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Sitting #ft?nfg First Divine Science Church NEW LOCATION, Sheraton Hotel, 15th tr L St*. N.W. THE REV. ADDIE REA PEOPLES. Sunday, 11 AM. "Acceptance of Omni present Good." Thursday, 8 P.M. Continuing Lesson Series. "The Law of Faith." ' ALL WEIX-OME CHURCH OF THE HEALING CHRIST **608 Ifitta St. N.W. SrVDAY. 11 AM. • THE DIVINE YOIV Wednesday. 12: IN—-Consecration and Healing. Thnrsday. 8 p m—Healing Hoar. GRACE I.. FACS. Minister. AD. 8218. ^rlf-Sfaltzatimt Swami tPremananda of India * Sunday at 11 A M. * "INNER PEACE." Public Class in PhilosoDhy and Yoga Wednesday, June 30 at 8 PM. After June no all classes and services discont nurd until Sundav. Sept. 5. self-realization FELLOWSHIP iNon-Sectarian Church) 47 18 Western Avenue N.W. (N-*2 Bus to'Chesapeake and 49th Sts.) PASTOR EMERITUS—Dr. John E. Briggs, who has been re tired from active ministry of the Temple Baptist Church and elected by the Board of Deacons as pastor emeritus. Dr. R. H. Wilmer Guest At Epiphany Episcopal The Rev. Dr. Richard H. Wilmer, Jr., will be the guest preacher at 11 a m. tomorrow at the Church of the Epiphany. Dr. Wilmer is the son of a vestryman of Epiphany. Richard H. Wilmer .and Mrs. Wilmer and entered the ministry from Epiphany parish. After graduation from the General Theological Seminary in( New York, he became rector of St.’ John's Church. Mount Rainier. He served in the Navy as a chaplain during the war and after the war went to England to study at Oxford He has just returned after two years in England. The Rev. J. Brooke Mosley, di rector of the department of social relations, will preach at 8 p.m. THE BOB JONES UNIVERSITY BRASS ENSEMBLE Which Is Presenting a Program Sunday, June 27, 7:45 P.M. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH 9th and South Carolina Ave. S.E. (at Pa. Are.) Is an Unusual Group in Many Particulars Mr. John Scrippi, director of the group, in discussing the program, said: "In these days when the cry is always for something New and Different, we believe that this group answers the problem. "We are presenting favorite compositions in an unusual fashion. The arrangements of some of the old hymns ore different from anything usually heard." Duets ond Trios ore featured on the progrom in addition to the Quartet and Solo numbers, ond one of the Young Men Brings o Brief Gospel Message. The District of Columbia Baptist Churches Announce the Following VACATION BIBLE SCHOOLS . Baptist and other interested boys and girls are encouraged to take advantage of these recreational, moral and spiritual programs. Call the nearest Baptist Church or telephone num bers listed below for further information. ANACOSTIA, 13th b W Sts,, S.E. UN. 2896 Rev Thomas E. Boorde, Pastor June 28 to July 9 AVONDALE, Michigon & Eastern Avenues, N.E. DU. 5262 Rev. E. L. Weston, Pastor July 5 to July 9 BETHANY, 2nd and Rhode Island Ave. N.W DE. 4992 Rev. M. P. German, Pastor June 28 to July 9 BETHESDA, Wilson Lane & Melrose Avenue • Wl. 2263 Rev J. Roymond Nelson, Pastor June 21 to July 2 BROOKLAND* 16th and Monroe Sts., N E. NO. 2584 Rev. Ward B Hurlburt, Pastor July 7 to July 16 BROOKMONT, Virginia Drive and Broad St. OL. 3066 Rev. Charles W Caulkins, Pastor June 28 to July 9 CALVARY, 8th and H Streets, N.W. RE. 1 173 Rev. Clarence W. Cranford, Pastor June 28 to July 16 CAPITOL HEIGHTS, 61st Avenue, Copitol Heights, Md. HI. 3932 Rev. Stephen W. Cronston, Pastor July 12 to July 23 CENTENNIAL, 7th at Eye Street, N.E. FR. 4699 Rev. Wilson Holder, Pastor_July 1 2 to July 23 CHEVY CHASE, 5671 Western Avenue, N. W. WO. 0555 Rev. Edward O. Clark, Pastor June 28 to July 16 CHRIST, Minnesota Ave. ond Blaine Sts., N.E. VI. 7065 Rev. David F. Chastain, Jr.. Pastor July 19 to July 30 CONGRESS HEIGHTS, Brother and Esther Places, S.E LU. 3848 Rev. A Lincoln Smith, Pastor June 23 to July 9 COVENANT, 126 Yuma Street,. S.E. AT. 2815 Rev. Frank Squires, Pastor June 28 to July 9 EAST WASH. HEIGHTS. Branch ond Alabama Aves., S.E. VI. 6502 Rev. Glenn B. Faucett, Pastor July 19 to July 30 FIFTH, 609 E Street, S.W. ME. 0438 Rev. John T. Coburn, Pastor June 28 to July 9 FIRST, 16th and 0 Streets, N.W. DU. 2206 Rev. E. H. Pruden, Pastor August 9 to August>20 FOUNTAIN MEMORIAL, Noylor Road and Q Street, S. E. LI. 7181 , Res. Frank B Burress, Pastor June 28 to July 2 GRACE, 9th and So. Carolina Ave., S.E. LI. 7714 Rev. Martin P Clough, Pastor June 23 to July 2 HYATTSVILLE, 42nd and Gallatin St., Hyattsville, Md. HY. 0137 Rev. Henry R. Osgood, Postor June 21 to July 2 KENDALL, 9th & Independence Ave. S.W. Dl. 0945 Rev. Walter Scott, f'astor Tel after July 9 for dates. LUTHER RICE MEMORIAL. 5301 North Capitol Street RA. 7102 Rev. H Clayton Waddell, Pastar June 28 to' July 9 MARYLAND AVENUE, 1350 Maryland Ave., N.E. LI. 0103 Rev. W. A. Emmans, Pastor June 28 to July 9 METROPOLITAN, 6th and A Streets, N.E. LI. 6112 Rev. K. Owen White Postor June 28 to July 9 NATIONAL MEMORIAL, 1501 Columbia Rood, N.W. CO. 1461 Rev. E. B Willingham June 25 to July 9 NORTH WASH HIGHLANDS, 14th & Colorado Ave., N.W. RA. 7178 Rev. N. M. Simmonds ond June 28 to July 2 . Rev. H, J. Smith, Postors PETWORTH, 7th and Rondolph Sts., N.W. GE. 1186 Rev. James P. Rodgers, Pastor August 2 to August 1 3 RIVERDALE, Riverdale Road and 62nd Place, Riverdale, Md. UN. 0107 Rev. Kenneth Robb, Postor June 21 to July 2 SECOND, 17th and East Capitol Sts. LI. 0693 Rev. J. Ray Garrett, Pastor June 28 to July 9 SILVER SPRING, 830 Wayne Avenue SL. 6454 Rev. W F. Ripley June 28 to July 9 TAKOMA PARK, Piney Branch Rd. and Aspen St. GE. 4763 Rev. Herbert W. Boucom, Pastor June 28 to July 9 WEST WASHINGTON, 31st ond N Streets, N.W. NO. 0499 Rev. Charles B. Austin, Pastor June 28 to July 2 WILSON AVENUE, Colmor Manor, Md. UN. 2964 Rev. David Gregory, Postor_June 21 to June 25 WISCONSIN AVENUE. 42nd ond Fessenden Sts., N.W. EM. 9428 Rev. C- R Ferguson, Pastor June 28 to July 9 —— MISSIONS CARMODY HILLS BAPTIST CHAPEL, 73rd and F Sts. N.EAHI. 4721 _________________ June 21-26 471 Eye St„ S.W. WA. 6841 Mrs. A. B. Johenning. V.B.S. Prin. July 19 to July 23 P.M. NAVY PLACE, 759 7th St., S.E. WA. 6841 Mrs. A. B. Johenning, V.B.S. Prin, July 12 to July 16 P.M. SUITLAND, MD. LI. 7181 Mr. Earl Martin, Principal_ June 21 to July 2 THE PINES, near Rockville, Md. WA. 6841 Mrs. A. B. Johenning, V.B.S., Prin July 12 to July 16 TAKOMA PARK, MD., 419 Boyd Ave. SH. 5142 Mrs. B. P. Godboid, V.B.S , Principal Tel. after July 18 for dates. Dr. Hayes' Final Sermon Af National Presbyterian Dr. John D Hayes, for many years a missionary to China, will be the preacher Sunday at 11 a.m. in the National Presbyterian Church when ne concludes his term as assistant pastor of the church. His subject is “China’s Choice.” Following the service, members and guests will honor Dr. and Mrs. Hayes in a re ception. They will sail for China next month Special Church A nnouncements Chevy Chase Baptist —A reunion service will be conducted by Dr. Edward O. Clark at 11 a.m. tomor row when he will speak on "Wed ding Bells." Couples married by him will be special guests. Ijniversalist National Memorial— The Board of Management will meet at. 7:30 p.m. Monday. First Congregational—High school and college graduates will be hon ored at 11 a.m., when the Rev. H. S. Beckwith will preach on "New High-' ways Aheaa.” Mount Pleasant Congregational— There will be a reception for new members tomorrow morning. It is the last regular service until August 1. Services during July w'til be held with the Universalist National Memorial Church. Twelfth Street Christian—Wash ington Urban League day will be observed at 11 a.m. tomorrow. The Rev. Charles C. Becket, executive secretary of Washington Urban League, will preach. Miles Memorial C. M. F,.—The Rev. W. F. Hairston will be the guest preacher tomorrow at 11 a.m. in observance of youth day. The Sunday school will present a pro gram in the evening. John Wesley A. M. E. Z.—Chil dren's day will be observed at 9:30 a.m. Mount Zion Methodist—Children's day at 11 a.m. tomorrow with chil dren in charge of the service. The Church of Two Worlds—To morrow evening will mark the clos ing of the church for the season. The Rev. H. Gordon Burroughs will be on the lecture program at Eu phrata, Pa„ for the entire summer. | The church will reopen in October. Memorial Evangelical United Brethren—Dr. Ira S. Ernst will con duct. the first of five Sunday evening studies on “Christian Fellowship” at 7:30 tomorrow. Church Federation Radio Programs Washington Federation of Churches radio program, June 27 through July 3: Sunday—WINX. 1) to noon. St. John’s' Episcopal Church. WMAL. 1 :.KI p m National Sunday Vespers. Dr. Oscar F Blackweider. Federal Council of Churches.' Tuesday—WRC. 12:1.5 to 12::t(i p.m.'1 Look to This Day.’ the Rev. James A Dudley, pastor, Epworth Methodist Church! speaking. Wednesday—WGAY. 10:45 to 11-00 a TO.. ••Religion for Living." the Rev Wil bur Ripley, pastor, Silver Spring Baptist Church, spedking. WRC. 1215 to 12 .10 P.m.. "Look to This Dav.” Mr. Dudley Thursday—WRC. 12:15 to 12:.'10 p.m.. Look to This Day. ’ Mr Dudley Fnday-—WASH-FM. 4 to 4:15 p.m.' "Radio Edition of the Bible" ANNUAL NOVENA—The Rev * Lawrence Sullivan of the New , England Mission Band, who will conduct the annual no vena honoring Mother Cabrinl daily at 5:20 and 7:45 p.m. at St. Stephen’s Catholic Church, June 29 through July_7. YMCA Open-Air Service In Lincoln Park The Central Branch of the Young: Men's Christian Association will open the 41st annual season of open-; air services in Lincoln Park tomor row at 4 p.m Meetings will be held, each Sunday during the summer, nr co-operation with the churches of the eastern section of Washington. : The opening services will be spon sored by the Bible classes of the j Ninth Street Christian Church. Dr. J. Lloyd Black, pastor, will speak.; John L. Bateman will preside.1 George L. Mters will be in charge, of the services during the summer and will act as song leader, with Mrs. Margaret R. Moffat as organist. Christian Srfttrmrh Christian Reformed Church Minister, REV. J. M. GHYSELS. Morning Worship, 10:00 o'clock. Vesper Service, 4:30 p.m. Place of Worship, 1010 17th St. N.W. Near K St., Opposite Y. W. C. A. JBackto God The Christian Reformed Church presents ITS COAST-TO-COAST RADIO PCLPIT with Rev. Peter Eldersveld on the BACK TO GOD HOUR Suhdoy Morning—Listen to WOL - 7:30 A.M. All-Musical Evensong At Cathedral Sunday The evensong service at 4 p.m. to-: morrow in Washington Cathedral will be entirely musical, with a group of 16th century anthems re placing the usual sermon. The mu sic unil be directed by Paul Calla way, organist and choirmaster, who wiil be at the console and will di rect the men's choir. Preaching at 11 a.m. will be the Very Rev. John Wallace Suter, dean of the Cathedral. IJoly communion will be celebrated 1 at 7:30 a.m. in St. Mary's Chapel: and at 9:30 a.m. In Bethlehem ; Chapel. ‘Grace Baptist Plans Youth Day Services In observance of Youth Day to morrow at 7:45 p.m. at the Grace Baptist Church the Bob Jones Uni-, versity Brass Ensemble will be pre sented. Members of the group are William Mayfield, John Scrippa, Julian Bandy and Steve Taylor. All Souls' Unitarian Dr. A. Powell Davies, minister of All Souls’ Unitarian Church, will preach his last sermon before his vacation, at 11 a.m. tomorrow, on ‘‘A Few Simplicities.” He leaves Sunday afternoon to participate with Rev. Gilbert A Phillips of the Arlington Unitarian Church in the 12th Annual Con-j ference for Young People of the Jo-1 seph Priestley Area, at the Dun brack Inn. Blue Ridge Summit, Pa. National aahprnarlp “Earnestly Contending for The Faith” The National Tabernacle Georgia Ave. N.W. at Piney Branch Rooi REV. Oe LOSS M. SCOTT, Port or RfT. De Loss M. Scott "Knowing that a man is not justified b y the works of the law, but by the faith■ of Jesus Christ ... for by the works of the law shell no flesh be justified." 1 Golotions 2-16) Sunday services 9:45 a.m.—-"A Bible School Hour you will enjoy—join us. 1 1 :00 a m.—Morning Worship Service broadcast over Sto tion WOOK. Pastor's sermon: "Memorial Stones" 7:45 p.m.-—-Evening Evangelistic Service of sermon and song. Pastor's sermon: Second in o series of messages on "The Second Coming" Meet with ui and we will do thee good $rr0hg!rrian #rrflbgtfrtatt - .. , -- ... r. - * The National Presbyterian Church (Covenant First), Conn. Ave. ot N St. N.W. Ministers Edward L. R. Elson. Thomas A. Stone. * John D. Hayes. Thedore Schaefer 9:45 a.m.—Combined Church School Session. 11 :00 a.m.—"China's Choice," Dr. Hayes Preaching. 6:00 and 7:00 p.m.—Youth Groups. N-2, 1,-2 Buses, Cars 40, 42 Stop in Front of Church CHURCH OF THE PILGRIMS On the Parkway at 22nd and P N.W. Gift of the Presbyterians of the South to the Nation’s Capital ANDREW R. BIRD, D. D„ Postor 10:00 a m.—The Sunday School. 11:00 am.—"Building Heaven on Eorth." 6:15p.m.—-Youth Groups. 7.45 p.m.—"Watching Faith Work." The Public Is Cordiolly Invited. New York Avenue Church 13th, H end New York Avenue N W. i Ministers: ij Rev. Peter Marshall. R.D., I and Rev. Robert T. Bridge I Rev. James I). Brvden. ■ Director of Religious Edur. ■ Charles D. Beaschler ft Director of Music William Watkins, Organist 9:30 AM. Church Bible School. 10:30 A.M. Organ Meditations. 1 1 :00o.m.—Communion Medita tion. Dr. Marshall preaching. 6:00 p.m.—Youth Groups. SIXTH Sixteenth and Kennedy Sts. N.W. Earl Fronklin Flowler, D D l la rrnre G. Shaw. Orsanist 9:45 A.M., Church School. 1 1 AM. Sermon: "Art Thou He Thot Cometh?" Dr. Clifford M. Drury, Guest Minister A ursery During Service 7:30 p m.—Westminster Fellowship. CLARENDON 1300 Block of Nbrth Irving and Jackson Sts., Arlington, Vo. REV. ISAAC STEENSON, Minister. | 1 1 :00 a.m.-—Worship and Sermon. | (Nursery During Service > Broadcast Over Station WARL, 790. CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Intersection 15th. 16th fir Irving N.W. GRAHAM GORDON* LACY, Minister. 9:30 a m. Church School. 11:00 a m 'Grace for Grace. 7;0n p m Christian Feliow shiD. 8:00 p m “Lore for Loee." Washington Heights Kalorama Near Columbia Rd. REV. ROBERT E. SHERRILL, Minister MR CLIFTON OLMSTEAD. Assistant to the Minister. I P:4.ia.m,—Church Scnool 11:hO a m.—Morning Worship. "GREAT TEXTS FOR TROUBLED TIMES." <4>. Hebrews 12:1. George A. Mym. Soloist. Gertrude Mockbee. Organist. WESTERN 1906 H S». N.W. C. Stewart McKenxie. Minister. 0:45 am.—Sunday School 11 nil am—"The Great Companion.” Nursery Durlna Service. 7:01) pm —Youn* People 1 Wednesday. S p m.—Prayer Meetinf. ARLINGTON Columbia Pike and So. Lincoln St. WALTER F. WOLF, Pastor 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.—‘‘I Will Give You Rest.” Nursery During 11 AM. Service. 0:45 a.m.—Church School. 5:30 p.m.—Jr. High Fellowship. 7 30 p.m.—Sr. High Fellowship. Thursday, Julv I. 45:30 p.m.—Pot-Luck _ Supper and “New Curriculum/*_ ECKINGTON North Capitol and Fla. Avo. REV. HENRY B. WOODING. Minister 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 1 1 :00 am—"The Fire Upon the Altar." 7:00 p.m.—Young People's Meet ing. ££>f)trtooob Rhode Island Ave. at 22nd St. N E. RICHARD M. MUSSEN. Minister * 8:50 and 11 .on a.m.—“Strength for Today/’ 8:45 a.m.—church School for. Yount People and Adults. i l:oo a.m.—Church School for Children. 7:oo p m.—-Young People s Groups _ METROPOLITAN * On Cavitol Hill” , 4th and B Sts S.E. JAMES CURTIS FAHL. Minl,t»r. MARION ST. JOHN ALDRIDGE, Minister of Masic. 9:30 a.m.—Church School. I I :00 a.m.—"Why Must We Hove Discipline?" Nursery During Service 6:30 p.m.—Jr. and Sr. High Fel lowships.. * 7:30 p.m.—Young People's Fellow ship. CHEVY CHASE Chew Chase Circle Minister: J. HILLMAN HOLLISTER Franklin B. Gillespie. Minister tn Youth Harold W. Dickensheets. Minister of Music 8:3ft a.m.—Church School 8:45 a m.—Men s Bible Class 11:00 a.m.—“A Vital Platitude.” Dr Hollister. ft 30 p.m —Youth Groups FALLS CHLKCH E. Broad and Fairfax St*. ALTON B AI.TFATHER, D. D.. Minister 8:15 A M and 11.00 A M ‘GOD’S INFINITE PATIENCE.” Nurscrv During 11 O’clock Service. 0:45 a m —Sunday School p m—Westminster Fellowship_ GARDEN MEMORIAL 1718 Minnesota Axe. S.E. Pastor. REV. LESTER V. B.AUGUES8 9:30 am.—Bioie School 11 00 a m—Morning Worship. Nursery Durino Service 7:00 p m.—Westminster Fellowship. s.OQp.m.—Evening Worship._ GEORGETOWN 3115 P St. N.W Rev. JOHN BAILEY KELLY. D. D.. Paster. Church School at lf» a m. Morning Worship at 11 am — Sermon Topic “Following the Crowd.” Congress Heights South Capitol and Chesapeake Sts. S.W REV RICHARD B. PURSEL Minister 9:45 a m.—Stlftday School 11.00 a.m.—”A Key te Happiness. EASTERN Maryland Ave. at 6th St N E. REV. WILLIAM N. VINCENT, Minister. 0:30 am.—Church School _ 11:00 am—Divine Worship. “The Hn man Face.” * NORTHMINSTER ALASKA and GEORGIA AVES. WILLIAM H. KKPfcER. Minister. 9:45 a m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a m Sermon: “Paradise Ls»i." _ Nursery_During Service_ KIVERDALE 4609 Rittenkouse St. W. KEITH CUSTIS, Minister i 11:00 a m.—Morning Worship. Nursery During Service 9:30 a m —Sunday School. i __7:00 p.m—Youth Groups._ THE FOURTH CHURCH 13th and Fairmont Sts. N.W’. JAMES H. MIERS. Minister "Holding Forth the World of Life." 11:00 a.m.—“Christ Died for Our Sins." • Sacrament of the Lords Supper. > Broadcast Over WOL. 11:30 A.M. 6:00 D.m.—Broadcast over WOOK by Dr. Miers. 6:45 p.m.—Young People's Society 8;00 p m.-- “Four of the Ten Kingdoms.” Monthly Prophetic Sermon. G UNTO N -TEMPLE 16th and Newton Streets N.W. Dr. Bernard Braskamp. Minister. I Paul D. Gable. Minister of Music. 9:45 a m.—Church School. ! 1 1 00 a m.—Communion Service, j 7:QO p.m.—Young People's Fellowship. First Church Arlington Glebe Road at Wilson Blvd. George Hilemon Yount, Minister : Worship—At 9:00 and 11:00 a m. “Religious Life In Latin America,” The Rev. F W Haverkamp, I __Guest Minister. BETHESDA The Church That Named the Community Wilson Lane and Clarendon Road BETHESDA. MD. JAMES S. ALBERTSON, Minister. 9:45 a m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—“The Grace of God.” 7:00 D.m.—Youth Groups. TAKOMA PARK Manle and Tulin Avfs. R RAUL SCHEARRER. Minister 9;30o.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—"On Being Good tor Something." 7:00 p.m.—Youth Groups. THE BIBLE BIBLE PRESBYTERIAN 3038 QCE STREET N.W 0:45 a m—Bible School 11 00 A M and 7:45 P M Rev. James H. McClintoeh. Guest Minister 6:45 p.m.—Young People’s Society. The Only Bible Presbyterian Church in Washington ORTHODOX PRESBYTER IAN KNOX Granville Drive and Sutherland Road SILVER SPRING. MD. REV. GLENN R. CO IE, Minister. 9:45 a m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a m.—“The All-Important Name.” 6 30 pm.—Machen Leagues. 7.30_q m—“True Greatness. “_ UNITED PRESnYTERIAN RIVER ROAD 45tk & Fessenden Sts. N.W. Rev. Harry W. Rankin. Pastor. a 9:45 AM. Church Bible School. 11 AM. Sermon: "The Church in a Crisis." Vocotion Bible School, June 28 to July 9, 9:30 to 12:00. WALLACE MEMORIAL N. H. Ave. b Rondolph St. N.W. C. I. HAWTHORNE, D. D. Minister. The Word of God from Pulpit and Classroom. 9:30 am—Bible School, Classes for oil ages. 1 1 :00 am.—Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Nursery During Morning Service 6:45p.m.—Christion Endeavor Societies. 8:00 p.m.—"How to Be Heppy." Mra. Hofllund. Mr. LMdtK. NEW CHURCH OFFICERS— Members of the Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist, elected William A. Liddell as first reader and Mrs. Ethel F. Hoff lund as second reader. Mr. Liddell was formerly an assistant professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Mrs. Hoff lund a teacher In the District public schools._ Church Garden Party A garden party was to be held at Epiphany Church Home, 1221| Massachusetts avenue N.W., from 3 to 6 p.m. today. Miss Kay Pop pell, accordionist, will provide music. 1 (fcmk ©rHjokox (Etjurrh Saints Constantin* and H*l«n Great Orthodox Church tn. Thomai Daniel*. 6th and C Streets S.W. It) 45 a.m.—Sunday School. LO 00 bjb.—Morning Service* and High Mass Unitrd Hobgr of (HtroaophtHlH Wed., June dO, ot 8:15 P.^l. "BENEFICENCE OF KARMA." LIBBAKI. Sat.. 1:30 U 4 P.M. United Lodge of Theosopkists Hill Bldg., 17th and Eyo Sti. N.W, tit Mafllfittgtmt THE THEOSOPHICArSOCIETY IN WASHINGTON, D. C. ^ 726 11th St. N.W. * - Sunday, June 27, at 8:00 P.M. "SCIENCE AND ij RELIGION." f Speaker, Mr. Charles __ _L» C. Hill of Wosh *‘^*'0?^'* ington, D. C. LIBRARY ACTTVITTF-S: Rental Library is open eeery Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and Sunday, «:SB to 8 p m. (EfrrtHtaMpfrtan Christadelphian Chapel 733 W'teUr St N.W. r»Wie lavftcS 8. S . IS a m. garfjwa. 11:13 ».a. Christadelphian Ecclesia 8. 8. 1# a.™ Serriea. 11 a.*. 1013 a til St. N.W.. 3rd FI Public Ipvl«r<t. Unitarian ALL SOULS' \ CHURCH 5U Sixteenth end .'Harvard Sts. N.W. I Minittmr [» A. Powell Davies, ^ D.D. 1 1 a m.—Morning Worship Sermon bv the Minister, "A FEW SIMPLICITIES." Services will be held throughout the summer with a ponel of dis tinguished preachers. UNITARIAN CHURCH OF ARLINGTON, VA. Rev. Gilbert A. Phillips, Minister "These Things Shall Be." Services 8:15 n.m. it Pershing Drive Christian Chtrch Corner of Pershing Drivo end N. Highland St. SapliHt ISatrttHt -\ .Rational baptist iWetnortal 16th Street and Columbia Road 11:00 a m.—"We Can Know God." Sermon by the Minister. Nursery Open 9:$0 A.m. to 12:1$ P.M. 9:40 a.rrv.—Bible School for all ages. 6-45 p.m.—Baptist Training Fellowship. 8:00 p.m.—"Takinf Vocation With Jesus. Sermon by the Minister. (Thursday, 8:00 pm.—Midweek Prayer Service. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL, Monday through Friday, 9 to 12. DR. EDWARD B. WILLINGHAM, Minister. HOWARD HAWORTH, Minister of Education. 'f 609 E Strect sw y lltl) Rev. John T. Coburn, Postor. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 6:40 p.m.—Training Union. 11:00 a.m.—"A Wedding Present." 8:00 p m.—"Beginning to Foil." Daily Vocation Bible School Begins Tomorrow. Send Your Children. BETHANY *M.'V GERMAN, Minister. ! 9:45 o.m.— Sunday School. 1 ^00 a m —"When o Greot Mon Believed. ; 7 *45 p.m.—"Ploying to Win."_______ ] PETWORTH"BAPTIST CHURCH 7th ond Randolph Streets N.W. WASHINGTON.- D. C. REV. JAMES P. RODGERS, Postor. 9 00 a m.—Sunday School. 11 :00a m.—Sermon: "An Unknown God." 6:45 p m.-^-Troining Union (all age groups'. ^ 8:00p m.—Sermon: "God in the Honds ot Men. Listen To "Assurance for the Doy" each Tuesdoy at 7 :45 A M. over Station WOOK_ M ETROPO LI TA N BA PTI ST CHURCH 6th ond A Streets N.E. Dr. K. Owen White, Postor; Rev. C. Miehoel Warr. Assistant Postor. ON THE AIR—WWDC—8 TO 9 P.M. 11 00 a m - "WHAT WILL THE HARVEST BE?" „ [ 7:45 p.m.—"THE MAN WHO WAS NOT ASHAMED OF HIS GOD. Sermons by the Pastor. 9:30a.m.—Church Bible School. 6:25 pm.—Baptist Training Union., 7 :45 p.m.—Wednesday—HOUR OF POWER. "Holding Forth the Word ot Lite._ tEafeoma $arfe, 3B. C. HERBERT W. BAUCOM, Jr., Minister. 9 00 and 1 1 :00 o.m.—"Nearness to the Kingdom," by Pastor. 7-45 p m.--"The Peorl Merehont," by Pastor. This is songfest night 9:30 o.m.—Sunday School for all through 12 years; others at 10 o.m. 6:30pm.—Training Fellowship. Wednesday, 8:00 p.m..—Fellowship Hour, _____ fA+ f, _ 8th and H St,. N.W. If /T I ll/jrp Dr. C. W. Cronford, Minister Rev. pjerre E Toi)9ent A.,o«iote TWO MORNING SERVICES 9 00 and 11:15 a m.— (Sermons Identical.) "THE GOSPEL OF POWER. 7:30 p.m.—"NOMINATED ON THE FIRST BALLOT," Dr Cronford preaching. 10:00 a m.—Sunday School. 6:00 p.m.—Youth Groups. 8 :00 p m.—Wednesday—Prayer Meeting. ON THE AIR.WOL 1 :15 P.M.__ FIRST BAPTIST 16th and O Sts. N.W. Ministers . TWO IDENTICAL MORNING SERVICES 9 :45 and 11 :00 a m.—"Religion os Personal Loyolty," Dr. Pruden. 8:00 pm.—"The Protestant Hour Is Here," Dr. J. M. Dawson. Sunday School, 9:30 a m. Fellowship Groups, 6 pm. ARLINGTON South Arlington, Va. LEN f. STEVENS, Pastor. 9:45 a m.—Sunday School. 6:45 p.m.—Training Union. 11 :00 a m.—Sermon: "Dedicated to Our Task." 8:00 p.m.—Sermon. Baptismal Service. Y. W. A. Camp Report. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.—The Hour of Power. ■ Vacation Bible School, June 21st to July 2nd. General AsMOciation Regular Baptiate CAPITOL 1000 EAST CAPITOL STREET Prtmilltnial—Fundamtntal GEORGE MILES, Ministering Prt*. Washington Bibit Institutt Morning Worship, 11:00 A.M. Evening Service, 7:45 P.M.« Church School, 9:30 A.M. Troining Unions, 630 P.M. <1 wr a /lAOfii a Thirteenth and W Sts. S.E. Thos. E. Boorde, Minister. 9:30 a.m.—Bible School, Howard Stoughton, Superintendent. I 1 :00 a m.—Morning Worship. Guest Speaker, Gordon H. Payne, L.L.M , National Chief Templor of the Good Templars, Medina, N. Y. 7:45 p.m.—Evening Worship Wednesday, 8:00 p m.—Proyer Service KENDALL 9th and Independence Ave. S.W. REV. WALTER C. SCOTT. Fastor. 0:40 a m.—Bible School 11:00 a.m.—“The Threefold Secret of a Great Life.” 7:00 o m.—Training Fellowship. _8.00 p m—“Three Steps to Coneersicn. /mm 1 10th b N Sts. N W temple ^ :40 a.m.—Sundoy School, Classes for All. Rev. V. M. Hobbs will teach the Beall Class and Mr. Norman Sandridge the Men's Class. ll:00o.m.—Rev, Frank K. Bra sington, Director, Department of Missions, D. C. Convention, Guest Speaker. 6:45 p.m—Baptist Training Fel lowship. 8:00 p.m.—Rev. Frank K. Bro sington. Guest Speaker. Bop tism. fflarplanb 9bettue W. A. EMMANS, Pastor. 14th and Maryland Ave. N.E. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. I 1 :00 a m.—"The Happy Family at Work." 7 :45 p.m.—"The Greatest Word in Our Language." Wednesday 8 p m.—Prayer Service iMLSON AVENUE 41st Ave., Colmor Manor, Md. DAVID E GREGORY■ Pastor. Phase VS. HM4. 9 45 a m.—Sundav School 11:00 a m—Morninf Worship 7 00 i m—Baptist Tralnlne Onion. s on p.m.—Evening Service. _ WISCONSIN AVE. CtARMCS-«A?*»Ty»GUSri!«. PasUr 9:30 a.mi^-Snnday School 11:00 a.m.—"rr©r*4 fcy Gad. 7 oo pm—Baptist Train in* Onion a-on pm.—"Faal • Trip I* Womt. NORTH WASHINGTON HIGHLANDS SERVICES AT 8TANSBURV HALL, S832 Georgia Avenue N.W. REV. HENRY J. SMITH. Pastor. 9 4ft a m.—Bible School. 11:00a.m.—“God's Confidence in Men.' SERVICES AT HIGHLANDS CHAPEL. Itth Street at Jefferson N.W. NEWTON MERCER SIMMONDS. Minister 9:30 a.m.—Bible School. 1! no p m.—“Satisfactions That Last. 7:00p.m—B. T. F Groups Union B. T. F. at Highlands IF~YOU LIVE IN NORTHEAST BROOKLAND Cor. Monroe end 16th Sts. N.E. Rev. Word Bullard Hurlburt, Pastor. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday Schpol. All Ages. I 1 :00 a m’.-—"Today's Miroelas." 8:00 p m.—"Bible Love Story." Congress 3^etg!)ts Esther end Brothers Place S-E. A. LINCOLN SMITH. Paster. 9:45 a m.—Sunday School 11:00 a m.—"The Trial of the Heart." 6:45 p.m.—B. T. U 8:00 P.m—"The Need for Re vival," Bruce Miller, Speaker. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Proyer meeting. Youth-Led Revival, with Three Bay lor Students, June 27 through July 11. , SECOND 17th and East Capitol Sts. REV. J. RAY GARRETT. Paster 9:30 a m —-Bible School 11—“The Matter Key.** 6:45 ti.m.—Baptist Training Onion 6:00 p m.—Concert of Sacred Music b* Combined Chotrt *’ I WEST WASHINGTON 31st and N Streets N.W. CHARLES B. AUSTIN, Poster. 9 45 a m—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Pastor Preachlns 7:00 p.m.—Church Training 8:00pm-—Sermon by the Pastor, V. B. 8.. June 28 to July 2. CENTENNIAL •‘Got#*. Corner” 7th end I Streets N.I. WILSON HOLDER, Pester 9:30a.m.—Bible School. 11 :00 a.m.—Worship Service. "Don't Go Blind." 6:30p.m.—Training Union. 8:00 p.m.—Worship Service. "Platform for Power." Baptism. ON THE AIR , "The Gospel Wings," . WWDC, 11:35 A.M. Morning Worship Service. REV. WILSON HOLDER SEVENTH DlY BAPfiSt Services every Sabbath (Saturday) 10:30 and 1 1 :30 A M. Mt. Vernon Placa Church 900 Mass. Ava. N.W. (Lower Entrance) "The Seventh Day (Saturday) Is the Sabbath of the Lord Thy Gad." Nineteenth Street Baptist 19th and Eye Sts. N.W. Rev. Jerry A. Moore, Minister 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00am.— Sermon: "Paul's Sec ond Missionary Journey." The Minister. 6.00p.m.—Christian Endeavor Honors the Graduates. 8:00 p.m.—Service by the Young People. LUTHER RICE_ MEMORIAL 5315 North Capitol Street Dr. H. Clayton Waddell, Minister. 9:45 a m.—Sunday School. 9:45 and 1 1 A M. "Not Guilty." Nursery Often at Roth Services 6:30 p.m.—Training Union. 8:00 pm.-—"Voluntary Slavary." Wednesday, 8:00 P.M. Prayer Service. BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH Itth in* V Streets N.W. COLBERT H. PEARSON, Ed.D.. Minister. lO.OOo.m.—Church School. 10:00 a.m.—Adult Bible Class. 11 ;00 a.m.—"Whof Is Your Lite?" Robert Homilton, Director. Mrs Edith Horris, Organist, Clarendon North Highland St ond Wilson llvd. ARLINGTON. VA FRANK l. SNYDER, Pastor. 0:10 » m.—Bible school 11:00 i m.—“l» Your Rellsinn » Form Or i Fnreet" 0:10 p.m.—Baptist Trsmtns tJWon tOOnm—."The Woman G*d Sent Telephone OX 071(1 a nd _ CH._Sins. EAST WASHINGTON HEIGHTS Th* "Homr-Like" Church Branch and Alabama A***. S.F. RFV. GLENN B FAUCETT. Miniater. P:30 a m—Church Srtiool ll:OOam—Membership Sunday. ”Wh» .loin the Church?” fl:45 p m.—Training Union. v \ 7:45 p m.—Picture. “Thlri C»mh*nd ment.” Sermon by Rev _R. T Pavia._ CHRIST BAPTIST Minn. Ave. and Blaine St. N.E. DAVID F. CHASTAIN, JR., Postor. inuin a m.— ’•Zaechena." 7 45 D m—“Settlinr Oilferenree “ Wad 7 45 pm—“Five Glartom Yeara “ A Friendlr Welrnme f ram Friendly Fe»rde SILVER SPRING H.30-832 Wavnr Avenm* PR W F RIPI.EV. Interim Pa*t«r REV WM. J CI MBIE, A**i*tant. non and 11:00 AM “The Glorified Chrint—His Majesty Dr Riplev preaching. 10 no a m—Sunday SPhool 6.30 p m.—baptist Training Fellowship Rev John G Lambndes guest speaker._____ GRACE BAPTIST 9th end South Carolina Are. S.E. At Pennsylvania Are. I>r Martin F. clnuah Paatar. 9 30 a m.—Bible School. 1 I :00 a.m —"Preservation From Apostasy." 6:30 p.m.—Training Unions. 7 :45 p.m—Bob Jones University Brass Quartet. H'r Preach the Old-Fashioned Gospel National Gardens Trem:*nt Gardens — Foil* Church, Vo. REV. WESTON W. KNOX. Pa*t«r 9:45—Church School. Wogne iica, Sup* T1:00— Morning Church Service*. 7 00—*. T U.; E E. Gooding, Director 800—Evening Church Service*. Mr. Choi. Howord. Minitter of Music FOUNTAIN MEMORIAL 2214 Noylor Rd. S.E. AT. 3640 Re> FRANK B. BURGESS, Pastor 8.00 and 11 :00 A.M. "Lack of Security." 1 1 :00 a m.—Broadcast, WBUZ-FM 9:30 a m.—Sunday School. 6:30p m.—Training Union. 8:00pm—"A Church in Need." Sermon—-5 :30 P.M, "Songs of Light." Broadcast over WBUZ-FM. £t)ebp Chase Western Ave. west of Chevy Chose Circle DR EDWARD 0 CLARK, Minister CHARLES R. WOODSON, Asst Minister 1! 00 a m —"Wedding Bells" Serv ice, "The Tie Thet Binds."