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ITCHENS that LICK ALL the W • - ' I Estimates Without Obligation > No Money Down—3 Yrs. to Pay llw l^ilctieu Clinic 929 18th St. N.W. ME. 0340 j ft INSLOW -PAINTS Dutch Boy Blended Paint Here’s a palm that we have no hesitancy In recommending. We know it's a fine paint —f ormulated by makers with over a century's experience In making paints— and this is their newest—it’s blended --that means they've perfected a different blend of paint for mm&otf HOUSE PAINT lovely colors to put a smile of beauty on your house and to keep it there. Chevy Chase Paint A Hardware C®. Silver Spring Paint A Hardware Co. Rethesda Paint 6c Hardware Co. Takotna Paint A Hardware Co. Becker Paint A Class Co.. Georgetown local Paint A Hardware Co.. Hyattsville 922 New York Ave. (1) NA. 8610 Open Mon. thru Sat.. 7 A M. to 5:110 P.M. Free parkins: next door while trading here. and now.. in many guest rooms TIMES SQUARE AT RADIO CITY WNG AND BJNG, Inc. Monog+m«»t Committee for Emergency Relief of Richard Mills Family WISHES TO THANK ALL WHO CONTRIBUTED FOOD, CLOTHING OR CASH FOR RELIEF OF THE RICHARD MILLS FAMILY THAT WAS BURNED OUT LAST MARCH. Totol cosh receipts of $3,643.45 is deposited in the Anocostia Notional Bank as a trust to be applied only on the purchase of o home. MOST CO Vi RIBI’TIONS WERE MADE AT STATION WWDC AND anacostia pharmacy TRUSTEES John H. Dale. Dr. Charles E. Qualls, Allr. Ollie Cooper COMMITTEE MRS. ELEA R. FOSTER. Prrsidrnt REV. C. W. WARD. Vice Pres. MRS ELLA M. GOTHARD, Serrelare I»R CHARLES E. QL'ALLS. Treasurer Edvard J. Edwards .tames Watson jr_ Katherine E'oster Mrs. A. B Finlaeson Edward Lawson James Patterson Reed Stokca Jeannette F. Moore Miss Althea Howard Mrs. Hilda Wesley Charles E. Howard HAIR WORRIES? WE CAN HELP YOU • No greasy, odorous medi cation • No charge tor examination R. W. PLASTERER Trichologist OUR records of satisfied clients are growing con stantly because we know the answer to vour hair problems and bow to prevent them. Our methods are certain and results from our treatments are sure. We know exactly what steps to take to relieve r^indruff scales and itching scalp that devitalizes the hair end causes it to lose its life and lustre. Consult us for positive results. You will be accepted for treatment only if you can be he'ped. Come in Today for Fret Fricate Examination Hair & Scalp Clinic INCORPORATED Phone EXccutivc 3832 Suite 606-609 Bond Bldg SW. Cor. 14th St. ond N. Y. Ave HOURS: 9 30 AM. to 7:30 PM. Saturdays, 9:30 A.M. to 4 PM. separate treatment facilities FOR MEN AND WOMEN ADVEKTlStMfcK* How Dr.Edwards Helps Constipated Folks! For years Dr. Edwards relieved patients bothered by constipation with his famous Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets—now sold by all drugstores Olive Tablets are mild, gentle but ch—so thorough! Olive Tablets ad en both upper and lower bowels tc produce more natural-like move ments. So griping. Just eompleU MiHfociion. Buy today! 15d,3Gi, Westinghouse Gives 8 Per Cent Pay Raise To 70,000 Workers By the Associated Press PITTSBURGH, June 21— Approx imately 70,000 production and sal aried employes of Westinghouse Electric Corp. will receive an 8 per cent wage increase under an agreement announced last night by the corporation and the CIO United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers. The agreement—subject to rati- j fication of the union's locals by! July 1 after approval by the union's Policy Board—provides that the In creases be retroactive to June 11,j dale of an original 6 per cent offer made by Westinghouse. More Than 20 Plants Involved. The 70,000 employes work in more than 20 plants where the union holds bargaining rights. Announcement of the agreement by W. O. Lippman, Westinghouse vice president, and James J. Matles, Electrical Workers’ representative, ended months of negotiations. It provides hourly employes with increases ranging from 9 to 16 cents per hour, plus an additional paid holiday — Washington’s Birthday — making a total of seven paid holi days. Salaried workers earning up to $625 a month would receive the 8 per cent increase, plus >-i cent per hour additional to compensate them for the new paid holiday granted hourly paid workers. Effective Until April, 1950. On June 11, Westinghouse offered a 6 per cent increase to the electric j workers, the Federation of Westing- 1 house Independent Salaried Unions and the AFL-International Brother hood of Electrical Workers. The latter two represent about 10,000 employes. A company spokesman said the 8 per cent agreement applies only to the electric workers. Under the ! agreement, which runs until April f, 1950, the union may reopen negotia tions once this year to negotiate wages and salaries. Arab League Reports New Truce Violations By the Associated Press CAIRO, June 21.—The Arab League j today reported new complaints of. Jewish violations of the Palestine' :cease-fire have been made to Count' Polke Bernadotte, United Nations mediator. The League secretariat general made public a cable received from | the Syrian government accusing the Jews of setting fire to four Galilee' Arab villages, the latest last Thurs day. The villages were Samakh, Abidiya, Khalfa and Zanghariya. “The Syrian government sub mitted a protest to Count Berna dotte against the continuation of Zionist aggression and asked Berna dotte to take the necessary meas ures to put an end to these acts,’’j the cable read. "We informed him we could not remain with our hands tied if the Zionists continued their challenge.’’. The League secretariat said it; had sent a note to Count Berna dotte’s liasion officer which said the League: 1. Still gets reports of various | Jewish aggressive acts, especially’ on the Syrian and Iraqi fronts; 2. Has been informed that the; (Ameriean) vessel Marine Carp left; a French port a few days ago fori Tel Aviv carrying men and equip-! ment: 3. Has been told that American! planes are en route to Tel Aviv in! violation of the cease-fire agree-' ment. Tuck to Award Medal To Lt. Gen. L. T. Gerow By the Associated Press NORFOLK. Va.. June 21.—Vir- . ginia’s Distinguished Service Medal will be presented to Lt. Gen. Leonard T. Gerow, 2d Army commander, at Fort Story this afternoon by Gov. Tuck. The medal is being awarded Gen. Gerow for outstanding service as r commander of Virginia units dur- j ing World War II. French Africa Launches Drive On Cannibalism NEW YORK. June 21 (NANAY— The French colonial administration j ■ is launching a determined effort to wipe out cannibalism in French Equatorial Africa, according to a Brazzaville dispatch to Aftonbladet of Stockholm, and is imposing hard labor penalties for offenders. The two developments prompting this renewed drive are: 1. Vote bv the Fourth Republic of a new criminal code proclaiming ! among other things that “trade in ; human flesh, its sale or use is pun | ishable by forced labor," similarly i “he who takes part in sale, pur : chase or exchange of human bones or addicts himself to magic, witch-; I craft or charlatanism * * *” 2, Recent discovery of a huge stack of human bones in a quarry a few miles from Brazzaville, evi dently the remains of cannibal feasts since the marrow bones were 1 all carefully broken. Threats of direct penalties, the : Swedish reporter comments, have had to be widened to break the hold of witch doctors who enjoy a free supply of meat by promoting; annual. human-sacrifice rituals toi "appease the gods.” Anri because! the natives consider these sacrifices; necessary they fear the results of dcnouncing'witch doctors. Chile reports finding estimated i reserves of 2,000,000 tons of 33 per i cent borax. ADVERTISEMENT. When Kidneys WwkTooOften Are you embarrassed and inconvenienced by too frequent elimination during the day : or night? This syfbptom as ■well as Smarting Passages. Backache, Leg Pains, Nervousness. Rheumat.c Pains and Swollen Ankles may be due to non-organic and. non-systemlc j Kidney and Bladder troubles. In such cases the very first dose of the scientifically compounded medicine called Cystex usually goes to work right now helping you these 3 ways: 1. Helps nature remove irritating excess acids, poisonoue wastes and certain germs. 3. This cleansing action helps nature alleviate manv pains, aches, soreness and stiffness. ?. Helps reduce frequent night and day calls, thus promoting better sleep. Get Cystex from druggist today. Money back guaranteed unless Cystex satisfieayoa. Weary Capitol Force Cleans Up Litter Left by Wearier Congress Capitol employes today wearily cleaned up the litter left by bleary eyed Senate and House members as they struggled to the end of the 80th Congress yesterday. “We really had a busy time.” said a member of the Senate cleaning force that came on at midnight and had the Senate chamber back in something approaching order by 8 a.m. today. Piles of discarded papers ana trash of every sort had been left behind as Senators trudged home yesterday morning after their sec ond longest continuous meeting on record. The 80th Congress passed into history when the Senate adjourned at 7:i4 am. after having been in session for 44 hours and 15 minutes. Phe House had quit at 6:55 a m., after 20 hours and 55 minutes. The Senate fell nearly 10 hours short of the endurance record of 54 hours and 10 minutes it set in 1915. In the effort to complete action on key issues, signals from Re publican leaders changed almost by the minute in long closing hours as a murky dawn caught the law makers still at their desks yester day morning. Democrats taunted the Republi cans for their scrambling in both Senate and House. Senate Minority Leader Barkley, a slow speaker with a barbed wit, summed up Dem ocratic taunts when he said “the Republican moguls in Philadelphia sent word down here not to adjourn without passing farm and housing bills.” A compromise farm bill finally was passed, but the Senate and House leaders could not get to gether on a comprehensive housing bill. “In all my years in the Senate,” Senator Barkley said. "I have never seen such utter chaos and confusion in the closing hours of any Con gress. “We've been here for 40 hours with constant promises of confer ences always on the verge of doing something. In one room, conferees are talking about a long-range farm bill. They might give birth at any moment. In another obstet rical ward they are talking about giving birth to a housing bill.” Senator Barkley added that It KSfeeilOBIG* \ Delicious Drinks [.six flavors AT GROCERS' iKoolAidy GAS RANGES MatfAC GJtejj When baying from us, there Is the single responsibility of deliver ing and installing. THOS. J. CROWELL . Phone and we will tend a car lor you REpubh’c 4411 Istabluhrd IBIS Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry . . . Etc. Bosslyn Rosslyn,, Va, 2025 N. Moo rc St CH«srnut 2800 • Houts 9-5.30 Party all reminded him of a quotation: "O tempora, O mores—Oh hell.” In all the confusion over the housing bill. Senator Barkley said he was reminded that a long time ago an English king had shouted “a horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse.” Now, he added, he could imagine Senator Taft, Speaker Martin and other Republican leaders saying “a house, a house, my can didacy for a house.” mis sauies were greeted Dy laugn-, ter from both the floor and the; galleries which by that time—after 3 a.m. Sunday—were thinning out after being packed for many hours earlier. House galleries were filled almost to the end. Adjournment had been put off from hour to hour throughout Satur day night, while Senate and House Republican leaders met frequently in Speaker Martin’s office. Compromise bills were written in cloakrooms. Democrats protested in vain that they could not even see copies of some of the bills that were being passed, but the Republicans had the votes to put them through. Most of the Senate and House members napped in rooms and cor-j ridors near the chambers. Some brought in cots from their homes. Several slept in their seats. But calls for a vote could bring them quickly on the job. _j 1 Espotabs Ho Misty Tnl« « T«bl«t Form « E«y to T«li« in new modern coaches THE JEFFERSONIAN All Stats Rtstrvtd All-Coach Streamliner Lv. Washington . 6:20 P.M. Ar. St. Louis ... 1:50 P.M. Standard Time Add One Hour For Daylight Time FOR RESERVATIONS phons EX«cutiv* 6600 (City Ticket OfBc*) or EK«cutiv« 4300 (Rewrvation Bureau) Pennsylvania Railroad 'one person tells another ABOUT / /// ’1'll/// //, • / LAUNDERETTE B E N D I X w A S H E R S EXTRACTORS and DKYfcKS 3504 Columbia Pike GL. 0200 Arlinjton, V». 1322 Powhatan Street (New Powhatan Shoppin* Crnter) Whore No. I Hlfhwav Crosses Viaduct at Potomac Yards TE. 9002 Alcaandria, Va. HOI RS OF EACH STORE. Mon. throurh Fri.. 8 A.M. to 9 P.M.—Sat. ’til 6 P.M. Free Parkin*—Both Eocationo Sava TIME and MONEY on Wash and Honscclcanin* Problems Spinet and Console PIANOS for every home for every taste for every budget At Kitt’s you will find a complete stock of spinet and console pianos, in many modern- and period designs and a wide variety of finishes. Action responsive to every touch, tone resonant and rich, construction that promises long time enjoyment are characteristics of these splendid instruments. Whether you want the finest or the most mod erately priced piano, visit Kitt’s, whose reputation for quality is your assurance of satisfaction. Prices Begin at $495 H’e Are Exclusive Dealers for: K!V\BE EVERETT STARR WERLITZER WEAVER ESTEV CABLE-VEISON IVERS & POND JANSSEN POOLE and others Convenient terms, your old piano accepted in trade. km 1330 G Street (between 13th and 14th Sts.) REpnblie 6212 We alto have PIANOS for RENT COMPLETELY AIR CONDITIONED Sinatras' Third Child Born on Father's Day * By the Associated Press HOLLYWOOD, June 21.—Prank Sinatra, whose timing is rated bet ter than fair, let his wife, Nancy, take the bows in that department today. Mrs. Sinatra presented her hus band with a Father’s Day present of an 8-pound, 14-ounce daughter at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital. The child, named Christina, was the Sinatras’ third. Nancy, 8 and Prank, jr„ 5, gave father a big cheer. Mother and baby were doing fine. Electricians to Go Fishing The Electrical Contractors’ Asso ciation will hold its eighth fishing trip Saturday. The members will leave the Peace Cross at 2 p.m. and board boats leaving Stinnett’s Pier i at North Beach at 4 p.m. Carl S. Winkler. 6309 Eighth street N.W., is j chairman. 1 Silver Spring Library To Have Story Hour A weekly story hour will be held at the Silver Spring Public Library, beginning at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Mrs. Louise Ferguson, librarian, announced. The hour will be for children from kindergarten through the fifth grade. The library is located in the Jesup Blair Community House. \Bequty Si in ST FOR YOUR HOME AT SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS DERMA-STONT A 414 Sixth St., N.W. RE. 6074 LJ INSURANCE -Every Form of Insurance and Bonding ' We will gladly quote ratee Harrell Brothers & Campbell 1757 K St. N.W. First Floor Suite loi, lit Floor Office for Telephone STerling 3555 Better Service Established 1913 R. T. Harrell ★ C. G. Harrell if R. S. Campbell J, C. Cole ★ E. M. Aheorn ^ E, M, Bauer tONGINE • WITTNAUE*. • BULOVA • ELGIN • AT HARVEY JEWELERS YOU CAN m> amdpas OMwch when traded on a new Timepiece now! r Use Our Populor Poyment Plan No matter what condition, make or model old watch you have, we'll give you up to $25 for it— on a brand-new, nationally famous timepiece. Harvpv 908 F St NW. Dl. 4626 & Next to Washington Loan and Trust Co. ADVERTISEMENT. DILL’S JBSTS **0t all the hum luck! Lott my pouch of Dill’s Best Tobacco!” Too bet it’s good—Flavor-Cut Dill’s Best! Bums cooler. Smokes cleaner. Gives you every bit of the flavorful mildness in its choice Burley tobaccos. And what a honey that pouch package > is! Opens real wide. Plenty of room ; to dip and pack your pipe with th« | Flavor-Cut tobacco—Dill’s Best. PLAY “TAKE A NUMBER” SATURDAY 5 P. M. WOL —B the load will be HEAVY! IT'S the same story year after year... at the last minute before the Fourth of July Holiday or before starting on a vacation, the well-meaning slow-pokes tax our facilities to the utmost! And every year we do the best we can . . . which is just about perfect! BUT last-minute service is always a worrisome thing ... for you and for us! Let's avoid it by starting early . . . call SHepherd 6770 to have all the things you II need cleaned the Rinaldi Cx Lee mans' personalized way. Our courteous, bonded messenger will pick up and de fiver them promptly. We Operate Our Own Modern Dry Cleaning Plant _Q UALITY CLEANER S 7926 Georgia A*e, Silver Spring 6211 Georgia Av«. N.W. 3331 14th St. N.W., at Monroe 2148 Wiseoaiin Av#. N.W, COMPLETE VALET SERVICE , Dry Cleaning—Fretting—Shoe Repair—Hat Blockingi v$. MMl FOR DEPOSITS You can Bank by Mail at either our Uptown or Downtown offices. Regard less of the hour... no matter where you are ... in good weather or bad ... your mail box is a Teller’s window. It’s per fectly safe to bank by mail. Just make sure any checks you send are indorsed “For Deposit Only” in addition to your regular banking signature. Then, too, do not send currency bv mail'unless absolutely necessary. If you do mail currency, be sure to register the letter. Banking by Mail 'is simple . . . prompt .. . efficient. Receipts for your deposits are sent you by return mail, together with a new envelope for your next de posit. Dow.vrovnv 9th & G Sts., N. W. Security SAVINGS and COMMERCIAL Bank i IPTOWX 1508 K St., N. W. MEMBER, FederalvDeposit Insurance Corporation FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTE V