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ifllllLPI vktM Brighten Walls With PAQUA Put an end to dull walls — paint them with Paqua. Yea, brighten the walls in ' your living, dining, i bedrooms and halls with Paqua—that's easy to apply and quick to dry. A wide selection of beautiful pastels, gray and white — now ready for your selection. Economical—because •hr B.i'on yoy buy makes a gallon and a, half For sale flt these stores— Rerker Paint ,* Glass Co.. Georgetown Loral Paint A Hardware Co., Hyattsville Chew (.base Paint a Hardware Co. Silver Spring Paint A Hardware Co. Rethesda Taint A Hardware Co. Takoma Paint A Hardware Co. 922 New York Ave. (1) NA. 8610 Open Mon thru *»t . 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Free parking next door while trading here. GADGET GERTIE Says | "An Electric Mixer for That Jolly Good Fellow . . . Dad!” j He'll really boast about 1 the drinks he mixes with | a Waring Blendor! It's an electric juicer and mixer, all in one . . . takes the juice from vege tables or fruit. Corm plete with a recipe book of over 300 recipes. Another of the 1001 gad gets from the Gadget Shop at MacMannes. Use Our Loy-Away Plan 'qifts for aH occasions j HOMEWARES . . . JEWELRY , 1312 G Street N.W. I RESORTS. NEW JERSEY. H'll jnvoon CREST. New Jersey. H'ilderest Cottage. *Oft E. Wisteria Rd . Ige. airy rooms, innersprine mattresses, i blk from beach, nr. trains. Reservations open for vacation 1 imr___ " ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. FLEE TWO 0D Ocean End Tennessee Avenue “Hotel of Solid Comfort''—One of Atlantic Clrv s cleanest. Third hotel from Board walk Bathing privileges. Garage. Elevator. Parking Lot. Pleasure to serve you. j. w. BINDER—Ownership Management Phone 4-:i055 MARYLAND. BEAUTIFUL-PASADENA INN TVi f ’.deal vacation spot. All land and vater sports Excellent fishing. Nearby and. reasonable Restricted clientele Booklet. I FRED HARPER. Royal Oak. Md * Montana Democrat Joins in Complaints on Truman Arrangements .By tW« Associated Press BUTTE, Mont., June 8.—Arrange ments for President Truman's visit j here tonight are bringing every thing from complaints to commen dations from prominent Montana Democrats. And the Republicans are making the best of it. It started when State Democratic Chairman Lester H. Loble of Helena said party members were "hot under the collar" because they won't be allowed on the presidential train when it goes through the State. He sent a wire to Nebraska Democratic Party Chairman Wil liam Ritchie. It said, in part: "Treatment accorded your commit tee and Iowa and Nebraska Demo crats on occasion of President Tru man’s visit is same as we are re ceiving. We are given no part in arrangements, and have been ad vised that none of us w’ill be per mitted on President’s train." Last night, Mr. Loble said he had "nothing to add" to his telegram, except: “Our delegation was in structed to vote for Mr. Truman.” Asked to comment here, Charles Murray, son of Senator Murray. Democrat, of Montana, said: “I have checked carefully and found no one complaining about Mr. Truman’s desire to visit Montana without reference to political con siderations.” An earlier comment on Mr. Loble’s action came from Cascade County Republican Chairman Wil liam F. Browning at Great Falls. Said he: “The Democrats have been riding planes, trains, buses and driving their own cars on Government ex pense accounts in a thousand need less jobs in Montana since 1923. “They naturally resent the Presi dent’s fiat refusal to punch free train tickets for them on another junket over Montana.” Holtzoff Will Address Terrell Law Exercises Justice Alexander Holtzoff of Dis trict Court will address the graduat ing class of Robert H. Terrell Law School in commencement exercises at 8 p.m tomorrow in the Banneker Junior High School. Euclid street and Georgia avenue N.W. The 17 members of the class will receive their diplomas from Judge Armond W. Scott of Municipal Court, who is president of the school. The benediction will be read by the Rev. A. B. Fisher, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Fred erick. Md. _ ADVERTISEMENT. DOES A BRAN EATER EAT BRAN? Hold on if you’re about to say only because it helps relieve constipation caused by. lack of bulk food in your diet. Then you haven’t tried finer* flavored'Nabisco 100% Bran! This bran is finer-milled to make it milder, gentler-acting. And .’s, better, tasting, too! Start enjoying Nabisco 1J0% Bran tomorrow! (See a doctor if constipation continues.) TRAVEL. TRAVEL.__ THIS SUMMER... HAVE YOUR VACATION FUN IN THIS MOUNTAIN PARADISE— Mail Coupon for Free Illustrated Literature Thousands of world travelers acclaim Glorious Glider the most beautiful spot in the world ... and for good reason. Winding trails lead hikers and riders through an indescribably beautiful mountain world. Park buses glide over smooth highways, unfolding mile after mile of unmatched scenic splendor. Beautiful hotels and cozy chalet - lodges, nestled in the majestic Montana Rockies, offer accommodations to suit every taste. Choice of Routes when you "Go Burlington” The popular Oriental Limited takes you direct from Chicago to Glacier in less than 39 hours. Or glide along the Black Hills and through the Dude Ranch Country of the Big Horn Mountains. Or visit Magic Yellowstone via Cody, Gardiner or Red Lodge Gateway... thence, via any of these gateways, to Glacier. You can make the most of your trip by going one way and returning another. Mail the coupon now for illustrated lit erature. You'll see why Glacier Park is a favorite western vacationland. Whether you travel independently or join a con genial Escorted Tour, you’ll find it pays to ‘‘Go Burlington.” MAIL COUPON TODAY E. L. SIMMONS. General Agent. Burlington Route Dept. WS-24. 425 Shoreham Bldg., Washington 5. D. C. Phone: Executive 8700 I am interested in a vacation in Glorious Glacier Park. Please send me complete information. Name Address------......... a City_- - -Zone-State-- — -- □ Students please check here If you* a re interested in other Western Vacationlands, check here: H Colorado d Yellowstone d Black Hills d California d Pacific Northwest Two Uncoupled Sleepers Crash Into Engine, Five Persons Hurt By th« Associated Press COLUMBUS, Ohio, June 8.—Five passengers of a Pennsylvania Rail road sleeping car were injured—two seriously—in a freak accident in Union Station here last night. The victims were among 17 pas sengers trapped in the sleeping car of the New York-bound Spirit of St. Louis when two cars were uncoupled and smashed into the engine of the Metropolitan Limited. The second train was waiting to pull into the station. None of its passengers was injured. The impact of the crash sprung the doors of the Pullman, trapping the 17 passengers in their sleeping compartments of the Spirit of St. Louis. ' Firemen, police and railroad work ers dug into tne wreckage u> iree the passengers. The Pullman and the observation car were the last two cars on the train. Injured seriously were E. D. John son, 45, of Jennings, Mo., and Charles W. Donker, Baltimore. The other injured were Hart W. Reaves, 45, Los Angeles; John Av ery, 45, Connersville, Ind.. and Harry G. Fitzgerald, jr., Black Lick, Ohio. Firemen worked with acetylene AMBULANCE SERVICE SWi*T DEPENDABLE eor any ( “1 C'TY. SUBURBAN CALL IQ <YfLES * torches for more than an hour to free Mr. Johnson from the wreck-; age. He suffered fractures of both legs and severe lacerations of the lower abdomen. Mon Held for Grand Jury In Slaying in Auto A coroner’s jury yesterday ordered Robert Connor, 29, colored, held for action of the grand Jury in connec tion with the fatal shooting of his OFFICE SUITE 1757 K St. N.W. 7-Story Office Building Choice Corner Suite . 4 room_$200 Mark Winkler Management RE. 5200 1117 Vermont Are. brother-in-law as they were riding in an automobile in the 1200 block of Eleventh street N.W. Saturday night. . The dead man, Kelsie Houchins, 45. colored, of 1714 T street N.W., was struck In the chest by one bul let discharged from a small caliber revolver, Mr, Houchins, Connor and “K**p Rollin' with Nolan” NOLAN VACATION AUTOMOBILE LOANS Favorable Rates No Indorsers 1102 Now York Avo N.W. Greyhound Be* Terminal RE. 124M _ Open Ttn B f.M. two other men were in the auto mobile at the time. The State of Idaho is only 58 years old. ADVERTISEMENT. PROVES WONDERFUL FOR ITCHING SKIN RASH! Tint applications of Zemo—a doc tor’s wonderful stainless, tmrtstUs antiseptic—promptly relieve itching, burning of Skin Rashes, Eczema, Pimples and similar surface skin and scalp irritations. Zemo also aids hearing. Backed by amazing record of eonfmuotusuccessl mbm First trial convinces, Adam A. Wmehler A San. Aactlaneara Attorney'a Sale If Oder* liiTh-OmU _ MACHINERY LATHES — MILLERS GRINDERS — SHAPERS DRILLS - ELEVATOR PIPE THREADER — COMPRESSOR MOTORS — ABRASIVE CUT OFF MACHINE — TREATING FURNACES — COAL STOKER, ETC. By Auction •t Weichler'i 90S E St N.W. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9tk Commencing 10 O’Cleek AM. Inspection June 5, 7 and 8, 9 to I Terms: C»«h. Daaiel C. Iberly, Atty., Ikirer Bailding. _ «*A SAFEWAY INVITES YOU TO TRY LUCERNE MILK J s guaranteed 14% richer than the law requires ‘ °NE QUART U^AKA H°M06EN1ZED mii , k fi Penny for penny, a rich milk like Lucerne is today’s standout ( value in food | As a source of some of the health values our bodies need most, Lucerne Milk is hard 1 to equal among foods. For example, a single I quart of Lucerne supplies: i os much Energy . os 9 eggs <3^ os much Protein os 16 slices of white bread as much RllOFUVIN* a$ V/t pounds of beef^ ‘(vitamin 8j or G) os much Calcium . os 28 oranges 4 I I And here’s what the U.S. Department of Agriculture says about pure, rich milk like Lucerne :‘‘Milk does more for the body than any other food and docs it more cheaply.” In rich Lucerne Grade A you get a wonderful tasting milk. It’s creamy from top to bottom of every quart — because itfs homogenized to blend the cream right into every drop IUCERNE Homogenized Grade A Milk contains 14% J more butterfat than District of Columbia or State regulations require. That’s why Lucerne is always so creamy, so smooth and delicious to drink. Yes, Lucerne Milk tastes rich because it is rich. (It’s a good source of vitamin A, too.) Lucerne is homogenized, to assure perfect blending of its high cream content. You’ll never find any Lucerne that tastes "flat” or "thin.” From the top of the carton to the bottom, every drop is creamed. Lucerne comes to you country fresh. Country fresh from just the finest kind of herds. And protected by sanitary one-trip containers that enter only your home —containers that cut out bottle deposits, bottle wash ing and bottle return. You get Lucerne Grade A at your Safeway store and save the home delivery charge, whether you buy one quart or six quarts. And you can buy it conveniently, as you need it Start now to give your family rich Lucerne Grade A every day-it’s today’s standout value in food. AT SAFEWAY «*