Newspaper Page Text
D. C. Insurance Sales 4 Per Cent Above Year Ago in May By Edward C. Stone New life insurance sales !n Wash ington during May-totaled $10, 870,000. an increase of 4 per cent over the May total a year ago while new policies wTitten in the first five months of 1948 amounted to, *54.058,000, this volume being un changed from the like period last year, the Life Insurance Agency Management Association reported today. May sales in Maryland totaled *18.876,000. a drop of 5 per cent j from last year but sales in the five months reached $97,194,000. a gam of 1 per cent, the report showed. Virginia made by far the best record in this territory, sales in May climbing to $23,279,000, a jump of 14 per cent. In the five months, sales amounted to $116,140,000 an upturn of 10 per cent over 1947. $40,000,000 Bonds Offered. Alexander Brown & Sons headed a Nation-wide syndicate which today offered $40,000,000 Delaware River Memorial Bridge 4 per cent 30-year bonds at 104 V.. to yield approxi mately 3.75 per cent. Many cf the Nation's leading investment houses are in the syndicate. Tire proceeds will provide funds to the Delaware High Commission for constructing the bridge and also for the acquisition of the New Cas tle-Pennsville Perry. The bridge will be 10,082 feet long and will span the Delaware Hiver from a point between Wilmington and New Castle. The bridge is expected to be com p!e*ed in the spring of 1951 and will offer one of the shortest and fastest traffic routes between Wash ington. Baltimore and New York. Section to Elect Officers. Lyman. E. Morris is slated to be elected chairman of the Safe De posit Section of the District Bank err' Association at the annual dinner meeting tonight at the Statler Hotel. He succedS Miss Elizabeth M. Hall. Dean Elmer Tonis Kayser of George Washington University will be the guest speaker. Directors of the Southern Oxy gen Co., Inc., have declared the rrsrular dividend of 50 cents a share on the stock, payable June 20 to stockholders of record June 19. Eugene W Snook, III, has be come an associate of the John D. Marsh agency representing the Lincoln National Life Insurance Co. This agency has just, set a new five-year record in production, leading all other company agencies in policies written in May. Verne C. Bonesteel. chief exam iner. Federal Home Loan Bank System, gavb an exceptionally address before the American Sav ings and Loan Institute Saturday night at. the Mayflower on the value of higher education to the Institute students. Pcpco Common Again Active. Potomac Electric Power common stock was again active on the Wash ington Stock Exchange today, with 250 shares changing hands at 12 Vi and 15 at 133s. One hundred shares of Potomac Power preferred “A” moved at 46. Gas common opened the week at 25Vi. Exchange officers today predicted that the full membership will favor having the Exchange open five hours j a day instead of the present 45 minutes. The proposal has drawn: jn enthusiastic response. Officers! spent a great deal of time in draw ing up the new plan. I Business Briefs Steel Mill Operations for the cur rent week were scheduled at 96.2" j of capacity, indicating production of 1.734.000 net tons—American Iron & Steel Institute. Figures last week1 were 96", and 1,730,400 tons: a; month ago. 96.8" and 1,744,800; a year ago, 95.6" and 1,672.900. Unfilled Freight Car Orders of the railroads on June 1 stood at | 127.689 vs, 101,430 a year earlier—; Association of American Railroads.; The locomotive order backlog to taled 1,596, largest since August 1923. Fleetric Utility Earnings in the second 1948 quarter are expected to be about 4.5'i below a year earlier. Tire decline for the first quarter was 3.1". The widening drop was laid to higher operating costs and taxes. Southern Natural Gas Co. awarded $28,000,000 of first mortgage bonds to Halsey, Stuart & Co. and associates on a bid of 100.22713 for a 3% cou pon. Reoffering was planned at 100 i. Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. re ceived an apparent high bid of 100.74 for $15,000,000 of 27„ first mortage bonds from Morgan Stanley & Co. Reoffering was expected at 101 h | and accrued interest. Baltimore A Ohio Railroad asked ICC permission to sell $5,060,000 of equipment trust certificates to help finance purchase of two eight-car streamlined passenger trains and 974 steel hopper cars. Detroit Steel Products Co. de clared a dividend of 50 cents a common share, payable July 10. In April, the company paid 25 cents; in December. 25 cents regular, plus an extra $1.87‘a. O'Kiep Copper Co., Ltd., an nounced a rich copper strike near its mine at Nababeep, Namaqualand. South Africa. The company is American-owned. Globe-Wernickle Co. stockholders have approved a reorganization plan, including the issuance of rights for the purchase of common stock Krllett Aircraft Co. trustees have received an offer from Fairchild En gine & Airplane Corp. for the Kel lett helicopter division. Safcwav btores, Inc., sales in four weeks ended June 12 totaled $98. 227.-151, a gain of 14 "r from a vear earlier; in 24 weeks ended the same date. $593,352,418, an increase of 20" . Remington Rand, Inc., earned $15,129,048 or $3.42 a share in 12 months ended March 31 vs. $15,727, 678 or $3.56 in the previous year. New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad net income for five months ended May 31 was $5,368,139 vs. $3, 561.515 in the same 1947 period. Electric Power & Light Corp. and subsidiaries earned $21,471,677 in 1947 vs. $16,881,653 in 1946. The cor poration spent almost $60,000,000 on expansion in 1947 and with its sub sidiaries gained more than a million new consumers. Houston Lighting & Power Co. net, for 12 months ended May 31 was $4,628,171 or $3.45 vs. $3,459,057 or $2 50 in the preceding fiscal period. Cnited Shoe Machinery Corp. earned $8,747,246 or $3.62 in 12 months ended February 28 vs. $8, 797.972 or $3.65 in the previous year Associated Telephone A Tele graph Co. and subsidiaries had net lAome of $1,524,167 for 1947 vs. dfo68.491 in 1946. N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE (Furnished hr the Associated Press.) Sales— Stock and Add Net Dividend Rate OU High bow 2:30 chge. ABBOrr LAB*:» 3 7/34 7734 77»/4 A C P-BrilJ Mot Acme Steel 4a Adams Exp Addresso-Mult 2 Admiral Cp .30e Air Reduction I Alaska Juneau Alleghan* Corp Alleg Lud 80e Alleg Lud pf 4'2 Allied C&Dye fia Allied Mills Hie Allied Sirs 3 Allis Chaim 1 oo Allis Chal pf 3*4 Amerada Pet 2a Am Asrlcul 3a Am Airlines Am Airl of 3 V* AmBanlrN 1 f»oa AmBrkShoe OOe Am Cable & Rad Am Can 3 534 5434 2134 3934 15 24*4 33s 334 32 534-34 5434 + 34 2lVs+ 34 j 3934+ V41 1434 — 34 2434- V4 334 33ii 3134 53» 541/2 21»4 3934 14*s 243a 334 33a 31»/4 1 108»/4 10834 108»/4 - 34 3 190 189 189 -1 4 30*4 3034 30»/4- 34 18 36*/s 35*/s 3534 26 38'4 373a 373a- 34 1 9434 9434 9434- 34 15 11534 11434 115 4 5134 51>/s 5134 834 8*/4- 34 571/4 57*/4 —134 271/4 27i/4-li/4 41 41 + */4 534 534 £634 87 - 1/4 834 571/4 28*4 41 534 87 'Am Can or 7 1 wo** Am Ctr&Fdy ftft 5 4834 Am ChArCbl 1 40 3 25 Am Chicle 2a ■* «8 Am Coltyo 1.201 1 1# Am Crvs S 1 "Oa 4 20*4 'AmCrvstl pf4',a 20 92 AmCyanamid 1 a 6 38V* AmCyam1d3'*pf 2 104** Am Distillers 2 19 37** Am Europe 40e 1 163* All) Export L 2 24 163ft Am * Fren Pwr 17 3>* AmJcFPS7Df3‘*k 6 73*4 Am&FPS6 pi 3k 3 65 Am & P P 2d of 7 12i/4 Am-HawallSS 3 2 39** AmHide At L **a * 634 Am Hidc&L pf 3 1 46*4 AmHomePr 1.20 5 24Va Am Ice 60e 4 7>* Am Interna "0e 3 15‘/» Am Loco 1 40 11 25‘* Am Mch&Fd 80 6 1834 Am Metal **e 9 334* AmNewsCo I 34a 2 3334 Am Power & Lt 49 1074 AmP&L6pf4',bk 1 93 Am Radlat 40e. 54 1634 Am Sal Razor 1 18 1034 Am Seating lg 8 2434 Am Smelting le 9 65 \ Am steel Far? 2 7 33>* Am Stores I .40» 2 25*4 Am Tel ft Tel 0 21 15534 i Am Tobacco 3a 26 57’/e 'Am Tob of 6 150 134* Am Viscose 2ft 10 69‘* 'Am Viscose off* 20 11934 AmWatWks 30e 3 734 ’ Am Woolen fl 33 5334 Am Zinc .20e 4 734 : Anaconda 11 ze 25 40 'Abac Wire 3ae 310 4334 Anchor Hock 2 1 3134 ■ Ander-Prlch 1. .. 63 3534 APWProdUe . 2 6 Armco Steel 2b 29 3134 'Armco Stl pI4 34 80 10034 ArmourdrCol 20 25 1334 ArmstCork 80e 2 55>/» tArm CorkJ4pf4 80 1133* 'Armstng ot 334 250 99 Asad Dr? G 1 60 2 1734 'AssoDGlst6 30 107 Axsoclat in? 2.. 3 33 : Atch T * S F 6 6 113 i Atcb T*SF Df 6 3 104 A T F Inc 34e . 5 1834 Atl Coast Line 4 3 5634 Atl Refining 1 34 23 47>/i 'Atl Ref ofB334 180 98>/« AtlftS Coro 1 60 9 2334 'Atlas Powd le 330 5534 Autocar Co 'Ut 3 1234 Auto Canteen 1. 2 16 Avco Mfg .36e . 25 604 Avco Mfg Df 2V* 3 4434 BALD LtXlO Vie 14 15’ft Balt * Ohio 55 1534 Balto ft Ohio of 10 253* Bangor&Arostk 4 290a Barber Oil 11 it * 5104 'Barker pf 2’/4-. 70 45 Barnsdftll Oil 2_ 14 4404 Bath Iron Wks.. 7 1214 Bayuk Cig I *4» 5 2034 'Beat Fds pfS34 10 87 Beech Aircraft 6 1234 Bell ft Howell 34 2 2104 Bendlx Aviat 2 16 3504 BndxHomeA 134 8 16*4 Benef Ind 1 20a 6 2504 Benef In L pI3*/« 1 80 Best Foods 2a 9 3534 Beth Steel 1.20h 33 3734 Bigelow-San **h 6 35*4 BirmhamEl flOe 7 934 Blaw-Knox 3je_ 4 18 Bliss E W 2 __ « 3104 Boeing Alrpl le. 24 25*4 Bohn Alum 34e. 5 33 'Bon Ami A 4a 150 8104 'Bon Ami B 234*130 4304 Bond Stores 2 6 2734 BordenCo 1.20e 3 4304 Borg-Warner 4. 12 6204 Bran iff Air . , 3 804 Brldgept Brass 7 1034 Briggs Manufg 2 2 3434 Bklyn Un Gas 7 2034 Bucyrus-Er 70e 8 2134 BuddCo 2Oft 20 1104 'Budd Co of 6 130 713* Buff Forge 9Uft 2 3934 Buf Niag pf 3.60 3 90*4 Bulov» Wtch 3a 3 40 BurllngMIllS 13» 23 I3'/4 Burr Add M 60 22 17 Bush Term 04I-. 10 10*4 Butler Bros . * 14*4 Byers AM Vie - 2 24*/4 Byron Jn 1.40a 1 343* CAL PACK 2'a* 4 393* Callanan Zinc 8 234 CftlumetAH .10* 10 67» C*n Dry GA .60 30 13»4 Cantd Pac 34e 144 187ft Cap AdmsA 80g 1 163s CapltalAlrllnes. 2 634 Carrier Corp . 10 1734 Case J I 1.60* 3 483* CtterpilTract 3 4 61 Cclanese Cm le 27 3604 Celotex Corp 2 11 3234 Celotex pf 1 . . 2 1904 Cen Aguir 1 60* 6 17 Cent Fndry ‘4ft 3 87ft CentHudGas 52 *1 734 Cent R R N J • 66 34*4 Cerro dePas’*e 3 27 Ccrtn-td Pd 60a 51 18 Ches ft Ohio 3 35 38*4 Chicago Cp 60- 80 14*4 Chi A: East III 11 734 Chi ft East 111 A 6 133* Chi Great West 10 1134 Chi Grt West pf 27 2034 Chi Ind * L A 14 1334 Chi Ind ALB 42 8* 4 Chi Mil St P&P 189 1134 ChlMSPA-P Df4e 54 36*4 Chi As N W 3*g 18 2031, Cbt As N W of 8 6 443* Chi R I ft P ’ie. 16 38* 4 ; Childs Co_ « 334 1 Chrysler 4 . 74 64*4 Cln G At E 1.40 21 29*4 C I T Finance 2 4 47*4 City Ice dr F 234 6 31** City Stores 1 20 4 19*4 Clark Equip 2 1 38 ClevEl 111 1.10* 7 393* Climax M 1.20 45 17*4 Clinton ind 2 40 2 24*4 Clopay Corn 70 3 9 CluttWbody le 6 36*4 Cbca-Cola 4 2 170 Colgate-P-P 2ft 18 403* Collins * Aik 1. 1 23 Colonial Mills 1 14 25 Col Fuel &Ir la 18 183* Col BrdcastA 1 e 5 293* Col BrricastB 1 e 4 *9 Columb Gas 60 45 14 Colum Piet 3*f 12 10* 4 ColumPict pf4*4 7 75'* ColumCarpon 2* 1 3634 Co!*SOE2.10e 2 43*4 Coml Credlt2 60 5 50*4 rnml Solvnt S.e 8 263* 1/3'* l/3‘* —13* 47** 47'* - >* 2434 25 47** 48 +1>* 19 19 - i* 20*4 20*4 - 34 92 92 -2 38 38 104 104 - 14 36*4 37** 1634 163*+ 34 153* 153*- ’ft 334 334- >4 72*4 73*4+ 3* 65 65 +1 113* 1134- '* 39** 39>*+ *4 63* 6 a 46*4 463/4 -13* 24*4 24*4 7*4 15*4 24** 24**- 3* 183* 18**- 34 33*/4+ 3* 3* 7*4 15 33 3234 327ft 10>* 103* 12 16 6*4 29*4 50 45 44 12 93 93 + 3* 16V4 16*4 - *4 10‘* 1034- *4 243a 2434 64 64*4 -1 33*4 33*4- '* 25 25*4- 34 155’* 155*4 - 3* 563* 57 - 34 138 139 +2 68>* 683* + 3* 119'* 119** + *4 73* 7'*+ ** 52 52 + 34 73* 73* 39V» 3934 - 34 43 43 - *4 3134 313*+ 34 3434 3434 - 74 6 6 - >4 30*4 30**- 34 IOO** 100*4 + *4 1J>* 13*4- ‘4 5534 5 534 - 34 1133* 1133* 983* 983* - *4 173* 1734- ‘4 106 107 +1 32*4 32*4 - *4 112** 112*4 + *4 1033* 104 18 18-34 563* 563* 46*4 46*4 - 34 98 98 - >4 23*4 23*4+ *4 55 55*4+ >4 12 - ‘4 16 6*4- >4 44*4 44*4 - 34 1534 1534- ‘4 1434 1434 - 34 24*4 24*4-134 29*4 50-34 45 44-34 12 - 34 1934 1934 - >4 87 87 + 34 12*4 12*4+ *4 21'* 21*4+ *4 3434 3 5 + >4 16*/* 16*4 - 34 25*4 25*4 80 80 +2 35** 35**- >4 363w 3634 - 34 34'* 347* - 34 934 934 1734 1 73ft- 3* 30>* 30*4-134 24'* 24**- 34 32 V* 33 +34 80** 80**-1 42** 43*4 - *4 2634 2634 - 34 4234 4234 61*4 61*4- 34 834 834 1034 1034 - 34 3434 3434- *4 203» 20=4- 34 2 134 2134 1034 1034 - 34 71*4 . 71*4 - >4 39 39 - >4 89*4 90*4+1*4 39*4 J9>*- Vft 2234 2234 16*4 1634 10 10*4+ *4 14** 14** - l/ft 2 3 3* 2 334 - 34 3434 34*4- >4 39*4 39*4 - *4 234 2 34 674 634 13 13 - >* 18*4“ 18*4 - 34 1634 16’.- ** 634 634 17 17 - >* 4834 48** - 34 60*4 61 + 34 35*4 35*4-1 32*4 3234+ *4 19*4 19*4 + ‘/ft 16‘* 1634 - 34 8*4 7**+ *4 28 -834 2634 2634+ 34 17 17 - 34 3734 3 734- ‘4 1374 1334 + ‘4 7** 734 1234 1234 -1 1134 1134+ *4 19 ,19 - ** 13*4 13*4 - ** 8 8*4+ *4 10*4 1034 — ‘4 35 35 - Va 19** 1934 - 34 44 4k - 34 373* 3734- *4 334 3 34 63** 63**- 34 29 29 - 34 47** 4734 - 34 3034 3034 -1*4 19*4 1934 - ‘4 38 38 39*4 39*4 - 3ft 1634 1 634 - *4 24*4+ *4 87ft 36*4 36*4 170 170 40** 403ft- *4 23 23 - 3ft 24** 24** - 3ft 17** 17**- *4: 29*4 29*4 28** 29 137ft 137ft - 34 i 9*4 - ** : 74 -4 3634 3634 + 34 42** 42** - ** 50 50 - 34 26*4 26’/* - 3* 834 7*4 28 24 874 934 74 Corawl Edls 1 40 11 Com to! & South 100 Com&So pf7%k 1 Cons Cigar 2 _ - Con* Cop .15* - Cons Edit 1 AO Coca Laundry 1 Cons Nat Oat 2 Cons RRCuba of Cn Textile 1.70e Cons Vultee 1 7 41 20 10 11 15 156 7 30 1 6 30 2? 1 tConsurnP pf4Va 250 Contain Corn 2a * Cont Bakins 1. Cont Can %e_ ContDia Fiber 1 Cont Insurance2 Cont Motors ContOilDel lV*e Cont Steel le Coprwld Stl 1 20 25 fCornExch 2 RO 200 Corn Prod 1 ROe 3 Corn-Dub E RO ( ornlntOla^s % Coty Inc 70s . _ Coty Int 20g _ Crane Co l 60s CreamerlesAm 1 Crown Cork Vah Crown Zel 1 60e Crucible Steel 273/4 27% 3% 3% 104 104 303,4 30*4 5*4 514 24% 24*4 12% 11 47% 4714 23»4 231/4 15 14% 11 IO1/4 1041/4 10334 3 7 3634 CudahyPack 60s 13 Curtla Publish Curtlsa-Wr v4f DAVISON CH 1 Davtn P*L 1 RO Dayton Rub 1 2C Decca Rfcord J» DeepRockOil le 13 Deere & Co 1 Del & Hudson 4 Del L & W >4e Den & RGW le Den&RGWpflOe Detroit Ed 1.20 Det Stl CD 2a... Dia Match l>4a Dlst Co-Sea 60 Dr Pepper .30a Ooehlex-Jar 1*4 Dome Mn .67«_. 15% 15*4 39 30% 11*4 11*4 59% 59 9% 69*4 3 6 11 6 6 3 6 11 7 34 64 0 2 5 15 03/4 60t 17% 17% 19% 10*4 55*4 55% 63% 62% 14*4 14% 21*4 21 4*4 2% 4% 2% 30% 30% 11 10*4 24% 24% 31% 30*4 27% 26*4 12 11*4 11% 11 7*4 7% 26% 26% '1% 31% 13% 12*4 9% 0% 40% 39 40% 40% 40 47 10% 10% 32% 32*4 51*4 50% 21*4 21% 25 25 45% 45% 17 16*4 16% 16% 39*4 39% 14% 14% 27%+ % 3% — % 104 + % 30*4- % 5% 24%+ % 12 +1% 47% - % 23% 14% 10% - % 104 37 + % 15% - % 30% - % 11*4+ % 59% + % 0*4- % 69% 17% - % 10*4 -1% 55%+ % 62% -1*4 14% - V* 21 -1% 4%- % 2% 30% - % 10*4- % 24% - % 30*4 - % 26*4 * % 11*4- % 11 - % 7% 26%+ % 31% + % 12%+ % 9 39 -1% 40% - % 47 -1 10% - % 32%+ % 50% - % 21%+ % 25 - % 45% - % 16*4 16% - % 39% 14% - % Douglas A UVtB- * ^ t‘rt to t v* Dow Chrm *.• IS 46?* 46*4 46** — V* DowCh 2d 0f8V. 3 106 105V* 106 + V* Dresser Ind *.*e 21 31V* 31 31 + V* DU Pont 4e 9 1B6 185V* 185V* - *4 >Dua Llatit of 6 10 115 115 115 +1*4 EAGLE-PI 1.80 17 22V* 22 22 -V* Eastern Air Line 17 18 17*4 17V*- V* East State 8teel * 19 18?* 18?» — Vi East Kodak 1 *«e 24 <3?* 43V* 43'*- Vi tEastmn K of 6 40 173V> 17J*4 173*/* -1*4 Eaton Ufa 3 . 10 64*4 63V* 63V* - *4 Elss Stoo N V«a_ 2 7V» 7*4 TV* — Vi E* Auto-Lite 3 . 9 54V* 53V* 54V* + M *ee Boat 1 - 9 14*4 14*4 14V* - Vt ■cc Boat pf 2_ 2 37V* 37 37 — Vi Salea— Stock iod Add Dividend Rate. 00. El A Music ,16k IS El Power * Lt 77 El StoraceBat 3 3 Elliott Co lie lt ElPasoNGs 2 40 1 Enter Elec 111 2 Emer Radio .80 23 Endlcott-J 1.60a 8 Eault OB Bid*. 25 Erie R R 1 82 Erie R R of A 5 7 Euicka Wins V.« 7 Everaharo Sat 8 FAIRBANKS 1 e 1 FalardoSu* 214* 2 Farnsworth *2 PedderiQuI 80 36 Fed-Motul 1.60 2 PedMoTruek 40a 1 Federat D Strs 2 8 Felt & T 1.40a 1 High. Low. 2 2% 2 23 22% 3 4% 54 26% 2514 69 69 19% 1814 1314 131/4 30% 30V. 414 4% 15% 14% 64 63 614 9% 6% 914 5214 52% 27% 27V. 11% 10% 15% 15% 18 18 10% 10% 31% 30% 23 23 Nat :30. chge. 2 + % 22%+ % 541/. 25% -1% 69 1814- % 13% - % 30% - % 4%- % 15 - % 64 +1% 614+ % 9% — % 52% — % 27% - % 10% - % 15% - % 18 - % 10% 30% - % 23 FerroEnam l 40 Pld Phoeni F 2a Firestone T&R 4 Firestone of 4 54 First N Str 25ie FlrthCarpetl .80 Pltntkote 3* Florid* Pow t Flor Shoe A 90e Pollans Stl Hie FoodFalrSt 40b tFoodMch nf3'/« Foster Wheel 1 Francis Sue 2» Frank Strs .60a. Pruehauf Tra 1 □air Robt .40.-. Oar Wood Ind. Oaylord Co 154 Gen Am Ina .40 Gen AmTrns 3a Gen Baklnr 60 Gen Cable Vie 1 5 11 14 4 15 7 tGenCablr Id! 4 130 Gen Citai la tGen Clear nf 7 Gen Elec 1 00 Gen Foods 2 Gen Foods P1354 Gen Instrumt l tGen Mills pi 6. Gen Motors 3 Gen Motor of 5. Gen Out Advt 1 Gen Port C lie i Gen Precis Eo 1 ! Gen Pub Ctll 60 95 i Gen RealtyAUt 10 6 24i/i 241/4 9 64 63 5 48% 48'/4 1 106>/4 1061/4 58 58 191/4 1914 4154 40% 15 14% 15'/4 1544 3254 31% 1054 101/4 40 105 104 4 34*4 33>/4 1354 9i/4 2H/1 91/4 9 3454 171/4 5754 10 14i/4 82 21% 10 135 53 411/4 11 40>/4 1 94 17 13 50 126 1/4 | >/4 1 4 1 8 12 3 7 5 13 52 1314 954 21>/4 91/4 •54 24% 171/4 57>/4 10 33% 81% 21% 135 40% 40 94 12% 126 i/i. 42 641/4 63‘/4 2 125% 125 2 16% 16% 22 22 21>/4 12 16 13 14% 14 5% 5% I Gen TeleDh S 21 23% Gen Tel rt 318 % i Gen Time 1.60a 1 28 Gen TiredrR la Gillette Saf 2V4# 1« Girebel Bros 7 □ llddenCo 1 40a Goodall-Sn I 54a Goodrich BF2e Goodrh BF of 6 GoodyearT&R 4 Goodyear pf 6 . Goth Hob 1 60a. Graham-Palte Grand Dnlon 2. Grant rWTl la GraysonRob %e Grayson pi 2 54 - GtNIOretiy.g □t Nor Ry nl 8 ' GtWstSuv 1.60a Greyhound 1 . □rum Aire E 3* Guawtan Bug le Gulf Mob&O tie Gull 011 8 ... Gulf Sta Util 1 Harb-Walker 3 e Harts AM 2.40 Hayeslnduat v«» Hayes Mis ,45e . Hazel-AU 1 20a. Hecbt Co 1.60.. 25 Via 20 29% 29% 35% 33% 20 23 221.4 12 26 25% 2 21'/4 2114 6 60% 59% 1 103 103 4 44% 4454 1 100>/4 100% 1 21% 21% 4% 4% 41% 40 29 28% 12 11% 36% 36 14 14 46% 4554 21 21 12 11% 4744 4654 6% 6 20% 20% 81 80% 17% 17% 26% 26% 31% 31% 10 10 11% 1054 22% 22% 26% 36% ♦Heins pf 3 66 .. 30 101% 101% Helme G W 4 Hercul Pwd .70* Hershey Ch 154. Heyden Chem 1. Hlnde&Dau 154* Holland Purn 2. Holly Suaar 1... Homestk Min 2 Hooker Elec .60* Houd-Herah Via Houd-Her p!25* Household Fin 2 Houston 011 3a. Howe Sound 2 . Hudson * Man Hudson Bay ♦ HudsonMot 40* Hunt Foods 1_ Hudd Coro HsmanRftr 6Se IDAHO PW 1.80 III Central Illinois Powar 2. Ill Term RR .72. Ind Pr 6k Lt 154. Indust Rayon 8. Inland Steel le. Ineplrat Cop le. Interchem Corp. Intercon Rub Interlakelr ,60e Int Bus Mach 4 Int Harvst 1.40. rInt Harra pi 7. Int Hydro El A Int MACb 1 60 Int Minin* Int Nickel 1 60. Int Paper 4a_ Int Paper Pi 4.. Int Ry Can Am *IntRyCAnf2Vik Int Shoe 25ie... Int Silver 4e__ Int Tel* Tel Int T&T lorn et Inter Dep Strs t Intertype 1.20e IsCrkCoal 1.3&h 1ACOB8 P 1 Jaeger M 1 60a Jewel Tea 2.4(>a Johns-Man ,70e Johns-M of 3’i Johnson ft J .40 Jones & L Stl 2 Jov Manfs 2 40a KAL STOVE.46e Kan City South. Kavser J la Kelsey-HaBl 54* Ker.necott 15ie. Kern Land l*/«t. Keystone 8 2a . Kimbrly Cl 1.40 ♦Klmb-CIrk of 4 KopDers Co 1.60 ♦Kopnera of 4 . Kresge S S It... Kress SH 2a .. Kroger Co 2.40. LACLEDE G 20 Lambert Co 154 Lane Bryant 1 . Lane Welle 1.60 LeeRub&Tlre 2a Lehigh C * N 1 LehPoitCem 154 Leb Val Coal Leh V Coal2of'4 Leh Valias R R. 60 60 35 35 2814 27% 28% 28% 34% 34% 28% 28>4 28% 28 37% 3714 33% 33% 17% 17 47% 42% 32 31% 37% 3654 46% 46% 5 5 45% 4454 21% 201/4 16% 16% 4 354 13% 13% 33% 33% 41% 3954 29% 29 1154 1154 2454 34% 52% 32 44 4J% 2054 20 22% 22 J 3 16% 1554 11 14954 149 47 3354 33% 50 172% 172% 7 8% 8% 2 34% 6 454 40 33 20 62 1 981/4 3 11 10 91 1 43% 3 58% 108 15% 1 1 6 1 1 1 6 6 2 11 1 2 21 2 3 5 39 6 • 1 7 27 3 3 2 7 7 3 12 2 29 24% 64 5 48% 106%- *4 58+54 19% - % 4054 - % 1454 1554 — % 3154 -1 10% - % 104 33% -1% 1354- % 954 21% 9% 854- % 2454+ % 17% - % 57% + % 10 13% 82 +2 21% - % 135 -1 40% - 54 40 - % 94 -1 12% - % 126 - % 63% - 54 125% + % 16% 22 + % 15%+ % 14%+ % 554- % 25% - *4 VU - % 28 - % 29% - % 34 -1% 2254- % 2554- % 21% 59>/4 103 4454 100%+ % 21% - 54 454 - % 40 -1 29 + % 11%+ % 36% +1% 14 4654+ % 21 1154 4754+ 54 654- % 20% - % 80%+ % 1754+ % 26% 31%+ % 10 1054 - % 22%+ % 26% 101%+ % 60 55 + 27% - % 6 15 4 26% 1 34 2 36 20 9 2 23 4 46% 9 41% 1 113 1 3254 26 36% 3454 454 3254 6054 98% 11 91 435* 57% 145* 14% 26% 34 35% 854 23 46% 40% 113 32% 35 12 39»/4 39 1 18% 18% 11 4354 4254 3 1654 16% 24 20% 20% 35 5954 59 8 4554 45% 3 43 42% 6 2154 2154 50 101 101 6 34% 33% 10 9354 4 37% 4 56 2 4554 27 6% 3 22% 5 13% 1 26% 2 45 8 12 5 34 5 354 1 9% 8 7% 935a 37 56 45% 6 22% 1254 26% 45 1154 335a 354 954 6% 28% + 34% - % 285/4+ % 38%+ 54 3754- 14 33%+ % 17-54 42% - 54 3154+ % 3654- 54 46% - % 5 45 20% - 54 16% - % 354- % 135/4- %i 35% - % 3954 -154 29 - % 1154- % 24% 52 - % 43% - >4 20% - % 22% - % 3 - % 1554- % 14954+ 54 33% - % 172% +1% a%- % 3454- 54 454 3 254 - 54 60% -154 98%+ % 11 + % 91 + % 4354 + % 58%+ % 1454 + % 15+54 2654 - % 34 + % 35% - % 8*4 — % 23 - % 46% - % 4054- 5* 113 - 54 32% + % 35 - 54 39 - % 1854 - % 42% — 54 1654 - % 2054 + % 59% - 54 45%- 54 43 + 5* 21% - 54 101 -154 34 - % 9354+ 54 37%+ % 56 + % 4554+ % 6 - % 22% — % 13%+ % 26% 45 1154 33% - 54 354 9% — % 6% - % Lenman a."lie _ * Lrrner Strain 3 Llh-O-F Glass 8 * LibMcNiLVj*. 14 *Llgx 6* My Df 7 80 Mm Hamll 60. 33 Link-Belt St_ 4 Lion Oil 3 ... 5 Liquid Ctrbp 1 3 LiauldCtr of3Vi 1 Lockheed Via .. 6 Loews Inc I Vi 33 LoneStarCaSVia 4 Lorillird PI .3 Louisvll&N 3.63 4 Lowensteln St 13 MACK TRK ’/ah 15 Macy BBS ... * Magma Cod 1.^ 4 Magnavox 1 . 17 Manatl Sux mi 4 Marie Oil ,10x 343 Marathon Crn 1 4 MarineMidl 40a 14 ’Mark St Ry or. 1 Marsh Field 2.. * Martin O L_ • MartlnParrv .60 1 Masonite CD It 10 Master Elec 8.40 1 Math Chem 1 Via • Mav Dent Str S 5 tMayStrs Dln384 40 Mavtax Co 1 4 McCrorrB 1 40a 4 tMcCrory of 814 10 McGraw Elec 2a 3 McIntyre 3.01a 3 McKess&R 2.40 1 McLellan Str 1 a 3 McQuay-N 1.40 * Mead Core le 4 ’Mead Cn PI 4Va 10 Melville Sh 1 80 1 Menxel Co la 6 Mercant Strs 1 7 MerrlttC&Sl 60 4 Miami Cod 8ie 7 Mld-ConPet 1 Via 31 Midi StI Prod la 3 >Mld Steel lof 8 40 Mlnn-HonRr2a 3 *Minn H of 3 20 1 Minn Moline 17 Min&StL Ry Via 10 MSP&SSMAla 15 Minn Mm St M 2 1 Mission Coro la 7 Mo-Kan-Texas 1* Mo-Kan-Tex of 13 Mohawk Cret 2a 3 Molud Has .60s. 3 Monarch Mch 2 3 Monsanto Cb 8 10 Mon Cb Di E 4. 1 Montg Ward 2a 56 M-McC Lin 1 Via 37 Morrelli-Co 1 Via 1 Motor Prod lHa 3 Motor Whl .80*. 1 Motorola Via. — 10 Mullins Mfx la SO Munalnxwear It 1 Murohy QC 1 Ha 3 Murray Core 1 4 NASH-EEL 70a 67 *Maab CBrStL la 30 23>/i 251/i + >/i ! 5414 5484- Hi 10 10 172 172 - 84 12Vi 1284 - U 66 66 32 53 + V4 20 30 - Vi 85 S3 32V4 22V4- 84 16*4 1684 - V. 66 66 —1V4 1984 19*4 + 84 46Vi 46Vi — 84 31 31 -584 2584 2584- >-4 37V4 3784- i/i 2 lVi 211/i - >4 13Va 1584 9Vi 9i/i- V4 12 12V4 +184 23 33 - V4 7*4 7*4- Vi 168i 168i 27 27 - ‘4 10*4 18*4- 84 17*4 17*4 66*4 47 -1 24*4 2484 3484 3484- V4 4584 45*4 - Vi 93 93 11 11*4 32*4 3284 + ‘4 99*4 *9*4- 84 3984 3984+ ‘4 40*4 40*4+ >4 34 * 34 - 84 24*4 24*4 + >4 20*4 20*4 - *4 21 21-84 96 96 - *4 24*4 24*4 + *4 10*4 10*4 - Vi 17*4 17*4 - *4 2674 26’4 - 84 I 1084 1084 - 84 6384 03*4 — 74 47 47 - >4 13784 130 -2 40*4 40*4+ *4 9484 9484-1*4 15*4 1584 - *4 14 I4 - *4 12*4 12V4 - >4 72 72 71*4 71*4- *4 0*4 6*4 - 84 2184 2284- 84 •4184 4184- >4 14V4 14*4+ V4 20*4 20*4- >4 57*4 57*4- >4 112*4 112*4 5084 5084- V4 15*4 15*4 — 84 25 25 + 84 2784 20*4+ V4 22 22 + 84 17 17-84 2984 30 + 84 1384 13*4- 84 41*4 41*4 1584 1944- V4 3084 2084- H 20V4 3084+ 84 25*4 35*4 10*4 172 13 66 53*4 20 05 2284 1784 6684 19*4 47 32*4 26*4 3784 22*4 1584 9*4 14 23 784 1684 27V4 10*4 17*4 07*4 24*4 35 45*4 93 11*4 3284 99*4 3984 40*4 34 24*4 20*4 21 96 24*4 1084 1784 27 1084 648a 47 130 40*4 9484 1584 14*4 13 72 73 6*4 23»4 47 1484 20*4 50 112*4 59*4 1584 25 20*4 22 1784 3084 1384 4184 1SH 2184 2084 inKi auu« «« Nit Alrlinei * Nit Auto Fib 00 10 ! Nit Bittery li 1 : NitBIscult 1 80i 7 Nit Cm • Nit C Ret 1 til 10 I Nit City Uni Vi 3 NitContiin 1.20 10 Nit Crl Gil .80 2 Nit Dilro 1.M 13 ■tDentStrli * it OlitlUiri >. <3 •>4 OVi 0*4 - 11V* 11V* 11*4 40 «0 40 + 2Mb 29*4 29H + 08* 08b W 44 44 46 - 7H 7*4 7*4 - 12H 12 12*4 13 13 13 + 31*4 31*4 31*4 - 1984 19*4 1984 - 2084 20 20 - % SSSSSS Sale*— Stock and Add Dlrldend Rats. 00. Blah. Nat Qjptum V«s 14 19* Nat Lead la Nat Linen 8 90 Nat Mai Stl 40s Nat Pow & L Nat Steel 4_ Nat Supply 1 4 2 1 13 1 37* 6* 23*4 * 98 41 23*4 'Nat Sup of 4* 10 89*4 Nat Tea 1*. Nat Vul Fibre 1. Natomas Co 1_. Nebl Corn 1 . NelsnerBro ,80a N Ens Kl 8m 1 - 28* 13 10*/* 18 17*4 11 11* Low. 3: 19*4 37*4 «* 23*4 *Mi 98 22* 89*4 28* 13 10*4 16 17*4 11 Bet +ii +++i++i+ ift; SifS sss#*?ss s": Newmont M l'ie a Newnt Indust 1 3 23% Newot NewsS Sa 6 29 NT Air Brake I t 1 42% N Y cent R R . 62 1714 N Y Chi A St L 7 67% N T C&StL pf9k 3 131 NYC Omnibus. 3 18*4 NYNHJi Hart « 13 % NYNHAHcf 9 34% ♦NYPAtLofSOO 40 95 NY Shipblda 3ie 2 17% TNY8E&G oflPi 100 88 Noblltt-Sok 1 80 1 25% Norf&Western 3 * 60% No Am Aviation 63 12% North Am Co %b 48 17% NorNatGac 80e 8 32% North Pacific le 38 75% tNoStPw pf3 60 10 88 Northwest Alrl 18 14% NrthwAlr of] .15 4 24% tNorthwn Tel 3 10 37% Norw Phar 80_ 3 13 OHIO EDIS 2 2 34% tOliio Ed pfd.40 50 102% Ohio OH la 47 42% OlnerCorp lV«e 7 33% 'Oliver of 4 V» 110 107% Omnibus Cp Vie 4 10% Otis Elevator le 33 36 Owens 111 Ol 3 7 58% PAC FIN C 1.60 2 21% .'at Mas At Elc 2 10 35% Pac Mills 3b 1 37% *Pac TelAcT 2 Vie 1 100% Pac TelAtT rt wl 127 M* 'Pac Tel&T pf 6 10 143% Pac West Oil Vie 5 58% Packard M ,15t 51 5% Pan Am Air Vie. 23 10% Pan Am Pet le. 7 21% Panh B P L o 4 62% Pauhl PAtR ,30e 492 11% Param Piet 2 280 22 Park Utah .10e 2 2% Parke Dav ,70e 10 30 Patino Min lV.e 19 16% Pennev iJC> 2a 7 47% Penn>DxCem Vie 1 18% Penn P&L 1.20 4 1»% Penn R R Vie 51 20% Penn Salt ,60e 1 44% tPenn Salt p(3% 80 114% Peoria Ac Eastrn 2 15% Pepsi-Cola 30e 370 14% Pet Milk 1 2 29 'Pet Milk pf 4 Vi 50 102% Petrol Corp ,30e 108 17% PfelflerBrw .70s 1 18% Pfizer CAcCo 2a 1 61% Phelpa Dodie 2a 17 56% 'Phil C 6% pf 3 90 53 tPhil Co S6 pf 8 10 99% Pbila Elec 1.30 16 23% tPhila El Pf4.40 20 H3 Phil Elec of3.80 2 102% PhilAcRdi CAtl S 16 19% Phlleo Corp * 43 40 Philip Mor 1 Via 12 29% PhlllipsJones le 1 43% Phtllipi Petrol 3 25 75% Plllsbury Mills 3 3 34% tpills Mills pf 4 _ 10102% PlttCOk&Ch 80| 6 14% tPlttsC&C pf 6. 10 92 Pitt Con Coal 2. 3 33% Pitts For* lie - 3 23% PittPlateOls Vie 5 38 Pitts Screw .30e 3 9% Pitta Steel_ 3 18% Plttston Co 2_ 14 43% Plym Oil ,90t.. 46 69% Pot Elec Pwr 90 10 13% Preseed Btl Car 31 9% Proct At Qam 3a 8 68% PubSveCol 3.20 3 38% Pub 6 N J 1.40 23 2s% tPub SvcNJ pf * 310 138 tPub SvcNJ Pf 7 240 121% tPub SvcNJ pf 8 400 108% tP 8 N J 55 pf 5 170 95% PubSvEAsG pfwl 46 29% Publioker Vif... 8 24% Pullman le_ 11 45 Pure Oil la ... 66 40% Pure Oil pf 5 1 107% PuritvBak 2.40a 2 31 RADIO CRP.80t 233 15 Radio Cn of 3Vi 2 71% Radio-K-0.45e. 42 8% ♦Rais Pur pf3% 10 98 Rayonier lie... 9 34% Ravonler of 2.. 3 34% ReadlntCol.. 46 24% Real Silk H ,60a 1 13% Reevaa Broa la. 9 15% Relaprpf 1%.. 1 11% .Reliance Mf* 1. 1 12% Rem Rand lb .. 19 14% Reo Motora 2%a 5 24% Rep Aviation.. 15 11% Republic Picture 2 3% Repub Piet pf 1. 7 *% Rroub Steel 1 e 70 31% Rep Steel pf A 6 3 109 Revere C At B 1. 3d 18% Rexall Dru* 33 7 Reyn Metals Vie 2 26 Reynolds Spring 9 10% Reyn Tob B .90s 14 37% Rhee-vMfgl 60 5 22% Richfield Oil 2 519 49 Roan A Cop .33e 3 6 Rob-Ful Con Vie 17 11 RbtshFlpfl.18% 3 27% Royal Type 1.60 6 25% Ruberold le . . 5 69% SAFEWAY ST 1 12 19% ♦Safeway pf 6 . 10 112 St Jos Lead Hie 14 60% St L Sen Fran 124 14% St L San F of 6 12 45% tStLSouthwRe 10 128 'StL Sthw pf fie 20 100 St Reals Pap 60 76 13 Savaae Arms Vie 8 13% SchenleyDi'tll 2 16 31 'ScottPa pf3.40 40 94% Seab Air Line 14 24% SeabdALpf 7 Vie 1 59 Seeb Finsn .70e 3 19% Seabrd Oil 1.60 7 55% Seers Roebck la 25 41 »»% — ee 23 23% + % 28% 28% - % 42% 42% - % 16% 16% - % 65% 66%+1% 130 130% +1 17% 17% - % » 13 - % 34% 34% - % 94% 94% -1% 17% 17%+ %j 88 88 + % 25% 25%+ % 60% 60% 11% 11% - % 17 17 - % 32% 32% 24% 24% - % 88 88 +1 13% 13% — 1% 23% 23% - % 37% 37% - % 12% 12% - % 34% 34% - % 102% 102% - % 41% 41% - % 33% 33% - % 107% 107% - % 10 10 - % 35% 15% 57% 57%-1% 21 21 - % 35% 35%+ % 37% 37%+ % 100% 100% - % %. Via — % 143% 143% +1% 57% 57% - % 5 5 - % 10% 10% - % 20% 21%+1 62 62 - % 10% 10%+ % 20% 21 - % 2% 2% 29% 29% - % 15% 15% - % 47% 47% - % 18% 18% - % 19% 19% - % 20% 20% - % 44% 44%+ % 114% 114% - % 15% 15% 13% 13% -1% 29 29 + % 102% 102% + % 15% 16% + % 18% 18% 61% 61% + % 56 56 - % 32% 52% + % 99% 99% - % 23% 23% - % 113 113 - % 102% 102% 18% 18% - % 39% 39%+ % 28% 29%+ % 43% 43% - % 74% 74%-1 34 34 - % 102% 102% 14% 14% 92 92 33% 33% - % 22% 22% 30 38 + % 9% 9% 18 18 -1 43 43 66 66 -3% 13% 13% 9% 9% — % 68 68 38% 38%+ % 24 24 - % 137 137 120% 120%- % 108 106% 94% 94% - % 29% 29% - % 23% 23% - % 44% 44%+ % 39% 39% - % 107% 107% + % 31 31 14% 14% - % 71% 71% 6% 8% 98 98 - % 34 34 34% 34% - % 23 23 - % 13% 13% - % 15% 15% - % 11% 11% - % 12% 12% - % 13% 13% - % 24% 24% - % 11% 11% 3% 3% 9% 9% - % 30 30 - % 109 109 - % 17% 17%-2% 6% 6% — % 25% 25% - % 10% 10% - % 37% 37% 22% 22% - % 43% 45%+4 5% 5%- % 10% 10% - % 27% 27% 23% 25% - % 68% 69% +1% 19% 19% 112 112 60 60% 14 14 - %l 44% 44% + % 128 128 -1 | 98 98 -3 12% 12% - % 12*4 12*4- ‘4 30% 30% - % 94 94 - % 23% 23% - % 59 59 +1 19% 19% — % 54% 54%-1% 40*4 41 - % Serve) Inc .iOx. 19 tServel of 4H 1*0 ShamrockO 1.80 * Sharon Steel 2 6 Shtro & Doh 1 2 ShellUnOil 2’/»* 34 Sheraton Co .40 3 Silver Klnx Col 6 Simmons Co le 2 S'nclair 011 2 . 206 Skelly Oil 2 Vie 5 Sloss-Sh St! 80e 1 Smith A O ’/ah - 6 Smith&Sons 2» 12 Socony-Vsc 1 225 Solvay AM of 4 . 4 So Am Gold He. 8 =o Cero EJ-O H 13 So P Rico 8 fie < SetitGreyL 1 BO 6 Sou Csl Edls 1H 4 Sou Nst Gas 1H • Southern Par 4 22 Southern Rwv 8 2* Soarka-W 20e. 2« Soencer Kell 2 . 4 Soerry Coro le 20 SDletel Inc . 7 ’Soleael of 4 V, 20 Square D Co He 13 Saulbb & Sons 1 1 tSqulbb&S of 4- 20 Stand Brands 4 24 Std Os&El S4of 31 Std Oil Calif 2s. 1* Std Oil India . 13 Std Oil N Jer lb 40 SdOllOhlolH 34 Std 8tl Sort He 6 Sterllnt Drut 2 * Stevens J P 2a 10 Stewart-War He 2 Stok-V Cano 1. * StoneAcWeb He. 1» Studebaker Sis. 33 Sun Cbem .SO_ * Sun Oil lb_ l Sunray Oil SO 255 Sunray of A 1.08 1 8unravpfBlH. *5 Sunshine Blee 8 2 Sunshine M .80. 3 Sunerbeater la. 1 superior St! la. * Swlft&Ce 1 80a 4 Swift Inti ,40e 5 Sylvan Klee 1.40 5 Svmlna-Gould.. 2 TENNCP.8S*.. 4 TEXAS CO 3 . 3* TexGulfPro .86e * Tex Gulf 8ul 2a 16 TexPaeCAOla * Tex Pac LT .70# 3 Textron la . 7 Thatcher G1 60 5 Thermold Vif 1 third Ave Trane 5 Thoms Prod 17«e 3 Thompson-Star. 3 Thom-Starr pf * Tide W 011 1 20a 74 tTlde Wet pfSAk 60 Tlmk-D Axle le 6 TimkBearlHe. 2 Transamer V»a. 6 Trans * W Atr *1 Tri-Con Co 3k» 34 Truax-Tra 1.20 6 Twent C-Fox 2 18 20thC-PX of 1 H 10 tTwinCit prlHk 3 Twin coaeb — 1 UDTLITK1 1 UNDER WD1H* 2 UnAsbAsRubl < Union Baa 2a 13 Un Carbide Hh 38 1334 12*4 100l/« 100 3534 3434 3»>/4 3834 26H 26H 44*4 4334 634 6 5*/o S* 3334 3334 3234 30 160 15834 23*4 23*4 3J« 33 3*34 381/4 22H 22H 103 102>/4 414 4 734 7H 41 4034 14‘4 14 3034 30H 2734 27 5**4 58 4*>4 47 714 7 27t4 26H 30'4 30>/» 12>4 11'4 72H 72 21>4 21 27 27 103 103 25 28*4 26>4 24*4 723k 7244 52 5144 *044 8*14 34*4 33*4 1414 14H 38>4 38 33 3244 154* 1554 153k 1534 1734 17 2834 2734 1034 10 67*4 6734 1534 1434 7 OH 20*4 26 2534 403k 4034 1034 1034 2634 2634 183k 1834 34 3334 1534 13 2534 2434 6>4 634 18>4 18 12*4 - 34 100 34*4 +134 3834 -134 26*4 4334 -134 6‘4 5*4 33*4 - 3k 3034+1 160 +134 2334 + 34 33 -1 3834- >4 2234 102H - 34 4 734 4034+ *4 1414+ 34 3034- *4 27>4+ >4 5834 - 34 47 -234 734 ' 26*4 -134 30H- 34 12-34 72-34 2134 + ‘4 27 + 34 103 + 34 2834 - 34 2434 —134 72H+ 34 52-34 *034 + 34 3434 + 34 1434 38 - 34 33 + H 1544+ ‘4 15*4 17 2734 - 34 10 - 34 6734- i/4 1534 + 34 20*4 + ‘4 26+34 40*4 - 34 1034 2*14- >4 1834+ 34 3334 + >4 15 2434 34 H 634+ >4 66*4 6634 2414 23*4 64 6214 50*4 50>4 43*4 43 1634 1634 *‘4 11 834 *>4 11 54*4 5414 334 334 2414 2434 31*4 31 104 104 2234 22 5 D4 51 12*4 1234 1434 12 9*4 *34 1734 1734 2034 20>/4 3514 3534 2434 2434 1134 1134 11 11 58 58 15*4 1534 3734 3734 42>4 4234 18 - 6634+ ‘4 25*4+ *4 64 +11/. 5034+ 34 43 - >4 1634 + 34 834 - >4 *‘4+ >4 11 S4i4+ 34 314 2414 31-34 104 22-34 5134 1234 12*4 -234 **4-34 17*4- 34 2d4- *4 3514 2434+ 14 1134 — 34 11 58 - 14 1534 - 34 37*4 — 4234- 34 tUnHlfoalSH 10 88% ISH «M-1H On Oil Cal .70*. 40 33% 34% 34H - % on Pacino 10%e 4 183% 18* ia»% +1% On PMlfl* Of * *103 103 103 -% OnTanfcCar (.80 * 40% 40 40% + % On It Air LlnM 48 13% 14V* 14V*- H Unit AlrLpf 4V* 1 7*% 7*% 7*% +1% Onlt Aircraft la 1* **V* *8% *8%- V* Otd Aircraft nfB 1108 108 108 -1 Onlt BUcalt la. 1 *0% 20% 20% - % Unit Carbon * 33V* 33% 33% Onlt Clear Wbal 34 4% 4% 4% - % tOtdCl»-Wnf3V* *0 34% 34% 54% - % United Carp _ 33 3% 3% 3%-% Onlt Corn of* * 44% 44% 44% + % United Drewood 4 7% 7V* 7% + V* tot Dye pf 3V4k 10 78 78 78 +1 Otd Elec Coal 1 3 *5% *3% *3% - V* UtBnt AsFdv 1 Vie * 43% 43 43,-n- % Onlted Prult Sa. 34 33% 34% 34% Junior Oils in Lead As Stocks Advance Along Wide Front ty the Associated Press NEW YORK, June 21.—Lower priced oil shares shot ahead of a generally improved stock market today. Favored oils jumped 1 to more then 6 points while the rest of the market played around in a 1-point range. Rails took second place in trading interest. Big blocks of oils changed hands but activity elsewhere was compara tively small. Richfield led the oil parade with a gain of almost 6 points at one time. Also far ahead were34ara caibo Oil, Shamrock Oil & uas and Sinclair. Other issues marked up included St. Paul common and preferred, Southern Pacific. Union Pacific, American Woolen. Chrysler. Good rich, Douglas Aircraft, Electric Power Sc Light, General Electric and Montgomery Ward, the last a weak spot last week. Pepsi-Cola dropped to a new 1948 low with a ti point or so decline and lower prices were paid for American Can and Paramount Pic tures. Central of New Jersey coun tered the trend with a loss of more than 2 points and Transcontinental Sc Western Air was a soft spot with a 3-point loss. Cities Service raced ahead in the curD and Salt Dome Oil, Kirby Petroleum and Kaiser-Frazer also improved. Washington Exchange SALES. Pofomtc Eire Pwr 3.So pf “A' —100 »t 40 Potomac filer Pwr common—50 at 13%. "00 at 13%. Washtnaton Gas common—23 at 25%. Potomac Elec Pwr common—15 at 13%. PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS Bid 115*. 108% 92 100 112 105 Am TAtT cv db 2%s 1957 Am TAtT cv db 2%s 1981 Cap Transit 1st ref 4a 1884 City & Suburban 5a 1848 Georgetown Gaa 1st 5a 1961 Pot Elec Pow 3y«s 1886 Pot Ee* Pow 3 Vat 1977 108 Pot Elec Pow 3a 1983 _101 % Washtnaton Gaa 5a 1980 . 122% PUBLIC^UTTUTT Amer Tel St Tel (9)_*155% Capital Transit __ 15% N At W Steamboat <t4>_185 Pot Elec Pwr com (.90).. *13% Pepco 3.60*i pld “A" (l.RO) *45 Pepco 3.60r„ old 'B'’ (1.80) Wash Gas Lt com (1.50t Wash Gas Lt cum pld (4.25) 101 Wash Gas Lt cu cv pi (4.50) 104 BANK AND TRUST COMPANIES. Asked. 118 10P% 94 18% 180 13% •45V, 25 Va 28 Amer Sec At Tr new (tl.OO) 28% Bank of Betheada (tl.60) 40 Capital (.90) .. . *27% Com & Savinas (tlO)_*350 Liberty (8) _315 Lincoln (to) *330 Natl Sav Tr (8.00).. . 420 Pr Georges B * Tr (tl.OO) 80 Riaas (12) .. . 320 Union Trust Co (tl.OO)_ 38% Washlnaton (6) .. 195 Wash Loan At Tr (12). 880 FIRE AND ITT LB INSURANCE. American (ts) _160 Columbia (t.30>_ . *12% Firemen’! (1.40) 31 National Union (.75)_ 16 Real Estate (t8> ... *193 MISCELLANEOUS Carpel Corp (2.00) ’27 Garflnckel com (1 50) OarO 5%rc cu cv pf (1.375) Garfl 4%r- cu cv pf (1.125) Hcrht Co. (1.80) _ Hecht 3J'art cum pf (3.75). Lanston Mono (t2.00) Meraenthaler Lino (a.75) Natl Mtae At Inv pf (p 45) Peoples Dr St com (tl.60). Security Storaae (t£)_ Ter Ref A Wb Corp (3) Wdwd * Loth com (t2.f>0) Wdwd At Loth pf new (5). 31 835 40 13% 19 •18% •34 Va •21 26% 89% •24Vs •62 8% •35 110 50 •35 •10* 33 19% 25% 27% 93 25>/« 64 37% 126 38% * Ex dividend, b Books closed, t Plua extra or extraa a Paid so far this rear p Paid 1947. erEx rlahts. New York Cotton NEW YORK. June 21 —Cotton futures were Arm In moderately active dealings today. Short covering and commission house buying were prompted by congressional passage of the foreign aid fund, the $150. 000,000 revolving fund for Government commodity purchases including cotton, and extension of Government support prices on farm commodities for another year. Traders thought that there might be sme early export buying of cotton by the Army under the revolving fund measure. Offerings came through hedging by leading spot firms. There was a good deal of evening-up and switching from nearby July to later months. Private crop reports were favorable, with beneficial rains noted in Texas and Oklahoma Late afternoon prices were 85 cents to, $1.20 a bale higher than the previous! close. July. 36.38; October, 33.49. and i December. 32.77. Odd-Lot Dealings The Securities and Exchange Commis sion reported today these transactions by customers tilth odd lot dealers or special ists on the New York Stock Exchanae for June 18: 4.8PB purchases Involving 151.801 shares: 5.'ll1’ sales lnvolvina 146,0511 shares, lndudin. IT short sales Involving, 61 ft shares. Sale*— Stock and Add Dividend Rate 00 High. Low 1 UtdGasImp 1.30 2 22 2158 unit MAM la 12 16% 18% DSAF Sec 1.35* 3 31'/.. 303/4 tOS * FrS nf4H 70 100‘/4 100% OS Gypsum 3 2 110*4 110 OS Hoff Mch %t OS IndChm 1 Vat O S Leather He OS Leath A 1 He O 8 Lines ZH OS Lines pf 45 OS Plpe&F 2.80 0 S Plywood la 13% 13% 40 39'* 6% 6% 29H 29% 17% 17% 9 9 30 30 3534 33>4 10% 10% 6 5% 31% 31% 19 19 a 73% 22% 22 13 12% 22% 22% 32'% 321% 37>* 37% 34'% 34 24 *4 12% 12% 13% 13 99 10% 2 28 20 O S Rubber 3e _ 16 47'% 46% O S Smelt I He . 8 32% 32 0 8 Steel Z%*_. 42 81% 80% OS Steel of 7 __ 3 140>% 140'% ri S Tobac 1 10 4 18% 18V* Ot StraZd pf He 3 Otd Wallpap He 20 Ot Wallpap pf * 2 Onlr-Cyclopa 1 _ 1 Only Lab 14 OnlyLeafTob la 2 Onlv Pictures 1- 8 Vanad Carp Ha. 3 Vert-C Sugar Z 20 13% 12'% Vick Chem 1 20 4 23 22>4 tVlctorCh Bf 3H 2 94% 94% Va CarolinCbem 10 13 12% VaB&Pwrl.ZO 37 17% 16% tVa Iron*C Bf 11*0 22% 22 va Railway ZH- * 36 36 Va Rail of 1H __ Vliking Coro Z-. Walgreen 1.60. walker Hlr 1 Ha Walworth .40e Ward Bak SOe. 'Ward Bk pf6H 40 99 Warner Bros 1-. 63 11 Warren Fndry . Warren Pet 80. 26 31% 30% Wayne Pumo Z 4 23% 25% TVesson Oil ZHe 3 33% 53% •Wesson Oil Bf4 20 03% 03 WstludSuglHa 6 21% 21% W Penn Bee He 40 18% 18 twa Penn B Pf7 10 119 119 tw« Penn *1 Pf8 60100>% 107% •W PenPw of4% 10 112% 112% WVaCftC.708. 1 18% 18% WVa Pu1b8iP 18 « *048 *® WeiternAlr Lln8 * ■% 8% WeitAutoSup S. * 42% 42 Western Md . *1 13% 13% West Md 2nd of. 7 33 32 West Pacific 3 . 3 34% 34 West Un Telle. 28 22% 22% West Air Brk 2. 6 38% 38*4 Westing Bee 1 *8 31% 30% 'Wst El Bf A 3H *0 93 93 Westvacol.48 3 49 49 t Wstvsco pf3H 130 97% 97% Wheel Steel 2 31 **% 34 'WheelStl orofft 40 88 87% White Mot 1.60 2 22% 22% White Sewing M 21 21% 20% •WhlteSMpf lk. 20 103 103 Wilcox Oil .40a 49 19% 18% Willrr-OTerland 20 11% 10% Willys Ov pf 4% 4 64% 64 WUsonStCo 1 Ha 20 19% 19% wise Bee Pwr l * 17% 17% Woodward Ir 2- l 36% 36% Woolworth Za . 17 49% 49 WorP&MHh- 4 23% 23% Wrigley W Jr 3a 1 64% 66% WyandWor 40a 32 11% 11% YALE&TWNH* 1 32 32 York Coro % YoungSprAtW 1. Young ShAcT 4a YngstSttDoor IP ZENITH R lHe. Zonlte Prod -10a 14% 14'% 21 21 04% 04% 10% 10% 30 29% 9% 9% Net !:30. chge. 21'* - % 18% - % 30% - % 100% + % 110 - % 13% - % 39% 6% 29%+ % 17% - % 9 - % 50 - 3* 35%+ % 46% -1 32 80% -1 140% + % 18%+ % 10*4- % 3% - % 31'4- % 19 - >4 7% - % 22% - % 12*4 - % 22% - % 13% + % 22% - % 94% 12% - % 17%+ % 22 - % 36 32% + >4 31% - % 34% 24 + % 12% - % 13 - % 99 + % 10% - % 28 30% -1% 25% - % 55% 63% + % 21% - % 16 + % 119 +1 107% +1% 112%+1% 18% - % 50 - % a%- % 42 13%+ % 32 -1 34 - % 22% - % 38% - % 30% - % 83 - % 48 -2% 97% - % 34 + % 88' + % 22% - % 2014 ~ % 103 19 + % 10'4- % 64%+ % 13'4 17% 36%+ %! 49 + %1 23% 66%+ % 11%+ % 32 - % 145* + % 21 - % 8414- % 16% - % 29%+ % 3% + % ■ml; hh> •» cno__ 11-00»— >70000 l*:0u noon 090000 1:00 pjn. 0*0000 SiOOPJn. 1M0 000 tOnlt of motor or i under too 10 i or I Act. •In Mm roorconlxed or securities assumed hr such componles Ratos of dividends in the foracolnx table are annual disbursements based on tbs last quarterly or semi-annual declaration. Unless other wise noted, special or extra dividends are not Included, x Ex dividend, xr Ex richts. a Also extra or extras, b Plus stock divi dend. d Cash or stock, s Declared or paid so iar this roar, f Parable In stock, esti mated ' ash value on ex dividend date t Paid last rear, h Declared or paid after stock dividend or stock split-up. k Accum ulated dividends paid or declared this rear, t Parable in stock, exact cash valu^inde termined on declaration data. J N. Y. Bond Market (raraliM to the SELECTED LIST OP ISSUES. #7 67 51% 93% TREASURY 2:30 1%S60. 100X3 NEW YORK CITY 3s 80 105 FOREIGN 2::-0 Antwerp 5s 58 . 95V* Brazil 3V« s*r23 54 Canada 3 V«a 81 104% Sao P St 7s40st 74% Urag si 4 Vis 79 76% DOMESTIC 2:30 Am&PP6s2030 95% Ain T&T 234s57 115% Am T&T 2Vis61108% Am T&T 2V'es86 91 AmTobacco3s62 102 AmTobacco3s69102% A T S F 4s 95 121% Atl Cl lsr 4s 52 104% At! Dnv I;t4s4 8 37% Balt&Ob 5s75B Balt&Oh 5sM9fi B&Qcv 4 Vi2lll II Balt&Oh 4s75A B&OSouDiv5sSO 80% Bost Me 4s 60 86% BuIRoch&P57st 66 Can Nor 4 Vis 56112% Can Pac 4s perp 95 Celancse 3s 65 10214 Cent Ga 5 Vis 59 13% Cent Ga cn5%6 Cent Gslst5s45 Cn RR NJ 5s 87 Cn RR NJ 4s 87 C&O 3Vis 96 D 102% C B & <3 2’is 70 97% Chi&E 1 me 97 Chl&L Inc4s83 CMStP4Vis2019 CMStP4Vis2044 Chl&NW 4Vis99 CRIPin4Vis2019 87% Cm G&E 2V«s75 99% CCCStL 4*is 77 74% Col G&E 3V«s73 101'/* Comwl Ed 3s 77 102% ComEdNY 3s72 102% Cons Ed ev 3s63108% D&R in 4Vi2018 65% DetEdlson2Vi82 96% Erie 4 Vis 2015 71% QenRe&Ut 4s69 85 Hud&M rf 5s 57 64% Hud&li In 5s 57 25 I C 4Vis 66 88% ICC StL 5s 63 A 70 82% 78% 67 46 64% 72% 59% 68% 92 36% 63% 62% 79% ICCStL 4 Vi s 63 IntGtNor 6s 52 Int G N Ist6s52 Int Gt No5s56B IntaydroEi6s44 Jam F&C 4s 59 LacledeGs4Vi63 108% LS&MS 3 97 97 Lautro N Inc 75 Leh VI HT 6s 54 LehVal4Vis2003 Leh Val 4s2003s 37% MSP8SM 4S 91 53 M-K-T 6s 62 A M-K-T 4 Vis 78 M-R-T 1st 4s90 Mo Pac 5Vis 40 Mo Pac 5s 77 F Ms Pac 6s 78 G Mo Pac an 4s 75 89 69 41% 82% 70 76 28% 87 87% 47% Mt 8tT*T2V«s8t 92% 94 80 72 i 65% 90 45 | 71 NOTM6I94 NYC rf 5s 2013 NYC4V4S2013A NYC con 4s oh NY Conn2Vis75 NYNHinc4 Vis'21 NYNHH 482007 N Y Tel 3',.s 78 1C«% Norf West 4s 06 127% Nor Pc 6S2047D 99 Nor Pelt 4Vis751C4 Nor Pac 4s 97 1061% PennCtAlr3Vis6C 44% PennRR«4 %s65106% PennRRc4'/4S81 102 PennRR 3',is52 99% Peo&E inc 4s90 21% Pblll Pet 2Vis64 101% Reading 3Vis 95 92% StLSF 4Vis2022 58% StLSanFrn4z97 88 StL 8W rf 6s 90 101% Scab ln4Vis201fl 71 Socony-V2,is76 95% Sou Pac 4 Vis 69 95% SoPac4VisOr77 104 So Ry cn 5s 94. 120 So Ry an 4s 66 95% StdOHNJ2Vis71 95% Third Ave 5a 60 62 UnOUCal8Vis70 99% VaEl&Pw3 % s63109% West 8h 4s 2361 67 West Un 6s 60 93% Wise Cent 4a 49 72% Wis Cn 4s 36SD 41% N. Y. Curb Market UST INCLUDES ONLY SELECTED ISSUES CHANGED FROM FEEVIOG8 CLOSE t:3» Aireon M!i Co_. At Alum Ltd 3_543b Am Gas & El lb 38*4 AmLUhtftT.56, IS*/* Am Maracaibo 63b AmRepublic Abe *44b Am Superpower 1*4 Angermn Co .40 7*4 ArkNQis A ,20a 8*4 Ashland Oil l-_ »H Atl Coast Fish . 3% Atlas Corp w w_ 6H Barium Steel.-. 7 BaslO Refret .40 7 Blue Rldae -40i. 4 Braa Tr LftP 2 17vt BrwnF Diet ,80a 25 Burd Piston .80. 17*4 Burma Ltd_ At Calllte Tuna_ 344 Can Marconi_ 2Vi Carr Cona Blsc. 44b Catalln Am . 73b Cen&S W Cp .70 Mb Chi ft So Airl 64» Cities Service 2. 65*4 Clarostat Mf*_4 Claude Neon __ 3A* Colon Develop . 644 ColSand&St .40 6*4 Coml ft Sou war *4 ConsGEBalt3.80 <3Vb Con, Ga, Util A, 11A4 Cons Royal .14 4*4 Cons Stl Cp 1 Ail 443b Copr Rants Abe. 15Vb Cosden Petro . 9A* Creole Pet 1.80e 52>/b Croft Brew __ 14b Crosley Motor _ 10A4 Crown Cent Pet 84b CrownDrut 05e 34b Crystal Oil Red 3 Dennison A 80e 1044 Derby 0111 Vie . 30*4 DetGraylr ,20s. 3>/b Diana Stores At 7a* Domln Steel Aba 15 DuvalTexSul Abe 16*4 East State Corp 4 El Bond&Sh V«t 15 Equity Corp_ 214 Eureka C Ltd. .. HAG Fairchild E A A 514 FansteelMetAbt. 14 FordMFran ,02t 114 GenPlywood .40 7A4 OoldBeld Cons.. A* Haaeltlne Abe . 1814 Hecla Min 1 13A4 Humble Oil 1 Aba S8 Hurd Lock & M 3A4 Imp OH Ltd Ab 16Ab Imp Oil Ltd rtwl 1M* Int Petrol A» 13>4 Invest Roy 04a 214 Kalser-Fraier.. 10*4 Kirby Pet 20s . 7044 Kirk Lake 02e 1M« LakeyFdftM Aba S>4 Leonard Oil Dev Ab Lionel Corp la 2914 Lone Star Oas 1 25 Long Island Ltg. Ab Louis L ft E la. 23*4 Mecianahan OH 14b Mead John .80a 1944 Menaseo Mfg... 244 MdSPAvtcl.ZOe 28*4 MldStPB vte Abe 8*4 Mid West Crp6f 10A4 Midi Stl n-cum2 26*4 Mid-West Refln 4A* Nat Bellas ,20g. 4Ab Nat Fuel 0 .80. 114b NJers Zinc 1 Aba 72 Niagara Hud Pr 944 NlagShB.lSe. 103b NorCenTexlg. 21 NorthropAir A*g 12*4 Pantepee 1.28.. 184b Pennroad 40g._ 8Ab Pen Bovs_ 4*4 Pioneer Oold 2*4 Pltney-Bow ,60a 12*4 Producers Corp. 2*4 R-K-0 opt war. 24b Raytheon Mfg . 9 Richmond Rad 4*4 SaltDomeO xAbf 12*. Segal Lock. .. 2*4 Solar Aire .16a. 12»» Sosa Mfg 1 9*4 SoPenOll .1 20a 44*4 Sterling Inc Abe 8*4 SunRavDru Ofie 6*4 Toklan Roy 06a 43b Trl-Contl w w _ 33b Unit Alrc Prod.. 4*4 Ut LtftRys -32e 213b PtShoeMac 21bs 55*4 Ut-IdahoSu.l6e. 3 Venesuela Petr. 93b Veneg Syn .15e 5 WagnerBak vtcl 10*4 Waltham Watch 3*4 Wilson Bros Abe 544 Woodley Pet .40 183b Wright Barg .18 244 : Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. June 21 (*) (USDA) —Sal able hogs. 8.500; total. 9,500: fairly active; 25 to mostly 50 higher on weights under 250 pounds; heavier weights very uneven, but generally steady to 25 higher; sows steady to 25 higher, practical top. 28.25: one load, 28.50; most good and rhoice 170-250 pounds. 27.50-28.25; 200-280 pounds. 26.25-27.25: 290-325 pounds. 24.75-26.00; 350-400 pounds. 22.60-24.00: most good and choice sows under -400 pounds. 22.00-23.75: heavier weights down to 19.50 for around 550-pound averages: prospects good clearance. Salable cattle. 10.000; total. 10.000; sal- i able calves. 500; total, 5.000: high good | and choice fed steers and heifers fully! steady; common medium and average good grades. 50 lower: high choice 1.352-pound mixed steers and heifers as well as 1.150 pound steers topped at 38.50: moderate supply high good and choice steers. 37.00 38 25: choice. 1.500-pound averages to 37.25. 1.450-pound. 37.60: most medium; to low-good steers. 25.00-32.00; com-! parable heifers. 23.00-31.00; choice J.-j 045-pound heifers topped at 37.90: high- j good cows steady at 25.00-27.00; all: others weak to 50 lower; most common, and medium beef cows, 19.00-23.00: can-! ners and cutters. 14.50-18.00; sausage, bulls steady to 25 lower at 25 00 down: vealers. 50-1.00 lower at 29.00; mostly 28.00 down. Salable sheep. 1.500: total. 2,000: mar ket, slow, old crop shorn lambs and year lings uneven, steady to around 50 lower; early sales spring lambs fully 1.00 or more lower: slaughter ewes not fully established: most bids and few sales around 1.00 of! on these: medium and good old crop shorn lambs No. 1 and No. 2 pelts, 26.00-27.00: good and chioce scarce; few small lots mostly good native spring lambs. 30.00: few good and choice lots held around 31.00; early sales shorn slaughter ewes. 11.50 down; mainly 11.00 for good and choice. New York Produce NEW YORK, June "1 (/P).—Butter (2 day's receipts), 613.620, easy. Wholesale1 prices on bulk cartons: Creamery, hieher than m: score and premium marks IAA’. MJ',,-81V 92 score 'A). 79-79'/»; no score iB>. 77; SO score (C). 75'„. ‘New tubs usually command '/> cent a pound over the bulk carton price.) . „ . ' Cheese <2 days receipts), 219.196 steady. Wholesale sales, fresh American rhee3e (whole milk). Cheddars. 48-4X. Cheddars 'grass. 1047). 54-56: Cheddars (grass. 1947). shelf cured 58-59: single daisies. 40-51: single daisies (grass, 1M47). 56-56; single daisies (grass. 1H47). shelf cured. 50-60: flats. 49-52: flats (grass. 56-60: flats (grass. 1047). shelf 60-62: midgets. 52-54: midgets 1047). 56-50: midgets, shelf cured, processed. 5 pounds, 48-52'a: do Swiss (single tubs), best. 62-64: others. 50-60. Who’csnle egg prices held steady today Receipts for 2 days totaled 20..164 cases Spot Quotations follow: Midwestern, mixed colors—Fancy heavy weights, 50-55: extra 1 large, 48-49^ extra 2 large. 47-47',i: extra 1 medium. 4,-47‘r; current receipts, 47; dirties. 40-41; checks, 39-39V.. Whites—Fancy heavyweights. 56-5,: extra 1 large. 64-55: extra 2 large, 48-52: extra 1 medium. 62-5844. ..... Browns—Fancy heavyweights. 6.1-55: extra 1 large. 50-52: extra 2 large, 4,-40; extra 1 medium. 47-48. 1047), cured (grass. 60-62; mestic Chicago Grain CHICAGO, June 21 (JP).—Weather news provided the background for most of the | activity on the Board of Trade today | With rains everywhere frOin the wheat; territory of the Southwest throught the. Midwest corn belt, lttle buying enthusiasm could be developed In grains. w . I Corn, most affected by the weather. lost’ a cent or more at times. Oat* were easy but frequently got back to around the •! previous close. Wheat showed a steady, undertone most of the session, slthough losing zround toward the close. Trading; was fairly light. , _, I Wheat closed Vi-*4 lower. July. 2.31 corn was %-2‘« lower. July. 2.20%-V,: and oats were unchanged to *4 lower. July.; 94t4-*4. There was no trade in soybeans Chicago Cash Market. No cash wheat. Corn. No. 1 yellow. 1 2 34^-2.30*4: No. 2 yellow. 2.3fl'/4-Vf.oatf No. 1 heavy mixed. 1.22*4; No. 1 mixed. 1.18*4; No 1 white. 1.17V,: No. 1 extra heavy special red. 1.21 *4: No. 1 heavy special red. 1.21*4: Arley. meeting. 2-1O 2.40. nom; Feeo, 1.70-2.SO. nom.; no soybeans. Foreign Exchange NEW YORK, June 21 0P>.—Foreign exchange ratei follow (Great Britain In dollars. others In cental: Canadian dollar In New York open market «Va per cent discount or 83 50 United States rent*, unchanged Europe—Great Britain. 40.03’e. un changed: rrance (franc >. 3-*« of a cent, unchanged: Italy (lira) June fixed rate. .001738. Mar .001.38: S*«den (krona), 27.85. unchanged: Switzerland (franct (commercial). 23.40, unchanged. Latin America — Argentina {free . 24 03. down .00 of a cent: Brail! (free' 6.50. unchanged; Mexico. 20.82. un changed. Dividends Announced NEW YORK. June 21 UP<-—Dividend* declared: Indus Brownhoist Increase. Det 8tl prod ... -- 7‘5 7*10 Indus. Brownhoist-15c - 1*1* Park dr Til -- i*;3 Vanadium Corn - ti 7-8 Pe-Stk. of Par Rate riod. record, able. ..10c-- 7-16 8-1 Atchison. Topeka * Sant* F> Railway will build 750 boxcars of i 50-ton capacity at its own shops. Lewis Paper Scores Tobin, Says He Tries To Re-Elect Truman ly fh« Associated Press A John L. Lewis union newspaper hurled sharp criticism today at Dan Tobin and his AFL Teamsters Union, to sharpen political differences be tween two of the Nation's biggest labor groups. A miners union publication. "The News,' said the teamsters’ boss was trying to blame Mr. Lewis for the Taft-Hartley Act to help elect Presi dent Truman. “It certainly would appear.” the News said, "that the ‘non-political’ presidential trip to the West, and Mr. Tobin’s efforts to hang the blame for the Taft-Hartley Act on the United Mine Workers of Amer ica. have a common purpose—the election of Harry Truman.” In Indianapolis, Lester Hunt, editor of "The International Teams ter,” and spokesman for Mr. Tobin, denied flatly that the teamster chieftain was supporting Mr. Tru man for re-election. "In fact,” Mr. Hunt said, “Mr. Tobin has refused to serve as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention.” Mr. Hunt said the teamster union's national Executive Board had authorized Mr. Tobin to call a special national convention of the union "some time after Labor Day” to decide the candidate it will sup port for President. Mr. Hunt added that if the pres idential candidates are President Truman and New York Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, “we would be more inclined to support the Re publican candidate." Mr. Tobin was a delegate to the last four Democratic National Con ventions and supported the late President Roosevelt actively in his campaigns. Mr. Lewis and Mr. Tobin came to a parting of the ways at the AFL's convention last fall at San Francisco. Mr. Lewis wanted to resist the new labor law at every step; Mr. Tobin wanted to live up to it, but light for its repeal. As a result Mr. Lewis took the miners out of the AFL. National Linen Service Corp. profit for three months ended May 31 was $496,219 or 25 cents vs. $502,995 or 28 cents in the same 1947 period. FOR RENT Offices in Clarendon. Arlington County, Va. Suites of 3 and 4 Rooms $10? up LYON PROPERTIES, INC. CH. 7070 LOANS ON REAL ESTATE ▼art-ias plans. Including lona-tem monthly payments, at favorable rate. rntdT DEED OK TRUST ONLY RENTALS—SALES—INSURANCE GEORGE I. BORGER 648 Indiana Are. N.W. NA. 6300 7 Accused in $8,000 Theft Of U.S. Goods af Curtis Bay •y tn« Associated Press , BALTIMORE, June 21.—Six Bal timore men have been charged with stealing Government property worth $8,000 from the Maritime Commission yard at Curtis Bay, I the Federal Bureau of investigation i reported. It said a seventh man has been charged with receiving stolen prop erty in connection with the same case. Those accused of theft, according ' to Special FBI Agent Fred Hall ford, are Edward Levine, 27. a war surplus goods buyer: Julius Rosen, 32: Deno Sakelos. 33: Charlges H. Duggan. 54: Bernard J. Bremer. 28, and Nafphle Aaronson. 31. Lloyd C. Wilson. 29, of Catonsville, has been charged with receiving stolen goods, Mr. Ha Ilford said. He said the six charged with lar ceny took the merchandise—includ ing about 6.000 sheets and 1.000 matress covers—from the Curtis Bay warehouse. One of them arranged to ship the goods <o New York. There they were sold for $3,600. The goods were on a pier ready for loading on a vessel when they were located by the FBI, Mr. Hallford said. Market Averages STOCKS. 30 Xndst. Net change-unc. Today noon-97.7 Prev. day_97.7 Week ago_„ 98.5 Month ago_96.9 Year ago _91.7 1948 high_98.7 1948 low_83 3 BONDS. 20 Rails. Net change unc. Today noon 93.8 Prev. day 93.8 Week ago 93.7 Month ago, 92.8 Year ago 1948 high 1948 low 18 Balls. 4- .a 4ft.0 44.7 44.8 44.8 32.7 4ft 2 342 10 10 Indst. Util, unc unc. 91 93.7 __ ... 87.7 (Compiled by 101.6 101.6 101.7 101.6 lft Util. unc. 4*S 42.2 42.6 42.3 38.0 60 Stks. 4-.1 71.3 71 2 71 ft . 70 9 64.4 71.7 60.3 101.3 101.3 101.8 101.3 103.4 10ft.4 101.8 102 0 99.8 980 the Associated 10 10 Low Fgn. Yield. .1 —.1 03.0 109 9 62.9 110 0 62.5 110 3 62 0 110 4 72 9 115.2 66 9 110 6 60 2 107.9 Press.) HERE, YOUR SAVINGS GROW! We’ve never failed to pay a dividend! You get insured safety up to $5>000! You ean start with $5 to $5,000! 1337 K N.W. RE. 5201 trench Takoma Park SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES Are available at both our Sil ver Spring and Takoma Park vaults. $4.00 Per Year Plus Tax Suburban national BANK OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 12 NOON Over 50 Yean Specializing in Whether you own residential prop erty or apartments, you’ll And ‘‘THE SAUL CO." ably staffed to take complete charge. Our management Includes leasing, rental and mainte nance; evefry detail incident to the proper and thorough handling of your property is backed by our more than 50 years' experience. B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th ST. NAV. NATIONAL 2100 First Mortgages—Loans—Insurance UNDER SUPERVISION OF UNITED STATU TREASURE He’s Well To Do! •^y^Tien he ">• younger he Marted a Saving* Account at National Permanent. Ha •eved consistently. Now he doein't work »o hard. Moral: Open a Saving* Account now at National Permanent. Save regularly! "A FRIENDLY LOCAL INSTITUTION** National Permanent building association Ort»it**a IN* 719 10th St. N.W. NA. 0254