Newspaper Page Text
Brokerage Company Ope:is Branch Office In Medical District By Edward C. Stone Robert C. Jones & Co., member* of the New York Stock Exchange, today announced the opening of a branch office at 1713 1 street N.W., in the medical district. The new office will have a quotation board, Translux stock ticker, and complete investment and statistical service. Louis A. Sledge, manager, has been associated with the Jones Co. for eight years. He will have as asso ciates Luther E. Schreiner. Robert C. Jones, jr., and Richard B. Jones. The Jones firm, founded in 1930, has shown steady growth and re ps centlv opened a branch in Silver i ) Spring, Md., the only Exchange y brokerage house in that territory’. New Sales Manager Named. Robert B. Parker has been ap pointed manager of sales, Washing ton special accounts office, Camegie Illifiois Corp. He succeeds L. R. Knapp who is retiring after 15 years with the company. Mr. Parker is a Naval Academy graduate, class of 1917, and served in the Navy until 1924. He joined the Carnegie concern in 1940 and the same year was appointed assistant to the manager in the New York area. He is leaving that position to come here. The American Safety Razor Corp. announces that George O. Chilcoat, of Judd's Pharmacy, 524 Seventh street N.W., won a $200 Savings Bond as second prize in a national Gen blade window display contest. Philip L. Baldwin, executive secre tary of the National Association of Mutual Insurance Agents, will ad dress a council meeting in Mans field, Ohio, June 24. Saving* Director Named. Raphael H. O'Malley of Arlington, who in the war set up the Puerto Rico War bond program which netted $110,000,000 in sales in the island, has been appointed National director of payroll savings of the United States Savings Bond Divi sion, Treasury Secretary Snyder an nounced today. He has been with the Treasury since 1935, is a grad uate of Georgetown University and member of the bar. The financial group of the Spe cial Libraries Association, at the annual meeting in Washington, elected Laura Marquis, librarian of the Mellon National Bank & Trust Co., Pittsburgh, chairman for 1948-9, succeeding Ethel Klahre, librarian, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. Alvem H. Sutherland, librarian of the Board of Governors of the Fed eral Reserve System, was named vice chairman. Speakers were Clay Anderson, Philadelphia Reserve Bank; Dr. Stuart Rice and Dr. Walter F. Ryan, Budget Bureau, and C. H. Clark, economist. World Bank. Corcoran Thom, jr., and E. Wiley Stearns, jr., of the Riggs National Bank, Wilmer J. Waller. Hamilton National and Robert C. Baker and James F. Willett of the American Security & Trust Co. will attend the annual convention of the Virginia Bankers’ Association at Hot Springs later in the week. Many officers in nearby Virginia banks also will attend. | Business Briefs \ Business Failure* rose to 110 in the week ended June 10 from 91 the week before. This compared with 66 failures in the corresponding week last year and 12 in 1946. Dun & Bradstreet. Bolivia Will Settle her external debt, of $134,000,000, Finance Minis 1 ter Jose Romero Loza said in New | York after conferring yesterday with the Foreign Bondholders Pro tective Council, Inc. The total in cludes $74,000,000 interest, in arrears since 1931. Mr. Romero said an agreement might be concluded Sat urday. Agriculture Department reported It bought 11.642.368 bushels of wheat last week for shortage areas abroad, bringing total purchases for the crop year ending June 30 to 296. 211.717 bushels of wheat and 76, 045.749 bushels of flour. Bill Extending Duty-Free impor tation of standard newsprint until July 1, 1949. was signed by Presi dent Truman. Tariff Reductions on trade be tween the United States and South Africa were made effective by proc lamation of President Truman. South African concessions, the State Department said, affected products indued at about $32,500,000 in terms of 1939 trade. American conces i afcns were estimated to involve about $23,500,000 worth of goods on the same basis. Birmingham Electric Co. omitted action on a common dividend, blam ing the situation on the Alabama Public Service Commission's refusal i of a fare increase Consolidated Mining A Smelting Co. of Canada. Ltd., declared an extra dividend of $3.50 and a semi i annual dividend of $1.50. both pay able July 15 to stock of record June 21. 1 George A- Fuller Co. ordered a | dividend of 30 cents on the common, I payable June 30 to holders of record June 21. A yearly dividend of 75 cents was paid in December. Home Insurance Co, (New York' declared a semi-annual dividend of i 65 cents, payable August 2 to holders ' of record Julyl. Previous payments were 60 cents. Ford Motor Co. is ending fleet sales agreements tomorrow. Under these, buyers were given rebates of about 3% if they purchased a mini mum of 20 vehicles a year. The practice was discontinued by Gen 1 eral Motors Corp. June 5. Crory Corp. appointed T. R. Chad wick general sales manager and R N. Hoye advertising manager. £ Pennsylvania Railroad named A. F McIntyre chief of freight trans portation, effective July 1. Wilson Refrigeration. Inc., ap pointed James J. Gavigan as factory representative. American Society of Metals an nounced the nomination of Dr. Harold K. Work, manager of re search and development for Jones A Laughlin Steel Corp., for presi dent. American Power A Light Co. re ported net income of $6,400,876 or $3.61 on combined preferred shares, for the three months ended with February, vs. $5,397,803 or $3.04 for the 1947 period. Colombia Pictures Corp. net for 39 weeks ended March 27 was $855, 000, or 98 cents a share, vs. $2,935. 000, or $4.34, in the like 1947 period. Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway earned $454,450 or $1.77 a common share in the four months ended April 30. vs $295,665 or $1.15 in the same period last year. J. E. SeagTam A Sons, Inc., earned $fc60,058 in the April 30 quarter,) vs. $0,217,651 in the 1947 quarter. N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE (Famished hr the Asseelsted Freda.) Sites— Stock sad Aad Net Dividend Rate. 00 Hick Lose. 1:30. cbse. ACF-BRILL MO J 55% 55% 55% Acme Steel 4a 1 9454 5454 5554 - 54 Adams Exp tie 6 225% 224% 225%+ 4% Addresso-Mult 2 5 394% 394% 394% - 5% Admiral Cp .30e 39 1554 1544 154%+ 4% Air Reduction 1 24 2454 245% 245% - 5% Alaska Juneau. 12 354 35% 35%— 4* Aldens Inc It* 3 21 205% 204% - 54 Allegheny Corn 7 35% 35% 35% - *4 Allegheny Co pi 13 495% 4*54 495% + 4% Alleg Lud .80* 4 325% 3244 3744- 54 Alleg Lud of 4'% 1 109 109 109 + 4% Allied CADre 8a 1 192 192 192 -1 Allied Kid 14%a 1 194% 194% 19*/% + 4% Allied Mills 14i* 2 3144 31 31*/s + 4% i Allied Sirs 3 14 3«5% 3d4% 3*4% - 4% Allis Chsim 1 60 * 40 3944 3954- 54 Alpha Port tie 1 305% 305% 305% + 44 Amsl Leath .20* 1 55% 55% 55% - 4% Amal Leath pf 3 1 48 48 48 Amerada Pet 2a 1114 114 114 —14% Am Agrlcul 3a 3 50*+ 50 504% + 44 Am Airlines .. 44 85% 854 854 Am Alrl of 344 1 59 59 59 +1 AmBsnkN 1.60a 9 27 265% 27 +5% Am Bosch 4il 1 L344 13*4 13*4 - *4 AmBrkShoe OOex 2 4254 4254 4254 + 44 Am Cable A Rad 19 55% 554 554 + 4% Am Can 3 4 8754 87*4 87*4 -l Am CarAFdr 8e 5 4754 4754 475* - 44 Am ChACbl 1 40 2 2 5 245% 25 Am Chicle 2a 8 4854 47*+ 47*+-1 Am Coltyp 1.20a 10 20*4 20 20 Am CrvsS 1.20sx 4 21 205% 2054 - 5% AmCranamldla 1« 395% 39 39 — *+ AmCramld34iof 7 10554 105*+ 10554 — *+ Am'Distillers 2. 1 39 39 39 - >4 Am Rncaus tie.. 4 654 65* 65* — 44 Am Export L 2 11 1654 1644 16*4— 5% Am A Frgn Pwr 23 35% 3*+ 35% + 4% AmAFP$7pf34ifc 1 72 72 72 - *4 Am A F P 2d Of 3 125% 124% 125% + '+ Am-HswallSS 3 1 39*4 39*4 39*4 AmHlde A L 4%g 5 65% 6*4 65% - 44 AmHomePr 1.20 11 245% 245% 245% - 5% Am Ice .60e ... 4 7»+ 7>+ 75% Am Loco 1.40 6 26*4 25*+ 26*4+ t+ Am MchAFd 80 2 39*+ 19*4 19*4- ‘4 ♦ AmMAF Of31*0 1 94 94 94 - 54 AmMchAMettie 1 9 9 9 - 44 Am Mets] 4%e .. 4 334% 33*+ 334% Am Molass .30*. * 75* 75* 75* Am Poorer A Lt 20 105% 10*4 10*4 - 4% AmPAL Bpf444k 2 9344 93 93 -1 AmPAL 5pf33«k 1 84 84 84 Am Radiat 40e 59 165% 164% 165% + 4% Am Saf Razor 1 22 114% 11 114% Am Seating If 10 25 245* 25 + >+ tAmShipBlds 2e 2 41*+ 41 41 -1 Am Smelting le 8 47 66>+ 6654 — 54 rAm 8m*R of 7 10 159 159 159 + 5% Am Snuff 2 .. 1 34*+ 34*+ 34*+ Am Steel Fdrr 2 7 344% 335* 345% - 5% Am Stove 80e . 2 2054 205* 2054+ 5* Am Sugar R 4e. 1 38 38 38 — 4% Am Sum Tob 2. 5 204% 195% 20>+ + 44 Am Tel A Tel 9 16 156 1555% 156 + *+ Am Tobacco 3* 27 5654 56*+ 5654 — 4% tlw Tob Of 8 . 120 142 1414% 141*+ - *+ Am Viscose 2a 15 68*+ 675% 685% + 4% tAm Viscose 0(6 260 119 119 119 —1 AmWatWks 30* 5 754 75% 75% Am Woolen 6_ 11 52 515% 5154— 5% Am Zinc 10c 1 75% 75% 75%+ 4% Anaconda l*+e. 22 40 395% 40 tAnac Wire 4%e 1 4254 42*+ 42*+ — *+ Anchor Hock 2 8 305% 30 30 —15% Ander-Prlch O 1 x93 345% 33*+ 345%+14% Arch-D-Mle . 3 34*3 334* 334* + ** Armco Steel 2b 21 3154 31>* 3154 fArmeo Stl pf4 441*0100*+ 9954 100*+ + 4* ArmourACol .20 16 14 135* 14 + 4% Armour pr pf 6 1 102 102 102 —14% Armst Cork 80* 6 56 555% 56 (Arm CorkMof* 10 114*+ 114*+ 114*+ - 44 tArmstng pf 354 3 0 985* 985% 985%- 5% Artloom Corp 1 4 16 155* 16 — *+ Asad Dry G 1.60 5 185% 184* 185%+ 44 tAsso D G 1st 6. 30 108*+ 108*+ 108*+ - 4* Associat Inv 2.. 10 34*+ 34*+ 3*r+- 44 AtchTASFB 17 114 113 114 +>+ Atch TASF of 8 1 103*+ 103*+ 103*+ - 44 A T P Inc Vie . « 1"* 10* ib* 4- * At) Reflnipa 1 Vi 136 40* 46* 48 +1* tAtl Refln nfA 4 250 113 112*113 +1 tAtl Ref DfB3V« 00 90* #7* »8Vi + * t Atlas Powd le. 820 55* 55 55 Austin Nichols.. 3 7* 7* 7* ATCO Mfa -85e . 32 6* 6* «* AvcoMfenf2V« 4 45* 45* 45*-* BABBITT 1.20 2 15* 15* 15*+ * Baldwn Loco Vie 11 16* 16* 16* Belt A Ohio 23 15* 15* 15* Belto A Ohio nf 7 25* 25 25* BanaorAArostk. 1 29 29 29 + * Barker Bros 1 e 10 28* 27* 28*+ * Bamsdall Oil 2- 12 43* 43* 43* + * Bath Iron Wks. 9 12* 12* 12* - * Bayuk Cia 1 *a. 4 19* 19* 19*+* Beech-N P 1.60. 2 35* 35 35 Bendlx Aviat 2 6 37* 36* 36* — * BndxHomeA I* • 37 16* 16*— * Benef Ind 1 SOe J 25* 251/4 25* Best Foods 2a 20 36* 35* 36 + * Beth Steel 1.20h 37 37* 37* 37*+* BirmhamEl 31>e 14 11 10 10* * Blaw-Knox Vie. * 18* 18* 16* Bliss B W 2 . 0 32 31* 31*—* Bohn Alum Vie. -2 33* 33* 33*-* tBon Ami A 4a 20 82* 82 82 —1* Bond Stores 2 5 25* 25* 25* BordenCo 1.20e 5 43* 43* 43* Bora-Warner 4. 5 62* 62 62*— * Bower Roll B 2 1 40* 40* 40* -1 BrewerCpAm2Vi 1 32 52 52 +1* Brldaept Brass 3 10* 10* 10* Brlitol-My .SOe 4 33 35 35 - * Bucyrus-Er ,70e 5 22* 22* 22* — * Budd Co ,20a— 3 11* 11* 11* BurllntMllU 1 * *4 24 23* 24 - * Burr Add 11 60. 23 17* 17* 17*- * Bush Term Vif.. 15 10 9* 9* — * Butler Bros ... 3 14* 14* 14*' ButtaCAZ ... * 3* ** 3* + * Brers AM Vie.. 5 25* 24* 24*-* Byron Jn 1.40a. 8 34* 33* 34* + * CAL PACK 2 Via 6 40* 39* 40*+ * Callahan Zinc 7 2* 2* 2* + * Calumet AH 10a 8 7* 7 7 + * Campbell Wyle 4 30 29* 29*-* Can Dry GA .60 11 13* 13* 13* Canad Pac Wie 153 18* 17* 18*+ * CapltalAirllnes. 5 6* 6* 6*- * Carrier Corn_ 4 18 17* 17*— * Case J11 .SOe . 5D 50* 49* SO -1 CaterpllTraet 8 10 63 61* 63 +1* Celanese Crp le 23 37* 37* 37* Celotea lVi- « 33 32* 33 + * Cen Aaulr 1.60a 4 17 17 17 Cent Fndry Via 4 0* 0* 0* - * CentHudGae 52 10 7* 7* 7* Cent R R N J • 26 34* 37* 33*+1* Cent Violeta Vie 12 12* 12* 12* - * Cent Rib M 80a 19 9 9 Cerro dePaa Vie 6 26* 26* 26*- * Certn-td Pd 60a 14 18* 18* 18* Champ Paper le 12 26* 26 26* Cbea A Ohio 8.. *6 38* 37* 37*-* Chi Corp .40 .. 1* 14 13* 14 + * Chi A East 111 . 94 7* 6* 7* + * Chi A East 111 A. 24 13* 12* 13 + * Chi Oreat West .7 10 10 10 - * Chi Grt West pf 1 17* 17* 17*- * Chi Ind A LA.. 4 13* 12* 13*+ * Chi Ind A L B . 3 7* 7* 7* Chi Mil St PAP. 8 9* 9* 9*-* ChlMSPAPpf4e 16 33* 33 33*+ * Chi AN w Via.. 17 19* 19* 19*- * ChlANWpfB 1 42* 42* 47* - * ChiPneuTool le 2 37* 37* 37*— * ChlRlAPLe. 13 38* 37* 38*+* Chi R IAP pf 5 1 68 68 68 -2 Childs Co_ 15 4 3* 4 Chrysler 4_ 44 63* 64* 65* + * cm O A 5 1.40. 21 28* 28* 28*+ * cm Mill M 1 40- * 26* 26* 26* — * CIT finance 2. 3 48*" 48 48* — * City Invest .60.. 1 8* 8* •* City Stores 1.20 1 19* 19* 19* ClevEl 111 l.lOe. 10 40* 40* 40*- * Cley Gr Br .80s. 1 30 JO 30 ClimaxMol 1 20 7 17 16* 16* - H Clinton Ind 2.40 4 25 24* 24* - * Clopay Corn 70 4 9 0* 0* — * duett Pbody le 21-36* 35* 36*+* duett 2nd pf 4 x 6 90* 89 90* +1 Colaate-P-P 2a. 5 41* 41* 41*- * Collins A Aik 1. 5 24 23* 24 - * Colonial Mills 1 5 25 24* 25 + * Col Fuel Air la 24 19* 18* 19 +* Col BrdcastA 1 e 5 29* 29 29*— * Colurnb Gas .60. 73 14* 14* 14* Colum Plct Vif . 14 10* 10* 10* + * Coml Credit 2 60 2 51* 31* 31* Coml Solvnt Vie 7 28 27* 27* - * Comwl Edls 1.40 22 27* 27* 27*- * Comwl A South S3 J* 3* 3* ComASo pf7Vik 2 102 101* 102 + * Conde Naat 1 5 10* 10* 10*+ * Cona-Nalrn lVi. 2 33* 33* 33* + * Cona Cop .IBs.. 3 5* 5* 5* — * Cons Edia 160 IS 23* 23* 23*- *1 Cona Edison pf6 J 103* 103* 105* + * ConaGrocere 1. 3 17* 17* 17*- * Cona Nat Gas 2 21 48 47* 48 + * Cons RRCuba of * 23* 23* 23* — * Cons Ret Str le. 2 14* 14* 14*+ * ConaTextlle .80* 36 13* 14* 15*+ * Cons Vuitee 266 11* 10* 11*+ * Conaum Power 2 2 35 34* 35 + * Contain Corn 26 3 37* 37* 37* — * Cont Bakina 1.. 42 15* 15* 15* + * Corft Can Via_ 2 38* 38 3S* ContDlaFiber 1 1 11* 11* 11*- * Cont lnsurence2 3 60* 60* 60* — * Cont Motor* 38 9 8* 8* + * ContOllDel 1 Vie 15 67* 67* 67* Cont Steel le... 1 17* 17* 17*-* Cooper-Betel 3 32* 32* 32*- * Coprwld Stl 1.20 15 19* 18* 19*+ * Corn Prod 1 80s 10 65* 65* 65*- * Comell-DE SO 25 13* 14* 15*+ * CornlneOlsss * * *3* 23 23* + * Cota Inc .20a__ * 4* 4* 4* — * Coty Int .20a —. 0 3 2* 3 - * Crane Co 1.60a. 6 36* 30* 30* Crm of Wh 1 60 3 23* 23* 23* CTeamerleaAm 1 7 11* 10* 10* Crown Cork Vih. 3 25* 25* 25* - * CrownCork pf 2 1 43* *3* 43*—1* Crown Zel 1.60s 7 32* 31* 31*-* Crucible Steel 11 20* 20* 20* + * Cub-AmSua IV4* 1 14* 14* 14* — * CudehrPack.60* 2 12* 12* 12* cunit Publish 179 11* 11 11*+* Curtl* P prpf Sa 4 50* 30 30* + * Curtlta-Wr Via. 50 0* 0 0* + * Curtl* Wr Ale.. 2 23* 23* 23*-* Cutlr-Hm 1.20a 4 31* 31 31*+ * DANA CORF Via 3 30 29* 30 - * Davlaon Chem 1 2 26* 26 26 — * Dartn FAL l.SO 10 30 29* 29*-* Dayton Rub 1.20 4 I4 14 14 Decca Record Vi 15 10 9* 9* - * Deep Rock Oil la 23 40* 39* 40*+1 Deer* A Col. . 11 41* 41* 41* Del A Hudson 4. 2 46* 46* 46* - * Del LAW Vie.. 4 10* 10* 10*+* DenARGWle. 6 31* 31* 31*+ * DenARGWoflOe 1 51 31 31 - * Detroit Ed 1.20 14 21* 21* 21*-* DetMlchSto.80* 3 13* 13* 13*+ * Diam T Mot la 3 18* 18 10 - * Dial Ca-Sea 60 21 17* 16* 17*+ * Ooehlar-Jar 1 * 13 39* 39 39*+ * DomeMin .67** 41 15* 14* 15* + * Doualaa A 2 Vet 5 59* 99* 59*- * Dow Chem Vie . 33 46* 46 46* + * Dow Chem of 4 7 106* 105* 106* +2 . DowCb 2d of8 Vi 5 105 104* 104* - *j Dresser Ind V»e 0 30* 30* 30* ♦ * Duplan Corp *b - 1 16* . 16*- 16*_ ' Slock and Add MM Dirldend Rate. 00. Rich. Low. 1:30. ehce Da Pont «a_ 9 187* 187* 1B7A + ‘A EAGLE-PI 1.80 I 1VA 2X1* 221* — A Eastern Air Lin# * IBS* IB IB — V* East State Steel * 20A 20>A 20A - A East Kodak 1 He 27 44* 44 44 - * Eaton MtC 3 4 65A 65A 65A - * EdisBrstrlHa 2 l* 12 l» Efceo Prod 1.20 6 ISA 15 A 15 A - A ■as 8ton W Ha. 4 7A 7a 7a - A El Auto-UtsS.. 3 34A 34A 541* — A Elec Boat 1_ 3 141* 14A 141*- A E A Music .16* 64 2A 2A 2A El Power A Lt 12 22A 22A 22A El PAL 7pf 6Hk 3 156 130 15« ElPALt$6pf4 Hk 2 143 A 142 A 142A +1A ElelnNatW 80a 1 ISA 13* ISA- A Elliott Co He _ . 7 27A 2*A 27A ElPasoNQs 2 40 2 70 70 70 Emer Radio .80 48 14A 13* 14A + A Emp Dls El 1 12 2 13A 13A ISA - A f End-John pf 4. 10 103 103 103 — A Boult OS BldC.. 2 3 5 3 Erie R R 1 15 14A 14A 1*A Euitka Wms He 5 6A 8A OA Everaharn HI 4 *A 9* *A — A FAIRBANKS le 3 54A 34 34 - A PajsrdoSus 2He * 27a 27A 27A Farnsworth 313 11A 10A 11H+1A Fedders Qul .80 31 13A 13 13A + A Fed-Mocul 1.80 27 1BA 18 18 -1A FedMoTrurk 40ex 1 10A 10* 10A Federal D 8trs 2 13 30H 30A 30A - A tFed D 8 pf 4H 370 **A *7A *7A Fid Pbocnx P 2a 2 83A 83A 83A Firestone TAR 4 2 49* 40A 43A First N atr 2He 1 38A 5BA 58A + A Pllntkote 2a • 41A 41A 41*- A tFlintkote of 4 130 100A 100 100A - A Florence Str le. 3 34* 34 34 — A Florida Pow I 8 15 14A 14A — A Pollans Stl 1 He. 32 31H 30A 31*+1 FoodFsirSt ,40h 3 10H 10A 10A — A Food Mscb 1H 3 47A 47 47A - A tFoodMch pf8H 1 103 102 103 + A Foster Wheel 1. 8 35A 35A 33*- A Francis Boa 2t 3 14v» 14 14A + A Frank Strs .80s. 8 *A •* BA FreeportSul 2H 5 44A 43 44*+1* Froedt QAM Ha 2 11A 11A 11* - A Fruehauf Tra 1. 8 22A 22A 22A — A GABRIEL JOa- 1 9* *A *A - A Galr Robt .40 7 9A 9A 9A Gsmewell Co la. 2 16 16 16 + A Gar Wood Ind . « 9 9 9 - A Gaylord Co 1H. • 25A 23 25A Gen Am In» 40 18 17A 17* 17A - A Gen A 1ST pf4H 2 103A 105A 105A + A Gen AmTrns 8a 3 58A 38A 58A GenAmTr nf4H 1 104A 10+A 104 A - A Gen Bakins 80 2 10 10 10 Gen Bronse .20e 2 12H 12H 12* Gen Cable He 1*4 14A 13A 14A + A Gen CableS2pf e 14 42A 41A 42A+1A tOenCsble lpf 4 250 80 79 80 +2 tGen Cigar Df 7 30 133A 135A 135A-1 Gen Bee 1.80.. 71 41* *1 41A- A Oen Poods 2 14 40A 39* *OA + A Gen Instrumt 1 116 12A HA 12A+1 Gen Mills lHa. 3 49>/4 49 49A - A Gen Motors 8 . 31 64* 64 64A + A Gen Mot of 3%. 2 99A 99A 99A - A Gen Porte He- 3 21A 21A 21A Gen Precis Eo 1 7 16A 16A 16* GenPuoSvc ,20s 2 4* 4* 4* + A Gen Pub CtO 80 42 14A 14 14A + A Gen Ry Bltnsl 1 1 28 28 28 + A Gen Realty&Dt 3 3* SH 5* Gen Refract le. 3 30A 30A 30* Gen Shoe 2H 22 27* 27* 27*+ A tGenStlC pf4Hk 10 122 122 122 + A Gen Time 1.00a. 1 28A 28A 28A — A Gen TlredtR la 3 29 28A 28* - A Gillette S*f 2 Ha « 37 38* 36*- A Gimbel Bros 3 22 23A 22A 23A + A GllddenCo I 40s 4 26* 26A 26A - A Glldn ct pf 2'/4 2 54* 34* 54* +1 GoebelBrew .10e 2 5* 5* 5* - A Goodsll-Bn Ilia 1 23* 23A 23A + A Goodrich BP 2a 5 59A 59* 59A + A GoodyearT&R 4 11 44* 44* 44* — A Goth HOS 1.60a. 4 23A 23 23A — * Graham-Palse 85 a* 4* 4* Granby Con He 3 7* 7* 7* + A GranlteC Stl He 6 33A 33 33 Grant fWl) la 4 29* 29* 29*+* tGrantWTpf.lH 1 99 99 99 + A GraysonRob He 8 13A 13 13 — * Gt Nor Ry Df 8 19 46 43A 43 A — A GtWstSux 1 60s 3 21* 21* 21*- A ♦ Green HL 2s..1595 39 38A 39 G.eThound 1.-.112 12* 12 12* - A Grum Alrc B 3c 12 47* 47 47* + A Guantan Sug le SB 8A 8* 8*— A Gulf Mob&O He 131 20 19 19* + A GulfMo&Oh pf5 * 5B 57% SB + 1 Gulf 011 3_ 4* 7* 78% 7# + % Gulf Sta tltll 1_ 20 17% 17% 17% - % Hall Print la 5 15% 15% 15%+% Harb-Walkerle 2 26% 26% 26%+ % Hart BAM 2.40 2 31% 31% 31%+ % Hayes Mfs ,*0e_ 39 11% 11% 11% Hazel-Atl 1.20a. 5 21% *1% 21%+% Heinz 1.80__ . 2 39 39 39 Hercul Pwd .70e 10 55% 55% 55% - % Hewitt-Rbns la 1 26% 26% 26% - % Herden Chem 1- 5 28% 27% 28% + % Hilton Hotels 1 4 11% 11% 11%-% Hlnde&Dau lVie 1 35% 35% 35%+ % Holland Furn 2. 6 28% 28% 28% — % Holly Suiar 1. .. 2 26 26 26 - % Homestk Min 2 8 37% 37% 37% + % Hooker Klee .60s 2 33% 33% 33% — % Houd-Hersh Vie 4 18% 18% 18% + % Household Fin 2 1 31% 31% 31% -1 Houston LAP 2. 23 44 42% 44 + % Houston Oil le. 9 37% 37% 37% — % Hwrd Store ltta 1 21% *1% 21% - % Hudson A Man 7 5 9 5 — % Hudson A Mpf. 5 12 12 12 - % Hudson Bay 4 _ 4 45 44% 45 + % HudsonMot 40a 22 22% 21% 22% - % Hunt Foods 1__ 11 18 17% 17% — % Hupp Coro.. 4 4% 4% 4% HusmnRfer ,40e *3 14% 13% 14% + % IDAHO PW 1.80 5 35% 35 35% til Central 60 39% V36% 39% + % III Term RR .72. 7 11% 11% 11% - % IndPrALtlVi. * 24% 24% 24% Indust Rayon 8. * 53% 53 53 —1% Inier-Rard n * 71 71 71 —2 Inland Bteel le. *9 43% 43% 43% — % Inspirat Cop le. 3 20Vs *0% 20% — % InsuranshC 20a 10 8% 8% 8% Interchem Corp. 2 23% 23% *3% - % tntercon Rub 2 3% 3% 3% — % Inter Iron 1.20* 12 16 15% 15% Int Bus Mach 4 3 152 152 152 -2% IntHrvestnl 40 33 34% 33% 34% rint Harvs of 7 160 173 172% 173 +2% Int Hydra BA.. 47 8% 8 .8% + % Int MACh 1.80 7 36% 36 36% - % Int Mining_ 3 4% 4% 4% - % Int Nickel 1.80. 59 33% 33% 33%+% Int Paper 4a_ 14 63% 63 63 — % Int Ry Cen Am 1 11 11 11 + % ♦IntRyCApf2 Vik *70 91% 91 91 -1 Int surer 4e_ 1 59 59 59 - % Int TelA Tel.. 31 15% 14% 15% Inter Dep Stra 1 1 26% 26% 26% + % Intertype 1 70e 2 34% 34 34 -1% IsCrkCoal 1 3Sh 3 J6% 36 36 - % JACOBS PC 5 9% 9% 9% - % tJerCntP&L pf4 80 86 86 86 + % Jewel Tea 2.40a 1 46 46 46 — % Johns-Man ,70e 11 42 41% 42 + % Johnson A J.40 2 32% 32% 32% - % tJohnson&J pf4 50 105% 105% 105% Jones A L Stl 2 19 37% 36% 37% + % Jones A L pfA 8 1 88% 88% 88% - % Joy Manfa 2 40a 9 39% 39% 39% — % KAN CITY SOD 8 42% 41% 41% - % Kan City So Pf4 1 59% 59% 59% K'arser J la 1 16% 16% 16%-% Kelsey-HaBl V.e 1 21 21 21 Kennecott lVie. 15 58% 58% 58%+% Kern Land l+ie 2 45% 45% 45% - % Kimbrly Cl 1.40 4 *2% 22% 22%-% Koppers Co 1 80 3 35% 35% 35% - % 'Koppers pf 4 90 94 93% 93% - % Kreaie 8 8 le_ 5 37% 37% 37%-% Kress SH 2a... 2 56% 56% 56% LACLKDK 0.80 4 6 5% 6 + % Lane Bryant 1 . 3 12% 12% 12% + % Lane Wells 1.80 4 27 26% 27 + % Lee A 8ons 1.40. < 1 26 26 26 - % Lehlib C A N 1 2 11% 11% 11% LehPortCem 1% 2 35 35 35 + % Leh Tal Coal 7 3% 3% 3% Leh V Coal lof3 1 25 25 25 Lehman 850e'. 8 55 54% 54% - % LehnAFink Vie. 5 11% 11% 11%-% Lerner Strs 1 Vi 2 25% 25% 25Vi - % Lfb-O-F Glass 2 6 55% 55% 55% - % Lib McN&L Vie. *7 10% 10% 10% Life Sarers .80e 3 34% 34% 34% + % Lias A My 4a 5 86% 85% 85% - % ILlSC A My pf 7 120 172% 172 172% - % Lima Hamll .80. 23 13 12% 13 + % Lion OH 3_ 4 5«% 53% 53%'-1% Liquid Cirbn 1. 1 20% 20% 20% - % Lockheed Vie ... 20 24% 24 24% + % Loew’s Inc 1 22 17% 17% 17%+ % LorUlard P1 - 5 12% 12% 12% Lou G&K A 1 Vi - 1 24 24 24 - % LoulsrilAN 3.62. 4 46% 46%’ 46% - % Lowensteln 2a.. 3 33% 33% 33%-% Lukens St) ,40a. 3 23 22% 23 - % MACK TRK V.h 9 26% 26% 26% - % Mac; R H 2_ 3 36% 36% 38% + % Mad So Deri— 1 13% 13% 13% Masnaroz 1_62 19% 13% 15 +1% Minatl Sue 1 %e 9 9% 9% 9% - % MkrineMIdl .40* 4 7% 7% 7% Marsh Field 2_ 3 27$* 27% 27% Martin a L_12 19% 19% 19% MartlnParrr .60 1 17% 17% 17%+ % Maeonlt* Cp la 6 69% 68% 68% - % Master Klee 2.40 1 25% 25% 29% MathCbem l%a -1 33% 33% 33%-% MIT Dent Btr 8 5 46% 46% 46% - H tMarD*pt3.40nf 30 83% 83% 83% Marta* Co l_. 3 11% 11% 11% McCrorrB i.*ba 9 33% 33% 33% + % McOraw Bae 2a 2 40 39% 39% - % Mclntrr* 2.01a * 47% 47 47%-% McKassAR 2.40 2 34 33% 33% - % McLallan Btr 1 a 4 24% 24 24%+ % MeQuar-M 1.40. 2 22% 21% 21% - % M*ad C9 2 nl 2. 1 44 44 44 MaMlleBb 1.80 13 24% 24% 24% - % Menial Co la 2 19 19 19 - % tMensel 6 nl 2% 40 *o 40 *o - % Mercant Sire 1. 4 17% 17% 17% + % Merck&Co2.40a 1 *1% 61% 61% MerrlttCMl.80 9 27% 27% 27%+ % Miami Cod %e 4 ib% 18% 18% - % Mld-ConPet 1 %* 10- 64 63% 64 - % Mlnn-Hon R* 2a 2 49% 49% 49% ♦Minn Hof 8.20290 96 99 96 + % Minn Moline 7 16 15% 16 tMlnnMo n!4%k 10 118% 118% 118% + % MinAStL R» Vtl 2 19 19 19 MSP888MA1* 12 13 12% 12% - % Mission Coral* 6 72% 72 72%+% Mo-Kan-Texaa. 29 6% 8% 6% + t+ Mo-Kan-Tez of 7 23% 23% 23%+ % Mohawk Crpt 2a 2 42% 42% 42%+ % MoJudHos .80.. 14 14% 13% 14% Monsanto Cb 2. 17 99 58% 98% — % Mon Ch m B 4- 1 112% 112% 112% + % Monts Ward 2a 34 61% 61 *1% — % M-MCCLin lVia 14 16% 19% 16%+ % Motor Whl .80*. 2 22 22 22 Motorola Vie .. 16 16% 16% 16%+% Mneliei Brs .60* 3 23 *2% 23 Mullins Ml* la. 20 30% 29% 30%+ % Murtaz Coral. 3 19% 19% 19%-% NASH-KE. 70* 80 21 20% 21 + % ♦ Nash CABtL 1*110 29% 29% 29% - % Nat Airlines . 3 8% 8% 8% - % .Jit Auto Fib 80 8 12 11% 12 hat Arlation Vis 3 19% fl4% .14% - % m iterant 1.90a 27 k 29% 429 .s 29% + % * • Sale*— Dividend Rate. 00? Hlah. Low. 2:30. e5ie. Nat Blecult of 1 1173 173 173 NatBondM .80a 1 » 23* 2J*+ * NatCan ... J 8* BH Mb- * Nat C Ret lVie 3 47* 47 47*+* NatContain 1.20 10 12* 12* 12* - * Nat Crl Gaa .80. a 13* 12* 13* + * Nat Dairy 1.80. *4 31* 31* 31*+ * Nat Dent Stria 7 20 19* 19* Nat DlftUlere 2 52 20* 20 20* - * Nat Gypsum tie 33 20* 20* 20* tNat Gyp pf 4*. 20 95* 95* 95* - * Nat Lead la 9 36 37* 37 - * tNat Lead n3 8 40 145 145 145 Nat LinenS 80 1 6* «* «* Net Ual Btl .40# 1 23* 23* 23* +C* Natl Steel* 4 98* 97* 98* - * Nat Supply 1.. x22 23* 23* 23*+ H Nat Teal*... 4 28 28 28 Nat Vul Fibre 1. 3 15 15. IS - * Natomaa Co 1.. 4 10* 10* 10*+* Nebl Corn 1 * 1 16* 16* 16* - * tNawberry p(3% 60 98 98 98 N Ena El Syst l 3 11* 11* 11* - * Newmont M 1 Vie 1 59* 59* 99*-* Newot Indust 1 6 24* 23* 23* - * Newnt NewsS 2a 2 29* 29* 29* - * NT Air Brake la 3 43* 43 43* + * N Y Cent R R 40 16* 16* 16* + * N Y Chi * St L. 4 65* 65 65* - * NYC Omnibus 3 17* 17* 17*+ * tNY At Harlem 5 10 200 200 200 -2* N Y N H A Hart 2 13* 13* 13* N Y N H * H or 2 34* 34* 34* - * NY Shipbldt *ie 1 17* 17* 17* Nopco Ch .80e 2 33 33 33 NorfAtWestern 3 1 61* 61* 61* - * No Am Aviation 29 12* 12* 12* + * North Am Co *b 13 16* 16* 16V. - * NorNatGas 80e 20 35* 34* 34* - * North Pacific la 28 *5* 24* 25* + * Northwest Alrl 6 15* 15* 15* + * NrthwAlr of1 14 1 24* 24* 24* + * tNorthwn Tel 8 10 38* 38* 38* + * OHIO ED1S 2 1 33* 33* 33* tOhlo Ed pf4.40 50 102 102 102 +1 OHIO OIL la 68 42* 41* 42*+ * OliverCorp lVie 13 34* 34 34* - * Omnibus Cp Vie 5 10* 10* 10* Otis Elevator la 22 35* 35* 35*+ * tOtla Elev pf 6 10 151 151 151 Outbrd Mot .70# 2 18* 18* 18*- * Owens 111 ul 3 5 62 61 61* -1* PAC AM FSH1 e 1 15* 15* la* PAC PIN C 1.80. 3 21* 21* 21* Pac Gas ft Ele 3 7 35* 35* 35* Pee Lithtina 3. 10 53* 53* 53*- * Pae Mills 8b « 39* 39 39* + * tPacTelAcT 2 Vie 80 103 102* 103 -* Pac Tel&T rt wl 47 * Vu Ms -VI* Pac Tin Cona 6 5* 5* 5* — * Pac West OH Vie 7 58* 57* 58* + * Packard M .15e 302 5* 5 5* Pan Am Air ■/.#- 20 10* 10* 10* - * Panb E P L i 22 65* 64 64* - * tPanh EPL pf 4 50 99 98* 99 +2 Panh PAR. 16a 17 10* 10 10* Param Piet 2 103 23 22* 22*-* Park Utah .10e. .43 2* 2* Parke Dav .70e. 12 30* 30 30 - * Parm Trana .80. 7 9* 9* 9* Patino Min Vie 10 13 12* 13 +* Pen At Pord .80e 2 31* 31* 31*+* Penney (Jt> 2a 7 48* 47* 47* - * PennCoal&C Via 6 13* 12* 12* - * Penn-DxCem Vie 1 19 19 19 Penn PAL 1.20 14 19* 19* 19* - * Penn RR Vie 41 20* 20* 20*-* Peon Drut 1.60. 2 37 37 37 +1 PeopGasLt 4Vie 2 95 95 95 +1 Pepsl-Cola 30e 121 16* 16 16* tPet Milk pf 4Vi 120 103* 102* 103* +1 Petrol Corp ,30e 5 14* 14* 14* Pfizer C&Co 2a 6 61* 61 61* + * Phelps Dodte 2e 20 56* 56 56* + * tPhllC6% Of 3 410 52* 52* 52* tPbU Co S6 pf 8 70 100 99* 100 + * Phlla Elec 1.20 14 24* 23* 24 - * tPhlE14.3pf4.S0 30 109* 109* 109* - * PhllAtRdlCAIS 16 19* 19* 19* Pbileo Coro 2 14 39 38* 38* Philip Mor lVia 3 29* 28* 29* + * Phillips Petrol 8 15 75* 74* 74*- * Pillsbury Mills 2 1 34* 34* 34*+ * PittCokACh 60t 2 15 14* 15 + * Pitt Con Coal 2. 9 34* 34* 34*+ * Pitts Pori tie . 18 23* 22* 23* + * PittPlsteGls Vie 23 38* 38* 38* - * Pitts Screw ,30e 2 9* 9* 9* tPittSt BpflVik. 30 92* 92 94 -1 Plttb At West Va. 2 22* 22* 22*- * Pittston Co 2... 4 41* 41 41* Poor A Ce B la 2 15* 15* 15*+ * Pot Elec Pwr 90 10 13* 13* 13* Presaed Btl Car. 5 9* 9* 9*' Proct At Gam 3a 11 68* 68 68 — * Pub SyeCol 2.20 1 38* 38* 38* - * Pub 8 NJ 1.40 24 23* 22* 23* +1* tPubSycNJpf 8 420 132 131* 132 -* tpub BvcNJ pf 7 350 116* 115* 116* - * tpub SvcNJ of 8 6 104 103* 103* - * tPSNJ*»0f6 3 91* 90* 91* Pub 8vc EAtG wl 31 23* 22* 23*+ * PubSvE&G pfWl 18 28* 28* 28* - * Publieker Vif_ 4 24* 24* 24*- * Pullman le_cot* »o** v* Pure Oil la.. 43 40** 39** 401*+ ** PurityBak 2.40a 4 3014 30** 30**- V4 RADIO CRP.SOe 289 141* 14** 141*+ Vi Radio Cp of 314 1 7* 72 72 + >* Radio-K-O.45*. 32 9V* 9>A 9** - 1* ♦Rale Pur M3H. 90 971* 971* 9714- 1* Rayonler 1«e4 35 341* 35 + ** Rayonler of 2— 1 34** 34>* 3***+ V* Reading Col 3 21 201* 21 Real Bilk H 60s 1 1*1* 14** 14** - H ReeveaBroala 18 1-1* 14** 141*+ ** tRellance pf 3** 10 62 62 62 + ’* Rem Rand lb— 18 14’* 141* 1*14 - ** Rap Aviation- 6 121* 12 12>* + ** Republic Picture 11 4** 4 4>* Reoub Steel I a 50 311* 31‘* 311* + 1* Revet* C * B1 - 2 20** 20** 20** Retail Drug ' 83 7‘* 61* 7 - ** Reyn Metals lie 8 26 25’* 26 + ** ♦ Rey Met pf 5’* 30 99 99 99 -1 Reynolds Sprint 3 11 11 11-1* Reyn Tob B ,90e 12 37’* 371* 371* Sheen-Mftl 80 2 221* 221* 221* - ** Richfield Oil 2 . 82 351* 34** 351* + >* Roan A Cop .33* 2* 6** 6 6 — ** Rob-Ful Con **e 19 11** 11 11—1* RbtshFlpfl.l 8H» 2 27V* 27** 27** - 1* SAFEWAY ST 1 * 5 20‘* 20** 20** - ** ♦Safewey of 5 a60 112** 112 112 + 1* St Jos Lead lti* 12 60 59>* 59**- 1* tStL8outhw5* 10 131 131 131 —1 St L San Fran . 30 131* 13‘A 13** St L San F of 5 10 45** 45 45 - ** St Regis Pan 60 47 13** 13** 13‘* + ** SavageArms *4* 18 131* 13** 13‘* — >* SchenleyDIstil 2 32 31‘* 31** 31**- 1* Scranton Elec 1 2 15*4 15** 15‘* + ** Seab Air Line 13 241* 241* 24**- ** SeabdALpf 71ie 5 60** 60** 60** Seab Finan .70* 1 19’* 19’* 19’* - ** Seabrd Oil 1.60 4 55>* 55 55**+ ** Sears Roebck la 23 40’* 40‘* 401* + 1* Serve! Inc .30* 7 131b 13** 13’* + ** ShamrockO 1.60 7 34** 331* 34**+ 14 Sharon Steel 3 12 41** 41 41>*+Vb Sharp &Dohl 10 27>* 26** 27 + >* Shattuck FO la 5 141* 141* 141*- ** ShellOnOl! 2V«g 33 461* 45’* 4614 + 1* Sheraton CP 40 3 614 6V4 6V4 Silver King Col- 2 6 S’* 514 StmmoneCol* 2 34‘* 34>* 34**— ** 8‘nclair Oil 2 162 29’* 2914 29’*+ ** Sloss-ShSt) SO* 1 24 24 24 - ** Smith A O 1 jh 9 3514 35 35 + *4 SmithASon 1.40* 3 3814 38‘* 3814+ 1* Socony-vac 1 123 2114 211* 2114 + ‘4 Solvay AM pf 4 1 104*4 104*4 104*4 + *4 So Am Gold lie 5 4** 4** 4*4 So Caro EdrO *4 a22 7*4 71* 7*4 SCE&Gevpf21« 2 53 53 53 - 1* So P Rico S 6e 2 41 41 41 SeaatGreyL 1.60 3 1414 14*4 1414 + 1* Sou Cel Edit 114 6 30V4 30*4 30*4 + 1* Sou Net Gas 114 6 26*4 251* 26 Southern Pae * 12 58** 58 58** Southern Rvv 8 19 4814 48 48V4 - 1* Southern Ry Pf5 2 68 68 68 — ** Soarka-W 20e-. 65 7** 7 7‘* + 1* Spear A Co - - 2 8** 8** 8** + *4 Spencer Kell 2 1 28 28 28 — ** Sperry Crp 114« 15 29*4 28'* 29**+ Vi Spiegel Inc .. 8 12’* 121* 1214+ Vi ♦Spiegel Pf 4'* 30 73*4 721* 721*- 1* Souare DCo >*e 4 2214 22*4 22*4 + Vi Souibb & Sons 1 3 26** 26*4 26** ♦ SdUlbb&Spf 4- 60 102’* 102** 102’* + 14 Stand Brands 2 10 2814 28** 28** + 1* Std Gs*El S4of 15 7614 *6*4 2614 + 1* Std Oil Calif 2e- 44 7*V4 711* 7214+ W Std Oil Ind 2 a 54 52 50** 51’*+ ’+ Std Oil N Jer lb 107 91‘* 88*4 91'*+21* 3 d OilOblo 114 89 34’* 341* 34’* Std Stl 8pr« tie 8 141* 14‘* 141* SterchlBr St la. 2 14>* 1*** 14** - 1* Sterling Drug 2 10 39 381* 39 + *4 SterlingD pf 31* 1 96'* 96>* 96'* + H Stevens JP 2a 6 321* 32V4 3214- *4 Stewart-War lie * 16 1514 15’* Stok-V Camp 1, 16 16*4 16 16*4 — *4 StoneAWeb '/jo. «e io'/» ioi* ♦ ‘A Studebsker *ie. 83 29'+ 28 29 +4* Sun Chem .60— a 7 108* 10 10 Sun Oil lb_ 4 «9'+ 89 63 - 8* Sunray Oil .80 64 148* 144* 144* — 8* Sunray pi A 1 06 2 20'/* 20** 208*- 8* Sunray pf B 1V, 6 234* 23'* 234* + 8* Sunshine Blse 8 1 418* 418* 418* + 8* Sunshine M .60. 4 108* 108* 108* Superheater la. 3 274* 274* 274* H Sun Oil Calif 2e 1 231 231 231 +1 Sutherld Pan 2a 1 44 44 44 - 8* Sweets C A l'/.e. 1 13'/* 13*/* 13'/* - 8* SwiftACo 1 60a. 7 344* 348* 344* + 8* Swift Inti .40* 43 134* 138* 13'*- 8* Sylvan Klee 1.40 4 238* 23'* 238* + 4* Symine-Qould 2 64* 68* 64* TEXAS CO 3 28 636* 638* 658* TexOulfPro .860 17 244* 248* 244* Tex Gulf Bui 2a 11 618* 618* 618* - 8* Tex PaeCAO la 9 314* 39 318* +2 Tex Pae LT .70* 8 438* 43 438*- 4* Textron la.. 1* 174* 178* 178*- 8* Thatcher Ol SO * 94* 96* 36*- 8* Thermoid 8*f ... 6 *'* 98* 38* Third Aye Trana 6 118* 118* 118* + 4* ThomaaStl 1 60s 1 23 23 23 - 8* Thoms Prod 164* 1 368* 368* 3684-1 Thompson-Star. 1 38* 38* 38* + 8* Tide W Oil 1.20* 36 324* 31 3284+18* Tide Wat »fS4i 1104 1038*1038* Timk-D Axial* 3 226* 228* 2284 - 8* Timk Bear 18*#_ 3 538* 33 338* + 8* Transamer 84a. 11 124* 126* 124* Trans A W Air. 3 138* 138* 1384 + 8* Tri-Con Co 8*t. 1* 108* 34* 94* — ‘4 rTri-Contl of 6. 10 103 103 103 - •* Truax-Tra 1.20. S 188* 188* IS'* + 8* Twent C-Pox 2 33 214* 214* 218* 20thC-Pxof 18* 2 336* 336* 336* Twin City RT7 1 64* 64* 64* - 8* ♦TwlnCitprlVek 3 26 234* 234*+ 8* Twin Coach_,4 128* 128* 128*- 8* UDYUTB I.. 3 118* 118* 118* Underwood I8*e 4 53 388* 53 UnAsb A It 70a 13 154* 138* 154*+ 8k Onion Bat 2a 11 384* 376* 384*+ 4* Un Carbide 8*h. 32 424* 416* 426* + 8* Un Oil Cal .70* 36 334* 34'* 358*+ 8* Un Pacific 1084* 3 183'* 183 189 - 8* UnTankCar 2.60 3 408* 408* 408* Unit Air Lines 11 156* 136* 136* Unit Aircraft 1* 17 296* 29 294*+ 8* Utd Aircraft ofB 2 109 103 103 - 8* Unit Biscuit la * 21 206* 206* Unit Clear Whall 13 46* 44* 48* United Caro .. 33 34* 38* 36* Unit Corn Of S 23 474* 468* 47 +18* United Dye wood 2 76* 76* 76* Utd Blec Coal 1 * 27>* 27 27 - '* UtBne APdy 18*e 1 46 46 44.- 4* United Fruit 2a 18 33 344* *+ UtdOatfmn 1.30.4 * 22 -.‘216*.** Selected Stocks Gain As Demand Increases On Moderate Market Sy the Auocntod Prmt NEW YORK, June 15.—Demand picked up in the stock market today after prices had wobbled lower in morning dealings. The increased buying pared widest losses for a number of stocks and in some cases pushed quotations to the plus side. A few issues hit new highs for the year or longer. Volume was moderate and the ticker tape slowed to a walk more than once. Among the 1940 highs were Cen tral Railroad of New Jersey (a strong spot yesterday;, Radio Corp., Emerson Radio and Atlantic Re fining. Also higher were United States Steel, Chrysler, Standard Oil <N. J.), Phelps Dodge, Studebaker and Du Pont. A trifle lower were Montgomery Ward, J. I. Case, Cerro de Pasco, General Electric, Owens-Illinois, Southern Railway, Sinclair Oil and Pacific Western. Washington Exchange SALES. Potomac Electric Power 3.60 pfd "A-'— 10 at 45*. 10 at 45*. 60 at 46*. Potomac Electric Power 3.60 preferred “B"—15 at 45*. Washington Oas 4.25 preferred—5 at 101*, 5' at 101*. Capital Transit. 1st ref 4a—51,000 at Potomac Electric Power common—50 at 13*. 25 at 13*. 14 at 13*. Washington Gas common—15 at 25*. Woodward & Lothrop 6% preferred, new— in at 104*. Potomac Electric Power common—60 at PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS Bid Allied. Am T&T conv deb 2*a 1057 115* 116 Am T*T conv deb 2*s 1B61 108* 109 Cap Transit 1st ref 4s 24*64 91* 93 City & Suburban 6s 1948 loo Georgetown Gas 1st 5s 1961 112 116 Pot Elec Pow 3*s 1966 106 _ Pot Elec Pow 3*s 1977 10* _ Pot Elec Pow 3s 1983 . _ 101* _ Washlngtou Gas 6s 1960_120* _ PUBLIC UTILITY 8TOCK& Amer T & T (9)_*155* . Capital Transit __ 16* 16* N & W Steamboat (t4)-.._ 160 Pepco common (.90) *13* 13* Pepco 3.60% pf "A” (1.80) *45* 46 Pepco .1.80% pf 'B" (1.80) *45* Wash Gas Lt com (1.60) 24* 25* Wash Gas Lt cum pf |4.2S> 100* 102 Wash Gas Lt cu cv pf (4.50) 104 _ BANK AND TRUST COMPANIES. Amer Sec Sc Tr new (tl.OO) 29* 31 Bank of BetheadA (tl.50) 40 _ Capital (.90) . __.xr 28 _ Com Sc Savings (tlO)_ 350 _ Liberty (8) _315 _ Lincoln (t5) *330 _ Natl Sav Tr (8.00).. 420 _ Pr Georges B & Tr (tl.OO) 30 Riggs (12) .. 318 335 Union Truet Co (tl.OO)_ 38* 40 Washington (6) _. 195 _ Wash Loan Sc Tr (12). 330 _ PIR* AND TITLE INSURANCE. American (t6> _160 Columbia (t.30> _ 12* 13* Firemen's (1.40) 31 __ National Union (.75) . — 16 19 Real Estate (tfii _ 196 MISCELLANEOUS Carpel Corp (2.00) _*28 33 Garflnckel com (150) ’18* 19* Garfl S*% cu cv pf (1.375) *24 * 26 Gerfl 4*% cu cv pf (1.126) *20* 22 Hecht Co (1.60) . 26* 27* Hecht :t*% cum pf (3.75). 89* 93 Lanston Mono it2 00> .. *25 27 Mergenthaler Lino (a.76) *62 54 Natl Mtge & Inv pi (p.45) 8* Peoples Dr St com (tl.OO) *36 38* Security Storage (t£) ._ 110 125 Ter Ref dc Wh Corp (3) 60 Wdwd * Loth com <»2O0) *35 36* Wdwd Sc Loth pf new (5i_ *104 •Ex dividend, b Books closed, t Plue extra or extras a Paid ao far this rear, p Paid 1947. xr Ex rlxhts. New York Produce NEW YORK. June 15 OP!—Flour easy (72 per cent extraction 100 pounds) spring patents. 5.75-6.20; Eastern soft winter straights, 6.40-85; hard winter etralghts, 5.60-80. Rye flour Arm: fancy patents. 100 pounds. 6.80-6 10; corn meal steady. Butter—1.278,070: Firm. Wholesale prices on bulk cartons. Creamery. higher than 92 score end premium marks (AA), 82*-83: 92 scorelfQI. 80*; 90 score (B), 78*; 89 score (Cl. 76. (New tuba usually command * eent ■ pound over the bulk carton price.) Cheese—791,556: Irregular. Wholeaala sales, fresh American cheese (whole milk): Cheddar* 48-48*: Cheddars (trass 1947), 54-5(1: Cheddars (grass 1947) shelf cured, 58-59: single daisies. 49-51; single dai sies (grass 1947) 56-58; single dalles igrass 1947) shelf cured. 59-60. Flats. 49-62; ats (grass 1947), 56-60: flats (grass 1947) shelf cured. 60-62; midgets. 62-54; midgets (grass 1947). 68-50: midgets, shelf cured. 60-62: proc essed. 5 pounds. 48-62*. Domestic Swiss (single tubs) best, 66-68: others, 47-64. Foreign Exchange NEW YORK, June 15 '/Pi.—Foreign ex change rates follow (Great Britain in dollars, other* In cents): Canadian dollar In New York open mar ket. 7* per eent discount or 92.87* United States cents, unchanged Europe—Great Britain, 4.03*, un changed; France ifranc), .3211 of a cent, unchanged; Italy (lira). June fixed rate. .001739: May. .001730; Sweden (krona I, 27.85. uncAanged: Bwltserland (franc) (commercial). 23.40, unchanged. Latin America—Argentina, free. 24.90, nominal, unchanged. BregU. free. 5.50, un changed; Mexico, 20.01, unchanged. Sweden’s meat production Is now back to prewar volume. Sales— Stock and Add H*» Dividend Rate. 00. Hlfh. Low. 2:80. ehge. Unit M i II It 21 19V* 188* 19V* + V* US&F See 1.85* 5 32 318* 32 - 8* tUS * FrB off* 30 100V* 100*/* 100V4 - Vi 0 8 Freight 1»_. 1 228* 228* 228* + V* USGypsum*.. 3 113 112V* 112V* + V* 0 8 Lints 2Vi 7 18V* 18V* 18V* - V* US PloeJeP 2 80. 2 3D* 91 91V*- V* D 8 Plywood 1*. 10 35Vi 34V* 35V* + V* a 8 Rubber 3e . 4 4<8* 4#V* 4«i/i - H as Rubber lofS 1 132>* 132V* 132V* + Vi 0 8 Steel 2 Vis . 91 82Vi 81V* 828* + 8* 0 8 Tobse 1 20 18 188* 18V* 18V* - V* Ut StrsZd Pf Vie 9 108* 108* 108* Uld Wallpap V4* 71 «V* « 6V* + V* Ut Wallpap Pf 3 7 32 32 32 Onlv-CTclops 1- 4 1* 188* 19 +8* Only Lab . 11 9Vt 9 9 - V* 0nlv Picture* 1- 12 13 13 13 + V* 'Only Pic of 48* 10 47 67 67 —1 VAN NORM Vie. 4 14 14 14 - V* Vanad Corp Vi*. 3 23 22V* 23 + V* Vert-C Sugar 2. 4 13V* 13V* 13V* Vick Chem 1.20. 4 24 23V4 23Vi - 8* Victor Chm 80e 8 478* 47V4 47V* Va CarollnCbem 9 13>* 13V* 13V* + V* Va EldtPwr 1.20 43 17V* 1«8* 17 + V* tVa El & P of 6. 30 117V* 1178* 117Vi Va Rail of 1V*_ 3 J18i 31V* 31V* WALDORF la— 1 13 13 15 + V* Walgreen 1.80-. * 34V4 34V* 34V* + V* 'Walgreen pf 4. 40 103 103 103 —1 Walker Sir lVia 14 24 238* 24 + 8i Walworth Co 8*g 2 128* 128* 128* WardBak.30e_ * 138* 138* 138* 'Ward Bk pf6V* 190 99 98V* 99 + V* Warner Bro* 1„ 42 11V* 118* 11'*+ V* Warren Pndry . 7 298* 29'* 29‘* + V* Warren Pet 80. 14 318* 31 318*+ •* Wash GasLt 184 1 »5>* 25'* 23'* + 8* Waukesha Mot L 3 2084 20** 20'* - V* Warns Pump 2. 2 248* 24V* 24V* Webster Tobae- 1 58* 38* 38*— V* Wesson Oil 2Vie 8 398* 39 39 - 8* 'Wesson Oil Pf4 190 838* 83 83 — V* WatIudSugl Vi* 3 218* 218* 218* W Penn Elee Vie 30 178* 17V* 178* 'W PenPw pf48* 10 111 111 111 -1 W V* CdtC 70s. 10 16'* 18'* 18'*+ V* WVa PulpAP la 1* 318* 31 31V4+1V* WaaternAlr Lin* 4 9 88* 88* - V* WestAutoSup S. 1* 42V* 428* 428* — 8* Western Md . 4 13V* 13V* 138* - >* West Md 2nd pf. 1 31V* 31V* 31V*- V* West On Tell*. 7 238* 238* 238*+ V* West Air Brk 2. 17 39V* 388* 39V* + V* WestlnaBee 1. 29 328* 328* 328*- V* Wstn*BtPfB3.80 1 1008* 1008* 1008* - 8* Westvaco 1.40.. 9 94V* 34 34 +4 t Wstraco pfS8*. 10 90 90 90 + V* Wheel Steal 2 2* 94 52V* 94 +18* 'Whealstl prpfS 20 88V* 88V* 80V* + 8* White Dent 1V4* 1 24 26 24 - V* White Mot 1.60 - 4 23 228* 23 - V* Whit* Sewing M 30 228* 218* 228* +1 tWhlteSMpf lk. 10 1048* 1048* 1048* - 8* Wilcox 011 .40*. 13 178* 148* 17V* + H Wlllya-OTtrland 24 11V* 11V* 11V* + V* WUlygOepfiV* * 43V* 43V* 43V*-1 WUsonfcCo IVie 18 16V* 16 14V* - 8* W Uson - Jones %• * 148* 16 168* + V* Wise Elec Pwr l 12 IS 17V* 17V*- V* Woodward lr*. 1 34V* 34V* 34V* - V* WMriworth 2* . 10 498* 48V* 498* - V* Wor P & M > .h 6 238* 238* 238* - V* Wrlgley W Jr 8* 2 63V* 63V* 63V* - 8* WyandWor 40a 2 10V* 10V* 10V* - V* TALE & TWN 8'4* 4 33 33 33 - V* Turk Corp V* - 7 138* 13V* 138* Toung ShST 4* 14 S4 03V* •« + 8* TntttStlDoor 19 • 19 14V* 19 - V* Samramvi# so jov* *«* «v* + v* Zonite Prod .10* X 38* 3V* _9V* — V* ■early 8*1** ewth* kasa**** fjjjist 1100 son. 290 000 12:00 noon 990 00S l:00p.m. 8X0 000 2:00 o.m 1040 000 tOnlt of trading. 10 (bares. »In Bank ruptcy or receivership, or being reorganised under the Jankruptcy Act, or securities assumed by such companies. Bates of dividends In the foregoing table era annual disbursements based onthe but Quarterly or semi-annual declaration. Unless other dend. d Cash or stock { Declared or paid so iar this year, f Pmrahb to stock. aatl mated * fK value on o dividend data, g Paid last year, h Deetared or D»ld after stoek dividend or atock split-up. sAeeiim ulsted dividends paid or declared this rear Europe's Trade Curbs Worry Businessmen >y Mm AimcwIW Prt»« NEW YORK, June 15.—American businessmen are becoming increas ingly worried over the clogging of trade channels within Europe. Deterioration of many European currencies, high prices of European goods because of costly production methods and hands outstretched for American consumer goods rather than durable goods have some busi nessmen here scratching their heads. They note that the dollars al lotted so far by Economic Co-opera tion Administration have in many instances -gone merely for paying for goods already purchased, rither than for new goods needed to keep Europe running. In other words, they say. Uncle Sam has merely picked up the bill. Last year—as now—all Europe, except, perhaps, Switzerland, was suffering from an acute dollar shortage. Now they also have an acute shortage of each other's cur rencies. There is also a wide gap between what one nation thinks its currency is worth and what its neighbors think it is worth. N. Y. Bond Market <r»nil»h«4 Sy th< tuxum Pna.1 sclectsd list or issues. WUHLU BANK IntBRAD8*72 MB LntBRAD284B7 M IB NEW TORE CTTT 3a 80 105 FOREIGN •:*0 Belgium 884549 10184 Chile 7| 42 gad 2084 Colombia 3a 70 _ 4084 Oenmk 4’4s 02. 6084 Pern lat 8a 80 1084 DOMESTIC 2::«o AmAPP 682030 9584 Am TAT 2A4a67 110 Am TAT 28ia81 ICO Am TAT 284580 0484 Am TAT 284a88 0284 AmTobacco3s8S 10384 A T 8 F 4a 95 1*184 AtlCoaatL4 84a8410484 B A O 8a 95 J 7784 BAO CT 4842010 5284 BaltAOh 4s75A 93 B A O T C 4s 85 04 Bang A cv 4a 51 9584 Bost Me 484a 70 5084 Cant Ga cn5s45 7084 Cent Galat5a45 0384 Cn RR NJ 5a 87 7044 Cn RR NJ 4a 87 6084 CAO 3845 98 D. 103 CAO 384a 98 X. 104 ChlAX I me 97 40 ChiIAL4842003 55 CMStP4 8452044 50 ChlANW 484599 67 CRIPln484a2018 0584 C R I A P 4a 94 106 CTHAS <n28ifl4 7084 CinUnTr.184a«9 109 Cley El 111 3s 70 105 Cley Dn Tr 5s7310584 CleveDT4Vjs77 10484 Col SOX 384a70 10084 Cons Ed ev 3a6310784 Cona Ed 28is 77 9584 Cons P 284a 76 10084 Cuba RR 8a 48r 3484 DARGW3-4S93 9184 DAR In 4842018 «« Duo Lt 284S 77. 10084 Erie 484a 2016 7184 OtNor 28452010 0184 Gulf MAO 4876 10184 GMAO 384a 89 9984 G MAO 2044 B 65 HudAM rl 5a 67 6484 HudAM In 6a 67 25 I C 4V.166 66% ICCStLou 4s 63 87% IntOtNor 6s S2 42 Int O N Ist6s52 84% lntOtNo6sA6C 62 IntHydraII6s44 62% Kan C Sou 4a76 104 Koppers 3< 64 102% LaeledeOs4%63108% Leh C*N 3V,s70 *4 Leh VI HT As 54 66% LehVl NY4Vis60 73% Leh VI 5s2003st 44 Leh Val 4s 2003 36 Lie ft MverAlAl 108% Mich CO 3Vis69 105% M-K-T adl 6s67 66% M-K-T 4s 62 B_ 68% Mo Pae 6%s 4» 28% Mo Pae 6s 77 P. 87% Mo Pae 6s 81 1 87% Mo Pae an 4s 76 47% MohftMln 4s 01 65% MorftI3%s2000 56% Nat Dairy 2*470 69 N O T M 6s 64 94 NYC4V4S2013A 73% NT ChftStl 3s86 91 NY Conn2%s76 89% NYNHlne4Mis’2S 45% NYNHH 4s2007 71% N Y O W c 4s 66 6% Nor P elt 4%(76103% Nor Pae 4s 97 106% PaeOasft*2%80 99% Pae TftT 3Kis78105% PacT&T 3V.S87 103% Pae T&T 2,/4s86 96 PennCtAlr3%s6C 44% PennRRe4%s66f06% PennRR(4V«s81102% PennRR 3 V4*62 99% Penn RR 3Vss86 87% Phlla El 2%s 74 99% StLSP 4%s2022 59% StUanPrn4s97 89 Seab tn4Vis2016 71 Sou Pae 4 Vis 69 95% SoPae4%sOr77 103% So Rr an 4a 66 9#/4 StdOilNJ2%s71 95% Third Are 6s 60 62% VaH*Pw3Vis63109% West Sh 4s 2361 67% WsPae4%s2014 99% West tin 6s 60 93% WheelStl 3>.'4s70 99% Wls Cn 4s 368D 39% N. Y. Curb Market LIST INCLUDES ONLY SELECTED ISSUES CHANGED nOM PREVIOUS CLOSE. z:3i> AirWay XI A .00 7M Alaska Airlines. 4M Alum Ltd 3 .. S«M Am Bantam Car 2M AmFork&H 0Oe ISM Am Oas ft El lb 36M Am Maracaibo AM Am Superpower 1M Anch Post Pr M 7M ArkNGas A .20* SM Ashland OH 1.. 22M Barium Steel. .. 7M Basle Refret .40 0M Blue Ridse .40c 3M BrwnF Dlst 80a 2AM Bnk Hill ft S Ms 24 Burma Ltd_ M Callite Tune_ A Can Marconi_ 2H Carr Cons Bisc. AM Catalln Am . . S CenftS W Co .70 SM Chief Cons Mnc 1M Cities SerTlce 3. SOM Clarostat Mfc— 3M Claude Neon_ 3M Colon Derelop . 0M ColSandftSt .40 AM Coml ft Sou war M Cons Oas Util Vs 10M Cons MncftS Sa 101M Cont FdyftM 1. 1AM Copr Ranee Me. ISM Cosden Petro .. SM Creole Pet 1.80a 91 Crosley Motor_SM Crown Cent Pet 7M Dennison A .40s 10M Diana Stores M 7M Domestic Credit. 3M El BondftSh V.c 1AM Equity Corp ... 2 Eureka C Ltd 1M FalrchldCm.30c 22M Fairchild E ft A SM PansteelMetV.c 1AM PordMLtd ,212e AM Garrett Corp. 80 1AM Gen Build 8 .30 AM Gen Finance .20 7M GenPlywood 40 7m Gleaner H 1.20a 28M Goldfield Cone.. M Hert Ray Corp.. 3M Haseltlne Me... IS Heels Min 1 13 Humble Oil 1 Me S7M imp Oil Ltd % 16% Imp Oil Ltd rtwt 1% Int Petrol % 13% Ital Superpow A 1 Kalser-Fraxer.. 10% Kirby Pet 20*.. 17% Kirk Lake .02*. 1% Leonard Oil Dee % Lone Star Oal 1 13 Long Island Lt«. *Mj Louis LAX la. 11% McClanahan OH 1% McCord Crp %* 37% McWill Drdg 60 10% Mead John ,80a 18% Mesabl Iron . 6% Mid West Crp 81 10% Mining Cp Can. 8 Monogram Plct 9% MountProd .70a 16% MuskPlston .SOe 11% Nat Bellas .20*. 4% Nat Union Rad . 3% Niagara Hud Pr 9% Niag Sh B ,15e. 10% No Am Lt A Pwr 7% NorthropAlr Vsg 11% Ogden Corp_ 1% Pantepee 1.18.. 18% Penn road <0* 6% Pa-Dlz Cem war 4% Pep Boys_ 4% Pepperell 8a_66% Pioneer Gold... 2% R-K-O opt war. 2% Raytheon MI* . 9% RellanceBfcEfe* 26 Richmond Rad. 4% RloGrValG .05* 2% RotaryElStl %*. 38 St Lawrence Cp. 10% Savoy OH_ 3% Schulte (DA)._ 2% Select Indue_ 4% Sllex.lRe_ 8% Solar Aire .15*. 12% 9ose Mil 1 _ 9% Sterling Eng .. 1% Sterling Inc %.. 9% Technicolor tie. 12% UnGasCan .20*. 7% United Gas tie. 20 Ut Lt&Rys 32*. 21 U 8 Air Cond_ 3% U 8 Int See. . 4% Ut-IdahoSu.15*. 3 Venesuela Petr S% Wright Here AS 2% Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. June 15 UP) (DSDAh—Bal ible box. 12.000; total. 17.500; fairly active and steady to strong: soma sales 25 higher on weights 260*280 pounds: few loads 400 pounds and over slow and weak; sows active end strong; top, 26.60; bulk sood and choice 170-260 pounds. 24.50-25.25 ; 280-200 pounds. 23.40-24.50; 300-360 pounds, 22.00-23.50; few loads 375-450 pounds. 20.50-21.50: most good 350-600 pound sows. 18.00-20.50. accord ing to weight: lighter weights up to 21.00; good clearance Salable cattle. 6,000: total. 6,000: sal able calves, 700: total, 700; good and choice fed steers and heifers fully 60 higher, active, common and medium grades steady to strong; only common thin light kinds slow; high choice 1.310 and 1.27# pound steers topoed at 38.00; three loads at price: next highest price. 37.00; most tood and choice steers and yearlings. 35.00-37.50; 1.400 pounds choice averages to 77.75: most good and choice heifers. .74.50-36.25; high choice 906-pound heifers retched .76.76, new high on crop: cows strong to 25 higher; most canners and cutters. 16.50-10 50; beef cows. 20.00 26.00; good beef cows to 28.00; bulls strong to 25 higher at 26.60 down; vealers firm at 30.00 down: stock cattle slow. Chicago Grain CHICAGO. June 15 UP\.—Scattered commercial buying held wheat prleea frac tionally above yesterday's close during the greater part of the morning geatlon at the Board of Trade today. Feed grains, howeVer. were heavy, with 8teptember corn showing the greatest de cline. Corn belt weather wae favorable for crop development, in the light coun try offerings were not considered Impor tant In trading. Traders said there was nothing in the news to stimulate buying. Private re port! aaid thara had been some decline in oat eroppreapdets. Rain lr badly needed for the Illinois crop. However, the con dition of Minnesota oats la said to be favorable. The Commodity Credit Corn, reported purchase of 240.500 bushels of wheat during the Baturday-Monday buying period!. * At noon wheat was % to >4 higher than yesterday's eloae, July. 2.27%. Corn was % ep to % lower, May. 2.17%. Oats were unchanged to % lower. July. 94%. Soy beans were % up to 1 lower. July, 4.84. Chleage Cash Market. No rash wheat. Corn No. 1 yellow. 2.32%-2.34: No. 2 yellow. 2.33-2.34; oits. No. 1 mixed. 1.23: No. 1 white. 1.21% 1.23; barley, malting 2 20-2.48 nominal feed. 1.66-181 nominal. No goybeen sales.__ New York Cotton NEW YORK. June 15 OF.—Cotton fu ture! were Irregular In moderately active dealings today. The recurrent flurries of liquidation In- the nearby July delivery un settled the entire market. Nervousness over the lagging export demand, with first notice day forJUlr contracts coming up June 24. prompted traders to sell July contracts freely There as a good deal of switching Into the later months. H*w Orleans was a prominent aeUerwIth of ferlngs absorbed principally through short covering and soma demand for th* Wf position coming through leading *Pot firms ^ In export circles there are expecta tions that France and Japan will enter the market soon for cotton. Late afternoon prices were 00 «nU s bale lower to 25 cents higher than the previous close. July 36.31. October 3- 99 and December 32.4.7._ Mexico is entering dog day* with Bn mtlnUx— serum «horUf. Underwriters to Take Loss On Kansas City Power Issue ■y tt*« A»Mcw*«d Pmi NEW YORK. June 15.—Public offering of $12,000,000 6f Kansas City Power Si Light Co. 30-year first mortgage bonds is expected to be made at a price less than that paid to the utility by the investment banking syndicate handling the issue. This almost unprecedented “sell at a loss” situation was the result of too aggressive bidding for the bonds yesterday. Six groups sub mitted offers for the liens. The winfiing bid was 101.5213 for a 2T4 per cent coupon by Lehman Bros, and Bear. Steams Si Co. and associates. The group originally planned to reoffer the bonds at 102, but late in the day decided that in order to stimulate retail demand for the obligations the price should be lowered to 101.51448, representing a yield of 2.80 per cent. Second highest bid for the bonds was 101.027 by Glore, Forgan Si Co. and W. C. Langley Si Co. Market Averages STOCKS. 30 15 15 60 Incut. Rails. OUI. Stks. Net chance_unc. —.1 —.1 unc. Noon today. 98.5 44.7 42.1 71.8 Prev. Day_ 98.5 44.8 42.2 71.5 Week ago_ 98.1 44.7 42.0 71.3 Month ago_ 96.2 44.4 42.0 70.4 Year ago_ 90.6 31.3 41.9 63.3 1948 high. 98.6 45.2 42.3 71.7 1948 low_ 83.3 34.2 38.0 60.3 Net change unc. unc. —.1 unc. unc Noon today 93.7 101.7 101.7 62.5 110.3 Prev. day - 93.7 101.7 101.8 62.5 110.3 Week ago . 93.2 101.7 101.8 62.0 110.5 Month ago- 92.1 101.5 101.3 62.0 110.1 Year ago . 90.7 103.5 105.3 73.2 115.4 1948 high- 93.7 101.8 102.0 66 9 110.6 1948 low 87.7 99.8 98.0 60.5 107.2 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) piayboyI S&“ I ■ *»•* I ft w %y p*r shar# I H v. obtained if®® I I sssr^fessasl I TELLIER ft .CO. Dividends Announced NBW YORK. June 15 (#>.—Dtndendl declared today: . _ Pa- Stk. e< Par* Rate, rted Record, able. InertiN. Barker Broa_- 50c — Extra. Barker Broa_Re*i2Jr* — Bird ft Son_^^Js6c_ Bird Mach . 10c Minn ft Ont Pap-60c United Pruit 60c Q Grayson Robin Btrs 12 He . Nat Bank of Detroit. 35c Q Pitta Screw ft Bolt-- 16c .. Worthington - Gamon Meter Co* appointed Walter H. Zeis treasurer. loanS REAL ESTATE Parties plana, lneladlnt lens-lane monthly payments, at favorable rate. PIBar DEED OR TRUST ONLY RENTALS—SELES—INSURANCE GEORGE I. GORGER •AS 'nAtaaa At*. N.W. na. esse PLAN YOUR ... Earn A Bonus If you save the same amount . regularly, you are eligible to open a Bonus Savings Flan Account. Save systemati cally for a pre-determined period and receive—in addi tion to our regular divi dends—a special bonus which can amount to as much as an additional 1% per an num. ||lm COLUMBIA FEDERAL SAVINOS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION * 730 11th Strot N.W. RE. 7111 Sotiinfff Federally Insured L. We take pleasure in announcing the opening of a Branch Office at 1713 EYE STREET N.W. ME. 2922 THE following registered representatives of the New York Stock Exchange will be assigned to this office: MR. LOUIS A. SLEDGE, Mgr. MR. ROBERT C. JONCS, JR., Asst. Mgr. MR. LUTHER E. SCHREINER MR. RICHARD B. JONES Robert C. Jones & Co. Members New York Stock Exchange METROPOLITAN BANK BUILDING 613 15th St. N.W. “PURPOSEFUL” SAVING Most people want something special ... a new home, a car, a long, carefree vacation. Yes, most people want these things hut many do little or nothing to obtain them. Our suggestion is to "Save for a Purpose" . . . regularly, every pay day. Systematic saving will speed you along while dividends, paid on your money, help too. Northeast Building cordially invites your Savings Share Account. 32 years of sue. cessful experience. T BUILDING ASSOCIATION 2SIS RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.E. • HOtart USD Established 1918 (Under Government Supervision) a *My savings account set me up in business—put me foa the road to financial success.* Start saving today . . . drop in at Intarstata’s conveniently located office ' BUILDING ASSOCIATION WasMoftee »!•> 1»»k *»• * N»w Yerfc Avs. District SJOO