Newspaper Page Text
AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE (Cont.) dodge 1940 4-dr.; new motor, brakes steering, new paint and seat covers; nrivately owned; *775 or best offer. Well worth the price. DI. 9317, 220 Mass. ave. noDGE 1947 Custom 4-dr. sedan: all ex tras; showroom appearance; *2,395. WO. nnoGE ’42 custom sedan: new paint, fluid cnve. radio, heater, covers; special, «n<15 JA. 1698. 27 Twvnr.E 1939 4-door sedan; radio and FG,r excellent condition; S695.ofiGL. DODGE 1934 4-door sedan; perfect'con ation throughout, 5 good tires, passed D C inspection; private owner; *286. S«nr.s?1i946 Custom sedan: radio: *1 . Sr,DGCHERNER-BREwBt AUTO SALES. ??•?, \vis ave., WO 1699. Many others ;0' choose from. Open eves, till 9; Sunday nnnr.F 1947 4-dr. de luxe model sedan; ?Su[ mileage 12.80(1 miles; fully equip.. ?unv*'or and side visors, radio and heat er back-up lights Ca l at 1901 M it. 'EX 9064; price, *2.385. —28 DODGE 1937 Fordor sedan; very sttrac , newly painted; r. and h . new seat covers, ft'e tires, good running eond.; *'10 o DODGE fi19'3o'e4-dr i good cond. Don't FFFiHs unusual buy. If you drive it. ™ouU buy It: *595. OREENWAY^ 707 DODC E *1939 S4Gdr. sed..'clean inside and FFDGpw 1947 motor, not quite 10 mos. ?Sf.' just passed D. C. inspec This car is Cltf- sold by private owner who was plan F rs ' o do extensive traveling in It. but "Sow forced to sell car Price *826. jjSS05 Livingston st. n.w., phone OR—.76 Fnin Si'fl41 d™luxe station wagon; good GRD motor just overhauled. *875 Can h« seen between 6 and 8. Pjn. 600 8 r-.-'vn spring rd., Arlington. Va. —.in Vciftn 1930 coupe: passed Va. inspection. ood9 all-around cond ; 2 new t res. *235. OV. 5958. —« ford '47 Super convert : r and h.. yei „W "an top; sold and serviced by H. & iQR- ^n.da? guar.; 72 cars, one 'GB?„p46ln8Ue^crelC0?oTn'dition: *fld.9»i;“lO «*» L0Pr lnT" ?aVs one location. Indoors. HILL & TIBBITT8. 1114 Vermont ave. “FT wash “ oldest Ford deale^NA. FORD station waron; model A;_«xc*l. WORD 1937* coupe; runs KOOfi A rea! buy FT*250 STEUART MOTOR CO. 6th FORD- lY9«”i«P?r deV™ Fordor V-8: h4 gnfl many other extras: only JpFcr m*‘-225UStgu'akran?eee'd 'and"terms. gf**? cViS:“« ,‘S FORD 1942 «ru^rfordfe»rUIiood'tlre^ldap: •ssrs-JS best: ? 1 ’iSr’-m*/vmo nn p#>0 Bladen? b?rgTrdEme. 3Ve buy. we sell used «rs. " FO'RD2°1936 conv. club coupe: 100-h.t>. JleerrCUsrkTr.T0lmecnhaWmcaaily ' perfect; J485. j ^n''nnS in41USuperArdenSIu« Tudor. This 5pRf.2SiS%5SA,*tlS.t^: £&l.f motor, swell tires new sea. covers. swell paint- priced at »»»■““ c ln_ coast-Fn'pontiacco . 17th FORDY19G7ICV^8!Aorlginal owner: speci.1 ?uf-hp'eC°torPmSan^ iSSS^krf under *1*00. k1RDN°9,!K2#o^ 0rrde9iauxT: excel. «o|d t ™*Vbwne?; *850 « best offer. ^ Apt. FORD1 :i946RSupernde"luxe.' radio, heater. ^fflwrS?5:4-dwr5iJS!". "excellent' condl hORU 1 • ''“s’.aio t-\ c inspection: good intenoFnew ii^.?oo^moto7. good_bo.d, ^HsPSkwe. '&**%«■ fft0&?Vsi,,Sd-.trKii&1SS: Mdw FORD ' 1948?’low mileage good eond.. m and h . Pvt. owner, must sell, *~M70r FORD**1941 de luxe sedan, with ’4. motor. *1.100 1366 Somerset pi. n.w^GE. FORD 1947 Fordor sedan: excellent con SI.™®?. B?r ?n*d accessories;^perlT’ condl? o*l. »3US! Lcth>ondk' *31(K) or best offer under. for69i946 coupe 3-passenger; r. and h . fog lights spotlight, white rims, black, absolutelyperfect; *1,475. Greenbelt 3232. FORD 1946 Super de luxe car' $5*595; ^Uck^ked enamel pamt ?^f«r.M^?V,°'Jr0.UrBe^dy Md wi. 1270. Cash, terms or J_rade. FORD lS947d*Su'rer de luxe C'?ow 8301 Wis ave.. Bethesda. Md_, WI. Cash trade or terms. Closed Sundays. -. FORD iy47 Super de luxe Tudor, 8 cyh. radio, heater; perfect condition, si, w OLEIW MOTORS. 1100 11th st. s.e. ~6 Sn 194? de luxe B-passenger Tudor ' r and h . seat covers, undercoated. SSr4%^w€ 600 Montgomery st., Alex., alcx.^-j.uu ford 1948 Super de luxe Fordor; *2,295. STANLEY H HORNER. INC,. 6th and Fla ave n e , At. 6464. Open Saturdays. —.8 FnRn 1940 sedan; *895. terms and trade BARNES-SANDERS MOTORS. 13U0_mh FORr>Wl*938 Tudor sedan: *496. trade and Term® BARNES-SANDERS MOTORS.JMO FOBD*194«" Super de 'o*e Tudor. trade and terms BARNES-SANDERS ■motors 1300 14th at. n.w. —«-6 ^ORD ’48 Super de luxe 8 l^doT: I'd*1 titled. 1.600 ml . like new; radio, heater covers, extras; *2.195. JA’h7rzk7 FORD 1946 Super de luxe Fordor. biacK, heater, seat covers. 16.500 miles: new far condition; original owner. *1.7 < 5 easlf. Call AT. 0091. Shown between^ 5 r0dRD8 1947 Super de luxe Fordor; h.. perf. rond.. used very little; same as a ne_w car. only *1.845. Cash, terms or trade. EDGE-1 MOOR MOTOR CO.. "Your Friendly Ford, Dealer." 8301 Wis. ave., Eeihesda. 0Md., WI 1270 .—r‘ FORD 1942 Tudor; very *?od ™nd ; Jn;ha fine little family car; only SjiSJ. Cash, terms or trade. EDGEMOOR MCyTOR CO.. “Your Friendly Ford Dealer. 8301 Wis. ave.. Bethesda. Md.. WI. 12/0. —-• FORD 194 7 Super de luxe sed. roupe; blue finish, r. and ncar m new-car cond.. written guarantee; $* '95: cash., trade or terms. STEUART MOTOR CO^. i 6rh and N. Y. ave. n.w. NA. 3000. —‘-/ FORD 1946 Tudor; trade and terms. $1,505. LI. 4731. , —28 , FORI) 1937 Tudor sedan; excel mechani cal cond . very clean and attrac.; $305. RE 3366. DEALER ■—2/ FORD late 1946 Super de luxe V-8: radio and heater: in excellent condition. $1 300. WASHINGTON CAB. UN. 7017 2/* FORD 1942 station wagon; $1.1/5 Tele phone GL. 6133. 5129 S. 12th fit .Ar lington. Va. . . FORD 1947 Super de luxe club coupe; radio, heater; this car has low mileage and is just like new. metallic blue. Special. $1,895 Cash, trade or terms. BELL MOTORS. 5010 Wisconsin ave. n.w WO. $900. —28 FORD 1938 Tudor de luxe sedan: heater: fine mechanical condition; finance if neces- ! tarv; only $250 down; total price. $450. I MF 9182. 801 H st n.w. 27* ; FORD 1939 Tudor de luxe; new 46 motor and clutch, perfect cond 48 inspection,; Tie1# paint, good tires; $790. 426 7th st. n.e. * FORD 1949 custom Tudor; r . h. Air-ride w w. tires; $2,695. BRENTWOOD MOTOR CO.. 1717 R. I ave. n e . DU 2877. —27 FRAZER ’47 Manhattan; beautiful 2-tone custom upholstery and paint; overdrive; radio, air conditioner, white walls, foam rubber seats, directional lights; only 9.500 miles, new-car cond; list. $3 100: will aacriflce for $2,395. FA 0406. --27 FRAZER 1947; like new; r and h.; $1.$00 or best offer Box 229-H. Star 27* FRAZER 1947 sedan: heater, overdrive. 8 600 miles; $1,700. Call LI. 5269. or can be seen at 1121 Queen st. n.e . Apt. 5. —27 FRAZER Manhattan, purchased new Nov.. 1947: comp with all accessories, incl. overdrive: 5.00n mi.: new-car guarantee; $2,295. SHERIFF MOTOR CO., 900 R I. ave. n.e. MI. 5000. —27 FRAZER 1947; r. and h : one owner; $1,725. ROYAL MOTORS. Packard dealer, 3 6 Kennedy st.. RA. 7720. , GRAHAM 1934 4-dr ; good cond.; 4, D C. Inspected; $175 or best ofTer. Call LU. 2648. _—-7 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE._ HUDSON 1940 Super «ix 4-dr. sedan black: r. and h., seat covers: excel, cond.; 1 SSL* ,must quickly; price. $750.1 WO. 6;><0 after 6 p m. —28 HUDSON 1939 Country Club ‘•fl'*; very low mileage: driven by lady and clean inside and out as new; very good con dition: new tires; have to sell right away; priced for quick sale. $650. WI 7458. HUDSON 1948 2-dr. sedan; fully equipped, white-wall tires. 148 mi ; $2,895, cash, trade or terms. CAMPBELL'S AUTO SALES. 50 Mass, ave n.w.. AT. 6310. .—28 j HUDSON 1946 coach, new r. and h., seat' covers, excel, cond., 12.600 miles, pvt.; owner. $1,550 cash ST. 4425. —29 i HUDSON 1946 super “O” 4-dr. sed.: radio. Weather Master heater, spotlight, excellent! mech. cond.. and rubber; $1,400. From OWNER. NA 0227. WA. 2950. —26 HUDSON 1947 coupe, r. and h.. under coated, low mileage, looks and runs 'ike new; written guarantee; $1,735. ALEX ANDRIA NASH CORP . 600 Montgomery st.. Alex.. ALex 2330. —28 HUDSON 1937 4-door sedan: good, safe running condition: a Bell bargain. $195. BELL MOTORS, 5010 Wisconsin ave. n.w., WO 8900. —28 HUDSON 194 8 Super "6” 4-door sedan, radio, reater. other extras, perfect condi tion: .his car originally sold for $2,150; needs paint. A bargain special. $1,795. 24 months to pay BELL MOTORS. 5010 j Wisconsin ave n w . WO. 8900. —28 JEEP, civilian 1946; In storage over a yr.. "Qual to new: $995. Cash, terms or trade. HERSON AUTO At APPLIANCE CO . 8th and O sts. n.w. DE. 4700. —26 JEEP 1946 civilian: pvt. owner: full top radio, spotlight: $975. May be seen at Willys of Washington, 1824 L st. n.w RE. 4677. 27* JEEP 1946; thoroughly reconditioned, new Goodyear all-service tires. 30-day war ranty; $985. Can be financed up to 24 m •> ths. SI HAWKINS. 1333 14th st. n w . DU 4455. —27 JEEP 1946. with Dower take off: unusually good condition with low mileage, $995. OV. 1440. * KAISER 1947. 1 Special, and 1 Kaiser Custom; ea driven less than 3.000 miles, as factory executives’ cars; substantial discount; Kaiser Special. $1,983; Kaiser Custom, $2,307. KAISER-FRAZER SALES CORP.. factory branch, MI. 6946 —28 KAISER-FRAZER,—Why buy high-priced used cars when vou can own America’s, style-setting postwar car at no increase in price? Phone for demonstration with no obligation, and details of finance, trade, or cash, color, delivery, extras, or no ac cessories. Complete information eves, till 9 pm. Call floor salesman WASHING TON S KAISER-FRAZER DISTRIBUTORS. 1516 14th st n.w., between P and Church, sts. AD. 2270. —28 KAISERS-FRAZERS, $2 254 ud: can make immed. delivery to a few No trade re quired FRIENDSHIP MOTORS. INC. Kaiser-Frazer sales and service, 7320-30 Wis. ave . Bethesda. OL. 8225. —30 LA SALLE 1938 4-dr. sedan, beautiful running car. partially renewed mechanic ally; excellent upholstery: steering wheel shift; $700 or best offer under. TR. 1181. LA SALLE 1939 4-dr. sedan; r. and’h . clean and excellent transportation: $595. LEE D BUTLER, INC. 1121 21st st nw DI. 0110 —26 LINCOLN 1946 4-dr. sedan; heater and defroster, overdrive: extra clean. For only $2,145 GRADY MOTORS. 4830 Hampden lane, Bethesda. Md. OL. 7400. LINCOLN 1946 conv. epe . maroon, r. and h . new’ w - w. tires; low mileage; exc. cond : $2,795. Phone WO. 6771. 27* LINCOLN ’47 4-dr. sedan: $2,546. STAN LEY H HORNER. INC . 6th and Fla. ave lie., AT. 6464 Open Saturdays —28 LINCOLN 1946 4-dr. sedan. This Is truly the most beautiful car on the road. With immaculate green finish, overdrive, radio and heater. Why not own the best? Our warranted price, $2,195. MAY FLOWER MOTORS. TNC , 1126 15th sr nw, RE 0303. Open 8 30 to 5 30; half day Sat —27 LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1940 cl epe : r. and h. land overdrive: above average cond $<9o. 'LEE D BUTLER, INC., 1121 21st st n.w. ! DI. 0110. —26 'LINCOLN ZEPHYR 3939 sedan: r. and h I seat cover.*', newly painted new tires. I mechanically perfect; $795 or best offer. WO. 2094 , —1 LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1941 4-dr Custom se dan; good condition 48,000 mi.; best offer over $900. private owner. Glebe 14060. , , LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1940 4-dr sedan. r i and h . overdrive, running cond . motor | needs some work; price, $675. SH. 336,. MERCURY 1940 club convertible; new -op, new paint, car in tiptop cond $99n cash, trade or terms; written STEUART MOTOR CO., 6th and N. Y. a'e. n.w.. NA 3000. —26 MERCURY 1948 convertible. This is one of the sportiest cars In town. Fully equip ped with radio, heater and fender shield* eunmetal grey finish and light top. ycry low mileage and priced to sell at MAYFLOWER MOTORS. INC USa 1.?lh st n.w. RE. 0303. Open. &:30 to 5_.I0, half day Saturday. . —-' . MERCURY n't7 4-door sodan; r and h fogltxhts: 3.300 mi.; clean as brand-new; $"195. COLIE MOTOR CO., 8?32 Georgia ave.. SL. 8200. MERCURY 1948 latest 4-door: r. h.. sun shade, seat covers; porcelalnuea: 3 -00 miles: like new; $2,295. DE. 0800. Ext. 412. from noon to 2 p.m . or after n p.m MERCURY 1946 club coupe: r. and h $1,975. ROYAL MOTORS Packard Dealer 15 Kennedy st. RA 7 720. — ~ • j MERCURY 1948 club roup r. hh seat covers; 5.800 mi3 *-195 °r best. offer cash. Call GE. 35/P. .7^ MERCURY 1947 club coupe; rad.o. neater, low mileage. 1-owner car; only ., EDGEMOOR MOTOR CO Your Friendly Ford Dealer. 8301 Wis. ave. Bethesda. Md . WI. 127 0. Cash, trade or terms. Closed Sundays , , MERCURY 1948 4-door sedan. tan driven 4.700 miles: looks and runs like new, radio and heater, price, SH 1 674 —■* * MERCURY ’42 sedan; radio, hea’er. cov ers. liouimatic drive «automatic. **ce!" ient condition, special. $1,095^ JA^lfWH. MERCURY 194? convertible coupe: excel lent condition: radio, heater, custom seat covers, white walls, spnthght. etc.. Cavalier red. 1 owner: $2,300. Call CUNNINGHAM, eves WI. 1774 ‘-8 MERCURY 194? 4-dr. sedan; maroon, beautiful condition: r and h and sear covers: orig pvt. owner; $2,000 cash ^or best offer O\erlook 3443 ~* MERCURY 1949 Fordor sedan; fully equipped, bought new Monday private owner; must sell, $2,900 or best offer. NA 27«6. MERCURY 1947 black 4-dr sedan: r. \nd h . new car cond $1,995 CAPITOL CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE CO . 1222 22nd st. n.w. NA 3300 ;— MERCURY 1941 4-door in excellent cond : one owner: radio and heater; $1,100. or best off^r. Box 458-G- Star -.7 MIRCURY 1946 club convertible; dynamic red: r and h: 8.000 mi.: like new and in excel cond . $2,050. PE. 5024. —.8 MERCURY 1947 club coupe, low mileage, radio, heater and seat covers, good con dition: $2,100 or best offer under. Call GE 3984 j . . . NASH J 939 Ambassador 4 door sedan; original black finish, new tires, clean in terior; traded from ortRinal owner on a r.ew Packard; $695. HALEY S, — 0 _f» M st n.w., NA. 1900 , NASH 1947 Ambassador sedan: this is practically a new car: has Nash condi t.loned-alr heater, seat covers and low mileage: $1,975 CAPITOL CADILLAC OLDSMOBILE CO.. 1222 22nd st. n.w. NA. 3300 —2/ NASH 1946 Ambassador 4-dr.; radio weather-eye heater, sea' covers, built-in bed. exclusivelv with Nash. 4 new tires, undercoqted. looks and run^ ' written guarantee: $1,895. ALEXANDRIA NASH COPP. 600 Montgomery st.. A’*x., ALex. 2330 -—28 NASH late 1946 Amb club coupe; 2-tone, r. and h . Air-Foam cushions, seat covers; excel, cond $1,7 95. MR BRAY. LI. 5Hi*. N ASH 1938 4-door F*dan: low mileage, excellent, condition, for lasting use. good lires; no repaiia needed. *795. Cal! KM 8117. 26 OLDS 1936 2-door sedan; good cond.. *483. or best offer Can oe seen at 3949 Blaine ne. after 5 dtp —I OLDS 1940 4-door sedan: 70-in. wheel base; passed D. C inspection. *795 WO. 50"1. —27 OLDS 1947 "PS" 4-door r and h white side walls, seat covers spotlight.. Hydra Matic: pvt. owner; 6.500 miles. $2 *50. OV 4609 —28 OI.DS 1939 club coupe original black paint, r and h.; immaculate, inside and out: excel, cond : $895, or best offer under. 1428 R st. n.w.. Apt. 24. HO. 6878. —27 OLDS 1936; very good cond: r. and h.: $445 or best offer. DU. 5393. —2? OIDS 1941 “OS" conv. red, low mile age; $2,695. Call AD. 6460 between 4 and 7 only. , 28* OLDS 1947 club coupe; very low mileage; r. and h.. showroom condition will con sider trade $2,300. AMERICAN MOTOR CO . 180 1 King st Alex . Va. OV. 6565. Open eves, and Sun. —28 OLDS 1946 late Hydra-Matic conv 66 de luxe r. and h , oil cleaner, seat covers since new. 19.900 miles almosi-new tires; always garaged, meticulous care, orig owner: $2,435. EM. 0594. —28 OLDSMOBILE 1938 4-dr ; r. and h.. motor completely overhauled: perfect $695. REINES MOTOR CO, 7601 Wise, ave., OL. 1600 —26 OLDSMOBILE 1940 S-cyiinder: equipped -’•'th ladio and heater; $97 5. Call after 6 pm 'Private party * WO 549? 26* OLDSMOBILE 1947 conv : $2,495. STAN LEY H HORNER. INC 6th and Fla ave. n e.. AT 6464 Ooen Saturdays —28 OLDSMOBILE 1936: minor repairs needed. $475 or best offer AT. 4169, after 6 ! wk. days: Sat. and Sun. before 6. —27 OLDSMOBILE 1948 -98" 4-dr' futuramic 'midnight blue*, r and h. scat covers. W.w tires: 65 miles; $3,595: cash, trade. ! terms. Open eves, 'til 9. Sun 'til 5. SATCHER MOTORS. INC.. 5100 Wis. ave., WO. 9361 —28 OLDSMOBILE 1918 convertible; pea green; delivered yesterday: 24 mi.: r and h.; Hydra-Matic: $3,195: cash, trade, terms BROCHE MOTORS. 4432 Conn ave n.w., I WO. 3249 till 9_—28 _AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE._ OLDSMOBILE 1941 Mod TO cl. cpe ; Hv c,ra-Matic; Dew naint; car in better than average condition: $1,095. LEE D. BUT t ER INC. 112! 21st st n.w. DI. 0110. OLDSMOBILE 1941 4-door sedan: above average condition. TOWN AND COUNTRY MOTORS. 5378 Wis. ave OR. 0100 —1 OLDSMOBILE 1947 station wagon: less than 1,090 miles; trade lor 1947 Cadillac: terms. EM. 0170. ■ —2. OLDSMOBILE 19.70 sedan: radio, silo covers, very good cond., clean; $.1,5. UN 8179: can see Sunday morning. Mon day. Tuesday ev«. ~28 OLDSMOBILE 1940 sedan: exceptionally clean has radio, heater and Hydra-Matir drive; $2,105. CAPITOL CADILLAC OLDSMOBILE CO.. 1222 22nd st. n.w. NA. 7700. —, OLDSMOBILE 1941 R sedan; excellent family car, lew mileage: leaving town, must sell; $1,095. EM. 8259. 27* OLDSMOBILE 1038 4-dr. sedan; heater; good tires, motor end body; a real bargain; $795 HO 9807. , —27 OLDSMOBILE 1979 « ' 4-dr sedan, r and h., extras, good cond.: $,HO; $.100 down. bal. can be financed: pvt. party. 904 Madison st. n w.. GE. 6012. —27 OLDSMOBILE 1947 sedate, model “98'': r and h., private owner. $2,695. Call RA. 5567. , . —27 OLDSMOBILE 1942 “,6“ 2-dr : Hydra Matlc, r. and h.: $1.29o. CHERNER BREWER AUTO SALES. 6111 Wis. ave., WO 1699 Many others to choose from. Open eves, till 9: Sunday till 5. —37 OLDSMOBILE 1946 “76'' sedan: radio, neater, other extras: very low mileage: like new: special. $2,195. 24 months to pay BELL MOTOP.S, 5010 Wisconsin ave. n.w.. WO. 8900. —28 OLDSMOBILE 1941 convertible radio, heater; motor just overhauled: new while waii tires; maroon with light top. Special. $ 1.395 Cash, trade or terms. BELL MOTORS, 5010 Wisconsin ave. n.w.. WO. 8900. —28 OLDSMOBILE 1948 convertible futuramic model “98 "; radio, heater, clock, white wall tire', electric push-button windows; $3,650: private owner. Call NO. 4881 from 12 noon till 9 p m. PACKARD 1940 convertible. Mod 110; two-tone blue and gray: in excellent cond ; $1,045. LEE D. BUTLER. INC., 1121 "1st st. n.w. DI. 0110. —26 PACKARD 1948 super “8“ convert, coupe beautiful golden green metallic lacquer with natural color top; windows, top and driver’s seat work automatically: custom while sidewall tires A beautiful car. in virtually new condition: will sacrifice for only $3,595 cash, or will assist responsible purchaser in financing. WO. 1577. -—27 PACKARD 1937 8-cyl. coupe; perfect run ning condition, black: $400 or best offer. Call Gl. 6759 after 6 p.m. —27 PACKARD 1940 6 c.vl. “1 10“ 4-door sedan: radio, heater ar.d defroster, quiet motor, good tires and excellent bright blue finish. $875 cash or terms can be arranged. Dial opeiato1 for Quentin 592-W-2. and ask for .MR RICHARDSON, —28 PACKARD 1947 “8" sedarette: radio and heater, white-wall Royal Master tires, low mileage; car looks and performs like new; $2,495. HALEY'S. 2020 M St. n.w. NA. 1900. —28 PACKARD 194" ;:®nr n *ronei i"» 4-ar sedan; r and h $850 HEETER WALDON TRAILER SALES, Cherry Hill Trailer Camp. Berwyn. Md. TO. 5J11. ^ —27 PACKARD 1947 6-cyl. 4-dr. sedatt; r. and' h.. overdrive, other extras: b!k. finish.! just like new: *2.350 HALEY'S. 2020 M st. n.w., NA. 1900. —28 PACKARD J 940 4-dr “120” touring sed : good cond.. recently completely overhauled: pvt. owner: *850. EM. 1698. —28 PACKARD 1942 Super 4-dr. Clipper sed.* r and h orig b!k. finish: good tires: $1. 44 5 HALEY S 2020 M st. n w . NA. 1900. —28 PACKARD 1940 sedan; new paint, good rubber and clean interior: $995. HALEY'S. 2070 m sr. n.w . NA. 1900. —28 PACKARD '47 2-dr. Clipper: r. and h : two-tone brown and tan; excel, condition: truly a sharp-looking auto; $1,295: 30 day guar.. 72 cars, one location, indoors. HILL <V TIBBITTS. 1114 Vermont ave. n.w . Wash 's oldest Ford dealer, NA. 9850. —28 PACKARD 1940 “110” 4-door: one owner, low mileage an outstanding car: $1,076. ROYAL MOTORS, Packard dealer. 15 Kennedv st.. RA. 7770. —27 PACKARD 1941 convert, club coupe: new top: *1.395. ROYAL MOTORS. Packard dealer. 15 Kennedy st., RA. 7720. —27 PACKARD 194o 12m” 4-door, new rub ber. new pa.m; $1,045. ROYAL MOTORS. Packard dealer, 15 Kennedy st., RA. 77j!0. PACKARD 1941 Clipper “ft'9 4-door:' r. and h ; $1 4 75 ROYAL MOTORS. Pack ard dealer 15 Kennedy st., RA. 7720.—27 PACKARD 1948 convert : one owner: 6 000 miles: overdrive; all extras: *3.650; new-ca*- guarantee ROYAL MOTORS Packard. 15 Kennedy st . RA 777". —27 PACKARD late 1946 4-door Clipper: 16 - 000 miles: spotless maroon, excel cond : radio, seat covers, etc pvt. party; $2,100. OE 0027 —27 PACKARD 1937 4-door: $350. ROYAL MOTOR* Packard dealer, 15 Kennedy st., RA 7 720. —27 PACKARD 1942 Clipper club “$’’ sedan: perf. cond throughout For qu ck sale by original owner $1,296. GL 2739. —77 PACKARD 1940 4-dr: r and h: $735. FAST END MOTORS 6881 Lee hwy . Falls Church FA. 4 144 26* PACKARD 194" convertible coupe: won derful condition: have new car. must sell. *99" WO 600" —77 PACKARD '48 conv.- r. and h. white; tires, overdrive, ejp clutch. $3,500 Call LT PETTIGREW. WI. 9880 77* PACKARD 1940 “6’ convertible coupe radio and heater, engine recently re-bored good top $950 cash WA. 7713 —27 PACKARD 1937 six-cylinder convertible, radio and heater: good running condition: *500 nr best offer. Call OV 4317. PACKARD 1940 convertible; radio, heat er. spotlight perfect mech. cond., blue leather upholstery, de luxe model “120” series: $995 Call Jackson 2153-R 21* PACKARD 1946 Clipper sedan th.s ear' just like new. equipped with radio, hegrer. o»her extras: $2,495 Cash, trade or terms. BELL MOTORS. 5010 Wisconsin ave. n w. WO 8900. —28 PACKARD 1936 4-dr. sedan; r and h: (good transportation: must sell: $295 See at 1453 Penna. ave. se. LI 7733' — 28 PACKARD 1946 6-cy! 4-dr sed * used very little, m practically now-car cond . r . h . , sear, covers and beaut, black finish: a real bargain at only $2,795, WI. 1703 PACKARD late 1947 custom Super ''8'* 4 dr. sedan, low mileage, r. and h defrost er. overdrive, elertromatic clutch and Air-ride tires, new-car condition: must be seen to be appreria’ed; delivery cost., $3 964.80: will sell for $3,195 or best j offer. Can be seen at Westchester Ants., j EAT 5371. —27 PLYMOUTH stanon wagon, 1 P'.o clean i cond.; low mileage: $850. Call Lincoln! 2750 or Trinidad 4288. —27 PLYMOUTH 42 4-dr. spec, de luxe sedan: r . h, other extras; just passed D C I inspec. Grig, owner; good cond. through-; out: $1,200. EM. 1601. 26* > PLYMOUTH 1041 4-door sedan: just re bored: passed Virginia inspection: in good! condition: available July 2$. after owner i completes tour; $1,00o. Tel. FA. 6259. 28* PLYMOUTH 1041 Special de luxe 4-dr sedan; new motor. 5 new super cushion fires, radio and heater and accessories; guaranteed; 4.000 mi. or 90 days ncw car rond ; $1,150 cash. Call BURCH. \ AD. 611“ —28 PLYMOUTH 1042 4-dr : orig fin . 1 owner 1 exira* *1.150 TOWN AND COUNTRY; MOTORS 5336 Wis. ave . OR 0100. —2 PLYMOUTH 1040 4-door sedan: 4 good tire*. h°ater. radio, overhauled; $825. 304 South Caro’in a ave s.e TR 5722. 27* i PLYMOUTH 4 0 4-dr blk. sedan: r and h ; good rond 30.000 mi. $900 or best J offer. CO 301 1 . 27* I PLYMOUTH 1037 4-dr. sedan; good mrch cond . good paint no dents Rlmost new tires, uses no oil: private owner. $450: cash HI 3J 01 , 21* PLYMOUTH 104! special de luxe club coupe • r and h a real]'- rlean nice - running cai • mo'or. appearance and tire* all good <1.005 Guaranteed and terms NORTHEAST MOTOR CO iused-cRr lo .3901 Minn, ave ne We buy. we >eil used cav? ” LI 4100 PLYMOUTH 1046 4-dr sedan: ex-’axt-, cab 36.000 miles, new upholstery, heaif^ excel cond: newly painted: $1,350 Can be seen at 3 701 5th st. n.w. or call LU. 8165 after 5 30. PLYMOUTH 1030 coupe new motor, new hires; in perfect cond.: $745 COLTE MO ! TOR CO.. 8232 Georgia ave , SL. 82mi, ; PLYMOUTH 1042 sedan: new Dodge motor, best buv today, special today. *805. term? 5806 Ga. ave . TA. 0238 ‘-6 PLYMOUTH 1946 de luxe model club coupe; mileage. 14.500: excellent condi tion; $1,900. GE. 44.6. • * PLYMOUTH 1940 2-dr .: $075 ROYAL. MOTORS. Packard Dealer, 15 Kennedy st. RA 7720 —2 t PLYMOUTH 1035 2-door sedan; new tires, battery; body and motor tn Rood <hape: $325. Can be seen at 1803 R2 1 ave n e. , . , *-• PLYMOUTH 1048 Special de luxe sedan:; light gray; radio, heater, seat covers. 350! miles; *2.375 ARLINGTON AUTO EX CHANGE. J 620 Wilson blvd. Arlington, Va . OW 7888 —26 PLYMOUTH 1046 Special df luxe seaan dark blue; heater, new white-wali tire.*. v?ry clean car: $1,605. ARLINGTON! AUTO EXCHANGE 1620 Wilson blvd.. Arlington Va.. OW. 7888 ‘-6 PLYMOUTH 1036 4-door sedan; good run jning condition: $250 GL. 8614 26* PIYMOUTH '39; original black finish: r.! land h.; brand-new tires and tubes; me chanically A-J: pvt. party must sacrifice; $695 or best offer. UN 7300. —2. PLYMOUTH 1940 2-dr.: hearer: this car I is well worth our asking price; motor and appearance very good; price drastically cut to $745; guarantee and terms NORTH EAST MOTOR CO <used-car lot>. 3901 Minn. ave. n e. We buy. we sell used I cars.. LI 4100. ! PLYMOUTH 1041 2-dr., new paint, new spat covers, car in excel, cond.: $045 cash, trade or terms; written guarani ee. STEUART MOTOR CO. 6th and N Y. ave. n.w . NA. 3000 . --26 PLYMOUTH 1034 4-dr.: good condition, see it; $175 or best offer. Call WA^jJTOl. PLYMOUTH ’41 convert : r and h. blue finish: new black top. whitewall tires, spotlight: $1,395; 30-day guar_ .2 cai|, one location, indoors. HILL A* TIBBITTS. 1114 Vermont ave n.w. Wash, s oldest Ford dealer. NA. 9850.— '-8_ AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. PLYMOUTH 1940 coupe: $745, terms and trade. BARNES-8 ANDERS MOTORS. 1300 14th st n.w. —26 PLYMOUTH 3 948 Special de luxe 2-door; | 72 miles: r. and h.; $2,395; cash, trade, | terms. Open eves, ’til 9. Sun. ’til 5. | SATCHER MOTORS, INC., 5100 Wi*. ave.,! WO 9351. —28 PLYMOUTH 3936 4-dr. sedan: excellent: cond Can be seen at 2nd and H sts. n.e. i any time. Price $325 or best offer. —27 ; PLYMOUTH 1948 Special de luxe club I cpe.; r and h.; 200 mi.: $2,445. CHER-1 NER-BREWER AUTO SALES. 5111 Wls. ! ave , WO. 1699. Many others to choose from. Open eves, till 9; Sunday till_ 5.! PLYMOUTH 1946 2-dr. Special de luxe: heater and new tires; $1,450. 57 New York ave. n.e. 27* PLYMOUTH 3 94 1: beautiful gray finish, equipped, in perfect mech. cond If you are looking for an unusual car cheap, don’t fail to see this one. GREENWAY. 3900 Mirn. are n.e.. AT. 3516. —28 PLYMOUTH 1934 4-door: new motor; | heater, good condition; $325. OV. 49h9. : PLYMOUTH 3941- black; good condition:, $495; ex-cab; privately owned. Ph. TI. 9549. 27* PLYMOUTH 3 939 taxicab sedan: good cond.: forced to sell; $395. VI. 9832 or; HO 8607 after lo am. 28* ! PLYMOUTH 1937 4-dr. sedan: heater, goed condition, lust passed 48 inspec tion: $395. VI. 3270. —27 j PONTIAC 1948 4-dr. Streamliner: r. and h.. Hydra : 96 miles; $2,995; cash, trade, terms Open eves, 'til 9. Sun. ’til 5.! SATCHER MOTORS. INC , 53 00 Whs. ave., WO 9351. —28 PONTIAC 1942 6-cyl. 4-dr : r and h.. very fine appearance, mechanically o k . good tires, clean all around; $1,295: guaranteed and terms NORTHEAST MOTOR CO. 920 Bladensburg rd. n.e ' WTe buy. w'e sell used cars.” AT. 0200 —27 PONTIAC 1946 8-cyl. sedan: r and h., spotlight, etc : price. $1,995. CAPITOL CADII.LAC-OLDSMOBLE CO - 1222 22nd st. n w JiA 3300 —27 PONTAC 1941 “8” conv. coupe: in A-l cond ; r. and h : $1,295. BURROWS MO TOR CO., 900 M st. s e TR. 8300. —26 PONTIAC 1946 4-dr. ‘ 8 ” r. and h., dark blue finish, perfect condition inside and out. mechanically excellent; price reduced I to SI.795: guaranteed and 1erms, NORTH EAST MOTOR CO. 920 Bladensburg rd. n.e. “We buy, we sell used cars.” AT 1200 —27 PONTIAC 1939 4-dr. sedan: black, orig finish; excel, mech. cond.; $795. W’O. 7670. —27 PONTIAC 1946 4-dr. Streamliner •■8”: | beaut. 2-tone green finish, looks like new. ! grc<°n plastic seat covers, r. and h.. many other extras for your comfort in driv | ing: don't miss this one. will go quick for $1,995: J3 down. 2 yrs. to Day. COAST IN PONTIAC CO. 407 Fla. ave. n.e.. AT. 7200 —30 PONTIAC 1948 Streamliner 8-cyl. sedan; 5,500 miles, color yellow, blue seat covers. A beautiful car. like new throughout. $2,350. AD $443. PONTIAC' 1933 sedan, first-class condK i lion: $200. Apply RED S GARAGE. 24 H st. n w. —30 PONTIAC 1946 4 -door e-cyiinaer seaan; i dark blue, radio, heater, spotlight, fender ! skirts, plus many other accessories; very clean, with low mileage: ]-owner car: 30 day guarantee: onh' $1,095. BENDALL PONTIAC, J611 King st.. Alex., Va„ . OV. 1600. —28 PONTIAC 1942 “8” Chiefton streamliner’ 4-dr. sedan, r. and h . and other extras: . (one owner car), equivalent to 1946. fully guaranteed: week-end special at $1.296. j cash, trade or $395 down, easy monthly; payments. GEORGETOWN AUTO SALES, ; Wis. and One st.. AD. 3128. —27 1 PONTIAC 1941 convertible coupe: terms and trade; $1,196, BARNES-SANDERS MOTORS. 1300 14th st. n.w. —26 PONTIAC sedanette, black It's round I and firm and so fully packed with ac cessories that the former owner had to mortgage his home for the down pay ment: $2-496; 30-day guar 72 cars, one location indoors. HILL & TIB BETTS, 1114 Vermont ave n.w., Wash.’s | oldest Ford dealer. NA. 9850. —28 PONTIAC 1939 convertible coupe; $7 95: terms and trade BARNES-SANDERS MO TORS. 1300 14 h st. n.w. —26 PONTIAC 1939 sedan. $7 45; terms and trade. BARNES-SANDERS MOTORS. 1300 1 4th st. n.w. —26 PONTIAC 1946 Streamliner “8” 4-dr . de livered in December: heater and radio, satin seat covers, high-speed rear axle: pcrfert condition: $2,000. EM 6262. —27 PONTIAC 1948 sedan-coupe beautiful 2 tone finish; equipped with raoio, heater, seat covers and the new low pressure Air-Ride tires. Come in today for demon stration Our warranted price $2 895. MAYFLOWER MOTORS. INC.. 1125 15th st. n w . RE. 0303. Open 8:30 to 5:30, half day Saturday —27 PONTIAC 1942 sedan-coupe This popular bodv style, with beautiful blk finish, is' equipped with radio and heater for your driving comfort. You can be assured of many trouble-free miles of driving pleas-. ure. Our guaranteed price, $1,245. MAY FLOWER MOTORS. INC.. 1125 15th st. ; n.w.. RE. 0303. Open 8:30 to 5.30. half; day Saturday. —27 1 PONTIAC 1948 Streamliner sedanette. r.! and h . Hydra-M*»iic; 780 miles: $2,095. cash, trade, term*. Open eves, til 9. Sun Nil 5 SATCHER MOTORS. TNC., 5100 Wis. ave . WO 9351 —28 | PONTIAC J947 • 8” g-reamliner 4-door: I all extras $2,375. ROYAL MOTORS. I Packard dealer. 15 Kennedy st., RA. 7720. , PONTIAC 1946 8 2-door sedanette clean' and m good condition: $1,97 5 or best offer.! Call Adams 7693. 27* PONTIAC 1936 2-dr. sedan, excelent : condition, heater and other extras: $350 or best offer UN. 1740. —27 PONTIAC 1937 6-cy! 4-dr: hearer, good cond.: $300 cash. WO. 1975, 3564 Alton I pi. n w —28 i PONTIAC 1947 4-tioor sedan: radio, heat | er. other exrrac this car driven only 7.000 i miles and is just like new. $2,295. Cash j ! trade or terms. BELL MOTORS. 5010 i 1 Wisconsin ave n.w., WO. 8900 —28 PONTIAC 1948 ronvertib!*: black-tan fop: j 2.000 n-ile*: $400 of complete accessories: j Hyrira-Matic drive; $2,995 cash. oAT\ 'PONTIAC 1947 sedanette. in perfect cond 1 Never ou’side D C. All extras, nylon slip covers; $2,450. 2821 Rittenhouse st. i n.w.. WO. 7580. —28 ' PONTIAC 1948 2-door: black: de luxe j I equipment 95<» mile.-: J9 miles to gallon! gas: $2 725. Call EM. 1115. PONTIAC 1948 brand-new convertible. Hvdra-Matlc. radio, a -c. header, direc- j i tional and for? lights. seat, covers, rubber; j undercoating, bumper guards, Kleenex! I box. etc ; $2,995. NO. 4381 from 12 j noon till 9 p m. Private owner. si I oAivr.KS* 194, scaan ann ::-ar ; <7.095 radio, heater: immed. delivery on 1948 convertible coupe. 8-window club: coupe*. Commanders and Land Cruisers. METROPOLITAN MOTORS. New York a\e and Bladrn burg rd . TP.. 9474 STI PEBAKER 1947 Champion de luxe 4 dr.: heater, low mileage, perfect through-: out: blue finish: pricp drastically wit to! <1 095 guaranteed and terms. NORTH EAST MOTOR CO 'used-car lot- 390' Minn. ave. n e. “We buy, we sell used cars ' LI 4! 00. —27 i STI PEBAKER 1940 Champion 7-door se dan with r. and h.; low mileage; very clean: <7 95. COI.IE MOTOR CO. S232 i Georgia ave SL. 8700. —27 STIPEBAKER 1939 Comdr. 4-dr. sedan;, r. and h . D' C insp guaranteed’ $575. I EE D BUTLER. INC , 1121 21 sr st. | n.w. DT. oj ] 0. —26 | STI PEBAKER 19-18 Commander 4-dr se-! dan: radio: 7 miles, right off the showroom: floor. <2.095. COLIE MOTOR CO.. 8732 , Georgia ave.. SL. 8200. —27 STI PEBAKER 1936 4-dr. sedan: mechanl- ' t ally okay, good trans. and only $295. j GEORGETOWN AUTO SALES. Wis. and Que st. AD. .’1128. —2 7 STIPEBAKER 1942 Commander cub coupe exceptionally well kept, excel j mechanical cond: recent motor overhaul <1.195 or te.ct offer. See ar Gulf station.! Or a nn F,as **rn aves . or SH. 0903. —27 STI PEBAKER ’42 Champion club coupe, r and h.. 2 new tires; recently over hauled: $900. AT 2895. —76 <11 PI-RAKER ".8 Commander coupe neater, motor, body good. A real bargain, <7 Cheap rransp. HO. 9867. — 77 , STI PEBAKER 1948 Champion sedan; ;i?ht , b!-i e. spa: cover:. climati/er. few miles;! ARLINGTON AUTO EXCHANGE. ! »i*7o Wilson bivd . Arlington, Ya . OW 7 8SS —76 ! STIPEBAKER 1940 Commander 4-door sedan: r. and h.. defroster and air con-, ditioner. new covers; excellent mechan-j ical condition $750 cash Owner getting new car. Cali RE. 8700, Ext. 557 or CO. 2476 77* STI PEBAKER 1937 reasonable condition: S, 75. Call WA. 7346. —27 STUDEBAKER 1939 Commander: radio, heater, many other extras; nice appear ance. excellent condition throughout; $675. OV 144(> STIPEBAKER 1947 Commander club coupe, radio, heater, plastic seat covers: this car has low mile?ge and just like new: <7 495 Cash, trade or terms BELL MOTORS. 5010 Wisconsin ave. n.w . WO. 8900. 28 STIPEBAKER 1917 4-dr: beautiful tan finish: fully equipped, white side-wall tires; low mileage lust like new: $1,995. low down payment. GREENWAY. 707 Maine ave. s.w.. D'l. 7025. —78 STUDEBAKER 1947 Commander club coupe: overdrive, radio, heater, sootlight; <•’.175 Dupont 67 74. 9 to 5 p.m. 27* STUDEBAKER 1948 Commander convert ible: this car driven only 4,000 miles and is just like new: equipped with radio, heater and other accessories: 24 months, to pav: <7.895. cash, trade or terms. BELL MOTORS. 5010 Wisconsin ave. n.w., WO 8900. —78 TERRAPLANE 1935 4-dr. sedan: good condition: $200 812 S. Arlington Mill | dr.. No. 7. Paikzlin Apts , on Columbia rd. WILEYS station wagon 1947 This all metal station wagon, with custom interior, .is equipped with .'■radio; heater and over drive selling far below list a: $1,7 45. MAYFLOWERS MOTORS- INC. 1175 15th st. n.w . RF 0303. Open 8:30 to 5:30, i half day Saturday. —7 7 1 WILEYS 1939 4-dr sedan; $300 cash. After I p.m . NO. 6640. , . —27 LA SALLE 1938 4-dr.: r. and h excel 1 cond : $600. OW. 7147. —27 “THE ORIG.” WASHINGTON ACTO auc ! tion—No reg. fee Fri. night 8 p m 8511 Colesville rd.. Silver Spring. Md SH. 4400 STATION WAGON. '37 Ford good motor. Md. title: $300 cash WI. 9360 — 20 AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE. ' AUTO AUCTION—Sell or buy a car this modern way; sell only tf bid is satisfac tory; total fee, $5. You won’t 10 wrong buying or selling a car here. Big auction sale every Tues. eve.. 7 p m.. 1113 Va. ave. s.«., or 1100 11th st. « «.. TR. 7113. (Auction sales, rain or shine.>_ COLUMBIA MOTORS— Ford 1948 Super de luxe; every extra, including whitewall tires. Pontiac 1947 4-dr. 8-cyl. Torpedo. Take your pick; $2,196. .. .. The big corner. 3414 Columbia Dike Columbia pike and Glebe rd , Arl.. OW 2605. 9 to 9: 8un.. 12 to 6. —- < j COVINGTON MOTOR CO., Packard Deal ers, the garage with a conscience, <301; Wisconsin ave., Bethesda, Md . WI. 4400. All cars carry a written guarantee. 1 ’47 Buick convertible Super coupe $2.99r> ’47 Ford convertible de luxe coupe. 2.295 48 Packard de luxe “8” 4-dr.sed._ 2.195 41 Buick -61” 4-dr. sedan -- - 1.245: 41 Packards <2> 4-dr. ’120” se dans ... - 1-245 *40 Packards (2) 4-dr. ”110 se dans ___ ?9 o 40 Plymouth coupe __ ■'l11 Ask for V. L. Scates or ART COVING TON._—2 < HOLIDAY SPECIAL SALE— ., i 1932 Terraplane sedan - !927 Terraplane sedan - 3*? 1941 Nash sedan -- 89oj 1942 Oldsmobile sedan -„ 9_o | I 946 Ford sedan --- *936 La Salle sedan _ g§6 ]9:j4 Oldsmobile sedan- 3«.*> 1937 Chevrolet coupe - 4*>0 ■ 1942 Dodse ciub coupe -l-29.-> i 1939 Plymouth sedan - <95 1939 Packard club coupe--— <9*?; 1942 Studebaker sedan 1145 WASHINGTON MOTOR SALES CORP 4516 Arkansas ave , GE. 7454. Terms to; suit. _—28_! CARS WITH A FUTURE, NOT A PASI — All cars lister* in this block carry 30-day guarantees. All cars can be purchased on *asy pavment plan, up to 24 mos. to pay^ 1048 Chev. Aero sedan, loaded $2,406 1042 Chev F.M. 4-dr . fully equip- _ ned. 2-tone. 8 miles - - 406 1048 Ford V-8 Fordor. r.. h.: (2> 2.106 1048 Ford V-8 clb. cpe.. r . h : (2> 219o 1047 Buick Super conv.. fully equip ped, light blue finish, low mile age -- _ -- -• 09 5 1947 Dodse Custom clb. cpe.. fully equipped, 3,000 actual miles 2.495 1947 Olds 4-dr . r.. h. 2.396 1947 Pontiac ••8'” Streamliner, r.. h. 2.395 19*7 Chev. Aero sedan. r„ h. - 2-'.9r> 1947 Crosley conv. sedan __ »9o 1948 Cadillac ' 82" conv., fully equipped, like new 3,995 1948 Buick Super 4-dr., r.. h. - 2-295 1948 Dodse Custom 4-dr., r.. h. 2 095 1948 Ford conv., r . h. 1.§»§ 1948 Chev. 4-dr., r., h. l.K4o 1948 Plymouth Spec, de 1. 2-dr , h. 1,95 1948 Plymouth Spec, de 1. cpe , h. 1.09o 1948 Ford V-8 Tudor, h. _ 1.895 1942 Buick sedanette, r.. h. - 1.395 1942 Chev. 2-dr. h. J.lg» 1942 Ford Tudor, h. ... - _1.095 1942 Hudson "8” 4-dr., r.. h. - 1.095 1941 Buirk 4-dr., r . h. - 1 296 1941 Packard "6" conv., h.-1,195 1941 Olds "PS" 4-dr., r., h. _1.19,5 1941 Buick 4-dr., r.. h. -1095 1941 Hudson "8" 4-dr., r., h- 94n 1940 Pontiac 2-dr., r. - 995 1940 Packard "8" clb. cpe.. r._ 94n 1940 Pontiac "8" cpe.. r., h. - 945 1940 S'udebaker Comdr. 4-dr., h. 895 1940 Plymouth 2-dr., h. . 89., 19.39 La Salle 4-dr., r., h. 89o 1939 Lincoln Zephyr 4-dr . r . h . 795 HANDY MAN SPECIALS. 1942 Dodge 4-dr.; r., h. - 795 1940 Ford de luxe Tudor, h._ 796 1940 Chev. 2-dr., r.. h. - 795 1939 Chev. 4-dr., h. 895 1938 Packard “6” 4-dr , r . h._ 845 1938 Plymouth 2-dr„ 1 owner - 59o 19.38 Ford Tudor, h. ...._ 59.6 1938 Olds "8" 2-dr., h. _ 495 1938 Ford cpe. _ _ 495 1937 Clds "8" 4-dr., new motor 645 1937 Olds "fi" 2-dr . r„ h. _ 446 1937 Hudson 4-dr., h - 395 1938 Dodge 4-dr., r.. h. 346 For the cleanest cars In D C.. come to ■1ET MOTOR SALES. 2719-2725 Nichols ave. s e. LI 0338. LI. 4807. Open dally until 9 pm ; Sunday, until 7 p m. Opp. St. Elizabeths Hospital. —27 HEINES (rhymes with finest > MOTOR CO. —Both locations open until 9 ^odav. At 7601 Wisconsin ave. OL. 1600 ’38 Oldsmobile 4-dr.; r. and h. $695! 39 Chevrolet 2-dr. _ . _ 695j '40 Chevrolet 2-dr ; 895' ’41 Chevrolet cl. epe : r. and h __ 996 ’40 Buick Special 4-dr : r and h. 995 . '43 Ford Fordor: r. and h. - 995 '4.0 Chevrolet 2-dr.: new motor _ 995: '41. Pontiac **6” 4-ar ; r. and h. - _ 1.095; '4! Plymouth Spec, de luxe 4-dr— 1.095 J ’4L Pontiac "S'’ 4-dr. Sireamliner.*.- 1.195 . '4L Buick SDecial 4-dr.: r. and h _ 1196 l 41 Chevrolet Spec de luxe conv.__ 1.295 j 41 Oldsmobile "66” conv. epe _ 1295 '4f Lmcoln-Zep. hvr.: new motor . 1.295 ’43 Dodge cl. epe : r and h . . 1.395 '46 Ford Super de luxe Tudor_ 164 5 '46 Mercury cl. eDe.; r and h. 1.995 '46 Mercury cojiv epe. __ ;.09.*> ’47 Plymouth conv., equip 2 295 A’ 1831-39 Wisconsin ave. OR. 3406 36 Buick 4-dr ; heater . - $300 '36 Ford Tudor: heater _ 350 *37 Buick cl. epe ; r. and h . 595 39 Pac!:ard conv.: r. and h 795; to Buick Special 4-dr.: r. and h. - 895 j to De Soto 4-dr.: r. and h. _ 956 46 De Soto 2-dr.: r. apd h. . 956 i '40 Chrysler 4-dr.; r. and h. •_ 995 40 Mercury conv., r. and h- 1.0501 41 De Soto 2-dr : r. and h. -- 1 095! '42 Plymouth 4-dr.: healer ..._ 1 195: 4 1 Buick Special 4-dr.; r. and h. l.lOn: 41 Packard "lLO” cl. epe.1.195 4*.' Pontiac *'8” sedanette _ 1.295! 43 DodRe cl epe : Fund Drive - 1 395 '4 6 Ford Tudor: heater. --1.595 '46 Ford Fordor - ---1.595 '4 7 Ford epe. -l*G9o '46 Merrurv 4-dr.: heater -1.9o.» '47 Chevrolet Fleetmaster 4-dr. - . 2.095 '47 Chevrolet Flectline Aero - 2.395 47 Tontiac "8" sedanette - 2.395 '46 Buick Roadmaster 4-dr. _ 2,395 Small down payment, balance up to 24 months Most have radio and heater 76(i 1 Wisconsin a\e., OL 1600; 1831-39 Wisconsin ave , OR. 3400_—28 ATTENTION. PLEASE! Convention news! Cemoco has the car you want, plus court eous attention. See out display today. Trade, terms and dealers invited. '47 Frazer 4-dr. Manhattan . $2,695 '46 Chevrolet 4-dr. sedan - - 1 6P.» '46 Plymouth 5-passenger coupe 1.69n '42 Pontiac "6 5-passenger conr. l.59r>j 4! Oldsmobile ‘ 6” 5-pass, coupe l *-6o! '4 1 Buick "8 4-dr. Super.. 13 On 4 1 Packard 4-dr. Clipper. 1.06.?i '41 Buick 4-dr. Special 99.-. 46 Packard "6’ convertible c<mpe 995 40 Dodge 4-dr. aedan 950 '39 Mercury 4-dr sedan 89o. *39 Dodge 4-dr. sedan 850 We have more cheaper and higher priced! cars to select, from. CENTRAL MOTORi CO 3200 Lee hwy .. Arl.. Va . CH. 7000.1 Home of Kaiser-Frazer fine cars. Eves j and Sundav. —*-*» ' OLDS '39 4-dr. sedan $ 450 Pontiac ’40 4-dr. sed; r., h ; only Ford conv.; excel, cond ; only • 1.9-o Mercury 41 convertible, in excel. _ j cord,; r. and h. o50 ; Plymouth '37 conv. coupe; only __ V.o • Buick 39 4-dr. sedan; good cond. <'ln \ Hudson 39 *:-dr. sedan; prirf g-jg ! NORTHWEST AMOCO SERVICE, «13; Florida ave. n.w MI. Ojl 1. —j I912 < HE VROLET coach_ f 790 ' 1940 Chevrolet coupe- 590 | 1938 Plymouth coupe --325 1937 Plymouth sedan - ]*?•> • 937 Pontiac sedan__ - ~qO 1938 Pc ntJac sedan-1 , 194o Dodge l’/a ton -29.) 1 939 Chevrolet panel -- - - -J>, Others at bargain prices, JOHN S REECE. J 1 14 Half .«t. t w.__ ! KING-RAY MOTORS Merchants cf fine motor cars. 1948 Chevrolet Aero Fleetline ^7 39) 194 8 Buick Super 4-door sedan 2 ‘-9o , 1948 Chevrolet Fleetmr.nev • r'tian J .H,r>: 1940 Old', “OS’' 4-door sedan 9?»">; You are invited to come, inspect these; cars. 1'• J 9_9t.i st. n w.._EX _3(>82. —2j j AUTOMOBILES WANTED. CONSIGNMENT SPECIALIST. Conn, ave location, will sell your car and net you a high retail price which you receive in full. We guarantee the car to be sold within :t<> days: you keep title until car Is sold, then receive full payment from us. BROCHE MOTORS, 44.32 Conn. ave. n.w.. WO. 3249 till ». —-" ACTO. new. wanted. Party returning from overseas. Can advance "casn' for new delivery. SH. 1195 . , MOKE C ASH l OR YOl R CAR. 1935 to 194s models Drive in or phone EX. 5562. WOLFE MOTORS. 12th and K sts. n.w. HOLD IT JVST A MINUTE to get high cash price for your 1948 or 1947 car ana older if clean. Drive in or call DU 2877. BRENTWOOD MOTOR CO . 1717 Rhode Island ave n.e Open 9 a.m. to 9 o.m. CASH FOR YOUR CAR- Wf buy. we sell, we trade used cars; drive in or call NORTHEAST MOTOR CO. 'Ford dealer). 920 Bladensburg rd. n.e. (opposite Sears). AT 0°00 STUDEBAKEKS 1947-48. any body type: cash in 5 min. TR 9474. METROPOLITAN MOTORS. N Y. ave. and Bladensburg rd. PLYMOUTH OWNERS—Will pay up to *1. 000 for 1940 Plymouths: 75 units wanted at once: will ring the bell on other models also CENTRAL MOTOR SALES, 4J2b Conn. ave.. WO 9236 or EM 97»4. CHEVROLET OWNERS—Will pay UP to SI.000 for 1940 Chevrolet: <o units wanted at once: will ring the bell on other models also. CENTRAL MOTOR SALES. 4326 Conn ave. WO 9236 or EM 9.o4 BUICK OWNERS—Will pay up to Si.000 for 1940 Bulcks. 75 units.wanted at once: will ring the bell on other models also. CENTRAL MOTOR SALES. 4326 Conn, ave . WO 9236 or EM 9754 1 WILL PAY high cash prices for clean cars, new or used Call me or drive by today. GENE CASTLEBERRY. 1640 Ben nmt rd. n.e.. FR 5231 FORD OWNERS—Will pay up to SI.000 for 1940 Fords; 75 units wanted at once, will I ring the bell on other models also. CEN TRAL MOTOR SALES. 4326 Conn. ate.. WO 9236 or EM 97 54 PONTIAC OWNERS—Will nay up te SI .000 I for 1940 Pontiacs: 75 units wanted at I once; will ring the bell op other models also CENTRAL MOTORS SALES. 432b Conn, ave.. WO 9236 or EM. 97n4 J A S P E R J O 0 K S BY NOW CLYDE A^BRIDE'G LEARNT Hie LE6eONf I’LL GET TH' DATE O' OUR WEDWN' FER NEXT WEEK JT TH'OTHER GALG'LL CO LIKEW/G£#r> OOP LW HOPE AN' rr AWT MUCH/ \(f YOU, CHAP called yr&TGonrf i BEG PARDON, JEDGE ^ T BEAN f A APPLBKHOCXBXJ^Z B V4££ VtX) ABOUT RE- J /']! * PEALIN'YER wn ^nrfl HA7.BEAN MEVER i REPEALS A LAW/ WHAT FOOL’D DARE TASK IT? -'fTV' CROSS-WORD PUZZLE HORIZONTAL. 1 Before 4 Thailand 8 Droops' 12 Sped 13 Taro root 14 Fencing sword 15 Insect 16 26th U S. President 18 Light rowboat 20 Archaic: to advise 21 Sun god 22 Footlike part 23 Hoarfrost 27 Pronoun 29 Public vehicle 30 Chairman s mallet 31 Symbol for lutecium 32 Light brown 33 Honey 34 Bone 35 Once more 37 However 38 Dread 39 Dam 40 Article v of furniture 41 Mulberry 42 Genus of herbs 44 Bay 47 Extremely heavy 51 Metalliferous rock 52 To the shel tered side 53 Poetic: earth 54 Can 55 Rodents 56 Daughter of James II 57 Downhearted VERTICAL. 1 Period of time <pl.» 2 Grade 3 Whole 4 Thrall 5 Artificial language Answer to Yesterday’s Putzle. I fs |h|a Ivj IT IE 1SI fl 6 Worships 7 Hebrew proph et and law giver 8 Sundry 9 Simian 10 To coagulate 11 To place 17 Man’s nick name 19 Note of scale 22 Play on words 24 Four 25 Cat’s err 26 Otherwise 27 Sliced cabbage 28 Vast 29 To proscribe 30 To obtain 32 Declamatory speeches 33 Mire 36 Sloth 37 To lament 38 Apportions 40 Rangoon is its capital 41 Article 43 Note of scale 44 Ait 45 Silkworm 46 To minister to 47 Golf term 48 Palm leaf <var.'> 49 Trap 50 Vase Points for Porcnts ~By ED'TH THOMAS WALLACE When children use dawdling as a means of showing their poiver to irritate their parents it is well not to satisfy their expectations. Binrr-fi m -- Mother—I'm going out on thei porch with my netf magazine. I'd just as soon start later and not stay very long. Not This —. i <L-nc. Mother—I get so mad—having to wait for you every time we go any where. Please hurry and get dressed. Test Your Horse Sense By Dr. George W. Crone Score one point for a correct solution to each of the first five problems. The last problem counts five points. 1. Which one of the following is a baseball term? Flinch. Hot Corner. Ringer. Coffin Corner. 2. Which one of the following is a sea bird used by the Chinese for catching fish? Cuckoo. Parakeet. Cormorant, Mongoose. 3. Hominy grits are derived from which one of these fann products? i Potatoes. Wheat. Soy Beans. Corn. 4. A gelding makes which type of characteristic sound? Whinny. Oink. Moo. Quack. r>. The term "American beauty" suggests the past tense of which verb Eat. Rise. Swim. Run. 6. Try to match the various garden products shown on the left-hand column below with the foods with which they are associated on the dinner table. You are entitled to one point for each correct, judgment, ta * Blueberry. <v> Shortcake. ■ bi Blackberry. »wm Sundae. «c> Strawberry’. <x> Cobbler. <d> Cranberry. ty> Pie. <e» Pineaple. tzi Sauce. Score yourself as follows: 0-2, poor: 3-6, average; 7-8, superior; 9-10, very superior. ANSWERS. 1. Hot coiner 'third base'. 2. Cor morant. 3. Corn. 4. Whinny. 5. Rise 'Rose'. 6. <ai Blueberry-Pie (>’). ib» Blackberry-Cobbler <x). <c) Strawberry-Shortcake <v). <d» Cran berry-Sauce tzi. tei Pineapple-Sun dae tw>. AUTOMOBILES WANTED (Cent.). GET MORE MONEY FOR YOUR CAR—We , will buy your car immediately for lop cash price; or you can name the price you, want for your car on our sell-your-car plan. Just bring your car and title, name your price, we'll try to get it for you. If we. sell your car at your price, you pay us 10rc If we do not. sell your car there is no charge CHER.N'ER MOTOR CO.. Ford dealer. 1781 Florida aye n.w. HO, fiOufl FAIR. HONEST APPRAISALS on all makes of cars are assured at MrKEE-PONTIAC ISOS L st. n.w ME 0400. HIGHEST PRICES paid by Washing*ons oldest Nash Dealer. See WILLIAMS <V BAKER. INC., for an aDpraisal. 2819 M st n.w HO 8700. BARNES-SANDERS MOTORS—We want cars regardless of price; don’t trade on a new car or sell to any oije until you give us the opportunity to buy at your price We need 100 cars. 19.15 to 1948. It yout car is paid for. will give you cash; It tai ls not paid for. will pay off balance and pay cash difference Washington's oldest ex clusive used-car dealers. All cash or certi fied checks. See Mr Barnes or Mr. Sanders Only one location Drive in big open lot. 1300 14th st. n.w. icorner of N n.w.) Ooen 8:30 to 5:30 pm NO. 1111, MI <1214. BARNES-SANDERS MOTORS TRY TRIANGLE—We want tile extra clean cars and will D*y premium prices to get them Phone DE 8303 for a buyer to call- or drive tn EITHER TRIANGLE MOTORS LOCATION. 3010 R. I. ave n.e. or 1333 R I ave n e. "WIN WITH WINN”—More SS* for your car. No delav Open 9 am. to 9 pm WINNS MOTORS. 159 Florida are. n.e EX 2898. IOO CARS WANTED IMMEDIATELY—'38 lo 48: will oay your price for clean cars. Come to or call LIVINGSTON MOTORS 123 O st. ne. EX. 3809 CASH FOR YOl'R CAR—We buy, we sell, we trade used cars; drive In or call NORTHEAST MOTOR CO (Ford dealer:. 39U1 Minn. ave. n.e. (at Bennina rd.i LI 4100. BUSINESSMAN wants 1948 car; par ail in cash WO. 6581, call any time. NAME YOUR OWN PRICE for your car We Will sell It for *ou and charge you only 67« If car ts sold. Don't give ydur car away; see us lor the top price that: your oar will bring. Any model accepted from 1938 to 1948 LEEDS MOTOR CO. 5210 Wls. ave n.w.. OR. 4407. Open Suns till 6; wk days till 10 IMMEDIATE CASH—Need 200 clean car* for Southern trade, all makes and models; -at premium prices if had right now RHODE ISLAND MOTOR CO- 1620 Rhode Islano ave n.e MI. 9774. $25 IS ALL FOLKS—That'i our fee for getting you top retail price for your car. DONALD MOTORS, 137 O st. n e- 320 Fla. ave . n e- ME 30.33 or AT. 9508 TRY DONALD and prove to yourself thet yovr can get more money for a late model ar Drive In at either of our lot* DONALD MOTORS. 137 O st. n.e- or 320 FIs ave, n.e . ME. 3033 or AT. 9508 BUSINESSMAN in desperate need of new 1948 automobile; pay all cash. Cell WO 9629. any time. — ”« GET THE TOP RET All- PRICE for your car Let Bell Motor* sell your 1946 to 1948 car at your price Our commission *25; keep your title till car is sold No charge It car Is notsold_ Just call or brine your car to BELL MOTORS. 5010 Wis. eve. n w„ WO. 8900 —28 PVT. PARTY WILL PURCHASE for tmmed cash. 1941 or 194" 4-dr sedan In jfood condition Phone VI. n465 —. BUSINESSMAN needs a clean 19481 or 47 Chevrolet; will pay all rash. Phone WO 8901 . . — —28 l IF YOU HAVE a anod used Che> rr''i ~ Ford. I need It; will pav cash. Call EX 8870. '-s Nature's Children RED BIRCH. i Betula nigra.) By Lillian Cox Athey Throughout the world there are 30 species of birch. 12 native to North America from the Arctic Circle to Texas and Florida. Their favorite homesites are along stream and river banks and the shores of ponds and swampy forest land in the East- j ern part of the United States. Nat-1 urally, it has been called river birch ! All of us know' it. Sometimes a ma ture tree reaches a height of 90 feet with a trunk 5 feet in diameter. There are two or three slightly di verging limbs that divide into many branches and the branchlets tend to form the irregular crown by which we recognize the red birch. The bark on the old trunks is dark red-brown, deeply furrowed, and broken into closely pressed scales. It is one bark you can easily re member. The pollen-producing flowers form the preceding season. You find them clustered at the end of the twigs. By April or May they reach a length of 2 or 3 inches. The pistillate flowers are the seed producing cat kins that appear when the leaf buds open and they are borne singly and upright on the short, two-leaved lateral twigs. Unlike the seeds or otner oircnes. the river-lover matures her seeds in late spring or early summer. The small, winged, nutiike seeds ride the winds or are carried by water and germinate quickly, once they touch deep, rich alluvial soils of bot tomlands. Here you find many baby trees through the year. Young stumps put out healthy sprouts. Red birch is not a victim of dis ease or to an attack by insects, but it is often badly injured by slaps from ice cakes, and young trees are dislocated by spring floods. The fruit is conelike and matures in May and June. This is the time to study them. Red birch is made into hoops for peach baskets and for rice kegs. The lumber is not. especiallv valuable, but the tree is very worthwhile be cause of its beauty and its roots help to keep streams within their borders. The tree shades many fine swimming holes and fishing spots. LIFE'S LIKE THAT lyOslMOPEgNfi r~f~] •What'd I tell you about eating with your elbows on the table?” i $2 tor your idea* w« print. Writ# l«rnilannttl^c'o_Tti# Evening Star j &JSWS-COMMX5 'SK3ULL.. -. APPROACH OF BUS IS P6BCEDBD 9/A MUSICAL TONE CAUS60 9/ SMOfi(fittWE EMAWATiOWS FCOM BUS GOOD FO* RESfAUeWTS, eTc. j: Palbbvo, Sombmum, •l* '•** t m Goren on Bridge Neither «lde vulnerable. 8cmtil deals. NORTH A A 6 f K 10 < 4 0 8 7 8 1 A K 7 3 WEST EAST A 8 7 6 3 2 A J 10 8 4 <7 Q 7 2 t J5 0 None OQJ10 AQJ 10 82 A A 9 6 4 SOUTH A K Q t? A 9 8 3 0 A K 9 6 4 2 A 5 The actual bidding: South. West. North. East.. 1 diamond Pass 2 diamonds Pass 5 diamonds Pass Pass Pass Opening lead: Queen of clubs. Whenever you see a defender affording declarer the luxury of a ruff and a discard by leading a suit of which both dummy and declarer are void, you may be sure he is either a beginner or an expert. The beginner will do It from ignorance, the expert from experience. The bidding is given as it actually occurred and is entirely without the sanction of this department. I am moved by the utter disdain with which both partners treated their four-card major suit holdings. North's proper response to the open ing bid was one heart and that suit would have become the final trump. Now it is true that the cards are so laid out that a four-heart con tract by North can be defeated by the opening of the queen of dia monds. but in actual play it is more probable that East would have opened the jack of spades. If South had elected to try out the heart suit himself on the second round, instead of leaping to five diamonds, he would have landed in a contract that not even double dummy de fense could have defeated. Against the five-diamond contract the queen of clubs was opened and held the trick. The suit was con tinued and declarer ruffed. The ace of trumps revealed the bad news in that suit and declarer drew one more trump. He then led the queen of spades over to dummy's ace and ruffed dummy’s remaining club. He then cashed the king of spades and got out of the lead with a trump.* At this time East had the lead with nothing but red cards in the dummy. Many players in dread of giving declarer a ruff and a discard would have led a heart, but a little counting simplified East’s problem. Declarer is known to have had ex actly six diamonds and one club. It is clear from the way the spades were played that declarer had only two spades; that would leave him four hearts, and one discard would do him no good. If South holds both the ace and queen of hearts, there is no further play to the hand, but if he lacks the queen, the de fense must, not touch that suit. One discard will leave him with three hearts and West's queen mvist, still make. On this line of reasoning East continued with the jack of spades. Declarer ruffed in one hand and discarded a heart from the other but he still had a heart to lose. The return of a heart by East would, of course, have per mitted declarer to pick up the entira suit. « ^Copyright. 1P4S, by Charles H. Ooren > Take My Word for It By Frank Colby Readers' Comer. Is there such a word as •‘com mentation’’? The Four Hour Speech Class, Central Junior High School, Kansas City, Mo., writes: "Our class has been devided into two groups, and each is assigned one of your articles to talk on. We have learned much from this. Now tell us about the word •eommentarion.’ Did you make it up, or is it in the diction ary?’’ The word commentation Is in Webster's New International, Funk At Wagnall's New Standard and the New Century Dictionary. It is not listed Jn the American College Dictionary, Macmillan's. Winston's, Words: The New Dictionary or F. A* W.'s New College Standard. How ever. most of them do list ‘'com mentator." defined as "One who dis cusses current events over the radio " A commentator and a newscaster are not the same. The first pur ports to explain or analyze the significance of events, trend or implications of national and Inter national affairs. The second merely reports the news without expressing any opinion pro or con. in short, the radio newscaster corresponds to the newspaper re porter of factual events. The com mentator corresponds roughly to the newspaper editorial writer, but with this important difference: (1) The newspaper editorial writer reflects the studied views and estab lished policies of the publication's publisher, management and edito rial staff, all of whom are answer able to the stockholders, subscriber* and the community at large. ! 12» The radio commentator for, ; often, the syndicated columnist) represents no one but himself. His iviews, opinions and analyses are only as accurate and trustworthy as he himself is. He may be, and often I is, a capable and unbiased thinker. |On the other hand, he may be mere ly a clever showman, or an exploit er of the sensational, or a danger ous fraud. In short, the possession of a ml | crophone and a sponsor is no guar antee of infallibility, of capability, or even of honesty. This is a good thing to keep in mind whenever commentators insist on fighting "World War III" on the radio, wdth your living room as the battlefield. Do Toil know the eight parts of speech of the English language? It Is essential to know them to constrb’’! orderly “'2' tences. Mr. Colby’s leaflet. C-l «, explains ; In simple terms To obtain a copy send s rents in eon ! and a stamped, self-addressed envelop* to him. care of The Evening Star r. ,0. Word Game Find 60 or more common English words In tenterhook. meaning, "a sharp hooked nail Average mark is 56 words. Time limit. 40 minutes. Rules of the game—1 Words must be of four or more letters. 2. Words which acouira four letters by the addition of a, *ueh ** "bats." “cats.” are not used 3 Only on* form of a word is u*ed 4 Proper JJ**1** are not used. A list will be published Mouday. A newer to CHAMBER. came care caber charm char cram crab cream harem hare harm hear herb ache acre. acme ahem amber arcn mare mare march hare beach beam bear breach prrarn brara p«.ch •m^ar r*<-« raam ra«r h rh*a Virginia Tax Yield Cut RICHMOND, Va., June 26 <& - Virginia tax revenues froan al sources for May. 1948, dropped of I about *1.400,000 from collections ot j May, 194". figures in the controller# 'office showed. > »