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Perh apsThey Should Have Made One Long Title for Clair Film By Jay Carmody A Laplander giving a sight reading of Cicero’s orations could not eome up with a more startling free translation than that which prefaces the film, “Le Silence est D'Or,” which won the world film festival prize In 1947. “Le Silence est D'Or.” it says in abrupt French. Before any one can translate that into the obvious “silence is golden,’* including those who cannot speak a word or Frencn, up comes the English parenthesis, ‘‘Man About Town.” The point, of course. Is that it is not a translation, but a complete change of title, but there is nothing in arrangement of the words on the screen to indicate the difference. It adds up, however, to one of the biggest laughs in the picture, which is rather full of big laughs as Rene Clair comedies are almost sure to be. One spectator at yesterday's screening of the picture went away thinking the American distributor made a mistake in not combining the two titles into “Le Silence de l'Hom me de la Ville Est D'Or.” Re thinks it would have looked enormous on a marquee, if any mar quee were that enormous. The Lit tle's marquee, of course, is not. More about Producer Clair’s world’s prize winner tomorrow. * * * * Now that the frenzy is past, the Olney Theater staff and its custom ers are shifting the stories of their mutual experiences trying to get to gether on tickets for Helen Hayes in •■Alice-Sit-by-the-Fire." The best one to date concerns a woman who appeared at the boxof flce one day and was full of gracious ness until she had completed a deal for two of the precious pasteboards. Once the negotiations were over, the customer’s manner changed. The voice that had been sweet suddenly became edged with ice as she ob served to the harrassed chap in the boxofflce: “Well, this is interesting consider ing that NOT EVEN I could get this place on the telephone.” The theater staff tagged her at once as the other party on the Olney’s party line. It is happy, though, that they •nded up at least semifriends. * * * * Government officials and repre sentatives of foreign nations will attend a special showing of ’’Arch of Triumph" tomorrow night at Loews screening room. National Press Building. The event is being sponsored by the Unitad Nations Club for the benefit of the United Nations Cultural Foundation, a body formed to carry on the club’s in ternational art activities. A reception to the official and Where and When Current Theater Attraction* and Time of Showing Stage. National—“Harvey”; 8:30 p.m. Screen. Ambassador — “Wallflower”; 1:30, 8:35, 5:40, 7:40 and 9:50 p.m. Capitol—"The Pirate”; 11:05 a m., 1:45, 4:30, 7:15 and 9:55 p.m. Stage show's: 1, 3:45, 6:30 and 9:10 p.m. Columbia—"Green Grass of Wyo ming"; 11:25 am., 1:30, 3:30, 5:35, 7:40 and 9:45 p.m. Dupont—“The Mill on the Floss”; 12:45, 2:35, 4:30, 6:20, 8:15 and 10:10 pm. Hippodrome—“The Tawny Pipit”; 2:25. 4:15, 6, 7:50 and 9:35 p.m. Keith's—"River Lady”; 11:55 a m., 1:55, 3:55, 5:55, 7:55 and 9:55 pm. Little—"Die Fledermaus”; 11:25 a m., 1:30, 3:30, 5:35, 7:40 and 9:45 p.m. Metropolitan—“So Well Remem bered’; 11:25 am., 1:30, 3:35, 5:35, 7:40 and 9:45 pm. Playhouse—“The Search”; 11:15 a m., 1:20, 3:20, 5:25, 7:30 and 9:35 p.m. Pix—“Henry the Fifth”; 8, 4:15, 6:40 and 9:10 p.m. Palace — “Homecoming”; 10:45 a m., 12:55, 3:05, 5:15, 7:25 and 9:35 p.m. Trans-Lux — News and shorts. Continuous from 10:15 am. Warner—"Wallflower”; 11:35 am , 1:40, 3:45, 5:45, 7:50 and 9:55 pm. DANCING. DANCE More run, More Dates, More Confidence Can Be Yours by Learning the Latest Vance Steps Foxtrot—Waltz—Rumba—Samba Call today tor a tree rueat leeaon and dance analyala. Open 1-10, p m.. Sat. 1-5 Completely Air-Conditioned The VICTOR Studio. 17*0 Conn. Are. N.W. MI. 4*40 r • ■—1 ■ — »■ ■■ 1 ■ ■ .. ■ t — ambassadorial group at the United Nations Club will follow the show ing. * “Arch of Triumph” will open on Thursday at the Palace Theater. * * * * In a spirit that undoubtedly is more frivolous, another special film showing set for Washington will | bring together the real salesmen of | P— b— s— to see Red Skelton in | “The Puller Brush Man.” The comedy made by Columbia is jnot counted upon to improve the sales techniques of its sales staff members. The idea is just to make I them laugh and perhaps leave them with a few thoughts on how not to sell anything. * * * * Washington’s Theater Alliance which has scheduled the production of Maxwell Anderson's “Joan of ! Lorraine” for the latter part of July, gets busy on the initial steps tonight and tomorrow night. It is holding tryouts for the play which requires enough performers to populate a small French village, i All members of alliance drama groups are invited to participate in i tile tests which will be held in the dramatic hall of Foundry M. E. Church, Sixteenth and P streets, at 8 p.m. * * * * Now that he is back in Hollywood after his taste of retirement, Fred Astaire is turning into one of its busiest workmen. Following his stint in "Easter Parade,” which is expected to be one of the summer’s major cinema events, the dancer will go right ahead with “The Barclays of Broadway." His co-star in that one will be Judy Garland. Moreover, if and when, Para mount can talk Astaire, out of a long enough leave from M-G-M, it will get active on the project of another Bing Crosby-Astalre musi cal. This one is designed as a successor to the team’s sensational success in "Holiday Inn,” the Irving Berlin musical which is best re membered for its deathless modern Christmas carol, “White Christmas.” Not at all oddly, the next Astaire Crosby musical will have the title, "White Christmas.” It should be brilliantly golden to every one associated with the picture. AMUSEMENTS TODAY AT THE CAY 40- AC RE 3SW SWIMMING JO AM. TO 10:30 PM. 9 THRILL RIDES 1 PM. TO MIDNIGHT DANCING TO PAUL KAIN’S BAND 9 TO 12 P.M. SHASLYK' Flame from the Middle East Cubes of choice lamb broiled just so and served on a fiery skewer ... a rare and delightful oriental dish, one of the many exotic ones you'll find on our daily menu. FIVE-COURSE DINNERS from 1.J0 COMPLETE LUNCHEONS from 7J« oumanian inn tl 5 13th it. N.W. 01. 1595 Open leery Dap fxeept Jfondop ••_ IN COMEDY — Mady Chris tians plays the leading role in "Papa Is All,” comedy suc cess of several seasons ago which is the new attraction at the Olney Theater, starting tonight. Well-Scattered ty tho Associated Prost HOLLYWOOD. Director George Sidney hadn’t better need any retake* on "The Three Musketeers." Within a week after the picture was finished the cast scattered like this: Lana Turner went honeymooning to England; Gene Kelly to see shows in New York; Van Heflin to fish in Mexico; June Allyson to rest at Palm Springs; Prank Morgan to: vacht in Mexican waters; Gig: Young to hunt at Big Bear. Calif.; j Robert Coote to visit his native Eng land. It’s eden, Not Eden •y fho Associated Prost HOLLYWOOD. Because he believes that God is the only proper name which should be capitalized, the composer of “Na ture Boy" inserted a clause in his RKO studio contract requiring that his own name, eden ahbez, shall appear only in lower case. The song will be used by RKO as the theme of “The Boy With Green Hair.” In keeping with ahbez's dictum of humility, studio wags speak his name only in a whisper. AMUSEMENTS {LAST 2 DAYS wocofttH«m 1 ROBERT JOYCE f HUTTON REYNOLDS [ WARNER BROS’ JAWS PAIGE] ( COMEDY RIOT FROM STAGE PLAY | WALLFLOWER.' t I "(jpppf f, could rri interest ^ you in j my latest j § line of I laughs?" I RED SKELTON* thb Fuusr. brush MAN JANET BLAU . Starts THURSDAY _,he airliner with these FI...WP *rzZ~> e Built-In stairway romp to save you fimel • Convenient self-service baggage shelves! • Reversible propellers for greater safety end easier ground handlingl • Five-mile-a-minute speedl • Easy-chair comfort... pressurization.•• air conditioning! • Big, square windows for a full viewl N0«,.retn, WASh^0N with thi* conveni«n*' time.,avinfl schedule NEW YORK.66 min. CHICAGO.2 hr*., 50 min. CHARLESTON, W.VA.,1 hr., 24 min. CINCINNATI ... 2 hr*., 30 min. INDIANAPOLIS . . 3 hr*., 19 min. AIm 42 othor fliphH mry day to In Mm United State., Canada, Monica and turepa. Phono Executive 2345 or your travel agent Ticket Offices: Statler Hotel and 813 15th St., N. W. AMERICAN AIRLINES 4 Hollywood: Bing Crosby Has Video Plans Por Air Show By Sheilah Graham Jack Benny threatens to cancel his London Palladium appearance unless the British change their pol icy toward Israel. Benny’s serious hesitation at fulfilling his English engagement may be the forerunner of an automatic boycott of all things British by those who are sympathetic to the new country of Israel. Bing Crosby will be the first big movie and radio star to be seen and heard on television. Bing now is discussing a deal with his radio sponsors for his weekly show to be filmed at the time he does it, then televised. It won t be long now be fore stars like Judy Cancrvy, Red Skelton, Jack Benny, etc., will come right into your living room to make faces at you. Joan Crawford is consulting her lawyers about bringing a possible action against Warner Brothers for suspending her over her refusal to star in ‘‘Flamingo Road.” Joan only gets paid if she works. She gets $200,000 a picture and she says that Is too much money to lose for a AMUSEMENTS ffMlt . RETURN LIMITEOI ! ENGAGEMENT 1 TM ffc«atr« ImM »r— LAURENCE OLIVIER hW—i »«»■»■■ n HENRY V taTECWOCMM Caatianaas Parfaraaacas Show at 2:00-4:13-6:45-9:10 MATINEES Until 3:30—90c Eooninga—$1.20 (incl. tax) Bing Crosby and Barry Fitzgerald "Welcome Stranger" at 9:3*'. Also “Game of Death** at II. Open St starts 9:95. Adults, ftOc Children Free! 1 Starts Thursday! | "Tarzan and the Leopard Woman." I Plus "Mr. District Attorney.** I picture she was not scheduled to play in the first place. Garbo is in love! And to please the man she admires so much, she is even wearing clothes designed by his famous dressmaker wife from whom he is estranged. When I saw Garb* the other evening at a party, it was hard to recognize her; she really did look chic. * * * * Tyrone Power has marked June 16 as the day he will leave Holly wood for a junket abroad. Ronald Coleman, it is rumored, will be the next personality from Hollywood to receive a knighthood from the King of England. Paulette Goddard says that when ever she is separated from Burgess Meredith, rumors of divorce start. And they have started again now. “Burgess had to stay in New York on some television business,” Paul ette tells me. "That’s why he couldn’t come with me to Holly wood. But that does not mean we’re getting a divorce." Marilyn Maxwell comes through with a smashing performance as the lady who leads Mickey Rooney astray in “Summer Holiday.” If this “bit” doesn’t make her a star, nothing will. Wait until you see AMUSEMENTS EUGENE STEIN PRESENTS IJLINE ARENA TICKETS AT ARENA BOX OFFICK l.««—1.8©—2.40—3.6© -nr. ms THIRD WEEK! AIR CONDITIONED < i OLNEY THEATRE Olney, Md. Reserve by mail or phone Ashton 2555 Richard Skinner—Redge Allen—Evelyn Freyman present MADY CHRISTIANS Sfar of "I Remember Mama" (Broadway); "All My Sons" (Screen) in the gay Pennsylvania Dutch comedy “PAPA IS ALL” Eves. Tue*. thru Sun. at 8:45. Mat. Sun. at 2:45 Prices Sl.80-S2.40-S3.00 (eves.), S1.80 (mat.). Washington Box Office: Ballards, 1300 G St. N.W. Phone KE. 1311 r c.' e • ...t __ hate! ...their sham^ss loves! ...theirselfish searchror pleasure! > ■■ ■■■ ' ■' ■- — ■ 11 ■- ■■ ■ ■'""—-I Universal-International presents FREDRIC MARCH DAN DURYEA EDMOND O’BRIEN - ANN BLYTH - FLORENCE ELDRIDGE John Dali * Dona Drake Screenplay by VLADIMIR POZNER Based on the play by LILLIAN HELLMAN ■frecter ft nutpt^f. Ut BOH. L1C. Pretocri Of JEUT IIBUI / eirictH if mam son jn IT’S THAT FASCINATING FAMILY FROM BROADWAY’S MOST SHOCKING PLAY I ^Starts p |£ f\ KEITH'S TOMORROW ^RfVU I!|T«0N0m«NID _ YVONNE DeCAALO IN •"•LASTTDAY.RIVER LADY _ COIOK <Y TICHHICOtOK how Rouben Mamoulian has'used technicolor to tell the story. * * * * Glenn Ford is the dream boy of French bobbysoxers, too. He re ceived a cable yesterday from French Actress Viviane Romance, asking him to be her boy friend in her next movie. Glenn has to get permission from Columbia which owns him for the next year and a half. Sonja Henie, to whom everything happens, came up with a badly in fected hand last week. But she bays that the cure of daily peni cillin shots is more painful than the original infection! Hedy Lamarr is getting Ingrid Bergman’s best friend and manager, Joe Steele, to pilot her career from now on. Hedy has fantastic faculty for antagonizing people. She is now up, I am told, for Delilah, the AMpsEMENT8 f ItBM XMI 1 \ 6tr iMiM JtaftnU J \ 'THE MM T | ON THEFlOttj “00t '0UHUM& Hf.siiKmmr M* Ml i mum. in KM. tmm . mm ■ Min. mum ubm, T" ■ mm M JUKI Ml MCKn. ^■fll NOW . . . Of»n 10:45 II Iim<v A«|bg ill] GARLAND KELLY O JERRY COOPER dl “TIM A IM” NOFFMAA ■■P-THRUSH Y-! ■nn^SCUDDA HOO-SCUDDA HAY" !■ JIH RIVER .LON McOILUSTER , ^M1 TECHNICOLOR / 3|H'VA-On suit-// ■■ MERRf. K'AMCLK » Vlill m ^ jHtyatt _r NOW . . . Op*n 10:30 I J] CLA&K CANA I 1 GABLE TURNER | 1 ANNE JOHN I I BAXTER • HODIAKI .1 m MGMi Gfai N*w Dromo I oomkomi • --TNMSMV INGRID BERGMAN CHARLES BOYER -ARCH OF TRIUMPH" . if NOW . . . Open 10:45 KUT CRUMS-CMS. CRMI-MT. U1RI ■ -MEEK MASS OF WYORIM” if Cjlj^rtCHNICOLO^^P lead In C. B. De Mille's "Samaon and Delilah.” Flicka and Thunderhead, the two top horses in Hollywood, have just become parents of a 35-pound baby. The babe will make his movie debut with his parents. * . AMUSEMENTS HELD OVER - Today aod Tomorrow - 0RE60H FLOODS INDIANAPOLIS AUTO RACE Plot: MIDWEEK NEWS TRUMAN AT ARLINGTON t MEMORIAL DAY GANDHI’S MURDERER ON TRIAL SAVAGE HEAVYWEIGHT BOUT FOR CHAMPIONSHIP OF GERMANY 35 VITAL WORLD EVENTS WMAL Newacaata • Laot Show 10MB ■ *4 fla M *• Iml W • ^ -ST At WHM«, Ofcygq^fcouae.ys^. AMUSEMENTS MTIOML on co»j Em i-ji HIIUHNh IM.WAIM.ia -»owt mum— N* #m Intri DkUi IM hw - LAST I WEEKS! SEATS IBW THAU SAT., JBIE IS •ROCK PEMBERTON prttent • # FRANK FAY ' HARVEY' If *P|\ • MANY CMAJf ■ * • by ANTOINETTE PINNY * V - MAIL 0*008 FILLB - Kym.. l.SO. 130. *.40. 8.00. 8.00 W*d.-8at. Mat... 1.S0. 1.80. «.4Q. 8.00 PIMM Ms.«Md it.aMd MisIsm ..4 .Ivs sltsr..t. dstss. Mtff.nn mm.Miti.ff w. Oven Now ot S:M Ml. ToRliht Brnmohror Bocart. Laarow BaoaD "Bl» Sleep” at and 11:SS TODAY'S NEIGHBORHOOD MOVIES pm mi nil 11th »«,C Ave. 51. VAHVlsUIA Lincoln 4471 ' HIOH WALL." ROBERT TAYLOR. AUD REY TROTTER: Plu» "JUNGLE MAN. BUBTER CRABBE._____ CIRCLE J10S ra' AT*- n w- *E’0184 Last Day—RAY MILLAND, CHARIRS LAUOHTON In "THE BIO CLOCK, at ■8, 7:S0, 9:40. I_ DUNBARTON ,M> w,*STn^vfc Air Conditioned. Today* Tomorrow. Two Hits. Eoora Open tas- -xFgsswjsssi FJUirU THEATER «£; & Roatas 50. *9. 211—Fin Parkins. "IP YOU KNEW SUSIE.” EDDIE CANTOR, JOAN DAVIS.___ GREENBELT 0r""b,H'M OL 2222 HUMPHREY BOGART. LEZABETH SCOTT, "DEAD RECKONING." 7. 9.__ LITTLE ,,h s,‘ Ab-V*8 “DIE FLEDERMAUS. ”_ NcLEAN Frao Forking RONALD REGAN. ELEANOR PARKER In "VOICE OP THE TURTLE"; Cartoon. Bhowa. 7 and 9 P.M._ nll| BA 2402 Mt. Varn. Ave., Dal Hay, Ala*, rlU.Pl ov. 3560. * Cont. from 2 P.M. Air Conditioned. _ Double Feature Mystery Show—"HiaH TIDE” and "WESTERN TERROR"; Plus Selected Shorts.___ CTATT Phono Falla Church 1353 ■ Shawl 7 and » P* “SAINTED SISTERS.” JOAN CAUL , FIELD, VERONICA LAKE._ ^ • iff A Triat For fha Entlr* Family. Ltr.„»;--y&5 tfe.T. g'<s ARLINGTON “TUS. = r. "IF YOU KNEW SUSIE," EDDIE SJ 7 CANTOR. JOAN DAVIS._ 5 1 VII CAM 1729 Wil»on Blvd. WU.5UH Phon, ox. iso u ; Matin'* 1 PM 3 "GONE WITH THE WIND.” CLARK ? GABLE, VIVIAN LEIGH i R CUT AM 3,44 Wilton Blvd. B* AanlUH phon* Oxford 113» 5 ° "CASBAH.” YVONNE D* CARLO. **• « tony martin. _ ■; BocinpuAH «rsrt£ S® "IF YOU KNEW SUSIE." EDDIE H B CANTOR. JOAN DAVIS._ m PI mp >130 No. Oloho Bit M * III*tlllr prM parking. OXford 4U6 5 S Hrarlnr Aid*. B o "BIG CLOCK." RAY MIIXAND, m'Z CHARLES LAUGHTON._ ^ “ nvnn 104 S. Wayno St. Arlington. Va. OX. 1733 "SIGN OF THE RAM." SUSAN PETERS. PEGGY A. GARNER _ -SIDNEY LUST THEATERS—, nBTVr m On Balto. Pike, 5 Min. UMTIi-lIV fa„ u. of Md. TO. 5800 Open 8—Finest sound with Improved ln-c*r speakers. Last dar — HUM PHREY BOGART. LAUREN BACALL in ■'THE BIG 8LfIEP." at 9, 11:23. nPPODHOME VwnoS.TS Air Conditioned. "TAWNY PIPIT" B|Tr-|E Wir. Ave. A E-.w! Hwy. DllII-» Wl. 2848 or 9434 Air Conditioned—Free Parklnr _ Today, Tomorrow—LESLIE HOWARD. MERLE OBERON In "THE SCARLET PRIMPERNEL." at 7:05, 9:30. Mil n Rockville, Md. Phone Rock. 2434 FltlsU Air Conditioned Today. Tomorrow—GREGORY PECK. DOROTHY McGUIRE in the Academy Award Winnerl “GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT," at 7:07. »:14, IAYW00D4E;?crAvA;;; WA. U Air Conditioned—Free rnrklar. Henrlnr Aids. _ Today. Tomorrow — DICK POWELL. SIGNE HASSO in "TO THE ENDS OP THE EARTH.” at 8:58. 0:25. Enjoy 7*0 feet larte screen television in our lounte! fkvm Mt. Rainier, Md. IrMPlEiU WA. 9744. Two Hite. Air Conditioned Todey. Tomorrow—"I LOVE TROUBLE —Also LORETTA YOUNG. ROBERT PRESTON. EDWARD ARNOLD In "THE LADY FROM CHEYENNE"—Last Com plete Show 8:06._ HTATTSTOLE SJSsAi Hyatts. 0552—Free Parklnr Air Conditioned. Today. Tomorrow—DENNIS MOROAN. BRUCE BENNETT in "TO THE VIC ! TOR " at 7:05. 9:3f. CHETEBLT UN. 0100—Free Parklnr. Air Conditioned. Today. Tomorrow—BRAIN PON LEVY. MARIA MONTEZ in ‘SOUTH OP TAHITI.” at 6:16, S:10, 10- _ MABLB0RO Upp,;o^T' Air Ceniltlened Today. Tomorrow — BARRY PITZ OERALD, in “NAKED CITY." At 7:16 9:20. arm *•*«• **** m forking Soon ► 8 SPENCER TRACY, KATHARINE HEP . | i BURN In "STATE OP THE UNION. ” S ; VIRGINIA •—«*££&* *• 5*5 JOHNNY WEISMULLER. BRENDA I a 4 JOYCE In “TARZAN AND THE 29 „ MERMAIDS."_ ai iichnoid"’ “• *■ MARSHA HUNT. WILLIAM LUNDI ■ „• GAN in "THE INSIDE STORY." £f CENTRE F-»o«X‘ j i "SIGN OF THE RAM " SUSAN i PETERS. ALEXANDER KNOX I JUnDftTM 0£!2"£» mr* 4*13 Man. Ave. N.w. *•“* WO. 3400. Cant Ml P-M. YVONNE DE CARLO. TONY MAR TIN In "CASBAH." at 1:30, 3:33. 8:40, 7:35. »:«5 P.M. ■ TT HC 1331 H S». N.f. AT. 0300 AlleJUl . Cont. 1-11 P.M. Deere Open 1*:J»0. Double Feature Protrem. ALAN LADD. VHIONICA LAKE In SAI OOIT : Plus Flret Northeeet Shown*! SINOINO OOV. JIMMY DAVIS IN j "LOUISIANA." _ tnlfH Minn. Ave. at lenniwp SEJVATDB M H.t. te Moo. ! Heelthfellr Air CeptUHemeO FRANCHOT TONE In “TOE TRAIL OF THE VIGILANTE’S 1 Plus. MAR SHA HUNT. CHARLES WINNINOER in "INSIDE STORY." __ ■Ifl SB 28*h * Alabama Ave. EC. MIllllB VI. 4000. C-2 >ue te Oeer Deere Open »:H. . CemfertaMr A£®C£*i~»~r | JOHN WAYNE. RANDOLPH SCOTT. MARLENE DEITRICH in THE iPOir.HM" at 0 45. P 45: Plua '-HOLLYWOOD SNEAK.” Preview { Tonlfht at 8:2ft ONLY. Lrn-inrai Air OnllllMd DICK KOWKLL. MONK HAMO In “To the Ends of the Earth.” A WARNER BROS.' THEATERS For Additional Information Phoit* Thu alert Direct or Call Republic CSOt Theater* Having M»Une«. AMBASSADOR ^SSmSSiiVk Jove* Reynolds. Janls Paige, "Wall flower." 1:31). 3:35, 5:40, 7:40, 9:50. BEVEBLY Ray MUland. Charles Laughton, "Big Clock." 1, 3:05, 5:15. 7:25, 9:40. CAVVTRT 2324 Wit. Av*. N.W. IrJUeTUIl wo 2345. Mat 1 PM. Tony Martin. Yvonne de Carlo, "Cat bah.” 1:05, 3:1.0, 5:15, 7:15, 9:25. rnmm 423 ** n w. me. lUinAL Open 10:43 A.M. Marie Wilson, ‘Xinda Be Good." 11:20. 2:15. 6:15. 8:15; Robert Yount, "Re lentless," 12:25. 3:20, 6:20, 9:20, KENNEDY Barry Fitigerald. "Naked City," 1, 3:10, 5:15, 7:25, 9215. j Dt"MV ' Pa. Av*. at 7th S.E. FR. 5200. Mat. 1 P.M. j Tony Martin. Yvonne de Carlo. "Cas bah," 1, 3:10, 5:15, 7:20. 9:30. SHERIDAN Irene Dunn, Philip Dorn. "I Remember Mama.^1:20, 4, 6:40. 9:20._ <11 vm Go. Av*. tt Colesvill* Plk* AIL T Ml SH 5J00. Mat. i p.M. Irene Dunne. Philip Dorn. "I Remember Mama," 1:25, 4:05, 0:45. 9:25, TIVni I 14th A Park Rd. N.W. 11 TUlsl co 1800 Mot , pM Tony Martin. Yvonne De Carlo, "Cat bah." 1:15. 3:20. 5:25. 7:30, 9:35. tlDTflWIl Conn. Av*. A Newark St. vriuirn wo. 3400 Maf. 1 p.M. Dick Powell. "To The Inds of tti* Earth." 1. 3:10, 5:16, 7:25. 9:40. Theaters Having Evening Performance*. APOLLO 424FRH Dennis Morgan, Viveca Llndfors. 'To the Victor." 7. 9:20._ AVALON 4612 w Irene Dunne, Philip Dorn, “I Remem ber Mama.” 6:35, 9:15. AYE GRAND 443 £A£M Van Johnson, June Allyson, “Brldt Goes Wild,” 0, 7:5*5, 0:50. COLONY 4933 N W Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland, “Ad ventures of Robin Hood.” 7, 9:26. HONE 1230 c 5t* N L ™*,1M Claudette Colbert, Robert Cummin*!, -Sleep My Love." 0:20, 9:20; William Powell, ‘ Senator Was Indiscreet." 8. MacARTHUR 4839 MoocRArt4h^,,vd Ray Mllland. Charles Laughton, "Big Clock." «, 7:50. 9:40. CAVAV 3030 ,4th **■ N.w CO. 4968. Parking Space. Van Johnson, June Allyson, "Bride Goes Wild. B. 7:5(1, 9:8(1. (Pfl) 8244 Ga. Are., Silver Spring SH 2540 Parking Space William Powell, Senator Was Indis creet." 6:30, 9:50: Joan Bennett, "Se cret Beyond the Door." S. T&VflMA 4*h 3 Butternut tts. IMVIUI OE 4312. Parking Space Robert Young. Marguerite Chapman, ''Relentless.’' 3:15, 8:05, 9:55. YORK Av*' * Quebec PI. N.W. Van Johnson, June Allyson, "Bride Goes Wild." 7:05, 9:30. THE VILLAGE £ NV Phone MI. 02X7. Scientifically Air Conditioned "THE BIG CLOCK, 1 BAY MILLAND, CHARLES LAUGHTON._ NEWTON JJ*ew,#" Scientifically Air Conditioned Equipped With Hemrlnc-Ald Phone*. "I REMEMBER MAMA." IRENE DUNNE. BARBARA BEL OEDPE8. JESSE THEATER Phono DU. 0S01. Scientifically Air Conditioned "YOU WERE MEANT FOR ME.** JEANNE CRAINE. DAN DAILEY. CVT VAN l‘» St. & X. I. Avo. N.W. a i it t nn Phone NOrth 94g9 Scientifically Air Conditioned Double Feature—"CAPTAIN FROM CASTILE," TYRONE POWER, JEAJ? PETERS "HOLLYWOOD BARN DANCE," ERNEST TUBB. LORI TAL BOT. THI VTOMflW 3707 Mt. Vaemin NEW Avo., Alex., Vn. Ono Block From Providential Gardena. Phano ALex. 2424. Scientifically Air Conditioned "THE LADY FROM SHANOHAI.’* RITA HAYWORTH. OB8EN WELLS. ACADEMY «•**«■ Scientifically Air Conditioned Double Feature. "JEZEBEL. ' BETTIM DAVIS HENRY FONDA; ROSES ARE RED." DON CASTLE. PEGGY KUNDSEN. Mat, at 1 PM. STAKTON 5,3uc^7 ha Scientifically Air Conditlaned Double Feature. "CAPTAIN FROM CASTILE." TYRONE POWER. JEAN PETERS; "HOLLYWOOD BARN DANCE." ERNEST TUBB. LORI TALBOT. FairUwi Ann*. Co. Tkoator* HIGHLAND 2M3A£n£„Av*-,l DEBORAH KERR. SABU In BLACK NARCISSUS." at W.15, 7:5ft, 8:40 ATLANTIC" V..T* BARRY FITZGERALD. VERONICA LAKE. JOAN CAULFIELD in “THE SAINTED SISTERS." at 8:15. S:05, 10. CONGRESS ^ ,l DENNIS MORGAN lB "TO THE YIC TOR." at 7, 8:30. FAIBLAWN 342 Double Feature. Reeienl Hit*!—HUM PHREY BOO ART in “THE BIG SLEEP.” at «:16. 8:45: JOAN DAVIS in "GEORGE WHITES SCANDALS." at 8:10, LAUREL Lo“"l‘ MA* 'Mnt 1,3 CLOSED FOR ALTERATIONS. WATCH. FOB OPENING DATE! ANACOSTIA Matinee Dalle. , ___ DONALD O’CONNOR In "ARE YOU WITH IT?" at 1:25. 5:26. 6:25. 7:15. CAPITOL DONALD O’CONNOR In ARE YOU WrrH IT?" at fl IS. 7.S5, P