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LEGAL NOTICES. HAMILTON and HAMILTON. Attorney!. 74# 16th St. N.W. _ DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED * State* (or the District ol Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 71063. Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscribers, ol the District of Columbia and the State of Pennsylvania, respectively, hate obtained from the Pro bate Court of the District of Columbia •Latter* Testamentary on the estate of Anne M. Robinson, also known as Anna i Matilda Robinson, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons haring claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the voucher* thereof, legally authenticated, to the subacrlbert. on or before the 28th day of May, A.D 1948; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under our hands this 2nd day of June. 1948. ALBERT N BAOG6. 2324 Ashmead PI. N.W. THE PENN8LYVANIA COMPANY FOR BANK ING AND TRU8T8. F E. HOLLAND. Tice President: P P08TER MINSTERS. Asst.: Secretary. Philadelphia 1. Pa. <8eal >■ Attest; MELVIN J. MARQUES. Deputy I Register of Wills for the District of Cofumblg. Clerk of the Probate Court. Ie8.16.22 e AUGUSTA HANLON BROWN. Attorney, 700 10th Street N.W. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. /loldlng a Probate Court.—Estate of amet J Ahearn. Deceased.—No. 71201. Administration Docket 160.—Application haying been made herein for probate and Tecora of the last will and testament of; said deceased, on said estate, by Julia I T Ahearn. It is ordered this 4th day of, June. A.D. 1948, that Thomas Ahearn. Walter Ahearn. Willie Ahearn. Agnes Ahearn Donohue. Mary Ahearn Jones. Mary Ahearn Dolan. Bridget Ahearn Flavin. Elisabeth Ahearn. nonresidents, ‘ and the unknown heirs at. law and next 1 of kin of deceased, and ail others concerned, J appear in said Court on Monday, the 19th I day of July. A.D. 1948. at 10:00 o'clock 5 A M . to show cause why such application t should not be granted. Let notice hereof ! be published in the "Washington Law Re f porter” and "The Evening Star." once in 1' each of the three successive weeks before { the return day herein mentioned, the first I publication to be not less than thirty days before eeid return day. Witness, the Hon i, orable BOLITHA J. LAWS. Chief Justice •j of said Court, this 4th day Of June. A.D. 1948 (Seal.) Attest: MELVIN J. MAR §UX6 Deputy Register of Wills for the latrlet of Columbia. Clerk *>f the Probate Court.Ie8.16.22 AUGUSTA HANLON BROWN. Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbl*. Holding Probate Court.—No. 70789. Ad ministration—This is to Give Notic*. •niat the subscriber, of the State of Florid*, has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columma. Letters Testamentary on the estate of Ella Reese, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 1st day of June, A.D 1949; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit at said estate. Given under my hand this 1st day of June. 1948. EUOENE H. McLACHLEN. ,0(1 10th,St. N W.. (Seal > Attest: THEODORE COGS WELL Register of Will* for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. Ie8.16.22_____ GORMAN A GATLEY. 310 Columbian Buildina. Filed May 27. 1948. Harry M Hull. Clerk TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Co lumbia.—ARCHIMEDES L A PATTI, et al . Plaintiffs, vs. JENNIE WHITNEY, or her unknown heir* or devisees, if she be dead. Defendants.—Civil Action No. 1,16 48 —ORDER OP PUBLICATION —The ob ject of this suit Is to perfect title In plaintiffs, by adverse possession, to Lots 29 and 30 in Scuare 1622 in the District of Columbia Upon motion of the Plaln ltffs. it is by the Court this 27th day Of May. 1948. ORDERED that the de fendant. JENNIE WHITNEY, or her un known heirs or devisees if she be dead, cause their appearance to be entered herein on or before the first rule day occurring after the expiration of three months from the day of the first publica tion hereof, otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as in case of default; PROVIDED a copy of this order be pub lished twice a month for three months in the Washington Law Reporter and The Evening Star Newspaper before said day. (81 T ALAN GOLD6BOROUGH. Justice. 'Seal > A True Copy. Test: HARRY M HULL. Clerk. By EDITH M POX. Deputy Clerk_ iel.16.iy6.20.au3.17. THOMAS r BURKE. Attorney DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Colum bia. Holding Probate Court—No .1084, Administration—This is to Give Notice: That the aubscriber. of the District of Co lumbia. has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Administration on the estate of Edward O Soghomonian. some times known as Edward Ohan Soghomonian. Edward Sog homonian. E O Soghomonian. Edward O Soehomoniin. Sr., and E. O Soghomon ian, Sr . late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated to the sub scrlber. on or before the 4th day of June AD. 1940; otherwise they mav by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. > Given under my hand this 4th day of June, 1948. THOMAS F. BURKE. Wood ward Building tSeal V . A BROWN Deputy Register of Wills fori the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. _ Jel6.2J.29 j T. PAUL MUDD and JESSE LEE HALL. Attorney** *15 l.^th St. N.W. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Colum bia. Holding Probate Court —Nm ,1.186. Administration—This Is to Give Notice. That the subscriber, of the DistrlctoiCo lumbla has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia, Letters of Administration oni the estate of.Isak Isaksen. late of the Diatrlct of Columbia, deceased All persons having claims again*' the depeased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub scriber. on or before the 8th day of June_ *D 1949: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate Given under my hand this l^Hh day oi June 1948 JOHAN L. ISAKSEN, 2916 S COGSWELL Register of Wills for the Dis trict of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. _JelS-9 _ HITVER I. BROWN. Attorney, 811 Flo. A»e.. N.W. Filed June 14 1948. Horry M Hull. Clerk. S THE DISTRICT COURT . OF TOE United 8tetes for the District of Co lumbia.—Lynn W. White. 919 N. H A»* . N,W'.. Plaintiff vs. Penn J. White, address unknown. Defendant.—Civil Action No 3 843-48.—Hie object of this still is abso lute divorce on the grounds of five rontinuous voluntary »eoara11 on without cohabitation or two years desertion on the part of the defendant. On motion of the plaintiff, it is this 14th day of June, 1948° ordered that the defendant Penn J White cause her appearance to be entered herein on or before the fortieth day. ex clusive of Sundays and legal holidays, occurring after the day of the first Publi cation of this order; otherwise the cause will be proceeded with ss in case of de fault Provided, a ropp of this order be published once a week for three successive weeks In the Washington Law Reporter, and Hie Washington Evening Star before „,7i • ». ,g > T Alan Goldsborough. Ssllcc tBeal > Atteat: HARRY M. HULL. Clerk Bv CLARA F CONNELL. Deputy Clerk____jeI6.ff-.S8.__ i. FONTAINE HALL, Attorney. ntflTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED ^ItaJes for the District of Columbia. Holdint Probate Court.—No. jO.05,. Ad ministration —This Is to Give Notice That the subscriber, of the District or Co lumbla has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Testamentary on the estate of Lydia L Lorlng. late of the District of Columbia, deceased All persons having claims agatns?"the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to ‘he sub scriber. on or before the loth day of May. AD 1949; otherwise they may by law be excluded lrom all benefit of said •state Given under its hand this ltith 85? of J?ne* 1948 NATIONAL SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. By: BRUCE BAIRD. President 'Seal.) Attest: THE ODORE * COGSWELL, Register of Wills for the District of Columbia Clerk of the Probate Court_ie16.J-.1P. J LOUIS MONARCH, Attorney.,_ DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District ofw Columbia, Holding Probate Court.—No .llll. Ad ministration—This 1} to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the State of Mary land. has obtained from the Probate Court of the DiaUict of Columbia. Letters Testa mentary on the estate of Sewall Key. late of the District of Columbia, deceased All persons having claims against the de reaaed are hereby warned to exhibit the aame. with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the, subscribe on or before the 4th day of June. A.D 1949: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 4th day of June. 1948. J LOUIS MONARCH 907 15th St. HW tSeal ) Attest: ELLA A. BROWN. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. lel6.11.29, SWINGLE and SWINGLE. Attorney!. Filed June 7. 1948 Theodore Coaswell. Register of Wills. D. C.. Clerk of the Probate Court _ DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED State* for the District of Columbia, Holding Probate Court.—No. 70.96':. Ad ministration—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Testamentary on the estate of Harry A. Seymour, late of the District of Columbia, deceased All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub scriber. on or before the 7th day of June. A.D. 1949: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 1th day of June. 1948 ERNEST A. SWINGLE 805 Colorado Bide cSeal.l Attest: MEL VIN J MARQUES. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate CourtLJel 5.22.29. EDWARD E. O’NEILL. Attorney. 81A 18th St.. N.W. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 71.161. Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Isidore Fleischer, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having cUtms against the deceased ere hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub scriber. on or before the 12th day of Cay. AD 1949; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said E Given under my hand this loth r June. 1P48. MARTHA FLEISCHER. M Street. N W. tSesl.l Attest: DORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills is District ■’of Columbia. Clerk of the t* Court, w )*15.22.29 w • 4 Youths Face Court In Yoke Robbery Series Three youths, suspected of being members of an organized gang of yoke robbers, were ordered held un der $10,000 bond in Municipal Court yesterday for a preliminary hearing July 14. They aie Thomas Morrow, 25, first block of I street N.E.; Clarence Wil liams, 18, 4300 block of Washington place NJ5., and Eugene Contee, 18,' first block of I street N.E., all col ored. A fourth member of the al leged gang has been ordered held for the action of the Juvenile Court. The three are charged with the May 15 robbery of Pvt. William C. Reynolds, 24, in the 800 block of Third street N.W. The victim, in the Army at the time and stationed at Fort Myer, has since been dis charged and has gone to Florida. Detective Charles C. Daub, at tached to No. 1 Precinct, told Judge W.lter J. Casey the suspects have made statements implicating them ~LEGAL NOTICES (Cont.l THOMAS F. BURKE. Attorney, Woodward Building DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District ol Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 71238. Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of William Lippold. late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub scriber, on or before the 4th day of June, A.D. 1949; otherwise they may by law oe excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 4th day of June, 1948. OLGA M. BEALL. 13 Rhode Island Ave., N.E. (Seal.) Attest; ELLA A. BROWN. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court._jel5.S2.29 CHARLES W. ARTH. WHITFORD W. CHESTON, Attorneys, Albee Building. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Co lumbia, Holding a Probate Court.—In Re: Estate of JESSIE R. BARKER, Deceased. —Administration No. 68,777.—ORDER OF PUBLICATION.—Letters of administration upon the monies, goods, chattels, rights and credits of Jessie R. Barker late of the District of Columbia, deceased, hav ing been granted herein unto Gladys M. 8tewart on the *’8th day of April. 1947 and no distribution of the residue of the estate having as yet been made to any of the persons entitled thereto as next of kin of said decedent; and it hav ing been made known to the Court by the petition of said executrix filed herein May J0. 1948. for the appointment cf a Master to ascertain and determine who are the next of kin of said Jessie R. Barker deceased, that it Is impossible for the said executrix definitely to determine vho are all the persons who would be entitled to participate in said residue of the estate and likewise impossible to com pute the amount distributable to each of the next of kin until each of such next of kin is definitely ascertained: and it having been ordered by this Court the 12th day of May. 1948 that the said petition and the proceedings to bp had thereon shall be deemed a plenary proceeding within the meaning of Title 19 Section 311, D C. Code of Law (1940 Edition); and there having been issued pursuant to said order the usual process of the Court commanding all the parties in said residue of the estate to appear in the District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia, holding a Probate Court and answer the exigencies of the said petition, which said process has been duly returned “Not To Be Found. ’ and It having been shown bv affidavit filed herein that they are or probably are non residents of the District of Columbia, it is this eighth day of June. 1948; ORDERED. That Frances Bailey Cheney. Executrix of the Estate of Mary Strong, deceased; The Personal Representatives of the Estate of Thomas P Hszen. deceased; Joseph Strong Rayl. If living and his unknown issue if dead; Anne Rayl. if living, and her unknown issue if dead; the Unknown heirs at law "nd Next of Kin of Jessie R. Barker, deceased; and All Other Persons con cerned having or claiming to have any right, title, interest, or claim in or to said residue of the estate be and they hereby are commanded to appear In this Court on the twentieth dav qf September. 1948. to answer under oath the said petition and to show cause if any they have why they severally have any interest in said residue of the estate or why they severally claim any right to distributive shares in said residue of the estate, as well as why the prayers of said petition snould not be granted and a Master ap pointed as therein prayed- provided, how ever. and it is further ORDERED. That a eepy of this order be published in the Washington Law Reporter and The Eve ning Star, the latter a newspaper of general circulation published in the Dis trict of Columbia, twice a month for three consecutive months before the re turn dav herein mentioned, the first of said publications to be not less than pn *nys before the said return day. EDWARD M. CURRAN. Justice. (Seal > A true copy Attest: MELVIN J MAROUES. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Co lumbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. lei U 5.25,Iy9.23.an1 3.27. AUCTION SALES. ADAM A. WE8CHLER ft SON, Auctioneers Bankruptcy sale of practically new. high grade office furniture, steel filing devices, etc.; also typewriters, adding machines, calculators, dictaphone, air-conditioning units, small steel safe, multigraph, check writer, McCaskey account system, desk lamps, etc : by auction at Weschler's. 905 E st. n.w. (second floor). Wednesday. June 18. 1948. commencing 10 o’clock a.m. Executives' and secretarial desks, leather and Koraseal swivel, posture side and arm chairs. settee, steel legal and letter filing devices, telephone tables, costumers, smoking stands, waste receptacles.' fluorescent desk lamps, desk and floor pads, sponge rubber chair cush ions, etc. Also two Philco-York window type air conditioners. Remington Rand (desk type) and Burroughs electric add-; lng machines; Underwood. Remington, i Royal. L. C 8mith and International (electric) typewriters, dictaphone tran scriber. multigraph, small steel safe. Remington and Underwood portable type writers McCaskey account system, check wrtier, Stenotype. etc. Inspection after June 9th. By order NATHAN M BROWN. Trustee in Bankruptcy of Na tional Engineering ft Metal Products Co.. Inc., Bankrupt No. 4438. war activity ] organization, and other consignors. JelO.14.ift_ C. G. SLOAN ft CO., INC., Auctioneers.— Estate sale mahogany and other bed room furniture, mahogany dining room suite. Japanese screens, room-size Ori ental rugs. Dresden figures and other bric-a-brac. Chinese summer rugs, pic tures. lamps, mirrors, trunks, sewing ma chine. clocks, electric fans, upholstered davenports and chairs, wardrobes, chests of drawers, antique furniture, etc . at public auction at Sloan's. 71ft 13th street. Wednesday, June 18th. starting at 10 a.m. from the Adams estate by order of the National Savings & Trust Co. and from other owners. Now on view Terms, cash C. G SLOAN ft CO., INC.. Auc tioneers. established 1891.—15 ADAM A. WESCHLER A SON. auctioneers —Trustees’ sale of detached brick dwelling No. 1821 Randolph st n.w. containing 10 rooms, 5 baths, 4 finished rooms in basement, two of which are recreation looms. Hot-water heat, gas burner; double brick garage. Also lot in rear, fronting 87.50 feet on Shepherd st. Total land area, 18.800 square feet. By virtue of a deed of trust recorded in Liber 8488, Folio 13, one of the land rec ords for the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned Trustees will sell by Public Auction in front of the premises on Wednesday the lfith day of June, 1948. at 3:30 o’clock n m. the following described real estate situate in the .City of Washington. District of Columbia, to wit: Part of Lot numbered Co in the subdivision of the tract of land called Argyle. Cowl and Lorn" made by the Commissioners in Equity Cause No. 4967 in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, a plat of which subdivision is recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber Gover nor Shepherd at folios 49 and 50; be ginning for the same at a point in the north line of RandolDh street, distant north 89"55'. west 255 feet from the intersection of said line of Randolph st. with the west line of 18th st. and run ning thence north 89*55'. west 65 feet along said line of Randolph st.: thence north 0*05'. vast 120 feet: thence south 89*55'. east 65 feet, and thence south 0*05'. west 120 feet to the north line of Randolph st. and the place of beginning, containing 7,800 square feet and known tor purposes of assessment and taxation as Parcel 69/178 (formerly a part of Parcel 69/160) according to a plot of survey recorded in the Office of the Sur veyor for the District of Columbia in Sur vey Book 140 at page 10 Also parts of Lots numbered 19 and 20 in the sub division of a tract of land called "Argyle, Cowl and Lorn" made by the Commission ers In Equity Cause No 4967 in the Su preme Court of the District of Columbia, a plat of which subdivision is recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the Dis trict of Columbia in Liber Governor Shep herd at folios 41. and 50 described in one parcel as follows: Beginning for the 1 same at a point In the south line of Shepherd st., distant 110 feet east of I the east line of Argyle Terrace and run | nlng thence east along said south line of Shepherd st 87.50 feet: thence south O OS'. west 120 feet thence north 89*55', west 87.50 feet: thence north 0‘05'. east 120 feet to the place of beginning, con taining 10.500 square feet, said land nqw known for purposes of assessment and taxation as Parcels 69 113 and 69/199. Terms: Property will be sold subject to the unpaid balance of a building asso ciation trust computed to June 20. 1948. in the sum of $23,335,22 payable $187.50 per month Over and above said trust, cash. A deposit of $1,000 required of purchaser at time of sale. Exrminatlon of title, conveyancing, re cording. revenue stamps and notarial fees at cost of purchaser. Terms to be compiled with within 30 days from day of sale, otherwise trustees reserve the right to resell property at risk and cost of defaulting purchaser after five days advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washington, D. C . or deposit mav be forfeited as liquidated damages at discretion of trustees. ELWPOD X. SEAL. M. B. SWANSON, trustees. Je4,7,9.12.1*. selves In many robberies in recent months in an area bounded by First street N.E. and Fourth street N.W. and Massachusetts avenue and K street. One of the three has signed a statement that he participated in 17 different cases of petty and grand larceny, the detective said. The group was arrested Saturday and Sunday at different addresses on information received from sev eral complainants. Detective Daub said. Other policemen working on the case are Detectives Nicholas Genua, Olof J. Schelin and Charles R. Winemiller, all of No. 1 precinct. Originally scheduled for a hearing yesterday, the case was postponed until next month at the request of the district attorney’s office to allow time for Pvt. Reynolds to return from Florida to testify. Modern Remodeling In Southeast Proposed A recommendation that an edu cational movement be started to call attention to the attractive fea tures of the Southeast was made last night by Horace Peaslee, Dis trict architect. Mr. Peaslee, who has designed many houses here, addressed a meeting of the South East Business Men's Association, at 314 Pennsyl vania avenue S.E. He first referred to the city found er's expectations that the metropolis would develop to the east and cited various reasons for the failure of that expectation, such as land specu lation and the counter-attractions of old Georgetown as an established center of living. On the ground that the old land marks of the Southeast were “few and far between” and that the area has been developed largely with row-houses "architecturally medi ocre,” Mr. Peaslee advised against I the area trying to emulate or imitate Georgetown. He proposed instead that the ; Southeast be studied as a whole and block-by-block for remodeling AUCTION SALES. ADAM A. WESCHLER it SON. auctioneers —Unclaimed baggage and parcel room ar ticles by public auction to pay storage and other charges by order of the Washington Terminal Co. By virtue of an order of District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia, passed in Equity Cause No. 32-492, we will sell, by public auction, within the salesrooms of Adam A. Weschler ii Son, 905 E st. n.w.. on Wednesday. June 30. 1948. commencing at 10 o'clock a m . a large quantity of unclaimed baggage, parcel room and found articles, consisting of trunks, suit cases, handbags, hatboxes, valises, brief cases, umbrellas, packages, clothing, jewel ry. cameras and miscellaneous_personal property THE WASHINGTON TERMINAL CO., by B. R. Tolson, manager. 1e1R.22.29 ADAM A. WESCHLER * SON, auctioneers —Trustees' sale of machinery and acety lene welding equipment. By virtue of a Chattel Deed of Trust filed November 17,! 1947, among the records of the Recorder of Deeds of the District of Columbia as Instrument No. 4628. and at the request of the party secured thereby the undersigned Trustees will sell by Public Auction at .No 3260 K st. n.w. on Monday. June 21, i 1948. at 2:30 o’clock pm.. Hardinge tur ’ ret lathe, Poster No 2 turret lathe, set i acetylene welding equipment and Brown Sharpe automatic screw machine. O. G. Terms: Cash. HARRY A. CALEVAS, ERN EST T. GEARHEART, Jr., Trustees JelR.17.19 possibilities and that reconstruction be along modem lines.. Just as Georgetown “has delib erately set the clock backward to another century,” Mr. Petslee urged that the Southeast "set it ahead a couple of decades.” Another speaker was David John son, city planner for the National Capital Parks and Planning Com mission, who discussed Government pda ns for extension of the Mall to the Anacostia River. Grant Circle to Meet U. S. Grant Circle No. 1. Ladies - of the Grand Army of the Republic, will meet at 8 o’clock tonight in the Washington Loan and Trust Build ing, Ninth and P streets N.W. . PROPOSALS. BID OPENING DELATED on war homing sale of Riverside addition at Ornate. Tex. Investment opportunity: 1.B82 rental units located in Industrially rich Orange. Tex., will be sold as a whole on a competitive bid basis. Completely occupied: condition of property, good: future outlook for Orange, bright. Prospects for continued demand for rental housing are excellent Sealed proposals will be received until 10 a m.. CST. June 30. 1048, and then pub licly open-d In Room 821. TAP Passen ger Bldg., Ft. Worth. Tex. The right is reserved as the Interest of the Govern ment msy require to reject any and all bids. For complete information, includ ing description of the property, construc tion cost. Income, operating expense data, write, wire or call Frank Wood. Regional Sales Officer, Public Housing Admlnistra tion. T A’ P Passenger Bldg.. Port Worth. Tex PUBLIC HOUSING ADMINISTRA TION. "Ktep Rollin' with Nolan" NOLAN VACATION AUTOMOBILE LOANS Favorable Rain Afo Indorsers 1102 Now York Avo N.W. Greyhoind But Terminal RE. 120* Open Till 6 P.M. ■ And don't min THE '49 FORD SHOW at tho Mayflowor Hotol Juno 18-24, 10 A. M.-10 f. M. tMaciMan/iei\ THE WORLD S MOST HONORED WATCH THE MOST CHERISHED GIFTS FOR BRIDE AND GROOM Do you seek a gift, both beautiful and useful, for them? Give them each a Longinea,* "The World's Moat Honored Watch", unequalled ior accuracy and beauty of style. Lonainet'watchet from $71.50 Piim mtilttd* Wml HI J iACaciMannet HOMEWARES • JEWELRY i Gifts for All Occosions 1312 G STREET N.W. . _ Deferred Payments Arranged WELL-PAID WORK At Our v SODA FOUNTAINS For Young Men & Women (16 Years ar Over) (18 Years ar Over) a Apply At Any Peoples Drug Store or at Peoples EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 77 P Street N.E. Monday Thru Friday—8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. • Excellent Opportunity for Advancement O Vocation WMi fay # Plea to nt Working Condition* O Permanent Employment * < , FURNITURE I * ^ TREASURED GIFTS DAY:.. All-mohogony step table, gold toole'd leather .. —-S«9.50 Dod's favorite choir is this lux urious Korpen solid mahogany ecrved-crm easy chair. Cov ered in blue mohair, rich bro eotelle_ .$69.50 Mayer knows what Dad wants . . . big ' he-man chairs, luxurious lounging sofas, convenient tables . . . good furniture of dependable Lifetime quality. Dad knows what the prestige of furniture from Mayer's means. His Dad and HIS Dad knew, too—for Mayer Or Co. has served several generations of them. You con rest assured that a gift of famed Lifetime furniture is a gift that will be received and used with pride. We've a treasure house of selections, but we've pictured only a few. Just note the sensible prices * » —and remember—budget payments if you wish. ILLUSTRATED ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY MAYER GIFT SELECTIONS FOR DAD Leather lomps with matching parchment shad*-10.95 Gentleman'* valet in solid mahogany, to hold hi* clothe* «t night_14.75 Three-panel leather top mahogany desks, to writ* out his checks_ 98.00 Federal bronje finest reading lamp, three-way ^ Mahogany record cabinet, large enough to hold o big collection _."-69.50 He needs o good night'* rest. *0 there'* • fin# inner spring mattress at- 59.50 Large eabinets with folding bar, light oak or walnut, 98.00 Large Duran plastic easy chair,. for relaxing without straining his budget-89.50 Fine solid mahogany mogaiine bosket, heavy solid bras* trimmed top and handles-49.50 The best known make* of Radio* end Television. I Mayer £ Co. sivcNTM iTttrr •ftwhh • an© • Th* finest leather choir in the house isn't too good for Father. It's in Adams gloss finished leather . . . the best! ..--$195.00 , ( % • ' / ’ Tablet are always useful, always welcome gifts —they sarrs so maay purposes. All-mohogony and table with drower-- — $29.95 All-mohogany Pembroke table, 22"xl6", each drop leaf 9 inches wide-$29.95 All-mphogony cocktail nest, gold tooled leather _$89.50 i Korpen long lounging sofa, in grty or blut mohair—a fobric his shoes con't soil hj tfVetches out to sleep on it!-SI95.00