Newspaper Page Text
Msgr. Thomas Smyth Golden Jubilee to Be Observed Tomorrow The golden jubilee of the Right' Rev. Msgr. Thomas G. Smyth on the 50th anniversary of his ordina tion to th* priesthood will be ob-' served with a solemn high mass at 10 a.m. tomorrow at the Most Blessed Sacrament Church. * Msgr. Symth will celebrate the mass. The Rev. E. Carl Lyon will be the deicon and the Rev. Henry Hammet, subdeacon. The Most Rev. Patrick A. O'Boyle, Arch M»*r. Smyth bishop or wasnmgton, win preside at the mass. Deacons of honor will be the Right Rev. Msgr. James A. Smyth, pastor of Sacred Heart Church, a brother of the celebrant, and the Right Rev. Msgr. Edward McAdams, pastor of St. Joseph’s Church. The Rev. Walter J. Schmitz of Catholic University will be master of ceremonies. The sermon will be delivered by the Rev. John Carter Smyth, another brother of the celebrant. A pageant will be presented by children of Blessed Sacrament School at 7:45 p.m. Next Friday, Msgr. Smyth will be celebrant at the 8:30 a.m. mass to be sung by children of the school. A reception will be held at 8:30 p.m. June 15 in the Shoreham Hotel to give all parishioners an oppor tunity to meet Msgr. Smyth. A purse, the gifth of the parishioners, will be presented to him. Luther Place Church The guest speaker at the Brother hood of the Luther Place Memorial Church outing Wednesday evening will be the Rev. J. J. P. Tiga, an In dian Christian, who has just com pleted special studies at the Gettys burg Theological Seminary. The meeting will be held at the home of George Eberly, 3007 South Dakota avenue N.E. On Thursday at 8 p.m. there will he a youth educational meeting in the recreation room. Three sound films will be exhibited. GUiniHflpljtral 0nrt?ig tit Maal|tngtnn THE THEOSOPHICAITSOCIETY IN WASHINGTON, D. C. 726 11th St. N.W. Sunday, June 13, at 8:00 P.M. "NATURE VS. MAN," Hugh F. Munro Sr,,1 Philadelphia, Pa. LIBRARY ACTIVITIES: Rental Library l« "pen every Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. B 30 la 8 p m. __ (£mh ©rthniujx (Ehurrij Saint* Constantin* and Helen Greek Orthodox Church Rev. Thomas Daniels. 6th and C Streets S.W. 10:45 *.m.—Sunday 8chool. . ; 10:00 am.—Mornin* Service# and Hisb _M ass_ (Katljolir ST. MARY'S ftth 8t. Between G and H St*. N.W. Sundoy Masses, | 7, 8:30, 10:15, 11:15, 12:15 MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA Every Monday Masses 8 and 10 A M. Devotions at 11:30 A.M.. 12:05. 4:00. 4:30. 5:00. 5:30. 6:00, 6:30. 7:15. 8:00. 8:45 and 0:15. 8:00 Broadcast Over WWDC. ST. DOMINIC'S Sixth and E Streets S.W. SUNDAY MASSES: S. 6:45. 7:30. 0, 10, 11:15. 12:15. DAILY MASSES: 7 8, 8'30. S Holy Hour. Wednesday Evening, 7:30. Rosary Every Evening, 7:30. [ Wooiiriiigr tWgrtat WOODRIDGE PILGRIM 24th and Franklin Sts. N.E. Phone CO. 2303 THOMAS M. WEIR, Ministar 9:45 a m.—Sunday School. 1 1 :00a.m.—Morning Worship. 7 :45 p.m.—Evening Worship. Wednesday, 8:00 P.M. Christian Fellowship and Prayer. Friday 8:00.p.m.—Program. Youth Service. Church Federation Radio Programs Washington Federation of Churches *adio program June 13 to June 19: Sunday—WINX, 11 to noon. St. John’t Episcopal Church. WMAL, 1:30 p.m.. Na i tional Sunday vespers. Dr. Oscar F. Black welder, Federal Council of Churches. Tuesday—WRC. 12:15 to 12:30 P.m . Look to This Dav." the Rev. J. S. Albert , son, Bethesda Presbyterian Church. Wednesday—WGAY. 10:45 to 11 am.. "Religion for Living. ’ Rev. Philip C. Ed wards. pastor. Woodside Methodist Church WRC. 12:15 to 12:30 p.m., "Look to This Dav.’’ Mr. Albertson. Thursday—WRC. 12:15 to 13:30 p.m.. "Look to This Dav." Mr. Albertson. Friday—WASH-FM. 4 to 4:15 P.m. "Radio Edition of the Bible.” Plan Double Program At Albright*Church A double program will be pre sented at Albright Memorial Church on Sunday. The services will be In recognition of the 22d anniversary of the founding of the church, and it will also be bride and groom day. A special section will be reserved for those who have been married at the church and for those who have been married 25 years or more. The sermon by the Rev. G. E. Schnabel will be “The Redemptive Doors Swing Wide” and at 7 p.m. "Extra-curricula Education.” > On Wednesday the anniversary dinner will be held with Cal John son, former Representative of Illi nois, as the guest speaker. World Affairs Topics At Mt. Vernon Methodist The young adults of Mount Ver non Place Methodist Church, have planned a series of programs on world affairs and vital topics of the day. Tomorrow at 7 p.m. the guest speaker will be Robert N. DuBose, who will discuss “Face Your Fu ture.” Mr. DuBose has recently come to Washington from Durham. | N. C., as executive secretary of the ■ American Association of Colleges and Universities. Dr. A. N. Warner, associate minister, will preach at all services tomorrow. Hamline Methodist Church I Methodist Student Day will be observed at Hamline Methodist Church tomorrow at 11 a.m. Mes sages will be given by the following students now attending college: Mary Ann Yeager, Wade Courier and Robert G. Gnegv. There will be an Installation serv ice for the officers of the Methodist Youth Fellowship, along with pre sentation of Bibles to high school graduates, and presentation of Youth Choir honors. At 4 p.m. there will be a Youth Choir festival, including the Mount Vernon Place, Woodside and Ham line Youth Choirs. Radio Bible Quiz The "Quiz'spiration” will feature a group of United States Congress men tonight at 7 o'clock over Station WWDC. Participants will include Senators John D. Sparkman and John Cooper and Representatives Dwight L. Rogers, James C. Davis and Qharles B. Hoeven. Evangelist Dale Crowley will be'master of ceremonies. (HlfrtHtahelpIitan _ Christadelphian Ecclesia 8. S. 10 am Service. II am. 1012 9th St. N.W.. 3rd PI. Public Invited. Christadelphian Chapel 732 Webster 8t. N.W. Public Invited S. 8 , 10 am._Services, 11:1 ft t « 33iuttt? &ri?nr? First Divine Science Church NSW LOCATION, Sheraton Hotel, 1 5th & L Sti. N.W. THE REV. ADDIE REA PEOPLES • Sunday, 1 1 A.M. Divine Science College, Boccoloureote Service, "Let Your Light Shine." Thursday, 8 P.M. Continuing Lesson Series, "How to Acquire Faith." ALL WEI.COME. CHURCH OF THE HEALING CHRIST j 260© 16th St. N.W. Sunday. 11:00 a.m.— “Simon and Judas.” Thursday. 8:00 p.m.— “THE HEALING HOLE. GRACE L. FAl'S. Minister. ADams 8218 Site (Cnngrrgatinnal ffiluirrlira LINCOLN TEMPLE Rob< rt W. Brooks, Minister I “A Hearty Welcome to All Racial Groups" 1 I :00 a.m.—Sermon and Worship. "The Secret of Sustained Interest." Dr. Brooks speaking. Otis Holly, soloist. Wed., 8:00 p.m.—Midweek Service, "Love Or Perish."_ First Congregational Church 10th fir G Streets N.W. Carl Heoth Kopf Hubert S. Beckwith Whitford L. Hall 11 A.M. REVEREND JOSEPH H. STEIN (Supt. of the Middle Atlantic Conference) Will Preoch On "TO ALL WHO CARE ABOUT TOMORROW" 5 P.M. Organ Recital—Ronald K. Arnatt 9.45 A.M.—Qhurch School. 6:00 P.M.—Youth Group. Program of Bach, Darke, Whitlock, Thalben, Boll .and Walton A FRIENDLY CHURCH OF WORSHIP IN ARLINGTON. j The ROCK SPRING CHURCH Rock Sprinr and Little Falls Rd. North Startinr 37th Year of Service. PAUL R. HUNTER. Minister. Mount Pleasant 14.10 Columbia Road N.W. Mimiteu FRED SHERMAN BUSCHMEYER, EDMUND ROBERT STRAIT. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. Sermon Subject: "A FAITH FOR DAILY LIVING." PEO RLE'S 634 M St. N.W. 0:30 a.m.—Graded Church School. I inn a m—Worship and Sermon. •T» Knew, to Do the Rifht Today.” Annual Graduation Messase Cortes Peters Business School Thursday, A .30 nm—Midweek Service Aether Fleteher Rimes. Mlntater. • The Friendliest Church In the City" PLYMOUTH 17th and P St*. N.W. L. Maynard Catching*. Minister. 9:30 a m.—Church School 11:00 am.—Worship Service with Holy Communion. Sermon subject: "Give Ye Them to Eat.” 8:00 p m.—Song Service by Choir Mr. Thomas Kerr, direc tor and organist. Thursday. 8:00 D.m.—Midweek Pray er and Praise Service. _come. Worship with is. CLEVELAND PARK 3400 Lowell St. N.W. ALFRED W. HIRST. D. D.. Minister. 9:40 a.m.—Church School. I 1 :00a.m.—Sermon: "Christian ity and Civilisation." Nursery tor Children. 6:30 p.m.—Young People. Silver Spring JOHN F. McClelland, Minister All Service* at M*nt**mery Blair Hlth School. Ml Dale Drive P 4ft « m.—Church School. II :00 a m.—Church School 11:oo a m.—Worship and Sermon. Churches in Washington • Gospel Mission Was Started 42 Years Ago; Herbert W. Kline Was First Superintendent ... • - / bontx Structure at Fifth and H streets N.W. One of a series of sketches^ Star Artist Leslie Bontz. By Caspar Nannes The Gospel Mission started on its career 42 years ago of helping men in need by renting the second floor of the building at 1230 Penn sylvariia avenue N.W. Today the mission religious house is now at Fifth and H streets N.W. In its first year open - air services were held at Thir teenth street and Pennsyl vania avenue N.W. to supple ment the work at the mission. The Executive Committee the H. L. Prentice. 1 first vear consisted oi i «?orge w. ! Wheeier, chairman; J. S. Newshaw, jsecretary; H. D. Gordon, treasurer; the Rev. W. T. Pierson, evangelist, and A. H. Tyson; singing evangelist. Herbert W. Kline, the first super [intendent^instituted the practice of giving rolls and coffee to men who had stayed in the dormitories during j the previous night. By 'November, 1909, the mission had beds for 84 men each night. The "bread line’’ 6 a.m. breakfast was started for all who came 4n January, 1910. A year later the mis sion opened a "penny lunch room” at its Industrial Home on •Four teenth street N.W. Here men could buy, for a penny each, a cup of coffee, rolls and other food. In 1911 the mission moved to 214 John Marshall place N.W. Three years earlier Mrs. Harriet E. Monroe had been called to serve the mission. An unusual story of help for the mission was connected with Mrs. Monroe. For many years Frank D. Baker of Johnstown, Pa., sent a carload of coal free to the mission. One year Mrs. Monroe wrote and asked him why he did it. He wrote back: "Mrs. Monroe,- when you were president of the college--at Atchison, Kans., one day a widowed mother and her little boy came to your door. You took them in—fed and clothed them—until the mother got work; then bade them God speed, cheering them on their way. I w/as that little boy.” In 1912 the Gospel Mission Dis pensary was started through the initiative of Dr. Charles H. Bowker, aided by Dr. O. C. Cox and Dr. Francis A. St. Clair. Four years later the mission opened services in a gospel tent at Georgia avenue and Irving street N.W., and later at Eighth and I streets N.W. .The present building was erected as. the result of a Public Buildings Program in the National Capital adopted in 1926. The cornerstone was laid August 7, 1932, and by 1937 the building was completed. The following yeaf the mission bought the former International Bank Building across the street for the use of the superintendent and his family. Presidents of the mission’s Board of Trustees were George W. Wheeler, B. H. WSrner, Representative John M. Nelson of Wisconsin, Chief Jus tice Stanton J. Peele of the Court of Claims, Gardner Johnson, Dr. Maurice E. Miller, Dr. Everett* Ellisori and Lewis H. Fisher, the present incumbent. Missions superintendents have been Mr. Kline, G. W. Cory and Karl E. Goosman. Harvey V. Prentice, the present superintendent, came July 6, 1925, as acting superintendent. He was elected superintendent May 1, 1926. i A native of Sioux Falls, S. Dak.J Mr. Prentice attended Staunton Military Academy. He is married and has seven children. -—— Httttg _ 1733 Eye St. N.W. (Women's City Club) Sunday Service, 1 1 :00 A.M. v Unity Literature Available. Margaret Ann Feldt, Minister. SUNDAY SERVICE— HAMILTON HOTEL 11 a m —"A Workable Low." Unity Periodicals and Books New Colonial Hotel. DI. 343fl. This Center Affiliated With Unity School, Kansas City, Mo. Ifontemstal Sfolinwa Wa Preach Chriet 1015 D Street N.E. DALLAS M. TARKENTON, Minister. 9:00 a m.—WWDC. 9:45 a m.—Church School. I 1 :00 a.m.—Morning Worship. - 5:00 p.m.—WBUZ-FM, 96.7 me. 7:30 p m.—Musical Melodies. REVIVAL SERVICES Evangelist Rev. Paul Hopkins. 7:45 Each Evening, Special Singing. The Little Church with the Big Welcome Building the National Representative P. H. Church. BIO Maryland Ave. N.E. (tfliriatian & fHtaaimtarg AUianrr Christian and Missionary Alliance Washington Gospel Tabernacle 5714 Georgia'Awe. N-W-9 Phone Georrla 2017 " REV. GEORGE JONES, Pastor. Ik46 a m—Sunday School. Children’! Day Program. 10:46 a.m.—Closing day of Conference, Rev, H. E. Nelson. Home Secretary of the C. dt M. A., speaker. 6:30 p.m.—Young People’s Society. 7:30 p m.—Rev. H. E. Nelson, speaker. TUESDAY. 8:00 P.M. Midweek Prayer Meetinr. ALL WELCOME. Unitarian ALL SOULS’ s CHURCH M Sixteenth and -/Horyord Sts. N.W. Minister A. Powell Davies, D-D 11 o.m.—Morning Worship Sermon by the Minister, "ARE YOU OBSOLETE WITHOUT KNOWING IT?" 9:45 a.m.—School of Religion. ADULT CLASSES. H. G. Mitchell, n "Poverty in the Volley of Plenty. Col. J. G. Seabourne, "John Wesley ond the Evangelical Revival in England." UNITARIAN CHURCH OF ARLINGTON, VA. Rev. Gilbert A. Phillips, Minister "The Good Thot Men Do." Service* 8:l“* p.m Pershing Drive Christian Church Corner of Ferahin* Drive end N. Highland 81. ©ljriatian CCImrrbi's OiBriplta) COLUMBIA HEIGHTS HARRY L. BELL, Minister! 10:50 a.m.—Dr. Wm. J. Linebock, Guest Minister. 9.45 o rTi.—Bible School_:00 p.m.—Young People. The NATIONAL CITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH Thomas Circle J. WARREN HASTINGS Minister MYRON W. CHRISMAN Associate Minister 9:45a.m.—Church School. 10:50a m.—Morning Worship "Make Room for Angels." Dr. Hastings. 7:00 p.m.—Young Adult Fellow sh i p.__ PR. HASTINGS I Ninth Strut Christian Church L.9th b D SH. r N.E.. 1 LLOYD BLACK. Minister. RHODES M. AETZ. Associate Minister. P:nnam.—Bible Scnool. 3 0*50 a.m.—“Dimensions of a Nooie Life. ' 7:4J> m.—Reception for nenr mem bers. J. Virgil Lilly, suest speaker._ BETHESDA tWisconsin and Hunt dies > 4608 Hun. Ave., Chevy Chose ROBERT W. SHAW, Minister 9:45 a.m.—Bible School. „ 3 3 :00 a m.—“The Home Is a Heritage. FIFTEENTH STREET 15th St. ink Kentaekr An. 8.E. Venal L. Smith, Minister rrs Tern 9 40 a m.—Bible School. 10:50 a.m.—Sermon: “Christian lm peratlns.” Rev. David L. Watterworth. euest speaker. 1 7:00 p.m.—Youth Fellowship. MT. RAINIER Banker Hill U. I 9:30 am.—Bible,School 10:45 a.m.—Chaplain Harold G. Elsam. "Look Up, Lift Yonr Heads Up." 6:45 p.m.—Christian Endeavor. 7:45 p.m.—"Go Forward.” , 9:00 p.m.—Reception for Chaplain Elsam. PARKVIEW CHRISTIAN CHURCH Corner Eastern Are. & 12th St. N W One Blk. West of Georgia. Alaska Term. George Martin Anderson, Minister. 9:45 a.m.—Church School: 1 1 :00 a.m.—Morning Worship. 7 :00 p.m.—Christian Endeavor. WILSON BOULEVARD Wilson Blvd. at N. Piedmont St. ARLINGTON. VIRGINIA GLENDALE BURTON, Minister. 9:45 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—“A Receptacle, Nat a Guarantee.” 11:00 a.m.—Junior Church. 4:00 p.m.—Chi Rho Fellowship 6:00 p.m.—Christian Youth Fellow ship. 7:00 p.m.—Young Adult Forum. (Urulif (Enter A TRUTH CENTER MBS. APPLETON, Leader. 1773 Max. Are. N.W. Sunday. 11 a m.—"A* the Rose Re leases It's Perfume.” Tuesdays. 8:16 n.m.— Bible Interpreta tions. Interviews Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, 2 to 6; Wednesdays and Thursdays. 6 to 9; by appointment. * Httteii Urrthrm Ev. United Brethren N. Capitol and R Sts. REV. IRA SANKEY ERNST, D. D. 9:30 a.m.—Children's Day Pro gram. 11:00 a.m.—Service of Worship. Sermon; "Childhood's Chal lenge." 7:30p.m.—Vesper Service in charge of the C. E. Society. Nou-UnuuntnatUmal How Do You Get Along With Worry? Hear Dr. FRED RILEY Sunday, 11 A.M. "Christ's Cure for Worry." Sunday, 8 P M. "The Soul's Progress." Temple of Applied Religion (Nondenominationol Church I In Roger Smith Hotel 18th and Pa. Aye. N.W. Outdoor Meeting Wednesday Rock Creek Park, Grove 24 ot 7:00 P.M. Fred Riley, D. D.; Rev. Jessie Riley, Ministers and Teachers. A Lesson For the Week By William T. Ellis Summarized, the story opens with the carousing Persian King, in a drunken whim, sending for his beautiful queen, Vashti, to exhibit her to nis com panions. She re fused and. as an example to all insubordi n a t e wives, she was dethroned. The realm was searched for the most beautiful maidens, that a successor might be selected. Es ther, an orphan Jewess, ward of her cousin Mor decai, was cho sen. though her Wm. T. Ellis. race was conceaiea. This Mordecai was an upstanding | personality, who refused to make; obeisance to the big political boss; of the palace, one Haman, a de-; sccndant of the Jews’ hereditary foes, the Amalakites. Although everything was coming Hainan's wav, he grew embittered because he | could not enforce the respect of this obstinate Jew, Mordecai. So he plotted a comprehensive Oriental revenge. He would have all the Jews of the kingdom massacred. Mordecai put the plight of their people squarely up to Esther, de claring that she had come to the kingdom for such, a time as this. It was death to enter the King’s presence unsummoned, but Esther, saying. ‘If I perish I perish," after her coreligionists had fasted and prayed three days, went in to the King, and was received favorably and promised the fulfillment of her wish, ‘‘even to half of the king dom” — such' are the Oriental touches of this entirely Oriental story. With woman’s guile she first invited the King to a feast, and then to another, before proffering her request. In the meantime it had come to the King’s knowledge that Mordecai had once thwarted a palace plot against his life, and had gone un rewarded. So he asked his favorite courtier Haman what should be done to the man whom the King delighted to honor. Assuming. In his vanity, that the King meant him. Haman prescribed an elab orate series of honors—only to learn the bitter truth, that his enemy Mordecai, for whom he had already erected a gallows, was the favored one. Then, when Esther told her story and revealed Haman’s plot and pleaded for her people, Haman was hanged on his own gallows, built for Mordecai, and the latter was given the King’s seal and put In charge of adequate measures for the preservation of the Jews. IBrgtfrrgtt WASHINGTON CITY CHURCH OF THE BRETHREH 4th and North Carolina A»«. REV. WARREN D. BOWMAN. Minister 8:45 and 11:00 am—“Rwnln* Away Front Lit*. Elder J. H Holllnaer. i?;^MS:=?5uuShc»': *. - 7 45 p m—termon*' by Rev. John Knelalv. ) i ~ FIRST BRETHREN Twelfth Bnd E Hi. 5.E. JUST OFF f* *TE. SUNDAY SERVICES 0 30 a m_Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.-Rev, Jo^Stymar^ air tiona.” 8 45 c m—Youth Fellowihip. 7:45 p m.—Sermon: "Goin* Fishln*?" Rev. John Stannard. Brin* Yonr Bible. CENTRAL UNION MISSION Tonight 7:45 613 C Street N.W. SACRED MUSICAL PROGRAM Everybody Welcome Gospel Services Every Night at 7:45 “THE HOUR OF POWER” 8:45 a.m., Every Sunday WMAL 630 kc. — Cutbfran (Missouri Synod)___ “COME UP FOR LIGHT” A stranger passing a large mine in Pennsylvania osked a little boy why the field was so full of mules. . , . "These mules are worked in the mine during the week, replied the boy, "ond ore brought up ipto the light on Sundoy to keep them from going blind." . , , Bo you ''come up" on Sunday—up from the worries, the struggles ond •the hardships of the week to let the light of God's Word shine into your heart? Or do you spend your Sundoys "down in the mine where you spend your Saturdays, your Mondays, and your Tuesdays? If church attendance is not a port of your rejulor Sunday schedule you are missing something priceless. "Blessed are they that hear the word of God ond keep it," soys Jesus. Their eyes have seen the light that keeps their souls from going blind. Go to church Sunday! LUTHERAN SERVICES SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES 9:45 A.M TRINITY (Mt. Rainier) 30th end Bunker Hill. Rev. E. Pieplow, 8:30, 11 e.m. Greenbelt Mission At School 12:30. Rev; E. Pieplow. Sunday School, 11:25 a.m. Ascension (Landover Hills) 4210 70th Ave.. Rev. E. Pieplow. M 45 e.m. ^ FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH iHyaltATiUe, Md.) 38th end Lonsfellow Rev E Pieplow. 10 e m. Sunder School 9 am OUR SAVIOUR (Arlington) Ninth end South Terlor. Rev. Peul Kevesch, 11 e.m. MOUNT OLIVET (D. C.) 1325 Vermont N.W. Rev Willlem Schlebei. 8:30. end 11 e.m_ PILGRIM (Westgate, moj Jamestown Rd. and Flint Dr Rev. A. Karl Boehmke, 11 a.m FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH FOR THE DEAF Christ CD. C.) 5101 18th St. NW Rev w A Westermann. No Sunday Service tomorrow. IMMANUEL (Alexandria V 1801 Russell Rd.. Rev. Wtlner D Menslng. 11 a.m. BETHLEHEM (D. C.) "407 Minnesota S B. Rev B. C. Rakow, 11 am. CALVARY (Silver Spring) Jr High School ^c"nd Are and Seminary Rd. Rev. Georta W. Hoyer, 11 a m. TRINITY (D. C.) Fourth and B N.W. Rev. Hugo Hennlg. Services 8:30 and 11 a.m. CHRIST (D. C.) _ . 18th and Gallatin, Rev. Wm. r. Bruening. 8:30 and 11 Tant In "Thu Lutheran Hour" WOt uni 2,30 WOOK. Lathwoa How Chora»—Comit to Waihiagtoo—Jafr 1 Plan Children's Day At Petworth Baptist Children’s Day will be observed in the Petworth Baptist Sunday School on Sunday. A pageant, "The Great est Thing in the World,” under the direction of Mrs. Ruth Davis, will be presented. At 11 a.m. 22 babies will be dedi cated. The Rev. James P. Rodgers will speak on “What SMall We Do for the Child?” At 8 pun. a sound motion picture will be shown. Brookland Baptist Plans All-Youth Day Tomorrow All-Day-Youth-Day will be ob served at Brookland Baptist on Sunday. "Romance for the Asking”! will be the topic of the Rev. Ward B. I Hurlburt in the morning. Several young people will be in the pulpit to assist in the service. At 8 pjn. the service will be in charge of young people. Four five-minute messages will be given on "The Christians | Observance of the Sabbath,” "The; Christian’s Personal Devotionalj Life,” "The Christian’s Relationship; to His Church” and "The Christian Winging Others for Christ.” A youth rally and wiener roast will be held on the church grounds at 6:30 p.m. Baccalaureate Service The baccalaureate service of the Divine Science College will be given at 11 a.m. Sunday at the First Divine Science Church, the Shera ton Hotel. The Rev.’ Addie Rea Peoples will speak on "Let Your Light. Shine.”__ Smtaalrm <Swe4enberrian) The Church of the Holy City lflth St. Above Q N.W. REV. WILLIAM F. WVNSCH. Minister. 10:00 a m.—Sunday School. 10:1.5 a.m.—Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a m.—Morning Worship. “The Spirit of the New diurch." Hnitpb Urtbgr of UUlPOHOpljtHlH Wed., June 16, at 8:15 P.M. "REWARD AND PUNISHMENT." LIBRARY. Sat., 1:30 to 4 P.M. United Lodge of Theosophists Hill Bldg., 17th end Eye Stt. N.W. jzuatigeliral attb AUformrii CONCORDIA "evangelical I 30th and G Sts. N.W. CHARLES ENDERS. D. D., Pastor. P:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Children’s Day Service. Pastors Message: “The Child an Opportunity.” Nursery During Servict Everybody Welcome. “GRACE REFORMED” 15th end 0 N.W. REV ROBERT OLEWILER. Paitor. TA« National He/ormat CNaraH P:40 AM. Church School. 11:00 A M. Morning Worship. FIRST REFORMED1#,*,?, tW" REV. F. NEI.SEN BCHLEOEL. Pastor. 0:45 a m.—Sunday School 11:00 a m.—Worship and Sermon. Chief of Chaplains To Preach Tomorrow At (he Cathedral Maj. Gen. Luther D. Miller. Uniter States Army chief of chaplains, wil be the preacher at the 11 a.m. serv ice in Washington Cathedral tomor row. He is an honorary cano* of the cathedral. The Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of the District « Columbia, will hold its annual me morial service in the Cathedral at 4 p.m. tomorrow. The preacher wil be the Rev. Merritt F. Williams Cathedral canon and presently na tional V. F. W- chaplain. Holy communion will be celebratec In St. Mary’s Chapel at 7:30 ajn and In the Bethlehem Chapel at 9:30 a.m._#_ Reception for Miss Ferris The Chevy ' Chase Methodist Church will give a reception at 4 p.m. tomorrow for its new director of religious education, Miss Bettj Jean Ferries. Miss Ferris is a graduate of West ern Maryland College. She -is t resident of Washington. D. C., anri has been active in youth work ir the West Washington district for a number of years. g>?If-IUalt£atimt ‘ Swami » Premananda f of India » Sunday at 11 A M. “SPIRITUAL DISCOVERY." Public Clans in Philosophy and Yoga • Wednesday, June 16. at 8 PM. self-realization fellowship (Non-Sectarian Church) 4718 Western Avenue N.W. (N-*2 Bus to Chesapeake ana 49th Sts.) (Hijrtfittatt Rrfortttrft Christian Reformed Church Minister, R«V. J. M. GHYSELS. Morning Worship, 10:00 o'clock. Vesper Service, 4:30 pm. Place of Worship, 1010 17th St. N.W. Nccr K St., Opposite Y. W. C. A. [ t I \ • 4 I ♦ » / BachtoBod \ The Christian Reformed ■ Church presents § ITS COAST-TO-COAST | RADIO PULPIT I with | Rev. Peter Eldersveld { on the ! BACK TO GOD HOUR | Sunday Morning—Listen to I W0L-7:30 A.M. _Ctttftrrati Cfjurcf) of ®t)t Reformation 212 East Capitol Street Capitol Hill Dr. Osear F. Blackwelder Bee James G. Hern Res. Arnold F. Keller. Jr.—Pastors Jule O. Zabawa. Minister of Music 8:30 a m._MATIN SERVICE: Sermon—“Man Is a Thine of Price." Paste* Keller "The Beatitudes: VI. The Pure In Heart." Dr. Blackwelder. (TOO D m —FvlmNaksERVKnC: Sermon Address—"Lessons From the Life of Johannes Brahm*." Dr. Blockwelder. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED. Heller jWemortal Maryland Avenue and Ninth Straat N.E. DR. CARL R. SIMON, Po*tor 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00a.m.—Sermon: "Loit and Found." The Homelike Church (©rate 16th and Varnum $t». N.W. Garhard E. Lanthi Pa (tar. • 8:.K) A M Matin* "The Lost Coin.” Pastor Lenski. 9:45 A M. Children’s Day Seryice. "Better Look Ontl” Pastor Holle. 11 AM. •■The Lost Coin.” Pastor Lenski AUGUSTANA V St. N.W., east of 16th CLARENCE T. NELSON, Portor 9:30 A M. Church School. Identical Services. 9:30 and 11 A.M. "THE RISE OF MATTHEW." Pastor Nelson I preaching. FAITH Lee Blvd. at Jackson St. ARLINGTON, VA. ROBERT W. LONG. Pastor. 8:30 and J 1:00 a.m—“A New Com P:40 a.m.—Church School.___ ST. PAUL S Conn. Ave. at Everett St. N.W.j HENRY W. SNYDER, D. D., Minirtar 11:00 a.m.—Children's Day Service with Baptism of Children. 7:30 p.m.—"The Reerinj Lion."; Outdoor Service._: ST.. MATTHEW’S E*V enTa'«ENE YER.h Paatar. »:30 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Mornlna Worship._ (Nursery during It o clock service) A Cordial Welcome to All. Arlington—Resurrection (United Lutheran Church in America) 0-HM N Wadi. Bird, at Pawfeatan DANA H. JOHNSON. Paatar. 8:30 and 11:00 am. • MT NEIGHBOE S CHAIE.” Nursery During Service ’ •■■jlr&XSr,ffitFZtifiied Steeple CHRIST cLS’c". 8:30 and 11 a.m.—"Not All That Gllt tera.” »:45 a.m.—Sunday School. HOLY COMFORTER 3319 Alabama Ara. S.E. H. LCTHEE ERODES. Paatar. p:45 a.m.—Church School for All Aces 11:00 s.m.—Worship end Sermon. (Nursery Durinc 8ervlce.i 7:00 p m.—Luther Lestue. fs GOOD SHEPHERD B ruddock Read or Luray Ava. ALEXANDRIA, VA. REV. A. E. GYSAN. Faster. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Service. ZION New Hemp. Ave. and Buchanan Rt. N.W. REV. EDWARD R. BLEY. Faeter. 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a m.—Children's Day Service. - Georgetown Lutheran Church (Fomdad 1769) Wisconsin Ava. ond Volta PI. N.W. HAROLD E. BEATTY, Pastor. 9 45 am.—Sunday School. Mr. Edwin P. Heinrich. Superintendent. 11:00 a m.—“The Mornlnr Star.” Friday, 8:00 p.m.—Lutheran Fellowship Group. Note the Sign—The Old Bell ato^MPt No. Cop. and R. I. Ava. Rev. Paul L. Reaser, Pastor 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.—Worship and Sermon 9:00 a.m —Children's Sunday School 10:00 a.m.—Adult Sunday School. 7:00 p.m.—Luther League. __ lutfjer $lace jffltmorial Thomas Circle, 14Ih and N, A'.W. L. RALPH TABOR, D. D.. Postor. JAMES M. SINGER. Assistant. Summer Communion Services 9 a.m. — 11 a.m. — 8 P.m. Public Confession and The Lord's Supper Communion Meditations 9:45 a m.—Church School 6:30 p m.—Fellowship Supper _6:30 p.m.—Youth Meeting_ TAKOMA LUTHERAN (Three*BlocksdEtst^o* Walter New Church Site: 8.W. Collier Uth St and Eastern Ave. N.W. Rev. J. Adrian Pfeiffer, Paster. Sunday School at »:4.> A.M. Morning Worship St 11 A M Sermon: “The Second Mile._ ST. MARK'S AND THE INCARNATION 14th and Gallatin Sts. N.W. (Maryland Synod, United Lutheran Chnreh) REV. HENRY MANKEN, Jr., D. D.. P»»tor _ 8 45 am.—Worship and Sermon. 9 44 a m_Bible School, all ages. I WOO to 12 a.m.—Church Time Nureerj II 00 . tn —Worship and Sermon-_ ST. STEPHEN'S LUTHERAN „ B.JW. STTVy?' Lotber M. Sebulie. Pastor. 9 30 a.m.—Church School 11 oo a.m.—Worship and Sermon. “ ~St. lube Corner Cologvilla Rd. and Hijkloud Driva, Silvar Sprint REV. ROBERT E. LEE, Pastor. 9:30 o.m.—Sunday School. 11 00 a.m.—"Four Test* ot Char acter"—"Achieving Penanal Stability." • ^ 4:00 p.m.—Childrens Day Pro gram ond Pageant. Nursery for Small Children 7:00p.m.—Luther Leaque The Friendly Church With theBedDoofO.