1208 St. Matthew’s Ct.
Hear Conn and R. I. aves—2.500 *g ft .
#n 2 floors.
18th_and Eye »<»■ n.w. —*7
new York ave. area—16,000 so it
one floor, with r.r. siding and parking
Call Mr. Fischer, with DREYFUSS BROS.,
NA 0582 eves , WO 3190 —27
2nd COMMERCIAL. vie 1st and M its.
• -_New bldg . 35x88x18: ideal location
immed poss MICHAEL WALSH & SON.
1211 Eye it. n.w. RE. 8282. eve*.. CO.
fl? xir_ —"■ |
4 acres in restricted community; ideal
bids, site on cleared unoll. good elevation;
beaut view: *2.000, terms. McCAY_ &
MrCAY, Realtors. GL. 8§?5. —
M Bill VISION SITE. 141 acres 248 acres
mo acres. 70 acres or 10 to 20 acre
tracts all suitable for subdividing, all
rear new Shirley hwy., 12 mi. from D. C.
WTLLS REALTY CO . Annandale. Va.. FA.
0903 and FA. 7387. —2.
on the Potomac, directly opposite Mt
Vernon: use the new highway to Indian
Head, includes the so-caHed Truman
rove small home, no improvements,
built ISO?, ripe for development, *500
an acre as entirety. OWNER. WO SM81.
SILVER SPRING—34 acres, mostly woods.
;i miles D C : adjoining subdivision, *900
per acre. Box 228-H. Star
lumbia p.ke, 1 'a acres, 'a of old barn;
near Naval Laboratory; l-acre lota are
selling for *1.500, submit an offer. SH.
AN I'Nl'SLAL BARGAIN in 80 acres in
Fairfax Co 22 miles from Washington on
good gravel rd . a short distance from
paved hwv and not far from proposed
Monticello blvti Ail nmberiand with much
nt it read'- for saw mil:. This iand will
double in value in a few years. It might
be bought at *85 per acre. Pnone^GE.
5 ACRES on Clear, sloping land In Mont
gomery Co : b**at:t view, access to elec
a nd telephone. ^l.ooci per acre. Ca»l
Ashton 2sih» coll call. —2.
SKi; <,LFN HII.I.S. *h«*re beaut ifu picture
window \ Y»s reach 30 mi.es io the Blue
jj <ice ,\11ft Own a choic* homesi?e oi an
Mrre or more for the price of a City ;ot.
D; ive 'hrough Rorkwiie. 2*a mi- west^on
Route •> turn <ef: at sign —27
l<# ACRES at prewar prices $2.2 <5. >400
cash and *35 mo 2? miles from Washi
ngton rear Ino;an Head. Md J W
McVICKEK 1216 C it. n.e , TR. 7739
\R ANN AND M E V A.—150x240-ft wood -
rr! homeMte nard-surfaced road and
-rhooi b;i- o.o'.y 7<*» V away; 4*95. VER
NON M LYNCH it SONS. ALex 5906.
Closed Sunday „ _ , „
GARRISONVILLE. VA. 'm Stafford Coun
■ vi 99 acres of iand. stream, some
woods, house in need of repair, on hard
N'jrfaced road, electricity available. Price.
- t '.(Mi ROMYE LAMBORN Realtor, ex
c U5i'• e agent. DS01 5 Arlington Ridge rd.,
OT or *035. “27
\TTI NITON Bi ll.DIRS AND developers
ue car. nflrr you from 1 acre to 1000
for beautiful home sites, and low coat
home development cleared or wooded
Give us a call. EASTMAN ii SEAY. Reai
KOR ^AljT"?' ACRES. 175 ft. frontage
^,in spring and stream, Fairfax Co., your
future shopp.ng center. Call RA. 2940.
Ann J1 am. to 3 pm., weekdays 9 am
-» S p m. , —~ * ,
!» v a< Ki S, 15 ml South Capitol st. and
!>. C line n;ce location, for Vet ana f«m
v Muvt sell mimed Leaving town. $2.
.(’0 ra'h or terms Call SL. 6409. —-28
• woODFD ACRES; near Vienna. Va
holly and doswood: ld«*ai for rambier;
excel location 13 mi. to D C :
HUGH Mi DIARMID. Phone Vienna «(K>
in ACRES' !se stream: Ashing, swimming
• mn■ ns; paved road, commuting distance
v\f r fast Va highway. ; easilv
fT.ancFd. HUGH M-DIARMID, Real Es
t v i Phone Vienna HIM. ^
ACRES AT VIENNA. VA.—High building
s iii. view of rolling countryside, excel,
r# ~hbcr? paved road 42.400. HUGH
L DIARMID Phone Vienna 600. —-*-.
FA (HI AX CO. VA acres l-o-ft. front
age. w:-h spring and stream near future
shipping center. Call RA. 2940: Sunda*
li am to 3 d m . or Monday 9 a to
9 p m ____7~- ' —
Bldg. Sites and Acreage
In Vienna. Vs. 75 beautiful ‘/2-acre bidg
K,i<'p *flot) up easy terms.
35 tracts. 1 to 6 acres, 2*8 mi. to D. C.
nn U S. Route No 211 reasonably priced^
• a y terms. 10?# discount to veterans of
‘barney real estate
V \ a L Vienna 460-461._—27
P c line—S• 3 acres, on both sides oi
roadway tree* spring, stream on oars
fenced *400 down, balance *1.550. abou.
*:.o month. Can MI. 9798. Rm 130. or
write M E JACKSON 1919 3rd It. n.w..
Room 13". or LP. 5023._ -■
STORE. 16 ll.x'tt It Arlington. Lyon
Pk new brk. bldg.; SI75 per mo.: h?a:
anil n'tr fnrn suitable for bakery sales,
b esr shop, florist, dime store, etc Phone
MR BARBER, OX. 2997, eves. CH 6421.
SHOPPING CENTER. Alexandria, approx
• ft '.Er* reas rent, gooo for any
busWs*. Caii OV. 4395. Sundays. SH.
1TPER 14th FT 3463 14th at. nw.~*
]Oiire lora-jon. good for any business
700 SQ. ft.. 5200 per month. RA. JJMb
SMALL STREET STORE plus 10 000 SQ ft.
of osrrr space available .n Dupont Circle
bldg, next to new Dupont Theater Apply
DUCIRCO. INC. 1346 Conn. a%e. AD
i--n stores i*i thickly populated section of
« exceptions Uv suitable for pawr.
br« ker iawmieret• e. frozen custard, gro
ceries and other desirable reia:. bu sines es
Kmr Cleaners and Holmes Bakeries are
some of -he tenants doing •uT£sl%Rtlf1
business in ’his location. LOUIS buk
MAN. RE 17 08
WIV AYE., nr Seats and Peoples—
reasonable rent to a reliable tenant Cal.
Mr Fischer, with DREYFUSS BROS . NA
4*582; eves. WO 3190. —
1771 COLUMBIA RP N W.—Large store
frontage ■. pvt parking m rear,
atjir any high-grade business. Ca.. Mr
Gerber for aopt to inspect Eves KM.
AD 7 800 —
HOO C. ST N.W. Large corner s.ore.
rrni reduced :or imraed.ate occupancy
s 150 mo. includes he*\ wa:er C.al;
f<»4 F st. n-F RE 5224 or RA 3790 —2
FIRST FLOOR- 2 335 l*'h sf n» re
model to suit enan: Cali Di .3238 —2 8
KIGIIT DOWNTOWN Ground floor, re au
stores or offices from 575 per month
Victor Building, Room 200. 724 9*h st.
Cali NA 9682
4.144 LEE HIGHWAY. Arlington. \a —
fi!7* 2<» xTO . immediate possession: suit
able for drug s ore. variety store lunch
eonette with soda fountain, etc reasonable
rental on ease Call Mr Jenkins SHAN
NON A- l.UCHS CO . Realtors 1505 H st
n w . NA 2345
store. surah.e for any business, long
1 ease. Call HARRY COHEN. RE. 4771.
For leg'e. 800 sauare feet. 6.3.30 Georgia
n ve i corner Jefferson*; large show win
dows. 5200 per month
I. BERS. GE. 3049
101A E ST. S.W. 10x17 lavatory: over
looking produce market; $35 mo Call NA
CONN. AVF Targe ll*h' rooms suitable
doctor or professional use doctors in bldg.,
reasonable Box 223-0 Siar. 27
90* I3ih ST. VW.- Entire 2nd floor. 1
large room and lavatory. GOSS REALTY
CO NA 1353. *-7
FARR BLDG.. 910 17th ST. VW nr
Conn and K si., new modern aurar desk
foare for those who want the best re
ceptionist. mail. switchboard and steno
service Cail DI 2704 -S
available in laree modern office bldg.
■ nutted near Municipal Center and Mu
nicipal Court. THOMAS J FISHER A
CO INC. Realtor. 738 15th si. nw.. EX
4 4-91. Ext 405. —oO
fOR RENT—5 rooms 2nd floor. 421 4th
n nw across the st. from courthouses,
suitable for '.aw offices or oiher commercial
uses. Cali NO 7217 or RA. 9563.
ARLINGTON BLDG. 1025 Vt axe. nw —
A few choice suite' still avail ; com
pletely modernized. 10-story, elev. b.dg
representative on premises
OFFICE. 2 large rooms on ground floor,
with show windows. $7 5 per mo. 8134
\v,< a\p Beihesda Md CO 1519. - ‘-6
bright and newly decorated. In commercia.
bide .64 4 H st. n e. Inspect 9 till t>
AT 3188 —26
cr large suites for immediate occupancy,
all space redecorated ideal downtown lo
cation: reasonable rental, rental agent
on premises See Mr KOCH. Room 112
Atlantic Bldg . 930 F st. n w
DOWNTOWN 706 13th st r. w suitable
repair shop, office work, sign painter, etc .
reasonable MR MAY. RE 8280. 5*
2 ROOMS, reception hall and bath, suitable
for office^ ] 8* h and Eye sis. nw $75
p\r rms. n 1st floor pvt office, furn or
unfurn . reas rent. 1018 18th *t. n w
•MU WILSON BIVD. Ari—2 suites. 2nd
floor Cali MR BRANT- OX 0520. —27
r OFFICE ROOMS, front, tn 7“<> "block of
M1h vt n» Phone Trinidad 1051_ for
appointment. 27*
ronm^. furn or unfurn 919 or 921 11th
n v» Phone RA. 1101 or phone DI 0U8.
6 ooo FT floor space with pvt. balcony,
on one floor dble. ceiiing height light on
3 sides will divide to suit tenant: Ige
downtown elev. office bldg : $1.90 per
*sq ft. per year: full office services. Also
large single rm , $46. Victor Bldg . 724
9th st. u w
|l *9 VERMONT AVE. N.W — 1 rm.: $26
2-rm. suite; $9<». MARK WINKLER MAN
AGEMENT. 1117 Vermont ave RE 5200.
OFFICE SPACE in most a*tractive, beau
t.fullv furnished, equipped lawyer's suite in
Woodward Bid* Call ME 1201 —27
location A 2-rm suite, completely furn
with npw steel furniture, typewriter eic
at nominal rent, on a mo to mo. basis, to
some one who will fake telephone messages
for small organization OR. 4232 or
MRS ROSTON- RE 3494. -29
1835 K ST. N.W . Harwili Bldg <8 stories'
Suites consisting of 2 or more rooms
ftom to 350 to 2 500 sq ft.; one compl
furn 3-rm suite, including 4 desks, type
writer, flle cabinets, etc : one studio
office furnished, ideal for combination
business and living Quarters, an apartment
mar be had in same bldg if desired; Ve
netian blinds, flourescent light, complete
service. The^e are worthy of inspection
OFFICES and 1 ige studio rm beautifully
pine-panelled ! blk off Copr ave. Sec
aerviree if desired, moderate! rental Tel
ephone NA. 5324.. —2
14th * K N.W.—Dealrable two-room suite
complete furnttura and typewriter. Avail-:
able July J. 1948. Call OR. 1634. 27*
,817 11th ST. N.W.. between H and Eye
ru. — Three attractive front offices for
lease at reasonable rentals; Immediate
possession. H. CLIFFORD BANGS. Real
tor, 200 Investment Bldg:., 15th and K
sts. n.w . ME 0240. —27
llxlh. 545 month, including heat, elec-:
trinty and Janitor rervice. For further,
Information, rail RE. 8384. —27
SILVER SPRING—Main section of Silver
Spring on Ga. ave ; reasonable. Call 8L.
3700 or SH 1913. —28 ;
480 gq ft . rent 5110 per mo . available
immediately. Room 810, 917 15th st na .
N/L_004 8 __—27 j
1.000 so. ft.: 18x58, on 2nd floor of mod-i
ern fireproof bldg . in industrial section;
of Georgetown: convenient location, in
cludes heat and light; ready for oc
cupancy in .30 days
1034 Vt. «tve. n.w.. PI. 3141. —38
Offices available for business, professional
medical or trade association and others
_ad :;-3oii._
SECOND-FLOOR SFITE—4'j rooms, un
furnished; approx 1,200 sq. ft., available
WAYS CORP 1124 Conn. ave. n.w. Op
posite Mayflower Hotel. —29
n.w , in the heart of downtown Washing
ton. A number of single office or com
plete suite.', suitable for doctors, dentists,
opticians, etc; new. reduced rental.'. Sc**
MR. KOCH, agent on premises_
DOWNTOWN—410 Bond Bldg —Desk !
space, telephone and secretarial services
available. DI. 2801. _—28
VEAK COLESVILLE—A acres: modern 3
benrm. brick home: inc back porch, oil
heat full bsmt 2-car garage, poultry
house, .-mall cow barn, brooder lious /
hog house, garden p:anted. flowers, straw
berries. 1 acre of red raspberries, other
fruits, ideal for 2 cows poultry, rabbits
and truck farming JOHN BURDOFT
Colesville Md ('all Ashton. Md., 3846
R F D 2. Silver Spring —*!?
.70 ACRES, '-rm. country home, on good
rd house sets on kno!!. large oank barn
and all necessary outbuildings: land very
productive, a lovely stock and hog farm
with 2 stream* priced very low. $18,500
.JOHN BURDOFT’ Colesville. Md Call
Ashton iMd.i 3846. Rt. 2, Silver Spring.
Md —27
F.QI IPPFD 100-acre stock farm: lovely fi
rm . 2-story home with 2 porches. 4-rm
attractive tenant house, large bank barn,
with all necessary outbuildings: with plen
*y of shade, fruit. 2 streams, sparkling
spm.g, land very fertile, all growing crops
barley wheat, oais. corn all hay. 10u
barrels of corn now In crib. 2 horses. IT
hea dof cows and heifers. 27 hogs. 50
head of poultry all necessary farm equip
ment: priced very low: 30 miles out
JOHN BURDOFT Colesville. Md. Call
Ashton Md i 3846. R. F. D. 2. Silver
Spring. Md. —27
138-ACRE crop or stock farm: 8-room
country home with all necessary out
buildings farm new growing 40 acres of
wheat also corn, potatoes, tobacco ard
worm w eed Co acres of woods bal in
ha1 . all worked with Tractor, priced verv
low JOHN BURDOFT. Colesville Md
Cai Ashton Md. 3846. R F. »D. 2. Silver
Spring. Md. —27
wi»h 3 Ige. oedrms . 2 baths. 2nd fl :
1st fl contains In . rm 18x36 with 2 stone
flreplacer. reception hall J2x15* din. rm
18x24 with bay w.n^iow. equip, kit . but
ler* pantry: part bni:.. Crane oil burner
un’t. h.-w. hea* other features incl. nice
caretakers bunga. several other out
buildings, 2 trout streams approx 28 mi
from D C on hard road approx 280
acres: ib. cash required. H. A. DARN'E.
GL. 8.7 7: eves. OW. 4341 —26
7 8 ACRES, excellent arazing. and 400
tree apple orchard. 14 acres hog-type
fence 8-r:n home with 4 fireplaces, sev
eral outbids.*. $12,250. terms CAPUTI
REALTY Phone FA. 7122 or Haymarket
1 6-F-3 til 9pm —26
new property. Be the first to make your
selection An acre and independence. $50
down, $10 a month. Fronting on a stale
road, 'you seldom can buy property like
! this right on a state road : beautifully
wooded acres with big trees: near fast
' growng town: stores, churches, bus, etc :
plenty of room for chickens, gardpn. vege
tables fruits, etc : you can use your and
a* *oon e* you pay the $50 down prices
$790 and up. $50 down. $10 month. 35
minute* drive cm Lee blvd or Lee hwy
4'2 miles past Kamp Washington traffi
ight. See our Dig sign on left. Small.
Farms: four lane highway from Washing
ion: no turns. Open every day 2 p m
till darK Bring $10 deposit. Trailway*
bus passes u* on Lee hwy. —30
.<2.9.70 CASH—7 miles Colonial Beach:
86 acres neauttful view: G-mile front
age. good read unfinished 4-room bun
galow; barn and crib. Box 210-H Star.
100-ACRE STOC K FARM, near Ryan
Va . on good roac 12 acres woodland,
remainder m pasture and hay. apple
orchard plenty of water; good fences
7-rm. house: very fine view stock barn,
other necessary bldgs : bldgs in good
rond : arto. water system, elec : reason
ably pr red Possession at settlement. L
E BERKEY. exclusive ag6nt. Cali OW
3311. eves . GL 3382. —**7
A MONT. CO. com mut tag-distance farm
of 9'» acres. 6-room and bath home, l
tenant house: modern silo, large milking
bun. mar.y other outbldgs . is very reas
piced. 12-nr. road fioutage HERBERT
&r SONS Realtors 515 E. Capitol. LI
0129. Eves . RE 2019.
Buy only ferule land This 379-acre river
boitom caule farm is the best you can
get near D C Leesbure area l'a-mile
fron'age or Potomac For more details
<ai! OW 7997. REALTY BULLETIN -—27
COUNTRY ESTATE—590 acres, with 11
room modern Colonial mansion. 6 baths,
hot-water stoker heat; two new tenant,
houses. 3 extra good barns, silos and
other outbuildings, a . buildings either
built or remodeled situ e 1941: P-s-mile
frontage on river price upon request
shown by appointment on!y J. G HOL
SJNGER Av SON. 22 Rouss ate., Winches
ter. Ya. —27 !
BEST CATTI.E FARM in Montgomery Co
— 342 acres, entiiely in blue grass with ;
meadow on Senca Creek of a mile front
age; 11 -room ana bath beautiful old
vione house, h-w hea' 2 fireplaces in
living room large bank barn and all
other reeded buildings. OL 5401*. —27
Blr OWNER—Beautiful remodeled K-rm
Coion.al home, ail modern to 2baths.
Venetian blinds, oil h -w h : Ige lawn: good
outbid?" 2 acre*- or more Rt. 50: 12
miles beyond Fairfax Sign on property
Or tail l A. 7715
Ilf* A(RLs. Fairfax Co . Va : rolling land
30 acies cieaied c-.stom-built house. 7
vis old,* box-s'all barn. Ige stock, re
duced for Quick ‘ale Cal! OW. 54.77 -—27
CHARLES COl NTT—Profitable ]»>s-a :e
Jarm. about 25 mi. from D C’.. on both
‘ides of highway 227: h-nn asbestos
shingle farmhouse; railroad and stream
through property Priced $17,500 and
worth it. AJAX REALTY CO. 921 11th st
s.e . AT 52041 — 28
homes in the \ alleys and ints of beautiful
Va : farms ranging from 1«* acres to 1.000
a« re* in sire: and from $8,500 to $450,<»oo
These places are near 'ullage stores. 30
rain, to an hour from Wash or to other
large shopping and cultural centers. W’rite
wire or telephone u* about these homes.
Many with trout brooks that can be made
into swimming pools Buy your farm
from a realtor who places the seal of in
tegrity on all contracts EASTMAN A
SEAY. Realtors. FA 2520 -27
tiful setting this century-old farm of I To
acres excellent grazing land weil fenced
and ample water. 2 good barns. 40 acres
in limber The old house can be mod
ernized for gracious living: excellent lo
cation: commuting distance of Wa h ard
Pentagon $12,750 CAPUTI REALTY
Phone FA. 2122 or Hasmarket J5-F-3,
till 9 p m. _—28 1
In Fairfax County, less than 20 mi from
D C consisting of 4-bedrm * older type
frame home, remodeled and in new cond.
throughout l.st fl. contains liv rm
wi'h beautiful, large stone fireplace, din
rm . bedrm with full tiled bath large
tiled all-elec kit with pantry Spacious
sun porch and another porch running en
tire width of house 2nd fl 3 bedrms
and full tiled bath Hardwood floors,
bea itiful walis and fixtures throughout,
oil h - w h . 2 275-ga!. storage tanks. 2-car
masonry garage with 2-rm apt abo\e
4 stanchion barn, chicken house 1-6x30
1 other masonry outbid? AH bidgs. wired
and in new cond Lon? frontage on Sta'o
road. Ex- el. stream entire length of prop
erty Practically new tractor with attach
ments incl Price. $35,500 For appoint
ment to inspect, dial operator and a‘k for
Elmwood 322 or 325 (no toil charge*.
WM. H. LAUGHLIN. Realtor
McLean. Va —27
Tn operation. 6-room frame house large
chicken house, barn and other bldgs.:
*hade and shrubbery, high elevation: house
needs redecorating about *-> in cultiva
tion balance in woods: MO miles to D C :
*otal price. $12.50o. Also other properties
for sale See this property before you
buy For appt phone WHITES ELL REAL
ESTATE Vienna 280 Near Oakion School.
Closed Sunday_—27
ON NO. 1 HWY.. bet Alex, and Fred
ericksburg. Ingleside. Belvoir. Humphries.
Lorton. Woodlyidge—Farms, lot. acreage.
<odiand. business property, houses with
one acre and up CHESTER COOSWELL.
OX 1633. 736 No Albemarle st.. Arling
ton. Va—M7
70-ACRE FARM for rent or share basis 1
To couple, no children. Box 69-H jStar
beach cottaae. 6 rms 1 oaths, large
porch, good view of bay restricted to
college professionals $9,000: terms to re
liable person. Call Hobart 7371, 10 to 5
COBB ISLAND. MD—6-room and bath
furn bungalow inclosed porch elec,
jump artesian well, fireplace m liv. rm :
$1,000 down: $35 mo TA. 8136. 6-9 pm
CHURCH AND CIVIC organizations are
invited to hold their annual picnics dur
ing summer at Loch Haven Beach and en
joy the bathing beach, good water, etc..
without cost; make reservations. LOCH
HAVEN BEACH. INC.. Telephone OX.
; LOCK HAVEN—Lot with beautiful view,
choice section Contact SKIP MELLE
CHAMPE. phone West River 1M1-J —MS
SOUTH RIAER PARK—5 rooms fur
nished. bath, gas stove and h -w heater,
elec . garage pvt dock, fresh water
spring lot 100x200. Price, $10,000 cash.
Box 172-H, Star. 17*
ITT/-3 I
trrv jr-r this nonsense
.r-^^eOiNS TO STOP?
: Copf. 194S. Kirg Fcaturcsjyndiate^lngj
|Vorl.l n'&hrs reserved. ^ _{
SYLVAN SHORES—5-room cottage base
ment: ail modern conveniences: equipped
toi year around living 26 mi. from Wash
ington. approx 100-It sq. lot: numerous
snade trees, and shrubbery; $7 5on casn.
Call OWNER SH 7557. —27
FDGFW A TER, MU.-—Overlooking park and
mater tront: walking distance from Lee
Airport bus stop large fenced lot. at
tractive substantial 6-room house; 3 bed
room; modern bath and kilt hen ; house
suitable and used for vear round resi
dence; frees, shrubs and flowers; good
v. e., electric pump, oil h.-w.h good
financing: reasonable price; immediate
possession AD Kp26. or F. M. SPAUL
DING. WO 0160. —27
SEI.BY-ON-BAY — 120-foot water front
protected shore can dock 30-foot boat
bathing pier. lovely 'awn. trees, shrubs
and flowers, 6-room 2-story house large
living room with fireplace, sunny dining
room, screened porch overlooking water;
line modern kitenen equipment oil air
he;ii artesian well and eleciric pump
toncreie blo< k 2-car garage: good gravel
roadv ay AD 8026, or F. M. SPAUL
DING. WO. 0166. —27
SH BY-ON-THE-BAY, MD.--Approximately
2 acre.' nice 5-room bungalow. 2 screenea
porches, small guesthouse: large lawn and
garden space, garage and chicken house
Direc. ,01;■-. Selby-on-the-Bav is between
Woodland Beach and Beverly Beach. Md
turn left just past Selby sign at Jackson s
'•lore o Kramers place Can be seen
Sunday Owner on premises or call Gfc
:■ !9i or eve SL. 55IM». —27
LAKE JA( KSON—Water front lodge; most
bcaduu 1 o1:: Cf on lake featuring 27-ft.
i liv rm . 5o -q ft. picture window over
look me lake best construction. follow
signs “Gray" on north side of lake —27
BEVERLY BEACH—An unusually attrac
tive. d;;- tly overlooking the water, all
year -rou.na home story-and-hail ceilings,
si reened porch, large living room large
dining room. 3 bedrooms, full ba:n and
; large powd r roav. restaurant-sized elec
tric refrigerator, electric stove, oil heat,
water softener patio. large .ot, beautiful
beach very reasonably priced, available
immediately INEZ CUSHARD, OR 4232
or Annapolis Bay Vista 3341. —27
Annapo is. Chesapeake Bay area; furn and
unlurn.: come to cottage Ho-Hum on Major
rd . Beverly Beach. Md.: open. 1-6 Sun
Mrs Shearer, OW 6492. MYRTLE A
WEADON CO DI 4854 —26
Potomac at Gunstcn Manor All rms
kno’ty pine finished. $4,125: only $2 oO»*
SI MMLR HOME—Compl. furn on lot
liilixliMi: 2 bedrms. and common, bair
with shower, automatic hot water. Esso
tane gas. elec refer Cnl! Mrs Graves.
FR 3S3S. or contact- MRS. OLIFF at
Cedarhur t on th^ Bav. —26
and North Beach 1 block f'om bay. mod
conv . reasonable price NO 4331 . —26
BAY RIDGE, near Annapolis—Bay front
year-round home, in an area that offers
the conveniences of Chevy Chase wrth a
superb new of the bay and the ad
vantages of a modern home in the set
ting of shade trees The lge. from porch
is screened and glass inclosed for w.nter
use; liv rm with fir^pi . dm. rm , knotty
pine kit gas stove elec refer., auto,
laundry, lge. pantry, bedrm. and bath,
servant's rm. and rear screened porch on
1st fl The 2nd fl ha^ 4 bedrms and
full tub bath. The attic is insulated
Bsmt. with oil hear: 2-car garage: 2
shower bath houses Ige picture windows,
avail, immediately. Please phone OR.
4232 or Bay Vista 3341 —27
NEEI.D ESTATE. MD.. rn scenic knoll over
looking Chesapeake Bay Lge liv. rm
with fireplace, kit., 3 bedrms. and bath on
1st fi . 1 bedrm aid lge. dormitory on
2nd fi shower and pump rm in bsmt :
wide screened porches or. 2 sides: comp;
furn. including elec, refgr. and stove,
ready for your summer vacation. Through
Upper Marlboro, turn right on Southern
Md. blvd. at Wayson's Corner turn lelt
l 1 i mi. pad Huntington Town to Neeld
Estate Inquiie at Johnson’s Co’tage on
cor. of Braun dr. and Ridge rd , Sat or
Sunday. • —27
IDEAL SMALL ESI A 1 F on West K:*er—
Sand beach, good harbor pier, modern,
furnished 1 ambler cottage guest collage,
beautiful grounds under $20,000. WALTER
M BAUMAN. 1727 K st. n.w , NA 6229.
WO. "74 7 —26
ST. MARY'S BEACH—Two year-round
home? with approx 2 acres, overlooking
beautiful Patuxent River, price $7,500 and
$J4.6oo. with terms. For information, call
N C HINES & ‘rON. OX. 1660; eves. CH.
»M ns. —27
nished at Cedurhurst on Chesapeake Bay.
31 miles D. C near Shady Side, Md re
fit,ed. restricted community, good roads,
harbor pier, cottages $4,750 up lot* $300
up. easy terms; ciicular on request WAL
TER M. BAUMAN. 1727 K si. n.w.. NA
bath on Wear River, a m i . pi t pier, com
pletely turn ; pvt. owner. $11.50o. Call
PL. 0359, PL. 0570 See prop at 314
Loch dr.. Avalon Shore. Snady Side. Md..
or week ends.
F.DGEWATER BEACH—Modem year-round
home with picture window, overlooking
South River; on 3 large comer lots. 7 rms .
screened porch. 4 bedrooms. 2 oaths, 2i
fireplaces, air-conditioned cil heat. 3-rm
guesthouse, garage, bath houses, shade
trees, outdoor fireplace, gardens, pool.
Dri\e to Edgewater Beach. South River.
Ask for Kayior property. Annapolis 5143.
Many yachtsmen state that nag Harbor
will be the finest harbor on the Chesa
peake Bay between Annapolis and Solo
mons now under construction, come and
see the work in progress; year round
protection for craft drawing up to 6 ft.;
Flag Harbor section of Long Beach will
afford fine ciub facilities and beautiful
homesites; adjacent to large, private rec
reational aiea unexcelled bathing, boat
ing fishing and crabbing on open Chesa
peake Bay. visit now before official open
ing Drive 8 miles south of Prince Fred- ;
erirk on Solomons Island rd.. turn left at.
St. Leonard snd follow Long Beach signs
to office for directions and information.
Mail inquiries M. E. ROCKHILL. INC..
St Leonard. Md —27
fortunate lo have at this time several de
sirable homes for both summer or year
round livirg in Franklin Manor. Cedar
hurst. West Beach. Broadwater priced
from $6,950 to $16,750. For complete
details call Mr Cowden with MAGEE
RE 774" or HI. 7360 till 9 27*
for inspection. 5 rm. and bath cottage,
outside shower, mod elec, kitchen Ige
lot: terms —27
ft . elec., water and road to lot. cool
and quiet good boating, fishing and
swimming. $675. Lake Jackson. CH 5732.
LOCH HAVEN. 2 loft*, block from beach.
100x150 combined; reasonable AT. 1805
SAVE #200 TO $30# on 2 water-front lots
at a restricted beach, by buying mr
equity in . same. Call CH. 9118 from
9*a.m. to 6 p.m. —27
PREFAB BUILDING. 24x20 ideal for
shore property: all fixtures included Rea
sonable Call WI 8387 27*
from D C. modern log cabin, furnished:
deep water, well. elec, pump and wafer
heater, picture window overlooking lakei
Phone SI 0360: eves SH 9171. 27*
RHODE RIVER—Small home In a setting
of beautiful trees, situated at a point
near the bay where the river Is about
2 mi wide 4 rms . kit . shower bath and
screened porch lot over 200 ft. deep,
and more ground available if desired
Price only $6,750 Available immediatelv
INEZ CUSHARD, OR. 4232, or Annapolis
Bay Vista 3341 —27
WOODLAND BEACH — 3 bedrms.. bath
liv. rm . din. rm.. kitchen and screened-in
porch, beautiful fenced-in yard with plenty
of fruit trees and hot-house beds. Build
ing is partially furnished Priced to sell
Owner will be on property Sat. and Sun
day Call EM. 0038 —27
LOG CABIN (Wagon Wheel): 8 rooms,
bath: have own water supply; Lake Jack
son. near Manassas. Va $6,500. Call TR.
2087 or OW'NER will be at property Sat.
p m and Sunday —27
BEVERLY BEACH. MD—Wonderful beach
home, one of the nicest on the Chesa
peake: Ho Hum cottage on main road at
Beverly Beach 200 yards to nice sandy
beach: property includes 11 lots, peach
and apple orchard; aiso ige. cement tennis
court House has 9 rms 2 baths and
sleeping facilities for 19 All modern fur
niture including inner-spring mattresses
throughout. Also lie., mod. bar and deep
freeze. Lge . mod . elec. kit . 2 Frigidaires.
Stop at Ho Hum cottage or phone WI
0838 or DI. 4854. —27
FPPING FOREST nr. Annapolis—Charm
ing log cabin with private protected cove
for boats: swimming and crabbing; beau
! tiful view. Ige screened porches. Phone
ME 2425. Sunday and Monday, 8 a m.
to 1. —27
Beverly. Shoreham and Rhodes River:
i others near water W E. CRISER. Beverly
lave., Beverly Beach, Md. Wes; River 140.
MIMOSA COVE—700 yards beyond Deale.
Md.. highly restricted. 34 acres. 3.500
ft. waier front: lots 50x100; close tot
stores and fishing. We are interested in
people who desire beaut, homes. Agents
on grounds West River 80-P 21. —27
St LBV-ON-THE-BAY — Summer cottage
near beach and club house. O L. WIL
LIAMS, NA. 4033: eves, and Sunday, OR.
2304 —27
PINKY’ POINT. MD.—On Beach rd . 2nd
house from Lighthouse, completely fur
nished. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, good fishing
and swimming, sand beach. $16,0(M) on
terms. Owner occupied •
BAY RIDGE—Choice building sites. Beach
privi'.eges preseason low prices. Call
EM 8100 Broker co-operation solicited
A FINE SUMMER HOME situated in Shady i
Side. Md.. on a lot (40x175. fronting on
the West River, with full riparian rights,
house contains liv rm . dm. rm . kit . bath.
4 bedrms . nice sleeping porch, front and
rear porches, al! mod. convens., and is fur- ,
nished. and priced at $13,500, with terms.
This prop, is only 35 ml from Wash, and
amid highly desirable surroundings. A
good harbor for boats, and the West River
is ideal for fishing, oystering. crabbing,
bathing, boating and sailing. Schools,
churches* shopping and transp within 1
mi This prop can be inspected any time
by driving to the end of the road in West
Shady Side and note ‘House for Sale"
sign WILLIAM M. THOMAS. Realtor.
1703 R I. ave. n.w. Dl. 4135. eves, and
Sun HI. 9372 —27
WOODLAND BEACH—We have numerous
bungalows in this water-fronT area, only
22 miles from Washington, prices ranging
from $4,000. Phone Annapolis 5183.
Edgewater. Maryland. —27
CHESAPEAKE BAY—J-bedrm beach-front
home in splendid neighborhood, all con
veniences. perfect suimming. fishing,* etc.:
reduced. $8.20o. BOB NEELD, 2 miles
north of Prince Frederick, Md. Call Pr.
Fred 34-J. day or nigh
COTTAGE, all-year-around. 5 rooms, mod
ern. up-to-date, furnished in high-class
style, comple’e for housekeeping, near bay
from; lot 55x110. fenced in; front and
back porch screened in. 804 Chesapeake
at** North Beach. Md. 27*
SYLVAN SHORES. Riva. Md . South River
25 miles irom W’ash —2-room apt . all
modern conv. Call FR. 8854. —27
BAY RIDGE. MD on Chesapeake Bay. 23
Ma'o ave.—$10,500; attractive act. bunga
low on wooded lot 50x200; liv. rm. with
fireplace, din. rm. and kit., 3 spacious bed
rms with extra lse. closets, full bath with
<x*ra lavatory and shower; rioored attic
with space for 2 extra rms . from and side
screened porches, retgr. ana range in
cluded: completely furnished, immediate
po.ssession; excellent bathing beach. Di
lect.ons. Annapohs »o Bay Ridge entrance
and Bav Ridee dr . turn left a* Mayo ave,
and to our open sign. Open Sa*. and Sun
FRED A. SMITH. Realtor, exclusive. 1113
i7th at. n.w., RE. bdt>l. Open today and
Sunday. _ —20
Gentleman's Summer Home
Or home lor red and gun ciub with
beau! ful view across Aquia Creek and
Potomac River to Maryland shore: 2u
acres sloping down to Aqma Creek: sandv
beach, good baihing. boating, fishing and
duck shooting in season Main house
i'.as 8 rooms and 2 baths: large living
rot m w ith fireplace Large 4-room cot
*age. suitable for servants or guests: ga
rage. chicken house, storage for ‘oo s
and equipment, fine vegetaoie garden
line elec ricity. drilled veil and electric,
pump Property in excellent condition,
only 50 miles from Washington, over good
roads Price $35,000. Cal. Mr Addison
NA. 9300; eves, and week ends Fairfax
_1 4 i 7 K st _n w -27
Exclusive shore-front property. Complete
cottage of 4 rms and bath, plus lge
screened porch Built beneath a canopy of
shade, cool. Quiet, comfortable and re
freshing Just a place for the family
these hot summer raos For further in
formation. cad Mr. Florence.
2304 Wilson blv d _OW._9300_—27 _
EDGE WATER BEACH. South River—30
mi. D. C. nicely furn : spotlessly clean.
4 rms bath, adults. Annap 5630 30*
MODERN COTTAGE. Colonial Beach. Ya :
$60 week. Cali Engieside 47-J-2 or I or
ton 60 —o
COLONIAL BEACH. VA.—Furn. 6-room
house, sleeps p. gas, elec . water: rent by
month. Box 212. Colonial Beach. Va
NEW 2 BFDRVf . BATH cottage at Mason s
Beach, available from June 25-Julv ]l;
er»s stove. Fiigidatre: reas. Call MR.
MASON West River 239-F-14. —26
NEW' APTS., available July I at 1st and
Bryant sts Colonial Beach. Va—3 large
rooms, furnished; large screened porch,
bath, a.m.i., $300 mo.: $60 wk. no
BEAUTIFUL NEW' 1-room apts. on wa’er
iront; gas stove elect, refgr . complete
buth. beat anchorage quiet, cool: immed
poss ; season. $4 25 or monthly. Dpa>
Md Phone West River 104-F-2 —2T
4-ROOM APT , 1 blk. from waterfront:
Ocean City. N. J.; available July :< to
10. $70 week HO 4,078. —27
land ave . Chesapeake Beach. Md $35 per
wk now available. A FREEDLEY. phone
North Beach 10-J. —27
attractive 2-room and kitchen water-front
cabin, furnished, including canoe, elec,
end running water;, reasonable rental 1
Call OL. 3008
EPPING FOREST — 3-bedroom furnished
house, month or two weeks. July. DU
6859 27*
cottage, modern, sleeps 8 to 10: over
July 4th or occassional weekly rentals.
North Beach 69 -—27
GOOD-SIZED, cogy cottage, strictly mod
ern. well furn.. for remt. Call SL. 6201.
un B.ir coiiage. rum . « rms. porcn:
near Deal? Md.. elec., gas; nice place
UN 7132 after noon. —27
SHORE HAM BEACH on Chesapeake Bay.
ant.. 2 bedrooms, comb, living room and
dining room by week, month or season.
$50 per week. Phone West River 232-F
MASON BEACH. Deale. Md —2 bedrm
apt . running water, elec stove, ice box
THE ERBS Melbourne ave. 27*
8-room furn home with bath, sleeps 8;
adults preferred tefs ; July and Aug.
$300 mo WI. 2718; CL 5438. —27
SH4DY&HIDE. MD.—Cottage right on
bay: July 22nd to Aug. 15th and Aug 21st
on; $80 wk. West River 81-F I3. MRS
NEW APARTMENT, furnished. $56 week;
accom 4 persons: on Weit River Direc
tions Go through Marlboro to Deale. then
to Thomas Lumber Co . Shady Side. Md .
turn left to church, right to post office,
left to first road, then to Clayton’s cot
tage. 27*
EPPING FOREST. MD.. nr. Annapolis—
Delightfully furnished cottage, directly on
water, 4 bedrms . elec . phone, magnificent
view; swimming, crabbing. July 1st to
Oct 1st Phone ME ’ 2426. Sunday and
Monday. 8 a m. to 1. —27
COLONIAL BEACH—2 apts.. sleeping fa
cilities for 4 people ea . more can be
added: elec. gas. hot water; $40 per wk
for each. Call AD. 9547. or CO. 8589
tages and ants and rms. by week. LIL
LIAN VAN AUK.EN. Dickinson 451. —30
MAINE CABIN, by tea. forest background:
secluded but near neighbors, large, primi
tive, yet adequate $175 to Sept 1st.
WI. 6584 —27
home repair loans, with convenient month
ly payments for minor repairs or remodel
ing from cellar to attic Personal loan
and Eye tts n.w—28
TOW RKALTY CO.. Realtor*. 1331 O it
n.w . ME. 2495.
1st AND 2nd TRUST LOANS on real estate
in D C . Md and Va. MR. DRAISNER
1404 L St. n w NA. 4157.
trust. No red tape Quick service HENRY
SALUS established 1924. NA. 1262. 1104
Vermont ave n.w.
TRUSTS. 1st. 2nd and 3rd: Md . Va. and
D C: it's service. ADAMS REALTY
CO., 905 N. Y ave. n.w RE. 1612.
%»d TV RAT NOTES purchaaod Call NA.
bay second-trust notes. D. C.. nearby Md.
or Vs. Reasonable rates. NATIONAL
N. Y. ave. n.w. National 5833 ,
1st AND 2nd TRUST LOANS—Cash In 24
hours. GERALD REALTY CO., 412 5th at.
n.w. DI. 5995.
MORTGAGE LOANS, current Interest rate:!
no charge for appraisals. MOORE & HILL
CO.. 804 17th st. n.w ME. 4100.
1st AND 2nd TRUST LOANS—Prompt
and courteous service Before borrowinc
9th st. n.w. RE. 6660.
FIRST-TRUST LOANS on real estate: low
rates; 3 or 5 year terms and monthly
payments. P. J WAUSHE. INC . 1115 Eye
st. n.w NA. 646*
CASH FOR 2nd TRUST NOTES (white oi
i colored)—Quick settlement. Prefer per
I sonal calls to telephone calls. FULTON;
>R GORDON. 1427 Eye st. n.w., DI. 5230
Bokers attention_
4%—Money to Loan—4co
; 1% ON D. C. improved property; no
charge for appraisals; look up what you
are now paying and see us; we can save
you money.
Howetistein Realty Corp.'
j 1418 H_st. n * DI. 7877. —
FIVE PEE CENT INTEREST, several con- !
! servative 3 and 5 vr straight first trust i
' notes, secured on new homes. Call MR 1
| LATONA NA. 3 737: eves . EM 4924. —27 j
FINANCING private sales our specialty: If
you are buying or selling an automobile,
iet us finance it for the purchaser NOLAN
FINANCE CO . 1102 New York ave. n.w
Republic 1200.!
GARAGE (single), for rent: rear 407 Rock
Creek Church rd. n.w.; ?5 month. RA
>H57 —26 i
BUILDING. 16x40. with 16-ft. ceiling;
rear, 225 C st. sm ; $35 month. Cai!
NA. 1353. —27
AUTO BODY WORKS, equipped with
compressor, eiectric and acetylene welding
outfit. grinder. air hammer., battery
chaiger, sprinkler system. 360 L st. s.w.
GARAGE WANTED, near Valley Vista
apartments. Ashmead pi 20th st. n.w.
Box 220-H, Star._27* {
JEEP 194 b. perfect, cent! . rower rake-off:
never used; hydraulic lift and plow;
$1,000. Call AD. 0043. —26
JEEP ENGINES, new or rebuilt: will fit
military t-r civilian jeeps and all Willy*
cars; good for marine conversion; terms,
if desired HUNTER MOTORS- 1*01 Prince :
st . Alexandria. Va . phone OV. 1440._i
taxicabs: j
LATE MODEL TAXICABS bouaht and sold;
cash or terms. ROBEY MOTOR SALES.
1201 Mt._Oiivet_rd._n.e. _TR. 2300._
G14DER, Travelite. Goshen, for the finest
trailer living In the world. Some models
with shower and flush toilets. Trade in
your auto or used trailer on a new trailer
Easy terms. COLIE TRAILER CO., 8200
Georgia ave.. Sligo 8202.
of perfection in furnishings and interior
finish, shower bath, easy terms. COLIE
TRAILER CO. 8200 Georgia ave. Sligo
8202. —26
LIBERTY TRAILERS. 21. 23 V7 ana 33
feet: cooler m summer; warmer in winter.
Also good used trailers IJEETER-WALDEN
TRAILER SALES. Wash -Balto. blvd., TO.
AT RICHTER'S, engineering skill reaches
a new high in the 30' tandem wheel Spar
tan Mansion that makes it the choice of
those who desire a combination of the
extremely practical and the very beauti
ful. Imagine the livability of our 33' Su
perior. b sleeper with shower and toilet
Luxury, beautv and efficiency are the key
note to the designers of tne 29' Vindale
Direct factory distributors of several other
leading trailer coaches in both masonite
and aluminum priced Irom $1,495 to
$4,495. We C3rrv a large line of acces
cations. Wach.-Balto blvd.. Berwvn. Md
Telephone Tower 5035
SPECIAL—Luggage trailers. $50: also
trailer undercarriages, complete with tires,
wheels, spring and axle. $59. RICE
MOTOR CO , 1824 Bladensburg rd n e
BEAUTIFUL 21-FT. ELCAR trailer must
be seen to be appreciated: ae luxe interior,
4 full-length mirrors. 2 rms.; reas. SH
87 2b. —29
HOWARD 1947. 28 ft : practically new
a,i conveniences Lot 223, Temple Trailer
Village. Alexandria. 27*
pearance. finest construction exquisitely
turn . reas. priced. WAHL TRAILER
SALES. 2nd ave. and Colesville rd.. Silver
Spring Md SH. 8556. —30
MUST SELL this week end. 25-ft. Schult
house trailer, good condition; $3,095 or
best offer C. FFTT. Cherry Hill Trailer
Park. Baltimore blvd.. Berwyn. Md. 27*
WANTED—Luggage trailer, used. $40
limit. SH. 1690. —27
TRAILER—Camping and luggage: icebox,
storage cabinet; drop down metal sides
pd.Listable top, compact, light, reasonable
130] Kenilworth ave. n.e. VI 1180. 27*
27-FT. AMERICAN J94b: completely equip
ped: excel, cond . ideal location in Be
th esria: $2 650. WI 4479 —27
TRAILER—2 rms.. 22-ft, long. perf. cond
privatelv owned: bargain for quick sale.
Phone Tower 5424. —27
TRAILER. 2-wheel, steel body with rack:
$115. J 305 Saratoga ave. ne. HO.
6449 —27
' assrd to fr excellent condition. Call
CL. 001 7 before noon Sunday —27
1917 SIIVKR I ARK. lb-ft light
weight aluminum trailer all conveniences
like new $1,150 Can be seen Sal and
Sun , Lot 15. Tourist Camp, Ha ins Point.
LUGGAGE TRAILER—2 wheel 4x7 body
ion. >7 5 cash Cal! OW. 3682 —27
TRAIL! R-All aluminum, accom 4. elec
rpfgr . Butanp gas stove, own w ater sys
tem. matching drapes curtains through
■11■ ' > nfTr: RA. 2136._
io v in?, new and used trailers, built by
world-famous Tail*- manufacturers
1948 Schult i.uxury Liner $2.996 80
1948 &hult Offi< e Shell _. 1.53194
1948 Zimmer 1-passenger 3.584 46
1948 Howard Tandem 3 395.00
l 94 7 Zimmer 4-passPn<?er 2.650.00
I 94 7 Sc hult Luxury Liner 2.996,00
3 94 2 Schult Luxury Liner (as it) 1.895 00
1940 Schult 1,695.00
Open daily and Sunday. :» a m to 9 p m
Wi~ ave Phone WO 3231_
AUTO PAINTING—Complete Job. $60; se
lect your color: work guaranteed ADDI
SON CHEVROLET 1522 ! 4 th st. nw.
HO 7500
COMPI.FTF JOB. $85 up- work guaran
teed GILBERT. 4J.02 Pa ave. ext. se
HI. 4524
FINEST AUTO PUNTING, tender apd body
work nn!v skilled men work on your car
reasonable prices ARLANDRIA SUPER
AUTO SERVICE. 1705 Mt Vernon ave
Alexandria 9024._
NEW EXCELSIOR—For boys 14 to 66; the
finest motorbike to ride; 5-speed tians .
sa\e gas; 160 mi. per gal. ALLCRAFI
OW 4404. —27
CUSHMAN ’48: 54B like new: ^mbo
wheels; also '46. *47. Save at ALLCFAFT
3136 No. 10th. Arl OW. 4464. Open till
P —27
nomical. new $149 50 up. snappiesr
lookinR scooters on the street. TA 4221
MOTOR SCOOTER. Cushman, late model
new. unused, balloon tires, lights, wind
shield. sid'4 car. $300 cash. Call NA
4740 or WO 2448. —27
model. ex< client condition; $160. CO
5142. 26*
HARLEY.DAVIDSON mosoreycle. 1942
•‘4 5’ . good condition; $300. Can be
seen at 1235 Perry st. ne, MI. 07J1.
11445 INDIAN CHIEF; motor completely
overhauled: new gears owner leaving
town: $510 WA. 4iU7. —26
B. S. A. 1946 B-32; competition with
chrome road equip.. 6.500 mi : reas
priced; must sell, leaving town. DU. 6649
INDIAN Chief 46 equipped; never spilled:
must sell immediately. $676: $275 down
3716 Bladensburg rd n e. —27
SELLING AT COST—8 American Moto
scoots (demonstrators); must go UN
8757 —27
INDIAN 1948. lust overhauled, needs
painting $175 or best offer; may be seen
at Cole^viHe Motors Colesville. Md —26 ,
CUSHMAN SCOOTER. 1945. with sidecar
for packages or passengers D C inspected
and tit ed; perfect condition; priced for
quirk sale. $160. DU. 7 860
tor. new bacx tire and tube, very good
condition- $100 CH. 2357 —27
MATCHLESS. 1947; forced to sacrifice a
sweet running job with ots of extras.
Can OR 1675. —28
CUSHMAN 1947. mode! 54; A-l condition.
7 mos. old; big saving. OL. 1970. —27
MOTORCYCLE, 1944 Harley Davidson. 74
h.p., like new Apt. 1. 3068 30th st s e
HA RLE! Y DAVIDSON SO'*; spotlights,
shield, bags. dble. crashbars. new tires,
chains, muffler; $400. RE 0307. 11oto 6
new motorbike with everything; Passes
D C. inspection; immed. delivery, get
vours new for July 4th holiday trip
under $300 ALLCRAFT 3136 No. 10th
Arl., OW. 4484. Open till 9. Sun . Hi;4
INDIAN fPony > 1938: mechanically per
fect; just overhauled for cross-country
trip; $225. NA. 7270. —27
with shaft drive; immediate delivery on
new Norton. Triumph. B.S A. aiyl Java
motorcycles, also few guaranteed usea
machines CYCLE CENTER. 912 6th st
nw. FX 0811 —2.
haRley-davidson 46 "*i " ° ^
extras, lots of chrome. $595. GL. ^4892
HARLEY-DAVIDSON 74 cubic in . 1934;
buddy seat. $130. 524 Fern pi. n.w GE
6571 —*-1
4516 Rltt.enhouse st.. Riverdale, Md .^UN.
HARLEY ’48 “74 ' ohr: extras, lights,
saddle bags, buddy seat and chrome:
worth J70U seenfice at *595. OW_4464
CUSHMAN ■54" late '47: gears and motor
In' excel, cond. Call 8H. 8763_—'_
wiTCAN GIVE you the ultimate In motor
cyclins enjoyment. New A. J S.. Match
less Triumph and the exciting new light
weight Excelsior lor immediate delivery.
Sensational used machines:
1945 Har -Dav., 125ec.. 1,100 mi $22o
1948 Har-Dav o h v.. de luxe equip .95
1947 Triumph SDeed Twin „„i£5
Trade and terms. ALLIED MOTOR
CYCLE SALES 2014 M st. n.w. RHJ073.
FORD Hx-ton panel truck: *1.000 or best
offer. Call CH. 2889 weekdays. Bun .DU.
8474. —2<
INTKHNATIOWAL trot 1»S» ltU»: «ood
condition; $406 or boot oner. HENRY'S
FURNITURE CO . 1325 7th «t. M. ML
9448. —-30
Centra' Motor Co. has ail kinds of sixes
of good dumps, dump bpdys. stakes, trac
tors. panels, pickups, vans, van bodys.
half-tracks. Army 4x4. 6x6 trailers, waur
tsnks. oil tanks, etc. Our prices are the
lowest We here a few that can be
bought st tremendous savings. See our
display today CENTRAL MOTOR CO.,
3200 Lee hwyArt.. CH. 7000 Army
parts and service and other good truck
bargains at our Alex truck plant. 1201
Oronoco st., Alex., Va. Overlook 1500.
INTERNATIONAL '39 **-ton panel tnick:
overhauled, clean throughout. exceDent
tires, equipped with heater and ladder
rack, liquidating paint business will sac
liflce for $795 cash. Phone National I
FORD pan*l truck '37: in use: $276 or
trade for 1 *-* stake body. 1808 Kalorama
rd n.w. —27
FORD 1946 t»-ton pickup: $800. used
for delivery only. Call TE 0960. —-«
CHEVROLET 1946 llw-ton; 12 ft. van;
lood condition; one owner: best offar.
RE 4884 1*
FORD 1939 l’a-ton van side and z^ar
door, good cond., $696-$!50 down. SH.
8502. —27
REO DUMPS—One 1947 model 21 one
1948 model 19 Trucks have steady jobs
and excellent drivers Priced at $3,000
each or will sell equity. $1,100 down on
1948 and $2,200 down on 1947. Balance
financed in local bank. This is an ex
cellent opportunity as my records will
show No triflers please. Overlook 6209
DODGE I-s-ton panel truck 3934: 3 prac
tically new tires: $176. COLE8VTLLE
MOTOR CO . 1 mi. N. of Colesville. Ma.
—-6 i
CHEVROLET 1940 *4-tan panel: excel
mechanical cond.: good appearance: $695.
rail RA. 2424 between Sam. and 6 xrtD
INTERNATIONAL 1641 H-ton piosl
Pbon, Trinidad 3316. —26 .
KEO 1646 heavy duty truck: haa insulated
body: good for meat or frozen food.
Driven only 16.000 miles A big savings
at $”.260 BURROWS MOTOR CO . »<*>
M st. s.e. TR. 8300. —26
DODGE 1H4H '-j-lon pickup: low mileate:
$1.246. BURROWS MOTOR CO.. 900 M
st. s.e. TR. S300. —26
LORD 1942 pickup truck: $500 or best
WELDING CO. 2361 Sherman ave. n.w.
AD. 6100 —2.
DODGE 194 6 ’-i-ton panel, like new. Ap
ple REDS GARAGE 24 H st n e —30
DODGE 1947 truck cab over enaine. 3-yd
dump bed; only 3.716 miles; $2,000. CaL
UN. 1239 —2 ■
DODGE 1948 tractor, new and 26-ft. flat
trailer will sell cheap. Call Union 4292 ■
after 6 p m 2.*
CHEVROLET 1947 truck. Boyer Town
package delivery body, with extras. ton:
will sacrifice. Call LI. 1828 or DI. 92.4.
between 9 a rn/and 6 p.m. —‘.6
DODGF 1937 ^-ton panel Va inspected.
A -1 condition throughout: must sell, will
sacrifice for *2 price. Call FA. 4031
CHEVROLET, late 1940 Vj-ton panel:
excel, cond.. exceptionally clean through
out: recently painted. See to appreciate.
$575. TR. 9007 or LU. 6146. —2.
CHEVROLET 1941 pickup, with canopy
top. mechanically perfect with good body.
A real buy. $695. OV. 1440.
ATTENTION, BUILDERS — 1 -ton heavy
duty. Chev. stake: new cond . delivered
Jan. 1948, 6 500 mi.: your* for $2,000
Also 1941 Chev. Metro, type van: runs
fine, new paint: $495. NEWTON'S TRANS
FER. CH 8695. —27
GMC 1948 2-fon with seasoned oak cattle
body. 13 ft. by 8 ft. Call Rockville 2778.
GMC 1941 6x6 dump: best offer. Phone
Victor 4196 —5
CHEVROLET 1942 panel truck: excellent
shape; will sell or trade on car. Union
8617 —27
AMBULANCE. 1937 Henney; Packard mo
tor completely overhauled airen, 2 red
lights, 2 stretchers, oxygen equipped
Dain:. tires good condition: the whole car
in good shape. $650. Call any morning.
TE. 1793. 27*
FORD 1946 pickup: like new. equipped
with radio, the ideal thing for your busi
ness; $400 down, or your car or truck in
7 14 O st . corner oi 8th n.w, DE. 4700.
CHEVROLET 1937 panel: new motor, in
good condition. $200. See at 220 L st. n.e.
DODGE 194 7 pickup; good cond : price.
$1,175 NO 6655 —27
DODGE 1942 panel: good cond.; $600.
TA 2217 3931 14t.h st. n.w. —27
CHEVROLET 1940 i2-ton panel: very good
condition, price. $595. Michigan 34J9.
FORD 194?: 10 885 miles, good condition.
All good tires, cab over engine, two-speed
axle, with 16-ft. chassis, with special
built steel body 8 ft wide: with jacks for
loading, can carry 10 tons: $2,500 Can
be seen daily after Mon . 8 to 4. at Jef
ferson Manor subdivision. 1 ‘a mi so.
of Alexandria, near Penn Daw Hotel.
Passed Srate inspection. Call AD. 4206jor
further information_—27_
TRICKS! TRUCKS! — 3 940 Chevrolet
chassis and cab. <345
1940 Chevrolet, 6take. $445
1940 Chevrolet, chassis and cab. $995.
BARRY aPATE MOTOR .CO , 1130 Conn.
a ye._n.w , RE 7878._ —2 ■_
THE BEST OF ALL comes from 8mall
’40 Plymouth ’*-ton pickup - $850
40 FonJ *2-ton pickup - 9J0
42 Ford l^a-ton. stake body *9o
40 Dodge -ton express pickup 1.395
FRANK SMALL INC. 1301 Good Hope
rd s.e , 2001 Nichols are • LI. 30/8
1945 GMC 3-ton c.o.e. tractor $3 475
1940 GMC l^-ton. 12-ft. van 575
1041 GMC 212-ton. cAc _ p95
1939 GMC 2V*-ton. cAc 425
1939 GMC 3 *2-ton. 12-ft. van 295
GMC TRUCK A COACH. 30 M at. n e.
ME 05<»5_—29
AUTOCAR, tractor model, l-.t-r., 3939;
10 20 tires, sleeper cab; White half-track
engine- excel cond throughout; $1,475
Federal tractor 1947. model 29-M-2.
3 tons. 9 2o tires: guaranteed like new.
Chevrolet 1942. coal and Ice body; $575.
Dump*, all sizes all in excel cond.
SHERIFF MOTOR CO. 900 R. I. are n e.
MI 5000_—27_
1942 Ford, chassis and cab- »4P5
1947 Ford, van 1
1942 Ford COE stake - *50
1937 Ford, boiling - 3*5
1937 Ford, bot'ling _ 39o
1940 GMC. panel ....
194 1 GMC. panel - Jr*
1989 Ford, van . «2o
A'l ol the above in first-class cond. and
read" to roll. STEUART MOTOR CO.
Oth and N_Y ave. n.w . NA. 3000 — 2ti
var,s. stakes, panels and pickups for hire
bv day. week or month. PUBLIC SERVICE
hou”. Job or "ontracl: very dependable
a, nice. Ca l WM. H DAVIS, AT. 7599;
afler 9 am. TW. 885:7. —27»
All advertisement* offering aoto
mobiles for sale must inclnde
actual selling price of car.
AUSTIN, new 1948; prompt delivery and
a choice of colors; 35 miles Per gaUon;
larger, roomier, safety steel bodies with a
continental design, hydraulic brakes
.eather upholstery Dorset sedan, fully
eqirpped inci hea'er and defrosters, only
81 595 delivered; terras and traae MAH
of 7th ar R si. n w Phone NO. <55,
AUSTIN used 1947 <.eaan: $! 19n also
M o Rolls Royce Jaguar. TriumDh and
oihers JACK PRY 16tb and Pa ave
s.e. or uptown branch. 1133 loth st
n w RF 5252 . .
BANTAM i!»38: motor just overhauled,
perfect condition. passed Virginia inspec
tion $400 or best offer. Overlook 0519.
BV 1UK 1940 Super 4-dr $! 045. STAN
LEY H HORNIER INC Hih and Fa ave.
n r AT. 6464 Open Saturdays —28
BUCK 1940 7-pass sed orig b!k pajnt
new tires, r. and h.; $1,095. HALEY 8
2020 M st n.w NA. 1900 —28
BUICK 1941 4-dr r h . original black,
nerf^t condition. $K295 VEGAS MOTOR
CO . 4869 MacArthur blvd WO 4869
BUICK 1947: like new: one owner; fully
equipped. $2,750 or beat offer. OX <1743
Hl’ICK 1939 special 2-door sedan $77iv
Will take motorcycle in trade A1JLIED
MOTORCYCLE SALES. 2014 M st. nw.
RE 5073 —2.
BUICK 1947 Super conv. coupe with r
and h white side-wall tires lots of other
extras; 7.000 mi.; canno* be told from
brand new; $2 995. COLIE MOTOR CO ,
8232 Georgia ave.. 8L._82oO. —27
BUICK 1947 com . mktocn. low mileage,
w -f.. tires; $2,800 FA. 4*193. 29*
BUICK 1941; radio and heater: two-tone
green, perfect condition: $1,350. W’ood
lev 5712 . —26
BUICK 1948 Roadmaster Dynaflo conv
coupe. 9 days old. $3,975 BRENTWOOD
MOTORS. 1717 R. I. ave. n.e.. DU. 287..
BUCK 1947 sedanette: fully equipped
dark green, not a scratch; $2,675; cash,
trade, terms BROCHE MOTORS. 4432
Conn, ave n.w . WO 3249 till 9. —28
BUICK 1947 convertible Roadmaster. r
and h many other accessories; car like
new: guaranteed; $3,095; cash, trade,
terms BROCHE MOTORS, 4432 Conn
ave . WO. 3249 till 9. —28
BUCK 1940 special 4-dr sedan, new
paint, excel, tires high oil pressure, clean
throughout: $1,045: guaranteed and terms.
burg rd n.e. We buy. we sell used cars.”
AT. 0200 .—27
BUCK 1938 5-passenger limited: new
motor in good cond : $790. Car can
be seen at Invest. Bldg. Garage. 1514
L st n w —27
BUICK 1947 Roadmaster convertible: fully
equipped beautiful condition: will sac
rifice below market at $2,995; private
owner. 1343 Rittenhouse st. n.w . RA
1662. —27
BUCK 1941 4-dr. 2-tone green Special
Please call OX. 4778 after 3 p m. $1,100.
Look it over and try it out.. ,2,*
.K ICK 1938 black coupe; r. and h good
condition, priced only $675. CAPITOL
st n w NA. 3300 —2.
BUCK 1946 com. coupe Roadmaster.
heater, radio spotlight, finish is maroon,
appearance and condition practically
same as new; $2,795. CAPITOL CADIL
LAC-OLD8MOBILE CO. 1222 22nd st.
n.w NA. 3300. 2*
BUICK 1341 special sedanette; r. and b
a very clean ear all around; motor tn top
condition; price cut to $1 ,246_ guaranteed
020 Bladensburg rd. n.e. “We buy. we
sell used cars." AT. 0200. -'
BUICK 1048 Super cony coupe. black
light top. r and n w.w. tires; #00 miles
$3,506; rash trade, terms ^°Pen eves
til 9 Sun ’til 5 $ATCHKR MOTORS-1
INC 5100 Wia. are. n.w.. WO. 8361. —28
BUICK 1942 special 4-dr sedan; randh
We ve spent at our coat. $320 to bring
this car into top mechanical condition.
It s really good Priced oght at $1,-45.
Guaranteed and terms NORTHEAST
MOTOR CO used-car lot) 3901 Minn,
ave. n e. “We buy. we ecll used care.
U. *100. —27
BCICK 1*41 Special 4-dr . (two, r. and
h, new motor; rauat pay $800 bank note
on car; best offer oyer $000. Tele. RE.
4142. Kit- 4849 weekdays.
BCICK 1947 Roadmaster; like new, fully
equipped, $2,750 or best offer. GL. ~^84.
BCICK 1939 2-dr. sedan: $775; will ’take
motorcvcle in trade; terms. ALLIED
MOTORCYCL* SAIJB. 2014 M at. nw.,
RK. 5073. —28
BCICK 1947 Super conyertible club coupe;
r. and h . low mileage. in perfect cond .
has never been hit; $2,695: will take late
model in trade or $550 down on approved;
credit. BRENTWOOD MOTORS. 1717
R I. ave. n.e. DU. 2877. —27
BCICK 1942 4-dr aedan: moderately used;
$1,450 Call any time. CO. 3825. —28
Bl'ICK '47 Super conv . r and h , black,
black lop. white-wall tires, low mileage
$2,995; 30-day guar. 72 cars, one loca
tion indoors HILL 4 TTBBITT8. 1114,
Vermont ave. n w., Wash s oldest Ford
dealer. NA. 9850. —28
BCICK 1941 Roadmaster 4-door de luxe,
sedan, excellent condition; $1,496 TA. ]
1786. ' —'28 !
BCICK 1941 special 4-dr : black; new;
brakes and transmission, motor over
hauled beater and seat covers: ortg
owner; $1,095 OL. 6481 —27 I
BCICK 1947 Roadmaster conv. coupe: r j
and h. whitewall tire*, spare never used.,
2.900 miles: sell less than list price I
$2,950: desire small car in trade terms!
can be arranged. MR CALLAHAN. OX. |
0344 -27
BCICK '42 Roadmaster conv . r and h..
blue, black top. mech ok.: wonderful 1
pickup qualities $1 395: 30-day guar'
72 cars, one location indoors HILL A
TIBBrrrS. 1114 Vermont ave n w„
Wash, s oldest Ford dealer, NA. 9850.
BCICK 1937 convert : rumble seat, new
top paint, water pump. gen., lgn , bat_
$625 or best cash offer. HO. 1449. —27 j
BCICK 1941 Sedanette with new motor in
stalled in Jan . '48: will sacrifice at $1,250.
Reason lor selling—have new car. HI.
3331. j —26
motor in A-l cond . sun top. r and h .:
$1,195. Owner needs cash DI. 8297. —27
Bl’ICK 1946 Roadmaster 4-dr : $2,345
ave. n.e.. AT 6464. Open Saturdays —28
BCICK 1946 Super 4-dr.: $2,195 STAN
LEY H. HORNER INC . 6th and Fla. ave.
n e . AT H464. Open Saturdays. —28
BCICK 1940 Super 4-dr sedan r. and h .
new tires, recent clutch, transmission,
urake job: $1,150 or make offer. 3180|
18th st. no . Arlington OL. 1853. —2/
BCICK 1947 Roadmaster 4-door sedan:
radio, heater, seat covers; $2,700. See
garage. 1337 D st. s.e. —27 .
BCICK 1941 4-door Special: $1,350.
or best offer; in aood condition 13
Everett «t.. Kensington, Md WI 2731
BCICK 1941 4-dr, black: original own-i
er; low mileage; in storage 2 years.
$1,395. or best offer. Call CH. 1152
BC1CK 1947 Super convert : low mileage,
like new: ail extras; best offer over
$2,500 ME 3366. 10 to 6 wkdays —27
BCICK 41 Super sedan radio, heater
new oversized tires, ready to ride; $995
special price. JA 1698. —27
BCICK 1948 Super de luxe station wagon
dark-green finish, black top. white-wal
tires, radio, heater, defrostera: beautiful ;
and rich looking. Must sell for less than
list: $3,150 North 4095 —27 (
BCICK 1933 4-dr sedan: fair tires, good
motor. 2 new springs; $17 5 May be seen
at COLESVILLE MOTORS, Colesville. Mo
BCICK 1947 Roadmaster convert : maroon
finish tan top r. and h . and other ac-1
cessories Royal Master tires. Lifeguard
tubes 9 600 miles: excel, cond through
out For sale by original owner at $3,100. j
DE 8100. Ext 416. —2'
BCICK 1947 very late Super 4-door
dark green 2.900 actual miles, cannot
be told from new, $2,690 or best offer
under AX 0960 27* j
BCICK 1947 Super conv : r and h $- -
511! Wis. ave. WO. 1699 Many others
to choose from. Open eves, till 9.: Bun-:
day till 5 . .!
BCICK 1947 Roadmaster sedan r and
SALES. 5111 WIS. ave * WO. 1699 Many
others to choose from. Open eves ^_t 111
9 Sunday fill 5. . .—"j,
BCICK 1947 Super 4-dr.: r and h.: $2.-;
5111 Wis ave. WO 1699. Many others,
to choose from. Open eves, till 9; Sunday
till 5. —2' |
BCICK 1942 Roadmaster conv : r and In; .
5111 Wis. ave . WO. 1699 Many others
to choose from. Open eves, till 0; Sun
day till 5. ^ , , —?.<. . I
Bl’ICK 1940 4-dr Special seoan: light
green, good radio, heater and seat covers,
paint and entire car in excellent condi- j
tion; orifinal owner; 51.100. CH. 6311
BI'ICK 1989 Century: good cond: new
transmission, clutch, good tires; *695^ or'
best offer. LI. 5812. —27
BUCK 1939 Ford or sedan; radio and
heater; immaculate Interior, line body
*77 5 RE 3366. DEALER —'27 j
BI'ICK 1947 Super conv coupe; radio'
and heater, low mileaae: must sell; $2.
850. terms OWNER, OW. 4072 —27
BI'ICK 1940 Special 4-door sedan: new
paint, radio and heater perfect mechani
cal condition *995 Cash, trade or terms
BILL MOTORS. 5010 Wisconsin ave n w
WO 8900 —28
BI'ICK 1947 8uper convertible: radio,
heater, other extras, this car driven only
6.0(10 miles just like brand new Special.
Sat and Sun *2.795 trade or terms
24 months to pay BELL MOTORS. 6010
Wisconsin ave n w . WO. 8900. —28
BCICK 1948 Special 4-dr sedan: new, has
everything extra possible. built at
factory; *2.976 WO 5330. —2*
BI'ICK 1941 conv . runs good, looki good
r and h.: *1.195. DU 8847 —27
BI’ICK 1947 Roadmaster 4-dr. tcdan:
black: '.ess than 200 miles white sidewall
tires r and h.: *3.non. Call bet. 10 am
and 3 p m AD 8916. ^ —27
BOCK 1946 4-dr 8uper radio and
heater: showroom appearance; very low
mileage: *2 195 low down payment .
GREENWAY. 3900 Minn ave ns. AT.
3616. . —28 t
BI’ICK 1936 4-door sedan: 4 new tires ;
seat covers, radio black: clean: com-1
Plate motor and rrar end checked, excel-,
lent condition, S650 EM 0203 •—2.
CADILLAC 1948 "62 ' series 4-dr sedan:
black. Hvdra-Matic. while General tires.
Lifeguard tube' seat covers, less than
500 miles; *5.395 LEEDS MOTOR CO
OR 4407. 5120 Wis. ave. n w. Open till:
10 p m. . —V- . i
CADILLAC 1947 conv coupe. beautiful let:
black, white wall tires, very low mileage,
almost brand-new *4.295: liberal terms
and trade nrw-car written guar. COLUM- i
BIA MOTORS 14th ana Fla ave. n w ,
AD 1572 . —25
CADILLAC 1941 convertible sedan radio,
heater: excellent condition: *2.195.
Wis ave . OP 0100 —1 j
CADILLAC 1941 01" 4-dr . Hydra^Matlc.
radio, heater immaculate. *3.350 FLOOD
PONTIAC CO 4221 Conn ave.. WO
8100 . , !
CADILLAC 1947 "62" convertible, fully
equipped. 9 000 miles; light green *4-395.
cash trade, terms BROCHE MOTORS
4433 Conn. ave. n w , WO. 3249 tUI9
CADILLAC 1941 sedanette: ridio and
heater: well taken care of *1 300. FLOOD
PONTIAC CO . 4221 Conn , WO 8400.
CAIILLAC 1941 mod 61 sedan r and
h , appearance and cond good : priced
BILE CO , 1222 22nd st n.w. NA. 3300 ;
CADILLAC 1940 "60 ' Spec.: new tires:
motor in A-l cond sun top. r and hu
very clean. *1.195, *500 down. DI. 8,_9i
CADILLAC 1941 4-dr sedan; excellent
condition r and h *1,500. On view
parking lot 17th and Pa. ave. n w ^Box
CAIMLLaV 1941 62 coupe: *1.596 STAN
LEY H HORNER. INC . 6th and Ela ave
n e AT 6464 Open Saturdays —28
CADILLAC 1947 "62" sedanette. beauti
ful blk finish, equipped with radio
heater and custom seat covers You can't
tell this one from new Reasonably
priced at *3.695 MAYFLOWER MOTORS.
INC 1125 15th st. nw. RE 0303
Open 8:30 to 5:30; hall day Saturday.
CADILLAC 1947: radio, heater: Hvdra
Matic; hardly run. *3 395; will accept
trade lor *1.200 down, balance easy pay
Bladensburg rd n e , LI. 8800 —29
CADILLAC 1947 sedan, mbdel 62' Hvdra
Maiic. radio, heater perfect cond *3,3,5.
Will trade smaller 47 sedan. Box 174-0.
t-ADILLAC 1947 ‘62" 4-dr : fully equip,
like new sell or trade. *3.660. BRENT
WOOD MOTORS. 1717 R. I. ave. ne . DU
‘*877 —28
CHEVROLET 1934 epe : pvt. owner. *175
VI 7595. —28
CHEVROLET 1948 Aero seaan: maroon
r and h,. only 8 miles. $2 495 LEKD8
MOTOR CO. 5120 Wis. ave. OR 440,
Open till 10 pm ' W1—
CHEVROLET 1947 convertible blue with
tan top. every conceivable extra only
$7,000 miles. $2,296. LEEDS MOTOR
CO. 5120 Wi«. ave. OR. 4407 till 10
pm ... —*-R
CHEVROLET 1941 special de luxe coupe
radio, heater, defroster; excellent condi
tion $14)75 Can be seen before 6 pm
GL 4248. No dealers. —26
CHEVROLET '47 2-dr. Fleetmaster; r. and
h . seat covers and other accessories; very
clean throughout. $1,900. Call DE. 1281
after 7 p.m —*6
CHEVROLET 1947 convertible >2.245
AT. 6464. Open Saturdays. STANLEY H
HORNER. INC . flth and Fla. ave n e —28
CHEVROLET 1940 Suburban Can be used
as school bus or truck. $600 pall CO.
9256 . —26
CHEVROLET Fleetline Aerosedan radio,
heater, covers, low mileage, latest model;
$1,695. special JA. 1698 —2«
CHEVROLET Fleetmaster 46 aedan; low
mileage, excellent condition. $1,685. JA.,
1698 “t" •
CHEVROLET 1946 sedan; 2-tone, brown
and beige radio and heater; excellent]
i appearance fcd mechanical condition;
1620 Wilson blvd , Arlington. Va . O'*
7889 —26
CHEVROLET 1948 new Fleetmaster 4-dr
sedan: air-ride tire*. seat cover,, under
seat. heater, defroster,, *7 7,5. AT^8930
CHEVROLET 1941 club coupe: r and h,
rn average condition: only $336 down:
$995 full price. RKINRS MOTOR CO
7601 Wls. ave . OL. 1600 —*•
CHEVROLET 1947 Aero sedan SZJ.V
terms and trade BARNR8-8ANT)EJi8
MOTORS. 1309 14 th st n.w —7«
CHEVROLET 1941 station wagon; bar
MOBILE CO. 1577 27nd st. n w. NA
3300 —57 1
CHEVROLET 1940 club coupe r and h :
original metalic blue excel appearance,
upholstery is clean and show* no wear
very good tire. We bought thlg car new
and tt has been driven very carefully and
CHEVROLET 1938 Matter de luxe 4-door
radio and heater; 1 owner; numerous
number of new parts; $575. Cal! OW
i —2 7
CHEVROLET 1939 club coupe: complete
overhaul, brakes, carburetor, generator
regulator, paint, tiras within last 3,000
mi ; price. *900 TR. 6610 —77 \
CHEVROLET 1948 Aero sedan: white
side-wall tires: r and b; many other,
extras, carefully broken in: $7,475. 43331
9th tt. n.w.. OR. 6811. OR. 3338. —27
CHE$’ROLET 38 2-door sedan: $.375 or
best offer .30 91 h st st —77
CHEVROLET 1947 club coupe like new;:
low mileage seat covers and beater. :
$1,906. Ho. 1$ Girard at. li t.. HU. 8217.1
kept to Karate every night: will acrark
first reasonable offer; asking *975. .Wl
8564. —*7
CHEVROLET, 1947 Fleetmaster town "►
dan: also 1947 4-dr. Fleetmaster tow
sedan: r. and h.. both In beautiful eon at
tton. *1.975 each, fully guaranteed cash,
trade or easy monthly payments. GEORGE
TOWN AUTO SALES, Wis. and Que at.. AD.
3178 —27
CHEVROLET 1940 2-dr.; r. and h.. ort«
black paint, clran Inside and out. See to
appreciate; *895. UN. 7615. Sat. ana
Monday. —9< ,
CHEVROLET 1948 2-dr ; black: r. and h .
300 miles; *2.285: cash, trade, terms
Open eves, 'til 9. Sun. til 5. SATCHER
MOTORS. INC.. 6100 Wis. ave. WO.
9351. —28
CHEVROLET 1936 4-dr sedan; passed
D. C. inspection. June 24. 1948; S325*
RA 0720 between 5 and 7. —26
CHEVROLET 1948 black 4-door sedan,
perfect inside and out: very Ipw mileage,
one driver, spotlight, r. and h.; *1.750.
RA.1600 —26
CHEVROLET 1948 Fleetmaster new 4-door
sedan; seat covers. Air-ride tires under
scat heater, defroster. S2.275. AT 8930.
CHEVROLET 1947 Stylemaster 2-dr.' se
dan . r h seat covers, 7,000 miles: Ilka
new: *1.995 Pay me *1,300 cash and bal.
io CM at *44 per mo. CH 7091. —27
CHEVROLET 1947 convertible; A-l cond :
3,900 miles; r. and h : white side walls:
original owner; *2,200. TA. 2209, wfter
5 p.m —-26
CHEVROLET 1937 7-dr ; r mnd h .: *525.
ROYAL MOTORS, Packard Dealer. 15
Kennedy st PA 7720 —27
CHEVROLET 1947 Stylemaster 2-door:
met. gray; r and h., 5.700 mi.: *1 896.
GE 2805 27*
CHEVROLET 17 Fleetmaster 2-dr sedans
low mileage, like new; $1,825. Call OL
2650- 2»*
CHEVROLET 1032 coupe $235 passed
D. C. inspection owner kravin* for school
May be inspected at 3*3rt McKinley^ at.
n.w. any time after 1 Monday. WO
CHEVROLET 194* Fleetmaster 2-dr~_T.
and h ; 3 5(1 mi $2,396. CHKRNER
BREWER AUTO SALES. 5111 Wis. ave..
WO lt>99. Many others to choose from.
Open eves till 9. Sunday till A. —27
CHEVROLET 194? Fleetmaster club cpe.: •
r and h ; $2 095. CHERNER-BREWER
AUTO SALES. 6111 Wis. ave., WO. 1699.
Many others to choose from. Open eves,
til! 9. Sunday till 6. —-<
CHEVROLET 194? Fleetmaster sedan:
equipped with radio, heater, other extras:
2-rone bine: delivered Feb. 194*. 3.000
miles Special. $*’-295. Cash, trade or
terms BELL MOTORS. .5010 Wisconsin
ave n w . WO 89<H» —28
ihmkulm 1M4. convertioie. radio ana
heater: this car has lot mileage and look*
same as neu metallic gray, black top.
Special. $2,195. 24 months to pay BELL
MOTORS. 5010 Wis. ave nw . WO 8900.
CHEVROLET 1941 4-door Special de luxe:
except for few minor repairs is in excel
lent mechanical and physical condition:
radio, heater and fine tires; $995; cash,
trade or terms RE. 3,366 —27
CHEVROLET 194? conv club coupe: ma
roon: nylon covers, r. and h . low mileage:
mill consider trade. $2,200. OV 6565.
CHEVROLET 1940 2-door 8pecial de luxt
sedan: radio, heater, large trunk space.
5 good tires; very good mechanical con
dition. new summerv-cooi slip covers:
clean, will finance or trade if necassanr*
lor only $275 down, total price. $775 PE.
5867. 801 H st n w. 27*
CHEVROLET 19.37 de luxe °-door need!
paint, slip covers runs good; passed Va.
inspection; r. and h ; $400. CH. 2646.
CHEVROLET 1936 coupe economical
transportation; $185 Owens 7285. 2410
Old Dominion dr . No. Arlington. 27*
CHRYSLER 194? Windsor conv ; dova
gray, blnck top. Highland plaid upholstery
Has radio all-weather heater spotlight.
General white-wall tires and chrome wheel
rings All in new cond Driven only
13.000 miles Carries a 30-day Anacostia
quality guarantee. Priced below list at
$2,795: trade reauired ANACOSTIA MO
TOR CO . 1708 Good Hope rd. s e FR.
7711. —76
CHRYSLER 1942 New Yorker 4-dr. sedan;
like new: $1,795 NO 9790 —28
CHRYSLER 19.36 4-dr sedan: motor com
pletely overhauled, new paint job. must,
sell. $375 or best offer LU. 9406. 423
l°th st. s e —28
CHRYSLER 1942 taxi* ab hearer $1,017.
Call ROBERT L SPIVEY. NO. 9836. bet.
2 and 6 p.m weekdays. 27*
CHRYSLER 1942 New Yorker 4-door se
dan; dark green, in \ery good condition,
new tires, low mileage, private owner;
cash terms: $1,500 FR 6.372. —77
CHRYSLER 194 7 Windsor club coupe lika
new r. and h . $7 400. 1601 Fuller
st n v 76*
CHRYSLER 194 1 Windsor 4-dr. sedan;
$1050 1708 Allison st nw —27
CHRYSLER 1942 club coupe Saratoga, r.
h . etc . very good cond . $1,345. CAPI
22nd st n m NA .3.300 —27
CHRYSLER 1947 town and country conv j
low mileage: immaculate throughout: will
sacrifice at $2,995 Call LI 5326. 27*
CHRYSLER 1937 Roval four-door sedan:
mileage. 59.0<>n: excellent running order;
overdrive and radio $450 WI 6.328. 27*
CHRYSLER 1942 Windsor Highlander conv.
coupe; light blue, r and h . plaid uphol
stery and other extras week-pnd special
$1,375. cash, trade or $,375 down and easy
monthly payments. GEORGETOWN AUTO
SALES. Wis and Que st . AD 3128 —27
CHRYSLER 1948 New Yorker 4 door dark
blue sedan All accessories 4.300 actual
miles Pvt owner. $.3,000 TE 1071. —28
CHRYSLER 2 9.36 sedan good transp ;
$175. as is HALEYS. 2020 M st n w„
NA 1900 —7«
CHRYSLER 1939 Royal 2-door
a\e ne. AT 6464. Ooen Saturdays —28
CHRYSLER 1941 New Yorker sedan un
usually good condition throughout, special
today. $895, teiros. 6806 Ga. ave . TA.
02,38. —76
CHRYSLER 19.39 “6 * coach, best buy in
town; special today, $595; terms 580#
Ga. ave . TA 0738 —76
CHRYSLER 1938; radio and beater very
good cond . excel, care. $596 or beet offer.
UN 2308 —27
CHRYSLER 194 7 Windsor 4-dr black,
r. and h fully equip , perf cond orig
pvt. owner $2,695 or best offer Call
CH 7500. Ex I 526 — 29
CHRYSLER 19.38 4-dr. sedan passed Va.
inspection, very good condition through
out: 8.375 OV 1440
CHRYSLER 1946 Windsor 4-dr. sedan:
mhite Mdewall tires, r and h . $2 295
Wis. ave . WO 169P Many others to
choose from. Open eves, till 9. Sunday
till 5. —77
CHRYSLER 1936 6-cylinder 4-dr sedan;
clean seat covers, heater, sealed-beam
lights, good tires and paint; $385. HI.
5<M9 —27
CHRYSLER 1937 4-dr Royal, excel
cond r. and h good tires, good paint
Job. just reconditioned; $595. TA 9791
v«*kriavs after 6 p m —78
I HKYNLl.lv 1 H47 HOlianaer I*€W xorspr
convertible; like new. with radio, heater
and all accessories, including white side
wall tires; low mileage; $4,000 or best
offer under; original owner Can be seen
snv time after Ram Sunday. 125 Carroll
ave.. Takoma Park. Md — 28
CHRYSLER 1941 Royal 4-dr sedan r.
and h $975. or terms arranged See at
1453 Penna ave. s e.. LJ. 7733. —28
CROSLEY 194 R station wagon; 1200
miles, 3 months old: radio and heater;
price. $950 Call FA. 3255 —27
CROSLEY 194R station wagon 900 ml .
radio, being transferred to Washington;
must sell Call CO 7521 —27
CUOSLEY 1948 ronv sedan: perf cond :
$85o. Can be seen 1130 19th st nw or
rail during day. ST. 7744; nlte, Sat and
Sun.. OL 8702. —2«
CROSLEY late ’47 aedan: only 1.400 mi ;
new-car cond ; guarantee; sacrifice. $695
or beat offer. CH. 7186. 27
CRCSI.EY 1947 sedan, low mileage rare
full V driven $595 Call OE 7454
DE SOTO 194 1 4-door custom sedan r
And h original black finish, tires like
new $200 down with approved credit.
$1,150 cash price BRENTWOOD MO
TORS. 1711 R I *▼« n.e. DU. 2877^
DE SOTO 194 8 custom 4-door sedan:
radio- heater, seat covers, other extras;
excellent throughout; 92.095. AL. 5164.
DE SOTO 1941 custom coupe above
average; $1 096 ROYAL MOTORS Pack -
ard dealer. 15 Kennedy at.. RA 7720.
DE SOTO 1937 4-dr sedan excellent eon
ditlon. practically new tlrea and covers;
low mileage. $600. NO. 0J60 after 2 28*
DE SOTO J948 4-dr. sedan: radio and
heater, seat covers. $1,875 CAMPBELL N
AUTO RALES. 50 Mass. ave. n.w • AT.
5310 —78
DE SOTO 1946 4-door sedan: riuid Drive,
radio and heater, seat covers. l-own*r
car. excellent condition; low mileage,
only $1,945 EDGEMOOR MOTOR CO.
Your Friendly Ford Dealer. 8301 Wia.
ave. Bet head a. Md WI. 1270. Cash,
trade or terms. Closed 8undays —27
DODGE 1936 2-dr. sedan, good aond I
$225; can be seen at 6018 4th st. r. w.
af'er 6 pm to 10 p.m —28
DODGE 1942 custom 4-door aedan with r.
and h low mileage; one owner: very
clean and in perfect cond . $1 296 COL.nl
MOTOR CO.. 8232 Georgia ave 8L 8200.
DODGE 1930 4-door sedan $895 term*
11300 14th st n.w —26
DODGE 1938 sedan $645- terms and
1300 14th at n w. —2«
DODGE 1947 black sedan, fluid drive, r.
and h . seat covers, clock, front grill
guard, ga* lock, extra tire; low mileage,
on* owner. $2 275. WO 5740 —27
DODGE 1947 custom club coupe; beautiful
wine color, w w tires, r and h . fog
lights and other extras: very low mileage,
fullv guaranteed: week-end spaclal at
$2,295. cash trade or easy monthly pay
Wis and Que sts . AD 3128 —37
DODGE 1909 4-dr. sedan: radio, heater,
seat covers, good tires; $675. MR Mao
DONALD. AD 7722. —26
DODGE 1946 black 4-dr aedan haa
neater, attractive seat covers, new car
appearance priced $1,985. CAPITOL
st. n w. NA 3300 —27
DODGE 1948. new. 3-pas*enger coupe:
all extrss except radio; color, patrol blue,
lots of room to carry everything, $2 175.
TA. 8814. —30
DODGE 1946 Custom 4-dr sedan orig
green finish, equipped with radio and
heater: appearance and mechanically
new in every respect: reasonably priced,
1125 15th st. n w . RE 0303. Open 8 30
to 5 30: half day Sat. —27
DODGE 1947 bus. coupe, light tan finish,
equipped with radio, heater, and auto
matic windshield washers. This body
style has the extra lge. trunk com
partment. mechanically perfect; com
pare this price. $1,095. MAYFLOWER
MOTORS. INC 1126 16th st n w. RE
0303. Open 1:30 to 6:30. half day Sat.
DODGE '46 4-dr . black; seats and a tear
ing wheel available at no extra eo**:
$1,849: 30-day guar. 72 car? one loca
tion indoor*. HILL * TIBBITTS 11H
Vermont a$e. n w., Wash s oldest ForA
dealer. NA. 98.V). —28
DODGE 1947 2-dr.; $2,100 8,000 actual
mifcs. gray color; excellent condition.
L. L HAYWOOD WA. 1198. —27
DODGE 1938 4-dr : heater: good tlrea.
new sealed-beam lights: excel, running
condition; $600 DE 4177. —26
DODGE 7 936 2-door sedan: radio, heater,
extras: tuat been overhauled: $350 cch.
700] Temple Hill rd s.e . Clinton 694
W-5-_—27 _
(Continued on Next Page)