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Ctarh of Khanka JENIFER. REV. SAMUEL. From the ft rally of the l»te Rev. SAMUEL JENIPER. We gratefully thank all our friends for •11 they have done. THE FAMILY. • SratbB ASVESTAS. MEMEXIA. On Saturday. June 11* 1948. at Doctors Hospital. MEMEXIA A8VESTAS of 13.’iK Randolph st. n.w.. beloved wife of John Avestas and aunt ol Ida Costas. Sylvia Ristl and Mary Mandoe. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Tuesday. June 22. at 1 .30 p.m.: thence to St. Sophia’s Greek Orthodox Church. 8;h and L sts. n.w.. where services will1 be held at 2 p.m Interment Fort Lin coln Cemetery. 21 BAKER. MARY On Saturday. June 1318. MARY BAKER beloved mother ol Helen Glascop. sister of Augusta Williams: and John Ballev; grandmother of Jack ! Clascoe. Helen Coleman. Doris. Leo and Leon Glascoe. Notice of funeral later Arrangements by Malvan Ar SChev. • BELL. JAMES T. Suddenly on Friday June 18. J 048. JAMES T. BELL. He is survived by a devoted wile. Mrs. Margery Bell, and other relatives and friends. Re mains resting with L. E Murray A' Son. 1337 10th st. nw. where Dravers will be offered Tuesday. June 22. at ll am. F«th*r Newman officiating. Interment In Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. BENTON. JOHN E. On Monday. June 21. 1948. at Suburban Hospital. JOHN E. BENTON of 711 Elm st.. Chevy Chase. Mo .. beloved husband of Janet Benton. Remains resting at the Berhesda-Chevy Chase funeral Home of William Reuben rumphrey, Bethesda. Md. Services Wednes day. June *23. at 11 a m., at St. Alban's; Episcopal Church, Massachusetts and Wis consin aves. n w. Interment private. 2*2 , BLAIR. EMILY PORTER Suddenly, on Sunday, June *20. 1918, EMILY PORTER BLAIR of Berwyn Heights, Md . beloved mother of Saidee C. Byrne. Than O . Hal bert L.. Laureston R and Quentin R. Porter and sister of Alice R. Griffith and Than S. Robinson. Services at Gasch's | Funeral Home. Hyattsville. Md.. on Wednesday. June 23. at 9 a m. Relatives ana friends invited. Interment Bybee Cemetery. Va. J BLANTON. CATHERINE. On Friday, June 18. 1948. at her residence. 1«37 W. Va ave. n e . CATHERINE BcXNTON, be loved wife of Floyd Earl Blanton and mother of Fiovd Earl Blanton, jr.. and Benjamin F Blanton, sister of Mrs. Er ward C. Bayly. Mrs Frank R Turner. Raleigh, N. C.; Mrs. Eldendge C. Rhodes. Columoia. S C Mrs. Linwood Powell. Richmond Va : George W , Frank. Ernest , anc Edward Maxwell, all of Richmond. Va Paul Maxwell. Arlington. Va.. and , John Maxwell. Hanford. Calif. Funera; services will be held at Hysong's Funeral Home 1399 N st. n.w. on Monday. June •»i at. °:39 pm. Relatives and friend*: muted to attend. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery 2i j BREEN. JAMES J. On Friday. June 18. 19 is, JAMES J BREEN, beloved husband of Mav Howard Breen and father of Pa tricia May Breen Funeral from h:s late residence, 5729 9th st. n.w.. on Tuesday. June *2*2. at 8:30 a m. Requiem mass at th* Church of the Nativity at 9 a m. Rel atives and friends Invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 2L BREEN, JAMES J. Members of the Nativity Holy Name Society will meet at 5729 9th st. n.w. on Monday. June 21. 194 8. at 8 pm. for recitation of pray ers for our deceased brother. JAMES J. BREEN. Rev. LAWRENCE A McGLONE. Spiritual Director. BRYANT. EDNA FLORENT\. On Thursday. June IT. 1948. EDNA FLOR ENTA BRYANT, wife of Heskia Bryant:; mother of Louis and Lorenzo Bryant and Mrs. Geraldine Stewart. Friends may call! at the Malvan & Schey Funerad Home. New Jersey ave. and R st. n.w., where services will be held Tuesday. June 22. at i 1 D.m. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. • ■ Rl'RTON. ROBERT LEWIS. On Satur day. June ]fi. I!I4S. at the Bethesda Naval Hospital. ROBERT LEWIS BURTON, the beloved husband of Mrs. Daisy M. Burton and father of Robert Lee. William A. and] Px^ger Burton. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th and Massachusetts; ave. n e., where services will be held on j Tuesday. June *2*2. at 10 a.m. Interment1 at Arlington Cemetery. CALLAHAN. WILLIAM H. On Friday Jure 18, 1948. at Winchester Memorial Hospital. WILLIAM H. CALLAHAN of Mar shall. Va.. beloved son ol Hanna B. and the late William K. Callahan, father of William H Callanhan III and Michael Francis Callahan Services at the S. IT. i Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th s’ nw, on Wednesday. June 23. 1948. at | P 30 a m. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. 2*2 i -in'iiu.. rr.nn i nuui c.. un ouu dav. June 2'*. J f>4H. at his residence, .1023 lfith rd. south. Arlington. Va . I TERRY HOGUE CARGILL, beloved son of | Nellie M Cargill and the late Theodore I U Cargill: brother of Theodore E. Cargill. 1 Funeral services will be held at the Zirkle Funeral Home 510 C st ne. Washington. , D C. on Monday. June 21. at 8 p.m < Interment at the convenience of the family. CASSF.EN. FREDERICK L. On Satur day. June 10, J94H, at his residence. 1375 i , Pennsylvania ave. s e . FREDERICK L. CASSF.EN. beloved husband of the late' Ida V. Casseen and father of Ethel M. Merritt; brother of Mrs. Ellen Deuter- « mann. Funeral services at the Simmons' Bros. Funeral Home. 2007 Nichols ave. g e., on Wednesday. June 23, at JO a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment; Cedar Hill Cemetery. *~2 COLBY, JAMES W. On Sunday. June: 20. 1948. at Arlington Hospital. JAMES i W COLBY of 018 North Buchanan st.. Arlington. Va.. father of Charles W. Colby. ' Arlington. Va.; Mrs Irwin Pridgeon. Washington. D C. and Mrs. Dunning Nunnally. Washington. D. C.: grand-^ father of Miss Ann E. Colby and Jack W Colby. Arlington. Va • Servicesn8,1 i 6 H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14Jh st. n.w.. on Wednesday. June 2.1. at 1 1 a m Interment Harpers Cemetery. Har pers Ferry. W. Va. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. In Cate of Death Call One of the Largest Undertakers In the World Complete Funerals $95 to $2,000 Four Large Funeral Hornet Phone CO. 0432 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither successor to nor connected with the original W. R Speare establishment. 1009 H St. N.w. IUM5g,,giwe_ j j. William Lee’s Sons Co 4th and Ave. NE LI. 5200 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium FRANK GEIER'S SON CO. FTJNERSL HOME 360.i 14 th St NW HObart 23J« NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Fotmerlv at 3 113 7th St N W. Established 1 *■» 1 FUNERAL DESIGNS. "CHACONAS FLOWERS | llraatlful FLORAL PIECES. SfS.OO »nd no DELIVERED 2500 I 11 h St N.W. N Phonr DC 7l*il (-' DE BROS CO. Individually designed Wreaths and Sprays Charge accounts opened by phone 1212 F St._N.W.—NAtional 427«_ GEO. C. SHAFFER Inc. EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NA 010« Cor. 14th & Eve °7nnd »n/‘ FLOWERS CHAMBERS has corrplct; Flower Shop Funeral Dr; ins Spenol' $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $10, up to $200 -CALL CO. 0432 ambulances AMBULANCES DOCTORS CALL • CHAMBERS • For Ambulance, CO. *432. One of the finest fleets in the world. Rates: *10 up to 10 mile radius. Expert attendants. GhambeM CALL CO. 0432 Sratfoa CRONISE, PrC. WILLIAM MONROF. <U S. A. > Suddenly, on April 1. 1944. in Sftidor, New Guinea. PPC WILLIAM MONROE CRO NISE <U. S. A ), beloved son of Mary Graff and the late George W. Cronise of Rockville. Md. Re mains resting at. the Colonial Funeral Home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey. Rockville. Md . after 7 p m . Monday. June ‘II. Graveside services Tuesday. June 22. at 2 p rn . in Rockville Union Cemetery ill DIAMOND. HARRY. Suddenly, on Mon day June 21. 194K. HARRY DIAMOND, beloved husband of Ida Diamond and de voted father of Mrs. Zelda Fichandler and Joyce Diamond. Funeral services at the Bernard Danzansky Son Funeral Horae. 3591 14th st. n.w.. on Tuesday. June 22. at 12:30 p.m. Interment Arling ton National Cemetery. FAC.GINS, JOHN HENRY. On Thurs day. June 17. 194K. JOHN HENRY FAG GINS. beloved brother of Mrs. Mary Hayes. Mrs. Tillie Graves. Mrs. Queenie Purnell and Mr. Thomas L. Faezins. Also sur viving are other relatives and friends. After 4 p.m. Monday, iriends may call a» the Catver Memorial Funeral Home 20-31 H st n.w. Funeral and interment Dcnwoodie, Va. FAXIO. MARY P. On Sunday. June 20. J948. at the residence of her son. 289 Hillside pi. n.f„ MARY P. FAXIO. wife of the late John M. Faxio and mother of Mary p. .Jones. Mrs. Zi»a L. Robinson. Mrs. Julia V. Davis and Firmin, Paul and John Faxio. Also surviving are two sis ters. Mrs. Julia Bluford and Mrs. Hortense Moss: two brothers. Paul and George Ben iamin. and many other relatives and friends. After noon Tuesday, friends are invited to call at the residence of her son. Mr. Firmin Faxio. 238 P st. n.w. Reouiem mass will be offered Wednesday. June 23, at 10 a m., at the Church of Incarnation, Dcanwood Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. Arrangements by McGuire. 22 FEARSON. MARY JANE. On Satur day. June 10. 1948. at Washington Sani :arium. MARY JANE FEARSON <nee VfcKeon). the beloved wife of Howard F rearson, mother of William F. and Charles E. Beckert iFearson). sister of Delia A. Uroot tFearson), Elizabeth Brehm of Cumberland. Md . and Thos. R and Geo. 3 McKeon of this city. Prayers at her ate residence. 1538 D st. n.e.. on Wed lesday. June 23. at 9:30 a m Mass will De offered at Holy Comforter Catholic Church. 14th and E. Capitol sis. at 10 i m. Interment Arlington National Ceme ery. Relatives and. friends invited. Services by Chambers. —22 FLETCHER. JAMES IRVING. On Thurs day. June IT. 1948. at his residence. J8<>7 Braxton pi . Hyattsville. Md.. JAMES IRVING FLETCHER, beloved husband of Jenetta Fletcher. Services will be held »t 4323 Baltimore ave • Bladensburg. Md.. in Tue day. June 22, at In a.m. R* datives ind friends invited. Interment Methodist Cemetery. GIBBS, MARY FRANCES. On Sunday. Jun* 20. 1948. at Glenn Dale Sanitarium. MARY FRANCES GIBBS, the beloved wife >f Jaek S. Gibbs and mother of Patricia May Gibbs and sister of G. Arnold Smith ind Ha/cl Marie Arney. and daughter of James E. Smith. Services at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 517 11th st. s.e.. on Wednesday. June 23. at 10 a m. Int»*r nent Washington National Cemetery. 22 HALL, LUCY E. On Saturday. June 19. 1948, at Doctors Hospital, LUCY E bJALL of 2100 19th st. n.w., mother of ?t. Roberts Hall, daughter of Sarah Rob erts and sister of Dorothy. Frank Rob ots and Mrs. Rose R. Macllwaine Serv ces at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. .’901 14th st n.w. on Tuesday. June 12. at 2 pm. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 21 « HELLSTROM. EDWARD J. On Sunday, June 20. 1948. at George Washington Hos pital. EDWARD J. HELLSTROM of 3440 ;?onn. ave. n.w.. beloved husband of rlilma A Hellstrom; father of Lillian T. Ews. Esther Aros, Corine Brooks and Dorothy Hellstrom. Services at the S. H. Rines Co. Funeral Home, 29ol J4th st. i.w., on Tuesday, June 23. at 10 a.m. [nterment Rock Creek Cemetery. HYDF.N. MARY. On Saturday. June 19. 1948. MARY HYDEN of No. J9 17th st. ;.e.. daughter of Mrs. Lessie Hyden; sister if Mrs. Bettie Wood. Thomas and George lyden. She also is survived by other rel itives and friends. After 3 p.m. Monday, riends mav call at the Carver Memorial r’uneral Home. 29-31 H st. n.w. Funeral md interment Standardsville, Va. HYNSON. GEORGE S. On Friday. June IK 1948. at Pails. Ill , GEORGE S HYN SON, beloved husband- of Lucille C. Hyn son Remains resting at the James T. i Ryan Funeral Home. 317 Pa ave. s.e., i intil 1 :30 p m.. Tuesday. June 22. Grave side services at Arlington National Ceme ery, at 2 p.m. 21 j HYNSON. GEORGE S. All comrades of Admiral George Dewey Naval Camp No. 7, United Spanish War Veterans, will assemble at James T. Ryan Funeral Home. 317 Pennsylvania ave. s.e., on Tuesday. June 22. 194 8. at 1:15 pin., to attend funeral ervices for Comrade GEORGE S. HYN JON. By order of R B WHEELER, Comdr. ORRIN A. KITCHIN. Adit. JOHNSON. ELOISE. Suddenly, on Sun lay. June •;<». 1948, at her residence. 203 J st. n.w., ELOISE JOHNSON, beloved wife )f Frank Johnson; devoted mother of Elsie lohnson and Mrs. Willie M. Butler; sister pf Preston. Dennis. Joseph. Willie and Johnnie Watts. Other relatives and riends also survive. Notice of funeral ater. Arrangements by Carver Memorial Funeral Service. 29-31 H st. n.w. LEWIS, ELMER H. On Thursday. June 17, 1948, at his residence. 1010 Oth st. ».\v.. ELMER H. LEWIS, beloved husoand )f Mrs. Sarah Lewis and devoted foster fa her of Mrs. Sarah W. Jackson. He also eaves a nephew', Sergt. Calvin Wilkinsons i niece. Mrs. Estelle Payton; a grandniece. Joyce Jackson; other relatives and many friends to mourn their loss. Remains may be viewed at his late residence, after 4 p.m , Monday, June 21. Funeral Tuesday. June 22. at 1 p.m.. from Zion Baptist Church, F st. between 3rd and 4th sts. s w . Rev. A. Joseph Edwards officiating, interment Arlington National Cemetery Arrangements by Barnes Matthews. 21 LEWIS. ELMER H. All members of Ionic Lodge No. 17, F. and A. M.. are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother. ELMER H LEWIS. Tuesday. June 22. 1948. at 1 pm, at Zion Baptist Church. F st be tween 3rd and 4th sts. s.w. SYLVESTER A. MASON. Worshipful Master. PETER PHILLIPS. Secretary. LOVETT, ANNA A. On Saturday. June [9. 1948. ANNA A. LOVETT of 1838 •'.orida av?. n.w.. brloved wile of William joveti. mother of Mrs. Lillian Grant of 7hicai;o, 111., and Alfred Oflutt grand nother of Edward Hobbs and Albert Trice, lister of Mrs. Esther Parker and Mrs. Ruth Thompson. She also leaves other relatives md friends. Friends may call at the W. earnest Jarvis P’uneral Church, 1432 U it. n.w. after 0 pm. Mondav. June 21. •uneral services Tuesday. June 22. at 2:15 >.m. at the abore funeral church, the lev. Fields officiating. Relatives and riends invited. Interment Lincoln Me ncrial Cemetery. 1/1 11. JUM '■ WI1 rilUHJ, uunr • 11148. in Harlrm Hospital. New York City, JOHN LYNCH, h 'sband of Blanche Lynch: 'ather of Helen Colbprt and Doris Jackson: irolher of Mrs. Alverta Cunningham and Robert Kendrick. Funeral Tuesday, June *1. from Molvan & Schev Funeral Home, ijpw Jersey ave. and R sts. n.w., Rev. J. ,V. Eundrant officiating. Interment Har nony C e, ry. * MtR'fKON. MARY ANNE. On Suil ia- June 'Ml. IMS, at Turbotvillp. Pa., if ARY ANNE MARCERON’. beloved wife of h* late Leon L. Marceron: mother of His. Ada Muffly of Turbotvillp. Pa.: sister if Mrs a R. Calder and John "M. Blumer, loth of Washington. D. C. Remains rest tig at the S. H Hines Co. Funeral Home, MMH 14th st. n.w.. after 8 a.m. Wednes day. June *13. Services at the above 'uneral home on Wednesday, June 13. at 1 pm. Interment Congressional Ceme ,ery. - - MASKE. RUTH E. Suddenly, at her ■esidence, 3 ‘11 :t blind ave.. Hillside. Md.. 414TH E MASKE, beloved daughter of August and Beatrice Maske. Friends may tall at Gaschs Funeral Home, Hyatts ,dlle. Md.. where services will be held on ruesday. June 11. at 1 p.m. Relatives md friends invited. Interment Evergreen Jemetc , M.ATiiEWS. JACK ARTHUR. On Thurs lay. June 17, 1SI48. at his home. 5510 Ireentrec rd . Bethesda, Md.. JACK AR 1HUR MATHEWS, beloved husband of JoroihT G. Mathews Remains resting at he Bethesda-Chevy Chase Funeral Home if Wm. Reuben Pumphrey. Bethesda. Md . there funeral services will be held Tues lav. June 11 at 10:30 a m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 11 MeCLOSKEY, HUGH. Suddenly, on rhitrsday. June II. 1048. at Centralia. ?a . HUGH MeCLOSKEY, beloved husband if Dorothv MeCloskev inee Cooki and lather oi Michael McCloskey. Funeral rom the Geicr Funeral Home. 3605 14th it. n.w . on Tuesday. June 11. at 0:1o k m Requiem high mass at St. Peter s Jhureh at 10 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. MILLER. MaOONALD. On Saturday. June 10. 1048. a hts residence. 3810 40th st. n w . Mt DONALD MILLER, beloved husband of Mary Agnes Miller and brother of Mrs Allred J. Van Schoick of Cobles kill. N. Y Services at the S. H. Hines Co Funeral Home. 1001 14th st. n.w. on Tuesday. Jure 11. at 11 a.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 11 MILLER, OCT.AVIOUS S. On Thursday. June 17. 1048. at Gallinger Hospital OCTAVJOUS S MILLER, husband oi Ethel Miller, loving lather of Rosella Miller and brother o( William J. Miller, sr. He e'so leaves three sisters-in-law. Ruth. Ross; end Lucy Miller, anti many other relatives anti friend*. After o p.m.. Monday. June 21. friends mrtv call at Campbell's Punera1 Home. 423 4th st. s.w . where service? will be held Tuesday. June 22. at 1 p m Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 21* MILLIKEN. ROBERTE C. V. On Sun day. June 20, 1048. at her residence. 3316 N st. n.w.. ROBEIVTS C. V. MILLIKEN. wife of the late William A. Milliken and mother of Rhoda J. and Elizabeth C. Milliken. Friends may call at Gawler’s Chapel. 1750 Pennsylvania ave. n.w. Serv ices will be held at St. Paul’s Church in Rock Creek Cemetery on Wednesday, June 23. at 11 a m Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 22 RAY. JULIUS. Suddenly, on Saturday. June 19. 194 s. at his residence. 821 M st. n.w., JULIUS RAY. beloved son of Wil lie Ray and Mrs. Anna Bethea: brother of James H Ray. He also leaves other relative's and triends Friends may call at W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church, 1432 You st. n.w.. from 6 p.m. Monday. June 21. until 8:30 p.m. Tuesday. June 22. Funeral and interment Laurinburg. N.^C. CEMETERY LOTS. FORT LINCOLN CEMETERY sonable. Call OL 0554 all weekday* after h p.m. -6 aitfs. rea der Sunday; —23 HEADING. JOSEPH. On Saturday. June 19. 1948. JOSEPH READING, age 97 years, formerly of Rockville, Md.. beloved father of William M Reading, Chevy Chase. Md.: Mrs. Theodore 8 'Mason. Rockville, Md.; Joseph G. Reading. Gas tonia. N. C : Mrc. Mary R Martin. Wash ington. D C . and Hugh D. Reading. Co lumbus. Ohi» Remains resting at the Colonial Funeral Home of WilliamrReuben Pumphrey, Rockville. Md. Services Tues day June at 11 a m., at the Rock ville Presbyterian Church. Interment Rockville Union Cemetery. ROGERS. HOWARD. SR. On Saturday.' June ID. 1!14X. at Naval Medical, Center. Bethesda. Md.. HOWARD ROGERS. SR. beloved husband of Martha Ann Rogers, father of Joseph E. Howard jr.: John L. and Genevieve M, Rogers. Mrs Doris B Cooke. Mrs. Gertrude M Johnson and Mrs. Betty L. Puceta and I brother of Mrs. Annie Lockhead and Mrs. Mamie L. Stevens Services at < Chambers Southeast Funeral Home. 51, 11th st. s.e. on Tuesday. June 32. at . p.m Interment in Arlington National; Cemetery. -1 SCHAFER. JOHN P , U. S. N. On March n. 1945. in New Guinea JOHN P. 3CHAFER. mtiulsmiUi 1c, C. S N.. of :tl«l Dumb»r ton ave. n.w. son of George V. and the; late Nina T. Schafer, brother of George H . Marie E. and Nina Bell Schaier: Mrs. William Stone and Mrs. Elizabeth Dicker son Services at the Birch Funeral Home. 3034 M st. n.w., on Tuesday. June 22. ] j»4s. at 2 p.m. Interment Prospect Hill Cemetery. 21 SIMON, KATIE F. On Saturday. June 10, 104H. at Providence Hospital, KATIE P. SIMON, beloved wife of the late Joseph A. Simon, sister of Mary E. Barrett. Fu neral from her nephew’s residence. F. M. Darr. 4028 5th st n.w., on Tuesday. June at 0:15 a m Requiem mass at Sacred Heart Church. White Marsh. Md., at 10 a m Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment White Marsh, Md. 21 SMITH, GLADYS P. On Sunday. June 20, 1948. at Garfield Hospital. GLADYS P. SMITH of 1782 Stanton tr. s.e., daugh ter of Edward and the late Effle Towell: beloved wife of Leonidas Smith and mother of Vivian. Leonidas ad. William Walter and Sandra Smith. Also surviving are five sisters, two brothers and other rela tives and many friends. Notice of fu neral later. Arrangements bv McGuire. 22 SMITH. MARGARET MARIE. On Sun- ! day. June 20. J948. at United States Naval Hospital, Bethesda. Md.. MARGARET MARIE SMITH, beloved wife of ”J. C. Smith and mother of Charles F. and Carol Lee Robertson: daughter of William F and Maude J. Ware: sister of. Clarence L.. Albert. Henry and William Ware. Mrs. Pauline Ijowe. Mrs. Sarah Roberson ana Mrs. Ernestine Market Services at Chambers' Funeral Home. 2072 M st. n.w, on Wednesday. June 22. at 1 p.m. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. 22 SNOWDEN, MARY E. Suddenly, on Sunday. June 20. 194S. at her residence, Norbeck. Md.. MARY E. SNOWDEN, be loved wife of John W. Snowden, loving mother of Freida Dorsey. Isabelle Mayo. Mary. Evan. Wesley. Clarke. Stanley and Pfc. Fletcher Snowden. Also surviving are five grandchildren, one grea; grand child. two sisters, one brother and a host of other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Services by Snowden 6: Davis, Rockville, Md. STEWART. IDA ANNETTE. On Sun dav. June 20. 1048. IDA ANNETTE, STEWART of 1008 Park rd. n.w.. wife of the late Andrew Thompson Stewart:; mother of Roy and John Stewart, both of Washington. D. C: grandmother of Hubbard C. Stewart. Hyattsville. Md. She also is survived by two great-grandchil dren, Elizabeth Annette Stewart and Hub- , bard Hage Stewart. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2001 14th st. n.w.. on Tuesday. June 22. at 2 p.m. Interment Maple Grove Cemetery. Concord, Mich. STEWART. ROBERT BOONE Suddenly on Thursday, June 17. 104* 'plant crash at Mount Carmel. Pa.>, ROBERT BOONE STEWART, belov d .on of G. Earle and Louise Stewart. 425 East 52nd st.. New York. N. Y. Services at chape’. Arling ton National Cemetery, Fort Myer, Va., 1 Wednesday, June 22, at 3 p.m. 22 TEILING. NETTIE MAUDE. On Sat urday. June 10. 194 8. at her residence. 012 Va. ave. s.w.. NETTIE MAUDE TEIL ING, beloved daughter of the late Charles and Henrietta Teiling. Friends may call at the Robert A Mattingly Funeral Home. 121 11th st. s.e.. until Tuesday. June 22, at 10:30 a.m. Services at Grace Episco pal Church. Oth and D sts. s.w., at, 11 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. 21 TEILING. NETTIE MAUDE. The of ficers and members of Good will Council No. 15. Daughters of America, will assemble at 8 pm., Monday. June 21. 1048. at the Robert A. Mattingly Fu neral Home. 121 11th st. se. for the purpose of conducting funeral services lor our late sister. Nettie Maude Teiling. I ANNETTA FLYNN. Councilor. VERA V. MYER52 Rec. Secy. ULRICH, SUSAN S. Suddenly, on Sun day June 20. 1048. at her residence. Hillwood Munor. Takoma Park. Md.. SUSAN 8 ULRICH. Services and interment, in New York City. Arrangement by Ta koma Funeral Home. WARD, WALTER PARKMAN. On Fri day. June IS, 104b. at Roanoke. Va., WALTER PARKMAN WARD, beloved hus- ! band of Mardel A. Ward; father of Bettis! W. Casserly. Services at Chambers’ Fu- j neral Home. 517 11th st. s.e., on Monday. June 21. at 2:30 p m. Interment Wash ington National Cemetery. W’ATERS. ELBERT M. On Sunday. June 20, 1048. at his residence. 1910 15th, st. n.w., ELBERT M. WATERS, son of the late Julia and Thomas Waters: beloved husband of Annie E. Waters and father of Mrs. Julia E. Cole. Mrs. Sylvia E. Cooke and Elbert M.. Jr., and William L. Waters. Also surviving are three grand children. three sisters.* three brothers and , many other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by Mc Guire. 23 j WELLS. ALMA FLORENCE. On Sun-, day, June 20. 1048, at her residence. 1852! Columbia rd. n.w., ALMA PLORENCE WELLS, wife of the late C. A. M. Wells: beloved daughter of Mrs. Alice Pyles and niece of Mrs. C. A. Broker. Services at, the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Tupsday. June 22, at; I p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. WELLS, ELDER GEORGE WASHING TON. On Wednesday. June 10. 1048. at Loma Linda. Calif., Elder GEORE WASH INGTON WELLS, beloved husband of i Jessie Well^ and father of Mrs. H. K. i Haliaday, Mrs. Evelyn W’ells and Mrs. Mary K. Thurber and brother of Mrs. Carrie Link. Mrs. Willie Carey, Mrs. Mayrae House and Elder Frank D. Wells : Friends may call at the Takoma Funeral Home. 254 Carroll st. n.w. Services at! the Takoma Park S. D. A. Church on Tuesday. June 22. at 2 p in. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lin coln Cemetery. WEST, CHARLES HENRY. On Satur day. June 10. 1048. at his residence. 17t>o j N. Rhodes st,. Arlington. Va., CHARLES HENRY WEST, beloved husband of Mary Lee West and father of Dorothy Patricia. Eugene S. and Douglas H. West. Remains \ resting at the Ives' Funeral .Home. 2847; Wilson blvri.. Arlington. Va . where funeral services will be held Tuesday, June 22, at! 3 p m. Interment private. Wll.KERSON, WILLIAM. Departed this life on Friday. June 18. 1948. after a long illness. WILLIAM WILKERSON He leaves • to mourn a loving wife. Mrs. Beulah Wilkerson; three sons. William, 1r.: Lewis and Clarence Wilkerson: three daughters. Mrs. Jessie Lee. Ruth and Willie Wilker son: two brothers, Jim and Robert Wilker son; two sisters Mrs. Julie Evans and \ Mrs. Endy Carter; fourteen grandchildren, six nieces, tninv relatives and friends. Friends mav call at the |Gardiner A Darden Funeral Home. 322 D st. s.w., | after rt p.m. Mondav. June 21. Services will be held on Tuesday, June 22. at 2 j p.m. Interment at Payne's Cemetery. WOODIN. DR. HERBERT PEKIN. On Monday. June 21, 1948. at his residence. :14 Hickory ave . Takoma Park, Md . Dr. HERBERT PEKIN WOODIN, beloved fa ther of Maj. Kuowlton M. Woodin and , brother of Miss Marv E. Woodin. Miss j Gertrude L. Woodin and Mrs. Grace W. Van Allen. Friends may call at the Takoma Funeral Home. 2 ”>4 Carroll st.. Takoma Park. D. C., where services will be held on Thursday, June 24. at 11 a m.' Interment private. Please omit flowers. WORMLEY. HARRY P.. SR. On Sat urday, June J 9, 1948, at Mount Alto Hos- . pital. after a long illness. HARRY P WORMLEY. Sr., devoted father of Harry i P. Wormley. tr : brother of William Worm ley and devoted friends of Mrs. Lizzie Har-! ris He also is survived bv other relative* and friends Remains resting at Barnes & Matthews Funeral Home, 614 4th st. s.w. Notice of funeral later. Joseph Reading Dies At 97; Was Mayor of Rockville in 1890s, Funeral services for Joseph Read ing, 97, mayor of Rockville in the middle 1890s and postmaster there, at the turn of the century, will be, held at 11 am. tomorrow in the Rockville Presbyterian Church. in Mmoriam ARMSTEAD* HENRY H. In loving raemorv of my husband, HENRY H. ARM STEAD. who departed this life fourteen years ago today, June 21, lft.'H. Today recall* sweet memories. More and more each day I miss him. Though my thought- are not revealed Little do they know the sorrow within my heart concealed. But the lasting fineness of him cannot pass away. But continues throughout the dawning of a better, brighter day. DEVOTED WIFE, HENRIETTA ARM STEAD. BLACK. MARY M. In sad. but loving remembrance of our dear wife and mother, i MARY M. BLACK, .who departed this life six years ago today,* June 21, 1942. Since you went first and we remain To walk the road alone. We will live in memory's garden, dear, With happy days we've known. Since you went first and we remain, One thing we would have you do: Walk slowly down the path of death, ror some day we will follow you. We want to know each step you took. That we may walk the same, Foi sometime down that lonely lane You'll hear rs call your name. LOVING HUSBAND AND CHILDREN. BOYD. BENJAMIN. In memory of our loving hvsband and father. BENJAMIN BOYD, who left us fourteen years ago to day, June 21. 19.24. Gone, but not forgotten. LOVING WIFE AND SON, LILLIE AND FRANCIS BOYD. • KING, THELMA ALEXINE. A tribute of love and affection to the memory of our dear daughter and sister. THELMA ALEXINE KING, who departed from us fourteen years ago today. June 21, 1934. You've crossed the raging sea of time And left us in the storm. The angry billows around us roll. By faith we are sailing on. With only ODe last hope in view And this we know is true: You can never return to us. But we can come to you. THE FAMILY. • LEE. WILLIAM E. In loving memory of our father. WILLIAM E. LEE, who died June 21. 1927, and onr aunts. ESTELLE and ELIZABETH LEE. Alwavs in our memory. EDITH AND MERCEDES. • I.UCKETT. EDWARD. In loving re membrance of our dear husband and fa ther. EDWARD LUCKETT. who passed away one year ago today, June 21. 1947. God is good. He gave us strength To bear our heavy cross; He is the only one who know* How bitter is our loss. DEVOTED WIFE, DAUGHTER AND GRANDSON. * McBETH. ALICE V. WILLIAMS: SMITH. MARY. In love and devotion to ihe un forgotten memory of our dear sister and aunt. ALICE V. WILLIAMS McBETH. who left, us so suddenly Olteen years ago to day. June 21, 1933. and our devoted mother. MARY SMITH, who passed away eleven years ago April II. 1937. In our hearts they will live forever. THE FAMILY. * PERROTT. ROBERT BRUCE. In sad. but loving nifmorv of my darling hus band. ROBERT BRUCE PERROTT, who. as a passenger, was killed in an auto mobile accident one year ago today. June 21. 1947. No one knows how much I miss you, No one knows the bitter pain I have suffered since I lost you. Life has never been the same. No more upon this earth I’ll see Your kind and loving face: No one in this whole wide world Will ever lake your place. The blow was great, the shock severe. When I heard the end was here; On!v those who have lost oan tell The pain of parting without farewell LOVING WIFE. CHARLOTTE ANN. PERROTT. ROBERT BRUCE (BOBBY). i loving remembrance of our dear son nd brother ROBERT BRUCE PERROTT. ho was killed one year ago today. June 1. 1947. A precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is stilled: A place is vacant in our hearts That never can be filled. MOTHER. DAD, TOMMY, GINNT AND PATSY ANN. * PEYTON. MORGAN. In loving memory of my dear husband. MORGAN PEYTON, who passed away two years ago today, June 21. 1948. More and more each day I miss you. Though my thought* are not revealed; Little do thev know the sorrow That is within my heart concealed. WIFE. BERTHA PEYTON. • HI.EY. CATHERINE B. In memory of dear mother. CATHERINE B. RILEY. i departed this life four years ago to . June 21. 1944. rour years ago toaay. As the sun set in the West, God called gently “Catherine Come home and take thy rest. For He knew the trial and strife That vou had endured through lire To become a good servant among His others _ . . . And one of the world’* most wonderful mothers. Yes. God knew how hurt I would be Because He knew how important your life was to me. But His was a far different plan That only He is able to understand. But He must have said as He took your hand: , . . ‘This is the valley and the shadow of death—beyond is the promised land And because on earth you were tried and found true The tree of life is My reward to you. DEVOTED DAUGHTER, CLARA L. JACK SON SANDERS. JOSEPH MILTON. In lov inr remembrance of mv son. JOSEPH MILTON SANDERS, who passed away two years ago today, June 21, J&4H. When the storms of life have ceased And the mist has rolled away I’ll fold this earthly tent of clay And meet you some sweet day LOVINGLY MOTHER. • i . . . makes th* decisions. We inform honestly and they choose for themselves. D€RL FUNERAL SERYKE Y8)'2 Deorqia Ave -N W. Dcortfta8700 The Finest Costs No More For 98 Yeors The nome Gowler has been known to rep resent the utmost in dignified funeral service in the Washington oreo, yet this service is available to all at costs within every means. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 1750 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. N.W Juft Wwt of Hi* White Home t * Burial will be in the Rockville Union Cemetery. Mr. Reading died Saturday night of pneumonia at the Masonic Home in Cockeysville. Md. Since 1924 he had lived with a son. William M Reading, at 4713 De Russey parkway, Chevy Chase, Md. nupffl earner on rarm. Mr. Reading was bom in Fleming ton, N. J„ and attended St. Timo thy's Military School in Baltimore. His father, William Reading, owned a large farm where Glen Echo is now, and Mr. Reading lived there and helped operate the farm. He moved to Rockville about 1890 and was in the real estate business unitl he retired in 1924. During Mr. Reading’s term as mayor, backyard pumps were dis pensed with and the town's water supply sytem went into operation. In 1878 Mr. Reading married Eliz abeth Marshal-; of Fauquier County, Va. She was the great grandaughter of Chief Justice John Marshall. She died in 1890. Seven years afterward Mr. Reading married Mary M. Gas saway of Poolesiville. She died in 1923. Mason More Than 50 Years. Mr. Reading was a 32d degree Mason and at one time was grand master of the Rockville Lodge. He was a Mason more than 50 years and had been active until 10 years ago. He was also a member and former elder of the Rockville Presbyterian Church. Besides William M. Reading, he leaves two other sons, Joseph G., Gastonia, N. C„ and Hugh Reading, Columbus, Ohio; and two daughters, Mrs. Theodore Mason, Rockville, and Mrs. Mary Martin, Washington. Riles for Elder G. W. Wells In Takoma Park Tomorrow Funeral services for Elder George Washington Wells. 78, for 52 years a minister of the Seventh Day Ad ventist Church, who died last Wed nesday in Loma Linda, Calif., will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow in the Takoma Park Seventh Day Ad ventist Church. Elder Wells was serving as assist ant chaplain of the Loma Linda Sanitarium and Hospital at the time of his death. From 1926 until 1941, he lived here as field secretary of the General Conference of Sev«nth Day Adventists. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Jessie Wells of Loma Linda; three daughters, Mrs. Merwin R. Thurber and Miss Evelyn Wells, both of 400 Carroll avenue, Takoma Park, and Mrs. H. K. Halladay, Berrien Springs, Mich.; a brother, Frank Wells, Little Rock, Arks., and three sisters, Mrs. Carrie Link, Bedford, Ohio, and Mrs. Little Cary and Mrs. Mayme House, both of Loma Linda. Burial will be in the Fort Lincoln Cemetery. William E. Foltz Dies HAGERSTOWN, Md., June 21 UP) —William E. Foltz, 86, for 56 years in the insurance business here, died yesterday. Mr. Foltz, active in Ma sonic circles in Hagerstown, is sur vived by two children and two brothers. James William Colby Dies In Arlington at 84 James William Colby, 84. retired superintendent of the Shenandoah i Pulp Co., died yesterday in Arlington Hospital after a seven-week illness. Mr. Colby came to the : Washington area 11 years i I ago. He lived j with his son, C. j W. Colby, at 618 j North Buchanan ’ ! street, Arling ton. Mr. Colby was born in Fred erick. Md„ but had lived most of his life in Bolivar, W. Va. He was superin tendent of the Mr. C*lby. pulp company ior more man years before he retired some years ago. Besides his son. he leaves two j daughters, Mrs. Irwin Pridgeon and ! Mrs. D. L. Nunnally, both of Wash ington, and two grandchildren. His wife, Mrs. Matilda Estelle Colby, died 23 years ago. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday at the Hines funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be in Harpers Cemetery, Harpers Ferry, W. Va. George F. Boyle Dies; Pianist and Teacher By th« Associated Press PHILADELPHIA, June 21.— George P. Boyle, 61, pianist, com poser and teacher, died yesterday at his home here. A natfve of Sydney, Australia, Mr. Boyle, son of professional musicians, began piano studies at1 the age of 5 and two years later made a concert tour of Australia and New Zealand. He studied in Berlin in 1905 un der Ferruccio Busoni and for the next five years gave concerts in Germany, the Netherlands and Great Britain. He came to this country in 1910 to head the piano department of the Peabody Conservatory in Bal timore. Later, he was associated with the Curtis Institute of Music, the Julliard School of Music and Chest nut Hill College. Besides his widow, Pearl Apple gate Boyle, he is survived by two daughters. Mrs. Charles Hartman of Waterbury, Conn., and Mrs. Gregory Kane of Washington, D. C. CLAGETT' MEMORIAL 05 502NEWHAWI/HJREAV Vijit-OirDiiplay Cf MEMOWAU-fOR- • 4 Immediate Erection! In-All-Cemeteriej Ope m J ln day/ -/ ----9 John E. Benton Dies; Was Authority on Public Utility Laws John E. Benton, 73, for many years attorney for the National Associa tion of Railroad and Utilities Com missioners here, died early today in Suburban Hospital after an illness of several weeks. A recognized authority on public utility laws, Mr. Benton appeared frequently before the Supreme Court, the Interstate Commerce Commission and other Federal regu latory agencies. He served a short term in the New Hampshire Legisla ture before moving to Washington. Mr. Benton w'as a native of Maid stone. N. H„ the son of Josiah Henry and Harriet Niles Benton. He was graduated from PhiUips - Exeter Academy in 1896, and the Boston University College of Law in 1898. Served in Legislature. He was city solicitor of Berlin. N. H„ from 1901 to 1903, when he went to Keene. He engaged In private law practice there until 1918. A member of the State Legislature in 1907-8, he was the author of New Hampshire’s direct primary law and co-author of the State's Public Serv ice Act. ne served uuwi as solicitor ana Mayor ol Keene for short terms and in 1911 was appointed a mem ber of the New Hampshire Public Service Commission. Mr. Benton moved to Washington in 1918 and became solicitor of the Bureau of Valuation of the Inter state Commerce Commission. He resigned in 1918 to become general solicitor for the National Association of Railroad and Utilities Commis sioners. As chief legal officer of this organization, representing the utility agencies of 47 States, he had a major part in framing Federal legislation. He was unanimously reelected to 'the office each year until 1945. when , he declined to continue serving. The j association then made him its ad ivisory counsel. i Mr. Benton was a member of I the Cosmos Club, the National Press Club and the Columbia Country Club. He was a member also of the American Bar Association, the Interstate Commerce Commission Practitioners Association, the Fed eral Communications Bar Associa tion and the American Judicaturb Society. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Janet B. Benton, and a daughter, Miss Jean Elizabeth Benton, who reside at the home. 711 Elm street, Chevy Chase: two brothers, Benja min B. Benton of Seattle, and Joseph Benton of Concord, N. H., and a sister Mrs. Clarence H. Allen, Portland, Me. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday at St. Alban s Epis copal Church. Wisconsin and Massa chusetts avenues N.W. Lady Mosley, Mother Of Fascist Leader, Dies ly the Associated Press LONDON, June 21.—Maud Lady Mosley, mother of Sir Oswald Mos ley, the prewar British Fascist leader, died yesterday. She was the widow of Sir Oswald Mosley, the fifth baronet. Before the war she led the wom en's section of her son’s movement, often appearing in a black shirt uniform. MONUMENTS *40 up .MARKERS *15* I falvey ^GRANITE CO. INC HA Established 50 Years 209 UPSHUR ST N W I Hear#*-* Cm* Cff*trj TAVIORiMOO Until 8 p.m. phone Dlst. 1300 8 p.m.-11 p.m. phone WIs. 3980 Funeral Sprayt and Flowert May Be Ordered Until 11 P.M. We ore very particiriar in ar ranging our ' Funeral Sprays" our corps of Trained Florists of years service assures you of the best. ■ Funeral Sprays, $5.00 t Made to order 34,000 Calls a Day! Here in Washington an average of ap proximately 34,000 out-of-town tele phone calls a day are completed. That’s more than twelve million a year. And every one of these calls is tailor-made to specifications. We don’t know where you may wish to call, but each call must be individu ally made to order on the spot. Keeping the speed and quality of serv ice on all types of calls up to a high standard requires a great many well trained and competent telephone men and women. Good equipment, good wages and pleasant working conditions, plus the earnest desire of telephone people to serve you well, add up to good telephone service. And they are your assurance that service will keep on getting better and better. The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company