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Cheverly, Md. ' Open Sot. and Sun., 1-Dark i I Just finished—2-story brick—1 Vi ■ boths, full screened side porch, 3 ; large bedrooms, stoirwoy to ottic; l future recreotion room; quolity construction throughout; on lorge i lot; Vi block from bus, schools, ! shopping. First street from town ! entronce to right ond sign—3416 | Belleview Ave. Owner - Builder., | TA. 7783. i___— OPEN SAT. AND SUN., 2-7 Direct from Owner Immediate Possession 4012 14th St. N.W. Six room and bath brick; gas h.-w.h., instant hot water; Hardwood floors; recreation room in basement with lava tory. Newly redecorated. Nice big yard and garage. Priced right. Terms. Joseph Oiano 3313 14th St. N.W. AD. 0109 or OW. 9176 I “BETHESDA” j .lust Off Wilson Lane ► j 7808 Custer Road j i An excellent Cope Cod de- f toched brick home in o grove |E I i of trees with 5 rooms, 2 large i| i bedrooms, tile both, oil heat, || | detached garage. j Vacant Open Sat. and Sun, [ 1 to 7 P.M. | 1 Oj it Wise Aye 1n Gro’oetoirn f I Road. left tn Wilson Lone le*t I /n Cutter Rond, riahl .doors j tn house. j P ; J. WESLEY BUCHANAN \ Fxclusii civ £ i 1732 K St. N.W. ME. 1143 £ ir tttt tttt tttt tttt tttt tttt tttt tttt TTTT TTTT r.*: $10,950! 1 105 5. Emerson St. Arlington, Va. Optn Sat. and Sun., 1-S Masonry borne on nice wooded lot. Two bedrooms ond both. ToR-ach: Out Columbia p:kr J mile beyond Girbr Rd to So. Columbus St., left, to So. lltl: St., nahl to So. Emerson, left to property See Mr. Swanslon on premises Exclusive with Margaret J. Dunkley RE At TOR Oliver 5800 OV. 1927 SEC Finds Indications Of Fraud in Collapse Of Kaiser Stock Deal (From Yesterday's Last Edition.) By th« Associated Pres* The Securities and Exchange Commission said today there were indications of "fraud or other illegal act” in the collapse of a plan for marketing $10, 000,000 of new Kaiser-Frazer motor stock early this year. The commission made the state ment in a petition filed in District Court. Acting on the petition, Justice T. Alan Goldsborough ordered two Cleveland attorneys to appear be fore him and explain their refusal to give testimony in SEC’s in vestigation of the plan's failure. The attorneys are Marvin C. Harrison and Allan Hull, who re fused to testify about legal services rendered for Cyrus S. Eaton, head of the banking firm of Otis At Co. They contended theirs was an at torney-client relationship which gave them the right to refuse. Orders Them to Appear July 8. Justice Goldsborough directed them to come before him July 8 and show cause why they should not be compelled to testify. Otis Co. and the First Califor nia Co. of San Francisco early this year withdrew from a contract to sell the proposed new Kaiser-Fraier stock. Their action followed the filing of a stockholder's suit in Detroit objecting to the issue. With respect to the position taken by the two Eaton lawyers at the SEC hearings, the commission's pe tition to Justice Goldsborough said: “The commission had considered the nature of the questions being asked and had instructed the pre siding officer to direct the defend ants to answer on the ground that there is no privilege (that is privi lege tto refuse) Where there is a prima facie showing that the com munications were made in connec tion with the perpetration of a fraud or other illegal act; and that the evidence in the record estab lished a prima facie showing that the defendants' client had consulted them in connection with the per petration of a fraud involving the filing of a collusive law suit.” Otis Co. Protest Rejected By Kaiser-Fraser Board NEW YORK, June 25 The feuding Kaiser-Frazer Corp, and Oiis Co. held a stormy joint meeting today in a controversy over Kaiser Frazer s assignment to Permanente Metals Corp. of a contract to lease an aluminum plant. After the session, the Board of Directors of Kaiser-Frazer Issued a statement reaffirming its position in assigning to Permanente the lease cf the Trentwood Rolling Mill near Spokane, Wash. Otis Sc Co, Cleveland investment banking firm, said it objected to the action in its capacity as a Kaiser-Frazer stockholder and as underwriters of the first two issues of Kaiser-Frazer stock. The com pany said the transaction repre sented the transfer of a valuable asset of Kaiser-Frazer to the Per manente Corp.. controlled by Henry J. Kaiser and Edgar F. Kaiser. The Kaiser-Frazer board, in a for mal statement, said it was "unable to discover any fact which would justify an attempt to set aside” the assignment of the lease two years ago. A standard piano keyboard has 33 keys. YORKYOWN VILLAGE 5005 Jamestown Road OPEN SUNDAY, 1-6 An outhnntic Williomsburg Coloniol home with first-floor bed room and bath, dining room, very large living room and com pipte, fullt equipped kitchen. Two master bedrooms and both on second floor with dressing room. Storage attic. Recreation room, maid's room and bath. Directions: Out Massachusetts Ai>cnue. one block beyond Westmoreland Circle and right to ' open'' sign. BOSS & PHELPS. I1VC. 1417 K St. N.W. Exclusive HA. 9300 WOOD ACRES An Albert W. Walker Community 7210 Ramsgate Road Open Saturday and Sunday, 2 to 6 P.M. * Veteran Approved A pleasing nevr seven-room home in this select. rWtricted community, fea turing large living room and fireplace, library, dining room and complete kitcher, 3 delightful bedrooms. *2 tiled baths. Fully insulated in roof and sidewalls. Full basement, garage, porch. Other 6 ond 7 Room Homes Neoring Completion 819.750 to 821,500 To reach: Drive Out Mass Are Past Westmoreland Circle to ‘Son Block and Turn Rwht at Wood Acres Sian to Houses. Wood Acres Construction Corp. 6701 Hillandolt Rd., Bethesdo, Md. 01. 3240; Eves., Wl. 8397 ■' ■■■■ ■■ —■ , ====aag=sl.'.l", n GOLDEN WEDDING—Mr. and Mrs. Austin M. Cooper, 4603 Walsh street, Chevy Chase, Md., who recently observed their 50th wedding anniver sary. Mr. Cooper, 77, a retired realtor, and Mrs. Cooper, 76, have four children and six grandchildren. —Harris & Ewing Photo. Woman Gels 13 Years In Scissors Slaying Pauline Hill, 31, of the 1100 block' of Third street N.W., was sentenced by Justice Edward M. Curran in Dis trict Court yesterday to serve from one to three years for man slaughter in the fatal stabbing last April of her aunt. Mrs. Estella Brown, 45, of the Third street ad dress. The defendant, who is colored, pleaded guilty. She said she did it because her aunt had cut her mother with a broken beer bottle. Justice Curran sentenced two youths to serve from two to six years each for robbing a colored man of $35 in a bathroom in a house in the first block of S street N.W., where the victim was attending a party. The two sentenced are Ernest Todd, 20. and Ison Cothran, 21, both colored. In another District courtroom, Justice Alexander HoltzofT gave John N. Parker, 29, colored, of the 300 block of Virginia' avenue S.E. from three to 10 years for his part in a $155 robbery of a grocery store in the 1700 block of V street N.W. Parker's accomplice, Frederick Powell, 27, colored, of the 900 block of Fifth street N.E., was given from one to three years. — Trimmings cut off in the man ufacture of sponges are used in the United States for the manufacture of roofing paper and steam pipe insulation. 1 Two Americans Seized By Russians and Held Five Hours in Berlin By the Associated Press BERLIN. June 26.—Two Ameri can educators have been added to the list of American citizens who have run afoul of the iftissians. They were picked up yesterday while ! driving through the Soviet sector of Berlin and held five hours. The two are Dr. Lester K. Ade of Williamsport, Pa., deputy chief of the American Military Govern ment’s education branch, and Dr. Lucille Allard, co-ordinator of edu cation at Garden City, N. Y., and a consultant with the branch. Reason for Arrest Not Given. They were arrested while en route to the Pedagogical University, lo cated in the Soviet sector. Russian authorities did not tell them why thev were held. Dr. Ade, former state superin tendent of education in Pennsyl vania, said a Russian lieutenant and four soldiers in a car halted them near the Brandenburg Gate in the center of Berlin and took them to the Russian kommandatura. “They did not push us around [ but they asked dozens and dozens ! of questions * * * and finally ’ put us in a dark cell for about an hour,’’ he said. Dr. Ade said a Russian interp-. reter asked him whether vHenry A.' Wallace had a chance to win the; presidential election. 5 Others Held 17 Hours. The provost marshal’s office said earlier that five other Americans,! including a constabulary patrol, had been picked up by the Russians but released after 17 hours. American officials said the various; arrests appeared to be retaliation' for detention of Russians on speed- i ing charges during a United States 1 Army safe-driving campaign. Eight! Russians were booked last night for speeding, then released. Four German photographic work ers employed by American agencies, were freed by the Russians yester day after being held 30 hours. Mexico Gets 30-Million Loan From Texas Co. By the Associated Press MEXICO CITY, June 26.—Mexico announced yesterday a second big SILVER SPRING, MARYLAND 108 PHILADELPHIA AVENUE y&xsgtkfr', ■>£& -- ' $14,950 A spacious 7-room home in the heort of Silver Spring, convenient to everything. Situated on a lot 70 feet wide with a depth of #nore than 100 feet. Possession can be given with conveyance of title. Under prevailing conditions this property is an unusual buy. Oil hot-water heat, ultra-modern kitchen. To reach: Out Piney Branch Road 1o Philadel phia Avenue, turn left to lOX and our siffn. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, ONE TILL DARK EXCLUSIVE WITH Crane and Helan, Realtors 1009 Bonifont St., Silver Spring, Md. SLigo 4000 ANOTHER COOLEY BROS. DEVELOPMENT NOW SELLING 6208 to 6218 Green Tree Rood and 8812 to 8824 Ridge Road in Hillmead, Montgomery County, Morylond. Special terms for G. I.'s. 6 rooms ond master both. Lavatory on first floor. Quality construction. Houses fully equipped. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE We ore now in our 24th year of building ond selling homes in Washington, nearby Vo. ond Md. -Quiet neighborhood Ideal for children. All schools are nearby. Ample play space. All houses have private porches. Some have built-in garages. ( Prices Start ot $16,950 Terms Con be Arranged. To inspect: Go out Old Georgetown Road two blocks post Surburbon Hospital. Turn left on Green Tree Road at our sign and proceed west % mile to our houses on left side of street. Representative an premises all day Sunday. Built and for salt by Dl. 1481 Investment Building CHEVY CHASE, MD. (Country Club Section) ________ .. !!■■■-« n iri nir———HBB 6316 Meadow Lane (Choice Location) OPEN SUNDAY, 1 TO 6 P.M. Bedroom with Full Bath plus Powder Room on 1st Floor Beautiful Colonial brick center hall home in excellent condition, located % block west of Connecticut Ave. First floor has attractive living room with screened living porch, den with % bath, large dining room, and excellent kitchen. Also on first floor is a bedroom with full bath used as a guest room or maid's quarters. On second floor there are 4 large bedrooms, 2 baths, with stairs to storage attic. The two-car garage is detached. Schools, churches and bus line are very eloee. Truly a lovely home andla visit early will amply repay you if you are in the need of a fine home. The lot is large and well shaded. Price, *31950. DIRECTIONS: Out Connecticut Avenue In Chevy Cheer Circle to Rotemery ^rttt which ** uiocul0^i1t°otthConn^Avc Lane (traffic light) left on Rosemary, then sharp right* turn to Meadow Lane, Vx Block west or uonn. ove. F. A. TWEED COMPANY 5504 Conn Ave NW EXCLUSIVE EM. 1290 ■*...*,...mi.. private United States loan which! she expects will solve her main oil1 problems. Pemex, the government monopoly, said it had agreed with the Texas; Co. on the terms of a five-year, 3| per cent. $30,000,000 loan to be re paid in oil. The contract has not been signed, I Pemex said, but both sides art agreed and the deal should be com* pleted shortly, f Home of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Norris ANOTHER ATTRACTIVE HOME IN MU Her Controlled Community Sumner is being developed on a plane of the highest ethics where a happy home life is predominant. Here you will find artistic homes moderately priced, in an environment of dignity and refinement. Some are completed . . . others ot varying types and sizes completed to the point where the purchaser may exercise individual taste in the selection of decoration and fixtures, are available tor in spection. . . , _ You ore cordially invited to visit Sumner OPEN HOUSE—5613 OVERLEA ROAD To Reach: Motor out Massachusetts Avenue about \ mile beyond West moreland Circle, turn left immediately after going through the overpast. W. C. and A . N . MIL-L EJR , DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Builders and Developers of Wesley Heights, Sumner and Spring Valley 4830 Massachusetts Ave. N.W., ORdway 4464 Evenings, Telephone SH. 4917 VALUE AT EVERY PRICE 4523 Harrison St. N.W. American University Park One of Hie finest bungolow* we here ever offered. Immaculate condition. White brick and solid as a rock. Living room with fire ploce, dining room, kitchen, 2 large bedroom* ond beautiful tile both on first floor. Spacious bedroom plus large storage room on 2nd floor. Large, bright, dry basement contains newly paneled recreation room with fireplace. Dot. garage. Enclosed rear yard. Gas hot-woter heot. Price includes new woll-to-well car peting, new Kenmore auto, home laundry, drapes, storm sash. Slate roof. OPEN SUNDAY 1—7 Directions: Ovt Wisconsin Are. to M.* left to bSth St., right to Harrison, left to home. Extraordinary Value at $17,950 4409 Chase Ave., Bethesda, Md. Bethesdo Brick Bungalow . $13,950 Splendid location convenient to all schools and shopping. Prewar, all brick; five rooms, tile .bath; large storage attic; full basement; large screen porch; oil hot-water heat. OPEN SUNDAY 1—6 Directions: Out Wisconsin Are- past Bank of Bethesda t blocks to Chase Aee tnext to Sale way), right to home. 9215 Worth Ave., Silver Spring, Md. Please Consider This at $19,950 Finest location in Silver Spring an fast trans portation. Detached brick ond from# home on over Vs acre enclosed ground. Si* roams (2 large bedrooms and misery) and two beautiful baths in 2nd floor. First-floor Den, Fireplace. Built-in garage; oil hot-water heat. Flagstone terrace; rock garden; fish pond beautiful trees and flowering shrubs. Entire property in perfect condition. Open Sunday, 1 to 6 Direction): Out Coleivtlle Rif. vait Mrt Rail's Tavern to FraitJtlm Ave., right 1 block to Worth, right to home. 417 Argyle Drive, Alexandria, Vo. Attention Service Personnel 10 Minutes to Pentagon Perfect home for service people working of Pentagon. Delightful prewar home in exclusive Montecello Estates. White brick end from# of modern design. Sunlight pours through its picture windows ond glass-block panels. Six large rooms. 2 tile baths; Recreation room with fireplace. OWNER SAYS, SELL THIS WEEK END Open Sunday,*1-7; Monday, 4 to 6 Please Call Mr. Rees, CH. 5883 Directions: Out Russell R4. vast Presidential Gardeng to Montieello Ave., nght on Monttceno to Argyle, left to home. 8415 Lynwood Place, Chevy Chase, Md. Near Columbia Country Club By oil means, do not buy until you inspect this home. Real estote men ogre# it's posi tively best buy on market ot price. New brick center-hall Coloniol, superbly construct ed. Lovatory on first floor. Three bedrooms, two boths on second floor. Everything for e fine, complete home in a splendid location. IT'S BOUND TO SELL AT THE PRICE OPEN SUNDAY, 11 TO DARK Dirretionf Out Conneeticut Ane. hey on it Col umbia Club to Laird PI., lelt to Lynwood and home. FRANK S. PHILLIPS 927 15th St. N.W. Rgaltor_ Pi- 1411