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llttttrtlittgfl SACHS. SARAH An unveiling of a morumen’ m memory of the late SARAH SACHS Will take place Sunday. June 27, ?.,4S at 1:30 p.m. at the Ohev Sholom Cemetery Relatives and friends are in HER CHILDREN. MR. GEORGE SACHS. MB WILLIAM N. SACHS. MR. FRANK SACHS. MR HYMAN SACHS. MR ABE SACHS MRS LENA KOTZIN MRS ANNE KLEIN MRS ROSE DANIELS. MRS LILLIAN WOLF. ,26 Dratiifi boogher. CHARLES. On Friday. June 25. 1948, CHARLES BOOGHER of 1213 E st. n.e . beloved hus I band of Estella G. Boogher. fa ther of Emily Payne. Friends may call at the Robert A. Mattingly Funeral Home. 131 _ 11 th st s e.. where services will b» held on Tuesday* June 29, at 1 p.m. a i>< and friends invited. Interment Ar'ng'on National Cemetery. Richard Harden Camp. United Spanish War Vet ei-ane, take notice 28 BRI MBACK. MAUDE TERRILL. De rated this life on Friday. June 26. 1948. Mrs MAUDE TERRILL BRUMBACK of Arlington Va widow of Thomas J. Brum hjrk She is survived by four daughters, i,., Ecvard T Schneider of Minneapolis M rn Mrs Helen B Torrens, Mrs. Dick Passett sod Mrs. Paul Kassel, all of Ar t niton Va , five sons. Keith Brumback, rart v Brumback. Tweede D. Brumback. reorse T Brumback and Herbert L. Brum hark all of Arlington. Va.: two sisters. ?,,, R ,1 White of St Louis. Mo., and .,;, \>;;; e warren of Rochester. Mich.: m-e brother M H. Terrill of Ewing. Mo.: , vem grandchildren and eighteen great prandchildren Friends may cal! at the vdense of Mrs. Dick Bassett, daughter, oir’ t Nor’h Glebe rd . Arlington. Va.. from .iron Saturday June 26. until funeral services Monday, June 28. at 2:30 p.m.. . ,i, above address. Friends of the fam *v lnV!ted Interment Columbia Gardens I cemetery -' CARLIN. CLARA MARIE. Suddenly, on . TO r.rlav June 24. 1948. at her home.: hS ’ii Sou+h 8th st Arlington, Va.. CLARA msrte CARLIN, beloved wife of the late , .,m j Carlin and foster mother of | ,, Isabel Keyes and Mrs. Marie Mus Srove Remains resting at the Bethesda-; chew Chase Funeral Home of Wm. Reuben; P, roohrev. Bether.da Md.. until noon Sat-' ,-day June 26: thereafter at her late vVssrienre' Services Monday. June 28. at . , pi Thomas More Catholic Church.; n rkincham. Va.. where requiem mass will ?. Offered st 10 am. Interment St. U.,,., Church Cemetery, Barnesville. Md_. (Pittsburgh. Pa. papers please copy! 2< CARRICK. CARRIE C. EntereQd into eternal rest Thursday. June 24. 1948. at , H,r "vsidence. 1819 8th st n w.. CARRIE c CARRICK. devoted wife of Lawrence Carrick. beloved mother of Theodore L carr rk and Thurman C Carrick. and the fa*e Lorenzo Carrick. She also leaves to miwn their loss three sisters. Florence colwe}t Kate Coleman and Nellie Smith: two brothers. Milton and Floyd Colwell; t ss-o daughters-in-law. Marian and Dorothy f,rt|(k a granddaughter. Alicia Lee Car r'ck a niece. Gladys Smith; a sister-in ri» Beatrice Turner of Pittsburgh, Pa.. and a host nf other relatives and friends. After 11 am. Sunday. June 27, friends, i. • rail at her late residence. Funeral ™v,res Tuesday. June 29. at I Ihe New Bethel Baptist Church. 9th and S "* pev C David Foster officiating. Relatives and friends invited Interment Harmony Cemetery. Arrangements by W. Ernest Jarvts Co. . CHAMBER* IDA. Alter a ucirun* * **'ir>» CHAMBERS, loving sister of vanrip chambers, devoted friend of Mr Wtnum Crrortor. Other relatives and rrarv friend- also mourn *i?r _£’*,5Mnf Rpmairs rating at the -John Rhine* A. Cn Funeral Horn*. 3rd and Eye «*• «■*• Notice of funeral later. rOH\ DORA On Priday. June 25. 104? s' her residence. 4218 28th st Mount Rainer. Md . DORA cpHN. beloved mother of Mrs Jennie Vigderhouse. Mrs. SamuV' Gordon. Mrs. Mae Sanders and Morris Sunshine She also la survived by , David Notes; a brother Morr'. Oensbers: eleven grandchildren Md eleven great-grandchildren. Funeral vrvicrs at the Bernard Danzansky * Son F.neral Home 3501 14th st. n *. Notice of time later COOPER. MART HANNAH. On Friday tune "5 jPAX at Prince Georges General HosnltaV MARY HANNAH COOPER, late; ?eslSenrf 4107 Annapolis rd . Bladens burg. Md . beloved wife of Clarence E Cooper mother of Mrs. Bertha Schwier end Miss Dons Cooper Remains resting at Chambers. Funeral ,?ome.£ fu land avp . Riverdale. Md. Notice oi iu neral later HAT. RICHARD Departed this life on Tbl rSclav Tune "4. 1048. at Freedroen s HoapUaV RICHARD DAY of 51« M at. se loving husband of Mrs Mildred ^®y* , . voted father of MiWred. Thomas and Rich »rri Dav ir . son of the late Anena ana 0>rar Dav brother of Mrs Ruby Norman. Mrs Manta Meridtth. Mrs K»tie Blacs rreil, John Aleck and Frederick Day He e'so is survived by many nieces. nePhe*a end other relatives Remains restlm »* >he John T Rhines & Co. Funeral Home. 3rd and Eye sts. s w. Notice of funeral later OWNING TON. ROBERT 1 EE CONN RudrienK nn Wednesday June RORFRT 1 EE CONN DUNNINGTON, be taThu'totfd of Susie Duvnlngton and brother of George H Conn. Mrs. - Smith and Mrs. Teddy Friends mar call at the Saffell Funeral Home. 4... H s. nV Funeral services »t the above funeral home on Monday. June -8 • m In'erment Arlington National c eme <ery = - FUNERAL DIRECTORS. In Cose of Deoth Coll One of the L*r*e*t Undertaker* In the World Complete Funerals $95 to $2,000 Four Lar96 Fu*erol Hon*rj Phone CO. 0432 V. L. SPEARE CO. rh*.lth^,m»rerrR,#S^rreTsU§mUWen,th 1009 H St. N.W. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. «t.h and Mas* Av*. N E LI. 5200 * ’ FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium FRANK GEIER'S SON CO. funeral home 3605 14th St. N W HObart 7S26 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Foiirerlv at 1113 ?th St N.W. Established 1K51 “ funeral designs. CHACON AS FLOWERS nemattfal FLORAL PIECES. *5 00 and an DELIVERED MM (4th St. N.W. Phnn. PH. <181 GUDE BROS. CO. IndiTldnally dealmed Wreath* and Spray. Charre accounts opened b' phone |«>|r» F St. N \V.-—NAtional T.^6_ GEO. C. SHAFFER. Inc. EXPRESSIVE FT ORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NA OJOC. Cor. 14th & Eve °yn"d/”r/‘ Blackistone, Inc. "V™/' BEAUTIFUL FLORAL TRIBUTES, $5 up Phone and Charge It C~&CFLOWERST (>RES TXOSAL SPRAT. *3.95 VT W^IVERED Charge Accounts Invited Two Convenient Locations HOW llth St. VW. ME ttjW F St. N M Ml. .101 FLOWERS ChA.flBiRS Has rcr-p'ele Flower S^oc Funeral De-gr.s Special* $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $10, up to $200 -CALL CO. 0432 AMBULANCES. AMBULANCES DOCTORS CALL •'CHAMBERS • For Ambulance. CO. MS*. One of the finest fleets in the world. Rates: *10 up to 10 mile radius. Expert attendants. CALL CO. 0432 Sfatlj b ERMOLD, ELIZABETH On Thursday June 24 1948. ELIZABETH ERMOLD. the beloved mother of Bertha L Thompson Marie H Connick. Helen Tolson. Sister M Ceciliana and Henry Ermold. Prayers at Chambers Funeral Home. 517 31th st. s.e cn Saturday. June 26. at 8:30 a m Mass at St. Francis Xavier's Catholic Church 2800 Pa ave. s.e., at 9 a m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. FERGUSON. JOHN E. On Friday. June 25. 1948. at Gallinter Hospital. JOHN E FERGUSON father of Mrs. Hattie Baylor 8tanley. John. Ellen and Irma Ferguson: brother of Miss Ella Ferguson and Mr Eustice Ferguson of Hartford. Conn.: Mrs Lillian Roy of New York and Mr. Charles Ferguson of New Haven. Conn. Notice of funeral later Arrangements by the Rollins Funeral Home. 27 FIELDS, JAMES. On Friday. June 25. 1948. at Gallinger Hospital. JAMES FIELDS of 927 Golden st. s.w.. beloved son of Nettie Fields, loving brother of Della Head. Amanda Buchanna. Louise Pendleton. Lillian Jones and Reginald Fields. He also leaves.many other rela tives and friends. After t pm Suaday. June 27. friends may rail at Campbell's Funeral Home, 423 4th st. s.w . where fu neral services will be held on Monday. June 28. at 2 pm. Rev. A P Cooke of ficiating. Interment Paynes Cemetery. FLETCHER. CHARLES. On Thursday June 24. 1948. at Gallinger Hospital. CHARLES FLETCHER, dear friend of Mary E. Johnson. Services at. Stewart's Funeral Home. 30 H st. n.e . on Monday. June 28. at 9 a m. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 27 FRADY. JOSEPH A. On Monday, June 21. 1948. 7 at Houston. Tex . JOSEPH A. FRADY. beloved hus band of Grace Frady. father of Derendra Gale Frady and son of Charles O. and Bessie Frady Funeral services at his late resi dence. 716 6t.h st. s w . on Mon day. June 28. at 12:30 p.m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 27 GARRISON, GEORGE EDWARD. JR Suddenly, on Friday. June 25. 1948. at Emergency Hospital GEORGE EDWARD GARRISON, Jr., of 3809 M st n w the beloved son of Mr. and Mrs George Ed ward Garrison, sr. Sen ices at Chambers' Funeral Home. 3072 M st n.w.. on Tues day. June 29. at 2 pm. Imerment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 27 , GILCHRIST. LILLIAN R On Thurs day. June 24. 1948. LILLIAN R GIL CHRIST of 1111 Flower ave . Takoma Park. Md . beloved wife of the late Thomas L Gilchrist of Oklahoma City. Okla. mother of Mrs. Kenneth T Sime of Ta koma Park. Md . Elsworth Gilchrist of Dallas Tex Everett Gilchrist of New York City and Kenneth Gilchrist of Los Angeles. Calif. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co Funeral Home. 2901 I4th st. n.w until 5 pm Saturday. June 26 Services and interment Okla homa City, Okla 26 GLUECK. NATHAN H. On Monday June 21. 1948. at Del Mar. Calif , NATHAN H GLUECK. beloved husband of Marie Glueck. brother of Dr Beinard Glueck. sr.. of Ossining. N. Y Dr. Sheldon S. Glueck of Harvard University. Moritz 8 Glueck of Kensington. Md.: Rose Glueck Golden and Lillian Glueck Philipson of Washington. D. C. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 I4th st nw, after noon Sunday Serv ices at the above funeral home on Monday June 28. at 2 p m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 27 GOODWIN. WILLIAM McAFEE. On Fri day. June 25, 1948. at the Masonic and Easrern Star Home. WILLIAM McAFEE GOODWIN- formerly of Atlanta. Ga Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w . on Monday. June 28. al 10 am. Interment private °7 i HORNSBY. NETTIE V. On Friday June 25. 1948. at Freedmen s Hospital. NETTIE V HORNSBY of 1833 S st. n.w . Apt. 3, beloved aunt of George R. Hornsby and sister of Mary Bell and Norben Horns by. She also leaves two nieces, two other nephews, other relatives and friends. After 10 am. Sunday. June 27, friends may call at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral services Mon day. June 28. at 3 pm., at the Bethel Baptist Church. 9th and S sts. n.w. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Lin coln Memorial Cemetery. 27 HORNSBY. NETTIE. The Interdenom inational Ushers' Union of D. C. and Vicinity desires to an nounce the passing of Mrs. NETTIE HORNSBY. Funeral Monday. June 28. 1948. at 3 p m., from the New Bethel Bap tist Church. 9th and S sts. n w. Please attend if possible. WILLIAM H DAVIS. President. MISS HENRY ETTA DAVENPORT, Sec. KEELTY. COL. FRANK J. On Wed nesday. June 23. 1948, at Walter Reed General Hospital Col. FRANK J. KEELTY. U S A . of 2630 Brentwood rd. n.e.. be loved husband of Gertrude Keelty. Re mains resting at the S H. Hines Co Fu neral Home. 2901 14th st n.w. Services at For* Myer Chapel on Monday. June 28. at lo a m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 27 LITTLE, JIMMIE KATHERINE. On Thursday, June 24, 1948. at Walter Reed Hospital JIMMIE KATHERINE LITTLE beloved wile of Leroy C. Little. Friends may rail at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass ave. n.e. where services will be held on Monday. June 28. at 1 p.m. In terment Arlinu’on National Cemetery. 26 LICY. HATTIE. Entered into eternal rest on Saturday. June 26, 1948. at Freed man-s Hospital. HAITIE LUCY of 4916 Nash n e . loving mother of Mrs. Mary Jane Gross. Mrs Callie Snead Mrs. Pau line Ladd. Mrs Hattie Marks Mrs. Carrie Brown. Lovells. Richard, Samuel. Walter. Ernest and Moses Lucy. She also is sur vived by one brother, three sisters, other relatives and a host of friends. Remains resting at. the John T Rhinos A'. Co. Fu neral Home. 3rd and Eye sts. s w. Notice of funeral later. McKILLEN. MARY M. On Saturday. June 26. 1948 at Sibley Memorial Hos pital. MARY M McKILLEN. the beloved mother of John C McKillen sister of Alice St ambaugh Services at Chambers* Fu neral Home. I too Chapin st. n w on Monday June 28 at JO a m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 27 MM.LOY. MARY <i. On Thursday June 24. 194 8 at Providence Hospital. MARY G MULLOY beloved wife of the late John A Mulloy Friends may call at the I-ee Funeral Home 4fh st and Mass ave. ne until 9 30 a m. Mondav June 28. Services at St Marks Episcopal Church. 3rd and A sts. sp at 10 am. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery.* 27 PARRISH. ELIZABETH GLENN. On Thursday. June 24. 1948. a' Glenn Dale Hospital. ELIZABETH GLENN PARRISH of 221 7 F st. n.w . wife of John W. Par rish mother of Nora Daws of New Haven. Conn ; Emma Ulrich of New York City. Claude Parrish of Hillsboro. N. C Bertha Pleasant. Alonzo. Lisbon. Glenn. Constance and Georgia Mae Parrish of Washington. D. C sister of Tonnie Lunsford. Emma Tilley and Claude Glenn of Pittsburgh. Pa She also leaves a host of nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends The late Mrs. Parrish may be \iew-ed at Stewart* Fu neral Home 30 H st n e . from 7 pm. Friday until 8 pm Saturday. Funeral and interment Durham. N. C. 26 TRIEST. ANNIE. Departed this life Thursdav June 24 J948. at Oallinger Hot-pi*a 1. ANNIE PRIEST She leaves to mourn -heir loss a devoted husband Mr John Priest a loving father, two sisters eight brothers and a hdst of other rela tives and friends Remains resting at the R N Horton Funeia! Home. 1322 You st n w Funeral Sunday June 27. ir. Louisa. Va RAPAPORT. CHARLES. On Thursday June 24. 1948. CHARLES RAPAPORT. be loved husband of Rebecca Rapaport and devoted father of Dr Walter Rapaport of Akupw. Calif., and Mrs. Anna Yadkowsky H* also is survived by four grandchildren and thrpe great-grandchildren Funeral1 services at the Bernard Danzanskv Ar Son Funeral Heme. 3501 14th st n w on Sun oaw June 27. at 10 30 am Interment Adas Israel Cemetery. 27 RASEHORN. JOHANNA BALER POW ERS. On Thursday. June 24. 1948. JO HANNA BAUER POWERS RASEHORN the beloved wife of Charles Rasehorn. mother of David F. Henry G and Ferdinand E Bauer, and grandmother of Bruce A. lar ry A and Darlene A Bauer. Funeral from the W W Deal Funeral Home. 4812 Geor gia ave n w . on Saturday. June 26. at 2 o m Relatives and friends invited In •erment George Washington Memorial Cemetery. 26 j robinson. Edward major on Thursdav. .June 24. 1948. EDWARD MAJOR ROBINSON of 421 Richardson st. n w He is survived by a grandson, three nieces and a devoted friend. Mrs. Julia A. Robinson After 12 noon Sunday. June 27. friends may rail at Frazier's Funeral Home Inc. .389 R I ave n.w. where fu-, netal services will be held on Monday. June 28. at 1 pm Interment Payne's Cemetery 27 ROYSTON. JOSEPH ROBERT. On Fri day. June 25 194 8. at his residence. 124 North Fairfax st Falls Church. Va.. JO SEPH ROBERT ROYSTON. husband of Milinda Trussell Royston and father of Lena B Moran of Ocean Gate N. J Jo seph H Royston and S Pauline Royston of Washington. D C . and Robert D. Roy ston of Falls Church. Va. Also surviving are nine grandchildren, ten great-grand children- four brothers and four sister*. Notice of funeral later. 27 SIMPSON. WILLIAM A! BREV. Sud- * rienly. on Friday. June 25. 194 8 at his residence 4869 Colorado ave. n w . WIL LIAM AUBREY SIMPSON, beloved husband df Ellen Teresa Simpson Funeral from the above residence on Monday. June 28, ?, 9 30 a m thence to the Shrine of the Sacred Heart Church where mass will be offered at Hi am Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. 27 SISLER. WILMER DAVID On Friday. June 25. 1948. at his home. 101 West Cameron rd . Falls Church. Va . WILMER DAVID SISLER. beloved husband of Al berta E Sisler and father of David E Wilmer H.- Irvin I . Charles Ben and Harry D. Sisler Mrs. Medrtck Bell Mrs. George Powell. Mrs. L R Frye and Nancy Bernice Sisler. Remains resting at Pearson's Fu neral Home. 472 North Washington st.. Falls Church. Va until 4 pm. Saturday. June 26; thereafter af his late residence Funeral from the Cedar Grove Church near New Marker Va on Sunday. June 27. at 3 pm Eastern standard time. In terment Cedar Grove Cemetery CEMETERY LOTS. FORT LINCOLN CEMETERY—6 sites.'rea sonable. Call GL 0554 all day Sunday; weekdays after 8 p.m. —26 BEAUTIFUL FORT LINCOLN cemetery lot No. 262 tfive places), in front of church tchapel section*; $ 1.250. market value; can be had at bargain for cash. Address Bex 1061. North Station. Arlington. Va 29* CEMETERY LOTS, 6 sites. Ford Lincoln; sacrifice. S400. leaving town. UN. ISih 26* 4 LOTS m National Memorial Park; need rash must sell sav* SlOO each lot ill, or part. Phone OL 5143. —27 Capt. Liggett Funeral Plans Are Delayed Arrangements for the funeral of Capt. Charles D. Liggett of Alex andria and his two children today awaited word from his widow, who is in Walter Reed Hospital receiving treatment for shock. Capt. Liggett early yesterday shot and killed his two children. Sharon. 5. and Fred. 4. and then killed him self after a minor argument with his wife. Mrs. Liggett is expecting her third child in about two months. It was not known at Wheatley’s funeral home in Alexandria, where the three bodies were taken, whether burial would be here or in Wichita, Kans , where Capt. Liggett formerly lived. Walter Reed Hospital reported Mrs. Liggett's condition as good and said she was resting comfortably. She expected to leave the hospital sometime today. The triple shooting occurred around 2 a m. yesterday at the Lig gett home. 215 Buchanan street. Mrs. Liggett was downstairs when her husband, a pilot stationed at Billing Field, shot and killed their two children in an upstairs bedroom and then killed himself. Boys, 15 and 17, Face Quiz on Housebreaking Two teen-age boys were to be questioned by police today in con i nection with approximately 15 cases of housebreaking and larceny in Georgetown The older of the two. who is 17, was picked up yesterday by Detec tives Roy C. Schwab and Benson Taylor of the Seventh Precinct as he was on his way to try to sell a radio. The younger boy. 15. was picked up by police Thursday. Detective Taylor said the boys ad mitted participating in 15 George town housebreakings with robberies totaling *200 Srathfl SMITH. LOTTIE BARNES. On Tues day. June 22. 1948. at Gallmger Hos pital. LOTTIE BARNES SMITH of 1304 South Queens st.. Arlington. Va . devoted wife of Mr. Louis Smith, loving mother of Mr Willie J. Barnes and grandmother of Lottie Louise Barnes. She also is sur vived by other relatives and many friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhine* Ac Co. Funeral Home. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w., until Sunday. June 27. at 11 am., thereafter at her late residence. Funeral Monday. June 28. at 1 pm. from Mount Olive Baptist Church. Arlington. Va . Rev. Aaron Macklin officiating. Interment Lin coln Memorial Cemetery. 24,26,27 SPANKLER. MATTIE. On Thurrday, June 24. 1948. Mrs MATTIE SPANKLER. beloved wife of Robert L. Spankler. mother of William H Spankler Also survhing are two nieces. Mrs. Ruth Johnson and Miss Madeline Boxley. and many friends. Nptice of funeral later. Arrangements by McGuire. 26 STEWART. KATIE E. On Thursday. June 24. 1948. at Forestville. Md . KATIE E. STEWART, devoted wife of Osborn N. Stewart. Also surviving are four sons, two daughters, fourteen grandchildren, daugh ters-in-law sons-in-law and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains rest ing at her late residence, Forestville, Md after 2 o'clock June 26. Funeral Sunday. June 27. at 2 o'clock, from the Union Methodist Church. Upper Marlboro. Md. Interment church cemetery. 26 STl’ART. RUBY DISNEY. On Satur-, day. June 26. 1948. at Sibley Hospital, i RUBY DISNEY STUART of 7059 Blair rd Takoma Park. Md.. beloved sister of Miss Mabel G Disney and aunt of Mrs. Bea-, trice T. Corbin and Mrs. Charles Ruffin. ' ir.. both of Fredericksburg. Va. Remains resting at the S. H Hines Co Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w. Services and interment in Charlottesville, Va. 27 I TERRY. LAWYER SEW'ARD On Thurs day, June 24. 1948. ar Columbus Ohio LAWYER SEWARD TERRY, beloved hus band of Peggy Terry and son of Lillian Terry and the late Lawyer Seward Terry. Interment at Wichita. Kans. 27 THORNTON. CORPL. RICHARD F., V. S. A. On Thursday, June 24. 1948. at the Naval Medical Center Bethesda. Md.. Corpl. RICHARD E THORNTON. U. S A . brother of Mrs. Gertrude McLeod Also surviving are four nieces, one nephew, a devoted friend. Miss Frances Miller; other relatives and many friends. No: ice of fu , neral later. Arrangements by McGuire. 26 THORNTON. RICHARD. Columbia Lodge No. 85. I. B. P. O E. of W. is; hereby notified of the funeral ol 1 j 1 our late brother. RICHARD I I THORNTON, from the Vermont * Avenue Baptist Church, Vermont \ ave. be?ween Que and R sts. n.w * ^ at 1 pm. Tuesday. June 29. 1948. Elks’ services on Monday. June 28.; at 7:30 p.m.. at the McGuire Funeral, Home. 1820 9th st. n w. Session of sor row Saturday. June 26. at 8 p m at »he Elks Home 301 Rhode Island ave. n w. JAMES L WATSON. Sr., E. R. HARRY R PRATT. Secretary. TIBBS. NELLIE VIRGINIA. Entered into eternai rest on Thursday June 24. 1948. at Freedmen’s Hospi'al. NELLIE VIRGINIA TIBBS, sister-in-law of Mrs. Nettie C Gibson daughter of Mrs. Bea trice Sydnor. cousin of Mrs Eva Faulkner of Chtcago. 111.: Mrs. Fannie Wedge and1 Mrs. Lottie T BanKs godmother of Mrs ' Celestine Grepn loving friend of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hutton. Mrs Eva Harris. Mr Ouner Patterson and Mrs Ida Davis. Other relatives and many friends also sur vi\e Remains resting at the John T. Rhines & Co Funeral Home. 3rd and Eye sts s w. Notice of funeral later. 27 TROUT. PAUL WILSON. On Tuesday. June 24. 1948. at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Baltimore. Md . PAUL WILSON TROUT of Potomac, Md.. beloved son of John W. and Rosa E Trout and brother of James T. Trout. Mrs. Viola Tuohev and Mrs. Mari etta Bryant. Remains resting at the Colonial Funeral Home of Wm Reuben Pumphrey. , Rockville. Md . where funeral services will be held on Monday. June 28. at 2:30 pm Interment Potomac Methodist Church Cem etery. 27 TURNER. MYRTLE on Wednesday. June 23. 1948. at Freedmen s Hospital. Mrs MYRTLE TURNER of 714 Langston ter n.e . wife of the late Unwood Turner She is survived by one son, Hirry (Soup' Turner; one brother. John Reeves: three sisters. Victoria Givens, Edna Thompson; and Esther Pollard; one granddaughter. ; Felicia Garner, and other relatives and friends. Remains restini with L E Mur ray & Son, 1337 10th st. n w where friends may call to see the late Mrs. Tur ner after 12 noon Sunday Funeral from the Florida Avenue Baptist Church Mon day. June 28. at 1 P.m.. Rev. Rollins of ficiating. Interment in Shipman. Va. 21 ■ WILLIS. HERBERT M. On Saturday June 26. 1948. HERBERT M WILLIS of Orange Va . formerly of 3215 Sherman are. n.w,. Washington. D. C.. beloved hus- : band of Gertrude M Willis father of Esther W Hardman, grandfather of Chai lene and Youths Hardman Funeral serv ices Tuesday. June 29 at 1 p.m.. at Shady ■Jrove Baptist Church. Orange. Va . Rev. George Galloway officiating. Intermen I Orange Vg. 28 WILSON. SALLIE. On Tuesday. June 22 1948. at Glenn Dale Hospital SALLIE: WILSON. She leaves to mourn their loss three sisters, six brothers, one aim' and a host of other relatives and friends Friends may call after 6 p.m Saturday. June 26. at Boyd's Funeral Home. 1238 20th st n w.. where services will be held Sunday, June 21. 76 WOODS. JERRY. Passed into eternal rest suddenly, on Thursday June 24. 1948. JERRY WOODS of 1030 16th st n e He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife. Bestrice Woods five sons one daughter, seven brothers, one sister other relatives and many friends. Re mains may be seen after 9pm Friday. June 25 until II p.m Saturday. June 26 Funeral and burial in Bethume. S C. 26* In fHrmnriam FOWLER. THOMAS W In memory of my son. THOMAS W. FOWLER, who passed away seven years ago. in Montreal. Years have passed and still I miss you. Manv think the wound is healed. But they don't know the sorrow I carry within my heart concealed. MOTHER. • HUNTER. KATHLEEN PEEBLES. This is a dav sacred to the memory of one of the best womm who ever lived KATH-: LEEN PEEBLES HUNTER, my wife and our mother. She died twelee years ago today, June 26. 1936. J B. HUNTER CHARLES H HUNTER GRACE H SMITH. KATHLEEN H. SUL TON. BETTY P. HUNTER. LYLES. FANNIE. In loving memory of our sister and aunt. FANNIE LYLES who departed this life five years ago. June 26, 1943. Your life ifas unselfish. For others you lived. Till memory fades and life departs. You will live forever ip our hearts. THE WEEKS FAMiLY • SMITH, BESSIE. In memory of my dear wife. BESSIE SMITH, who passed away June 26, 1938. I often sit and think of her When I am all alone. For memory is the only friend That grief can call it* own DEVOTED HUSBAND. ROBERT G. SMITH WILSON. LILLIE M. In sad but loving remembrance of our dc*r mother and grandmother. LILLIE M WILSON. who passed away four years ago today, June 26. 1H44. We do not need a special day To bring you to our minds The days we do not think of you Are very hard to find Your gentle face and patient smile With sadness we recall; You had a friendly word for each And died beloved by all God is good. He rave us strength To bear our heavy cross He is the only one who knows How b'tter is our loss . CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN • WILDWOOD, N. J,—STRAIGHT SHOOTERS—Herbert Turman i right i. 14. a high school freshman from Beloit, Wis., won the national marbles championship yesterday. After dropping the first game, 7-4, young Turman clicked off five straight—shooting seven consecutive marbles in the second, fourth and fifth games. Shown with him is Charles Morris, 14, of Huntington. W. Va„ the runnerup, who placed third last year. —AP Wirephoto. Rites for Dr. Millis In Chicago Monday Funeral services for Dr. Harry Alvin Millis. 75. former chairman of the National Labor Relations Board, will be held Monday afternoon in Chicago. Dr. Millis died yesterday in Billings Hospital. Chicago, after suffering a stroke, the Associated Press reported. Dr. Millis, who was professor emeritus at the University of Chicago, had been ill for several weeks. Known as an authority on labor economics and finance. Dr. Millis was chairman of the NLRB from 1940 to 1946. He previously had served as a member of the Labor Board In 1934. A native of Paoli, Ind., Dr. Mil lis was graduated from Indiana University and received a doctor of philosophy degree from the Un versity of Chicago in 1898. He be gan teaching economics in 1902 at Arkansas University, and later taught at Stanford and Kansas Universities until his appointment to an associate professorship at Chicago in 1916. He was a full pro fessor in 1918 and became head of the department of economics In 1926. Dr. Millis was the author of sev eral works on economics and was a member of the American Economic Association, the Cosmos Club, and other organizations. Dr. Millis is survived toy his widow the former Alice M. Schoff of Chi-! cago; a son, John S. Millis, who is president of the University of Vermont, and two daughters, Mrs. Savilla Millis Simons of Washing ton. and Miss Charlotte M. Milfcs of Chicago ' ■ William Simpson Dies; Retired Dairyman William Aubrey Simpson. 81. re tired Washington dairyman, whose; ; sons operate the Wakefield Dairy here, died unexpectedly of a heart attack yesterday, as he and his wife returned home from a marketing tri p. Mr. Simpson was stricken in his car in front of his home, 4869 Colorado avenue N.W. Born in Southern Maryland. Mr. Simpson had lived in Washington j most of his life and was in the dairy business for 45 years before} rearing in 1929 He was a director of the Na tional Capital Bank, the National Capital Insurance Co. and the Met ropolitan Building Association, a member of the Knights of Columbus and a parishoner of Sacred Heart Church. Surviving are his widow. Mrs. Theresa Simpson: six sons. William F., Philip A., James C., Wilfred A. and John A. Simpson, operators of the Wakefield Dairy, and Dr. Rob ert Lee Simpson: and four daugh ters. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Tastet. Mrs Anne Hillyard, Mrs. Mac C. Green and Mrs. Helen M. McCarthy, all of Washington. Also surviving are 43 grandchil dren and five greatgrandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 10 am. Monday in Sacred Heart Church. Burial will be in Mount Oiivet Cemetery. Mrs. Anna P. Porter Dies in Waiter Reed Mrs. Anna P. Porter, widow of George W. Poi-ter, assistant treas urer of the New York Central Rail road. died yesterday in Walter Reed Hospital. Mrs. Porter who lived at 3317 Cleveland avenue N.W. with her daughter and son-in-law. Col. and Mrs. Perry McCoy Smith, died as the result of an accident in Italy last September. She went to Italy with Col. and Mrs. Smith a year ago and later came to Washington with them in January, when Col. Smith was transferred from the Mediterranean theater of operations. A native of New York City, Mrs. Porter was married in 1901. Her husband died in 1923. , Surviving, besides the daughter, ae two grandchildren. Georgeanne Porter Smith and Perry McCoy Smith, jr„ both of the Cleveland avenue address. Funeral services will be held Mon day in Harrisburg, Pa Carl Moon, Photographer And Painter of Indians, Dies By Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO. June 26.—Carl Moon. 69. noted writer, artist and photographer specializing on Amer ican Indian life, died Thursday Mr. Moon first began his col lection of Indian .prints and peint ngs as a photographer in Albu querque. N. Mex.. in 1904. He con tinued it as art director for the Fred Harvey restaurant chain throughout the southwestern terri tory of the Navajo6. His paintings and print collections on Indian life have reached such top-rank galleries as the Smith sonian Institution and the Library cf Congress. 'Jack Herring Rites Set In Hyattsville Today Funeral services for Jack Herring, 40, Hyattsville, Md., building con tractor, were to be held at 10 a m. ' today at Gasch’s funeral home, Hyattsville. Mr. Herring, who lived at 7003 Wake Forest drive. College Park, died suddenly at his residence Wed nesday. Burial was to be in Fort Lincoln Cemetery. A native of Washington. Mr. Her ring was graduated from Eastern High School and worked as an in spector for a District building con tractor before opening the partaer ship 10 years ago of Herring & Mc Call, general building contractors. Mr. Herring was a member of Stansbury Masonic Lodge. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Frances F. Herring; two sons. Thomas Alvin Herring and John Wade Herring; a daughter, Bar bara Ann Herring, all of the Col lege Park address, and his father, Thomas Alvin Herring of Bethesda, and a sister, Mrs. Marion McLelland of Hyattsville. \ Walter Reed Hospital Aide Retires After 22 Years Master Sergt. Willie W. Wash burn, 52, retired yesterday after spending 22 of his 30 years in the Army at Walter Reed Hospital. Yesterday Sergt. Washburn’s big moment came. Standing next to his post com mander. M a j . Gen. George C. Beach, he re viewed four hos pita'l detach ments as his last official Army act. Born in Kosse. Tex., he entered the Armf in 1918. He has been living at the past where he has been Sergt. Washburn. chief of the baggage section. He plans to live in Florida. Search of Boat for Fortune In Smuggled Drugs Pushed By the Associated Press NEW YORK. June 26—City sani tation workers today dug deeper into 20 tons of garbage aboard a scow in New York Harbor in a search for a reported $1,500,000 in smuggled narcotics. The search began last Tuesday under supervision of customs guards and the police department's nar cotic squad after it was reported the 45-pound package containing the contraband landed by mistake on the scow. Meanwhile, police said six persons were being held on narcotics smug gling charges. They were accused of bungling plans to bring in the narcotics from the Orient via Italy aboard the Marine Perch, which docked last Saturday. Police said the package contained cocaine and heroin and that acting on a tip, they had arrested a seaman as he was carrying a sample of the shipment off the pier after the Marine Perch arrived. $100,000 Willed Rescuer Of Girl in Plane Crash By th* Associated Pr«*s MIAMI, Fla, June 26 -Otto. Kroll, 30, banana boat engineer was notified yesterday that a wealthy Cuban randier has willed him $100,000 in appreciation for :he rescue in 1945 of his daughter from a plane crash. Mr. Kroll. in grease-stained trous ers and shirtless, was tinkering with ihe motor of the Honduran banana boat Tristiana when a letter ar rived from a Baltimore attorney telling that Juan Cassaro of Ha vana. who died about three months ago. had left him $100,000. Mr. Kroll said he was the skipper of an Army air-sea rescue boat at Port of Spain. Trinidad, in 1945 when a private plane pancaked into the water. He pulled Dolores Cas saro, daughter of the rancher, from the plane’s wreckage. Mr. Cassaro offered him a re ward at the time. Mr. Kroll re called, but he refused it. Aulo Purchases Extended i For Disabled Veterans Provision for disabled veterans to purchase automobiles at Govern ment expense, due to expire next Wednesday, was extended yesterday when President Truman signed the second deficiency appropriation bill. The bill appropriated $1,500,000 to be added to the sum now held for the purpose of buying automobiles for veterans who lost one or more legs In World War n. Officials of the Veterans Adminis tration today said the extension would benefit “the most seriously in jured” who are still receiving treat ment at Army and Navy hospitals and are not yet released from active duty. Services to Be Held Here Tomorrow for Charles Rapaport, 77 Funeral services for Charles Rapa port, 77, organizer and for more than 35 years president of the He-! brew Free Loan Association here,; will be held at . 10:30 a.m. to- ; morrow at the j Danzansky fu- j neral home, 3501 Fourteenth street N.W. Bur ial will be in Adas Israel Cemetery. Mr. Rapaport, p r o m i nent in civic and phil anthropic circles here,died Thurs day at his home, 5800 Third street N.W.. after an Mr. IwiMrt. ll]npss 01 Six mourns. Born in Tomsk, Russia, Mr. Rapa port came to America when he was 22 with his wife Rebecca, whom he had married in Siberia when he was 18. Came Here in 1900. fee lived in Bridgeton and Carmel, j N. J., until he came here in 1900. He operated a grocery store here until about 1925 when he went to work in the examining division of the Bureau of Engraving. Mr. Rapaport retired in 1940 and became ill last January. Treasurer of the District Hebrew Beneficial Organization for 40 years. Mr Rapaport also was an original member of the Community Chest, later becoming a member of its Boad of Trustees. Helped Found Relief Society. He also helped found the Jewish Relief Society and was for many years a member of the board of the Hebrew Home for the Aged. Besides his widow', Mr. Rapaport is survived by a daughter, Anna Yadkowskv, of the Third street address, and a son. Dr. Walter Rapaport. superintendent of the Agnew's State Hospital in California, four grandchildren and three great grandchildren. British Paper Reports Crisis in Yugoslavia By th* Associated Press LONDON, June 26—The Man chester Guardian's London dip lomatic correspondent wrote today that reports from Southeastern Europe “strongly suggest that a serious political crisis has arisen in Yugoslavia.” “Marshal Tito's relations with Moscow are believed to be strained, largely because of conflicting views on relations with the West,” the newspaper said. "Even the question of Tito's whereabouts is being dis cussed. “It is believed that the Yugoslav situation was on the agenda of the Warsaw meeting of foreign ministers from the Eastern European states. “From Budapest come further in dications of the crisis in Yugoslavia. It is learned that the only news paper to take notice of Tito's birth day was one opposition paper, which, apparently, had not heard of the troubles in the neighboring country and published a short article. “A telegram conveying good wishes from Hungary's non-Com munist Prime Minister was held up and withdrawn from the wireless bulletins. There were no Yugoslav representatives at the recent Con-,! gress for the fusion of the Hun garian Communists and Socialists. “ Coincidences’ of a similar nature are also reported from other East European capitals." Goodrich Grants Raises To Workers in 7 Plants By the Associated Press CLEVELAND. June 26—B. F Goodrich Co. followed the lead of two other big rubber companies to day and granted 11-cents-an-hour raises for workers in seven plants. The new contract, announced jointly by management and the CIO United Rubber Workers, also pro vided three-week vacations for em ployes with 15 years’ service. It be came effective June 21. Similar settlements have been reached with Goodyear Tire & Rub ber Co. and Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. United States Rubber currently^ is negotiating with the union in New York. The Goodrich agreement extends the present contract beyond the scheduled expiration date of Novem ber 15. 1946, to June Z5, 1949, with wage levels remaining fixed until the latter date, the announcement said. It was estimated that the boost brought base hourly rates at Good rich to about $1.63. Plants in these cities were covered: Akron. Los Angeles. Cadillac. Mich.: Clarksville. Tenn.: Oaks, Pa.; Miami. Fla., and Tuscaloosa. Ala. Truman Clears Track for French Friendship Train By the Associated Press A proposed 48-car Friendship Train from France got a clear track signal yesterday for a prospective tour of the United States. The French have proposed to load the train with champagne, perfume, | chic Parisian hats and other typical French products. It would be sent to the United States in gratitude for the American Friendship Train, which took food and other supplies to war-tom Europe. A Senate-House resolution per mitting the train's luxury cargo to enter this country ‘duty free was signed yesterday by President Tru man. Such duties had been con sidered a possible block to the French plan for sending the train. Under the proposal, the train would visit each of the 48 States carrying gifts'which would be auc tioned off. The proceeds would go to local charities. — "Koop Rollin’ with Nolon” NOLAN VACATION AUTOMOBILE LOANS Favorable Rates No Indorsers 1102 Ntir Yerk Av« N.W. Grtjrkonl Bos Terminal ac. i see OWi TIB ■ TM Maude D. Brumback Dies; Widow of Arlington Man Mrs. Maude Derrill Brumback, 79,j widow of Thomas J. Brumback, Ar lington real estate man, died yes terday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dick Bassett, 2023 North Glebe road, Arlington. Mrs. Brumback, who was born in Memphis, Mo., had been in ill health for the past three years. Her death was attributed to a cere bral thrombosis. Mrs. Brumback moved to Arling ton from Cape Girardeau, Mo.., in 1925. She was a member of Calvary Gospel Church here. Survivors in addition to Mrs. Bassett are three other daughters,1 Mrs. Helen B. Torrens, Mrs. Paul Kassel, both of Arlington, and Mrs. Edward Schneider, Minneapolis; five sons, Keith, Carl, Tweede D.. George T. and Herbert L. Brumback. all of Arlington; two sisters, Mrs. Robert J. White, St. Louis, Mo., and Mrs. Nellie Warren, Rochester, Mich.; one brother, M. H. Terrill. Ewing, Mo.; 16 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at the Bassett home at 2:30 p.m. Mon day. Burial will be in Columbia Gardens Cemetery. Sergt. Leverich Burial In Arlington Monday Funeral services for Sergt. Leon ard P. Leverich, jr„ 20, of Alexan dria. Va.. who died after an accident1 at the United States Air Base in Tokyo last month wTil be held at 11:30 am. Monday in Fort Myer Chapel. Burnal will follow in Ar lington Cemetery. Sergt. Leverich, an Air Force me chanic. died May 12 in the base hos pital at Tokyo of head injuries re ceived when he was thrown from a tractor at the airfield three days earlier. He had been stationed in Japan since last August. Before his en listment in the Air Force in 1946. his home was at 724 South St. Asaph street. Alexandria, Va. Born in New York. Sergt. Leverich attended Alexandria schools from the second grade on, and was a graduate of George Washington High School in 1945. He was a stu dent at the University of Virginia Engineering School before his en listment. Sergt. Leverich is survived by his mother. Mrs. Geraldine B. Leverich of Alexandria, and his father, Leon ard P. Leverich, and a brother. Peter Branson Leverich, both of Duluth, Minn. New Charges Face Nisei Being Tried for Treason By th« Associated Press LOS ANGELES, June 26—New charges of brutality against Amer ican war prisoners by stocky Tomoya Kawakita were in the hands of a Federal Court jury today as the 27-year-old Nisei's trial on treason charges recessed until Tuesday. Latest Witness was Ex-Sergt. Al bert M. Ennis of Mobile. Ala., who said he had seen Kawakita knock one American into a cesspool at Japan's Oeyama prison camp, and knock another one down when the latter protested he was too weak to carry the load assigned him. Kawakita, born in Calexico. Calif., was an interpreter in the Oeyama camp. A Federal indictment charges him with inflicting a series of bru talities on American prisoners. Mr. Ennis said a British Army sergeant, also a prisoner, was in volved in the cesspool incident. The sergeant, Mr. Ennis tsetified yester day, struck Thomas J. O'Connor of the Naval Air Station. Jacksonville. Fla., after which he was set upon by several Japanese and then knocked into the pool by Kawakita. Kansas Journalism School Names Marvin as Dean By th« Associotvd Press TOPEKA, Kans., June 26.—Burton W. Marvin, Columbia University faculty member, yesterday was named the first dean of the William Allen White School of Journalism and Public Information at the Uni versity of Kansas. The appoint ment becomes effective September 1. Dean Marvin, who is 35. was asso ciate professor in the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University last year. During the 1945-6 school term, while he was telegraph editor of the Chicago Daily News, he taught part time at the Medill School of Jour nalism at Northwestern University. The following year he began full time teaching at Northwestern. Miss America to Be Wed To Memphis Doctor Tonight By the Associated Press MEMPHIS. Tenn.. June 26 — Miss America becomes a bride tonight. Barbara Jo Walker, the tall Tennessee brunette who won the Nation s beauty title*in Atlantic City last September, and Dr. John Vernon Hummel. 24-year-old interne, will say their ‘*1 do’s'’ in a double ring ceremony before 2,000 invited guests. The ceremony will be performed in First Methodist Church here. Adams Dies in Prison; Got Life for 1920 Slaying By the Associated Press BALTIMORE. June 26 -Clarence J. Adams, who was serving a life sentence in the Maryland Peniten tiary for the 1920 murder of Francis W. Hallowell, director of the First National Bank of Sandy Spring, died yesterday in the prison hospital At the time of the slaying, five men were reported involved in the theft of >5,000 from the bank. List Your Property For Sole With Us Wi can f'*« aicaMant sa/vica REALTORS «0*« 3* Te»r«’ Imrinrn' *31 mt »t y.w. Dr. Francois Matthes, Government Geologist Here 51 Years, Dies Dr. Francois Emile Matthes. 74, geologist with the United States Geological Survey here for 51 years, died Monday at his home near Berkeley, Calif., according to word received here yesterday. Funeral services and burial were in Berkeley. Dr. Matthes, who had retired from the Geological Survey last June, lived at 3900 Connecticut avenue N.W., during his Washington service. Shortly before his retirement, he was awarded an Interior Depart ment award with citation and geld medal for distinguished scientific work efTort. Dr. Matthes went to California last September with his wife, Mrs. Edith Coyle Matthes, whom he mar ried in 1911. Born in Amsterdam, the Nether lands, Dr. Matthes came to America in 1891. He was a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technol ogy and had done postgraduate work at Harvard. Last year he received an honorary doctor of letters degree from the University of California. Dr. Matthes joined the Geological Survey as a field assistant in 1896 and became its senior geologist in 1928. A specialist in Alpine g.aria. tion. he had conducted numerous nymntain surveys and written a number of books on glaciers. He is survived by his widow and a twin brother, Gerald Matthes of New York. Mrs. Caudle, Mother 01 Clarke Aide, Dies Mrs. Susie Gooch Caudle, widow of T. Lamar Caudle, sr„ former president of the North Carolina Bar Association and mother of T. Lamar Caudle, jr.. assistant attorney gen eral. died at Garfield Hospital last night. She was 72. Mrs. Caudle entered the hospital about a week ago when she was taken ill on a visit with her son here. Her home was in Wades boro, N. C. A native of Oxford, N C.. Mrs. Caudle was a graduate of old Oxford College there. She was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, the United Daughters of the Confederacy and attended the First Baptist Church in Wades boro. | Mr. Caudle, to whom she was mar ried in 1903, died in 1929. In addition to her son here, Mrs. Caudle is survived by another son, Charles B. Caudle, an attorney on assignment to the war crimes trials in Tokyo; two daughters. Mrs. Stan cil Smith of Alexandria and Mrs. R. L. Hardeson of Wadesboro. and four sisters and four brothers, all of whom live in North Carolina. Funeral services will be held at 11 a m. Monday in Wadesboro. Patricia Perley Funeral To Be Held in Arizona Funeral services for Miss Patricia Perley, 25, a graduate of Woodrow Wilson High School who died Thurs day in Tucson, Ariz,, were to be heid this afternoon in Tucson. Miss Perley, who was the daughter of Mrs. Anne Perley, 3611 Norton place N.W., had been living in Ari zona for reasons of health since her graduation seven years ago. Born in New York City, she came here with her mother in 1927. She attended Holy Cross Academy be fore entering Woodrow Wilson. In Tucson, she was employed as traffic manager for radio station KVOA. Francis J. Kelley Dies YONKERS. N. Y„ June 26 - Francis J. Kelley. 72, former vice president of the Home Sewing Ma chine Co., Rockford. 111., died yes terday. Mr. Kelley retired two years ago. Churches of Bolton, England, are appealing for 60 women relief bell ringers^ ARROW SHIRTS ' TIES and SPORT SHIRTS LfVITAIIS 3044 14th St. N.W CO. 11*4 Open Eves. 'Til 9 P.N. ■ALE EDICT SANDOZ, Inc. t Dipnt Circle. DC. 1*34 tit. l»tl INSCBA.NCE TBANriNO Can You Use . . . An EXTRA check twice a year? You'll make a smart in vestment— and earn extra dollars to add to your income and hove extra money for the better things of life, if you'll entrust your sav ings dollars to this As sociation. We've paid regular dividends for over 56 years—never a miss! 511 7»h N.W. NA. 2838