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Christian Youths' Outdoor Meetings At Sidwell School a series of outdoor summer meet ings is planned by the Washington Federation of Christian Youth for young people of all denominations. The series of five meetings will be ( entered around the theme “Build ins a Strategy ror World Peace.” The meetings will be on alternate Sunday evenings, beginning tomor row and ending August 22. They will be held in the garden of the Sidwell Friends School, 3901 Wis consin avenue NW. They will be gin at 6:30 p.m. Allan Barth, from the editorial staff of the Washington Post, will speak on "Human Rights’’ tomor row Subsequent meetings will be as follows: July 11. "The Protestants’ Unique Contribution to Democracy,” Dr. J. M Dawson, executive secretary of the Joint Conference Committee on Public Relations, Baptists of the United States. julv 25. "The United Nations and World Recovery.” Miss Barbafa White. National League of'Women Ynt ers. August 8. "Government Leader ship and the American Policy,” Dr. Fhon Atwater., assistant professor of international relations at Ameri can University. August. 22, "Russia and an In terpretation of Communism,” Dr. Albert T. Mollegen, professor of Christian Ethics at the Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary in Virginia. Young people presiding at the meetings will be John Preston. June Fee. Mary Beth Sheppard, Robert Gnegy and Dorothy Gentry. Addi tional information may be obtained at the Federation of Churches, 1751 N street N.W., Decatur 3132. In case of rain the program will not be held. Dr. Blackweider Closes Sunday Evening Series At the Lutheran Church of the Reformation tomorrow. Dr. Oscar Blackweider will bring to a close his series or evening sermon-addresses on "Great Musicians and Christian Culture speaking on "Lessons” From the Life of Felix Mendelssohn." At the close of the evening service a iareweil party will be held in honor of the Rev. and Mrs. James Gregg Horn, who will assume the pastorate of St. Mark’s-Bethlehem Lutheran Parish of Luray, Va., on July 1. In co-operation with the Metro politan Presbyterian Church and St. Mark's Episcopal Church the Daily Vacation Bible School begins Tues day through Fridays for three weeks under the direction of Sister Pearlc I.verly, parish deaconess. Dr. Hastings to Speak On The Lost Gospel' ’ The Lost Gospel'’ is the subject of a special sermon of Dr. J. Warren Hastings tomorrow morning in the National City Christian Church. The Young Adult Fellowship will join with the other members of the Washington Federation of Christian Youth in an outdoor program at 6:30 pm. at the Sidwell Friends School The speaker will be Allan Barth of the editorial staff of the Washington Post. Members of the Young Adult Fellowship will meet at the social hall at 6 p.m. and go in a body to the Sidwell School. All young peo ple are invited. CCatholtr ST. MARY'S .Mb St. Between G and H Sts. N.W. Sunday Masses, 7, 8.30, 10:15, 11:15, 1215 MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA Every Monday Masses 8 and 10 AM Devotions at 11:30 A M. 12:05. 4 4:30, 5 00 5.30. 6 00. 6 30. 7:15. 8:00. 8:45 and 0:15 8:00 Broadcast Over WWDC ST. DOMINIC'S Sixth and E Streets S \V. Sl NDAY MASSES: 6. 6 4 5. 7:30. 0. 10. 11:15, J ’: 15. DAILY MASSES: 7. 8 8:30. Holy Hour. Wednesday Evening 7:30. Rotary Every Evening. 7:30. ! _ Organized Bible Classes By Dr. Page McK. Etchison Organized Bible Class Association Day will be held at a joint session of the adult Bible classes of Foundry Methodist Church. Dr. Arthur S. Dr. Etchison. Flemming, gen eral s u p e ri n - I tendent, will ex tend greetings; I Dr. Page McK. Etchison, presi dent of the as sociation, will i? teach the lesson: i Howard M. | Stackhouse, ex g ecutive vice president, will preside; Miss Margaret Ring rose, H. B. Niece, James L. Ewin, Haroia s. King, Howard V. Russell and Marshall R Baker will participate in the pro gram. William S. Jones will be the guest teacher of the Pinkham Bible Class of National Baptist Memorial Church. ; The Domer Bible Class of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church elected Mrs. Howard C. Sullivan, president; Mrs. M. L. Dellinger, vice president; Mrs. Margaret Innes, treasurer; Miss Bertha M. Muth, secretary, and Mrs. Ezra Stirewalt, statistical secre tary. Capt. Rhoda J. Milliken, director; of the Woman's Bureau, Metropoli- i tan Police Department, will be the guest speaker at the Harrison Bible i Class of St. Luke's Methodist! Church. Maj. Ernest W. Brown will preside. The Templernen's Bible Class of Temple Baptist Church will be taught by Norman Sandridge. John w. Fisher will teach the Calvary Men's Class of Calvary Methodist Church. The Walter G. Monroe Class of Cherrydale Methodist Church elect- ; ed Mrs. Hammond Austine, presi-; dent; Mrs. Myron Thayer, teacher, and Miss A. M. Bishoff, secretary. The Wesley Class of Brightwood Park Methodist Church will hold its monthly meeting Friday evening. The Marietta Smith Bible Class of North Washington Baptist Church will hold a business and social meet ing at the home of Mrs. Ella Ander son. 617 Rittenhouse street N.W. Harold Kent will be guest speaker lor the Trinity Mens Bible Class. , Mrs. A. G. Prather of Fort Smith. Ark., will teach the Burrali Class of Calvary Baptist Church. Mrs. Mattie Hardison will teach the Hummer Memorial Class of Ep worth Methodist Church. The George F. Stevens Class of Calvary Methodist Church elected the following officers; Mrs. Ralph Bodle, president; Mrs. Don Wertz, vice president; Mrs. Ella Wineberger, treasurer; Mrs. Luther Jackson, re-: cording secretary; Mrs. Charles Flagg, corresponding secretary, and Mr. Fred Laise, teacher. The Box Bible Class of Emory Methodist Church elected the fol iiwing officers: Howard A. Parsons, president; Curtis Evans, vice presi dent; Harper L. Garrett, teacher; j Lee R. Wilson, registrar; J. Alfred Collins, secretary; Dr. C. F. Collins, treasurer, and Wayne Montgomery, song leader. Augustana Lutheran A vacation Bible school, beginning June 28. through July 9, from 9 to noon, for children 6 to 14 years of age, will be held at the Augustana Lutheran Church, V street and New Hampshire avenue N.W. All chil dren welcome! Ifmtrft tBrrthmt Ev. United Brethren N. Capitol and R Sts. REV. IRA SANKEY ERNST, D.D. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 1 1 :00 a m.—The Holy Communion Sermon by Pastor, "A Living Sacrifice.” 7 :30 p.m.—The Pastor will con duct the first of five Sunday evening studies on "Christian Fellowship." (tfatfyflUr ST. PATRICK’S CHURCH 10th and G Streets I\T.W. SUNDAY MASSES—6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12 and 12:15. WEEKDAY MASSES—7, 7:30 and 8 AM. Daily Exposition from 12:00 Noon to 5:30 PM. Daily Rosary ond Benediction at 5:30 P M. (Christian (Churrljrs (Sisriplrs) COLUMBIA HEIGHTS JXFIXZL 10:50om.—Sermon "Adorning the Gospel." 9:45 a.m.— Bible School. 7:00 p.m.—Young People. The NATIONAL CITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH Thomas Circle J. WARREN HASTINGS Minister MYRON W. CHRISMAN Associate Minister 9:45 a m —-Church School. 10:50a.m.—Morning Worship. "THE LOST GOSPEL.'' Dr. Hastings. 6:00 p.m—Young Adult Fellowship. DR. HASTINGS | Ninth Street Christian Church II- 9th b D Sts. P N.E. J LLOYD BLACK. Minister RHODES M. ARTZ. Associate Minister. 9:30 a m.—Bible Scnool. 10:50:.m.—“Man's Great Dilemma." 7:45 pm-—“Creative Lnrina.'* BETHESDA (Wisconsin and Hunt Ares > 4608 Hunt Ave., Chevy Chose ROBERT W. SHAW, Minister p 45 *.m.—Bible School 11 00 t m.—"The lmoorienre Little Thing.."_ FIFTEENTH STREET 15th St. and Kentucky Ave. S.E. Verval L. Smith. Minister Pro Tem 9:40 a m.—Bible School 10:50 a m.—Sermon: "The Mercy Seat.’* 7:00 pm—Youth Fellowship. MT. RAINIER Bunker Hill Rd. I P .'in a m.—Bible School. J0:4fta.m.—Chaplain Harold G Elsam. •'Summer Retiring." R 4ft p m.—Christian Endeavor. 7 .4ft p m.—“The Thessaloman Let ter*/* PARKVIEW CHRISTIAN CHURCH Corner Eastern Ave. & 12th St. N W. One Blk. West of Georria. Alaska Term. George Martin Anderson, Minister. 9:45o m.—Church School. I 1 :00 o.m.—Morning Worship. 7 .00p.m,—Christian Endeavor. WILSON BOULEVARD Wilson Blvd. ot N. Piedmont St. ARLINGTON. VIRGINIA GLENDALE BURTON, Minister. S> 4S a m.—Church School. II :UO a m—"A Full Measure of Con secration.” | 11:00 a m.—Junior Church. 4-00 p.m.—Chi Rho Fellowship. ! N Oil prn—Youn* Adult Forum R OD p m.—Christian Youth Fellow i ship. ! Churches in Woshington , . Anacostia Church of Christ Started in 1941; New Building to Cost Approximately $100,000 3uilding to be erected at Minnesota avenue and Bums street S.E. By Caspar Nannes Plans for a new edifice for the Anacostia Church of Christ en visage an attractive building set upon a terraced eminence at Minne sota avenue and Burns street S.E. The structure, to cost approx imately $100,000, will have an au ditorium seating 300 persons on the first floor. This level will also have a glass - inclosed, sound - proof nursery with a loud speaker so , the mothers | taking care of their children D. M. Not may hear the service: a baptistry Iwith dressing rooms, an office and a study. The lower floor will have a kitch en, two permanent classrooms, an auditorium, seating 200 persons, which can be divided by means of folding partitions into six class rooms; two restrooms and a furnace room. Church officials expect to start, building some time this year. The church dates back to a meet ing- of 34 persons in the home of Robert I. Dix, 1330 Ridge place S.E., on October 19. 1941. Although no permanent organization was ef fected at this meeting, Mr. Dix was chosen to serve as temporary secre tary and treasurer. A week later T. C. Hickey, S. L. Harp, M M. Jones, R. E. Leeper and Thomas Walker were among those chosen to direct the affairs of the newly constituted congrega tion. The Masonic Hall at Fourteenth and U streets S.E. was first used for meetings starting November 2, 1941. They remained there until May 22, 1943, and moved to the Junior O. U. A. M. Temple, 2407 Minnesota avenue S.E. The above leaders, with the ex ceptions of Mr. Hickey and Mr. Walker, and Mrs. Beulah Gowin, Mrs. Bess Hayes and Mrs. Maude C. Vaught are charter members still active in the congregation. It was recently decided the name of the church would be later changed to Church of Christ, Minnesota Avenue. Ministers and members of other District congregations preached at r,he early services. Among them was Bonds Stocks, then secretary to; Representative Rankin, Democrat,! of Mississippi. On April 1, 1943, he became the first full time pastor and served until November 1, 1946, resigning to go to the Central Church of Christ at Jackson, Miss. Preachers of the Churches of Christ denomination are called evangelists. The denomination be lieves "that since the church had its beginning, as recorded in the New Testament, in the 1st century A. D., and was organized, set in operation and given its complete and perfect guidebook under the direction of the Holy Spirit that a church of Christ today will have the same name, organization, doctrine and practice as then.” The denom ination "rejects the use of instru ments of music in worship and societies and other organizations be yond that of the local congregation.” The present evangelist is Denton M. Neal, who came December 1,1946. A native of Maury City, Tenn., he attended Freed-Hardeman College and Florida Southern College. He served churches at Senatobia, Miss.; Tuckerman and Blytheville, Ark.; Portsmouth, Ohio, and Lakeland, Fla., before coming to his present charge. Mr. and Mrs. Neal live at 1904 R street S.E., with their three children, Donna Emaline, 8: Denton M. Neal. II, 3, and LaNelle, 20 months. Homer J. Smith of this city is the architect. Itttgrhrtumtttiattottal (Hite (Ctjurrlj (#f tlj? I5>atrimtr An Ecumenical Church Has.. 1'07 19th St. N.W. Tel. MI. <8609 NEWTON GORDON COSBY, Minister. Sunday Worship. 11 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Children’s Hour, 4:30 p.m. School of Christian Living. Fridays Supper 7.30 p.m. Classes. 8:30 p.m. Broadcast, Sundays. 9 to 9:15 a.m. WEAM. 1390. Wooiiribge pilgrim WOODRIDGE PILGRIM 24th and Franklin Sts. N.E. Phone CO. 2303 THOMAS M. WEIR, Minister 9:45 a m.—Sunday School. 11 :00a m.—Morning Worship. 7:45 p m.—Evening Worship. Wednesday, 8:00 P.M. Christian Fellowship ond Proyer. Friday 8 :00 p m.—Progrom. Youth Service. jFrrr JKrthofttgt ROBERTS MEMORIAL 4th and Van Buran Sts. N.W. REV. MARK SHOCKEY, Pastor. 6307 3rd St. N.W. GE. 1223 9:45 am.—Sunday School. 1 I :00 a m. —-"The Humanness of Christ," Mark Shockey, Jr. 7 :1 5 p m.—Young People. 8:00 p.m.—Evangelistic Service. Wednesday, 8:00 p m.—Prayer Meeting. Jtfazarntr First Church 7th and A St*. N.E. ERNEST E. GROSSE, Pastor 9:45 a m.—Bible School. I 1 :00 a m.—Morning Worship. 6:30 p.m.—Youth Devotions. 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service. Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. Midweek Prayer Meeting. Tuna in WPIK Sunday Morning "Showers of Blessings." 730 Kilo—8:05 O'Clock. fltyurrly of (Sob (7th Day) CHURCH OF GOD Seventh Day Services Every Sabbath (Saturday) Bible Classes_10:00 a.m. Preaebim_11:00 a m. Elder W. H. Olson, Minister. N.E. MASONIC TEMPLE 1 Sth St. Bet,. E and P Sts. N.E. EVERTBODT WELCOME _Brglfrrgtt WASHINGTON CITY CHURCH OF THE BRETHREH 4th and North Carolina Are. S.E. REV. WARREN D. BOWMAN, Minister S:46 and J1:O0 am.—Report on An nual Conference Dr. E. F. Sapptngton and Elder J. , H. Holllnier. 0:4i> a m.—Church School. 31:00 am.—Youth Church. 0:30 p.m.—B. Y. P. D. S :00 p.m.—8ecred Concert by Cherub, Etude and Chancel Choirs. FIRST BRETHREN Twelfth and E ft*. S*E. JUST OFF FA. AVE. SUNDAY SERVICES 0:30 a.m.—Sunday 8chool. 3 J :00 a.m.—‘‘Can Clod?** Rer John Stannard. Guest Minister. *'45 n.m.—Youth Fellowship. 7:45 p.m.—“Jesus Is Cominf." John Stannard. Brin* Tour Bibl#. Hmt-ggnamtnattonal “Do You Find Romance in Religion 7” Hear Dr. FRED RILEY Sunday, 1 1 AM. "Old Testament Romance." and hear the Rev. JESSIE RILEY Sunday, 8 P.M., "The Soul's Progress." Temple of Applied Religion I Nondenominational Church) In Roger Smith Hotel 18th and Pa. Ave. N.W. Prod Riley, D. D.; Rev. Jessie Rilay, Ministers and Taachars. <Ef|urrf| of Qtyriot THE WORLD WANTS TO BE SAVED: BUT NOT AT TOO GREAT A COST These are inflationary times; the average person, however, usually manages someway to get what he wants. Though the price be high, we think necessity demands that we pay it; that is, in everything except Christianity. The cost of a diamond is high, because it is valuable. Since salvation is more precious than diamonds, should it not follow that it is more expensive? A rich young ruler learned this many years ago. "Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?" Jesus replied, "If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shaft have treasure in heaven." This young man went awoy sorrow ful, "for he had great possessions." (Matt. 19:16-22). If a child is sick, what matters the cost? But the sickness of the soul, ah, that is another motter. Remember: "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world ond lose his own soul?" (20 North Irving St., Arlington, Va.' ARLINGTON, VA. 20 North Irving St. HARRY PICKUP. 8r., Minister. 10:00 a.m.—Bible School. 11.00 a.m.—"Remember." 7:45 D.m.—"The Bride’a Attire." Sermons by Harry Picfcup. Sr. AVALON HEIGHTS 28th and Douglas Street* N.E. At Blodensburg Reed HARRY PICKUP. Jr.. Mlnliler. 10:00 «.m.—Bible 8chool. 11 on *.m.—Morning Worship 7:00 p.m.—Young people's Meeting. 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service. FOURTEENTH STREET 3460 14th Street N.W. GEORGE D. TIPPS, Minister. 1 1 MT. RAINIER 3321 Vi Bunker Hill Reed Brodie Crouch, Minister, 10:00 a.m.—Bible School. 11:00 a m.—Sermon. R:00 n.m—Sermon. Wed . a no n m.—Bible Studs. ALEXANDRIA, VaT Lee Room, George Meson Hotel Huge McCord, Minister ll:OOa.m.—For Smith, Speaker. 8:00 p.m.—Tent Service, Braddock rd. at Little at. SILVER SPRING, MD. New Cents OtBee SelMiaf, 3512 Colesyilte Reed. Bible Studs—10:00 a m. Moraine Worahip—11:00 a m. ’Benina Worship—8:00 n.m. I Urliijtnufl i&uratUm i -—1-=-^ Center of Religious Education 16«« S6th St. N.W. Sunday. June 21—6:30 and S F.M. _ james w. McGuire “Celestial Energies Released” DR. W. SCOTT WILKERSON “Obeying the Heavenly Vision” HmtirrualtHt Universalist National Memorial Church Cor. 16th and S Sts. N.W. Rev. Seth R. Brooke, D. D., Minister 1 1 o.m.—Worship end Holy Communion. 'THE FELLOWSHIP OF DELIVERANCE." WELCOME. A Lesson For the Week By William T. Ellis Palestine holds the center of the! ; stage, as it has done in centuries past. Today we take a comprehen sive look at the period between the two Testaments. We find there the same uncer tainty and strife, bitter hardships, high hopes, in ternal divisions. For nearly 500 years the Jews returned from Babylonia strug gled for inde pendence. For a time, under Macca bees, the Jews won But a de cline in leader ’ William T. Ellis. ship brought them again into sub jection of the surrounding nations. This period of time covered the rise and power of the great em pires — Persia, Babylonia, Egypt, Greece and Rome. Last of the Old Testament proph ets, Malachi, spoke clear, strong and biting words. He pictured divine direction and judgment in the pas sages assigned for present study. The old prophet saw as clearly as the latest “liberal” that social in justices could not abide under the reign of God. His entire book may be summed up in the wards, “Get right W'ith God.” Despite his dire prophecies, Mal achi held out a promise of new life for a repentant people. He fore told the coming of Elijah and of the appearance of the Messiah. But in this lcng and troubled stretch of Jewish life great changes were made in the outward forms of Judaism. In this period worship shifted from the temple to the syn agogues which were set up through out the land. New forms of ritual and anniversary celebration were established, as well as the sway of the Pharisees. The expectation of the coming Messiah burned low. But the Messiah did come. The tragedy of all tragedies in Judah’s troubled life was that it did not ac cept the Messiah, who came in the person of Jesus. Still the “Messenger”—that is the meaning of Malachi’s name—held out hope for his people. He quoted God as saying that if they would bring all the tithes into the store house—that is, conform to their pri 3Frirttiia. FRIENDS MEETING OF WAS HING TON. 2111 Florida Ave. Meetings for Worship First Day (8und»y) at 1.1 am. All interested are welcome. Young people. 8:30 p.m._ _ FRIENDS MEETING. ~ 13th and Irving Streets N.W. 31 a m.—Meeting for Worship. Welcome (Ehriatian & JUtaaimtarg AUiatirr Christian and Missionary Alliance Washington Gospel Tabernacle 5714 Georgia Ave. N.W. Phone Georgia 2912 REV. GEORGE JONES, Pastor. 10:45 a.m.—“The Cure for Moral Deapondeney.” 7:30 p.m.—"The Voice of God.” TUESDAY, 8 P.M. Midweek Prayer Meeting. SPECIAL—Jane 28 io July 2. lncl. Summer Bible School for children. 9:30 a m. to 11:30 a m.—all invited. Capa ble Bible teachers, with Miss Elsie Erickson. Director of Child Evangelism. In charge Mothers! Have vour chil dren take advantage of this Bible training. $lfr <Sn«0rf0ational dUyurrij^jB LINCOLN TEMPLE "A Hearty Welcome to All Racial Groups" 11 :00 a m.—Sermon and Worship. "When God I* Pleased With Our Service," Dr. Brooks preaching. Otis Holly, soloist. Wednesday, 8:00 p m.—Special Service. First Congregational Church 10th and G Streets N.W. Carl Heath Kopf, Hubert S. Beckwith Whitford L Hall 11 AM. Holy Communion Rev. Hubert S. Beckwith Will Preach on "NEW HIGHWAYS AHEAD" High School and College Graduate* Will Be Honored. Mount Pleasant 1410 Columbia Road N.W. Miaifteri FRED SHERMAN BUSCHMEYER. EDMUND ROBERT STRAIT. 11:00 a.m.—Service of Worship and Communion. Roymond T. Pigott, Soloist. PLYMOUTH 17th end P St*. N.W. L. Maynard Catchings. Minister. 9:30 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. Sermon subject; “Committed Person*.” Thursday, 8:00 p.m.—Prayer and Praise Service. _COME. WORSHIP_WITH JUS._ CLEVELAND PARK 3400 Lowell St. N.W. ALFRED W. HI RST, D D , Minister. Annual Nature Sunday 11:00 a.m.—"Lika a* a Tree.'* Nursery for Children. A FRIENDL* CHURCH OF WORSHIP IN ARLINGTON. The ROCK SPRING CHURCH Roefc Spring and Little Falls Rd. North Starting 37th Year of Service. PAUL R. HUNTER. Minister. __ PEOPLE'S 624 M 81. N.W. 0:30 a.m.—Graded Church School. 11:00 am.—Worship and Sermon. “The Best Things in Life Are NOT Free.” Thursday, 8:30 p m—Preparation for tho Holy Communion. Arthur Fletcher Elmes. Minister. “The Friendliest Church In the City” Cuthrran (Missouri Synod) Lutheran Hour Chorus Sings Here July 1 "Oh sing unto th« Lord," sang the Psalmist in ancient days. The Lutheran Church, since its foundation, has delighted in praising God in music. A sacred concert will be presented Thursday evening by the men s Lutheran Hour Chorus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. This chorus is heard regularly over the globe-girdling Lutheran Hour radio program. For an enjoyable evening, attend Thursday. Place: First Congregational Church Tenth and G Streets N.W. Time: 8:15 p m. Admission: Free LUTHERAN SERVICES SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES 9:45 A.M CHRIST (D. C.) 10th and Gallatin. Rev. Wm. P Bruening. 8:30 and 11 a.m. TRINITY (Mt. Rainier) 30th and Bunker Hill. Rev E. Pieplow. 8:30, 11 a.m. Greenbelt Mission At School 12:30. Rev. E. Pieolow. Sunday School. 11:25 a.m. Ascension (Landover Hills) 4219 70th Ave.. Rev. E. Pieplow. 9:45 a.m. FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH (HymtUvflle, Md.) 38th and Longfellow. Rev E Pieplow, 10 a m. Sunday School 9 a.m v OCR SAVIOUR (Arlington) Ninth and South Taylor, Rev. Paul Kavaseh. 11 a.m. MOUNT OLIVET (U. T.) 1325 Vermont N.W. Rev William Schiebel, 8:30. and 11 a.m. PILGRIM (Westgate, Md.) Jamestown Rd and Flint Dr Rev. A. Karl Boehmlce. 11 a.m FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH FOR THE DEAF Christ (D. C.) 5101 lflth St. MW. Rev W. A Westermann. 11:16 a.m. IMMANUEL (Alexandria) 1801 Russell Rd . Rev. Wilner D Menslnc. 11 a.m. BETHLEHEM (D. C.) 2407 Minnesota 8.E. Rev E. C. Rakov. 11 a.m. CALVARY (Silver Spring) Jr. Hich School. Second Ave. and Seminary Rid. Rev. George W. Hoyer. 11 a.m. TRINITY (D. C.) Fourth and E N.W., Rev. Hus* Hennii. Services 8:30 and 11 a m. Tana In “Tha Lutheran Hoar" 12:30, WpL and 2:30 WOOK Special Programs Sef > Af Ht. Vernon Church Jerry Lowenstein, a young scien tist associated with the Federation of American Scientists, will be guest speaker for the young adult evening fellowship tomorrow at Mount Ver non Place Methodist. He will dis cuss "Science and Religion.” The seniors will continue their discus sions on "What’s Right—What's Wrong?” with Bill Geibel leading. Judge Eugene Black, president of the A. B. Pugh Bible Class, will be its guest teacher tomorrow at 10 a.m. in the absence of Justice Bolitha J. Laws. The church is having a tea and orientation tour of its buildings to morrow from 3 to 5 p.m. An important meeting of the Committee en Evangelism will be held next Wednesday with Dr. A. N. Warner in charge. Western Presbyterian Vacation Bible School The West-End Vacation Bible School will begin a two-week term at 9 a.m. Monday in the Western Presbyterian church, 1906 H street N.W. Classes for children from 4 to 14 years old will be held from 9 a.m. to noon Monday through Friday, except July 5. Miss Ada Chew will be the director for the school. Par ticipating besides Western will be the Concordia Lutheran and Union Methodist Churches. marv spiritual obligations — He would open up the windows of Heaven and pour them out blessing so great that there would not be room enough to receive it. Tn other words. God is willing to meet man's needs, but only upon the divine conditions. Our assigned lesson text closes with a quotation from Luke. All of the divine providences climax and concentrate in the coming of the Messiah, whom the Jews rejected. They were blind to the fulfillment of all the old prophecies in the per son of the Son of Mary. The Sunday school lesson for June 27 is "Prom Malachi to Christ”— Malachi iii.1-5; iv. 1, 2, 5, 6; Luke i .76-79. Ettangrliral anh Hrfnrmrfc CONCORDIA ,;is; "Oth and G Sts. N.W. CHARLES EN'DERS. D. D., Pastor. 9:4fi a m.—Sunday School 1J :00 a.m.—Worship Service with Ser mon. "God in the Home.” Speaker, Mr. H. O. Volmerhaus. Nurgerj Durint Sert'ic§ Everybody Welcome. GRACE REFORMED 15th and 0 N.W. REV. ROBERT OLEWILER. Pastor. The National Reformed Church 19:40 AM. Church School. 11:00 A M. “What Comes to Those W'ho _Overcome?” FIRST REFORMED sYreef. "7 REV. F NELSEN SCHLEGEL. Pastor 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 31:00 a m.—Worship and Sermon. Carmody Hills Chapel Is Being Erected : By Baptist Citizens ' The Carmody Hills Baptist Chapel : is being erected at Seventy-third i and F streets N.E. by people of that community, under the sponsorship of the Congress Heights Baptist | Church. The District Baptist con vention is also assisting in this project. The chapel Is of cinder block and will be built by voluntary labor by i the Baptist Brotherhood of the church and the citizens of the com munity. Craig Pittman, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Congress (Heights Baptist Church, is leading in thus work, assisted by E. R. Lohr and Jack J. G. ORear. Harvey Rankin is the leader of the work from the Carmody Hills community, assisted by two contractors who are giving their labor to this community project. The work will largely b# done on Saturdays until completed. In connection with this new church movement, a Vacation Bible School is being held in the Carmody Hills community on the grounds. It will close tomorrow. River Road U. P. Plans Vacation Bible School The River Road United Presby terian Church is having a daily va cation Bible school for the children of the community. The theme is “Discovering the Lands of the Bible." with special emphasis on the life and times of Jesus. The sessions will meet daily from 9:30 to noon from Monday through July 9, with July 5 as a holiday. The committee planning this school is headed by Mrs. J. W. Upton and Mrs. H. W. Rankin. The school has programs for chil dren 5 to 8 and another from « through 11. The final program and exhibits will be June 11 at 7 p.m. All children of the community are invited. ffrttteniatal Jfolittfaa We Preach Chriet 1015 D Street N.E. DALLAS M. TARKENTON, Minister. 9:00 a.m.—WW DC. 9:45 a.m.—Church School. 1 I :00 a.m.—"The Sound From Heaven.'' 7 :45 p m.—"The Sounds From Hell." 7 :30 pm.—Musical Melodies. July 12, 8:00 p.m.—Christian Fellowship Boat Cruise Aboard the S. S. Potomac. The Lillie Church with the Big Welcome Building the National Rcprcscnlativc r. H. Church. 610 Maryland Arc. N.E. Eutiirntn Cfjurd) of ©je Reformation 212 Ea*t Capitol Street Capitol Hill I>r. Oscar F. Blackweldrr. Her. James G. Horn. Her Arnold F. Keller. Jr.—Paslors. Jule O. Zabawa, Minister of Music. 8.30 a.m.—MATIN SERVICE: Sermon—''The Way of I-lfe," Pastor Horn. 9:30 a m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL. _ _ ... . _ „ 11:00 a.m.—MORNING WORSHIP: Sermon— The Beatitudes: Vtn. The Per secution Comnlex." Dr. Blackwelder. 0:45 D m —LUTHER LEAGUES. ... , „ 8:00 Dm.—EVENING SERVICE: Sermon-Address— Leseons From the Life ef Felia Mendelssohn," Dr Blackwelder The Public la Cordially Invited. * teller JWemorial Maryland Avenue and Ninth Street N.E. DR. CARL R. SIMON, Partor 9:30 a m.—Sunday School. 8 :00 a.m. and 1 1 :00 a.m.—Holy Communion. The Homelike Church (©race 16th and Vornum Sh. N.W. Garhard E. Lentki Pattar. 8:30 A M. Matins "Built on a Rock.” 0 45 A M Churh School. 11 AM “ITncipccted Resources.” Pastor Lenski. AUGUSTANA V St. N.W., east of 16th CLARENCE T. NELSON, Partor 9:30 A.M. j Church School. Identical Services. 9:30 and 1 1 :00 A.M. "PLANKS IN MY PLATFORM." Pastor Nelson preaching. Vacation Bible School tor (.hiiaren, 6 to 14—June 28 to July 9— Houri: 9:00 to 12:00. 8:00 p.m.—Concert by the Grey solon Singers of Duluth, Minn Robert Ekstrom, director. FAITH l,pf Bird, at Jatkaon St. ARLINGTON, VA. ROBERT W. LONG. PMlor 8 30 _nd 11:00 a.m.—"The Chrlitian Pastor.” 11:00 am.—Installation of Edward F. Yost. 0:40 a m.—Church 8chool__ ST. PAUL'S Conn. Ave. at Everett St. N.W. HENRY W. SNYDER, D. D., Minister 9:30o.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—"The Pre-Eminent Chrirt." 7:00 pm- Luther Leogue. ST. MATTHEW’S Kentucky Arc. at 15th 8-E. REV. T. RENE MEYER, Paster. 0 30 a.m.—Sunday School 1100 a.m.—Morning Worship. (Surgery durina 11 o'clock service) A Cordial Welcome to AU._ Arlington—Resurrection ;?sj%Luirh.\r2n sivircb.r asses: DANA H. JOHNSON. Paitar. 8 .30 and 11:00 a.m.,, ‘ VALLEY ON BONES. Xiurxery During Service 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School . The Church ot the Lighted St"Vje_ CHRIST re 8-30 and 11 ^m—"A Different Man ,f 9 43am—Sunday School._ ZION i?::gg;:s.--~^y.fbTcftiaa-n i HOLY COMFORTER 3319 Alobama Ave. Si. H. EITHER RHODES. Pastor. 0.45 a m.—Church School for All Aces 11:00 a m.—Worship and Sermon. (Nursery Dunne Service.t *^00 p m.—Luther Leacue._ Georgetown Lutheran Churoh (Fomrsd.d 1769) Wisconsin Ave. ond Volta PI. N.W. HAROLD E. BEATTY, Poitor. 9:45 a m—Sunday School, Mr Kdwtn P Heinrich. Superintendent. 11:00am—“It Was Niaht.” Church Nurture II to 1t Monday I d m - Women s Prayer Group. Speaker. Dr. Oscar F. Blackwelder Note the Sign—The Old Bell Vacation Bible School. Jilv A U IB. ATONEMENT No. Cap. and K. I. Ava. Rev. Paul L. Reoser, Pastor 9:00 and 11:00 am.—Worship and Sermon 9 00 a m — Children s Sunday School 10 oo a m.—Adult Sunday School._ lutfjer IJlace jtlcmorial Thomas Circle, 14th and A', A'.W. L. RALPH TABOR, 0. D„ Poitor. JAMES M. SINGER. Aaaiitant. Church School at 9:45 Services at 9 and HAM. "THE MIRACLE AF1TR THE LANDING ” 5:30 o m—Fellowship Supper. 0:30 p.m.—Youth Meeting. ,_ TAKOMA LUTHERAN Seventh and Dahlia Sis. N.W. (Three Blocks East of Walter Reed1 New Church Site: 8.W. Corner 13th St. and Eastern Ave. N.W. Rev. J. Adrian Pfeiffer. Pastor. Sunday School at 9:45 A M. _Mornlnt Worxhip at 1 1 A.M. _ 5T. MARK > AND THE INCARNATION 14th and Gallatin Sts. N.W. (Maryland Synnd. I'nited Lutheran Church} EEV. HENRY MANKEN, Jr., D. D.. Pastor 8:45 a m.—Worshio and Bermon. p 45 a m—Bible School, all ages U OO to 12 a m.—Church Time Nursery. 1 i on a m --Worship and 8ermon.__ StrSTEPHEN'S LUTHERAN ■ HI I Brentwood KJt (I Block N. of B. I. Art., W of 17thI Lather M. Sehnlse. Paetor. ft 30 a m.—Church School j j oo a m.—Worship and Sermon_ S»t. lube Corner Colasvilla Rd. end Highlond Drive, Silver Spring REV. ROBERT E. LEE, Postor. 9:30 am.—Sunday School. 1 1 :00 am—"lour Tests of Char acter"—"Being Big Enough to Be Kind " Church Hour Nursery for small children 6:00pm.—Young People's Luther League—Outdoor Vesper and Supper Meeting. rhe Friendly Chureh With the Bed Doore. GOOD SHEPHERD Braddock Road or Luray Ava. ALEXANDRIA, VA. BET. 4. e. GIMS. Faster. 0:45 a m.—Sunday gchoo! 1 i:OOjt m.—Monun* Service.