OLD-FASHIONED picture frame*, clock*;
also antique Xurn . china, firearms, curios,
relic*, etc. EM. 4206 or WO. 6600.
AM INTERESTED in buying silverware,
any condition. China, bric-a-brac, old
1555 O st. n.w.. Sterling 7496.
WANTED—Better grade of household fur
niture, antiques and office furniture. NA
6629; evenings. GE. 6447.
WANTED—Radios and appliances, any
condition. 2628 14th st. n.w., DE. 7653.
JAMES FEED STORE. 619 K ft. n.w., MX.
0089. Baby chickf, teed and poultry $up
erels. ten weeks, banded, exceptionally
fine breeding stock. C. J. STODDARD,
R. F. D. No. 3. Hejndon, Va.. phone 9-J-4.
FRESH COWS—5 young Holsteins, excel,
dairy cons; 20 more to freshen around
1st of Sept. Call Vienna 177-J-l. —27
proximately 400 lbs.: 10 head. 800 lbs.
Also 10 shoats. Call SH. 2114. ME. 1234.
HORSES—One Tennessee walker, one 5
gaitfd gelding, registered in the Amefican
Saddle Horse Assoc , both gentle for wom
en and children. Tower 5111. —27
COLT, year old. half thorobred, gentle:
excellent conformation, prospect of good
hunter, also mare, good worker: both for
$300 or trade for 12-ton truck, or best
offer. Western saddle, like new, $40.
6418 Branch avenue s.e. 27*
shoats. brood sows. Also Durocs from]
finest bloodstrains. Phone Gaithersburg
309-M. —27
BIjACK HUNTER. 7 years old. lftla hands
high, well mannered; safe for a lady to
ride. CHANTILLY FARM, Fairfax. Va.,
phon* Herndon 63-J-l. , —27
PONY, 3-YR.-OLD GELDING, beautiful
brown and white, average size, very
gentle and has no bad habits, well
broken will sell reasonably. WI. 8564
any time —27 I
FOR SALE—Palomino colt. 1 yr old
Write Rt. 1, Box 76. Thurmot, Md. or
call SH. 1662. —3
HUNTER. 17 hands beautiful dappled
bay. 9 years old. very stylish, excellent
confirmation, gentle; $300. NA. 6131 or
RA 0885. 27*
GOOD PASTURE and box stalls for rent.
In nearby Virginia Phone Trinidad 1024
after 6 p.m —27
MARE. 6 yrs.. 15.3 h., bay, riding: must be
sold today, make offer; consider pasturage
for use. GL 7039. SH. 899<> 27*
PONY, bay gelding. 40 in. tall: fat. sound,
gentle; governess cart, with harness, like
new Also saddle and bridle; $300 deliv
ered price WA. 4593. —28
ONE BLACK riding and work horse, single
harness and wagon, $175; one black pony,
$200. Bowie 2748. 27*
rolt. also rubber-tired buggy. STANLEY,
STILES Sadie Grove R . Gaithersburg ,
781 -W-3 - - 2 7 |
ROTO TILLER, Rotoette. Choremasier gar
den tractors: Toro mowers; free demon
s'rations; farm machinery, trucks, etc.:
bargain prices. CENTRAL MOTOR CO..
3200 Lee hwy . Arlington. CH 7000
DEMO. ROTOTILLER. new warranty. $100
off list price CH. 7000. CENTRAL MOTOR 1
CO . 3200 Lee hwv . Arlington
BOYLE TREE SURGERY—Specializing In ,
care of trees and removal; also general ,
landscaping SH 6760. —3 ,
Joy and beauty into your home. Come,
phone or ’'rite us. BEHNKE NURSER
IES. Wash -Balto blvd . Beltsville. Md.
Price list available. Phone TO. 6284.
Open Sundays. —28
other pests now: immed service. Call J H.
BURTON, WA. 1287. —5
BINDER, grain, good condition; will sell
cheap: $100 Cfi.ll OR. 6052. —27
TOPSOIL, fill dirt, manure, sand, blue
stone and road gravel; by yard, ton or
load SH. 5110 or FR. 5578. —29
BALER, new HoUand. twme-tie. pickup,
2 yrs. old: can be seen in operation dur- I
mg hav season at Mt. Rocky Farm be
tween Chantilly and Centreville. Vg. —4 1
PICKUP BALER, John Deer, used 1 sea
son. Also ton trailer, all-steel body.
Wmtern saddle DI. 2879. ■—27
GARDEN TRACTOR. Planet Jr.: reduc
tion gear. IV** h r., ’46 model; all attach.
3o-in. lawn mower, like new $195 CH.,
7166 —27,
17 ACRES OF HAY—Seat Pleasant. Md : ;
$15 per ton as It stands in the field. ME.
4 6-; 4 or HI 5319. —26
HARDY AZALEAS, 25c and up. 2510
17th st. n.e. —2,
GERANIUMS. 25c and 35c each, scarlet,
sage, lantanna argeratum and petunias;
bloom all summer. Its not too late to
plant. ASHTON NURSERY. 6510 oGa
cylinder: complete with all belts: good
running condition; $400; i traction My
ers vegetable sprayer. 4 row\ $100: new
hav delivered from farm priced accord
ing to amt desired. Ashton 5241. —5
FLAGSTONE WALKS, terraces, fireplaces,
rock gardens, fishponds, retaining walls,
pipe drainage: all kinds of cement work.
F M4RCUCCIO. Rt. 4. Horners lane.
Ro< kville. Md Phone Rockville 3588. —2
A ACRES of first-grade sod: in Annandale.
Va price. 12c per sq yd. MILLS REAL
TY CO., Annandale, Va. FA 0999-7387.
COMBINE—Cuts and threshes barley,
wheat and oats in one operation; available
m vicinity of McLean. Fairfax Co . Va, ,
OW_5233 27
TAYLORC RAFT *46, low time. 2-way radio,
blind group, wing tanks, always hangared.
cruises loo mph.; $1,500. SL 6935. —30 j
WANTED—BT-13. all metal, licensed: day
and night instrument All instruments
must be in good cond : low engine time
and recently licensed; P«teW engine: price ,
open Contact L. D RAY. Congressional
Airport. Rockville, Md. Phone OL. 8888. i
« ond . *600. Phone Greenbelt 4858 or
fee at Schrom Airport. —28
P.T.-I9. completely overhauled, relicensed.
Fowden incIo.iure. new '49 Stude. con
vertible Both. *4,000 Call ALex. PJJ57. |
two-place, side-by-side roomy airplane:
at used-plane prices, the most economical
operating airplane built today; cruises
9o miles on less than 3>* «allons of gas.
These planes can be boueht on terms.
Also have one of the best five-place Stin
sons in the country. Will take clean,
late-model cars in trade on these planes.
WA. 9640 or drive out to Queens Chapel
Ai port, Hyattsville. Md. —27
QUICK SALE—One twin-engine Cessna
UC-78. and one J-3 rub, slightly damaged
In hailstorm. Located at Hyde P’ie’.d.
Clinton, Md. H. E WARD. LU. 6526.
FRCOUPE 1946: low time: starter, gen
erator. Bendix receiver and loop, trans
port-tvpe 8-day clock: all bulletins com
I. lied with: superior maintenance: con
dition guarantee: $1,850. ERCO FIELD.
Riverdale. Md. Call Union 1441. —27
monoplane; 310 hrs. since maior. 30 hrs
since pop , Just relicensed: 2-way radio;
$750 oi best offer. AL-ex. 1337. —27
white: reasonable WA. 8059. —27 !
tered: black, males and females. Phone
Taylor 7050. —27
BOXER PUPPIES. fawn rec . AKC.
champion sired; pedigree furnished FA.
0883. —27
Shepard Call ALex. 6140. —26
reasonable. W’A 7935 —27 I
KERRY BLUE TERRIER nupples beautl- '
fill, healthy, show quality. 2 mos.. AKC
ref. TA. 5493. —77
BEAGLE. AKC registered, black and white *
with tan markings: four years old. beau- |
tiful pet and good hunter; price. *40.
fH 8163. —27
OVE BIRDS. 6. with 3 cages. 1 breeding
cage; 2 ice blue. 2 medium blue, 2 yellow.
DU 7050 27*
COCKER SPANIELS, large selection, all
AKC registered; all colors, reds, blacks,
buffs parti., all ages, 6 wveks io 3 years;
all prices. 825 and up. TO. 5474 —26
DOGS AND CATS boarded week ends or
longer: air-conditioned kennels; pickup
gervice. veterinary supervision. BIDF-A
WEE KENNELS. 4715 Conn ave WO 0224
DOGS BOARDED—Clean. new kennel
Careful attention. R. D. LINDSEY. Coles
ville. Md. Silver Spring 0398.
BOXER PUPPIES, sired by Ch. Baron;
show* and breeding stock for sale; 8 cham
pions at stud FA 2730. —27 •
COCKER PUPS—Beautiful silver buffs, and
buffs; heavy coated from AKC reg; show
stock: your chance to get a real pup
reasonable. EARL GREINER. FA 4090.
POODLE PUPPIES; standard 8 wks : AKC
reg WO. 9481 Cl HO. 3644. —28
ifg from champion bloodline, trained.
Call Fneleside 34-J-2. —28
registered LU. 6353. —27
SCOTTIES. 4 months: AKC registered;
wormed; excellent pedigree. SH. 6824
COCKFR SPANIELS, at Cheerv Hill; qual
ity puppies, to discriminating purchasers.
WI 3064 —29
COCKER PUPPIES: outstanding in type
and disposition, internationally famoua1
bloodlines; parti, buff and black: AKC
rc-g.: wormed, will deliver Gaithers-;
burg 648-j-l. —29
HLAGLE PI PS. AKC reg 8 wks old.
wormed and distemper shot dual and field
champions; in pedigree. Phone Kenmore
677". —30 !
BOXER PUPPIES for sale: AKC reg . ln
orulatcd. Call UN 2313, or visit 6102
43rd ave. Hyattsville, Md —27
ENGLISH SETTER PUPS, all papers. *15
and up OX 1796. —27
SPITZ PUPPIES, pure white, thoroughbred,
male. 6 weeks old. 510. HO. 3873 eves.
BOXER PUPPIES, nice selection of fawn*
and brindles: one litter sired by Champion
Mazelaine's Zazarac Brandy, other litters
of ouality breeding: moderately priced.
RrLHO KENNELS. Rt. 211. nr. Centre
ville. Va.. phone Fairfax ll-W-13. —27
black and tan female. 4 V* months old;
rhoice of litter; home raised by physician
hobbyist; docked, cropped, wormed and
temporary inoculation: AKC reg. Call
GL 3586 week ends and eve*. —27
registered, inoculated, all colors, prices
reasonable Rockville 2644
COCKER PUPS, champ, stock. 4 blond
males. 1 red male. 1 red female: rras.
WA. 8018, 3301 Bellevue ave., Cheverly.
Md. . —27
MALE AND FEMALE registered thorough
bred collies; female. 11 mos. old. ^WI.
GOLDEN COLLIE, male. 6 months old,
beautifully marked. champion stock.
FAIRLAWN FARM. Ashton 2920. —28
FOX TERRIER PUP. 6 wks. very re as.
Call Rockville 3910. —28
KITTENS, cute, housebroken: also mother
cat: want food homes. MI. 5806. —1
BEAGLE PUPS. 9 weeks old. male and,
female; litter AKC reg. sired by f. ch.'
Roleap 8mokey. W'A. 6541. -—27
MANCHESTER (2). black and tan female
Duppiee, 2 months old. NO. 3884. —27
inoe . wormed. SHOREHAM PET SHOW.
2627 Conn, ave AD^ 8507. Open Sat.,
COCKER.8 SPANIELS, beautiful, blacjc. 7
wka, ©Id, females, 510. Alexandria jy3. i
DOGS, PITS, ETC (Conti._
KITTENS, free. 3 months old; % males, 1
female. Phone OX. 3117. •
WILL GIVE to good home, yellow and
white male cat: very friendly. ALex. 3094.
BOXERS—(Lovely fawn pups, sired by Ch.
Southdown# Rabat. Phone OV. 4822. —28
DOG ANJ> CAT FOOD—Horse meat, 12**c
in 25-lb. boxes, 16c in 4-lb. boxes <min.
order 20 lbs.), 23c in pound boxes; Ken
L-Biskit Kibble, $10.80 hundred: Cero
Meato Kibble. $10.50; KF8 Kibble. $10;
Fairfield meal. $9. All prices include de
livery in D. C., Maryland and Virginia.
COCKER SPANIEL kennel reduction—Pup
pies from $25: breeding stock and some
nice show stock. Finest blood line. All
colors. Ashton 3286. —27
COCKER PUPS—One male, one female.
OL. 0150. —27
male and female; champion stock, litter
reg. AKC: temporarily inoculated; cocker
male. 14 mos., champion stock. AT. 6171.
FREE TO GOOD HOME—Young female
dog. half cocker; loves children. Otis
8273. —27
like little black lambs; healthy, intelligent,
pedigreed and registered. Reasonable to
right kind of home. FA. 2362. —27
POINTERS—Two males, 1 and 2 years old;
Pedigreed, of good hunting stock; un
rained; $40 each. TE. 3722. —27
DALMATIAN PUPPY, beautifully marked;
grandson of Count Fleet; papers; AKC
registered. SH 3309. —27
GREAT DANE PUPPIES. 7 weeks old. male
and female: fawns and brindles; AKC reg.
from champion bloodlines; priced to sell
this week. $50 to $150. Come early to
get the Dick. OV. 4561. •—-27
GREAT DANE male brindle. 7 months old;
cropped, innoculated against distemper;'
AKC reg beautiful dog. For good home,
will sell for $75 if sold by Sunday: owner
leaving; your opportunity. ELPAW KEN
NELS. Alex.. Va.. Duke st ext. 3 miles out.
TE 2430. .—27
old. male: reg AKC: housebroken. $75
or next best offer. TE. 0347 (after 6:30
on weekdays). —28
COCKER PUPS, male, $20; female. $16;
; reds and blacks; reg. AKC; four gener
lation pedigree free Rockville 3619.
panions and guards. Oxon Hill, Md. Call
! Spruce 0426-P. —27
FARM SHEPHERD DOG. male, black and
white, housebroken. distemper shot, good
| disposition; needs a good home. SL. 3709.
: MIXED POLICE DOG. young, affectionate,
needs a good home; female, will pay for
spaying. SL. 6709. —27
BOXER PL'PS, all ages: AKC registered,
champion bred: also breeding stock. WA.
DALMATIAN. 6 mo., AKC reg.; distemper
shot; we 11 _m » r k e d. OL._0926. --27
A-1 CONDITION, guaranteed used out
board motors, also 1948 Evinrudes with
latest advancements; old motors taken in
trade Evinrude motors to rent By day
or week Fishing supplies. SOUTHEAST
SALES CO . 737 11th st s.e.
FISHING PARTIES, day or night. Chesa
peake Bay. Herring Bav. Gooses. For
reservation, call CAPT. A. V. KING. WA.
4 192
MARINE SUPPLIES, paints, rope, fire ex
tinguishers. outboard motors. Scripps ma
rine engines, 50 to 300 h.p.; fishing tackle.
st s.e LI. 4493.
FOR SALE, 130-h.p. Chrysler Marine boat;
motor and marine transmission, complete;
recently overhauled and guaranteed.
JOHN J. SCHMITT, 314 14th st. s.e. LI
1274. —27
A! X. SLOOP, Raleigh built. 21' overall,
22-h.p Gray Seascout engine. 2 berths,
galley, head. Completely equipped and in
perfect condition. Located D. C. Owner
leaving for Italy July 16. will sacrifice at,
$2,000 ca.'h. EDMONDS. OR. 0241. —28
2"x6" white oak. 1x6-1 x8 clear hemlock.!
Open all day Sat. and Sun. ROBINSON’S, i
1*239 Kenilworth ave. n.e., Axminster 1200.
36x9x2, No. 13Y5J4: ready to go; $1,500
See at Alton's Phipps Wharf. Deale. Md.
Call OWNER evenings. HO. 6465. 27*
D-DYER-DINK: all mahog.; almost new.
perf. cond : excellent sail; $295. Army
War College. Qtrs. No. 2. EX. 7700, Ext. 2.
BOAT MOTOR—125-h.p. Chrysler marine
motor with 2-to-l reduction gear, com
pletely rebuilt, price. $250. PHELPS
2361 Sherman ave. n.w., AD. 6100. —27
13-FT. LA.MAN with ? Vi-h.p. Mercury out
board, both perfect; run about 20 hours;
must sacrifice due to transfer. MAJ.
BECK. RF 6700. Ext. 594 7. 26*
19-17 STEELCRAFT 2-cabin sedan: per*
lect condition; ship-to-shore radio, canvas,
curtains, carpets, stove. 1 10-volt wiring, i
cockpit cover, stern seat with special
cushions, many ether extras This is a
real buy The first $3,500 takes it. See
MR. HUGHES at Steelcraft Dock. Maine
ave. and M st. s.w., or call EX. 8978.
12- FT. BOAT for sale. 2-h.p. motor, oars
j and anchor. Call Ludlow 0766. —27
CABIN CRUISER, sleeps •>. toilet. *:ton
T am leaving town and have to Kell. In
auire evenings. MR. SARRA, 301 D st.
n.w. 26*
'CARTOP BOAT. 10-ft. marine plywood:
seats 4: new condition: must sell. Will
sacrifice for one-half orig. cost. FA. 4031.
UTILITY' BOAT, 30 ft. by 8 ft. beam;
Chrysler Crown engine, recent overhaul;
hull excellent cond.: sleeps 2; $2000.
Ask oper. for Hnghesville 88-F-3. 27*
eves, and week ends; *2 modern boats.
1033. —8
WANTED—Steelcraft listings, any model:
also other cruisers In the $2,000 to
$3,000 class. -Many prospects for good
buys. Pee Mr. Hughes at STEELCRAFT
DOCKS. Main ave. and M at. s.w., or
call EX. 8978. —27
13- ft. DINGHY, complete with sail, trailer,
new 2-h.p. Evinrude Sportsman motor;
excellent huv ALex. 5331. —27
MAE WEST rubber life preserver: good
cond: $1.50 each; special discount on
quantity lots. 733 8th st. s.e., TR. 9432.
14 FT CABIN CRUISFR. perfect cond.
t ew Packard marine motor: sleeps 6: ready
to go; $3,500. See et. 314 Lcrch dr,.
Avalon Shore. Shady Side, Md.. on week
ends or rail PI 0359
OUTBOARD MOTOR. 5 hj> . Seaking:
purchased only last fall; perfect condi
tion. $89. Owens 9328.
OUTBOARD MOTOR. Evinrude. 1946.
4-cycle 9-8/10 h.p : used less than 12
hours; perfect condition. Best offer. DU.
627 5. —27
SACRIFICE—1948 27-ft. Style Craft
cruiser; only one in Washington; perfect
condition; used less than 20 hours; fully
equipped; sleeps 4; $5,700. Call OV.
0283. —27
FOLDING BOAT—Werner Chinese-built
folding boai. unused, suitable with light
outboard: length. 13 ft.; beam. 4 Vi ft.:
height. 9*.* ft ; draft. 6 inches; weight
with equipment, about. 130 pounds; sire
folded, about 2 ft. by 6 ft.; $90. Call
Shepherd 5070. , 27*
OUTBOARD MOTOR. Johnson Seahorse,
model LT-37; unused, in factory crate;
4.2 h.p, 38 lbs. weight; $90. Call
Shepherd 6070. 27*
25-FT. W.L. SKIP-JACK, Marconi mast,
stainless steel rigging. Small cabin.
$496. SI. 6090. —26
JUST .ARRIVED—A new shipment of
Correct Craft speedboats Priced from
$1,196 up. See them at MAYFLOWER
MARINE SERVICE, INC., 1300 Maine ave.
5 u\. ST. 9396. —27
BATTERY CHARGERS. $15.75: new life
preservers, $1; yacht shoes. $1.69. picnic
SERVICE. INC.. 1300 Maine ave. s.w.,
ST. 9390. —27
CENTURY mahogany 14-ft. speedboat,
with 22-h.p. Johnson; many extras; bar
gain. OW. 7529. —27
OWENS 1948 27-ft. flagship cruiser: all
accessories, including radio, elec, bilge
pump, driver's seat, 4 deck chairs, etc.;
price. $6.00o. including 1 year insurance.
Call Hillside 4050 bet. 2 and 9 p.m. —27
ler marine motor; $1,750. Located Alex
andria. MR. MILLS. TE. 6015, TE. 9650.
RICHARDSON, cabin 25 ft ; A-1 condi
tion: due to illness, sacrifice, terms. $3.
500; radio, bath. Adams 4976, 5-7 p.m.
BOAT MOVING—$8 and UP. also 53I-h.p.
Waterwich motor. 42 model, used only 2
seasons, perfect cond.; $50. CH. 7166.
Evinrude self starter, remote control;
S4 75 or best offer under. ALex. 5483 or
GL 1570 after 6 p m. 27*
DODGE RUNABOUT. 16 ft. long. 5 ft.
10 In. beam 40 h.p .: perf. conti Can
be seen at DAWSON S BOAT YARD, at
So River Bridge, on Route No. 2. So.
Harbour. 27*
crown motor, toilet; newly painted; $1,500.
See BUD SHIPPS at Deal. Md. —27
Irt'xH' BEAM, with 22-h.p. Johnson Sea
horse. good condition: sacrifice. $400 or
38-FT. CABIN CRUISER, in fine condition:
excellent appointments Will accept car as
part payment. DU. 1716. 27*
BOAT, located at Deale. Md.; 33 ft. by 10
ft., 1938 Dodge motor: $500 cash. Sat.
and Sun . West River 34-F-5. Week days,
WA. 3858. —28
WOLVERINE DE LUXE. 16-h.p. 1947
Johnson. Numerous accessories. See at
Potomac Boat Club. 36th and K sts. n.w.
HULL. 1616 19th st. n.w. CO. 0060. —27
CABIN CRUISER, 30-ft.: equipped for liv
ing aboard; $2,750. MR. BURNS. 800
Maine ave. s.w. —27
to-FT. CRUISER, new Gray motor, newly
Dainted: $2,000 or better offer. VI. 1701
or LI 5230. —27
cockpits: light, strong construction; very
fast: $276 CH 6732. —27
SAILBOAT. 20-ft.. Hartge built; Albatros
extra mainsail and all gear: reflnlshlng in
progress. Save $100 if you are handy,
and buy now when finished. $050. For
information call WI. 6874. See boat at
Shady Side Boat Yard —27
OUTBOARD MOTOR. 3-h.p. Evinrude Han
ditwin; excellent condition, very depend
able: $65. HI. 3398.
CANOE. Old Town; good condition; reason
able Call AD. 5007. —28
2.VFT. SKIP JACK, 13 TJ 779; ready for
use. with new sail and cover; hauled out
and repainted May; equipped with lights,
anchor. 3-h.p. outboard, etc Cabin sleeps
two. comfortable for family: built 1941.
Best offer over $1,200. At Sailing Marina.
Call OW 3643 or AD. 1014. —28
18-FT. CABIN BOAT. 10-h p. Evinrude
motor. $425. Union 4425 after 5 p m. •
45-FT. BOAT, perfect condition, Stude
baker engine, just overhauled. 9V*-ft.
beam, sleeps 2. suitable for pleasure or
iishing parties; $1,200. Call Fairfax 155.
t SLOOP <Amesbury Knockabout), 15 ft.
•ong. excellent condition, spruce spars,
mahogany deck. Call Temple 9197. 27*
I Johnson outboard; both in excel, cond. and
eady to go: $426 complete. Ph. Engleside
81-J-l1. 27*
SAILBOAT, 14 ft., sloop rigged, built b»
Old Town, new condition, cover included.
CH 3082. —27
16- FT. PEN YAN and 33-h.p. Evinrude
with electric starter; many extras. Dem
onstrate Sat., Sun.. Old Dominion Boat
Club. Alexandria. TE. 3128. •
1W2 CHRIS-CRAFT runabout, de luxe; 4
yrs. in storage; less than 100 hrs. on
engine; $1,000 or best offer. AX. 6803.
rentals, trade-ins accepted SHERIDAN
art., GE. 3040. —2
BOATS. (Cont.)
OUTBOARD MOTORS for rent, by day or
week; 1 Vi-10 h.p SHERIDAN OUTBOARD
RENTAL CO.. 6138 Georgia are.. OB.
3040. —9
OUTBOARD MOTOR—3 Vi h.p.. $80; Army
motor repair unit, $280. OL. 1388. —27
IN ADDITION to our regular hrs., we will
be open today from 7 until 10 p.m.. and
tomorrow from 1 until 6 p.m. Being settled
In our new location we cordially Inrite
your inspection of our new quarters with
various types of boats, motors and marine
supplies on display. NASH MARINE SUP
PLIES. INC., 930 Maine ave. s.w„ DI. 4010.
Chalk Point, Md. Directions: Go through
Marlboro to Deale. then to Thomas Lum
ber Co. at Shady Side: turn left to church,
right to post office, left to first road, then
right to Clayton's. Also for rent—a fnr
nished apartment for four persons. 27*
1948 Steelcraft sedan, only 82 hrs. on
this demonstrator; saving of $400.
1946 Steelcraft 2 cabin sedan. $3,100.
16-ft. Chrls-Craft, $1,060, A-l condi
tion. and has cover.
1948 Steelcraft cruisers of all types and
powers, avail, on short notice. Order now.
See at STEELCRAFT DOCK. Maine ave.
and M at. s w. Call EX. 8978. —27
GLOVES PARK, 2430 39th it. n.w.—
Master bedrm., pvt. bath. dble. or sale,
sale, rm., semlovt. bath. EM. 9057. —37
PETWORTH, 4306 N. H. ave. n.w.—Newly
decor, dble. from rm.. twin beds; on ex
press bus lines. RA. 6756. —27
POTOMAC HOTEL. 800 18th at. n.w.. NA.
9216; complete hotel service; rooms
available by the day or week.
COLUMBIA l.D VIC., 1901 Kalorama rd.
—Larae single rm., next bath with ehower.
HO. 1573. —26
FARMINGTON HOTEL. 1624 18th st.—
Shady street, large cool rooms; dally maid
service; 24-hr. switchboard serv(ce; phone
in room; doubles, 215 wk. up. DE. 4750.
3517 16th ST. N.W.—Newly furnished,
beautifully decorated large room, twin beda.
near bath; gentlemen or couple preferred;
excellent transportation. 26*
WHITESTONE HOTEL, downtown, across
from Statler, cor. 16th and L n.w.—Daily
ana weekly rates; single, double and fam
ily rooms. RE 0442. 26*
GAYTONlA, 1513 16th st. n.w.—Clean,
comfortable, electric fans; $2 single, $3
double; transients only. 30*
3804 VEAZEY ST. N.W.—Front room, twin
beds, with shower: in pvt. home; exc.
trans.; nr. Hot Shoppe Res. WO. 8504.—26
room. lge. closet, semipvt. bath, shower;
pvt. home; $40; gent. CO. 5486. 27*
5717 COLORADO AVE. N.W.—Attractive
twin beds; also single rm. next to shower;
laundry privil.; pvt home. TA. 6^99. —27
2270 CATHEDRAL AVE. N.W.—Large front
bed-living room, double bed; good trans
portation; gentlemen; $40. —28
EBBITT HOTEL. 10th and H sts. n.w.—
Single room and bath. $2.50 per day;
double room and bath, $4 per day. Lower
rates in our annex immediately adjoining
the hotel. Apply manager, NA. 5034.
HOTEL HAWTHORNE, 2134 G st. n.w.—
Single and double rooms, always running
water, plenty of baths, showers; weekly
rates auoted. —6
519 CRITTENDEN ST. N.W.—Large front
! uedroom. suitable single or double; private
home; express bus service. TA. 6817. —29
MT. PLEASANT—Clean room with private
inclosed porch; no other roomers. DE.
8440 —29
1821 ADAMS MILL RD. N.W., nr. 18th and
Columbia rd.—Large, nicely furnished front
rm ; $40 per mo. Apply HENRY J. ROBB,
INC., 1024 Vermont ave. n.w. DI. 8141
or EM. 8030. —29
LARGE. DOUBLE ROOM—Suitable for 2
young ladies; twin Hollywood beds; $20
per mo. each: also double rm. for gentle
man to share with another gentleman:
running water; $20 mo. each; transp. at
door. 1220 17th st. n.w. ME. 8044.—29
1714 N ST. N.W.—Lge. double room for
gentlemen; twin beds: 2 large closets, next
to bath: $60 mo. —26
2007 KALORAMA RD. N.W.—Dble. front
rm., twin beds, two sgles., French doors
opening on porches. 2nd floor. MI. 6476.
1723 EYE ST. N.W.—Very nicely furnished,
cool: lst-floor dble. rm.; $7 weekly each.
CLEVELAND PARK, 34th pi. between
Newark and Ordway sts.—Lge. cool well
furn. single corner room; next to bath,
shower; det. private home; maid service;
good transp.: $10 wk EM. 0371. —30
NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE, 1601 21st st.
n.w.—Washington’s most desirable guest
house: nice double rooms; excellent meals;
vacancies for men and girls. HO. 7300.
% —30
ALTCRAS HOTEL, 1509 16th St. n.w.—
Single and double rms.. $1.50 per night
and up: dining rm. in bldg NO. 8145
master bedrm.. twin beds. Cali after 6
p m CO 3750. —26
BOLIVIAN CLUB. 1633 16th st. n.w.-Re
ncd businesswomen; doubles, front, mod
ern. pvt. bath; also singles; clean; beaut,
furn. —30
3757 W ST. N.W.—Large double sleeping;
front; twin beds; next to bath; gar. avail
able. EM. 1772. —26
2019 PARK RD. N.W.—8ingle room,
4 windows, best furniture; next to bath;
$25 month. Adams 9729. —30
SCOTT'S HOTEL, 2131 O n.w., nr. Dupont
Circle—Transient rms., $2 and $2.50 per
aay, $14 and $17.50 per wk. Your home
for as long as you wish to stay; 250 rms.;
modern new hotel, exclusively for women;
all single rms. with running water, tele
phone; laundry rms.; coflee shop, movies
and sun decks. You will enjoy the resi
dential atmosphere at SCOTT’S. Phone
HO. 9100. —26
5214 COLORADO AVE. N.WARooms for
rent, private home; conv. to transp.;
gentlemen only. 27*
1910 16th ST. N.W —Single, studio bed
living rooms (2>: immediate occupancy;
refs, exchanged. See manager in bsmt. apt
HO. 7910. —27
N COOL PETWORTH. lovely clean bedrm.,
emiovt. bath, men only. RA. 5710. —27
PETWORTH, 4826 Illinois ave.—Lie. 2nd
fl. front rm.: pvt. adult family; express
buses. TA. 0133. —27
1330 MASS. AVE. N.W., Apt. 42—Large
front room With twin beds. DI. 8894. —27
604 OGLETHORPE ST.—Nicely furnished
double room; laundry privileges; express
busline. OF. 4128, —27
CHEVY CHASE, D. C.—Large, cool front
room; also single front room; one blocs
Conn, ave., conv. buses, stores, theater,
restaurant; quiet home, laundrv privils..
nhone; reasonable. Tel. OR. 7033. 26*
NEAR WARDMAN PARK. 2842 27th st.—
Lge. comfortable room, next to bath, un
limited phone: private home. —27
1.322 L ST. N.W.—Downtown, cool, com
fortable sgle. rms. for men, some with
running water: $5 up. —27
sgle. room, next to bath and shower, I
southern exposure; gentleman; $12 wk.
MI. 4507. —27
MT. PLEASANT—L*e. front room with
private bath and shower: adjoining sun
porch; 3 girls or 3 gentlemen; double room:
2 girls or 2 gentlemen. CO. 0093. —27
MASTER BEDROOM, home atmosphere,
2 blks. from Walter Reed Hospital. TA.
4031. —27
4224 10th ST. N.W.—Nicely furnished dble.
room. pvt. bath, shower. 3 large windows,
for employed couple. $70: also attractively
furn studio bedrm. for 1 person. $45:
unllm. phone, garage. —26
LIVING-BED RM. combination, cook, facs.;
also 1 large front double and 1 single rm.;
lust tederorated. DI. 7074. —27
3530 APPLETON ST. N.W.. V, blk. from
Conn. ave.—Large room, bath; new home;
gentleman. Call EM. 8178 Sat. or Sun.
THE JAMES, 1721 P st. r w.—Large front
double rm.. twin beds, laundry facllltlea;
$27: girls only. DU. 9490. —30
1724 LAMONT ST. N.W.. >4 block from
Mt. Pleasant car and shopping center—
Large single and double front rooms, un
usually nice furnishings. DE 2481. —1
CHEVY CHASE. D. C„ on busline—Large
double room, suitable 2 young ladles or
empl. couple; kit. prlvll. if desired; pleas
ant gentile home. EM. 3704. -—27
2328 19th ST. N.W.—Large front double
room, twin beds. 2nd floor, next bath, for
2 gentlemen. $22.50 each: also front
double room for gentleman to share with
another gentleman, $20 month. DE. 0126.
1437 KENNEDY ST. N.W.—Lovely front
room for 1 or 2 girls in gentile home, near
transportation: unlimited phone. —27
5023 4th ST-—Front room, twin beds;
double or single; convenient neighbor
hood. OE. 9307. —27
with Inclosed porch. «ult. for couple or
gentleman: on busline. EM. 7195. —20
PETWORTH—3908 8th it. n.w.; avail.
July J; lge.. front, 2 windows, lge. closet,
sgle. or dbl. bed; 1 or 2 people; con
ven. to transp RA. 4119. —27
I860 WYOMING AVE—Newly decorated,
lge.. cool front; sgle. or dbl : refined
people; Mt. Pleasant earline. MI. 9404.
2720 13th ST. N.W.—Large front room
with 4 windows: large closet: nicely fur
nished; for 2: $5 per wk. each. —27
WIS. AND MASS. AVE. N.W.—8gle. rm.,
semipvt. bath; for employed lady. OR.
0708. —28
4110 MILITARY RD. N.W—Mastar bed
room. private shower bath: suitable for
2 or 3. —27
1535 N. H. AVE. N.W., "The Panamanian”
—8ile. rm. lor young lady; only $28.50
monthly; kit. privlleaes. —28
2201 MASS. AVE. N.W.—Lae. front twin
bed rm.. with running water and telephone
in room. —28
1400 GIRARD 8T. N.W., "The Palmer
House"—Lovely sgle. rm. with running
water; only $27.50 monthly. —28
GLOVER rARK—Attractively furn. rm.:
twin beds: pvt. bath: ladles: rent. $60.
EM. 8204. —2
1126 8th 8T. N.W.—Small tleepina rm..
2nd fl.. next to bath: lor tentlemen; no
drinking: $5 wk. RE. 0917.
for 2; twin beds, 2 closets; nr. bus, stores,
movies; $30 per mo. ea. RA. 1229. —27
1323 SPRING RD. N.W.—Nice front room,
next bath: pvt. family; excel, transp.; $35
for 1; $46 for 2: alrls preferred. —28
NICELY FURN. RM. with pvt. Phone, for
quiet gentleman; no drinking or parties.
Call MI. 6714.
NEAR 16th AND VARNUM—Nlacly fur
nished front room for aentleman; shower
bath. QE. 6314. _ —27
1829 KALORAMA RD. N.W.—Large room,
twin beds: for two young girls or two
young men. AD. 8933. —27
2123 18th ST. N.W.. Apt. 4—Nicely furn.
room; lady, employed; $28 month. —28
4937 lit ST. N.W., Apt. 4—Double room;
two alrls; laundry and kitchen privileges:
unlimited phont: refs. GE. 1610. —27
CHEVY CHASE. D. C., 6211 31st st. n.w.—
Master bedroom, private bath, double bed:
large closet. 3 windows. WO. 4573. —27
childless couple: kit. prlvH. NO. 6934. —27
1913 39th ST.—Large room. 16x30; perf.
accommodations for 2 young men; hot and
cold running water, twin beds, pvt. en
trance. 2 eloaets. Available July 1. —27
3434 34th rL N.W.—Master bedroom, pvt.
bath; phone; conv. transportation. —1
CLEVELAND PARK. 3230 Hlchland pi. n.w.
—Nicely furn. tingle rm.: southern expos
ure; adjoining kitchenette, l.h.k.; employed
gentleman. OR. 4643. —27
6200 13th ST. N.W—Large master bed
room. 2 eloaets, private bath; suitable for
employed couple. Also lerce bedroom, taml
private bath, for employed woman. OE.
2660. —87
1711 T ST. N.W.—Walking dlatance down
town. nr. Dupont Circle. Newly decorated
single or double room; so®them exposure.
DE. 6373. —87
2119 R ST. N.W., for men—Single or
double front room, near bath, large closet.
$40 month.
NICELY rUEN. DOUBLE bedroom, over
looking Rock Creek Pk ■ excel, transp ;
one yount lady; only $22 50 par me. 2017
Kllngle rd. aw- AD. 2987. —27
com!., quiet room and bath: hot plate;
employed tingle. $60 per month. MI. 346J.
1348 QUINCY 8t.—2 adjoining rooms,
twin beds, large closets, pvt. shower, run
ning water In room; suitable for 2. girls
preferred. *50 mo. TA. 1953. —27
2 LGE. FURN. RMS.—Kit. privil.. pvt.
bath, unlimited telephone; bus stop at the
corner. Bultable for 2 young men or for
cple. Call OE. 3160. or DU. 2738. —27
2719 ONTARIO RD. N.W., near 18th and
Columbia rd.—Large room, twin beds,
porch, large closet, adj. bath. 27*
4421 5th ST. N.W.—Large front room,
single or double, next to batb; conven
ient to two buslines. 27*
FURN. RM.. for gentile lady; community
located in n.w.; $25 mo. Call RA. 1826.
2606 GARFIELD ST. — Front room, 2nd
floor, adjacent bath; hot plate for light
housekeeping. See MR. MONSON. AD.
1426. —27
CHEVY CHASE, D. C.. 3817 Jocelyn at.,
corner of 39th, pvt. house—1 dbl. rm., 1
single rm. and gar.; gentlemen only. WO.
0704. —28
1742 HOBART ST. N.W.—1 dbl. rm. with
twin beds, 1 single rm.; both newly furn.;
suitable for 3 gentlemen: In Jewish home;
unlim. phone. AD. 4280. —27
attractive room with bath In newly furn.
home; gentleman. DE. 3964. —27
CLEVELAND PARK—Attr. 3rd floor, single
room with semlpvt. bath; $30; refer
ences required. OR. 6365. —26
5408 COLORADO AVE.—Attractive, com
fortable double rm., 2 closets, next to
bath: $20 ea. mo.; unlim. phone; excel,
transp. GE. 8368. —26
1388 RITTENHOU8E ST. N.W.—Lovely
master bedrm.. newly decorated, pvt.
bath, unlim. phone, nr. transp.; *60.
TA. 1160. —27
st. n.w. (between P and Que sts.)—
Freshly papered, clean, well-furnished,
unusually larxe front room, 2nd floor, 6
winnows, southern exposure, semipvt.
bath: abundant hot water; winter air
conditioned: gas furnace: rock-wool in
sulated; quiet, gentile home: employed
gentleman: *50: permanent; references. 1*
1015 N ST. N.W.. Apt. 506—Cheerful
l.h.k. room; Frigldalre; young couple;
*42.50 per mo. 1*
2812 38th 8T. N.W.—Lovefy cool room
and private screened porch for settled
woman; semlpvt. bath; 1 blk. No. 30 car.
EM. 1167. —27
1719 DE SALES ST., opposite the May
flower Hotel—Lge. dble. rm. and use of
bath; Inquire within. "—26
2lst AND F STS. N.W.—Lge. double
(14x24), twin beds, closet 6x6. next to
bath, well furnished, maid; also very
good single. GE. 4807. —27
CLOSE WIS. STA. and Tenley Circle—
2 (1 with porch), clean, recently redee.,
cool, good beds; conv. transp. WO. 0661.
1802 WYOMING AVE. N.W.—Large double
room, twin beds, next to batb; e.t.h.;
excel, transp. AD. 9895. 30*
1863 WYOMING AVE. N.W_Double rm..
recently redecorated: quiet employed per
son; no drinking. DU. 0811. —30
PRIVATE ROOM In apt , n.w.: nondrlnk
ing girls, *25 month each; July 1. Box
20-G, Star. —26
THE CHURCHILL, 1740 P st. n.w—Single
rooms. ST 50-$10 weekly; also twin-bed
rms., maid serv,. J10-J12 wkly. NO. 9868.
1754 QUE ST. N.W.. 'The Kennert'—
Single room. 1st floor, *27.60 month;
also l.h.k. room. *37.60. —27
CONN. AVE.. near Mayflower Hotel—
Studio bedrm. with dressing rm.. pvt. bath,
foyer, separate entrance, in penthouse,
besutifully furnished; complete service like
hotel; unlimited local phone; gentleman
only; *125 per mo. Call RE. 7951. —27
1607 31st ST. N.W.—Lge. rms.: single,
*40: dble., $50; Urbt kit. prlvlls.; conv.
LARC.E ROOM In private home, semi-pri
vate bath; half block to bus; refined girl.
WO. 5821. —2
1723 HOBART 8T. N.W.. Mt Pleasant —
Large nouoie Dearm., twin oeas, iurn. lor
students: Christian home. $45 per month.
MI. 0752. —27
1219 EUCLID ST. N.W.—Double room, twin
beds, clean and quiet; unlim. phone. DE.
5061. —27
OPPOSITE ZOO PARK—Lovely single or
double room, seml-pvt. bath; unlim. phone.
3100 Conn. ave.. Apt. 430. —27
WEBSTER ST. N.W, 1727—Attractive, well
furnished room (or gentleman in private
gentile home. RA. 4293 ■—2
436 BUCHANAN 8T. N.W.—Single, $25:
double front room. $40: convenient trans
portation. RA. O03B. —27
1331 HARVARD ST. N.W.—Large, unus
ually attrac. front room. 2nd floor, private
home: every convenience. —27
CHEVY CHASE CIRCLE—Two single rooms
for gentlemen, In large private home; $10
wk. etch EM. 1577. Near bus stop. —28
PRINCE KARL HOTEL, 1901 K st. n.w.—
air conditioned, all new furniture with or
without private bath; 24-hour switchboard
service phone In every room. EX. 7725
2100 R ST. N.W., blk. off Conn. ave.—Sgle.
rm. adjacent bath. 3 windows: Inner
spring mattress: $30 mo —28
4119 4th ST. N.W—Delightful, cool, single
front room; conv. transp. by bus or car.
4928 1st ST. N.W.-—Large dble. rm. for 2.
or for agle. man: V, blk. lrom bug. TA.
6913. —27
3109 18th ST. N.W.—Lge. Tront double
room, 4 windows, next bath: Private home:
$45 single, $56 double; refs, required.
MI. 6552. —28
DUPONT CIRCLE AREA, 1320 18th st.—
Two large cool attractive studio rooms,
single or double: good transp. MI. 4719.
ALLEN LEE HOTEL, 2224 F st n.w—
Twin beds and double bedrms. for double
occupancy, with or without pvt. bth. $7
per wk. up each person. Each rm. wRh
telephone and running water or pvt. bath.
Nr. Govt, buildings and transp. —28
2714 CATHEDRAL AVE. N.W, oil Conn -
Attractive 2nd-floor room, with screened
porch, next bath. AD. 4795. —2
of Standard and Navy Annex—Dble. rm,
pvt. bath, and small sitting rm., for couple
or 2 sgle. girls. WO. 0430. —28
4000 BLK. ILLINOIS AVE. N.W—Clean,
comfortable, corner room, beaut, resi
dential district. Express bus downtown.
OE 9462. —28
1383 MONROE ST. N.W—Newly deco
rated: large closets: large front rm.; twin
beds, also single rm.; employed. AD. 3367.
3500 16th ST. N.W—Lovely studio liv.
rm. 5 windows, cross ventilation, with
private bath; for a clean discriminating
person: $00. Call CO. 6320. ■—27
NEWLY DECORATED large clean room:
1414 Parkwood pi. n.w.; reasonable rent.
CO. 3406. —27
front rm. with running water; twin beds;
light kitchen privileges with Frigidaire:
reas.: TA 0424. —27
701 TAYLOR N.W—Lge. front, next bath;
man only: excel, transp., nr. rest.: unlim.
phone: pvt. home; avail. July 1; $30. —2
3401 NEWARK ST. N.W.—Cleveland Park;
attractive corner room, well furnished;
large closet: near bath: unlimited phone:
in large private home; eor. lot near Ca
thedral; desirable residential area; con
venient transportation; suitable bachelor,
employed couple; garage available; you
will like It. Call EM. 4774. 27*
4608 GA. AVE. N.W—For 2 gentlemen:
nicely furn. twin-bed rm, Uv. rm. and
full kit.: pvt. transp. at door, reasonable.
RA. 4370. —27
1402 14th ST. N.W.—Convenient to trans
portation: clean comfortable sleeping rm.;
men only; reas. rates. HO. 0503. —2
020 r ST. N.W, RITZ HOTEL—Dble. rms.;
$20 wklv.: downtown In center of business
and shopping district; complete hotel serv
ice. —9
GEORGETOWN AREAi studio room In
pleasant surroundings; conveniently lo
cated to downtown area. OR. 4232. —27
3816 7th ST. N.W.—Pleasant, comfortable,
single room: next bath; pvt.; priced reas
onable. TA. 3419.
004 SHERIDAN ST. N.W—Nice lge. front
rm, close to bath; near bus; gentile home.
RA 1164. —28
CHEVY CHASE, near Circle—Lge. airy
rms, spacious grounds and shade trees;
lor summer only. WI. 9873. —28
3814 LIVINGSTON ST, Chevy Chase.
D. C.—Extra-large master bedrm. In new
home; twin beds. pvt. bath with shower.
2 lge. closets; use of unlim. phone; 2
blocka from Conn. ave. hue. WO. 5207.
2011 COLUMBIA RD.—One lie. single
rm , next to bath; $36 mo. HO. 4670.
room, plenty of ventilation; 14 bath, adj.
shower and tub. RA. 8065. —27
1021 MASS. AVE. N.W.—Large dble. rm ,
nicely furn., twin beda. running water;
nice single room; *8.60-510 wkly.; good
transportation. —2
6702 4th 8T. N.W.—Nice gingle rm. for
rent to gentleman; one block transp.; un
ion. phone, next bath. RA. 4834. —27
NICE L.H.K. ROOM for two or three;
new home; phone privileges: near bue.
SL. 3348. „ , — 2
2717 ONTARIO RD. N.W.—Lge. llv. rm.
and bedrm.; Mt. Pleasant ear; clean and
cool. NO. 2858. —27
8110 3rd ST. N.W.—Attractive master
twin-bed rm.. pvt. bath; express bus; 2
employed young ladles; *26 mo. each.
OE. 7702 —27
NICE FURN. RM., single or dble.. In pvt.
or suburban home. Call WA. 4347. —27
1101 CLIFTON ST. N.W.—3 rms and
bath; married couple only; no children,
no pets. Protestant home; *42.50 mo.
Call HO. 7160.
816 DECATUR 8T.—Newly decorated, lge.
airy corner twin of dble. rm.. dble. closet,
semtpvt. bath, restaurants, carline, ullm.
Phone, *22.60 each. TA, 8404. —30
DUPONT CIRCLE. 2111 8 st—Double
room, newly decorated, nicely furn.; clean
beds: large closet: *6 each per week. —3
SHOREHAM AREA, 3002 32nd n.w.; det.
home, norches, quiet rm.; semtpvt. bath;
Christian gentleman: *40. WO. 1527. —1
neat, pleasant family, offered to em
ployed gentleman, near all necessary con
veniences. in American University Park
section; must be seen to appreciate; *30
mo. Wl. 2758. _ —27
single room, air conditioned; ladles only,
television privilege; Jewish home. OE.
8714. —26
111 E 8T. N.W.—Basement light house
keeping room for 2, nondrinkers. ME.
triple room with private bath, also double
room. 1617 Rhode Island ave. n.w. —27
HOTEL FARR HOUSE. 909 13th at. n.w.. 2
blks. Oreyhound; sgls., $16; dbls.. *14 wk.;
trans. rms.. *1.50-53 night. EZ. 9566.
1889 COLUMBIA RD.. Apt. 102—Single or
dble. rm. and rm. to share with young
man. —28
1769 N 8T. N.W_Lge., comfortable front
rm. and den in home: lge. windows and
closets, twin beds, unllm. phone. —28
13*7 SPRING RD. N.W.—Bed-Sitting rm.
and connecting dble. bedrm.. Innersp. mat
tress; cool; grill and laund. prlvil.; retar.:
reasonable. RA. 0671. —2
CORDOVA APTS., 20th and Pia. ave —
Lee. rm. next to bath, 2 windows; bik.
from Conn, ear and buses. NO. 1808. —27
ly furnished hail rm., near bath, for em
ployed young woman; c.h.w., all facilities.
ML 1328. —28
downtown section; large double room.
Apply 1012 N st. n.w. —27
COLORED—REFINED, employed man to
share front rm. with another; *13 every 2
wks. Call HO. 2848 after 6 p m. —27
COLORED—Rm. for sale, gentleman; fur
nished rm. and privilege*. Hudson 9826.
COLORED—LUKAY PL., near Irving st.
n.w.—Furnished front room, for eldarly
person. In quiet home RA 1579. —27
COLORED—3669 19th ST. N.W.—Nicely
turn. dble. rm . twin beds; for empl’d
epic, or > gentlemen; privilege* No.
0381. —27
Front twin-bed rm., cooking end laundry
privils.; suit, for 2 girls. HO. 5066. —27
COLORED—2216 1st ST. N.W.—Double
rooms, twin beds, for single gentlemen
or employed couples. DE. 7978. cell after
5. —27
FRONT ROOM, next to bath: conv. trans
portation; prefer 2 ladles. Call NO. 0831.
2200 MONROE 8T. N.E.—Employed cple..
evt. home with kit. privils. If desired;
us at corner. NO. 8180. —27
THE MARICK. 138 B St. n.e—Nicely fur
nished rms„ laundry facilities; single.
$37.50; double. $27.50. TR. 9154. —30
SGLE. RM. in new home; Takoma Pk.
area. SH. 5685. —26
1662 VARNUM PL. N.E.—Large front
room, single or double; semipvt. bath;
bus at door. NO. 9H4. —26
CATHOLIC UNIV. vicinity—Nicely furn.
large master bedrm.; conv. to transp.; em
ployed couple or gentlemen preferred;
pvt home. pvt. entrance. DU. 0039. —27
25 R ST. N.E.—Lge. front rm. near bath,
Va blk. from carline; 2 men or couple.
HO 8“21 —27
privil.: use of living room and laundry
privil.; prefer cple. with child. HO. 6175.
1609 MICHIGAN AVE. N.E. —Two lge.
front bedrms. In pvt. home: l dble. 1
single: nice location; pleasant surround
ings; Michigan Park area; conv. tranap.;
MI. 8042. —28
front sleeping room: twin beds; elec,
plate for breakfast privileges; $10 wk.
4308 10th ST. N.E.; iMich. Park!; double
rm.: empl. couple; conv tranap.; pvt.
home; $40. DU. 3659. after 6 p.m. wk
days; Sunday after 1 p.m. —28
ONE DOUBLE, and 2 single rooms, for
men; convenient transp. DE. 4543. 27*
1500 C ST. N.E.—Large, cool, double rm.
with porch; next to bath; private home;
two girls or couple with baby; kitchen use
optional; $25 each. LU. 6432. 27*
120 3rd N.E.—Large double front room;
four bay windows; elegantly furnished; 2nd
floor: li sq from Supreme Court and Con
gressional Library; for gainfully employed
couple: no children. $50. 27*
LGE. FRONT RM.. twin beda. next to bath.
3 lge. windows, newly dec.; bus stop Va
blk.; 2 nice girls. FR. 3736. 1613 D st.^n.e.
fined gentleman: conven. transp. FR. 6980
COLORED—1140 7th ST. N.E.—Large
front room, double windows; cool, com
fortable and nicely furnished. LU. 7006.
COLORED—NICE LGE. RM.. twin beds;
accept children over 18 mos. old; kit. priv
ileges. Hillside 4935. —28
COLORED—1116 MORSE ST.—Empl. girl
to share twin-bed room with another; $5
per wk. LU. 5768. —27
COLORED—505 62nd PL. N.E.—Twin
beds, kitchen privils; will accept child 18
months and up. Hillside 4935.
ly home; Inner-spring mattress; cooking
privileges. Call_VI. 6445. —28
487 F ST. S.W.—Dble. or sgle. sleeping
room, next to bath: $12. ST. 4138. —27
103 C ST. S.E.—Single and double rooms:
$7 to $12 weekly; near Capitol; good
transportation. —1
BAY ST. S.E.—Airy: dble. rm.: redec.:
twin beds: pvt. home: 2 men or employed
couple: laundry prlvils. LU. 4964. —27
34A BURNS ST. S.E.—Beautiful room In
new home for couple; everything fur
nished: $40 month. AX. 3712. —30
741 KENTUCKY AVE. S.E.—Furn. rm.
for man. FR. 1678. call after 4:30. —30
BEAUTIFUL twin-bed room, coolest house
In town; use ot kitchen and living room;
girl to share with another girl; 20-min.
transp. downtown. AX. 0685. 27*
425 6tb ST. S.W.—Large lront rm. lor 2
employed adults: $35 mo. ME. 9811. —1
1419 S 8T. S.E.—Large, front bedroom,
next to bath. LI. 1601. —27
121 12th ST. S.E.. Lincoln Apts.. No. 7—
Large double room. 2nd floor front: con
venient transportation. LI. 5496. —27
1414 T ST. S.E.—1 single sleeping rms.
with inner-spring mattresses, ranging from
$6 to $7 50 per wk. FR. 3534. —27
801 B ST. S.E.—Lge. front sgle. rm.,
nicely furn.. Simmons Beautyrest mattress,
excel, transp FR. 4802. —28
720 KENTUCKY AVE. S.E.—Lge front
rm., furn.; conven. transp. TR. 2391. —27
1511 41st ST. S.E—Large front bedrm .
double bed; new house; suitable for 2 men.
Direct bus downtown: breakfast facilities.
TW 0828 after 6 p m. —27
1330 E ST. S.E.—Bedrm. and den. suit
able for 2 men; pvt. phone; can be used
as one lge. bedrm.; avail, after 3 p.m.
Monday. —27
COLORED—6538 C ST. 8.E.—Furn. rm.
for couple. TW. 2101._—27
ARLINGTON FOREST—Single room for
gentleman, conv. Arl. Hall and Pentagon:
$30 mo. GL. 8801. —17
4922 HAMPDEN LANE, Bethesda. Md.—
Private bath (shower >, cool, master bed
rm., $45 single; also lge. attractive room,
share bath with 1 person, $36 single. OL.
4515. —27
UNUSUALLY LARGE aunnr room, two
huge closets; one block to transportation
Washington or Alexandria; laundry and
phone privils.; two girls. OV. 4685. —26
ARLINGTON, VA.—Clean, lge. front dble.
room, huge closet with window; gentlemen;
cor. bus: reas. CH. 2236 —26
home, semipvt. bath; share lovely porch
and yard: references. WI. 0657. —27
ARLINGTON—Settled couple, large, cool
bedroom: kit. privileges. OX. 4226. ■—27
ARLINGTON—Attractive rm. in pvt. home,
conv. trans.; gentleman preferred. GL.
8460. —28
3005 BUNKER HILL RD., Mt. Rainl-r.
Md.—Furnished room, next to bath, $30
per month. UN. 1325. —”7
CLEAN, AIRY ROOM, next to bath: nicely
furn.; conv. to Navy Yard and transp.;
1 adult; $30. LI. 6443. , ^ —28
ROOM. adj. semiprivate bath- for 2 girls:
walking distance Arlington Hall. Phone
OW. 3239. 2 * •
4015 MONTGOMERY LANE; near transp :
double room: pvt. bath; 2 closets: twin
beds. WI. 7182. —127
BETHESDA—Attractive double rm.. with
lge. closets: next to bath; laundry and
phone privileges. WI. 2565. —2
HIGH LOCATION In Arlington: pvt home;
bus stop at door; for I or 2 gentlemen.
TF. 5930. , ’
TAKOMA PARK. MD.—Cool rm. In com
fortable home. 1 blk. from exp bus; no
other roomers. Call SL. 8188 Sunday jind
Monday. . "'*
ROOM—Lovely, lge.. mod. apt.: washing
mach.; conv. transp.; no kit. privil.; for
young girl. TE 0900. Ext. 311. 28*
ATTRACTIVE RM.. adj. bath, in refined,
gentile home; empl. lady; references. Call
UN. 3396. —-7
1414 EUCLID ST. N.W.—Room with small
kitchenette. 1st floor front, $.'17.50 month.
Apply 1323 9th st. n.w. or call DU. 0524,
hours 8 to 9. 12 to 1 and 4 to 5. —1
LARGE ROOM, equipt. for housekeeping.
ML 5621. _—27
GOVERNMENT WOMAN urgently desires
single room In quiet apartment house,
adult family, elevator service, Mt. Pleasant
carllne; n.w. Give full particulars. MISS
MATTIE BEALL. 323 14th st., Charlottes
ville. Va. _ . 27*
SUITABLE STUDIO—Exchange oil por
trait or art lessons; quiet young lady:
local exhibitor. Box 276-H. Star. *
BUSINESSMAN desires cool basement
room with bath or shower; Chevy Chase
or nearby Md. Phone EM. 7569. —27
GENTLEMAN. Govt. emp.. desires quiet
rm.. free from radio sounds, light kitchen
privil ; prefer Takoma or n.w. State price.
Box 22B-H. Star. 26*
WENDELL TERRACE—You can be cool
and comfortable in Wash, this summer.
Spacious rms.: lge. porch; pleasant lawn
with trees; rms. to share with othar con
genial people: excel, food, well cooked and
served; Va blk. to Mt. Pleasant. Navy Yard
and L-2 transp. rts.; maid service; $45
mo. MI. 0435. —30
Md ; comfortable, cool single and dbl. rms.;
$17.60 to $35 Per wk. 8H. 6485. SH.
9740. —28
CRESTVIEW CLUB, 2620 10th st. n.w.—
Vacancies for men, women or cpls.: det.
house, lge. lawn, cool rms., splendid meals,
excel, transp. DE. 9030. —27
CALVERT HOUSE, 1401 16th st. n.w.—
Well-appointed residence for business peo
ple: double and share rooms; showers;
excellent food; switchboard. —T
Hampshire ave. n.w.—Newly decorated
studio-type rooms, double and atngle; excel
lent food; dally maid service, switchboard
service. Phone NO. 2266.
SLAUGHTER’S.. 1627 19th at. n.w. (nr.
Dupont Circle)—Several very desirable va
cancies In near future for men and women.
Telephones in rooms. Maid aervlce. Meals
dally, including 2 meals on Sunday. —26
couple or refined young women: $52.60
each and $49.50 each: delicious Southern
cooking; conv. location. 1756 N st. m.
joining bath for young married couple or
2 young men; excellent table. 1529 18th
st. n.w. —26
ARLINGTON—Large, outside, cool rooms,
home-cooked meals, dally maid service;
excel, transp., parking privil.; lovely
verandas and lawn. GL. 8910. —29
home-cooked meala; good transp., cars and
buses. TA. 9796. „ , , —30
DUPONT CIRCLE—Unusually lovely, clean
guest home: delicious meals: fine service;
for young men and women: excel loca
tion. 2013 Mass. ave. n.w. Call DE.
9798 —29
1326 19th ST. N.W.—Nice dble. rm .
adjoining bath. $47.50 ea.; small tgle.
rm.. $45; also share rm. for man; excel
lent meals, home-like atmosphere. —27
VACANCIES for men or women In lge.
dble. rm. with running water; also for
girl In rm with Dvt bath: maid gervlce
and excel, food. Call RE. 3104. —30
ARLINGTON, VA., 816 20th s —Rm. with
lge. closet; on busline: nr. Pentagon and
Navy Annex; home privil. GL. 5856. —27
2230 MASS. AVE., live at Mansion Club,
you’ll love It! Rm. for 4, bath and ihower;
also to share; $60 mo. . —36
ROOM AND BOARD for elderly lady In
nearby Md. with congenial refined Cath
olic couple. Box 222-G, Star. —27
THE OAKMONT, 1774 Mas*, ave. n.w—
Lge. nicely fum. front dble., $53 mo. ea.;
also sgl. for man. $60. —27
725 OGLETHORPE ST. N.W.—2 meals a
day in congenial gentile home of adults;
on express busline; 1 man only. TA. 0290.
3611 14th ST. N.W.—A room to yourself
In Protestant family; choice home cook
ing In pvt, home; for young man or wom
an:- empld.: no smoking; quiet habits.
Details, phone CO. 4686. —28
large double boom, well turn., m
nice home; excel, home-cooked meals;
nice location and good transp.; couple
preferred. DU. 0626. _ —2
WESLEY HALL—Cheerful rooms: enough
like a hotel to provide excellent dining
and room service, enough like a club to
insure congenial companionship; double
rooms and room* to share for men ana
women; $48 to $57.50 mo. 1426 21st
st. n.w.. NO. 9804. , „ —2
CORNER FRONT RM.. nieely furn. clean,
excel, meala; 2 tmpl. people; regtrleted
6903 8th st. n.w, GE. 0682. —3
SINGLE, DOUBLE and to share, for men:
excellent meals: close In. 1409 16th st.
n.w.. MI. 2740. DU. 0267. —2
LGE Sad FL. FEONT, twin beds, 4 win
dows, next to b»th. In det. pvt. home;
conven. transp.; excel, food. 3 meal, a
dev Including Sun.; >60 ee. for 2 girls.
GE. 2212. —27
4614 8th 8T. N.W.—Large rm. joining
double sleeping porch, double beds, men
only; unllm. phone. GE. 3890. —28
329 9th 8T. N.E.—Young man to share
large room with another man; twin beds,
semlpvt. home; $45 mo. AT. 4069. —27
CLUB MASON, 1726 N. H. ave. n.w —Lge.
dble. rm, pvt. bath for couple or 2 ladles;
also vacancies for men. Live where the
atmosphere, associations, furnishings and
food are the best: moderate rates. See
MRS. SAMPLE. _ —27
want ROOM AND BOARD for boy 8, girl
11. AX. 5046. 26*
ROOM AND BOARD, or kitchen privileges
in private n.w. home; no apartments con
sidered; D. C. only; refined unemployed
lady; best references. DU. 2290. 27*
STUDENT, man. 18. G. W. U,. desires
room and board with private American
family: no boarding house: came to U. S.
from Greece for the purpose of studying
in college; please write fully; will ex
change references. Box 267-H, Star. 2/*
ELDERLY ACTIVE MAN wants room and
board in Jewish home; off Georgia ave.
n.w. Call OV. 3606; eves., 6 p.m.-ll ^m.
GIRL TO SHARE APT. with 2 other girls
1343 Monroe st. n.w., AD. 5140 or CO.
7828. —27
30, to share 2-bedroom, cool, modern apt.
s e. with Jewish girl. Box 196-H, JBtar.
GIRL TO SHARE attr. 2-bedrm. apt.'with
3 other girls; twin beds. Bendix; $30
J 631 Euclid st n.w . DU. 9170. —27
TWO GIRLS to share furn. apt. with an
other girl; twin beds. Call LU. 6746 or
FR. 4409. —26j
1 OR 2 GIRLS to share with another girl
until Sept. 1; near Dupont Circle. Phone
MISS 8HEPARD. ME. 3900 or AD. 8626.
1 GIRL to live with 2 other girls in large
newly decorated apartment; everything
furnished. Call HU. 0360.
very attractive two-bedroom apartment,
in nearby Virginia with another lady;
on two buslines, 25 minutes to center of
town. Box 280-H. Star. 27*
rm. and kit. apt. with another lady: nr.
14th and Fairmont sts. n.w.; telephone, twin
beds and kitchen privileges; references
required. Adams 8180. 27*
3-RM. APT. S.E.—Bus at door; owner on
premises Tues. only. Phone VI. 4671
after 5 Mondfev. 28*
CAPITOL HILL—2 or 3 girls share 1st
floor, 3-room apt. with another girl; also
l.h.k. room available. FR. 2157.
LOVELY 6-RM. APT. to share with other
girls: employed girl; $25 mo.: conv. bus
service. Phone GE. 8514. —28
apartment <n.w.) with mother and son:
prefer Russian-speaking man or Army
or Navy cfflcer. HU. 8105. 27*
LADY WILL SHARE 4-rm. apt., or 1 Ige.;
rm.. semipvt. kit., bath: cple.. $50; vie.
Irving and Ga. ave. Box 357-C. Star.
GIRL TO SHARE 4-rm. furn. apt. with
two very nice empl. girls; conven. loca
tion: $30 mo. Call AT. 1981 anytime.
223 5th st s.e —27
YOUNG WIDOW wishes to rent unfurn.
bedrm . share rest of house; n.e. Call
FP. 0958 bet. 12 and 6 p.m. . —27
ON CONN. AVE.—Well furn. dbl. rm.:
twin beds, pvt. bath: use of kitchen: fine
location and very cool. Call EM. 8914
after 6 p.m. —27
APT. TO SHARE, located in Mt. Rainier,
and day care for child; $75 per mo.
Phone UN. 2482. —28
NEED ONE GIRL share large pvt. apt :
maid, telephone, washing machine, stor
age space, room for company; on express
bus line; can cook if desired. RA. 7510.
YOUNG MAN share 5-rm. apt. with 3
students; all conven.: pvt. rm., handy
transp.; $31.25 mo. EX. 1922. 27*
semipvt. bath, kitchenette privil.. dinette;
business couple, no children, no pets. LI.'
3804 after 7:30 P.m. before 9:30 a m.
Middle-aged lady to share 4-rm. apt.
with one other lady; twin beds. AT. 5341.
COLORED—GIRL to share large front
room with another girl. 3117 13th st.
n.w._ —26
GEORGETOWN. 1614 26th st. n.w.—1-rm.
apt for employed adults; $38.50 and
$42.50 per month. WI. 7128. —27
2-BEDRM. APT., attrac. furn.. n.w. Avail
able Juy 1 to Sept. 1: modern apt. house;
$140, incl. utility. RA. 3136. Box 81-G.
Star —27 i
RENT FREE—White, middle-aged couple,
no children or pets: completely furn.
bsmt., living room, bedroom, extra large j
kitchen. Frigidaire, store room, in exchange
for services, cleaning and supervising small
rooming house; state age. experience and
phone number for interview. Box 144-G.
Star. - —27
utilities and linens; pvt. entrance 2nd fl.
Glover Park: bus transp. at door. 4 blks. I
from new Georgetown Hosp.: quiet couple,
no pets: refs, req.: SI 25 per mo. 2003
37th st. n.w . OR. 1640. —27
TAKOMA PARK—Newly decorated, new
furniture, bed-living room, kitchen and
bath; 1 block from express bus and shop
ping center; utilities incl.; all private;
$95 Per mo. SL. 6269. —27
Park rd.—Cool, auiet studio-style single
or double room. Apt. privileges for gen
tleman; $36-$40. MI. 9713. —29
1728 21st ST. N.W.—2 rooms, kit. and
bath, completely furnished and remodeled.
#120 me nth Call R. A. HUMPHRIES. NA.
6730. -29
LGE., WELL-FURN. 4-RM. APTS., bedrm .
liv. rm., din. rm.. kit. and bath: conv.
location, near Dupont Circle; $190; refs.
NO. 1950 bet. 8 and 10 p.m. Box 127-G,
Star. —28
653 MD. AVE. N.E.—1st floor, l.h.k..
share bath. elec, refgr.; young married
employed couple: $13.50 week. —30
1850 WYOMING AVE. N.W.—3 bedrms..
liv. rm . kit. and bath, porch; $180 mo.,
including util.; 2 bedrms., $165 mo.
MI. 9315. —26
CHEVY CHASE area nr. Wis ave—2 em
ployed adults: attractive, newly dec.; Ige.
bedrm.-liv. rm.. combination and kit.;
utilities and phone included; refs : $76
mo. Eox 1 67-D, Star. —26
S.E.—2 APTS., 3 rooms each, beautifully
furnished by Barney’s Circle. $110 and
$90 each. Phone after 4 p.m , Trinidad
5272. Box 235-H. Star. 27
share; adult couple; only $65 mo. 703
East-West hwy., nr. N. H. ave. n.w. Phone
MR. KEPLER. SH. 7842. —1
HYATT8VILLE, MD.-Basement, private
entrance; $22 week. 3615 Hamilton st.
WA. 2278. 27*
2 BEDRMS., 2 BATHS for several mos.:
Parkfairfax, Alex., phone TE. 2498 or TE.
3776. —27
SUBLET FOR SUMMER, modern, cool,
well furn. apt. with 1 bedrm.; in Hill
crest area s.e.: lmmed. occupancy; $100
mo. Box 362-C, Star. —27
apartment on Peabody st. n.w.; bedrm.. liv.
rm., kit.; $66 per mo., incl. all utilities;
no children or pets. Box 361-C, Star. —27
2-ROOM FURNISHED APT. for rent. $55
mo. 2314 First st. n.w . basement. 27*
duplex, avail, now through Sept. 20: $110.
2024 37th st. i.e. AX. 0368. —28
COMBINATION LIV. RM., pvt. shower,
compl. dressing rm. and compl. kit. with
new Frigidaire; cont. hot water and elec,
inch; people of good habits: $70; avail.
July 1. Can be seen at 221 6th st s.e.
after 1 p.m. Sat.; all day Sun. —27
2106 LEE HWY., Arl., Va.—5 rms.. bath:
suit. 2 related families: nicely furn.; stove
heat: $69 month. Entire 2nd floor. —27
BEAUTIFUL large living room, dining rm..
2 bedrooms (one to be reserved for owner’s
use), tiled bath, butler's pantry, kit., apt.;
n.w. residential sec.; for rent to refined,
responsible couple without pets. $200 per
mo.; ref. exchanged. Box 273-H. Star.
JULY 1 TO SEPT. IB: 2901 Conn.“ eve.
n.w.: nicely furn. »pt. In mod. bldg ; SUB.
EM. 8031.
CHASTLETON HOTEL, 1701 16th »t. n.w.
■—-Attractively furn. aol, with hotel serv
ice. maid service and linens: consisting
of living room, bedroom, kitchen and bath,
porch: $165: with 2 bedrooms. $250 per
mo. DU. 1000. —4
WILL RENT APT., 3rd fl..: private home,
suitable for couple: consisting of liv. rm.
with Hollywood bed. dinette, kit. and bath,
in exchange for help with 2 children, 4
yrs. old. Belle Haven section of Alex
andria. 12 Edgehlll dr., TE. 5156. MRS.
GEORGETOWN—Studio apt., hall. liv. rm..
dinette, kit., tile bath and shower; in
well-known bldg.: rent. $126, 1-yr. lease.
Write Box 185-G. Star. —27
117 C ST. N.E.—Liv rm . bedrm. and
kit., pvt. bath: adult couple; $60.50
per mo
CHEVY CHA8E. D. C.. 'A block west Conn,
ave—For summer; refined couple: all
utilities, garage; $125 per mo. WO. 1297.
car. to share artlitlc home; your own
bedroom, refrigerator, kitchenette, imail
living room, screened porch; attractive
grounds; private entrance. Cabin John,
Md., WI. 4172; $70 per month. —27
GEORGETOWN—8paclous furn. apt.: 3
bedrms . kit . porch, bar. liv. rm., din.
rm., bath; freshly painted: excel, loca
tion; Que st.; avail. 3 months beg. July
3, with option renewal lease; $170 per mo.
MI. 1175. Box 227-G. Star. —27
GIRL WISHES TO SHARE charming, com
pletely furnished little Oeorgetown house
with 1 or 2 responsible girls; Govt, or
diplomatic employes preferred: $50 esch.
DI. 7024. Box 182-0. Star. —28
1003 GIRARD ST. N.E.—Nicely furn. Ige.
front bedrm. and kit., near bus and car:
employed couple preferred; $65. DE. 2816.
2633 CONN. AVE. N.W.—Bachelor'* quar
ters. maid service, $50 month. —28
suburban Md.: ref. P. O. Box 221, Belts
vllle, Md. Near Govt, plant industry.
2-ROOM BASEMENT APT.. Prlfldalre.
7306 B st., Carmody Hills, Md. Hill
side 5731.
I.IV. RM.. din. rm.. bedrm.. kit., pantry
and bath; comp, pvt.; phone and utili
ties lnel.; couple. S110; 3 blks from
Walter Reed Hospital. 7135 7th st. n.w.
TA 67n7
TAKOMA PARK. D. C.. 7101 Chestnut st.
n.w.—Larte corner Uvlnt-bedroom. di
nette. kitchen; utilities Included; tentlle
home; employed couple preferred; S80;
references reoulred. _ —28
1307 FAIRMONT ST. N.W—Yount lady
for first-floor apt. with another; S33.
urtent. Box 151-1 Star.
*32 50. 80 S st. n.w., DE. 8764. —2«
COLORED—1 RM.. BATH, kit alcove—
850; empl. married cple. only. 1<18
9th st. n.w. _ —27
5008 ILLINOIS AVE. N.W—Pour rooms,
bath; eonv. transp.; utilities lnel.; for
3 emplyd. adulu or 2 emplyd. coles. ;_JU25,
COOL. *nd FLOOR. 2-bed rm. apt. In
Chevy Chase. MdT utilities furn.; adulu,
available tmmedlaUly. WI. 4799. —27
1*08 STAPLES ST. N.K—2 bedrooms. Uv
lnf room, kitchen and private bath, suit
able for 4; S30 month each person. —27
5038 RENO RD. N.W.—Beautifully furn
ished 1 rm. with pvt. bath.llfht house
keepint unit. In fine Chevy Chase. D C.,
residence; center-hall entr . storsse space,
and use of elec washer and ironer. *86
per mo.; available to refined, employed
lost QUEBEC PL. N.W.—Attractive 3
rm.. kit. end bath, furn., for reflned.
empl.. married couple; no children; no
pets; references; $77.60 mo.
413 ONEIDA PLACE N.W.—2 bedrms.. liv.
rm.. bath, tub and shower; suitable 4
people; >30 each: phone; good transp..
util. furn. RA. 8056. —27
1360 COL. KD. N.W.—2nd fl.. 2-rm. apt .
well furn . new wallpaper, semtpvt. bath,
for 2 empl. adults; $54 per me
2145-2147 F ST. N.W.—2 couples; two
adj. studio rooms, share kit. shower, elec,
rfgr.. semiair cond.; $15-J20 per couple.
EX. 0663. —2
1*14 CALVEBT ST. N.W.—One rm. and
large kit., porch, semipvt. bath; $17.50
per wk. HO. 2075.
BACHELOR APT., for 2 girls, furn. in
studio style, complete maid service, secre
tarial switch board; $70 per mo . includes
breakfast and dinner 7 days per week:
selective menus, conv. location, near lega
tion,. Box Hfl-D, Star, HO. 7000. —27
DUPONT CIRCLE—*125 to SI 60, 3 and 4
rooms, kit. and bath; painters on premises.
8 to 5, open those hours. 1617 19th
st. n.w.—27
1359 MASS. AVE. S.E.—5 spacious rooms
and private bath, back porch; adults
only: $150. Call LI 3003. —28
IF TOTT ARE A CAPABLE, exper. legal
sec., est. law firm has opening at good
salary and can make available to right
gerson 2-bedrm., liv. rm.. foyer, kit. and
ath corner apt.: vicinity 14th and Park
rd. n.w., for immed. occupancy. Box 168
D, Star —26
GEORGETOWN—Newly remodeled, charm
ingly decorated apt.; large and airy: liv.
rm. din. rm . 2 bedrms., kit and bath,
ample closets; complete privacy: $155
'not including utilities'; lease; references.
DE. 5187. Box 226-G. Star. —2
FOR RENT—Unfurnished; the entire first
fl. of a 10-room stone house, consisting of
liv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm. and kit .
tile bath, hall and 2 bedrms., also Ige. rec.
rm. in bsmt. with fireplace; the owner,
middle-aged couple, will occupy the 2nd
fl. which has pvt. entrance, and take care
of property; this place is surrounded by
2 acres of ground in good neighborhood:
will consider reflned family w’ith not
more than 2 children; all utilities furn.;
$125 per mo. Phone FA. 2270. —27
FREE RENT—Bsmt. apt. for couple willing
to work part time. GL. 8749. —27
NR. N. CAP.-R. I. AVE.—Ground fl : 1 rm.,
kit., bath for one: no pets. pvt. entrance;;
all util.: $55 per mo. State fully, please.!
Box 140-G. Star. —27
ADULT FAMILY; mod . 5-rm. flat in new
bldg, with electrically equipped kit . auto,
heat, separate bsmt.: $135. CH. 4242, —27
CAMBRIDGE, MASS.—Apt. avail. Aug 1;
conv. location: lge. liv. rm.. bedrm . kit.
and bath: very reas., for equally desir
able Washington apt. Box 240-G. SUr,
EXCHANGE—Very attractive unfurnished
I-bedroom apt., in verv desirable n.w. lo
cation for unfurn. 2-bedroom apt. TA.
9065. —27
1-BEDRM. APT. in New York City wanted
in exchange for 1-bedrm. apt. In Wash
Call MRS. SAXTON. AD 8700. —2
1-BEDRM. MODERN APT., unfurn. n.w..
for modern efficiency apt . unfurn.. n.w. i
Call TA. 1295 or TA._8587. —28_
TILDEN GARDENS—Attrac. apt. with 3
exposures; 3 bedrms.. liv. rm., solarium,
din. rm.. kit. and 2 baths; occupancy
July 1. Inspection by appt. only. Tele
phone MR. MANN. DI. 9494 from 9 to 5:
WI. 4699 from 7 to 9 p.m.: Sat. and Sun..;
WI. 4699 from 9 to 9 p.m. —27
vou had secured this lovely 2nd-floor front
apt.; 3 lge. airy rms.. foyer, kit. and bath;
beautiful parquet floors: no children nor
pets: $12,500, cash or terms. Call AD.
I960. —27
FULL PRICE *3,000 CASH—Contains en- i
trance hall. liv. rm., kit. and bath; up
keep only $9.50 mo. Apt. 408. at 65 M i
st. n.w. Can be seen by appt. only. Call
OWNER. MI. 0241.
WILL EXCHANGE new. 2-bedrm. co-op,
apartment in best s.e section for 5 or 6
room house in good location. AX. 7082.
In one of the highest locations overlook
ing this city; you will be delighted with
the abundant rm. space in this new mod
ern bldg.; the deep recessed closets with
sliding doors are indeed a welcome sight.:
only 3 apts. avail (1 and 2 bedrms.);
priced from $8.39o to $9,990; this is truly
a magnificent bldg in every detail: conv. ;
terms; immed. poss.: close to Naval Re- I
search Lab., conv. to new shopping cen
ters, bus at corner. Office open all day Sat
urday. Come in or call Mr. Goddard, for
information. Eves, call TR., 6662. Mr.:
Goddard will be at TR. 6602 all day Sun
day to serve you. If you will call him,
he will be glad to arrange an appoint-j
ment for you to inspect the apts.
Frederick W. Berens Sales, Inc.
1528 K st. n.w.. NA. 9141._—28 j
LADY. discerning tastes, embassy emp..
requires attractively furn. or unfurn. 1
bedrm. or studio apartment, vicinity Conn
or Mass. aves. n.w. MISS KING. HO
9100 after 6:30 p.m. Box 140-G. Star.
APARTMENT FOR YOUNG married couple,
conveniently located to the Naval Hospital.
Bethesda. Md.: furnished nr unfurnished.
Call MRS. MOORE, OL 2500. Ext. 451.
8 to 4:30. 26*
ABOUT ONE HUNDRED veterans and
other employes of Capital Transit Com
pany reed houses or private apartments
with pri.ate bath and kit.. renting under
$75 per mo. Please phone MI. 6363. Ext
672 (or 6521. Monday to Friday from 8:30
am to 5 p.m (These employes are not
lookint. for rooms to rent or houses to
buy. they need family housing to renti
EMBASSY EMPLOYES, school-age daugh
ter. unfurn 1-2-bedrm. apt. or small
house. DU. 2477 and RE 7642. —26
CHIEF PETTY OFFICER, wife and 3 chil
dren. urgently need apt.; pref. furn.: $90
top. Please phone RE. 7400, Ext. 61323
8-4:30 weekdays. 26*
; drews Field need furnished or unfurnished
apartments or houses Hillside 3100, Ext
5122. call from 8 a m. to 5 p.m. —26
1 BEDRM.. furn. or unfurn.. no pvt.
homes; adult couple, no children: to $90.
Call DI. 9330, Ext 117 after « p.m. 2."
daughter wants 2-bedrm apt.; must have
pvt. kitchen, bath: furn. or unfurn.;
up to Slid. CH 6174 —26
COUPLE from Ohio, no children, no pets.
: want furn. ant.; rerm.; 2 yrs. In Wash.
Box 173-H. Star. , , 2«* ,
I COUPLE, war.' completely furn. small apt.
| with kit pvt. entrance, bath: near Wash :
I An -Sept. Full description, Including
I price, to "’ox 195-H. 8tar. 29
PATENT EXAMINER and wife desire 1
bedrm. apt., unfurn.; excellent references.
I Call Rs 1438 after 6 p.m. —29
SALESMAN, perm with large company,
wife, Infant, urgently need 1 or 2 bedrm.
apt., unfurn.. by July 1; present quar
ters being sold. Call MRS. POOL. Twining
1064 26*
REFINED FAMILY of 3 adults, perma
nent residents, desire 2-bedroom apart
ment or house. Phone SH. 3579. 26*
URGENTLY NEEDED unfurnished 2-rm .
kit. and bath apt.: permanent resident
congress Heights s.e. preferred. TR. ^78^'4
partly furn. apartment; Southeast, conv
to transp. Box 237-H, Star. 27*
or pets desire 2 rms . kitchen and bath
unfurnished apartment; best references.
RA. 5591 after 5:30 P.m. 27*
WANTED by veteran, wife. 2-yr. son. one
large room, kitchen and bath; no shar
ing: $50: but willing to help care of
lawn or some housework. Call MR. HALL
Republic 3630 between 9-5 weekdavs or
Randolph 6795 Sat. and 8Un. needed
July 1 27*
UNDER *60—Unfurnished 2-bedroom apt.:
Gov't official, wife and daughter (13 yrs.).
Call HO. S907. , 27*
PATENT EXAMINER, attending night law
school and employed wife, need turn
apt : don't drink or smoke; no children
or pets. DU. 1431. 27*
unfurnished apt.; $85. CO. 3896, 5.30
p.m. Friday; Saturday. Sunday, all day
CIVIL ENGINEER 'veteran) an<! wire
would Ilk'' one-bedroom unfurnished apart
ment. WI. 1851. _ _ „ 2 / •
students, veterans. RE. 3404, Ext. 50/.
—2 I
! UNFURNISHED APT. desired in Washing
ton. for young working couple Call TR.
2474 between 1 and 5 pm, Sat. or 8un.
structor desires 4 or 5 room apartment
for seif, wife and child: reasonable rent
Call Hobart 9816 between 5 and "^prm.
VETERAN, student of Catholic Univ . and
wife desire llv rm.. bedrm. and kit. apt.
private bath; convenient to C. U. WO.
5327 2 • *
PERMANENT Washington employed couple
desire furnished apartment in Arlington;
2-3 rooms, pvt. bath. Owens 9220. 27*
FURNISHED two-room apt., private bath.
Frlgidalre. 1st or 2nd floor, by quiet, re
fined, middle-aged couple, with house
broken. quiet dog; both employed; no more
than 10 minutes from G and 14th sts Box
224-H Star 2 • *
COUPLE needs immediately 4 unfurnished
rooms, prefer n.w., n.e., s.e.: no children or
pets; state rental. Box 107-H. 2'
> WANTED TO RENT, furnished apt. up to
S«5 per mo ; bedroom, kitchen and private
bath; o w. preferred. Call SERGT. RABKE.
between 8 a m and « p m.. Sat and Suin. j
onlv Phone RE. 6700 Ext. 75071. 27*
desires apartment; living room, bedroom,
kitchen and bath, unfurnished, in George
town or n.w. preferred: around S90. Phone
Republic 6600. extenaion 6022 27*
WANTED, furn. apt.. 1 rm,. kit. and bath,
by permanently employed lady: apt house
preferred; good transp: maximum rent
$50. Call MISS 3TICKEL. CO. 5886^RaL.
a'rmY^OfVicER. wife and 2-month daugh
ter desperately need 2-bedrm. duplex apt.
or bungalow, furn. Call DE. 4748 Sat. or
i ATT. OR HOUSE wanted, near Bladens
burg: will pay up to $66 month. Call HY.
0499. ask for MR. CANTWELL. -—-8
TWO-BEDROOM, roomy, unfurnished apt.,
conv. transp : under $70: settled adults
perm, employed. CO. 9,179. . -^
COUPLE to be married soon, both em
ployed, need one-bedroom apartment,
furnished or unfurnished TA. 7180 27*
EMPLOYED MOTHER, grown son. white,
gentile, quiet, wishes suitable apartment;
n w. pfd ; would pay $50 unfurnished:
$65 furnished including utilities: excel,
ref. Phone CO. 5817. 27
COUPLE, wife (nurse), daughter 34. being
evicted, urgently need 1 or 2 bedroom
unfurn. apt.: up to $60: D. C., Va. or
Md OV. 3656. *
SINGLE GIRL, profeasional. employed,
deslrea apt. until October, email and fur
nished; apt. bldg. pref. Box 270-H.^gtar.
WORKING WIDOW with 2 children' girl
6, boy 13; desperately need 1-bedrm. apt.;
n w. pref. SH 8203. 27*
pvt bath: under $85 mo , for young couple
to be married soon. Call OK 4240 after
6.30 p.m. *7*
YOUNG COUPLE with on* child, want*
bedroom apt.; up to $60 a month. VftU
7874. 27*
year-old son. need unfurnished 1 or a
bedroom apartment. VI. 6246. 27*
FURN. STUDIO APT. or one bedrooMe
bath and kitchenette; 2 young women.
DE. 8638. 28*
private kitchen and bath; unfurnished;.
spaniel: llv rm . bedrm.. kitchenette and
bath: prefer 1st fl.; n.w. section. Bo*
85-G. Star —2
GENTILE CPLE.. wants 1-bedrm. apt. in
vicinity of Bethesda or Silver Springs
maximum $65 per month. Call RA 4084.
FBI employe, with 2-iponth-old baby,
desires 1 or 2 bedroom apartment. un»
furnished, in a Quiet neighborhood; will
furnish best of references. Telephone,
LI. 9270. 2»•
PROFESSIONAL MAN urgently needs I
bedroom apt., willing to buy furniture.
DU. 0227. —27
BRITISH EMBASSY employe desires small
unfurnished apt., for herself and adult .
son; available August. Box 83-0. Star. \
FURNISHED APT., suitable for 3 men. ,
clean living, college graduates. AD. 5319. .1
UNFURNISHED—3 rooms and bath, by
4-vr.-old son get apt.. $55 per mo. or less.
need 1 or 2 room apt. HO. 9690. 27'
COLORED COUPLE, nice neat, refined,
would like to have 1 or 2 room. kit. apt. :
MR3._ALLEN._ME._1S48. —27 _ ;
the country, safe storage in separata
rooms; expert packing. Phone NO 0104.
UNION STORAGE CO., INC., est 1900, *
REDUCED RATES. 3 average rooms of
furniture stored in individual compart
ment for $3 per month. Reasonable rate*
for additional space. SAFETY STG. S$
TRANS. CO.. TE 5188 or TE 1935.
MOVING BY VETERAN of experience, with ,
new van: careful handling; reas. rates.
Call any time. MR. COOK. GL. 6137. -—7 ,
FURNITURE VAN. two expert movers; $5
hour; every piece guaranteed against
damage: also packing, crating. LU. 8jH»5.
service; furniture moving and hauling;
trunks and baggage. AT. 2/59 or FR. 0380.
MOVING AND HAULING by experienced ,
veteran; reasonable rates: 24-hr. service.
MR. GARRETT. OW. 1751. —26
SMALL JOBS—Trunks, personal effects*
baggage, etc.; days, nights. Suns. True*
with white driver. $2.50 hr. LU. 8905.
F.X-GI MOVING SERVICE, storage; none
too small: reas. rates. We take surplus
furn. as pay on moving. GLOVER. RE.
i 54 HO._ —2 ,
NEAR FAIRFAX, VA.—Log cabin, appro
priately furnished; 4 rooms and bath, all
i modern conveniences, oil burner; $75 per
j month on year's lease: f 1.00 per month
.for summer months; no children. Call
Miss Schroth. SHANNON LUCH8 CO.,
1505 H st n.w.. NA.2345. —27
WESLEY HEIGHTS — Attractive house.
! completely furnished: July 1 to Oct. 1:
5200 per month. EM. 1273. Box l*h-G*
Star. —2P
ATTRACTIVE detached brick. 4600 Res
ervoir rd. n.w.—Four bedrms.. 3 baths;
$350 per mo. pending approval of Rent
Control Board. Call W. Taylor, with J.
RUPERT MOHLER. Jr., NA. 4080; eves.,
WO. 4994. 1223 Conn. ave. n.w —-2.
JULY I-APRIL—Modern 2-story brick,
insulated. 4 baths, completely furn.. sub
urban home, heavily wooded grove, north
of Bethesda; 5250 per mo. 1832 K st.
!n.w\. RE 0026. . ~~z'.
2- BEDRM. BUNGALOW, suburban Mary
I land; partially furnished; children pr*»
: ferred; $75 per month. Box 180-0. Star.
CHEVY CHASE. D. C.; through Sept. 6.
jattrac.. cool H-rm. brick house, fenced yd.,
[screened porch, coniDl. furn.. appliances,
[baby bed. etc. Owner remaining nights;
I$125. EM 1358. Box 170-D. Star —27
ALEXANDRIA. Jefferson Park—July 1 to
Sept. 1: large comfortable house. 5 bed
rooms. 3 baths, cool garden; in attractive
neighborhood; children welcomed; no pets.
TE 4103. —27
30: to responsible family with discreet
children, newly remodeled. 4-bedrm. house;
lge. yard: in Kensington: no linens or
Isnver; gas, elec . basic phone lncl.; $250
month. Pleasant 0908. —27
FOR RENT—Modern 6-room, brick house,
furnished: Mt Vernon blvd.. Alex.. Va.;
oil heat: 2 buslines. 1 blk. shopping cen
ter: 1 to 2 yr. lease to responsible party;
[$175 mo. TE. 027H after 2 p.m. 26*
3- BEDROOM. 2-BATH HOUSE, completely
. furnished: 5250 mo ; Just off 16th at.
I n.w. JACK HAYES. INC . DU. 7784. —1
: CHEVY CHASE. MD.. 200 Taylor it.-—
!h rms.. bath, garage, lge. corner lot, oil
'heat, elect, refrigeration: nr. schools and
stores; open for inspection. Available
July 5. at 5150 per mo. EDW. H JONES
& CO.. 5520 Conn ave.. WO. 2300. —27
RUSINESSLADY will share * delightful,
modern country house with couple: 25 ml.
D C.: car essential. GRACE BERNARD,
Fairfax Station. Va. Inq. Beckner s Store.
IF YOU ARE a congenial and reputable
couple, not too old. the woipan a good
housekeeper and cook, you may share
with middle-aged widower hla completely
furnished. H-rm suburban home. Detail#
to be worked out. after a personal inter
view Hse. In vicinity of Mass ave ex
tended. Price not to exceed 5100. Reply,
giving full details and references re
quired. Box 1H3-D. Star
NEW’ 3-BEDROOM, brick, wmidetached
house in Congress Heights, furn .; 1>*
baths: gas heat: utilities included. 51 6<)
mo. 767 Upsal st. s e. (off Wheeler rd.).
TW. 1098. —28
FURNISHED—6 rooms, near bus: largo
yard; fruit; July 1st to Oct. 1st; $100 per
mo. Stay on in apt. HI. 6308 203
Maryland ave. s e. —-R
CONGRESSMAN'S lovely Chevy Chase
home. nr. fashionable Ch. Ch. Club: 6 15
to 13/31: 4 bedrms.. 2V. baths, rrcr. rm i
one of most unusual and exquisitely appt.
homes offered. No children or pets, please.
Rent. $.125 mo. WAGC.AMAN-BRAWNER,
ME. 3RH0; eves.. CO. 7244.
ALEXANDRIA—2-bedrm house avail , R
wk. period, from July 3rd; cpl. pref. OV.
FURNISHED HOUSE. 10 miles from Wash
ington: all conveniences; will rent cheap.
Address Box 266-H. Star. 27*
KENSINGTON—2-bedrm. furn. Cape Cod
for rent from July 1 to Sept. 1; $300 for
the 2 mos. PL 1105.
WE HAVE AVAILABLE for rant several
fine homes in excel, n.w. locations: owners
will give long-term lease; price. $200 to
$200 per mo. For additional information,
please call Mr. Doe. with FRANK 8 PHIL
LIPS. Realtor. DI. 1411. —27
WILL SUBLET from 1st wk. in July until
end of August; unusually attractive furn.
home; at 1245 N. Pierce st.. Arl : nr en
trance to Ft. Myer; 2 bedrms.. S1--? ba?hs.
lge screened porch: spacious lot. cool, well
shaded by beaut, trees; $450 for period.
Payable in 2 increment*. Phone OW 0328.
4511 GARRISON ST N.W., American Uni
versity Park—Beautiful location, all new
houses. Nicely furnished, fl rooms and
2 baths; brick house; garage; vacant;
rent. $250: keys here. HOWENSTFTN
REALTY CORP . 1418 H st. n.w DI.
7877. —2$
CHEW CHASE, D C.—Attrac 6 rooms,
2 baths, recreation room: $150 mo:
July 1 to Sept. 15; references 361,5
Jocelyn st. n.w., WO. PI40. Phone for
appointment- —28
2400 24 tb PL. N.W.—Cool, convenient;
2 bedrms.. porch, garden: automatic wash
ing machine. July 14 to 8epf 8: $135
month. Call EM. 7240. 9 to 12. or a'ter
—Det. 2-bedrm. home, nicely furn renfc
$147, on lease. Phone Twining 8300.
Ext. 184 or write Box 187-G. Star —27
Chevy Chase. Md ; 2 bedrms . first floor of
house; large yard. Available Immediately.
WI 4799 —27
JULY l TO SEPT. I, $250 month; Georze
; town Llv. rm . din rm., kit . 2 bedrms ,
2Va baths, high ceiling*, lge. windows.
! charming terrace off din. rm. Furnished
except linens and silver. NO. 0813 Box
! fll-G. Star. —28
H-ROOM HOUSE. Chevy Chase. Md avail
able July 3 to Sept. 1. Owner reserving
i one bedroom when in city; $100 per mo.
! Call OL 1820. —28
; TAKOMA PARK, MD —Lovely 7 room*.
2 baths, porches. 2-car garage, full base
ment. oil heat; over Vi acre, plenty >hod^
! adult* only; $200 month Call ALICE At
1 QAYLOR. SL._8n l_or_8H _6022.._
SILVER SPRING—H-rm. detached beautlt
ful brick home; all large rms.; '/a block
I from public transp and shopping center;
$138 per mo GERALD REALTY CO,.
412 5th st n w. DI. 5995. —28
FOR RENT, like new. brick. B rms . ba’h.
rer. rm : Fairlawn Village. Anacosna;
adult* only. Write R J. HENDERSON,
St.. Georges Island. Md.
COLESVILLE RD., MD.—Brand-new 7-rm.
brick. 2Va bath*. on Vi acre of ground:
oil heat: bus passes door: near Naval
Ordnance Lab. Immediate possession.
$250 per month. KAY REALTY CO.,
RA. 2200. L — 2*
SILVER SPRING. MD.—Rent house un
furnished. 4 bedrooms. 3 baths, full bsmf .
porch and garage dining room, living
room. Approx $250 per mo. SH 636.3
after 5 pm.. Sat. and 8un. 27*
SILVER SPRING. 10012 Raddlck dr —
New bunsalow. 5 rm*. and bath 1st fl:
floored attic: full basement, gas heat;
good references; $140 per mo. Cal! AT.
7043. —27 ^
3 MONTHS’ ADVANCE RENT, 5 or 8 rm.
unfurn. house. D. C. or Va.; $119 mo.
max.; year’s lease. DU. 8823. 28*
UP TO $80—5 or 0-rm uni urn. house,
mod. kit. by Navy chief, wife and 2
school-aged children. Call LO. 7416 —29
ARMY OFFICER. FAMILY 4. desires 2 or
3 bedrm. unfurn. det. house, occupancy
around August 1: Russel rd., Beverly Hills.
Alex . or Arl. pref.; pay to $160 Per mo.
Box 166-H. Star. 27*
ARMY OFFICER needs 3-bedrm. turn or
unfurnished house In n w. area or nearby
Virginia; about *175. Call TW. 3048 2«*
0 RMS.. UNFURN., In D. C.—4 adults,
Govt, employed, careful tenants; under
$00; refs. AT. 4540. 30*
ENGINEER, permanent, needs 2-3 bedroom
bungalow or small house, n.w . Bethesda.
Chew Chase. Silver Spring; 2 grown
daughters, family separated now; refer
ences; owner care; $100-fl25 max : lease.
WILLIAMS. DI. 0448; WI. 7409 evenings.
3-BEDROOM HOUSE, by professional em
ploye Dept, of Agrlc., wife and 3 daugh
ters. good care guaranteed; good refer
ences. CH. 2000, Apt. 902, or Box 23DH.
•mall repair or redecorating. Lu_05A3.
UNFURNISHED 2 or 3 bedrm hour's or
apt. in good location; no children, no peta.
TE- 6995. _——
(Ooc’-lnued on Next page)