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Seat Pleasant Woman Killed In Auto Crash District Man Is Hurt As Car, Truck Collide At Gainesville, Va. A Seat Pleasant (Md.) woman re turning from a church conference was killed and a Washington man was injured yesterday when their automobile collided with a truck on Route 211 at Gainesville, Va., about 10 miles from Warrenton. The woman was Mrs. Marian Brown Courtney, 38, of Hill road. She died shortly after being admit ted to Physicians’ Hospital, Warren ton. Officials there said she had been driving the car. Her companion, T. Bruce Morgan, 3425 Eastern avenue, suffered cuts on the forehead and chin. \\as at Episcopal Meeting. Mrs. Courtney was active in St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Seat Pleasant, and was returning from an advanced conference of Episcopal church members from the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Delaware, according to her relatives. The conference had been held at sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, Va. Mr. Morgan is a member of St. John's Episcopal Church, Mount Rainier, and is preparing for the ministry, according to the Rev. J. j Ambler, rector of Pinkney Me morial Episcopal Church, Hyatts \ ille. In another accident last night, three persons were injured in a head-on collision of two cars on tne road between Old Germantown and Boyds in Montgomery County. Girl Suffers Head Injuries. Admitted to Suburban Hospital. Bethesda, were Eloise Hubble, 17, Beallsville, who suffered head in juries and a fractured jaw; William Washington, Germantown, head in juries and a fractured leg and arm, and Harry Turner, also of Ger mantown, fraettured leg. The latter two are colored. County police said the girl was riding in a car driven by Walter E. Gordon, 18, Poolesville. The two men were passengers In an auto mobile driven by John C. Talley, 22, colored, of Boyds, according to po lice Both drivers were charged with reckless driving. W. G. Conklin, 42, of 4435 Q street N.W., was injured last night when his car left the road, struck s tree and overturned on Route 211 about 3 miles east of Luray, Va. Mr. Conklin was taken to Page Memorial Hospital at Luray, where his condition was reported as good. Maryland Bar to right Juvenile Delinquency By the Associated Press ATLANTIC CITY, June 26.—The Maryland State Bar Association voted yesterday to fight collectively against .increasing juvenile delin quency and divorce rates. The group unanimously approved a committee report recommending: 1. A mobile unit o£ psychologists, psychiatrists and physicians visit county courts where needed to work with mentally deficient persons and those with personality difficulties. 2. Counseling agencies be estab lished to advise parents contemplat ing divorce. (Such an agency now exists in Baltimore.) 3. A standing committee be ap pointed annually to continue the i study of child problems and to, make recommendations for proper j methods of Ijpndling such cases. 4. A State-wide survey to deter mine the effectiveness of the State Juvenile and Equity Courts, includ ing how many children are involved, the principal sources of delinquency and what resources the courts have in their dealings with children. The association also approved a recommendation that the orphans courts be abolished. The proposal said the work of the Orphans Court would be taken over by Circuit Court judges in the counties and 1 supreme bench judges in Baltimore. Rosenberger Honored By Winchester Group Special Dispatch (o The St or WINCHESTER, Va„ June 26 — John H. Rosenberger. business man,| churchman and civic leader, was the city’s outstanding citizen of the year in the opinion of the Junior Chamber of Commerce. The award was announced at the group's an nual dinner meeting by a commit tee headed by J. Pinckney Arthur. Mr. Rosenberger, who served in World War I as an Army captain, was i%cently chairman of a com mittee charged with raising a min imum of $850,000 for enlargement of Winchester Memorial Hospital. Last year’s award was presented to Walker M. Bond, president of the Frederick County Fruit Growers’ Association. ECA Approves Requisition Of Maryland Tobacco Representative Sasscer. Democrat, of Maryland yesterday announced a French requisition for 1.185,000 pounds of Maryland tobacco has been approved by the Economic Co operation Administration. The French has been purchasing Maryland tobacco for years, particu larly those grades in which Amer ican cigarette manufacturers have not been active, Mr. Sasscer’s office explained. ECA's approval of the request will permit the French to resume buying j direct on the Maryland market im mediately. rather than wait for ECA’s overall tobacco program to I be worked out, Mr. Sasscer said. Four Virginia Veterans Of Civil War Over 100 |y the Associated Press RICHMOND, Va., June 26.—All but one of Virginia’s five surviving Confederate veterans has reached or passed the century mark in age, records in the office of the State chief pension clerk show. Gen. Julius Franklin Howell, 102,; died in Bristol last week. Ages of the surviving veterans are: John Sailing, Slant, Scott County, 99: James G. Dickerson, Suffolk,' 103; Charles W. Matthews, Blueftield. 100; Theodore N. Mayo, Norfolk, 103. and George Bannister,1 Richmond. 100. . ~" ' A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A DERBY ENTRANT —Eddie Diehl, 13, of 3610 Lee boulevard, Ar-> lington, won the first Class A heat as the Washington Soap Box Derby got under way today. Here he waxes his car. No. 31, for speed. Eddie, winner of last year’s Class B race, here gets set for a repeat performance as officials check over plans for the big start. Cloudless, sunny skies made perfect weather for the gravity-powered racers as they sped down a 1,000-foot Southeast incline. More than 150 hopeful drivers wiited impatiently. Here Eddie comes through in fine style to cross the finish line in 32.1 seconds. The race is sponsored by The Evening Star, the District American Legion and Chevrolet. Hildreth Welcomes Eisenhower Boom, but Sees D. C. for Truman Melvin D. Hildreth, chairman of the District Democratic Committee, said today he believes a delegation instructed for President Truman will be sent to the Democratic Na tional Convention but he, neverthe less, is "glad to see” a move to write in the name of Gen. Eisenhower at Monday’s primary here. "I hope the primary will be a full and honest expression of the opin ion of Democrats in the District,” he said. “X am glad to see and I welcome the report about the effort to present Gen. Eisenhower’s name. 1 believe that will stimulate interest in the primary and help to bring out a big vote.” Veterans - for - Eisenhower, with temporary headquarters at 3 Thomas Circle, are pushing a drive to write in the name of Gen. Eisen hower as the District’s preference for the Democratic nomination for President at the national conven tion next month in Philadelphia. The organization is sending a sound truck today and Monday through out the city to urge Democrats to do this. The primary will be from 2 to 8 p.m. Mr. Hildreth said this sign of interest gives further proof that the District should have suffrage. “A full expression of the opinion of Democrats in the District at the primary is desirable because it will be obvious that it is possible to have suffrage here,” he said. "My own vote will be for President Truman and I hone the delegation will go in structed for President Truman. But I am glad to see this further evidence of interest in the primary.” The committee chairman said every effort would be made to assure widest passible publicity for the counting as well as the casting of ballots at the primary. “We want this to be out in the open and we want an opportunity for Democrats in all sections of the District to express their views at the primary,” he declared. Six to Be Ordained By Adventist Church Elder W. R. French of the Wash ington Missionary College depart ment of theology will be the princi pal speaker at 8 o'clock tonight in the Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church. Takoma Park, at the annual camp meeting. This afternoon six Virginians were to be ordained into the ministry of the church. They are H. M. Dukes of Alexandria, Russel Vaughn of Strasburg. W. H. Barringham of Ap palachia, C. O. Kinzer of Tazewell, W. E. Peeke of Marion and William Coffman of Pulaski. Earlier, delegates attending the meeting heard a plea from Elder N. C. Wilson that "calamities today call to the people everywhere to a renewed worship of God.” Mr. Wilson, who is vice president of the General Conference for North America, recalled that the Bible predicts “wars, earthquakes, acci dents and terrible storms” and con cluded "they are means by which God is appealing to the people of the earth to yield obedience to Him.” STAUNTON. Va„ June 26.—Local residents staged a full-fledged bear hunt right down Waverley street here. ft 300-pound black bear wandered into town Thursday night from nearby woods. Roy F. Huffer heard his little daughter screaming and picked up his shotgun as the bear began to advance on the girl. The noise frightened the bear and it re treated into the thickets. The bear's body eventually turned up in a neighbor's back yard. It had been wounded several times by unidentified persons. The carcass was sent to Western State Hospital for use in bear stew. Virginia on Way to Goal In Education, Battle Says By the Associated Press PORTSMOUTH, Va., June 26.— ' State Senator John S. Battle pic tured Virginia last night as well on its way toward the desired goal in public education in one of his first platform appearances since he announced his candidacy for Gov ernor earlier this month. \ “Virginia, though far from per fect and as yet a long way from the desired goal,” he told a con vention of Virginia and District of Columbia Eagles "has not been as backward in providing proper edu cational facilities for her children as we arc sometimes led to be lieve.” In a business session yesterday, S. S. Cobb of Norfolk was elected president of the District of Colum bia-Virginia State Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles. He succeeds H. L. House of Portsmouth. Greece may give refugees employ ment on municipal projects in Athens ana Piraeus. [ Joel Mover. 12. of 5710 North Twenty-fifth street, Arling ton, winner of the first of the Class B heats, talks with Admiral Derifeld chief of Naval Operations, who was on hand for the big race. —Star Staff Photos. _ 1 * '""I a Soap Box Derby Scorecard Heat results in today's running of the Soap Box Derby are listed below. The entrants are divided into two age classes with separate heats for each class. Class A boys are 13, 14 and 15 years old. Class B boys 10, 11 and 12. The results: First heat—Class A Ed Diehl. 13. of 3610 Lee boulevard. Arlington, first. Ed ward Maxfield. 14, oi 1119 Robinson street S.W., second. First heat—Class B Joel L. Moyer, 12. of 5710 N. Twenty-fifth street, Arlington, first: Richard L. Oden. 10. of 730 Twenty second street N.W.. second. Second heat—Class A: William L. King. 16. 1800 Branch avenue S.E., first, Jonn Fulton, 14. ol 315 Lexington drive, Silver Spring, Md.. second. Second heat—Class B Tony Principe 1°. of 234 Randolph place N.E., first. Richard H Stewart, II. of 9 Woodmooi drive. Silver Spring, second; Donald Read Walker, 10, of 6326 Fifth street N.W.. tniid. Third heat—Class A; Richard Juten. 13 of 4008 Sixty-first street. Brookmont first; Tommy Wilkinson. 13. of St. Joseph s; Home and School, did not finish. Third heat—Class B: Donald Irfe Wills. 12 of 1434 K street S.E., first; Leslie A Hubbard, 11, of 1412 North Nicholas street, Arlington, second. Fourth heat—Class A: William Hewitt. 14, of 918 D street S W , first; George Seminora, 13, 2453 Wisconsin avenue N W.. second: John Eugene Warden, Jr.. 13, of 2428 L’Enfant square B E , third. Fourth heat—Class B: Dickie Van Wag oner, 12, of 2200 North Pollard street Arlington, Va., first; James G. Taylor, 11 r F D No. 1, Rockville, Md . second James L. Thompson, 11, of 8 Hawaii ave-j nue, S.E., third. i, Fifth heat—Class A: Charles Daniel. Jr 13. of 4576 MacArthur boulevard N W . first; David P. Noon. 13 of 2*02 Cheverly avenue, Cheverly, Md.. did not finish. Fifth heat—Class B: Benjamin Swann, 11 ->300 Good Hope road, first. Ronald Snoop. 12, of 502 Second street S.E. second. Sixth heat—Class A: Harry Hart. 14, of 4207 Sheridan street- University Park, Md . first; James Davis. 14, of Silverbroo,. road. Lorton. Va.. second; George H. Clarke, jr„ 14, of 1716 Euclid street N.W , th'seventh heat—Class A: Richard C. Snyder. 15. of 3026 Chanmng street N.E . first; Thomas Slye. jr . 13. of J-.l-A Twenty-third street, Fort Belvoir, Va , “sTxth heat—Class B: Robert A. Rogers, 11 of 5512 Hunt parkway. Bethesda. Md.. , fl»t: iSuls A.Purvis, 12. 803 West Main street. Richmond, Va.. secondt^illy Reyei, 12. of 6737 Pomander lane, chevy Chase, Md., third. Seventh heat—Class B: Merle Wallace Nelson 12. of 32 U Ridge road, Green belt. Md.! first; Martin Opplet. 12. of 1527 North Patrick Henry street. Arlington. Va., second; John P. Noon, 11, of 2302 Chever ly avenue, Cheverly. Md.. third. Eighth heat—Class A: Wayne Miller. 13, of 3607 South Dakota avenue N.E., Riverdale, Md . first: Douglas Dean. 13, of 923 North Randolph street. Arlington. Va. second; William R. Jeflord. 14, of 2810 Evarts street N.E., third. Ninth heat—Class A: Russel Nusbickel. 14 of "300 Good Hope road, first; Orville M. Deming. 15. cf 3901 Branch avenue second: John Rbsenberger. 14. of 511 North Monroe street, Arlington, Va . third. Tenth heat—Class A: Newton Davis. 13 of 2213 H street N.W. first; Robert wheeler. 13. of 209 West Pine street, Alexandria. Va., second. Eighth heat—Class B: Jack Marsden. 12. of 216 Ninth street S.W.. first: Stan ley Nairn. 12. of Twenty-ninth and Bunker Hill road N.E., second. Ninth Heat Results. Ninth heat—Class B: Joseph Murphy.; to. of 570P Fortieth avenue. Hyattsville i Md . first: Richard A. MacEwen, 10. of; 487 5 Montana lane. Bethesda, Md.. second. Eleventh heat—Class A: Ransom J. Amlong. 14. of Route No. 4. Alexandria. Va.. first: John T. Pullen. 13, of 600.1 Queens ChsPel road. Hyattsville. Md.. second: Eric Allen, 13, of 7 07 Fifty-first street N.E.. third. Tenth heat—Class B: James C. Mullen. 12, of 1408 North Fillmore street, Arling ton. Va, first; Joseph Moly. 12. of 2731 Twenty-eighth street N.E., second. Twelfth heat—Class A: Edward Bohon. 15. of 1941 Calvert street N.W.. first; Lewis Brown. 15. of the National Train ing School, and Roger Cole. 13, of 1714 B street S.E., did not finish. Eleventh heat—Class B: James Lamar. 11. of 2300 Good Hope road, first: Teddy Lindahl, 12. of 708 Kennedy street N.W., second. _ . _ Thirteenth heat—Class A: Barrie Car ter. 13. of 120 Fifty-third street N t . first: Harold D Pike. 14. of the National Training School, and John Robinson, ,ir.. 13, of 2904 Langston place S.E., did not finish. _ . Twelfth heat—Class B. Terry L. Ke menda. 11. of 1652 Trinidad avenue N.E.. first; Eddie Jeffords. 11. of 2810 Eva.-ts street N.E.. second. Thirteenth heat—Class B. William H. Holmes IV. 12. of 4607 Harltng lane, Bethesda. first: Cedric Egell. 11. of Val ley Lee. Md., second: Jay Helxer. 12. of 2-R Oardenway. Greenbelt, Md . third. Fourteenth heat—Class A, Harry Brown, 14, of 422 Jefferson street N.W., first; John Belflore. 13. of 6518 Chevy Chase parkway, second. Fifteenth heat—Class A, Russell Sheets. 14 of 919 North Daniel street. Arling ton. Va., first; Paul E. Carroll, 15. of the National Training School, second: Barry Carney, 13. of St. Joseph's Home and School, third. _ _ , • Fourteenth heat—Class B, Bobby Tates, 12. of 106 Westmoreland avenue, first. Bob Haunrich. 12, of 4112 Eighteenth place N.E.. second; Thomas F. Herr, 12, of 4808 Twenty-sixth street, North Ar lington, Va.. third. Results of 15th Heat. Fifteenth heat—Class B: Edward R Gaylor, 12. of 1619 Fairlawn avenue S.E first; Michael J. Hally. 11. of 1621 Newton street N.E , second. Sixteenth heat—Class A; Matthew H. Boring. 14, of 7723 Eastern avenue, first; Burrell T. Brown III. 16, of 117 Fifty third street N.E:. second; Ben Holt Rice, 13, of 706 Sixteenth street, New Alexan dria, Va.. third. Sixteenth heat—Class B: Robert E. Dixon. 12. of 3012 New Hampshire avenue N.W., first; George Curtis, 12, of Brandy wine, Md.. second; Ronnie Drew, 11, oi 1406 Massachusetts avenue S.E._ third. Seventeenth heat—Class A: Curtis T. Sales, ir . 15. of 4810 Eomonston avenue. Hyattsville, Md.. first; Michael R. Rei necke. 13, of 2373 Champlain street N.W., second. Seventeenth heat,.—Class B: Thomas K. Amlong. 12. of Rural Route 4. Alexandria. Va., first; Corky Brittain. 12. of 15 Yard arm green. S.W.. second; Angelo J. Bur nol»o. 11, of 2809 Evarts street N.E.. third j Eighteenth heat—Class A: Charles U. Buck, jr.. 14, ot 109 Longfellow street N.W.. first: Jeffrey R. Stewart, Jr., 16. of Rural Route 5. Alexandria. Va.. sec ond; Alva Stout, 14, of 1207 Talbert street S.E.. third. Eighteenth heat—Class B: Alfred Ash-J ton. 12, of 2802 Thirty-first street S.E , first: Joseoh B Amlong. 11, Rural Route 4, Alexandria. Va,, second. Nineteenth heat—Class A; Robert L. Smithers. 13. of 1411 Taylor street N W first.: Haroid D. Pike, 14, National Training School, second: Carl D. Sidle. 13. of 916 j North Daniel street, Arlington, Va.. third. Nineteenth heat—Class B. Cedric B Egeli, 11, of Valley Lee. Md., first; Larry Eitel. 11. of 126 Fairmont street. Falls: Church. Va second: David L. Smith, 12. of 1432 R street N.W., third. _ Twentieth heat—Class A: Thomas ThorowRood. 15. of 2501 Hamlin street i N.E. first: Wtllliam Swann. 13. 0/ 2300 Good Hope road, second: John V. White. 15, of 1204 Talbert street SE, third. Fists Fly as Democrats Pick Convention Delegates By the Associated Press WILLIAMSBURG, Va., June 26.— Fists flew last night as Williams burg Democrats elected four dele gates to the forthcoming State con-! vention at Richmond. Ashton Dovell, former Speaker of the House of Delegates, and Dr. Robert G. Caldwell, professor of sociology at the College of William and Mary, swung at each other fol lowing a dispute over methods of counting ballots for delegates. Several spectators received blows when they sought to break up the fight. In the tussle Dr. Caldwell’s shirt was badly torn. Dr. Caldwell and Mr. Dovell both were elected delegates, along with Mayor Vincent D. McManus and IJoyd H. Williams, who as chair man of the local committee pre sided over the meeting. The meeting:, by a close vote, adopted a motion proposed by Mr. Dovell and opposed by Dr. Caldwell and others, which instructs the dele gation to oppose any resolution having for its object the refusal to support the National Democratic Party. _ U. S. Urges Virginians To Check Tax Refunds RICHMOND, Va., June 26 (JP) — Federal taxpayers in Virginia who do not receive funds due them by July 20 were advised yesterday by Stuart L. Crenshaw, acting col lector of Internal Revenue, to ad dress inquiries to him here after that date. Mr. Crenshaw said his office had completed scheduling all known re funds for payment. The Treasury Department’s disbursing office, however, has been unable to issue checks on all refunds “due to the lack of funds. "We are hoping that they will have authority to begin again re leasing these refund checks after July 1, the beginning of a new fiscal year," Mr. Crenshaw said. | » Maj. Robert Barrett, Metropolitan police superintendent, watches while David Icenhower, winner of last year's Derby, oiled up before his demonstration run. _ Derby 'Continued From First Page.) car split when it swerved out of control after he crossed the finish line. Their eldest brother, Thomas,! is yet to race. Thousands of spectators lined the curbs of the course and packed into a temporary grandstand. They heaved sighs of relief when clouds intercepted the hot morning sun. Derby officials reported that the first lost child of the day was 3 year-old Pat McCarthy, who wan dered away from his brother. Billy, [ 6, and his father, William McCarthy. Billy was taken the finish line and given an ice cream cone to wait until his father showed up. The race this morning was marked with clean victories. So far, judges reported, they have not had to call a single dead heat—which would necessitate runoffs. First mishap of the day occurred in the fifth heat, when a car driver by Tommy Wilkinson, 13, of St. Joseph's Home and School, started swerving out of control soon after it left the starting ramp. The racer, going backwards toward a curb, was stopped by Pvt. C. L. Hardman of No. 10 precinct before any damage could be done. In another minor accident. Ronald Shoot. 12, of 508 Seventh street S.E., had his arm bandaged after his car turned over as he crossed the finish line. His forearm was scraped. Crowds Gather Early. Crowds began arriving ai aooui 6:45 a.m. and took places in a grand stand near the finish line and along the afenue lining the course. Hats fashioned from newspapers were being worn as protection against the sun as early as 9 o’clock. One woman stood serenely under a large umbrella. Among early arrivals was a family that came 63 miles from Valley Lee, Mcf. They were Mr. and Mrs. Bjorn Egeli, whose sons, Peter, 14, and Cedric, 11, are entered in the derby. On hand to cheer them on were Bjorn James, 10, and Mary Lois Egelis, 6, while their 5-month-old sister, Caroline, rested in her baby carriage. Behind the starting line the en trants were busy greasing and ad justing wheels and giving their tracers the final touches, many with the assistance of their fathers. Scotch Tape Used on Racer. Mrs. John E. Davis, mother of John Boyles, 15, of 1233 Madison street N.W., was busy pasting Scotch tape on John’s racer to smooth the rough edges. As he waited for his turn to come up, Charles Daniel, 14, of 4576 Mac Arthur boulevard N.W., was chew ing bubble gum earnestly. Charles, whose birthday is today, said the gum would help him to concentrate a she came down the runway. Eleven-year-old Larry Eitel, of 126 Fairmont street, Falls Church, was combating the heat by chew ing ice. George Christman, superintendant cf the German Orphan Home, brought five of his charges to participate in the derby. They are Denny Swann, 11; Russell Mus zickle' 13; Bobby Drechsler, 15: Jimmy Lemar, 11, and William Swann, 13. The crowd got an extra treat just before racing started when young Icenhower piloted the black racer in which he won the Washington 1947 derby down the course. His preliminary run indicated that time has handicapped the sleek car. Official timers said it took David 35.1 seconds to travel the course— which he made last year in 31 flat. Just before the first cars were 4 wheeled onto the especially designed starting ramp, the contestants paraded down the course, attired in their smart racing helmets and shirts. The procession, a traditional part of every Derby, was headed by a squadron of Metropolitan Police. The Fort Stevens Drum and Bugle Corps, the Elks Boys’ and Girls’ Band of Silver Spring, the Drum and Bugle Corps of the James Reese Europe Post of the American Legion and the Greenbelt Community Band provided music for the line of march. Gayly clad drum majorettes, the massed colors of the Legion posts in the District and the Legion's Na tional Guard of Honor added color to the parade honoring the race drivers. Included in the parade, which was directed by Ernest Kennard. were Derby officials and the com mander of the District Department of the Legion, Owen C. Holleran. Greeted by Denfeld. At the finish line the contestants were greeted by Admiral Denfeld, chief of Naval Operations. After his brief speech, the boys returned to the starting line and their wait ing cars. Admiral Denfeld praised the derby in his brief address for the qualities of resourcefulness and sportsmanship it develops in the youthful participants. If you had been around to see the things I saw during the war," he declared, "you would realize it I was these young boys and the way they were brought up—the way they know how to take part in changing conditions—that helped us to win the war. "I want to praise The Star, the American Legion and the Chevrolet Co. for sponsoring this event,” he added. "And I hope the boy who wins today will go on to Akron to win the derby there.” The Derby scene was a beehive of activity as early as 6:30 a.m., when workers assembled the starting ramp and truckers arrived with load after load of the midget cars. The derby is open for boys be tween the ages of 11 and 15. They are placed as Class “A” entries if they are 13, 14 or 15, as Class “B” if they are 11 or 12. Derby rules, however, permit youths to enter if they have become 16 since June 1, or if they will be 11 by August 15, officials explained. The boy-built cars had been stored at the District National Guard Armory after they were checked against the rigid specifications of the All-American Soap Box Derby Committee. Inspection of the cars was not concluded until late last night, when drivefs whose cars pre viously had been disqualified for structural defects brought them back for a re-check. In Armory at Dawn. Members of the Transportation Committee were at the Armory at dawn, lining the cars up in the order they were to race. The cars then were trucked to the starting line. Several small “car hoists,” built for the purpose by the Shell Oil Co., were at the head of the course. Drivers used these to give their wheels and axles a last lubrication before being called for their first heat. Preparation of the course and adjacent area also was completed early today, with the erection of first aid and refreshment tents. Earlier, drinking fountains had been installed and comfort stations set up. A grandstand for distinguished guests provided limited seating, but many of the spectators brought camp stools, boxes and other temporary seating. At ijhe finish line, the Maritime i i k 40 Groups Take Part In Parade Preceding 7th Soap Box Derby Ceremonies preceding the seventh annual running of the Washington Soap Box Derby moved off to a rous ing start last night with a colorful parade, sponsored in salute to the entrants by the Greater Southeast Parade Committee. More than 40 floats, bands and marching units, led by the Metropol itan Police Band, participated in the precession down Pennsylvania ave nue S.E., from Texas avenue to Prout street. Chief Clement Murphy was on hand to represent the Dis trict Fire Department. A crowd favorite was a group of children from the Hilltop Recrea tion Center, dressed as pioneers and marching beside an improvised cov ered wagon. The wagon began to collapse just as the group reached the reviewing stand at Pennsylvania and Minnesota avenues. A small girl carrying a doll who had been riding in the wagon climbed out just in time and walked the remaining steps to the finish line. Theme of the parade, which will ,be held annually on the night pre ceding the big race, was “The I American Boy." Prizes, donated by merchants of the Southeast area, will be presented to prize winners in each of four classes of parade! participants. Judges awarded first prize for the most cleverly decorated float to the entry of Yarborough's Restaurant. Second and third places went to entries of the Maddox School of Dance and the Robinson Hardware Co. The Highland Theater entered the most elaborate float, judges decided, with second prize going to the Randle Highlands Citizens’ Association and third to the Wash ington Gas Light Co. The Washington Boys’ Club Band placed first in the musical unit class, closely nosing out the Elks Boys Club Band. Prizes for best marching units were won, in order, by the Ccout Cub Pack No. 34, the Ameri can Legion's Guard of Honor and Anacostia High School. Maryland Firemen Elect E. L. Walston Speciol Dispatch to Th« Star OCEAN CITY, Md., June 26.— The 56th convention of the Mary land State Firemen's Association ended last night after the election of E. Landon Walston of Preston as president, succeeding Charles R. Stallings, jr., of Pikesville. Mr, Walston was opposed by Spencer J. H Brown of Sandy Spring. David S. Touhey of Cabin John Park was elected first vice presi dent and James Jarman of Ocean i City second vice president. Three officers were re-elected: B. R. Ben son III of Cockeyville, secretary; William A. Wilson. Midland, treas urer, and the Rev. James W. Min ter of Glyndon, chaplain. A parade of more than 50 fire companies, which took one and a ihalf hours to pass the reviewing i stand, was the main event yester day afternoon. Last night the an jnual ball—complete with fireworks and prizes—was held. Vernon “Googie” Listman, 19 i year-old Anne Arundel County youth, the first Maryland volunteer fire ! man ever to win a Carnegie medal for heroism, was honored at a cere mony Thursday night when he re ceived the medal and a $500 check. Young Listman a member of the Earleigh Heights fire department, responded to the call when a 4 year-old boy fell into a 30-foot well. Another fireman was lowered into the well but became jammed. “Googie” volunteered to go down and brought up his comrade and the boy, both semiconscious. Miss Mary Ella Harmon, 17-year old blond from Clarksville, Md., a graduate of Rockville High School, was named “Miss Fire Fighter” at the annual beauty pageant. Miss Harmon, who attends a modeling school, represented Montgomery County and the Hyattstown Volun teer Fire Department._ Tourists Help Switzerland SCHAFFHAUSEN, Switzerland OP).—Switzerland's tourist business in 1947 was worth about 117 million dollars to the Swiss economy, the Central Office for Tourist Promotion reported to the members recently. Statistics for the first quarter of this year promised 1948 would be equally as fruitful. Band was grouped and was to pro vide music throughout the day-long i racing program. The final heat for Class A winner and the Class B champion will be held about 5 pm. The ex : citing last race will be broadcast b> the Evening Star station, WMAL. Bill Coyle, radio and television direc tor of The Star, who will be at the track to bring the radio audience all the colorful details of the last dash, winner of which will be sent to Ak ron, Ohio, by The Star for the na tional finals August 15. WMAL also was on the spot for broadcasts at 10:45 a.m. and 2:15 pjn. Serious Losses In Crops Faced By Maryland • Wet Weather, Storms Hit Wheat, Barley And Corn Plantings Unless unseasonable wet weather lets up, Maryland farmers face one of the most serious crop losses of recent years, a survey by county agents and University of Maryland experts disclosed. The damage done already is esti mated at $5,000,000 by Dr. T. B. Symons, director of the agricultural extension service of the university. The precarious condition of the crops is particularly true of the Eastern Shore where heavy rains, high winds and severe hailstorms in some areas have inflicted heavv losses. Most of this damage has occurred within the last week. The Eastern Shore situation may mark the second straight year where growers in the famous “tomato belt” suffer severe setbacks. Last year thousands of dollars worth of to matoes rotted on the vines because of a backlog and inability of pack ing houses to process the record crop. Queen Annes Hard Hit. This year, according to R. 5. Brown, Talbot County agricultural agent, growers went in for much lighter plantings of tomatoes be cause of lower market prices. In stead, more field corn was plantecL Farms around Tilghmans Island were particularly hard hit by high winds and rain Thursday night, Mr. Brown said. Last Saturday hail and heavy rains and wind buffeted the Eastern Shore generally with Queen Annes County being particularly hard hit by hail. Hail also cut a swath of dam age through Anne Arundel and Prince Georges County on this side of the Bay, with most severe losses in the Mitchellville and Mount Oak areas. Some Crops Plowed Under. Harry W. Beggs, county agent of Dorchester County, said at Cam bride—another Eastern Shore point —that this year's heavier plant ings of corn could not be worked over because of the water-satu rated earth. There has been so much rain that it is impossible to work the grass and weeds out of the fields. Although the hailstorm of last week end hit only spotty areas of the State, farmers everywhere re ported damage from heavy rain fall. A. O. Kuhn, agronomist at the University of Maryland’s Extension Service, said it is too late in the season to do much good at planting a new corn crop. Some are going to try it anyway, however, and Mr. Brown said he knows of planters who are plowing under their dam aged plants in Talbot County. Centerville Plantings Destroyed. John W. Magruder, another ex tension service agronomist, said he had toured Queen Annes County after last week's hailstorm and more than 100 farms had reported early plantings of corn totally destroyed in the Centerville area. He said he was told 5 inches of hail fell Saturday afternoon and he found some traces of the hailstones on the north side of buildings on his visit there Monday. Elsewhere in the State, uncut barley crops and wheat standing with a heavy head has suffered greatly. Thursday night’s wind and rain smashed these crops into the ground and they cannot be har vested in many areas. The Eastern Shore tomatoes which were damaged by rain alone may recover if weather conditions improve, county agents declared. The generally wet weather ha* made it impossible for many to har vest hay and several widespread areas report the grass flattened t,o a level where it cannot be cut, Mr. Magruder said. It probably will rot on the ground. Earlier, damage to tobacco plant* from the hailstorm of last week end had been reported by P. E. Clark, county agent for Prince Georges. County agents and university offi cials could not give a “dollars and cents” estimate of damage thus far. It probably will be several week* before the full extent of losses are reported, they said. Ketchum Speaking Tonight Before Maryland VFW By th« Associated Press HAGERSTOWN, Md.. June 26 About 100 resolutions will be passed on todav by the nearly 3,000 dele gates attending the State conven tion here of the Veterans of For ;eign Wars. Speaker at tonight's annual ban j quet will be Omar Ketchum, national VFW legislative representative. High light of opening-day activ ities yesterday was a parade *n which some 2.000 marchers partic iDated. It featured armored ve hicles and several detachments of soldiers and WAC8 from Fort Meade. Tomorrow the veterans of two i World Wars will map political tac | tics at the annual election of State office rs. Four Baltimoreans, all World War I veterans, have announced their candidacies for the State command ership. They are Joseph A. Mc Laughlin, Arthur P. Rainey. James A. Arthur and J. William McAvoy. Mr. Arthur Is a former commander. Bay Jet Plane Crash Kills LI. Comdr. Thomas Ramsay ty the Associated frm Lt. Comdr. Thomas N. Ramsay, 29, was killed instantly yesterday when his Navy jet fighter plane crashed into Chesapeake Bay near the Navy Air Station at Patuxent, Md. Comdr. Ramsay, head of the fight er section of the service test di vision at the station, was testing the plane, an FJ-1 tFury). The Navy said the cause of the crash is not yet known During World War II Comdr. Ramsay was a dive bomber in the Pacific theater. He was shot down in the Battle of Midway. He held the Navy Cross, three Distinguished Service Medals and numerous air medals. His home originally was Perkinston, Miss. • Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Mvrtle Alchia Ramsay, and one child. The body will be taken to Mrs. Ramsay's former home, At lanta, Ga.