Newspaper Page Text
Real Estate Bonds Up Further During May; Apartments in Lead By Edward C. Stone Rea! estate bond prices during May revealed a further upward trend, the Amott-Balcer averages showing a gain of 02 for the month. The May gain topped a 0.3 per cent upturn in April and raised the aver age price of real estate bonds above the closing 1947 level for the first time since last February. As a result of May activity, the Rvrrage price of a $1,000 real estate bond, based on the 200 issues listed m -he index, rose to $784 from $782 , n April 30 and $783 at the close of 1947 Apartment house issues made the best showing. Air Line Officers Named. Appointment of C. B. Newman to assistant traffic and sales manager in Washington for Eastern Air Lines end promotion of Joseph W. Elliott to international and agency repre sentative here were announced to day. Both men will make their headquarters at the National Air port. Mr. Newman, who joined the com pany in 1940, comes back to Wash ington from service in Boston and New York. He is a graduate of Williams College. Mr. Elliott was a r nptain in the Air Corps during the war. Death Shock to Bankers. Bankers were shocked to learn of the death today of Mrs. Albeft S. Gat ley, wife of the vice president the Linclon National Bank, who had just returned from the conven tion at White Sulphur Springs. She had been in poor health for months and died from a heart attack. The amount of freight trans ported by motor carriers in April dropped 1.8 per cent below March, but increased 14.2 per cent over April, 1947,.American Trucking As sociations, Inc., reported here today. Edward S. Croft, jr., assistant manager of the Washington office of the First Boston Corp.. has been named manager to succeed L. F. Hallett, who has joined the New England Mtual Life Insurance Co., in Boston. Mr. Croft has been with the company 11 years and is a na tive of Atlanta. Fourteen Bankers Stand I p. Fourteen former presidents of the District Bankers’ Association, were present at the recent convention when asked to rise by President Richard A. Norris. They included: Francis G. Addison, jr.; Robert V. Firming. Whiner J. Waller. Lanier P McLachlen, C. H. Pope. Freder ick P. H. Siddons. Charles H. Doing, Thomas J. Groom, A. M. McLachlen, John A. Reilly, A. Scott OfTutt. Sid ney F. Taliaferro, Bruce Baird and S. William Miller. Twelve former presidents of Wash ington Chapter, American Institute of Banking, w'ere also introduced. Stocks Climb on D. C. Board. Today's Washington Stock Ex change session opened with the sale of 100 shares of Hecht common at 26'2, unchanged. Pepco preferred “A'' came out at 44'2, up -V Wood ward & Lothrop common, at 36, was up a half point, and Washington Gas $4.25 preferred was also up Vi, telling at 100^. Potomac Electric Power common was again active at 13 V Garflnckel 4>iV preferred sold at 21 >4 and Mergenthaler Linotype was strong at 52. Business Briefs f Commercial and Industrial Fail ures in the holiday week ended June 3 dropped to 91 vs. 112 in the preceding week and 66 in the like 1947 week—Dun & Bradstreet. The' corresponding total for 1846 was 13; for the like 1939 week, 279. Construction Work on private homes in May approximated $575, 000,000. a gain of 10% from the pre vious month and 62% above the same 1947 month—Commerce De partment. Automobile Production in the United States rose sharply today as Chrysler Corp. reopened its assem bly lines after a shutdown that be gan with a strike on May 12. A new postwar production record for June is forecast. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad declared a dividend of.75 cents a common share, payable June 15, first since reorganization. Quarterly payments on preferred shares also were voted. Mead Johnson & Co. declared an extra dividend of 5 cents and a regular quarterly of 15 cents, both payable July 1. A similar extra wras paid in April. Lockheed Aircraft Corp. declared a dividend of 50 cents on capital stock, payable July 2. The company paid a similar amount in June, 1946! Wesson Oil & Snowdrift Co. stock holders will vote July 26 on proposed 2-for-l split in common stock. United Air Lines will offer 369,618 additional common shares to present holders on June 28 at the rate of a new share for each five held. The price will be announced later. Shares not taken by holders will be offered to employes. Kansas City Southern Railway' received a high bid of 99.40 for $14. 000,000 of 3% % first mortgage bonds from First Boston Corp. Reoffering is planned at 100.35 to yield 3.6%. Southern Union Gas Co. of Dallas asked SEC permission to offer 25.000 shares of 5% cumulative preferred stock publiely to finance construc tion and pay off bank loans. Sears. Roebuck A Co. sales ir. May totaled $193,326,805. a gain of 12 7% from a year earlier; in foir months ended May 31, $731,754,631. an increase of 22.3%. . S. H. Kress & Co. sales for May totaled $12,609,779. a drop of 1.2% from a vear earlier: for five months, $57,217,839. a decline of 3.7%. McCrory Stores Corp. sales in May amounted to $7,277,495. a gain cf 2.1% from a year earlier: in five months, $34,498,619. a rise of 7% Spiegel, Inc., sales for May amounted to $9,970,924. a drop of 1.4% from a year earlier; for five months. $49,457,804. a rise of 2.5%. Grand Union Co. sales In 13 weeks ended May 29 totaled $26, 622.124, an increase of 14.5% from the like 1947 period. Lane Bryant, Inc., sales for May totaled $4,819,045, a gain of 1.1% from a vear earlier; for five months of 1948, $22,397,894, a rise of 2.9%. A. S. Beck Shoe Corp. sales in May totaled $3,858,401. a decline of 9% from a year earlier; in five months, $16,873,458. a drop of 2.7%. Gulf States Utilities Co. net in come for 12 months ended April 30 was $4,191,619 or $164 a share vs. $3,465,063 or $1.54 in the preceding fiscal period. Central Maine Power Co. earned $2,759,189 or $1.15 in 12 months ended April 30 vs. $3,630,325 or $1.65 In the previous year. New York Cotton Exchange elected Charles Baldwin Vose president. He is a partner in Harris & Vose. 0 N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE (rarnlahed ^by the lunUUI Praia.) Stock and Add n«a Dividend Rata. 00. Hlch. Low 2-30 «5«* ACP-BRELL MO 6 9% 5% H* + % Aetna Steel 4a.. 5 54 53% 54 i & Adam* Exp Vie . 10 21% 21% 21% + % Adama-MUlls le 2 45% 49% 45% + % Addreeao-Mult 2 2 37% 37% 37% X % Admiral Cp ,30e. 14 13% 13 13% X % Air Reduction 1 28 23% 29 2914 + 14 Ataaka Juneau.. 3 3% 3% 3% Alleghany Corn. 25 3% 3% 3%+ % Allethane Co rt 7 49% 49% 49% X % A1 Lud BU .SOe . 3 32 32 32 + % A1 Lud 8tl Pf4% 1 107 107 107 Allied CftDye 8a 4 195% 194% 194% -1 17 30% 30% 30%+ % • 35* 391/4 3944 + 44 Aim Chaim 1.80 7 41 40% 41 + % Allla coal 912% 2 98 96 96 Xl Amerada Pet 2a 4 116% 116 114 + % Am Aerlcul 8a.. 2 52 32 52 Am Airline*- 13 9 0% 8% Am Alrl of 8% 4 57% 57% 57%+ % AmBankN 1.80a 1 25% 25% 25%+ % AmBrkSh 40e 5 42% 42% 42% + % AmBrkShoe of 4 1 110% 110% 110% - % Am Cable ft Rad 7 9% 5% 5% + % Am Can 8 - 588 88 88 +% »Am Can pf 7 _ IV 175 174 175 -1 Am CarftPdj St 6 47% 47% 47%+ % Am ChftCbl 1.40 4 25% 29% 25% - % Am Chicle 2a 4 50% 49% 49% - % Am Cm 8 1.20a 2 21% 21% 21% - % AmCranamld la 23 40% 39% 40% + % AmCramldSttsf 3 108% 106% 108% + % Am DU tiller» 8. 13 42 38 41 +3% Am Europ 1.958 2 17% 17% 17% - % Am Export L2. 2 18% 18% 16% Am ft Fran Pwr 4 3% 3% 3% AmftPPS7pf 3 Vik 1 70% 70% 70% + % AmftPPS6 pf 3k 1 61% 61% 61%-1 Am ft P P 2d Pf 31 11% 11 11% + % AmHomePr 1.20 6 25% 25% 25%+% Am Loco 1.40 xl7 25% 25% 25%+% Am MehftPd 80 6 19% 19% 19% *AmM*Ppf3«0 70 94% 93% 94%+2% tAm Metals pf 8 30 131 131 131 Am Power ft Lt 21 10% 9% 10% + % AroP&L 6pf4Vbk 3 91 91 91 AmP&L 5pf3*ik 4 81% 81% 81%+ % Am Radlat 40e 116 16% 16 16% + % tAm RadftS pf 7 1 171% 171 171 - % Am Saf Razor 1. 6 10% 10% 10% — % Am Seatlnt le. 4 24 23% 23% + % 'AmShipBldg 2ell0 44% 43% 44%+% tAmSmeltinile 11 65% 65 65%+1 tAm SmftR of 7 140 162% 161 161 -1% Am Steel Pdrr 2 5 33% 33% 33%+ % Am Sugar R4e. 3 39% 38% 39%+ % Am8ugarpf7_. 2 127 126 126 + % Am Tel ft Tel 8 54 156% 158 158% + % Am Tobacco 3a 28 59% 58% 58% — % tAm Tob of 8 _ xJO 141 141 141 -% Am Viscose 2a 10 69 68% 69 +1 tAm Viscose pf5 80 118% 118% 118% + % AmWatWks SOe 2 7% 7% 7% Am Woolen 8_ 23 51% 50 51%+1% AmZlnc.lOe 1 7% 7% 7% + % Anaconda l‘/,e JO 39% 39% 39%+% tAnac Wire Vie 7J0 43% 42% 43%+1 Anchor Hock 2 3 32% 32% 32% - % t Anchor Hk pf 4 230 106 105% 106 Anderson Clay 2 2 57% 57% 57% + % Ander-Prlch O 1 21 29% 2# 29%+% Arch-D-M la .. 1 33 33 33 - % Armco Steel 2b 19 31% 30% 31%+1 tArmco Stl pf4V, 50 99% 99% 99%+% ArmourftCol .20 48 14% 13% 14%+ % Armour pr pf 8 x 1 103 103 103% + % Armst Cork 80e 13 55% 55 55% + % tArm CorkS4pf4320 113% 113% 113% Artloom Corp 1 2 16% 16% 16% + % Assd Dry 0 1.80 15 16 17% 17%-% tAsso D G 1st 0. 10 108% 108% 108% - % Associat Inv 22 32% 32% 32%+ % Atch T ft S F « 13 112% 111% llft% + % Atch TftSF of 5 J 105% 105% 105% -1% ATP Inc Vie_ 4 17% 17% 17% Atl Coast Line 4 2 57% 57% 57% + % Atl DAW Ind Be 1 36% 361/4 361/4 + % Atl Refining 1% 23 45% 44% '44% f Atl ReOn pfA 4 60 111% 111 111% tAtl Ref 0fB3*/i 180 98% 98 98% + % Atlas Corn 1.80 2 22% 22% 22%-% tAtlas Powd le. 260 54% 54 54%+ % Avco Mfg .36e . 30 6% 6% 6% Avco Mfe of 2% 3 45% 45% 45% + % BALD LOCO Vie 28 17% 16% ‘ 17% + % Belt ft Ohio . . 35 14% 14% 14%+ % Balto ft Ohio Df. 18 24% 23% 24%+1 BaneorftAroatk 5 30 29% 30 + % ♦Bang ft Ar of 8 20 77% 77% 77% + % Barber 011 1're . 2 53% 53% 53%+ % BarkerBros 1 Via 11 27% 26% 27% +1% Barnsdall Oil 2- 16 42% 42 42% Bath Iron Wks. 1 12% 12% 12% + % Bayuk Ci* 1 '-ia. 2 19% 19% 19% — % Beaunlt Mills 2 . 2 21% 21 21%+1% fBeat Fds pf.SVi 10 87 87 87 Beech Aircraft . a* 12 12 12 Beech-N P 1.60. *1 36% 36% 36%+% Belding-H 1.20. 2 16% 18% 18%+% Bendix Ayiat 2 x23 37% 36 37% +1% BndxHome A 1V4 1* 17% 17% 17V4 + % Benef Ind 1.20a 2 25% 25% 25%-% Best ft Co 2 ... 3 29% 29% 29% + % Best Foods 2a 9 34% 33% 34% + % Beth Steel 1.20h 39 36% 36 36%+% Blgelow-San 'ih 5 33% 33% 33% + % BrmnghmEl.20 2 11% 11% 11% Blaw-Knox'be. 3 18% 18% 18%+% Bliss ft Lau ' re. 3 16% 16% 16% + % Bliss E W 2 . 7 33 32% 32% + % Boeing Airpl le. 14 26% 25% 25%+ % Bohn Alum "«e 2 33% 33 33% + % tBon Ami B 2Vi»U0 45 44 44 -1 Bond Stores 2 6 26 25% 26 BordenCo 1.20e 5 44% 44% 441++% Borg-Warner 4 9 63% 63 63% + % BranlS Air_ 3 8% 8% 8% - % Bridgept Brasi 7 11 10% 10% Briggs Manulg 2 42 35% 34% 35 + % BrlggsAStra la. 1 32% 32% 32%+1 Brlatol-My 80e. 7 36 35% 36 Bklyn Cn Gas . 2 20 20 20 + % Brown Sh 1.20a 1 30 JO 30 — % Bucyrus-Er TOe 10 >22% 22% 22% + % Budd Co ,20e ... 16 11% 11 11%+% tBudd Co of 6 . 50 70% 78% 70%+1% Bullard Co %e . 4 19% 19 19%+ % Bulora Wtch 3a 4 39% 39% 39% + % BurlingMilla 1 % 60 24% 24% 24% + % Burr Add M 60. 24 17% 17% 17%+ % Bush Term Vif_. 8 9% 9% 9% + % Butler Bros 2 14% 14% 14%+% Byers AM'be 7 24 23% 24 + % Byron Jn 1.40a. 6 32 31% 32 +% CALIF PRO 2Vi 6 37 36% 37 + % Callahan Zinc • 2V* 2‘* XV* - V* CalumetAH .10* 1* 7 6V* 6V* Can Dry GA .60 19 14V* 14V* 14V* + V* CanadPacVie 62 17>* 17 17>* + V* CaD AdmaA .80* * 1« 15V* 1* + V* CapitalAirlinea- * «V* 6V* 6V* + V* Carrier Corp - 3 17** 17V* 17'* + >* carr&Oen 20a. 3 8** 8Vi 8>* + v* CaseJI1.60e . 11 50V* 48V* 50 + 1V* CaterpllTract 3 7 64'/. 63>* 64'*+ V* Celanese Cm le 6* 38 36V* 37V*+1'* Celaneae lat 4% 1 104 104 104 + V* Celotex IV*. .. 15 32 31‘* 31V* + V* Cent Fndry Y.i. 3 8V* 8V* 8V4 + v* CentHudGa* 52 14 7»* 7'* 7'*- ■* Cent R R N J •_ 16 31V* 3U/« 31'*+ '* CenVIBulVih 51 12'* 12 12‘* Cerro dePa* Tie 2 28 27V* 28 + ■* Certn-tdPd 80* 14 18'* 18V* 1#'* + V* Chain Belt ,80e. 2 25 28V* 29 + V*! Champ Paper la 5 25V* 25'* 25V* + V* j Checker Cab _ 24 14V* 14'* 14V* + V*j Chea * Ohio 8.. 32 38'* 3BV* 38V* + '* ! Chi Core .40 __ 12 13V* 13V* 13V* + V* Chi * East 111 . 4 6V. 5V* 6>* + ■* Chi * East III A 13 12'* 11V* 12'/. + 'i Chi Great West 8 10'* 10 10**+ v* Chi Grt West pf 5 17'* 17 17V* + '* ChllndALA.. 10 13'* 12V* 13 + '* Chi Ind * L B - 3 7V* TV* 7V* + V* Chi Mil St PAP. 18 9V* 9'* 9Vt + '* ChlMSP&P Pf4e 12 32V* 32V* 32V* + V* Chl&fWVii.. 7 19'* 18V* 19 + '* Chi A N W pf 5 6 43‘A 42'* 43V4+1>* Chi Pneu Tool le 7 38‘* 37V* 38'* + V* C R IAP RR 3,f 39 38V* 37 38V* +2'* ChiRIAP plO'.ae x 2 68 68 68 - '* Chrysler* . 52 64V* 64 64'*+ '* cm O A E 1.40. 13 27'* 26V* 27V*+1 cm Mill M 1 40 2 26'* 26>* 26'* CIT Finance 2 xl3 47'* 46V* 47 Clark Eoulp2._ 5 36 35V* 36 + '* CleyEl 111 l.lOe. 13 40V* 40V* 40V* + V* Cley Gr Br ,80e. 2 31‘* 31 31 - V* ClimaxMol 1 20 3 16V* 16V* 16V* + V* Clinton ind 2 40 6 26'* 26 26 Clopay Corp .70 3 9V* 9V* 9V* + '* Coca-Cola* .... 2 171'* 171 171V4+1'* Coleate-P-P 2a. 10 41'* 41 41 - v* Collins & Aik 1. 2 23V* 23V* 23V* + V* Colonial Mills 1. 3 24V* 24 24V* + V* Col Fuel Air la 16 18V* 18 18V* + '* Col Fuel&Ir pi 1 6 19V* 19V* 19V* + V* Col BrdoastA 1 e 4 29'* 29 29'*+ V* Col BrdcastB le 1 28V* 28V* 28V* + V* Columb Gas .60 115 14 13V* 13V* Colum Piet »if - 2 11V* 11V* 11V* + '/. ColumCarbon 2a 1 35 35 35 CoI&SoOh 1 40e 3 43'* 43 43 - '* ComlCredlt 2 60 6 50‘* 49'* 50'*+ V* Coml Solvnt 3«e 23 28V* 27V* 28>* + »* Comwl Edls 1.40 20 27'* 27'* 27'*- V* Comwl & South 106 3'* 3 3V* + V* Com&So pfT'ak 3 101 101 101 — '* Con. Cop .15e . 3 5V* 5'* 5'* Cons Edis I 60 26 23>* 23'* 23V* + >* Cons Edison p!5 3 105V* 105V* 105V* + V* Cons Grocers 1 IS 17* 17* 17* 4 * Cons Net Get 2 13 48 43* 48 4 >4 Cons RRCube of 7 25* 24* 23*+1 ConsTextlle SOe 12 14* 14* 14*4 * Cont Vuitee . 88 10* 10* 10* 4 * Cons Vuitee rt 120 1* 1* 1* 4 * Consum Power 3 4 35. 34* 33 4 *4 Contain Coro 2a 8 38* 38 38* 4 * Cont Bakins 1.. 10 14* 14* 14*4 * Cont Can v,e .. 8 38 37* 38 4 * Cont Dla Fiber 1 5 12 11* 12 4 * Cont Motort 20 8* 8* 8* 4 * ContOilDel lVie 23 84* 83 84*41* Cont Steel le . 1 17* 17* 17*4* Cooper-Bees 1 x 2 31* 31 31*4 * Coprwld Stl 1.20 8 18* 16* 18* 4 * Corn Prod 180e 21 66* 63* 65*-* Cornell-D E 80 xlO 14* 14* 14*4* CornlnsGlass * 5 23 22* 23 Cotx Inc 20g... 16 4* 4* 4* Cotx Int 20s . 4 3 3 3 Crane Co 1 80a. 10 38* 38 38 4 * Crm of Wh 1.80 2 24* 24* 24* 4 * CreamerleaAm 1 x 4 10* 10* 10*4 * Crown Cork *h 2 23* 23 29* 4 * CrownCork pf 2 1 43* 43* 43* Crown Zel 1.80a 12 33* 33 33*4 * Crucible Steel 7 27* 27 27*4 * Crucible Stl of 8 2 76* 76* 76* Cub-AmSus 1 *«e 11 14* 13* 14*4 * Cuneo Frees la. 2 15* 19* 19* corns Publish.. 21 10* •* 10*4 * Curtlss-Wr V*I. 48 8 7* 8 Curtis Wr Ale 6 24 23* 24 4* Cutlr-Hm 1 20a 1 30 30 30 4 * DANA CORP He 2 26* 28* 28* Daxlson Cheat 1 xll 25* 25* 29*4 * Daxtn PAL 1 80 2 30* 30* 30*4 * Djxton Rub 1 20 1« 14* 14 14 - * [Deccs Record'a 3 10* 10* 10* Deep Rock Oil le 4 38* 38 38*4 * Deere A Co 1. - 3 41* 41* 41*4* Del A Hudson 4 3 44 44 44 4 * Del L A W V,a . 10 10* 8* 10* 4 * Den A ROW le 14 30* 28* 28* DenARGWpflOe 6 48* 48* 4**4 * Detroit Ed 1.20 5 21* 21* 21*-* i DetMtchStn 80a * 12* 12* 12*- * Det Stl Co 2a . 1 25* 25* 25* - * Detoe A R A 2a 3 28 27* 27*-* Balm Stock and Add _ Met Dividend Rate. 00. Hleh. Low. 3:30. chce. Die Match 1 %a 3 49% 45% 45% Diatcn-Baa 00 >4 10% io 10%+ % Ooehler-Jar 1 % 3 37% 37 37%+ % Dona Mines %e 1 10% 10% 10% Dowlas A >%■. 7 57% SO 57%+ % Dow Cham tie .. 15 40 45 45%+ % Dow Chan of * 1103 103 103 DowCb Sd off % 5 103 102% 102% + % Dresser Ind 84e. 5 25% 29 29%+ % Dunlin Coro Vjb 2 18% 18% 18%+ % Du Pont 4e_ 7 104% 104% 104% +1 Du Pont of 4% 1 122 122 122 +% DuPontaViofaVi 1 90% 90% 90%- % KAQLE-P1 1.80 11 23% 23 23% + % Eastern Air Line 5 10% 10% 10% + % East State Steel 13 19% 19% 19% - % East Kodak lV«e 20 44% 44 44%+ % EOco Prod 1.20 3 15% 15% 15%+ % El Auto-Lite 3 .. 2 541+ 54% 54% Elec Boat l_ 4 14% 14% 14%+ % ElAMusJ0.16f 21 2% 2% 2% El Power ALt 50 23% 22% 23 + % ElPALtS6pf4‘/jkx 1 141 141 141 +1 El StoraaeBat 8 1 55% 55% 55% - % ElelnNatW 80a 4 18% 18% 18% ElPasoNOs 5.40 3 74% 74% 74% - % Enter Elec Ml-. 15 10 17% 10 + % Enter Radio .80 3 12% 12% 12%+ % Emo Dll El 1 12 1 15 15 15 - % Endicott-J 1.60a 5 32 31% 32 + % Erie R R 1 .40 14i% 13% 14%+ % Erie RR of A 8 1 58% 58% 50% - % Euttka Wms %e 8 81* 6% 8% - % Evans Prod 4 17% 17% 17%-% Everabaro V - 3 10 10 10 Ex-CeU-0 2 80. x 1 48% 48% 46%+ % Exch BufT .80b 1 6% 6% 6%- % FAJARDO 2 %e 1 27% 27% 27%+ % Falstaff Brew 1. 2 22 22 22 + % Farnsworth. 28 8% 8% 0% + % Fedders Qul 80 2 13% 13% 13% - % Fed MlASmlt 2e 3 41% 41% 41% - % Federat D Strs 2 0 30 25 20%+1 tPed D S Of 4V« 240 97% 97% 97% + % Felt AT 1.40a 2 23% 23% 23% - % PerroKnam 1.40 18 2d% 25% 26*+ +1% Fid Phoenx P 2a 2 67 66% 67 + % Firestone TAR 4 13 50% 40% 50% +1% First NStr2»ie. 1 56% 56% 56% - % Fllntkote 2a 25 40% 39% 40 tPllntkote of 4. 90 101% 101% 101% -1% Florence Stv le. 7 35 35 35 Florida Pow t 3 14% 14% 14% + % Pollans Stl Hie. 43 30% 29 30%+1% FoodPalrSt ,40b 1 11% 11% 11% - % Food Macb 1%. 3 43% 43% 43% Foster Wheel 1. 4 331+ 35 35%+% Francis Sux 2e. 2 13% 13% 13% - % Prank Sirs ,60a. 2 9V» 9‘* 9V* FreeportSul 2** « 46 45 V. 45** - *4 Pruehauf Tra 1 6 224* 22*/. 224* + 4* tFruehauf Tpf4 HO 82 82 -82 -l GABRIEL 10e_ 5 944 9** 944+ 1* GalrRobt 40 9 94* 9** 94*+ V* GalrRpf 1.20. 1 18?* 18?* 18?*+?* Gardnr-D 1.40. 3 21*/i 21’* 21**+ 4* Gar Wood Ind.. 11 84* 84* 84*+*/. Gar Wood of 1 41 41 41 + ** OaylordColl*. 7 25 2444 25 + 1* Gen Am In* .40 12 17?* 174* 174* + V* Gen Bakina 80. 3 9?* 9?* 9?* - */* tGen Bka of R . 10 157 157 157 Gen Bronae .20e 1 124* 121* 124* + ** Gen Cable tie 202 131* 124* 13**+?* Gen CableS2pf S 33 39‘* 38*/. 39‘*+1** GenEeel.60-- 69 414* 414* 4144+ 4* Oen Foods 2 .. 27 40** 40 40** + ** Gen Instrnmt 1 3 104* 10>* 104* + V* Oen Mill* 1 Via. x 1 49 49 49 + ** Gen Motor* 8 ... 82 634* 624* 634* +1** Oen Mot Of 34*. 4 994* 99>* 99>* + >* Gen Out Advt 1. 5 17 16?* 17 + V* Gen Port C*ie . 2 2l>* 21 21<* Gen Precis Ea 1 3 17?* 174* 174* + 4* Oen Pub Util 80 18 1344 13** 134*+ ** tGen Ry Sic PfO x 10 127 127 127 +2>* Gen RealtydtUt. 14 6 5?* 5?*+** Oen Refract le . 2 29 29 29 Oen Shoe 24* 1 27** 27** 27**+ */« tQenStlC Pf4**k 10 121 121 121 +1 Gen Telepb 2 2 274* 274* 2744+ ** Gen Time 1.804. 1 27** 27** 27** Gen Tlre&R 1 a 7 28*/. 274* 28** +1 Gillette Sal 2>*a 13 3 74* 37 3744 + 4* Glmbel Bros 2 . 20 22** 21?* 22**+ ’* GllddenCo 1 40a 18 274* 27 274* + 4* GoebelBre* .10a 3 54* 5>* 54*+ ** GoodaU-Sn 144a 3 23>* 23** 23**-** Goodrich BP 2e 6 39?* 59V* 59’* +1 GoodyearT&R 4 11 454* 45V* 454*+ 4* Goth Hoa 1.60a. 1 194* 194* 1944 + 4* Graham-Palxe 13 44* 4>* 4** + V* GranCltyStl 4*e 15 32 31 32 +1 Grant (WT) la. 3 2944 29>* 29V4 - V* Gt Nor Ry Df 3 7 45V* 444* 45 +1 GtWstSua 1.60ax 2 22V* 22 22 + ** tGtWest8ua Pf7 xio 142 142 142 - 1* Green HI 2a... 12 40 ' 394* 40 + ** Greyhound 1 .. 74 124* 12 124*+ 4* tGreyhnd pf 4 V. 20 974* 97‘* 97**-’* Grum Aire E 3c. 4 40 39** 40 + >* Gulf Mob&O 4*e 12 174* 17** 174*+ 4* GulfMo&Oh Pf6 6 56>* 55’* 56‘* +1*4 Gulf 011 3_ 47 76** 75** 76**+ ** Gulf Sta Util 1.. 4 17** 16’* 17**+ ** HALL PRINT la 3 154* 15** 15‘* + ** Harb-Walker le 1 26** 26V* 26>* + ** Harts* M 2.40 1 32** 32*/. 32*/.- ** Hayeslnduct V.e 1 94* 944 94* Hayes Mfc 30e. 29 104* 10 104* + 4* Helmt G W 4 .. 1 58 58 58 Hercule* Mot 1. 1 20** 20** 20** + 4* Hercul Pad 70e x 6 54 53V* 34 +14* ’Hercules Ppfo. 20 126 126 126 + 4* HersheyCh 144. 1 294* 294* 294*+** tHerth ev pf 4a. 10 120 120 120 Heyden Chem 1. 6 26** 254* 26*4 + */. Holland Purn 2. 7 28>* 88, 284* - V* Holly Sucar 1_ 3 26 26 26 Homestk Min 2 . 3 38V* 38** 38** - >* Houd-Hersh V.e. 5 174* 17** 174* + V* Houston OH 18- 32 37** 1844 37V* +1>* Hudson Bay 4 _ 4 44 43?* 44 HudsonMot .40a 20 21V4 204* 21‘* + 4* HuonCoro_31 *4* 4** 4** + ** IDAHO PW 1.80 5 34** 334* 34-4* 11! Central 25 37** 36** 37** +1V* Illinois Power 2. 13 29 28’* 29 111 Term RR .72. 3 11V* 11V* 11** + 4* Ind Pr * Lt 14*. 7 23 244* 25 + V* Indust Rayon 3. 6 344* S3V* 344* + >/« Inter-Rand 6a _ 3 150 148 148 -4** Inland Steel le. 14 44** 434* 434* + V* Insplrat Cop le. 8 204* 20*/. 20** + 4* tlnterem pf 444. 60 100 99*/. 99V.- 4* Intercon Rub 3 3 3 3 inter Iron 1.20« 18 1344 144* 1SV* + Vi Int Buc Mach 4 2 151 151 151 +1 IntHrvest nl.40116 33V4 324* 324*+*/. tint Harrs nf 7.140 169‘* 168** 169** +!>/« Int Hydra E A.. 6 74* 74* 74* Int MACb 1 60 5 37 38** 364* + >/* Int MlnACh d!4 2 924* 92 92 + ** Int Nickel 1.80 28 31** 304* 30’* + 4* tint Nickel pf 7. 40 137** 137** 137** Int Paper 4a. __ 21 62 61V* 62 + 4* Int Ry Cen Am 41 12 10>* 104* + V* ’IntRyCApf2 44k 70 91 91 91 Int Salt l*ie.._ 2 «3*A 63V* 63‘* - 4* Int Shoe 21ie... 4 44 43?* 44+4* Int Tel* Tel... 37 15>* 14’* 15‘* + ** Int T&T forn et. 4 15V* 14?* 151* + V* Intertype 80e . 9 304* 30>* 304* + V* Isl Ck Coal ,60h 9 35** 35 33 - ** JACOBS F L 17 9** 9 9>* + 1* ’JerCntP&L Pf4 70 85 84** 85 + I* Johns-Man 70e 10 41** 41 41 + v* Johns-M of 3V. 1 113** 113** 113** + ** Johnson &J.40 7 32 311* 32 +1 Jones Sc LStl 2 18 381* 33 36 +1** Joy Manfs 2.40a 9 404* 40 404* + 4* KAL STOVE.45a 3 1* 19 19 tKCPALt Df3.S0 40 97% 97% 97% Kan City South. 28 41% 38% 41%+2% h'avser J 1 a 2 17% 17% 17% + % Kelsey-H A 1 %. * 24% 24% 24%+% Kelsey-HaBl %e 18 22 21% 22 +1 Kennecott l%e. 27 57% 56% 57%+1% Kern Land l»/4e. 3 47 46% 47 + % Keystone 8 2a - 3 42% 42% 42% - % Klmbrly Cl 1.40 4 22% 22% 22% + % KopneriCo 1.80 10 33% 33% 35%+ % tKoppera of 4.. 30 94% 94% 94% - % Kresce 8 8 la_ 4 39 38% 38% - % Kress 8 H 2a_ 8 55 54 55 + % LACLEDE O .20 15 5% 5% 5% + % Lambert Co 1%. 3 22% 22 22%+ % LeeRub&Tlre 2a 3 45% 44*4 44% - % Lehigh C ft N 1 4 12 11% 11% LehPortCem 1 % 7 35% 35*4 35% Leh Valla* R R 1 6% 6% 6% + % LehmanCrp 80a 4 52% 32% 52% - % Lehn&Plnk %e. 4 10% 10% 10%+% LernerStrs 1%. 6 23% 23% 23%+ % Llb-O-P Glass 2. 3 34% 54% 54%+1% LiblfcN&LHe- 28 10 9% 10 List ft My 4a 4 87% 87% 87%+ % tLltg ft My pf 7 *30 172 172 172 + % Lima Ramil .80. 16 13*4 12% 13 + % Link-Belt Sa„_ 2 64% 64% 64% - % Lion 011 2_ 21 50 48*4 49%+1% Liquid Carbn 1. 5 20% 20% 20% Lockheed *ie _ 26 22% 22% 22% + % Loew’s Inc 1 % 20 19% 18% 19 + % ConeStarCe8%a 7 68% 68% 68% Long-Bell A ,80k 2 26% 26% 26% + % Lorlllard P1 xl2 19% 19% 19%+ % tLorlllard Pf 7 x20 153 153 153 -1% LoulsrllftN 8.52 3 47% 47 47 Lowensteln 2a .. 16 33% 32% 33*4+1% LukensStl 40a 4 22% 22 22%+ % MACK TRK >ih 20 26% 26% 26% + % Macy R H * 4 38*4 38% 38*4 Manatl Bug 1*4* 2 8% 8% 8% + % ManhShirtl.40a 3 23 22% 23 + % Marac Oil .10g 20 7% 6% 7% + % Marathon Cro 1 4 24 23% 24 MsrlneMldl 20e 9 7% 7% 7% + % Marsh Plaid 2 4 27% 26% 27 tMarshPl of 4% 80 101 100*4 100% Martin OL_ 5 18*4 17% 18%+ % Masonite CP la 7 65% 65 65 + % Master Elec 2.40 3 24% 24% 24% - % MathChem l*4a 7 33% 34% 35 + % Mar Dept 8tr 3 3 46% 46% 46%+ % 'May Dept pfS%140 92 92 92 — % IMayStrs pfn3V.230 92 91% 91% - % Maytag Col 4 11% n% n%- % 'Maytag 1st pf8 30 110% 110*4 110% Maytag pf 8 ... 2 41% 40% 40%-% McCall Corns.. 5 36 35% 36 + % McKeas&R £.40 14 33% 33 33%+ % McKesa&R pf 4. 1 98 98 98 - % McLellan 8tr la 1 23 23 23 - % McQuay-N 1.40 2 22 21% 22 MtadCorple— 5 22% 22 22*4+ % 'Mead CD PI 4% 60 96*4 96 96*4 4-1% Melville Sh 1 80 17 24% 24% 24% + % Mangel Co la * 2 18% 18% 18% + % MerckftCo2.40a 2 61 60% 61 + % MerrittCftSl.80 14 25*4 24% 25%+ % Malta Mach 2% 7 43 42% 43 - % tMet Ed Of 8.90 50 102% 102% 102% 4- % Miami COO V4e 10 18% 17% 18%+ % Mld-ConPet 1 He 12 63% 62 63 +1% Midi Btl Prod la 2 46 45% 46 + % tMld Steal lof 8 20 138 137 137 + % 'Minn R of 3.20 50 94 93% 94 + % Minn Molina . 12 15% 15% 15% + % MlnftStL Ry V4e 3 13% 13% 13% + % M SPftSSMA la 5 11% 11% 11% +1% Minn Min ft M 3 7 71 70% 70% + % MiSslonCp l%g. 9 69 67% 69 +1% Mo-Kan-Texaa. 4 6% 6 6*4+% Mo-Kan-Te* of 10 23 22% 22%+ % Mojud Hos 80 . 9 14 13% 13% + % Monsanto Cb 2. 16 59% 58% 58% - H Mon Cb P: E 4 . 1 112 112 112 + % Monte Ward 2a 17 64 63*4 64 +1 M-McC Lin 1 %a 10 15% 15% 15%+ % Motor Prod me x 6 28% 28% 28%+ % Motor Whl SOe. 1 22 22 22 Motorola %a... 2 15% 15% 15% 4- % Sale!— ! Stock and Add Net Dividend Rate. 00. Hlah. Low. 2:30. chae MueUei Bra .SOe 8 23% 23% 23% + % Mullins Mia la 23 29% 2S% 29%+1 Musslncwear la 1 13% 13% 13% Murphy OCIVil 3 <S1% «1% 41%-% Murray Coro I *10 13% 15 13% + % NASH-KEL 70e 26 16% 16% 18/4 + % Nat Acme 2a... 1 27 27 27 + % Nat Airlines.. 1 8% 8% 8H+ % Nat Auto Fib 80 3 11% 11% 11%+% Nat Aviation %a 4 15 14% 14% + % NatBiscuit 1.80a 12 29% 28% 29%+ % Nat Can ... 6 6% 8% 8% + % NatCReal'/ie 6 46% 46 46%+% Nat City Line % 6 8% 8% 8% - % NatContain 1 20 7 12% 12% 12% Nat Cvi Oaa .80. 5 13% 12% 12% Nat Dairy 1JK) 23 31% 30% 31%+ % Nat Deot 8tr la 3 20% 20% 20% Nst Distillers 2 25 21% 21 21 - % Nat Gypsum ite 34 20% 19% 20% + % tNat Gyp Pi 4% 170 96% 95% 95% -1 Nat Lead la 13 37% 37% 37%+% Nat Linen 8 80 4 6% 6% 6% Nat Mai Stl .40e 12 24 23% 24 + % Natl Steel 4 4 98% 98 98% + % Nat Supply 1 17 23% 22% 23 + % tNat Sup Pi 4% 150 88% 88% 88% Nat Tea 1% ... 2 28% 28 28 - % NatomasCol.. 5 10% 10% 10% Nehl Corp 1 . 2 16% 16% 16% + % N Eng El Syst 1 20 11*4 11’* 11 Vi Newmont M 1 Ue 2 5914 59Vi 59Vi+1 Newpt Indust 2 2 2JV4 23'* 23'* + V4 NewDf NewsS 2» 1 29*4 29’* 29'* + Vi NY Air Brake le 1 41'* 41’* 41’*-'* N Y Cent Bit 30 16'4 15’* 18V4 + Vi N V Chi & St L 7 66 65*4 66 +lVi NYCAStLpfOk 5 13? 13 2 ‘/a 133 NVKH4 Hart 14 14 13 Vs 13'* + *4 NYNHAHnf 14 35*4 331* 33*4 +2*4 ♦ NYPAL Pf 8 90 40 94Vi 94 94 NY Shipbldg Vie 10 18’* 18 18 - V4 Noblltt-Spk 1.60 3 25*1. 25Vi 25*4 + Vi NorfAWestem 3 10 61*4 61 61 No Am Aviation 45 12*4 12Vi 12*4 + Vi North Am Co tib 80 16 15*4 15*4 + ‘/a NorNatGas ,80e 16 34Vi 34V4 34’*+ Vi North Pacific la 42 25*4 24*4 25*4 + *4 ♦NoStPw pfa.60 60 88 • 87V4 87*4+ *4 Northwest A&l 9 15*4 15'* 15'* NrthwAlr Dll.IB 7 25*4 25V* 25V4 Norw Phar P0_ 4 13'* 13'* 13’* + Vi OHIOEDIS2—X 1 33V4 33'/a 33'*+ Vi Ohio OU la __ 34 40‘* 39*4 40‘* +1 OliverCorp l'/ae. 20 33V4 32 33 +1‘* fOliver pf 4>* __ 40 107*4 107*4 107*4 + *4 ♦ Omnibus pf 8 - 10 97'* 97'* 97'* Otis Elevator le 3? 34’* 34*4 34*4 - '* ♦ Otis Kiev pf 8 130 151 150'* 151 Outbrd Mot .70s 1 19 19 19 Owens 111 G1 3_ 3 64 63*4 64 + *4 tPac Coast 1--. 160 14'* 14*4 14‘* + *4 tPac Coast lpf5 70 72‘* 71 72‘*+3 ♦ PacCoast 2pl 4 90 42'* 42 42 + '* Pac Pin Cal 1.60 1 20'* 20*4 20*4 + H Pac Oai A Elc 2 15 35*4 35*4 35*i - '/a Pac Lighting 3 _ 4 53‘* 53'/a 53*4+ *4 Pac Mills 3b 7 38*4 3B'i 38*4 ♦Pac TelAT 2 Vie 40 103 103 103 - Vi Pac West Oil *ig 4 57'* 56‘* 56'* + Vi Packard M.15e 40 5'* 5 5V4 Pan Am Air Vie . 15 10*4 10*4 10*4+ V4 Panh E P L o . 10 63 62 63 +1 ♦ Panh EPL pi 4 50 98 96V4 98 +2 Panh PAR.15a 20 10 9*a 9’* + V4 Paraffine C .30h 2 26*4 26*4 26*4 Param Piet 2._. 72 25'* 24 25*4 + '/a Park Utah ,10e. 2 2’* 2*4 2*4 Parke Dav .70e. 8 30‘* 30'* 30Vi - ‘/a Parm Trans .80. 4 9*4 9 9*4 + *4 Patino Min tie. 4 12'* 12'* 12'* + '* Penney (JC> 2a x 13 47*4 46'* 46'*- *4 Penn PAL 1.20. x 14 19‘A 19 19*4 + '/a Penn R R Vae_ 57 20*4 20V4 20'*+ Vi Penn Salt .60e._ 7 46'/a 45*4 45*4 - *4 PeopGasLt 4lie. 1 93'* 93‘* 93'*-1 Peoria A Eastrn 1 15*4 15*4 15*4- *4 Pepsi-Cola ,30e 73 16*4 16*4 16*4 + *4 Petrol Corp ..tOe 14 14V4 13’* 14'* + *4 Pfizer CACo 2a 10 61 60‘/a 60'* - ■* Phelps Dodge 2e 26 54 52*4 54 +1*4 ♦ Phil C 07. pi 3 30 52*4 52*4 52*4 + ‘/a Phlla Elec 1.20 6 23*4 23‘A 23*4 + ‘/a ♦ PhlE14.3pI4 30 10,111 111 111 +1 Phlla El II pf 1. 3 25 25 25 + '* PhilARdg CAI 2 3 19’* 19’* 19’* + V. PittCokACh 60g 1 13’* 13*4 13’* + '* Pitt Con Coal 2- 2 3« 34 34 + *4 Philco Corn 1... 2 37V4 37*4 37‘* Philip Mor 1 Via 1 28*4 28*4 28*4 Phillips Petrol 3 9 7JV4 7JV4 73V4 + Vi Pillsbury Mills 2 1 33‘* 33'* 33‘* ♦Pills Mills pf 4. 30 102V4 102*4 102'* + >* PittPlateGls Vie 4 38V4 37*4 38 + Vi Pitt Screw .15e_ 1 9*4 9*4 9*4+ *4 Pitts Steel . 1 17’* 17’* 17’* + V4 tPittSt SpflVik 30 90 90 90 Pitts A West V* 1 21*4 21*4 21*4 Pittston Co 2_ 6 42*4 41*4 42*4+ *4 Plym Oil UOe _ 22 62'/a 60 62*4 +2*4 Poor A Co B la . 1 15'* 15'* 15'* Pot ElecPwr 90 19 13‘* 13*4 13*4+ '* Pressed Stl Car. 13 10 9*4 10 + ‘4 Proct A Gam 3a 6 68Vi 67*4 68 + '* PubSvcCol 2.20 13 38'* 38'* 38'* Pub SNJ 1.40 22 23'* 23*4 23*4 -'* ♦ Pub SvcNJ pf 8 250 135*4 133*4 133*4- V4 ♦Pub SvcNJ pf 7 140 118 117'*118 +>* ♦Pub SvcNJ pf 8 930 105'* 105 105'* - *4 ♦ P S N J 15 pf 5 9 92'* 92 92'* + Vi fPub S El G pf 5 20 109*4 109*4 109*4 PubSvEAG pfwi 30 28*4 28*4 2BV» Publicker *if— 13 25*4 25 25*4 + *4 Pullman le_ 10 47'* 47*4 47»* + '* Pure Oil la--- 32 39‘* 37*4 38*4+1 PurltvBak 2.40a 1 30*4 30*4 30*4 RADIO CRP.30i 126 12*4 12*4 12*4+ Vi Radio CP pf 3'* 2 73 73 73 +1 Radio-K-O .45e. 10 9*4 9*4 9*4+ *4 ♦RR Sec I C Stk 50 33'* 33‘* 33'*- '* Rayonier Inc tie 13 33*4 32’* 32’* - '* Reading Col—. 6 24V4 21V4 21*4 + '* Reading 1 pf 2_. 1 42 42 42 Reeves Bros la— 7 15*4 15 15*4 + '* Rem Rand lb 16 14?i 14*4 14*4+ '* Rem Rand pf4*4 1 96 96 96 + '* Reo Motors 2'*ax 3 26*4 26 26'/a + *4 Rep Aviation . 20 11’* 11‘* 11‘* + Vi Republic Picture 2 4*4 4>* 4*4 + t* Repub Steel la x61 30 29‘* 29'4 + Vi Revere C A B 1. 5 20>* 19’* 20 + *4 ♦Rev Cop pf fiVi. 10 93'* 93'* 93'*+1'* Raxall Drug 18 6’* 6*4 6*4 — '* Reynolds Spring * 11 10'4 10’*— *4 Reyn Tob B ,90e 8 3B?4 38V4 38*4 + ‘* KhecrvMfgl .60. 7 22*4 22*4 22*4 Richfield OU 2 179 30‘/a 29*4 30'* +1'* Rob-Ful Con Vie 51 11 10*4 11 + *4 RbtShFlpfl.183/. 14 27’* 2654 2 7'*+1 Royal Type 1.60 8 26Va 25 26** +1** Ruberoid le .- x 1 69'* 69'* 69'*+ '* Ruppert J Vie... 3 16 15'* 16 +1V4 SAFEWAY ST 1 17 20'* 20 20 - £ St Jos Lead l'*e 18 60*4 59*4 60*4 +2V4 St L San Fran .147 13*4 12*4 1V4+ ’* St L San F sf 5- 16 45 ** 4/>*+1 St Regis Pan 60 49 13‘* 12*4 13* + *4 Savage Arma Vie 6 12** 12 12'* SchenleyDlstll 2 22 32*4 31‘* 32*4 +1'* ScottPaper 2.20 1 50 50 50 — *4 Scranton Elec 1 7 15 15 15 — V4 Seab Air Line . 50 24*4 24 24'* + *4 SeabdALpf 7 Vie x 1 60 60 60 Seabrd Oil 1.00. 2 52 52 52 -1 Seagrave_ 1 6% 6% 6% Sears Roebek le 41 41% 40% 41 + % Seeger Rfgr .fiOex 3 11% 11% 11V* Servei Inc 80g 7 13% 13% 13% + V* ShamrockO 1.60 25 34% 34% 34% - % Sharon Steel 2. 8 39% 39 39 + V* Sharp A Doh 1 _ 5 26% 26% 26% + % Shattuck FG 1 a 2 14% 14% 14% + % ShellOnOll 2 Vi* 18 44% 43% 44 + % Silver King Col. 8 5% 5% 5% — % Simmons Co la. 2 35 34% 35 + % Sinclair Oil la. 161 27% 26% 27% + % Smith A O *ih . « 34t% 33% 34% + % SmithACoron 2 1 25 25 25 SmtthASonl .40* 13'37% 36V* 37%+1% SoconT-Vac l._ 115 20% 20% 20%+% Solvay Am of 4 102 101% 102 + % So Am Gold tie. 10 4% 4% 4% + % So Cero E&G Vi 14 7% 7% 7% + % So P Rico S Se . 4 43 42% 43 + % SeastGreyL 1.60 6 14% 14% 14% — % Sou Cal Edis 1 % 3 29% 29% 29% + % Sou Nat Gas 1% 9 25 24V* 24% - % Southern Pac 4. 17 57% 56% 57% +1 Southern Rwy 8 15 48% 47 48% +1% Sparks-W 20a.. 3 6% 6 6*/* + % tSpear pf 5Vi .. 30 70% 70 70%+1% Spencer Kell 2 1 28% 28% 28%+ % Sperry Crp lVi* 16 29% 29 29V* + % Spiegel Inc .. 10 12% 12% 12V* + % ’Spiegel Pf 4% 110 73 72% 73 +% Square D Co Vie. 8 21% 21% 21%+% Squibb A Sons 1 1 26 26 26 Stand Brands 2 20 28% 28 28V* + % Std GsAEl S4pf 11 24% 24% 241%+ % Std Gs^l *6 pr 4 96 95V* 96 + % Std Oil Calif 2e- 23 70 69% 69% - % Std Oil Ind 2a . 35 49% 49% 49%+ % Std OU N Jer lb 59 85% 84% 85%+1% S’d OilOblo 1 Vi 30 31% 31 31%+% Std Stl Spr* Vie 5 14% 14% 14% + % StdStlSprn* pf2 1 42 42 42 + % Sterling Drug 2 20 39% 38% 39% + % Stewart-WarV.ex 2 15% 15V* 15V* Stok-V Camp 1 4 16 15% 16 Stoklev-V C pf 1 6 19 18V* 18V*- % StoneAWeb'ie. 25 15% 14% 15'*+ % Studebaker >.e. 62 27% 27 27% + V* Sun Chem .60-- 2 10% 10% 10%+% Sun Oil lb -. 7 69% 69% 69?* + % Sunny 011 .80 . 44 14% 14% 14% + % Sunshine Blsc 8 2 40% 40 40%+1 Sunshine M 60. 13 10% 10% 10% + % Superheater la. 10 27 26% 27 +1 Sup OU Calif 2e 2 223 223 221 +2 Superior Stl la. 5 19% 19 19% + % SwiftACo 1 60a. 2 34% 34% 34% + % Swift Inti .40e . 17 16 15% 16 + % Sylvan Elec 1.40 7 24% 24% 24%+% Symlna-Gould.. 1 6% 6% 6% + V* TENNCP.85e. x 2 18% 18% 18V* + % Texas Co 8 35 63% 62% 63 + % TexOulfPro .85* 27 23% 22% 23%+ % Tex Gulf Sul 2a 11 60% 60% 60% Tex Pac CAO la 13 50% 49% 50% + % Tex Pac LT 70e 13 4J 41% 43 +1% Tex A Pac Ry 4. 1 62 62 62 - % Textron la .- 13 17% 17% 17%+ % Textron pf IV. * *1% 21% 21% Thatcher G1 60 10 10 9% 9% ’Thtcher pf2 40 40 39 39 39 - % Thermoid Vif 2 9% 9% 9% - % ThomasStll 80a 4 23% 22% 23%+ % Thoms Prod 1 %e 7 57% 57% 37%-1 Thompaon-Star. 6 3% 3 3 — % Tide won 1.20t 31 29% 28% 29%+ V* Timk-D Axle le x 9 23 22% 22% + % Timk Bear 1 Vie. 1 53% 53% 33%+ % Transamer Via. 23 12% 12% 12% + % Trans AW Alu 4 16% 16% 16% - % Tri-Con Co Vif 38 9% 9% 9V* + % Truax-Tr* 1.20 10 18 17% 17% + % Twent C-Fox 2. * 23% 23% 23%+ % Twin Coach_ 4 12% 12% 12%+ % UDYUTE1.. 1 10% 10% 10%+ % Underwood 1 Vie 1 36% 36% 56% + % UnAsb A R 70a x 1 14% 14% 14%+ % Onion Bag 2a 13 37% 36% 37% +1 Un Carbide Vih 78 42% 41% 41% + % ’Un El Mo of 4% 2 110 109% 110 +% On OU Cal .70# 30 33% 32% 32% + % Un Pacific 10Vie 3 186** 163 186%+2% UuTankCar 2.60 1 41% 41% 41% + % Onit Air Line# 82 15% 14% 13% - % Unit Aircraft le 17 28% 27V. 27%-%, Utd Aircraft pf5 3 110 109% 10*** -1% Unit Biscuit la 2 20% 20% 20’* + % Unit Carbon 2 4 JJ J3 33 - % Unit Cigar Wbal 30 4% 3% 4 United Coro 31 3% 3% 3%+ % United Dyewood 3 8 8 8 - % Utd Klee Coal 1 1 27 27 27 + % UtEngAPdy 1 Vie 3 44% 44% 44% - % I Stock Market Scores Gains of Fractions To Around 2 Points By the Associated Press NEW YORK, June 8.—The stock market advanced decisively today for the first time in days. Gains of fractions to around 2 points lifted many issues to new highs for the year or longer. Steels, rails and oils were In front of the move, but buying spilled over into other groups as well. Volume picked up a bit with the rate of activity aiming at above the 1,000.000-share mark for the day. Highs were posted for Youngs town Sheet, Westinghouse and Richfield Oil, among others. Also ahead were United States Steel, General Motors, Chrysler, United States Rubber, J. I. Case, Lock heed, American Smelting, American Woolen, Great Northern preferred, Illinois Central and Standard Oil of New Jersey. Washington Exchange SALES. Hecht common—100 it 20%. Potomic El Pw 3.60 Pi. "A"—SO it 44%. Potomic El Pw com—75 at 13%, 5 it 13%. 75 at 13%. Woodward & Lothrop common—10 at 36, 60 at 30. Potomac El Pw com—100 at 13%. 45 at 13%. Washington Gas 4.25 Pf.—20 at 100%. Potomac El pw 3.60 pf "A"—10 at 44 %. Washington Gas common—85 it 25. 15 at 25. Garflnckel 4%'i pf.—50 at 21%, 5 at 21 %. Mergenthaler Linotype—-25 at 52. PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS. Bid. Asked Am T&T cv db 2%s 1957. 115% 116% Am T&T cv db 2%s 1961 108 108% Cap Transit 1st ref 4s 1964 91 93 City & Suburban 6s 1948 100 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s 1961 111 116 Pot Elec Pow 3%s I960 165 _ Pot Elec Pow 3%s 1977 108 _ Pot Elec Pow 3s 19S3 101% _ Washington Gas 6s 1960 120% _ PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS. Amer Tel & Tel (91 _157% Capital Transit _ _ 15% 16% N & W Steamboat (t4>_160 Pepco common (.Out_ *13% 1.3% Pepco 3.60V pf A" (1.80) *44% _ _ Pepco 3.60V pf -B” (1.8(1) *44% Wash Gas Lt com (1.50) 24% 26 Wash Gas Lt cum pf (4.25) 100 101 Wash G L cu cv pf (4.50) 10.3 _ _ BANK AND TRUST COMPANIES. Amer Sec * Tr new itl .(IO) 29% 30% Bank of Bethesda (tl.50>._ 40 _ Capital (,90i _ 84 _ Com & Savings (tlO)_ 350 _ Liberty (81 _315 _ _ Lincoln (+5) __ 330 Natl Sav Tr (8.00). 420 450 Pr Georges B & Tr (+1.00) 30 _ .. Union Trust Co (tl.OO)_38% 40 Riggs (12) . 318 335 Washington (6) _ 196 _ Wash Loan & Tr (12). 330 _ FIRE AND TITLE INSURANCE. American (t6) _160 Columbia (t.30) _ 12% 13% Firemen's (1.40) 31 _ National Union (.76) __ 16 19 Real Estate (t6) 195 _ MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corp (2.00) . 30 Garflnckel com (1.60) 18% 19% Garfl 5%V cu cv pf (1.375) 24% Garfi 4%V cu cv pf (1.125) 21 22% Hecht Co (1.60) 26% 27% Hecht 3%% cum pf (3.75). 88% 92 Lanston Mono (t'+.OO) .. 26 27% Mergenthaler Lino (a.75) *51% 52% Natl Mtge & Inv pf (p.45>_ *8 Peonies Dr St com ( + 1.601. *35 37 Security Storage <t5) _110 125 Ter Ref & Wh Coro (3) 50 Wdwd & Loth com (+2.00) 36% 36% Wdwd & Loth pfd new (5) 104% * Ex dividend, b Books closed, f Plug extra or extras, a Paid go far thli yaar. p Paid 1947. Market Averages STOCKS. 30 15 15 60 Indst. Ralls. Util. Stks. Net change_-+.6 4-.5 -4-.1 4- .5 Today noon_97.5 44.0 41.8 70.7 Prev. day_ 96 9 43.5 41.7 70.2 Week ago _ 97.5 44.4 42.1 71.0 Month ago_ 93.1 42.8 41.2 68.5 Year ago_ 87.6 29.8 41 8 61.4 1948 high_ 97 6 45.2 42.3 71.3 1948 low_ 83.3 34.2 38.0 60.3 BONDS. 20 10 10 10 10 Low Rails. Indst. Util. Pgn. Yield. Net change unc. 4-.1 unc. -^-.1 une. Today noon 93.0 101.7 101.7 61.9 110.6 Prev. day_ 93.0 101.6 101.7 61.8 110.6 Week ago _ 92.9 101.5 101.ft 61.8 110.4 Mpnth ago. 91 4 101.5 100.9 61.8 110.0 Year ago . 90.4 103.4 105.2 73.3 115.4 1948 high- 93.1 101.8 101.7 66.9 110.6 1948 low 87.7 99.8 98.0 60,2 107 2 .• New 1948 high. (Compiled by the Associated Press ) New York Cotton NEW YORK. June 8 UPi.—Cotton fu tures moved in a narrow range In quiet forenoon dealings today. Scattered li quidation was offset, by small local buying and mill covering. There was further switching from nearby July to later months. Dallas advices said that cotton acreage is being increased three to four times the normal planting area in some of the ir rigated sections of West Texas. Noon prices were 20 to 40 cents a bale lower than the previous close July. 36.92; October, 33.36, and December. 32 .<1. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad han dled 63,822 cars of freight in the week ended June 5 vs. 71.223 in the previous week and 68.142 in the like 1947 week. Saiea— Stock and Add Net Dividend Rate. 00. High. Low. 2:30. chge. United Fruit 2a 42 54?* S3?* 34'*+ ?* UtdOasImp 1.30 5 22?* 22V4 22** - V* Unit MAM la 23 19?* 19V* 19?*+?* US&FSecl.SSg 21 31?* 30 30?* + 1V* U S Gypsum 3 3 112*/* 111** 112** +1?* US Hoff Mch ?4f 2 13 13 15 - V* USIndChml'/ae 2 39?* 39>* 39?*+ '* OS Lines 2?* 13 18 17?* 17'++ >* US Plne&F 2 SO 2 49?* 49?* 49?*+ *+ US Plywood la. 2 36 35?* 36 + H U S Rubber 3e . 14 45?* 44** 44'+ + y, US Sm R&M le. 1 55 55 55 U S Steel 2Vie— 47 .90*+ 79i+ 80?* +1»+ US Steel pf 7 .. 5 140 139** 140 + V. U S Tobec 1.20. 1 18** 18*+ 18>* ♦ U STob pf l?i. 2 41 40?« 40?*-?* Utd Stkyds «0c 1 5?* 5?* 514 Ut 8trs2d pf Vie 2 11>* 11?4 11*++'+ Utd Wallpap V4C 27 5?+ 5V* 5*/4 Ut Wallpap pf 2 2 32 32 32 Unlv-Cjclops 1. 1 17** 17** 17**-** Unlv Lab 3 6‘* 6** 6** Unlv LeafTob la 4 23** 23>* 23** + 1* VANRAALTlh. 1 26 26 26 + ** Vanad Corp ?*e. 8 22?* 21?* 22»++lv* Vert-C Suxar 2 13 13'* 13?4 13‘* + ** Victor Chm 80e 4 46 45V* 46 + ** Va CarollnChem 13 13?* 12?* 13?*+ ?* Va-CChmpf4*Ak 2 122 122 122 +1 Va El&Pwr 1.20 26 17?* 17'* 17?*+ ?* Va Railway 2Vi. 1 37'* 37'* 37'*+ ■* VaRall of IV*.- * 32>* 31?* 32**+1'* WALDORF la— 3 14?* 14?* 14?* Walgreen 1.60.. 1 34 34 34 — ?4 t Walgreen pf 4 . 50 103 103 103 Walker Hlr 1 Via 10 26 25'+ 25'++ v* Walworth Co+*• 11 12?* 12 12>* + ** Ward Bak ,30e 3 15*+ 15'+ 15*++** 'Ward Bk of5?* 130 100 100 100 Warner Bros 1- 15 12?* 12>* 12?*+ V* Warren Fndrj.. 2 29 29 29+1 Warren Pet 80. 25 31‘* 30'/* 31'*+ '+ Wayne Pump 2. 1 27'* 27'* 27'* — ** Webster Tobec. 3 5J* 5?* 5?* + ** Wesson Oil 2?ie 21 60>* 59?* 60'*+ ?» 'Wesson Oil PfA 20 83 83 83 —1** Wstlud Sugl Via 16 21'+ 20'.+ 21 + ?* W Penn Elec Vie 33 17'+ 17H 17'+ + 1* «Ws Penn El oI7 50 117'+ 117'+ 117'* + ?* WVaC&C.70e. 8 27?* 17 17V*- ?* WVa PulD&P la 4 50'* 50 50 + >+ WestemAlr Line 4 8>* 8V+ 8'* WestAUtoSup 8 5 42 41'* 42 - ?* Western Md. 21 13?* 13 13?*+1V* West Md 2nd of. 4 32 31'+ 32 + V* West Pacific 8 . 6 32?* 32'* 32?*+ V* West Un Telle. 10 24'* 24 24'++1 West Air Brk 2. 16 38V* 37?* 38 + >* Westing Elec 1 86 32?* 32>* 32'* + 1* twst El Of A 3 V* 30 93 92'+ 93 + ** Weston El IB 2- 6 40 39?* 40 + 1* Westvaeo 1.40 . 5 47 47 47 + ** tWatvaco pf8?4 60 96?* 96‘* 96?*+ ?* Wheel Steel 2 10 50*+ 48'* 50V*+1?* White Mot 1.60 * 2 23** 23 23**+ ** White sewing M 62 21*+ 20V+ 20'+ +1 'WhiteSMpf lk. * 105 104 105 -1 Wilcox Oil ,40a 5 16?* 16 16*++ ?* wuiys-overland 34 11** 11 ll** + y, Wilson&Co 1 Vie 23 16*+ 16V* 16Vi + *+ Wilson-Jones Vie 1 16V* 16V+ 16'++ Vi Wise Elee Pwrl U 17*+ 17V* 17** + V* Woodward Ir 2. 1 33'* 35V* 33‘* Woolworth 2* . 36 47?* 47'* 47V* + '* Wor P & M V.h . 5 23?* 23‘* >3H +1V* rWPMcvprpf* V* 230 89>* 87** 89'*+2 'Wthng prpf4?*130 78 77 77V* + ?* Wrlgley W Jr 8a 4 65*+ 65 65 — V* WyandWor 40a 5 10 9** 10 + ?* YALE&TWNViea 3 33 32?* 33 + V* York Corp V* - 4 15 14?* 13 + V* York Cp pi 2V«_ 2 46 45V* 46 - V* Youn*Snr&w 1 + 2it* 21?* 2iv* + ?* Young 3h&T 4a 42 82?* 80>* 82?*+2<* YnestStlDoor la 8 19?* 19 19?* + ?* ZENITH B lVie. 1 26V* 26V* 26V« + V* Hourly Sale* 00 (he Eaehmace Mar: 11:00a.m.. 250000 12:0II noon 560000 1:00 o.m. 780 000 2:00 o m. 920 000 'Unit of trading. 10 ihares. *In bank ruptcy or receivership, or being reorganized under tbe Jankruptcy Act, or securities assumed by such companies. Rates of dividend! In the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the last quarterly or semi-annual declaration. Unless other wise noted, special or extra dividends are not included x Ez dividend, xr Ex rights, a Also extra or extras b Plus stock divi dend. d Cash or stock e Declared or paid 1 so iar this year, f Payable In stock, esti mated i ash value on ex dividend date 1 g Paid last year, b Declared or paid after stock dividend or stock split-up k Accum-i ulated dividends paid or declared this year, z Payable in stock, exact cash value unde termined on declaration dat«. a N. Y. Bond Market (Vanished ha the As seels tad Press.) SELECTED LIST UP ISSUES. WORLD BANK IntBRdtD 3s72 99 16 LntBR&D2V467 9818 NXW YORK CIT7 US 80 1051% FOREIGN 2:30 Antloq 2d 7i 57 39 Australia 5s 65 100 Brasil 5s 51 st 41% Oenmk 4'is 62 87% Italian 1st 3s77 16% Me* 5s asd 45 n 14% Norway 4Vis 56 79 DOMESTIC 2:30 AmiF P Gs2030 95 AmT&T2%s87 99 Am T&T 21/4557 116% AmT&T2%s61 1081% Am TfcT 2»i,s8S 93% AmTobacco3s62 102% AmTobacco3s69102% AtlCoastL4'is64104 BaltdcOh 5s75B 96 Balt&Oh 5sM9« «8% Balt&05sK2000 68V* B&O ct 4%2010 52 B&OSouDivosSO 80% Bang A cn 4s 51 94% Bost Me 4 Vis 70 55% BufRoch&P57st 67% Can South 5s 62105% Can Nor 4'/is 56112% Can Pae 4s perp 93% Cent Ga 6 %s 59 13 Cent Ga 6s 69C 12% Cent Ga cn5s45 70 Cent Galst5s45 83% Cn RR NJ 5s 87 63% Cn RR NJ 4s 87 55% CBAQ3V.S85 99% Chi&E 1 tnc 97 43% Chi Gt Ws 4s 88 86% Chl&L Inc4s83 64 CMStP4 '/is2044 55% Chi&NW 4%s99 65% CRIPln4tis2019 86% C R I A P 4s 94 106% ClnUnTr 2%s74 100% CCCSL gn 4s 93 96 Col & So 4 %s80 55% Col G&E 3' *871 102 CnsEdcv3s'63wl 107% Cons Ed 2%s 77 95% Deere 2Hs 65 101% Del & Hud 4s 63 95% Del L&W4S2042 63% Del P A L 3s 73 102 DAR in 4',i201>i64% DenAS L Inc 93 82% □et T T 4*is 61 106% DwChem2.35s61 98 nreatnTAR3s6U03% Fla E Cat 6a 74. 61% O MAO 2044 B 65% HudAM to 6a 67 2«% IC Louvl 3 Vi >63101% ICC StL 5s 63 A 99 IntOtNor fla 52* 30 Jam FAC 4s 59 79% Kan C Sou 4s75 103% LacledeGs4Vi63 108% LehVal4Vis2003 39% Leh Val 4s 2003 36% Lorrlllard 3s 63 102% ManatlSui 4s5? 91 M-K-T 6s 62 A 82% Mo Pac 5V4s 49 26% Mo Pac 5s 77 F 84V« Mo Pac 6s 78 G 83% Mo Pac an 4s 75 40% MorrisAKx 6s55 82% MorAE3'/,s2000 59% Nat Dairy 2*470 99% NYC rf 6s 2013 79% NYC4Vis201SA 72% NYC con 4s 98 68 NYCLS 3 Vis 98 66% NY Conn2%a?6 89% NYNMAH 6s 40 79% NYNHlne4Vis’2J 45% NYNHH 4a2007 71% N Y O W a 4s 55 6% Nor Pac 3s 2047 67% Pac OAE 3s 71 4.03% PennRRa4'is81101% PennRR 3<4s52 99% PereMar 3%s 80101 Phill Pet 2V4S64 101% Plttston 6Vis64 101 1 StLSF 4V4S2022 58% 3tLSanFrn4s97 88% Seab ln4Vis2016 71 8hell Dn 2Vis71 96% SoPac4V4aOr77 102% So Ry an 4a 66 95% SWBellT12*is85 97% Sunray Oil2%66 98% Third Ave 6s 60 58% Un Pac 274s 76 102 Va X1AP 2Via 76 99% West Md 4s 52. 101% West Dn 6a 51.. 98% West Dn 5s 60 93 West Elec 2%a7J 98% Wise Cent 4s 49 71% Wls Cn 4s 363D 38% N. Y. Curb Market UST INCLUDES ONLT SELECTED ISSUES CHANGED THOM PREVIOUS CLOSE. Aireon MX* Co . 4b Alum Gds 1 65e 24 Am Bantam Car 27* Am C P L B .15* 7 Am Gas At El lb 38 AmLightAtT.oSe 18 Am Maracaibo 5>* ; Am Suoerpower 17* ; Argus Inc ,15e.. 6 ArkNatGas .20e 74b Ashland Oil 1__ 207* Atl Coast Fish.. 4 Atlaa Corn w w _ 64b Barium Steel_ 77b Basic Refret .40 67* Blue Ridge .40g. 37b Breese Corn_ 10 Brit-Am 011 1 - 207* BrwnF Dist .bOa 267* Bnk Hill At S Via 227b Burma Ltd _ Can Marconi_ 27b Carr Cons Blsc. 47b Catalin Am _ - 74b CenAtS WCn .70 _ 97b Chi At So Airl _. 64b Cltleg Service 2 577* CiAtSuHome .60 10 Claude Neon 37* ColSandAtSt .4 0 67* Col FuelAtlr ww 57b Colts Mf* 14*g 38>* Com! At Sou war '* Cons Oas Ulil '2 10 Cons MngAtS 3a 98 Cons Royal .14 . 37* Cons Stl Cn 1 ’*« 44i/. Conr Range 7*e. 157* Cosden Petro 87b Creole Pet l.SOe 507* Crown Cent Pet 7** CrownDrug OS* 37* DetGraylr .20*. 27* Diana Stores’ 2 7 Domln Steel 7ba 157* East State Corn 4 El BondAtSh v.e 141* Electromas ,05g 37* Elliott Co '3e . 247* Eureka C Ltd .... l‘M* Fairchild E At A 57* FanateelMetVit. 13‘* Ford Can Ala 22 FordMFran 02i 17* GenPlywood 40 7>* Goldfield Cons 7* Hazeltine tie... 15** Hecla Min 1 13V* Humble Oil 1 tie 84** 111 Power pi 2 ti. 58*4 Imp Oil Ltd Vi 15*4 Int Petrol Va 1**4 Ital Superpow A 1'/* Kaiser-Frazer . 10*4 Kirby Pet 20* .. 16 Louis L & E 1 a 22V* McWill Drdz .80 10>/i Menaaco MI*... 2** Mesabi Iron_ 7V4 MdSPAvtcl.SOe 271* Midi 8tl n-cum2 26 Minim Cp Can. 8 Monogram Piet 4*4 Mont-Dak U SO 12*4 Nat Bellas 20*. 4*4 Nat Union Rad 3** NJers Zinc 1 tie 70 New Mex dr Aria 8 Niagara Hud Pr. 9% Nlp'slng Mines 1M« No Am Lt & Pwr 7** Nor Sta Pwr A.. 38V4 NorthropAlr ’.»* 12** Ogden Corp ... 1V4 Pantepee 1.28.. 18*4 Pennroad .40*.. 6** Pep Bovs_ 4 Pepperell Sa 66 PharisT&R .15e 4*4 Pltney-Bow 60a 12*4 Producers Corp 1*4 QuakerOats33«e 96 R-K-O opt war. 2** Raytheon MI*.. 8*4 Reed Roll Bit 1 _ 24*4 RloGrValQ 05e 2'/* Ryan Cons Pet 11V* SaltDomeO 1**1 10*4 Select Indus ... 4V* Shoe Corp Am 1 16*4 Solar Aire .IBe. 12*4 Solar MI* .... 3>4 Sonotone .40 3** SoCEd cvpt 1.12 27*4 Std Power & Lt. 2*4 Sterling Inc Vi.. 6*4 Trans Lux .lSe. 5*4 Trl-Contl w w _ 3*4 Unexelled Chem 5V4 Unit Chem 80e. 57 Ut Lt&Rys 32e. 21 Ut-IdahoSu.l 5e 3 Ward Bak war.. 6V* Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. June 8 (4* »USDA)—Salable hogs. 13,000: total. 18.500; moderately active and unevenly steady to 2ft cents higher: advance on weights over 230.' pounds: market closed slow and steady on all weights; sows steady; top, 24.75; bulk good and choice 170-230 pounds. 24.00- 24 75; 240v260 pounds. 23.00 24.25; 270-290 pounds. 21.7ft-23.00; 300-350 pounds. 20.60-21.75: 375-475; pound butchers. 19.00-20.25; most good. 350-600 pound sows. 17.25-18.50: few lighter weights to 19.00. Salable cattle. 7.000; total. 7.000: sal able calves. 800; total. 800; fed steers and yearlings. Including yearling heifers, strong to 50 cents, most 25 cents higher: active: most good and choice steers and yearlings. 33.50-36.00; top. 36.50. new recent high; five loads. 36.25: choice 1.050 pound Colorado fed heifers also at new recent high of 35.65: most good and choice heifers. 33.00-35.50: common and medium grassy steers and heifers fully steady at 23.00-31.00; cows and bulls strong; most oeef cows. 20.00-25.00; good offerings to 27.50; canners and cut ters. 16.00-19.60; sausage bulls. 25.76 down: vealers firm at 29.00 down; odd head 30.00. Salable sheep. 1.000; total. 1.000: mar ket active; slaughter lambs around 50 cents higher; ewes generally steady; load good and choice 91-pound No. 1 pelted old-crop lambs. 27.00; small lots mostly medium to good mixed shorn lambs and yearlings. 24.00-26.00: bulk good and choice native spring laihbs. 30.00-31.50. few small lots mostly choice ^topped at 32.00: medium to good spring lambs. 26.00- 29.00; good and choice shorn slaughter ewes. 10.50-11.50; weights! around 150 pounds ud at inside price, common to medium ewes. 8.50-10.50. 1 — Dividends Announced NEW YORK. June 8 (/Pi.—Dividends de- i dared. Initial. Pr- Stic. Of Pay Rate rlod record able. Ch R I A Pac RR 75c __ 6-18 7-15 Reaumed. Lockheed Aircraft 50c __ 8-18 7-2 Final. Metal Box Co Ltd 15"r__ _ Shell Transo A Trad ing Ltd 5% _ Bk of N Y A Fifth Ave. Bk - *3.50 Q 8-18 7-1 Stock. Winters A Cramo I00«t 8-15 7-15 Extra. Mead Johnson 5c _ . 6-15 7-1 Rernlar. C R I A Pac RR of *1.25 Q 9-10 3-30 Do _ -SI .25 Q 12-10 12-31 Eastern SS Lines,. 25c Q 6-18 7-1 Nat Glass Co ,12V,c . 6-10 7-6 Stetson John B Co 50c 7-1 7-15 Transwestern Royalty.50c 8 8-22 6-29 Wagner Bale _25c 6-18 7-1 Address Multi _ 50c 4 6-21 7-10 Dunhlll Int_25c Q 6-18 8-28 Felin J _ ___»1.50. 6-17 .6-24 SAW Fine Fds_25c Q 7-16 7-31 Feder Dept Strs_50c 4 7-21 7-31 Gen Baking _15c 7-16 8-2 Helena Rubin A_ 25c 4 6-21 7-1 Lambert Co _37'ac Q 8-17 i-i Mead Johnson .....15c 4 8-15 7-1 New York Produce NEW YORK. June 8 (JPt— Most til grades of wholesale eggs were hither to day Receipts totaled 38.103 esses. 8pot quotations follow: Midwestern, mixed colors, fancy heavy weights. 49-51: extra 1 large. 48-48V'2; extra 2 large. 47; extra 1 medium. 45'j 461*: current receipts, 45-46: dirties. 43 43 Mi. Whites—Fancy heavyweights. 54-5.V: extra J large. 52-33: extra 2 large. 48-40; extra 1 medium. 48-49. Browns—Fancy heavyweights. 51-32: extra 1 large. 40-50: extra 2 large. 47*/a 48: extra 1 medium. 46Vi-47. Butter. 1.283.240: Irregular. Wholesale i prices on bulk cartons: Creamery, higher than 92 score and premium marks (AAV 82Vi: 92 score tAi. 80: 90 score <B). 7*. 89 score <C>. 74Va. (New tubs usually command Vi a pound over the bulk carton once.) , Cheese 427.740: steady Wholesale sales, fresh American cheese (whole milk): Cheddars 48-48'j; Cheddars (grass. 1947). 54-56: Cheddars (grass. 1947), shelf cured. 58-00: single daisies. 49-51: single daisies (grass. 1947). 56-38: single daisies (grass. 1947). shelf cured. 59-60: flags. 49-52; flats (grass. 1947). 56-60; flats (grass. 1947). shelf cured. 60-61; midgets. 52-54: midgets (grass. 1947). 58-39: midgets. | shelf cured. 60-62: processed. 5 pounds, j 4R34-52Vg: domestic swlss (single tuba). ' best 66-68. others. 47-64._ •Chicago Grain CHICAGO. June 8 up)—Grain futures carried a fairly steady tone during the morning session at the Board of Trade. Wheat advanced at the opening on re portg that the Production and Marketing Administration wants flour. Soybeans were independently strong the result of announcement the Govern ment had purchased 63,000.000 pounds of soya flour for relief In occupied areas. Corn was in fair commercial demand and oats gain strength on report! that rain is needed, at the start, but later weakened under profit cashing. The bullish effect of the PMA purchase program was offset by reports that the Texas crop in the northern section is greater than expected: that the wheat crop in foreign sections is improved, ac cording to Broomhall. British grain au thority. and that mills were hedging ap parently against purchase of cash wheat At- noon wheat was unchanged to 4 Higher than yesterday's close. July. 2 29's Corn was ’« to 'i lower. July. 2.16,,«. Oats were Va to V. lower. July 92, and soybeans were flt-i to 7Va higher. Ju.y. 4.25. _ Walt Disney production net in come for 27 week* ended April 3 i was $63,128 vs. $264,383 In 26 week*! ended March 29. 1947, Congress' Aid Sought In Fight on Pay Claims Backed by High Court ty tha Aueciatad Prat* The shipping industry signaled a! frantic SOS to Congress today. It] said a new Supreme Court decision: paves the way for a flood of workers’ ] back pay claims. Wage-Hour Administrator William! R. McComb maintained, however, that the Nation’s employers face no great liability because of the de cisions. He noted there is a two year limit to back pay claims. The Supreme Court, in its 5-3 ruling yesterday, said an employer must include premium pay for night and odd-hour work in figuring out a worker’s average 40-hour pay to determine overtime rates. Frazer A. Bailey, president of the National Federation of American Shipping, Inc., said this means em ployers in all industries stand to lose up to $6,000,000,000 and the shipping industry alone "hundreds of mil lions.” Denies Other Industry Affected. Max R. Simon of New York, coun sel for the dock worker groups that brought the suits, denied that other industries will be affected by the ruling. H$ added in a statement: "All recoveries resulting from this decision throughout the country will total less than $5,000,000. All of these sums will be paid by the Fed eral Government because the work was done on a cost-plus basis.” Despite the conflicting statements on the costs, one thing seemed sure —that all employers must use the Supreme Court's overtime calculat ing principle in the future, unless Congress passes a new law. Mr. Bailey called on Congress to enact an amendment to the wage ! hour 4aw permitting employers and workers to agree on a "regular rate of pay.” Such bills are pending in the House and Senate. McComb Opposed to Move. Mr. McComb is opposed to such legislation. He wrote Senator Mag nuson, Democrat, of Washington recently that it would be "tanta mount to a repeal of the overtime requirements” of the Wage-Hour Act. The Supreme Court decision was based on suits brought by dock workers. The longshoremen get paid one rate for daytime work, and one and a half times that rate for hours worked at night, Saturday afternoons, Sundays and holidays. In the suit the employers con tended the higher rate satisfied the wage-hour law requirement for time-and-a-half pay for hours worked beyond 40 a week. The dock workers said it was merely a pre mium rate for work done at incon venient hours. The Supreme Court majority held with the workers in an opinion by Justice Reed. It sent the cases back to a lower court for a calculation of how much overtime pay the workers should get. A dissenting opinion by Justice Frankfurter said the majority view will upset traditional working prac tices in the stevedoring Industry. Justices Burton and Jackson agreed with Justice Frankfurter. Justice Douglas took no part in the case. Hie court ruling may produce a further complicating factor In cur rent maritime industry negotiations in which CIO longshoremen on the West Coast are threatening a June 15 strike. A presidential fact-find ing board is now studying that dis pute. The contract for AFL longshore men on the East and Gulf coasts still has two months to run, but now may be reopened because of the Supreme Court ruling. The AFL International Long shoremen's Union had opposed the ■ suits and the union s attorney. Louis Waldron, joined shipping industry I employers last night in appealing for remedial action by Congress. Royall to Get Degree At Xavier University |y the Associated Press Secretary of the Army Royall to morrow will go to Cincinnati where he will receive an honorary degree | of doctor of laws at Xavier Uni versity. Mr. Royall will fly. arriving at Launken Airport at 3:30 p.m. He will participate in the university's cornerstone ceremony and speak in formally. He will attend a dinner at the home of Archbishop John T. McNicholas of Cincinnati prior to the academic ceremonies. Foreign Exchange . - NEW YORK. June 8 (IP).—Foreign ex change rates follow (Great Britain in dol lars. others in cents): Canadian dollar in New York open market, «*• per cent discount of 03.433,-« United States cents, unchanged. Europe—Great Britain 4.03Y«* un changed: Prance (franc) .3211 of a cent, unchanged: Italy (lira) June fixed rate .001739, May. .001730 Sweden (krona), 27.85. unchanged: Switzerland (franc) ‘commercial) 23.40. unchanged. Lating America—Argentina, free.25.00n, up 1.0 of a cent: Brazil, fee, 5.50, un chanted: Mexico. 20.62, unchanged. Numbers Book Found Beneath Hen, Owner Fined for Laying Bets ly tho Associated Press DETROIT. June 8.—Charles Overton's hen might have been laying bets, Patrolman Ross Faustino told Recorder’s Judge George Murphy yesterday, but it seemed more likely some one had put that book of numbers tickets under her. The patrolman reported he heard the hen give a strange cackle, and he found the tickets in her nest along with an egg. Overton, 50. was fined $40 on a charge of engaging in an illegal occupation. Elwood Davis Elected Head of Junior Board; Takes Office July 1 T. Elwood Davis of the Riggs Na tional Bank was elected president of the Junior Board of Commerce last night at a board meeting in the Burlington Hotel. He will take office July 1. Mr. Davis, an employe of the Riggs trust de partment, is a native of Wash ington and was graduated from George Wash ington Univer sity Law School. Elected first vice president was Paul Mat thews, a partner in the firm of Mr. Davit. Matthews and Sickles, certified pub lic accountants. He was treasurer last year. A James D. Bligh is the new second vice president. An employe of the John Hancock Mutual Life Insur ance Co., he has served on several board committees during the past two years. Other officers elected were Norman E. Otto, Potomac Electric Power Co., secretary: Paul Lambert, Henry S. Owens & Co., treasurer, and Paul M. Hawkins, American Hotel Asso ciation, general counsel. - Retiring President James S. Beat tie was elected to the Board of Di rectors. Also elected to the board were Thomas M. Anatuccl. Harry P. Bergman, William H. McGee, : Herman L. Neugass, Jesse H. Otto. 1 Calvin H. Ourand and Peter F. Snyder, Jr. The open-hearth furnace for making steel was invented by Wil liam and Frederick Siemens in England in 1856. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Various plana, Including lsni-tana month!? payments, at faysrabla rata. FIRST DEED OR TRUST ONLY RENTALS—SALES—INSURANCE GEORGE I. BORGER 043 Indiana Ate, N.W. NA. 0380 FINANCIAL SALESMAN Experienced in Investment Securities end Stocks. Man of integrity wanted by well established local manufact urer to assist in marketing new stock issue. Must have following in financial and in vestment circles and be able to stand rigid character in vestigation. BOX 408-C, STAR playboy] motor CAR I CORPORATION I **•*'* I PrU* $1 P*r Shor* p^tu. »»y to <*“*»* ^m"y. TELLIER *.CO* W. Ditto 4-4i00 A r 'i "We're putting away a regular amount f * \ every week f for the child rents education." Start saving today . . * drop in at Intorstato’s convoniontiy locatod offieo i