Newspaper Page Text
*_ 0*atlja BAILEY. EDWARD E.. JR. Suddenly on 8undav. June 13. 1948. EDWARD E. BAILEY of 1530 Rhode Island ave. n.e. beloved husband of Mary Beckett Bailey. He also is survived by his father. Edward E. Bailey, sr.i three sisters. Mrs Rosalind T. Waters. Mis. Emilv M. Bullock. Mrs Dolly Sheriff and a brother. Charles H Bailey Mr Bailey rests at Gasch's Funeral Home. Hyattsville. Md Services at First Meth odist Church. Hyattsville. Md., on Wed nesday. June It), at 11 am Re.atlves and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 15 BOARMAN. MARGARET E. On Mon day. June 14. 1948. at Prince Georges Hos pital. Cheverly. Md MARGARET E BOAR MAW of Chillum rd.. Hyattsville. Md.. be loved mother of Lewis L and Roland L Boarman. Services at Gasch's Funeral Home. Hyattsville, Md. on Wednesday. June IS, at 2:30 p m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Ceme tery BOOZER. ROBERT. On Saturday. June 12. 1948. ROBERT BOOZER father of Peter M Boozer. Robert Boozer, jr., and Ora F Thatcher. Funeral Wednesday, June 16. at 2 pm . from Liberty Baptist Church. 23rd st between H and Eye sts n w. Interment in Newberry, S. C. • BOYD. CORPL. JOHN SKINNER, V. S .n. t;. runerai services ior me late Corpl. JOHN SKINNER BOYD U. S. M. C.. son of Mr. and Mrs Walter M Boyd, sr will be held Thursday. June 17, 1!I48. at *1 pm., at Arlington National Cemetery. Relatives • nd friends invited to attend in* BRISCOE, SARAH. On Sunday. June 13 1948. SARAH BRISCOE of 5483 30th at n.w., beloved mother of Mrs. Vivien L. Russell. Mrs May F. Bennett and Mr Clarence Briscoe. She also is survived by three brothers, two granddaughters, one trandaon and one great-granddaughter. Fu neral services Wednesday, June 16. at 2 p m at Hysong's Funeral Home. 1300 N at n w. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery —16 BROWN. SARAH ELIZABETH. On Tues day. June 15. 1948. at her residence. 4200 New Hampshire ave n.w SARAH ELIZA BETH BROWN, beloved wife of the late William F Brown, mother of Leila J Cooke of the above address Services at the 8 H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th at. n.w . on Friday. June 18 at 2 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. CALDWELL. CHARLF.s F. Suddenly on Saturday. June 12. 1948. CHARLES F CALDWELL of 3602 43rd ave., Colmai Manor, Md.. beloved husband of Margaret Caldwell, father of Charles Jay and Gary Alan Caldwell and brother of Raymond B Caldwell. Friends may call at Gasch's Fu neral Home, Hyattsvllle, Md.. until 11 a m. Wednesday. June 16. Services at Fort Lincoln Chapel on Wednesday. June 16, at 1 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. CARTER. FOSTER LEE GIBSON. On Monday. June 14. 1948. at Arlington Hos pital, FOSTER LEE GIBSON CARTER of 3401 Lee highway. Arlington. Va., beloved husband of Lula Carter and father of Mary Virginia. Patricia Ann and Foster Lee Gibson Carter. 1r. Remains resting at the Ives Funeral Home. 284? Wilson blvd Arlington. Va . where funeral services will be held Friday. June 18. at 2 3<» p.m In terment Oakwood Cemetery. Falls Church. Va CHAPMAN. LOUISE McKELDEN. Sud denly. on Sunday. June 13. 1948. in Hills boro. Md . LOUISE McKELDEN CHAP MAN. wife of William Hawley Chapman daughter of the late William Blagrove and Alice* McIntosh McKelden. sister of Mrs. Chester E. Gimmick of New London. Conn and Mrs J. L. Frink of Greensboro. N. C. Mrs Chapman was Dorn in and lived most of her life in Washington. D. C. Fu neral services at Oak Hill Cemetery Chapei on Wednesday. June 16. at 11 a m. In terment Oak Hill Cemetery. 15 CHEATEM. MOSES. Suddenly, on Sat urday. June 12, 1948. MOSES CHEATEM .of 46 F st n.w.. father of John L. Cheatem and Mattie Jeter, tfle also is survived by one brother and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Henry S. Washington Az Sons’ Funeral Home. 467 N st. n.w . after 4 p.m Wednesday. June 16. where cervices will be held Thursday June 17. at l p.m. Relatives and friends invited In terment Woodlawn Cemetery. COLEMAN. DR GEORGIE A. On Fri day. June 11. 1948, DR GEORGIE A. COLEMAN, beloved sister of the late Clara Coleman. After 4 p.m . Tuesday. June 15. friends may call at Fraziers Funeral Home. Inc.. 389 R I ave. n.w. Funeral Wednesday. June 16. at 2 p.m from Lincoln Congregational Temple. 11th and R sts. n.w. Rev R. W. Brook s, min ister Interment Harmony Cemetery. 15 COLLINS. WILLIAM. Departed this life on Sunday. June 13. 194*. at Gallmger Hospital. WILLIAM COLLINS of 1023 48th *f n.e . beloved son of the late Marrietta and Edward Collins, husband of Hose Collins, beloved father of William and Herbert Collins. Also surviving are thrr« beloved sisters Elia Tablear. Masste Col ima and Grace Johnson; one brother. Henrv Collins, and a host of other relatives and friends The remains may be viewed Tuesday. June 15. after 4 o m. at Henry 8 Washington & Sons Funeral Home. 4926 Deane ave. n.e Funeral services will be held at the First Baptist Church. Sheriff rd. and Whittingham pi. n.e.. Wed nesday. June 16. at 1:30 pm . the Rev Andrew J. All-n officiating. Re.atives and friends invited Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 15 COOK. CLARENCE. On Friday. June 11, 1948 CLARENCE COOK of 12;>0 3rd at s.w. He leaves a wife. Mattie Cook; one daughter. Margaret Purks; two siaters. Alice Newman and Lizzie Barnes, two brothers. James and Shirley Cook, one nephew. Sylvester Thomas; othar relatives and friends On Tuesday. June 15. a.ter 4 p.m . -friends may call at 330 H st. s.w. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, June 16. at 1 p.m at Eugene Fords Fu neral Chapel. 1213 4th st. s.w. Interment Payne's Cemetery. la COWHIG. JOHN C. on Sunday. June 13 1948. at Doctors Hospital. JOHN C. COWHIG of 128 13th st. s.e.. brother of Mrs. Charles B Liekweg, Miss Jane Cowhig * of Virginia. Dennis G and William Cowhig of North Carolina Services at the S. H. Hines Co Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w . on Wednesday. June 16. at.9:30 am.; thence to St. Patrick's Catholic Church, loth and G sts. nw. where the holy sac rifice of the mass will be offered at 10 a m. for the repose of his soul. Interment Warrenton. Va 1° CRANE. THERESA. On Monday. June 14 1948. THERESA CRANE of 1626 Kramer st. n.e . sister of Ida Johnson and Margaret A. Thomas. She also leaves one niece, five nephews, other relatives and friends. The late Mrs Crane may be viewed at the above residence after 3 p.m. Wednesday Funeral Thursday. June 17, mi lpm. from the Nash Memorial-Church. 16th and Levy sts. n.e. Intermen^Payne s Cemetery Services by Stewart My FUNERAL DIRECTORS. FRANK GEIER'S SON CO. FUNERAL HOME 3605 14th St. N W. HObart 2136 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Foimerlv at 1113 7th St. N W Established 1851 I i ■ -——I In Cose of Death Call One of the Largest Undertakers in the World Complete Funerals $95 to $2,000 Four Large Funeral Home* Phone CO. 0432 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither successor to nor connected with the original W R Speare establishment. 1009 H St. N.W. s.„oPnh.°,nW J. William Lee’s, Sons Co. 4th and Mass Ave. N.E LI. 5200 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium_ FUNERAL DESIGNS. FLOWERS CHAMBERS hos complete flower Shop funeral Designs Special' $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $10, up to $200 -CALL CO. 0432 _•_ CHACONAS FLOWERS Reautitul FLORAL PIECES. *5.00 and up DELIVERED t.SOO llth St. N.W._Phone D^ 1121 GUDE BROS. CO. Individually designed Wreath* and Spray* Charge account* opened by phone I2lt F St. N.W.—National_4‘*7li_ ~GEOTC. CHAFFER, Inc. EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NA 0100 Cor. 14th & Eye ^and Sundae BlackIstone, Inc. "V7™’ BEAUTIFUL FLORAL TRIBUTES, $5 up Phone and Charge It C~&~C FLOWER STORES FLORAL SPRAY. *3.8% IP DELIVEREL Charge Account, Invited Two Convenient Locations «<l* Itth St. N.W. ME.'1433 •23 F St. N.W. ME. UOI 4 Srattya CRONIN. BIRDIE P. On Sunday. June 13 1948. BIRDIE P. CRONIN of 1333 Belmont st n.w . wife of the late John R. Cronin aunt of Hadley S. Harbour. Mrs. Bertha B Platt and Mrs. Clarisa D. Schultz all of Washington. D. C. Services at the S. H Hines Co. Funeral Home. 3901 14th st. nw. on Wednesday June IK. at 8 30 am . thence to St. Paul's Catholic Church. 15th and V sts. n.w . where the holy sacrifice of the mass will be offered at 9 a m for the repose of her soul. Inter ment Glenwood Cemetery. DUNWOODY. HARRY L. On Saturday. June 13. 1948. at Garfield Hospital. HARRY L. DUNWOODY of 1500* Farragut : st. n.w . beloved husband of Clara Hcnni Dunwoody Remains resting at the Birch Funeral Home 3034 M st. n.w.. where services will be held on Wednesday. June IK, at 3 pm. Interment Cedar Hill Ceme tery. FORD. ALMA. On Saturday. June 13. 1948. ALMA FORD of 4 14 N st. n.w. She | Is survived by many friends. Friends may call at the Malvan Ac Schey Funeral Home. iN J. ave. and R st n.w.. where services will be held Wednesday. June IK. at 9:45 a m.. Elder Smallwood E. Williams officiat ing. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. • HAGEDORN. JAMES T.. A O M 3 c. U S N. On January 14, 1945. in French Morocco. North Africa. JAMES T HAGE DORN A O.M. 3/c. oeloved son of Sallie V Hagedorn and the late Charles Hage dorn. sr. Graveside services at Arlington": 'National Cemetery, on Wednesday. June' ' IK. at 11 a m Friends and relatives invited lo HASLETT. JOSEPH NATHANIEL Sud denly. on Sunday. June 13. 194*. at Ar lington Va . JOSEPH NATHANIEL HAS I ETT of 6934 lKth st. north. Arlington. Va.. beloved son of the late Joseph A. and., Eura Elizabeth Haslett <nee Reid>. brother of Annah Lee Haslett and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Haslett and Mrs. Beulah Reid. Remains resting at the Ives Fu neral Home. 381' Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va . where funeral services will be held on Wednesday. June IK. at 3 p m. Interment Mount Comfort Cemetery. Alexandria. Va. HELLMAN. OSCAR H. On Saturday. June 13. 1948. at his residence. 1437 Ames pi n.e . OSCAR H HELLMAN. be ! loved husband of Isabel A Heilman. He also is survived by several brothers and sisters Friends may call at the Lee Fu ; neral Home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e., where services will be held on Wednesday, j June IK. at 10 a m. Interment Mount i Olivet Cemetery - 15 HIGDON. ROBERT C. On Monday. June 14. 1948. after a lingering illness. ROBERT C HIGDON of 301 3nd st. s.w . 1 beloved husband of Alice M. Higdon. He ; also Is survived by three sons, five daugh ters. one brother, one sister, twenty-one grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains may bp viewed after 3 p.m. Wed nesday. June IK. at Barnes Ac Matthews' Funeral Home, KI4 4th st s.w.. where fu neral services will oe held at 13 noon Thursday. June 17. Rev R M. Randall 'officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial i Cemetery. IK HOLMBERG. Ll’CIENNE S. On Sunday ' June 19, 11*48. at her home. !2<*4 Eastwood ave.. Northwood Park. Silver Spring. Md.. LUCIENNE S HOLMBERG. beloved wife of John B Holmberg and mother of Lt William Sage Johnston. Mrs. Holmberg rests a* the Warner E Pumohrey Fcneral Home. 84.14 Georgia ave . Stiver Spring Md.. where services will be held on Wednesday. June Itt. a; 9 a.m Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. 15 HOWELL. MARY IMOGINE. On Sun day. June 19. 194 8, at Doctors Hospital. MARY IMOGINE HOWELL of 1819 Har vard st n.w Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. *2901 14th 1st. n.w. Funeral services at St. John’s Episcopal Church- 8*21 Kith st. n.w . on Tuesday. June 15. at ‘2 P m Interment Helena Mont. Please omit flowers. 15 Hl’BF.R. MARY C. On Monday. June 14. 194 8. at Arlington Hospital. MARY C. ; HUBER, beloved wife of the late George P. Huber, daughter of Mrs. Hattie Bradley and mother of Catherine M. and Roberta A. Gantt Friends may call at the Mateer ■ Funeral Home. 1998 North Courthouse id . Arlington. Va. Mass al St. Agnes’ Church. Arlington. Va . on Thursday. June IT. at j J* a rn. Interment Columbia Gardens Cem ietery. Id JENKINS. THERESA MeCALL. On Thursday. June lo 1948. at her residence. J116 Congress st n.e THERESA MeCALL JENKINS, belo-ed daughter of the late Joseph and Elizabeth McCall, wife of William H Jenkins and sister of Bessie Young, Maud Thornes. Mary McCall. Grace King. Ruby Lee of Wilmington. Del: Pearl Thomas. Bflrban Weaver and Harry McCall. The late M s. Jenkins may be viewed at tht above residence after LI a.m. Tuesday Mass will be offered Wednesday. I June 10. at 9 a.m.. at Holy Redeemer Church. New York ave between 1st st and New Jersey ave. n w Interment Mount tOlivet Cemetery. Services by Stewart. 15 JENKINS. THERESA MeCALL. Members of the Senior Sodality of Holy Redeemer Church are notified of the death of THE RESA MeCALL JENKINS. Prayers will be recited at her late icsidence. II Id Congress st. n.e tonight Tuesday. June 15, 1948, it 9 o’clock, for the repose of her soul. Funeral from Holy Redeemer Church Wed nesday. June Hi. at 9 a.m. MARY A QUANDER. Prefect. REGINA MASON. Secretary JOHNSON. RACHEL. On Sundav. June 19. 19 18. RACHEL JOHNSON wife of Samuel Johnson, sr.: mother of Thelma Harley and Samuel Johnson, jr. She also i leaves other relatives and friends. The late Mrs. .Johnson may be viewed at 1 Stewart's Funeral Home. 90 H st. n.e.. after 5 p.m Wednesday, June 10. where services will be held Thursday. Jcne 17. at 1 p.m Interment Harmony Ceme j tery. JONES. JANIE On Tuesday. June 15. 1948. JANIE JONES mother of Louise E Williams. Notice of funeral later Serv ices by Stewart. JONES. OSBERT E. On Sunday. June 1 i:j. 194 8. at his home. Northampton st n.w . OSBERT E. JONES, beloved hus band of Alice S. Jones and father of Mrs. Winifred Lord. Mrs. John Mav. Osbert E. Willard Rpss and the late Lt. Albert, E Jones. Remains resting at the Be | thesda-Chevy Chase Funeral Home of Wil ! liam Ruben Pumphrey. Bethesda . Md.. where funeral services will be held Wednes day, June 1H. at 11 a.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Ip LA FRANCE. PEC. L. NELSON. V. S. M. • C. R. On June J 1944. on Saipan. Pfc. L NELSON LA FRANCE. U. S M C. R . beloved Iggg son of Louis and Elsie Le France. brother of G. Charles La France. Graveside services and interment at Arlington National Cemetery on Thursday. June 17. 1948. at Z P.m Friends are invited to attend. h> lave. ADOLF. On Saturday. June 1*2. i u 48. at St. Elizabeth's Hospital. A DOLE LAVE, formerly of New York City, son o* the late Albert Lave and Ernestine Silbei I ave Funeral services and interment will be held at Cedar Hill Cemetery on Wednesday. June K>- at 11 a.m. <New York City papers please copy.i Jo LOMBARDI. GAETANO On Monday. June 14. 1948. at his residence. HU, L s> S.W.. GAETANO LOMBARDI, husband of Tessle B. Lombardi, father of Benedict Lombardi and Gaetano S. Lombardi of Washington. D. C brother of Salvatore Lombardi of Washington. D. C.. and Mrs Mary Sofra of Lorraine. Ohio. Services at the S. H. Hines Co Funeral Home. -901 14th st n.w on Thursday. June 1 »• at 1(1 a.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. LOMBARDI. GAETANO. The officers and members of the Italo-American Ma sonic Club are requested to -assemble at 7 ;:{(• p m June lb. 1948, at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. .991 14th st. n »•„ for the purpose of paying our last respects, to our late brother. GAETANO LOMBARDI. JOE SPANO. President, lb* LOMBARDI. GAETANO A special Com m munication of King David Lodge. /Ik No ,.’8. F A A. M . is called iOi for Thursday. June 17. 1948. at C/fiV? Dam. lor the purpose of giving Masonic burial to our late broth er GAETANO LOMBARDI. Mem bers are requested to attend JAMES B. McDANIEL. Master SMITH H. PURDUM. Secretary. 1« MARSHALL. GEORGIANNA BLANCHE Entered into eternal rest on Friday. June I j l 1948. at her residence. 99o T st. n.w . GEORGIANNA BLANCHE MARSHALL, be loved wife of the late James Marshall, sr.: loving mother of James Marshall, jr.. Edna and William Marshall. She also is survived by seven sisters. Mrs. Parrlee Landers. Miss West Marshall, Mrs. Copsie Decker. Mrs Donie Dodson. Mrs Goldie Wilson. Mrs Ruby Thomas. Mrs. Marcaret Dyson: one brother. Harris Dyson three grandchildten. one sister-in-law. Mrs. Katie Lockwood: other relatives and a host i of friends. Remains resting at the John T Rhinos Co Funeral Home. .'Ird and Eye sts sw. until Tuesday. June lo. at 4 p.m.: thereafter at her late residence, 'Funeral Wednesday. June lfi. at-ll:.M> am from Asbur.v M E. Church, nth and K sts. n w.. the Res- Greene officiating. Also brief services at. Shiloh M. E. Church, Shiloh. Md.. the Rev. Johnson officiating. Interment Shiloh. Md. 1° MEINZER. OSCAR E. Suddenly, on Monday. June it. 1948. at his residence. South Dakota ave. n.e.. OSCAR E. MEINZER. beloved husband of Alice Craw i ford Meinzer. father of Robert W and 'Roy C. Meinzer. He also is survived by three grandchildren, a sister. Mrs. John Weber of Cumberland. Iowa, and a brother. Edesr G. Meinzer of Mankato. Minn. Re : mains restink at the S. H. Hines Co. Fu neral Home. -1001 11th st. n.w. Funeral services at Sherwood Presbyterian Church. •’*’nd and Jackson sts. n.e. on Thursday, i June 17. at -JtHO P.m. Interment Fort j Lincoln Cemetery lh AMBULANCES._ AMBULANCES DOCTORS CALL • CHAMBERS • For Ambulance. CO. 0432. One of the finest fleets in the world. Rates: $10 up to 10 mile radius. Expert attendants. Ghamhefli CALL CO. 0 4> 28 CEMETERY LOTS. \ LOT (6 sites), well situated in beautiful Cedar Hill; sidewalk in: monument privils Make lovely family plot. Bargain. $600 ; cash_Box 1 1_?‘?L.Star._ 15* , CHOICE LOT in National Memorial Park for quick sale: $100 under selling price. Call CH 2142._—17 WILL SACRIFICE .1 adjoining sites. Sec tion 26. Cedar Hill Cemetery: $225. Pkone 1 AT- 0971. —16 4 Dr. Meinzer, 71, Dies; Noted Geologist and Retired U. S. Official • Dr. Oscar Edward Meinzer, 71, president of the American Geo physical Union and internationally known geologist, died unexpectedly yesterday at ms home. 2923 South Dakota avenue N.E. He also was a former presi dent of the Washington Academy of Sciences. Dr. Meinzer came to Wash ington in 1906 as a geologist of the United States Geologi cal Survey, and from 1912 until h i s retirement Hr. Meinzer. last year was chief of the Ground Water Division. Born in Davis. 111., he was a graduate of Beloit College in Wis consm and of the University of Chicago. From 1901 to 1903 he was a high school teacher in South Dakota. During his service with the Geological Survey he was a member of the governing boards of many scientific societies, including the American Association for the Ad vancement of Science and the Sociiky of Economic Geologists. i He had been the American rep Sratba MILLER. RAYMOND. JR. Suddenly, on i June 13. 1948, RAYMOND MILLER, Jr., son of Essie M and Raymond Miller. Also suriving are five brothers, a sister, other relatives and many friends. After 2 p.m. Tuesday friends are Invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home. 1820 yth st. n.w. Services Wednesday. June U 0. at 1 p.m., at chp Vermont Avenue Baptist Church. Interment Presbyterian Cemetery, Ridge way. S. C. # MOR1CONI, JOSEPH J Suddenly, on Monday. June 14. 1U48. at his residence. 3024 M st. s.e . JOSEPH J MORICONI. beloved husband of Mary Morlcom and fa ther of Mary Josephine and Rita Mae i Moriconi Funeral from the Timothy i Hanlon Funeral Home. 64 1 H st. n.e., on; Thursday, June 17. at 8:39 a m. Requiem; mass at St. Francis Xavier's Church at I 9 a m. Relatives and friends invited. In-j terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 16 PEARSON, LOUIS. On Saturday. June j 12. 1948. LOUIS PEARSON, husband of; Mrs. Roxic Pearson, foster son of Mrs. | Josephine Pearson. He also leaves two sisters, one brother, two aunts, two uncles, | iother relatives and friends. After 12 noon. Wednesday, June 16. friends mav call at the W Ernest Jarvis Funeral i Church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral serv ices Thursday, June 17. at. 1 p.m., at the above funeral church. Rev. J. L. Henry i officiating. Relatives and friends invited. ; Interment Lincoln Cemetery. 16 PELHAM. JOSEPH RUDOLPH. Entered into eternal rest on Saturday. June 12. i 1948 at Freedmen’s Hospital. JOSEPH RUDOLPH PELHAM of 2194 North Emer- ; son st.. Arlington. Va.. beloved husband of Mrs. Lulu Mae Pelham, devoted father of j Barbara Jean. Joseph, jr.; Diers. Earle. ; Barclay. Clayton and Shawn Pelham; son of Mrs. Hattie Pelham One sister.; Mrs. Ruth Hicks; one brother. William Pelham; other relatives and many friends also mdurn his passing. Remains rest- ! ing at the John T. Rhines & Co. Funeral j Home. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w . until Tues day. June 15. at 12 noon; thereafter at his; late residence. Funeral Wednesday. June 16. at 2 p.m.. from Mount Salvation Bap-j tist Church. Halls Hill, Va.. Rev. N. R. Richardson officiating. Interment Halls; Hill. Va. 15 RAWLINGS. TF.NA. On Sunday. June J 13, 1948 TENA RAWLINGS, devoted mother of Mrs. Maude Rawlings Scott.; Also surviving are a grandson. Frank Rawlings; a son-in-law. William A. Scott; three great-grandchildren, other relatives and many friends. After noon Tuesday friends are invited to call at the McGuire j Funeral Home. 1829 9th st. n.w. where: services will be held Wednesday. June 16. at 2:39 p.m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 15 RICHARDSON, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS, j On Tuesday. June 15. 1948. at Arlington Hospital. WILLIAM AUGUSTUS RICHARD ! SON of 3295 23rd st. north, Arlington. W. beloved husband of Sarah Alvis Richard son and father of William Macon, Robert Porterfield. Stewart Lee and Earle Conway Richardson: Mrs. Edvthe Zeydel and Mrs. Gertrude Gannon Remains resting at the, Ives Funeral Home. 2847 Wilson blvd . Ar lington. Va . where funeral services will be. i held Wednesday. June 16. at 8 a.m. In-i i-terment Thorn Road Cemetery, Staunton, j Va. 16 ROHRER. HATTIE MAY. On Monday. June 14. 1948. at the National Lutheran Home, 18th and Douglas sts. n.e.. HATTIE, MAY ROHRER. widow of Edward E Rohrer. formerly of 143 V st. n.e., member1 of Keller Memorial Lutheran Church. 1 Services will be held at the home chapel; on Wednesday. June 16. at 9:30 a.m. In terment Rohrersville. Md. ROLANDO. MICHAEL P. Suddenly, on Friday. June 11. 1948. at Sibley Hospital.; MICHAEL P ROLANDO of 1216 Randolph st. n.e., beloved husband of Marie C. Rolando, son of Katherine Rolando and j brother of Sylvester Rolandq and Mrs. j Edward Kesley. Services at the S. H. Hines Co Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w., on Wednesday. June 16. at 8:30 a.m.: thence to St. Anthony’s Catholic Church. 12th and Monroe sts. n.e.. where the holy sacrifice of the mass will be offered at 9 a.m. for the repose of his soul. Interment Arling ton National Cemetery. 15 I RUCKER, VERNA HODGES. On Mon day. June 14. 1948,. at her residence, i 1725 Queens lane, Colonial Village. Arling ton Va.. VERNA HODGES RUCKER, be I loved wife of the late H. Smith Rucker; mother of H. Smith Rucker and Georgie M. Rucker She also is survived by two sisters. Mrs. W. B. Crockett of Arlington and Mrs Eula Parker of Marion. Va. Remains resting at the Ives' Funeral Home. 284 7 Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va.. until: Wednesday morning; thence to Buena Vista, where funeral services and inter ment will be held. 15 RUFFIN. OTIS. On Friday. June 11. 1948. at Gallinger Hospital. OTIS RUF FIN of 611 Newton pi., n.w., husband of Cora Ruffin "•nd brother of Wilson. Jesse and Frank Ruffin. Mrs. Louise Smith and 1 Mrs Margaret Higginbotham; also sur viving are one brother-in-law. three sis-i ' ters-in-law. other relatives and many friends After 16 a m. Tuesday, friends are invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home, 182<» 9th st. n.w.. where services will be held Wednesday. June 16. at 1:30 p m Interment Lincoln Memorial Ceme '6 SAMIS. STEVE NICK. On Monday. June 14. 1948. STEVE NICK SAMIS of 769 Mount. Vernon pi. n.w. Services at the S. H. Hines Co Funeral Home. 2961 14th jst n.w.. on Wednesday. June 16. at 1:36 p m., thence to St. Sophia's Greek Ortho dox Church. 8th and L sts. n.w.. where jser/ices will be held at 2 p.m. Interment , Glenwood Cemeterv SCOTT. HENRY EDWARD. Suddenly on Sunday. June 13. 1948. at Doctors Hospital. HENRY EDWARD SCOTT of 12467 15th st. n.w.. beloved husband of Clara M. Scott, brother of William J. Martina and Margaret Scott. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2961 14th st nw. on Tuesday. June 15. at 1 om Interment Arlington National Ceme i tery. WEBB. CLARENCE O. Suddenly on Monday. June 14. 1948. at Charlottesville. Va.. CLARENCE O. WEBB beloved husband i of Helen Webb of 3625 16th st. n.w. No tice of funeral later. WEEKS. LILLIE VIRGINIA. On Mon day. June 14. 1948. LILLIE VIRGINIA WEEKS, beloved mother of Norman E. and Russell A. Weeks and Mrs. Beryl V Riley. Services at Chambers' Funeral Home. 1406 Chapin st. n.w . on Wednes day. June 16. at 1 p.m Interment Wash ington National Cemetery. 15 WHITTINGTON, PERCY ELIJAH. On Sunday. June 13. 1948. at his residence. 1638 5th st n.w . PERCY ELIJAH WHIT TINGTON. beloved husband of Mrs. Sarah Whittington, devoted father of Mrs. Vydie Carter. Miss Alice B. Whittington. James L. Percy E. jr. «Garner>: John H.. Julius and Randall A. Whittington, and the late Alberta Brown. He also leaves five grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and a host of othet relatives and friends. After 10 a m Tuesday. June 15. friends j may call at the W: Ernest Jarvis Funeral | Church. 1432 You .st. n.w. Funeral serv ice Wednesday. June 16, at 2 P.m. at the Mount Zion M E. Church. Lothin Mount Zion. Md.. the Rev. Miller officiating Relatives and friends Invited Interment church cemetery. Family at 1432 You st. from 7 p.m. until 16 p.m. Tuesday, June }5 15 WILKINSON. WILLIAM L. D. On Sun day. June 13. 1948. WILLIAM L. D. WIL KINSON of 3536 11th st. n.w . devoted husband of Mrs. Lilian C Wilkinson, father of William H. H. Wilkinson. Mrs. Hilda W. Brown. Mrs. Margurite W. Thomas. Mrs. Lilian W. Wethers and Miss Ethel C Wilkinson Also surviving are other relatives and many friends. After 4 p.m. Wednesday triends are invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home. 1826 9th si. :i w . where services will be held Thursday. June 17. at 2 p m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 16 WILKINSON. WILLIAM L. D. Members of the Oldest Inhabitants. Inc., are noti fied of the death of WILLIAM L. D WIL KINSON. Funeral services will be held Thursday. June 17. 1948. at 2 p.m . at the McGuire Funeral Home. 1820 9th st n.w. WILLIAM D. NIXON. President. FRAND D. McKINNEY. Secretary. 16 WILKINSON. WILLIAM L. D. The members of the Federal An nuitants Relief Association are hereby notified of the death of WILLIAM L. D. WILKINSON, and are re quested to attend the funeral services, on Thursday. June 17. 1948. at 2 p.m., at the McGuire Funeral Home, 1820 9th st. n.w. JOSEPH M. TRIGG, President. I WILLIAM H. WEBB. Secretary. WRIGHT. CONSTANCE MIRCH. On Sunday. June 13. 1948. CONSTANCE MIRCH WRIGHT <nee Walrayen* of -0/ V st n.e . beloved wife of the Rev Charles McDonald Wright. Services at the S H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. -961 14th st nw. on Wednesday. June la. at i i a m Interment Loudon Park Ceme tery. Baltimore. Md. * resentative on the Executive Com mittee of the International Associa tion of Scientific Hydrology since 1933 and from 1936 he was president of the International Commission on Subterranean Waters. In 1936 he was the American delegate to fhe Edinburgh assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. In 1943 he was awarded the William Bowie Medal of the American Geophysical Union for outstanding scientific achievements. At the time of his death he was planning to attend the General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics at Oslo in August. Dr. Meinzer is survived by’ his widow; two sons, Robert of Berwyn Heights, Md„ and Roy of New Brunswick, N. J,, and three grand children. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at Sherwood Presbyterian Church and burial will' be in Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Services Set Today For Miss Mary Howell, Capitol Ex-Secretary Funeral services for Miss Mary; Imogene Howell, 74, a secretary on[ Capitol Hill for 33 years until she' retired two years ago, were to be; held today at St. John's Episcopal: Church, 821 Sixteenth street N.W., \ with burial in Helena, Mont. She died Sunday at Doctors Hos-; pita I after a year’s illness. Her home was at the Embassy Apart ments, 1613 Harvard street N.W., where she had lived about 10 years with a friend and former classmate. Miss Clara G. Bullard. Miss Howell, a native of Virginia City, Mont., worked in the law office of the late Senator Walsh in Mon tana before she came to Washington in 1913 as his secretary at the Cap- ; itol. After his death in 1933, she became secretary to Senator Erick son, who was appointed to fill Mr. Walsh's unexpired term./ Later she served as secretary to the late Representative O'Connor of Montana and worked for Senator; Murray until she retired in 1946. Miss Howell was the daughter of the late Horatio S. Howell, com mandant of the Columbia Falls (Mont.) Soldiers’ Hbme, and at tended school in Helena. Her mother w'as the late Mrs. Margaret J. Howell, with whom she lived at 3151 Mount Pleasant street N.W. until her death some years ago. j She was a member of the Business! and Professional Women's Club of St John’s Church and at one time was active in the Montana State | Society. She is survived by several cousins in Wilmington, Del. Mrs. Verna Rucker Dies; Arlington Lawyer's Widow Mrs. Verna Hodges Rucker, 73, widow of H. Smith Rucker, an Arlington attorney and former Com- j monwealth’s attorney of Buena j Vista, died yesterday at her home. 1721 Queens lane, Colonial Village. Arlington. Mrs. Rucker had lived in Arling- ! ton since 1923 and had been in ill! health. Her death, which was attributed to heart disease, was unexpected, however. She was born in Richmond and attended school there. She met Mr. Rucker in Buena Vista and they were married j there in 1906. He died in 1929. Mrs. Rucker was a member of the Fairfax Chapter, DAR and the Clarendon Baptist Church. She is survived by a son, Smith Rucker, a member of the Arlington Democratic Executive Committee: a daughter. Miss Georgie Rucker, both of the Queens lane address.’ and two sisters, Mrs. W. B. Crockett,; Arlington, and Mrs. Eula Parker/ Marion, Va. Funeral services will be held' at i 3 p.m. tomorrow from the First; Baptist Church, Buena Vista, Va. Burial will be in the family plot there.__ In ifUmortam , BOYCE. HOWARD W. A tribute to the memory of my husband. HOWARD W BOYCE, who departed this life seven years ago today, June 15, 1941 I often sit and think of him When I am all alone. For memory is the only friend That grief can call Its own. Like ivy on the withered oak. When all other things decay. My thought of him will still keep green And never fade away. HIS WIFE. LESLIE LEAH BOYCE. CLIFFORD. EMMA D. In sad but lov- ; iing remembrance of our devoted mother. EMMA D CLIFFORD, who departed this j 'life twenty years ago today. June 15. 1928.! j §. THE FAMILY. * j HEILMU.TH. WILLIAM PAUL. In sad 'but loving remembrance of our beloved! husband and father. WILLIAM PAUL HELLMUTH. who left us so suddenly three, years ago today, June 15. 1945. Today recalls sad memories Of a loved one gone to rest. And those who think of him today Are the ones who loved him best More and more each day we miss him. j Though our thoughts are not revealed: i Little do they know the sorrow That is within our hearts concealed. LOVING WIFE. LUCY, AND DAUGHTER DORIS FOREMAN. * | HURLEY. CHARLES W. AND LAVINIA C. i In• memory of my dear father. CHARLES W. HURLEY, who passed away sixteen years ago today. June 15, 1932. and my i dear mother. LAVINIA C HURLEY, who | passed sway thirteen years a«o. June 1». 1935. Years of sacrifice, little of play. Loving and giving and smoothing the way; Strong in adversity, ready to do. Gentle, unselfish, dear parents, that was you. YOUR LOVING. LONELY DAUGHTER. AMANDA. JACKSON. RACHEL FRANCES LANCAS TER. In loving memory of our dear moth er and grandmother. Mr,. RACHEL FRAN CES LANCASTER JACKSON, who passed lit, fifteen years ago today. June lo, 119.13. Just a thought of sweet remembrance. DEVOTED DAUGHTER ROSINA VIVIAN WHITE. AND GRANDDAUGHTER FRANCES I. WHITE. TRAVERS. EDWARD HARRISON. In loving remembiance of our (tar hj and beloved father EDWARD HARRISON I TRAVERS who died seven years ago today June 15. 1941. The Stars are brightly shining Upon his silent grave; In it lies our precious one. We loved, but could not save Just to know him was to love him. Just to love him was to share In the kind and generous spirit That ;went with him everywhere. And the lasting fineness of him Cannot ever pass away. But continues throughout the dawning Of a better, brighter day. i WIFE. ANNA; CHILDREN AND GRAND CHILDREN WINEGLASS. VIOLA. In memory of a devoted friend VIOLA WINEGLASS, who departed this life four years ago. June 15. 1 1944. Gone, but not forgotten. GENE • Gertrude Atherton, 90, Author of Nearly 60 J Novels, Is Dead By th« Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO. June 15.—Nov elist Gertrude Atherton Is dead, vie- : tim at last of the years she had so long defied. As beguiling and as timeless as many of her nearly 60 novels, she had steadfastly refused to grow old —until her 90th birthday, last Oc tober 30. Then, at a civic ceremony In her honor, she said she was grow ing weary, would write no more, and ‘ don’t expect to live more than a year longer. * • •” Death eame late yesterday at Stanford Hospital, where she was: admitted May 27 after a light stroke, j A realist who Uved always in thej present, Mrs. Atherton ignored the polite, ladylike novels of her day — yet her books delighted, as well as shocked, her readers. Her first, “The Doomswoman." appeared in 1892: her last. ‘‘My San Francisco— A Wayward Biography,” In 1946. Book Created Controversy. Perhaps the greatest of the many controversies her works created fol lowed publication of her biggest best seller, “Black Oxen.” in 1923. In spired by a poem—“The years, like great black oxen, tread the world” —it was a story of a woman who kept them at bay by rejuvenation treatments. Her best-known book probably was "The Conqueror," written in 1902. In this work about Alex ander Hamilton, Mrs. Atherton used the method—of which she claimed to be the inventor—of treating straight biography with a pattern of fiction. Mrs. Atherton, then 81, told inter viewers in 1938 that she herself had taken rejuvenation treatments in Vienna in 1923 "and have since been fit as a fiddle.” On her 90th birthday, Mayor Roger Lapham presented a gold medal. Eyes sparkling, Mrs. Ather ton suggested that the French had a custom for such occasions, and turned her cheek. She got the kiss. Born in San Francisco. Mrs. Atherton was born in San Francisco October 30, 1857, the j daughter of Thomas L. and Ger trude Franklin Horn. On her moth- j er's side she was descended from John Franklin, a brother of Benja min Franklin. Educated in private schools and. by private teachers, she eloped a^; 18 with her mother's suitor, George; Russell Atherton, scion of an aristo cratic and conservative family on the San Francisco Peninsula. Her husband died at sea in 1888 and Mrs. Atherton moved to Lon don in 1895. She spent much of her life abroad. In 1943 she was allotted a special, niche in the Library of Congress authors' gallery. After receiving' some of her manuscripts and "Me morabilia,” Joseph Auslander of the library staff commented that she was the first living woman to have extensive representation of her work in manuscript form. Mrs. Atherton's first child, George, died of diptheria at the age of 6. She lived in San Francisco in her later years with a daughter, Mrs. Atherton Russell. Gaetano Lombardi Dies; Operated Barbershop Gaetano Lombardi, 61, a South west barber and resident for 42 1 years, died yesterday at his home, 1017 E street S.W.. after an 11-month | illness. Mr. Lombardi was born In Sicily and came here when he was about 117 years old. He operated Lom 1 bardi’s Barbershop at 460 Eleventh 1 street S.W., from 1905 until he retired last year, due to Illness. He was a member of the ItaUan American Masonic Club, King David ! Masonic Lodge, Columbia Royal Arch Chapter, the Master Barbers' Association, the Southwest Citizens Association and the Board of the Southwest Mutual Building Associa tion. Survivors are his widow, Mrs. jTessie B. Lombardi; two sons, Bene : diet, who now operates the barber shop; Salvatore G.. a southwest meatdealer; a brother, Salvatore, a barber at the Carlton Hotel, and a | sister, Mrs. Mary Sofre, of Lorraine. Ohio. Funeral services will be held at 110 a.m. Thursday at the Hines funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be in Cedar Hill ; Cemetery._ :£errj>& l£alsf) MORTICIANS 4601 5th St. N.W. RA. 5468 Unmistakably home like in atmosphere and appointments. wSlUnNiimiaAii'1 W. R. Frank Hines, President H'eshineton’s Foremost Funeral Home State 1313 !Ih* S.IIJjines mpanij 2901-03-OS-07 Fourteenth Street N.W. Columbia 7023-24 Na Breach Establishments Powell Crosley 3d Dies Of Heart Attack at 36 By th« Associated Pros* MIAMI, Fla. June 15—Powell Crosley III, general manager of Crosley Marine Research Laboratory in suburban Coral Gables, died at his home yesterday of a heart attack. The 36-year-old research chemist was the son of Powell Crosley, Jr., president of the Crosley Automotive Association of Cincinnati and owner of the Cincinnati Reds. He is survived by his widow and three sons, all of Miami: his father, his grandmother, Mrs. Powell Cros ley. sr , and a sister, all of Cincinnati. The body will be sent to Cincin nati tomorrow for services and burial. Rites Set for Cadet, 16, Killed in Auto Crash Funeral services for Joseph Has lett, 16, Randolph-Macon Military Academy cadet who was killed yes terday in a two-car collision at Tenth and North Highland streets, Arling i ton, will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Ives funeral home, 2847 Wilson boulevard, Arlington. Burial will be in Mount Comfort Cemetery. Six other persons were injured in the collision. Young Haslett, who lived at 5934 North Sixteenth stret, Arlington, is survived by his mother, Mrs. Eura Haslett; a sister. Miss Ahnah Lee Haslett, 20, his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Haslett of Alexandria, and Mrs. Beulah Reid. Washington. ,‘Night spots seem to be feeling the pinch of the times," Mexico City reports. Son Held as Father Dies In Shooting Incident Gilbert A. Jenkins, 47. carpenter employed on a Falls Church housing project, was shot and killed last I night at his home near Marshall, Fauquier County. Va„ during a fam ily quarrel, county authorities re ported. Sheriff S. S. Hall, jr.. said he was holding the dead man's 19-year-old son. Jack, in connection with the shooting. ■ Mrs. Jenkins told Sheriff Hall, he said, that her husband was berating her when the son attempted to stop him. She said when her son was unable, to stop the beating, he fired one shot ^from a .22-caliber rifle, killing Mr*Jenkins instantly. Young Jenkins has not been charged. Sheriff Hall said. CONSULTATION and FITTING Service FREE Experienced lady and gentle men attendants, who have been thoroughly trained in fitting are available at these two stores. For Appointment Phone HO. 1234 Ext. 207 or 202 Invisible, Lightweight, 2-Way Stretch ELASTIC STOCKINGS JUNIFORM $4.09 $4.75 Value, each ■# $9.50 .00 Today Thru Pair. O Saturday Helps relive varicose veins, weak and swollen limbs . . . supports the arch and ankle. Seamless and cool/with garter top.__ $2.50 Seamless Elastic ANKLET . in Today Thru Saturday $2.50 Seamless Elastic KNEE CAP Today Thru $0.19 Saturday mm (Today / Thru Saturday | SPRING & ELASTIC Combines the strength of $7.50 Single ; steel and the comfort of £ elastic. Has leatheifcov- ▼ | ered pads. HOOD STYLE TRUSS $10.00, $12.50, $16.00 ; Small leather dummy on unaffected aid" • helps hold truss in place and guards against double rupture Rupture paa . and padded sprnlg are leatner covered. 1 sizes :t» to 44 inches HALF SCROTAL STEEL ' SPRING For Left or Right Side { Holds most scrotal her- $6.00 Voluc f nias without the use ol an $ C.69 i understrap. Soft, leather j covered steel spring and sponge rubber pad. Sizes Today Thru , .-to to 4-1 inches.Saturday \ ELASTIC * TRUSS DOUBLE Recommended primarily $6.00 Value for night use to continue £ pp % the support obtained from spring trusses. They may. however, be used on slight hernias where Today Thru strong pressure Is not c . , needed.Saturday FRENCH STEEL SPRING STYLE TRUSS $5-49 Comfortable, light-weight, soft non-wrinkling. Strong steel spring with leather cover. Soft, leather-cov ered sponge rubber pad. Siee* .10 to 44 inches $0 25 JEb,I Complete with rubber tip* Maple throughout ... as sorted lengths. Sponge Rubber CRUTCH ARM PADS $1.50 ^ I Pair $5.00 Bell-Horne ELASTIC STOCKINGS $4-49 *T loch S86L Today Thru Saturday $5.00 , Bauer & Black j ELASTIC ' STOCKINGS i I Exera-sized Stockings, each $£.50, | r upu comfortable TOT IVlfciN .... support; with or without pads, adjustable but fltfrd to you by experts. Complete range of sizes. FOR 1 WOMEN Comfortable sup ports for Sacro iliac strains and for conditions war- i ranting a binding of the pelvic-arch region of the body. With or without pads. Fully adjust able, but fitted to you by experts. SI 9-50 ; JUNIFORM SUPPORT < Front Laced Girdle—Elastic Back A general purpose girdle de- ( signed lor more positive sup port. 4 f Other*. I*. <>fl and SV.VI1 Abdominal Belts $4.00 * for men ** (Other* to »lft 001 Abdomina Bella $8.50 for women O Maternity Belts. Comfortable. **T CQ adjustable I ; ARCH SUPPORTERS TRU FIT for ► MEN or ) WOMEN > L PAIR you'll look and feel better with com fortable support* in vour shoes Help* relieve pain and strain. Adjustable llth&G Sts. & 505 7th St. N.W. I * % _J