Newspaper Page Text
SITUATIONS DOMESTIC (Con*.). Rubs WORK wanted by colored girl. 6 or 51a days. 8:30 to 6:30. LX. 8853. 28* MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, colored, wants lor. caring for child or children and home: no objection to travel. a»I. 6857. • WOMAN, colored, wants g.h.w.. 6-day w<ek: private family. FR. 0300. • WOMAN, with small child, desires house k-..- -,g position. Box 201-H. Star. 27* WOMAN, reliable, desires day’s work. DE 21)01. WOMAN, cclored. desires g.h.w. or cooking part time. MRS EULA MAE JACKSON. LU 2921 bet. 9 and 4 Sat. only. WOMAN, colored, wants chambermaid work or day s work: good willing worker. PI, 4884 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES. " _ BUSINESS. ADAMS TEACHERS’ AGENCY handlea the better school and office positions. 204 Colorado Building. 14th and O. RE. 3938. SECRETARIES—Stenographers, typists; ex cellent opportunities: 5 days: $180-$250 a mo. NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERV ICE. 1708 G st. n.w. DOMESTIC. "" ' Ire HAVE ALL TYPES of experienced do mestic help. Call DE. 0645._—3 1NSTRUCTION COURSES. fiODERN TRAINING In beauty culture, all subjects taught. Approved by Government for GI training. WAR-FLYNN BEAUTY COLIEGE. 1210 G at n.w.. DI. 1762. LEARN TO DRIVE In Washington's oldest, largest and most modernly eauipped auto driver training school: 1948 model cars. Batented dual controls: permits secured C„ Md.. Va. EASY METHOD. NO. 1794 THE G1LMARTIN SCHOOL offers accred ited summer tutoring courses in elementary and junior high school. For further Infor mation. OR. 4290 or RA. 2712. —27 PIANO LESSONS—Accredited teacher. RE BECCA BORDEN. 1725 Lanier pi. n.w.. NO. 4216. or Arlington, Va„ CH. 2076. —27 PERSONAL. frEEK END TRIPS to Ocean City. Md — Transportation, sleeping accommodations, breakfasts, planned activities: meet new friends and broaden your interests. Also rooms by the day. week or season. For further information and to make reser vations. call BILL HUTZELL’S PHYSICAL FITNESS CLUB. 1719 K st. n.w., EX. 4204 —29 ANNOUNCEMENT—LEA ENGEL, dress maker (formerly of 6th ave. N. Y.) Is glad to announce her return to business after her recent Illness and is now ready to personally serve her many old customers as well as new ones. Centrally located at 1110 F st. n.w.. Rm 20: tel. EX 1803. PARSONS' COUNTRYSIDE CAMP assures your child of “wonderful, never-to-be-for goUen camp experiences.” 160-acre farm; ponv riding swimming, creative arts and crafts, music, archery, boxing: separate age groups for boys and girls; hot lunches: dally transp.; overnight camping Litera ture mailed upon req RUTH PARSONS, director V.eekdays and Sundays, inspec tion invited. 12 to 6 D.m. 9401 Ga. ave fcw SH 1674. PERMANENT WAVES. $4; shampoo and flngerwave, 50c. No appointments. All work done by advanced students. WAR FLYNN BEAUTY COLLEGE, 1210 G st DENTAL TECHNICIAN—JOSEPH RICE Prompt service on dental plate repairs, fin;, 14th st n.w.. 14th and F. NA. 0773 I ALTERATIONS on all ladies’. garments; prompt anc. efficient service; open eves 3100 ]4th st. n.w., OO. 2221. JEWISH REST HOME for the elderly and convalescent; day and night nurses. 3822 8th st. n.w GE. 9789. —26 SAFETY FENCES are galvanised steel rham link fences; every po-st set in con crete for safety; jobs finished tw'o weeks after order: free estimates. Call FR. 4370 evenings and Sundays, AT. 1787. SAFETY FENCE CO 27* WILLOW LAWN SCHOOL has several im mediate vacancies, year around boarding •and day care: limited transp TA 5393 STUTTERERS: GROUP PSYCHOTHERAPY# Is the most modern method to help vou. With individual treatments, it gets at the root of stuttering. New groups now form ing. Groups for all ages. Write-call DR. G. 8 MACVAUGH, Psychologist, 4502 Stanford. Chevy Chase, Md. OL. 1980. 29* REOPENING—Taking reservations for in fants. convalescents: special care for re tarded bod patients; licensed nurses: love ly suburban home; complete care and re- i •possibility. reas. fee. according to infants’ care WA 9172. —25 I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted by any one but myself. LEON OWEVS 132 W st. n.w 27* DISTINCTIVE REST HOME In Fairfax County—Graduate nurse giving conscien tious care to invalids; bed patients a specialty special diets and home-cooked food Write MARION KILLEN. Rt. 1, Box 241 Vienna, Va. Phone Daleview 8876. 27* RADIO STAR will introduce you. make records of voice, speaking and train you for radio Cal’ WO 3258. 27* DALE NURSERY SCHOOL, Suitland: ac credited educational and play program: hot meal, snacks: fully supervised: care for children. 3 to 6. HI. 7480. —27 WANT DAY CARE for son 19 mo., white home (prefer licensed*, in n.e.: no phone. Please write name, address, phone, fee on postcard MRS. JOHNSON. 1513 D st. n.e. FEEL BETTER after first treatment or no fee. Relief from pains and aches due to weak heart, asthma, rheumatism, arthritis, nervousness, piles, colds, flu or other ail ments. Also relief from aching, swollen feet. Men and women, young and old. can benefit. Lady naturopath, 20 years’ ex gxlence. SH. 2685 ANTED HOME with day and night nurs g care, for elderly man. Box 282-H, Btar. 2* SHADOW WORK and private Investiga tions a specialty. WO. 7144. 2* MOTHER—Board your infants and babies by month. Also while you take vacation. Ideal licensed home. Inspection invited. TE. 3874. —28 VACANCY FOR CHRONIC, bed or up pa tients; quiet and homelike, best of food and care. Phone PEARL K. GRAY, R N., Leesburg, Va., 115-J-4. 27* KALORAMA CONVALESCENT HOME for ambulatory convalescents. Pvt . semipvt and small ward rms. Registered nurses day and night. Supervised diet DE. 2681. —28 MEN AND WOMEN TAILORING, altera tions. Call DE. 7422. 27* CHEVY CHASE COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL —All day care for young children; also camp In Maine: salt water swimming, all sports. WI. 9873. —28 REST HOME VACANCY—Semipvt room on 2nd fl.; for gentlemen; tray and nurs ing service. Phone SH. 4081 —2*_ MOTOR TRAVEL. LADY WISHES TRANSPORTATION to Chicago, Milwaukee or St. Paul. Minn.: will snare expenses and exchange refer ences. EM. 8354. —27 FLYING NEW STINSON to Indianapolis or St. Louis, Mon. or Tues: can take 1. 2 or 3 people; share expenses: approx <4<) for the trip. Phone CLARENCE FAI.TT, Rehoboth Beach. Del., 3831. —27 DRIVING TO AUSTIN. TEXAS, noon. July 1; 2 passengers; share expense. HY. 0213 after 6:30 pm —27 2 ADULTS; mother, daughter desire trans portation Hot Springs, or Little Rock. Ark., around June 3(*th. Glebe 6767 27* RESPONSIBLE GENTLEMAN, traveling to Los Angeles, about July 1st. will take 2 passengers to share expenses. GL. 1138. —28 LOS ANGELES—Driving about June 27th: 1948 car; take 2 passengers, share ex penses. Call WI. 8580. LEAVING FOR PORTLAND. Oreg June 28: have room for 4 passengers. Call SH. 7905. 27* REPAIRS AND SERVICES. ADDING MACHINES, ralculators cleaned, piled and adjusted. All work guaranteed. RE. 1177 UNITED TYPEWRITER CO . BRICKLAYING—Fireplaces, chimneys, re- j tainlng walls, walks and steps built and repaired. A. FAGNANI. AT 1994. BRICKLAYING, carpentry, concrete, 25 yrs. exp. CO. 0739. CABINETS AND STORE FIXTURES, office partitioning; corner cabinets, bookcases: I radiator covers: carpentry repairs. Free estimates. 8L 5521. —27 CABINET WORK of all kinds, screens made, furniture repairs, parts made. If made of wood, we can make it. THE WHYTEL CO.. WI. 5108. CAMERA REPAIRS— «1 5 10th st. n.w 27 years' experience: factory parts. FUL LER & d‘ALBERT. INC.. NA 4711. CARPENTRY, screening, porches and steps; painting done reas. Call MR. SWANN. DI. 3090 after 5 p.m. —28 CARPENTRY, concrete work: no job too small; day. night: free estimates. Victor 7691. MR. ROLAND 28* j CARPENTRY—Attics finished, recreation rooms, porches inclosed, stairways, dormer windows: residential or commercial. J E. HENDRICKS. Union 2491 CARPENTER WORK—We do it. All kinds of repair work. Painting and papering work. DE. 5046. —28 CARPENTRY, cabinet work, screens, glar ing, painting, concrete work. FR. 0080. • CARPENTRY — Recreation rooms, attirs. general repairs. Do own work Free esti mates HAINES & JACKSON. LU. 7346. FR. 1767, AD. 5468. —28 CLEANING UPHOLSTERED furniture and ruts machine-done on premises; estimates. Call MR. CRULEY any time. NO. 5081. DRY BA. EMENT in 24 hours! Dry matic." humidifier with temp, control: stop rust, moisture, mildew or corrosion. DRY MATIC AGENCY. Capitol Marine Works. Inc.. RE. 6605. ELECTRICAL REPAIRS and installations; ! lor prompt, courteous, guaranteed service, call A C ELECTRIC CO.. RA 5858 ELECTRIC WIRING, commercial, residen tial, old. new work. Extra outlets, repairs.. REGAL ELECTRIC. 3609 Ga RA. 8391 FLOORS—Sanding and finishing, old or i pew floors: estimates day or night, i BAUBLITZ HARR. VI. 7700 or WI. 477o. 1 ROOF REPAIRING, painting, gutters and ! gpoutlng: free estimate. SL. 1783. —2 FLOOR SANDERS, edgers, polishers, paint i ■prays, vibrators rented. Supplies sold. L. T. FOLK. 4632 Wis. ave. n.w. WO. 0528 FLOOR SANDERS, edgers and waxers rented; new and used w’axers for sale. RA. 4346. KENNEDY FLOOR & TILE CO.. 709 Kennedy ct n.w.. ra 4346. FLOOR SERVICE, experienced operator, lowest prices in town. Call us for free estimates. TR. 1436. —27 FOUNDATION TO ROOF, cement, car penter. painting, waterproofing, new roofs and roof repairs, etc. Hillside 5572! r time 28* NTTURE REPAIRING, reflnishing all done your home; 10 years’ exper.; « EM. 8301 any time. —27 jkNTTURE SPRINGS retied In your — White mech. Call FR. 9189. 2* (ITUKE. UPHOLSTERY and Caning, building; free estimate; guaranteed SHOP. MI. 5500 —29 REPAIRS, carpentry, painting. ud and storm sash; prompt service: action guaranteed. TA. 5<H>b. 30* TING, exterior and interior; neat. “ work with quality materials as estlmates without obiisation^TA G—Speclalile Kem-Toning. Fine, rk. Honest prices. HA. 7242, 5, PAPERING and remodeling, j ilpAPERING1— Cornices made j . PAPERING. Kem-Tonlng_OE. ^AND PAPERING—Fast, effl- ! • satisfied customers for 25 &WRENCE. RA. 8703. REFAIRS AND SERVICES (CdI.I. ft*!?1!?0 ,AND PAPERING—We go Vlr .Marylar'd »nd D C.; estimates free; Pdd“p!\ service "Better work for less money guaranteed. TA. 4602. TA. 7918 2** ?,nd hung; experienced mechanics, “call P.rvT.y? ?5 4771 or TR. 0950. 3* AND PAPERING — First-class Sjy* reasonable price: Dutch Boy white lead on outside; refs. CH. 9568. OW. 7422. _o w PAINTING. PAPERING. FIR. SANDING: ralf v.PDt0.?.7f?A.t0 pay: prompt aervlce. Call MR. MALHOYT. CO. 1382. PAINTING AND PAPERING—We do our tovn work, and do It right; use best paint. ; Cali anytime. GE. 0877. —29 i PAINTING. PAPERING, Kem-Tonlng and «i*r‘or work. HULMR, days, HO 1029; I evenings, HO. 3481. 4* PAPERING—5-rm. and 2-story-hall house, ?75. materials furnished; white mechan ; lcs, good workmanship. DU. 9058. Call after o p.m. og PAPERING, 5 rms and hall, *86. material lorn, interior painting, white mechanics. 7till after 5. GE. 7/59. 20 PAPERING AND PAINTING—A-l work; I estimates free. Call MR BECKETT. DU. j 4053. | PAPERING AND PAINTING, scraping, I n. sanding and plaster patching: free estl I rriat^es: lst-class white mechanic. AX. j PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING—For | be.ter work and less money: white me ‘jhanlcs; call FRANK J. TOLSON. FR. : PAPER HANGING, 5 rooms. 2 story, hall, ;ls2._up' A. T. GEORGE. DI. 0100. 27* i J>AJNT,NG’ Plastering, acrap JOHN CARROLL, LI. 7803. —26 ii AFtRiNG, painting, scraoing. carpenter iwork. JACK R. TATE EX. 8571. —26 PAPEWNG ONLY. See MR. VAN. VI. ! < r>95 _28 PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING. Call W. F. O'NEIL, AX. 5118. PAPERHANGING, this week only $7 and up per rm.: 1948 washable sunfast papers; I work guaranteed GE. 4283. GE. 2461 PAPERING. PAINTING, reliable: free esti mates. THE DECORATIVE SHOP. RA. PLASTERING AND REMODELING — Ceil ings patched or renewed, walls and parti tions moved. TR. 3069 a*ter 6. 1* PLUMBING AND HEATING REPAIRS, remodeling. Reasonable rates. HI. 6290. REFRIGERATORS. MOTORS, washing-ma chines; 24-hour service; household and commercial; guaranteed work DEPENDO REFRIGERATION CO UN 1612. REFRIGERATORS, air conditioners, wash ers. all makes. BETHESDA ELECTRIC CO . WI. 4 821 RADIOS RF’VAIRED—All makes: free estl ■ mates. Phom LU. 3204 until 9 p.m. week .days. _20 REPAIR Work DONE — Call Lincoln 5991. —26 ! REPAIR WORK, remodeling and repair : work of all kinds: reasonable rates; expert ! workmanship. Free estimate. AX. 6199. —30 ROOFING—All types roofs repaired: new ! slate, slag and tin roofs; general sheet j metal work, guttering and downspouts; no money down. 36 months to pay. Call TR. ; 6867; free est. A. D. THOMAS. 7* ROOF REPAIRS, gutters and downspouts. i all types: painting and waterproofing: ! prompt service. MR. WRIGHT, RA. 9446. —3 ROOFING, leaks, slate, composition, gut ters, bpouts. waterproofing and general re pairs Work guaranteed. GE. 3431. —30 SLIP COVERS and drapes made: will call for and deliver; reasonable rates. VI. 6676. —30 STONE, FLAGSTONE AND CEMENT—Spe cializing in stone retaining walls and flag stone. also cement drives, porches, walls, steps, walks, cellars, etc For free esti mates call JERRY. AT. 9266 TYPEWRITERS cleaned, oiled and adjusted. All work guaranteed. RE 1177. UNITED TYPEWRITER CO.. 813 14th n.w VETERAN CONTRACTORS—Carpentry, re paiis. remodeling. recreation rooms, porches, screens, painting, paper hanging, wall scraping; A-l mechanics; free esti mates all work guaranteed. MR. HACK BARTH. EX. 8555. 30* SUMMER SPECIAL—2-pc. slip covers, cus tom made. $59.50. Club chair, reuphol stered. $27.05 compl. ACADEMY UPHOL STERY CO. 3433 14th st. n.w. Phone; NO. 2376. —1 HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANIES. ‘ ADDITIONS, A-l home improvements from i basement to roof: no money down. 7 years [ to pay. HAMILTON CONT. CO.. RE. 4477 30 • ALTERATIONS, additions, remodeling and new construction by local builder; free estimating. UN. 2150. —8 ALUMINUM TILE—15 different colors, expert installations by veterans; very reasonable. UN. 8867. —1 ASHPHALT DRIVEWAYS, parking areas end private roads; neat work; guaranteed.' GL. 23P6. —26 I ! CEMENT WORK—Stone walls, flagstone j terraces, walks, chimneys, fireplaces, ce ! ment driveways, porches, retaining walls, pipe drainage, all kinds of waterproofing. F. MARCUCCIO. Rt. 4. Horners lane, Rockville, Md.. Rockville 3588. .—2 FENCES OF ALL TYPES, complete home remodeling, free estimates. BILT-RITE FENCE & CONST. CO . ST. 7000. —28 FLOOR SERVICE—Nothing but the best: j laying, sanding, finishing, cleaning par i quiet installations. Bruce finishes FLOOR ING CONTRACTORS. INC., 1812 Wiscon sin ave. NO. 2215 ; GENERAL CONTRACTING—Painting, dec i orating, commercial, residential, white ! mechanics, reasonable. Decatur 4869. 26* i HYATTSVILLE CONTRACTING CO. — Painting, papering, roofing and siding: all1 work guaranteed: monthly terms: free estl-' mates. WA 8486. days or evenings. NATIONAL DECORATING CO.—For gen eral home improvements from cellar to roof, call Sterling 3366 for free estimates and assistance in making plans. Small monthly payments if desired. —26 PAINTING done after 4 p.m. daily and weekends; kitchens, bathrooms, etc. Prices reasonable. Call CO. 0002. —26 REMODELING—Recreation rooms, attics, baths, kit. remodeling, cabinets and ap pliances. Altico wall tile all colors: rubber tile flooring; free estimates. SUBURBAN CONSTR. CO., UN. 3352. days or eves. REMODELING. REPAIRING, painting, kitchens, attics, rec. rooms, porches. COKER HOME IMPROVEMENTS. SH. ■ 5667. day or eves. 1* SCREEN YOUR PORCH while I have the material Call Sligo 3942. W D TAYLOR 90P Greenwood ave.. Takoma Park, Md. MODERN BATHROOMS, kitchen gas water I heaters, all types of plumbing and heat ing installed by experts; cash or terms. Call North 8000 for free estimates. J. SHAPIRO, reg. Diumber, office and show room, 9th and Que n.w ; night Dhone. RA. 13162. WORN SINK TOPS replaced with Formica or stainless steel; kitchens remodeled with Youngstown. American or Hot-Point cabi nets; we make our own installations. MAS TER APPLIANCE CO., 2443 18th st. n.w. Open eves, till J*. NO. 5808. ASKEWS HOME SERVICE — Painting, paper hanging, floor sanding, modernizing, ! hsmf. to roof; rras. OR 7900. 30* WILL CONTRACT FOUNDATIONS for dw >llines in Wash, and vicinity. For in formation. call AD. 8666. —30 ATTENTION. HOME OWNERS—Any work, from foundation to roof Call HARRIS Ac ; HARRIS. Contractors. ST. 7489 or TA '7991 any time 30* CALL THE HYDALE CONTRACTORS today tor reas estimates on all home improve ment and remodel jobs; attic rms, addi tions a specialty WA 8887. UN. 4241 MODERN KITCHENS—Cabinets and appli ! ances, remodeling attics, baths and rec. rms ; Altiro wall tile and Hood rubber tile I flooring; free estimates. SUBURBAN CON-; STRUCTION Cp„ UN. 3352 days or eves, j BANK AND BUSINESS ' References required from every advertiser seeking capital through advertise ments in The Star. BUSIN ESS OPPORTUN ITIES._ CORNER STORE, in Hyattsville: sale beer, on and off. soda foun., candy, cigars, mag. and coin machines: all new equip.; long lease. $NOo to $ per wk. sales. 5100 Rhode Inland ave . TA 6733 28* COUNTRY STORE, 1 acre of land: store fully stocked with modern living quarters, oil heat, in clean village: all butcher equip ment. deep freeze, showcases, business and rqal estate. A bargain. JOHN BURDOFT, Colesville. Md. Call Afchton (Md.) 3*40. RFD 2. Silver Spring. Md. —27 CABINS (7), newly renovated, modern conveniences, 200-foot frontage. Route 1. Owner on premises, 0708 Washington blvd . Elkridge. Md. 30* RADIO REPAIR SHOP, small store in excellent n w. location—Well equipped with adequate stock: good opportunity for one or two experienced radio repair men. Call NA 7115 for appointment. 30* ARE YOU A PROMOTER? If so. here Is a chance to step into a wholesale grocery business and make it a paying proposition wit.iin a few months. This business did very well in the past, but has been neg lected within recent months. Your in sertion is invited and any reasonable offer considered. DAVID R. WALLACE & CO.. RE 3070 or 4949. —27 f HAST! ETON HOTEL, gift and souvenir shop, IGth and R sts. n.w. For immediate sale at very low price. See between 2 and 10 pin daily. 28* DINER BUSINESS FOR SALE. $35.O(»0; 0 mi. south of Alexandria on Hwy 1. UHI ER S PINEP. —26 CINDER BLOCK PLANT, going business in heart of rapidly building area of nearby Va : reasonable terms. Weekdays. OV 2*28: eves.. TE 2420. —26 JEWELRY STORE, downtown office bldg.. lewelry and mailing list optional: owner leaving town, must sell. Call Twining 83oo. Ext 456. 29* SPECIALIZE in the ever popular grilled sandwich, electric grill with timer, com plete with 36-in. steel cabinet, one to four sandwich size: priced reasonably at $190. Call MR GIBBONS. NA. 4711 weekdays. NA 2189 Sundays. 27* ONE OF WASH.’S old-established restau rants, woh liquor license; long lease, reas. rent nv.nimurn overhead. No brokers. LI 1139 —27 GENERAL STORE, near Washington—Lge. bldg, with 7 rooms: franchise from one of best electrical appliance manufacturers; over yr business which is ex panding: about 515.000 stock; suitable for partners: ieal estate also for sale. Attor ney’s client anxious to sell. Bargain. GE. 2037. 07 VARIOUS STORES FOR SALE—Delicates sen. groceries. luncheonettes, valet shop, open air fruit market, pawnbrokers’ ex chenges and wholesale grocer. HERBERT SINSKY RA 8241. —27 VARIETY STORE, doing over $000 per week: excel, n.w. loc.; lease: priced right. HERBERT SINSKY. RA. 8241. —27 DGS CORNER STORE. Va : guarantees *2..->00 weekly does more: lease: $10,000 handles. HERBERT SINSKY. RA. 8241. _27 DRUGSTORE, excel n.w. loc.: transfer able lease; acing $1,500 per wk.; terms. HERBERT SINSKY. RA. 8241. —27 FROZEN CUSTARD—Considered best loca tion J£, Arlington. Va.. Columbia pike and So Fillmore st.. across from Arlington Theater and bowling alleys. 2?* FOR SALE AT ONCE, newsstand, doing excellent business. Inquire of owner at 7407 Wisconsin avenue 27* HARDWARE BUSINESS—In excellent lo cation. 28x120 Approximately $20,000 stock. $10,000 fixtures and good will. Con servative $80,000 year gross. Call Irving. Exclusive wkh MILLAR BROS., WA. 13971 or yi. 0o94. 27 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES <C—M. BUSINESS OR PARTNERSHIP wanted In going, profitable business requiring *26.000 to *60.000 Investment. Write details In confidence. Box 27-0. Star. —27 ROOMING HOUSE WANTED—Must have lease. No brokers. DU. 6630. —27 LAUNDERETTE—Located In Falls Church: 21 Bendlx. extractor and dryers, plus all needed equip : owner leaving town. bus. established with nice Income on Invest ment: $10,600. FA. 3390 or FA. 8372. 27* TOURIST AND ROOMING HOUSE. 19th and G sts. n.w.; *6.000 cash will buy this fine business as well as the very substan tial brick building, furniture Included: 10 spacious rooms and 3V4 baths; good condi tion and fully rented. For further Infor mation call Mr Norris. Jr., with WOOD WARD & N CHRIS, Realtors, RE. 6686. Evenings. GL. 0952. —28 ON ACCOUNT OF HEALTH, I must sell a paying florist business. Box 286-H, Star. 28* DELICATESSEN with equipped kit.. In cludes apt., oil heat, doing good business. Bargain. 1214 4th at. s.w.. ST. 9847. 27* ARE YOU INTERESTED in expanding business? Restaurant, A.B.C. lieense; res taurant and kitchen fully equip, and operating; located on main hwy. with 300 ft. of road frontage. Approx. 22 ml. from D. C. In Va. Property consists of 2 acres, restaurant and modern 4-rm. house. COOKMAN REALTY. GL. 2669; eves., CH. 1901. —27 VARIETY STORE In shopping center; priced low for immediate sale. Call FA. 4705 after 7 p m and Sunday. 27* BEACH STORE, CROC., ETC.—Complete with store bldg, and 2 gas pumps; reas. and exceptional terms. Inquire Ho-Hum Cottage on Mayo rd. Open 1-8 Bun. Mrs. Shearer. OW. 6492. MYRTLE A. WFADON CO.. DI. 4854. —26 DELICATESSEN, excellent n.w. location, modern equipment, kitchen. Va bath: gross ing $1,600 weekly. DAVID R. WALLACE A- CO . RE 3070 or RE. 4949 —27 Tunis SNAK BAR—SVi-yr. lease, $76 month rent, including gas. heat and elec tric: $5,000; guarantee *400 weekly busi ness; can do more TR. 9440. 27* DELICATESSEN STORE In Washington’s most progiesslve market; have been In this store for 17 years, but other Interests compel me to sell. Call OWNER. TA. 2938. 29* DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT centrally located n Arlington on the corner of 2 main blvds. Owner selling due to other In terests. but passes on an enviable repu tation to the purchaser, who will enjoy every opportunity needed to expand this business into a real money-maker: seating apacity 140. on and off sale ABC license; good lease with reasonable rent. Ideally located for many types of business. For details cair SMITH REAL ESTATE CO., CH 8007, GL. 0484. —27 EQUIPPED DELICATESSEN STORE for lease. $250 month. MI. 9726. —27 CHILDREN’S WEAR SHOP in an Arl. shopping center, a going business; price, $7,500 Box 132-H. Star. 27* WE HAVE A RESTAURANT, tourist court and near-future trailer camp (application applied foT) location. Business for sale with long lease; located on Main Va. hwy, 16 miles D C. For further particulars, call PENTAGON REALTY CO.. Fairfax 396. —26 restaurant—Liquor ana oeer ior sale; top location, low rent, very low overhead. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. Full details will be given by appt. only. Call CO. 2880 DR. WITH MD. OR D.C. LICENSE, inter ested in partnership small hospital: no cash needed. Ccmtact DR. E. R. HUFF MAN, 4519 Rosedale ave.. Bethesda, Md. —27 FOR SALE BY OWNER—2 dry cleaning and launary stores in well populated s.e. shopping center. Can be seen by appt. only. Call LU. 6159 after 7 p.m. —27 TAVERN, located 20 ml. from Wash., on new hwy. Will rent for $100 a mo.: will sell business for $12,000. This is truly a gold mine! My reason for selling is illness. Call LI. 2961 after 6 p.m. —27 $10,000 PER YR. is the net income from this combination filling station, groc. store and lunchrm., wJth ABC license: sales records and income tax receipts available: well equipped and stocked: rest rooms and 2-rm.. bath cottage: 4-yr., 9-mo. lease at $40 per mo.: located on Lee hwy. in nearby Va. $11,500 for quick sale oue to illness. Exclusive with COFFEY REALTY. FA. 3632. FA. 7843. —27 CORNER RESTAURANT, located 1001 New York ave. n.w.. closes 9 p.m. daily: good business, 5-year lease: total price. $7,500: terms. $3,000 cash. BOB HOL LANDER. exclusive, 1411 Pa. ave. n.w., NA. 9743. —27 LUNCH RM. incl. liv. quarters: good loca tion. must sell account of illness: make an offer. WALTER EBERMAN, RE. 0493, EM, <>303. —526 MILLINERY STORE on Conn, ave . doing $1,000 a mo., at special bargain. WALTER EBERMAN. RE. 0493. EM. 0303. —26 INSURANCE—Will buy fire, casualty or bond business, large or small. Replies confidential. Box 461-E. Star. 28* WANTED—Hardware or variety store, go ing business, doing fair volume. Can pay cash. No brokers. Box 222-H. Star. 27* IN THRIVING Montgomery Co. village— Very prosperous beer and lunch: five acres of land: seven-room and bath house: ga rage; store. Owner paid for property in two years from earnings. Must sell be cause of health. Terms arranged. OL. 6409. —27 FROZEN CUSTARD season is on: this beautifully equipped spot in n.e. is very reasonably priced: rent paid by coin ma chines; owner_says “sell today at best offer.” THRIFTEE BROKERS. DI. 8920, AX. 0460. —27 COLORED RESTAURANT, beer and wine, 4th st. n.w.. low rent, price $4,000, cash $2,000. DEMATATIS REALTY CO.. 1420 N. Y. ave. ST. 8561. —27 BARBER SHOP—Be your own boss: 4 chairs: near Govt, bldgs.: price $3,000; cash $1,500. DEMATATIS REALTY CO.. 1420 N. Y. ave. n.w. ST. 8561. —27 RESTAURANT—Golden opportunity for live wires. In Silver Spring, surrounded by new construction: wine and beer; seats 200; owner quotes $400 daily: 10-yr. lease with reas. rent. DEMATATIS REAL TY CO.. 1420 N. Y. ave. n.w. ST. 8561. GASOLINE STATION (Texaco) and house in Woodfleld. Md., on Route 124, near Damascus; fully equipped auto repair shop, hydraulic lift and pumps: also 2 bedroom house; all on 2 acres; wonderful buy. DEMATATIS REALTY CO., 1420 N. Y. ave. n.w. ST. 8581. —27 RESTAURANT, liquor: corner of the m,ost important business st. in n.w. Wash.: $1,400 weekly receipts: rent $150; air cond. and lge. television, business shows a steady increase. Write owner. Box 30-G, gtar _27 ROOMING HOUSE, by owner; wonderful opportunity; 13 ran.; 3 baths; good In come. Box 229-G. Star. —28 BY OWNER—Reasonable; 2V4 acres on No. 1 hwy.; service station and grocery; 40-ft. din. rm. and fl-rm. dwelling; 2 m.les south of Pohfck Church. RAYMOND’S SERV ICE. Lorton, 12-F-ll. Call between 7-11 am. —27 ROOFING BUSINESS for sale: reputable, long established; complete shop equipment; Stock of copper, sheet metal, roofing felt, pitch, insulation, etc.: trucks, ladders, tools. Phone JONES JASPER, MI. 3211. nr CH. 3956. , —27 REDUCING SALON; ladies: possible earn ings $8,000 yr. on only *3.600 Invested; new equipment; low rental; good clientele; exclusive: HEANEY & CO. Call HC. 5663, or OR. 1047. 27* GAS STATION BARGAIN—Believe it or not; a fine corner location on busy D. C. thoroughfare: Inclosed pit and lift; 4 tanks; ample equipment: good gallonage; low rental; reduced to $2,600 for quick cash sale: exclusive HEANEY & CO. Call HO. 5flfl3. or OR 1047. 27* SHOE STORE In busy, growing Maryland shopping center: owner sick; excellent buy: low rental; 9-year lease. Call Mr. Tora nich, eves. VI. 8500, with JAY REALTY CO.. FR. 1101. DRY CLEANING and variety store, s.e.; owner leaving town, must sell at- your price; rent. $40; owner says "net profit weekly no less than $100.” Don't be late. Call THRIFTEE BROKERS. DI. 8920. AX. 0460. . _ , 27 NEWSSTAND In lobby of refined D. C. hotel; excellent opportunity for steady ln come; cash, terms; no brokers. Call FR. 1757, —27 DRUGSTORE and luncheonette on Pa. ave. n.w.: 9-yr. lease: $160 mo. rent; priced for quick safe. Call George Schioouras. with "PENNY'’ APOSTO LIDE6 REALTY CO., RE 5224. TR. 0405. —27 RESTAURANT FOR SALE, modern In every respect; air-cond.; liquor license: good neighborhood; reasonable. Call OR. _3194. MODERN, new. alr-cond. building, 3 floors; restaurant, rathskeller: 7 large business offices, excellent income. Call OR. 3194. 28* EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE from manufac i turer offered Washington and centers 6.000 ! population up. Maryland, Virginia and adjacent States. Capable people Wanted ! to Invest $900 to $3,200; own and oper ate profitable business as chain. Every : home, hotel, department store potential i customer. Thorough training given, sales assistance program offered. See E. C. Bull, Washington Hotel. Tuesday. June 29. 9:30 am. to 5:30 p.m.: Wednesday. June 30, 9:30 a m. to 5:30 p.m , or write PROTEC I TIVE CHEMICALS LABORATORY. INC., ! Durham. N. C. 27" USED-CAR LOT, busy Conn. ave. location. Owner must sell due to Illness. Call WO. 3249 for appt —27 SERVICE STATION, modern, and 5-room bungalow with over 400-ft. frontage, ap proximately 13 miles south of Alex , 2nd station on right across from Pohlcx Church: station has 3 gas pumps and large driveway, grease rack and rest rooms with attached room, 25x40. excellent for restaurant or store, fluorescent lights »nd inlaid linoleum floor: full basement: oil hot-water heat. house In excellent condi tion: oil heat, Vh.w.: plenty of space for cabin* or trailers: good gallonage. Price. $35,000, with $15,000 down. Ask for MR. STEVENS. 26* miscellaneous for sale. ACCESSORIES for your camera, darkroom or movie outfit: largest selection of cam eras projectors, enlargers, electric expo- ■ sure meters, flash guns: cash or terms. Rangefinders, films, color Photo papers, chemicals, photo books and l.oOO more Items. We buy and trade. BRENNER PHOTO CO.. 933 Pa. ave. n.w. lopp. Justice Dept > Catalog free. RE 2434. ADDING MACHINES (61. new and used: electric desk models iRem.-Ragid. Bur roughs. Monroe. Barret, Victor. Sund strand): $135 and up: cash or terms. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER St ADDING MA CHINE CO.. 2019 14th st. n.w. MI_4400. ADDBESSOGRAPH EQUIPMENT — Model 1900 Addressograph. automatic feed, strip lister attachment; forty thousand style B frames; lour "133 drawer” addresso graph file cabinets with drawers, large table. PE. 8161. May be seen at 1710 G st. n.w., rear. • 28* AIR-CONDITIONING UNIT, Carrier win dow model, 1-year old, $260. Call EX. 4970. 27* AIR-CONDITIONED UNITS—1 three-ton “Chrysler” Air Temp. $750, and 1 five ton "Carrier.” $850: self-contained. Also 1 flve-ton “ Westlnghouse” and 1 flve-ton •General Motors” remote at *775 each, fob our warehouse. All reconditioned and guaranteed: all 220 volts. 3-phase. BISHOP EQUIPMENT CO., OR. 3687. AIR-CONDITIONING UNITS —New "and used; Frigidalre. Philco, Westlnghouse. and others: »ome demonitrator* at subitanUal savings; prompt installation!. TMl BUCK CO. 2303 Champlain gt. n.w., CO. 6300. AHt-CONDITIONlNG cooling units— Standard makes; both new and recondi tioned. Every unit Includes guarantee and free service. Immediate Installation. Member. Electric Institute. BISHOP EQUIPMENT CO.. OR. 368.. 6104 Mae Arthur blvd. nTW_ AIB-COND. UNITS. Carrier. $»-h.p., $324. Call CO. 8483. 27* I MISCgLUNfOUS FOR SALI (Cant.). Ant CONDITIONER, York, consol* unit 84 h.p.: 1376. Owner leaving city. Call EM. 7544 bet. 4 and 8 p.m. —27 AIR-CONDITIONER. Carrier, % h o., 3 phase, 60-cycle. 115 v. window unit: good condition: reasonable. Sligo 3897. —27 SOFA-BED. Simmons, dusty rose, excel, cond. Call OW. 6447. —28 AIR-CONDITIONER, V, h.p., 1947 Phllco, window model: beautiful cabinet, perfect cond.: cools, dehumidifles, filters, puri fies: ouiet. DE. 5214 —26 AIR-CONDITIONER, Pleasantaire; wlh dow-type. >4 h.p. Priced for quick sale. Private party. CO. 7744. Ext. 306-E. —27 AIR-CONDITIONER, Philco-York, % h.p . excellent condition; for bedroom or small apt. CO. 6908. AIR CONDITIONER. Phllco. 84-h.p., used 5 days: original price, $450; sell for $300. DE. 1048 from 6 to 8 pjn. —29 AIR CONDITIONERS—New Phllco* and Carriers In all sixes. Used reconditioned units of all makes Full Installation and service facilities. It pays to deal where dependability Is time proven since 1875 A. 8. JOHNSON CO.. RE. 1687 AIR CIRCULATOR. Phllco. cabinet window model, excel, condition. TE. 7191. —27 AIR CONDITIONERS. *4 h.p.; several makes; rent or sale: rentals can be applied to purchase. BETHE8DA ELECTRICAL CO.. WI. 4821. —1 AIR CONDITIONERS, window type, per fect for office or bedroom. Why suffer from heat. *6001 9th st. n.w., OE. 3453. 4* ANTIQUE cherry console table, cherry 1 drawer table, pine cobbler's bench, mlsc. china, glass. QL, 8698. —27 ANTIQUES—Moving July 1st. Will sell everything at ridiculously low prices. CON TINENTAL GIFT HOUSE, 3213 P st n.w. 28* ANTIQUES — Historical pine sea chest, walnut platform rocker. GL. 8596. —27 AQUARIUMS. FISH, PLANTS—See our week-end specials. 8HOREHAM PET SHOW. 2827 Conn. ave„ AD. 8507. Open 8at. 10 a.m.-9 p.m.; for your eonv., Sun. •’.S r. _07 ANTIQUES FOR SALE — High poster. roa-'lo. bed dble.: pine Dutch cupboard: rectangular gold-leaf mantle mirror; chairs, etc. TE. 0667. —27 AWNINGS, 4. custom-made, used 1 sum mer; lge., 6 ft. wide. 62 in. In length; 3 small ones. 28 In. wide, 50 In. In length; all four. $20. Also 3 wood-paneled white doors, size 30 In. wide, 7814 in. long, $15. WA. 7752. —27 BABY BUGGY, $10: wagon. $5: green dishes, *2. CO 1336, 1704 Kllbourne or 3186 Mt. Pleasant. BABY CARRIAGE and bassinette; reason able. Call AD. 5582. —26 BABT CARRIAGE, excel, cond. Call after 6 n.m., J5V7 11th st. n.w. Phone DE. 3307. —27 BABY CARRIAGE, good condition. $6. and bassinette, on stand. $3. Call FR. 4231. T BABY CARRIAGE. $16: bathlnette. $10: small crib, mattress, $10: play pen. $6 Overlook 1748. 26* BABY CARRIAGE. Kroll. *30; baby strol ler, $5: drapes 100-ln. so. hvy. cotton chartreuse, yellow and brown stripe, $30; radio-phonograph and record stand. $36; Bendlx washer, pearly new. $160; tuxedo, size 37, $10; Ice skates, size 8, $6: ski suit, size 16, $10. WO. 6204. —27 BABY CARRIAGE, Thayer; good condition; $18. Phone Warfield 2331. —27 BABY CARRIAGES, $19.98, $24.98 and $29.98. Baby cribs, ant. size. $16.98; Junior size. $19,P8. and full size. $23.98. Strollers. $5.98 and $8.98. Highchairs, $9.98 and $12.98. New children's fur niture exclusively. BERGER'S. 3412 14th st. n.w., DU. 3444. Open eves. —28 BABY CARRIAGE. Heywood - Wakefield, with mattress: cost $64, excel, cond.. sell 525. RA. 4720. —27 lABY CARRIAGE, Thayer, folding, ad justable back. lncl. matress, like new; orlg. $60. sell for *25. DE. 6418. BABIES’ CRIBS, play yards, feeding tables, scales, strollers: rent or sale. BABY'S BUTLERS SERVICE, EX. 4370. BABIES' FEEDING TABLES, adjustable height, completely equipped, including chair; $29.95 BABY'S BUTLER SERV ICE. EX. 4370. BARBER CHAIRS, 3. Paidor: like new; shine stand, cash register, display case for sale. ROGER-SMITH HOTEL BAR BER SHOP, 18th and Pa. ave. n.w. 27* BATHTUBS (2), “Standard''; 4 ft. and 5 ft., with all-chrome pipes and fittings; excel, cond.; $26 each. DU. 6644. —27 BATHTUBS, new and used, built In. leg; sinks: lavatories: all sizes. PEERLESS SALES CO., 2237 Ga. ave. n.w. BATHTUBS, new and used, $10 up: basins, toilets, showers, stalls, pipe. BLOCK'S, 3066 M st. n.w.. MI. 7141. BED, chest of drawers, dresser, crib, table, chairs, studio couch, miscellaneous. RA. 6731. —27 BED. 1 double, maple; spring and mat tress; practically new. 1 studio couch. 1 rollaway bed and mattress: excellent con dition. Can be seen any day after 3 p.m. 1710 19th st., 2nd floor. —26 BED, youth's size, maple finish, complete with Inner-spring mattress and detachable side rails. Sligo 9140. —28 BED, mah.. double, coll springs. Beauty rest matt.; may be seen from Fri. noon and on; Dominion Gardens. Apt. 3, Bldg. 13 803 Old Glebe rd„ Alex., Va. —27 BED, single, folding, spring and mattress. $10. Apply first floor, 1267 Wis. ave. n.w. —26 BED, double size. Hollywood, box springs, felt mattress very comfortable and is in excellent condition; $30. OW. 4452. 27* BED. Murphy, compl. with Inner-spring mattress, perf. cond., $36; also chest of drawers, mahogany color, $10. 1632 19th st., WI. 2562. —2 BED, mahogany, dble.. Beautyrest mat tress, boll springs, good cond , $50; floor lamp and shade. $8. Call LU. 2214. —27 BED, Hollywood, single, box spring and mattress, 4 years; $5. TA. 3086, 4000 N. H. ave. n.w. BEDS, double deck. Army type. wood, green, used, in good condition, complete with springs. $4 per double unit, while they last. Dally and Sunday, EX. 5687; eves., Sligo 6749. —27 BEDS, twin, metal: Inner-spring mat tresses; coil springs: $45. Owens 8120. * BEDS, youth's, and rollaway bed; Kroll crib: also 1 rug. 9x12. SL. 4413. —27 BEDS, excellent mattresses: chests, rugs, etc.; entire contents of our home and business; moving July 1; open 8un. CONTINENTAL GIFT HOUSE, 3213 P st. n.w. )—27 BEDS, twin maple, Inner-spring, matt.; kit. table, porcelain top, pull-out leaves, 4 chairs, attrac., perf. cond. DI. 7422. —27 BED LEGS—Hollywood beds can be made from your coil or box springs. We install. Sligo 4371 BED RAILS, new metal patented: fits all wood beds; cannot break down. ADMIRAL FURNITURE DEALERS, 2436 18th st. n.w. —29 BEDROOM SUITE, walnut, 6 PC. AT. 861! after 6 p.m. —26 BEDROOM SUITE, night stand. 4-posted solid mahogany bed; price, $100 for all. Call TW. 1772. 27* BEDRM. SUITE, blond mahogany, excel, condition. GL. 4400, Ext. 446. —27 BEDRM. SET, solid maple: sgl. bed. coll spring and mattress: dressing table, bench, dresser and chest: prewar const.; excel, cond. 42 Madison st. n.w. —2, BEDRM. SUITE—Magnificent Crouch ma hogany. dble. bed, twin night tables. 52 inch dble. dresser base with beautiful gold framed mirror, chest of drawers; orig. cast 6 wks. ago, $1,100: will sell for $75o. Also lovely llv. rm. pcs. avail. SH. 2648. —28 BEDROOM SUITE, maple, twin beds, coll springs and mattress; $80. TA. 27.42. —27 BICYCLE, boy's 26 In., good tires; many new parts, new red paint; $25. Call HALE BRADT. OR. 0414. BIKE, value at $12.60; Monark; nun's boy’s; speedometer, red; needs tire. RA. 6492. 4801 3rd n.w.. Apt. 1. 27* BLOWER, elec., (or coal furnace, for sale, cheap. 4119 4th st. n.w. —28 BOILERS, high pressure, all sizes, new and used. COLUMBIA MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT CO.. TE. 1600. BOOKCASE, lge. hand-carved mahog.: bed. desk, odd chairs, llv. rm. auite, power lawn mower. No dealers. RA. 6959. BOOKKEEPING MACHINE, Remington. E. C. KEYS A SON, INC., 8404 Georgia ave., SU. Sprg. —27 BOX SPRING LEGS—Convert your springs or coil springs into Hollywood beds. We install. Sligo 9594. —27 BRICK. USED HARD BRICK from Wash ington’s largest suppliers of used brick; 1 thousand to a million. Call on us for your brick. ARROW. 1100 S. Capitol. LI. 2602. BRICKS, one or a million; famous "Schen co” bricks. ALASKA COAL & BRICK CO.. NA. 6885. _ —29 BUILDNG ACCESSORIES—HECHINGER'S have the largest selection of all kinds of building materials In the city. For cour teous, prompt, reliable service and square dealing, come to see Mr. Trever Jones In the ‘'Little White House” at 16th and H sts. n.e. Inspection Invited, or call AT. 9632. BUILDING MATERIALS—Hard to get now in stock; 16 and 20 penny common nails. $14 per keg; 4x8 fir plywood, ft". 19c sq. ft.: ft". 22c sq. ft.: ft". 29c sq. ft.; ft". 32c sq. ft.; ft". 39e sq. ft.: dry white pine shelving, 16c board foot- white asbestos shingles, $12.60 so.: gray mottled asbestos shingles. $11.50 sq.: 210 lbs. asphalt shingles red. green, black. $6 sq.: clear white pine. 4/4, 6/4. 8/4. 35c bd. ft.; 5/16 Plyscord sheeting at 12c a aq. ft.; ft" clear oak flooring. 23c sq. ft.; 2 or 3 paneled fir doors. $9.90 each; flush doors. $10.90 each; bronze screen wire, 10c sq. ft.; 6" redwood siding. 15c board ft.: 8" redwood siding, 17c board ft.: amazing Klmsul insulation, 16 and 24 in., double thick. 7c sq ft. Discount for quantity purchases. BALTIMORE LUMBER CO., LI 1361 1600 New York ave. n.e. BUILDING MATERIALS — Must be sold. Compare these prices: Pine flooring. $30 per thousand. Maple flooring, $110 per thousand. On. pine. 2x10. 16 and 18 ft.. $70 per thousand Wooden paneling, 10c per sq. ft. T. and g. sheathing, $55 per thousand. Arched casement windows. $6 ea. Fire extinguishers. $7 ea. Heavy inlaid Unoleum. 15c per sq. ft. Many other bargains in framing lumber, plumb ing fixtures, steel beams, etc. Wrecking Arcadia. AECD CORP., 3132 14th st. n.w. Phone NO. 7478 Large selection of bldg, materials at our yard. 1331 Jefferson Davis hwy.. Arlington. Phone JA. 1604. —6 BULLDOZER, Cletrac tractor, mod. DDH, with hydraulic angle blade; guaranteed. 680 T Ft. n.e., tele. NO. 7732. WHIT TINGTON * BROWN. —26 BULLDOZER, cleat track 65 with large blade: In daily use until the present time; $1,800, cash. MR. ADAMS. OL. 2442. —27 CABINETS, kitchen, corner, bargains, at iOOl Conn. ave. ORUVER MFG. CO.. OL 5525 weekdays and Sundays. —13 CAMERA AND EQUIP . 815 10th St. n.w Movie and still: repairs: projector rentals FULLER It D’ALBERT INC.. NA. 4711. CAMERAS, new and used. Large selection, priced to meet competition. See Bill Goodman at TIMEKEEPER’S CAMERA SHOP. 913 Penna. ave. n.w.. RE. 0717. —30 CAMERA FANS — Why go downtown when UPTOWN PHOTO SUPPLY can fill your every photographic need? Out of the high rent district, our savings are passed on to you. Featuring a complete line of Argus. Bolex, Revere. Keystone. Kodak and Ampro equipment. 1369 Irving st. n.w.. HO. 8722. Open till 8 p.m. —27 CAR RADIO—8-tube Phllco. fit any Chrys ler product; practlcaUy new; only $75. Call GE. 3199. 27* CASH REGISTER, elec., 2 drawer, new. In crate, sells for $886, will sacrifice; 15 electric motors, ft h.p.: 1 code machine with motor; Ilco 1-minute key machine, like new; 1 Blnks portable paint spray, new. compressor, motor, 3 spray guns and hose; 1 26" electric fan; 1 Ourtis key cutter, gun type. OTT’Y’S LOCK AND KEY SHOP. 1242 H st. n.e. —28 CHAIR lovely bbl. back. $66; crystal chan delier. $135; curio cabinet, $150: grand father clock. $150: cheat drawers, $25. LORRAINE. 3520 Conn.. Apt. 21. WO. 3869. CHAIRS, two. mahogany, over 60 years, $5 each; need upholstery. Apply 1218 Longfellow st. n.w. —27 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SAIL CHAIRS (2), ladder-back and 1 barrel back; both for $70: child's station waton. like new, $16. Olebe 4400, Ext. 216 after 6 p.m. * CHESTS and carrying cases, $150 up. GRUVEB MFG. CO., 8001 Conn. ave. OL. 5525. weekdays and Sundays. CHTFFOROBE, baby’s. Storkline, maple, good condition. TA. 7479. CHINA, lamps, glassware, silver: also an tique pieces; great savings. TA. 9784. —27 CITY GAS STOVE, unsuccessfully con verted to bottled gas. new oven controls, works like new in city; reasonable. Tele phone Clinton 686-J-l, Sunday from 11-1 and from 8-10 p.m. —27 CLARINET. B-flat. for sale: excel, cond., complete with case, $75 cash. Phone LI. 1918 27* CLOCK—Seth Thomas 8-day mahogany mantel clock; also bedrm. suite, mahogany, sleigh bed. lge. dresser, chair, new Inner spring mattress and box spring. UN. 4461. 27 CLOCK AND * LAMPS, handsome French Empire set. Phone OR. 2615. —27 CLOTHING—Man’s full dress suit, prac tically new, size 40; reasonable. NO. 3.172. —27 CLOTHING—Highest prices paid for men's used clothing. BERMAN'S. 1122 7th st. n.w. ME 3767. Open eves Will call COAL OK KEROSENE RANGES, new ana used; lge. stock and variety. ACME STOVE CO.. 1011 7th st. n.w.. NA.. 8962. CORNET, cond. like new, most recent model Olds. Saturday bet. 6-9 p.m.; Sunday all day. EM. 5821. —27 DEEP FREEZE BOX. Frigid Freeze, new. $695; will sacrlrflce for $450 cash. 1617 14th n.w., phone AD. 7363 or DU. 6905 Sun. —27 DESK, mahogany; swivel chair and straight chair: all $40. Hollywood bed. chairs, etc. HU. 8067. —27 DeWALT SAW, radial type for ripping, crosscutting, many other uses; 1'6 h.p 14 in. blade, single phase, good working cond., $150. See It work! Ask for Mr. Trainum. at HECHINGER CO., 6925 Os. ave. n.w. —27 DIAMONDS — Lady’s sol.. 44 et.. $100; lady’s, 4a ct.. $125; lady’s 4a ct- $150; man’s 1 et.. Imperfect. $150; lady’s blue white, 1 ct.. $226: lady’s. l'/« ct.. $300; man’s blue white. 2 et.. $375; lady’s nice. 2 ct., $500; lady's fine color, 2V< ct., $675; man's perfect. 216 et., $800; lady's perfect. 3 ct., $875: lady’s pr. perfect diamond earrings. 4*6 ct., $1,000. LIV INGSTON Si CO., 1423 H st. n.w., ME. 3440. —26 DIAMOND, fine blue-white, about Vj carat; must sell by Monday; $100 or best offer OW. 5318. 27* DIAMOND. 4 carat, appraised and Insured for $7,250; will sacrifice for $3,500; cash or best offer. OE. 2391. —27 DINETTE SET. genuine blond maple, used 3 mos., excel, cond. Call WA. 7451. —27 DINETTE SET. lamp table and lamp, play pen and high chair, piano. Call EX. 2726. DINING RM„ walnut, very cheap. ~RA. 0735. —27 DINING ROOM SUITE, 10 pcs., walnut, good condition; $200 or best offer. Call SL. 4192. —27 DINING ROOM SUITES—We need ware house space; they have to go; five brand new 10-DC. suites, walnut veneer on hard wood; were $395. now $195; cash only REDMAN & BROWN FURNITURE CO 1729 14th st. n.w. Decatur 3340. —25 DOORS, k.-d. white pine. French, exterior. Interior; all sizes and styles. Immediate delivery. Olebe 4014. ARLINGTON WOODWORKING, “Manufacturers of doors CAL1US1VC1.T. -U DOUGHNUT MACHINE (Doughnut Corpo ration of America): four-compartment deep freezer. 2 ice cream machines (Wil liams). all practically new. Phone HO. 4837 between 9 a m. and 10 a m. 27* DRESSES, bridesmaids, five, sizes 14 and 1H; different styles; worn once; 110 each. Phone OV. 6069. —27 DRUMS, complete set, match white marine pearl. Gretsch make. reas. NO. 8482. 27“ ELECTRONIC DICTATING MACHINE and automatic shaver. Tel. NA. 3674. 28* ELECTRIC FAN, 30-inch, heavy duty, can be seen at MAY’S SEA FOOD, 1127 Howard rd. s.e. —27 ELECTRIC FANS cleaned, greased and re paired; bought, sold and exchanged; attic fans fans for the home, office and store; 37 years tn business. Call Republic 1027. SUPERIOR LOCK & ELECTRIC CO —30 ELECTRIC FURNACE muffle. 2 inches deep by 1M, by 1'/«, maximum temperature 250 degrees Fahrenheit, practically new. KILGALLON-DORSEY CO., Temple 6757. •—27 ELEC. GENERATOR. 4 cyl , Kohler engine, auto. 1,500 watts; 2 yrs. old. Call HO. 3456 or SL. 2394. —30 ELECTRIC POWER and light plant, 2. 600 watt, 60 cycle a.c., $250. 5001 9th st. n w. GE. 3453. —27 ELECT. RANGE, Frigldalre. pract. new, $126. Apply 21 Kennedy st. n.w., Apt. 106 —27 ELEC. STOVE, Hotpoint, 3 burners, deep well; in good cond.; reas. price for quick sale. WI. 7750. —20 FAN. window, 30* diameter. In oak frame 39"x34": draws 7,000 c.f.m.; excellent: $60. Oliver 1070. 27* FANS—Pedestal fans, exhaust fans, kitch en fans, air circulators. Dealers take ad vantage of our large selection and low prices. ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT CO.. 2473 Sherman ave n.w.. NO. 1919. 30* FANS, Dargains, attic, exhaust, kitchen; all sizes; complete Installation: enjoy summer comfort; 50 yrs reliable service. GICHNER. 418 0th st. n.w.. NA 4370. FANS—Exhaust, new. 10-in., $12.50; 12 tn.. $10.90; 16-in.. $24 60. Overstocked, must be sold, save 60%. BLOCK S, 3056 M st. n.w., MI. 7141, MI. 7933. —30 FANS. d.c. and a.c., 16-in. oscillating; leather couch and chairs; safe cabinets. 1427 Eye st., RE. 2374. 27* FANS, 7-ft. pedestal, $56: Lau fan. \ h.p. motor. 24x30, $50. Phone RA. 0645. FANS, unit coolers, circulators, many others in our complete new line, from $5.95 to $54 95. Open eves.. AAA SALES & EQUIPMENT SERVICE, 1431 Eye st. n.w. —28 FANS—Stand on floor fans, for sale cheap. ARUNDEL RESTAURANT. 063 Penna. ave. s.e. 28* FANS, new. 18". electric. $22.50. GLOBE STORE FIXTURES, 307 9th st. n w.. ST. 4071. —28 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS (3). standard rooming house, all copper: excel, cond.; free delivery; $15 each. DU. 0644. -—27 FIREPLACE, electric, with logs and and irons. mahogany finish. HO. 7823. —27 FREEZERS—Frozen custard, ice cream, famous Taylor all-purpose freezer: com mercial and domestic frozen-food cabinets also available at low prices. CAPITAL FREEZERS CO, INC., 1623 Wisconsin ave.. MI 8800. FUR COAT, mink tall, size 12, large muff, matching, $200. 1118 House Office Bldg. FURNISHINGS, complete, of 0 rms.: 2 married cpls., $950 ea. cple.; house avail able- n.e.: «40 mo. Hillside 6222. —28 FURNISHINGS—6 rms. misc. furniture; dishes, utensils, etc. Good cond. Must sell immed. Leaving city. Very reas. TA. 0904. FURNITURE—One dining room table, 07'x 42" with 12" folding leaf; Duncan Phvfe legs; mahogany, has pad. $75 or best offer 108 35th st. n.e. Tel. AX. 1032. 26* FURNITURE—Save up to 50% on all new furniture. Specials on sofa beds, studio couches, bedroom, living room and dinette suites. See us before buying. Easy terms THE CROWN CO.. 827-829 7th st. n.w. FURNITURE—New maple and mahog. cor ner cabinets: open and closed, mirror door wardrobes; new studio couches: 100 new and used folding cots: used 9-pc. din. rm. suite. To buy or sell furniture see SID GLASER, 2430 18th st. n.w., DE. 6660. FURNITURE, UNCLAIMED—Studio couch $10; Morris chair. $22.60; love seat, $25: utility bed. $8; Pullman davenport. $85; solid maple kneehole desk, $36; Cogswell chair. $24; 3 overstuffed chairs, $35 ea.; 2 porcelain-top tables with ex tension leaves. $16 ea. Open daily until 9 p.m. HOFFMANN UPHOLSTERERS. 2433 18th st. n.w. —‘-7 FURNITURE—Bedrooms, living rooms modern desks, pianos and fine selec tion of all types of lamps: terms can be arranged. SMITH’S TRANSFER & STORAGE CO., 1313 You st. n.w. 1258 Wls. ave. n.w.; 2001 Wilson bivd., Arling ton, Va.. and 106 No Lee. Alexandria. Va. FURNITURE—Sheraton dining suite. 10 pcs., 6 beautiful needle-point chairs. $276; odd living room pieces, fine china and glass; moving to smaller space. DE. 5170. —2*1 FURNITURE—Complete three-room apart ment furnishings. Priced tor Quick sale. UN. 1804. 2tt FURNITURE SPECIALS—Floor samples: 3-pc. sectional sofa, tuxedo style, was $272, now $228; Lawson love seat, was $135, now $100; Lawson chair was $92 50, now $75: Lawson T-cushion sofa was $130, now $100: T-cushlon sofa, floral tapestry, was $192, now $160: 10-pc wal nut din. rm. suite was $395, now $325. HOFFMANN UPHOLSTERERS AND i IN TERIOR DECORATORS, 1711 14th st. n w. (near R st.). Open till 9 p.m. Conven ient terms. AD. 0741. —-7 FURNITURE—Antique walnut din. rm. set, compl.; bedrm. suites; 4 fine carpets; sun parlor set; other items; reas. TA. 5179. —26 FURNTIURE — Bed-Davenport. Duncan Phyfe table and chairs, lounge chair. Gov ernor Winthrop desk, chest of drawers and daybed and accessories. CO 9591. —27 FURN.—Llv. rm. set, $39.96; end tables, $3.95; sew. mach., $19.95; radios. $0.95; piano. $49.95; wardrobe. $5.95; beds, compl., $12.96; cred buffet, $14.95; odd chairs. $2.95: table lamps. $1.95: floor lamps, $5.95; bedrm. sets, compl., $69.95; chests, $12.95: dressers. $10.95: studios, $22.95: desk, $4.95. Terms; free D. C. del. 2622 14th st. n.w. Open ’til 9 —30 FURNITURE for 1-bedroom apt.: $150 4k best offer: apt. available. $55 month, In cluding utilities. LI. 0599. —27 FURNITURE—Maple bedrm. set. dbl. mat tress and spring, studio couch, maple dinette set, bookcase, 6-way fl. lamp._No dealers. TW. 1664. _ —87 FURNITURE — Miscellaneous furniture from 6-room home; lovely things. 8H. 2648. —27 FURNITURE—Rose and blondwood sect, sofa, blue leather and plaid lounge chair, walnut dinette, walnut desk, mod. fl. lamp, roll-awav beds. CO. 4349. —27 FURNITURE—3-plece bedroom. $60: bu reau. $5; breakfast table and two chairs, $5; 1 breakfast table. $3: 3 porch chairs, $8: 1 metal bed, $7; barrel of dishes. $5: preserving jars. $2.50: 2 wooden plant boxes, $3; 1 davenport, $10 2 twin beds. $15: 1 folding bed. $3. Call any time at 5002 13th st. n.w. 27* FURNITURE — Walnut dinette, sectional sofa for rec. rm or porch; good cond.; reasonable. LI. 6844. —27 FURNITURE—Record cabinet, mahogany, new, $30; knee-hole desk, walnut, new, cas vn Q*»on — FURNITURE—Complete twin bedrm. suite, large sofa, club chair, occasional chairs an I Incidental household equipment. Priced low to sell before Monday. Call OV. 1537. NA. 0484 or DE. 4750. —27 FURNITURE—House has been sold; fur nishings for sale. All must go by Mon day; very reasonable. Call Otis 8476. FURNITURE—8 studio couches. $19 each, all sterlixed: clean sofa bed, $32: droo leaf ext. Duncan Phyfe tables, $49; ext. console table. $49: inner-spring mattresses and felt, single. $5 ea.: beds, $r>; twin beds, $25; wardrobes, $10; breakfast set. $25; crib, $15; used bed. $20; summer rugs, $5 and $7; wool rugs. $15 and $25; lamps. $5; mirrors, $5; chests and dressers, $12 and $25: Hollywood beds. $25 and $35; misc. 1745 L st. n.w., dally 10-7; Friday ’til 9. - . ,—26 FURNITURE—Belling 3 rms. of misc. fur niture, including baby set. 3525 A st s.e.. Twinning 8300. Ext. 505. —27 FURNITURE—Llv. rm., bedrm., dinette: kitchen utensils, other items: reasonable. 1114 N. Pitt. Apt 5. Alex.. TE. 8058. 26* FURNITURE—Complete furnishings of 1 bedroom apt., in excellent condition: must seU. OV. 20$4 after 6 pjn„ any time Sat urday or Sunday. —87 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. FURNITURE — Chest of drawers, studio couch, kitchen table, 4 chairs and easy chair: reas.: moving out of town. Call NO. 3288 before Tuesday. —27 FURNITURE—3-pc. square arm sectional sofa, 9215: sofa beds. 969.95: T-cushion chair In mohair. 995; wing chairs. 985; French occasional chairs, 979; mahog. drum table. 24 in.. 925; cedar chest Cava lier. S54.90; 3-pc. maple bedrm. suite, bed. chest and dresser. 9125; 4-pc. mod. bedrm. suite, chest, dresser, vanity and bed. 9250; 3-pc. mahog. bedrm. suite, dble. bed, chest and vanity. 9165; 3-pc. mahog. bedrm. suite. Dupont Duco, 9275: Hide-a-bed. gray mohair. '9258.70; mahog. china cabinet, 975: Durham lawn chairs. 97.95: kneebole desk, mahog. finish, $74: table lamps. Shetland china. 916 up; floor lamps, 914.95 up; walnut drop leal table, $45; mahog. cocktail, end and lamp tables. $18.50. Custom-built furniture: Lawson chair. In muslin. $60; Lawson love seat. In mualin. $85; Lawson sofa, in muslin, $110. Specials: Custom-built studio couches. $39.95 lip: custom-built Lawson chair. In textured material, 950; custom-built Law son sofa. In textured material. $110: cus tom-tailored slip covers from your or our own material; large selection of floral or stripes, also variety of plain fabrics to choose from. HOFFMANN UPHOLSTER ERS AND INTERIOR DECORATORS, 1711 14th st. n.w. (near R at.). Open till 9 p.m. Convenient terms. AD. 0741. —27 FURNITURE—2-plece living rm. suite, good cond., reasonable. 3603 Bunker Hill rd., Mt. Rainier, Md„ WA. 3395. —27 FURNITURE, bedroom, walnut living room, dinette set. maple; mirrors; rugs: excellent cond.; reasonable. TA. 5416. —27 FURNITURE—4-pc. solid maple bedrm. set, 1 solid maple secy., 1 folding poker table, 1 drop-leaf dinette. table. 1 kit. work cabinet. 1 small mapls bookcase. 1 small maple table, 2 bedrm. chairs, one 3-way floor lamp. 1 Thor washing mach. NO. 3372. —27 FURN., immediate sale. liv. rm.. mah. dinette and bedroom; will sacrifice, leav ing town. Call CO. 8216. —28 FURNITURE—Dining rm. suite, solid oak, beautifully carved, extension table. buSet. sideboard. 8 chairs with real leather seats; bought at Woodward & Lothrop: owner leaving town, will sacrifice for $150 cash. Phone EM. 0668. —28 FURNITURE—Credensa, mahogany, prac tically new. Call OR. 3896 eves, and Sunday. —28 FURNITURE—Exquisitely carved Louis XIV liv. rm. suite in frultwood. broca telle upholstery. Inlaid coflee table, pr. commodes, semicircular commode with Italian marble top. pompadour desk: all excel, cond.; priced lor quick sale. HO. 8786. —27 FURNITURE, modern, used. liv. rm. suite with 3 sectional sofas, dinette set, hall mirror. Call TA. 7769 for appt. FURNITURE—Walnut bed and dressing table, blond mah. dinette table. 9x12 rug. 2 small rues to match, cocktail table, mlsc. pieces; exceptional bargain. AD. 0858. —27 FURNITURE—Duplex bed, can be used as single, double or twin; $15. Also lge. davenport. WA. 3424. —27 FURNITURE—Maple 3-pc. living room suite, $25; studio couch and cover, $10; lounge chair, $15. TW. 8300, Ext. 518. 27* furniture—Dresser, $25: double bed, complete. $50; 2 lamps. $10 each: clock. $10; radio. $25; mantel clock, $10; 2 pair drapes, $25: and kitchen utensils, tea kettle, roaster, etc. Must sell at once; any reasonable offer accepted. HO. 5100, Ext. 403. —26 FURNITURE—Complete furnishings for | living room, dining room, bedroom. Apt. ! B-530, 3620 39th st. n.w. McLEAN GAR DENS. 27* FURNITURE—7-piece antique white bed- : room suite, glass tops and mirrors; good condition: 6-piece maple dinette set. 1, maple bed and dresser. GE. 3418. —28 FURNITURE—Bedrm. set, 4-pc.. $50: din ing rm. set, 7-pc., $26: 7-pc. living rm. set. $75: all-wool Kopa rug. made in China. 9x12, $150: Victor radio, floor model, $30. F. R. STANCIL, 1328 Shepherd st. n.w. 28* FUR SCARF, silver fox, full length: just like new. in very good condition; reason able. TE. 4868. —20 GARDEN TRACTORS, nationally advertised make, in stock for immediate delivery. Buy now and prepare for spring planting J. R. PENDLETON & SON. 11770 Ga. ave. GAS HEATER, automatic, $85: gas range. $25; Frigidaire. $50; kit. sink. $15; Thor auto, washing machine. $150: elec. fan. $25: ship elec, clock, $8: Ansonia antique clock, $10: 9x13 rose-color rug and pad. $75. These articles can be seen from 8 a.m. to 12 noon every day, 3755 Jocelyn st. n.w. —27 GAS RANGE; fl. samples at great savings; 1948 model 0-burner Magic Chef. SerVel tas refgrs.: metal wall and base cabinets; 60-in. American standard sink and cab inet; Ironrite elec, ironer. J. SHAPIRO NO. 8000: corner of 9th and Que sts. n.w. GAS RANGE, Detroit Jewel, 4 burner: in good condition; bargain. JA. 1997-J. 27* GAS RANGES, new, used, all sizes, $19.50 up: trade-ins accepted. PEERLESS 8ALES. 2237 Georgia ave. n.w . DE. 5670. GAS RANGES—New and used; $19.60 up; credit and liberal trade-ins. ACME STOVE CO . 1011 7th st. n.w., NA. 8952 GAS RANGE, Hardwick, brand-new. 4 burners, $50. Call FR. 3741. —27 GAS RANGE, bottled, new, in crate; 40 in., le't-hand cluster top burners, lge. oven; owner leaving for Europe; sacrifice at $118. HO. 3418. GAS RANGE, 1948. 40-in. bottle gas range; new, in crate: cluster-top style: large oven; very reasonable. ST. 8269 or Waldorf (Md.) 2586. —27 GAS STOVE, A-l condition, white por celain. $50. Phone MI. 5569, 2701 Hamlin st. n.e. —26 GAS STOVE, Detroit Jewel, white por celain, 4 burner, oven: cost $99.50; beau tiful, DI. 0958, call Sat. or Sunday. 908*L st. n.w., basement. 27* GOLF CLUBS, man’s, 3 woods. 6 related irons, steel shafts; leather bag; all good cond.: $35. UN. 1780. —27 GOLF CLUB SET—8 Spaulding matched irons, 1 Jock Hutchinson registered driver: all for $60. Call GL. 0842 before 7 a m. or nfter 5 p.m. —26 GOLF CLUBS, left handed: 2 woods. 4 irons and bag; $25 for all. Call RA. 2654 after 3 p.m. weekdays. —26 GROCERY EQUIPMENT — 10-ffc. electric case, electric scales, complete stock of groceries. UN. 8617. —27 GUITAR, Gibson, excellent cond. GL. 5581. —28 GUN, Hi-Standard, model H-DM; barrel 6% in.; condition excellent; $38. TE. 9281. —27 HAND-CROCHETFD BEDSPREAD, Queen Anne pattern, double bed size, new, $30; set of Wallace reducing records, reduce by music, perf. cond., $10. WA. 1045. —27 HEATER, hot-water, elec.. Hotpoint; 50 gal.: 3 mos. old; also icebox, 150 lbs.; reasonable. Call after 6 p.m., GL. 7885. —27 HOLLYWOOD BEDS (2), $35 each; per fect cond. CH. 9835. —27 HOLLYWOOD BED LEGS for box springs and coil springs. SLAGLE, manufac turer. We install. SL. 9594. ICEBOXES, new and used, 25 to 100 lbs capacity; lge. stock and variety. ACME STOVE CO-. 1011 7th st. n.w , NA. 8952. ICEBOX, stainless steel with 2 sliding doors: can hold 200 lbs. of ice; has aluminum inside trays: excel, cond.: $75. DU 0644. —27 INTERNATIONAL TRUCK 1939 stake: good condition; $495 or best offer. HENRY’S FURNITURE CO., 1325 7th st. n.w., MI. 9448. —30 IRONER, electric. Easy cabinet type; ex cellent condition. Call AX. 2782, 8 p.m. to 10 P.m. —29 JUTE BOX, perfect condition, ideal for club or recreation room, $175. 2628 14th st. n.w. DE. 7633. —2 LAWN MOWER, power, Jacobson bantam, new condition; $110. Call Annapolis 0094 Saturday or Sunday. LAWN MOW’ER, power gas, also 1 scooter bike, gas engine. 1 cyl., 4 cycle, both in perfect condition. Call Greenbelt 3273. —27 LIVING RM.—2-Diece set. modern, good cond., really cheap, $35: furniture covers, $10 extra; walnut bedrm. set, 4 pieces, $40; also camping auto tents. 2 double cots, 6 chairs, $15: 2 radios, lge., cheap. Also other items. WA. 1046. —27 LIVING ROOM SUITE, modern. 5-pc.. practically new. Call ME. 2121. 9 to 5: after 6:30 p.m., CH. 7500, Ext. 491. —27 LOVE SEATS, pr. matching, French Pro vincial. new. yellow upholstered; $260 pair. Call WO. 1029 aftei 6 p m. —26 LUMBER—An ample supply of used hard brick, lumber and other building materials from many wrecking Jobs. Get our quota tion before buying For courteous, prompt reliable service and square dealing, come to see Mr Trevor Jones at the “Little White House" at 15th and H sts. n.e. Inspection invited, or call HECHINGER CO. AT 9632. LUnutK—Fine, direct mui snipments or in smaller ouantities: steel windows, hard wood flooring. Insulation, sheetrock and other building materials; immediate de livery. CATLIN LUMBER CO.. 1604 N Quincy st„ Arl. OL. 8888. LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS, both new and used, of all kinds, at Robin son's; open all day Sat and Sun.; free delivery: come in or phone Axminster 1200 end meet the Robinson brothers, who will personally handle all your building need problems for lumber, millwork. wall boards, regular and marine plywoods, roofing, hardware, paints, plumbing, elec tric and hundreds of other Items "One call does all.” Now then, try ROBINSON S NEW & USED BUILDING MATERIALS. 1230 Kenilworth ave. n.e., Axminster 12oo LUMBER OF ALL KINDS—Plywood of all thicknesses, screen doors; special rates on copper and bronze wire for screens: 15^ off on a complete line of Nu-Enemel paint, 1 coat covers, no brush marks. Open dally and 8at.. 8-6; Bundays. 8-3. 433 K et. n.w.. NA. 3669. —27 MAPLE TWIN BEDS, with mattresses and box springs: chest of drawers with mirror; good cond. TE. 5996. —'27 MATTRESS. Simmons Beautyrest and matching box spring, double: excellent condition, meticulous care; *85. WI. 3777 —27 MATTRESSES, cot. chairs, nigs, springs, tables and misc. items. Call OR. 6880. —27 MICROSCOPE, Spencer, medical: triple noseplece with 16.4 and 1.8 mm. ob jectives; 6x and 10x eyepieces, substage condenser, lamp, alldes. etc.; *100. Phone SIOTORs!' many different types and sizes for a c. from 1 to 00 h.p. COLUMBIA MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT CO., TE. 1 6'H). MOTORS, new and rebuilt, *9.50 up Large aelection. all sizes for all purposes: Immediate exch. ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT CO., 2473 Sherman ave. n.w.. NO.^1919 MOTORS. *5 and up: refrigeration units and material for sale cheap. DU. 2952. MI 7933. —26 MOTORS—1/100-100 h.p.. a.e., d.c.. sold, exch , rep., rewound: explosion-proof fans, attic desk CARTY ELECTRIC. 1608 14th MOVIE PROJECTORS — 10-mm. Revere sound protector, regular *287.50. special at *237.50: 8-mm. Keystone K-108. reg ular *138.50. special at *105. Many other fine bargains in movie cameras and pro jectors at UPTOWN PHOTO SUPPLY, 1369 Irving at. n.w., HO. 8722. Open_til NAILS, by the carload. Phone Oaltherz bure 654-J. , —27 OFFICE EQUIPMENT—Metal executive zlze typewriter desk, metal letter iixeflle cabinet. DE. 0415 or PA. 1697, —27 OFFICERS EQUIPMENT and uniform: winter and summer weights; stie 42 chest, 5T0' tall; short coats, caps. English uni form shoes, size 8V4. Peal boots with trees, wool riding breeches. Phone CH.^JWJO, jVrlCE8 FURNITURE—Local organisation discontinuing activities; entire 0-rm. suite of furniture offered for lmnaed. sale. Can be seen Mon.. 0 a m. to 5 p.m.f 1710 R 1.1 ave. a.** lst-fl. »ult*. —37 1 I MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. OFFICE FURNITURE—$80,000 warehouse clearance sale, new and used office furni ture of every description: reductions 25 to 35?c; desks, file cabinets, office chairs, tables, folding chairs, safes, tables, book cases. storage cabinets, lockers, tablet arm chairs. typewriters: other miscellaneous office equipment; free delivery. MANHAT TAN OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 639 New York ave. n.w. . —3 OFFICE FURNITURE CLEARANCE SALE— Entire used stock must be sold at cost prices. We must make room for new mer chandise. Save up to 506-. COLUMBIA. 1205 Eye st.. DI. 8138. Come in or call. —26 OUTBOARD MOTORS, new. 5 h.p.. full reverse, automatic starter: season close out. *111.50 cash. ST. 8478. —27 PAINT, high-grade, forest green. 5-gal. •-an, $4.95. GRUVER MFG. CO., 8001 Conn, ave OL. 6525. weekdays and Buna. PANELING—Out of Arcadia billiard room, 10c per sq. ft. ABCD CORP.. 3132 14th n.w.. NO. 7478 —28 PERMANENT WAVE MACHINE and 2 Rill ing hair dryers: excellent condition. Will sacrifice. TR. 4294. —27 PHONOGRAPHS, automatic f2>: 20-record machines; ezcl. buy. $165 each, both for $300. Call MR. CROMWELL. DU. 6652. —27 PHONOGRAPH RECORDS—Victor. Colum bia. Decca, Capitol and Sonora records and albums: popular and classical. Sheet music^_ Large stock. SPRING VALLEY ELECTRIC SHOP. 4805 Mass ave. n.w. EM. 1875. PIANO, Acrosonle spinet and conaole model*, built by Baldwin; trabodlea fea tures of small rrands and upright; full resonant tone, responsive action, dura bility and eya appealing case designs in mahogany, walnut, ebony, light oak and nrima vera finish. Exclusive at HUGO WORCH. 925 G n.w. PIANO, spinet, apartment size, practi cally new. sacrifice. Call ME. 1173 after 12 noon Saturday. —27 PIANO, Knabe, grand, mahogany case; year old; $750. SH. 7879 Sun., not be fore 10 a m. 27* pIANO—Weber. Duo Art. medium upright, excellent tone, good condition, $66. WO. 7670. PIANO. Kilbourne, apt. size upright, new cond. $160. TA. 6059. 1* PIANO, medium upright. Kimball. $95. Also trombone. Buescher, with case, $30. 1319 Buchanan st. n.w. —26 PIANO—Used full keyboard spinet, *295. National 3223. JORDAN PIANO CO., 1015 7th rt. n.w. —7 PIANO, mahogany spinet, slightly used, full 88-note keyboard, in beautiful mahog any finish, very attractively priced at $385: conv. terms may be arranged. Km MUSIC CO., 1330 G st n.w. —26 PIANO. Mathusher. upright, rich in bass, clear in treble; lst-class condition; sac rifice for $75. RA. 8560. —27 PIANO, spinet Wurlitzer, 2-tone walnut, last good prewar model.* fine cond., ex ceptional tone; $375. Call TO. 4963. —27 PIANOS—We have an excellent selection of used grands, spinets and uprights. $100 and up. Fine condition, guaranteed, and real bargains. Free delivery anywhere. SCHAEFFER S PIANO SHOP. 825 Bonifant st.. Silver Spring, Md. SH. 3039. Open eves and Sunday. —28 PIANOS—Pay only a moderate price for a fine piano. As exclusive Steinway dealers for Washington we know piano values. Come in, see. hear and play the Steinway, Kimball. Gulbransen. Sohmer, Jesse French. Cable and Conover pianos. Spinets, con soles and grands. Prices as low as $496. Convenient terms and a generous allow ance for your old piano. CAMPBELL MUSIC CO., 1108 O st. n.w., DI. 8464. —26 PIANOS—Steinway See the famous Steinway spinet and learn about our liberal trade-in allowance on youj old piano Con venient terms Complete selection of new Steinway, Kimball. Sohmer. Cable. Gul bransen, Jesse French and Conover pianos Fine selection of used pianos. CAMPBELL MUSIC CO., 1108 G st. n.w.. DI. 8464. —26 PIANOS—Here's a real saving in a fine piano. The Kimball consolette with the three exclusive tone touch features is amaz ingly low priced for a fine piano. Come in and see it. Convenient terms arranged and a liberal trade-in given on your old Plano. We aiso have a fine selection oi dependanble used grand pianos. CAMP BELL MUSIC CO., 1108 G st. n.w., ex clusive Steinway dealer. DI 8464. —26 PIANO, baby grand. Warden, excellent conditon; must leave town Call RA. 4725, 9 to 3 p.m., weekdays: Sun., 10 to 4. _o*7 PIANOS—We stock the largest selection of pianos in this city. Choice of such well-known males as Knabe. Wurlitzer. Fischer, Ivers & Pond, Poole. Estey, Starr. Weber, Jannsen. etc. Terms and a very liberal allowance for your piano. Phone Republic 6212. KITTS, 1330 G st. n.w. (middle of the block). —25 PIANOS FOR RENT—Spinets, consoles grands at special low summer rates. All money paid as rental applies on the pur chase price if you decide to buy later (up to six months limit). Phone National .*,223, JORDAN PIANO tX> , 1015 7th st. n.w. (just above the Library). —7 PIANOS—Buy now and take advantage of our low summer payment plan; as little as $25 down and $14 monthly for a brand-new piano. Phone National 3223. JORDAN PIANO CO. 1015 7th st. n.w. (just above the Library). —7 ”IPE, BLACK, GALVANIZED, new, used We ut .'lid thread; plumbing fixture*. BLOCK’S. 3056 M st n.w., MI. 7141 PORCH SCREENS, copper, for porch ap prox. 10'x6'. 4 screens. 43Vfe"x66"; 6 screens. 35,/ax66; excellent condition; also ’awn mower. WI 6850. —27 POWER TOOLS. Craftsman; one jig saw and wood-turning lathe (6 chisels) with with one motor (Vs h.p.. 1.750 r.p m ). mounted on wood and steel table: good condition; $100. 119 6th st. n.e or Phone LI. 4557. 27* PRESSING MACHINE and pressing shop equipment for sale. 1609 12th st. u w. —29 PRESSING MACHINE. Singer, and boiler, used 8 mos.; sacrifice for quick sale. 1206 Good Hope rd. s.e., Anacostia. LI. 7047. —27 PUMPS, motor driven, centrifugal, plunder de-watering and many other types. COLUMBIA MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT CO . TE 1600. RADIO. RCA 1943 cabinet model; beautiful tone. SH. 2648. —28 RADIO-PHONOGRAPH, Capehart, de luxe model with exclusive turn-over changer; | first-class cond.: $595. KITT MUSIC CO.. 1330 g st n w. —26 RADIO. Hallicrafters, S-20-R: 540 kc. to 50 meg.; like new; ideal for amateurs: $05 GL. 3480. • RADIOS, better make in a variety of cabinet styles; special clearance, up to 60* of list prices. KITT MUSIC CO., 1320 G st. n w. —20 RADIOS AND TELEVISIONS — Dealers, servicemen, experimenters and hams, my inventory, totaling 4,000. must go by Wednesday; individual and bulk sales. GE 2828 —27 RADIO—New dp lux, Chevrolet car. $05. including antenna. Phone Temple 6101. RADIO. Philco. table combination, 6 mos old. GL. 5581. —28 RADIO AMATEUR TRANSMITTER, 700 watt, CW combination rack-desk mount ing. wi. 8373. —27 RADIO HAMS—Hammerlund HQ-129-X for sale. SH. 4074. ■—27 RADIO-PHONOGRAPH combination. Elec tro-tone; Seaburg record changer: excel, cond.: less than 1 yr. old: cost $98; sell ha'f nrice LU. 4058 mornings. —28 RADIO-PHONOGRAPH, Magnavox, Belve dere model, mahogany, 6 mos. old. $.325 WO. 5616. —27 RADIO-PHONOGRAPH-RECORDER com bination (with microphonei; new Packard Bell console, model 1472: mahog. cab inet: FM and AM; never used; still In original packing case: original list cost. $5.95; will sacrifice for $430. cash only EM. 6333. 27 * RADIO-PHONOGRAPH, 1948 Admiral FM console, 2 matching cabinets; used .! months: cost $385, sell $285. Combina tion disc recorder radio and phonograph. $70; 24 records album, $15. 4419 Ga. ave. n.w., GE 7976. —27 RADIO RECORDER, Wilcox Gay Recordio pro. oortable. central unit and two 2-speed turntables with cutting heads; bargain. MI. 5510 atter 9 a m. Sunday. —27 RADIO VICTBOLA COMB., Magnavox; perfect cond.. antique. Call SL. 7011 after 5 Dm —29 REFRIGERATOR—Coldspot. kitchen cab inet. 5x5. porcelain work top; 60" greer. enamel sink. 34" radiator; reasonable. GE 4400 27* REFRIGERATOR, electric; large white china sink with 8 drawers: gas range; all de luxe kitchen equipment, practically new; owner leaving; 307 discount. DE. 83ci0. Ext. 660. after 10 a m.; week end and eves.. DU. 0278. after 8 p.m. —27 REFRIGERATOR, new. 6-cu. It., GE; never uncrated: $200. SL. 9133. —27 REFRIGERATORS, gas and elec., new and used, a c.. d.c. all sizes, makes; recond.. guar.; trade-in accept.: terms. ELECTRI CAL REFRIGERATION SALES A SERVICE CO.. 1318 14th st. n.w.. DE 3B10 REFRIGERATORS, new and used, immed. delivery. All sizes: new Westinghouse and Philco; guaranteed, recond. boxes: expert repair serv. P O SMITH, sales and service. 1944 H st. n.e.. LI 2545. LI. 60:»0 REFRIGERATOR. 6 cu. ft., good cond.; must sell immed. FA. 1553. —27 REFRIGERATOR, Coldspot. 9.2 cu. ft., new. never used. $240 (list price. $264). DAY’S. AL 5220; after 6. CH. 9305. —27 REFRIGERATOR. Kelvinator. 6*7 ft., por celain box. excel, cond.; ieas. VI. 6791. REFRIG., walkin cooler, all metal outside. 17-h.D. compressor, in perfect condition, now in operation. Can be seen from i a m. to 11 p.m., except Sun. Bargain; must be sold immed.. space needed. CEN TRAL RESTAURANT. 001 M st. n.w —27 REFRIGERATOR. Servel. electric. 9.7 cu. ft., $150. 23 Bryant st. n.e . DU. 1611. REFRIGERATOR. Norge, newly painted, serviced. $85; kitchen storage table, por celain top. $10; men's shoe ice skates, size 9. $7: -men’s suits, men's clothing, all kinds, excel, cond., size 42 chest. 15 shirt, 570" tall. Phone CH, 3000. Ext._3181. REFRIGERATOR. Norge RoUator. lifetime refrigerator, 6 cu. ft.. 6 yrs old: new unit, looks like new; $150. UN. 1988. —"o REFRIGERATOR. Crosley Sheivador. 6 cu. ft , good cond.. $85; bassinette, never used. $4. WI. 8380 —27 REFRIGERATOR. Westinghouse. 7 cu ft.. Bendix washing mach , de luxe model; both 6 mos. old: kit. table. 4 chairs; stairway runner rug. green. TA. 2976. ,—-7 REFRIGERATOR. Servel gat. 1946. excel, cond Call TE. 9398. —29 REFRIGERATOR, stove, wash. mach.. apt. size. Serve!. $10O; apt.-sized Magic Chef, *50; GE Spindryer. $85: all excel, cond. 425 Ingraham st. n w . GE. 2982. REFRIGERATOR. Kelvinator. apt. size, completely overhauled. $40. 36 K at. n.w. REFRIGERATORS—1 Norue and 1 Wlid aire, both 5 cu ft. Phone GE 4377. if no answer, call GE. 5487. lEFRIGERATORS. used; limited quantity; excellent working order; Priced ti om $49 95 to $89.95 1832 G st. n.W.. LUBAR RADIO A APPLIANCE. RESTAURANT BOOTHS new woodenand leather; 40 per cent oft. GLOBE STOKt FIXTURES. 307 9th st. nw. ST._407. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT, bread warm er. $65. cost *275; Coco-Cola dispenser. 2 steam tables, $15 each; Sanitary mode! fishbox. $65; barbecue rotesserrl*. used. $185: 3-gal. coffee urn. $25. Call MR CROMWEIA. DU. 5652 . „—27 RESTAURANT EUUIPMENT, RUG SALE**200 targe and smill. Orientala, reduced prices. RARE RUG SHOP. 2427 18th st. n.w Open till 9 p m. RUGS, really lovely; *“,,eriCbtna *lau. all klnda: Hoover sweeper, Philco 48 rec j ordchanger and record collection, for aale, cheap; leaving for coast. HO 5758. — *< i RUGS. 12x16. 7x10. runner to match with pads. 1007 wool: dark blue twist weave. Call pleasant 0643. —-• k MISCELLANEOUS FCK lAjjL RUGS—9x18 and 3X5 A xm Ulster broad loom rugs and pads. Burgundy red. used 4 months: must sell by Mon.; owner leaving 1 city: *150. Call HI. 6002. —27 SAXOPHONE, tenor. Martin; good cond.J must sell; *100 or best offer. Also metal clarinet. DE. 1113. —27 SEWING MACHINES. Singers: electric portables, consoles, desk models; terms; 5-year guarantee: $5 mo. New machines. 20-year factory guarantee. Immed. del. NO. 2100. 2414 14th st. n.w. Open evea. till 8. SEWING MACHINE SALE—We rent ma chines by the week or by the month; have your old sewing machine converted to electric. *19.75; new Westinghouse motor, new foot control and light. CONN. AVE. SEWING MACHINE SERVICE, 3508 Conn, ave. n.w., 2nd Hr. front. EM. 4568 or EM. 2004. Open Wed. and Fri. eves, till 9 p.m. —W SEWING MACHINE SALE—June special I You can really save money on this sale. Singer desk model. *159.50; Singer con soles. *123.95: Singer electric portables and table. *114.95: Singer round bobbin portables. *89.60; 81nger long bobbin portable*. *74.60: White electric portables, *69.50. One free-treadle, *32.50. Cash or terms. CONN. AVE. SEWING MA CHINE SERVICE. 3508 Conn. ave. n.w., 2na ft, front. EM. 4656 or EM. 2004. Open Wed. and Fri eves, 'til 9 p.m. —27 SEWING MACHINES. Singers, sale or rent; Immed. delivery. SEWING MACHINE EX CHANGE. 2412 18th st. n.w., CO 3245. SHEET METAL SCREWS. No. IOxH Inch! any Quantity. AT. 6156. —2 SINK, porcelain, used. *12; kitchen tab e, 54. Emerson 6631. —27 SHOWCASES AND WALLCASES. new. all descriptions. 40 per cent off. GLOBE STORE FIXTURES, 307 9th at. n.w. ST. 4071. __ —28 SHOE STORE CHAIRS. 120; cost *35 apiece; *5 apiece while they last. GLOBE STORE FIXTURES. 307 9th St. n.w, ST. 4071. . —28 SINKS, new' and used, all sixes; tauceta, pipe, showers, toilets, tubs, basins. BLOCK’S 3056 M st. n.w. MI. 7141. SOFA, gray velvet, custom-made slip cover: cost 2 months ago, *400; will sell for *200; pair matching chairs, complete with slip covers. *90 for pair. SH. 2648. —28 SOFA, chairs, tables, radio, rug; used: reasonably priced. Phone CO. 3543. 27* STEEL BEAMS, angles, wire mesh, rein forcing rods; surplus from lob. 4718 Bethesda ave.. WI. 4821. —1 STENOTYPE MACHINE and carrying case, never been used commercially. AX. 6363. _o STORE FIXTURES—4 showcases. I back case. 1 wrapping desk. I National cash register. 1 computing scale. Call OL. 2182 for appointment. —26 STROLLER, baby, new, aluminum. blu» *10. Phone OV. 5069. —27 TABLES (6>. 72x30, first-class condition. *15 each: 8 fluorescent fixtures, 40 watt, practically new, *25. 801 G st. n.w. —28 TABLE LINEN—HH-yard white Canton banquet cloth, embroidered. 12 napkins. *60; 6 ecru lace places with napkins, convent made, *45; never uaed. FA. 4643. —27 TELEVISION demonstrators at greatly re duced prices: sold with the orix. 1-yr. guarantee: shop us first for best deal In town: easy terms. ELECTRICAL CENTER. 514 10th st n.w TELEVISION, television, television— All standard makes. Including Phllco. RCA. Admiral. Emerson. Stromberg-Carlson: for immediate installation; commercial prices; schools taverns, etc. WARD RADIO ft AP PLIANCE. 8535 Georgia ave.. Stiver Spring, SH. 6700. TIRES, factory recond.. all alses. *3.4S each: 6 mos. unconditional guarantee; truck tires our specialty. Open weekdays and Sun ’til 8 p.m. ALL SERVICE TIRE CO. 3619 C,a. ave n.w.. RA 9850. TIRES, truck: used: any slse: *9 ALL SERVICE TIRE CO,. 3619 Georgia ave. RA 9850. —28 TRUNK-WARDROBE, practically new. *10; man s travel bag. tan cowhide. *20; table, solid mahogany. 60x18, *40. TR. 5339. **?* TYPEWRITER—Royal standard, extra kev* for foreign languages; $50. WO. 6204. —27 TYPEWRITERS, portables and uprights, new and used, $29.60 and up; 6-mo. guar antee: cash or terms. CENTRAL TYPE WRITER & ADDING MACHINE CO.. 201® 14th st. n.w MI. 4400. —26 TYPEWRITERS, standards and portables, new and rebuilt: 1-yr. guarante; $20 up: terms. Our 38th year. AMERICAN TYPEWRITER CO.. 1431 E. Capitol st. LI. 0082. 8:30 to 6. including Saturday. TYPEWRITER RENTAL SERVICE. 6710 16th st. n.w.. GE. 1883. Und , 3 mos. in adv . $7.50, ft. $13.50: no del.. $5 ad. dep. TYPEWRITER. Underwood, standard. Just overhauled. $40. UN. 3674 after 1 pm. VACUUUM CLEANER SALE—You” can really save money on this sale. GE up rights. Premier and Kirby, complete set attachments. Free demonstration. $20 allowance for your old cleaner. Cash or terms. CONN. AVE. SEWING MACH1NB SERVICE. 3508 Conn. ave. n.w . 2nd flr., front. EM. 4556 or EM. 2004. Open Wed. and Fri. eves, till 9 p.m. —26 VENETIAN BLINDS washed, repainted, retaped, re-corded. PARK AVE. VENETIAN BLIND CO.. UN 1345. WARDROBE TRUNK, large and roomy, good condition, $15. Phone North 9043. WASHER. Kenmore, lie. auto, timer,"in sulated tub, $100; Electrolux, extra bag filter, wall amd duster brushes. $69.73; both new; other household Items. 4662 Homer ave. s.e., Apt. A. 27* WASHER. Kelvinator. spin dry, good con dition. $35. HO. 3916. WASHING MACHINE, $35: RCA Victor radio console. $35; stenotype machine and school books, $35. LU. 6170,^624 WASHING MACHINE. Bendix de lu«r ex cellent operating condition; $100. Owens 4495. —27 WASHING MACHINE, brand-new 1948 Bendix; washes and rinses automatically; excel, cond.: free del.; $196. DU. 6644. WASHING MACHINE, new Easy 8plnd*rier, $126; maple bedroom set, $100. AX. 5040. 26* WASHING MACHINE, apt. size. Naxon; holds 8 gal. of water and 4 lbs. of clothes; lge. wringer: excel, cond : $45. OR. 0465. WASHING MACHINE, late model, wringer type. perfect condition; reasonable. GL. 5406. —28 WASHING MACHINE, Apex; excellent con dition; $40; also mahogany drop-leaf ta ble. $25. OL. 8166. —28 WATER COOLER, elec.; Oasis; like new; reasonable. EX 6733. —30 WATER COLORS, slightly used. Cordley: cost $300. sacrifice $226. MAY’S BRAKE SERVICE. 21 H st. n.e., RE. 1658. —27 WATER HEATERS, gas. electric, all sizes. “Water Heater Specialists for 30 Years " Expert installation JOHN G. WEBSTER, 027 F st. n.w. EX 4615. WO. 2220. WELDING MACHINES — One 300-amp. Lincoln, gas driven. 2 wheels. Two 300 amp. Hobart, gas driven. One skid mounted. One 4-wheel. Welding cable, sizei 2/0 and 3/0. Input cable. 3-con ductor No. 6 Tirex. COLUMBIA MA CH NERY A EQUIPMENT CO.. TE. 1600. WHEEL CHAIR, folding. Everet & Jen nings; cost $120; almost new; $85. 200 Emerson st. n.w. GE. 2923. —28 WORKBENCH. 38 inches high. 36 wide, 17 deep, asbestos top. 10 drawers, splen did condition: made by well-known manu facturer. WEBER. TE 6767. —27 5-PC. SOLID SILVER TEA SERVICE. Tif fany English made; ship models, prints, original water color, oil paintings, signed, unsigned, gorgeous for gifts, home decora tion. $5 to $300; shadow-box frames, rare old French china. 124 Thornapple st., Chevy Chase. Md.. OL. 3987. 27* 24-INCH Crescent woodworking planer and flexible shaft, small, portable combination sander and grinder. LI. 1274. JOHN J. SCHMITT. 314 14th st. s.e. —’.’7 TWO BEDRM and dining room suite, a desk, fireplace set. radio. FA. 5936. —-7 JOHN JUSECK basi, fiddle, made in Czecho slovakia: maple crib, complete: 2 salt water poles and reels, complete; all reason able. SL. 1807. , . —27 BERKLEY A GAY ten-piece dining room suite. $250. Call AD. 7676. —-7 CLEARANCE SALE of fl. model freezers, ranges, refrigerators, kit. sinks, kit. cab inets. at greatly reduced prices. C. M. LIPP & SON. 3711 N. H. ave. n.w. GE. 6100. —"8 1 GRAY. 9x12 BROADLOOM RUG with pad. used 6 months, lust cleaned, exre' lent condition. $150 new; priced $90. 1430 Belmont st. n.w. Apt. 211. AD. 6642. —27 _ MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, calcu iV-°7' ^ITEDndTY5PEWRITERnCO.. 8*3 AN'flUl’IS* bric-a-brsc. china, silverware, old Jewelry, cups, aaucers. Any amount. DORA KRUPSAW MILESTONE. 1336 O n.w.. Sterling 7498. . . ... ANTIQUES—Furniture, bric-a-brac, china, glassware, rugs, silverware. P»tnUn/A. highest cash prices paid. Call MURRAY, Taylor 3333. BEDROOM SUITES, dining room suites. Hiving room pieces, rugs, gas ranges and porch furniture in any amount - anted at once Will pay Highest possible prices. No matter what you have to seil, please (call today MR GRADY. NA. *620. ; CAMERAS, all types, movie equipment, all accessories bought at highest prices BREN INER PHOTO CO., 933 Pa ave n.w., ! opposite Dept, of Justice. RE. 2434. CLOTHING—Top prices paid for men’* I used clothing, typewriters, musical lnstru 1 ments, etc MORRIS PAWNBROKERS i SALES. 100 Florida ave. n.w.. Ml. 6914. i Open evenings. Will call to give estimate. DIAMONDS, silver, sold We pay highest j prices. Ask for MR. OPPENHEIMER. 917 ! FAN—Would like to buy an exhause fan i suitable for installing In window; also stall shower. HO. 9569. , —27 FURNITURE—Highest cash prices for household furniture, etc. Will buy entire contents or fair-sized amount For best results, call MR. DOUGLAS at UN. 1^87. FURNITURF—Your entire household corn tents or odd pieces; highest Prices. BE. FURN. EXCH., 210 7th it. S.e . AT 0*85 FURNITURE and household effects of the better kind wanted «t,.once;. " pi suites, odd pleces or entfre home. Please call tod8y MR GRADY. NA. 28-9). FURNITURE—Will DUV entire content* or odd pieces; best cash Prices: buying and selling for over 50 »ears_ 'Jf? ™° HOPWOOD’S. 8th and K ate. n.w . loE. FURNITURE—House apartment or single piece; highest cash price <we do movtngi FURNITURr—Household goods, marble-ton pieces, china, bric-a-brac cut giass high est cash prices. RE ,904. DE 2019. 19 ssa safv-s; FURNITURE ’ WANTED—Maplebedtma. mahog. din. rm, secretary, mahog. chests, i m»e Tavlnr 2112 *—<*'1 GOLD — Bring your old gold, sliver, plating, teeth, discarded jewelry We pay easn. A. KAHN INC . 55 year- at 935 F PARTY WISHES to purchase used type writer. standard or portable. Call VI. M9*. between 9 and 5 p.m. , , PIANOS, grand, “bright, spinet or apt size, any size, any condition, will way Hanos8L w*a"nted-coloniai. piano CO p»v» Highest cash price*. Phone 1*A. 4*Vafter 10 a.m courteoji appralaai. REFRIGERATOR W ANTED,_i“v,X?«e0£^i 4 or 5 ft. for small apt RA. 2030. ^Z 8 SEWING MACHINES—We buy all tfpeaj rp^^rng.he9T'7t^,i^'REb« IuTlfe TOURING BIKES, with 3-speed shlful woman's, 2 men’s or 3 men s. Call WO. I 6605. noon till 9 p.m._28* (Continued on Nest Page.)