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Capital Bank Deposits Show Little Change From April 12 Call By Edward C. Stone Tn anticipation of a condition call by the Controller of the Currency in the near future It wag learned today that deposits in Washington's 19 banks have changed but little since the call dated April 12. Bank officials said that deposits have decreased at times in the last three months and have come back after each decline. They are said to have fluctuated more than usual in the second quarter. The midyear total will not be far from the April figures. Deposits in the Capital's banks and trust companies on April 12 amounted to *1,020,423.787. which was a decrease of *3,201,249 from December 31, 1947. Liquidating Dividend Paid. A liquidating dividend of *40 a share on the common stock of the American Co. was paid today, in addition to a *80 payment made some weeks ago. liie checks are payable through the trust depart ment of the Liberty National Bank. The American Co.’s offices were formerly at 807 Fifteenth street N.W. Last November the stock holders voted to liquidate the com pany. The 5% preferred stock was liquidated in February. The Liqui dating Committee includes James M. Johnston. Thornton W. Owen and Leon Tobriner. Possibility of another dividend on the common is indicated. The stock is sold over the counter, the bid in The Sunday Star being *45 a share. After deducting todays *40 payment, dealers believe at least *5 more per share will be forth coming. Real Estate Very Active. The Federal Home Loan Bank Board has reported that real estate financing in the Nation in April remained at peak levels. In the first four months of the year, the total of *3,685.000.000 in estimated financing represented an 8 per cent gain over the same period. In the four monhts. building and loan associations made 30 per cent of the loans, banks, 24 and individ uals 18 per cent. Mutual savings banks recently increased their total loans notably. .Sixteen representatives of the P. D. Sleeper agency of the Aetna Life Insurance Co. will attend a regional meeting at the Greenbrier Hotel, White Sulphur Springs,, July 7-10. Among those aatending will be: J. C. Adams, Elmer L. Ayres, Edmund M. Crump, H. Cochran Fisher. Frank L. Frith, Henry B. McGuire. Howard Nordlinger, Burton E. Robinson, Victor O. Schinnerer. Freeman N. Stricklin, P. D. 81eeper. M. G. Beede and J. H. Neill. Atlantic Coaat Line Net L'p. Net income of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad for May totaled *571.419 against *3,029 in May, 1947. Net income in the first five months amounted to *6.359.649 in comparison with *4,740,930 in the like 1947 period. Heard in Financial District. Tire Virginia Bankers’ Association: has pledged its aupport in the estab- j lishing of a graduate school of com-; nrerce and business administration i at the University of Virginia. Howard Moran, former vice presi dent of the American Security & Trust Co. has been a visitor in the financial district. j Business Briefs \ Rubber Consumption of American plants In May totaled 87,826 tons vs. 85.281 in the preceding month and 81,710 In the same 1947 month— Rubber Manufacturers’ Association. Use of natural rubber was 52.424 Ions vs. 50.651 in April and 43,018 a year earlier. Bank Credit Trend In the first four months of 1948 did not indicate a serious inflationary threat—Na tional Association of Manufacturers. "It seems doubtful if there is any convincing reason at this time for additional controls,” the NAM re ported. Radios in Working Order are owned by 94.2 per cent of all Ameri can families—Broadcast Measure ment Bureau. The number of radio families was estimated at 37.623.000, an increase of 3.8 per cent from a year ago. Permanente Metals Corp. offering of 600,000 shares of capital stock will be marketed this week, despite the threat of litigation involving an affiliate of Permanente, 4t was an nounced by First Boston Corp. and Dean Witter & Co. who head under writers. Deep Rock Oil Corp. has acquired more than 75r; of the stock of Sloan & Zook Co. for around $10,000,000 Sloan & Zook has pioneered in sec ondary recovery of crude oil through water flooding. Texas Gas Transmission Corp. stockholders approved an increase In common stock to 3.000,000 shares from 2.000.000 and authorized 100.000 shares of $100 par preferred stock. I Mullins Mfg. Co. will spend $278, 800 this year to modernize its plants St Warren and Salem, Ohio. Nu-Enamel Corp. announced that directors on June 25 decided not to declare the common dividend usual ly due at this time. The company paid 15 cents April 20. Outlet Co. declared a dividend of 11.25 a common share, payable August 2. A like amount was paid May 1. Wesson dl A Snowdrift, Inc., earned $11,646,921 or $18.47 a com mon share in nine months ended May 31 vs. $10,945,655 or $17.27 a year earlier. United States Plywood Corp. profit for 12 months ended April $0 was $7,606,900 or $5.28 vs. $5. 189.300 or $3.71 in the previous year. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe System net income for five months ended Mav 31 was $18,093,250 or $6.39 vs. $15,594,233 or $5.36 in the lame 1947 period. New York Central System report ed a deficit of $3,029,566 in five months ended May 31 vs. net iijcome of $1,696,805 or 26 cents a year ago. Virginian Railway earned $2, #69.347 or $1.10 in five months end ed May 31 vs. $3,372,141 or $2.14 a gear earlier. Western Maryland Railway net Income for five months ended May 81 was $2,104,043 vs. $2,133,886 in the same 1947 period. Electric Power & Light Corp. and subsidiaries earned $9,240,588 in three months ended February 29 vs. $6,485,573 a year earlier. Public Service Co. of Indiana had Bet income of $2,707,865 in five months ended May 31 vs. $2,617,838 In the same 1947 period. General Electric Co. elected R. I. Parker commercial vice president to succeed W. O. Batchelder, who will retire after 43 years with tha com pany. N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE the tmcIlIM Preee. 1 3 39 15 4 11 3 1 15 C 5414 21V4 3*34 143* 141/4 4 1934 33b 50‘/b 313b 3 42 7 6 10 1 3 30 7 503* S3* 5* 203* 65 131/4 4134 6>/4 0934 50 2014 05 13> 4 411/b S'4 05 iriraliM *r _— Stock and AoO Dividend Rat* 00 Blih. Low ABBOTT LAB2* 1 75 75 Acme Steel 4a Adam* Kxp V«*. Addreiao-Mult i Admiral Cp ,80e Air Reductloo I Alaska Juneau. Aldena Inc 1 ‘4 Alieehanr Corn Alleghane Co of Alleg Lud 80* A lie* Lud pf 4>.a Allied CJtDre 0a Allied Kid ltba Allied Mills lVhe Allied Stra 3 Allis Chaim 1.60 Amerada Pet 2a Am Agrtcul 3a Am Airlines .. Am Alrl of 334 AmBankN 1 60a Mm Bnk Nt pf3 Am Bosch 34* AmBrkShoe .80* Am Cable & Rad Am Can 8 •Am Can of 7 3m CarftPda 3* Am CarAP pf ?■ Am ChdtCbl l 40 Am Chicle 2a Am Coltyo 1.20a Am Cres 0 1 20a AmCranamid la AmCramldaVbot Am Distillers 2 Am Ac Prgn Pwr AmdtPPS7pf3Vak 3m A P P 2d Pt AmRIde A; L 3b* AmHomePr 1.20 Am Ice ,60e .. Am Loco 1 40 Am MchtFd 80 'AmM&P 0fH «0»50 *2>4 AmMch&MetUe 2 03* Am Metal ‘be Am Power 4c Lt AmP&L 6pf33ik Am Radlat 40* Am 0af Razor 1 Am Seatm* 1* r AmShipBld* 2e Am Bm&R 13ie • Am 8nul of 6 Am Steel Fdrr 2 Am Store* 1 40* Am Tel Ac Tel 9 Am Tobacco 3a * Am Tob of 6 Am Viscose 2a t*m Viscose ofB AmWatWks 30# Am Woolen 0 Am Zinc .20* .. Antconda 13b# ♦Anec Wire le Net 0:80. ehae 75 -1*4 53*4 533b- 3* 203* 203*- 3* 35 3* - 3b 1434 1434- 3b 2434 0434 — >4 33* 33b 153b 153b- 3b 334 333 45 4*34 -1 30 30 - 3* 3 10734 10734 107V4 -13b 4 100 10734 10734 - 3b 1 15 15 15 - 3b 3 0»‘4 0* 0* - 33 11 35*b 3434 3434-1 9 3033 37V. 30 - 33 1 11533 11533 11533 -23* 50 -1 03b — 34 50 003* — 34 69 +1 1334- 3* 413b + 74 6>4- >4 05>4- 3b 0 1 5 12 10 3 12 4 3»4 70 133b 10 1733b 173*4 1733b -13b 7 40 46 4634-13b 1 53 55 53 -0 3 043b 23*4 23*4 — 3* 1 40*4 40*4 40*4 + 3* 0 103* 10 10*4- 3* 1 20 20 20 + 3* 01 35*4 303* 3934+ Vb 2 102*4 102*4 102*4 - 3b 1 30*4 30*4 30*4-1 33b 72 123* 0*4 24*4 7 23*4 17*4 92*4 0*4 33*4 103b 023* 15*4 103* 2534 40*4 63‘a 133 24*4 7*4 243b 3 73* 3 70 1 94 10 5 20 14 3334 11 023* 16 103* 253b 4034 64*4 30 133 334 - 3b 72 -1 123*- 3* 6*4 24*4 7 - *4 233* -1*4 17*4- 3* 92*4- ‘4 0*4- 34 33*4- 34 103b- 3b 0234-1 1334 - 34 103* 25*4 40*4 -134 6334 - 34 133 -1 16 9 31 .380 8 3234 32 32 -1*4 9 25 2434 2434 -1*4 17 154*4 154 15434 + *4 14 5734 57*4 5734- 34 70 137*4 137 137 -2 10 60*4 60 68*4 40 110*4 110*4 118*4 - *4 14 734 73» 734- ‘4 3**4 51 0*4 0 3934 30*4 4034 3934 30*4 30 32*4 303b 31 31 .. 31*4 30*4 rArmco Btl pt«3bl90100*4 100*4 100*4 -1 ArmourAtCol .20 41 1*84 1JI34 1334 — 4 Armour pr of 0 4 10134 100 100 —2 ‘Arm Cork*4pf4 40 112*4 11*34 112*4 - *4 Artloom CaW 1 3 1534 153* 1MJ-J4 *sid Dr* 0 1.00 3 1734 1734 1734- *4 - 1 103 103 103 -1 9 31*4 30*4 31*4- 3* 11 114*4 HIM U**4 -134 Anchor Roc* 2 Ander-Prlch 1.. Arcn-D-M 1* . Armco Steel 2b 3 91 2 20 913* -1*4 a - >4 3034 -1*4 39*4- 34 30 - ‘4 3134 -134 31-34 30*4- 3* *Aseo D Q 2nd 7 As.*octet Inr 2.. etch T 4 • P 0 ATP Inc He . 5 Atl Coast Line 4 3 AtlGAWIndSl * Atl Reflnlni 1Va 27 ♦ At! Refin of A 4 AO ♦At) Ref ofB3% HO Atlas Core 1 BO * ♦Atlas Powd 1 e 210 tAtlas Pow pf 4 SO Autocar Co %e * Avco Mfa 35e 30 BALD LOCO ‘ftt 1* Balt A Ohio 72 Balto A-Ohio of 18 'Bang * Ar of 5 20 Barber 011 11 ae 4 Barrsdall Oil-2 *3 Baruk C’.i 1 'fta 3 Beatrice Fds Ca 2 ♦ Beck Sh of 4’» 10 ♦Beech Creek 2 _ 10 Beech-N P 1 80 * Belding-H 1 20. * Bendli Aeiat 2 11 BndxHomeA 1 % H Benef Ind 1.20a 8 Best A Co 2 —. * Best Poods 2a 10 Beth Steel 1 20h 53 Biglow-San ‘ae. 5 Blaw-Knox t«a. 3 BUIS I W 2 . • Boelni Alrp) 1*. 3* Bohn Alum 'll- • Bond Stores 2 • BordenCo 1.20a 11 Bora-Warner 4. 7 Branlff Air 8 Brldiept Brail Brills Uinuft 3 7 BrinsABtra la 4 Brlatol-UT .80#. 1 Bklra ttn Ote . * Brown 8h 1.20a * Bruna-Balke '/at 1 Bucrrus-Fr 70a 4 Budd Co 20# SB ♦BuddCoof* - AO Bullard Co Ha. * Bulora Wtcb 3a 1 BurllhiMtlU 1*4 21 Burr Add M 80 13 Bush Term *4f— 5 Butler Bros ... 3 Butte C ft Z ... 3 Brere A M 'ae - 7 Bvron Jn 1.20e 2 CAL PACK 2'al 7 Callahan Zinc . • CalumetftH 1 Oe 7 Campbell Wr le * Can Dr» OA .80 22 Canad Pac 44# 100 CaplttlAIrllnee- 2 Carrier Com .. 1 Case J 11.80# * CaterollTrect * 3 Celenese Cro !e *A CelotexCorp2 20 Cen Aeui' 1 ROax 2 Cent Fndry 1 «e 10 CentHudGss 52 2 Cent R R N J • 18 ce«t Rib M 80a 4 Cerro dePas’•# 4 Certn-tdPd 8<>a !• Chain Belt ROe 3 Champ Paper la 2 Checker Cab 3, 18% IB 571/4 5«i/4 34 34 45>/4 43*4 112 112 96% 061/4 23 22‘ft 56‘ft 55 10* 109 121ft 1214 6V§ 6>/a 1544 151,4 13lft 14% 26 24% 75>ft 75>ft 50‘ft 491/4 42 41 20>/4 20 37 37 87 87 33lft JJift 35ift 35 17*4 34*4 16 18 35 16 251ft 25‘ft 2*«ft 2*'ft 36»e 35ift 36% 351ft 34 34 17% 17*4 3 lift 31% 25% 24% 32*4 31% 27*4 27% 42% 42% 64 62** 8*4 8*4 10*4 10% 33% 34% 33% 32 31*4 31** 20% 20% 27** 27% 21 21 22 21*4 10% 8% 70** 701ft 18*4 '5% 40 40 22*4 >2% 17 18% 10 0*4 14% 14*4 3% 3% 25% 23 34% 34% 39 38% 2*4 2% 8% •** 30% 29% 13% 12% 18 171* 6** 6** 17*4 17% 47% 47% 61 60>ft 36% 35% 34 32% 16% 16% 9% 8% 7% 29 7% 27% 10% 10% 26% 26% 18% 17% 29% 20% 24 24 13% 13% 1B% — ■/« 56% -214 34 -1% 44 -1% 112 - % 06% — ** 22% -1 35 -1 109 12‘4 - % 6% — % 15%- % 14% - % 25% - % 73% -1 49% - % 41 -1% 20 - % 37 - % 87 -1% 33% +1 35 - % 17% - % 33 - % 16 - % 25% 20% 33% -1% 36% - % 34 - % 17% - % 31% - % 24% - % 31% -1H 27*4— % 42%+ % 62% -1% 8*4 10% - % 34% - % 32% - % 31**- % 20ift- ** 27**+ % 21 - % 21*4 — *4 lOift- *4 70ift 18% - % 40 22>* - % 16% - % 0*4- % 14*4- % 3% — % 25 -1% 34% - *4 30% - *4 2% — % 6% — % 20%- % 12% - % 17*4- ** 6% — % 17*4- % 47% -1% 60% - % 35*4 -1*4 33% -1% 16% -1% 8% — % 7% — % 28% -1 10** + % 26% - *4 17% - % 20% 24 - % 13% - *4 unes at unio o » c * o of s h * ChicaaoCp 60. *3 Chi A East 111 7 Chi * East 111 A. » Chi Orest West 4 Chi Ort West of 13 Chi lad ALA.. 10 Chi Ind ALB . 10 Chi Mil St PAP 44 ChtMSPAP Pf«e I* Chi A N W 44* »4 Chi A H W of 6 5 Chi Pneu Tool 1e 11 ChlPneuTS3of3 4 ChlRIAP'ie. 17 ChlRIAPpfB- 4 Childs Co_ * Chrysler 4 *• Cln O A E 1 40 17 Cln Mill M 1 43 7 C I T Finance 1 10 CUJ lseiFCH 2 Clark Eouin I Clrv El III ! fi-le 7 Climax Ml. "0 12 Clinton ind « 40 3 Clonay Coro 70 3 Cluett Pbody le 6 duett 2nd ol 4 2 Coieate-P-P 2a 13 Collins A Allt 1. 2 Colonial Mllla 1 2 Col Fuel A Ir la 17 Col FuelAIr ol 1 4 Col BrdcastA le 3 Columb Gas 60 30 Colum Ptct 4*f 2 ColumCaroon 2a 1 ColASO E 2.10e « Coml Credit 2-60 0 *Coml C nf 3 60 *40 Coml Solvnt ’it • Comwl Edla 1.40 10 Comwl A South 1*0 Cons Edls 1 60 15 Cons Edison ofB 2 Cons Grocer1 1 17 Cone Laundry 1 3 Cons Nat Oas 2 4 Cons RRCuba of 3 ConsRetStr 1 70 1 Cons Text 1 20b 16 Cons Vuitee 60 Consum Power 2 2 Contain Corn 2a 3 Corn Basin* 1 11 Cont Can 3«e 10 ContDia Fiber 1 3 ContInsurance?x 2 Cont Motors 35 ContOilDel Hie 21 Cont Steel le .. 3 Cooper-Bess 1 10 Coorwld St! 1 20 14 Corn Prod 2.70e 7 Corn-Dub E 80 3 CornlneGlass *4 2 Coty Inc .20*.— 3 CotrInt 20* . 3 Crane Co 160a. • Crm of Wh 1 60 * Crown Cork 44h 11 Crown Zel 1.60* 6 Crucible Steel B Cub-AmSu* 1 '«* 4 CudahrPack 60s 4 Cuneo Press la 7 Curtis Publish 38 Cur Pb pr pf 3a * Curtis*-Wi v«» 33 Curtis Wr A le 4 DANA CORP >4* 26 Darega8trsla 2 DavksnChmla 12 □arm Pal 1 *0 5 Dayton Rub I 21 14 Decca Record 14 15 Deere A Co 1 10 Deere of 1.40 1 Del A Hudson 4 5 Del L A W V«e 30 Den A RGW le 24 DenARGWpf 1 Oe * Detroit Ed 1.20 16 DetMlchBto *Oa 3 Devoe A R A 2a 1 ! Diet Co-Sea 60 71 | Doehlar-Jar 1 V* 4 iDomeMn .67*. xlO Douclas A 21**- 4 Dow Chen *ke . • DowCb 2d Pf84* « 86% 86»e I6t»- <4 13VS 13!+ 13>/4 - >4 74* 7.+ 744 — i/4 1344 13 1344 “144 1144 10>4 1044 — 44 1*44 184* 1*14 -1 14i* 13>4 1344- ‘A 844 8>/e 81.4- 44 114* 1044 1H/4- i/4 3744 3344 3 644-144 2144 20 20‘4 —144 46*4 444* 43 -144 3644 36 36 -1 331/4 3344 331/4+ i/4 381/4 374* 38 - 4* 6* 6744 871*- 44 3i+ 3i+ 3i+ 6444 63<+ 63>+- ;+ 29*4 284* 39>4 + 44 25*4 2544 2544 — 44 471+ 47 471++ ■/» 3014 30'a 30*4 — 4+ 36'* 36’+ 36'+ - '+ 40 38U 3844 - 44 1674 161+ 161+ - 1+ 76'+ 26'+ 261+ + 44 844 8>4 814 - >+ 361+ 337+ 337»- 14 »*‘+ 90'+ »0'+ - 4* 404+ 40 40 2214 22i+ 221+ _ x+ 25 25 25 - 44 18 17‘+ 1744- 1+ 19 19 19 - 1+ 281+ 28i 4 2814 — 1+ 1444 14 14i+ - 4+ 104* 10'+ 104* - 1+ 3 54* 3344 3 544 + 44 4144 41 41 - 1+ 50‘i 49 49 -11+ 100i+ 99'+ 100!* + 1* 2614 234* 25*+ — 1* 27'+ 274* 271++ 1* 34* 34* 34*- 4* 24'+ 241* 244* — 4* 106 106 106 + 1* 174* 164* 16**- 4* 121* 12!+ 121+ 461* 46!* 46!*-1 24 23>4 231* - V* 14V* 141+ 14!*- 4* 154* 151+ 131* - 1+ 10*+ 10>* 104*- V* 33!+ 35‘* 33!* 371* 3644 3644 - »* 164* 134* 154* — a* 3744 37!* 3744- V* Hi* 114+ 114+- 1* 58 37i+ 58 94* *‘+ 9i+- V* 67!* 66>* 66!*-It* 174* 171* 17!* 32 291* 30 -2 194* 18 18>* -1!* 64 62>* 62>* -11+ 134* 131+ 13!*- 1+ 21 21 21+4* 47* 47+ 44*+ V* 3 3 3 38 38 38 - 4* 234* 231* 231*+ 1* 244* 234* 234*- 44 311* 304+ 304* - 4* 26'+ 26 26!+ — 44 134* 134* 134*- 4* 121* 1144 1144- 1* 154* 154* 1344- 1* 104* 10U+ 104+ - 4* 36*+ 56 56 74* 71* 714- !* 23 23 23 - !4 291* 284+ 29!*+ 1* 1644 1614 16L+- 4* 261* 26 26 - 4+ 31 30 30 - 4* 1244 17!* 124*- ■* *1* * * + 4* 41 394* 40 -1 324* 324+ 324*-.‘* 49 471*. 46 -11* 1144 111* 1H+- V* 344. 321* 334*-U* S3 52 52 —1!4 2H+ 21>4 214++ >* 124* 1244 1244 - !* 261* 26>* 261* - 4* 181+ 17.* 174*+ 4* 3*14 38 38 -1 144* 141+ 141++ 1+ 9714 37 37!*+ ■* 46 454* 4544- 4+ 105 104 104 - V* Sale Stock ana Add _ Met Dividend Rat*. 757) Rich Low *:80. tbae Dresser ted M. 19 29* 1« 19 — * Du Pont t* 9 1S9 183 183 -2* DuPont3taPf3‘,i 1 98* 98* 98* + V* DWO Cliar tie 2 14* 14* 14* EAGLE-PI 1 80 10 22 21* 21*-* Eastern Air Ult 14 17* 17* 17* - * East State Steel 8 19* 18* 18* - * Sait Kodak 1 '/«• 27 43 41* 42*-1* Eaton Hill 7 S3* 83 83* - * Baa Stop N Vi*. 1 8 8 8 - * E1 AtHO-Llte a 3 93* 52* 92* -1* Elec Boat 1_ 2 14* 14* 14* 9 2 2 2 40 23 22 22*- * 3 197 198* 198* -1* 2 92* 91* 51*-1* 1 15* 15* 19* 24* 24* 24* — * 85 70* 2 2 1 9 8 1 19* 19* 15* 3 32* 32* 32* 65 89 -2* 70* 70*4-1 19* IS* 18* - * 14* 13* 13*- * B A Untie .189 B Power A Lt Ej PAL ?pf 5V«k El StoracaBat S BtlnNatW 00a EHlott Co >.4e . Elliott cv pf 2*4. BPasoNOa * 40 Emer Bae M 1 Enter Radio 80 Emo Dll El 1 1? Endlcott-J 1 00a Enuit OS Side Erie R R 1 Erie R R of A 5 Evans Prod * Ererabarp M . Ek-Cell-O *! 63 FAIRBANKS 3e , Parnswortn ' Peddrrs Oul Up Ped-Moaul 1 06 2 F-edMoTrvck 4 0a 8 10* 10* 10*-* Pederat D Btra S 17 30* 30* 30*- * tPed D 8 Of 4V« 20 98 Pelt ATI 40a PerroEnaa l .40 Pld Pboana P 2a x 1 «2* 62* 62* -1 Plrestone TAR 4 17 52* 51* 51*-1* Pint N Str 2>ie 1 97* 97* 57* 4- * ‘ 19* 19* 19*- * 75 19* 19 2 64 63* 16* 16 9* 45 9* 45 15*- * 64 4- * 16 - »/» 9*- * 45 -1 2 9 1 3 31* 50* 90*-1 34 10* 10* 10*- * 13 15* 14* 14* - H 18 18 18 4-1 2 22* 22* 22*- * 2 24* 24* 24*- * PlrthCarpetl 60 Ptlntkote 2a Florida Pow I Pollans Stl Hie PoodPalrSt 40b Pood Uacb 1 * 22 40* 39* 40* — * 22 15* 15 15 - * 29 30* 30 30* - * 10* 10* 10*- * Prank Strs ,60a PreeDOrtSul 2* Proedt GAM tie Pruehauf Tra 1 Galr Robt 40 .. Galr R pf 1.20 Gamewell Co la Gardnr-D 1 40. Gar Wood Ind.. Gar Wood of Oarlord Co 1*. Gen Am Inv 40 Oen A Inv pf4* Gen AmTrns 3a Gen Cable Oen Clear la.. Gen Elec 1.60 Gan Poods 2 Gan Food! Pf3ti Gan matrumt l Gen Mills 1 *a tGen Mills pf3* Gan Motor! 8 . 13 23 8 9 10 41* 40* 40* - * tpoodMcb Pf3* 160 loo 100 100 Poster Wheel 1 6 33* 33* 33* -1* tPostr W of IV, 190 23* 23* 23* - * 9* 9 9 - * 43* 43* 43*- * 11* 11* 11* 21* 21*-1* 9 9 18* 18* 18* 16 16 16 21* 21* 21*- * 8* 8* 8* — * 42 42 42 - H 24* 24 2414- * 17 16* 16*- * 1 105* 105* 105* 2 56* 56 56 -1 20 13* 13* 13*- * 2 22* 21* 21*-1 53 40* 40* 40* — * 12 39* 39 39*- * 1 94 94 94 - * 12 12* 11* 11*- * 2 47* 47* 47*- * 5 107* 107* 107* - * 59 63* 62* 63 -1* 2 1 3 10 2 6 9 4 *1 2 5 2 2 12 4 >4 70 7 4 11 1 15 4 12 2 1 14 Gan Mot oi a 54 Gen Out AdTt 1 Gen Port C He.. Gen Preeli lo 1 GenPuoSrc .S0» Gen Pub Util 80 45 Gen Ry 8tine) 1 • ■Oen RealtrAUt. Gen Reluct le. Gen Shoe 2V4. _ Gen Teleph 1 Oen Time 1.60a Gen Tlre&R l a Gillette Saf 2V.a Glmbe) Broe 2 GllddenCo 1 40» GoebelBrew ,10e Gooda!l-Sn 1'4a Goodrich BF 2e ' GoodvearTAR 4 Goodyear of 5 . Goth Hos 1.60a j Graham-Palee Granby Con He GraniteC Sti Grant IWT i la GtNI Or et 1 V«i Gt Nor Ry of 3 GtWstSug 1 60a Greyhound 1 tOreyhnd pf 4 Vi Grum Alrc B ae Guantan Sue le Gulf MobAO Ha GulfMoftOh b!5 Gulf 011 3 Gulf Sta Util 1 Haye* Mfg 45e. Kaael-At) l 20a Hercules Mot 1. Hercul Pwd ,70a tHerculet P pf6 Hewltt-Rbna la. Reyden Chem 1. Hilton Rotela 1. HindeADau IV,e Holland Purn a. Holly Suiar 1 . Homestk Mtn 2 Hooker Kec ,60a Houd-Herah He Household Pin t x Houston LAP 2 Houston Oil la. Hove Sound 2 Hudson A Man Hudson Bay 4 . HodsonMot 40a Hunt PoodJ 1.. Huuo Coro_ IDAHO PW 1.80 111 centra) 111 Cent pf Se ill Term RR 72 Ind Pr ALt 1%. Induatrl XI Mez. Indust Heron a. Insereol-Rand ._ inland Steel le. Implrat Cop la. Interchem Corn, tntereon Rub Interlakelr 60s Int Harvst 1.40. Int Hydro El A Int MACh 1 60 Int Minim Int Nickel 1 60 flnt Nickel nf 7 Int Paper 4a . Int Paper of 4 IntRCA p(3J,k Int Shoe 2'«e .. Int Silver 4e... Int TelA Tel Int TAT lorn et inter Dep Strs t Intertype 1 20e IsCrkCoal 135h JACOBS P L Johns-MaD ,70e Jones A L Stl 2 Joy Menfk 2 40e KALAMZO .70*. Kan City South Kan City So Did z h'avier J la Kelser-H A 1V4 Kelsey-HaBl '/at Kennaeott lV4e. Kern Land lHe Klmbrly Cl 1 40 Kinney G R He. Koppere Co 1 60 KreeteSSlo.. Kress 8 H 2a Kroger Co 2.40 LACLEDE G 20 Le Cons of S6 Lambert Co 1 Vi LeeRubATire 2a Lee A Sons 1 40 rLeesAS pf 3.85 Lehigh C A N 1 LehPoitCem 1% Leh Val Coal Leh V CoalZpf Vi Leh Valle! R R Lehman 3.20e . LehnAPink Vie. Lerner Strs 1 % Ub-O-P Glass 2 Lib McNAL Vie. Life Sareri 80e Llae A My 4a 16% 21% 15% 4 14% 25% 5% 28% 27% 25 27% 26t a 34% 23% 27% 5% 21% 60% 44% 16% 21% 15% 3% 14% 24% 5% 28% 27% 24% 27% 27% 34% 22% 25% 5% 21% 60 42% 16% - % 21% - % 15% - % 3% — % 14% - % 24% - % 5% — % 28% -1% 27% 24% - % 27% 27% -1% 34% - % 22% — % 26 -1% 5% - % 21% 60% + % 43 -1% 3 101% 101% 101% 22% 4% 7% 29% 29% 14 46% 21 12% 95% 46% 6% 15% 56% 77% 17% 10% 22% 15% 52% 21% 4% 7% 29% 29 14 46 21 11% 94% 45% 6% 18% 56% 75% 16% 10% 22% 19% 51% % % % % % 21% - % 4% — % 7% 29% - 29% + 14 46% ■ 21 + 11% 95%+ % 45% - % 6% — % 19% - % 56% - % 76 -1% 16% - % 10% - % 22% - % 19% - % 51% - % 20 126% 126% 126% 4 2 1 1 5 14 9 1 1 2 1 It 5 1 3 25 1 20 5 20 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 12 4 2 11 3 6 1 12 27% 27% 11% 33% 27% 30% 37% 34 17% 31% 45% 34% 43% 4% 43% 21 17% 4% 33% 40% 65 11% 23 13% 43% 70 20% 22% 2% 15% 32% •% 34% 4% 32 27 26% 11% 3-3% 271. 29% 37% 34 17% 31% 45% 33% 45 4% 45 20% 17% 4% 35 35 •5 11% 25 13% 49% 70 43t» 20% 22% 2% 15% 32% 8% 34% 4% 31% 27 - % 26% - % 11% - % 33% -1 27% - % 29% - % 37% - % 34 - % 17% 31%+ % 45% - % 33% -1% 45 - % 4% - % 45 - % 20% - % 17% 4% 35 - 39% - 85 11% - 25 13% • 49% 70 43% -1 20% ~ % 22%+ % 2%- % 15%+ % 32% - % 8%- % 34% - % 4%- % 31% - % * Mi Mi V* 80 139*4 138% 139*4 +1*4 l 1 1 10 6 1 19 1 1 3 1 4 1 6 3 1 8 2 2 2 2 99% 98% 91% 42 97 16 18% 29 33*4 39*4 8% 38% 39*/* 39% 18*4 42% 80 18% 23% 20% 1 7 1 8 4 1 1 23 1 1 1 1 10 11 1 17 3 13 13 3 10 8 9 4 4 49% 20% 13% 34% 38% 99% 44% 8% 9 22% 43 26 99 11% 33% 3% 9% 7% 50% 11 25% 55 10% 36 87 59% 98% 91% 41% 57 15% 16% 25 33 35% 8% 38% » 39% 18% 41 •0 16% 23 20% 57% 45% 20% 13% 34 36% 55% 44% 5% 9 22% 43 26 99 11% 33% 3% 9% 7 50% :o% 25 54% 10 35% 85% JLlII A M2 Pf 7 no 170 169 Lima Hamll 80 12 12% 12% 59% 98%+ % 91% - % 41% - % 57 -1 15% - % 16%+ % 25 + % 33 - % 35% 8% 38% - % 35 - % 39% 18% 41% -1% 60 + % 16% - % 23 20% - % 58 - % 45% - % 20% - % 13% - % 341% - 7% 36% - % 55% - % 44% 6 - % 9 22% - % 4 V - % 26 + % 99 11% - % 33% - % 3% - % 9% - % 7% - % 50% - % 10% -1 25 - % 54% - % 10 35% ~1% 85% -1% 169 -1% 12% - % Link-Belt 3ft_ 9 oov* Lion Oil 3_* * *9 Liould Carbp 1 10 20>* Lockheed ‘/.e — • 22V* Loew'a Inc IV* 30 17>* Lone8terCa3VVa • 031/4 Long-Bell A 80k 4 28V* Lorlllard PI 4 18V* LouQ&IAlV* 3 24 LoularllAN 3 62 4 48 Lowensteln 2a 3 31 Lukens St) 4ua 1 22V* tM ANDRW Df 8x10 135 MACK TRK ‘ah 11 26V* Macj R H 2 2 37 Magma Coni. 4 211* MainaToi 1 • 1514 Manatl Sua 1 V*g 10 9 Mandel Bros Vie 13 13V* ManhShirtl 40a 1 2214 Marac Oil log 68 11«* Marathon Crn 1 1 213* MarineMidl 40e 20 7H 'Mark St R7 or 180 16V* Marab Field 2.. 11 271* Martin OL.. 2 17V* MartlnPam .80 l 17V* Maaonlte Co la 12 68!4 Master Elec 2.40 1 24V* MathChem lV4a 2 34V* Mav Dent Str 2. 3 45V4 Mavtag Co 1 1 11V* McCrorrS 1.40a 4 33V* McOraw Elec 2a 3 37V4 McOraw Hill la. 2 28V* Mclntrre 2 Ola. 8 47V* McKesadCR pf 4. 1 84 Mead Coro le__ 4 20V* Melville Sh I 80 3 24V* Mengel Co la 3 18 'Mengel 6 pi 2 V* 10 58 Mercant Stra 1 2 18 MerckdrCotl 40a 2 61V* Mesta Math 2H 1 44 Miami Cop Vie 3 17V* Mld-ConPet I **t 3 60>* Midi Stl Prod 1* 1 46V* Mlnn-Hon Rt 2a 2 47V* Minn Moline 8 16V* Mln&StL Rt >/«e 2 14V* MSP&SSUA 1* 2 12>/4 Mlrn Min 4MI 5 70'* 'Minn MA-M of4 50 104V* Mission Corp le 9 68 Mo-Kan-Tezaa 31 7*a Mo-Kan-Tei of >5 23V* Moiud Hos 80a 8 15Va Monarch Mch 2 3 28V* Monsanto Ch 2 5 57V* Monts Ward 2a 43 <OVk M-McC Lin 1 v*a 11 15V* Motor Prod 1H* 1 28 Motor Whl .80s. 3 21V* oat* oav* — v* 481/4 481/4 — V* 18V* 19?*- V* 21V* 21V*- V* 17 17V*- V* 63 63 - 1/4 271/4 27i/* - V4 18V* 18V* 24 24 + V* 471/4 47V*-1 30V* 31 - i/4 22V* 22V* 135 135 4-4V4 25V* 25V*- 1/* 37 37 - i* 2H* 211*- I* 14V* 14V*- V4 8?» 8 >* 12s* 12**- V* 22V* 22**- V* 11 11V*- V* 21V* 21V*- V* 7V4 7**+ i* 16V* 16V* 27V* 27v* - V* 17V* 17V*- V* 17V* 17V* 68 68V4 +1 241/* 241*- V* 34 34V*- «* 45 45V* + >* 11V+ 11V*- V* 331* 33V*- V* 37V* 37V*- V* 28 28V* + V* 47 47V* — V* 84 84 -2 18V4 18i* -IV* 24V* 24V* + V* 17V* 17?*- 1* 58 58 -2 17V* 17 - V* 61 61B-1 44 44 +1* 17V* 17?*- V* 60V* 60*- >* 46>* 46>* - V* 471* 47‘* - >* 16V* 16V*- V* 14V* 14V* 121* 121*- V* 701* 701* _ 1* 104 1041/*- V* 64 65 -3>* 6V* 7V+ — V* 22V* 23 -IV* 141* 14V*- V* 27V* 281* 57V* 57V* + V* 50V* dOV*- V* 15V* 15V*- V* 28 28 - V* 21V* 21V* Stock lodiTdd" Dividend Rato. 60. I ■Uh. Lew. 8:80. cSta. Motorola He .. 14 17V* If* 17V* r- * Mm.41 Bra .60e • *1V* al *1V*+V* Mullins Mfe le W 30* 26* 30V* + V* Munelntwear le 1 13* 1)M DM + V* rMurph? of 4V*. *6110 100*100*-* Murrar Cora 1 15 16 13* 15H- M MraraiFBiMa 1 52* **M 02*+* N ASH-EEL 70C *5 *1H 20* 70V* -IV* 'Naab CMtL la ioo 77 aev* 7>v*—* Net AlrllDU 7 0 7* 7* - * Net Ante rib eo 7 in* nv* nv« - v* Net Avltt .15e.. 3 13* 13* 13* - H 4 70V* 70* 70*- V* 1177 177 177 -IV* 5 OVA OVA OVA- V* 45 - V* 7*- * I NetBueult 1 80a Net Bleeuit of 7. NetCen ... .. NetCRetlVia « 3 43V* 43 Nat Clt? Use V* 0 _7* 7* NatContain 1.00 • 17* 17V* 17V*- V* Net Cr) Oea .80. 11 17* 17V* 17*-* Net Delff 1.00. 0 31 30* Si + * Net Dent Btf le 4 10* 10* 10*-* Nat Dlltuien 0 31 70* TO* 70* Net Orotua Vie 70 10* 10* 10*- * Net Lead le 5 30* 30 30 -1 Net Mel Otl 40* 1 73 73 73 - * Net Paw AL .. 10 * 44. *-V4« Net Ottal 4 . - 5 00* 07 07 -1* Nat 8u* Ref 1 Vie 7 73* 73 73 - * Nat Ousel? 1 41 74* 73* 73*-* 'Net Ouq cf *V* 30 OO 00* 00*-* Net Tea IV* ... 0 70 70 70 - * NetomeeCel.. 7 10* 10* 10* Nebi Coni ... 7 15* 15* 15*- * N Ena Ei 0?at l - IS li* 11 11* ♦ * Newmont U lVie 1 50 50 50 + * Newot Induat 7 10 73 7* 7* -1* tNeWBtIndsf4V« 50 00* 00* 00*-1 Newer NawaS 8e 3 70* 77* 77* - * NT Air Brake la 4 42* 41* 42 N V cant R R 40 17* 16* 16* - * N T CM A Ot L 6 74* 73 73 -2* N T CMtL BfSk 4 136* 135 132 -1* fNY & Harlem 6 20 240 232 232 -3 NHH4 Hart * 14 13* 13* - * N T N R A H Bf 7 34* 34* 35* + * 'NYPAL Df 8 00270 02* 02* 02* NY Bhlpbld* V.e 3 17* 17* 17* Noblltt-Osk 1.60 1 25 25 75 - * Nopco Cb .80a 1 33 33 33 Norf&Westera 2100 60* 30* 30*- * tNorlAWest pfl 1 20 20 20 + * No Am Aviation 41 11* 11* 11*— * North Am Co V4k 40 17 16* 16*- * tNorthn Cant*. *30 00 00 00 -1 NorNaiQae .80a 1 34* 34* 34*+ * North Pacific lo 30 26* 25* 23* - * tNoStPw PJ3.80 *30 85* 83* 85*- * Nortbweet Alrl 15 14* 14 141,* - * NrthwAlr of 1 18 7 23* 23 23* - * Norw Pher 60 1 12* 12* 12* tOHI ED P14.40 130 101* 101 101* + * Ohio Oil le 38 40* 38* 38* -1* OliverCorB lV'«a 13 34* 33 33W— * Omnibus Cp Vie 5 0* 0* 0* - * 20 03 03 03 +1 30 36* 35* 36 - * 2 10* 18* 18*- * 13 54* 52 52*-2* 1 13 15 13 7 34* 34* 34*- * 10 S3* 33* S3* — * _ 8 38 37* 37*- * tPacTelAT 2 Vie 100 100* 00* 00*- * Pac TeldcT rt wl 07 Via Via Via -Vie Pec Tin Cone 0 5* 5* 5* - * Pac West Oil Via 4 36 55 55 —2 Packard 11 16a 37 3 4* 5 Pan Am Air Via. 12 10* 10* 10* 'Omnibus of 8 Otis Kiev Hit Outbrd Mot .70s Owens lb Cl .3 PAC AM PSHle Pac Oaa A Ele 2 Pec LiahtintS. Pac Mills 3b Panb I? Li Panh PAR .80. Paraf Cos .6011. Parsm Piet I -. Park Otah JO*. Parke Dae .70*. Parker Rust 2*4 Parm Trans .80 Patino Min l'%* Pen A Ford .80s Pence* <JC> ka Penn-DxCem he Penn Pori. 1.20 Penn R R tie PeoD Drus 1.60. PeopGasLt 4'a*. Pensi-Coia .30e. Pet Milk 1.. . Petrol Corp .80e PfeifferBrw .70* Pflrer cocco 2a Phelps Doda 3e » 1 47 t 8 3 1 *0 3 t • 40 3 1 7* 1 14 1 3 36 10*4 23*4 »« 2% IPV4 *■» 147/4 30 10% 291/4 MU IM *••/* 20% 17*4 l*>/4 21‘/4 39% •3 14*4 28‘/4 15% 18% *2% 57 rpbn c or. pi a ioo 53% tPbll Co SO of *110 100 Pbiia Klee 1.20 12 24% PhilARdkC&I* * 1»V4 Philco Corn 2 * 40 Philip Mor 1 Via a 13 20% Phillips Petrol S 12 72V4 Plllsbure Mills 2 1 34 fPills Mills pi 4 100103 PittCokACh 00* 6 14V4 Pitt Con Coal 2. Pitts Pors V4* PlttPlateGls Vie Pitts Screw .30* Pitts Bteel . . tPittSt BpIlVik. 7PittS or pf 6V4 Pitts A West Va Plttston Co 3_ Plrtn Oil .90*_ Pot Klee Pwr SO Pressed Stl Car. Proct St Gam 3a PubSvcCol 2.20 Pub S N J 1.40 12 3 9 3 11 30 40 4 • 16 * 5 10 10 14 14% 2*t4 47 17*4 19% 20% 35 •5 14% 28% 14% 10% 61>% 56% *3 *0% 23% 107/4 39V4 20% 71 34 103 14 33% 33 13 22% 37% 37% * 0% 18% 17% *1 *0% 7»% 7*% 20 ’ 24% 44 42% 62 60 13% 13% •% •% •7% 66% 3*% 30% 24% 23% 10% - % 29% - % 22% - V4 *% 20% 20% -1% 8*4- % 14% - % 29V4 + % 47 -1 17*4- % 1»%+ ‘/4 20% - ’/4 35 -1 *3 -1 14% 201/4 15 - *4 10% 61% -1 % % 96% - 53 + 99% 2374 + % 187/4- % 39% — 1% 29% - % 71 -1% 34. 103 4 % 14 - *% 33 -1 227/4 - % 377/4+ *4 0%- % 17% - *4 90% -1 79*/4 — */i 247/4 —17/4 42V4 -1% 61 —3 13% 9*/4 - % 67 -1 3S>/4- % 247/4 + % rpub SvcNJ pi 0 200 135‘/4 139% 135% - >/4 rPub S»CNJ Pi 7 130 11* 110% 110>/4 -1% 'Pub SvcNJ *1 0 140 10644 106 106‘/i rp 6 N J $& Pi * 230 93% 92% *2>% -1% PubSvEAG Plwl * 2* 20*4 PubUcker *41... • 23% 23% Pullman le_ 22 45% 4444 Pure Oil la . 30 39% 36*4 PuritvBak 2.40a 2 31 30% QUAK STA .70# 2 24% 24>/4 RADIO CRP.30# 10* 13% 13% Radio Cp Pi 844 7 71% 71 -- 11 9 8% 40 3 97% 39 3 34‘/4 34 a 34% 33>/4 22 26% 23% 2 15>.i 147% 8 137/4 13*4 4 24% 24% 7 11*4 ll‘/4 4 3% 9*4 9% 47 30*4 29% 1* 18*4 18% 16 67/4 6*4 3 26% 297/4 10 *9>/4 99* 4 30 36*4 367% 13* 3*7% 36*4 Radlo-K-O .Me. tRR Seel C Stk Rarb-Man larks. Rayonler Vtl -. Rea dins Co le Reeves Bros la. Rem Rand 16 . Reo Motors 2V4a Rep Aviation Republic Picture 10 Rspub Piet pi 1. * Repub Ste*l la Revera C A B 1. Raxall Drus Rem Metals ’/a* 'R;y Mat pi 6V4 Rem Too B 90s Richfield 011 2 . ‘ Ritter Co 2a Roan A Cop 33* Rob-Pul Con Me* RbtshPlpf 1.18*4 Royal Type 1.60 Ruberoid le ... Ruppert J *ae._ SAFRWAY 8T 1 'Safeway pi fi St Joa Lead lV4s St L San Fran st Lean p pi 6. rst L Southw Be St Reals Pap 60 47 'StResla PI4.60. 90 S*» Arm* Vie... SehenleyDlstll 2 tScottPa PI3.40 Scranton Blee 1 Seab Air Lint., sears Roebck la Seeser Rltr .00* Selberllnc Hub.. Serve! Inc .30* SbamrockO 1.60 Sbaron Steel 2 Sharp A Dob 1. Shell Un Oil 1* Sheraton Cp .40 Silver Kina Col. Simmons Co le S'r.clelr Oil 2 . Skelly Oil 2>ae . Smith A O tab SmithACoron 2 Smith&Sons 2* 'SmithAS pI3'/a Socony-Vec 1 25'4 5% 11 27% 25% 681% 14*.* 19% 25 5»% 10*4 26% 25% 67 14% 1*7% 30 112>% 112 2 58% 58% 41 14% 13*4 6 45% 44 20 127 126 12*4 121/4 88 87% 12 13'/4 13% 31 31% 30% 90 92 *2 3 19'/4 13*4 18 24% 231/4 29 41% 40% 10 12‘% 12 2 7% 7*4 11 13% 12*4 9 34 3J‘% 2 3*i% 3* 4 2*>% 26% 41 43V4 42% 2 6% 6% 2 6 5% 12 33% 337% 175 29 27*4 3 1541% 152 •3 33 32 2 241/4 241% 3 377* 36J% 60 S7>% 87% 170 21‘% 207/4 28*4- % 23*4- ■% 447% -1% 37*4-1% 30% - •% 241%+ % 13% - *4 71 - % * 35 -1 34 - % 33% - % 28 - % 14% - •% 13*4- % 24*4- 1% lli%- % 3% — % 9% — % 2*7% -H% 18*4+ >% 6*4- % 251/4 - >/4 **‘% -1>% 3*7/4- 1% 38% -1% 23 -1>% 5*4- ‘% 10»4 26'% - >% 25% - 1% 68 —27% 141%- 7% 1*1% - >/4 1127/4+ *% 58i%+ 1% 14% - i/4 44%-1 127 +1 12% - 7% 87% - % 13% - % 30% — *4 92 -1 15*4 24 -1% 41 -1 121% + % 7*4+ % 13 + >% 33% — *4 39 - % 26% - *4 43%+ % *i/4- % 55% 33*4- % 28*4- % 152 -4 32 -1% 241/4- % 36% -l'% 87% 20>% - *4 Solvay AM of 4. So Am Gold Vi*. 4 102% 102% 102% - % 17 4 4 4 so cero Eftu ■-» /■/» acE*aeTpf2»i 4 94% SeastQreyL 1.60 J 14% Sou Cal Edit 1 % 6 30% Sou Nat Oaa 1% « 37% Southern Par 4 19 59% Southern Rwy 8 * 48% southern Ry nf8 4 48% Snarks-W ,20e_. 19 7% Soencer Kell 1- * 86% 8perry Corn 2-- 16 29% SDiegel Ine . 18 18% rSnlecel pt 4% 100 71% Square D Co %e 0 81% Squibb 4t Soma 1 4 26% Stand Brand* t 1* 30% Std OsftEl S4pf Std a*ES7pr of Std Oil Calif 2e. Std Oil Ind 2a Std Oil N Jer lb 40 06% 3 d OllOblo 1 % 36 33% Std Btl Spr* %e sterling Drug 2 Sterens J P 2a Stewart-War %e Stok-V Camp 1 Stone&Web %«. Studebaker lie. Sun Chem -60.. Sun OU lb Sunrsy OU 80 Sunray pfA 1.06 Suuar pf B 1% Sunshine M .60. Superheater la. Sup Ol- Calif 2e Sweets C A 1V«*. swlftftca l 60a Swift Inti .40a Sylvan Bee 1.40 Snnlna-aould-. TZLACTOORPB Texas Co 8.. . 16 43% TaxOulfPro A8e 19 13% Tex Oulf Sul 2a 14 69% Tex Pae CftO la 19 Tex Pae LT TOe 17 41 Textron la.. 6 Thatch QM 30e 31 'Thteher pf2.40 370 31 Thermold %f 16 ThomasStll 60a 1 Thoms Prod Hie 4 Thompson-Star 6 TtdeWOU 1.20a 49 30% Timk-O Axle le 6 22% Tlmk Bear 1‘ie Transamer Via. Trans A w air Tri-Con Co %g rTrl-Contl of 6 Truax-Tra 120 Twent C-Pnx 2. Twin City R Tr tTwinCit prltik Twin coaan Underwood l%e Un Asb ft Rub 1. Union Bag ta Un Carbide %b 18 26% 7 113 1* 71% 36 49% 6 14% 7 37% 2 32% 3 15% 4 15% 27 17% 46 26% 14 ip 3 66% 60 14% 2 20% 12 29 12 10*% 7 26% 2 226 4 12% 4 34 13 16% 4 23% 6% 9% 3 4 94% 54% - % 14*% 14% - % 30% 30*%- % 27 27 56% 96%-1% 47% 46 -1 66% 66% 7% 7%- % 26% 24% - % 29% 29% - % 12 12 - % 70% 70% - % 21% 21% - % 26% 26% - % 26 28 - % 25 25% -1 115 115- -2 70% 71 -1% 47% 47%-1% 05% 85%-1% 32% 33 - % 14 14% - % 36 36 - % 32 32 - % 19% 19% 19% 19% - % 16% 16% - % 26*% 27 -1 9% 10 67% 47*%-1% 14 14% - % 20% 20% + >% 24% 24% - % 10 10 29% 29%-1 229 229 -5 12% 12% 33% 34 - % 16% 16% - H 23% 23% - % 6% 6% — % 5% 41% 22% 16% 7% 22 94 3 1 51 14 12% 3 13% 35 9% 60 104 6 18*. a 21% 7% 27% 11% 37% 13% 56% 39% 16% 7% 29% 8% 21% 33% 3 28% 21% 51 12% 13% 9% 104 17% 20% 7% 27% 11% 5% +■ % 62% - % 22 - % 64% - % 49 - % 39% -1% 16% - % 7H- % 29%-3 6%- % 22 - % 53% -1% 3 29% -1% 21% - % 51 - % 12% - % 13% 9% — % 104 17% - % 20% - % 7%- % 27% 11% - %■ 57% 37% - % 15% 19% - % 34 34 - % 41 41% - % tun B Mo pf 4% so 109% 106 106 34 41% Stock Market Drifts Moderately Lower; Berlin Crisis Feared fty th« Auuiottd Prut NEW YORK, June 38.—The stock market drifted lower today as traders watched mounting Interna tional tension is Berlin. Selling pressure was never very aggressive but leading issues were marked down fractions to more than 3 points. Some recent favorites were among the larger losers. Weakness first cropped out among the rails, then rapidly spread, mainly to the oil, steel and automobile divisions. The market started out at a fairly good clip, for a while, and then around noon picked up again. Richfield Oil dropped more than 3 points and losses of a point or more were posted for Houston Oil, Standard Oil of New Jersey, Sin clair, Union Pacific, Atlantic Coast Line, United States Steel, Youngs town Sheet, General Motors. Mont gomery Ward, American Woolen, In ternational Paper, Consolidated Nat ural Gas and Du Pont. American Telephone was one of the few in the plus column, along with Goodrich, Douglas Aircraft and Distillers Corp.-Seagrams. The Berlin situation was frequent ly mentioned in the financial district as a damper on buying enthusiasm. Concern over international deve'lop ments has been low for some time but, in the view of Wall Street, the argument between the three western powers and Moscow over the block aded city is rapidly reaching the crisis stage. Washington Exchange Potomac Klee Pwr S.60 pf "A"—60 at 46. Peopiea Drut Store com—100 at 3514. Potomac Elec Pwr com—50 »t 131i. 100 at 1314, 60 at 13‘/i. Waih Oal $4.26 pf—10 at 102. 2 at 102. PUBLIC^TIUTT Bid Am TAT ct db 2*,4» 1857_ 11414 Am TAT ev db 264a 1861 107 Cap Tranelt let ref 4a 1864 83 Cltjr A Suburban 6i 1848 100 Qeorietown Ota lit 5a J861 112 Pot Elec Pow 3V«a 18C Pot llec Pow 314 Asked \bl 108 ,ot Elec Pow 314s 1977.__ Pot Elec Pow Ss 1883 _10114 Washington Oaa 8a I860 12214 PUBLIC OTILITT Amer Tel A Tel (8) Capital Tranait N A W Steamboat (t4i_ Pot Elee Pwr com (.90) Pepco 3.8014 pfd "A" (1.80) Pepco 3.60ft pf "B" U.80) Waah oaa Lt com (1.60) Wash Oaa Lt cum pf (4.76) Wash Oaa Lt cu cr pf (4.50 •154*4 J 614 170 •13*. •45 101 104)4 1614 1314 261a BANK AND TRUST COMPANIES. 106 Amer See A Tr new (tl.OO) 29 _ Bank of Betheada (tt 50) 40 Capital (er.90> .. -*2714 Com A Savlnki (tlO)_*350 Liberty <8> 315 Lincoln < +6) *330 Natl Sa» A Tr (8.00). 420 Pr Oeortea B A Tr (tl.OO) 30 Rifka (121 . ... 82(1 Union Trust Co (tl.OO)-.- *38 Waahlntton (6) *192 Wash Loan A Tr (12) 830 F1RB AND TITlJt INSURANCE. American (tS)__ 160 Columbia (t.SO)_•136* Fireman'* (1.40) _*31 National Union (.76)_*16 Real Batata (t6) _ _ *182 MISCELLANEOUS „ Carpel Corp (2700) *26 Gerflncltel com (1.50). *1814 Oarfl Slift cu ct pf (1.3761 *24y. Oerfl 4*4*4 cu ct pf (1.126) *21 Hecht Co. (1.60) . Hecht 314ft cu pf (3.761 Lanaton Mono (t2.00> Mergenthaler Lino f»1.6“0» _ *8114 Nat'l Mtie A Inv pf (p.46) 8 Peoplea Dr St com ttl.60). *35 Security Storage (t6) — 110 31 836 40 1314 18 •24 2714 83 2514 64 Ter Ref A Wb' Corp (3) . 60 Wdwd A Loth com (t2.00). 331 37 126 Wdwd A Loth pf new (6)..*104 * Ex dividend b Books closed, extra or extra! a Paid ao far th p Paid 1847. erEx rights. 3414 t Plus Dividends Announced NEW YORK, declared: Nu-Inamel Corp lN»N. Nit Till A Mfe 10c Sterlln* Brewer* 75c Reaalar. Minn A 8t L Rwr-„25c Weitmorelind Coil-fl Weitmorelind Inc —26c June 38 if).—Dividend! Pe- Stock of Ply Rale. riod. record, able. Omitted. 7-12 7-10 7- 9 8- 31 7-19 7-37 7-18 9-15 Q 9-15 10-1 Salat— ■took and Add Dividend Rata. 00. »Dn K1 Mo pratt 90 On Oil Cal .70a 99 Un Pacific 10’/4e 1 an Pacific of 4 • UnTankCar S.60 1 Onlt Air Llnea > amt AlrLnf 414 1 amt Aircraft la 40 OnltBUcult la 1 at Board&C *it 1 anit Carbon 3 14 at4-Car Pa«t 2a 1 jmt Claar Whai 11 Onlted Corp <9 Onft Corp of 4 « amted Drewood 2 atd Klee Coal 1 1 UtSna&Fdv 11 ie 2 Onlted Fruit 3a 39 OtdGisImo 1.50 9 Unit II A M la 17 U8AF Sec 1.35a 11 tUSAFTS of4% 1 U S Orsjum 8 . h 0 S Leather Ha s 08 Leatb A lHa 3 □ S Unas 3% 7 CS PIpedcF 2.80 4 OS Plywood la 4 tOS Plywd pf3% 30 O S Rubber 8a 90 as Rubber 1 of8 1 DS Smelt 1 Vie- 4 0 8 Steel J'/i*-. 99 0 S Tobac 1.30 4 atd Stkyd! 4 Of 4 Ot Str»2d of He 3 atd Walloao v«a 12 OnlT-Cyelopi 1- 1 Blah. Low. AS 87 34’4 33 197 187 100 100 39% 39% 19% 19 79 79 29% 29% 20% 40% 13% 13% 33% 33 39% 39% 4% 4% 7% 3% 48% 49*4 7 7 24 24 44% 44% 93 94% 22% 41% 18% 18% 31 29% 100 100 108% 108% 4% 4% 29 28% 17% 17% 49% 49 34% 34% 93% 93% 47% 44% 131 131 93 91 81 79% 18% 18% 9% 5% 10% 10% 9% 9% 18% 18% Net 3:80. chat 87% - % 34%+ % 187 -2 100 + % 39%+ % 19 + % 79 -1 29% - % 20% - % 13% - % 33 -1 39%+ % 4% 3%- % 49% - % 7 - % 24 - % 92%- % 22%+ % 18% - % 29% — % 100 - % 108%-1% 4% - % 28% - % 17% - % 49 -1% 34% - % 93% - % 47% - % 131 - % 91 -2 79% -1% 18% - % 3% — % 10% - % 9% — % 18% - % Ulll» UBU Unit Pictures 1. VAN NORM He Vertient-C S 2 a Vick Chem 1.20 Va CsrollnChem Va-CChmpf4Hk Vs El&Pwr 1 20 *Va B * P pf 6 Vs Railway *14. tVulcan-D ,90e WALDORFla. Walareeo 1.80 Walker Hlr 114a Walwortb .40e. Ward Bak ,30e. Warner Broa 1 - warren Pet *0 Waah GasLt 114 Wayne Pump 2. Webster Tobae Weaaon Oil 2H* 'Wesson Oil n!4 WstlndSud Ha W Penn Bee He *Wi Penn B P(7 tws Penn B pt8 13 2 10 3 27 1214 14 1414 2414 12 12 - % 14 144 24>4+ >4 1114 1114 — *4 12 14 14 24>4 1 117>411714 117*4-1*4 28 1714 17 17 - 14 20 119'4 119H 11»’4 + 14 1 3814 3814 38>4 41 30 30 30 30 1 14*4 14*4 14*4 4 14 4 3344 3314 3314 - 14 12 2914 2414 24*4 — '4 9 12 12 12 4 14 4 14'4 1414 1414- 14 40 1114 1014 11 - ‘4 19 30 2814 2814-114 2 2814 28 28144 >4 2 2414 2414 24>4- >4 2 914 914 914- >4 2 8214 8214 8214 4 14 90 8314 8314 8314 4 >4 10 2014 2014 2014 — 14 92 1914 1814 1814- >4 90118 117 11714 - 14 30107 *W PenPw of414 20 112 10814 IO *‘4 - 14 112 112 14 4 1814 18*4 18*4 3 90 90 90 90 107 107 107 —1*4 8*4 42*4 1914 3314 3314 2214 3714 3014 1 7 28 2 1 8 11 90 16 30 97 1 108 17 94 1 2214 11 21 1 106 19 17 26 11 9 16 2 16 11 17*4 2 391* 12 4814 10 221* 8*4 41*4 1414 32 33*4 22*4 37*4 2914 47 97 108 92*4 2214 2014 108 8* 4- *4 4114 -1*4 14*4- *4 32 -1*4 331* -1% 2214 — *4 3714- % 29*4 - H 47 -114 97 + >4 108 -2 93 -214 221* — 14 2014- *4 108 41 90 7 9 1 1 27 9 10 13 16*4 1614- 14 1014 10*4 — H 1914 1914- 14 1914 1914 - 14 1714 1714— 14 3914 3914- *4 4714 48 - H 211* 2114-U4 WTaCtC 70*. WVa PulpftP la twVsPJtP Pf4H Western Air Lin* WestAutoSup 2 Western Md West ltd 2nd of West Pacific 3 . West On Tel la. West Air Brk 2. Westlnc Bee 1. Westvaco 1.40 . ♦ Wstvaeo pf3H ♦Wheel * LkXrS Wheel Steel 2 White Mot 1.60. White Sewlnt M tWhlteSMpf lk Wilcox 011 40a Willy s-Overland WllsonttCo 114* Wliaon-JonasH* wise Bee Pwr 1 Woodward Ir 2. Woolwortb 2s - Wor PAM V*h. ♦ WPMevprof414 ♦Wthns prpf4HH0 WyandWor 40a 4 YALEfcTWNH* York Con York Cp pf 2H YounxSpr&W 1 Touna BhAT 4a YnsstStlDoor 1* ZENITH B 1 He Zonlte Prod 10* 11 ^K)***ni. *270 000 12:011 noon 490000 l-on pat. 810 000 2-110 om 930 000 tDnlt of tradlna, 10 shares. *In bank ruptcy or receivership, or betnt reorsanlzed under tbe Jankruptcy Act, or securities assumed by such companies. Rates of dividends In tbe forecotns table are annual disbursements based ontbe last quarterly or semi-annual declaration Unless other wise noted, special or extra dividends are not Included x Ex dividend xr Ex rixbts Send.0 ygkvsss: £•81 ttackdMdend*eir stock spUt-up. k Aecum ulated dividends paid or declared1 this year, s Payable In stock, exact cash value unde termined on declaration data. 76 79 78 + 14 1XV4 lit* lit* + t* 30t4 29t* 2994- t4 14 13*4 1314 - t* 49 49 49 + *4 20*4 20*4 20*4- *4 84 81*4 8214 -2*4 1814 18*4 18*4- 94 29 2814 2814-1 9*4 914 9*4- 1* N. Y. Bond Market •nweAikusraar‘ 70* 74V* 144* 14ft* lift* *•»(! 77V* WORLD BARK uimDim mu mjtw you cm 3ato 104 POUtON *!*4 Australia 88 6ft 101V* Balstna 8V*a*9 loov* BraiU 8a 41 at Copenh 4V*a 63 Dtnmk ft Via ft 5 ItalPuO 1-Sa 77 Iftax4a04*ad64n Pare lat 8a 80 Rls d*J8V*a63at Sao P it 8a 60at 31 t7ra( al 4Via 7ft 74V* DOMESTIC AmAlrlla*a3*68 AmfttP P ftaaOUO'M Am TAT 8ft*aA7 1UR Am TfttT ZViaftl 107V* Am TAT 2V4i7S M Am TfttT SViaSZ 94V AmTobacco3s62 101ft* Atl Dot Ist4a48 BaltAOb 6a9ftO 47ft* Baltftt06aK2000 47 BfttO cv 4Vi3010 Sift* Betb BU ZV*a 70 Boat Ma 4 Via 70 Caa Pae 4a pars Cant Oa fta BSC Cent Oalatftaftft CenPaclst4a4810a>vt< Cn RR NJ 6a 87 70 Cn HR NJ 4t 87 40 C B ft: Q 3 Via 85 100V4 Chi AS I Inc 87 44 ChilAL4Vi2003 SSVi CMStP4Vir2044 59V* ChlfttNW 4Vis09 70 ClUPln4Via20I9 85V* C R I A P 4a 04 105V* Cln OAI 2Via75 M CCCBtL 4Via 77 74 Col A So 4Vis80 55 Cons Ed ev 3s83108V* Del LkAW ln93 62V* DAROW3-4S93 91V* DfttR in 4Vi2018 46V* DwChem2.33a6J 97V* Erie 4Va* 2015 72 PI* E Cat 6a 74 Ort Nor 2V«s 61 OrnBAW deb B O MAO 2044 B 54V* 93ft* 12V* S3 40V* 94 9V* MV* •7V* •7Vk 73 MV* MM 7M* 71V* HudsM rf 51 57 MV* HuddtU In 68 67 MV* i C *■ 53 _10»V* ICrl *a fiS_ I C «v,l 66 ICC BtL 6* 89 A M IntOtNor 6* 62 37 Int Q 1» Ht6i62 IntHrdroX16M4 Kan C Son 4*76 1043* L*h VI HT 5« 64 MV* L*hV*14 V*»2006 40V* Leh V*14»2003l 37 LoOi III tt 4I4B 101 U-E-T 6* 63 A MV* M-K-T 4* 83 B UoPieSV** 48 Uo PM Si 66 A Uo Pic 6* 77 F lie Pie 6i 78 O Uo Pie in 4i 76 47 UerrlMM 8«66 01 lleiUU 4V**65 Nit ■tecl at 66 N O T M 6* 64 NOTU6I66 NYC rf 6t 2016 NYC 4V*s2013A NYCLB 8V*l 96 NYNHin4V»s'22 NYNBH 4*2007 NYOW rf 4* 92 NY SW rf 6< 37 N Y Tel 8V*| 78 1038* N Y Tel 28*1 82 94 Nor Pic 81 2047 658* OcfrLkCh 4l 48 148* PaeT&T 2’is 88 97V* PennRR*4 V*s81101V* Peo&E Inc 4s90 208* StLSF 4V**2023 M StL8*nFrn4s97 00V* 9*16104^12016 70V* Shell On 2V*S71 9*8* Soeonr-V2V*i76 94V* Sou Pie 4V*I 69 96 3oPlc4V*«Or77 103 So Ry gn 4> 58 90 8tdOilNJ28**71 9484 Texii Coro 38661048* Third Are 6i 60 41 West Sh 48 238] 67 WitebLt 3 V4 *67107V* Wilt Ud 48 62 100H Welt Do 68 61 998* West Do S> 60 93V* WlsCn 413880 41V* 498* 708* 10V* N. Y. Curb Market Atreon Mtt Co 51* Ainu Airline*. 4 Alum Co Am 2 63*i Am Bentem C»r 2V* Am CPALB .15* 7>/« Am Oa*4i XI lb 39>/« Am Maracaibo 55* Am Superpower 15* Am Thread pfV« 5 ArkNatGa* .20e 75* ArfcNQae A 2Ue 74* Aro Xpuip .SO.. 135* Ashland 011 1.. 1944 A tie* Corn w w. 65* Barium Steel... 65* Bade Refret 40 7V4 Blue Rldce .40c. 351 BreeteCorp.. #54 BrwnP Dlat .80a 1354 Bnk Hill A 8 5*a 134* Burma Ltd... 41* Calif H Pwr .00 754 CalUteTunc_ 3 Can Marconi— 15* Carr Con* Blee. 454 Catalln Am . 75* CenAS W Cp .70 95* Cessna Alrc .20* 45* Chamb Co 40a 75* Chief Cons Uni 15* Citlea Service 2 595* Claude Neon 354 Clinch Coil la. 435* Colon OevelOD 6V« Col FuelAIr ww 554 Colt* Mf* l«/<* 3654 Coml A Sou w*r 5*a Coni Oa* Util 5* 1054 ConaRoral.14 454 Cons Stl Cp 15«i 445* Cont PdvAM 1 1454 Copr Rani* Via. 1454 Cosden P«tro .. 9 Crosier Motor.. 10 Crown Cent Pet 75* Dennleon A SO* 105* Derbr Oil 15ie 145* Xl BondASh v«* 155* El Pw A Lt ww. 654 XOUltr Corp ... 154 Eureka C Ltd . 2 Fairchild E A A 5 PansteelMett** 135* PordMPran 02* 15* Gen Finance .20 7 GenPlywood 40 77* Olant Yell O M 4 Olen Alden C 2. IM Goldfield Cons “rit Hue] tine *ie_K Hecla Min 1 UH Humble Oil I Via M (me Oil Ltd Vj 14V* imp OU Ltd rtwl 1M* 1st Petrol 7*. _ 127* Kalser-FTarer.. 107* Kirby Pet 20i.. 177* Lantton M 2a._ 24V* Leonard OU D*t 7* L*Tourneau .. 20 Lon* Star Gail 22** Lost Island Lti 7* Louis L & X la 22V* MOClanahas OU IV* MdBPAvtcl.SOe 27V* Mid Wait Cm at 97* Nat Ballai SO* 4V* N Jars Zlne 1 V*a 70 Nlaiara Bud Pr 9V* Nlai Bud B »w V* Noma lied .20a 17 NortbropAlr v«g 117* Pantepee 1.28.. 107* Pennroad 40i.. 67* Pepnerell 3a *9 PharlaT&R .IS* 47* Pioneer Oold 2V1« PittBess&LI 1>* 39 Produceri Corn 27* R-K-O opt war. 27*! Ravtlieon Mfi . 67*: Richmond Rad. 4 8t Lawrence Cp 97* i SaltDomeO l7*f 11 8eial Lock 27* Select Indus 4 Solar Aire .30e. 11V* Std Cap & Seal. 127* Std Power tc Lt 27* Sterling Em .. 17* Tri-Conti w w . , 37* Unit Aire Prod 47* United Corn ww 7* United Gas 74*. 20 Ut LtdtRys .32* 217* VSint Sec_ 4V* Ot-IdahoSu.15* 27* Venezusia Petr 87* Wilson Bros V,e 37* Wlnnipel XI 7*e 23V* Woodley Pet .40 177* Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. June 28 m 'UBDAV—Sals- ' ble hots, 8.000: total. 9.600: fairly active early on welthts under 240 pound! but. later trade ilow on all weiahts: butchers' up around 326 pounds. 25-75 cents hither: 1 welthts over 325 pounds very uneven.; tenerally steady to 25 cents hither; sows 25-76 cents hither; most advance on weights under 400 pounds: top, 29.25 sparingly; most food and choice, 170-260 pounds. 28.00-29.00; 270-300 pounds. 27.00- 27.75; 310-330 pounds. 25.00-26.60; 350-400 pounds. 22.75-24.25; few loads 425-500 pounds. 22.00-23.00; rood and choice sows, under 400 pounds. 23.00 24.50: few choice, around 300 pounds and under up to 26.00; 450-600 pounds, 21.00- 22.60. Salable cattle. 8.500: total. 8.700: sala ble calves. 600: total. 600: choice fed steers and heifers steady; hith-cholce 1.302-pound steers. 39.10: a new hlrh on crop: choice heifers. 37.50: common, me dium and rood steers and heifers slow. 25 cents lower: cows weak to 50 cents lower; bulls 25 cents lower: vealers steady: most tood and choice steers. 35.00-38.50; com parable heifers, 34.00-37.00; cutter cows. 18.00 down: common and medium beef cows. 19.00-23.00; tood cows to 27.00: practical ton heavy sausate bulla, 24.50; vealers. 28.00 down. Salable sheep, 500; total. 1.500: receipts hardly adeauate for price test; small lots and odd head native sprint lambs strong to around 1.00 hither than late last week: few slaughter ewes ateadv to 25 cents hither: aond and choice native sprint lambs. 29.00-30,00: fat bucks at inside price: odd head to 30.50: medium and tood. 26.00-29.00: good and choice shorn slaugh ter ewes. 10.00-11.00: few choice. 11.25; common to medium ewes, 9.00-10.00. Chicago Grain CHICAGO. June 28 '/Pi.—Grains Milled toward the close on the Board of Trade today, getting back a tood deal of the ground loat during early weakness. At one time price* were down around 2 cents with the July contracts showing widest declines. Deferred deliveries dis played more resistance to the early tell ing and It was these contracts which led the late rally. Much of the late buying was short-covering. Easiness In the spot market was one factor in the downturn of Puly contracts early. There also was some hedging pres sure against wheat. Wheat closed 1 to 2higher, July. 2.31% *>; corn was 1% lower to 14, higher. July. 2.20V,: oats were 1% lower to % hither. July, 91%-%, and July soybeans were % lower at 4.09. Chicago Cash Market. Wheat—None. Corn. No 1 yellow, 2.30V,-33Va; No. 2. 2.30-33: No. 3. 2-.29% 30%; No. 4, 2.28-29: No. 6, 2.33; sample grade. 1.97. Oats, No 1 heavy mixed. 1.01: No. 1 mixed. 1.00-04: No. 2 extra heavy mixed, 1.04%: No. 1 heavy white. 1.05%-06; No. 1 white. 99%-2.04: No. 2 heavy white. 1.06: No. 2 white, 97% 1 00: No. 3 heavy white. 98%: No. 4 heavy: white, 97: sample trade white. 90-93%:) No. 1 heavy special red. 1.01%. Barley: nominal malting. 1.85-2.15; feed. 1.40- ( 68. Soybeans, none. Market Averages STOCKS. Net cbenee Todty noon Prev. day _ Week no _ Month no Year ato _ 1948 high . 1948 low... 30 Indst . —.9 Pfl.O _ 90.9 _ 98.7 . 97.3 . 91.8 . 98 7 . 83.3 IS Halle. —.8 45.4 48 .0 44.2 44.3 32.1 48.0 34.2 15 Otll. —.1 42.0 42.1 42.0 *i'.7 42.3 38.0 80 Btks — 8 70.7 71.3 70.5 70.9 84.2 71.7| 80.8 BONDS. So Ralls Net chanse —.1 Today noon 93.0 Prev. day- 93.1 Week aso 93.3 Month aso 92.8 Year aso 91.8 1948 high- 93.7 1948 low 87.7 (Compiled by 10 10 Indst. Util, unc. unc. 101.3 100.8 101.3 100.8 101.8 101.3 101.8 101.4 103.4 105.2 101.8 102.0 99.8 98.0 the Associated 10 10 Low Pan. Yield unc. unc.; 82.7 109.8 1 62.7 109.8 63.0 109.9 81.8 110.2 72.5 114 9 80.9 110.6 60.2 107.2 Press.) New York Cotton NEW YORK. June 28 OP'.—Cotton fu tures were easy today under pressure of liquidation in nearby July which unset tled the balance of the market. The current selllns flurries at one time depressed prices as much as 92.30 a bale. The market later reco»ered partially on short covering and mill buytns which met only limited offerings. There was a good deal of swltchins from July to later months, influenced by the belief that export business In cotton will not develop In volume until the fall. Crop reports were generally favorable, with a forecast of scattered showers In East and West Texas where the cotton belt is In need of more rain. Later afternoon prices were 50 cents to 51.00 a bale lower than the previous close: July. 35.40; October. 32.78. and December, 32.43._ Foreign Exchange NEW YORK. June 28 WV—Foreign ex change rates follow Oreat Britain In dollars, others In cents): _ Canadian dollar in New York open mar ket. 6 9/16 per cent discount or 93.433« United States cents, up 1 . __ Europe*—/Great Britain. $4 03ts. un changed: France (franc). .32 13/18 of a cent, up .00Italy (lira^. June flxed -ate .001739. May .001739: Sweden (krona). 27.85. unchanged; Swttxerland (franc) (ccmmerciali. 23.40. unchanged. Latin America—Argentina free. 21 OOn. up .04 of a cent: Brazil free. 5_50, un -hsnged; Mexico. 20.61. unchanged. ai Nominal__ Gulf, ^Mobile ft Ohio Railroad earned $1,834,816 in five months ended May 31 vs. $2,000,943 a year earlier. Chteare. Milwaukee, St. Paul ft Pacific Railroad reported a net loss of $736,785 in five months ended May 31 vs. net Income of $4,461,265 a year earlier. r Inflation on March Again, With Higher Wages and Prices By Richard Fiskt Associated Press Ivsinets Writer NEW YORK, June J8.—The pub lic is fighting a running battle against inflation as 1048 enters its second half. The first six months had just about everything necessary to make them among the most memorable and im portant in, the Nation’s peacetime economic history. There was a sharp drop in com modity prices in February that had economists believing inflation might be halted, and then a rise that car ried them almost to prebreak peaks. Basic industries refused wage bikes and reduced some prices for a while. Then, President Truman's rearmament program came along in March, inflation continued, prices in creased, wages started up again. The New York Stock Exchange languished in the doldrums for day* on end, but a spectacular advance in May carried the price level to the highest In 21 months. Now, at midyear, the Nation's economy is in high gear. A third round of wage Increases is well under way. Prices—both con sumer and industrial—are moving toward earlier peaks or above them. Construction costs climb as build ing booms. The home buyer has a bigger selection to choose from, but houses are costing him more and mortgage money is tighter. Every one appears to be on a buy ing spree—mostly for automobiles, homes, food and gasoline, the Com merce Department says. And more retail sales are on the cuff. The Federal Reserve Board says consumers are using more of. their savings, and estimates about one fourth of consumers will spend be yond their income this year. Generally, union labor has kept up with the dizzy chase of wages and prices. General Motors broke the wage line and others granted increases of around 8 to 10 per cent. But the white collar workers have fallen behind and the fixed income group—those living on pensions or investments—are going into debt. Management hesitates to add to its fixed costs, wondering how long the boom will last. Increased production has brought an almost record employment level and some industrialists fear a labor shortage by fall. Passage of the draft bill by Congress will have a tightening effect on the already tight labor market. Behind the stepped-up spending and increased production lie: yhe wage hikes, the rearmament program and the European Recovery Plan. Most economists and businessmen 0 © 0 © 0 SMAU tVMIT ABVIRTISINC Wltct mokes It CLICK? Mew con smelt eds |oin highest visibility? Hew long do impressions STICK? Hew sen smell eds build point-el-sole occeptonce? Hew should you budget? Ask to see our presento lion—"S.I.A. ond H*m It hys ' Forts! Figures! OeteHed <os* histones! Many types el business! IRVIN SHAPIRO, ADVtkriSING U04 l»i STMHfw .w; . stiolins eeke are cautious and at variance in their predictions for the remainder of 1948. Many are unrestrained in their optimism. Some feel a necessary readjustment of the inflationary spiral must be near at hand. There are industrialists who are worried over the effects of steadily rising costs on their break-eveiv point—the dividing line between profit and loss. They say only «ji small decline in unit volume would throw .them into the red. Paul S. Willis, president of the Grocery Manufacturers of Amer ica, says: “Business will continue good. Over-all dollar sales are running slightly ahead of last year, although profit margins are declining be cause of rising costs." One thing seems certain—the supply will not catch up with the demand this year. Industry reports record profits, sales and dividends. To meet the demands f6r their products most industries are expanding their fa cilities But, like the home owner, the industrialist is finding expan sion costs higher than originally planned. See Ad Page A-6 LOANS OI» REAL ESTATE tnliH plana, lnsla4ln( lanp-tera ■tathlp aapaaata. at favarakle rata, ran deed oa tkust only ESNTALS—SALES—tNHEANCE SEORGE I. BORGER “ -srwsr LET US HAVE YOUR SAVINGS We’ve never failed to pay a dividend! You pi insured safety up to $5,000! You can start with $5 to $5,000! NI^WKTSRB SAVINGSALOAOSa 1337 GN.W. RE. 5262 InUKk Takomo fork SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES Are available at both our Sil ver Spring and Takoma Park vaults. $4.00 Per Year Plus Tax Suburban national BANK OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 12 NOON and BE PREPARED! Will you be prepared if that “Rainy Day” ever eomae in your Ufa? Coneiitent eavinf now— whila money ia aaey—will five you peace and security later on. Opg® a SAVINGS ACCOUNT NOW at National Permanent Building Associ ation. Save regularly. Dividends are credited semi-annually. "A FRIENDLY LOCAL INSTITUTION" Hafional Permanent BUILDING ASSOCIATION Organises IMS CnStr RnssrTitlan at I’nltrS Statu Treararr 719 10th St. N.W. NA. 0254