IDRYS EVANS of* 1322 L st. n.w.. father of Cedric I., Henry D , Elizabeth D. and Helen I Evans: brother of Mrs. L. G. Miller of Winchester, Mass ; Mrs. Walter Davidson of Hawley Minn., and Mrs. L. Plumer of St Paul. Minn. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w . on Thursday. June 10, at 1 p m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 9 EVERETT, HENRIETTA L. Suddenly, or. Monday. June 7. 1948. at 1401 North Adams st., Arlington. Va . HENRIETTA L. EVERETT, beloved sirter of Lloyd T. E\erett of De Land, Fla.; Lelia G Everett of Dickerson. Md.. and Mrs. Fontaine Davj.on of Arlington. Va Remains rest ing at th*- Ivrs Fur.eral Home. MM7 Wilson blvd . Arlington. Va until l ;:*o p.m. Wed nesday. June 9: thenr* io S' George's Episcopal Church. North Nelson and 9th st*.. Arlington. Va., wherp funeral services will be held at 2 p.m Interment Fairfax. Va. FERRIS. DANIEL W Suddenly, on Sun day. .June d. 19|k DANIEL W FElRRJS. beloved husband of the late Mary C. Ferris, father of Elsie C Cantwell and grand father of Ralph Cantwell. Frends may rail at the Robert A. Mattingly Funeral Home. i.'U nth st. s.e., where services will bp held on Wednesday. June 9, at 'l p m Relative' and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. HADLEY. SARAH ALICE. On Monday. June 19 48. at her residence. I *2.VI dth st. s w.. SARAH ALICE HADLEY, mother of Dr Harry G. Hadley of Washington. D. S. Services at ‘he S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. *1901 14t.h st. n.w.. on Thursday. June 10. at n p.m Interment Cedar Lake Cemetery. West Winfield, N. Y. HALL, DANIEL CURTIS. On Monday. June 1948, at his residence. 51 W st. n.w . DANIEL CURTIS HALL, beloved hus oand of Lelia G Hall, father of Daniel Curtis Hall, jr.; Mrs. Doris L. Lam and Mrs. Phyllis H Ebert. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, *.'901 14th st. n.w . on Wednesday. June 9. at ^ p m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. HALL, MELVA M. On Sunday. June 6, 1948.* MELVA M. HALL, beloved wife of Daniel F. Hall and mother of Nancy M Hall Funeral from the W. W. Deal Fu neral Home. 481 •’ Georgia ave. n.w., on Tuesday. June 8, at 1 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Baltimore. Md. 8 HARRIS. MAX. On Monday, June 7. 1948. MAX HARRIS, beloved husband ol Fannie Harris and devoted father ut Hurry H , Louis E. and Abe M. Harris; Mrs. Mollie H. Moldawer and Mrs. Gertrude L. Aronstein. He also is survived by two ■Msters. Mrs. Morne Sihutier ol Atlantic City and Mrs. Rose Cohen ol Philadelphia. Pa.: Nn grandchildren and lour great grandchildren. Funeral services at the Bernard Dan/ansity Son Funeral Home. .{501 14th st. n.w., on Wednesday, June, 9. at 1 p in. Interment Adas Israel Ceme tery. HARRISON. ROBERT WILLIAM. On Saturday. June ft, 1948, ROBERT WIL LIAM HARRISON, at Naval Medical Hos ; pital. beloved husband of Francine J. Harrison of 1012 Sigsbee pi. ne. and ; brother of Sister Mary Elenor, Sisters of ! Mercy, of Pittsburgh. Pa, and Francis J. Louian, sr., of Norfolk. Va. Funeral from the Timothy Hanlon Funeral Home, 3831 Georgia ave. n.w . on Wednesday. June 9. at 8:30 a m. High requiem mass at St. Anthony's Church at 9 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington Na ’ tional Cemetery. 8 HENDRIX. LAURA LEWIS. Departed this life June 5. 1948. at Gallinger Hos pital. LAURA LEWIS HENDRIX, beloved wife of Will Hendrix and the daughter of the late Rev. Frank and Fenalle Lewis. She also leaves to mourn their loss a daughter, Thelma Brown, and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains rest-, ing at. the downtown chapel of St. Joseph’s ! Funeral Home. 300 L st. n.w. Funeral | Wednesday. June 9. at 11 a m., from People's Union Baptist Church. 3rd and L sts. s.e.. Rev. R L. Brooks officiating. In terment Payne's Cemetery. • HOGANS. JAMES. On Friday. June 4. 1948. at Gallinger Hospital. JAMES HO GANS of 53 Quincy pi. n.w . beloved brother of Mrs. Nora Newman. Mrs. Mary Jones. Mrs. Jennie Genis. Mrs. Birdie Grason and Wesley Hogans. A host of other relatives and friends also survive. The remains of Mr. Hogans may be viewed on Tuesday. June 8. after 0 p.m . at the Taft H. Williams Funeral Home. 1702 12th st n.w.. where funeral services will be held on Wednesday. June 9. at 1 p.m . Rev. R T Epps officiating. Interment Payne’s Cemetery. 8 HOLMES. BENJAMIN F. On Monday. June 7, 1948. at his residence. 1021 Doug las st. n.e.. BENJAMIN F. HOLMES, be loved brother of Mrs. Ola P. Sweeney. Irving E.. Richard M. and Frank W. Holmes. Remains resting at the above residence until Thursday. June 10. at. 12 j noon. Funeral services at the Grove Bap tist Church. Orlean. Va . at 2 p.m. In-1 terment Orlean Cemetery. Services by Chambers. 9 HUNT, SAMUEL W. On Monday. June 7. 1948. at his residence. 0409 Buchanan st.. Maryland Park. Md.f SAMUEL W. HUNT, beloved husband of Alice R. Hunt. ; father of Frances L. and Doris R. Hunt. Friends may call at the Simmons Bros. , Funeral Home. 2007 Nichols ave. s.e., until 8:30 a m Thursdav. June 10. Services i at the Ashland Prpsbyterian Church. Ash land. Md . at 1 1 am. Interment Clymalara Cemetery. 9 JACKSON. JOHN EVERETT. On Sat urday. June 5. 1948. JOHN EVERETT .JACKSON of 1643 Oth st. n.w.. son of the late John and Louise Jackson, de voted father of John E. Jackson, jr.; hus band of Willie Bell Jackson: brother of Grace. Lula, George and James Jackson, and Esther Foster. He also leaves other relatives and friends. Friends may cajl at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 1432 You st. n.w.. after 10 a m., Tuesday. June 8. Funeral services Wednesday, ' June P at 1 p.m. at the Vermont Avenhe Baptist Church. Reverand C. T. Murray officiating. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Harmony Cemetery. 8 JONES, ALFRED D. On Monday. June 7. 1948. at Emergency Hospital, after a lingering illness, ALFRED D JONES, son j of the late James H. and Efla M. Jones, j husband of Bertha Jones. He also is sur vived by two brothers. Burnett C. and Herbert H. Jones: two sisters, Jenny B. Turner and Gertrude Williams; two uncles, one aunt and a host of other relatives and friends Notice of funeral later. Arrange ments by H^nry S. Washington & Sons. JONES, MAUDE AGNES. On Sunday. Jump fl, 1948, at Fredericksburg. Va MAUDE AGNES JONES, beloved wife of Alonzo F. Jones and mother of Francis Alonzo Jones; sister of Rosa Schmidt. Fu neral from the Timothy Hanlon Funeral Home. 84 1 If st. n.e . on Thursday. June 10. at 12:90 p.m. Interment Fort Lin coln Cemetery. Relatives and friends in vited. 8 KANMERMIER. PFC. HARRY H. Killed in action March 27. 1949. In the North African campaign. European theater. Pfc. HARRY H. KANMERMIER. beloved son of Edward F. and- Rosa C. Kanmermier and brother of Mae R Kanmermier and Mrs, Mary C Dailey of R. F. D. 2. Herndon. Va. Burial will be in Arlington National Ceme tery Thursday. June JO. J948. at 2 p.m. KERN. GEORGE THOMAS WALKER. On Afonday. June 7. 1948. at Staunton. Va . GEORGE THOMAS WALKER KERN of 759 South 29rd st., Arlington. Va.. hus band of Margaret Ethel Kelley Kern and farher of Miss Margaret Eugenie Kern. Services private. Interment Hollywood Cemetery. Richmond. Va.. Tuesday. June 8. LAYMAN. HENRY QUIMBY. On Sun day. June «. 1948. at his residence. 4501 Chase ave. Bethesda. Md HENRY; QUIMBY LAYMAN, beloved husband of Catharine Hoffman Layman. Services at ♦he McCrery Funeral Home. 27th and Washington sts.. Wilmington, Del. on Wednesday. June if', 19 18. Interment Lombardy Cemetery. Wilmington. Del. 8, MANLEY. RICHARD DELANEY. On Friday. June 4. 1948. in Petersburg. Va.. RICHARD DELANEY MANLEY, husband of Sallie Manley He also is survived by six rhildren. other relatives and friends. Re mains resting at the Malvan A* Schey Fu neral Home. N. J ave. and R st. n.w,. where services will be held Wednesday. June 9. at J 0 a m. Interment Woodlawn 1 Cemetery • MARTIN'. ROSF WILDA. On Sunday Jimp it* 18. at Physicians Memorial Hos pital, La Plata. Md . ROSE WILDA MAR TIN. beloved wile of Raphel H. Martin: mother of Joseph E. Martin. La Plata. Md.. and Mrs. Marv E Thorne of Brandywine. Md Funeral from Hunt & Ryon Funeral Home. Wednesday. June i*. at 8:45 a m., thei ce to Sacred Heart Church. La Plata, Md.. where mass will be oflerpd at JL.'fO for the repose of her soul. Interment St. 1 John s Cemetery Clinton. Md. 8 MASSIE. THADDEUS. On Saturday. June 5. 11*48. THADDEUS MASSIE of P.V Oak st.. Jersey City. N. J . lormerly of Washington. D C.. husband of the late Susie Massie: beloved father of Mr> Louise Berks: brother of Mrs. Emma Christian. Mrs. Margaret Mingo. Susie. John. Charles! and Joseph Massie. Friends may rail at the \V. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 1 4.'iC You st. n w . after 7 p.m. Monday. June 7 Funeral services Wednesday. June f>. at p m., at the above funeral church. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Harmony Cemetery. 8 McCarthy. DANIEL .I. On Sunday June H. 1948. at his residenre. 2129 18th i st n * I'AMEL J MCCARTHY, beloved husband of Cornelia Crnfut McCarthy Private services at the above residence on Tuesday. June 8. at .1 p.m. Services by Chamber*. MINDER. JACOB. On Monday. June 7. 1948. JACOB MINDER, beloved husband of the late Daisy Minder, father of Rosa Maloney. Daisy Layton. Pearl Talbot. Lil lie Marouett. Charlott Devers. Alice' Baldwin. Jacob A Minder. Everett Minder and William Minder Funeral from the W. W Deal Funeral Home. 8IB H st. n.e. on Thursday. June in. at 2 p.m. Rela tives and Friends invited. Interment Glenwoori Cemetery. 9 MINNIS. DONALD (HORACE!. Depart-* ed this life on Sunday. June 6. 1948. DONALD (HORACE) MINNIS of 1137 ; Morris st n e . the devoted husband of Mrs. Lulu Minnis and father of Mrs. Vivian Whldbee and Harvey Minnis. He also leaves two sisters. Mrs. Mable Blackwell; and Mrs. Estelle Branson; two brothers Milton and Raymond Crawford, one niece and one nephew and many other relatives ! and friends. Friends may call Tuesday after 2 p.m. at the funeral home of Alex ander S Pope. 414 15th st. se.. where funeral services will be held Wednesday. June 9. at 1 p m. Interment Payne Ceme tery 8 MONROE. MABELLE J. On Sunday. June 0. 1948. at her residence. Arlington: Village. Va.. Mrs. MABELLE J. MONROE, wife of the late Col. William H Monroe: mother of Mrs. John V. Tower. Mrs. Jona thon Hunt. Mrs. Herbert G. Sparrow, and sister of Miss Edna Jones. Friends may rail at Gawler's Chapel until lo a m. Tues day. Notice of services later. 8 NEAL, CECIL DuBOIS. On Monday.! June ?. 1948. CECIL DuBOIS NEAL of j 702 Both ave.. Fairraount Heights. Md., i beloved son of Rodney G. and Roseal Neal; ! brother of Rodnev B. Neal and grandson of i Mr. and Mrs. W’illiam O. Neal. Also sur viving are other relatives and manv friends. After 5pm Wednesday friends are invited to call at the McGuire Fufieral1 Home. 1820 Qth st nw. where sefvire?i will be held on Thur'day June in. ot 111 a m IntermanV, Lincoln Memorial Ceme- 1 terr. i S Miss Maude B. Snead Rites to Be Held Today Funeral services for Miss Maude Bennett Snead. 57, active club woman, who died Saturday night after collapsing at the banquet of the Confederate Memorial Commit tee in the Burlington Hotel, will be held at 2 p.m. today (EST» in Fork Union ( Va.i Baptist Church. Burial will be in the cemetery there. The services erroneously were given in The Star as being scheduled for yesterday instead of today. Miss Snead, who lived at the Bur lington Hotel, was employed in the personnel division of the Re construction Finance Corp. Dratba NOONE. M. MARJORIE. On Monday. June 1948. at the Marine Hospital. Baltimore. Md.. M. MARJORIE NOONE. beloved* wife of the late Matthew J. Noone. mother of Mrs. Marjorie N. Eicholtz. Mrs. Frances Flavin and Mrs. Eleanor M Graves, and daughter of Mrs. May Williamson. Funeral from the W. K. Huntemann Fu neral Home. 5732 Georgia ave. n.w.. on Thursday. June 10. at 8:30 a m. Requiem mass at the Church of the Nativity. 0005 13th fit. n.w . at 9 a m. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery 9 PAYNE. AOELA KLEINSCHMIDT. On Monday. June 7, 3 948, at her residence. 12227 20th st. n.w'.. ADELA KLEIN SCHMIDT PAYNE, daughter of the late Dr. Carl and Josephine Pearce Klien schmidt, sister of the late Harry C. Klein : schmidt. mother of Mary Elizabeth Lake and grandmother of Gordon and Merritt Chance. Notice of services later. PRATT, MARY E. Suddenly, on Sat urday. June 5. 1948. MARY E. PRATT of 1429 R st. n.w.. beloved wife of William E. Pratt and devoted mother of Jesse. Harry and Walter Pratt. She is also survived by seven grandchildren, three great grandchildren and other relatives and friends. Friends may call to see the late Mrs. Pratt at the above address, after 4 p.m. Tuesday. Funeral services; a. the Metropolitan Eaptist Church,’ Wed -: nesday. June 9. 1948. at 1 p.m. Rev. Darneal Johnson officiating. Interment | in Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Arrange ment by L. E. Murray Ac Son. is* PRATT, MARY E. The officers and members of Richard Howell Gleaves As- . sembly No. 2. Order of the Gulden Circle, will meet Tuesday. June Id. at 8 p.m. at 1429 R st. n.w. to have twilight services lor Loyal Lady MARY E PRATT WILD A C. MARSHALL. L. L. Ruler. H. REBECCA BEASON. L. L. Sec. 8 PRATT. MARY E. The officers and members of Datcher Chapter, j No. 7, O. E. S. are hereby re-j quested to attend the funeral! of our late sister. MARY E. | h PRATT. Wednesday, June i». j 1JI4M. at 1 o’clock, from the: Metropolitan Baptist Church. R st. between J2th and l.lth sis. n.w. LELIA J. WILDY. W. M. JOSEPH N. YEARWQOD. Jr., W. P. M. E. C. LYLE. Secretary. RILEY, MARGARET. On Monday. June 7. 1948. at her residence, 405 Greenwood ave.. Takoma Park, Md.. MARGARET RILEY, beloved wife of the late John F. j Riley and cousin of Mrs. Margaret B. Col- : llns and John A. Collins. Funeral from the Timothv Hafilon Funeral Home. 3831 Georgia ave.. on Wednesday. June 9, at j 9 a.m. Requiem mass at Our Lady of Sorrows Church. Takoma Park. Md.. at 9:30 a.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 8 RILEY, MARGARET. Officers and members of Liberty Council. No. 162. C. W. B. L.. are requested to meet at the Hanlon Funeral Home. 3831 Georgia ave. n.w., on Tuesday, June 8. 1948. at 8 p.m. C. S. McMAHON. President. R. R. KOLB. Secretary. RUSH. VERNON. Departed this life; suddenly Saturday. June 5, 1948. at Blue ; Plains Hospital. D. C . Mr. VERNON RUSH. He is survived bv a devoted mother. Mrs. Emma Harris: two brothers. Charlies and Arthur Rush: two sisters. Mrs. Lola Baylor and Mrs. Maude Foster of 1812 Riggs pi. i n.w.. and a host of other relatives and' friends The remains may be viewed Tuesday. June 8. after 12 noon, ai the Hall Bros.' Funeral Home. 621 Florida; ave. n.w. Funeral services Wednesday. June 9, at 9 a m . from the Holy Name Church at 920 llth st. n e. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 8 j SCHULTZ. WILLIAM. On Sunday. June 6. 1918. WILLIAM SCHULTZ, husband of Mrs. Edna Schultz and father of Mrs. Min nie I. Duke and Mrs. Lillian I. Hill, j Friends may call at the Wastler Funeral Home. 301 East Capitol st.. until 9:30 a.m.; Wednesday. June .9. Funeral services and interment will be private. SHEPHERD.-LORIS T. Suddenly, on Sundav. June 6. 1948. at his home, 8010 Eastern dr . Silver Spring. Md., LORIS T. SHEPHERD beloved husband of Lucile J Carter Shepherd. Remains resting at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Funeral Home of I William Reuben Puraphrey. Bethesda. Md.. where funeral services will be held Tues day. June 8, at 3 p.m. Interment Jasper. Ala. 8 SMITH. WALTER DWIGHT. Suddenly, on Sunday. June 6, 1948. at his residence. .34-A Bates st. n.w., WALTER DWIGHT SMITH, the beloved husband of Elisabeth Anderson Smith, father of David W. Smith, son of Josephine and Charles R. Smith, brother of Charles R . jr.: Norma L. and Gertrude L. Smith. Services at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w,. on Wednesday. June 9. at 2:30 p.m. Inter ment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. SMITH, WALTER H. Members of Bunk- ! er Hill Post no. 31. tne Ameri- , ran Legion, will meet at Cham | bers* Funeral Parlor. and i Chapin sts. n.w., at 7:30 p.m.' ‘ Tuesday night. June 8. to hold funeral services for Comrade WALTER D. SMITH. THOMAS P. ROYSTON. t’Omar. W. R. BRENNAN. Adi. * SOLOMON'S. JULIA. Died on Friday. June 4. 1948. at Los Angeles. Calif., at the age of 85 years. JULIA SOLOMONS,! a native of Washington. D. C. Inter ment on Wednesday, June 9, in New York . » i WALKER. DELBERT ALONZO. Sud denly. on Sunday-June 6. 194 8. at Arling-1 ton Hospital. DEL&ERT ALONZO WALKER, j beloved husband of the late Bessie T.1 Walker and father of Mrs. Dorothy Ellen j Farmer and brother of Mrs. George Dame, Mrs Chester Sheppard. Mrs. Jessie Welch and Gilbert Kidwell. Remains resting at Money dr King's Funeral Home. Vienna. Va Services Wednesday. June 9, at 3 1 p m.. from the Merrifield Baptist Church. Interment Flint Hill Cemetery. Oakton, Va. 8 | WALLACE. ROSE MAY. On Sunday. June ti, 1948. ROBE MAY WALLACE of 797 Monroe st. n e . beloved wife of Wil liam A. Wallace and mother of Marian C. Jones Funeral from the W. W. Deal Funeral Home. 4812 Georgia ave. n.w. on Wednesday. June 9. at 10:30 a m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 8 i WARD. LUCY ANNA. Departed this life Sunday. June ti. 1948. at Freedmen's Ho= pital. LUCY ANNA WARD. She leaves to j mourn their loss a devoted daughter. Am bia I. Goodloe Roey. and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains re.ning at. the Horton Funeral Home.1322 You st. n.w. Funeral services Wednesday. June 9, at. 1 p m.. at the above funeral home. Rev. James H Marshall officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. WARFIELD. JOHN B. On Monday. June 7, 1948, at his residence. Norbeck. Md.. JOHN R WARFIELD, beloved father of Mrs. Catherine Hammond. Mrs. Florence | Johnson. Robert and Benjamin Warfield. Also surviving are three grandchildren, one ; great-grandchild, four sisters and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Snowden & Davis Funeral I Home. Rockville. Md„ after ti p.m. Wed nesday. June 9. Funeral Thursday. June Itt. at. 2 p.m , from Mount Pleasant Church, j Norbeck. Md.. Rev. W, E. Williams, pastor. | Interment Sandy Spring Cemetery. 9 WELCH. IGNATIUS ROBERTA. On Mondaw June 7. J 1*4s. at her residence,; 1SM4 Monroe st n.w. IGNATIUS RO BERTA WE1.CH daughter of the late Mary J. and Edward Price Welch. Funeral serv ices at the S. H Hines Co. Funeral Home. , 2001 14th st. n w\. on Wednesday. June «*. at 0:30 am : thence to the Shrine oi j the Sacred Heart Church. lHth st. and Park ! rd. n.w. where the holy sacrifice of the mass will be offered at 10 a m. for the t repose of her soul. Interment Holy Rood j Cemetery. WHEELER. LORETTA R. On Monday. June 7. 1048. at Doctors Hospital, LOR ETTA R. WHEELER, beloved wife of Har- • low B. Wheeler and mother of Thomas L. | Wheeler. She also is survived by her1 mother and father. Florence G. and Lewie ; T, Roberson, and her sister. Florence ( Holter. Funeral services will be held at! the Van Horn Funeral Home. Fajrport. N. | Y. on Thursday. June 10. at 10:30 a m. Interment Webster Cemetery, Webster. N. Y. WHITE. W ARD H. Suddenly, on Mon day. June 7. 1048. WARD H WHITE of 1315 Peabody st. n.w . beloved father of Robert and John White, son of R. M. and the late Gertrude S White of Bluefleld. W. Va : brother of Mrs. Carrie Lefler of1 Covington. Va.: Mrs. Thelma Johnston: of Bluefleld. W Va., and Mrs. Blanche Farley of Bluefleld. W Va. Services and interment Bluefleld. W. Va WILLIAMS. ABNER A. On Saturday June 5. 1048. ABNER A WILLIAMS, de voted father of Ernest and Juanita Wil- j liams. beloved brother of Mrs. Oliver Grayson and Emma Williams. Rev. Hobart. Newman. Delma, Arthur. Stokley and Everett Williams. Two aunts and other relatives and friends. After 4 p m.. June 8. friends may call at the Morris A Carter A: Co. Funeral Home. 2nd and F sts. s.w. Services and interment in Quantico. Va. Wednesday. June 0 at 1 p.m. Family may be seen at 321 F st. s.w 8 WILLIAMS. ANNA ELIZABETH. En tered into eternal rest on Monday. June 7. 194*. ANNA ELIZABETH WILLIAMS. 09 M st. s w.. lovmg daughter of Park and Elizabeth Williams: devoted sister of Mrs Bessie Jackson and Elizabeth Parks: de voted mother of Edward. William and Eu gene Jackson. She also leaves three aunts, three uncles, other relatives and many friends to mourn her passing. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines & Co. Fu neral Home. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w., where Inends may call on Wednesday. June 9. after 4 pm. Funeral Thursday. June 10. at 1 pm.. Rev. Muse officiating. Inter ment Woodlawn Cemetry. 9 WILLIS. BERNARD O. On Monday June 7, 194*. at Casualty Hospital. BER NARD O. WILLIS, beloved husband of Gertrude Willis, father of Mrs. Lacey Warren. Mrs. Zelda Staugh and Sergt. t Earle B Willis. Services at Chambers I Funeral Home. 617 ilth st. s.e . on Wed nesday, June 9. at 2:30 pm. Interment Washington National Cemetery. 8 WILSON, VICTORIA. On Monday. June 7. 194*. VICTORIA WILSON of 420 3rd st. n e.. mother of John G. and Robert Wilson and Eliza Fitzgerald. Friends may rail at the Malvan Schey Funeral Home. ’ N. J. ave and R *t. nw. after 5 pm Tuesday. Funeral from the Unity Baptist , i Church. 424 3rd st n.e., Wednesday. June ■ ' 9 at 1 p m. interment Woodlawn Ceme-J tery. ^ • f\ Mrs. Albert S. Gatley, Wife of Bank Official, Dies at 77 in Bethesda Mrs. Mabel Hoge Gatley, 77, wife of Albert S. Gatley, vice president of the Lincoln National Bank, died this morning at Bethesda Suburban Hospital after a brief illness. Mrs. Gatley and her husband re turned Sunday to their home, 4710 , Montgomery lane, Bethesda, after : attending the annual convention of the District Bankers’ Association at | White Sulphur Springs, W. Va„ | where he was elected treasurer of the association for the 36th consecu | tive time. Mrs. Gatley was born in Charles ] town, Tenn., and come to Washing | ton as a child with her parents, the | late John Taylor Hoge and Mar j garet Farrington Hoge. She and Mr. Gatley met in school and had been sweethearts since they were 13, the family said. They were married when they were 21 and, last: March 8, celebrated their 55th wed ding anniversary. At one time they; lived in Kensington, where they I both sang in the choir of the Pres-! byterian church. For 40 years they lived at 841 Rittenhouse street N.W.. until two years ago when they moved to Be- j thesda to live with a daughter, Mrs. Lester A. Twigg. Mrs. Gatley was active for many years in the Emory Methodist1 Church. A Bible class, which she j taught fpr 15 years, is named for her. Besides Mr. Gatley and Mrs. Twigg, she leaves two sons, Howard A., of Kenosha, Wise., a Boy Scout executive; Albert S., jr., Glen Echo, Md., an engineer with the Potomac Electric Power Co.: a sister, Mrs. Mildred H. Wisda, Bethseda; seven grandchildren and two great-grand children. Funeral arrangements have not been announced. In Urmortam BAILEY, MAMIE E. In loving memory of our devoted wife, sister and aunt. MAMIE E. BAILEY, who departed this life two years ago today, June 8, 194f>. What happy hours we once enjoyed When we w**re both together. But. oh. how changed it all is now Since you have gone forever. HUSBAND. TRANK. All to myself I think of you. Think of the things we used to do: Think of the things we used to say, Think of each happy yesterday. SISTER. MARY, Often we sit. and talk of you And speak of how you died: We know you did not say good-by Before you closed your eyes. HARRIET AND NORMAN. • BARLEYCOCK. RACHEL WALKER. A ! tribute of love and devotion to the memorv of our dear mother. RACHEL WALKER ; BARLEYCOCK. who passed away two years ago today, June 8. 1946. Two years have passed. Our hearts are still sore; As time goes on We miss you more. HER CHILDREN. FERDINAND, CLIF FORD, HARRIET AND ADELE. BELL, CASSIE S. In loving memory of j our dear mother and grandmother. CASSIE 8. BELL, who departed this life four years ago today, June 8. 1944. Memory is something no one can steal. Parting leaves sorrow no one can heal; Beautiful memories of one so dear We cherish with love so sincere. For all of us you did your best, O God, grant you eternal rest. THE FAMILY. BROGSDALE. JANNIE A. In memory ot our devoted wife and aunt. JANNIE A. BROGSDALE. who departed this life three years ago today, June 8. 1945. We walked together, you and I, In sorrow and in joy; We shared our pains and happiness With love without alloy. And death shall never end our love. For through the mist I see Our glad reunion in the skies For all eternity. YOUR DEVOTED HUSBAND AND LOVING NIECE. JOHN H. BROGSDALE AND MRS. EDWINA E B. BURTON. • EDWARDS. LOUISE E. Sacred to the memory of our dear mother and sister. LOUISE E. EDWARDS, who departed this life two years ago today, June 8. 1940. We once had a mother, So loving, kind and true, And now she Is watching over us From the beautiful skies of blue. Some may think we have forgotten When at times they see us smile. But little do they know the heartache* We have suffered all the while. Keep her, dear God. in Thy keeping Until we reach that heavenly shore, Then, dear God, let us have her, Just U> love as before. LOVING HDSBAND. BERNARD. Sr.: SONS. BERNARD. Jr.; ELMER F.; DAUGHTERS, j HELLAINE D.. NORMA Z.. MRS. LOR- , RAINE WHITE. MRS. GLORIA MOORE. SON-IN-LAW. WILLIAM MOORE. SIS TER. REGINA SESLER. • JACKSON. ELIZA. In loving memory of; of our mother. ELIZA JACKSON, who pa^ed away one year ago today, June 8.: 1947. Dear God. You called our mother home One year ago today. Please help us as we Journey on To meet her some glad day. And when our call comes to follow her. Where she has gone before. We know our mother will be waiting On life’s golden shore. HER DEVOTED DAUGHTER AND SON-IN LAW, IDA AND JOHN COLBUT. • LIDLAM, EDITH LORENA. In sad but i loving memory of our dear mother. EDITH LORENA LUDLAM, who passed away five years ago today, June b, 194.T. Keep her, dear God. t Until we reach that heavenly shore* Then. oh. dear Goa, let us have her, Just to love her as before. LOVING SON AND DAUGHTER. • PENNINGTON, WILLIS H. AND MARY LEE. Sacred to the memory of our mar velous parents. WILLIS H. PENNINGTON, who entered eternal life ten years ago. March *2N, 19.1b. and MARY LEE PEN NINGTON. who entered eternal life June b, 194H. God saw the roads were getting rough, The hills wptc hard to climb; He gently closed your weary eyes And whispered, "Peace be thine.” Sleep on. precious ones, and take you rest. We loved you well, but God loved you best. CHILDREN. GRANDCHILDREN AND SONS IN-LAW. RIVERA. THOMAS A. A tribute of jlove and devotion to the memory of my dear husband. THOMAS A RIVERA. who passed a* ay one year ago today, June b, 1947. Time may heal the broken-hearted. Years may make the wound less sore, But it cannot fill the longing For the loved one gone before. Who shall say the grief is lessened. Though the smile inay hide the tears Memories keep the wound still open Despite the passing of the years. DEVOTED WIFE. MAGGIE M. RIVERA. • RIVERA. THOMAS A. In fond remem brance of THOMAS A. RIVERA, who de parted this life one year ago today, June b, 1947. Peace, perfect peace. RICHARD. • SCOTT. JUANITA. A tribute of loving ; devotion in memory of my daughter. | JUANITA SCOTT, who departed this life eleven years ago today. June 8, 1937. Memories are treasures no one can steal. 1 Death leaves a heartache nothing can heal Some have forgotten now that you are gone. I shall remember, no matter how long. DEVOTED MOTHER. BERNIC& SCOTT. • SMITH. RICHARD HENRY. In loving memory of our dear son and brother. RICHARD HENRY SMITH, who departed this life five years ago. June 8. 1943. In our hearts your memory lingers. MOTHER. FATHER. EMMA. ADAM, AND BROTHERS. • STRATTON. CATHERINE V. In mem ory of our beloved wife and mother. CATH ERINE V. STRATTON, who passed away lour years ago yesterday, June 7, 1944. What happy hours we once enjoyed When we were all together. But. oh, how changed It all is now Since You have gone forever. Some may think we do not miss you And our wounded hearts are healed. But little do they know the sorrow That lies within our hearts concealed. DEVOTED HUSBAND AND SON. ROBERT H. AND ROBERT F. STRATTON. • WALKER. ANNA J. In sad but loving j remembrance of our mother. ANNA J. WALKER, who left us so suddenly five years ago today, June 8. 1943. Time speeds on, five years have passed But witii us always your memory will last. ANNA. JOSEPH. MADELINE. • WALKER. BETTIE W. A tribute of love and devotion sacred to my mother. BETTIE W. WALKER, who passed away seven years ago today. June 8, 1941. In my thoughts I like to stray Along the road of yesterday, To live again in memory The happy days that used to be. To hear you laugh, to see you smile. To talk with you a little while; I love to linger on the way That leads me back to yesterday. DEVOTED DAUGHTER. MARGUERITE W. SNEAD. . • WHITAKER. FRED. In loving memory of my dear husband. FRED WHITAKER, who left me one year ago today. June 8, 1947. The memory you left behind. One that’s very sweet and. oh so kind. YOUR LONELY WIFE. HENRIETTA. * WYCKOFF, JAMES C. In loving mem- j ory of my dear son, JAMES C. WYCKOFF.: who passed away one year ato today, June 8* 1847. • i r\ Daniel C. Kali, Sr., Dies; Gun Factory Supervisor Daniel Curtis Hall, sr„ 60, a super visor at the Naval Gun Factory, died yesterday at his home, 51 W street N.W., after an illness of several months. Mr. Hall was born in Pulaski, Va., and came to Washington more than 40 years ago. He worked at the Forsberg Machinery & Foundry Works here for some time and had been employed at the Naval Gun Factory for about 30 years. He was supervisor of the torpedo tube shop. Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Lelia G. Hall: a son, Daniel Curtis Hall, jr.: two daughters. Mrs. Doris L. Laut and Mrs. Phyllis H. Ebert, all of Washington, and three brothers. A. K. Hall, Falls Church, Va,; T. Homer Hall. Maryland, and Irvin W. Hall, Columbus, Ohio. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at Hines funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be in Rock Creek Ceme tery. _ Andy Farkas' Mother Dies in Toledo at 74 Mrs. Rose Farkas, 74, mother of Andy Farkas, former Washington Redskins fullback who now operates a sporting goods shop here, died un expectedly yesterday at her home in Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. Farkas was the wife of Dr. Geza Farkas. a graduate of Buda pest University, who founded anc’. now edits the Toledo, a Hungarian - American weekly newspaper. About 15 years ago Dr. Farkas was in an automobile accident and was an invalid for some years. During that time Mrs. Farkas pub lished the paper and Dr. Farkas dictated the editorials from his bed. During the last 10 years Mrs. Far kas has helped her husband in a secretarial capacity. Mrs. Farkas. the youngest of 13 children, was born in Hungary and came to this country when she was 18. Dr. Farkas and her son, who lives j at 9508 Savbrook avenue, Silver Spring, where she often visited, are her only survivors. Requiem mass will be offered i Thursday at St. Stephen's Catholic I Church in Toledo. Burial will be i there. Rites to Be Held irrChicago For Representative Owens Funeral services for Representa tive Thomas L. Owens of Illinois, who was serving his first term in Congress, will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday in St. Hilary's Church, Chicago. Burial will be in All Saints’ Cemetery there. Mr. Owens, who was 50. died early yesterday at the Bethesda Naval Medical Center. At a brief session before the House adjourned yesterday out of respect to Mr. Owens, members eu logized him for his honesty, courage and sincerity. Representative Sabath. Democrat, of Illinois, dean of the House, said of his Republican colleague, “I have never seen a more active, harder working, more sincere member of this House than Tom Owens.” , » Mr. Owens represented the 7th Illinois district. Appointed to represent the House at the funeral were four of Mr. Owens’ Illinois colleagues. Repre sentatives Twyman, Vail and Busbey, Republicans, and O'Brien, Democrat. John J. Healy, 82, Dies; Aided in Lorimer Inquiry By the Associated Press CHICAGO. June 8.—John J. Healy, 82, Cook County State's at torney from 1904 to 1908, died today in suburban Evanston. He had been actively engaged in his law practice until two weeks ago. During his long career he represented the Senate in its inquiry into the election of the late William Lorimer to the Senate. Mr. Healy’s work aided in ousting Lorimer from the Senate. Lorimer was elected for the term beginning in March, 1909, and served until July 13, 1912, when the Senate adopted a resolution-declaring that "corrupt methods and practices were employed in his election and that the election .therefore, w-as invalid.” Surviving are Mr. Healy's widow, Katharine; two daughters,' Mrs. Robert M. Atwater of Evanston and Mrs. Gerrit D. Foster of Milwaukee, and three sons, Allan of Evanston, Winston of Shelburne Falls, Mass., and Laurin of Winnetka. Old Bomb Kills Five ARNHEIM, the Netherlands, June 8 UP).—Five workers were killed here today when a 3,000-pound bomb ex ploded in a concrete building that was one of the West European headquarters of the German air force during the war. SJalsb MORTICIANS 4601 5th St. N.W. RA. 5468 CIAGETT^ MEMORIAL OS 502HtwHA»»HIRtAVE Vijit-Our Duplay */ Memoriau-Fok- 4 Immediate- Erection? In-Allcemeteriej-. _OPEN-Jt’NDAY/ - — LOANS an DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEW ELRY and athar artidas af valua. bt mas LOUIS ABRAHAMS 3225 Rhoda Island Ava. N.E WArfiald 349S CEMETERY LOTS. I LOT. 4 SITES, in Fort Lincoln Ceme tery. near new entrance and Masonic lection, fceaionable. UN. 4847. —4 Max Harris Dies at 80; Retired Meat Dealer Max Harris, 80. retired Washing ton retail and wholesale meat dealer, died yesterday afternoon in Emerg ency Hospital. He had been criti cally ill since Thursday. His home was at 5809 Fourteenth street N.W. Mr. Harris was bom in Russia and came to the United States when he was in his teens. He lived in Philadelphia where, for about 30 years, he was a skirt manufacturer. He came to Washington in 1918 and went into the meat and grocery business, from which he retired about eight years ago. Survivors are his widow. Mrs. Fannie Harris: two daughters. Mrs. Charles Aronstein and Mrs. Mollie Moldower, both of Washington: three sons, Louis E. and Harry H. Harris of Washington, and A. Mitchell Harris of New York: two sisters, Mrs. Rose Cohen, Phila delphia, and Mrs. Yetta Shafer. Atlantic City, and 10 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. tomorrow in Danzansky's funeral home, 3501 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be in Adas Isreal Congregation Cemetery. Pfc. Julian K. Dobson To Be Reburied'Tomorrow Reburial services for Pfc. Julian K. Dobson, 18, a Marine raider who was killed by mortar shell Septem- ' ber 28. 1942, on Guadalcanal, will ■ be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at Ar- ! lington Cemetery. Pvt. Dobson was born in Alexan- ! dria and attended schools there. He later went to school in Dela ware City, Del., before he joined the Marines in January, 1942. He went overseas in March, the same year, with the 1st Division. Survivors are four sisters, Mrs. Walter Watson, Mrs. Leonard Lay man, Mrs. James Smith, all of Port Belvoir, Va.; Mrs. John Doel, Niagara Falls, and a brother,* T Sergt. William Dobson, Fort Mc Pherson, Ga. His parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Dobson. ! HOUSE PAINT Z MUTH«» Serving the Painter Since 1865 Carl Eduard Pelz Funeral Rites Today Funeral services for Carl Eduard Pelz, 78, retired District surveyor, who began his career with the municipal government in 1889, were to be held this morning in Chambers fun eral home, 1400 Chapin street N.W., with pri vate burial. He died Sun day in Provi dence Hospital after a long ill ness. His home was at 2520 F o u r t e enth street N.W. Mr. Pelz was appointed sur veyor for the Mr. Fel«. District on October 10, 1939, to suc ceed Edward A. Dent, who was made District assessor. Mr. Pelz was re tired December 31, 1939. A native of Washington, Mr. Pelz was the son of the late Paul J. Pelz, Washington architect who designed the Library of Congress. He also designed buildings at Georgetown University and the Uni versity of Virginia, as well as the Army and Navy Hospitals at Hot Springs, Ark. He died in 1918. Mr. Pelz attended Western High School and engineering schools here and in New York. In 1889 he began work in the District Highway De pertinent as a chairman. After one year, he left District service but returned In 1895 as an assistant engineer in the street extension di vision. In 1897 he joined the United States Deep Waterway of the War Department and 11 years later ha was with the survey of. New Yorlc Harbor. Mr. Pelz returned again to tha District Government in 1918 as an assistant engineer in the survey'* office. He was made assistant sur veyor early in 1939. He is survived by a sister, Sister Beatrice Clare of St. John the Baptist Convent, Ralston. N. J. His wife, the late Nan Keeler Pelz, died a number of years ago. Suit Asks Court to Void Clark's Subversive List The International Workers Order, Inc., yesterday afternoon brought suit In District Court, asking that it be taken off the Attorney Gen eral's list of subversive organizations. The suit asks that the list ba declared void. The suit says the organization is a fraternal benefit society and that, when it was placed on the list, it had a membership of about 185,000. The 3Ult added that the organization has lodges in 18 States and the District. The petition, filed through At torneys Lee Presman and Allan R. Rosenberg, contends the presiden tial order regarding the listing of subversive organizations is uncon stitutional. The organization also contends that it is not subversive. The Office of L. E. Harris Insurance Agent & Broker 608 Investment Building Will be closed tomorrow Wednesday, June 9 due to death in the family W. R. Frank Hines, President Washinttons Foremost Funeral Home Siute 1S7S imes Compann 2901 03-0S-07 Fourteenth Street N.W. Columbia 7023-24 No Branch Establishments ■■■rcaM... The telephone is always near —with a convenient extension. Everyone in the family will appre ciate the “extras” an extension tele phone provides... the saving in steps and time . . . the privacy afforded on the telephone when you’re enter taining guests ... the assurance that the telephone is always at hand in case of an emergency. The value is great—yet the cost is only a few pennies per day. For complete information, simply call our Business Office. Why Yn Cm Qtt m Extmsfoa T>fophM> «WI« mm Mks art still Nobody is waiting for telephone service because of a lack of telephone instruments. It is the need for additional cable and central office equipment that is temporarily bolding us back. We’ll be able to fill new orders for service as rapidly as those fa cilities can be enlarged. It’s a big job, but we’re working harder than ever to complete it. We don’t like to keep anyone waiting for telephone service. The Chesapeake 9k Potomac Telephone Company *