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ARROW SHIRTS TIES and SPORT SHIRTS lEVITIMS 3044 14th St N.W. CO. 1184 Open Eves. 'Til 9 P.N. tlllH THC WORLD OVER ADVERTISEMENT. Eye Cautions Bright, gloring light tires eye*. Avoid read ing in o shadow. Diffused, indrect light i? restful. To *oothe ond relax overworked tore. fired, burning, itching eyes use com fnrtinej pleosont lovoptik. 30 year* success Prnijied by thousands. Get lovoptik today (Eye-cup included . Be delighted or money bock. All druggist*. .00 © l.'Srd 5»t. W. of B »a>, Nrw York QUICK RELIEF FOR FUSSY STOMACH DUE TO ACID INDIGESTION, — CAS AND HEARTBURN — ADVERTISEMENT. Eyes burn? Lids puff? NAll POLISH? Now . . . wonderful news for women who .suffer from irritations caused by • rail polish! I Nail Rrilliance, sensational new pol • |sh, is made with an entirely new for mula! So pure, it's safe for even sensitive skin. Free from ingredients which may cause annoying rashes and “upsets" to tender skin on the neck, chin, eye lids, etc. . Nail Brilliance comes in many fash ion-smart shades. Made by Cutex. Only • 2-3r, plus tax. Ask for it at your favorite cosmetic : counter or 5 & 10c store. Or write us direct. Northam Warren Corporation, Personal Service Dept., Stamford, Conn. Don't go to a juvenile genius RASH Look in the Yellow Pages — your Classified * Telephone Directory for Ice Cream Bakers Druggists er alnost anything alsa Ike, Angd-Jiobe; ^dUu.eJto' — the softly draped lines of this silk negligee — as fresh and as blue as a summer sky. —the smooth softness, the heav enlv comfort of Modess. It's the happy personal secret of thousands or smart women. Modess now comes in 3 sizes— Junior, Regular, and Super. Military Chiefs Await Order to Begin Draft; Bradley Hails Action By the Aktociated Press The Nation's military leaders were ready today to swing speedily into action building a 2,000.000-man detense loice—when President Tru man orders the draft. Not until 90 days after Mr. Tru man signs the selective service re vival bill can men—19 through 25— be inducted into the armed forces. But the defense chiefs were rush ing plans to set up the training ma chinery for the thousands of peace time draftees. Congress gave them more than $14,000,000,000 to do the job of strengthening the Army, Navy and Air Force. Gen. Bradley. Army chief of staff, (said passage of the draft bill is a hong step "toward preventing for ieign conflict.” He told a news conference in Los Angeles yesterday it will "back our ! leadership in the world and will ! strengthen our foreign policy.” "Anything Might Happen.” As to the chances of an emer gency arising, Gen. Bradley said: "We’re faced with the possibility i anything might happen. No one knows—unless it would be 14 men in the Kremlin.” | Gen. Bradley's forces received the i major share of the defense oillious ' handed out by Congress and will get | the largest number of men through jthe peacetime draft. I On the dollar score, the Army got $6,767,668,163; the Navy, $4,7.49.059. 250. A $3,224,000,000 appropriation to build the Air Force up to 70 groups, also included funds for the I Army and Navy. S Military authorities have esti mated it will take about $1,700,000. 000 to draft and train the future inductees. \ eterans VIay Aid training. Gen. Bradley said some key per sonnel may be brought home from overseas to help in the training pro gram. Reserve and National Guard officers already have been put through special courses to admin ister the peacetime draft. The fanfare which featured the (beginning of the previous drafts will be missing this time. There will be no drawinng of numbers from a goldfish bowl. In j stead of a lottery, the order of in i duction will be decided by age. Tentative plans call for begin ning the draft w-ith 21-year-olds. Under this plan men who turned 21 j on January 1 would be first in line for induction, January 2 next and so on through December 31. Hershev Expected to Resume Role, j Whether all eligibles in the first age group will be called before j drafting is started from another ; group still is to be decided. The Office of Selective Service Records, caretaker of the wartime |draft records and planning agency for the peacetime draft, will be ab sorbed by the new selective service organization. Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, who headed the wartime draft, presumably will head the new agency. Approximately 4.000 local draft boards will be set up. There were 6,442 boards during the wartime dralt. The local boards, like before, will be appointed by the Governors. The Army probably will call be tween 200.000 and 225,000 inductees during the first 12 months. Under the draft bill the Army j would be increased to 837,000 from its present 548.000 strength: the Navy and Marine Corps to 666,882 from 469,000: the Air Force to 502.000 from 382.000. The total strength of the military establish ment is set at 2,005.882. Capper to Leave Hospital Senator Capper, 82 - year - old Kansas Republican, who has been jin the Naval Medical Center at Bethesda since Wednesday for a check-up, is scheduled to be re leased within a few days, hospital aides said today. The oldest mem ber of the Senate, who lias an nounced his retirement, was ad mitted to the hospital last week j suffering from fatigue. lie ftlkouXicwn Enroll now! Finest troining in every phase of Beauty Culture Free catalog on request. Approved for training of Veterans under G. I. Bill of PERMANENTS, $4 & Shampoo and finger wave_50c Manicure_35e . Work don# by stu [ dents under close su ^Jpervision of licensed instructors. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF BEAUTY CULTURE « DUPONT CIRCLE • CO. 6290 MON.. WED., mi.. » A.M to » r.M. TUKS.. I III KS.. SAT.. » A.M. to .1 f.M I CLEVELAND MILWAUKEE SPOKANE PORTLAND SEATTLE ALASKA-" ”"sw'«tv ORIENT-4 TRIPS WEEKLY Phon»: STERLING 9000 or your Trawl Agent <jml] ^NORTHWEST Q%ie*l WKLIWESJ Talks May Start Here Soon on Military Aid To Western Europe j By John M. Hightower Associated Press Staff Writer Representatives of the Western European countries soon will be- j gin military talks with United States defense chiefs. These talks, probably to be held here, will open a new phase in the^ development of American policy; toward Europe. Officials said today the conversa tions, in a sense, would be based on the Senate-approved resolution drafted by Senator Vandenberg. Republican, of Michigan. It put the Senate on record as favoring United States support of regional defense alliances where they serve! this country's security interests. One such regional alliance is the still developing Western European union of Britain, Prance. Belgium,1 the Netherlands and Luxembourg. These nations have laid down plans for broad political, economic j and military co-operation which the American Government hopes will provide the nucleus of a united states of Europe. One agency of that group is a military committee functioning in London. This committee is under Why Mountain Valley Water Is Recommended for ARTHRITIS KIDNEY and BLADDER Condition This natural mineral water (ram Hot Sprints. Arkansas, helps to— 1. Stimulate kidney functions. 2. Soothe bladder irritation. 3. Neutralize uric acidity. 4. Discharge wastes Thane for a Com* Today MOUNTAIN VALLEY MINERAL WATER MET. 1062 904 12th St., N.W. Intrreltini Bookltt on Renuett stood to have made extensive studies of strategic problems of defending Western European coun tries. The prospective talks will give the American high command its first information on the results of those studies. They also will be aimed at establishing a close liaison. It is expected that political talks will follow eventually. The objective will be to associate the United States with the union in some way that would assure the members of Ameri can support in event of armed ag gression. Any such regional aeiense agree ments would have to come within the framework of the United Nations and he approved by Congress. Leaders of the Nation bipartisan foreign policy indicated they were highly pleased with the recent con gressional accomplishments—headed by enactment of the multi-billion dollar European Recovery Program. The State Department was equally cheered by passage of the draft bill. Secretary of State Marshal! as well as Defense Secretary For restal had sought the expansion of the armed forces in order to bring American military power more Into line with the Nation's world-wide commitments. The largest single problem for ELECTROL BAIL FLAME IS CHEAPER ASK FOil DETAILS For Quick Servict Coll Ll. 6400 All Installations Under the Supervision of James Raskin kf"DEL ta 1124 FLORIDA AVENUE N.E. REAL ESTATE LOANS More and more men and women arc coming to Washington Loan to ar range for real estate loans on improved business and residential property in the District of Columbia, nearby Maryland and Virginia. Whether or not you arc a depositor, you, too, arc cordially invited to apply. Here arc some of the available loan plans, all of them designed to meet the special needs of borrowers, at low interest rates. m Monthly Amortization Plan—Your loan ' can be arranged so that interest charges and principal payments are made, each month, like rent. V Term Loan Plan—You can make a ' straight mortgage loan covering a speci fied period of time— and at a standard, low rate of interest. A G. I. Loan Plan —Veterans can use this ' plan to take advantage of the benefits assured them under their Bill of Rights. ■ f. H. A. Loan Plan— You can borrow ' under this Government-insured plan. Payments covering interest, taxes, principal reduction are made monthly. Loans for home repair and modernization also made under F. H.A. Use the plan that fits your needs. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY F AT 9th STREET, N W 17th AT G STREET, N. W Member Federal Deposi' Insurance Corporor.on Federal Reserve System which the session supplied no con crete answer was that of direct American military aid or support for the countries of Western Eu rope. At one point two months ago Army and State Department offi cials hoped that Congress might authorize the President to take weapons out of the American ar senal and furnish them on a loan or grant basis to any country which urgently required assistance. But no such bill was passed. Norway Asks Arms. In the meantime Norway, uncer tain over its future relations with Russia, asked for a few million dol lars’ worth of arms. The only place where those arms now can come from is the nearly exhausted Army surplus. The problem of the Sclndinavian ; SIDING ! I Double-work. Bevel. German: Asbestos | ! RUCKER LUMRER «.! j 1320 Wilson Blvd. CHeslnut 0600 I WASHER TROUBLE? Call TR. 7744 ALL Makes Repaired FREt ESTIMATES G. OWEN APPLIANCE CO. 1324 H ST. N.E. countries remains uncertain for the time being. It is understood that the United States has told the Swedish government, informally but very pointedly, that it considers Sweden is pursuing an unworkable and unwise course in trying to hold on to “a kind of neutrality” between east and west. WANTED Crystal Chandeliers and Loose Crystals Box 450-C, Star (CAMERAS ? ? ? I _IT PAYS TO SHOP | Washington Foto Bargains "Keep Rollin’ with Nolan” NOLAN VACATION AUTOMOBILE LOANS Favorable Rates No Indorsers 1102 New York Ave N.W. Greyhonnd Bus Terminal ke. r:oo Open Till 6 P.M. HAVE YOU TRIED . Service LATELY? Ifo otAci ntctfod IS SO CONVENIENT . . . GETS CLOTHES SO CLEAN and ACTUALLY COSTS SO LITTLE! Mother.You CAN Afford Wonder Bread jsstfS1 zsisss**. WW* Protein r x Because, Penny for Penny, Wonder Bread Gives Your Child 32% More Energy Than Potatoes*- Without Energy fio Child Can Work or Play •Comparison* baud on latest available price statistics from U. S. Department of Labor. Build Strang Bodies 8 Ways with WONDER BREAD Note (as stated at right) How Amazing Wonder Bread Compares with Meat, Milk and Fish Without protein no child can grow in body or brain Growing children need TWICE the protein per pound of body weight as grownups. These foods are good for protein: Meat. Milk. Fish. Eggs, Nuts. And Wonder Bread. Penny for penny. Wonder Bread gives your child 46% more protein than the average of meat. milk, nah and egga. Better Far Energy Than Patataas Without energy no child can work- atudy or play. Potatoes are good for energy. So is Wonder Bread. Pennv for penny. Wonder Bread gives your child 82% more’energy than potatoes. And—more protein. Wander Bread Helps Bndd Strang Mdiaa • Waj* The chart at the right proves the 8 body and brain building properties of Wonder Bread. Serve Wonder Bread with fruits, vegetables, meat, milk. fish and eggs m a well-balanced diet. _ Give your child every chance to build body and brain. 8 ounces of Wonder Bread for a growing child cost lees than a dime a day. .... Certainly you can afford Wonder Bread for your child. Children love Wonder Breed. Plein or toeeted. Because Wonder Breed i* doubly freeh fresh when you buy it; freeh when you eet Jt. Beretae elfr-beked—13% longer tfien meny ordinary kinde-for leeting freehne* Continental Baking Co., Inf WONPIR BREAD HELPS BUILD STROBtt Burnt* *«P ■ Mother! Here’s How Wonder Bread Helps Bold Bigger, Stronger Bodies 8 Ways! 2 SMms a Maal and a SaaMch Daily $*ply: 1 MUSCLE. Aa Muck Protein aa • Serving of Roaet Sirloin of Beef. 2 aoMcsa tsctn.' At Much Calcium for Bonen tnd Teeth at Contained in a Helping of Cottage Choate. 4 81000. An Much Iron for Rich Red Blood aa Pound in I Lamb Chope. S APPETITE. Aa hfueh Vitamin Bt to Help Maintain Normal Hunger aa Supplied by a Serving of Pried Levee. Much Vitamin B, for Gronrth Proeeaeea an I Sitae of Yellop Aa Much Niada ha Help Maintain Mental Health aa ( Serdinne. > Much Energy r Wort and Play aa (Claaaaaaf Milk. I NOW IS THE TIME TO USE... DAVIS off BALTIMORE Floor & Deck Enamel This quick-drying, durable enam el is formulated to withstand years of hard wear. For use on ' Wood and Metal Floors, Porches, ■> Walls, Stairs and Woodwork. $1-70,,. $5.30 „|. DYER BROS., Inc 734 13th St. N.W. II *■ Deliver District 1130 Quality Paints Since 1894 America's most popular National Park awaits you—fresh ia its new summer colors, brilliant in scenic grandeur, filled with interest and high adventure! Truly a “vacation master. piece" ... and to complete the treat. North Western offers daily through car service from Chicago, which means air-conditioned comfort all the way in modern restful Sleeping Cars or money saving Coaches. This summer, go to Yellowstone—via North Western! For compl#t« information limply fill in and MAIL COUPON LF J. Herhasky. General Agent *#• I - »I3 ffnadward Bldg., tilth St H St« N.W. t Waahingten A, D. C. Than* Republic 1»»1 Please send me complete information about Yellowstone also information about. Name. Addreaa. City.State. CHICAGO and NORTH WESTERN SYSTEM PIONEER RAILROAD OF CHICAGO AND THE WEST - SINCE 1*4R