Newspaper Page Text
Chillum Terrace 1 A new residential community, only a few minutes from down town, just two blocks oyer the D. C. line. These homes em body all the skill and mastery of construction" that goes into 25 years of experience in the building industry. A variety of designs to satisfy the taste and requirements of every homeseeker. Compare the quality, sise and price of these homes with any other in the Washington area. Priced From $15,500 to $18,950 To reach: Oat New Hampshire Avenue extended to Rat Road, right on Rat Road to Riggs Road, right to Somerset Place and houses. OK To Reach: Out Michigan Ave. N.S. to 13th St., left on 13th St. and eon unue on Sargent Chillum Rd.. left on ClUUum Rd. to Riggs Rd . right on Riggs Rd. 1 block to Somerset Place and our sign, left to homes. Dmrifned, Built and Far Sala by Harry Poretsky & Sons, Inc. 1518 K St. N.W. NA. 5306 OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 6 3520 DAVENPORT STREET N.W. Juat off Conn. Ave. Three-bedroom, 2-bath brick. Center hall, large living room with fireplace, dining room, fully equipped kitchen, powder room on first floor. Recreation room with fireplace in basement, outside entrance. Sundeck off one bedroom. Colored tile baths. Present trust, $18,000. GRAHAM-HALL Realtor• Wl. 3250 SILVER SPRING Corner Detached Brick Home 730 Gist Aye. Open Saturday & Sunday 1 to 6 P.M. *16,500 Six spacious rooms, built-in garage. Everything you need ond priced to sell. Near schools, shopping, transportation. To retch: Out Fintv Branch Road ant turn left tt Gilt Ave. to Chicago Ace. and pur lien. BROWN REALTY CORPORATION, DU. 8558 *12,250**1,550 Cash G. I. FINANCING $76.50 PER MONTH (INCL. TAXES, INSURANCE, INTEREST AND PRINCIPAL) NEW 3-BEDROOM HOMES IN THE CITY, CLOSE TO SHOPPING, SCHOOLS, AND WITH BUS AT CORNER * All-Masonry Construction * Beautifully Tiled Bath With Com bination Tub and Shower • Colored Painted Wolls With Wood work to Match • Kiln-Dried White Oak Floors • 7-Ff. Kelvinator Refrigerator • Modern 36" 4-Burner Gas Ronge With Heot Control * Full Basement Designed for Rec reation Room * Certificate of Guarantee Against Basement Leaks * Basement Lavatory and Laundry Troys * Gas Air-Conditionod Heat * 30-Gal. Hot-Water Heater * Lots Sodded and Shrubbed * Sidewalk, Improved by D. C., With Wide 90-Ft. Street. * Venetian Blinds * 10-Yr. Guaranteed Roof * Aluminum Window and Door Screens * Weatherstripped and Caulked * Rock Wool Insulation SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN TODAY AND SUNDAY 1 TO 7 DIRECTIONS: South on 11th St. S.E., continue on Nichols Are. one biock past Congress Theater, turn left along left side of school, left on Alabama Ave. to 12th St., right one block to sample house at 12th and Savannah Straffs, S.I. COMMERCIAL REALTY COMPANY 1006 K ST. N.W. NAtionol 1401 510,950 OPEN SAT. & SUNDAY TILL DARK Ready for your closest inspection is this new bungalow ideally situated en large homesite approximately 60x200. Check and compare these features. • 2 large bedroom* • Tile bath • Large living room • Dinette with corner cabinet • Fully equipped kitchen • Full basement with outlet • Copper plumbinp • Oil heat • Larfa back porch • Immediate occupancy • Large expansion attic Out Colesvilie Rd. approximately .t miles from Four Corners to Rosemere St., right to open sign. SIMON Cr FRANK CO. 1504 Georgia Ave. SH. 6363 BEAUTIFUL MU. COUNTRY HOME 1-hr. drive from Wash.—Wonderfully constructed home with slate roof, steam heat, fill basement. 1st floor, screened porch, sin room, reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, bptier’s pantry, powder room. 2nd floor, large master bedroom, 3 add. bedrooms, two fill baths. 3rd floor, 3 rooms and attic. This home sets well in from main highway on lovely landscaped 4-acre tract. Could be used as a rest home. A beautiful country home for quiet retirement. Immediate possession. Price, $14,500; oi>e*half cash. AGENT ON PREMISES SAT. & SUN. Located Opposite Peter Pan Inn on Route lit. fust South of Frederick DONALD . WEED, Broker Victory Fete Is Held In Trade Board Drive To Attract Tourists A victory luncheon in the Shore ham Hotel yesterday marked the successful completion of the annual drive for funds by the Greater Na tional Capital Committee of the Board of Tracle. The campaign began on May 1 with a quota of $85,000. Dan Hol land, who presided, announced pledges of $90,349 at the Juncheon, with some still to come in. The committee, which is headed by Joseph C. McGarraghy, is con cerned primarily with trying to In-1 duce conventions and tourists to come to Washington, as well as to oil-set adverse publicity. It is estimated that 250 conven tions will be held in Washington this year and that the Capital will be visited by between 3,000,000 to 4,000,000 tourists, according to Ed win N. Lewis, director of public re lations of the Board of Trade. These visitors will spend about $60,000,000, according to Mr. Lewis. Francis G. Addison, jr., treasurer of the committee and Edward D. Merrill, vice chairman, made short talks. Unit chairmen of the fund drive who exceeded their quotas were: Bruce Baird, Henry M. Cunning ham, E.*L. McAleer, Frank E. Weak ly, V. Manning Hoffman, Jay P. Conger, William C. Skelton, Kenneth Berkeley, W. C. Woodward, Philip M. Talbott, Jennings Randolph, E. C. Giddlngs, and William J. McManus. Knights of Pythias Plaque To Be Unveiled at Arlington A memorial plaque commemo rating those members of the Knights of Pythias who lo6t their lives dur ing World War I and II will be un veiled at the amphitheater in Ar lington Cemetery at 3 p.m. tomor row. The plaque, to be presented on be half of the Knights of Pythias by Supreme Chancellor Willard M. Kent, will be received by J. J. Walsh, sr., superintendent of Arlington Cemetery. The plaque will be de posited in the trophy room. The Navy Band, under the direc tion of Lt. Comdr. Charles Brendler, will play. Army Chaplain Gregory J. Lock will give the benediction. The United States must import most of the fibers used in making rope. LAKE JACKSON Washington’s only fresh-water lake—situated in Tirgln forest In the foothills at the Blue Eidge—31 miles from the Cauitol. It east erer ana nslllion dollars to create this 12-mile shoreline lake! It Is a sensibly restricted lag lodge colony _its residents are your good neighbors. It is free from mosquitos and nettles. The healthful, bracing air and the quiet restfulness of its B60 wooded acres makes Lake Jackson the nerfeet place to get away from the hot. crowded elty. Excellent swimming, fishing and boating, unesmparably enchanting and desir *W* Lodge*s^t« areT/rom tSOO up. Lodges built to your tptci/lcations. I brand-new waterfront lodges for sate, S7.000 and 19,900. ' LAKE JACKSON HILLS, INC. Office Open Weekdays and SundayTeL_Managgas.Hl-F t.J WESTMORELAND HILLS ' Choice Residential Lots j ‘2,750 up Directions: Drive out Massachusetts Avenue to West moreland Circle and enter at sub-division sign. For Information, Mr. Mullen, OL. 3240; Evenings, Wl. 8397 BETHESDA-GLENWOOD, MB. 5213 ROOSEVELT ST.—VAUNT Excellent red brick 7 years old, 3 twin-sized bedrooms, 2 baths, living room with fireplace, screened porcff off living room, nice dining room, modern all-electric kitchen, full basement, oil a.-c. heat, storm windows, Venetian blinds thruout, excellent lot, attached garage. Open Today and Sunday, 2 to Dark DURANT-HILLAND-WHITE CO. 5200 Wi*. Ayr. EM. 6600 *47,500—Riverdale, Maryland Built 1794 by Scian of Lord Baltimore, Founder af Maryland Luxuriantly furnished, six acres of land, oil heat, tiled baths, 12 fireplaces, Hollywood swimming pool. A. W. Lafferty (UN. 4349) or Your own Broker TO BUILD A HOME HAS BEEN THE BUILDER'S AMBITION IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THESE NEW DETACHED HOMES 3 BEDROOMS—2 Vi BATHS Semple house, Corner el Gilbert Street end Old Hodeesburg Hood. --FEATURES * Center Hell Plan * Half Bath on First Floor * Fireplace in Living Room * Equipped Kitchen * Ventilating Fan * Full Basement, Outside Entrance * Bath with Shower in Basement * Oil-A. C Heat • * Concrete Side Porch * Large Closets * Aluminum Window Frames and Sash * Full Length Screens * Numerous Electrical Outlets * Three Large Bedrooms * Tiled Bath on Second Floor * Copper Plumbing OPEN SUNDAY FROM I TILL DARK r« Kmc*: Out Pintg Branch Road vast Flower Avenue to Oid Bladcnsburg Road, right one block to our tign and sample house. Exclusive with CRANE & HELAN, Realtors 1009 Itoifiirt St., Silver Spring, Ml. SLige 4000 Cafe Warned on Serving Drinks After Hours The Alcoholic Beverage Control Board yesterday found Mrs. Loretta Rlchenbacher, manager of a restau rant at 7331 Georgia avenue N.W., guilty of serving alcoholic beverages after hours, and warned her that the next Infraction of regulations will result in suspension of her license. The charges against Mrs. Richen bacher were made by Policeman George E. Raymond of No. « Pre cinct, who told the board at a hear ing Wednesday, that while patrol ing his beat he heard loud and pro fane language coming from the j restaurant at 3 ana. He said he peered inside and saw; i the bartender serve beers to Mrs. Richenbacher, her son and her! daughter-in-law. They denied they served beer after the closing 'hour j and said they were in the res-j taurant waiting for the porter to finish his cleaning Job. j WALLPAPER Narthwast Wallpaptr ft Paint Ca. »!1* 7th It. N.W. With tartan, D. C. BE. MM SHEBWIN WILLIAMS PAINT! OPEN SATDBDAT! TILL • OPEN TILL DARK BELLEMEAD HD. *12,500 Emty Term* F. E. A. Financing New 5-Room Bungalows FemturUtg: • Living Room • Dining Room • 2 Bedroom • Colored Tile Bath • Auto. Gat Heat • Paved Streets • cquippta Kitckea • Opm Firaplaca • Ecpintien Attia • Full Basement • Ceppat Plumbing • All Brick Cmst. • Steal Beam! and Girder M«| Other Feature* Nat I'wally Fatmd la* Tht* Price Range Direction*: Out Bladenshurg Root (Routt 1) to React Crate, right an An napolis Road (Route SI) put Landover nil It. right at BeUemeat sign, /ollow errow> to homee. CLIFF PIERCY & CO. 4700 Baltimore Ayc., Hvatisvllle, MO. WA. 3200 Member, Prince Georges County Beal Batata Board. OPEN SUNDAY, 12 TO DARK 330 Oneida Place N.E. $15,950-$1,200 Down Truly a home worthy of your inspection. 3 large bedrooms, tile bath and shower, large living room, modern and fully equipped kitchen; lavatory and showtr in basement; dining room; fnll base, ment; automatic gas heat; large front porch; hardwood floors. Home beautifully finished. . To Reach: Out N. H. Ave. to Peabody St . right on Peobody St. to 6th St., right on 6th Si. to Oneida Place, right on Oneida to home and our uion 412 5Hi Si. N.W. Dl. 5995 ADJOINING CHEVERLY NEW 5-ROOM HOMES BOth Avenue—Only $1,006 Down i i ■■■■ w—ii up —F maturing— • Large weeded lets. * • Colored tile hatha. • Klee trie er gas kitchens. • Keystone er Yeangstewn «o hi nets. • iMK floored expansion attics with finished stairways. • Large bright, dry baseaients. • Copper pifis—brenxe screens. i Fall lasalatiea—weatberetrlpaiar. > Aalikatit beat, ass ar ail. > Aatematle deasesue bat water. > All autarlala fallr seaaaaed. i Steel beams. > Best trade bardweed Basra i Plaster walls, painted. > Cenerete sidewalk, cark and drive wars. immidiart rots on ion ONLY $10,700 to $11,750 SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN, 12 TO 8 DAILY To Reach: Out Bladensburg Rd. to Peace Cross, right 1 mile out Route HU from Peace Cross on Defense Highway: right Vi mile on Route tot. right 1 mile on Cheteriv Arte., left across Penna. R. R. bridge at noth Ate. New Houses sign, follow red arrows to houses. Streets being improved, new street in front of houses. J. VICTOR DICKEY North Englewood WA. 1144 NEW HOMES—$16:050 * $17,500 OPEN DAILY—1 P.M. UNTIL DARK 490a-4905 AVONDALE ROAD Center hall detached brick homes; 3 bedrooms and tiled bath, 1st floor lav., screened side porch, modern kitchen with Magic Chef gas range and 9-ft. West inghouse refrigerator. Gas c. heat, Venetian blinds, screened, caulked, weather-stripped, insu lated, extra closets. Large lots, fully landscaped. Direction: Out MichUan Ate. MB. to DietrUt tint end continue on Queens Chapel Road two blockt, left at Rmt tell Road to Woodreeve Road and two blockt to hornet. MARTIN MelNERNEY Investment Building Day, DIstriet 5#14 Eves., DEeatnr 5175 LAN HAM, MD. OPEN SUNDAY, 2 TO 6 Spacious 5-bedroom home, beautifully situated on 2 Vi ocres, con taining features not found in new houses. High ceilings, oil hot water heat, ample closet space, large kitchen with pantry, beamed ceiling in dining room with boy window. Full basement with ground level entrance, beautiful front and side porches. A pro fusion of shrubs ond flowers. Property in new house condition. Possible G.l. Financing v DIRECTIONS: Out Defense Hiehwag towards Annapolis, approa. i 8/1# miles beyond Peace Cross to Lanham sign and. white Colonial frame heme on right, turn right across railroad tracks and turn sharp ’.eft 1 block, turn left to house and open sign. CHEVY CHASE REALTY CO. 4420 Conn. An. EM. 1800 j 6400 BALTIMOHE AYE. UBIY. PARK, ND. 3 California type buntalew and S car carare. both pressed brlek and betk with 3 tile reefs. Can't dupUeate far (60,000. All completely modernised with dream h kitchen and tiled breakfast room. 7 reams, kitchen, bath 1st fleer. 4 rooms, n kitchen and bath bastment. Additienal space in basement and attle for 14 n more rooaaa. Beautiful sroands, (37.AOO. Within easy walkinr distance af e University of Maryland. B INSPECTION BY APPOINTMENT ONLY | L. J. MILLS COMPANY a Diatrcit 0973 Union 4145 run iii ii ii nun u iihm iiii ii iiii ir immnr ir ii ii it ii~i ii ii ii ii i ii iiiirnnruiiflii inn mn imE SILVER SPRING 2 NEW RED BRICK COLONIALS 9802-04 BRUNETTE AVE. OPEN SAT., 2 TO DARK—SUNDAY, 12 TO DARK These lovely hemes ei levy I lots are within easy walking distance ef all con veniences. Center entrance. 21-ft. livinf room with fireplace, concrete side porch* tnest-sise dining room, ultramodern equipped kitchen with sorbose disposal unit. Tiled powder room on 1st floor. 3 lovely bedrooms and colored tile bath o« 2nd. Full basement with outlet, jas a.-c. heat, siface for recrea* tlon room. Aluminum windows and screens. Metal Venetian blinds. AN EXCELLENT BUY AT $17,950 To Reach: Out Colcsville Rd. to Forest Glen Rd.. I / left to Brunette Ave., left to our oven a ion. REALTORS 1710 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring SL. 5700, SH. 0015 MAXIMUM CONVENIENCE UTMOST COMFORT LOW COST $2,500 CASH BALANCE FIRST TRUST—4% Monthly Paymenta (Inel. Taxea A Ina.) $56.79 PRICE, $10,325 T wo-Bedroom—Semidetached—Brick Home* 3414 and 3416 33rd Street S.E. Directions: Out Pennstelvania Ave. to Branch Ave., rilht to Alabama Ave.. rtght to t.trd St., left on Bird St. to House and sign: or out Nichols Ave. to Alabama Ave., left to Bird St., right to house, or take W-l Bus direct to house. Frederick W. Berens Sales, Inc. . 1528 K S». N.W. _NA. 8141 BROOKIALE... .. The Name That implies CHARM *» 4715 RIVER ROAO " OPIN SUNDAY, 1-« P.M. "Irook del* —"LiflitWwu-built"—these ere the words thot moon to so many people e delightful, cenrenkont restricted caamranity of white brick homes, plus the soundness of construction end'ths cherm of design that characterised the work of the well known builder, Cooper Lightbown. And heronjust one Hock from fast transportation to downtown, is a smeller home thlf embodies the best ef prewar construction.. Includes !'"»• room with fireplace, dining room, modem kitchen, 2 nice bedrooms, I Yl baths, full basement, automatic gas heat, slate roof, nice lot. Don t miss this opportunity! TO REACH: Out Witeomin Are to River Ri lSLrUHtonKTwettm Ave on Rtver Hi. to haute uni our tifn i net betond tnterteet ton or wettern Ave. Exclusively uriti C. ALLEN SHERWIN, INC. rULTO.S 424IWiscwn»inAyo.N.W.