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WHITE BRICK BUNGALOW This attractive home has living room, dinette, equipped kitchen, two bright bedrooms, tiled bath. Stairway to expandable attic. Fall base ment. Air-conditioned heat. Large wooded lot with bearing apple trees. To reach: Out Coletvllle Road to Old Salem. Village, Hi miles north ot Coletville. Md., on left OPEN SUNDAY FROM ONE UNTIL DARK CRANE AND HELAN, Realtors 1009 Bonifant St., Silver Spring, Md. SLigo 4000 —1 t" 1 NEAR POTOMAC, MARYLAND Approximately 4 Acres __ SMALL CASH PAYMENT A Horseman's Paradise This six-room, two-both Cape Cod is nestled in unparalleled wood land beauty; also has two-car detached garage with servants quar ters above; a carriage shed; chicken house and new 5-box sta with loft above, attached tack room and attached corn crib, tntire property inclosed in white board fence. TO REACH: Cut River Road 1.5 miles beyond the inter section of Bradley Blvd . make a hairvin left turn onto Persimmon Tree Road and first house on right. OPEN SUNDAY, 12 to DARK SAMUEL E. BOGLEY 7004 Wise. Are. Wl. 5500—Wl. 1320 Office Open Sunday and Evening* SPRINGDALE SILVER SPRING, MD. THESE TOP-VALUE HOMES Spell Happiness for You in Terms of Your Income 14,950 $2,500. DOWN $83-°° | PER MONTH This distrinetively designed, carefully planned bungolow 0"*rs °raj'oul living ot a realistic price in its large living room with' fireP£“' cheerful dining room, colored tile bath ond two full bedrooms. There is also additional second story space for two more bedrooms and bath. IB1AM I If III ABIC —Other 2 ond 3 bedroom homes of In- I ALSO AVAILABLE dividuality on equally satisfactory terms. I Open Sat. & Sun. Noon to Dark TO REACH: Out Georgia Ave. miles past Colesvtile Road to our sign, right 3 blocks straight to Goldsten Brothers open sign. VETERAN APPROVED ALSO AVAILABLE TO NON-VETERANS Compare These Features! THE HOUSE * 20 Foot Living Room with Open Fireplace end Mantle Piece * First Floor Tile Powder Room * Spacious Square Dining Room * Step Saver Kitchen with Metal Cabinets and GE Garbage Disposal * Concrete Side Perch with Roof * Three Large Bedrooms and Tile Bath Upstairs * Full Basement with Outside Entrance THE EXTRAS * Capper Gutters, Downspouts, and Pipes * Clear Oak Hardwood Floors * Furred Walls, Weather Stripping, and Insulation Protection * Thirty Gallon H. W. Heater and Chrysler "Air Temp" Ga« Furnace * Screens and Venetian Blinds VETERANS * S3,200 Down and $65 a month or * $1,600 Down and $85 a month > * Non-Veteran Payments slightly higher $15,400 Drive ttralght out Ga. Ave. I*i mile* part Coluville Road to Dexter Avenue, left 2 Works to hornet. J. J. KAHN Exclusive Agent wO. 8808 Marriage License Applications Under D. C. laws, couples must apply for a marriage license on one day, wait three full days and receive the license on the fifth day. Sundays and holidays are counted the same as other days. Arthur Higgins. 26. 1604 Meigs pi. n.e., and Marie Oliver, 23, 6220 Banks pi. n.e. Roosevelt Brooks. 43. 1139 6th st. n.vr., and Eva Foster, 43. 1002 N st. n.w. Stewart Henley, 24, 4236 South Dakota ave. n.e., and Laurette Branch, 23, 117 Adams st. n.w. Isaiah Lewis. Jr., 26, 1208 B st. n.e.. and Helen Belser, 18, 1340 Rhode Island ave. n.w. Secbrue Cambrel, 20. and Gladys Holloway, 19. both of 612 Keefer pi. n.w. Lester Cobb, 21, 1214 R st. n.w., and Hattie Watts, 19. Hampton, Va. Charles Tompkins, Jr., 23, 1819 Vermont ave. n.w., and Helen Pettlford. 25, 619 Keefer pi. n.w. Sumpter Davis, 33. and Alice Mason, 34, both of 1219 9th (t. n.w. Lemuel Hawkins, 46, 1106 6th st. n.w., and Chillis ter Brown, 28, 2105 4th st. n.w. Lee Johnson, 62, 32 K st. n.e., and Oneida Morris, 36. Baltimore. Joseph Murray, 26, 216 12th st. n.e., and Audrey Posey, 17, 212% 12th pi. n.e. Charles Tupper, 26, and Dorothy Kolonla, 23. both of 1530 16th st. n.w. Sheldon Abrams, 23. 6013 New Hamp shire ave. n.e., end Henrietta Cohen, 20, 6214 Kansas ave. n.w. Arthur Chesley, 21, Silver Sprint. Md.. and Virginia Soper. 18, 1030 Girard st. n.e. William McClure, 23, Chevy Chase. Md., and Mary Alexander, 20, 4861 Indian William nEarley. 29. 1774 Massachusetts ave. n.w.. and La Verne Kelly. 25, 2839 27th st. n.w. _ . ... Raymond Simons, 28, Takoma Park. Md., and Dorothy Pokrinchak, 25, 4049 New Hampshire ave. n.w. Robert Snead, 21, 314 V st. n.e., and Mildred Lawson, 21. 1702 Summit pi. Frederick Abbott. 19, 1629 16th st. n.w., and Nancy White, 20. Arlington Farms, Va. Julian Dowling. 21. 1311 Fairmont £ n.w., and Meredith Holt, 21. 13(r7 Fairmont st. n.w. , Thomas Sheridan, 22, 4910 4th st. n.w., and Catherine Cook, 35, 721 H st. n.w. Joaouin Esquivel. 23, Costa Rica, and Vir ginia Sotela, 22, 3206 38th st. n.w. Frank Starenko, 23. and Helen Stake, 21, both of Falls Church. Va. Edward Oowan, 19, and Martha Howe. 20, both of 2955 Nelson Pi. s.e. Clifton Cornwell, 23, 1856 Mintwood pi. n.w., and Mary Creighton, 26. 1458 Columbia rd. n.w._ Richard Lease, 29, 1836 Connecticut ave. n.w., and Eleanor Kinney, 26, 1951 Biltmore st. n.w PS| GICHNER1 WE NEED HOUSES for purchatert wanting hornet at once . . . if you contem plate telling we would ap preciate a call. J. A. McKoevir Co., Inc. J. A. McKeever J. Crone 1614 K Bt. N W. ST. 8800 •'Accredited Management Organization" Stanley Klavan. 22. 43 Hamilton at. n.w.. and Ethel Rosenbloom. 21. 1901 4th at. n.w. Bail! Anderson. 21, 2034 O at. n.w., and Alice Jackaon, 18, 489 X at. aw. Juan Smith, 22, 71S «0th pi. n.e., and Catherine Glen, 18, 634 Columbia rd. n.w Jesae Addison. 41. 1846 Vernon st. n.w., and Harriett Jackson. 36, 1224 12th st. n.w. David Grlffln, 20. Parris Island. S. C.. and Gloria Boyd. 17. 701 A at. s.e. Carlton Bryant. 43, 822 B st, n.e., and Hilda Crouch, 30, 1668 K st. n.e. Richard Caslin. 22. 14 S st. n.e,. and Annie Hickman. 25. BO M st. n.w. Prank Paeinoli, 30. 1414 18th pi. s.e., and Dorothy Ennis, 23, Columbia Hos pital. J. L Moore. 26, Andrews Pield. and Mil dred Holland. 24, 25 N st. n.e. Lorenso Robertson. Jr.. 22, 1836 K st. n.w. and Cherrle Taylor, 32, 1821 T Harold Smith, 19. 2427 M st. n.w., and Cynthia Hankins, 16 636 Park rd. n.w James Jackson, 28. 810 4th st. n.w., and Emma McRae. 31. 456 M st. n.w. Wilbur Jackson. 27. 319 Division ave. n.e., and Joanne Beldon. 21. 127 5th st. n.e Ashton Bunnell. 67. 1734 D st s.e., and Mary Lawless, 48, .1451 Park rd. n.w. Patrick Jiacinto. 21. 1208 Tewkesbury pi. n.w.. and Barbara Snow, 20, 823 Under wood st. n.w. . _ Robert Kirk. 22. Media. Pa., and Carolyn Self ten. 22. 1320 Vermont ave. n.w. Prancis Burbach. Jr., 24, 3221 10th st s.e., and Lina Harvey, 19, 3720 2nd st. s.e. Rufus Fowler, 26. 19 Channinit st. n.e., and Velma Alderson. 21 416 3rd st. n.w. William Price. 19. Mount Rainier. Md . and MarUane Gray, 17, 1234 11th st. Josh* Lawson, 24, 3549 Hertford pi. n.w., and Betty Dye. 24. 2823 4th st. n.e. Gilbert Baschab. 38. and Alice Eller, 20, both of 618 12th st. n.w. Guy McManamay, 21, Vienna. Va.. and Betty Spalding, 17. Falls Church, Va. Robert Missouri. Jr.. 28. 208 6th st s.e , and Evelyn Harlan, 24, 522 46th st. Lefatid Clark, Jr.. 27, 1505 Evarts st. n.e., and Margaret Eckendorf, 36. 2213 13th Charles *Thompson. 61, 152 11th st. Ae.. and Blanche Simmons, 44, 1131 12th Hugh Berry, 22, 4616 8th st. n.w.. and Iris Wofford. 22, Silver Spring. Md. Joseph Marmaduke. 38. Arlington, Va.. and Sarah Moore, 28, 1421 South Carolina ave. s.e. ill 11111111■■■■III 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 William Barnes. 31. and Pay Hanee. 26. both of 66 Hew Tort are. n.w. Raymond Robinson. 22. *606 tJnlTerslty pi. n.w.. and Janella Simmon*. 28. 1410 N st. n.w. Lewis Breunlneer. Jr., 23, 3701 Foxhall rd. n.w., and Dorothy Mayo, 21, 3614 16th st. n.e. Clarence Leek, 26. 8ussex, N. J., and Nancy Roome, 18, 614 Fern pi. n.w. Gilbert Mackay. 38, New Tort City, and Mary Saxton. 36, 1833 New Hampshire are. n.w. John orf. 33. 1901 Kalorama rd. n.w., and Katherine Triolo, 32. 1616 16th st. n.w. Philip Kellosc. Jr.. 23. Mt. Rainier. Md.. and Catherine Preusser. 21, Brentwood. Md. Stanley 8tein, 23, 1736 G st. n.w.. and Dorothy Koonin, 26. 2632 Garfield st. n.w. Dominic Emelia, 21, Clinton, Md., and Lynn Thomas, 19. 469 F st. s.w. Watson Mawbray. 27. 1924 N st. n.w., and Juanita Preston. 22, 612 G st. Watson Mawbray. 27. 1924 N st. n.w., and Juanita Preston, 22, 612 G st. s.w. Spurxeon Terry. jr„ 22, 602 North Caro lina ave. s.e.. and Jean Tippett. 19. 603 Seward so. s.e. Svecialittna In NORTHEAST AND SOUTHEAST REAL ESTATE HOHENSTEIN BROS. REALTORS 7th & H Sts. N.E. FR. 3000 Efficient Service Since ltlt DOORS 6 Baised-Panel Colonial HESLOP LUMBER & MILLWORK CO. NA. 9448 724 Ey« 8t. S.W. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmifiiiiiit “KENT” A Community of Character 5028 LOWELL STREET N.W. A NEIGHBORHOOD OF INDIVIDUAL AND CUSTOM-BUILT HOMES. A REAL OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE SEEKING A DETACHED HOME IN AN EXCLUSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD. FIRST FLOOR: Drawinr room, dininr room, room, modern kitchen, den. lavatory, center haU. SECOND FLOOR. Lanre master bedroom, bath; 3 other bedrooms and bath. *■»»** *}«*<*•;-. FLOOR: Larre bedroom with flreplue. atorare space. BASEMENT. Recre ation room with fireplace, laundry Mom. maid’s room and full bath (above (round). 3-ear attached aarare, automatic ras heat. _ . To Reach: Out Mass. Ave to Ward Circle, around Ward Circle southwest on Nebraska Avenue to Louohboro Rd., down Louuhboro Road to Lowell Street, lett to property. OPEN SUNDAY 1:00 to 6:00 P.M. J. RUPERT MOHLER, JR., Realtor 1223 Conn. Ave. Exclusive Agent NAtional 4080 ILittle Jforcst Chevy Chase, D. C. - — .■AX.VMM- .:•*■** A.XZMk 5528 29th Street Northwest — $28,500 Here is another of the first group of new houses we are offering in this delightful community. You will find it difficult to match at the price offered. Center-h6ll plan with Ist-floor lavatory, three bedrooms and two t>otns, and a finished third floor providing the equivalent of two additional bed rooms. Large, wooded lot. OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION To Reach: At McKinley and 99th Sts. (1 block from Utah Ave.) turn south a short distance to our sitn. Exclusive With Dl. 2126 JACOBSON BROS. Wl. 3539 PRICED WELL UNDER TODAY’S MARKET 4 Bedrooms—2 l/z Baths—Den—Breahfast Room, Etc. One of a Croup of Distinguished New Homes at ROCK CREEK KNOLL Complete in every deteil. Featuring street, curb end gutters, slete reel, capper pipes, gutters end downspouts. Venetian blinds, screens. . , By building a group of large houses, builder has been able to effect many economies which he is passing on to the purchasers. Built by GEERAERT COMPARE THESE HOUSES WITH ANYTHING ON TODAY'S MARKET SAMPLE HOUSE FURNISHED BY VIRGA COMPANY OPEN SATURDAY—SUNDAY—I UNTIL 7—WEEKDAYS—4 TO 7 BELFIORE CO 1311 L Sfrr—t N.W.Rfittri—Excl*iivt At**** _Dlttrict^5522^ Tulip Hill" With its wide-spread wings looks out from its terraced hill top over almost a mile of farmland to Chesapeake Bay. —tmssmi me imiwi 'il—— tti "~ [.'•vV'iT'''iYirTfllf*T'T‘- ---a---- ■..vA'-,.vy: 10 MILES ANNAPOLIS ON WEST RIVER 30 MILES D. C. NOT A PLACE — AN EXPERIENCE Architecturally perfect, it puts you immediately in a world of graciousness and achievement. Built in 1756 by Samuel Galloway. Old wood paneling, mantels, shell cupboards, cornices, hand-carved stairway with mahogany stair rail, which rises behind two arches meeting in the center over a fluted canopy. Hal extends through the house, shell portico over rear door, pierced and vaulted chimneys, beautiful 8-panel doors deep-cut windows with built-in seats, "ox-eye" window over entrance, are but a few of the features. The utterly charming view of the river; the large aged trees so tall they guided sailors; rose garden, box wood and holly; old pictorial tiles in front bedroom mantel. One could go on. Mansion contains about 18 rooms, 5 baths, 9 fireplaces. Some decoration and heat needed. Basement under entire house. Barn, tenant house. . __ PRICE, $100,000 SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY ROMYE LAMBORN, Realtor Exelulva Arent OT. 8586 1601 S. ARLINGTON RIDGE RD._OT. 8035 NEARBY VIRGINIA HOMES OPEN TODAY 2 P.M. TO 6 P.M. .»x-.-'-rww?.v.vAv :- WX-WW.v.*?r.«v.y.:Av Just off Key Boulevard, near Lyon Village and Colonial Village this 3-bedroom brick Colonial home with Vermont slafe roof is within one-half block of an excellent grade school and is situated on a level lot with fenced-in rear lawn. It is located within a short walk of two buslines and is near several excellent shopping centers. Rooms include on the first floor, living room (12x19) with Colonial fire place and door opening on screened porch; dining room (10x14), equipped kitchen wtih ventilating fan. On the second floor, three bedrooms and tile bath. Full basement with outside entrance and maid's lavatory. Oil heat. Terms, $4,500 cash. Price, $17,250. NEAR LYON VILLAGE—1709 N. Woyn« Str**t Directions to reach• Out Wilson Boulevard to Vietch Street, ritht on Vietch to Key Bivd., left on Key Blvd. to Wayne, right on Wayne to house and open sign. This quaint white brick end stone home, situated on the top of a knoll in a setting of large oaks, con tains 3 lovely bedrooms and 1 Vi bath. If you ere seeking something out of the ordinary, with many quaint features, then by all means inspect this most attractive home. Rooms include on the first floor, wide entrance haH with attractive stairway; living roam (13x20) wtih artistic fireplace and beautiful bay window with window seat. French doers open on a strictly private screened porch; dining room with wainscoting and a charming large Colonial pic ture window;wpodous kitchen with bay window and a beautiful breakfast nook gayly decorated in rad; Vi bath. On the second floor, bedroom (11x19), bedroom (13x13), bedroom (10x17) and tile bath. Full basement with outside entrance. Attractive features include beautiful random width flooring; 10-eu. ft. deep freexe, Bendix automotic laundry. Price, $22,000. CHARMING BROCKWOOD—883 N. Kentucky St. Direction to reach: Out Wilton Boulevard to Jefferson Street. around road repair to tale titn on Kentucky Street. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS j « . 151 |ll| 2840 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Vo. CH. 3838; Ivo. and Sun., 01. 88IB Kensington estates (Kensington, Md.) New Section Has 56 Larger Homes For Veterans_ - 11 ' nwiBii 'HBBH Carefully Planuei—Soundly Constructed—Completely nquippe— m MANY AVAILABLE IN 30 DAYS $13,500 (Corner, S250 Extra) APPROVED G.I. FINANCING NOTE AND COMPARE CAREFULLY ALL THESE EXTRA FEATURES • Brick Construction • 3 Bedrooms • Complete Tile Both and Shower • Gas Heat—Chrysler Air Conditioned • Oak Floors • Venetian Blinds • 30-gal. Hot-water Heater • Ground-level rear door • Landscaped and Sodded ★ OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 2 P.M. TO DARK WEEKDAYS 4 P.M. TO DARK ★ • F11R Flatter Over Rack Lath Throagheat • 6-ft. G I. Elec. Refrigerater • 36" Gat Range—Ovea Centre! • Insulated, Weather-stripped • Copper Screens • Large Lots • Asphalt streets and concrete curb and gotten -50 HOMES IN SECTION 1 COMPLETED AND SOLD TO VETERANS Magazine Brothers—Builders and Owners CountiT^°turn wTon tox'Sw”anir^ht to ample house. H. G. Smithy Company 811 15th St. N.w. Exclusive A tents STerltngJlOO^