3Prtfttfca pRIENDS-MEETING OF WASHINGTON. *111 Florida A»«. Meetings for Worship First Day (Sunday) at 11 am. All interested are welcome. Young people. 6:30 p.m.__ FRIENDS MEETING. IStli and Irving Street! N.W. a m—Meeting for Worship. Welcome. AaanttbliM of (Soft Gospel Tabernacle 915 Mom. Ave. N.W. 9 ;45 a m.-—Sunday School. 11 :00 a.m.—Worship. 7;45 p.m.—Evongelistic. Tues., 8:00 p.m.—Young People. Wed., 7:45 p.m.—Prayer, Proise Message. Broadcast Sunday, 6 P.M., WWDC B. I. Mahan, Pastor Calvary Gospel Church 3213 Que St. N.W. p-J. D-i Busies A No. SO Streetcars Pass Door. Que St. at Wise. Ave. 10 » m.—Bundag School. 11 a m.—Morning Worship. 4:i!0 pm.—A C. Park Service. 7:45 p m.—Evan gelistic Service. I All Services Inter- f yretei tor the Peat P G Se«11- F»»lof | I Sunday 1 WOOK pi5 AWjFVTRVSWD\V^CogthCmt 1 Framed by The AaemWia af Cad Bethel Tabernacle, Sponsor North Capitol and K Streets Sunday School 0:30 A M. Worshln. 11:00 A M. and 7:30 P.M. Young People. Tues.. 7:45 P.M. Prayer and Fasting. Thurs.. 1:00 P.M. Pentecostal. Fri.. 7:45 P.M. •THE NATIONAL PRAYER CENTER Harry V. Schaeffer. Pastor. TRINITY CHURCH 916 F St. N.E. REV. HERBERT A. NUNLEY, Poster 0:45 a.__Sunday School. 7:45 p.m.—Evangelistic Service. 1100 a.m.—WorshiD and Sermon. Wednesday. 8:00 p.m.—Prayer Friday. 8:00 p m.—Young People. Special Church Announcements National City Chriatian—"Make Room for Angels” is the subject of Dr. J. Warren Hastings tomorrow morning. The Rev. Myron W. Chris man, associate minister, will assist in the service. West Washington Baptist—An nual Children's Day services at 11 a.m. Mount Pleasant Congregational— Dr. Fred Buschmeyer will attend the General Council meetings of the Congregational Christian Churches in Oberlin, Ohio, next week. He is chairman of the Executive Commit tee. St. Paul's Lutheran—Children’s Day and baptism will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow. At 7:30 p.m. a serv ice will be held on the lawn with Dr. Henry Snyder speaking on ’’-The Roaring Lion.” Augustana Lutheran—The Rev. Clarence Nelson will return tomor row after a two-week absence and speak on “The Rise of Matthew.” Foundry Methodist — Children’s Day will be observed at 10 a.m. Infants will be baptized at 11 am. by Dr. F. B. Harris. Chevy Chase Baptist—The annual Children’s Day service will be con ducted by the Rev. E. O. Clark at 9 *45 & m. LJniversalist National Memorial— At 10 am. the annual Children’* Day service will be held, with Dr. Seth R. Brooks officiating. Children will be christened at 11 a.m. Third Baptist—The Busy Bee Singers will give a program at 8:30 a.m. Church of the Epiphany—The I Rev. Richard Williams, associate ! rector, will preach at 11 a.m. on Sunday. The Rev. J. Brooke Mosley , will deliver the address at 8 p.m. At ill a.m. in the parish hou*e, the church school will hold its closing exercises. The closing service will be* conducted entirely by the stu dents, and promotion certificates will be given. Memorial Evangelical United Brethren—Alvin E. Shonk, superin tendent of the Sunday school, will preside at the children’s day exer cises at 9:40 a.m. tomorrow. They will give a demonstration of work done during the past year. People’s Congregational — The graduates of the Cortez Peters Busi ness School will attend the service tomorrow morning when the Rev. A. F. Elmes speaks on “To Know, to ; Do the Right Today.” The pastor will go to Oberlin, Ohio next week to attend the general council of the Congregational Christian Churches. Beth Sholom Congregation—The festival of weeks will be celebrated tomorrow and Monday. Rabbi Harry J. Kaufman will preach. Cantor Sholom Katz and the choir will chant the services. (Etjurrij of Cd^rtBl False Doctrine: The Ten Commandments a Complete Law This is not true. There is not a scripture in the Bible which : states that the ten commandments were even the complete ; laws of God. The laws which instructed Jews about making sacrifices were not mentioned in the ten commandments; yet those sacrifices were a shadow of Christ's, (Heb. 9:19-10:10). Jesus shows that even the morals of the ten commandments are below the standard of Christianity. In Matt. 5:21,22 He states that the law said, "thou shalt not kill," and then proceeds to show that His covenant was superior in that He condemns "anger." "Adultery" was also forbidden by the ten command • ments, but Jesus shows that His law j$ superior jn that it condemns the seed of adultery which is "lust." ,, (^either do the ten commandments tell an alien sinner what to do to be saved, or how to worship acceptably. They were simply a pornon of the old covenant, under whigh Christians never lived, which was nailed to Christ's cross and taken out of the way, (CoI.2:14). (20 North Irving St, Arlington, Vo.)._ ARLINGTON, VA. 20 North Irving St. HABRY PICKUP. Sr.. Miniiter. 10:00 a m.—Bible School. „ 11:00 a m.—• Old-Fashioned Religion. 7.45 p.m.—“Some of Life's Greatest Mistakes.’' Bermons by Harry Pickup. Sr. AVALONHEIGHTS ) 28th and Dougloi Streets N.E. At Bladensburg Road \ HARRY PICKUP. Jr.. Minister. • 10:00 ft.m.—Bible School. J1 :oo a.m.—Morning Worship 7:00 p.m.—Young People's Meeting. 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service. FOURTEENTH STREET 3460 14th Street N.W. GEORGE D. TIPPS. Minister. 10:00 a m.—Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—"John’s Testimony to ^ Christ." ft OOnm—"Subject to Christ." 7.00 p.m.—Young People Meet. M l. RAINIER 3321 Vi Bunker Hill Road O. L. STOUT, Minister. 10:00 a m.—Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon. \ 8:0(1 n.m.—Sermon. Wed . S OO D m.—Bible 8tudy. ALEXANDRIA, VA. Lee Room, George Mason Hotel Hugo McCord, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Bible 8chool. Special Service*. Poy Smith. Evangelist. 11.00 a.m.—George Mason Hotel 8:00 p.m.—Tent. Braddock Rd. and Little St. Fifteen Consecutive Tent Services. SI LVER SPRING, MD. New Count; Office Building. • 8512 Colesville Rood. Bible Study—10:00 a.m. Morning Worghip—11:00 • m. Tvening Worship—8:00 p.m. (flfrHfitiati jfrrigttre CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES AND READING ROOMS IN GREATER WASHINGTON Branches of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Except as noted, Sunday Services 11 A.M. and S P.M. Sunday School 11 A.M. Wednesday Evening Meetings at 4 P.M. include testimonies of Christian Science healing. All are invited to attend our services and use our Reading Rooms Subject of Lesson-Sermon, June 13 "GOD THE PRESERVER OF MAN" Golden Text: Numbers 6:24-26. The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: ; the Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: the Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FIRST CHURCH: Columbia Road and Euclid St. N.W. Reading Room. 914 17th St. N.W. Week days, 9 to 9 (Wed. to 7), Sun day and Holidays, 2 to 6. SECOND CHURCH: 111 C St. N.E. Reading Room, 111 C St. N.E. Weekdays. 10 to 9 (Wed. to 7); Sun. and Hoi., 2:30 to 5:30. THIRD CHURCH: 13th and L Sts. N.W. (Sun., 11 A.M. and 5 P.M.) Reading Room, Col orado Bldg, 14th and O Sts. Weekdays, 9 to 9. (Wed. to 7:30.) Sunday and Holidays, 2 to 6. FOURTH CHURCH: 16th and Oak Sts. N.W. Reading Room, Riggs Bank Bldg, 14th and Park Rd. NW. Weekdays, 9 to 9 (Wed. to 7); Sunday and Holidays, 2:30 to 5:30. FIFTH CHURCH: 1238 31st St. N.W. (No Sun. Eve. Service). Reading Room, 1626 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. Weekdays, 12:30 to 6 (Wed. to 7:30). Closed Sun days and Holidays. SOCIETY: 1517 R St. N.W. (No Sun. Eve. Service). Reading Room 1517. R St, Wed. 6:30 to 7:50. SOCIETY: 3563 Mass. Ave. NW. Sun. 11 A. M. No Sun. School. Wed. 8 P.M MARYLAND CHEVY CHASE FIRST CHURCH: 5908 Conn. Ave. Sunday School, Chevy Chase Elementary School, Rosemary St. Reading Room, 7 Wilson Lane, Bethesda. Weekdays, 1 to 5. Closed Sundays and Holi days. HYATTSVILLE FIRST CHURCH: 6221 43d Ave. (No Sunday Eve. Service). Wednesday meeting, 8:15 P.M. Reading Room 6221 43d Ave. Weekdays, 1 to 4; Mon. and Fri. Eve., 7 to 9. Closed Sundays and Holidays. _ SILVER SPRING SOCIETY: Sil ver Spring Intermediate Sch., Chicago and Philadelphia Aves. (No Sun. Eve. Service.) VIRGINIA ALEXANDRIA FIRST CHURCH: 1709 Russell Rd. (No Sun. Eve. Service.) Reading Room, 108 N. Patrick, Alex. Weekdays, 9 to 5:30. Closed Sun. and Holidays. ARLINGTON FIRST CHURCH: 6843 Little Falls Road, East Falls Church. (No Sun. Eve. Serv.) Wed. meeting, 8:15 P.M. Reading Room, 3248 Wilson Blvd. Weekdays, 12 to 5. Closed Sundays and Holidays. ARLINGTON SECOND CHURCH: 1913 Wilson Blvd. (Colonial Vill. Ballroom.) (No Sun. Eve. Serv.). R. Rm., 2030 N. 16th St. Weekdays 11 to 4 except Wed. to 7:30 and Fri. Eve., 7 to 9. Closed Sunday and Holidays. f, * Organized Bible Classes By Dr. Page McK. Etchison Dr. Theodore 'Martin, National Education Association, will address the Clyde Kelly Class of Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church. The Pinkham Bible Class of Na tionai Kapiis: Memorial Church will have C. K. Pow ell as guest teacher. The Mizpah Class elected Mrs. Ar thur A. Stacy, president; Mrs. J. P. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Murta Mitts, Mrs. Er nest Pierce, vice presidents; Mrs Nan R. Street, recording secre tary; Mrs. W. A. Or. Ctehlua. Purnell, corresponding secretary; Miss Edna Jordan, treasurer; Mrs. George Myers, registrar; Mrs. Emily G. Dickinson, pianist and Mrs. O. F. Hunter, assistant. Mrs. J Lloyd Black will Install the following officers at the Naomi Bible Class of Ninth Street Christian Church Monday evening: Mrs Edna Swift, president; Mrs. Sadia Kunt zleman, treaasurer; Mrs. Virginia Jowers, assistant; Mrs. Iva Mason, vice president; Miss Mabel Cloud, secretary, and Miss Frances Chur chill, teacher. The Harrison Bible Class of St. Luke’s Methodist Church will have C. Melvin Sharpe, vice president, Board ' of Education, as guest teacher. The Hummer Memorial Class of Epworth Methodist Church elected Mrs. Mildrose Lorenzen president; Mrs. Thelma McConkey, Mrs. Ruth Nida vice presidents; Miss Millicent Karslake, secretary; Mrs. Mamie Sennewald, Miss Nora Shenk, as sistants; Mrs. Minnie Updike, cor responding secretary; Mrs. Besie Peverill, treasurer; Mrs. Nyssie Jar vis, assistant; Mrs. Marie Kagey, teacher and Mrs. Ina Headley, as sistant. The Douglass Class elected Mrs. Sallie Douglass, teacher; Mrs. Eva Kingsbury, president; Mrs. Ber nice Crandall, vice president; Mrs. Hilda Parrish, treasurer: Mrs. Voda Ostwalt, secretary; Mrs. Florrye Olverson, coresponding secretary, and Mrs. Evelyn Snarr, delegate to OBCA. Miss Margaret Patterson will be the guest teacher of Burrall Class of Calvary Baptist Church. The Vaughn Class will conduct the serv ice at the Central Union Mission at 7:30 p.m. Friday. The Golden Page Class of Ana costia Methodist Church elected Mrs. Myrtle Powell, president; Mrs. Edith Chilcoat, Mrs. Daisy Bell, vice presidents; Mrs. Alice Fowler, recording secretary; Mrs. Beatrice Carmitchel, treasurer; Mrs. Edna Rankin, teacher; Mrs. Dorothy Todd, assistant, and Mrs. Edna Ran i kin, song leader. The Christian Builders’ Class of [Minnesota Avenue Christian Church | will hold a business meeting Friday evening. The Ladies’ Bible Class of First Evangelical and Reformed Church elected Miss Pauline Holer, teacher; Mrs. Julia Sisson, president: Mrs. Edward Widmayer, vice president: Mrs. Hugo Menke, secretary, and Mrs. J. M. Smith, treasurer. Frank Kimmel will be the guest teacher of the Trinity Men’s Bible Class of Trinity Methodist Church. The Templemen’s Bible Class of Temple Baptist Church will be taught by J. Howard Ingram. The Anna May Wood Class of Waugh Methodist Church will hold a class meeting at the home of Mrs. J. R. Sleeth tomorrow at 3 p m. The Wiles Bible Class of Keller Memorial Lutheran Church elected Dr. Carl R. Simon, teacher: Paul Froehlich, assistant; Louis Nichol son, president: Ross Bupp, vice pres ident; Ray E. Wilkins, secretary; Russel H. Borry, corresponding sec retary; Louis R. Winemiller, treas urer, and Albert Duerr, assistant. The A. B. Pugh Class of Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church will hold a directors and class meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McLane on Monday evening. Wolcott Camp will speak to the Rustin Couples Class. The Kumdubble Bible Class of j North Washington Baptist Church) will present a play, “Chill Billy • Stuff,” at 8 p.m. Friday at Stans- j bury Masonic Lodge Hall. The Fellowship Class of Chevy; Chase Methodist Church will be taught by W. Harold Snape. Kenneth B. Hamilton has been elected president of the Bolgiano Foxall Class of Foundry Methodist Church. The Organized Bible Class Asso ciation will hold its annual Moon light Cruise on the 8. 8. Mount Vernon on June 24 for the benefit of the Homer J. Councilor Memorial Chapel at Camp Letts. Arlington Church of the Air To Broadcast Two Services Two church services will be broad cast by the Arlington Church of the Air at 11 am. tomorrow. They will be from Clarendon Methodist Church, over WARL, and the Ar lington Forest Methodist Church, over WEAM. Daily devotional services will be broadcast next week from Walker Chapel Methodist Church from 8:45 to 9 am. over WARL, ,and from Christ Methodist Church from 10:15 to 11 am. over WEAM. The film, ' My Name is Han,’’ pro duced by the Protestant Film Com mission, will be shown at 8 pm. Tuesday at Arlington Methodist Church. The Arlington Ministerial Union Ifclifltottg Ifottrallmt Centir of Religious Education 1«#« 24th St N.W. nnday. Jane 13—0:30 and S T.M. JAMES W. McGUIRE “Splendor of Living Light” EDWARD MATTHEWS DAWSON “The Tree of Life” Frl., 8 p.m.. 3033 14th St. N.W.. Apt. 803 Lillian F. Boatman: “Astrology.” JittrriiMtiimittattanal •National ©aternarl? Special Invitation to Attend an EVANGELISTIC BAND CONCERT Prettnted By "THE LIBBEY FAMILY BAND" ALL ONE FAMILY, COMPOSED OF YEN MEMBERS A Complete String Band Apart From Brass Band. Feature: One member plays a duet on two trumpets at one time, first ond second parts. A special feature. Tuesday Ere., June 15th, 8:00 P.M. The NATIONAL TABERNACLE Georgia Ave. N.W. at Piney Branch M. Come and Bring Othert pr*fihgt*rtatt ? rMhgt*rta« » _ The National Presbyterian Church (Covenant First), Conn. Ave. ot N St. N.W. Minutere , Edward R. Elion, Thomas A. Stone, John D. Hayes, * Theodora Schaeffer. 9:45a.m.—Church School. . 11 :00 a.m.—Sermon and Holy Communion. Dr. Elson. I 7:00 p.m.—Youth Groups. » N-2, L-j Bases, Cars 40, 42, Stef in Front of Church IL NEW YORK AVENUE CHURCH 13th, M and New Tork Avenue N.w. REV. PETER MARSHALL, D.D., and REV. ROBERT T. BRIDGE REV. JAMES D. BRYDEN, Director of Religious education CHARLES D. BEASCHLER, Director of Music WILLIAM WATKINS, Organist < 9:30 a.m.—Church Bible School. Children's Day Program. 10:30 a.m.—Organ Meditations. 1 1 :00 o.m.—"Good Medicine." Dr. Marshall preaching. 6:00 p.m.—Youth Groups. CHURCH OF THE PILGRIMS On the Parkway at 22nd and P N.W. Gift of fhe Pre*b7teri»n» of the South to the Notion’* CoPlUl ANDREW R. BIRD, D. D., Pastor 10;00 a m.—The Sunday School. 11 :00 a.m.—"NOW AND THEN," Dr. Bird. 6:15p.m.—Youth Groups. 7:45 p m.—"INTERIOR RESOURCES," Dr. Bird. The Public 1s Cordially Invited. SIXTH Sixteenth and Kennedy Sts. N.W. Earl Franklin Flowler, D.D. Clarence O. Shaw. OrranUt 9:45 A.M., Church School. 11 A.M. Children's Day, "To the Land of Somewhere." Nursery During Service 7:30 p.m.—Westminster Fellowship. CLARENDON 1300 Block of North Irving and Jackson Sts., Arlington, Va. REV. ISAAC STEENSON, Minister. 1 I :00o.m.—Worship and Sermon. (Nursery Durlns Service.) CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Intersection 15th. 16th b Irving N.W. GRAHAM GORDON LACY. Minister. 9:30 a.m. Church School. 11:00 a.m. "Manarinu Our Desirea.” 3:00 p m. Pioneer League. 8:00 D.m. The Power of Pray er: nn. -,waTi ot PraylnU." Washington Heights Kalorama Naar Columbia M. REV. ROBERT E. SHERRILL Minister MB. - CLIFTON OLMSTEAD. Assistant to tho Minister. 9:45 a.m_Church senool 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. "GREAT TEXTS FOR TROUBLED TIMES." (2). I CORINTHIANS 1:18. Communion Service. George A. Myers. Soloist. Gertrdde Mockbee. Organist. EASTERN Maryland Ava. at 6th St. N.E. BEV. WILLIAM N. VINCENT. Minister. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 am.—Divine Worship. Sermon: “VALIANT BEHAVIOR.” Nurterv During Service 7:00 p.m.—Westminster C. E. Fellow ship. WESTERN 1906 H St. N.W. C. Stewart McKenzie, Minister. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—“The First Disciple.** Nursery During Service. 7:O0p.m.—Toung People. Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting. “The Pacifism of Jesus.” JW* ARLINGTON Columbia Pika and Sa. Lincola St. WALTER F. WOLF. Foitor 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.—“A Dedicated Home.” Nursery During 11:00 A.M. Service. 9:45 a.m.—Church School. Children’* Day Services. 5:30 p m.—Jr. High Fellowship. 7:30 p.m.—Sr. High Fellowship. Thursday, June 17, fl:30 n.m —Covered Dish Supper and study of "The New Curriculum."_ ECKINGTON North Capitol and Fla. Ava REV. HENRY B. WOODING. Minister 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 1 1 :00 a.m.—Children's Day. 7:00 p.m.—Young People's Meet irvg. ^fjerUioob Rhode Island Ave. at 22nd St. N.E. RICHARD M. MUSSEN, Minister 8:50 a.m.—"Our Greatest Possession.” 9:45 a.m.—Church School lor Yount People and Adults. 11:00 a.m.—Children's Day Program. "Sharing the Truth.” 7:00 pm.—Young People’! Groups. METROPOLITAN -On Capital Hill" 4th and B Sts. S.E. JAMES CCETI8 FAML. Minister. MAKION ST. JOHN ALDBIDGE, Minister at Mule. 9:30 a.m.—Church School. I 1 :00 a.m.—"An Unbreakable Covenant." Nursery Durint Service 6:30 p.m.—Jr. and Sr. High Fel lowships. 7:30 p.m.—Young People's Fellow ship. CHEVY CHASE * Cheat Chata Circle Minister: J. HILLMAN HOLLISTER _ Franklin B. Gillespie, Minister t. Tenth Harold W. Dickensheets. Minister of Music 9:30 a.m.—Church School. 9:45 a.m.—Men’s Bible Claa*. 11:00 a.m.—"Presbyterian Central As sembly Laoks Forward.” 7:30 p.m.—Youth Groups._ FALLS CHURCH E. Broad and Falrfat Sta. ALTON B. ALT FATHER. D. D„ Minister 8:45 AM and 11:00 A.M. “IF GOD HAD HIS WAT/* Nursery Durint 11 O’clock Service. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 p.m.—Westminster Fellowship. GARDEN MEMORIAL 1718 Minnesota Are S.E. Pastor. REV. LESTER V. BACGCES8 0:30 a.m.—Bible School lt:O0 a.m.—Morning Worship. Nursery Darina Service 7:00 pm.—Westminster Fellowship. 8:00 p.m.—Evening Worahlp GEORGETOWN 3115 r St. N.W. Bey. JOHN BAILEY KELLY. D. B-. Paster. Children’* Day Protram at 11:00 a.m. (No Church School ! Youth Groups at 4. 5 and 6:15 P.m. 0:45 AM. Church Bible School. 10:30 A.M. CHILDREN'S DAY. Sermon: "Hew to Run e Race." 6:30 P.M. Young Groups. WALLACE MEMORIAL N. H. Art. b Randolph St. N.W. C. I. HAWTHORNE, D. D. Minister. The Word of God from Pulpit and Classroom. 9:30 a.m.—Bible School, Classes for all oges. 11 :00 am.—"I Sought for a Man," the Rev. Clyde Taylor, 0. D. Nursery During Aiemiug Service *6:45 p.m.—Christian Endeavor Societies. 8:00 p.m.—"A Good Way to Losa Ufa," the Rev. Harry Rankin. will hold its annual picnic from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesday at the home of the Rev. George Tittman of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, the new president of the union. Church Group to Show Film “Our Lady of Guadalupe," a film about the appearance of the Virgin Mary to the Indian, Juan Diego, in Mexico in 1531, will be shown at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in Epiphany Hall, 2712 Dumbarton avenue N.W. The presentation is sponsored by the Dramatic Society of Epiphany Cath olic Church. In 64 AX), two-thirds of Rome was destroyed by a fire that burned nine days. When the fire started Nero was 35 miles away. HttiPgrflaliHt Universalist National Memorial Church Cor. 16th end S Sts. N.W. Rev. Seth R. Brooks, D. D., Minister 10 a.m.—Church School, Children's Day Service. 11 a.m.—Worship. "LET RELIGION SHOW ITS STRENGTH." _WELCOME._ Wljttr .00 n.m.—Training Fellowship. 8:00 p.m.—’’Life an the Top Floor.** CENTENNIAL “Coif. C.™.r-' 7th and I Streets N.E. WILSON HOLDER. Patter 9:30 a.m.—Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. "God In Scarlet." The Lord's Supper. 6:30p.m.—Training Union. 8:00 p.m.—Worship Service. "Crossing Bridges." ON THE AIR 'The Gospel Wings," WWDC, 11:35 A.M. Morning Worship Service. REV. WILSON HOLDER SEVENTH DAY BAPTIST Servicet every Sabbath (Saturday) )0:30 and 11:30 A.M. Mt. Vemon Place Church 900 Mass. Ave. N.W. (Lower Entrance) "The Seventh Day (Saturday) Is the Sabbath at the Lord'Thy God." Nineteenth Street Baptist 19th and Eya Sts. NiW. Rev. Jerry A. Moore, Minister 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m'.—Sermon, "Bring tho Children to Jaeus," the 'Min ister. 6:00 p.m.—Christian Endeavor. 8:00 p.m.—Evening Worship. LUTHER RICE MEMORIAL S315 North Capitol Street Dr. H. Clayton Waddell, Minister. 9:45 a.m.—Sundoy School. 9:45 and 11 A.M. "No Partiality With God." Nursery Open at Both Services 6:30p.m.—Training Union. 8:00 p.m.—"Whot tho Law Could Not Do.” Wednesday, 8:00 P.M. Prayor Service. BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH llth and V Street! N.W. COLBERT H. PEARSON, Ed.D., Mlniiter. 10:00 a.m.—Church School. 10:00 a.m.—A d u 11 Bible Class. 11 :00 a.m.—"The Exceeding Right eousness." Robert Hamilton, Director. Mrs. Edith Harris, Organist. Clarendon North Highland St. and Wilson llvd. ARLINGTON. VA. FRANK L SNYDER, Pastor. 9:30 a.m.—Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—“Get Year Needed Vita mini.” 0:30 p.m.—Baptist Trainlne Union. 8:00 p.m.—Film. “Book of Esther.” _ Telephone OX. 0718 and CH. 8308. EAST WASHINGTON HEIGHTS The "Home-Like" Church Branch and Alabanu Area. 8.E. REV. GLENN & FAUCETT. Minister. 9:30 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m_Service of Child Dedlcstlen and Farental Consecration. Sermon: “The Beat of Sin.” 8:48 p.m.—Tralnln* Union. 7:18 pm.—Ordinance of Baptism. Sermon br Rev. R. T. Davis. CHRIST BAPTIST Minn. Ave. and Blaine St. N.E. DAVID F. CHASTAIN, JR., Patter. 10:00 a m—“Lord, I Believe.” 7:45 p m—"The Work Fulfilled ” Wed , 7:45 p.m.—“Peace Makert.” A Friendly Welcome From Friendly People SILVER SPRING 830-882 Wayne Avenue DB. W. F. BIPLEY. Interim Palter. BEV. WM. J. CUMBER. Aialataut. 0:00 and 11:00 AM. "The Transformed Life, Dr. Ripley preaching. 10:00 u.m.—Sunday School. . > 8:30 p.m.—Baptist Training Fellowship. 8:00 p.m.—Rev. Cumble preaching. GRACE BAPTIST 9th and South Carolina Ave. S.E. At Pennsylvania Ave. Dr. Martin F. Clough, Putter. 9:30 a.m.—Bible School. 11 :00 a m —"The Holy Spirit in Relation to the Pew." 6:30p.m.—Training Uniont. 7 :30 p.m.—Children's Day Pro gram. We Preach the Old-Fashioned Gospel National Gardens Trtmoel Gordon* — Fall* Church, Vo. BEV. WESTON W. KNOX, Putter. 9:45—Church School; Wayne Klee, Supt. 11:00—Morning Church Service*. 7:00—B. T. U.I E. E. Gooding, Director. 1:00—Evening Church Service*. Mr. Cho*. Howard, Mlnl*»er of Mu»lc FOUNTAIN MEMORIAL 2214 Naylor RdT S.E. AT. 3640 Rev. FRANK I. RURGESS, Patfor 8:00 and 11 :00 A.M. "Sin Will Out." 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Broadcast over WBUZ FM. 6:30 p.m.—Training Union. 8:00 p.m.—"A Question Unan swered." Suns., 5:30 p.m.—"Songs a# Light." Broadcast avar WiUZ-FM. Cbebp Chase Western Avg. west of Chevy Chose Circle DR. EDWARD 0 CLARK, Minister CHARLES R. WOODSON, Asst. Minister 9:45 a.m.—Children's Day Pro gram. 11 GO a m.—"Our Priceless Asset." 9:45 o.m.—S. S. 6:45 p.m.—Y. P. MUMUM - m